trustwi · 2 years
Bombsquad agent orange
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Bombsquad agent orange series#
After Fitz and Simmons are able to establish radio contact, they make contact with Zephyr One, which had Sarge on board. However, upon sensing that the tower was destroyed, she realizes that Sarge is on Earth and has the ship enter the upper atmosphere. Now reuniting with Fitz and Simmons, Izel hopes on using their intellect in locating her Di'Allas for her. Taking over the entire crew for a small personal army, Izel readied them as the ship arrived on Earth just as other Shrike manifested a crystallized tower for her. She then explains her search for the Di'Allas (which they called Monoliths) and then persuades them that someone else (meaning Sarge) is responsible for her crew's death and the destruction of Chronyca-2. After a drink, she recruits them onto her new crew and they then take control of a scavenger ship to get to Earth.Īfter arriving on Earth, Izel starts using the Shrike to possess every scavenger on the ship except for Fitz and Simmons. Learning about the humans Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, Izel sought them out on Kitson and after witnessing Mister Kitson put them in a life-death gamble, she bought their freedom. Upon hearing that the Di'Allas may in fact be on Earth still, Izel needed a ship and new "crew members" to get there. Once again turning up empty, she had her Shrike destroy the planet and although she escaped, her crew was killed off by Sarge and his crew. After hearing about how the Chronicoms had possession over the Monoliths, Izel led a crew of Shrike-possessed individuals to the planet to retrieve them. In truth, however, he longed for her and his memories were conflicted with Coulson's own.Īfter many years, Izel traveled across different worlds across the universe to find the Di'Allas and those that turned up empty, she used parasitic demons known as the Shrike which she created herself. Prior to his amnesia, Pachakutiq sent her to retrieve the Di'Allas, who would then start leading a team to hunt her down and kill her for supposedly killing his family and taking his memories of them. However, they were stolen and hidden somewhere else on Earth. They also built a temple in Yucatán, which was made from the same material as the Di'Allas, relics from her realm that would be able to open a portal to her realm.īelieving that the Di'Allas could help her civilization escape the realm of darkness and gain physical bodies, she decided to use them. She encountered the Incan civilization, who saw her as a god and placed her into their mythology. Inspired by this, she created herself a physical body and escaped to Earth. Izel was once an incorporeal demon from an unnamed dimension and was also the mistress of Pachakutiq until he possessed the duplicate of S.H.I.E.L.D. Whilst possessing her hosts, she was portrayed by Max Osinski (as Davis), Ming-Na Wen (as May), Briana Venskus (as Piper), Jeff Ward (as Deke), Iain De Caestecker (as Fitz), Henry Simmons (as Mack), Natalia Cordova-Buckley (as Yo-Yo) and Coy Stewart (as Flint). In her physical form, she is portrayed by Karolina Wydra. She is revealed to be the former lover of Pachakutiq/Sarge and that the two wanted to reclaim the Di'Allis so that they can summon their people from their dimension and gain physical forms. She is an incorporeal demonic entity from an alternate dimension and the creator of the parasitic Shrike, which she uses to destroy planets that she comes across.
Bombsquad agent orange series#
Izel is a recurring antagonist in the TV series Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., appearing (alongside Sarge) as one of the two main antagonists of Season 6 and one of the two posthumous overarching antagonists in Season 7. If it makes you feel any better, you are perhaps not in the way you intend, but it still hurts.
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
Y’all I had this dream where for some reason at the end of Loki Variant!Loki decided he had to save Main!Loki. It was because Loki was the only one that could save the main universe from something along the road, but it would get messy for some reason if Variant!Loki came to deal with it. So V!Loki decided to save M!Loki from dying at the hands of Thanos, but he had to do it in a way that would work seemlessly and not make too big of a time mess.
So V!Loki studied the events leading up to M!Loki’s death and was trying to figure out what to do when Mobius said that if M!Loki didn’t die it would cause all these problems because then Infinity War and Endgame wouldn’t play out right. Basically, things would go differently if Loki was there with Thor. So now V!Loki has to figure this out because he has to make sure IW and EG go about the same while saving M!Loki. 
