#chrissy and vickie are cousins in this
dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
The Vampire Bandit
Summary: Instead of a raccoon messing with her trashcans, Vickie finds a supposedly dead Eddie Munson hiding amongst them. She ends up hiding him in her house, and they bond over her cousin, Chrissy. Rovickie with a side of Steddie.
When Vickie heard about the members of Hellfire being hunted down, she had been furious even more so when she heard they were doing it in Chrissy's name. Her cousin wouldn't have wanted that, and she felt so much anger for Chrissy as well as Hellfire, as well as Eddie. Vickie wanted to do something, anything, but she didn't know what to do. It wasn't just for Chrissy, though. She knew that some of those guys were Robin's friends, too. She didn't know what Robin did, but during the manhunt something went down. The police had cleared Eddie of any wrongdoing, but there was still an ongoing investigation, then shortly after they announced Eddie's death.
"In the woods, I just - I felt so safe with him," Chrissy had said.
That's what she told Vickie, one of the last words she had said. Vickie cried as she hung up the phone. She wasn't upset that she had just ended her on/off relationship for good. It was the fact that she couldn't pick the phone back up to tell her cousin about it. She would never talk to Chrissy again. Vickie let out a sob and leaned against the wall, letting it hold her up. Suddenly, there came a loud crashing sound outside, and she straightened up. She glanced at the phone. Her dad had gotten called into work, and so, she was here all alone. She grabbed the baseball bat from the hall closet and stepped out the back door. Vickie did the stupid thing they all did in horror movies.
"Hello?" She called out.
There was a rustling sound from the trashcans. Vickie sighed. It was probably just a raccoon or opossum. She didn't drop the bat, though, as she moved closer. She moved the trashcans and found a bloody Eddie Munson laying behind them.
"Stay away from me!" Eddie whimpered.
She froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, and then knelt down next to the trashcans.
"Eddie," Vickie said softly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I never believed that you did any of those things."
"I-I'm different," Eddie said.
"Yeah, I heard those rumors, but I would be a hypocrite, Eddie," Vickie admitted, smiling as she thought about Robin.
"Y-you're a vampire too?" He sniffled.
"What?! Um. . .no. I, uh, was talking about something else," Vickie said, blushing.
Eddie moved forward, and Vickie could see his face as he moved out of the shadow. His face was glistening with tears, and his mouth was covered in blood. His skin was gray, his eyes red, and she could see fang peaking out of his mouth.
"I drank a raccoon," Eddie said sadly. "I like raccoons. They have little hands and built-in bandit masks. I was just so hungry."
He started crying, and she realized he was lying next to the dead raccoon. It was hard to be scared of this man.
"Okay. Well, how about we bury him, pay our respects, and then we get you cleaned up?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, okay," Eddie sniffled and cradled the body into his arms.
After they buried the body, there was a moment of silence, and then Vickie brought him inside to let him use her shower. She left some of her dad's old clothes out for him and waited in the kitchen for him. He walked back, looking much better. His skin was less gray, his eyes were now brown, and his fangs had slid back into place.
"So, this must freak you out?" Eddie asked.
"Um, yeah, a little, but I want to help you," Vickie said. "Is there anyone that I should call for you?"
"They all think that I'm dead," Eddie replied.
"Then we should definitely call them," Vickie said with wide eyes.
"I don't know . . . I'm not sure if I'm ready to face them yet. Listen, I'll get out of your hair," Eddie said. "Thank you . . . "
"Vickie. Vickie Fisher," she replied.
"Thank you, Vickie," Eddie said. "I'll be going now."
"Eddie! I can't let you go out there! Look, you can stay here for a few days until you're ready," she said.
"Why?" Eddie asked suspiciously.
"Well, one, even though you've been cleared by the public, there are still people in town who are out to get you," Vickie said. "And two, you really shouldn't be alone right now."
"Uh, what about your parents?" Eddie asked.
"Well, since my mom died, my dad hasn't stepped foot in the crafting shed. He doesn't have to know," Vickie said. "Come on."
She smiled and led him out back to a blue wooden shed that looked more like a small house.
"Okay, when you said shed, I was thinking more like, well, a shed and not a really tiny house," Eddie said, and Vickie laughed.
"My mom wanted a place to craft her jewelry," she said. "So, my dad built this for her."
"Aww, that's love, man," Eddie said.
She unlocked it and welcomed him inside, turning on the light. There was a small couch in the corner, and next to it was her mom's crafting station. Some of her toys were in here, and a sweater of Chrissy's that she had forgotten lay on a hook. Vickie smiled a sad but fond smile as she recalled all the times they played in here while her mom worked. Sometimes, they even helped her.
"Aww, is that you and your mom?" Eddie asked as he looked at a board filled with photos. "You look like her."
"Yeah," Vickie replied with a shrug. "I don't know. Most people say I look like my dad."
"I see it in the eyes and the smile," Eddie shrugged. "Wait. . .is that Chrissy?"
Vickie glanced at the picture of a young Chrissy and Vickie.
"Yeah," she paused, sucking in a painful breath. "She's my cousin."
"Fuck," Eddie said and looked at her. "I am so sorry."
"Why? You didn't kill her," she replied. "The last time we talked, she was telling me all about your meeting in the woods. The last thing she told me was how safe she felt with you, and if she said that, then it was probably true. "
"Shit," he said and rubbed his eyes.
He pulled her tightly into a hug. They stood like that for a while, holding each other tightly as they cried.
"Helping you out is the least that I could do, Eddie," Vickie said, as she pulled back from the hug.
Getting Eddie settled and hiding him from her father wasn't a problem. He was a doctor, so he worked a lot anyway. The next couple of days flew by, and Eddie was still with her. He would occasionally sneak out at night to feed on animals, having figured out how to do it without killing them. Besides that, Vickie was actually having a lot of fun spending time with him and getting to know him. They talked about Chrissy, and Vickie told him about what it was like growing up with her. She told him about the fallout between their parents. She told him about how Laura Cunningham hadn't even allowed her own brother and niece into the funeral.
"Oh!" Vickie exclaimed, putting her spoon back into the bowl.
They were currently talking at the kitchen table and eating ice cream when Vickie recalled the notebook that Chrissy had left in her room.
"Brain freeze?" Eddie asked, sympathetically. "Thank God, I don't get that anymore. . . OH! OW! I spoke too soon!"
"I'll be back," she said and ran out of the room.
She came back and threw a notebook down in front of him. It was covered in butterfly stickers.
"What's this?" he asked.
"It's Chrissy's," Vickie replied. "It's filled with her drawings. She used to do it all the time before her mother sucked the life out of her."
"Uh, I don't know about this," Eddie said.
"She'd want you to look at them," she said softly.
Eddie carefully opened the journal, looking through drawings of flowers and butterflies that Chrissy always loved to draw. There were also a couple of drawings of Vickie and her mom. Matilda Fisher had been more of a mother to Chrissy than Laura ever had. She knew how hard it had hit Chrissy when she died and spent the next couple of weeks living in Vickie's room. When Laura forced her to stop coming over so much, Chrissy spent much of her time running away and disobeying Laura. Eddie had laughed at that and paused at a drawing in the notebook.
"This is me," Eddie said. "This is me at the talent show. She acted like she didn't remember me."
"It's because she had a crush on you for the longest time," Vickie said. "She was either trying to hide it, or she was making a move on you."
"You're saying that I had a shot with her?" Eddie asked, raising his eyebrows and blinking rapidly. "Fuck."
"Yeah. . . sorry," she said softly.
"Yeah, I can draw too, although nowhere near as beautiful as Chrissy," Eddie said.
"I can't draw for shit. I like to write though. Me and Chrissy used to talk about creating children's books together," Vickie said sadly. "It was always our plan after high school."
"Sorry," Eddie said softly and Vickie glanced at the phone on the wall. "I noticed you keep staring at the phone. Expecting a call?"
"I gave Robin my number the other day and I thought for sure that she would call but I don't think she's going to. Maybe she lost the number or maybe she doesn't . . . " Vickie started to ramble and quickly stopped.
"Wait, Robin Buckley?" Eddie asked and then he grinned. "Your heart is racing awfully fast. Wait. . . is that the rumor thing you were talking about? Yeah, that one isn't true. I mean, it's alright if you are."
"Hmm, I would have figured with the way that you were talking about Steve Harrington the other day," Vickie said.
"Well, I mean, it's just a surprise how much of a good guy he because all that I've heard about him is that he's an asshole from other people. It's stupid now because I normally don't listen to rumors. It was just easier to think that he was a jerk like some of the jocks that bullied my friends, you know? Steve Harrington, not a jerk? No, nope, no way! So, not only is he pretty on the outside, but he's pretty on the inside, too. I mean, yeah, if I were a girl, I would totally date him," Eddie said, scoffing and bit into a scoopful of ice cream. "OW! Brain freeze."
"Wow, I don't think even I rambled that much before," she squinted her eyes at him. "Eddie, you know you don't have to be a girl to date him. Eddie, you do know about gay people right?"
"I know gay people exist," he laughed. "You're sitting right next to me."
"Eddie . . . ," she giggled. "I'm bisexual."
"Pardon?" he asked.
"I like guys and girls," Vickie said.
"Oh. . .oh . . . OH! I do NOT have a crush on Steve Harrington! Nope!" Eddie said, shaking his head and staring at his bowl of ice cream for the longest time. "Jesus H Christ! I have a crush on Steve."
"So, how many guys have you said, 'oh, if I were a girl, I would date him' about?" Vickie asked.
"Shut up, Fisher, it's not funny. I just accepted the fact that I'm a vampire and now I'm having a sexuality crisis," Eddie pouted. "Let me freak out in peace, please."
The phone rang, and Eddie grinned gratefully. Vickie answered the phone and held back a squeal when it was Robin who was on the other end. About halfway through with talking to her, Vickie realized that she was keeping a giant secret from her, and she felt her heart rate pick up in a bad way. Eddie must have picked up on it, too, because he cocked his head to the side and looked at her in concern. Vickie hung up the phone.
"Robin just invited me to hang out with her over at Steve's place tonight," Vickie said. "She said that it was a last-minute thing and I said I would go. They're having a little get together."
"Okay, why are you making it out to be a bad thing?" Eddie asked.
"You have to go! I can't keep something like this from her!" Vickie pleaded.
"We've had this conversation," he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, and I told you it's stupid," Vickie sighed.
That had been a difficult conversation when he sat down and told her what happened, how they narrowly avoided the entire town being split open. He had told her about Vecna and how Chrissy died. That had been difficult, and Vickie was pretty sure that she would have nightmares for life. He had told her about dying himself and about how when he awoke Vecna tried to make him his minion. Eddie was no one's bitch and so, Eddie killed him which didn't take a lot of power because he pretty much had one foot in grave already. Eddie still felt guilty about not following the plan and was worried about how'd they would react to him being a monster.
"I'm a coward, Vick, I'm just not ready," he said, looking at her with big brown eyes. "Please."
"Fine, but you owe me," she replied and kissed him softly on the forehead. "Idiot."
"Good luck with Robin!" he said cheerfully.
Vickie cursed Eddie all the way to Steve's house. With her heart pounding out of her chest, she walked up to his door and knocked. Steve answered the door.
"Hey, Vickie," Steve said.
"I didn't realize that Steve Harrington knew my name," she said teasingly.
"Well, Robin did mention that she invited her friend, Vickie, over to my house," Steve shrug.
"I was going to say that you were a really good guesser or that you're psychic," Vickie laughed.
"Oh, yeah, totally psychic," Steve laughed awkwardly.
Oh, right. Eddie mentioned something about that they knew a girl with superpowers. Shit, she was already putting her foot in her mouth. Steve let Vickie in and showed her to living room where there were a bunch of kids as well as Robin. Vickie grinned when Robin's eyes lit up at the sight of her. She hopped over to Vickie and moved to hug her but then pulled back. She stuck her hand out and then yanked it back. Vickie laughed and hugged her.
"Thanks for inviting me," Vickie said.
"You're welcome," Robin said, blushing. "I'm glad you could make it."
"Thanks," Vickie smiled.
She was about to say something else when a curly haired boy in a hat approached them.
"You must be Vickie, Robin's friend? You know, Steve is single - ," the boy started to say.
"NO!" Vickie exclaimed and blushed.
"Well, that was a little quick. I'll have you know that Steve is - ," he started to say.
"Dustin!" Steve exclaimed.
"It's not that there's anything wrong with Steve," Vickie said quickly. "It's just that I just broke up with my boyfriend and I like someone else."
