willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
An interesting scene from ps2 and some casual history reading made me notice this
+ bonus tidbit!
The major conflict in ponniyin selvan is the succession crisis- 2 heirs with equally strong claims.
However, it isn't an isolated incident. The madhuranthakan-adithya karikalan-arulmozhivarman musical chairs with the Chola throne is a direct- if delayed- fallout from a previous, more shocking crisis.
In this scene, Vanthiyadevan and Alwarkaddiyan Nambi are pursuing Pandyan Assassins through the crowd, before they attack Prince Arunmozhi.
They manage to catch hold of few, who give them tantalizing clues.
And if that's not enough - even point out the source of attack!
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Pretty dumb move, right?
Leaking your plan to the enemy before it's been executed?
Some context will clear it up- he's not leaking their plan.
He's gloating.
Reminding them of their past downfall to shame them.
The eldest son of Parantaka I, crown prince Rajaditya died in 949 in circumstances equally if not more dramatic than his grandnephew aditha Karikalan.
In the Battle of Thakkolam, rajaditya was seated atop an elephant when an arrow from the Rashtrakuta forces killed him on spot. This must've certainly killed morale in the Chola camp leading to their defeat. Rajaditya's commander, a chera nobleman called Vellan kumaran survived and became an ascetic 'chaturanana pandita'.
Rashtrakutas also occupied Thanjavur for a short period due to this, leading to internal instability. Parantaka I lived a fairly long life and died 6 years after his firstborn son. He was first succeeded by Gandaraditha (2nd son) and then by Arinjaya (3rd son) - both of whom must've been in their 50/60s leading to short tenures. Son no.4 Uttamasili was beheaded by Veera Pandyan.
After son no.2 the primogeniture (succession based on birth order) doesn't matter as everyone wants a chance.
The age reversal among the sons of these 2 emperors causes more confusion- Sundara(Arinjaya's son) is older than Gandaraditha's son.
Bonus tidbit :
in this YT video, author of the controversial 'sangathara' novel, kalachakram narasimhan answers a question saying that while Nandini herself is fictional, representing the chola-pandya dynamics, the character maybe inspired by nandipurathu Valli, a noblewoman and daughter of commander vellan kumaran, who apparently was in love in Prince Rajaditya.
Curious, I read the novel, but that's for another day😌🌚
@celestesinsight @thereader-radhika @ambidextrousarcher @harinishivaa @vibishalakshman @sowlspace @whippersnappersbookworm @deadloverscity @favcolourrvibgior @thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups and anyone else interested !
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nidhi-writes · 10 months
Trinity - The Men of Ponniyin Selvan
He is funny, he is charismatic, he is a soft soul who fights for his loved ones, he is a warrior who make sure to defeat enemies so that his prince win. He is a wandarer bt with an aim, he wanders for love, he wanders for passion, he wanders for a reson to live, he wanders to achieve his Princes goal.
Just like his name he is attractive, restless, determined and much more.
To Aditha Karikalan he is the best friend he ever known, he is the best warrior he had ever fought along in the war.
To ArunMozhi he is teh best brother-in-law he could ever find, best humanitarian he had seen, and a best man.
To Kundhavai he is her lover, her husband, her heart.
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Aditha Karikalan
The crown prince of Choa desam, the ferocious lion tiger who preyed on his enemies, he roared like a lion on the battlefield making his enemies run away. The young tiger whose life was filled with many wounds and scars but yet fought as a king.
Would he be different if his white flower chose him? Would he still be restless if his love had not been abolished from the land? Would he still be dead if his love touched his heart with her hands instead of a sword?
The death that caused a turn in history, the death that made Ponniyin Selvan into 'Raja Raja Chozhan'
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ArunMozhi Varma aka Ponniyin Selvan aka Raja Raja Chozhan
The 'Kutti Puli' of Chozha desam, the most generous, righteous of them all. He is the favorite person of Cholzha Desam. The lovely younger brother of Princess Kundhavai and Aditha. The prince who never meant to be a king, the king who rose to achieve the greatest, the king who soared through the sea to capture the kingdoms, the king who roared enough to be heard all through.
He is kind, he is charming, he is lovable, he is the Prince, and at last, he is the King. What more can you ask in a person and one that captured the heart of the Kadambur princess and held her hand in marriage.
With him started the golden era of the Chola kingdom.
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 month
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Arulmozhi Varman and Kodumbalur Vanathi from Ponniyin Selvan (dir. manirathnam)
Made by @mahi-wayy
@harinishivaa @yehsahihai @thegleamingmoon @houseofbreadpakoda @hollogramhallucination @yoursakhi @warnermeadowsgirl
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vishnavishivaa · 9 days
Edhuvum Avanukaaga
Meaning: Anything for him
'May his light ever live on,' prayed Vanathi quietly, in front of Kaayarohanar, the presiding form of Ishvara at Nagapattinam. She had been restless since she heard about Poonkuzhali in the letter her Prince had written to her Akka, or rather letters. Though he never failed to ask about her, it was perfunctory. Vanathi was no fool, though many thought her to be so.
She had refused to even meet Arulmozhi, instead having seen him once as he woke up. She had not left her chambers except for her prayers, even food, she had gotten to her chambers itself. She had come on Akka's wish, but she was not going to involve herself anywhere near Arulmozhi. She had to lick her wounds in private, and smile to show the world she was happy with his choice of woman. She would always love him, and thus, she will let him go. For his happiness, anything.
Tears filled her eyes at her own thoughts, and she wiped them off, looking straight at the One she worshipped above all, at the One who was everything in the Universe.
"Emperumane, give me strength," she whispered softly, getting up after a prayer to Nilayatakshi and Kaayarohanar, when her Sakhi Tulasi came running in, saying, "Ponniyin Selvar is to visit the temple now with Ilaya Piratti, Vanthiyathevar, Sendhan Amudhan and the odakkari."
Vanathi felt her heart stop and she got up, saying, "Come Tulasi, let us leave. I have some work in my chambers. I need to stitch the pallu for Vanavan Athai. Come come."
Vanathi slipped out of the temple, hurrying to her palanquin faster when she saw the said group of people walking in that direction. Luckily, only her Akka had seen her, and she shook her head, running and entering her palanquin, not knowing that Arulmozhi had seen the end of her saree as she got in.