So V!Loki decides to take M!Loki’s place. Sometime in between the destruction of Asgard and Thanos’ attack on the Statesman, V!Loki swaps M!Loki out for himself. Logically, I think a good place would be right before/after the scene where Thor and Loki see each other for the first time on the Statesman, and Loki shows that he is actually there and it isn’t an illusion. But that wasn’t included in my dream, that’s just me now thinking that would be a good time to make the switcheroo. 
So V!Loki kidnaps M!Loki and takes M!Loki’s place, and is killed by Thanos while keeping a stunning act up. No one thought he wasn’t the right Loki. Which is perfect. Obviously, V!Loki had to do something about M!Loki. Otherwise, M!Loki would go to Earth or wherever either during IW or after IW but before EG (depends travel time), which would change events. And V!Loki has a plan to keep M!Loki out of trouble until it is safe for him to come out. He has to take M!Loki off of the Statesman because otherwise M!Loki could die in the Power Stone incited explosion in IW. 
So V!Loki uses magic to knock out M!Loki who is not expecting to be attacked magically at all. Plus, V!Loki uses a type of magic that the Lokis are vulnerable to (I’m sorry, my dream did not explain magic lore lol) so M!Loki was basically screwed. V!Loki also put a spell on M!Loki that stopped him from using magic, just in case. So V!Loki is about to drag M!Loki off of the Statesman and to Chronyca. But then Hulk wanted to talk to Loki so V!Loki has to shove M!Loki into a space closet (that for some reason looked like the closet in Tangled? Just more futuristic and different colors.) Hulk was nice and said he didn’t want to smash Loki which was actually pretty sweet and V!Loki was thanking anyone that was listening because he’s from 2012 and had just barely been Hulk smashed. 
Hulk leaves, but M!Loki wakes up and is opening the closet door (I’m just realizing now that he was really now out for long). So V!Loki shapeshifts into some other form (he looked like an old man, kind of like Dick van Dyke in Night at the Museum) because it would be a little problematic if M!Loki knew he was being kidnapped by himself. M!Loki knew that he couldn’t use his magic, and he knew that he was kinda screwed, but he wasn’t going down without a fight. He tried to manipulate V!Loki into a position that would give M!Loki an advantage, but he didn’t realize he was literally trying to manipulate himself. Which didn’t work out so well for him. Anyway, after a little knife skirmish and failed attempt to get help, M!Loki is once again knocked out by V!Loki. 
V!Loki skedaddles out of there, unconscious M!Loki in tow. V!Loki does more magic every once in a while to keep M!Loki asleep because dude just burns through magic sedation apparently. So V!Loki is stuck looking like Dick van Dyke, just in case M!Loki wakes up and sees him. At this point M!Loki is restrained because you can’t just not restrain him if you are kidnapping him. He isn’t an idiot, he’s ready to fight his kidnapper, and even if he could just mess with a couple buttons he could sabotage the ship. Better safe than sorry. After a while, V!Loki gets tired of constantly magically sedating M!Loki. He’s tied up, can’t do magic, and V!Loki has the advantage because M!Loki doesn’t know it’s another version of himself that is kidnapping himself. So he’s not too worried about M!Loki being awake while tied up (and blindfolded? He might have been though I’m not sure anymore). So M!Loki tries to get information off of his kidnapper but V!Loki just says that he needs M!Loki’s help with something, which isn’t actually a lie, he does need help with, oh, you know, saving the universe. So M!Loki is freaking out because nothing has happened like this since Thanos. He knows that unless something big changes he isn’t going to be able to escape and if this guy needs his help, he could be willing to torture him for it. He’s already kidnapped him and disabled Loki’s magic, who knows what else will happen. M!Loki says something about Thor because M!Loki had already established that he was sticking around, and now he’s gone. So he’s hoping that Thor won’t just think M!Loki ran off or whatever and will actually be concerned and know there’s a problem, but he’s honestly not so sure about that. And then V!Loki says that won’t be a problem, meaning that he can just use time travel to go back to the second after he leaves, so it’ll be like he never left. M!Loki takes this to mean that something happened to the remaining Asgardians and is worried about that. So now he’s freaking out over what he thinks happened to Thor and what he thinks will happen to him.
And M!Loki is pretty good and concealing his emotions and makes it look like he’s just a little fidgety because he’s tied up, but V!Loki sees the signs because he too would do something similar in that situation. So he’s feeling bad because this alternate future version of himself is on the brink of a panic attack and he is 99% this has something to do with Thanos, one of the experiences the two Lokis share, so he knows what M!Loki must be feeling. But V!Loki knows this is necessary so he deals with it. 
