#choi seungcheol soft
hoasvuon · 4 months
(10:02 PM)
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seungcheol always looked forward to coming home after a long day. after all, what could be better than changing into his comfiest clothes, falling straight into bed, and cuddling with you to fall asleep?
since his work ended so late, by the time he'd get home, he'd be greeted with the usual sight of you already fast asleep in bed, clutching a camel plushie (it reminds me of you, cheolie! , you always said, smiling softly).
and no matter how hard he tried to keep you from stirring awake, he always seemed to know exactly when he even lifted the covers.
today, he had thought he was in the clear. he tiptoed into the room, his steps hushed in an attempt not to disturb your peaceful slumber. the dim light from the hallway spilled softly into the room, revealing the silhouette of your sleeping figure beneath the cozy blanket. carefully, he had untangled your hands from the tight grip they had on the camel plushie before slotting himself in that space. you had stirred a bit at the close proximity to another figure next to you but after pausing for a second, fell back into your usual slumber. slowly reaching across your waist, he attempted to pull you closer into him.
he quietly sighed in relief, thinking he had succeeded in his mission to slip into bed unnoticed.
however, a sleepy murmur escaped your lips as they blinked away the remnants of dreams, their eyes adjusting to the subtle glow of the room.
"cheolie?" you mumbled, voice drowsy yet filled with warmth. "Is that you?"
seungcheol winced, caught in the act. "yeah, it's me," he whispered, his fingers gently finding their way to intertwine with yours. "sorry, did i wake you up?"
a soft chuckle escaped your lips, and you shook your head. "no, just checking if my imagination was playing tricks on me. what time is it?"
he glanced at the clock on the nightstand, "a little past 1 am. i swear, i really tried to be quiet this time, but you're like a human radar for my presence."
you laughed softly, the sound twinkling in his ears. "you know I always notice when you come in late. how was your night?"
seungcheol sighed, the tension of the outside world melting away as he settled into the warmth of your shared space. "long. busy day. but being here makes it better."
you lifted your hand to brush his hair out of his eyes, before shifting over slightly to leave a soft kiss on his cheek, a silent reassurance that you were glad he was home. "i'm happy you're home baby. let's just go to sleep and get some rest. we can talk more in the morning, okay?"
he obliged, drawing you in with his arm wrapped around your hip, his fingers drawing figures absentmindedly along your side. the room fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound being your soft breaths, slowly rising and falling before syncing with his. in the stillness of the night, seungcheol couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments — the quiet exchanges, the warmth of your bed, and the simple pleasure of coming home to someone who made everything feel right.
as sleep gradually reclaimed you, seungcheol pressed a tender kiss to your forehead and murmured "goodnight baby." before letting sleep overtake him to his dreams to meet you again.
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kyeomkuppie · 4 days
Damn it!
Pairing: Seungcheol x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, a little angsty
Synopsis: In which he cried in front of you for the first time.
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Your boyfriend always yelled out "I'm home!" Whenever he was back from work, but today you just heard the sound of the door being slammed shut.
You go outside of your shared bedroom to check on him, only to find him sitting alone in the corner of the living room, crouched down and knees to his chest. His head rested on both of his knees and he didn't make a single sound which automatically sent a signal to your brain. Something is wrong.
"Cheol? Why are you there love?" He raised his head at the sound of your voice. You rushed to him and crouched down to meet his eye level.
He shook his head and exhaled sharply "jus' feeling under the weather." he murmured.
Now this was strange, no matter how upset he was he always came to you for cuddles and kisses to sooth his worries, but now he was all alone in a corner.
"What happened baby?" You carress his hair gently waiting for an answer.
"I had an argument with the members and I..." He sighed "Things got too heated and I said things I didn't mean." You could see the pain all over his face. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were poutier and strangely enough, his eyes were glossy.
"I screwed up and I-"
"I won't allow you to finish that sentence. Yes, you may have made a mistake, everyone makes them," you grabbed his face with both of your hands, forcing him to look you in the eyes "But even if you've made a thousand, I'm sure they'd know you didn't mean it, okay?"
His eyes kept getting glossier and his vision was becoming more unclear. "You're not only a great leader Cheollie, you're a great friend and I'm sure they know that and— I know you're stressed and everything is too much at the moment but I'm here for you. Always."
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer to your chest. It was hard, really hard to try to hold it in especially when you warmly embraced him at a time he thought he was all alone.
"Don't you ever think of carrying your burdens alone again, hm?" Your eyes widenened as you felt hot tears staining your shirt.
It was the first time he has ever cried in front of you. Silence engulfed the room as you patted his back.
"Damn it!"
Hm? You didn't know why he was suddenly frustrated but all you wanted was to provide him the comfort you felt when you were with him every single moment.
"God this is so embarrassing." He sniffled "I didn't want to cry, especially in front of you."
"Let it all out love, it's never embarrassing to cry, hm?"
"God I love you too damn much." He hugged you even tighter, burying his head into the crook of your neck.
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Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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mountainficss · 5 months
contrary to popular belief i honestly feel like seungcheol would be like…the softest dom ever. like i totally see the hard dom allegations but i also think he’d fucking spoil his s/o. like just absolutely shower them in love and affection and attention and gifts. lots of gifts.
softdom!cheol who would take you to the nicest restaurants and the fanciest most expensive stores ever. will order the whole mf restaurant just to make sure you’re full and buy anything he sees your eyes lingering on for over a second, even if you’re just browsing. oh you want that designer handbag? already bought it. oh were you looking at those jimmy choo pumps? already bought it. oh did you think that lingerie looked pretty? i think it would look pretty on you too, already bought it. like he would just do anything for you because he just loves you that much. and any time you’d try to convince him not to buy such expensive things for you bc you feel bad he’d be shutting you down with a kiss, already inserting his card into the reader and telling you how you deserve only the best. he’d stop at nothing to see you in the prettiest outfits with a huge smile on your face. he’d always compliment you and tell you how gorgeous you look and would just adore the cute blush on your cheeks.
and ugh let’s not even talk about how giving he is in b.e.d. because cheollie is a generous lover. remember how i said he’d do anything for you? that definitely doesn’t stop in the bedroom. when you’re needy for him he makes sure you’re 100% satisfied, you’re always his priority. he’d give you multiple orgasms just from eating you out and then would proceed to give you more by fucking you for hours! wouldn’t stop until you’re a whimpering crying (in a good way) mess and would just press gentle kisses onto your forehead while he wipes your stray tears away. god of aftercare, would clean you up and hold you close and comb his fingers through your hair, telling you how perfect you are and how much he loves you. you’d never have trouble falling asleep at night because cheollie practically fucks you straight to sleep. he’d give you his shirts to sleep in and you’d fall asleep surrounded by the scent of his cologne. even after you’re fast asleep he’ll wrap the blankets tightly around you both and keep you warm with his body heat as he drifts off to sleep too. would order your favorite breakfast in the morning and would wait until you stir awake to eat with you <3
i looove softie seungcheol <333
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vivrhan · 2 months
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 /ᐠ - ˕ -マ  🎥  all  of  the  girls  you  loved  before  @y-ves
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maxsix · 10 months
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seventhcallisto · 5 months
c.seungcheol. idol!boyfriend!cheol. Idol!f!reader. Mdni. soft smut. unprotected. Part of I-dol
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Although the two of you have been inseparable for years, an accident that leaves you bed-bound for almost a month wounds up weighing on cheols consciousness when you two begin talking about it. Which leads to a night of confessions and soft touches.