"Damn, sorry, Steve," Dustin said.
"How about apologizing for interfering in my love life and Vickie's?" Steve asked and then softly. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, buddy, but it's not necessary."
"It's just that ever since Nancy - ," he said.
"It has nothing to do with Nancy!" Steve exclaimed. "Now, we're trying to have a good night here, I do not want to be thinking about my love life."
Vickie noticed that there was a sadness in his eyes like he was missing someone who was no longer here. She wondered if Eddie was the only one who felt the same. The guilt that was eating at her grew a thousand fold as she watched Dustin hug Steve and then pulled back.
"Sorry, Vickie, we went through a lot recently, and I just want Steve to be happy," Dustin said. "We lost Eddie."
Vickie felt like someone punched her in the stomach, and she gave a nervous grin.
"I get it. I just lost my cousin, Chrissy," Vickie said.
Everyone turned to look at her. Robin looked at with wide eyes.
"I didn't know Chrissy was your cousin," Robin said softly.
"Yeah, Chrissy's mother didn't want it to be public knowledge, completely embarrassed by the fact that she's related to me that she didn't even let me go to the funeral. It's okay, I have my dad and this new friend. Who's been really great, and even though he's been in my life for like three days, I couldn't even imagine my life without him," Vickie said. "You know, if someone doesn't stop me or I don't stop myself when I get like this, I just keep talking."
"Hey, Robin's the same way," Dustin grinned, and Robin hit him. "So, is this guy the one you like? Just kidding! No interfering."
"Because I like you, I'll tell you that no, definitely not. In fact, the idea makes me shudder. Not because of who he is as a person, but because the idea of romance is just. . . Icky," Vickie said, and she could feel Robin smiling at her.
"Would you say this guy is your platonic soulmate?" Robin asked, and Dustin groaned.
"Oh, I like that! Who's yours?" Vickie asked, and Steve nudged her, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh, that's cute! Can I use that?"
"Absolutely!" Robin exclaimed.
"Can we watch the movie already?" A pale boy asked.
"Does he always scowl like that?" Vickie leaned in to whisper to Robin.
"Yeah, that's Mike. He has a very serious disease. He has Astickuphisbuttitis, a very serious condition that mostly affects teenagers," Robin said and Vickie giggled.
"Oh, I heard about that. I think you need surgery for that," Vickie said seriously. "And I should know. My dad's a doctor."
Robin giggled, and Vickie couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was when she did that. She watched her lips as she introduced the others: Will, El, Lucas, Max, Nancy she knew, Jonathan, and Argyle. Once the introductions were over, Vickie made sure to settle down next to Robin. Max grinned at Steve as she put in the tape. Everyone in the room laughed in Steve's direction when it was revealed to be Mr. Mom.
"Seriously?!" Steve exclaimed.
The kids all laughed and shared a look before looking back at him.
"We love you, Mr. Mom!" They said in unison.
"Yeah, love you too, assholes," Steve said, as he threw a pillow at them.
He was smiling fondly at them, zero heat behind his words.
"In case you didn't get it, there's a running joke that Steve acts like such a mom," Robin whispered to her.
"Yeah, I got it," Vickie giggled.
During the movie, Vickie inadvertently ended up leaning closer towards Robin and hearing Steve whisper something to her.
"I wish Eddie were here," he whispered, his voice thick.
"I know, Steve," Robin whispered back. "I know."
With a lump in her throat, Vickie struggled not to cry. She felt sick to her stomach. She leaned over to whisper to Steve.
"Hey, Steve, I just remembered that I need to call my dad. He's working the night shift, and if I don't call him, he'll get so busy that sometimes he'll forget to eat," Vickie whispered.
"Sure," he said. "It's in the kitchen."
Vickie hurried to the kitchen and picked up the phone to dial her home phone, hoping that Eddie would hear it. With his vampire hearing, he should. A few rings later and Eddie picked up the phone.
"Heeelllllooo?" Eddie asked.
"Hey, it's Vickie," she said.
"Hey, Gingersnap, how's it going with Birdie?" Eddie asked.
"Is there someone around that you need to use codenames?" She asked with a giggle.
"Nah, just trying out nicknames," Eddie replied.
"I don't think I can keep this up," Vickie said. "I can't keep lying to them. They really miss you, and it's breaking my heart. I don't think they're going to care as long as they know you're alive."
"I miss them too, but what if they try . . . " Eddie trailed off.
"Then I'll stand in the way," Vickie said.
"I can't ask you to do that," Eddie said.
"Well, it's a good thing you're not asking me," she replied.
"Vickie," he said softly.
"Look, they've been through so much because of Vecna this might just be the thing that puts some of their broken pieces back together," Vickie said.
"Okay, okay, but can we do it tomorrow?" He asked.
"Fine," she sighed. "I've got to go. Stay out of trouble."
"You know me," Eddie said in amusement. "Bye!"
Vickie chuckled and hung up the phone. She turned around, and her heart leaped in her throat when she saw Robin standing there looking confused. There was also a little bit of distrust in her eyes and Vickie hated that.
"What did you hear?" She asked meekly.
"Something about Vecna and broken pieces," Robin said. "What the hell? Who told you about Vecna?"
"I can't tell you that," Vickie said wincing.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because you won't believe me unless you see it for yourself and the proof is at my house," Vickie said. "I was asked by my friend not to say anything like a personal request because he meant a lot to Chrissy, and I trust this guy. And I really hope you trust me too because I really like you. Like, I don't mean any harm, and this guy doesn't mean any harm. I'm not like out to get you or anything. If you want to come to my house to see him. I'd have to call him and tell him a change of plans."
"This guy. . .is he your platonic soulmate?" Robin asked softly.
"Yeah, I think so," Vickie said, biting her lip.
"So. . .you like me, huh?" Robin asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"In what way? As a friend or. . . .?"
"Oh, definitely not a friend."
Robin cupped her face and kissed her. Vickie squealed against her mouth, and Robin laughed as Vickie kissed her back eagerly. Robin gripped her hips, picked her up, and set her on the counter. She stepped in between her legs as she kissed Vickie with the same amount of enthusiasm, her lips soft and wet against hers. Vickie felt hot, her heart racing as she squeezed Robin's hips with her legs, and she thrusted her hips. Robin's tongue pressed against her lips, and Vickie moaned, opening her mouth as she allowed Robin entry. Robin's hand was pressed gently against her throat and slowly moved down until her fingers slid under her blouse. She paused on the first button, almost questioningly, and Vickie nodded. Robin popped the first couple of buttons and slid her hand into her shirt. Robin broke the kiss and moved her lips to her neck, her hand moving under her bra to cup her breast. Suddenly, Robin pulled away from her like she had been burned, her eyes wide.
"I forgot where we were for a moment," Robin said. "The kids could walk in at any moment."
Vickie giggled, her lips feeling very swollen. Part of her shoulder was exposed, and her bra strap was hanging off her shoulder as well. Her skirt had ridden up. Robin looked just as thoroughly kissed out as she did. Vickie squeezed her legs together. God, she wanted to wrap her legs around Robin's head, and she was ready to actually do so if Robin didn't stop looking at her like that.
"What?" Vickie asked.
"You're so sexy," Robin giggled.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and Vickie squealed as she started fixing her clothes as Steve walked in. Robin hurried to stand in front of her.
"Woah!" Steve exclaimed and started to walk out.
"Wait, Steve, I need to talk to you," Robin said.
"Uh, okay, am I supposed to ignore the fact that Vickie's buttoning her shirt?" Steve asked and placed a hand over his eyes. "If you want me to talk you through anything, I'm not doing that. We have to have some boundaries, especially with the kids in the other room. God, Robin."
"What?! No, dingus!" Robin exclaimed, and Vickie giggled.
"I'm decent now," Vickie exclaimed as she straightened her skirt, and Steve removed his hand.
"I have completely forgotten what I needed to say. My head's all foggy," Robin giggled, and Vickie leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Oh, right! Vecna!"
"Robin!" Steve screamed.
"Oh, she already knows because her platonic soulmate told her, and now we need to go to her house to see for ourselves," she said and paused. "I trust her."
"You do?" Vickie asked.
"I wouldn't have stuck my tongue in your mouth if I did," Robin replied. "You said this will put some of our broken pieces back together, right?"
"Yeah," Vickie said softly.
"Then let's go to your house," Robin said. "Call him first, though."
Vickie squealed and kissed her before hopping off the counter. She grinned when she heard Robin whispering and giggling with Steve as the phone rang.
"Change of plans," Vickie said when Eddie picked up.
"Ookay?" Eddie asked.
"Uh, Robin overheard me so we're all coming over," Vickie said.
"Well, it is your house," Eddie sighed. "I guess I have to face the music eventually."
"So, you'll be there?" She asked.
They walked back into the living room, and Vickie watched as Steve turned off the TV. Immediately, everyone started complaining.
"What the hell, Steve?" Max asked.
"Change of plans. We're all going over to Vickie's," Steve said.
"Why?" Nancy asked.
"I have a surprise for you all," Vickie said. "And it's a good one!"
"And it can't wait until the movie is over?" Lucas asked.
"Nope!" Steve exclaimed. "She promised to explain when we get there."
"Why can't she tell us now?" Mike asked.
"Because it's something you won't believe until you see it for yourself," Vickie said.
"If Vickie says she has a good surprise for all of us, then she does. I trust her," Steve said. "Let's go!"
Vickie drove to her house with Robin in the passenger's seat. She was relieved that everything was going to be revealed, but she was still a little nervous. Suddenly, Robin took her hand and laced their fingers together. Vickie grinned. She felt a little less nervous. She pulled into her driveway and walked with Robin to her front door. She paused and waited for everyone to crowd around her.
"I just want to say that my friend is probably more scared of you and himself than you are of him," Vickie said.
"Okay," Mike scoffed. "Can we go in now?"
Vickie bit her tongue, but she so wanted to say that her dad was a doctor and she could get him to remove that stick for free. She decided not to say anything. She opened the door and went in with everyone following behind her.
"Hello?" Vickie called out softly. "We're all here. It's okay."
She heard the shuffling of feet, and then Eddie walked into the room. He was wearing a blanket over his head, completely covering his face and part of his body.
"What the hell?" Steve asked.
"Seriously?" Vickie asked with an amused sigh and Eddie shrugged.
"Uh, there's no reason to be scared of us. We're not going to hurt you. Mike might scowl you to death, but he doesn't mean anything by it," Robin said, and the blanket snorted. "That's just his face. He's really a teddy bear."
Vickie sighed and moved under the blanket to join Eddie.
"Okay, we're going to do some breathing exercises, okay, and then we're going to come out from under the blanket together. Okay?" Vickie asked, and he nodded.
Vickie and Eddie breathed in together and then breathed out together, holding each other's hands tightly. She gave him an encouraging look and moved out from under the blanket, expecting him to follow her. He was still under the blanket. She rolled her eyes and started to tug at it, but he was holding onto it. With a sigh, he let go of it, and Vickie took it off.
"Eddie!" Dustin shrieked.
He rushed towards him, and Eddie quickly backed away. Dustin looked hurt, and Vickie rushed forward to explain while Steve put an arm around him. She told them everything about the day she met him. How he was a vampire, how he killed Vecna, and the raccoon he had felt guilty about.
"Eddie," she said softly. "You aren't going to hurt them. We spent days together, and you didn't hurt me not once. You have your hunger under control, Eddie. You don't even have to kill animals to feed off them."
Eddie sighed and opened his arms for Dustin, who ran immediately into them. They hugged for a long time and cried just as long.
"I'm so sorry, man. You shouldn't have had to watch me die," Eddie said.
"You're back now though," Dustin said, sniffling. "I love you."
"I love you too, shrimp," Eddie said.
Once they broke the hug, the other kids rushed forward to hug him. Well, Will, Jonathan, and El simply patted him on the back. Argyle, of course, completely embraced him.
"Hmm, a guy with long hair and stinks of weed," Eddie said with amusement. "You guys trying to replace me?"
"Nah, brochacho, they love you too much to replace you. Besides, I may respect all music, but metal is not my music. It's yours, man," Argyle said. "You're also much cuter than I am, man."
"Hey, you're a handsome motherfucker and I would totally date you," Eddie said, winking at him.
"I am available, dude," Argyle grinned.
Steve coughed loudly. To Vickie's amusement, he was crossing his arms and scowling at them. It was a clear sign of jealousy.
"Glad you're back, Eddie," Nancy laughed.
"So, were you really afraid that you'd hurt us?" Mike asked.