So they get to Chronyca. Chronyca is home of the chronicons, a race that observes and studies other races but never interferes, unless it is to prevent an extinction level threat (we see them in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). So the chronicons are pretty suspicious about this random Dick van Dyke dude that shows up. V!Loki leaves M!Loki tied up in the ship and goes to the chronicons and turns back into V!Loki and has some TVA device that shows them what will happen if M!Loki dies and explains his plan to the chronicons. Seeing as this is preventing an extinction level threat of many peoples, the chronicons agree to help. 
V!Loki shapeshifts back to Dick van Dyke lookalike and goes onto the ship where M!Loki is (I’m pretty sure M!Loki was blindfolded now, but V!Loki still is shapeshifted in front of him just in case) and tells M!Loki something along the lines of everything being alright, and that M!Loki doesn’t have to panic. Well, as you can imagine, M!Loki doesn’t take this well. How would you react if you were kidnapped and your kidnapper said that it would be okay and that you don’t need to panic? Thinking that he’s going to go through a Thanos-like experience again, he promises that he’ll fight back and won’t be compliant. V!Loki says that he respects that and that M!Loki better tell anyone else that kidnaps him in the future the same thing. V!Loki knows about Thanos and still isn’t sure how he’d react in a similar situation because it had just barely happened to him whereas M!Loki has had years to sorta recover. V!Loki knocks M!Loki out to get him off the ship, but figures that M!Loki will wake up one more time before the next stage of the plan is put into action. 
The chronicons put M!Loki inside a chamber they use to send chronicons to distant planets they observe, which can double as a cryofreeze chamber (like in AoS). V!Loki takes the spell off M!Loki that stops him from using his powers. The chronicons strap M!Loki inside the chamber, tying him down, and V!Loki then enchants the straps to stop M!Loki from using magic. V!Loki waits until M!Loki wakes up, startled by the change of setting, no longer blindfolded. M!Loki is full on panicking now because this is the same position he was in when Thanos first tortured him, and V!Loki knows this and feels so bad that he is putting another version of himself through a panic attack. V!Loki uses magic to calm M!Loki’s mind and gives his final farewells. Tells him good luck, apologizes for this mess, and tells him that everything will be alright, and that the chronicons will keep him safe. Then he closes the chamber and turns the cryofreeze on, and in a few seconds M!Loki is in a coma. 
The chronicons promise to keep M!Loki safe until it is safe for him to be awakened. They set a timer on the chamber for six or seven years, and when the timer runs out the chamber will turn off and M!Loki will be awakened. It is possible that M!Loki will be snapped away by Thanos, but as long as they keep the chamber in the same position it was in whenn M!Loki was snapped, he would return there in five years and everything would be fine. The plan was to drop M!Loki off somewhere away from Chronyca with resources (food, water, ship, fuel) to get somewhere else. There would be a few chronicons to make sure everything went well and that he gets out safely. And if M!Loki does spot them, they’d tell him that in order to prevent extinctions they would at times interfere, and that a time travelling friend told them of a threat only Loki could stop, but he couldn’t stop if he was killed by Thanos. So the time traveler took Loki’s place to save him from Thanos and save the universe. 
And then he has to learn about IW and EG and he feels bad that he couldn’t do more but it wasn’t his fault and he feels bad that someone died for him but it wasn’t like he was given a choice. So then he has to go find Thor because he doesn’t think anyone else could possibly believe him (even with a message from V!Loki in the van Dyke disguise explaining the plan) and that’s how Loki ends up in Love and Thunder.
Like, absolutely crazy plot going on here, and I doubt it would ever happen in the MCU, but it would be cool.
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brooklynloll · 5 years
The Chronicom Hunters killed Atarah cuz:
Hoes mad.
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jessicaaatje · 2 years
Daisy Johnson x fem!reader
Request is here.
Summary: Reader having a bad dream about one of the missions, Daisy is there to comfort her.
TW: Mentions of shootings, blood and death.