You can't keep your hands to yourself. He can't, either. You've been on him as soon as you could be on stage - actually, he's been on you. Walking you across the stage and lending a helping hand if you seem to struggle with your balance.
You hate it. You should hate being helped and feeling like a weak girl. But it's cheol. You love cheol too much to feel upset about how his soft hands caress your elbow and guiding your hip in the right direction. Even when it could possibly get you two in trouble. He's going out of his way to help you in all the proper places, as politely as he can. Despite when you tell him you can do it yourself, stubbornly, he's still by your side.
Being the second eldest in the group takes it tolls on your health, but it seem cheol can stomach it all, can have all of it weigh on his back without flinching. You admire him for it, you always have. You love the leader, you love him so much it hurts to see the painful way he look in your eyes when you hiss in discomfort.
You tried to pretend the way your hip shifts on the bed doesn't hurt. That the performance didn't take its toll on you. You said you were fine, that you could do it. And maybe, yeah, you're equally as stubborn as cheol, but it's because you miss it. Miss performing. Miss the stage. Miss the fans. Miss your group. Miss your boyfriend.
"Baby, let me help" seungcheol softly reaches for your ankle, bending down on his knee to pull your shoes off. You thank him with quiet words, still attempting to lift your leg yourself to help. Cheol clicks his tongue, on the verge of chastising you for moving. He decides against it with a sigh.
"Do you remember when we were trainees, how we'd have to share our food?" You quietly talk, and like always, cheol hums to tell you he's listening, even as he focuses on untying your stubborn shoes.
"We went hungry most of the time cause of the diets" you continue, quietly. "I should of- I dunno, snuck some food. Maybe my bones wouldn't be as breakable as they were- as they are now." you chuckle as if its an inside joke. To kill the tension. Your hands fiddling in your lap. Cheol pauses for a second, head tilting up.
His lips curve into frown, his hands softly encasing your ankles, he rubs soothingly, helping your aching body. "Don't blame yourself." He whispers. Your eyebrows furrow in worry. "I-. It's just-" he cuts you off. "It wouldn't have happened at all if someone had double checked the safety."
he takes a harsh breath in, tossing your shoes to the side, his palms run over his jeans on his knees. "It looked worse than it was, but.." cheol glances to your hip, theres pain and guilt in his eyes as he stares. "It doesn't matter, atleast you're okay now." He adverts his eyes, pushing himself to stand up.
"Cheol?" Your hand on his wrist has him pausing, a short glance over his shoulder. He stills in your sight, eyes tired from working all day. Tired from the pain he sees you in. You knaw on your bottom lip.
"I'm sorry it was you who found me" your lip trembles, finally able to voice what you really wanted to. To get him to not feel guilty for your own doing. "I'm the one who stepped on the platform, and i- I'm the one who should have been careful" your voice cracks. You always took practice way too seriously, always checking the aquitment and helping where you were needed.
Like some type of guinea pig, you hung out on platforms and tall stages, as if you'd never get hurt. So when you told cheol you'll be testing things out for fun, he advised you not too. Like he had always done. But he really couldn't control you. No one could. When you stepped up and signaled for the crew to start lifting the stage, just as you were halfway- the tiniest thing- completely snapped, sending you flying forward into the stage beneath you. Almost two stories high.
You were fragile, sadly, from the amount of overworking you've done for years and the dieting you kept up with. So there wasn't much to cushion your fall except skin and bones. The first person you saw when you faded back into consciousness was no other than seungcheol. Stage lights around him like a halo when he called your name in a panic, fear lingering every part of his body, of his soul.
You could see it seep from his bones and consume him, just as he way pulled away to give you some space. No other figures face made sense, no matter how hard you tried. You could only see cheol.
"What?" Seungcheol wheezes out, his heavy eyebrows setting into an upset churn on his handsome face. "Y/n. Don't say that. Please don't say that." He bends down to take the seat next to you, careful of dipping the bed down too much.
"Don't say that ever. If i- if I wasn't there. It could have been worse" he trembles in your gasp, pulling your hand into his palm. "I told the crew to take the scale slow, I know- I knew you loved the heights and rising on the stage, you told me that before, remember?" You nod, soundless under his gaze.
"If I hadn't told them to take it slow, you'd be worse.. you could be dead." he shakes his head. "I don't want you to feel like you have to owe me, I just wanted to tell you. I love you, i don't want to see you like that. like this. ever again. I don't want to think about loosing you." Cheols head falls on your interlocked hands as he attempts to regain his breath. You lean your head onto his shoulder over his grey hoode, just to feel closer to him.
You haven't had time together at all, with awkward glances and silence ringing throughout every interaction. It was starting to feel like you did die from the grief drowning under cheols fingertips and trembling breathing whenever he would hold you. Too delicate. As if you were already a ghost.
His hands holding your own are firm, yet still trembling with unease. His whole body shakes with it. Only ever in your presence have you seen cheol shake like this. "Will you hold me? Please?" Quietly, You whisper. And he heads your call. His strong arms wrapping to interlock around your ribs, his hands flush against your clothed back when he pushes your head into his neck.
His palms smooth over you. Telling himself you're there, that you're alive and in his arms, telling you he's there. His head falls over your own, his chin bumping against your head when he gulps. You wrap yourself around him, cling more like. Getting as close to him as you can from the angle. "I love you, cheol" You remind him with a sorrowful mumble. "I'm not going anywhere."
Cheol pulls his head down to plant a heartfelt kiss on your lips, slow and consuming as he leans heavily into it. His lips are plump from moisturizer, his palms are heavy against your cheeks when he pulls you closer. Swallowing your quiet gasps with his own breathy sighs. Your hand skims over his sweatpants, reaching for the drawstring.