She heaved a sigh of relief, and asked the bearers to go ahead, when his familiar voice reached her ears.
"I have never known the Princess of Kodumbalur to run away from her Akka or me, have you, Devi?"
She trembled when she heard his voice, and thought of Shiva, prayed to Him again and again, and stepped out. She folded her hands and greeted the younger Prince of Chozha Nadu, her heart beating out of her chest. She did not want to look at him, but by protocol she had to.
"Vanangugiren, Ponniyin Selvare. I am glad to see you awake and doing well now."
"I am surprised to see that you did not come to visit me, Vaanathi," he said, and Vaanathi resisted the urge to snap. Why should she go to see him?
"Ilavarase, I came as Akka's companion," she said. "By protocol, I should not come to meet you alone."
Her eyes met his steadily, and she could catch the hint of surprise in his lovely amber eyes, the hint of something amiss, and she smiled a little more. She wanted his happiness, and he clearly was, around Poonkuzhali. She must thank the woman for not just saving the Prince, but for also giving him that happiness and contentment. Swallowing quietly, she allowed herself to still look at him, not letting the flood of her heart reflect in her eyes.
"But you can with Akka," he pointed out correctly, but she shook her head.
"Ilavarase, only those whose presence is needed must come to see you. My presence would be a disturbance. But I am thrilled to see you doing well. I will pray to Emperuman for you. For now, please let me take leave and not disturb you all in your darshanam."
"You will not come with us?" he asked, eyebrows raised.
"No Ilavarase. I already finished my darshanam. I have some work, vanangugiren."
Saying thus, and smiling at Kundavai, Vaanathi went back to her palanquin, feeling his eyes on her, but refusing to look back or at him.
It was not her right, any longer.
This is a sneak peak into an angst Vanathi and Arulmozhi story. It will not be too many chapters in length- I am trying to make it as limited but with the punch it requires, as possible.
Please do let me know what you all think of this snippet!
@ahamasmiyodhah @thegleamingmoon @yehsahihai @mahaswrites @hum-suffer @theramblergal @moon-880 @arachneofthoughts @whippersnappersbookworm @rang-lo @celestesinsight @willkatfanfromasia @mahi-wayy @ragkee @houseofbreadpakoda @sambaridli @nidhi-writes
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houseofbreadpakoda · 6 months
Ponniyin Selvan X Bahubali Crossover
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It had been more than an hour since Devasena had sneaked back to her anthapuram, and all though she'd forcefully shut her eyes several times in an attempt to doze off she could only think about him. And the one time she was successful, she dreamt about Shivudu and woke up frantically. In an hour her maids would come by to wake her up. She wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.
Devasena felt love-sick, but what was supposed to be a joyful queer feeling, made her feel ill.
Kuntala was a very small kingdom, which was surrounded by enemy troops and also infested by them from within. Several of her own ministers would jump at the opportunity to rip apart the kingdom for their benefits. Yet she and her brother had held it together, through wars, through alliances, through compromises. It was clear that when Devasena would marry, it would be for a political alliance. That's how her parents had been married, and after them her brother. If despite the alliance, by the grace of Kanna even a small feeling of love blossomed between her and her husband, she would be grateful, she had convinced herself. After all, she was dedicating her life to her kingdom.
But now Devasena had decided to fall in love. And she'd convinced herself time and time again, that it would never be possible. She was a princess, and he was just......Shivudu. She remembered very well how the rulers of Thanjavur, a well established kingdom had reacted to Aditha falling in love with Nandhini. Her ministry in a kingdom like Kuntala too would react no less subtly, if they came to know about her feelings for him.
"The princess of kuntala has been swept off her feet by a common man." No. She wasn't going to prioritise a man over the kingdom she loved so much more. Her kingdom. Her motherland.
"Uyir ungaldayathu devi....uyir....ungal-"
Vandiyathevan had repeated to himself a million times in the past hour. Vandiyathevan had fallen for women, so many of them. But never in love. Never the way he had fallen for Kundavai. And as much as it made his heart flutter, he also tried to keep a check on it.
"This can't possibly work out." He'd tell himself every two minutes. A princess of such superior lineage as the chozhas would never get married to a mere soldier from the vallava clan. The uproar it would have if the kingdom came to know.
Vandiyathevan too was a soldier, one of the most trusted in Aditha's battalion. The one who'd galloped from kingdom to kingdom, spying and escaping. He knew just as well as Aditha did, nobody could perform a mission as well as he could. His pursuit had always been to showcase his skills as a warrior and to win back the land of the vallavas one day. Marriage, children, family; these were never things Vandiyathevan was meant for. Or so had he thought. For how long could one live and work for material pursuits. Afterall Aditha had himself set him up with Kundavai.
He could see the light illuminating the silhouettes of the palace walls. The sun had painted the sky in an ombre pallete. Vandiyathevan decided to postpone his internal argument. He'd talk to Semba about it on his ride back to Thanjavur, maybe he could help.
He slipped out of bed, and went in to take a shower. By the time he had finished and changed into a new set of clothes, he could hear the faint clatter of metal. He walked out of his chamber to see the yuvarani practicing her swordsmanship in the courtyard. Devasena dueled with precision, constantly shifting her weight from one leg onto the other. The commander in chief of Kuntala, Manohar, himself had faltered his steps at times, but Devasena had continued to wield in an invincible pattern.
Vandiyathevan watched in awe as his eyes wandered around to a figure. Ah, Shivudu it was! But unlike a lovesick fool, he was looking at the yuvarani with pride, in a composed demeanor. Something so ironically shady about the man. "Where have I seen this man?" Vandiyathevan muttered to himself. In a moment he saw Shivudu smirk slightly and before he could wonder the reason behind it, he heard the clang of metal on the stone floor. The commander in chief had lost grip on his sword and been forced to surrender, lying on the floor. Devasena smiled and retreated while Manohar stood back up with smile plastered on his face. "You're the best warrior in the kingdom yuvarani, must you still keep at it so hard?" He asked her as she gulped down a tumbler of water.
"Yes Manohar, after all there are warriors from other kingdoms much well trained than I am, take Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan from Aditha's battalion." Devasena said looking up at Vandiyathevan who stood infront of his chambers with a smirk.
"Good morning to you too Yuvarani. Although it would be a horrible comparison to compare your swordsmanship to mine." Said Vandiyathevan, trotting down the stairs towards the courtyard. "But spying, you see that I might excel at."