"He cried over a raccoon, man," Lucas scoffed.
"That's true. I mean, it was just a raccoon," Mike said.
Eddie let out a sob and collapsed into the nearest person's arms, which happened to be Steve’s.
"They don't understand how cute raccoons are, Stevie! With their little hands and masks. All they want to do is steal other people's trash. It's not like people are using them. Why can't they just have them, you know?! They're just just little trash bandits," he said, sniffling. "That raccoon was just minding his own business until I came along."
"That's a little bit of an emotional reaction," Max said and scoffed. "I don't know how anyone ever thought you were a killer."
"Uh, yes, I think as a vampire, his emotions might be hightened," Vickie said with a grin.
Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist and buried his face into his neck. Steve smiled and squeezed him tightly, pressing his cheek against his hair.
"I missed you, big boy," Eddie whispered.
"Missed you too," Steve whispered back.
Eddie moved his head back, and clearly, he was not thinking. He pressed his lips against Steve’s. Nearly everyone gasped. Steve was surprised too, but he responded to the kiss eagerly and cupped the back of Eddie's head.
"Aw, man, the cute ones are always taken," Argyle said.
Eddie and Steve broke the kiss, their faces red.
"Sorry," Eddie said meekly.
"Really? I'm not," Steve grinned.
"Me neither," Eddie said. "If the kids have a problem with it, we can just put them up for adoption."
"We don't!" They exclaimed quickly, and Vickie laughed.
"I think this is so cool!" Duatin exclaimed.
"Really? Because I thought you'd be sad that you'd only get two Christmases instead of three now that your two dads are together?" Max quipped.
"Shut up, Max!" Dustin exclaimed as the other kids laughed.
"I like her," Vickie whispered.
"Hey, if Dustin is Steve and Eddie's kid, does that mean Max is ours?" Robin whispered.
"She does have my red hair," Vickie giggled and Eddie laughed.
"Can he hear us?" Robin asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, vampire hearing," she whispered.
Robin grinned and put her arm through Vickie's.
Things were settling down now that Eddie was reunited with everyone, including his uncle. Wayne didn't even care that he was a vampire now. He was just glad that he had his boy back, which Vickie thought was so sweet. Robin was a hit with her dad, who got really excited for Vickie when he found out that she had other friends like her too. He had really taken a shine to Steve and Eddie. So much so that Matthew invited them over for breakfast, which is what they were doing now. They sat around the breakfast table, chatting comfortably when Matthew smiled at his daughter.
"Hey, Vickie, dear?" Matthew asked.
"Yes, Daddy?"
"How come you didn't tell me you hid Eddie in your mother's crafting shed?" Matthew asked, and everyone froze. "I'm not mad."
"You know?" Vickie asked with wide eyes.
"I thought he knew," Eddie said when Vickie glanced at him.
"Just let me know the next time you decide to hide a metalhead in the shed," Matthew said gently. "You know that I'd help you with anything."
"Okay," Vickie said softly. "Sorry, Daddy."
Eddie leaned over to Vickie to whisper.
"So, you're dad's basically the kind of guy who would help you bury a body, isn't he?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah!" Vickie grinned.
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sofiiel · 6 months
I was told Chrissy and Vickie could have been cousins, and now I am stuck on this headcannon.
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I keep my distance (but you still catch my eye)
Author: Empress_of_Snark
Rating/Warning: Teen and Up Audiences
Chapter Count: 5/6
Description: Due to a misunderstanding, the Buckleys are under the impression that the girl Robin is bringing home for Christmas is more than just her roommate. Luckily, Chrissy doesn’t mind playing the part of fake girlfriend. Until she meets Robin’s cousin Eddie, that is, and an instant mutual attraction threatens to expose their lie.
Tags: Alternate Universe- No Vecna, College AU, Fake Dating AU, and they were ROOMMATES, Eddie and Robin are Cousins, pining Eddie Munson, sharing a bed (Platonically), Fluff, Misunderstandings, Chrissy POV, Eddie + Robin POV in one chapter, multiple chapters, Status: Completed
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bleedingoptimism · 2 months
Eddie manages the band's TikTok when they are on tour. The content is mostly behind the scenes of them on the road, news about where they will be going next, band practice, jam sessions, etc. The boys have been friends since high school and get along amazingly, like family. But also like shit, just like family. So there are also videos of Eddie laughing while Frank yells at Jeff for farting on his pillow in the tour bus or Eddie filming himself while running as Gareth chases after him for eating the last cookie. HIS last cookie.
The channel is pretty popular even though it doesn't update often. And the links to their merch store and ticket store while on tour, help a lot with the band's expenses. Music being online makes people buy fewer albums and vinyls. And Spotify paying 0,03 cents per song makes being an up-and-coming band that needs money to rent a studio for recording, bus fares, hotel accommodations and to pay the roadies and technicians… kinda hard.
But the TikTok helps! So Chrissy, Eddie's best friend, Gareth's fiance, and their manager, suggests that Eddie keeps the TikTok going while on break from tour.
It doesn't take long to come up with the perfect idea. Restoring Eddie's old van to make it a small house on wheels for road-tripping. But they’ll need a handyman, someone who knows what they are doing.
Luckily, Chrissy has a solution to that. Her cousin Vicky, just came back from traveling the coast on a huge RV with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s best friend and, according to Vicky, the man is an expert. He built the whole thing himself, from the ground up. So Chrissy tells Vicky, who asks Robin, who talks to Steve, and the meeting is set up.
On the day of the meeting, Eddie parks the van outside his place, sits on the back, and hits record on his phone, “Morning!” he says to the camera, squinting one eye as the sun hits his face because it’s actually noon, “I’m gonna do something fun during the tour break and I wanted to take yall with me. You see, ever since I was young, I've had this dream. Well, other than becoming a musician who can live off his music, thank you for that by the way,” he smiles and tips an invisible hat towards the camera. “The second thing I've always wanted is having one of those built-in movin' houses, a little RV, a camping van, you know the ones” he wiggles his brows and moves the phone a little around him, to show where he’s sitting so people know where he’s going with this.
“Sooo I asked a friend of a friend of a friend, who is an expert on making dreams come true, to help me and we are gonna mod my van. My lovely Haley, my faithful baby, who has been with me since the beginning… I'm scared. This dude better be good.” he laughs nervously.
part two -> 📱💞🚙
And then his focus shifts to something behind his phone, “Oh, here he comes now!” he waves enthusiastically and keeps looking, either forgetting he’s still filming his reaction or too distracted to save face, he squints a little and then frowns, blushes and, chuckles nervously again, “Oh no. he’s hot.”
☕🥐💕 coffee? by the lake's shore?
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poolsidepanic · 1 year
Stranger Things Femslash Week - Day 4: Soulmates
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851 Words | Read on AO3: here
Chrissy Cunningham/Heather Holloway | Soulmates | Red String of Fate | Secret Relationships | Fluff
Writing when your soulmate keeps tugging on your soul-string is no simple affair. Each sudden jerk has the neat swirls of Chrissy’s handwriting jolting into something disorganised and barely legible.
One would think that should be annoying – after all, Chrissy is sitting in the middle of her Biology class, trying to make sure her notes are useful to revise from, with her soulmate serving as a fairly unignorable distraction – and yet that couldn’t be further from the case at all. Instead, she finds herself fighting down amused smirks, stifling huffs of laughter into the palm of her other hand. 
She’s fairly sure Vickie, from where she sits on the next desk over, has figured out what’s happening. But she doesn’t really want the whole class to notice (especially not their teacher who is never impressed by interruptions) and laughing aloud would surely draw even more attention.
So, it should be frustrating; but all Chrissy feels is fond.
The clock above the door ticks another minute forward and the string gives a particularly hard tug. Chrissy’s pen clatters to the floor and heads turn to look at her, making her cheeks flush with heat. When Chrissy leans down to put it back on the desk, she discreetly yanks back on her end of the string just as hard. Straightening up, she feels a brief thread of irritation travel down the connection.
“You okay, Chrissy?” Vickie asks, ever considerate.
She just nods back, offering a half-shrug as a clear what-are-you-gonna-do.
By the time they’re finally dismissed for lunch, Chrissy is almost as impatient to see Heather as the other girl must be to see her. She might joke, in light moments between the two of them, that this is just for a chance at reprieve from the consistent tugging of their soul-string; the reality is that Chrissy would spend every moment of every day cradled in Heather’s arms if she could.
She makes her way down the bustling halls with Vickie, making their way to the canteen where the pair will split up for their respective friend groups. It takes every ounce of her self-control not to dash straight between all the bodies of other students to find her girlfriend. She manages, though, because they agreed that no one will know that they’re dating, let alone that they’re soulmates.
Vickie might have some suspicions, though. It feels almost unnatural not to confide in her cousin, though. They’ve been stuck with each other throughout school, and parentally enforced playdates enough that the pair are halfway to inseparable. And Vickie knows something’s going on, too, she just doesn’t know the full extent – with the secret being such a light, joyful thing it almost wants to bust out of her sometimes so keeping it to just that vague knowledge is, frankly, a miracle.
“You still not gonna tell me what’s going on?” Vickie asks with a smile.
Honestly, Chrissy isn’t entirely sure she deserves the patience.
“Because,” Vickie continues, “you know that you can trust me with whatever this is, right? I mean, I know I’m a bit loose-lipped – and when I get talking anything and everything is liable to come tumbling out – but, Chris, I swear I would keep it to me if you ask. You’re, like, my best friend and I promise–”
“I know,” Chrissy cuts off with a giggle. “I know. You’re my best friend, too, but I just… It’s not only my secret so I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Vickie nods like that makes total sense.
“No, I get it. I’m here for you, though.”
Chrissy’s response is cut off by a sudden sharp tug to the left, an entirely different direction than to the canteen, and she smiles coyly instead.
“I, um, I gotta…”
“Yeah, yeah,” Vickie grins. “See you later. Go have fun with your secret paramour.”
“Vickie!” she hisses, but Vickie is already disappearing into the crowd and she has more pressing matters to attend to. 
The gentle pulls on her string lead her out towards the bleachers. Even as she tries to pace herself, she finds her feet hurrying along the path, heart pounding with excitement in time to the incessant tugging on her little finger.
When she ducks below the frame of them, she finally lays her eyes on her other half. Heather is sprawled with her back leant against the frame in a way that looks incredibly uncomfortable, jerking her wrist in time to the little tugs Chrissy can feel and now even see as their red string curls in the air between them like it is caught in some invisible wind.
Bearing a wide grin, she tugs back on her end and Heather’s head startles in her direction. Expressive brown eyes meet her own, sparking with amusement and affection.
“Took you long enough,” she taunts as Chrissy drops down beside her.
“Maybe I was punishing you for distracting me all lesson.”
Heather narrows her eyes and Chrissy hides her smile in the crook of the other girl’s shoulder. Their string curls around them as Heather drops a kiss to her brow, entwining their fingers between them.
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pizzaqueen · 2 years
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Thought I'd put together a masterlist and do a little bit of an intro:
You can call me Queenie! Pronouns are she/her. I'm old to some and young to others. I'm mostly here for Steddie but other ships may pop up occasionally (like Chrissy/Robin aka Buckingham or Jancy)
I co-ran @steddie-week in 2023 and will hopefully run it again in 2024
Fanart, podfics, moodboards, fanmixes, and translations of my fics are all welcome! Fanbinding is also welcome :D
Please credit me as 96tears on AO3 and/or pizzaqueen on tumblr and I'd love to know so I can gush over it!
Asks are always open for fic talk or headcanons or anything else 😊 or even feel free to just say hi!
Some tags:
My fic / text/ headcanon posts / writing / art prompts
Some playlists:
Steddie / Eddie / Steve / Buckingham
And a timestamps post of all Steve's scenes in ST
(All fic links below the cut because it's long; updated November 2023)
alone again, or
20k / M / June 2022
It’s 1991 and Steve is still in Hawkins, still living with his mother, still single, and still working at Family Video. At least he’s the manager now, for whatever that’s worth. But he’s stuck here while Robin and Dustin and everyone else have moved away. Moved on. Well, everyone except for Eddie. They're best friends, spend most of their time together, and it's nice to have a friend like that. But Steve is still looking for love with a capital "L". At least, he thinks he is.
Playlist / Podfic by @cottagepodfics
Till I Kissed You
18k / T / August - September 2022
When Eddie confesses he’s never got the big deal about kissing, Steve teases him about it, saying maybe it’s because Eddie’s a bad kisser. Pride wounded, Eddie can’t let that go and decides he needs an unbiased opinion on his kissing skills. It’s weird but it’s only one kiss, no big deal, right? So, Steve says yes. Eddie gets the answer he wanted, but then he and Steve are left with a whole new set of questions to navigate. Now they just have to find new answers.
