#chondrostereum purpureum
lionfloss · 2 years
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Chondrostereum purpureum
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zyuna-arts · 4 months
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Funguary '24: Silver Leaf Fungus | Lilac Seadragon
Week 1 | Week 3 | Week 4
Coincidentally we have a dragon in the year of the dragon just a few days shy of the Lunar New Year! 🐉 Based on the timing I posted this, it's also Valentine's Day ❤️
Silver leaf is actually a fungal disease caused by chondrostereum purpureum that viciously attacks the Rosaceae family that includes roses, apricots, plums, peaches and almonds. It also attacks deciduous trees like maple and hawthorn. The name is derived from the silvering of leaves on affected hosts, and the disease is often fatal. The fungus is as widespread as its hosts and can be a serious parasite to living trees.
Inspired by the properties of silver leaf disease and wanting to do something in spirit of the year of the dragon, I came up with a poisonous seadragon species. Halfway through I realised the pokemon Dragalge is basically the same concept but mine is quite a different take, I hope!
Really struggled with the rendering. I gave up multiple times and kept sighing on how to fix the shading because no matter what or how much I edited, I wasn't satisfied but I had to move on. It was fun coming up with a design and its background, though!
Each #Funguary2024 I do will be depicted as a sea creature and designed like an encyclopedia page. Funguary is a yearly drawing challenge in February hosted by artist Feefal to turn fungi prompts into characters.
SOCIALS: Linktree
Art & Character © zyuna
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mycoblogg · 9 months
FOTD #104 : silver leaf! (chondrostereum purpureum)
silver leaf is a fungal disease of trees in the family cyphellaceae. it is a pathogen of various deciduous trees, as well as the rose family rosaceae. it is also commercially available as a mycoherbicide :-)
the big question : can i bite it?? unknown !! but i wouldn't recommend trying to eat a fungal disease, lol.
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c. purpureum description :
"after starting as just a crust on the wood, the fruiting structure develops undulating intergrowing brackets up to about 3 cm broad, which have a tough rubbery texture. the edges & fertile lower surfaces show a fairly vivid violet colour while the fungus is growing, & the upper surfaces have a grey aspect (sometimes with zonation and usually a lighter edge) & are covered with whitish hairs. after a week or two the fructification dries out, becomes brittle, & turns a drab brown or beige."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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cordyceps-fungus · 4 months
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day 9 - Silver leaf fungus except i got excited
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thehealthofficers · 1 year
This is the first such case in the world where human infection occurred from the plant. This person has been a victim of a disease called killer plant fungus, which is caused by his plant.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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A plant fungus has infected a human for the first time The June 2023 issue of Medical Mycology Case Reports describes the case of a 61-year-old man who was exposed to a plant fungus that gave him a throat infection, marking the first time a human has gotten sick from a plant fungus. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/03/30/a-plant-fungus-has-infected-a-human-for-the-first-time.html
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mollybeenoel · 16 days
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Chondrostereum purpureum (also known as forbidden tapioca pearls) via mantodeadream on instagram ❦ Hydnellum Peckii (also known as Strawberries and Cream, Devil’s Tooth, Bleeding Tooth Fungus), photographed by Kevin Moldenhauer
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fleshgardens · 4 months
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Chondrostereum purpureum for day 9 of funguary
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artofmaquenda · 2 years
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Chondrostereum purpureum
Never seen this one before but it is apparently common :D sooooooooo pretty!! Poor tree I guess
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punkedsolar · 4 months
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Funguary Week 2!
We had massive power, communications, transport and train blackouts this week. I lost a lot of food in freezers and so on. But I'm still going. Things are a bit chaotic, but we are still going strong.
Funguary Feb 8 - Satan's Bolete Behemoth - Rubroboletus satanas Funguary Feb 9 - Silver Leaf Fungus Ipos - Chondrostereum purpureum Funguary Feb 10 - Destroying Angel - Amanita virosa Funguary Feb 11 - Bird's Nest Fungus - Nidulariaceae Funguary Feb 12 - Demonic Dead Man's Fingers - Xylaria Polymorpha Funguary Feb 13 - Demonic Lilac Bonnet - Mycena pura Funguary Feb 14 - Demonic Bleeding Tooth Fungus - Hydnellum peckii
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rain-shoshana · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day from Lady Chondrostereum Purpureum! This ahead of her time fungus is known for dressing in men’s clothes and wooing women with great skill!
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drfirsnogayny · 4 months
Funguary 2024 Day 9
👹 Week 2: Demonic 🌳 Chondrostereum purpureum aka Silver Leaf Fungus
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This time, the humanization is not of a mushroom, but of a tree. By the way, it's a cool sleeve. Oops, it's not a sleeve...
Other arts:
🧢 Mycena Subcyanocephala
🪸 Lilac Coral Fungus
🦃 Turkey Tail
☁️ Cystolepiota
🏮 Filoboletus Manipularis
🪽 Angel Wings
🧽 Penicillin
👹 Satan's Bolete
🌳 Silver Leaf Fungus 🍄
🗡️ Destroying Angel
🪺 Birds Nest Fungus
🧟 Dead Man's Fingers
👒 Lilac Bonnet
🩸 Bleeding Tooth
🪮 Black Velvet
🍜 Enoki
🍘 Dotted Stem Bolete
🌧️ Inky Cap
☕ Black Trumpet
🧤 Amethyst Deceiver
🍚 Puffball
Organizer: @/feefal
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Funguary day 9: silver leaf fungus! A snappy and quick crocodilian with keeled scales and quite the attitude. Based on the Chondrostereum purpureum (photo below)
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Photo credit to user Strobilmyces on Wikimedia Commons
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cordyceps-fungus · 2 months
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What if fungus dragons.
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cosmicanger · 1 year
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Chondrostereum purpureum
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nullarysources · 8 months
Plant Fungus Infected a Human in First Reported Case of Its Kind
Mike McRae for ScienceAlert:
Silver leaf disease is a curse for a variety of botanicals, from pears to roses to rhododendron. Infecting their leaves and branches, the fungus Chondrostereum purpureum can be fatal for the plant if not quickly treated.
Aside from the risk of losing the occasional rose bush, the fungal disease has never been considered a problem for humans. Until this year.
In what researchers suggest is the first reported case of its kind, a 61-year-old Indian mycologist appears to have contracted a rather serious case of silver leaf disease in his own throat, providing a rare example of a pathogen seemingly making an enormous leap across entire kingdoms in the tree of life.
Fungus comes for us all
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