Devasena laughed along with Manohar. "True that."
Devasena and Vandiyathevan sat down for breakfast after she had freshened up. The palace had recieved Aditha's letter. The king and the queen had left the kingdom early to talk to the civillians and listen to their plights, so they could be back before Karikalan arrived, leaving just Devasena and Vandiyathevan at the table.
"Yuvarani if you don't mind may I ask you s-"
"Vallava please don't be so formal. And first please drop the yuvarani when you address me."
Vandiyathevan smiled uncomfortably.
"How have you not been given the position of the Commander in chief? It was evident in the duel that Manohar was sweating against your wielding."
Devasena's expression turned stern, something Vandiyathevan hadn't witnessed
"A woman is never appointed official roles on the battle field."
Vandiyathevan winced. He was not new to this. He knew very well about the practice. But while admiring Devasena's war craft, he had forgotten the discrimination of women on a battlefield. He had forgotten for a moment that a woman with the same if not greater proficiency than a man would still be sidelined in a war. He looked up at her, the guilt running through his veins.
"The very fact that I was even allowed on the battlefield had raised strong opposition. But this is my motherland, and if I'm given the freedom to live on it I must also be given the freedom to fight for it."
"Must you not be given the freedom to lead your people in a war then?" Vandiyathevan knew he was walking on egg shells.
"A great warrior such as you, fighting along with the other soldiers-?" He silenced himself, his eyes still looking at Devasena pitifully.
Devasena smiled slightly, her eyes tender
"On the battlefield, a soldier and a commander are both warriors nonetheless. A warrior stays true to the pledge. To dedicate our lives to the kingdom, to fight until our last breath. And an appointed role won't change that."
Vandiyathevan knew that it was unfair, that Devasena was forced to subdue herself only because she was a woman and felt that she should've fought for the position she deserved.
Yet he knew that Devasena had faced her own backlashes, and wherever she was, she had her reasons. What was expected of him during a battle was something she was reprimanded for performing.
So as a reply, Vandiyathevan subtly nodded and continued to eat his breakfast, while Devasena ate her's.
"Aditha will be here in sometime." Devasena said trying to break the silence.
Vandiyathevan looked up, when he heard the blow of the horns.
Devasena and Vandiyathevan both looked towards the bastions. "Looks like someone's early" Vandiyathevan said chuckling.
"Man won't even let us eat in peace." Sighed Devasena dramatically, leading the two to crack up.
Tagging : @vijayasena @yehsahihai @khushireadsandrambles @whippersnappersbookworm @thegleamingmoon @willkatfanfromasia @celestesinsight @ramcharantitties @harinishivaa @sambaridli @siriuslytamlin
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deadloverscity · 1 year
#PONNIYINSELVAN : veera chozha veera (please pretend the glitch foes not exist)
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ambidextrousarcher · 1 year
“எப்படி வெற்றி பெற்றார்? ஒரு பெண் பிள்ளையின் மூடத்தனத்தினால் வெற்றி பெற்றார். அவள் தன் மோகவலையின் சக்தியில் அதிக நம்பிக்கை வைத்திருந்தாள். அந்தச் சோழ குல நாகப் பாம்பைத் தன்னால் படம் எடுத்து ஆடச் செய்ய முடியும் என்று நம்பினாள். பாம்பு படம் எடுத்து ஆடத்தான் ஆடியது. ஆனால், அதன் விஷப் பல்லின் சக்தியை நடுவில் காட்டி விட்டது. எங்கள் மன்னரின் தலை புழுதியில் உருண்டது. தஞ்சாவூர் வரையில் கொண்டு போனார்கள். தலையைப் பல்லக்கில் வைத்து ஊர்வலம் விட்டார்கள். ஆகா! தஞ்சாவூர்! தஞ்சாவூர்! அந்த நகரம் அடையப் போகிற கதியைப் பார்த்துக் கொண்டிரு தம்பி!”
Excerpt From
Ponniyin Selvan Anaithu Pagangal (Tamil Edition)
This material may be protected by copyright.
Context: After Ravidasan’s reveal that he and his compatriots are Veera Pandiyan’s Abhathudavaigal, Vandiyathevan replies that Veera Pandiyan is dead as Aditha Karikalan triumphed over him. This is Ravidasan’s reply to that.
“How did he win (over Veera Pandiyan?) Because of a young girl’s foolishness. She had far too much belief in the power of her web of allure. She believed that she could make that snake of the Chozha clan dance to her tune. The snake did dance its dance. However, it showed the power of its venomous fangs as well. Our King’s head rolled in the sand. They carried it all the way to Thanjavur. They mounted his head on a palanquin and showed it to one and all. Aha! Thanjavur! Thanjavur! See what state that city will fall too, brother!”
It is clear that Ravidasan and his men blame Nandini for their King’s death, that they were about to put her to death because of this until she swore to avenge the King and made sure Pazhuvettarayar was enamoured of her to further their goals, Ravidasan says as much after this snippet. How much of Nandini’s actions are born out of compulsion? Of the fear that she’d perish otherwise? This does bear giving some thought to.
Today’s snippet. Tagging @whippersnappersbookworm @celestesinsight @mizutaama @thereader-radhika @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites @themorguepoet @willkatfanfromasia @deadloverscity @racoonpaws and @humapkehaikaun
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thegleamingmoon · 1 year
Mayakkum Pozhudhae
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Amidst the soul-stirring tunes of the melodious Veena,the comforting Yazh,the robust Mridangam and the sweet Kuzhal. The royal girls danced merrily around but it was a certain someone that caught the eye of the youngest Chozha prince that was Vaanathi,the beauteous Kodumbalur princess.
Dressed to dazzle in golden and white silk she shone like a precious diamond in the sparkling moonlight like the gem of a lady that she was.
Lost in her own world she danced with a state of calm and happiness that he cherished to see her in. Her grace and beauty was no less than a goddess herself.
She was his beloved goddess indeed. Who had descended on this earth from the heavens above for him,as he liked to put it.
She charmed him to an extent that he thought his heart would not be able to bear.
Oh how was he even supposed to start for Ilankai,when his heart refused to leave his dear one in Pazhaiyaarai?