Moodboard / Playlist
uh-oh, love comes to town
13k / T / December 2022
It’s not like Steve thought Eddie would stay single forever, but he figured he’d have a girlfriend by the time Eddie got a boyfriend. So, when Vickie and Robin set Eddie up on a blind date with Vickie’s cousin, Steve figures he feels weird about it because he’s the only one without a date.
But an annoying little voice starts telling him maybe there’s more to it than that. He just has to figure out what it is.
Moodboard / Playlist
picnic time with you
12.2k / T / April-May 2023
“Why are you so keen on this, anyway?” Steve looks at Eddie, pulse skipping. He drums his fingers on the floor. “You can’t be that bored.” Eddie turns to Steve, lit by the flickering glow of the projector, and says, “I like knowing things about you.” When Eddie convinces Steve to show him some old family photos and home movies, it unearths a happy memory of a picnic Steve went on as a child. It was just an ordinary picnic, but it was weirdly special to Steve, and, more importantly, it gives him an idea. He's going to take Eddie on a picnic—a romantic one—and finally tell him how he feels. And Robin’s going to help him plan it.
The Pizza Box Pact
24k / T / November 2023
Eddie and Steve have been living together, working together, and raising their cat together for a few years, now, but they’re not together together. They’re friends—the best of—nothing more, and they’re happy. At least, Eddie is, and he thought Steve was too. But then he finds a pact they made, one drunken night ten years ago, where they pledged to ‘marry’ each other if they were still single by the time they’re thirty, and everything changes. Steve isn’t amused by the reappearance of the pledge, seems almost upset by it, and Eddie figures it’s because he’s going to be thirty soon and doesn’t have a girlfriend. So, he does what any best friend would do: promises to find Steve his perfect woman, setting him up on a series of unsuccessful blind dates. But somewhere along the way, Eddie rediscovers feelings that he thought he’d put aside years ago. He just hopes he hasn’t discovered them too late.
Art by goingsteddi3 / Art by Cousin Itt / Promo / Playlist
fighting monsters, holding hands
387 / G / June 2022
As much as a huge part of Eddie still wants to wait here, cowering, he manages to nod. And that’s when there’s a loud boom, and he just about jumps out of his skin, hand flailing out to grab onto anything solid. Anything grounding.
stumbling in
1.3k / T / June 2022
The thing is, it was just one kiss. And it’s not… Steve’s not… It’s not like he wants to kiss Eddie again, or anything. And if it wasn’t a joke, and Eddie is gay, then, whatever. That’s fine, isn’t it? Steve’s fine with Robin—well, more than fine, obviously—so he’d be fine with Eddie, too.
But it’s… It’s natural to be curious when someone kisses you, right? Anyone would be.
Eddie's Badass Metal Mixtape (For Steve)
2.4k / T / June 2022
This is the closest thing in existence to a definitive collection of Eddie’s favorite songs. No, they’re not just his favorite songs. These songs are a part of him. They are him. Or maybe he’s them. Whatever.
The point is, this tape has taken him a week to put together, with one particular person in mind, and it is perfect. Finally.
Podfic by @daysarestranger
turn on your light
2.5k / T / July 2022
After they take down the bad guy, there’s still the issue of a gaping hole in the roof of Eddie’s trailer. Not exactly ideal living conditions. But Steve Harrington, who is not only not a douchebag but a genuine good dude and real-life superhero, says Eddie can stay with him. So, Eddie is in Steve Harrington’s bedroom, wearing Steve Harrington’s clothes, and about to sleep in Steve Harrington’s bed. It’s not the weirdest thing to happen to him this week, but it’s still totally fucking surreal.
a brush with love
1.8k / T / July 2022
“Dude,” Steve says, “when was the last time you brushed your hair?”
The one where Steve brushes Eddie’s hair (because Eddie hasn't done it in...a while, much to Steve's horror.)
when bad dreams become
3.9k / T / July 2022
A movie night during a storm leads to nightmares and the nightmares lead to some confessions. The urge to put his arm around Steve is almost overwhelming, but Eddie fights it. He hooks his ankle around Steve’s, though, which might not be any less obvious, but Steve seems to relax a little at the touch. At the next boom of thunder, Eddie runs his knuckles down Steve’s bicep, letting his hand rest in the crook of his elbow a moment, before he pulls it away.
Bowl Me Over
3.7k / T / July 2022
Eddie’s been kind of different lately—nothing Steve can really put his finger on, but not exactly himself. Steve figures he’s missing the guys from his band, or something. Whatever it is, Steve feels bad about it. It will be nice to do something to cheer Eddie up, so Steve, Robin, Nancy and Eddie go bowling. And then Steve figures some things out with the help of a stray comment from Robin and a stuffed toy bat. Across the table, Robin makes a strangled noise and says, “Holy shit,” eyes wide. Steve clears his throat. “What?”  “I can’t believe I didn’t see it.” Steve folds his arms over his stomach and Eddie sobers, setting the bat on the table and poking at his food. Nancy’s brow furrows and she says, “See what?”
strange currencies
4.3k / T / August 2022
When Steve steps in to break up a bar fight at The Hideout, the owner thanks him with free booze. A lot of free booze. By the time Eddie gets him home, Steve can barely stand, let alone wash his hair. But there’s puke in Steve’s hair, and he can’t sleep like that, so what’s Eddie to do? He washes Steve’s hair for him, and he expects it to be weird, but he doesn’t expect it to come with any revelations.
(Basically: Steve is drunk; Eddie gives him a bath and has feelings)
fix you up
2.5k / T / September 2022
It’s been a while since someone touched him like this. With this kind of…tenderness. And it’s all because he got punched in the face. Again. It’s not because Eddie wants to. Then again, Steve thinks as Eddie takes his time tending to Steve, he could’ve steered Steve toward the bathroom and let him patch himself up. He didn’t have to do it himself. Maybe… Eddie patches Steve up after he gets into a fight at The Hideout.
more than a feeling (that’s the power of love)
5.6k / T / October 2022
This was meant to be a fun weekend away for Steve and Eddie. Leave Hawkins, and all the memories there, behind for a few days. Drink some beers, maybe do some fishing or outdoorsy shit. Get some R&R. But now they’re tied up in some weirdo’s basement, facing imminent death, and Steve’s never told Eddie he wishes they were more than friends.
Not exactly the relaxing weekend he was hoping for.
never can say goodbye
2.3k / T / November 2022
Eddie watches as Steve slips his keys down the back of the couch, followed by his wallet on the other side. Then he takes off his jacket, balls it up, and stuffs it under the coffee table.
It’s like he’s setting up a bizarre treasure hunt, that’s the only way Eddie can explain it; Eddie’s about to say something along the lines of Having fun? or maybe What’s my prize if I find everything? when Steve takes off his watch and slips it under the couch. That’s when Eddie decides not to say anything, see where this goes. If Steve wants to play whatever game this is, Eddie’s more than curious enough to let him.
but the fire is so delightful
6.6k / T / December 2022
When Robin and Dustin back out of a trip to Steve’s grandparents’ cabin over Christmas break, Steve’s a little disappointed. But he can’t lie: the idea of spending the weekend alone with Eddie is pretty damn appealing. He’d been hoping to get Eddie away from the others, so he could finally tell him how he feels, and now he’s got the whole weekend to do it.
a single resolution
1.8k / T / December 2022
It’s New Year’s Eve and Steve doesn’t want to be the only one without someone to kiss at midnight, so he slips away to spend the rest of 1989 alone in his room. And then Eddie finds him.
(A New Year’s Eve first kiss)
Another year—another decade—is coming to a close and Steve is still alone. A burst of laughter sounds behind him, reminding him of his apartment is full of friends, the ones who called earlier because they can’t be here, and he amends alone to single.
Most of the time, he can bear it, but it’s harder at night. And harder still on New Year’s Eve, surrounded by happy couples. He loves his friends and he’s happy for them, but seeing them so in love only makes the ache in him grow.
Podfic by Amanita_Fierce
little things mean a lot
1.7 k / T / January 2023
Shafts of light dance over the room as a sweetly cool breeze flutters the curtains. One catches on a small glass bottle sitting on Steve’s dresser. It reminds him there’s something he’s been wanting to ask Eddie for a while now:
“How come you don’t bring me stuff anymore?”
(The one where Eddie used to bring Steve random trinkets but there was a small misunderstanding)
single / taken / pining
4.4 k / T / February 2023
When a girl Steve’s trying to flirt with starts flirting with Eddie, Steve says the only thing that comes to mind: he tells her Eddie’s married. It’s not his smoothest moment, but it works, and Eddie goes along with it. It's not like Eddie was interested, anyway, and he figures Steve wanted the ladies to himself. So, Steve figures that must be it, too.
But a little later it hits him: he doesn’t want to keep the ladies to himself. He wants to keep Eddie to himself.
Also posted in parts on tumblr
Table for Two
3.4 k / T / February 2023
And maybe Eddie still thinks Valentine’s Day, specifically, is kind of bullshit, but looking at Steve standing in front of him, so fucking handsome and making Eddie’s pulse skip just by being there, he gets why so many people fall for it.
Eddie doesn’t think when Steve mentions Valentine’s Day, just goes into his usual spiel, not realizing he might be trampling all over Steve’s hopes and plans until it’s too late. And that’s how he ends up determined to give Steve the best Valentine’s Day ever.
to be close to you
1.6k / T / March 2023
Eddie picks up the sweater, cradling it in his hands. It’s soft, and Eddie already knows it smells like Steve, but he brings it to his face and inhales anyway. Fuck, it smells good. Steve smells good. A wave of heat washes through Eddie, and he flops back again, face still covered by the sweater. What is he doing? Steve leaves his sweater behind after he and Eddie hang out, and Eddie has feelings about it.
those magic fingers
2.4k / T / March 2023
Eddie has a sore back, Steve offers the solution: one back rub. Totally platonic. No ulterior motives or hidden feelings whatsoever. “Okay, just—” Steve pauses, suddenly wondering what the hell he’s doing and why he offered to do this. But he did, and if he backs down, Eddie will know something’s up. So, he draws in a deep breath and says, “Tell me if it hurts.”
the sweetest words
1.2k / T / March 2023
“Why do you have a favorite part of my face?” “Why wouldn’t I?” “Why would you?” “Because.” “That’s not an answer.” “Oh, my friend, but it is.” (Wherein Eddie likes Steve's face and tells him all about his favorite parts)
Whenever you need shelter
4.4k / T / May 2023
Steve locks himself out of the house on a stormy night when his parents are out of town. It’s not an ideal situation, but it leads him to Eddie’s where he gets warm and dry and learns a few things about himself. “You know, seeing Steve Harrington in a Slayer shirt might just make my whole week.” He pushes off the dresser he’s leaning against and claps a hand to Steve’s arm. His brows shoot up and he says, “Shit, dude, you’re freezing,” rubbing his hands over Steve’s arms. Warmth flows through Steve and, distantly, he thinks it might be from more than the motion of Eddie’s hands making Steve’s blood circulate. He raises a brow, heart beating inexplicably hard.
half as much
1.8k / T / July 2023
A wish. The last thing Steve needs tonight. But he closes his eyes all the same, wishes coming too easily, the first that he could have this every night. Or, not this exactly, but being with Eddie. More and more, all Steve wants to do is hang out with him. Be near him. There’s something about him, and the way being with him makes Steve feel—he wishes it was like this with the girls he’s been dating lately.
Inspired by this beautiful art
always be like this
2.1k / T / July 2023
This thing with Eddie started on the first day of summer, and Steve feels good about that. Every now and then, he wonders if it’s a summer romance, period, wishing the summer could last forever so he’ll never have to find out, but… No. It feels more solid than that. Like it's going to last. He splashes Eddie again, and Eddie splashes him back, and it turns into a game of who can splash each other the most (Steve wins, no matter what Eddie says) and they wrestle and dunk each other until Steve’s lungs ache with laughing and Eddie finally admits defeat.
Under the Porch Light
1.9k / T / August 2023
After that, it kind of becomes a thing: the two of them on the step outside Eddie’s trailer, talking and talking. It’s gradual, and it’s not something they do consciously, so Eddie doesn’t realize that it’s becoming a thing, but it’s not long before those nights with Steve become a highlight in his life.
