tarithenurse · 2 years
Shuri Masterlist
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Smut/lemons/nsfw/sexual themes = * Mental health issues = % Violence/gore = #
Always watch out for individual chapter warnings/content.Reader is per default female unless otherwise stated.
Shuri's comeback %
The battle against Thanos’ hordes was raging and then the world sighed. Now Shuri finds herself in the same place…but something has changed.
Xmas mystery
(challenge for @Interestedbystanderwrites) The princess had no idea what would happen when she brought in Selvig and Reader, two brilliant scientists from Scandinavia.
Growing up with Shuri
Shuri & T'Challa. The title says it all.
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whostheblondegirl · 2 years
I'm back and hate myself for it. Argh :/ Haven't written in years, but I can't fully quit this place. Love you, my Eee!
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Ex notborkybarnes, interestedbystanderwrites... Cass xx
You already know how delighted I was that you came “home”, but let’s add a gif (and apology for not seeing this sooner) anyway😘
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buckyland · 4 years
Have snuck back on here and just wanted to say hi - lots of love, Kit Kat! - Cass x
my weekend is now like 5837271047 times better 💛
welcome back, dearest friend!!!!!!!! 💛💛💛
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friday-ocean · 5 years
Be my Baby - Part 1/2
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Part 1 ~ Part 2
Summary: Bucky and his comrades find by chance a nice little dinner that even offers Eastern European specialties. As a waitress you have seen many soldiers come to the diner, but Bucky is different. Paring: 40!BuckyBarnes & Female!Reader Warnings: smut (kissing, unprotected vaginal sex - Protect yourselves!) Words: ca. 4200
For @interestedbystanderwrites  writing challenge!
New York in spring 1943
At night all cats are grey. Since the beginning of the new, terrible overseas war, life on the streets of New York seems to have become bleaker. While at the beginning of the year even at late hours colourful figures populated the streets, they now lie empty and abandoned. The few who seek their way, however, are silent and sad figures. Even the warm, flickering light of the gas lanterns does not seem to illuminate their faces.
What do they want? What is their task? Where is their goal?
At the end of the street block, however, the darkness and dreariness are broken by warm rays of light. Besides all the closed dance clubs and cafés, this little diner looks like the last bastion of warmth and safety. The daily business so far has been quiet. A few businessmen, an old retired couple and two students who had clearly drunk too much coffee. Now, in the late afternoon, no more guests are expected: it is still too early for dinner, too late for coffee and cake.
 With clever fingers you fold the freshly washed and fortified napkins - from your place in the kitchen you have the whole room in view. The bell above the entrance door announces new guests, curiously you raise the gaze. In the entrance there is a group of five soldiers. Not an unusual sight in times of war, but these are young, strong men with freshly shaved faces, in their finest dress uniforms. Leave the napkins on your left and quickly smooth your apron over your skirt.
 With a smile you greet the group, the menu cards already in your hand. "A table for five?" you ask, and everyone involved nods. You lead the group to a small box quite far away from the counter. In your experience, the boys will soon roar and laugh so loudly that every other guest will leave the small diner annoyed.
 One of the soldiers pulls up a chair to sit at the short edge of the table, the others sit down on the two benches. Each receives a menu card from you before you pull a small notepad and pencil out of the pocket of your apron. "Do you already like something to drink? Or look at the card first?" Instead of getting an answer all shake their heads and look concentrated into the menu. Funny, you withdraw behind the counter. The five soldiers are all much bigger and stronger, together they make an impressive picture. But as soon as one of them must stand alone, they can hardly open their mouths.
 A clearing of the throat wakes you up from your observations. One of the soldiers had left the group and stepped up to you at the counter. A cheeky little grin surrounds his lips, but much more fascinating are his light blue eyes, which fix you from long eyelashes. The clarity of his gaze is so overwhelming that you are drawn directly into his spell. Imagining your fascination, his grin gets even bigger. "We ask ourselves," he begins, leaning on the counter, "what today's dish is." With his big hand he pushes a menu card over the counter and points with his long index finger to the paragraph "Please ask us for our daily specials!