As Vaanathi went forward with the arati plate for sending the prince off,he took a step back, almost prowling like a tiger on the inside,his gaze towards her turned more intense from before as if she was his most prized possession.
She came more forward, though unable to handle his scorching gaze on her all this while and the fatigue from all the dancing,she fainted as the prince caught hold of her by her waist in time.
A gasp left her lips while the plate fell from her hand producing a deafening sound when met with the floor and the lamp started spreading rapidly all over the place. Worry gripping his being,the prince picked his dear one in his arms. Thus preventing her clothes from catching fire.
Suddenly,there was water being splashed at them to put off the fire, bringing the half-conscious princess into realising the proximity between her and the prince who did not seem to care about the world at all as he twirled her in the air with a passion that was mirrored in her eyes.
She stuttered, unable to speak out. Her voice sounded alien to her own self.
Smiling he placed her down,still gripping her waist firmly with one hand as he cupped her face with another.
Gathering himself,he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering a little longer than they should.
“The light to my sun is you,are you not, Iniyavale? And yet I love you like Sakoram loves the moon.”
Spellbound,the princess hid herself in his chest. Tearfully managing to whisper out the dearest wish of her heart.
“Marry me. Will you,Mannava?”
And who was he to deny his darling queen?
Tags : @vibishalakshman @thatacademic @thelekhikawrites @yehsahihai @whippersnappersbookworm @nirmohi-premika @rang-lo @chiyaanvikram @hollogramhallucination @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @nspwriteups
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Inaidhal (union)
Character Aesthetics
[Collab with @harinishivaa ]
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‘Her aura like an empress born to rule the seven worlds and seas, she was a commanding presence everywhere; desire ravaged many for her, for the beauty who ruled the Chozhas, and yet, the warrior of sky and land won her over by simply being.’
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‘He called himself the son of the sky and land, he roamed and fought with swords and spears, a master in everything he did, even charming people; and yet, only the Princess of the Chozhas could steal him away so easily, with just a single glance.’
Arulmolzhi Varman
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‘He, the beloved son of Ponni, was a mystery, an enigma, who had every good character known, whose aura was godly, who was like an ideal personification; he found his fortune and love in the maiden of gentleness and chastity, reflecting into her like the Sun does the ocean.’
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‘She was peace, modesty, chastity and gentleness, a soothing moon to the eyes of the people, her beauty held serenity, her voice held thousands of golden sparkles, her movement was like nectar to the eyes; she maintained that she was born for the golden Prince, and that it was him she would serve, even if not as his wife; perseverance defines this woman who won the heart of the Sun and accepted and reflected his light with clarity to the world.’
Other Characters
Aditha Karikalan
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Sendhan Amudhan
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First Chapter coming out Tomorrow !
Give me your honest opinions @thelekhikawrites @vibishalakshman @celestesinsight @nspwriteups @yehsahihai @nirmohi-premika @vijayasena @ambidextrousarcher @dumdaradumdaradum @dr-scribbler @ragkee @rang-lo @kovaipaavai @thirst4light @reeeereeeereeereee @thegleamingmoon @chiyaanvikram @jukti-torko-golpo @willkatfanfromasia @lemonko @rapunzels-stuff
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thereader-radhika · 1 year
V Venkayya, the scholar who rediscovered ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ Raja Raja Chola
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In the early 20th century, the name of the king who built the big temple of Thanjavur was not known; some believed it was built by Karikala Chola, who lived in the Sangam age, around 1,000 years before Raja Raja . . . (Read the full article by clicking on the title)
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Venkayya's handwriting
As an author and editor, Kalki was aware of the role of literature and archeological studies. He acknowledged it through Aditha Karikalan's words in the Ponniyin Selvan.
No, Parthiba, no. We've never heard of a dynasty that lasts forever. Even the Ikshvaku dynasty to which Rama belonged, came to an end. The Rashtrakutas made their appearance in order to defeat the Chalukyas. It’s natural for kingdoms to reach their heights sometimes and eat dust at others. Some kingdoms attain great prosperity, then disappear without a trace. Just look at my ancestors! Karikala Valavan, Killi Valavan and other Chozha kings like them lived a good life and achieved fame. But what do we know of them now? We know their names only because there were poets who sang in praise of them. We do not even know whether what the poets sang was true, or whether they were so drunk that they sang whatever came to mind. But these architectural masterpieces that Mahendrar and Mamallar created will remind people of their greatness for thousands of years. Compared to them, what have you or I achieved? We killed thousands of men in battle, we made rivers of blood flow. What else have we done to perpetuate our names?
@willkatfanfromasia @celestesinsight @favcolourrvibgior @harinishivaa @sakhiiii @ambidextrousarcher @sampigehoovu @balladedutempsjadis @whippersnappersbookworm
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nspwriteups · 1 year
Locking Eyes at Thirunallam
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@harinishivaa 's Enadhuyire part 1 enabled me to reimagine AMV & Vanathi's first meeting at Thirunallam…hope you'll like it
 Arulmozhi closed his eyes and enjoyed the light breeze that ruffled his hair. Maybe coming to Thirunallam was a good idea after all. He was riding his elephant after a refreshing bath at Ponni. This was the only breather he could take before his family and the royal council bombarded him with marriage proposals. Why couldn't they understand that he didn't wanted to marry a girl right of the bat but needed time to understand that person before making such a critical decision. It was not only about the future of the Chozha Nadu but also about his future. And the future of the girl he was marrying. But apparently the council only cared about securing their positions as inlaws and strengthening their own status. He let out a deep sigh. No use getting a headache thinking about all this now. He came here to distract himself from the royal politics and to be with nature. Be with his Ponni. 
"Oh Yaanai Paaga!" Hearing a female shout he turned his head around and saw a woman standing near a big tree, waving her hands at him. "Come here, quick!" She called him over urgently.
A million thoughts passed through his mind. Who was this woman? She did seem familiar, judging from her clothes and jewelleries, he assumed she must be one of his Akka's companions perhaps. She didn't visibly seemed to be in any sort of danger but her face held an expression of fear and anxiety which made him hurry his elephant over to her. "Yes, what is the matter Devi?" He asked, giving her a reassuring smile. The woman blushed and seemed to be tongue tied, merely pointed her finger towards the upper branch of the tree. Arulmozhi followed the direction of her finger and saw a nest consisting of what looked like woodpecker fledglings, crying out as the nest was lopsided on the branch. "A wild cat attacked the nest" He heard her again, and couldn't help but note how sweet her voice was "I shooed away the cat but the nest got lopsided. Could you help fix it?" She looked at him with pleaded eyes. 