Hey, I'm sorry to let you guys wait for so long for a fic, but I struggled with writing an ending in this one and I had a tiny writing block. Further my posts are going to slow down maybe, because school is going to start again, but I still have wips and my requests are still open, it only will take some time.
Hope you enjoy!
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Chronicoms, creatures from the planet Chronyca-2, they want to destroy the secret agency called SHIELD. What do they do for that? They are using the method of time travel, travelling to an important time and change history.
Now they went back in time before SHIELD was grounded, the mission was to eliminate Peggy Carter, one of the founders of SHIELD and a SSR agent. The perfect moment in time is at a gala, whereby everyone could come in.
One moment everything was fine.
Another moment the first thing to notice was the sound of guns being fired.
Your team - existing out of Mack, Daisy, Elena, May, Coulson, Deke and Simmons - made sure that the civilians were safe first, before getting ready to take oout the chronicoms.
Some agents from the SSR were going down, because they just didn't know that the people who were firing at them, weren't actually real people.
When the first chronicom noticed that your team was also on the gala, he notified the others and the firing moved from the SSR agents to the team.
'Guys, they want to kill Peggy Carter', Daisy realised as first, 'we need to get her to safety'.
'Copy that, Deke make sure she is out of here', Coulson replied.
It felt like hours before Deke came back to help again, here everything seemed to slow down.
Deke, instead of firing his gun, fell down on to the ground. You ran to him to help him stop the bleeding, only it was so much, too much.
The second person who was shot was May, she was like a mother figure for you so you screamed, screamed until you felt your throat become raw.
'SIMMONS, May and Deke are down come help me give them medical', you screamed into the comms. Only to be answered with a static. Meaning Simmons was or to busy, or she was down too.
You saw Daisy, your girlfriend sending quakes to many chronicoms, but you also saw a gun being fired at her. A second later she was down.
'Mack, Coulson, you guys still with me?', you asked, not sure if you are completely on your own.
'I'm still here y/n, but Mack is down', you felt a little bit relieved, relieved that there maybe was hope, 'and there are more chronicoms coming now'. With that all the feeling of hope left your body, knowing that you couldn't leave this mission alive.
'Y/n, wake up'
Daisy was trying to shake you awake, because you were mumbling and screaming in your sleep. All that woke Daisy up, notifying her that you were plagued by a nightmare.
You jumped awake -if it wasn't for your girlfriend the chance was big that you would fall out of your bed- your breath was unsteady, you got shivers all over your body and you didn't know where you were.
The first thing you felt was hands on both your shoulders, making you look around the room with terror in your eyes.
'Y/n, it's me, Daisy', you could hear the sentence but your breathing was still to heavy and your mind was to hazy for you to focus on her.
Daisy knew this so she did the next thing she hoped to comfort you, holding you against her with almost a deathgrip. Letting you know she was there.
When you were mumbling in your sleep, Daisy heard you crying out May's name, about her being shot. So the next thing to let you calm down was to let you know the team was fine.
Grabbing her phone and calling the contact called 'Deathly May'.
It took a while, but the phone went over and May asked what was wrong in a groggy voice. Daisy was explaining the situation and soon after setting the phone on speaker and giving May the chance to calm you down.
'Y/n, I'm okay, you hear me?', May said, 'The mission was good, nobody got hurt there, you are fine. I am fine, and I will see you tomorrow on the Zephyr alright?'.
You nodded, getting slowly out of the daze from your nightmare, 'Thank you May', you mumbled and let May hang the phone.
'Daisy, I'm sorry for waking you', you said after a moment of silence, not looking into her eyes.
'What?', Daisy asked stunned, 'you don't have to be sorry, I have nightmares too remember? And when I have one, YOU help me, so I help you now too'.
'But let's go back to sleep alright? I will be here when you wake up', your girlfriend said to you and you replied with a nod.
'Good night, y/n'.
'Good night, Daisy'.
Moments later you guys were both asleep snuggled into eachother.
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chopper-witch · 2 years
Literally unbelievable I didn’t realize until now Joel Stoffer played Wayne. Why didn’t my brain realize that? Tbh I’m probably just too used to seeing him like this:
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You know, as a chronicom from the planet chronyca-2 and best friend of Leopold Fitz
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jamiedc-they-them · 3 years
Legacies and the people behind them Part II (Platonic)
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Requested Imagine: A year or so later with your family, you are brought on for another job involving a dead man you called a friend and another friend trying to get you to see the good in your powers that all had done bad What could go wrong?