Inspired by this beautiful art
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random thoughts about who would adopt who
So let's start with Ronance, because I love them
So definitely Max
Also Lucas and Erica
If Jarygel didn't exit also Will and El
Now to Jargyle because I already mentioned them
Will and El the wonder twins
They technically won't really adopt them so I'd say also Mike, but I'd also give Mike to Steddie
So next is Steddie.
100% Dustin
and well Mike
Now if we add Chrickie (Chrissy x Vickie from Sapphic Senate AU)
They would take El
and also Suzie
and also Angela if she were nice
Now to the platonic parents
Robin and Steve would have
Well they would have everyone
Robin: Aww, we're like a big happy family!
Robin: And I'm the dad! And Steve's the mom!
Steve: Why am I the mom? What gender roles are we pushing?
Max/Will/Mike: I know they're probably thinking that I'm the son, but I'm not. I'll be the gay emo cousin
Dustin/Lucas/El: I will be the son! The hot shot, whose only dream is... To be a star.
Jonathan/Eddie/Nancy: I feel like I'd be a fresh out of jail uncle/aunt.
Erica: And I'm the sassy child, who talks shit about everyone.
...welp, that's it lol..I don't know where to fit Argyle.. Also jail?... Probably.
Anyway... Uh...
Byeee lots of love ✨👋💕✨
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
I was just thinking.. how much do Olivia and Maggie interact with their aunts & uncle like Jonathan & Nancy and Robin & Vickie as they get older? Or is the whole thing like a tight-knit family unit? Sorry if it sounds stupid by the way lol.
Oh my gosh, please, there are no stupid questions here, love!
It sort of varies throughout their lives of who they see and interact with the most. Nancy and Jonathan lived in NYC when they were younger, so they spent a lot of time with them and Eddie and Chrissy lived close to Robin and Vickie when Olivia was a toddler in Chicago. They’re all like family, so while it’s mostly long distance, they all make time to visit and stay in touch. Both the girls are probably closest with the Harringtons, Uncle Steve and Aunt Gwen and their kids. They’re the ones they see the most as they grow up, but they have special relationships with all their aunts and uncles and little cousins that come along too 💖
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They actually could've made Vickie a relative of Eddie, maybe his sister or cousin. That way, they could've focused on Vickie's character in the Hawkins supernatural plot. She didn't necessarily have to go to the UD ofc but she'd be with Wayne (Eddie's uncle) and we could've seen her involvement in the supernatural plot more in this season and a better build up for her for the next season that way.
Listen. If the writers did actually want to give Vickie more plot relevance and characterization, they would have done it easily. They just didn't want to. And I think it is kind of a harsh reality tbh. Because, like. There was so many options. Heck, they could have made her be one of Chrissy's friends or sister or something. And then she'd get a focus from that and her introduction to the supernatural plot would've appeared in this season and the build up for it.
These are just one of the few examples that come to my mind right now. If I think more, I can come up with more. There is no justification for what the writers did with Vickie's character. Especially considering how much screen time and focus they've given to characters like Jason and Eddie, the two characters who always meant to die anyway.
They also could have made Vickie a different character than Robin, instead of making her an almost copy of Robin's characterization. They could have made her be more similar to Eddie or Chrissy in terms of characterization if they were siblings/cousins/friends or whatever in a potential scenario.
100% agree!
I feel like they could’ve technically also combined characters? Since they have the too-many-characters-issue. Like…… I know that Eddie’s death is important but in the hypothetical scenario that he wasn’t supposed to/didn’t die they could’ve just combined his and Vickie’s characters?!?!? Made Vickie the head of hellfire, lead of corroded coffin, living at the trailer park, dealing drugs as a side hustle and being framed for murder. Like….. I think that would’ve been pretty awesome and they also wouldn’t have made her personality mainly cardboard plus a little bit of Robin. Vickie would’ve had meaningful connections to other main characters as well and I think it would’ve made a funny interaction if Dustin was confused as to why Steve is turning down yet another perfect girl lmao hahhahaha.
But yeah, Eddie was always supposed to die and if they had combined the characters and killed off Robin’s love interest that would’ve also been really shitty soo….
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
For Chrissy
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Summary: Vickie just wanted to make sure the cops were doing their jobs to find her cousin's killer. She didn't expect this to happen. A fanfiction story where Rovickie is the main course. Steddie and Hellcheer are the sides. Warning: It's long.
They say that your brain decides to trust someone in seconds. The first time that Vickie Fisher first talked to Eddie Munson, she was lying face first on the ground, hoping that no one saw her trip over nothing.
"Are you okay?" A voice asked.
"Oh God, please, let me die," Vickie said. "You didn't see that, did you?"
"Unfortunately for you, yes, but I give you points for sticking the landing," the guy said. "And then just staying there."
"I belong to the floor now," Vickie replied.
"Are you too proud to accept help from the town freak?" The man asked.
Vickie looked up and saw Eddie Munson standing above her. He was grinning. There was something in his soft brown eyes, a sparkle of mirth and understanding. He held out his hand for her to take, and she took it.
"Thanks," she said softly as he helped her up.
Vickie smiled at the memory as she pulled into the Wheeler's driveway. She was doing this for Chrissy, and hopefully Eddie because she doubted that a guy like that could harm anyone. She knew that if Chrissy were still alive that she wouldn't believe it either. Vickie took a deep breath and got out of the car. She walked up the front door and knocked. A moment later, a blond woman with big hair answered the door. She assumed that she was the owner of the house: Mrs. Wheeler.
"Hi, my name is Vickie Fisher. I'm Chrissy's cousin and I was told that Chief Powell was here," Vickie said.
"Yes, of course, come in," Mrs. Wheeler said and led her into a sitting room where the Chief was sitting. "Chief Powell, this is Vickie Fisher, and she says she's Chrissy's cousin."
"Laura Cunningham made it clear that they didn't have any other family members," the chief said.
"Of course, she would," Vickie rolled her eyes and handed him a picture. "I came prepared. That's all of us at Thanksgiving. As you can clearly tell Laura is my father's twin sister."
"Why would she lie to us?" a scrawny look cop asked.
"Maybe to cover up the fact that she's been abusing her daughter," Vickie scowled. "We tried to get Chrissy to live with us a couple of years ago, Laura got mad and cut us off. Laura was determined to control every aspect of her life including what she wore and what she ate. She even told her who to date. I can guarantee that Chrissy never wanted to date Jason. She only did it to make her mother happy. On the night of the basketball game, she broke up with Jason because she told me she found someone she actually liked. I know Jason was angry with her and I know he saw her get into Eddie Munson's van. If you search the Cunningham's house, you'll find that there are locks on the fridge and under a lose floorboard under a rug there's a diary where Chrissy documented everything. Eddie Munson shouldn't be your only suspect. Chrissy never liked Jason. In fact, she always told me that she was scared of him, and her diary will prove that."
She was rambling and breathing heavily, on the verge of a panic attack. She hadn't realized that she had been crying until Mrs. Wheeler handed her a tissue.
"Why did you wait so long to come forward?" the scrawny looking guy asked.
"Because Jason scares me too," Vickie said meekly. "And so does Laura."
They questioned her some more and then allowed her to go. As Vickie was walking to her car, she noticed four kids sneaking out of the house. One of them, a younger girl with cute braids slashed the tires and then they all drove off on their bikes. Vickie waited a minute before following them. She had a feeling that these were the people to talk to. Of course, they quickly realized that she was following them and stopped their bikes. A curly haired boy with a hat banged on her window. She rolled it down with a sheepish grin.
"Who the hell are you and why are you following us?" Dustin asked. "Do you work for them?"
"Uh. . .I just want to know what happened to my cousin," Vickie said blushing.
"Your cousin?" he asked.
"Chrissy," she said softly and showed him the picture. "Look, why don't you get in and I'll bring you to wherever you have to go? I'm going to follow you anyway and you can't out bike a car."
"Are you sure that you want to know?" he asked.
"Are we sure that we want to get into a stranger's car?" Erica asked.
"She's more than my cousin, she's like my sister. We grew up together. I have to know," Vickie said.
"I guess we're ignoring Erica," she sighed.
They abandoned their bikes and climbed into the car. She quickly drove off.
"Where to?" she asked.
"Forest Hills trailer park," he said. "By the way, I'm Dustin Henderson, that's Lucas Sinclair, his sister Erica, and Max Mayfield."
"I wish I could say that it's nice to meet you but I kind of wish it was under better circumstances," she sniffed. "Tell me."
"There's a monster that we call Vecna, he comes from the Upside Down, another dimension that lives underneath Hawkins. We've been fighting it since '83. He cursed Chrissy, Fred Benson, Patrick McKinney, and Max. He's been haunting their dreams, targeting their traumas then he killed them to open gates into our world," Dustin said.
"She's been having nightmares," Vickie realized. "She told me and I. . . I didn't think they were anything else."
"You believe us?" Max asked.
"Something strange has been going on in Hawkins for a long time now," Vickie said. "Besides, I've always been open minded."
"Wait, you implied that you know Eddie?" Lucas asked.
"Enough to know that Eddie isn't a serial killer," she replied.
"Wait, are you - are you in love with Eddie?" Dustin asked and she burst into laughter.
"No, absolutely not. I'm enamored with someone else," Vickie said. "And the name of that person is very much classified."
"Aw but we told you about our deep dark secret," Dustin grinned.
"Good point, but still no," Vickie said.
"Alright, I won't push it," Dustin said and paused. "You should know that the gate we're going to is where Chrissy died. We need to get to it in order to save Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, and Eddie. They accidentally got stuck in the Upside Down."
"Wait, we're going there to rescue people and Robin's one of them?" Vickie asked.
"You know Robin - ah!"
Vickie stepped on the gas, flooring it. They got to Eddie's trailer pretty quickly. Dustin got out of the car, clutching his stomach.
"I think I might puke," Dustin said.
"Don't be such a baby," Erica said.
"That was awesome," Lucas said.
They walked into the trailer and stared at the dark, oozing gate on the ceiling where Chrissy died. The sight of it made Vickie sick to her stomach.
"Shouldn't there be an opening?" Vickie asked.
"It looks like we're going to have to make one," Max said.
Vickie grabbed a broom and started tearing at the flimsy look material spread across the gate. It was disgusting. Finally, she managed to tear through. Vickie was looking up at Robin, Steve Harrington, and Eddie Munson.
"Vickie?" Robin asked.
"Robin?! Are you okay?!" Vickie asked.
Robin blushed and she caught Steve smirking at her. . . almost as if he knew something. Vickie blushed.
"How? Why?" Robin asked.
"Ask questions later. Let's get through the gate," Steve said.
It was Dustin who figured out how to get them through. He tied sheets together and tossed them through the gate. They grabbed Eddie's mattress and tossed it under the gate for them to fall onto. Robin was the first one through. Vickie grinned and helped her up. She hugged her tightly before pulling back.
"Hi," Vickie said.
"Hi," Robin said.
"Holy shit, that was fun!" Eddie exclaimed.
Vickie blushed and pulled away from Robin at the same that Robin pulled away from her. Of course, Dustin had to give her a look of realization in that moment which he quickly looked up at the ceiling when he did so.
"Nancy!" they heard Steve scream.
Nancy had been cursed like the others, and everyone was running around to find any music that could wake her up. Turns out that they didn't need it because, for some reason, he let her go. They scrambled across the way towards Max's trailer and into the living room as they waited for Nancy to start speaking. They waited until the early hours of the morning. Embarrassingly, Vickie had nodded off on Robin's shoulder briefly.
Nancy started talking about Vecna's plan to bring the Upside Down into Hawkins, how he showed her his plan to kill Nancy's family and everyone else. She spoke about how he showed her that he was Dr. Brenner's first experiment, that he had tricked El, a girl friend of theirs that had powers and who had helped them out many times before this. Vickie tried to wrap her head around all of this, but it was making her brain all foggy. Suddenly, she felt someone discreetly take her hand, and she found that Robin's hand was on hers. Well, that wasn't making her head any less foggy, but it was a different sort of foggy. It was a nice foggy.
"You looked a little pale," Robin whispered.
Vickie smiled and laced her fingers with Robin's, squeezing her hand tightly.
"Oh, that's just my face," Vickie whispered. "Don't you know that I'm a redhead?"
Robin covered her laugh with a cough. That's when Nancy announced that they need to go back into the Upside Down to kill Vecna. Vickie was against it as much as Eddie was. It sounded like a stupid plan.
"Not that we have don't have any other options but isn't that like sending in a five-pound yorkie to fight a grizzly bear?" Vickie asked.