 This dandy with the dark, combed back hair is aware of his effect on the female sex. But it takes a little more than a few pretty eyes, big hands and long fingers to get you off your game. With a professional smile, you point to the blackboards hanging above you: "Does nobody teach you to read in the soldier school? A tender blush forms on his cheeks. He doesn't seem to be used to cheeky answers from women. ‘Cute', you think. You'll still have a lot of fun with this pretty boy today.
 The beau had once again taken a seat with his comrades, who had, however, only conditionally noticed his little excursion; she was too captivated by the sight of your colleague hurrying to the entrance at the large window front. Perfectly styled curls, a wide swinging skirt and the much too sweet scent of her perfume brought her the attention of everyone. She gives you an apologetic look before flitting into the kitchen. A glance at your wristwatch tells you that she now must explain her 37-minute delay to the boss. Enough time for you to quickly take the soldiers' orders. Once dear Fanny had taken up her post at the bar, the soldiers couldn't think clearly any more...
 "Decided?" you ask into the rune and twist the pencil between your fingers. Burger, milkshake, coke, cheeseburger', you write down. "Pelmeni." "Pelmeni?" you ask and raise your gaze. The pretty boy smiles: "The one with meat and sour cream with it." You nod and write down his wish: "Tea with sugar and cream with it"? "Of course," his smile is so charming that you can't hold back and give him a little smile as well.
 Passing the order on to the kitchen triggers a little turmoil. Cookware rattles, the cook screams something incomprehensible to the kitchen boy. Meanwhile you take care of the drinks. You're amazed at the beauty's order. Pelmeni is an Eastern European speciality and today's dish. The cook of the diner immigrated some years ago from Eastern Europe to New York, opened the diner, offers burgers and meat loaf and lives the American dream. Yet his European soul lives on: every day in a different dish of the day, in tea and in ice-cold vodka. Normally only old friends or guest workers ordered these specialities, such a young man is unusual!
 Fanny has meanwhile agreed to bring the heavy tray to the table with the soldiers. No real miracle. As soon as she sensed the chance to flirt with young men, she had the greatest zeal for work imaginable! But mercy to her God, as soon as the rag or the bucket called, any snail could overtake her. The young men seem to be really taken with Fanny. They speak directly louder, laugh with Fanny about some avoidably funny comment.
 Suddenly a bright pointed scream sounds and you hear glass break. Apparently Fanny had overreached himself with the heavy tray. When she took a glass down to give it to the soldier, she lost her balance and the whole tray fell into the beau's lap. Quickly you hurry up with a rag to help your colleague, who has solidified directly into a pillar of salt.
 "Excuse me! What a terrible accident", you try to excuse your colleague. "Oh woe...", the last milkshake had fallen into the beau's lap, the sticky liquid covered his entire uniform jacket. "Oh, that's not so bad," he tries to talk down the misfortune. "We'd better wash out the stain right away. Dried milk is really disgusting...", you grab the young man by the arm and pull him up from his seat. "Fanny catches the rag with big eyes. She won't be able to avoid this cleaning work this time.
 Together with the young man you disappear behind a door that shows 'Private' in big letters. The door hides a small laundry room in which all cleaning things, buckets and old boxes are stored. The light flickers and you push the man in front of you. "Take off your jacket and give it to me," you say decisively. From one of the shelves you look for a light rag and curd soap, while hot water runs into the large sink. "I want to apologize again for my colleague", you say and want to take the jacket.
 You draw in the air sharply. Jesus Christ! What a sight! The olive-green uniform shirt stretched slightly over the raised chest, caressing his narrow shoulders and waist. With a shy smile he hands you the heavy jacket. "It's really not necessary for you to apologize. Nor is it necessary for you to go to the extra trouble of washing the jacket. You shrug your shoulders and stroke the collar of the uniform jacket inconspicuously as you spread it out over the sink. "I can't let her go back to the barracks with a dirty jacket. What will your commander say to you, Mr. Barnes?"
 "How does she know my name," the soldier blinks at you in surprise. A mischievous smile surrounds your lips: "Shall I tell them the greatest secret of waitresses? The young man takes a big step towards you, now stands close behind you. Your smile gets even bigger: "We can read!" Your wet finger points to the shining name tag.
 A throaty laugh rings out and only now do you realize how close he is to you. His warm breath tickles your neck, his aftershave, a mixture of citrus and warm wood, clouds your senses. Swallowing hard you try to concentrate on your work. To your satisfaction, the biggest stain was already washed out. "But please call me Bucky."
