#chris beck x ofc
pleinsdemuses · 1 year
Frank Castle x Karen Page
Frank Castle x Natasha Romanoff
Joel Miller x Maggie Rhee Smith
Joel Miller x Alicia Clark
Grant Ward x Daisy Johnson
Marc Spector x Lara Croft (a Moon Knight x Tomb raider crossover omg)
Marc Spector x Katherine Pierce
Brock Rumlow x Sinthea (ofc ofc my fav toxic couple)
Brock Rumlow x Sharon Carter
Bucky Barnes x Brock Rumlow
Bucky Barnes x Dominika Egorova
John Wick x Dominika Egorova
John Wick x Natasha Romanoff (just imagine these two meeting on a mission)
Leo Barnes x Sidney Prescott (where he is her bodyguard in Scream 👀)
Dr Chris Beck x Ellen Ripley (in an Alien verse)
Shane Walsh x Judith Grimes
Aleksander Morozova x Mary Stuart
Aleksander Morozova x Morgana Pendragon
Aleksander Morozova x Yennefer of Vengerberg
Geralt of rivia x Daenerys Targaryen
Loki x Lady Sif
Loki x Yennefer of Vengerberg
Loki x Morgana Pendragon
Dean Winchester x Katherine Pierce
Dean Winchester x Rebekah Mikaelson
Billy Russo x Harley Quinn
Ragnar Lothbrok x Lagertha
Rollo x Gilsa
Jamie Fraser x Claire Beauchamp
Rick Grimes x Claire Redfield
Leon Kennedy x Claire Redfield
Yennefer of vengerberg x Stephen Strange
Darcy Lewis x Stephen Strange
Jane & Loki
Katniss Everdeen x Oliver Queen
Yennefer of vengerberg x Daemon Targaryen
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hettiesworld · 3 years
Walking On The Moon
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Pairing/s: James Mace x OFC (Tegan), Dr. Chris Beck x OFC (Caylee) 
Plot summary: On a special mission, which explores the environment and species on Jupiter, NASA send a special team out there for a very important mission, consisting of James Mace ( an engineer), Chris Beck (a flight surgeon), Tegan Hayes (an enviromental technician), Caylee Watts (a technical writer), Ian Donnelly (a physician) and Major Rick Martinez (a pilot and now flight director of the mission). Warnings: Strong language, advanced scientific words.
Cast of characters:
Chris Evans as James Mace
Sebastian Stan as Chris Beck
Jeremy Renner as Ian Donnelly
Michael Pena as Major Rick Martinez
Florence Pugh as Tegan Hayes (OFC)
Sienna Miller as Caylee Watts (OFC)
Robert Downey Jr as Dir. Hatfield
Author’s note: There are going to be mini-chapters, so enjoy! Reblogs and comments are appreciated. 
Chapter 1
The galaxy out there is always relaxed, because they live in sustainable ways and have mastered peaceful relations. To them our entire lives are as one sunny afternoon, so, they care and they don't.
Washington D.C.  2022.
Blake Hayfield, the director of NASA, was standing in front of six extraordinary people, in a meeting room at the Johnson Space Center. The board meeting was a halo of holograms organised about a real table, sitting there as if by astral projection.
“Thank you everyone for coming. I have wanted the best in each field for this mission.” He explained.
“What is the mission, Director?” Doctor Beck asked him, writing down some notes in his notebook.
“I will let Major Martinez explain.”
Director Hayfield stepped aside to let Martinez explain to the upcoming crew about their mission.
“Okay crew. This is a 2-part mission. This first part is called J-ENVRO and we are getting you guys to find out about the environment and possibly species on Jupiter --” “--that’s it?” James Mace interrupted him, quite annoyed that he wasn’t in a more important mission than this.
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“We definitely need your expertise from all of you. We need an engineer to keep the ship running, we need a flight surgeon for healing and taking care of the rest of the crew, a technical writer and a physicist is also needed for this mission and you --” He was pointing at each person to the role they were assigned before lastly pointing at Tegan.
“You are very important to this mission. You are an environmental technician.” He told her.
Tegan nodded and bowed her head down. She then turned her head towards Mace, who rolled her eyes at her and shaking his head. Tegan rolled her eyes at him as well. Caylee looked over at Tegan who mouthed to her, ‘Just ignore him’.
“You have a few months to prepare at a nearby army base, just outside Houston, Texas. We will need all of you to work together.” Martinez explained. “I will be here, communicating with you and getting your research to Director Hayfield.” “So, you’re not gonna be there to lead us?” Mace retorted. “No, cause I am not your leader. I’m your flight director. That’s not the same thing. I am assigning Ms. Hayes as leader of this research mission. Mr Donnelly will be co-leader.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa!”
Everyone turned their heads towards Mace at the back, clearing interjecting everything that day.
“How do you know we are the best in our fields?”
“Well, Mr Donnelly successfully studied the craft of those heptapods six years ago. Dr Beck was on that crew of the Ares III mission to explore Acidalia Planitia, with myself and Mrs Watts included. That was seven years ago. And Ms Hayes and yourself stopped the Sun from dying and the Earth from freezing last year. I think we have a lot of experience here in this room.” Martinez explained.
Mace, once again, rolled his eyes and sighed. He crossed his arms.
“Okay, well, you are expected to fly to Texas as early as next morning. Dismissed.” He concluded, picking up his folders and papers and leaving the room.
The crew stood up and also left the room. But of course,  Mace was complaining about the mission and about the crew.
“Why am I stuck with an environmental technician? What can they do on this mission?” He complained. “What did you just say?” Tegan was quite bad-tempered and as Mace said that, she stormed over to him and was rather close to him as she poked a finger in his toned and hard chest. Her Welsh accent was all over her speech. “I said… what can a technician like you do on a mission like this?” He smirked and growled at her.
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Caylee saw them arguing and thought they were going to go for each other.
“Tegan. Don’t let him get to you.” Caylee acknowledged, putting her hands on Tegan’s shoulders, pulling her away from Mace. “Oh yeah! Get your friend to defend for you!” Mace gloated.
Caylee was kind of annoyed at Mace for saying something like that, even though she wasn’t the bad-tempered type, like Tegan was, she wasn’t afraid of giving her opinion to men who disrespect women.
“Hey! Shut up!” She hissed at him. “What are you gonna do about it?” He smirked once again. “I’m not gonna do anything. Cause when we are at Houston, you’re gonna have to follow Tegan’s orders. And you can’t do anything about it.” Mace stared down the two women as they walked away with Ian and Chris.
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bobgasm · 4 years
chris beck masterlist
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⇢ milky way*
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⇢ hush [librarian!au/college!au]
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* = smut o = ongoing oh = on hold ✔ = complete d = discontinued s = slow updates cs = coming soon
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That day he came back
Pairing: Chris Beck x Vicky (OFC)
Author: Deb @letstalkaboutsebbaby / @letswriteaboutsebbaby
Rating: angst with some fluff? Author’s Note: I’m thinking about doing a series out of this, but I’ll like to see if you guys like it. Please, let me know what you think.
It was late, very late when Vicky walked into her house. Her shoes in a hand and a little yellow purse in the other, stumbling from all the alcohol she consumed that night; she goes straight to the kitchen in need of some water.
Dropping everything in a chair by the cabinet, she grabs a cup of water and leans over the sink to drink it.
“You should have changed your lock, you know?”
First she jumped from the scare, then it dawns on her...She can’t believe the voice she’s hearing. What is he doing in her house? Why? How?
“Chris?” she’s suddenly trembling and as sober as she’s ever been.
“Hi” he gives a couple of steps to enter the kitchen, resting against the door frame, the light from the porch finally illuminating him. He’s still the most handsome man she had ever seen.
“Hi?” she half laughs, turning around from him, ignoring the way her heart beats faster just from seeing him. “I heard you’re back. I heard....everything. Well, you can go try some other ex, this one is not interested in all the amazing stories you have to talk about. See yourself out. And leave the damn keys.”
She tries to walk past him, tries to ignore the smell of his aftershave and the power of his existence right there in her kitchen, but it took him a movement, one step towards her, one hand besides her head, to have her holding his jacket, pulling him closer, just like all those times they’ve been out...the countless after dates on her family’s porch. Vicky kisses him, bites his bottom lip and tastes him again, like is just natural to kiss the man who broke your heart throwing away all of your dreams and plans…
They have history, he still has her heart. It doesn’t mean she’ll have him though. She does has self-esteem and a very proud brain.
“You left. You did. And you need to do it one more time cause I can deal with this. I can deal with you being close. To have you in the same planet is already too much.”
“I’m sorry, Vic” his nose touching her jaw, reminding him of their touches, their intimacy. As much as he loves the memories, to feel her is incomparable. Till she pushes him with all her strength.
“No. You don’t have the right to come here after everything and say you’re sorry. You’re sorry about what? About not coming back? About cheating on me? About having kids, getting married? Creating a whole new love story where I played no part? What are you sorry for, Chris? Of all you did without me or of never in all these fucking years having the guts to tell me anything?!” her voice as loud as she could and still it wasn’t enough, she wants to bleed and cry, to rip his clothes off and fuck the love out of her body.
“I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I didn’t come here before...What would I say?”
“Anything. I don’t give a fuck, you should have act like a decent guy and you didn’t.”
“I know…” he hugs her and she brings him even closer, her nose brushing on his neck.
“And now you’re here for all the wrong reasons and I should hate you even more!”
“But you don’t. Right?” another step closer, his body crushing hers against the wall.
“I don’t. But I’m hating myself a bit because of it.”
“You shouldn’t, you’re the best...you’re sweet and caring and everything should have been so different! I was weak and then it was too late to go back and change things and...I wouldn’t come back here, I was too afraid and ashamed and I know I don’t deserve you, but Jean told me about everything and...I still had the keys.” he shrugs, a hand in her hip trying to keep her still, holding back from the want of kissing her lips again.
“So you’re here cause you’re pitting me?”
“I’m here cause you deserve all the things I promised you and I feel like this can be our chance…”
“Now that everything else went wrong? Two broken marriages and you think it’s suddenly the perfect time to go to back to the person you weren’t in love enough to be faithful?” 
“That’s not the truth and you know it. I was the worst and I did everything wrong cause I got horny and...fuck, I’ve always wanted to come back and make it right again cause you and I, honey, we’re it. That’s why the keys never leave my chain and that’s why you still go to the planetarium every Saturday...we’re it.”
“Go away, Chris. And tell Jean to shut her mouth. I’m pretty sure Hartford is big enough for us to ignore each other.”
“I won’t ever ignore you again. I’ll go if you want me to, but I’ll be here tomorrow.” He takes one step away, looking into her eyes, watching how much she’s struggling from all the want in her body. He knows the feeling, it’s taking all his strength to move away from her too. He turns away to go out but before he can give the second step, she holds his hand.
“Well, if you’ll be here tomorrow it’s just stupid to leave” her voice soft, holding back the tears. It took him a moment to understand the universe is giving him a chance but he knew that as soon as he could have her again, he’ll make sure to never let her out of his world.
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fightmewiatch · 6 years
Back & Forth
Character: Chris Beck (The Martian) x OFC (Riley)
Word Count: 4,478
Warnings: Fluff, friends-to-lovers (like it was going to be ANYTHING ELSE), and swearing.