You're too eager to have cheol in you. You haven't touched in weeks. You could hardly care for foreplay, you miss being close to him.
He pushes your hand aside to strip his hoodie and shirt off in one go, leaning over your body so you're pressed into the mattress under him. "How're you feeling baby?" it's the cue to explain to him what you want exactly. When you both are too tired to tease each other. You wiggle when he presses his hot mouth against your neck, trailing kisses down your skin.
"Just want you cheol, need you inside me, no prep, no foreplay" you demand with prying hands, clawing your way under your own shirt to paw it off. He helps you along, gentle compared to your own hands. And when it's finally off, he stops and stares. Ears pink but that sorrowful look on his face again.
You're littered in bruises, deep and purple and contrasting against your skin, no matter what shade you are, there is no hiding how the bruises affect your body. Staining your skin in splotches, from around your waist, to your arms, along your shoulder, and your elbows, everywhere. The ones on your arms are clearing up, but the deeper ones on your lower body are evidence of a terrible trauma to your blood vessels.
The cogs move in cheols head, he kisses what he can, the bruises on your shoulder, on your hips, on your elbows. The worse of them all being on your ribs, his lips leave a delicate trail to not irritate your skin with pressure, his eyes pulled closed as he soaks your warmth in. His heavy hands caress over your neglected breasts, paying the nubs attention with a swipe of his thumb.
You sigh against his every touch, missing the way he feels against you. His lower abdomen above your own, with just a swoop of your leg, your pulling the rest of him down onto you.
Seungcheol stops his quick decent with his arms caging against your head. His eyebrows furrow, coming face to face with you now. "Inside please" you remind him again, a desperate tone to your voice. The beautiful and absolutely breathtaking man blinks down at you, eyes growing shy with a smile.
His hand trails down, pulling your hips to straddle his, adjusting comfortably when he pulls the rest of your clothes off. He slips out of his just as eagerly, only gone for a second before he's hoisting you up the bed quickly and gently.
His tip prods your entrance after a couple of swipes through your folds, slicking himself up with your own juices and his precum. He groans quietly, mouth falling slack from the feeling.
You always forget he's big, always forget you need atleast some type of prep beforehand. Your eyes stutter shut and thighs squeeze around his hips when he attempts to push the head of his cock in. "Baby- y/n- s'not gonna fit baby" he hisses, prodding himself through the tight band of your cunt.
You groan at the stretch. He stills abruptly, your eyes widen open, watching cheols concerned face beckon you to speak. "Don't stop! Please, keep going cheolie" you whimper, grabbing for his shoulder to bring him back over you again.
He bites into your shoulder to keep from just humping himself into you, he pushes as much as he can, as slowly as he can. Listening for your uncomfortable cues. You're so hot and warm and cheol hasn't touched himself in weeks, too caught up in stress.
Cheols fingers pinch your clit between the digits, circling them with your bud in the middle. You moan quietly, the feeling almost forgotten. "loosen up baby" he coos into your ear, sighing against your skin as he fits another inch in. "There you go, Just like that, just needs a little tlc huh?" he chuckles against your skin, groaning softly when he rocks his hips forward to slip into you some more.
Your slick pools around his length from his words, guiding him in easier. He sinks in with slow grinds, his hips stuttering every once in a while. You whimper at the sting, it leaves tingles down your spine. "Missed you so much cheol" you whimper with a moan "needed you so bad" he hums against your skin. Lingered kisses against your throat when he pulls your thigh to meet his own hip, trying to pull you onto him further.
"I know baby, needed you just as much, promise" he bottoms out with one last grind of his hips forward. You sputter, jaw falling away. He knocks the breath out of you in the best way. "Oh fuck" he swallows his grunts with his mouth against your sweaty skin.
With only a few seconds of adjusting, you're clenching around him wildly. His hips grind against yours smoothly with small jolts. Everytime he bumps your clit, you moan. It encourages him on, gentle compared to how he usually is when you two have sex.
The sweetness of passionate sex in the late night in your hotel room has your mind foggy, as if you're dreaming, the only light to cast any type of glow is the one on the bedside table, it blurs and bumps with every thrust from seungcheol, his breathing grounding you to the moment with him. His hips working the magic, the only guy who could make you unravel within a couple of minutes.
The sweetest torture is his pace, it's enough to have you peaking, lifting your own hips to meet his as you feel yourself grind closer to that aching high you haven't had in forever. Cheols hands push you back down by your thighs, his head lifting up from your shoulder to watch the way you suck him in. His breath fans against your chest.
Quiet groans of approval fall off his tongue, and suddenly he's pistoning at the new angle he moved his hips. You quiver, hips trying to lift from the bed. "There cheol! Right there- 'm gonna cum" you let go with a whimper, thighs shaking in seungcheols grasp, your eyes clenching closed.
The dark haired guy curses under his breath, hips griding to push you further and further, to reach his high with you as soon as he can. He bottoms out completely before spilling along your walls and womb, digging his head back into your neck along with shuddered gasps.
His thrusts are sloppy, finishing himself off with a few extra ruts of his hips, his base growing a string of mixtures that leaves him sticky, he stills when you begin to press your palm to his hip. Overstimulated with his movements. He presses soft kisses to your temple, breathing in the scent of your sweaty skin.
Seungcheols skin is dewy with a shine in the dim light, his hair is only the slightest bit damp. His stamina is amazing, libido just as much. But you know it took everything in cheol to cum with you no matter how overstimulated he's left you from hours in the night. You always come first, in every way possible to him. He's told you before.
His lashes softly caress your delicate neck, his body sinking half on you and half on the bed in the afterglow. You pepper his shoulder with soft pecks, hand rubbing along his bicep as you take heavy breaths into your lungs.
He shuffles to pull out, kissing your belly before he does so. He slips out without much tension, palming your knee comfortably as he goes.
He picks himself up to grab you both a towel from the bathroom around the corner, you watch him slip his sweats back on. He's gentle, different this time, like he knows he can't break you, but he knows you still hurt easily.
You mumble a thank you when he pulls himself over you, shuffling you into his large shirt. He kisses you softly. "You're my favorite person in the world" you mumble sleepily, hand threading through his hair. He hums against your skin, draping you over his side.
"Yeah?" He chuckles, smile pulling wide on his cheeks. "And you're mine."