With your eye brown raised, you stop moving: "Bucky?" "Short for 'Buchanan'. 'James Buchanan Barnes' to be exact." Continuing with your action again, you dare to ask yourself another question that is already burning on your tongue. "How come you know Pelmeni, Bucky? His name rolls naturally over your lips.
 "My mother cooks the best pelmeni. Who knows, if I like yours, I might come by more often." "Then we will soon see you more often. Our Russian specialties are the best in New York!" "Does that mean I'll see you again?" His question is almost a whisper against your ear. Involuntarily, heat rises your cheeks. Bucky comes a little closer to you, puts his upper body against your back. You feel his sinewy chest and can't resist the urge to squeeze on him.
 Devoutly you hope that he puts his big hands on your hips. But suddenly the door is torn open and bright light streams into the dim room. You immediately worry about what people only think when they see you and Bucky standing so close together. Fanny looks at you with narrow eyes: "Will you give me the mop?"
 Blinking, you register that Bucky is no longer behind you. In a flash he brought as much distance between you as is possible in the small room. With his arms crossed, he leans against the shelf of cleaning products, smiling friendly, as if he had nothing to do with the redness and heat in your face. To get to the mop, you push past Bucky, his gaze rests on you, a cheeky glint makes his bright eyes shine even brighter. You pass the mop to Fanny and try to hide your excitement: "I'll help you immediately. The jacket is clean already". Fanny only nods with curly lips and the door slams shut behind - the light now dim and warm again.
 One last swab with the cloth and the uniform jacket is clean again: "Now just let it dry and you can dare to go back to the barracks". With a bright smile Bucky accepts the jacket: "Thank you! The waitress in this diner is really wonderful." Playfully annoyed, you twist your eyes. Before Bucky can approach again, you open the door and walk into the bright light.
 Bucky is not the first soldier to try to get closer to you. Apparently, the belief in one's own irresistibility is handed over with the uniform. But this time you can't soothe the blush and your fast beating heart as easily as you go back to the counter...
Part 2
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abovethesmokestacks · 4 years
MILESTONE! WRITING CHALLENGE! Which one do I congratulate you on first?! Secondly, where do I sign tf up? do - interestedbystander xo
@interestedbystanderwrites Oh, no, no, I haven't hit a milestone as in a follower milestone, just with the fic I'm working on which is for a writing challenge of sorts that I signed up for some time ago. ^_^
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bobgasm · 5 years
Oh Steph, my dear. I must show Destroyer!Chris some love and ask if prompt 4 is still available, please? - interestedbystanderwrites
of course cass! it’s all yours! @interestedbystanderwrites
the other guys writing challenge
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moonbeambucky · 5 years
OMG if you're updating tag lists, please make sure you don't forget me, Tata babe. I want to see EVERYTHING! Us Lance writers gotta stick together. God, I miss writing Lance. A lot. Love love love you - Cass @interestedbystanderwrites xo
You want it all?? Here it is 😂😂
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For real though Cass I will add you to my perm tags :D
Tara’s Taglist Update
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stanning-seb · 5 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool!) - interestedbystander
Aww thank you Cass! I’m always up for some much needed self love 💕
1. My sense of humor
2. My hair (which I’ve been growing out to donate next year)
3. My strong will and drive
4. My ability to recall the most random memories
5. My eyes
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the-canary · 6 years
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Summary: Lance is a perfect fixture in your past. And suddenly, he’s roaring into focus as your younger sister’s National Coach. The warning signs scream around you, resistance is almost futile. But you’re an adult now. You’re stronger than the silly little kid you were before, right? Right?
Made another mood-board for one of my favorite Lance Tucker stories, “The Subtle Redemption of Lance Tucker” by @interestedbystanderwrites. 
I think I was left with a certain imagine of Lance (after watching the movie) that I couldn’t concede with a lot of the proceeding fics that I read about him, but I think this story does an excellent job in showing the Lance in the movie, but also a new version of him where he is trying to make up for all the shitty things that he has done -- and in the end he does prove himself worthy of being someone the main character could take that risk on. I really love this fic alot, so consider checking it out, but please note that it is for an 18+ audience.   