"It's exactly like that, that is an excellent analogy, Vickie," Eddie said.
"Who are you?" Nancy asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Okay, that was a little rude, but I'll let that pass since everyone is a bit stressed out," she said. "Vickie Fisher. I'm Chrissy's cousin."
"You're Chrissy's cousin?" Eddie asked, looking at her softly.
"Yeah, we grew up together. She was my best friend," Vickie said.
"I'm sorry," Eddie said.
"From what I've heard, it sounds like there's nothing that you could have done," Vickie said.
"Look, I'm sorry, but we can talk about this later," Nancy said, actually looking apologetic. "We're going to need a lot of firepower."
"I think that I know the place!" Eddie exclaimed.
Max, the last to be cursed, volunteered to be the distraction. Meanwhile, they were going to steal an RV to head to the War Zone, a place her ex-boyfriend loved to go to. It was all overwhelming for her. Max was going to sacrifice herself, basically. She was just a goddamn kid. They all were. From the way that Nancy talked, Vickie doubted that they were going to win. They needed another person with powers to fight this asshole. Vickie was still going to fight by their side, though, because what were their other options? She muttered something about going to the restroom and disappeared down the hall. A moment later, there came a knock on the door.
"Vickie?" Robin asked.
Vickie opened the door and quickly pulled Robin inside. Robin stared at her in surprise.
"We could die, you know?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, that's a possibility," Robin said.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked.
"Yeah!" Robin exclaimed.
Vickie leaned in and pressed her lips against Robin's. She gently kissed back, moving her hands to Vickie's hips. Vickie pressed harder against her lips. Robin wrapped her arms all the way around her waist as Vickie stood on her tiptoes, running her fingers through Robin's hair. Vickie was just slipping her tongue into Robin's mouth when someone knocked on the door.
"Uh, I hate to interrupt, but Nancy is really ready to go, and she's not taking no for an answer," Steve said through the door.
"Fuck you and your timing, Harrington," Robin said and paused. "You should know that he knows about me and I've kind of been talking about you."
"Aww, you've talked about me?" Vickie asked. "What did you say?"
"Um, that you're kind of my dream girl," Robin blushed.
Vickie kissed her quickly, smiling from ear to ear.
"We should go now, or Nancy might just kill us herself," Vickie said, giggling. "She's kind of scary."
Robin and Vickie followed everyone to the RV. Vickie tried not to laugh at Eddie in the Michael Meyers mask, but it was difficult, especially since he moved like he was a human puppet. They all managed to succesfully sneak into the back window. Eddie hotwired the vehicle while Steve was the one to drive it. Due to the fact that they were stealing it, it was a rough ride out of the trailer park, and Vickie ended up falling into Robin. Luckily, Robin caught her around the waist. Vickie looked at Robin with shining eyes.
"Hi," Vickie said breathlessly.
"Hi," Robin said.
"It's lucky you caught me," Vickie said.
"It's lucky you're cute," Robin said.
"Uh, you guys do know we can hear you?" Lucas asked, and Max elbowed him in the stomach.
"We don't judge. I would be a hypocrite," Max said. "I'm bisexual."
"Is it a redheaded thing?" Vickie joked, and Max laughed.
"No, it's not!" Eddie and Steve exclaimed.
Vickie watched in amusement as Eddie slowly turned around to look at Steve. Since the cat was out of the bag, Vickie was free to settle into Robin's side. Everyone else was cool with it. She wondered if Chrissy would have been cool with it. That's when she realized that she had never gotten the chance to tell Chrissy about Robin, and she was never going to. Vickie sucked in a deep breath as if she had been punched in the stomach.
"Are you okay?" Robin asked.
"It just hit me that I'm never going to talk to Chrissy again," Vickie said and let out an ugly sob.
"Oh, Vickie," Robin said softly.
Robin held her close and let her cry into her chest. Vickie's entire body shook with sobs, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed about it. She must look like a little baby. When she finally let it all out, when she finally couldn't cry anymore, Vickie pulled away from Robin slightly.
"Sorry about that," Vickie said.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Robin said.
"Yeah, I cried too, you know," Eddie said.
"You did?" Vickie asked.
"Like a baby," Eddie said. "Everyone in the vehicle has cried over the shitty thing that's happened to them. Apparently, it's a normal reaction, which is weird because I don't think I've been normal a day in my life."
Vickie giggled as she settled against Robin, feeling comforted by the feeling of Robin's long fingers trailing up and down her back.
"What's your favorite movie?" Vickie asked.
"Huh?" Robin asked.
"If I'm going to take you on a date, I need to know your favorite movie," Vickie said. "I think you already know mine. I rented it a lot from you guys, and I kept pausing it in one place so I could subtly let you know that I'm into - "
"Boobies!" Steve exclaimed from the front seat. "I knew it! I told you!"
"I'm giving you up for adoption! You're no longer my platonic soulmate!" Robin said.
"By the way, she's going to tell you that her favorite movie is Dr. Zhivago, but really, it's Grease. Also, she'll say she likes Mr. Mom because it reminds her of my life," Steve said, and Eddie cackled. "But she just really thinks it's funny."
"Traitor!" Robin hissed.
"It's okay. I like Grease too," Vickie laughed.
"And hey, I like Grease too!" Eddie exclaimed, and everyone looked at him. "What? Because I'm a big bad metalhead, I'm only supposed to like metalhead things? Please. I like the music. Didn't necessarily like the ending because I felt like she shouldn't have had to change for him. Plus, the car just flew away?"
"Maybe they smoked some bad weed, and they were literally high," Vickie giggled.
"You might be onto something, Vickie!" Eddie exclaimed. "They were all high as kites! It explains why they kept bursting into song. I think I like it even better now."
"Wonder what it would be like to get high and then watch the movie," Vickie said.
"After this, we should find out," Eddie grinned.
"You're talking about this in front of underage teenagers, you do realize that?" Nancy asked with a grin.
"Who are also sitting in a stolen vehicle on the way to buy guns, Wheeler," Eddie said.
"Fair point," Nancy laughed.
"Of age teenagers are invited, the rest are not," Eddie said.
"Damn," Dustin said.
"It's alright. I've already been drunk and I didn't like it very much," Lucas said.
"You did what?" Steve asked sharply.
"Hey, Mr. Mom, eyes on the road," Eddie said. "Ground him later."
Vickie walked into the War Zone with Robin, Nancy, Steve, and Erica while the others stayed behind. Nancy went to get the guns while others shopped for other weapons and battle gear. Steve went to get proper stuff for his bat bites, something that alarmed Vickie because she hadn't known that interdimensional bats had ripped out pieces of his flesh. Vickie was wandering the aisle when she found a cute little red beret. She took it and plopped it right onto Robin's head.
"Oh, very cute. Definitely suits you," Vickie said.
"Really?" Robin asked, striking a pose, and Vickie giggled.
She whirled around and froze. Oh, she should have known. Of course, she'd run into her ex.
"Hey, Brian," Vickie said.
"Hey, I heard about Chrissy. I'm so sorry," Brian asked. "Do the police know what happened?"
"Uh, thanks, and no, the police think they know what happened," Vickie said, looking nervous.
"How are you holding up?" Brian asked.
"I'm good," Vickie said and looked at Robin.
She looked as awkward as Vickie felt.
"Yeah, she's good," Robin said quickly, her brow twitching. "I mean, she can speak for herself, which is obviously what she just did. And I know she's good because we've been hanging out today, you know, making sure she's good. You know, because she is."
With amusement, Vickie realized that Robin was a little jealous and it was very cute. Vickie smiled fondly at her.
"Oh. Well. I'm glad Vickie has such a good friend," Brian said, smiling knowingly.
"You know?" Vickie gasped. "How do you know?"
"Come on, Phoebe Cates?" He grinned.
"Oh, I was obvious, wasn't I?" Vickie winced.
"A little. I always knew, Vick. I was your friend first, remember? I figured you would tell me when you were ready," Brian shrugged. "At first, it made me uncomfortable, and I wondered if that was me or what my parents taught me. I didn't have to think that way because my parents did. I looked at you, and you were still Vickie Fisher. Nothing changed. You're still my friend."
Vickie grinned and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. She broke the hug and watched as he turned to Robin. They looked at each other awkwardly. They held out their hands and then pulled them back as if they were going to shake hands. Robin panicked and held up her hand for a high five. Brian grinned and high fived her.
"See you," Brian said and walked away.
"What was that?" Vickie asked Robin, laughing.
"I panicked!" Robin exclaimed and burst into laughter with Vickie.
"Did I miss something?" Steve asked as he approached them.
"Robin high fived my ex-boyfriend," Vickie giggled.
"Oh my God! Robin!" Steve exclaimed. "You panicked, didn't you?"
Now, they were parked in a field, making their final preparations. Vickie was sitting next to Steve, making molotovs for the fight against Vecna.
"So. . .you want to date my best friend?" Steve asked.
"Oh God," Vickie grinned. "Is this where you tell me that you're going to beat me up if I hurt her?"
"Oh God, no, I would just be severely disappointed with my hands on my hips and look at you like this," Steve said and gave her very big puppy dog eyes.
"Oh God! Put those away," Vickie laughed.
"So, tell me what you like about Robin," Steve laughed.
"She's funny and smart. She speaks so many languages! I can't do that. It's amazing she can do that. I love the way that she rambles when she's nervous because I do that, too. I love the way that her eyes sparkle when she talks about something she's passionate about. I love the way her hands move when she talks and . . . Oh God, I'm rambling," Vickie blushed.
"I don't think I'm going to need to throw you the puppy dog eyes," Steve said. "Seems like my best friend is in good hands."
"What are you guys talking about?" Robin asked as she left the RV and plopped down next to Vickie.
"Nothing," they said in unison.
"Riggght," Robin said.
"Well, I was just talking about how great you are," Vickie leaned in to whisper.
"Really? And what great things were you saying?" Robin asked.
"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Vickie giggled.
"You know if you guys wanted to, now would be the perfect time to be alone in the RV?" Steve asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Put those eyebrows away, Steven," Robin glared.
"I'm serious," Steve said. "I've got this."
"You don't want to go into the RV and make out with me, Robin?" Vickie asked innocently.
"I mean - if you - I mean - do you - ?," Robin sputtered.
"I do," Vickie grinned.
Eddie jumped behind Steve, clamping his hands on his shoulders.
"Go forth, Birdie - ," Eddie said.
"It's Robin," she corrected.
"And be with your lady love," he said. "I'll help Stevie."
"What if someone needs the RV?" Robin asked.
"Don't worry, Buckley, if Stevie and I decided that we need to start making out, then we'll just do it in front of the children and scar them for life," Eddie said and Steve let out a loud squawk.
Vickie laughed as she pulled Robin into the RV, leading her into the back. She pushed Robin onto the couch and straddled her waist. Robin laughed.
"Sorry, am I too eager?" Vickie asked.
"Just eager enough," Robin said and pulled her in for a kiss.
Vickie smiled against her lips and pinned Robin's hands above her hands. She slid her fingers through Robin's as she kissed her hungrily. Vickie broke the kiss and released her hands.
"Are you - I mean, are you my girlfriend?" Vickie asked.
"Do you want me to be your girlfriend?" Robin asked.
"Yeah," Vickie said.
"Then I guess I'm your girlfriend," Robin replied.
Vickie squealed and buried her face into Robin's neck. She laughed, wrapping her arms tightly around Vickie, and pressed a hard kiss to her cheek. Vickie moved her head and started pressing kisses to Robin's neck. She giggled when she felt Robin moan, and she decided to take a little nibble.
"You bit me!" Robin shrieked with laughter.
"Sorry, I really like your neck," Vickie said. "It's very pretty. Should I stop?"
Vickie nibbled, sucked, and kissed her neck, enjoying every sound that Robin made as she did so. Robin let out a growl, and suddenly, she had Vickie on her back.
"I have no idea what the hell I'm doing," Robin said.
"It's okay, I don't either," she replied. "We can be clueless together."
Once they properly gave each other hickies, they stepped out of the RV with the biggest grins on their faces.
"So, how'd you make out?" Eddie asked with a grin, and Steve hit him in the shoulder. "What? It's an innocent question?"
"Not from you, it's not," Steve said.
"Aw, baby, are you jealous?" Eddie asked. "You know, the RV is free. If you want, we can go in there, and I can mark up that pretty little neck of yours?"
"Not even if you were the last man on earth," Steve scoffed and walked into the RV.
"You know you want me," Eddie said, following him into the RV.
"Shut up," Steve said.
"Make me, big boy!" Eddie yelled as he slammed the door behind him.
