unless-love-you · 1 year
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
This undulating woody country, partially cultivated, reminded me of the wilder parts of England, and therefore had to my eye a most fascinating aspect.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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inbarfink · 1 year
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dreamnostalgia · 2 years
Happy Sunday ya freaks!
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virtualsoup · 7 months
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been really into Pokemon Go recently
not featuring these babies: Chinchou (Chonchie) and Snorunt (Shivers)
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ultimavela · 1 year
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Welcome to Octaria Pulnassea's tome of creatures, rumors, and alchemy.
In it, you will find a new creature every two weeks (on Tuesdays). Below, you can check one of the last entry of Octaria's tome.
This creature is a retelling of a myth from Chiloé (a beautiful island in the south of Chile). Originally, the creature is called Camahueto. (see below).
And if you say Chil... what?, here you have a beautiful map of Chiloé, there is too much to explore there, so many stories beyond what can be seen on it. I really want to run a game with Chiloé, or a whimsical-fantastical-dark analog of it, as a setting. I guess that is another project to the bag.
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(Campos de Quinched y la ciudad de Chonchi, archipiélago de Chiloé, Chile. Picture by Lin Linao)
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askkrenko · 2 years
Krenko’s Guide to Pokemon: Chinchou Line
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When evolution goes bleh
Let me start by saying that Chinchou’s name is wrong. For whatever reason, they just didn’t try to translate it into English. It should really be called something like Lernta. Its Japanese name is just the word “Lantern” rearranged, which happens to be Chonchie.  I don’t inherently mind Japanese names, but this feels like a weird Pokemon to be using it for. It kind of seems like they just gave up on naming it, and it’s not like Lanturn is a very inspired name, either, and it certainly doesn’t flow from Chinchou the way something like Pikachu/Raichu or Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard flow.
Chinchou’s design takes the most iconic feature of the anglerfish, doubles it, and sticks it on this weirdly adorable blob that doesn’t actually look like a fish. Sure, it has flippers, but it also has feet, and its body is purely round. Overall, I like it, because even though we can clearly see it’s doing Anglerfish things, it doesn’t actually look anything like an Anglerfish. It looks alien without looking off-putting, special without seeming out of place, and unique without being confusing. Honestly, it’s just a good design.
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Then Lanturn, whose Japanese name is just the English word Lantern, goes and ruins it. Lanturn keeps the glowing angle, but it’s just a fish.  It’s not even an interesting fish, just something blobby with tiny fins. The switch from the double angle to the split angle actually detracts from the interesting visual of the original, and the rest of Lanturn’s body is just a fat fish. Unlike some earlier Johto Pokemon, it’s still stylized enough and oddly shaped enough to clearly be its own thing, but it’s definitely a step down from Chinchou. I don’t particularly like Lanturn, but I don’t feel any animosity toward it. Were it not Chinchou’s evolved form, I likely wouldn’t mind it as much, but the split angle, the plus-shaped eyes, and the inexplicable feet all gave way to something more traditionally fish-shaped.
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Art by MusicalCombusken
Chinchou spend their lives in the deep ocean and can be found worldwide, though they’re capable of walking on land for short periods. They do this primarily to lay their eggs, which is most commonly done on the southern shore of Johto and Kanto, resulting in a far larger population of Chinchou in those waters than the rest of the world. Chinchou use their light to confuse and attract the tiny creatures they eat and their ability to deploy electric shocks keeps their number of natural predators to a minimum. Their only true threat are Quagsire, though those rarely venture far from the shore. Lanturn have few ecological differences from Chinchou, except that their prey are much larger and they are far less capable of moving on land. Chinchou are extremely successful and many manage to evolve naturally.
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Art by Salmon
Water/Electric is a very defensive combination. Lanturn resists five types and only has two weaknesses, but only has five supereffective targets and is resisted by both Dragon and Grass. A double resist to steel is particularly useful as long as Zacian continues to be Zacian.
Lanturn’s best stat is its 125 HP, supported by an average  76 Special Defense and a poor 58 Defense. Still, 125 is a lot, so this sets up Lanturn as a relatively bulky Pokemon. Special Attack of 76 isn’t too bad, though a 67 speed leaves a bit to be desired. 