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @interestedbystanderwrites​ for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely Cass, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
Ha! I was a teenager and it was Backstreet Boys – and smut didn’t exist the same way it does now but that’s another opinion for another day. What I wrote then was cutesy and romantic, probably because that was what I was daydreaming about, I guess. Just a reminder that my blog is NSFW if you’re under 18.
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I think I can get more depth from an OC but you also risk the Mary-Sue and you may pigeonhole your OC in race, sexuality etc. That can really open a can of worms with the reader, which is wholly understandable. Reader inserts are great in the way you can make it 100% person to the reader. They should imagine themselves (if that’s their choice) and not feel that the writer has alienated them in any way somehow but it is still difficult to please everybody.
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
I like fluff – I like things that make you smile at the end, give the reader a little cuddle to maybe brighten their day.
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
One that never made my masterlist – a Spider-Man super angst titled “How Long Do You Want to be Loved?”. I thought it as okay, pretty good even – but I guess people just want Bucky or Sebastian smut haha I hear you all!
5) When is your preferred time to write?
Morning when the little guy is napping ☺ Evening is hard because it’s when I play adulting catch up… or try not to fall asleep on the couch.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
I have a very overactive imagination, always have. And for most of my fics, I guess it’s pretty obviously the beautiful aesthetics of Sebastian Stan and to a lesser extent, Bucky Barnes.
7) In your Time Only Flies When You’re Around Series, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Chapters 27 and 28 of TOFWYA – more so 28 as you get a pretty interesting insight into Sasha’s and Sebastian’s ways of coping when they’re out of sync. Long story short, they’re a mess.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Luckily – none! The joys of a smolblog maybe?
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
I love writing for Buckster – he’s a complex devil and has a lot of layers to work with and a body to die for. Thumbs up for the material, Sebastian.
10) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
As per mentioned before – Peter Parker. That fic scarred me.
11) How did you come up with the title for the Time Only Flies When You’re Around Series?
It’s actually a song lyric as are the first few chapter titles: Belinda Carlisle – Valentine
I made a rule about you, I made a plan // For getting my feet back on the ground // Bury my face in clouds, for hours on end // But time only flies when you're around
12) How did you come up with the idea for the Time Only Flies When You’re Around Series?
I was just writing some stuff, pissfarting around and all of a sudden I’d written something similar to what Chapter 22 ended up being and that’s how it all began. 150k words of nonsense really.
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Many – but there is a long Bucky multichap fic that deserves more of my attention. As his story has evolves via MCU, the story has changed a little.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I write one shots to TOFWYA, I don’t think I could write the sequel to it though. I’ve considered a full fic for Take Me to the Water but I doubt I will for an AU. Any sequels will be little one shots so at this stage, there is nothing planned.
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
I ended Next Year very kitsch – I regret the last sentence as it currently is: You gave him a small smile, overwhelmed by his words. “I love you too, Bucky Barnes.” Blurgh.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
How much time do you have for me to talk about @whostheblondegirlwriting​? Truly. My fandom soul mate. We are separated by far too many kilometres and time zones, but between her job and me mummying, we’re chatting at all hours of the day. She is a true gem and I adore her.
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Luckily, it’s not available on A03 or Tumblr, but it’s still online elsewhere because I thought about it a few weeks ago – it was a Lords of Dogtown fic… and it was not good. Saying that, anything before that I would cringe at anything I’d written anyway ha!
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Definitely music or the sound of the baby monitor that I find quite soothing.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Argh. “How Long Do You Want to be Loved” messed me up. Too many parental feels.
20) Which part of your Time Only Flies When You’re Around Series was the hardest to write?
The proposal. I went over it a thousand times. I thought, should it be romantic, should it be grand, should it be this or that? How it happened, just a couple in love, in the city they love, being themselves just seemed to fit when it finally came together.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I occasionally outline – but mostly I just write, write, write and then start toying with it afterwards. I’m constantly chopping and changing, but I’m not pedantic about planning. It isn’t that kind of fic. Other multichaps I put a bit more planning and emphasis on.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction?
You’re only as good as your last fic and its reblogs. If you’re going to get hung up on likes/reblogs/comments, you’ll never publish something again. But it can be bloody disheartening at times.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
Time Only Flies When You’re Around? Haha busted my ass on that beast for over a year. It has the hits but likes and comments are encouraging when received. When. I always considered publishing it on Tumblr, but I don’t know. It’s freely available on A03.