He nodded and touched the elephant's forehead and pointed towards the nest. The elephant, his constant companion in expeditions, understood his intention and using its trunk, slightly nudged the nest upright,the fledglings ceasing their cries immediately. The task accomplished, he looked around for the girl, only to find her missing. Has she gone already? He didn't even had a chance to talk to her properly, he was surprised to find himself so disappointed. 
"Penne, where have you gone?" He called out for good measure and was surprised when he heard a reply "I am here" He found her standing near the lotus pond, flashing him a friendly smile. "You have my infinite gratitude Yaanai Paaga" Ah, so she truly believed he was a mahout! No blame to her, since he was wearing ordinary clothes, ditching his princely attires so no one can report his wanderings to his Akka. He decided to see how much he could keep his act. "Don't I get a reward Devi?" He meant to lightly tease her, for what he didn't knew. The woman regarded him "Of course. I'll ask my uncle to appoint you to the highest position in the mahout regiment of the Kodumbalur army" She said genuinely and he felt his smile fade. Kodumbalur? And she mentioned her uncle. So Is this Vanathi Devi, the niece of Periya Velar and the Kodumbalur Kula Vilakk? Not to mention the first candidate in his Akka's list of potential brides for him. He allowed himself to look at her properly this time. Her purple saree complimented her complexion well. She was beautiful, no doubt, with an even more beautiful smile and big, doe eyes. She spoke with confidence although her cheeks were tinged red from nervous or shyness. Arulmozhi felt his heart beating out of his chest, afraid the Kodumbalur Ilavarasi might hear it. Nevertheless, he managed to keep his composure. 
"I'm truly glad to serve Arulmozhi Ilavarase, Devi. But thank you for the offer" He said and prepared to leave.
"What's your opinion of your Ponniyin Selvan?" He was pleasantly surprised by her question.
"Why do ask, Devi?"  She looked embarrassed. "I heard he has arrived at Thirunallam and I just wanted to know. Beyond the usual description of him as the Surya Kula Manikkam and Ponniyin Selvan. About his likes and dislikes and his pasttime activities and his favourite thevarams." 
"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Yes, now he was eager to talk with her and imagine her shock when he reveals his identity.
"Maybe I will" She said, saying more to herself than to him, gaze fixed on the lotus pond."I cannot marry someone unless I understand them as a person" 
"I was thinking the same" He realised he said that thought aloud when he saw her face him " Why? You're marriage is also fixed?" She asked genuinely.
"Ummm….yes Devi. Now, excuse me. I have to leave" He guided his elephant to turn around and walk, not before hearing her call out "Oh Yaanai Paaga, don't tell Ponniyin Selvan I asked about him" 
He suppressed a laugh and turned around to see her "Why would I tell him when he himself knows?" 
She gave him a puzzled look "What do you mean?"
"You'll know" He shouted back "Now let me go back to my Akka. She is very persistent, being the Ilaiya Piratti" 
He enjoyed seeing her confused look turn into utter shock and embarrassment and flashed her a grin.
Can't wait to hear from you guys….Like, Comment and reblog 💜
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willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
Book review – Sangathaara
A book who’s reputation precedes it.
Based on the same topic as an already epic novel, this book accomplished the hard task of being an interesting read. The lack of an English translation is very disappointing
It is a historical mystery with politics and drama interspersed.
It primarily tries to answer the questions surrounding Aditha karikalan's life and death.
For starters it is just 1 volume instead of 5. The author’s (kalachakram narasimhan) writing style (perhaps intentionally) gives glimpses of his former career as a journalist. The story and pacing keeps the reader engrossed-slow enough to reel you in but fast enough to prevent boredom.
It is the content, however, that has left the audience split. The book starts off with aditha Karikalan ‘s spectre lamenting that he hasn’t received justice even after 1000 years- that his killers haven’t been found. We can’t help but quip- but they have been found! In the inscriptions. The author (via AK) argues that the ‘killers’ held important titles in the chola court (“bramadhirayan”) and termed as traitors (how can pandyas be traitors to cholas?). Most suspiciously, their punishment seems neither grave or memorable for a crime of this magnitude.
Several decades into the future, a daughter of Sundara chola with his second wife who'd become a Buddhist monk, dies leaving behind memoirs to her nephew Rajendra Chola. The latter tasks his daughter Arunmozhi nangai with reading them for him - with horrifying reveals for both.
The actual tale begins with kundhavai’s “coming of age” ceremony at the twilight years of her great-grandfather Parantaka 1’s reign. Ambitious kundhavai and Aditha karikalan have great dreams fuelled by youthful vigor.
A teen boy raging to kill his clan's mortal enemy and a teen girl desiring more than her lot in life.
The empire is threatened by Pandyas, Lankans and Srivijaya may too join them. Anirudhdhar, Pazhuvettarayar are frustrated that their new emperor Gandaraditha has no interest in war. They plot to waylay the ship carrying the young Srivijayan princess Vijayarekha and betroth her to AK. This young girl is already engaged to a prince of purasanga (Malaysia?) and loathes her kidnapping.
A handsome young diamond merchant from Purasanga and a young warrior from a fallen Kingdom both enter the empire. The former swiftly rises up the ranks of chola nobility through an advantageous marriage and draws kundhavai’s curiosity by claiming to be the descendant of an elder Chola line. He also claims to possess important ritual artefacts (conch, parts of a plant) used in coronations of ancient Chola’s (adicholar) that kundavai is determined to anoint her brother with. The latter youth, desolate from his kingdom's fall, gains AK’s trust and married kundhavai. (Surprise surprise!)
Pazhuvettarayar, Aniruddhar and kodumbalur vellalar try to steer the rulers.
A prominent devadasi grapples with a wealthy admirer’s attention as her own past and future are questioned.
Ravidasan is given an interesting chola link to weave him into this chaos. His condemnation is also added into this mix.
The author blends a legend about ancient Chola’s artefacts with the ambitions of 10th century South India.
But why the controversy? You may ask.
This book has irked keen fans of Ponniyin Selvan, due to it’s contrasting portrayal of some beloved characters.