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Art by Kboomz
Many Lanturn have the ability Illuminate, which increases random encounter rate but has no in-battle effect. This should probably get a buff. There’s really no reason any Pokemon should have an ability with no in-battle effect.
Lanturn’s actual abilities are a choice between Volt Absorb or its hidden ability, Water Absorb. Both negate all damage from one type of attack to heal the Lanturn instead. Strictly by the numbers, Volt Absorb should be the better option here, as Lanturn is already resistant to Water, but if you’re worried about powerful Water types like Kyogre or just plan to use Surf in a Double Battle then Water Absorb can give a lot of mileage. 
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Art by Shayan
For electric attacks, it’s hard to say no to Thunderbolt. There are other electric moves, but they’re not Thunderbolt.
Water has options depending on what you expect to fight and how you’re built. Surf, Hydro Pump, and Scald all have benefits over the others. A more defensive Lanturn will get a lot of mileage out of Scald, Hydro Pump can open up potential kills Surf doesn’t, and Surf is accurate and acts as an area attack in 2v2.
Lanturn’s coverage moves are few and far between, but Ice Beam hits Dragon and Grass types super-effectively, so it’s really the only one you need.  Dazzling Gleam is also an option, but only if you really feel the need to hurt Dark and Fighting types.
Many, if not most, Lanturn are going to want Volt Switch, a special electric attack that switches out the Pokemon immediately after. Getting a switch without wasting a turn is always good, and Volt Switch is actually a good attack here.
A more defensive Lanturn can also grab Thunder Wave or Eerie Impulse, as Scald only really hurts Physical Attackers. Taking Heal Bell, or a pair like Aqua Ring/Whirlpool or Rest/Sleep Talk also work to leverage survivability. 
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Art by Crisley Farias
Lanturn has a lot going for it, and it’s far from ‘bad,’ it’s just hard to compete in a tournament with 600+ fully evolved Pokemon to contend with, plus a few unevolved Pokemon with powerful gimmicks. If a real rebalance happened to make more Pokemon viable, Lanturn probably only needs a few more points in its defensive stats. Even if Illuminate was updated with a real function, it’s not going to top Water/Volt Absorb, and Lanturn has access to all the attacks it could really want.  I don’t look at Lanturn and think “This is a seriously flawed Pokemon,” just “This Pokemon isn’t as strong as some others.” But all it really needs is bigger stat numbers.
The one ability that COULD seriously help Lanturn see more play is Lightning Rod. While in singles Lightning Rod and Volt Absorb function very similarly, once you’re in doubles Lightning Rod can do serious work in protecting a partner. I’m sure there’s other abilities that would be useful, but look at that stupid thing. Lightning Rod is just low hanging… glowy thing.
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Art by Melli of the Hills
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Tepuhueico presente en la Feria Municipal de Chonchi, Chiloé
La gran feria cultural organizada anualmente por la Municipalidad de Chonchi es un festival de dos días que celebra la riqueza cultural y los emprendimientos locales. Este año, tuvimos el honor de participar con nuestro stand, donde nuestras dos guardaparques, Agustina y Antonia compartieron valiosa información sobre las labores de conservación que realiza el Parque Tepuhueico. A través de educación, interacción, juegos y concientización, lograron involucrar a todas las personas que visitaron nuestro espacio, destacando la importancia de preservar nuestro entorno natural.
La feria representa una excelente oportunidad para sumergirse en la cultura de Chiloé y descubrir los diversos proyectos sustentables que nacen en esta comunidad.
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i-iip · 3 months
1996 | Luis Sepúvedra :: Patagónia Express
"Vou mandar tudo para o inferno e oferecer o que ainda transpirar carinho."