“How was Y/N?” Deke asked, still a bit bitter at not hearing about his grandad’s passing. Still, you were his friend, and you had – apparently – returned, even if he hadn’t seen you yet.
“They were fine. Good fighter. Saved my ass multiple times.” Daisy responded with as she checked the Zephier once again, doing anything to avoid faux Coulson downstairs. She missed Deke’s little smile.
“Yeah, they always were up for a good scrap when it came to it…I’m glad they found you,” Daisy stopped what she was doing and turned to him, “Really, I think you’ve been a great help. Especially when it comes to her – you know,” He held out his hand as you both would to use your ability, “That whole thing.” He was little awkward at that one.
Daisy nodded slowly, “Yeah…haven’t seen them use that a lot out there. Not much time to cover it and all, given our hunt and small ship to practice in.” Daisy admitted, going back to work.
That made Deke’s smile drop, “What? But, I thought –”
“I would’ve, Deke. Trust me, I want them to get a hang of it. But…whenever I try and do it, they just…hide from it.” She almost sounded a little sad at having to admit that.
Deke then nodded, “Always did scare them.”
Daisy nodded too, “You know, I keep telling them that it’s ok to be scared, but that they’re a gift, not a curse. Just seems to fall on deaf ears; definitely a Johnson trait they got from me.” Daisy forced a chuckle at her own words.
But, she then paused, an idea struck.
 You, meanwhile, were in your room. Despite being a Johnson, you were definitely more introverted than Daisy was. She had no issue with that, of course, just something of note.
But one thing that was, you could tell, of note and concern was the way you didn’t Quake anyone at all on your journey to find Fitz, even when high.
If anything, that just amplified your fear.
You heard a knock at the door. Opening, you saw Daisy there.
She gave you a smile, “I need you for something.” She said, getting right to it.
Despite the smile, you knew it was to disarm you, “Daisy –” You said, putting your head against the doorway.
“It’s with Coulson.” That made you look up, “I can’t do this alone. And…I think it’ll be good practice for you –”
“No.” You were the one who was blunt now, eyes sharp and sure of your answer.
She sighed, “Y/N, I get that you’re scared –”
“I’m terrified. I – we saved the world, but I’m not even meant to be here yet. Like…what if I do it now.”
She saw so much of herself in you, “Y/N…I’d never let that happen.”
“Yeah, well, be too late by then.” You forced out your chuckle at your words.
“I’ll be right here. I’ll be with you the whole time. Ok, promise.” She swore to you.
She knew she didn’t make promises lightly. And you knew that you were now, officially an agent. So, it was your duty to go after the weird shit.
You sighed, “Let’s go.” You agreed.
Daisy’s smile grew, but now it had a supportive edge to it.
You had seen Sarge like once, but my god if he wasn’t a carbon copy of Coulson. Well, in everything but personality.
And, almost immediately, Daisy’s promise died, “You, hacker, with me.” Sarge ordered.
“I’m ok back here.” Daisy said, knowing that you were silently distressed by his demand.
He turned and looked back at you all with a cold expression, “I need an extra pair of eyes in front. Motormouth is busy, and last time Smiles was up there she tried to kill me. And the antithesis to Motormouth is living up to the name, but I’ll took to them later, so...”
“She’s your OG crew. Take her.” Daisy said, pointing to the female who was indeed on Coulson’s – Sarges original crew.
“Snowflake stays here. You don’t trust me, I don’t trust you. So, take a seat in front or tell your boss to send me someone useful.”
Daisy looked to you, putting a hand on your shoulder, “I’ll be back, promise.” She then left you. And, after you looked to Deke, who gave you a tiny smile before becoming enamoured with Snowflake once again, yourself and May went to sit down.
You were in for a long ride.
“Daisy told me about how you fought while you were away. Glad to see the training came in handy.” May said as you both sat on the sofa. You kind of liked the silence, the way the road made the vehicle bounce.
You felt the vibration from it, and you felt it probably more than she did.
You knew May was a keen observer of things, so you knew you had to be careful.
“She told me –”
“I get what you’re trying to do. I don’t need them, not here. Besides, if we do, Daisy will use them. She controls them better.” You argued, knowing where this was going.