A/N: I love ONE soft space boi. That is all.
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“I cannot believe Chris is going to Mars,” she laughed, bumping his leg with her foot as he laughed, and shoved her legs a bit.
“I cannot believe that you still can’t believe it,” he replied with a shake of his head. “You’ve known as long as I have that I was going on this mission, Riley.”
“I know! But come on, Chris! It’s fucking Mars, I mean...come on,” she insisted, blushing and laughing as she pulled her feet off his lap and tucked them under her as she moved across the couch to sit beside him. “How long are you gonna be gone again?”
“...about a year and a half, I think...I’ll have to check.” Riley huffed, thumping down against his side, and turned her focus back to the TV.
“A year and a half without my best friend? Gross.” Laughing quietly, Chris slung his arm around her shoulders, looking down at her as she snuggled in against him, a soft smile on his lips.
“I think you need to remember that it’s more like a year and a half of getting free reign of my place while you look after it for me,” Chris reminded her, as she snorted, and tipped her head to see him.
“I’m gonna wreck this place. And then fix it just before you come back.” Laugh rumbling in his chest, Chris hugged her close again, rolling his eyes.
“So long as you fix it.”
           Riley pushed off the couch, leaving the blanket over the back, as she padded towards her laptop on the table as it dinged. She didn’t even need to wonder what it was, she knew it was a transmission from Chris. Smiling, and dropping into the chair, Riley tapped at her computer, pushing it back and turning the volume up as the screen flickered, and his grinned face appeared.
“Hey, Ri! Hey, I know I’m later than normal, but I really wanted to show you this,” he said, before he moved, twisting the computer around to show her the window. Riley twitched a bit at the sheer enormity of everything outside the window of the ship, eyes falling to the keyboard, as he groaned. “I know you get freaked out by this sort of thing, but, I know you would love to see this if you were here.” As he finished moving the computer, he said her name, and she lifted her eyes, smiling that he knew she couldn’t look until he was ready, even when she wasn’t with him.
           The sight of Earth, from so many miles above, made her breath catch in her throat, seeing half of the surface lit by the sun, and the other covered in darkness. Chris had been gone for over a year, he was en route home, and despite the roughness of the mission, despite not saying it out loud so as not to upset the rest of the crew, he was glad to be coming home, glad to be coming back to see her again. Riley knew it, by the way he smiled in his transmissions to her.
“Look at that, Ri. Right this moment, when I’m doing this video, you are right on that line….I can see you, all the way up here. Isn’t that amazing?” he asked her, as she bit her lip, and smiled laughing quietly. “I gotta cut this vid short, look away,” he told her, after a moment to let her enjoy the sight, and she did, until he said her name again. This time when she looked up, his face was the only thing on the screen, as he grinned at her. “I’m coming back, ok? We’ll be home in a few months, so you should probably start fixing my place up from all the damage you promised you were going to do.” His eyes lifted at the sound of his name, and he waved them off, snickering. “Alright, Martinez is getting needy.”
“I am not, Beck!” another voice laughed in the background.
“Shut up, Martinez, I’m not done! Okay. I’m off, Ri. Fix my house!” he laughed, waving at her, before hitting the button, the screen going black.
           Riley laughed, and shook her head, scooping up her laptop as she drummed her fingers over the keys, opening her own video camera as she padded to the kitchen. When her eyes caught sight of the flashing red in the corner, she grinned, and shifted to set the camera down on the counter.
“Beck, Beck, Beck. Hogging all the cam time to show me Earth? I know what Earth looks like, I live here,” she teased him, propping her elbows onto the countertop, and resting her chin in her hands as she looked at her computer, her wallpaper a picture of her and Chris making faces at the camera. “...but I will give you credit...I have never seen Earth like that. And I will remember that forever, so thank you.” With a small smile as she finally looked up at the camera lens, Riley pushed away from the counter and turned to pour another cup of tea. “It is raining here, now, which I’m disappointed you somehow didn’t warn me of that when you took video of me from overhead,” she teased, turning to see her computer with a shrug. “So I am deeming this my house for the night, Beck, and you can’t stop me.”
           Shaking her head, Riley took a long drink of her tea, humming as she swallowed and put it on the counter as she flipped the burner on again to reheat the water in the kettle.
“As far as the state of the house, I mean, Chris, come on, you gave me free reign while you were away, I can’t be held responsible for how many orgies have occurred in this place. But I promise, big promise, that I wash your bedding every time,” Riley told him, shrugging casually, and fighting a laugh, despite the tick of her lips as she looked at the lens. “Double wash, actually, after last weekend, but if you don’t like it, I can always go get you new bedding. Just give me the word.” The rumble of thunder sounded over her head at the same second the lightning cracked outside. Riley jumped, turning her head to look outside. “...okay, well, I’m gonna take that as some sign to hang up on your ass, so...I can’t wait to see you, Chris,” she admitted, smiling back at her computer. “Earth is so boring with my best friend rocking out in space. So come back safe - and start thinking about where you want to go for dinner! I’m treating.” She reached out, fingers dancing over the keys, before she looked back into the camera. Words weighed heavy on her tongue, but instead, she just smiled, before shutting off the camera.
           Riley knew he was still at least a few months from home, so with the storm raging outside, Riley shut down her computer, and turned things off as she moved into his room to set everything up for the night. It was early, but the power had begun to flicker, and Riley loved little more than she loved to curled up in his bed, blankets around her frame, head nestled on his pillow, as she listened to it rage outside.
           The relationship with Chris was really not complicated. He was her best friend, he had been for a long time. It was almost too easy for her to fall in love with him, not that she’d ever told him that, or admitted it. Riley was a secretary, a job she really did enjoy, all things considered, but being best friends with a guy who had a Masters in Biomedical Science was interesting - and fun, because if she ever wanted to change the subject, she could just ask him to tell her about something in his field. She hardly understood him, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t fun to listen.
           A few weeks after the storm, as Riley huffed as she made his bed, she heard her computer beep from the dresser, and glanced over. This wasn’t a pre-recorded message, and she dropped the sheet, moving quickly to hit the button to answer, grinning as Chris appeared.
“Riley!” he laughed, waving at her. “Hey! I am so glad to see you in real time. What’re you doing in my room?” he asked, curious, as she giggled, shrugging.
“I just washed your bedding - I fell asleep here last night, I was so freaking tired. And I’m cleaning everything up for when you get back.” She turned her head, seeing him wince, and frowned, quickly turning up the volume on her computer before she sat on the end of the bed. “...Chris?”
“Yeah, we...aren’t gonna be home soon.” The panic showed on her face before she could react, and he put his hands up, wide-eyed. “Hey, we’re safe! We’re fine! But, uh...Watney’s alive.”
“Yeah. We just found out, but apparently NASA knew it for a couple of months,” he huffed, shaking his head. She watched him scratch his fingers through his hair, grumbling a bit, before his blue eyes caught the lens, as she lifted hers to the lens, too, and smiled softly.
“He’s alive, oh my god...so...so what’s happening?” Riley asked, curious, shifting to pull the computer with her onto the unmade bed, so she could be closer to him.
          Chris smiled as the camera rocked around, before it settled in, angled up - he knew as soon as it stopped shaking that she had it propped on her feet, keeping the speakers unblocked so she could hear him. It made him smile, thinking about the nights she’d do that while she was studying, hunched down on the floor against the wall. It had been endearing then, to see in person, but there was something even better about being on the other end of the computer when she did it.
“He’s on Mars...I mean, obviously, it’s not like he magically transported, Chris, you dumbass.” Riley’s laugh, even through the computers and all those miles, was one of his favorite sounds, as he chuckled, looking up at her. “We’re going against NASA’s orders to do this...I mean, at this point, they can’t stop us, but, we’re hammering out details, so we can go back and get him…”
“...okay...so you guys are playing hero and going back to save Watney. I’ve got you that far,” Riley replied, nodding her head. “...how much longer will you be gone?” she asked, tilting her head, as he glanced over the top of his computer.
“Another year and a half.” Riley shifted, biting her lip as she frowned. “I know.”
“I’m so used to us sending videos back and forth that I forgot you can see me in real time,” Riley laughed, covering her face as Chris laughed, too, the sound warm in her ears. “By the way, I’m thinking something really fucking good when I get back, as far as dinner is concerned...but you don’t have to buy. Can I con you into cooking, instead?” Riley laughed again, muffled into her palms, before she dropped her hands, and smiled at him.
“I tell you what, Beck. Let’s get you home, safe, sound, in one piece...and I will cook you anything you want. I don’t care if that means I’m going to fill the kitchen with every dish I’ve ever made, I will do it. But you come back first, okay?” Chris smiled at her, happily, and nodded.
“Not a damn thing is gonna keep me up here, Riley.” She smiled at him through the camera, as the pair sat quietly for a moment, just enjoying the silence, before he sighed, and glanced off camera.
“Someone stealing you away?”
“Yeah. Hey, no more orgies in my bed,” he added, pointing at her as she burst out laughing.
“But Chris! It’s the best bed!” she giggled, grinning innocently.
“Fine! Always ruining my fun, Beck, you suck.” He grinned at her, before waving off camera. “Go, before anyone tackles you away. Be careful, because if I have to come up there to get you, I am going to kick your ass so hard, Beck.” His laughter was so loud it made her blush, made her heart skip.
“I would love to see you try to come out here and kick my ass, Ri. Look, just...I promise. I’m comin’ back. I’m sorry, I know I’m gonna miss a lot this year...but I’m coming home.”
“I know, Chris,” she smiled, shaking her head.
“I’ll let you know when we’re on our way home again...I don’t know what’s gonna happen yet, but, I’ll keep in touch as much as I can.” Riley shook her head, rolling her shoulders, before pointing at him.
“You listen to me, Beck. Get back to Mars. Save Watney. Send me an email. I like seeing your smiling face, but if an email is all you can do, then do it.” Chris smiled.
“Deal. Be good, Riley.”
“No fun,” she replied, chuckling, as they waved, and the feed went dark.
           Rubbing her hands through her hair, Riley hunched forward again over her computer, lip securely between her teeth. The rain drummed over the window over her head, the carpet barely keeping her ass from falling asleep. Chris peered over at her, watching her type a little before she turned her focus to the book open beside her, before typing a little more. The paper she’d been working on was coming due, but her trouble focusing on her own led to Chris coming over in any spare moment he had, stretching out on her bed to keep her from lying down, to make sure she worked on it.
           It worked, she was focused, and Chris was, too, but not on the manual he was supposed to be studying. He couldn’t stop looking at her. Her lip was red and swollen where she kepting biting it, brow furrowed so much that he knew her head had to be aching, not to mention the rest of her from hunching over that computer.
           With a small chuckle, soft enough she didn’t register the sound, Chris pulled out his phone, quickly ordering in, before putting his things on the nightstand, rolling off the bed with a grunt as he hit the floor.        
           That caught her ear, as she looked up, and laughed at the sight of him sprawled over her carpeting.
“That doesn’t look like my bed.”