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pearlesscentt · 8 months
open road promises
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── based on love in the little things, but can be read on its own.
seungcheol x reader, established relationship, fluff, 578 words
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the day had been a whirlwind — of emotions, of activities and homecooked meals, of inquisitive questioning. though you had met seungcheol's parents and brother before, today was your first time meeting his extended family. the moment you entered their living room, you felt like the epicenter of an adoring hurricane. right after greeting his mom with a hug, two of his aunts were already pulling you to the side with excitement. it wasn't long before laughter filled the air, as each cousin eagerly shared with you some anecdotes from when they were growing up with your boyfriend. the whole time they were exchanging stories, they were also showering you with attention; they asked about your life, your family, your dreams, and of course, your plans with seungcheol.
amidst the chaos of questions and well-meaning advice, you stole knowing glances at your boyfriend, your eyes speaking of shared amusement and exhaustion. his family's love for him was undeniable and it translated into an overwhelming desire to ensure his happiness with you.
"so," one of his aunts chimed in, "when do we get to see the wedding?"
you could feel your face heat up at the sudden question, quickly hiding it with a chuckle. "don't worry, we'll let everyone know when we're ready." you said.
another aunt of his leaned closer to you and whispered, "don't wait too long, dear." there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. "our seungcheol can be quite impatient."
despite the feeling of being examined under the microscope and the inevitable awkwardness—that seungcheol was always quick to rescue you from—you couldn't help but appreciate their love for each other. they're a big family, but from the teasing to the laughter, warmth radiated from everyone in the room. a true attestation of the genuine care and endearment they have for one another, and now by extension, to you.
by the time you left, drained yet touched by the whole experience, the car ride home felt like a quiet oasis. it was only the hum of the car's engine blended with the soft tune of whatever's playing on the radio that filled the air; a soothing backdrop to the exhaustion both of you felt. when you looked out the window, the world was bathed in the gentle glow of twilight, a stark contrast to the affection onslaught that ensued earlier.
you felt seungcheol reach out to hold your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours. he turned his head slightly to glance at you, his eyes still fixed on the road, that familiar spark of affection shimmered within them. you already knew there was something he wanted to say.
"what is it?" you asked.
"i'm really gonna marry you someday, you know?" he said, his voice was soft like a lullaby but it was firm as if he had already made up his mind.
your heartbeat sped up, the weight of his words settling into your soul. sure, you had talked about marriage on countless occasions, but that doesn't mean the mere mention of it makes you any less giddy. despite your fatigue, a smile tugged at your lips, "is that a threat?" you teased.
his own smile, the one that could melt all of your worries away, graced his face. in that moment, the weariness of the day dissolved into the shared warmth of your dreams and your future, driving onward together into the quiet, comforting embrace of the night.
"it's a promise," he said.
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svt masterlist | navigation ── reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated !
© 2023 PEARLESSCENTT. please do not steal my works.
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honeyshua · 7 months
Seungcheol comforts you after a nightmare
The feeling of trying to scream while not being able to jolted you awake. Seungcheol stirred in his sleep and groggily asked if you were okay. The sound of silence altered his senses and woke him up a little more. “Baby?” He asked while waving a hand in front of you. “Are you okay? What happened? Do you want to talk about it?”
Seungcheol’s worry actually managed to calm you down some in itself. His bombarding questions showing that he cared melted your heart. “I don’t remember what happened. I just know I woke up trying to scream and I couldn’t make any sound.” He gave you a sympathetic frown. “Have you been more stressed lately?” You pondered over the question before realizing you had been stressed more. “Yeah I guess I have been. I just hadn’t realized it.” “Yeah my dreams typically get worse when I’m stressed and the more stressed I am. Stay right here, I’ll be be back.”
Just realizing you had pent up stress relieved some of it. A few minutes later Seungcheol came back in with two mugs filled with tea. “Camomile tea is one of the few things that calm me down.” He offered the tea to you in your favorite mug. “Cheol I really don’t have time to be up this late.” You spoke up sadly glancing at the clock. “Honey you clearly need a day off. Just relax and enjoy the calmness for now. I’ve found late nights are usually more peaceful with less people around.”
You and Seungcheol sat there in silence for a while just sipping on your teas. The two of you would continually glance at each other and start laughing. Once the teas were finished Seungcheol laid back down and opened his arm for you to cuddle up to his side. He started gently massaging your head and before long you were fast asleep again.
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weird-bookworm · 10 months
ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ!ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ
a/n: i am writing this purely because all an irl friend of mine can talk about nowadays is how shua would be as an elder brother
pairing: elder brother!svt x fem!reader
genre: headcanons, fluff, crack, comfort
word count: around 150 each? imma say 1050-ish in total
warnings: reader is implied to be straight, mentioned alcohol and clubbing, excessive use of ™, excessive simping, me thinking i'm good at this 💀 (we're getting there lol)
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ᴄʜᴏɪ ꜱᴇᴜɴɢᴄʜᴇᴏʟ
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more of a dad than a brother
wayyy too overprotective
a kid at heart, bless him 🤭
chaotic asf
will not let you date. ever
expect him to go all out to scare potential dates away
as in, movie-level dramatic
no cooperation, will tattle to your parents
cuddle bear!!
as protective as he is, he probably introduced alcohol to you (or so he thinks)
"you are now an adult" "i've been an adult for 3 yea—" "YOU are an adult now, i will show you what alcohol is" "...cheol wtf 😃"
does not care about the fact that you've "known" alcohol for 3 years already
just know you're gonna take forever to meet his friends
gatekeeps you from them
they've known about you for a long time so they treat you normally after you pester him enough to introduce you
but they go all flirty when he's around, just to annoy him <3
and ofc you play along lol
pouty babie
ʏᴏᴏɴ ᴊᴇᴏɴɢʜᴀɴ
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a menace 😃
do not trust
mischievous af
i feel like he'll be the kind of brother to take you clubbing
as in, have fun but imma be there just in case
pretends to be your bf to ward off creeps lol
"i won't tell if you won't" when it concerns your parents
helps you sneak out at night as long as he can keep full tabs on your whereabouts
your therapist
silently holds you when you cry 🥺
then does some shit to make you laugh
Always cheats in games
annoying asf
likes to whine for attention when he's bored
aka full on pouts and doe eyes and long drawn cries of your name because "i'm boreddddddd"
acts the same when you're trying to study
probably doesn't care if you're dating
but only if he approves and you're happy and safe
ʜᴏɴɢ ᴊɪꜱᴏᴏ
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weirdly protective
will randomly barge in your room to tickle you
hangs out with your friends as if they're his, not yours
the Bane of Your Existence 😩
but also your comfort person
one minute he's teasing the hell out of you
and another he's holding you tight in his arms as you rant about your day
will listen to it all too
no interruptions
says shit, then goes "i love you" before you can get a word out
partner-in-crime for Everything
goody two shoes in front of your parents though 🙄
his life's goal is to make you cringe at any given moment
will cross boundaries to make it happen
starts flexing (his muscles) in front of your friends to embarrass you
willingly drives you around
teases you with the fact that every. single. one. of your friends has a crush on him
pretends to be clueless
really isn't
he just loves you a lot ok?