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Smut talks – I think Heatstroke is a little silly. But it gets hits.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Nope – any characters, inc OC’s are all fictional. I don’t know if I could handle people in my real life if they were like my OC’s!
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Any body that takes the time to leave a ‘yes!’, ‘omg’ to paragraphs of reiterating your story back to you – it’s amazing! Taking the time to leave a writer a comment makes our day.
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
It still makes me laugh when I read it, not quite verbatim but it was along the lines of ‘I loved this fic but it’s gone a total 180. I’ll see how you continue but you know, I’m probably out of here’. While I know you can’t please anyone, it’s a strange comment. I’m old enough to appreciate constructive criticism. This was neither here nor there, but still hilarious!
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Back to my love, @whostheblondegirlwriting, we’re constantly taunting the other or beta’ing each others stuff when we have time to help the other (let alone write our own stuff!).
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
In real life? No. On this hellsite? I have made some amazing writing friends!
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
Ollie in TOFWYA – she’s a completely stereotypical New Yorker, brash, in your face and on the other hand, Sasha’s best friend in the world and they’d do anything for each other. If you knew Ollie in real life, you’d absolutely hate her.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
People simply enjoying your work and letting you know is the most amazing aphrodisiac. I’ll never stop writing – whether it’s for myself or for other people to enjoy. Don’t ever be scared to let a writer know if you’ve enjoyed their work or if you haven’t, a writer should be able to accept your constructive criticism and will probably appreciate your feedback if you take the time to provide it respectfully! If you’re going to go on anon and talk shit, just don’t bother. It’s boring, childish and completely unoriginal. Shows true testament to your personality offline.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
Not a clue – but will assume it’s Backstreet Boys-related!
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Smut will get you the hits but fluff is forever.
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firewolf-marvels · 7 years
Look I made a thing!
@interestedbystanderwrites​ had her 500 followers milestone a while ago and I decided to make a moodboard for her amazing fic "The subtle redemption of lance tucker". Again congrats on the followers and I hope you like it! 😘
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(None of the pictures used are mine. If people want me to link/source them I will)
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@interestedbystanderwrites reblogged your post and added:
I loved this, @lancefuckrr �� I am so relieved it...
Thank you so so much! I can’t believe it’s over!
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buckyland · 4 years
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! - interested bystander
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THANK YOU! i am sending you hugs and love back!
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friday-ocean · 5 years
Be my Baby - Part 2/2
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Part 1
Summary: Bucky and his comrades find by chance a nice little dinner that even offers Eastern European specialties. As a waitress you have seen many soldiers come to the diner, but Bucky is different. Paring: 40!BuckyBarnes & Female!Reader Warnings: smut (kissing, unprotected vaginal sex - Protect yourselves!) Words: ca. 4200
For @interestedbystanderwrites  writing challenge!
New York in Summer 1943
Over the next few weeks, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes visits the diner up to three times a week, always late in the afternoon. He sits alone at the counter, always ordering the dish of the day, strong tea and watching you at work. At the beginning of his visits you still feel quite uncomfortable. His steel-blue eyes seem to burn into you and for the first time you are clumsy. It took two broken plates, one spilled coffee and three burns of hot crockery to finally relax in his presence.
 It's a wonderful day in summer. The Stark Expo opened that day and all the radio shows running at the diner report in detail on every exhibit and speech Howard Stark makes. Towards evening, however, the coverage finally diminishes, and more music is played again.
 Be my baby now, my one and only baby Wha oh oh oh I'll make you happy, baby, just wait and see For every kiss you give me I'll give you three
You hum the tune, make your hips circle. In the almost empty diner, nobody is interested in you anyway when you polish glasses and cutlery behind the counter. The front door opens, and Bucky stands in the door, his unmistakable grin on his face. "Good evening," you shout delightedly. "What brings you to our little diner at this late hour?" Bucky takes a seat opposite you, the smile doesn't seem so radiant when seen from up close. "I've just come from the Expo and I thought I'd drop by again." "Still so late? Couldn't it have waited until tomorrow", you ask with a wink and put the towel aside.