“Nope. I took a break. You are taking a break. I just ordered pizza, so put the computer down…”
“Oh, no, Chris, I’m on a roll,” she whined, even as he crawled over and took the computer, snapping it shut as he slid it and her book up onto the dresser.
“And you’ve been hunched for over an hour. You and I both need to walk around a little, get the blood flow going. Doctor’s orders,” he insisted, pulling her to her feet as she laughed, and pushed him, stumbling a bit as she moved. “See?”
“Shush.” Chris pulled her with him, pausing to pocket his phone, before leading her down the hall to the living room. “Did you seriously walk me out here to sit on the couch? Because it’s raining, we’re not going outside.”
“We could. But no, I brought you out here, because you promised to make sure I knew how to dance for your brother’s wedding.” Riley blushed a bright pink, rolling her eyes as she moved to turn on some music.
“That’s true, I did. Did I mention they’ve pushed the date again? At least another year, because she added a year onto her schooling and refuses to walk the aisle until she has her degree.” Chris snickered, shaking his head.
“If I hadn’t seen with my own two eyes how in love those two were, I’d question the validity of that relationship, Ri, I’m sorry.” Laughing, she maneuvered his arm around her waist, putting hers around his shoulder, before taking his hand in her other hand.
“Don’t tell my brother, but, yeah, same here.” With a silly grin on his face, Chris let her lead him to the music, easy steps around the hardwood of the living room.
           The knock on the door made them both jump, so focused on dancing, and curling into each other, that they had completely forgotten about dinner. Snickering, Chris kissed her temple, pulling back as he moved to get the food. With a silly grin on her face, Riley hopped over the back of the couch, flopping down and turning the television on as she waited for him.
           Despite the plan to eat, and go back to studying, Chris couldn’t bear to move Riley once she rested her head on his leg and drifted off. Instead, he shifted carefully, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch to cover her, before he shifted his head back, and fell asleep, too, his fingers gently combing through her hair
           Ducking into her apartment, Riley quickly locked the door, darting towards her second bedroom-turned-office, and flipped open her laptop, biting her lip as she waited to see the little notification pop up before opening the message waiting for her.
“Riley! Hey! Okay, so, this isn’t gonna be very long. We’re on our way home...I mean, you know that, c’mon Beck,” he huffed, making her laugh as he rubbed a hand over his tired face, before he grinned at her. “I’m exhausted, I’m sorry. We’re focused on keeping a close eye on pretty much everything, so when I’m not sleeping, that’s what I’m doing, so I probably won’t be able to do a lot of video chats after this. But that’s okay! That’s okay, because we’re coming home, and I think I heard Lewis say maybe a couple months.” She grinned, clapping, and settling into her desk chair, dumping her jacket and bag on the floor beside her. “I’m sorry I missed the wedding...I was really looking forward to putting your dancing lessons to good use. I’ll owe you a dance, okay? I gotta go, because I am so exhausted,” he said sheepishly, even though she could see him blinking slower and slower, and blushed, biting her lip. “I’ll see you soon, Ri.”
           With a silly smile, Riley drummed her fingers on her keys, before her video popped up, and she grinned at the camera.
“Hey, doc! I’m so glad you’ll be home soon! Seriously, I think the guys at the pizza place are starting to feel bad that you don’t order anymore,” she laughed, shaking her head. “The wedding was beautiful,” she started, looking down at her fingers as she clicked and typed, before sliding a video and a couple files into the transmission, “so I’m sending you one of the videos, and some photos. Don’t worry about missing it, though, uh...heh, my brother knew you were on the mission, so he had a surprise for me. I’m gonna tell you what it was, you have to open the files and look for yourself.” Riley shook her head, laughing, before leaning back in her chair, biting her lip. “I miss you, Chris. So finish the damn mission, come back. And figure out what you want me to cook! I’m rusty, I gotta practice,” she teased, shaking her head. “Get some rest...and I will see you when you come home,” she added, smiling at the camera, before ending and sending the transmission.
           Chris turned his head towards his computer, hearing the ding, and smiled, moving to check it. He laughed softly at Riley’s message, lip held between his teeth as he watched the color on her cheeks, and the way her eyes sparkled when she said she would see him when he got home. It made him smile, before opening the attachments.
           The first attachment was a video of her brother and his wife being presented to the attendees at the wedding Chris missed, but the sight of their grins, so wide on their faces, made him grin. After those two dating so long, he was happy to see the wedding finally happen. As the camera panned to follow them, he caught sight of Riley, blurry in the background, as she joined with one of the groomsmen from her place as a bridesmaid to move back up the aisle as she left. He could sort of make out how she looked, but between the camera shaking and Riley moving, it wasn’t enough, not after all the time they’d talked about it, not after how long he spent wanting to be with her at the ceremony.
           As the video ended, he opened the other attachments, the pictures, and felt his breath catch in his throat. A perfectly framed image of Riley, smiling so brightly that she got the little crinkles around her eyes, her rosy lips parted to show her teeth, her dark hair in pristine curls around her face, body covered in a simple, but so gorgeous, powder blue thin-strap dress. An image of her hugging her brother, of him cupping her face and kissing her forehead while her blush rose high on her cheeks.
“Is that your friend?” a voice asked, startling him, as he turned to see Martinez. “She’s really pretty.”
“She’s gorgeous.” Chris froze, startled that the word fell off his lips so easily, and swallowed hard, shaking his head. “Don’t say it, go away, I’m not done.” Martinez laughed, patting him on the arm, as he continued through the room.
“You should tell her!” he called over his shoulder, as Chris shook his head, clicking to another picture, and snorting hard. It was another picture of Riley, this time dancing, and laughing, but the best part (or...okay, second best, since she was the best part) was that she was dancing with a life-size cutout of himself. It was clear, by her brother’s thumbs up in the background, that this was the surprise for her, since Chris couldn’t make it.
           Lord, Chris missed her.
           Riley missed him. She missed him like crazy. Over two years away from her best friend, and she’d spent most of that time crashing at his place. It made it feel as though he weren’t so far away when she was curled up on his couch, or snuggled against his pillow with his blankets wrapped around her, when she stole shirts out of his closet (rarely, determined to keep them smelling like him as long as possible).
          When her birthday came up a couple months later, and there was no word from Chris on when he was going to be back, she pulled on one of the fluffiest NASA sweaters she’d nabbed out of his closet to wear to the bar with her brother and sister-in-law. His bedding and most of his closet had stopped smelling like him within a few months, but she was positive this sweater still smelled like him - something that was probably just in her head, she knew, but Riley didn’t care, it made her feel better.
           The bar was so loud, as she knocked back a couple of shots and a beer, bumping shoulders with her brother as she laughed. There weren’t a lot of people, but there were enough that she had stopped turning to see every time the doors opened across the room.
           Chris looked around, murmuring excuse me and sorry as he wriggled around a few of the people crowding near the door, until he spotted Riley’s dark locks, heard her clearly intoxicated but still so sweet laugh. Over two years in space, and a dozen video chats, and nothing was better than hearing it five feet away. It made his heart skip, and his lips pull into a bigger smile before he could realize it was even happening. With a quick glance at her brother, who turned his head and grinned back at him, Chris moved up behind Riley as she downed the last drop of her beer, letting her sibling take the glass from her hand.
“It has been too long since I’ve seen you in person, but you haven’t aged a day,” he spoke up, loud enough for her to hear. “Happy Birthday, Riley.” Her eyes went wide, face lighting up, as she spun on her heels. The second he came into her sight, Riley squealed, and clapped, giggling as she reached out.
“Chrissy!” she grinned, looping her arms around him. Instead of going for a tight hug, like he’d expected, Riley slid her lips across his, one hand on his head, as his hands fell to her hips.
           The second she realized what she was doing, Chris felt Riley tense up, breath catching as she started to pull away. All this time, finally knowing what it felt like to have her lips on his, Chris didn’t want to lose that feeling. Before she could pull back, he curled his hands around her hips, pulling her in tight to his chest as he kissed her back so sweetly, it pulled a whimper from her throat, scrunching her face as she held him close.
           Grazing his teeth over her lip, Chris carefully pulled back, forehead bumping Riley’s eyes cracking open as hers fluttered, and she gasped softly, peering up at him.
“...you’re home.” Chris chuckled, nodding, as he moved his hands to cup her face.
“Promised I would be. Pretty sure that’s my sweater.” Her brother snorted behind her, shaking his head.
“Been her sweater for about a year, so, you might have to fight her for it.” Chris moved back a little further, looking at it, before he shrugged, and met Riley’s sheepish gaze.
“Looks better on you.”
“...doesn’t smell like you anymore, though,” she murmured, blushing as he smiled sweetly at her, moving one hand to brush back her hair from her face as she leaned her cheek against his other palm.
“Riley, I’m home now. Everything will smell like me again...on one condition.” She tilted her head, curious, as Chris blushed, and shrugged a little. “...let me buy you dinner?” he asked, hopeful.
“...but you’re home. I’m supposed to treat you to dinner,” Riley replied slowly, frowning a little, as Chris dragged his fingers through her hair, chuckling.
“Your dinner is a celebration for me coming home. Mine is a date.” He saw the gears turn and click into place as her eyes lit up, and she bit her lip, unsure. “I’m serious.”
“Deal,” she replied quickly, as the smile split her lips. Giggling quietly, Riley leaned up to kiss him again as he grinned, and kissed her back, cradling her jaw in his hands.
           Chris couldn’t think of a better welcome home present than the feeling of Riley in his arms, wanting him, too, in a way he thought was never going to happen.
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peacefulwriter88 · 6 years
Eurydice & Orpheus
Chris Beck X OC WoC Adria Devereaux
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Warnings: SMUT and angsty af, cheating
A/N: I don’t know, @geminimoonbeamx got me all fucked up thinking about Chris Beck and this particular prompt (like all inspo credit goes to her lol) and I’ve been wanting to write an OC for a while so this is me doing it! Enjoy lol
His scent is intoxicating. It takes over the space of her small apartment, permeates more than the sheets that she had washed two times to ensure the scent would go away. Instead it wafts in the air, sticks to her skin, clings to her mind and she has to open a window to get it to go away.
She allows herself to stand there, looking out of the window. Into the busy streets of Boston, watching mindlessly as people with different agendas, careers, families walk by and she wonders if she can join them, to escape the situation she’s allowed herself in.
Not again.
It’s what her heart echoes out, yells at her with a steady beat, a song trying to break her of his spell. And she almost listens, almost doesn’t cav.
But then his voice is closer.
“Spent about five days down in Florida with this new crew that is destined to fly out. Trying to give them best practices for hypotheticals that won’t happen because we’ve already lived the worst case scenario and you know all I could think of? Between all that math and young excitement? How much I’ve missed you.”
It hurts, those words as she turns and lean against the window, still dangerously away from him. He hasn’t moved, he’s still sitting on the couch, those beautiful cerulean eyes trying to get a read on her as she gives a small smile.
“Sure you did. Because beyond Ethan and Beth, you thought of me.”
She doesn’t want to sound pained, or angry, or frustrated. She just wants to stop lying to herself, wants to stop the long nights that she’s lying in her bed, alone, wondering if he’s thinking of her. Knowing the truth.
He had a beautiful wife. A beautiful baby boy.