Mari Carmen; Paco Ignacio Taibo; Skatt; dactolografada; ácnata; Bilz, Orange Crush; CNT; Emílio Salgani, Stevenson; Fenimore Cooper; Nicolai Ostrovsky; Martos; Pavel Konchgun; Prisão de Temuco; iniarte; André Muller; unamuno; Salamanca; molho de cogro; Tupapel; Demian; Herman Hesse; candialidade; monte Niēlol; Mapuche; Laurel & Mandy; Vendugos; La Quiaca e Argentina; Villazón; Pelotas; Asunsíon; Chaco; Humahuaca; extraviada; saltenses; riojanos; assado de tina; comer cebola (/) altitude; Julio Sosa; Ringo Benovena; Casamata; gerdarmes; aymana; Lima; Guayaquil; Bogotá; Cartagena; Panamanibo; Belém; Martos, Espanha; Villazón; coronhadas; Hare Krishna; trâmite; Quito; Orchestra American Bar; Machala, Puerto Bolívar; Calaminas; Cat Ballou; pasillos, sanjuanitos; Rocafuerte; caviar beluga; Batmanco/Ibarray Coca, Amazónia; Cuenca; avioneta Texaco; som tucano; adelantado; genuflexónio; Aucas; micos; dipsomaníaco; páramo; montúbio; latacuquense; Feira Otavalo; Chonchi; Chiloé; Maleskin Pipeño; erva-mate; Alster; bala de Corcovado; pipeño; Fionde Aysén; sendeiro; Trapananda; Mapuches; Pehuenches; Tehuelches; rio Bio Bio; Valle del Haipo; Sul de Reloncavi; lancha chilola; carvalhos; lanícios; álamos; eucalipto; as tecas; canais de Messier; chilotes; galhardetes; rio Mayo; payadorea; garb; ustashas croatas; grapa; inacundos;
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🇦🇷 Las Heras; Los Antiguos; Los Alerces; Cholila; El Turbio; El Zundo; Bellavista; Jaramillo; Rio Gallegos; Soviete
🇨🇱 Cochrane; Coyhaque; Fuerte Bulnes; [Tarapacá]: vinho; Punta Arenas;
Fuzileiros Chubut; cibélico; regimento Baquedano;
"E que interessa? Nesta terra mentimos para ser felizes. Mas nenhum de nós confunde mentira com o engano."
🇪🇨 Shell; Chontapunta; Rio Napo; San José de Payamiro;
avioneta Cesna; altímetro; Huapango; bagnes; San Francisco de Orellana; puro; coca; prodilaguizar; Calle de La Virgen;
" (...) metia um pouco de açúcar na boca, humedecia-o com água e a seguir, cuspia a mistura (...) levantava o pé sobre a doce silada e esperava que chegassem as moscas. Depois, platsch! (...) - É um favor que faço à humanidade. Estes bichos evoluem transformam-se em padres ou militares. "
🇪🇸 Segóvia; Peña de Martos;
Borrego de Magalhães, Alminantazgo, Tehuelches, Enseada do Incesto, l; Mannantiales; Calhota de Angostura; San Gregório; Patagónia; Angostura; cormoroes; Saint-Exupéry; Von Richthofen; Barão Vermelho; Aysén; DC-3; Puerto Montt; Puerto Chacabuco; Grumanns; Catalinas; Peninsula Taitao: Moete San Rafael; Aysén; Avioneta Pipper; helicóptero Sirkosky; fazenda San Berito em Rio Grande; Comodoro Rivadavia; Punta Arenas; Chiripá; Araucanos; Rio Gallegos; Ro Chico- Cabo de San Francisco de Paula; Moutsaka; Las Martinetas; handus; Golfo dos Elefantes; Puerto Natales; golfo Almirante Mott; Estreito Nelson;
"Don Nicanon foi enterrado montado no seu cavalo."
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Chinchou in the Valgard region use their antennae to attract and stun prey. Category: Angler pokemon Type: Bug/Electric Gender ratio: 50% Male 50% Female Origin: Monkfish, fishing rod Name origin: Corruption of chonchie (Japanese for lantern) Ability: Volt absorb, Illuminate (with water absorb as a hidden ability) Pokedex entry: On the dark ocean floor of Valgard, chinchous have evolved to use their antennae to lure in prey. They flash their lights to attract dratinis before stabbing them with their hooks, and stunning them with positive and negative charges. They communicate to one another by blinking, they mainly do it to claim turf. In a twist of irony Valgardian chinchous are fished as they make for a delicious meal.
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The shiny references Johton chinchou.
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catluvus · 1 year
[ad_1] chonchi vs poni! #cutepet #cutecat #cutekitties #petlove #petloverclub #petlovers #petsofinstagram #petstagram #petfriendly #petphotography #crazycats #crazycatlady #catsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #catlovers #catssleeping #katzen #chaton #catrules #catnap #кот #小猫 #cutepet #catmemes #fatcatsofinstagram #fatcat #fatcats #chonky #chonkycat #chonkycats #kucing   [ad_2]
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unless-love-you · 1 year
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diariovidamuerte · 1 year
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Costanera de Chonchi, Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile.