After that, they geared up for battle. As Vickie zipped up her own battle vest, she watched Robin slip on her own and then the beret that Vickie had picked out for her. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She wasn't going with Robin when she set off to kill Vecna. It made sense that they needed another person to help with the distraction efforts, but she hated not being there for Robin. She grinned as she watched Robin struggle with her zipper. Vickie walked over to her and helped her with it, smiling as she felt Robin's gaze on her.
"You can still back out, you know?" Robin asked.
"Are you going to back out?" Vickie asked.
"Then neither am I," Vickie said. "Besides, this is for Chrissy."
"For Chrissy."
They dropped Max, Lucas, and Erica off at the Creel house before driving off back towards Eddie's trailer. They climbed into the Upside, Vickie's first trip through.
"This is fucked up," Vickie said when she walked out side the trailer.
"Isn't it?" Eddie asked her.
Vickie took Robin's hands before they went their separate ways.
"Be careful," Vickie said.
"You two," Robin said.
"You know, you should use everything you've got at this fucker. Especially the axe, you know. Especially when he's doing his mind meld thing, and it probably would be more effective if you use the axe. Just slam it right into that fucker's skull, right down the middle. Even though you would have to get real close to him, he would be distracted. Just to make sure that he's dead-dead, chop him up into little pieces and barbecue him. You know, for Chrissy," Vickie said. "I think I'm panicking a little."
Robin slammed her lips to Vickie's, and they clung to each other tightly as they kissed. Vickie was crying, and she could taste her own salty tears in Robin's mouth. They broke apart, and Robin wiped away her tears with her thumbs.
"Good luck," Vickie said, then looked over at Steve and Nancy. "To you too, but you guys are going to need to get good luck kisses from someone else because only Robin gets mine."
"Did you hear that, big boy? You wanna pucker up, and I can give you all of the good luck that you want?" Eddie asked, winking at him.
"Keep it in your pants, Munson," Steve replied.
They finally parted ways. Vickie, Eddie, and Dustin got to work, turning the trailer into a cage.
"He so wants me," Eddie grinned, and Vickie giggled.
"I'm not sure the way to Steve’s heart is to annoy him so much, Eddie," Dustin said.
"Well, I heard from a little bird that this is exactly how you buttheads managed to worm your way into his life," Eddie said. "You annoyed your way right in."
"Yeah, but we never wanted to kiss him," Dustin growled and wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Never ever do that again, Henderson," Eddie said. "Isn't there something that you could be doing inside?"
Dustin raised his hands and wandered inside. They were left outside to work quietly. Every so often, Eddie would stop to look at Vickie.
"What's up, Eddie?" Vickie asked.
"Uh, I hope you don't mind if I ask this. . .," Eddie said softly. "What was Chrissy like growing up?"
"Wonderful. She was so funny and she saw beauty in everything, even in this old abandoned house we would stumble upon our many adventures. She dreamed of traveling the world, and she wanted to draw, but she was trapped like a bird in a cage. Her mother wanted to control everything, every aspect of her life, and I think it's because it annoyed her to no end that the one thing she couldn't control was Chrissy's heart," Vickie said, pausing. "She told me about that day in the woods. She told me every single detail. She always remembered you, Eddie. I know because I was sitting beside her when she watched you on stage. She thought you were so beautiful, Eddie."
Eddie's hands were shaking, and he was crying.
"I thought she was beautiful too," Eddie sobbed. "And I just feel so -,"
"You have nothing to feel guilty about," Vickie told him. "Nothing."
She hadn't realized that she had been crying until Eddie hugged her tightly.
"I think we're all set inside - Oh, shit! My bad!"
Spon, Vickie was sitting by Dustin on the roof, watching Eddie's performance - the performance he dedicated to Chrissy. She couldn't help but find the beauty that Chrissy had seen in Eddie in that moment. It wasn't the same beauty that Chrissy had for him, but it was beauty none the less. Vickie shared a grin with Dustin. When they got inside, they jumped together in excitement over the most metal concert ever, and then they got to work to cover the vents as the bats pounded against the trailer trying to come in. Once all vents were successfully covered, Dustin went up the rope to the other side, and then Vickie followed after him. Dustin and Vickie looked up at the gate. Eddie was frozen on the other side.
"Eddie!" They called out.
Suddenly, Eddie was cutting the rope and running out the door. Fuck. She needed to make fire. Nancy had said that the Demogorgons hated it, so why shouldn't the Demobats? Vickie found a thing of hairspray and a lighter. There wasn't really anything else. She paused at the gate and turned to Dustin.
"Stay here," she told him. "Please."
It's probably not going to do anything, but she had to try, right? It's better than doing nothing. She jumped through the gate and landed on her feet. Chrissy always told her she was like a cat. She ran off after Eddie and saw him get knocked off his bike by the hundreds of bats that surrounded him. She gripped the whistle around her neck. She liked whistles. Eddie stood in the middle of the swarm of bats, screaming at them. Vickie wrapped her lips around her whistle and blew. The bats started heading her way, but some of them had knocked Eddie to the ground.
They suddenly started screeching in pain, which was odd because there wasn't any sound coming from her new whistle. She looked at it. Oh. It was a dog whistle. Oh, she was dumb. She was really dumb. Eddie screamed in pain. Shit. She moved closer to them and blew the whistle. They go of Eddie, screaming, and they continued to scream until they suddenly started to drop. Vickie watched as they all died, looking at the bodies in shock and then at the whistle in her hand. She shook her head and ran towards Eddie, who was still lying on the ground. His cheek was bleeding.
"Eddie?" Vickie asked.
"Did you do that?" Eddie asked. "Did you kill them?"
"With a dog whistle? I don't think so," Vickie said. "Are you going to live?"
"I think so," Eddie groaned. "I belong to the floor now, though."
Vickie rolled her eyes and helped him up. He stood up shakily and pressed a hand to his neck. Vickie punched him in the shoulder.
They walked back into the trailer, fixed the rope, and climbed back to the other side. Vickie grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom and started fixing up Eddie's face while Dustin gave Eddie a lecture.
"I'm sorry for scaring you both. It's just that the bats were heading back towards the others. I couldn't let those winged alien bastards get to them," Eddie said. "I didn't want to be a coward who runs away."
"Eddie Munson, you were never a coward for running away that night. I'll say this again, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Nothing. I know Chrissy, she would have wanted you to run away. She was already dead and you had no clue what was going on," Vickie said. "Chrissy was my cousin by blood and my sister by heart. She would have told you that you didn't owe her anything by doing what you just did. She also would have beaten you with her tiny little fists."
"She would have kicked my ass too," Eddie sniffed and they sat down on Eddie's couch in silence, Eddie's cheek now bandaged.
"You're still an idiot," Dustin said.
Two days later. . .
Vickie walked towards the Hopper cabin, hand in hand with Robin. They stopped when they saw Steve's car pull up and watched as Steve got out with Eddie jumping out of the passenger side door. Dustin, Max, and Lucas spilled out of the backseat.
"Aw, they look like a little family," Vickie giggled.
"No, there's no way. Steve hates him," Robin said. "He's been complaining about him nonstop for the last few days."
"Robin, baby. . .," Vickie laughed. "Don't look now."
Steve and Eddie walked up, hand in hand.
"Oh, he's got some explaining to do," Robin said. "I missed it. How did I miss it?"
"You were very distracted," Vickie grinned.
"That's a good point."
They walked into the cabin and found the Byers' waiting for them inside, along with a thought to be dead Chief Jim Hopper. No one seemed to care about how he was back, just that he was back. Everyone took turns hugging him tightly.
"We called everyone here to make sure that everyone involved was okay," Joyce said. "And to answer any questions that anyone has."
"Well, aside from a few bat bites and several nightmares, I think we're good," Eddie said cheerfully.
"Oh, I'm sorry you got involved in this," Joyce said.
"It's okay, or it will be," Eddie said softly. "I'm just glad that I'm no longer wanted for murder and it's all thanks to everyone here but especially to Miss Vickie Fisher."
"I just told the truth," Vickie blushed.
"Oh, girls, did the bats get you too?" Joyce said as she gazed at Vickie and Robin's neck.
The ones who knew giggled behind their hands.
"Yes, yes, it was the bats . . . they wrapped around their throats and bruised their necks. Yes, the bats!" Dustin said loudly.
"That's not necessary, Dusty," Robin said fondly.
"Are we missing something here?" Hopper asked.
The others laughed harder and soon they couldn't contain it any longer.
"Is someone going to tell us, goddamnit?!"
Vickie laughed into Robin's shoulder. It seemed that her group of friends were getting better and a part of her felt guilty about that because Chrissy should be here, but she knew that Chrissy would be happy for her. She hoped that wherever Chrissy was, that she was happy like she was.
"Seriously?! Anybody?!"
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ao3feed-byler2 · 1 year
Harrington - The Duke and I
by Mirai_Sama
Stephen Harrington, soon to be Viscount Harrington, decides to debut —a bit later than he should— in order to accompany his best friend, one Lady Buckley, but soon they see themselves swooped by the intricacies of the Season, especially with the arrival of one Duke of Munson and his young cousin.
Or Bridgerton but make it Steddie and queer.
Words: 1878, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Barbara "Barb" Holland/Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham/Vickie, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bridgerton (TV) Fusion, Regency but make it queer, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Friendship, Chrissy Cunningham & Eddie Munson Friendship, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
from AO3 works tagged 'Will Byers/Mike Wheeler' https://ift.tt/mKdZQ1A
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beefriend · 6 years
february 19ths
2017: i ,,,,, love sex. i hung out with blade all day today. i called him when i woke up, and even though we were on opposite sides of the island, we were both sleepy and in bed and it felt....close. we lay around and watched death note all day.
2018: dad, marcello paolo and i visited abuela again. she seems pretty okay, but she asked where abuelo was a few times, and she tried to drink the cream instead of the coffee. vicky, chrissy, dad, and paolo and i went to visit cousin joanne. vicky took me and paolo to a fantastic thrift store. vicky, dad, lucia, paolo and i went and saw black panther and it was fantastic. i called violet to find out how the john mulaney show went, and we talked etc for a long time.       i still ,,,,, love sex.
0 notes
dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Robin, Vickie, Chrissy, Nancy, Eddie, and Steve were hanging out at Steve's place, playing Never Have I Ever.
Robin: Never have I ever. . . Had an orgy!
She expected no one to drink but then she watched, in shock, as Steve, Eddie, Chrissy, and Nancy took a shot.
Steve: Wait, was it an orgy? Don't you need a certain number of people?
Eddie: I don't know, man. I never had one before, well, us.
Robin: Oh my God! Is that why you didn't invite us to your double date last weekend?!
Steve: No lesbian platonic soulmates.
Chrissy: or cousins.
Robin: Nancy!
Nancy: *grins* It was fun, especially when Chrissy -
Vickie: *Shrieks* That's my cousin!
Robin dove and put her hands over Vickie's ears.
Robin: I got you, babe.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Eddie and Chrissy realized they both had a crush on Steve Harrington at some point. Maybe one day they're hanging upside down with their heads hanging off the edge of his bed when they're talking about Steve, and they make the realization. Eddie fell off the bed in shock while Chrissy giggled at the sight of his ass in the air. They discussed it at great length, and they both came to the decision to flirt with him to see where he's at, to see if he's willing to date both of them.
"We need a plan!" Eddie declared and scrambled to get a notebook out of his closet.
"Eddie, baby, why do you have a floor plan of Family Video?" Chrissy asked in amusement.
"That's not important right now. Anyway, I was thinking that if you distract Robin, I can lead Steve into the backroom, and then when I give the signal, you follow us. Hm, but wait, we still have to have someone to continue to distract Robin. Ooh, bring your cousin!" Eddie exclaimed, his eyes wide.
"I think maybe Robin's going to regret telling us about her crush on Vickie," Chrissy said.
"Ugh, they need to get together already," Eddie said, shaking his head . "So, what do you think?"
"I don't see how anything can go wrong with this foolproof plan of yours," Chrissy said.
"Great! Neither do I!" Eddie exclaimed.
A few days later. . .
"I still don't understand why you guys want me to tag along on your date," Vickie said as they walked into Family Video.
"It's not a date. It's a hangout," Chrissy replied.
"Look, Vickie! Robin!" Eddie grinned and gave her a gentle nudge. "That's a lovely shade of blue that she's wearing, isn't? Really brings out her eyes!"
"Eddie!" Chrissy exclaimed.
"No, he's right," Vickie sighed. "I'm going to talk to her. You guys do whatever you really need to do."