ᴡᴇɴ ᴊᴜɴʜᴜɪ
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a goof
hyperactive, practically bounces around the house
forever giggling at everything remotely amusing thing you do
acts like a younger sibling
most adorable
roams around the house like a ghost in broad daylight
likes to yell randomly
it scares you shitless
every. single. time.
a tease
talking to a cute guy? *eyebrow raise* going on a date? *eyebrow raise* talking on the phone? *eyebrow raise*
(it was just your mother 😭)
is often found asleep on the couch
creeps your friends out with the way he sleeps 💀
strangely wise
like, you'd expect the goofball to be a himbo
always has good advice
ᴋᴡᴏɴ ꜱᴏᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ
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hyperactive puppy
(he would prefer tiger but when have you ever listened to him?)
you are sick of choosing tiger themed gifts for his birthday and as celebratory gifts for his endless achievements
(you're proud of him, really, but seriously?)
you're even sicker of getting tiger themed gifts for your birthdays
you can never bring yourself to throw them out though 😔
forever doing adorably weird shit
you can't tell if he likes it when you squish his cheeks anymore, you do it so often
in the mood for teasing? call him a hamster
hell bent on annoying the hell out of you
rambles non-stop when he's excited
comes to your room later to quietly thank you for listening anyway 🥺
stands behind your parents when they're scolding you
and makes faces to make you laugh
a lightweight drunk
so you're basically stuck dealing with a toddler who's constantly trying to kiss you
always goes pouty when you threaten to murder him
ᴊᴇᴏɴ ᴡᴏɴᴡᴏᴏ
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on the more quieter side
often games all night
and you join him because why not
only ever yells while gaming
you guys have a very Chill dynamic
annoys you— not too often— by using the biggest, most nerdiest words ever
in casual conversations no less 🙄
secretly Fond™
you'll find cute notes everywhere in the house if you're sad or stressed
only and only you can hug him (...and maybe mingyu, who can so no to him?)
silent comfy hangouts
sometimes very very loud and very very dramatic
pretends to be cool when you introduce your bf to him
he is not cool
i'm talking stinky side eyes when you're not looking and total hostile cat behaviour 😅
just know he's scaring the poor guy away
ʟᴇᴇ ᴊɪʜᴏᴏɴ
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spends more time in his studio than he does home
worries you by never sleeping
when he does sleep though
sleepy kitty 🥺
you're gonna spend at least 15 minutes just trynna get him up
cares quietly
has his crazy moments
you're somehow taller than him? excuse me? he's older and has more testosterone, what do you mean?
gets so annoyed when they strangers treat you like his elder sister
ofc you're busy laughing at his -_-
extreme kitten mannerisms
he doesn't know though
so you and his friends have a good laugh every time he does something remotely cat-like
and ofc you have special access to his studio 😁
because he may not admit it but he's just really fond of you
so he spoils you as much as his budget allows
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103 notes · View notes
blue-jisungs · 2 years
For the ask game can i get seungcheol with dialogue: 12 & 48 and action: 5 & 19
(not so) fair trade
a/n. hehe finally someone requested cheol :”) thank you for that 😩
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you stopped suddenly and tugged cheol’s shirt while pointing at something.
“hm?” he hummed, taken aback by your actions. you squatted and he just noticed a stray kitty wandering near your legs.
and his heart instantly swelled at that sight.
he couldn’t help but reach out his hand to ruffle your hair. it may have been an intrusive thought but he didn’t even fight it.
you looked up and stopped petting the kitty, looking at him confused. he just sent you a grin and his eyes fell down, at your lips… and shirt. he frowned.
“is that… my shirt?” seungcheol asked, squatting down to be on your eye level and take a closer look.
“maybe” you giggled and focused on the small cat. you gently scratched it’s head and it rose its chin up, so you moved your fingers to scratch him there “this kitty looks like you when you want cuddles”
“tsk” he scoffed and also reached out to let the kitty. but his eyes - unlike yours - weren’t focused on it. they were lingering at you “you’re kinda cute… you know, just kinda”
“oh shut up or i’ll exchange you for that kitten” you laughed and sent him a playful smile.
“oh, you wouldn’t dare” he teased, shuffling closer. with your free hand you grabbed his and intertwined fingers, giving his hand a small squeeze.
“you’re right, i wouldn’t” you hummed and leaned your head on his shoulder “it wouldn’t be a fair trade. i mean, whose shirts i would wear then–?”
“i can’t believe you’re forgetting the fact that i’d literally live on a street–”
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi
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luvlaki · 11 months
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☆ ﹒ ı 🍶 l
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l 🥮 ı ﹒ ☆
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108 notes · View notes
mon ange analogique
long list of headcanons of YJH with an s/o who radiates the same energy as him and reciprocates his evilness
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pairing: jeonghan x reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: VERY SUGGESTIVE, fem!reader, reader is implied to be more dominant towards jh lol, established relationship, intentional lowercase, cursing, implied smut, mentions of svt members as extras, TOUCHY JEONGHAN, JH AND READER ARE CHAOTIC EVILS 👹👹👹
heheheh so you managed to put up with this man ?? good for you :DD
so you alr know this man is annoying but in like, a very charming way
the members totally were on ur side everytime you banter coz they've had enough of jh terrorizing them that they were so glad he finally got a taste of his own medicine
"jEoNgHAnNie, nUgU aEgi?"
tf did u just say
he gives you the response you want tho :DDDD
you once played mafia together in a group, with u as a mafia (unbeknownst to him) and him as a citizen much to his dissapointment
as lovers, of course you instinctively trusted and tagged along with each other
his jaw drops to his feet with the turn of events
like i said, karma is a bitch
it all came back to bite him in the bum
he knew you were something else, your personality that mirrors his own is very amusing in his eyes, he was enamoured by how you acted
very head-over-heels for you
whenever you bully or prank him, all the times when he pranked his members flash before his eyes as he finally gets a taste of what it's like on the receiving end
he looks at you like you just committed a horrendous crime in front of his eyes
oh yOu'Re bullying HIM now? HOW DARE YOU???