Why would he be thinking about her?
His eyes don’t shift, don’t betray what he’s thinking. That she can’t possibly know the relief she provides, his brilliant best friend, the astro-physicist that he’s known almost all his life, who was just as obsessed with the stars as he was. It was supposed to be her. She was supposed to be the one who gave him his child, who would live with him in the big house he owned on the opposite side of town, who was to be his wife.
But she wasn’t. Life intervened and by the time he had realized the consequences of those actions, he had to choose.
And he didn’t choose her.
She shifts, trying to cross her arms over her body. He had caught her fresh from a yoga class, waiting patiently outside of her apartment with his bag near him. Hadn’t told Beth he got in a day earlier, instead choosing to spend the evening with her. She hadn’t changed, not out of the tight capri leggings that had plastered themselves on every inch of her skin. Not the cute bralette that crossed over her cleavage, each breast pushing outside the crisscross design with each breath she took. The sun was starting to set, that six o’clock burnt orange brilliance streaking in, highlighting the way her gingerbread skin stood out in the light, the darkness of her black curly hair. It was especially hot and humid for Boston, even for August, and despite her AC the last faint droplets of sweat were falling down her neck, into that damn bralette he couldn’t take his eyes off of and he wanted to taste it, the mingle of her natural saltiness with the honey perfume that hit his nostrils every other breath he took.
Adria Deveraux was his beginning and his end and none of that mattered.
Because she wasn’t his.
“Don’t say that Adria,” he gets up and he notices the way she flinches away, pushing herself back. “I took an early flight home because I wanted to spend the evening with you. Don’t you miss us cooking dinner together and cuddling on the couch?”
She has to look away, close her eyes because how dare he. How fucking dare he. Of course she remembered. It was what she lingered on when the aching loneliness consumed her, when she denied friends blind dates or went to events solo along her partnered friends. Waiting for Chris Beck.
Always waiting.
“Chris…I think we should stop.”
She doesn’t open her eyes, instead keeps them barreled tight, fighting the overwhelming feeling of sadness and fear. She doesn’t want to say the words, wants to hold on to him for just a little longer, wants to be selfish and live in this moment. But it’s not enough, not anymore.
“I’m….I’m sorry of the snapshots of what we used to be. You’ve moved on and…..I should too. I shouldn’t….we shouldn’t be doing this. It’s wrong.”
She doesn’t open her eyes but allows the tears to take over, to spill down her cheeks and he breaks inside. Can feel his soul ripple with pain, to watch his sweet girl, his best friend in pain because of him. She was right. He was being selfish. He didn’t want to rock the boat with Beth and wanted to keep up the image of being a good father to Ethan while also fucking and loving the woman he’s lusted after for more than ten years. He should leave, he should accept what she says and leave and don’t look back.
But too many nights he’s laid in bed, Beth snoozing by his side while he looked out at the stars, thinking of her. Thinking of how much he wished she was by his side instead of the woman he called wife.
And she was crying and he could never handle her tears.
So he does the worse thing he could do and walks to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him tightly. She breaks down in sobs, trying to push away. Cursing him under her breath, calling him a selfish piece of shit and she was a selfish piece of shit and was trash and all of these things that weren’t true. Couldn’t be true because she was pure, she was like the space particles after a shooting star, glimmering in his heart, stained in his mind even seconds after they disappeared. And he was the dying star, dragging her down with him in pain because he couldn’t let go.
“You are Venus,” he whispers, “Your cozy, winter mornings and bright summer days. You’re a star shower in space or the northern lights on earth. You are worthy of love and I am tainting you of it.”
He knows it – that he’s the problem and she looks away, lashes matted with mascara and her thick tears as she sniffles the snot that’s trailed down her nose. To anyone else she would be a mess but to him she was just beautiful – loved when she was vulnerable like this – and he drinks in the image because he doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to relish it. She’s so mad at him but her hands have stopped pushing him away, fighting him because he always knew the right words.
“You’re a selfish asshole Chris Beck. You know that?”
Her words are broken and torn and he nods as he leans down to kiss her. Then nothing matters. His hands are hot on her skin, like a comet violently rushing through the earth’s atmosphere as his mouth tangles with hers, teeth clanging as his hands find her ass. She was so fucking beautiful, so fucking perfect and he wanted her forever.
But she wasn’t his.
She wants to stop this, wants this to end because she told herself no more, not after the last time. But he came to see her straight off the plane and maybe, just maybe, he was being honest in his words. She wants to believe, even for fifteen minutes as her hands find his curly hair, raking her hands through the short curly strands as he groans into her mouth, pulling her as he moved clumsily throughout her apartment.
He doesn’t make it far – her Beck – barely hits the couch with the back of his legs as he falls backwards and they both laugh as she stumbles on top of him, letting gravity take its course. This was how they met oh so long ago, at a college party that was way out of their league for the young witty pair. He had been looking down trying to memorize some equation for a quiz, two beers in his hands because why not, and she was too busy taking in the fucking glass ceiling and wondering how the fuck her black ass had made it into a party where you could see the stars when they bumped into each other. Beck fell back onto the pristine white coach with the cheap Keystone beer flying and Adria wasn’t far behind. It had been clumsy their landing, like they were now fifteen years later as adults, but he had looked into her big doe cinnamon eyes and knew that he was hers. Beauty wasn’t in the form of a planet – no – it was on earth and looking at him with the brightest smile.
The memory hits both of them at the same time, unbeknownst to the other, and for a second they stop tugging on the thin material of their clothing and just look at each other. Drink in the laugh lines and small strands of grey starting to emerge at their roots and ingest that fifteen years is a long time to be going through this. Adria thinks that this is the curse of all black woman – never good enough to be the wife of a prominent white men but good enough to fuck, only behind closed doors and Chris thinks that he’s too cowardly for someone as strong as her – too weak and afraid to tell Beth the truth and allow Adria be the woman he’s always wanted her to be.  
But they never say it.
Not what’s in their hearts – no – instead she leans down and kisses him. If part of the curse was to accept this fate, that she was only going to be a token and nothing more, then she was going to take what she could in this moment. He accepts it, accepts the languid way her tongue moves into his mouth, allowing her to be dominant as he his hands find her ass and pulls her closer to him, scooting the both of them so they can lay down comfortably on the couch. Her kisses taste like salted caramel – sugary sweet but littered with tears of disappointment and his hands move to her breast, kneading the supple tissue as she pulls away and moans. She was always so sensitive, such an expressive lover and he takes in the way her mouth pops into an “O”, the way she her eyes clasp close as she ruts her hips into his.
Venus was the brightest star that shone upon the ancient, the easiest to identify by the naked eye and the one who bought love and fertility. He wonders if she understood this was why it was what he lovingly called her, that Beth got nothing more than ‘honey’ because she was dull in contrast to her. She stood out always, conceived his thoughts even when he thought he rid himself of her – his Adria. The name that really meant darkness, which seemed like a joke because she provided light in his moments of darkness, the sun in which his shadow danced in.
He mentions this, later on, in a note when it doesn’t matter anymore.
For now, though, he allows himself to get lost in the way she sits up, throwing her bralette over her head as he sits up, pulling her closer to him as he suckles on her nipple. She throws her arms around him, drawing him closer as her moans fill the space, and his erection is biting into the thin material of her leggings, causing her hips to buck involuntarily. She would allow for foreplay later, when she could move past the disappointment and live in the happiness of his smile, the comfort of his voice. Right now, she needed to fuck him, to feel as dirty as her soul and she pulls away, yanking at his belt.
He purrs, deep and low and it makes her whine as her fingers brush against his erection and he’s quick to help her, to shimmy out of his pants and boxers with one swift move as she moves her pants down. Her scent was pungent, sweet and all he wanted in the moment was to get his mouth on her lips, to suck her sweetly until she had no more to give. But she’s impatient, always had been as she positions herself on top of him. He inserts himself into her, not slowly but swift and she yelps, pulling at his hair as she settles on top of him as she looks down at him. She’s still crying, tears falling down her face but there’s something else glimmering in her eyes and he knows it. Has said it too many times casually, in the context of their friendship, but too afraid to say it in person, as vulnerable as they both were now.
“I love you.”
She deserves to hear it, wants her to know that he does, that he’s so fucking afraid to be anything more but he fucking loves her before he’s pulling her on top of him and slamming her back down. She feels like a maelstrom that every part of her is getting pulled into him – Christopher Beck – that she has no control over her emotions but the senseless knowledge that has always lived within the both of them.
He loves her. Probably as long as she had loved him.
And it was too fucking late.
It’s rough, the way he pumps his hips into her, causing her to fall off the couch at one point and even though they laugh, take in the way she’s fallen between her couch and the coffee table he is quick to push the heavy wood aside so he can fill himself in her again. She wants it, wants him to fuck her raw as her nails rake down his back, her hips lifting to meet his as she looks at him. His eyes are a stormy, dangerous color, dark like denim as he tells her again and again that he loves her.
That he’s a coward.
That he has only loved her.
And he’s a fucking coward.
It resonates in her like a chord striking in a piano, reverberates in her soul as he cries and tells him she loves him too but it’s too late. When she comes, it’s loud and musical and fills his ears with his name and he fucks her harder, his dick relishing the way her walls flutter and squeeze him tight, until it’s pumping his seed into her, filling her. He see stars – not in the form of Orion or Aquila or Ursa Major. No, he sees only his Adria – the way her bright smile fills up a space or the key of her laughter or the softness of her voice. He sees the future of what he wants of them together, the world he’s too afraid to push until he’s left with darkness, nothing more than a faint memory.
She’s under him, silent because he’s never been honest with her, not like this. Beck was a dirty talker but not an intimate talker, not sweet words while he fucked her. He saved those intimate moments for beforehand, and even then he had never said that he had loved her.
If it wasn’t for the way he looked at her, those words would mean nothing. But she had never seen him look at anyone the way he had just looked at her. Not Beth or any of his ex’s.
He loved her.
The tears find themselves in the cave of her tear ducts as she looks away, shaking her head and whispering,
“What the fuck are we doing Beck?”
And he doesn’t answer because he doesn’t know anymore.
Tag List: @Sad-af1121, @whichwayisthebeach-Sebass, @theplumbclub79, @4theluvofall, @tatathekissypatato, @baezen​, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog​, @plumbfondler, @pegasusdragontiger​, @prettybubblesintheair​, @docharleythegeekqueen, @brieannakeogh​, @palaiasaurus64​, @emotchalla​, @thejenniferincident​, @shayla-markele​, @supernovasandcoronas​,  @toastmaster94​, @brandybucky​, @papi-chulo-seb​, @jaamesbbarnes​, @paulxrudd, @badassbaker​, @letsalltakeanap​ @papi-chulo-bucky​, @moonbeambucky​, @jaceyfade​, @samingtonwilson​, @violentlybarnes, @wehaveathor, @buckfics​, @frostbitebakery​,  @killmongerdreams​, @plussizeappreciationfics​, @softlybarnes​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @angryschnauzer​,  @221bshrlocked​,  @yslbucky​ @zohoffman @ssweet-empowerment@capsofwinchesters@tacohead13@harleycativy@pietrotheavenger@francezka10@papichulosebastian@obsessionsofmynerdheart@melaninmarvel@avengedqueen26@nasteaxluvgal@winterbuttmunch@nys30@buckyslongasshair@ohlumi@wellthirsted  
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staarkindustries · 4 years
Who do I write for
-Chris Evans
-Colin Shea
-Steve Rogers
-Johnny Storm
-Ransom Drysdale
-Sebastian Stan
-Lance Tucker
-Bucky Barnes
-Chris Beck
-Tom Hiddleston
-Loki Laufeyson
-Sirius Black
I write fluff, angst and smut
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youandmeandlife · 6 years
Hacked (s.s)
Summary: Sebastian opens his heart in an interview about leaked messages and pictures of his girlfriend. 