 Bucky's smile now disappears completely, his eyes are fixed on you: "Tomorrow I will already be on my way to Europe". Shocked, you open your eyes. Suddenly the whole room seems to turn, and you cling to the counter looking for help. "My ship leaves in the early hours of the morning. But first I wanted to say goodbye to you", his otherwise too shining gaze seems dull and lifeless. A toilet arises in your throat, takes your breath away. In all the past weeks you had always reckoned with his departure and yet wished fervently that this moment would never come. Now, however, he had come.
 You quickly loosen the loop of your apron and throw it onto the counter. A plan comes up in your head and before you can even think about it you already shout: "Fanny? You have to take over my shift."
Fanny can't react as quickly as you take Bucky by the hand and leave the little diner with him. "Where do you want to go", the young man asks, slightly confused, but still follows you without contradiction. You just wink at him over your shoulder and drag him down the street. Only a block away from the diner you enter a small house.
 Without paying much attention to the entrance or hallway, you drag Bucky up the stairs behind you to the next floor. "Miss, are they?" a thin voice suddenly sounds from the ground floor. As if frozen, you remain standing, with big eyes you look at Bucky. You press a finger to his lips and mean not to make a sound. "Yes, Mrs Smith," you ask carefully down the stairs. "Weren't you going to work?" Annoyed, you twist your eyes, but still answer nicely: "Yes, Mrs Smith. But I was wrong. I have the day off, after all!” "Child, you'd better concentrate!"
You want to answer her again, but Mrs Smith won't let you talk yet: "What's that smell? Is that aftershave? Do you have a man with you?"
 The back of a chair over wooden planks makes you shudder: "No, no Mrs Smith! Just now in the diner there were only several men sitting at the counter. Maybe that's her aftershave?" Apparently Mrs Smith is thinking about the probability of this explanation. The renewed chair back lets you breathe a sigh of relief. "Yes. Of course. Enjoy the evening off."
 Your grip on Bucky's hand loosens again and you pull him further up the stairs. In your naked panic, you clasped his hand so tightly that your ankles stood out white. Bucky almost asked you about it, but your frightened look and the warning stopped him.
 At the end of the long corridor, you open a door with a key you pull out of your skirt and ask Bucky to enter with a wave of your hand. Bucky steps past you into your little room. It's not very spacious, a cosy bed, a small table and two chairs, a wardrobe and a low bookcase. But nevertheless, or because of it, Bucky feels right at home. The colourful bedspread over the bed and the thick book on the pillow, plus the warm light that falls through the window, invite Bucky to linger. "Sorry for the excitement," you close the door behind you and turn the key quietly in the lock. Safe is safe. "My pension manager doesn't allow men in our rooms. She is almost paranoid in this respect."
 Uncertain, Bucky stands in the room looking at you. He still can't really imagine why you took him into your room. Feeling his embarrassment, you gently smile at him and walk towards him. Tenderly you put your hands on his upper arms: "Darling... Still can't imagine what I want? His warm hands lie on your hips, pressing gently. He hints at a slight head shake, but his eyes flash almost knowing. A cheeky smile caresses your lips. Your lips almost touch as you breathe: "I want to say goodbye to you, baby...".
 Your first kiss is timid, your lips stroking each other, touching only gently. His shining eyes seek yours and recognize your desire - your desire. The kiss becomes more demanding, his tongue strokes your lip and you open it, allowing him access. Your tongues dance with each other until you breathlessly separate from each other. Your fingers branch off with his and pull him onto your bed with you.
 You sit next to each other while your hands pull on his uniform jacket. It takes a little skill to open the big buttons and free his shoulders from the heavy fabric. But your effort is rewarded - his upper body is still as impressive as it was a few weeks ago. Or maybe even more impressive? Are his shoulders even wider? His posture even more proud? Bucky pulls his tie, slowly the heat between you rises literally to his head. The tie lands on the floor next to his jacket and he opens the upper buttons.
 Bucky puts his hand on your knee before plucking his dark red skirt a little. You wish that Bucky would become a little braver and let his hands wander. You can only guess what a sensation his long fingers and large palms can cause. You open the last buttons of his shirt and let your hands wander across his bare chest. Dark nipples set off from the light skin and soft skin. Your dainty fingers give him goose bumps.