of course his competitive ass gets revenge on you afterwards bcs THIS IS WAR
of course your banters and pranks on each other are always lighthearted, he wouldn't do or say anything out of the line purposely to hurt you, and you wouldn't do the same either
however if it somehow happens that you hurt each other, which is a very rare occurence, it would always come to healthy resolve because you both talk it out immediately
you value each other's boundaries
he would pull your wrist and wrap your arm over his waist as he settles you on his chest
"there, there, i'm sorry jagi, i won't do it again." he gazes down on you and gives you a soft smile, his long hair framing his face beautifully
even if he's usually frolic, he knows when to take things seriously
besides, he'll never do anything he knows you wouldn't like (!!!)
humiliation for the sake of pranks is a big NO. that's just horrible
having ideas for dates and what to do while spending time w/ each other were never a problem, considering the fact that both of you have the same hobbies and tastes!
you want to try this ice cream bar downtown? he's been eyeing the same shop too!
he wants to build legos? sure, you're sitting beside him in an instant while reading the instruction manual
you're bored and you want to play chess? he immediately whips out a chessboard
your habits are very similar too
he cackled when he found out you also keep plastic knives in your bag
and you like taking care of each other and the ppl around you
everybody loves mom mode jeonghan and fears mom mode y/n
this also results to the both of you thinking the other is prettier than each other
he doesn't just think you're prettier than him, he KNOWS you're prettier than him
whilst you also think he's the prettiest. you would always tell him he's prettier than you
while the members also say all say you're a lot prettier than hannie (in which hannie wholeheartedly agrees on), you're actually equal in terms of this
he will throw himself at your feet if you're fem
but jeonghan also loves it when you express your masc side
he will call you "handsome" (jokingly)
you don't have to worry if ever you're insecure about how you're too masc or too fem or both
because he knows what it's like ;)
he believes everyone is free to express themselves
bcs he embraces his feminine side too <33
in conclusion, it doesn't matter if you're masc or fem or BOTH he is in LOVE with YOU
he's WHIPPED whipped
sometimes he's like a female friend when you're in dates lol this is so fukin cute
he'll clasp your arms together like besties while you're recommending each other skincare products inside the mall
a̶n̶d̶ b̶r̶i̶b̶e̶ s̶h̶o̶p̶k̶e̶e̶p̶e̶r̶s̶ t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ a̶t̶ i̶t̶
he'll ask someone to take your picture while he poses like the female lead in kdramas
he closes his eyes and intertwines your hands and leans his cheek comfortably on your shoulder
it's cute
when he's feeling a little more giddy he either latches on your arm and basically climbs on you to make you his human monkey bar while he howls in laughter
you do these to him a lot too LOL
when it's him in the receiving end he welcomes and accepts your coddling you with open arms
he'll even willingly submit to you and offer himself if only you asked
e.g when you suddenly corner him and close all possible distance while backing him against the wall, wrapping your leg around his waist and burying your face on his neck
he isn't even fazed because he's alr used to it he just resumes wht he was doing before (like fiddling something on his phone) for a few moments before he turns it off and completely focuses on you
instead of being shocked he pulls you even closer with an arm on your back as he smirks in satisfaction
in public places, you alone can already make men AND women's heads turn
then jh comes in
he's behind you in a poker face while he protectively wraps his arm around your shoulder as he towers over you
and they see how much you were alike in the littlest things
u two are so versatile and expressive
although having said all these, you never clash personalities
u two r so compatible
jh would clown you for literally anything
but he would also absolutely trade anything for your affection with 0 hesitation
he even claimed that he would sacrifice joshua and cheol's lives for him to have your hand in marriage, to you also because you're the devil
"you dumbass" but affectionately 🥰
in games when ure on the opposing teams, when you're playing against each other, you're mistaken if you thought he would go easy on you
he knows what you're capable of and it'll take the same amount of plotting to take you down
however when his teammates accuse you of sinistrous intentions, he will defend you
he'll even encourage your cheating lol
minghao who was in the same team looked at his hyung, (who was FKN CHEERING FOR YOU. YOU, FROM THE OPPOSING TEAM–) in disbelief, as if hannie was an embarrassment to nature
he was like "dude, which side are u really on ????"
he would let you play cahoots with '95 liners cheol and shua against him
the three of you would gang up against him tgt bcs it's payback time for how many times he's wronged ya'll
it's comedic how he can manage to stay calm under a lot of pressure and come at you like it's nothing, but he gets agitated when the members r stealing your attention from him LMAO
sk caught hannie pouting and slacking off while looking at your figure from afar
"how dare they ??!#?#@!?!" insert comical shouting text bubbles on the top of his head
cue angry snowball bunny vibes
he would straight up walk to your side of the team nearing you with the intention of retrieving what's rightfully his.
he throws his arms around you and drags you away to his post on the other side, and you're like "hannie why are you dragging me here my teammates are on the opposite side"
you're only opponents but you're still his, squishing your cheek with his own while his arms were wrapped all around your waist and shoulders, smothering you with kisses
you're very competitive yourself. so when the game gets heated and you're in your serious mode, the two of you get worked up going against each other
y/n: "let's do this instead. jeonghan would think we wouldn't go for the simplest way, so that's exactly what we're going for."
y/n: "jeonghan would try to ambush us from the other side because he knows the way around this course. let's go this way and corner him from behind and use his own dirty trick against him 👹👹"
what adds more to the challenge is the fact that you thought you both know how each other thinks
but you actually DON'T
you two are very unpredictable
you're good at reading his tactics tho so he almost never escapes from you
taunt and mock him when he loses and watch him FOLD
watch out tho bcs he'd be coming for your ass on the next game/round
you once betrayed your team just to face him head on
at the same time, jh did the same to his team cs he won't back away from you challenging him
ending, it turned to a match between the two of you
you both love mind games, which is why as much as it's hard for him to defeat you, it's hard for you to defeat him too
he gets scared of u sometimes lol
he thinks he's not the biggest enemy there exists in society, YOU are.
you're the alas of the team you're in. they know they're covered when they have you
altho it's funny when you think about how you're rivals in games but you sleep by each others head at night with limbs tangled LOLOL
jeonghan jumps in joy when he found out he's teamed up with you
everyone makes a commotion
everyone knows they're doomed the moment it's set
yk how in playing team games svt purposely keeps mingyu, cheol, and hannie away from each other in separate teams?
they do the same thing to you two, forcing you away from each other
bcs everyone also wants you in their team/s
i mean who wouldn't ???