Warnings: Little angsty 
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word count: 1140
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He stared at her, watching the interviewer closely as he’d learned over the past years that it was polite to pay attention to the people he was talking to. It was hard though, to be fully there in the room with the lady in front of him. He knew what was coming up, his media manager had informed him of it. It’s not like he didn’t want to talk about it, he kind of owed it to his girlfriend. And besides, his fans needed to know that what they’d done was not alright.
“So, you were born in Romania?” Laura, the interviewer, asked. Sebastian noticed how she twirled the the coffeecup in her hand around, fiddling with it as she waited for him to reply.
“Yeah, I was,” Sebastian answered, grinning a little as he always did when people asked him about his home country. It always brought a smile on his face when he thought about Romania; he’d grown to be proud of his roots, embrace his foreign cultures.
“Do you ever go back there? You still have family there, right?” She asked and Sebastian leaned a little back in his seat.
“Most of my mum’s family is still back there, yeah. Unfortunately, I don’t get to visit them that often. I almost never have the chance to just go, you know? I went to, um, the capital earlier this year, so that was really nice. Met some lovely fans,” He answered her, his smile widening a little as he thought of all those lovely people he’d met; the nice fans.
“So, have you brought your girlfriend there yet?” Laura asked. Sebastian gulped, knowing she was about to bring it up.
“Um, not yet, no. I haven’t gotten the chance to yet,” He smiled sadly, hoping they’d last so long he would get the chance bring her someday. He really loved her, possibly more than he could ever remember loving any of his previous girlfriends. They hadn’t been together long, and he knew those feelings were somewhat a reason of newfound love, but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He just prayed to whatever God would listen that their relationship weren’t completely broken. After what his socalled fans had done, things between them had been strained. She’d been mad, with all the right reasons to be, and he knew she’d need some time to think and get out of the spotlight. She lived in New York after all, in her own apartment fairly close to his, so the week after the incident she kept complaining about getting mobbed by fans and even some paparazzis and journalists who wanted her comment on the matter.
His and her own private address had of course also gotten leaked. He wasn’t really surprised when she said she wanted to leave the city for a little more quiet time. She left for the town she’d grown up in, claiming she needed to see her mother. Sebastian understood, he really did, but that had been two whole weeks ago and she had barely spoken to him since, only to say she had arrived safely and that she needed more time. He understood, or at least he tried to. His mind was mostly racing by the thought that she might leave him. Which is why he decided to do this interview, hoping she’d watch it and see that he was willing to do everything to defend her, even telling his own fans off.
“So, speaking of Y/N… There were some messages leaked from your phone, wasn’t it?” Laura asked. Sebastian’s jaw clenched on its own and he shifted a little in his seat.
“Um, yeah,” He swallowed. He was beyond nervous, the topic bother him so much since he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all his fault.
“Well, there was a lot of your personal stuff that was leaked as well, but a lot of people talked about the textmessages between you and Y/N. And there were some privat pictures of her as well, as far as I’ve understood? I don’t know, I haven’t seen any of it myself,” Laura chuckled a little at the end, obviously trying to lighten the mood. Sebastian smiled gently at her.
“Yeah, haha. I get that,” He looked down at his hands, clamping them together in his lap as he shifted some more in the chair. “So, um… Listen, that whole thing was partly my fault. I mean, looking back at it now it was stupid of me to use the same password for everything, because it started with some fans hacking my Instagram account and then they tried the same password to my dropbox-iCloud thing, I don’t even know what it’s called… Well, I mean, that was stupid of me really, but I have to say that it was… not cool of the people who shared all those pictures of Y/N,” Sebastian told Laura honestly.
“Yeah, I can imagine neither of you liked that. Is there anything that you would like to say to those people who did it?” The young woman asked. Sebastian cleared his throat.
“Well, you know, I just don’t understand how anyone could do that. I mean, being an actor and stuff, I’m always in the public, you know? I’ve kinda gotta be used it, but she isn’t. So, you know, she’s a waitress, she’s not a public person. There’s absolutely no reason to share those pictures of her. She was really sad about it, and she has all reason to be,” Sebastian said.
“Yeah, yeah. Because there were some… pretty provoking pictures, I’ve heard. Underwear, right?” Laura asked, bringing her cup up to her lips and taking a drink as she waited for Sebastian to answer.
“Well, I mean, yeah. It really sucks, it does, because especially those pictures Y/N sent to me because she trusted that I wouldn’t… release them anywhere, and then some people hack my phone and they get released anyway. It really sucked, and I’m just honestly so… disappointed with those people, because Y/N really didn’t deserve that,” Sebastian felt the rage rise in his chest as he thought about it, but he forced himself to stay calm. Yelling at fans he had no idea who even were, was not gonna solve anything. And besides, the damage was already done, he just had to assure that people understood they couldn’t violate his or his girlfriends privacy again like that.
Fortunately, the interview ended soon after that. Sebastian answered a couple of final questions, luckily unrelated to Y/N so he got some time to calm down before he waved bye to the audience and walked off the stage. The interview wouldn’t be shown until the following day, but he still pulled his phone out of his pocket. She still hadn’t called or texted.
Tag list: 
@moondancewrites @stucky-thorki @letaliabane @kawaiispacepriincess @liamakorn @theblueinyour-eyes @royallylazy @pxrrishly @stateoflovinged @helloitscrowley @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @sebbystanlover-vk @pxrrishly @yesimaginethefun @roallylazy @buckysb-tch @directionerfae @mizz-kraziii @thewinterserpent @kittyslove
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captainscanadian · 5 years
AJ’s Masterlist
Steve Rogers
Happy Endings (One-Shot for Steve Rogers x OFC Marilyn Jarvis)
The Veteran & The Widow (1940s!Steve Rogers One-Shot)
Bucky Barnes
Sanguis Sanguinis Mei (Vampire!Bucky Barnes Series) - COMPLETE
Wish List For Murder (Lawyer!Bucky Barnes One-Shot) 
Subtle Confession (College!Bucky Barnes Drabble)
Chris Beck
Star Crossed (Series) - ONGOING
Carter Baizen
Exception (Series for The Other Guys Writing Challenge) - COMPLETE
Chase Collins
Little Witch (One-Shot)
Nate Archibald
Never Changing (Post-Canon Gossip Girl Series) - ONGOING
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fangirlinsweden · 4 years
May 2020
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Down below I will list all the fantastic fanfiction I have read during May 2020.
1 ~ Love in Lace 6-7 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
1 ~ The Lemonade Collection 1-4 by @mypassionsarenysins  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
2 ~ The Lemonade Collection 5: 6 Inch. by @mypassionsarenysins  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
2 ~ Teacher, Teacher 10 by @kaunis-sielu   ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
2 ~ Love in Lace 8-9 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
3 ~ XOXO 5 by @buckysmischief  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Scott Lang x Reader, Marvel Social Media AU
3 ~ The Lemonade Collection 6: Don’t Hurt Yourself by @mypassionsarenysins  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Stephen Strange x Reader, Marvel AU
4 ~  Love In Lace 10-11 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
4 ~ Kings: Flour by @kaunis-sielu  ❤️ Bucky Barnes X Reader, Marvel AU
5 ~ Love in Lace 12-13 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
5 ~ Lines In the Sand (Whole Series) by @littlefreya  ❤️ Captain Syverson x OFC (Jessica Gallagher) 
5 ~ How’s it going, Bitch? Epilogue by @thinkoutsidethebex  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel Social Media
6 ~  When the Moon reaches for the Stars by @the-canary  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel
6 ~ How’s it going, bitch? [a post credit scene] by @thinkoutsidethebex  ❤️ Steve Rogers x reader, Marvel Social Media
6 ~ Teacher, Teacher 11 by @kaunis-sielu ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
6 ~ Love in Lace 14 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
7 ~ That Boy Is Mine & He Belongs To Me by @mariah-vg  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel
7 ~ Love in Lace 15 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
8 ~ Love in Lace 16 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
9 ~ Love in Lace 17 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
9 ~ Best Friends Brother by @propertyofpoeandbucky   ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU You’ve been best friends with Rebecca Barnes ever since you were twelve. No you’re 22 and now you feel that after for so long, you might not be able to hold back your crush on Rebecca’s brother, Bucky
10 ~ Love in Lace 18-19  by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
11 ~ As you wish, Ma’am 18 by @seasaurusrrex  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel Social Media AU
11 ~ Love in Lace 20-21 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
12 ~ Love In Lace 22-23 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
12  ~ Spies by @mermaidxatxheart  ❤️ Sam Wilson x Reader, Marvel
13 ~ Love In Lace 24 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
13 ~ Teacher, Teacher 13 by @kaunis-sielu  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
13  ~ XOXO 6 by @buckysmischief   ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Scott Lang x Reader, Marvel Social Media AU
14 ~ Colors, Crayons, and Mischief (Whole series) by  @mypassionsarenysins   ❤️ Pietro Maximoff x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel Social Media AU
14 ~ This is your song by @propertyofpoeandbucky  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU
15 ~ As you wish, ma’am 19-20 by @seasaurusrrex  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader,  Marvel Social Media AU
15 ~ I Remember Loving You by @sunlightdances  ❤️ Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural 
16 ~ Teacher, Teacher 14 by @kaunis-sielu  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
16 ~ Fated 1-3 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader Fate is a tricky thing, and must always stay on track. Fate cannot be fought, it always comes around. Fate has plans for Hades and Persephone, plans nobody can change.
17 ~ Fated 4-5 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
17 ~ Really by @bigdaddib  ❤️ Arya Stark x Gentry, Game of Thrones Modern AU
17 ~ The Perks of Being the Best Friend by @captain-rogers-beard  ❤️ Colin Shea x Reader,  What's Your Number? 
17 ~ It’s Gonna Be Me 5-6 by @barnesjamcs  ❤️ Chris Beck x Reader, The Martian
18 ~ Jealous (Strong) Steve by @pies-writes-and-more  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel
18 ~ Fated 6-7 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
19 ~ Misunderstandings by @simsadventures  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel
20 ~ Teacher, Teacher 15 by @kaunis-sielu  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
20 ~ Fated 8-9 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
21 ~ Beating the Boss 1-2 by @the--sad--hatter ❤️ Loki x Reader, Marvel AU Nobody could tame Loki Odinson, no matter how hard they tried. Over a dozen assistants had attempted, and all had come running back to The Potts Agency in tears. In a last ditch attempt the tame the beastly boss, Pepper sends in a wildcard: The assistant with the attitude problem. You. You’ve got issues of your own, zero impulse control, and absolutely no fear. Maybe that’s exactly what Loki needs, or at least his brother is willing to give it a shot. Suddenly you go from clearing out your desk, to being given free reign and immunity with one of the most powerful and prickly men in the city.Your challenge is to bring Loki to task, by any means necessary. His challenge is to break you, and make you quit. Let the games begin.