Steve was working behind the counter when they approached. Eddie and Chrissy walked behind the counter.
"Hey, guys, you aren't supposed to be back here," Steve frowned. "Not that it's not great to see you guys."
Eddie grinned before placing an arm around his shoulder and started dragging him towards the back. Chrissy quickly followed them into the break room. Steve opened his mouth to say something when Eddie pulled him onto the couch.
"Shh, just let this happen," Eddie said.
"Eddie, I think you're freaking him out," Chrissy said, giggling, as she sat on Steve’s other side. "It's okay, Steve."
She started to gently caress his arm.
"Not freaked out," Steve said, blushing. "Just curious about what's going on."
"Oh, we just wanted to talk," Eddie said.
"Catch up, see how you're doing," Chrissy said as her fingers trailed down his arm and down to his hand.
"A little birdie told me that you struck out again and that you're thinking about giving up on dating," Eddie said.
"It would be a shame for a great guy like you who deserves it to give up on finding love," Chrissy said as she played with his hands. "You have nice hands, Steve. Nice and big."
"He's got big feet too," Eddie said, grinning. "You know what means?"
"Wait. . .are you guys flirting with me?" Steve asked.
"Is that okay?" Chrissy asked as she placed his hand on her knee.
"Uh, yeah, just give me a minute and let me figure out how to flirt with two people at the same time," Steve said, swallowing thickly.
"You could start off by telling us what you like about us," Eddie said.
"Well, I like how good you are with the kids, both of you, and I like the way you play guitar. You, uh, seem really good with your hands," Steve said.
"Oh, he's definitely good with his hands," Chrissy said as she placed a kiss against Steve’s neck. "His tongue too."
"And Chrissy, I like the way you move. It's like magic. . . The way you dance like no one's watching," Steve said softly. "I like you both. I like being between you, but I don't want to get in between you, you know?"
"What are you saying, big boy?" Eddie asked as he rubbed gentle circles into his chest.
"I think I want to be with both of you," Steve said, looking down at his hands.
Chrissy cupped his chin and forced him to look at her.
"We want to be with you too, Steve," Chrissy said softly.
"Yeah?" Steve asked, giving her a crooked smile.
Chrissy leaned in and kissed him, smiling against his lips. Steve froze for a moment before responding to the kiss, kissing her back eagerly. She was soft and sweet, but she was also a lip biter, not that he was complaining. Steve was pulled from the kiss by Eddie, who grabbed a fistful of his hair and tilted his head back. Eddie pressed a hard kiss to his mouth, and Steve groaned as Eddie's fingers curled deeper into his hair. Chrissy's kiss had started off sweet and ended up a little rough while Eddie was the opposite. Eddie broke the kiss, his other hand pressed gently against his throat. Steve couldn't think, not at all. Shit. Where was he? He was doing something today, something important. Oh, well. He stopped thinking as soon as Eddie and Chrissy moved their lips to his throat while they used their hands to caress the inside of his thighs. Shit, were they trying to make him hard at work? Oh, work.
"Shit!" Steve cursed as he jumped up off the couch. "Did you leave Robin alone out there with Vickie?"
"Yeah," Chrissy giggled.
"So, basically, no one is running the store?" Steve asked.
"Hey, Stevie?" Eddie asked.
Steve turned to him. His hair was sticking up, his lips were swollen, and his neck was all marked up red.
"You look beautiful," Eddie said with a sigh.
Steve grinned and kissed him before doing the the same with Chrissy. They giggled and followed him out of the back room. Robin was leaning against the counter, chatting up Vickie. She looked over at her best friend. With a raised eyebrow, she looked him up and down.
"You look like a whore," Robin said affectionately.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
What if Steve saw Eddie's performance in the Upside Down?
Nancy made sure that Steve stayed with Dustin and Eddie while they were the distractions because she knew why Steve needed to stay even if he didn't. Meanwhile, Vickie would be going with her and Robin. It had been Vickie who tracked them down, looking for revenge for a cousin she never got to know. Thanks to Chrissy's mother, they never got to know each other. Luckily, Vickie had been open to listening and never once believed that Robin would harbor a murderer. So, the three young women marched off to kill Vecna while the three young men stayed behind.
"It's a big step for woman kind everywhere. They're going off to war while the men folk stay behind," Eddie said cheerfully, and Steve gave him a look while they set up the trailer. "What? I mean it. I'm totally down for being the one barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Let the women be the badasses they always have been."
"Yeah. I wouldn't mind being Mr. Mom," Steve said. "I definitely love to cook. If I could find the right man or woman. . .I mean. . . Shit."
"You too, huh?" Eddie asked, his eyes twinkling. "Man, can I tell you something, and you promise not to laugh?"
"Yeah, of course," Steve said.
"I've always been a bit envious that women can grow an entire human inside of them. It's like fucking magic," Eddie said, pausing, and before he knew it, he was rambling. "I feel like we should be worshipping at their feet with all the shit they have to go through. I was young, but I remember when my mom was pregnant with my brother, and it was tough on her. It was a rough pregnancy, and my dad was a misogynistic piece of shit. The doctors didn't think they would make it. It was so bad. I was there in the delivery room after begging to be there. The look on her face. . .she was so determined to bring him into this world, and she did. She was a warrior. He died a few months later. My dad was supposed to be watching him. He left him on the changing table and stepped out. . .well, you can guess what happened. She never forgave him, and I didn't either. She died a year later, and her heart had given out. She tried man, really, she did."
Eddie sniffled as he worked on turning the trailer into a cage. Steve stared at him with big eyes, his heart hurting for him.
"I'm sorry, Eddie," Steve said softly.
"He was just starting to get his Munson curls. They were the cutest little things. I think that's why I've gotten attached to Dustin. He would have been Dustin's age right now, and sometimes I wonder if he would be anything like Dustin is now. I try not to compare him to a ghost, but it's hard," Eddie said. "I definitely think of him like a brother, though."
A loud sob came from his left, and before he knew it, Dustin was throwing himself into Eddie's arms. Steve let them have their moment as he finished up, smiling softly as a deep wave of affection hit his chest. Once they broke the hug, they got the amps hooked up on the roof, and then they climbed up with Eddie's guitar. Steve watched as he flipped the guitar around, a look of glee on his face. He ripped his necklace off, his face serious.
"Chrissy, this is for you," Eddie said.
Then he was playing, and Steve watched in amazement. If anything was magic, it was him. Steve’s mouth was open as he watched his fingers move across the guitar and the way he focused. . .the way he put everything into it, he was beautiful. The lightning flashed in the background, enveloped him like it was a radiant light and not shitty weather from another dimension. It was like Eddie owned this world, like he was their God. He threw his head back and exposed his throat, his hair cascading backward. Steve was watching threw heavy eyelids now, and his heart was pounding nearly as loudly as the music. Steve knew he was gaping like an idiot now. Eddie glanced briefly at him and winked. Steve closed his mouth, blushing. Suddenly, he felt like maybe he should throw his underwear at him. Weird. He felt an elbow dig into his side, and he looked over to find Dustin wiggling his eyebrows at him. Steve rolled his eyes.
"You know if he married you, he really would be my brother," Dustin whispered.
"That's illegal," Steve scoffed.
"So, is us harboring a fugitive," Dustin scowled at him. "Why would that stop you both?"
"And your mom never officially adopted me," Steve said rolling his eyes.
"Yet. She's still arguing about it with Sue," Dustin said. "I keep telling them they can both adopt you."
"Sue wants to adopt me, too?" Steve asked.
"Oh, yeah, it's a thing," Dustin said.
"Technically, I'm an adult," Steve said.
"You can adopt adults, Steve."
The bats started coming. They climbed down and rushed into the trailer. Eddie pulled them into a hug, jumping up and down.
"That was ho - awesome!" Steve said, catching himself.
"What's hoawesome?" Dustin asked.
"Yes, Stevie, what is hoawesome?" Eddie asked, crossing his arms.
Suddenly, the bats started trying to get through the vents in the living room.
"Is this the only vent?!" Steve asked.
"My room!" Eddie yelled.
"Got it!" Steve yelled, grabbing his shield and running into Eddie's room.
Once they got the vents sealed, Eddie and Steve helped Dustin through the gate. They stood at the sheet and stared at each other. Eddie bowed, raising his hand to let Steve go first. He rolled his eyes and started climbing up. Eddie watched him with a grin, his eyes focused on his ass. He couldn't help but whistle.
"What was that?" Steve asked.
"Nothing," Eddie said quickly.
Once Steve made it through, Eddie started climbing up when he paused midway. He stared up at Steve, then looked down and looked back up as if he knew what he had to do. Steve glared at him. He knew that self sacrificing look.
"No you fucking don't!" Steve yelled out.
He jumped down and cut the sheet. Steve cursed as he watched him run out the door. He turned to Dustin.
"For the sake of our mother, stay here," Steve said. "I'll bring him back."
He jumped into the gate, did a flip, and then ran out the door. Eddie was peddling off onto a bike. He knew what that asshole was doing. He was trying to buy the others more time, but Steve couldn't let him do it alone. It wasn't because Steve wanted to be the hero. It was because he was afraid that Eddie might die trying to do it, and he couldn't let that happen. He grabbed a molotov out of his bag. When the bats drew closer to Eddie, they knocked him off his bike. He pulled the cloth out and wrapped it around his spear. He doused it in alcohol and lit the spear on fire. Steve saw them bite into Eddie, their tails wrapped around his throat. He hollered and started waving the spear at them, beating them off Eddie. Suddenly, they all dropped. Eddie stood up shakily, clutching his side.
"Thanks, Ste-"
Steve drew him into a furious kiss. Eddie clutched his waist as he deepened the kiss, not caring that he was bleeding all over Steve or the fact that that he was bleeding. All he cared about was Steve's mouth and slipping his tongue inside. Suddenly, a pair of hands were pulling him away from Steve.
"Hey!" Eddie yelped.
"It's you who's bleeding," Nancy said furiously.
"Jesus, Wheeler. If you didn't want me kissing Steve all you had to do was say something," Eddie said.
"I'm perfectly happy with you kissing, Steve," Nancy said. "I just don't want you to die while doing it."
"It would be so worth it," Eddie replied and then pointed excitedly. "Oh, hey!"
Meanwhile, Vickie and Robin stood behind her with worried looks as they held hands.
"Yeah, we had the same idea, except we did it without the blood," Vickie replied.
"Smart," Eddie said, nodding.
"Alright, let's get the fuck out of here," Steve said.
As they walked towards the gate, Eddie leaned heavily on Steve. He realized something.
"Hey, we match!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Yeah, I think I'd rather we have matching tattoos," Steve said.
"That can be arranged, big boy," Eddie said.
"By the way," Steve whispered in his ear. "Your performance. . .so hot."
"I fucking knew that's what you meant to say," Eddie said. "So, back to those matching tattoos. . ."
"I don't know, I have to ask my moms but they're not going to like that interdimensional bats gave me some piercings, I doubt that they're going to let me get inked with a metalhead that's wanted by the police," Steve hummed.
"That's not a no!"
The world had been saved, Max was alright, Hop was alive, Eddie had been cleared of all charges, and Steve had been properly bullied into a hospital bed by both of his moms.
"Hey, moms, I was just wondering, and you can say no if you want, but can I get a matching tattoo with Eddie?" Steve asked.
"Absolutely not," Sue said, fluffing his pillows. "We're happy you found Eddie, but you are not getting a tattoo."
"What if it gets infected and you die?" Claudia asked as she fussed with his blankets.
"Dad -," Steve started.
"You're new to having family that cares, son," Charles said, without looking up from his paper. "Let me tell you something, mothers are usually right about this. Better let them swaddle you. I'm pretty sure that's what Claudia is trying to do now."
Claudia dropped the blanket and gave him a look.
"They said no, Eddie," Steve said to the other bed in the room.
"I heard," Eddie pouted.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
Robin likes blonds and redheads, which is why I can easily see her with Chrissy. Though I much prefer Robin with Vickie. I've built up Vickie and Chrissy in my head as cousins too much to actually ship Robin and Chrissy, but I'm happy to see the ship popping up more amongst the Steddie tag. Kudos for you for shipping it. Even though I can't ship it (I only have myself to blame), I'm happy other people are. So, if you are shipping it, just know that you're shipping for two: you and me. I'll happily live vicariously through you. Maybe one day I'll stop headcanoning Vickie and Chrissy as cousins. . .nah, who am I kidding? Anyways, this is a shoutout for Buckingham shippers. 😘
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