- Kundhavai and Vanthiyadevan are NOT good guys. They have individuals agendas.
It builds up slowly and believably within the story’s context – but best not to consider it truth.
A few reviews have pointed this out- the author’s writing style and the book’s preface claim journalistic veracity (the book’s full of footnotes) yet it has the same creative liberties as ponniyin Selvan
- Parthibendran, a fictional character, makes a short appearance.
- There’s a Nandini esque character in this book too (linked to the details in this post ). And the author gives her an unhappy end. He equates her with a real person
- Pazhuvettarayar is cleared of responsibility for AKs murder as he is his greatgrandpa/ great uncle? – but the book goes on to portray other characters as capable of killing their flesh and blood. (This happens a couple of times)
- Gandaraditha’s characterization is – uhm- a choice, alright. As a story it was acceptable (within this universe) but its murky when you realise it’s based on a real person.
- There’s a baby swap in this too. Amv and Madhurantakan's parentage is given a shocking explanation. I may reveal in the comments if y'all want it.
The author has a thorough knowledge of chola art and inscriptions, as well as the many feuds that took place over several generations, weaving them artfully as contributors to the final outcome.
A thozhi (confidant) of kundhavai -thettakani- becomes an important observer due to her proximity to key events. A neutral character in a book full of people with ambitions.
@celestesinsight @thereader-radhika @ambidextrousarcher @harinishivaa @vibishalakshman @sowlspace @deadloverscity @favcolourrvibgior @thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups and anyone else interested !
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jukti-torko-golpo · 1 year
Arulmozhi being SIMP™
4 of them sitting around chatting...and our very prim and proper Chozha Prince suddenly says something shamelessly cheesy to Vanathi. Cue Kundhavai almost falling off her chair in shock... Vanthiyathevan's gobsmacked face turning into absolute pride. And Vanathi...oh Vanathi...freezing in her tracks and hoping that the very floor of the room would gulp her down.
And Arulmozhi....
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
Her honey brown eyes looked at the flowing water of Kaveri, dull and not twinkling as they should be. Dressed in finest of silk and most beautiful of Jewellery, her dull eyes didn't matched the aura of Goddess she was protruding.
Her mind wandered to his bright smile, the one that can even blind the sun, that appeared when he heard about having another child. How happy he looked. Her lips stretched into a beautiful smile that dropped soon and her eyes were filled with tears.
Too lost in the thoughts, she didn't even noticed when another woman came and sat beside her, her trance being broken as she wiped while the Lady asked her question.
"Kanne, what do you do here?" asked the Udaya Piratti Thiripuvana Madeviyaar, the head of the family of Chakravarthy Raja Raja Chozhan, her hand coming on her shoulder as she sniffed a little before smiling.
"Nothing Akka, I am just sitting here watching Ponni Thaaye flow." She replied looking at the flowing river.
"Panchama, if you think your lying will work on me then you are wrong Kanne. Sollidu (Tell me), What happened? Why do you weep?"
Thiripuvana Madeviyaar alias Vanavan Mahadevi was the Chief Queen of the Chakravarthy Raja Raja Chozhan and had accepted every wife of his with a smile and open heart. Her Swami was so true about her, she was a woman with a golden heart. When she had first set foot into Thanjai Fort as his Queen, She was the first one who had not only welcomed her but also had hugged her and asked her to not call her 'Udaya Piratti' but a sweet term, 'Akka'.
Panchavan Mahadevi's eyes watered and tears rolled down on her cheeks. Seeing her sister-wife crying like baby, Vanathi's heart broke into millions of pieces. "Panchama, what happened? Why do you cry thus?"
"Ak-Akka, why does emperumaan had to punish me in such way?" Panchamadevi cried, sobbing so hard that she felt shorten of breath.
"What punishment does God had given you?" She asked, immediately taking the weeping woman in her motherly embrace.
"Akka, I never ever desired anything when I served the Great Lord as Devadasi. Then why, pray tell me Akka, shall snatch my right to become a Mother? I love all of his kids as my own. Be it Madhuranthakan (Rajendhiran), Araiyan, Kundavai (Rajaraja daughter) or Mathi, I do love them like they are my own, but what of this heart Akka? That yearns to hold a baby given birth by own?" Panchamadevi's words brought tears to Vanathi.
Vanathi couldn't help but let her tears fall as she pulled Panchamadevi into a bone crushing hug. "Oh Panchama, believe me when I say that my heart pains to see your dull eyes. I felt your pain when the Vaidhyar stated you couldn't give birth." Vanathi said as the two Queens wept in the silence of the chambers of Panchamadevi.
"Akka, all I want is to tell him that I can become a Mother too! I want to give birth to his Child! I- I made his so disappointed in me." Panchama cried like baby making Vanathi shake her head.
"No Panchame, how can Swami be disappointed in you when it was the destiny made for you by the Mother Nature? Yes, he was sad but that was because he wasn't able to see the glow of carrying a child on your face. Do you know what he said that night?" Vanathi asked and Panchama shook her head, indicating her to go ahead.
"He said, 'Ennavale, my heart pains to see my Panchama crying. It was no fault of her that Mother Nature hasn't allowed her to have a child. Oh Arasi, what do I do to make her happy? The tears that escaped my beautiful Panchama's eyes were sharpest than the swords, spears and arrows I fought with at the Battlefield. Oh my Queen, pray tell me what I shall do?'. He was deeply hurt, but not because of you, but because of your tears." Vanathi finished as she wiped Panchamadevi's tears, but another fresh flood of her tears started flowing from her eyes as she started crying loudly.
Vanathi pulled her shaking frame into hers, soothingly running her palm on her back, when she felt a large weight on her. Squinting her eyes she removed herself from Panchamadevi's hug, only to realize that her eyes were shut with tear stains on her cheeks. Vanathi felt her breath shortened, and she yelled at top of her voice.
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Don't kill me for this :P
@thatacademic @vibishalakshman @kovaipaavai @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @chiyaanvikram @willkatfanfromasia @hollogramhallucination @deadloverscity @dr-scribbler and do tag more bcs I don't really remember usernames hehe
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vishnavishivaa · 1 year
Enadhuyire- Poetry of Nature (Part 1)
Enadhuyire is back, now as a series of oneshots! 
What a bliss it was! 