21 - Fated 10-12 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
21 ~ Beating The Boss 1-2 by @the--sad--hatter ❤️ Loki x Reader, Marvel AU Nobody could tame Loki Odinson, no matter how hard they tried. Over a dozen assistants had attempted, and all had come running back to The Potts Agency in tears. In a last ditch attempt the tame the beastly boss, Pepper sends in a wildcard: The assistant with the attitude problem. You.  You’ve got issues of your own, zero impulse control, and absolutely no fear. Maybe that’s exactly what Loki needs, or at least his brother is willing to give it a shot. Suddenly you go from clearing out your desk, to being given free reign and immunity with one of the most powerful and prickly men in the city.Your challenge is to bring Loki to task, by any means necessary. His challenge is to break you, and make you quit. Let the games begin.
22 ~ Fated 13-15 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
23 ~ Fated 16-17 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
23 ~ Teacher, Teacher 16 by @kaunis-sielu  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
24 ~ Fated 18 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
24 ~ Breaking The Boss 3 by @the--sad--hatter ❤️ Loki x Reader, Marvel AU
25 ~ Fated 19-20 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
25 ~ XOXO 7 by @buckysmischief  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Scott Lang x Reader, Marvel Social Media AU
25 ~ Primus by @iwillbeinmynest ❤️ Bucky x OFC , Marvel AU
25 ~ Just a Little Complicated by @empyreanwritings ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
25 ~  THE QUARANTINE DIARIES part 1 by @barnesjamcs  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader
25 ~ Messy Chapter 1 Part 1 - Chapter 3 Part 4 by @subtlebucky  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x reader, Marvel Social Media AU You like Steve. You get tired of waiting for Steve to make a move. You ask Sam for help. Sam gives you Bucky.
26 ~ Fated 21- 22 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
26 ~ Messy Chapter 4 Part 1 by @subtlebucky  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x reader, Marvel Social Media AU
27 ~ Teacher, Teacher 17 by @kaunis-sielu  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU
27 ~ Fated 23-24 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
27 ~ Messy Chapter 4 Part 2 by @subtlebucky  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x reader, Marvel Social Media AU
28 ~ Fated 25-26 by @itsanerdlife  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
28 ~ Memories by @holylulusworld​  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel
28 ~ Trigger Happy by @stuckonjbbarnes​  ❤️ Clint Barton x Reader (Platonic), Marvel
29 ~ Fated 27-28 by @itsanerdlife​  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
30 ~ Messy Chapter 4 Part 3  by @subtlebucky  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x reader, Marvel Social Media AU
30 ~ Fated 29-30  by @itsanerdlife​  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
31  ~ Fated 31-32  by @itsanerdlife​  ❤️ Hades!OC!Howie Stark x Persephone!Reader
31 ~ Messy Chapter 5 Part 1  by @subtlebucky  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x reader, Marvel Social Media AU
31 ~ Teacher, Teacher 18 by @kaunis-sielu  ❤️ Steve Rogers x Reader, Marvel AU  
I Have also read these, but can’t remember dates for all the parts:
Lost On You (Whole series) by @imaginationintowords  ❤️ Peter Parker x Sister!Reader Steve Rogers x Reader, Avengers x Reader; Marvel Hybrid Social Media AU Y/N Parker is Peter’s older sister. She is ten years older than Peter, making her 26 years-old. She is also an Avenger, her powers are very similar to Wanda’s; telekinesis, mind reading, teleportation, and elemental bending. She has been an Avenger far longer than Peter, and like Peter her identity is kept a secret. As well as being an Avenger she works in the lab alongside Tony, she is a science genius. She has also been dating Steve Rogers for the past 3 years. Their relationship is as great as it can possibly be, that is until Steve does something that has Y/n questioning not only their entire relationship, but her place in the Avengers. It opens her eyes to how much of her life has revolved around Steve and work. Never really experiencing life like everyone else her age has.
Dumb, Drunk, and In Love by @empyreanwritings​   ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel After God knows how many drinks, you find yourself lost at the beach and ready to make dumb decisions. So, who better to call than your super-soldier of an ex-boyfriend to see if he can save the day?
Speak Now by @rogvewitch​  ❤️ Bucky Barnes x Reader, Marvel AU Your best friend’s wedding is just wrong. Wrong dress, wrong decor, and mostly wrong bride for him to marry.
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Title: Love, Maybe? {24}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot
Word Count: 3.8K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
Chapter 24: Mama Don’t Preach
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  “We think a June grand opening would be more than feasible,” Kassius informed. Your jaw dropped.
   “June as in six weeks away June?” He laughed and nodded.
   “Precisely and that is just stretching it. I have the projected dates that everything will be completed. I’m just overestimating at this point.”
   You spun around the space that was still under reno but was shaping up very nicely. The last few weeks were design intensive and you’d nearly pulled out all your hair with all the back and forth. No one seemed to understand your vision. That was until Nexus stepped in with a mock-up. She got it fully and made sure they did as well. the estimated time was always around summer for the opening anyway you didn’t know why you were so shocked.
“Are you okay?” You looked back to Kassius and nodded.
   “Yes,  I’m sorry. I was just—surprised.”
  “I understand. The next few weeks will just be finishing up design and setting up décor. My marketing team has been savages when it comes to marketing and we have a pretty big buzz. If it’s one thing Los Angeleans love is to not cook so a new eatery has everyone excited.” You laughed at his joke and were so grateful that the breakup with Zack didn’t made anything weird or switched up any terms.
   “Wow, okay. So, this is your sweet spot besides a few meetings here or there your only focus is what you’re a pro at, recipes, menu planning, staff, distributors, vendors, that sort of stuff.” At the mention of recipes and menu planning you got excited. It was cool and everything to run your own restaurant, but you took the most pleasure in the cooking aspects, the creative points.
   “All right. What do you say we head out then?” You nodded and looked around the space once again, butterflies began to flutter, it was a mix of nervousness and anxiousness. You followed Kassius out the door. Once outside the two of you said your goodbyes and you made your way home to begin the fun part of this whole partnership.
   One stop for snacks and ice-cream turned into an extended stop at the mall where you spent the next two hours shopping. You didn’t even need anything but still you shopped, you only did this when you needed a release, but your kitchen was too far. Last night’s conversation with Chris was still fresh on your mind. You’d gone over it with Nex already and the two of you had come up with a few things.
   Nex was happy he didn’t hate you, although you thought he did underneath everything but just was afraid to tell it to your face because of how much he wants Ella. You reasoned that he probably thought if he pissed you off that you’d make it difficult for him to spend time with Ella. That wasn’t the case, you wouldn’t do that. Nex believed as she’s believed for weeks that he liked you. you disagreed, he probably wanted to have sex with you, but he didn’t like you. She pointed out things he said in the conversation that to her were dead giveaways but everything she pointed out you turned right back around as the opposite meaning. It was always like this, you liked to be realistic and Nex had a tendency to have the rose-colored glasses on. When she called you jaded you didn’t object. You were jaded. You would rather remain jaded than give anyone the chance to turn your life upside down.
   When you made it home it was almost six and there was an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Part of you thought it was Chris and your stomach did somersaults. When you walked inside you could heard playful giggles and whispers. After kicking off your heels you tip-toed down the hall and into the living room to see Nexus laying on the couch with some guy on her. You’d seen worse than this in your lifetime. Glancing at the baby monitor on the table you saw Ella was napping. You leaned against the wall and cleared your throat in a loud and obnoxious manner. The figures on the couch lurched. The man jumped off her and stood to the side. Your eyes widened.
   “Anthony?!” he smiled widely and rubbed the back of his neck.
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“Uh, hey there Vixen.”
   “I can explain,” Nexus began. You looked to her with an amused look.
   “Oh you better but there is no need, I have eyes I know just what is going on here. What the hell Antony! Do you respect my sister at all?”
   He looked confused. “What? Of course I do, I respect her a hell of a lot.” You took a step to him.
   “It sure doesn’t look like it. it looks like you’re over here creeping trying to get in her panties. What is it with you actors who think every woman is at your beck and call?”
   Anthony raised his hands defensively. “No, Vixen you’ve got it all wrong. It’s not like that.”
  “Oh really? So you’re not trying to fuck my sister?”
   “Just now? No I wasn’t,” he quickly responded.
   “Uh-huh, and you’re saying you don’t want to fuck my sister.”
  With that he snapped his mouth shut and looked to Nex who gave him a look, offering him no assistance. He looked back to you as you crossed your arms before you and gave him your best confrontational look. “I can’t lie to you, I wasn’t trying to just now, but eventually when we both develop more feelings for each other--.”
   “Feelings? Oh ho, what in the hell kind of feelings are you talking about? Sexual ones huh, it’s always sexual with you guys.”  Again, Anthony looked to Nexus for help but she offered none.
   “Nex what did I tell you? They are all the same.” Nex looked down but it was then Anthony stepped closer to her.
   “No, we’re not all the same. I am not like anyone else Nex. Since the moment I met you I felt something between us, I couldn’t explain it for the longest but after meeting you I knew I had to see you again. every time I saw you I just fell harder and harder for you. you’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met and I love that you don’t take my shit and you call me out, a lot. I even love that you’re so damn stubborn. I am not looking for a quick fuck and a notch or a side piece I’m looking for a partner, someone to ride with, travel with, grow with and build with. I want it to be you Nex. I really, really like you, like a lot.”
   You stood there smiling unable to hide your amusement. He’d fallen for it hook line and sinker. You could see the tears in Nexus’ eyes and knew she had fallen for him just as hard as he’d fallen for her. She peeked at you and broke character with a giggle, you couldn’t hold back anymore and laughed along with her. Anthony looked between the two of you confused.
  “What the hell is wrong with the two of you?”
   “I was just kidding Anthony.” You smiled again and he looked at Nexus finally getting that she was in on it from the beginning.
   “You played me Nex?” she laughed louder. Anthony shook his head faking hurt feelings. “Wow, that’s cold.” Nexus softly caressed his cheek.
   “I’m sorry. Don’t be mad. Come here.” She wrapped his arms around her waist and gazed into his deep walnut colored eyes. “I really, really, really like you too.” He searched her face for any hint of a joke.
   “Really?” Nex nodded and smiled widely. “Boy duh, no other fool would have me all in my feelings, just your gap toothed ass.” He smiled wider then laughed before he dropped his lips to hers. You stood there witnessing their genuine feelings for one another and you were so happy for them but it also made you feel empty. When they pulled apart they looked to you and laughed.
   “Don’t mind me, I’ll just get to cooking dinner.”
   “That was dead wrong Vix,” Anthony expressed. You smiled widely. “But you should have seen your face—priceless!” Nexus snorted and dropped back onto the couch.
   “Shit, maybe you should change careers, there is hope for you in acting.” You laughed and walked out the living room before you poked your head back in.