 Meanwhile his hand wandered under your skirt, palpated the waistband of your nylon stockings and stroked his fingers over the garter before his fingers touched your soft skin. Bucky's gaze wanders across your rapidly rising chest and heat rises inside your body. Instead of waiting for Bucky to react, you pull your light blouse over your head with the Peter Pan collar. The silk shirt that comes out barely covers your breasts - your nipples tremble under his gaze. "Bucky", you breathe and finally his gaze turns to your face again. His eyes are dark, widened with pleasure. He bends over to you, your lips meet, tongues find each other dancing. You moan greedily, but Bucky's mouth takes every note from you - takes your breath away.
 Your hands lie in his neck, pulling his beautiful body onto you as you let yourself fall back into the pillows. Bucky pulls his hands out under your skirt, but only to drag him from your hips. Your lovely round hips are caressed by silky panties and Bucky's hands stroke from your hips to your buttocks, kneading them lasciviously before pulling both the shirt and panties off your body. His ice-blue eyes wander across your naked skin, hypnotized they get stuck on your quivering breasts. He embraces the soft hills, quarrels with his thumbs over your hard buds.
 Tenderly your hands wander from his neck, over his back, along his belly, tracing every muscle, every tendon. You open his belt and trousers, push your hand in. Bucky draws in the air sharply, frightened, opens his eyes. His surprise can be seen, but your fingers also feel his lust. With your other hand you pull down his trousers together with his underpants until his half erect tail is free. The sight of all his splendour makes the heat inside you increase even more. Your soft hand embraces his limb; with your thumb you stroke the tip and Bucky shudders.
 His soft lips caress your neck while his hands knead your breasts. You notice the ever-increasing moisture between your legs. Slowly you really want to feel Bucky's masculinity. "Bucky", you breathe and open your legs, angling them so that he lies between you. He rests on both arms next to your head, looks at you with big eyes. His breath is fast, irregular, but his tail in your hand is swollen even bigger. Carefully you lead his tip to your labia, distribute your juice. Bucky bites his teeth together, puts his forehead to your chest and looks down between you. You push his limb further between your lips until you meet resistance. You cannot and will not push him any further. But only the feeling of its glans in you makes your hips circle.
 Bucky closes his wonderful eyes, cuddles his face in your neck and inhales your very own scent. Slowly, very slowly he presses himself deeper into you, too aware of how close he is to his own orgasm. Whimpering you lift yourself up towards him, demanding that he get closer to you. With a moan he penetrates completely, your pelvic bones meet. "Jesus... That is... you are...", Bucky's voice is nothing more than a smoky whisper. "So tight... So hot..."
 You greedily look for Bucky's lips, suck his lip into your mouth, sips and tease him. Slowly Bucky begins to move inside you. With every thrust his self-confidence grows, his desire to feel you. You whimper into the kiss; every muscle is tense in you. Bucky's blows become more uninhibited, his gaze begging. "Come, please come", your hands find his curls and you just reach in searching. Bucky hits you again and your whole-body cramps around his penis. He twitches and his warm sperm flows into you.
 Breathing heavily, you separate from each other and Bucky smiles blissfully as you squeeze closer to his body. He puts his arm around you and starts humming quietly. Your ear on his chest not only lets you hear the melody, but you also feel the gentle vibration of his dark voice.
 So, won't you, please, be my, be my baby Be my little baby, my one and only baby Say you'll be my darlin', be my, be my baby
  New York in autumn 1943
 Time passes and every day new news from overseas reaches the little diner. You try to put aside the worry about Bucky and his comrades, but in the quiet moments in the diner or alone in your bed they always return. Blurred images of unknown landscapes, maltreated bodies and Bucky's ice-blue eyes in between.
 Late afternoon on a day in October. The trees still carry colourful foliage as you polish the counter with bobbing hips. A few guests sit at the tables, but otherwise the daily business was quiet. The entrance door opens, and you turn to the new guest. In the door stands an older woman whose dark hair is streaked with grey strands. Her tired gaze wanders through the diner and remains lying on you.
 Before you can even greet her, she approaches you: "Do you know a James Barnes? You nod and put the cloth aside. "Sergeant James Barnes was a guest before he..." You don't finish the sentence, everyone knows anyway what happens to young, strong men during this time. "Could I talk to you? Alone", the lady's voice is thin and while you quickly announce your break to your boss, you observe the woman leaning exhausted against the counter.