May just held your stare as she spoke, “We could always use another –”
“Yeah, well, I think one Johnson blowing up the world is enough.” You did not want to sound mean, but still.
“It won’t if you control it. Daisy can help.” May seemed adamant to not let it go, “I know you can feel the vibration. I know you feel the urge to do something with them. It’s ok to –”
“All this thing’s ever done is hurt. I hurt Daisy with it when I first met her; hurt myself when I was ‘training’. If I could get rid of it, I would.”
May went to talk, when Daisy left the room, “You, pebbles, you’re up next.” Sarge ordered.
You gulped; you weren’t going to lie if you weren’t nervous. You felt the vibrations more then, you felt your body itching for you ability to be used. You clenched your hand in a fist.
You met the eyes of Daisy, “You got this.” She told you, trying to make you believe the words. You nodded, smiling a bit in thanks for them. You appreciated them.
Just like other words of encouragement she has given you on a certain topic, they were appreciated, but not believed.
You entered his cabin; it looked like any normal truck cabin. To be honest, he looked like a normal man.
So did you. So, you had that in common.
“Daisy says you’re have something different about you too.” Jesus, seemed everyone wanted to talk about this topic, huh?
“Sure. Just as you’re something else too.”
“Touché. And, before you ask about the face, no I don’t care.”
“Good, I wasn’t. You gonna ask me about my ‘gift’.”
Sarge scoffed, “I’m interested. But, your friend seemed almost desperate, even moved the conversation onto that. Seems you’ve got someone protective.”
“More like insistent on my abilities.”
Sarge chuckled, “You got people who care. But, you don’t control that thing, it’ll be the end of you all. You’ll be the weak link, you’d be vulnerable.”
His words hit you; hard. Sure, Daisy had talked about a worry with your abilities; you even had your own insecurities. But…this. This hurt.
You didn’t reply. You didn’t want to become any weaker.
You didn’t want to be the end of them all.
You left, seeing that apparently Deke had made a playmate. Daisy and May came to you when they saw you leave.
“You ok?” Daisy asked.
You forced a smile, “Yeah, fine.” You said, feeling the urge with your ability more and more.
Daisy and May shared a look, clearly not believing yours.
However, Sarge then came out. He looked to you, only. You, however, got a better read on him this time.
Seemed, almost, that your words to him and openness made him want to open up a little with you.
You smiled a bit, you were getting somewhere.
“Chronyca-2 was the closest we came to stopping her. We took out her crew, we had her trapped…and then she was gone. We have no idea how.” He told you as he brewed…something, and you guys drank from your mugs.
“After you destroyed the planet?” May questioned.
“We didn’t destroy it. By the time we got there, it had already begun. But, this time, we’re one step ahead. We can keep it from happening here. All of us, with all our abilities.” You just knew he threw that last bit in for you. Daisy snuck a glance to you, but your eyes was only on the man.
May then pushed, after the pause, “What’s her motive?”
“Hatred, for all living things.” Well, then.
“What’s yours?” Daisy asked that one.
“Love,” you all looked at him with doubting looks, “No, it’s hate. That’s my thing, too. Hate and revenge.” There you go.
“She took my family from me. I won’t stop until she pays for that.” It was honest.
“How do we stop her?” You asked, speaking up now.
Sarge rose, going to grab an object. He showed it to you, “There’s only one way to kill the beast.”
It was –
“A galaxy hopping hate-beast that eats planets and you want to defeat her with a, um, sword?” Daisy scoffed, not being able to hide the amusement.
“It’s sharp, feel it.” He offered.
“Yeah, gonna have to pass on that one.” You said, Daisy looked to you with a smirk.
“Well, I’ll tell you what it’s really made of once you tell me your secret.” You knew what that meant.
He went for Daisy with the blade, but it was shot out of his hand the next moment by a strong and concentrated – well, kind of – gust of wind.
Daisy looked to your outstretched hand, eyes wide. She then looked back as Sarge picked it up again, she then sent it up to the ceiling with a more controlled blast.
“There they are. Hacker, and silent, huh?” So, he knew. And you had – thankfully – not destroyed anything.
His device then pinged, “It’s starting.” That was concerning.
“What’s starting?” May asked.
“The end.” That was even more concerning.