   “Oh by the way, after that declaration you won’t ave to wait much longer for the fucking.” Anthony’s eyes bugged then looked to Nexus who was having difficulty keeping a straight face.
   “Oh, is that right? How much longer have you calculated.” You snorted. “I’d say tonight it your lucky night, sisters know best.”
   “Oh-ho, really?” he looked to Nexus who didn’t say a word. “Is that right?” Nexus looked right into his eyes before she spoke. “Sisters know best.” Anthony’s jaw dropped before he turned into a devilish smirk, one Nexus giggled at. With that you made your exit to begin preparing dinner.
   Forty minutes later halfway through making dinner the doorbell rang and Nexus was the one to get to it before you. from the hall leading from the kitchen you heard her gasp. “Mom, dad, what are you doing here?” you began to panic. You hadn’t expected to see them until opening night. You wondered why they were there. As you approached you heard your mother ask Nexus who the man was. You stopped and waited to see how she would handle it. after a short pause she spoke. “This is Anthony, my boyfriend.” You smiled widely at her guts. When you stepped out you saw a big smile on your mother;s face as she stared at Anthony.
   “Vixen, honey. Did you know Nexus had a boyfriend?” you smiled at Nexus and Anthony, standing next to each other with smiles as big as Spain. “No mom, I had no idea.”
   “Wow, she’s only been here a few months and has a boyfriend. See, it’s not hard, Vix.” You shook your head and knew you were in for one of those nights.
   Nexus ushered them inside the house and you took note of their luggage. They were going to be here for more than a few hours. Your parents happily chatted with Anthony asking him all the polite getting to know you questions  while you and Nex scurried to the kitchen under the guise of getting wine.
  “What the hell Nex, what are they doing here?” she shrugged. “I don’t know. They didn’t tell me anything.” You closed your eyes in annoyance. This was not what you needed now. “They have luggage Nex, bags. This is not a pop in and see you later. This is a stay for a few days thing.” You paced the kitchen, your mind running a mile a minute. you tried to figure out a way to get them out of LA but every idea you came up with either left you being the asshole or the worse daughter in the galaxy. You tried to decide which one you’d hate the most. You could honestly take either one.
   “Let’s just act normal and get through tonight.” You both nodded, she took the bottle of wine and some glasses and walked back out while you returned to cooking. You knew that it was only a matter of time before your big secret came out.
   Dinner was only slightly uncomfortable. Your mother fussed over Nexus and Anthony and asked every single question in the book. Anthony was a charmer and answered accordingly. As he spoke you could see how much Nex liked him written all across her face. If you didn’t know any better you’d think she was already in love with him. It made you happy, she deserved all the happiness in the world.
   Your mother slipped sly comments in about your single status and even went as far as to ask Anthony if he had any brothers or friends that were single he could set me up with. You nearly laughed out loud because if she only knew. You were proud of yourself, you focused on Ella and eating and didn’t say one thing that was slick or that could be taken as you mouthing off. You let everything she said roll off you like it hadn’t been said. You didn’t know how you did it, but you did. You weren’t angry either.
   By the time dinner finished Anthony made an excuse to leave as did Nexus stating she was his ride. You knew better, you knew you wouldn’t see her until the morning, or mid afternoon. Hell, at least someone was getting their back blown out. When they left your mother helped you clean up while your father kept Ella busy. It all felt like old times, except things were different now. You knew you had to tell her. It would be ten times worse if Chris showed up and they met him and saw the resemblance.
  After you put Ella to bed you decided now was as good a time as any. You were nervous because you knew what she was going to say. You knew what she was going to ask and how she was going to respond. That was probably why you stayed in Ella’s room longer than necessary just watching her sleep. It always calmed you. When you went downstairs your parents were talking amongst themselves. You smiled because you’d always admired their marriage, they’d been married for close to forty years and they still looked so in love. When you were younger you always said you’d find what they had but as you got older you realized what they had was probably extinct. Watching them from the doorway you chickened out. This was not the can of worms you wanted to open right now. Calling to them you showed them their room and said good night.
   Lying in bed that night your mind wandered to Chris and you wondered if he’d had better luck than you.
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Oh she was fuming. She was angrier than he’d seen her in a long, long time. When he told his father that morning he was surprised but he took it well considering. Yeah he was angry because he knew what being a father meant, he knew what an important thing it was and for you to have taken it away for so long was vexing. After he’d cleared the air and they’d had a talk about things that stretched well past you and the situation into the kind of man he’d been and how his actions had an impact on this alone, things calmed down.
   When he showed his father the picture of Ella he melted. Apart from normal questions, when did it happen, why did you keep it from him, and what’s his plan to do the right thing, he was really chill about it. They had breakfast and talked about the current season of baseball and the standings of his teams.
   This was fifty times different. His mother paced back and forth in front of him not saying one word. She hadn’t spoken since he began with his explanation. He sat there feeling like a child who’d broken all of his nana’s fine china. He remembered how he felt when he’d just broken one dish. He was scolded for a good hour. He tried to gauge her anger by studying her face, her body movements and ultimately how thin was the line of her mouth. All he could decipher was she was pissed, pissed. Suddenly his mother stopped and looked at him. Her mouth was tight and her cheeks red. Oh boy, he thought realizing she was more than pissed. She was livid.
   “Say that one more time.” Her jaws were clenched, and he could tell it took great effort for her to get the words out. She was trying to hold on tightly to her anger. He took a deep breath and slowly released it then cleared his throat.
   “Three years ago, almost three years ago when I was in Vegas. I met someone and we had a quick fling. I hadn’t seen her since and a few months ago I saw her again and she now has an almost two-year-old who is—my daughter.” The room was quiet again. From behind his mother he saw his siblings peering into the window from the front porch where his mother banished them. They’d come for a show and she denied them the amusement.
   “So, some woman hid the fact that she has your child.” This was the philosophical teaching voice, he shifted in his seat being extra cautious. “Wait, you had unprotected sex with some random woman? In Vegas of all places? Christopher!”
   “I know ma, it was stupid.”
   “Don’t interrupt me when I am speaking young man! It was beyond stupid. Stupid is driving after one drink. This—what you did--it was reckless!” Her voice bounced off the walls and slammed into his ears. “We had this talk decades ago--.”
   “I know ma, I know.” She narrowed her eyes. He realized he’d interrupted her again. He lowered his eyes from hers as if she were a charging lioness and he had to refrain from eye contact to stop her attack. He knew the preaching was going to begin.
   “Of all the stupid, reckless, dangerous and infuriating things you’ve ever done, this has to take the cake. I’ve told you from before you started having sex to always wear protection. I even stressed it much more when you began acting. While the world is filled with good women it is also filled with it’s equal share of opportunists who will seek to use you and take from you. Now look!” She shook her head and he could feel her disappointment. He hated her disappointment; it was worse than her anger. "What kind of woman hides a child? That is underhanded.” He nodded, he expected this.
   “Are you sure the child is yours?” He dug out his phone and found Ella’s picture and showed her. The anger in her face faded and her features softened. He watched on as her entire demeanor changed. She sighed and sat down in the seat across from him. “Chris. Wow.” She looked up and he saw the tears in her eyes. Her emotions made him choke up.
   “You have a daughter. Oh my god, you’ve wanted a child, we spoke about it and I prayed on it for you honey. I prayed really hard for God to show you your way and light your path. Oh, Chris.” His mother crossed to him and wrapped her arms around him. He was stunned and didn’t move; afraid this was some trick. This was not what he expected at all. He expected shouting, disappointment, anger and maybe some , not this, well not right away.
   “She looks just like you, my god. She’s gorgeous.” He nodded and smiled allowing the tension he’d held for the last two days to dissolve. Just as he relaxed he felt her hit him on the back of his head.
   “Ouch! Ma!”
   “That’s for not listening to me.” He sighed then relaxed again. he soon felt another hard slap at the back of his head.”
  “That’s for not wearing protection. Really Chris this could have been very different than a secret child. Not that a secret child is a walk through the park. This screams messy. What in the world. What are you going to do?”
   He rubbed the back of his head and took another deep breath hoping there were no more hits coming his way. “Be involved. I’ve been spending time with her, getting to know her and she is pure joy. She’s amazing. There is no way I couldn’t be involved.” His mother smiled and nodded.
   “That better have been your answer or so help me God your brother and sisters would have had to pry me off of you. I raised you better than to be the kind of man to run away from his responsibilities.”
   “Of course not ma, I’m running toward the responsibility. I want it all.”  She smiled and nodded.
  “I can’t wait to meet her.” He smiled at the thought of seeing his mother with a child of his own, the thought made a new wave of emotions fill him. he really did start to think it wasn’t in the cards for him. Turned out he’d never been more wrong.
   “What about her mother?” Taking some time to gather his thoughts he tried to form the right sentence.
   “She’s not a bad person.” She took his hand then sighed before she spoke.
  “Are you sure about that? Are you sure you’re not seeing what you want to especially since you may be in love with her?” His head almost snapped off his neck from the force of which he looked at her. She didn’t speak again she just had that all knowing smile on her face. It was the same smile she had every time she was right about something.
   “Well shit, this took a turn.”
   “I’m not—it’s not like that. We’ve talked. While I don’t condone what she did, I understand ma. I hate to admit it, but I was a mess then, I was an asshole--.” With the stern eye of his mother he dipped his head. “Sorry ma, I was a--.” He searched for the right word, a respectful one.
   “In my day we called men like you players,” she filled in. He snorted and nodded, then shook his head. She loved calling him out. Still it was better than what Shanna and Carly had called him.
   “Okay, thanks ma. I understand why she kept this to herself.” His mother nodded and took a deep breath.
   “So, you’ve forgiven her.” He made a face. That definitely wasn’t the case, but it may not be too far off. “I wouldn’t say forgiven, I can empathize with her. I want to move forward ma, I don’t want to throw things at her and make things difficult, I want to find a way to parent with her.” His mother continued to study him, and he wondered if she’d call his bullshit. She took a deep breath and lowered her head to look at the picture again.
   “Do I say congratulations for finding out about your child you had out of marriage?” He looked at her and she snorted then laughed.
   He couldn’t stop himself from joining her. When his siblings peeked again they stood there with their mouths gaped no doubt shocked just as him that this was so easy. He knew if he would have told her or any of them the other half this would not have gone so smoothly.
   “When do we meet her?”
***If you want to be tagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!!
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southernbell91 · 4 years
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Welcome to my Masterlist
Almost everything on here is 18+ content if you are no over the age of 18 do not click read more and if you are following me unfollow me.
Im not really taking requests right now but if you have ideas feel free to inbox me or drop them in an ask and if I get time I can try to work on it.