 As you leave diner, you wrap your cardigan tighter around you. In the last days the air became more and more cooler, the sky greyer. Winter is coming. The lady turns to you, only now do you notice her light blue eyes, which are surrounded by dark eye grooves. "I received a letter from him shortly after James left. In it he wrote that I should go to this diner and give the waitress a letter when... When... When something happens to him." The lady's voice becomes thinner and thinner until it breaks completely. She puts her skinny hand in the pocket of her coat and pulls out an envelope. Without another word she hands it to you and looks at you with big tear-filled eyes.
 The envelope is white, wrinkled and redirected. You tear it open and pull out the folded pages with trembling fingers.
 Dear Baby…
 ~ FIN ~
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abovethesmokestacks · 5 years
I’m sure a moodboard for Notorious’ biker!bucky would be very much appreciated if you’ve got the time please, Pia, my love? xo - interestedbystander
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Bucky Barnes from Notorious by interestedbystanderwrites
| want to request a moodboard? |
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
masterlist. Rooster x reader. 18+. Strictly NSFW. That is the warning. Please don’t read if you’re underage. follow @notroosterbradshaw-library and turn on notifications if you don’t want to miss anything. i don't have a taglist x
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key: 🌶️ smut 18+ nsfw || 🥰 fluff || 🗯️ angst
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[archive. no longer writes for tg:m]
The Boyfriend Experience masterlist 🌶️ 🥰 🗯️ Phoenix concocts the perfect Plus 1 for an old friend’s wedding.
It’s Only My Heart (Save Yourself) 🗯️ Everyone loves a wedding but is it really Rooster’s Big (Terrible, Awful) Day.
The 1% 🌶️ 🥰 Rooster is a king in the sky and your bedroom. 
The Best First(s) 🌶️ 🥰 Rooster’s first real sleepover.
And You By My Side 🌶️ 🥰 🗯️ Your first real fight with Rooster.
Pomp 🥰 Rooster returns and is a little bold about it.
Girl Under You [g.u.y] 🌶️ 🥰 🗯️ But you’re not in love with him. It’s just the things he can do to your body, and the way he talks, or how he flits in and out of your life with no chance of any kind of commitment –
You Don’t Get to Taste the Honey Without the Sting of the Bee 🗯️ Rooster doesn’t get jealous, but you do. And it debilitates you how blasé he is about it. 
warm blood 🥰 🗯️ a few drinks at everyone’s favourite bar. you’re home, it’s been a few very cold months at sea. but he warms you to your bones each time you see him. but it’s sadly just not meant to be. 
My Father’s Eyes 🥰 🗯️ Bradley comes to terms with growing up without a father to guide him while quickly adapting to become one himself… to a child who wants nothing more than not to have him in her life 
prologue [hiatus until Slow Dancing is complete]
That May Be All I Need 🌶️ 🥰 with Bradley, you’re easy… just like Sunday morning. Or those early stages of new relationships.
An Orphan’s Christmas 🌶️ 🥰🎄 You know you’ve made the right decision by choosing to stay on the Island with Rooster this Xmas.
Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home) 🌶️ 🥰 🎄Bradley’s home just before midnight. After 15+ Christmases together, it’s sometimes lovely to reminisce about life before the babies wake and the madness ensues.
domestic!Rooster drabbles 
one - the origin of betsy ; one.five - Three’s a Crowd || two - Educating Bradley || three - Self-Care || four - Studying Rooster || five - Monthly Madness || six - An Ode to the Shower || seven - piano by candlelight
head canons
champagne 🥂 || music 🎶 || flowers 💐 || drunk 🍸 || father’s day 💪 || ass 🍑 || 
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jake “hangman” seresin
he just loves xmas, ok? 🥰 🎄
robert “bob” floyd
Office Christmas Party 🥰🎄 (AU)
dagger squad misc
kiss prompts [requests closed] || meaningful gestures 
hosted challenges:
notroosterbradshaw’s #hello december playlist challenge 🎄
notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration 
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Bucky Barnes @ A03. Old fics I won’t be bringing this back to Tumblr - from interestedbystanderwrites 100 years ago if you wish to read them there. 
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