Arulmozhi had visited Thirunallam often when he was a child, for he had been brought up in the lap of his grand aunt Sembiyan Maadevi, who showered him with love and affection, as well as powerful lessons on both Emperuman and ruling a Kingdom. But he had no intention of ruling; all Arulmozhi really wanted was to expand his beloved Chozha Nadu and renovate temples to his heart’s content. 
Marriage did not interest him either, though he knew he had to marry. 
But whom?
He was well aware of how many chieftains, even Kings of other Kingdoms, wanted him to be their son-in-law. But was that because of who he was as a person, or because he is a Chozha Prince, somehow well known, by the grace of Emperuman and his elders? 
But yet…
Everyone, even his generally accepting Amma, was of the opinion that they had to start discussing his marriage. He was only twenty, and he had journeyed back from Eezham to organize many required things for the war he was waging there- he was more eager to win this war for his Chozha Nadu, while proving the compassion and kindness of his motherland, and uphold his father’s name. 
And yet…
Arulmozhi was aware of the rumours spread about multiple Kings even vying for his hand- most of all, his Velar Mama hoped that he would marry his niece, Vanathi. And while Arulmozhi was usually very obedient of his elders, how was he to accept this? Was it not his life? How could he marry someone without knowing her?
What was she like, he wondered, aware why he was. His elder sister herself was supportive of this match, so was his Patti, and that obviously automatically endeared himself to said Princess..and yet, what if she stopped all his dreams by distracting him?
What then?
Arulmozhi had been raised to believe in achieving his goals and dreams, in wanting big for his Chozha Nadu… but what if…
He sighed. He knew his brother’s previous experience had tainted his view of love and marriage, but lately, he had been learning of JagatPita Ishvara and Jagadamba Uma, which was awakening his perspective differently, and in a much more positive way. 
Taking a deep breath, he dived into the Ponni, laughing when the waves of his dear mother greeted him with pure affection and love. He patted her waves, taking powerful strokes and swimming happily, when he was suddenly aware of a presence. 
He glanced, stopping in movements suddenly when his gaze was captured by the maiden seated against the large tree in front of the river, gazing at it with unadulterated joy. 
This is what it was, was it not? He could feel his heart thudding in his chest, and the power in his veins thrum to the surface. Who was she, and why did she look so familiar?
He closed his eyes, forcing himself to take a few more strokes, feeling her eyes fall on him. He smirked to himself. 
Hmm, was it possible?
Maybe it was, and there was only one way to find out. 
He had to talk to her, which was in itself a new thing for him. He never spoke to women outside his family, out of pure respect for them, and also because he was never in the habit of as much as looking at women. 
And yet, this maiden…
Felt right, somehow. 
He had no other words. Something about her aura felt like it would just go with his. 
And here he was, back to romance and marriage when he had other things to accomplish. 
But this maiden…
“Thodudaiya Seviyan vilai eriyor…”
Was that honey to his ears? Sweeter than nectar with those words filled with Bliss? Was she singing his Emperuman’s glory in the delightful words of Sambandhar, her voice like the cooing of the bird that soothes the nerves of the body. 
Was her voice meant to be like the melody that filled his heart, pumping it with ecstasy? Who was she? 
He glimpsed her once more, singing, sitting with nature, like Thirumagal Herself. Was she Her, come down to the Earth as a repository of beauty? Or was she Malaimagal, glowing in her loved for Shiva?
Who was she, and why did she make his heart beat so? 
She twirled with nature, and he hid amidst the waves of his mother, wondering if she too had been excited the way he had, dancing out of the new life that filled her veins, like the movement of his body, now thrumming like the rumbling thunder of the clouds. 
Just as he had made a decision to swim toward her, he heard her calls, “Ayyo Ayyo!”
Vanathi had been red since she spotted the handsome, ethereal man swimming on the other side of the Ponni, where she had been watching the beautiful babble of the waters in awe since she came. She had adored the singing waves, teaching her ancient songs she did not understand but danced with anyway. 
She loved being in the lap of Nature, especially such effervescent, happy, bubbling nature, definitely a place blessed by Parameshvara Himself. 
Should she dance or sing, she had thought, when the golden youth had appeared like a mirage to her eyes. It was as if the Sun had decided to play in the waters of the Ponni, flirting yet loving. Every stroke he took felt like sheer poetry, and she couldn’t help but blush when she had seen his lean physique. 
Certainly a warrior. 
‘Vanathi, halt your thought process,’ she chided herself, blushing when she felt his gaze fall on her. Wanting to do something else, she channeled her Bhakti for Parameshvara, bursting into Thodudaiya Seviyan. 
All her bashfulness was forgotten, and she had become one with the very Nature, both singing to praise Ishvara, the only Truth of the Universe, blessed to be singing the verses of a great devotee like Sambandhar. 
She had just finished twirling around in happiness, a strange ecstasy having overcome her, one she knew had some connection with the golden youth. A sudden sound brought her to reality. She turned around, seeing little birds chirp in fear, and she looked around to see what had happened, catching sight of the cat stealthily approaching them. Two birds above tried to save the crying children, melting Vanathi’s heart. 
Would the youth help her?
“Ayyo! Ayyo!” she called out. 
“What is it? What happened?”
Oh what a warm, rich voice. How filled with concern and pure consideration, was this Bliss?
“Are you okay, Devi?”
She raised her eyes to meet his bright ones, dark and deep, as if reading her very soul. 
“I am,” she said softly. “But those birds…”
She turned and pointed to them, missing the softening of his eyes when he saw her. She turned back to plead with him to help them, and blushed. His face had lit up with a brilliant smile. 
“I will be right back,” he said softly, running away, clearly to get something. Oh will he be back in time to save the little ones?
Was there anything she could do herself?
She thought deeply, wondering if she could scale the tree herself just in case, when the trumpet of an elephant. Oh, there was her Aruma Deva on the elephant… chee chee Vanathi! Yours? Really?
Is this how you behave with a man you have just met? She shied away, hiding near the lotus pond to watch him protect the little birds from the cat easily, rescuing them from his perch on his elephant. 
What majesty! He felt like a benevolent King, looking down upon his ocean of subjects! 
Oh, but why was he coming down again? Surely it can’t be to…
“Penne? Enge irukkirai? (Oh damsel, where are you?)” he called out, searching for her keenly, making Vanathi blush. 