Punisher/Daredevil Fics
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Billy Russo/Frank Castle/Reader Two Shot
Punishing a Sparrow Part 1
Punishing a Sparrow Part 2
Matt Murdock/Layla James/Frank Castle Series
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One Batch Two Batch Heaven and Hell 
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Bucky x Clint (WinterHawk) Mermaid AU
Jealous-Destroyer!Chris X Reader
Mobster Bucky Drabble
Who you Belong to-Clay Appuzzo X Billy Lee
I’m With the Band -Clay Appuzzo X Brendon Urie (Claydon)
Sneaking Away -Tj Hammond X Friend!Reader
Chris Beck X Reader Proposal Drabble
Gym Rats- Lance Tucker x Dayton White
Fastest Girls in Town- Dayton White x oc’s
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Getting Lowkey with Loki
Mischief Meets madness  -Loki/Jefferson (ouat)
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Chris Hemsworth
Billy Lee (Bad Times at the El Royale)
Necessary Distraction-BillyXreader (Cockwarming Fic)
Cockles RPF
How do you Like it?- CocklesXReader
Chapter Fics Master lists
Some Secrets are better left Dead
(Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, OFC)
From the Desk of Nicholas J.Fury
-Incident 1 (Ultimate Frisby)
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Name: Cass
Tumblr: @interestedbystanderwrites
Why you should follow them: Her writing is AMAZEBALLS. I fall in love with every version of Bucky she has written. And her version of Sebastian in TOFWYA is honestly...just beyond words. This is how I shall picture him in my head for eternity. Also, she’s become one of my closest friends on this hellsite and I will love her long time.
Characters written: Sebastian Stan, Bucky Barnes, Lance Tucker, Chris Beck, Steve Rogers
Maturity Rating: 18+ - a mix of SFW and NSFW
How I started following them: I found TOFWYA on AO3. And then somehow found her on Tumblr. And I thank God every day for that.
My Favorite Story or Series: Time Only Flies When You’re Around; Completed, Sebastian X OFC. I fell in love with Cass’ version of Seb and his lover Sasha. It’s probably my favorite friends to lovers trope story. Go read about my babies.
Favorite Fluff:  Who You Love; the FLUFFIEST fluff. Also, I’m biased cause I requested this, but still.
Favorite Angst: Nothing Ever Hurt Like You; OUCH.
Favorite Smut: Heatstroke; If Bucky cooking in just an apron is something you’d like, this is for you.
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caramell0w · 7 years
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An asterisk (*) indicates smut.  If you are under 18 do NOT read these stories! Sorry kiddos!
500 Followers Writing Challenge
Men of Marvel: What’s Your Flavor? Masterlist
Thigh Riding Thursdays
Behind Enemy Lines (Sebastian x Reader) | 1* | 2* | 3 | 4 | 5* | 6* |(last updated 3/12/18)
Christmas Lights (Chris Evans x OFC) |1| (last updated 12/18/17- on hiatus)
Fire and Ice (Bucky x Reader) | 1 | 2 | 3* | 4* | 5 | 6* | 7 | 8* | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | (Finished)
Pen Pals (Tom x Reader) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7* | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14* | 15* | 16 | 17 | 18* | 19* | 20 | (Finished)
The High Seas (Pirate!Bucky x Reader) | 1 | 2* | 3* | 4* | (Finished)
The Interrogation (Bucky x Reader) | 1* | 2* | (Finished)
The Mad Hatter (Jefferson x Reader) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4* |(Finished)
The Acquisition (Bucky x Reader) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9* | 10* | 11* | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16* | 17* | (Finished)
One Shots/Drabbles:
Bucky Barnes | Cookies Make Everything Better | Dream Walker* | The Perfect Shot | Russian Lover* | Distraction | Ready to Comply | Mark Me* | My New Boss* |
Chris Beck | T-Minus 48 Hours | 
Chris Evans | Power Outage* | Practice Makes Perfect* | Welcome Home* | Order!* |
James Conrad | The Ivory Tower |
Loki | Spa Day |
Sebastian Stan | The Spectator* | Black Dress and Bow Tie* | Pool Time Fun* | Blame the Velvet* | Under the Weather* | Little Sister* | One Night* | Future Needs* |
Steve Rogers | Jump, Jive and Wail | Love at First Bark | Without You | Keep My Secret |
Steve Rogers and Loki | Just Right* |
Stucky | Mending Ways | Here to Help* | 
Thomas Sharpe | The Consequence* |
Tom Hiddleston | Stress Relief* | Magic Hands | Roaming Hands*| Reaction* | Secret Desire* | Extra Credit* |
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harley-sunday · 6 years
The Masterlist
Last updated: 02/02/2022 F1 Masterlist here
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Seven Times and Then Forever  Chris Evans x reader (unnamed OFC) | one-shot Summary: Walking your dog you run into a handsome stranger who ends up helping you through tough times. 
Cable Knit Sweater  Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out) x reader (unnamed OFC) | one-shot Summary: You just fucked Ransom Drysdale and all you got was his cable-knit sweater.
Chaotic Vibes  Chris Evans x reader (unnamed OFC) | Series of drabbles Summary: Sometimes Chris posts on Instagram and then I write a drabble to go along with it.
Encore Chris Evans x reader (unnamed OFC) | Multi-Chapter | Completed Summary: The new Disney+ show ‘Encore’ brings together former castmates of a high school musical, tasking them with re-creating their original performance in a high school reunion like no other. Emotions run high as you face faded friendships, long-forgotten controversies, killer choreography, and an ex-boyfriend you haven’t seen in eighteen years.
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A Good Man Goes to War  Steve Rogers x reader (unnamed OFC) | Multi-chapter | Completed Summary: Starts right after Civil War. Steve Rogers is done being Captain America and quite happy living a quiet life in a safe house somewhere in Canada. Until Thanos goes after the Infinity Stones. What happens when a good man goes to war
This is Where I Leave You Steve Rogers x reader (unnamed OFC) | one-shot Summary: What should have been a simple mission turns out to be a matter of life and death. 
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The Draw Sebastian Stan x reader (unnamed OFC) | Multi-chapter | Completed Summary: Never would you have thought that taking your nephew to the ACE Comic Con would lead to a whirlwind romance with Sebastian Stan, but here you are.
Things We Lost in the Fire  Sebastian Stan x reader (unnamed OFC) | Multi-chapter | Completed Summary: During a bank robbery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. Only after do you learn that your high school sweetheart now runs a global crime syndicate and has you placed on a “no harm” list. You decide to pay him a visit after all these years.
Hello? Sebastian Stan x reader (F) | NSFW | one-shot Summary: Companion piece to the video Sebastian posted on 12/07/20 - You walk in on your boyfriend who’s doing, well, you’re not exactly sure what.
Accurate Sebastian Stan x reader (F) | NSFW | one-shot Summary: You’re not sure what your new neighbour is up to with all his late-night drumming sessions, but when you go over to ask if maybe he can keep it down a little things take an unexpected turn.
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I Just Puked in Central Park and All I Got Was This Lousy Scar Bucky Barnes x reader (unnamed OFC) | one-shot Summary: based on the prompt “I just puked in Central Park and all I got was this lousy scar” that was sent in anonymously for my 1k follower celebration.
10 Things I Hate About You - Bucky Barnes x OFC Petra* | Multi-chapter | Completed Summary: Based on the movie we follow the reader as she tries to win over Bucky Barnes so his best friend can finally go on a date. *Could be read as reader insert, name is mentioned only twice
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Wait for You Chris Beck x reader (unnamed OFC) | one-shot Summary: based on the prompt “Chris Beck either falling for another astronaut or him falling for a normal girl and then having to go off into space for a few years” that was sent in anonymously for my 1k follower celebration.
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Any character x reader - Be There
Adam Ruzek x reader - Your Idiot - The One I Love - Let Me Take Care of You (nsfw) Antonio Dawson x reader - Guinea Pig (reader is Antonio’s daughter) - Little Boy Blue Erin Lindsay x reader - Hot Cocoa
Greg ‘Mouse’ Gerwitz x reader - Save It - Wednesday - Control, Alt, Arrow - Yes, Always Yes - Lets Get You Home - Happy Father’s Day - The Panda Project - Fridays are For First Dates (Wednesday, pt 2) - I and Love and You - You and Me Makes Three - Happy Birthday - She’s Ours - Two Can Play That Game
Jay Halstead x reader - You’re a Cactus - Five Minutes and Then Forever - Woo You - Sometimes Perfect Isn’t Good Enough - Truth - part 1 / part 2 - Tonight - Definitely Maybe - You Are Not Superman - We Should - You Better - Mine - Lucky Fifteen
Jay Halstead/Will Halstead x reader (siblings) - In Case of Emergency (reader is in a relationship with Mouse) - I Survived a Gunshot Wound and All I Got was House Arrest - I Got You (reader is in a relationship with Mouse)
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fightmewiatch · 6 years
Masterlist: Other
These are drabbles that I wrote, and either submitted to other blogs and reblogged for my followers once they were posted, or that don’t fit in any other category. All are character x Reader, unless marked with an asterisk (*), which are character x OFC.
Sebastian Stan / Sebby characters
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 TJ Hammond (Political Animals)
Cuddle Buddies (NSFW) *
Bucky Barnes (Marvel/Captain America) (my submissions only)
Bucky in the Morning (NSFW) *
Happy Birthday, Sergeant (NSFW)*
Bucky Barnes/Steven Rogers (Marvel/Captain America)
Threesome (1,000 Follower Celebration) (NFSW) (Mobster!AU)
Hal Carter (Picnic, Broadway 2013)
Hal & Li'l Dottie *
I Wanna Keep You (NSFW) *
Kiss me desperately
You’re Right Here
Harry (Spread, 2009)
Neighbors *
Carter Baizen (Gossip Girl)
Sweetheart (NSFW) *
Always Gonna Stay
Two Years
Make Up
A Hug
More Than A One Night Stand
I’m Sorry
In the Sand
Secret Santa
Chris Beck (The Martian)
Back & Forth *
Can’t Get Any Better
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
Gimme A Chance *
A kiss out of lust
I’m Selfish
Lip Balm
Jefferson (Once Upon A Time)
I Remember You
I Have To Get Back
Like Something’s Missing
Looking For You
Are You Real?
Holiday Cookies & Blankets
Leo Reilly (Education of Charlie Banks)
For Ella*
I Do Care
Clay Apuzzo (I’m Dying Up Here)
A kiss lazily
Chase Collins (The Covenant)
A kiss out of envy or jealousy
I’ll Tell You Everything
Chris (Destroyer)
Are You Asleep?
Dayton White (Logan Lucky)
Ben (The Apparition)
Frank (Endings, Beginnings)
Would you just hold still?
Sebastian Stan RPF
New York After Dark (NSFW) 
More Than You Could Imagine
Feel Comfortable
Chris Evans characters
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Frank Adler (Gifted)
Just Knock*
“Come here, let me fix it.”
A kiss in secrecy
Good Wow
Both Ways
Can I Kiss You?
Colin Shea (What’s Your Number?)
If You Can’t Sleep
Cold Hands
“I dreamt about you last night.”
Long Time Coming
“I love you, but please, shut up.”
You Definitely Want Me (NSFW-ish)
Please Don’t Say Goodbye
Nick Gant (Push)
Gimme a chance
Curtis (Snowpiercer)
We Survived
Ari Levinson (Red Sea Diving Resort)
A Glance (Smut-ish)
Through The Ups & Downs
I am trying to concentrate.
Promise Me
Nick Vaughn (Before We Go)
No Big Deal
I Can’t Breathe
Chris Evans RPF
Good Thing
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