cue dino and jun pulling your arm but your body is being coddled by hannie at the same time, as he hoarded you to himself
dk get on his knees and clasps his hands as he practically BEGS you two to at least have one of you in the other team
"no can do 😚" jh wraps a leg around your hip while he shields you from his members
you're insufferable together
they all call you "the devil duo" 😈😈😈😈😈😈 bcs HELL unleashes when you're working together
very partners in crime type of rs
you're like the chuuya to his daza–
with both of your analytical sense and strategic thinking merged together, you're invincible
you can defeat multiple member teams with only you and hannie's alliance
jokes of "let's dominate the world together, jagi 👹👹" every now and then
yes you two go and RULE THE WORLD
he calls you the queen and labels himself as the king
roles can be reversed tho, the both of you don't mind
"jagi, i'm the queen and you're the king, okay? 😏😏😏" he leans to your ear and gently whispers while tauntingly looking at the glaring members from the other side as you two were sitting tgt
be careful tho, bcs there are still circumstances wherein he turns his back from you in games
in short, he might betray you to win
i mean he's still jeonghan after all
the key is to betray him first before he betrays you :DD
or just strangle him
W option
the members are always very hooked on watching how you beat hannie in his own game
bcs he totally deserves that
everytime the scene unfolds they immediately "😎🍿"
let me tell u this,
he'll look at you with heart eyes, flabbergasted, yet at the same time astounded when you do
heart eyes heart eyes
you might have had unknowingly turned him on a little tho–
he has a lot of respect for your ability and intelligence
but then that loving smile slowly turns into a sly smirk as he is in the middle plotting a new strategy to outsmart your outsmarting
which results to you outsmarting his outsmarting to your outsmarting
a cycle that never ends
*/inserts "finally, a worthy opponent"
he loves how intelligent you are. you're even most likely to be more intelligent than him
he loves his plotting smart-mouthed little devil, y/n
he's very thrilled, there wasn't single boring moment in his life since the moment he met you
he cheated once and used a blanket to capture and immobilize you, and you fought the urge to slam his head on the headboard
"you–you cheating freak!" you wiggled out of his arms as he squeezes you in a hug
"oh but you love this cheating freak 😏😏" he wiggles his eyebrows
the members openly babbles about how you were their 'sacrificial lamb'
bcs hannie's annoying mischievous ass gradually toned down thanks to you, because most of his pranks were all darted to you now
and so the "let's sacrifice y/n [to jeonghan]" became an inside joke between you and the members
everytime han's evil tendencies dart to the members, they whip you out and place you in front of hannie as a human shield
because ure the only one who can take hannie's bs and u actually fight back
jeonghan would galdly accept their sacrificial lamb tho 😏😏
from his own words, just who is he to refuse you?
we all know how clingy hannie is
lingering touches here and there, your touchy, affectionate nature applies when you're together
but not in a overexaggerating or overwhelming way (always rmmbr that it's ok to be clingy as long as u still respect your partner's space dawg)
he can and WILL bite your fingers when you're off guard
one moment he's fidgeting with your hands
and then he CHOMPS on your long fingers
you jumped in your seat and glared at him the first time he did this and the brat only laughed at your reaction
very funny
when u make out, expect a lot of biting
will bite your lips, your jaw, the plush part of your neck, your collarbone, EVERYWHERE
and i tell you when he bites, he bites HARD
he loves it when you do it to him too
there was a time while you were hovering on top of him and kissing his neck, you look up to see his disheveled state with his mouth agape and half lidded eyes, an arm holding your waist while the other covers his mouth with the back of his hand as he huffs in pleasure
*blushes like a sl–*
hannie's clingy ass can never keep his handsy handsies away from you
everytime he sits beside you he chooses to scoot to you as close as possible on purpose, even if the sofa had more room and space for him to need not to squeeze you in the corner
he sprawls his limbs everywhere on you on purpose. on your thighs, stomach and face
sometimes he even pretends to "accidentally" sit on your lap, putting all of his weight on you like you were a part of the fuckin sofa
he'll say "oh, sorry, it's your lap's fault for looking a little too comfortable 😏😏" unapologetically
there was one time you had enough of him doing this everytime so you kinda just accepted him sitting on u
you leaned forward and hugged his waist in place on your lap while he hummed in satisfaction
what he didn't expect was when he was off-guard, you leaned toward his neck and pecked a kiss on the exposed skin and BOY
his little friend immediately went ↗️↗️↗️ iykwim
he's shinggi banggi boong boong banggi'ing his way out of there and shutting himself alone in a room somewhere🚪🏃
he couldn't sleep for NIGHTS
he also felt something shift in him the first time you meaningfully called him "hannie"
"you're such a wuss, hannie~" you looked up at him while exchanging banters and his grin grew wider, grazing his hand on your jaw, "that's the first time you called me that. say that again."
he tends to miss u a lot
one time in a beach somewhere in jeju during a summer vacation with svt, he was quietly chilling on a lounger seat with his dark, almost black shades on, while the members were noisily playing beach volley not very far from where he's sitting
he can hear sk and soonyoung's distant yowling everytime they miss the ball
he's not interested in playing because there's no "you" as his opponent
there's just 0 thrill when you're not there
he snorts as he imagines you intentionally spiking the ball at his face
hannie wondered what you're up to at that exact moment
he loudly sighed, "i miss y/n..."
"you'll see her again soon when you go home, hyung."
"you're right." he props himself from the lounge chair and grabs his phone while putting on his beach slippers
"where are you going?"
"i'm going home 👹👹👹"
"what?! jeonghan-hyung, NO–"
"jeonghan-hyung, YES."
the members held him down and almost tied him up on the lounger chair
that night in the hotel room, he fills the void of longing for you by facetiming you
the members wanted so bad to stuff both your mouths with pillows from how noisy you are while laughing with each other late at night on screen
of course it's done as a joke they love seeing you and jh having fun together
and the both of you are only doing it on purpose just to piss them off, you stopped immediately and let them sleep in peace after
the two of you are still mindful when and when not to fool around after all <33
they can never really get mad at u two
coz how could they? you two r literally their parents
hannie labels you as second mom of svt, the first one being himself
"make sure drink your meds, wonu-ya ^^" hannie gives wonwoo his medication "thanks, jeonghan-hyung."
cue you walking past them, your attention somewhere else, casually handing wons a bottle of water to help him with downing the medicine, while your eyes were on dino, nodding while listening to the story he's enthusiastically telling you
dino is obviously your favourite child
just– "dino, nugu aegi?" and he'll willingly answer "y/n-noona's baby 🥰"
"how about me, dino???? u don't love me anymore????? only y/n????? 🥺" hannie asks with a pout
all the svt members grew very attached to you that they can't even imagine hannie without u anymore
u and hannie are a package deal ^^ so cute
you're rlly made for each other
hannie gives you weird ass compliments that you would've found endearing if only it made sense
he would leave you confused as fuck
while he's in his pajamas sitting on the sofa beside you with one of his knees folded to his chest, the tv remote on his hand, he turns to you with a flat expression
"y/n if you were a dinosaur, you would be a velociraptor."
you respond with a perplexed "why is that?" and he turns away from you to go back to watching tv without another word like nothing happened, and without further elaboration following his statement.
he wasn't even watching a show related to dinosaurs
ಠ_ʖಠ ????????????
that's an oddly random hell of a compliment
was that even a compliment?