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inbarfink · 1 year
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leabellablog · 2 years
Jeudi 8 décembre : Castro - Chonchi
Jeudi 8 décembre : Castro – Chonchi
Le matin je me rends au terminal de bus dans l’intention de me rendre à Cucao, mais le prochain bus part dans 2h. En attendant je visite la ville une nouvelle fois pour, me rend au Mirador Chacabuco pour voir les Palafitos Gamboas et l’Humedal Urbano Gamboa, descend par le Pasaje Eliseo Veja, emprunte la rue des palafitos au façades colorées en bois. Je ressors faire du stop, un bus me prend pour…
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luisabbade · 2 years
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   02 Dormitórios       🙋‍♀️ Cond Fatto Pananby 🙋‍♀️                                            Vila Andrade   😲💯 valor de R$ 312.000.00  Aceita Financiamento bancário e pode usar o FGTS como entrada  👀 Simulação on line 9-7643-7370 Luis Abbade     😍 Descrição 😎 ✅ 02 Dormitórios Assoalho de Madeira ✅ 01 Sala com Sacada  e Sanca ✅ 01 Cozinha Ampla e Arejada ✅ 01 Lavanderia Sol da Manhã ✅ 01 Banheiro Com Box Social Chuveiro  a Gás ✅ 01 Vaga de Garagem Coberta ✅ 01 Portaria Com Câmeras e Porteiros ✅ 55 Metros de área Útil ✅ 02 Torres C/ 21 Andares ✅ 12 ° Andar       Condomínio Fatto Pananby ✅ Piscinas Adulto e Infantil ✅ Churrasqueira ✅ PlayGroynd ✅ Salão de festas ✅ Bicicletario ✅ Salão de Jogos ✅ Academia Fitness ✅ Brinquedoteca ✅ Solarium ✅ Sala de Estudos ✅ Pomar ✅ Pet Care ✅ Rendadario ✅ Spa/ Sauna ✅ Espacos Teen ✅ Quadra Poliesportiva ✅ Elevador  Super Rápido ✅ Câmeras ✅  R$ 500,00 Condomínio ✅  Isento de Iptu 👇  Infraestrutura 👇 ✅ Áreas Verdes ✅ Acessibilidade ✅ Cabeamento ✅ Agua Individualizada ✅ Area do Terreno ✅ Esgotos ✅ Gas Encanado Individualizado ✅ Guias e Sarjetas ✅ Iluminacao Publica ✅ Instalacoes P/ Internet ✅ Jardins ✅ Rua Asfadadas ✅ Certficado Nivel A   👇 Segurança Predial 👇 ✅ Portao Automatico ✅ Portaria 24 Horas ✅ Sistema de Segurança ✅ Câmeras ✅ Arlame ✅ Extintores ✅ Escadas ✅ AVCB Bombeiros   👇Detalhes da Regiao👇 ✅ Metro Giovani Chonchy ✅ Terminal João Dias     ✅ Diversos Comercios ✅ Escolas ✅ Hipermercados ✅ Fácil  Acesso Principais avenidas/ Marginais ✅ Centro Empresarial ✅ Shopping Morumbi Town ✅ Hospital Albert Einstein ✅ Clubes (AABB) ✅ Condução Pertinho ✅ Ceu Casa Blanca ✅ Feiras Livres ✅ Paques Burle Marques ✅ 03 Grades Padarias ✅ Hambúrgueres ✅ Floricultura ✅ Barbearia ✅ Bares / Cafés    📣  ÚNICA UNIDADE⏳              ️📌 Localização:  🤣 R. Dr Carlos Aldrovandi ,85, Jardim Morumbi, São Paulo - SP, 05712020   ☎️☎️  Watts app  ☎️☎️ 9-7643-7370  Luis Abbade 9-6592-4128 Henrique  Abbade ttps://wa.me/c/5511976437370                  👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 🙋 Confira outras opções  em nosso site (em Vila Andrade Morumbi SP) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmp2TMbtljU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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