“Inge Ayya. I didn’t want to interrupt your rescue,” Vanathi heard herself say, as she stepped out from her hidden spot, reddening when he seemed to assess her. 
“Who are you, Devi?” He asked. “I heard you sing one of my favourite Thevarams, and I was awestruck.”
“I am but a devotee of Parameshvara, Yaanai Paaga,” she slowly and shyly spoke, wondering what he thought of the excess red evident on her cheeks by now. Why was she so obvious? Yet how could she not be? 
She is a woman, one who rarely spoke to men, here boldly speaking to this golden youth of a Yaanai Paagan. 
Who was he, really? 
“Ayya, I thought you were a warrior,” she added suddenly. “And yet, here you are, rescuing birds from cats with elephants?”
Laughter erupted from her teasingly, as she looked at him, his own smile widening. 
“Do you fear a cat such that you shouted so? I thought it was a tiger!”
“Ayya! I am in the heartland of Chozha Nadu, which holds a Tiger in its flag. How can I be scared of my own protection?” She retorted back, her veins dancing at the delight that spread on his face. “Why, are you not from these blessed lands?”
“I am a son of this soil only, Devi. I have in fact participated in wars on an elephant and won them too for this glorious motherland of ours.”
“Have you, Yaanai Paaga? Would I get a ride on your elephant?”
“What would you give me if I did?” 
Was he flirting with her, and was she reacting positively? And why could she not stop? Oh what was happening to her?
“What do you want, Yaanai Paaga?”
What was she doing? Ishvara!
A wider smile spread on his face, like the bloom of a golden Lotus. He tilted his head, assessing her once more. 
“One day, I will collect it from you Devi. Maybe as I give you a ride on my Yaanai, or right after it.”
She looked at him, knowing her lips had parted in surprise. Why did it sound like… for a second, she was reminded of Ishvara’s Leela with Uma Maheshvari. 
“When you do, ask for Vanathi, Thevare,” she said softly. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Kodumbalur Kula Vilakke,” he smiled brightly. “I do have to leave now. We will see each other around definitely.”
With a last assessing gaze, he got on his elephant, leaving with a last look at her, Vanathi too overwhelmed to do any more than gaze. 
Yes, the book has a similar scene, but I somehow redid it?
@vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @ragkee @chemicalmindedlotus @dr-scribbler @willkatfanfromasia @balladedutempsjadis @freeunknownwasteland @ramcharanobsessed @gemmusings @vijaysena @thirst4light @hollogramhallucination @chiyaanvikram @moon-880 @sakhiiii @thereader-radhika @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @yehsahihai @dumdaradumdaradum @rang-lo sorry to all those I forgot to tag!
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houseofbreadpakoda · 1 year
Thanjai was in denial. The kingdom was in denial. Everyone absolutely refused to believe the news.
Aditha Karikalan was no more, or so they'd heard. Killed at the hands of the Ilaya Rani.
"They're all rumours. Arulmozhi came back alive. Aditha will come back alive too." Kundavai had muttered to herself several thousand times in the past few hours. Arulmozhi had taken the letter sent by the Senatipati to Sundara Chozha, had tried to tell him that Aditha was truly no more, but Sundara was far from convinced. "I will not accept the news until i see his body with my own eyes, understand this arulmozhi!"
Rumours would usually spread like wildfire in the kingdom, and would pass on from one to another curious ear, until it was heavily manipulated. But this time, not one entertained the news, not one believed it. The Periya Puli couldn't have possibly fallen into a such an evident trap, they said.
All until the procession arrived in Thanjai.
There lay Aditha's lifeless body, somehow still holding a strong command over the crowd.
Sundara Chozha threw away Kundavai and Arulmozhi's hands that had held him upright, slowly limping down the stairs towards his eldest son. One look at Aditha's peaceful face and he knew, Aditha hadn't fallen into Nandhini's trap, he had walked into it knowing all the repercussions. Rather he had awaited it, awaited it since the day he was seperated from his kaadal. Sundara regretted his existence. He had known how much Aditha had loved Nandhini, and knew what it meant to love someone that immensely, but had done nothing to warn or prevent his son from falling that hard and deep in love. He regretted his existence, because he always knew that Aditha was a mirror image of himself, but did nothing to protect him from his own doings.
Kundavai prayed and pleaded to her stars, for a sign that this wasn't true. For a sign, that this was all a nightmare, and she could wake up and go back to her Anna. She stared down at Aditha, as she felt a palm over her hand. It was Arulmozhi's. Aditha was indeed no more.
Kundavai broke down before her brother's body. She held Aditha's hand one last time. Stone cold hands. And that broke her even more. She could still feel his hold on her when they met for the last time at Nagapattinam. His warm and possesive hold. And with every passing moment that she looked at him, the hold only became fainter, and Kundavai didn't know whether to hold him tight for as long as she could or run away from him.
Just for a second then at the Viharam, she'd thought that maybe things would go back to how they were before. For a second, she'd thought that maybe she'd get back her bestfriend. But he was gone. Forever.
Arulmozhi was brought up around a pack of Tigers, who never let their guards down. And here today the very same tigers had shattered and thrown away those guards. His Father, who he believed was the epitome of calmness, had lost all control of himself and was on his knees, staring emptily at Aditha. His elder sister, who always presented herself in the best demeanour was now a mess, weeping in front of his Anna's body. Was he supposed to uphold what he was taught, or let his emotions flow; he did not know.
Although Arulmozhi was the first to accept and put forward the news, it hadn't dawned upon him that death meant losing one, and never getting them back. Death to him was just a word, which held no real meaning until he saw Aditha's body. Maybe all along in his mind, he subconsciously believed, that Aditha would come back, alive.
With his family so out of their element, his surroundings felt unreal. A tear dropped from his eyes, soothing his burning skin. For the first time Arulmozhi felt, that maybe crying would help. He kneeled next to Kundavai and let another tear roll down. Then another. Then another.
Thanjai was engulfed in a grey vignette. The citizens who had last seen Aditha as a mere teenager, refused to accept that their dear boy had died. No matter how much one cried or prayed to their lords, the deed was done.
Aditha Karikalan was no more.
@thegleamingmoon @whippersnappersbookworm @celestesinsight @nspwriteups @thelekhikawrites @yehsahihai @harinishivaa @vibishalakshman @chiyaanvikram @willkatfanfromasia
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