"yes" -hannie
one time on his birthday party somewhere in paris, after the bustling party ended, you spoke to him in private in your shared hotel room to finally give your birthday present
still bejeweled and dolled up in your black dress, you put on a blindfold on his eyes as you led him inside the dim-lit hotel room
the blindfold you put on him covered the entirety of his vision steadily
"y/n, i didn't know you were into this kind of thing." he teases you,
you narrowed your eyes and glared down at him despite knowing well he can't see you
when he took off the blindfold to open his eyes, he was welcomed by the sight of a whole life sized figurine lego set of iron man
he was in awe, he thanked you and asked you to help him build it together, which you agreed on
"this is the second possible best birthday gift for me, love."
"what's the first?"
"you." he grinned meaningfully, it's the same mischievous grin he usually displays when he's plotting something
you sensually ran your hand through his silky hair and responded to his suggestive comment
"i'm sure you'll eventually get that second birthday gift of yours later." while fondling his necktie from the button-down shirt under his tux that he wore at the party.
he contained his laughter and once again latched himself to you, "i love you."
you hugged him back, "i love you, hannie."
hannie always likes adding a spice of a little mischief to every situation, so he used that opportunity to catch you off guard and dip his finger on the frosting of the vanilla cake on the coffee table behind you to smear it on the tip of your nose
you widened your eyes and chased him all over and around the hotel room
"YOU'RE DEAD, YOON JEONGHAN!" you chased him acting like a vixen trying to catch a rabbit, jumping over furniture
pls manhandle him
hannie likes strong women ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yoon "i want a woman to kiss me and hug me😚🥰but at the same time, like in the bedroom... just rOCK MY SHIT U KNOW🏋️‍♀️just BEAT THE FUCK OUTTA ME👹U KNOW🤯coz i deserve it😇" jeonghan
you wanted so badly to punish him
an idea he wasn't against at all—in discreet
after wiping your nose, you tackled him on the floor when you caught him
he looks up at you, taking in your beautiful features, not missing the evil grin on your lips non-verbally saying "i got u now 😏"
he tucks your unkempt hairstrands behind your ear
"can i claim my second birthday gift now, y/n?" he tilted his head, looking up at you and staring at your lips, his eyes shining from the dim light
you wanted to punish him, you say?
let's just say... you did get what you want that night, with the help of his tie, and the flimsy blindfold you left lying on the floor.
napipopetake him to heaven 🔝
hanniehae <33
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m00nbap · 1 year
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘴 27 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴. 𝘌𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴.
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231 notes · View notes
jaes1lvr · 11 months
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૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა oh, my heart hurts so good. i love you, babe...
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sooo bad, sooo bad 《 @ni-shimura 》 ૮₍ ˃̵ ᵕ ˂̵ ₎ა
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sn6wy · 10 months
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‘Cause one day, one day my baby just went away.
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🍊﹒ ׅ ׄ ✧ ﹒ my angel, you’re what haunts me now that you’re away.
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66 notes · View notes
little-svt · 10 months
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Wc: 653
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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“I just had it!” Seungcheol growled through gritted teeth as he threw the cushion from the sofa to the floor alongside the drawers he had pulled out from the cabinet. He was sure he just had your favourite plushie in his hand. You had trusted him in washing your plushie after you had accidentally spilled some juice onto it and now here he was, tearing his place apart trying to find it. He cursed under his breath each time he looked at a potential hiding spot, only to be met with nothing.
Eventually, after still not being able to locate your precious plushie, Seungcheol sat down on the sofa and let out a sigh as he rubbed his hand over his face. How would he tell you? He didn’t have time to order a new one and even if he did, he couldn’t just leave you on your own without telling you where he was heading to. The image of you crying and pouting brought a slight pain to his chest, and he hung his head in shame, his hands tugging at his hair in annoyance.
“Daddy…?” A small voice pulled him out of his pity party, and he looked up at you. You had insisted on washing yourself up and you stood in the doorway all dressed up in your favourite pyjamas. Your hair was still slightly damp from your shower and your face looked shiny and clean. Seungcheol can’t help the small smile that grows as he looked at your confused face and he held his hand out to beckon you over. Once you waddled over to him, he took your hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. He let out a nervous sigh and his smile soon turned back into his infamous pout.
“Baby… I am so, so sorry… I lost your plushie. I had them in my hand and put them down for a second and it’s almost like they got up and walked away because now I can’t find them. I promise you I will keep looking and if I can’t find them at all then daddy will buy you as many plushies as you want just to make it up to you.” He rambled and he finished with a sigh. “I’m sorry for being a bad daddy.” He added. You copied your daddy’s pout and knocked his hands away before throwing yourself at him in a tight hug. Cheol can feel one hand start to play with his hair whilst the other rubbed down his back, you had clearly picked this up from when he comforted you.
“It otay daddy, you not bad.” You said softly, nuzzling your face into his cheek.
“But princess… I lost your favourite plushie.” Cheol pouted more.
“You didn’t mean to ‘nd I lose stuff sometimes, but you don’t get mad.” You said, pulling away from the hug and shrugging your shoulders. Cheol can’t help but smile at your little shrug and he pulled you back into his arms, planting sweet kisses to your cheek.
“I really have the best baby in the world huh?” He asked. You let out a giggle and planted a loud kiss onto his cheek before wiggling out of his arm. Seungcheol watched as you skipped out into the kitchen. He watched you skip off and his smile grew. Sometimes, he really couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He had been panicking so much, thinking you’d be mad or upset with him but was pleasantly surprised at your reaction.
Soft giggles pulled him out of his thoughts, and he tilted his head in confusion. He got up and leaned against the doorway.
“What’s so funny princess?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. You look up and point into the fridge.
“(Plushie Name) is in the fridge!” You said before shrieking with laughter. Cheol’s eyes widened at that but he couldn’t help but laugh along with you.
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🧸Endnote: Welp it’s been like 50 years since I’ve posted anything on my own sksksk and I had to start again with soft soft cheolie sigh…. I love him so much 🥹🥹🥹 I hope everyone is doing okay, staying safe and healthy and thank you to everyone who supports us and this blog it means the world. ~ 👑🐰💛
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