As you all went to the cabin, you saw just what ‘The end’ was. It was a tower, a massive one made of what looked like to be spikes.
Or, as you coined the term when Sarge explained them, Shrike spikes.
His plan was even worse. May even scoffed at it. Now, apparently, SHIELD had some shit plans in the past, but with Sarges, it seemed to almost take the cake.
It was to simply plough into the tower, then stab Izel when she came down.
Yeah, failproof.
Deke came back with what he had been working on, apparently a thing to help attract the Shrike.
Then the call from your friends came in.
Then came what would be your end if you didn’t act quick.
So, you and Daisy both held out your hands just in case. Just in case you needed to do this.
As he explained his plan, he then looked to you, “You won’t do it. You’ll just hit the bomb and set if off too early.” Wit the look in your eyes and how it shifted, he could tell he was right, “As I said, weakest link.”
With Snowflake realising this was it and shrieking (ha), Sarge used it to escape. Daisy went to quake the door, but May stopped her.
Then it was a desperate search. You ignored all the chatter, you could only hear the heartbeat thudding your ears as you looked. You felt the vibrations more, you felt the urge more and more.
You then happened to look over and saw that Deke held the bomb. It was glowing, pulsing. It was bigger than you thought it would be.
Deke looked around, meeting your eyes with his wide ones.
The world to you was a buzz, the vibrations getting more and more. You saw Daisy saying something to Deke, but you could tell she was antsy. You could tell she was scared. You could feel it in the vibrations of her footsteps, the vibration of her heartbeat. It was beating faster than your own.
You felt it pick up more as Deke looked at you all with a sorrowful expression. You felt a hand in your hand, seeing Daisy look at you with what was an attempt at a comforting smile.
“But, you don’t control that thing, it’ll be the end of you all. You’ll be the weak link, you’d be vulnerable.” You remembered Sarge saying.
You were vulnerable right now. And a bomb that was going to go off was in front of you.
You looked to Daisy, and you clenched your free fist, before you pushed her towards May and ran to the bomb. Then the lights went out.
The lights came back on, and Daisy heard it. She heard it. It was the first thing she heard.
That familiar hum.
She opened her eyes, seeing you, both hands out, a look of pure concentration on your face. She saw the way you were sweating. She saw the way you weren’t fighting it anymore. She saw the way you were putting your all into it.
She saw the way you put the nuke back in the bomb. She caught you when you fell back, panting for air.
“You did it. You did it.” You told you.
Now, you had one more issue, the Shrike. The tower had been destroyed, but now they had been unleashed. And they were hungry and pissed.
So, guess who the target was?
You all got panels for the windows. You heard them. You didn’t know how many, but you knew you didn’t want to find out. All you wanted was to keep them away.
You could deal with Sarge later.
You had done what you could, but then they went silent.
You and Daisy shared a silent look, you felt it too.
Together, you both went to the door, opening it and looking up at them. Instantly, they swarmed down.
You both looked back at your friends, telling them to hold back.
Together, you held out your hands…waiting.
Finally, they entered…
Only to turn to dust.
You had done it, your mission was completed. You had made it.
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agl03 · 4 years
You are all welcome I got in the shower!
May — it’s not just the name of a badass agent, it’s also when Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will kick off its seventh and final season.
ABC has announced that linear TV’s last live-action Marvel series will premiere its 13-episode farewell run on May 27, where it will air in a brand-new Wednesdays-at-10/9c time slot.
When last we tuned in (full recap here), the S.H.I.E.L.D. team (minus an off-the-grid Fitz) fled the present day, where Chronicom hunters’ plotted to occupy Earth/establish Chronyca-3, via a newly suped-up Zephry. The ship blinked through time to arrive above a New York City where the Empire State Building not only looms largest, but is just finishing construction!
In the final season — which wrapped filming back on July 30 of the year 2019, weeks after it formally announced the series was ending — Coulson (who in the finale was re-reborn using a blend of LMD and Chronicom tech) and the team find themselves “stranded in 1931 New York City,” reads the official synopsis. “With the all-new Zephyr set to time-jump at any moment, the team must hurry to find out exactly what happened. If they fail, it would mean disaster for the past, present and future of the world.”
Knowing of an end date in advance allowed the writers to “build a season that will tie up any threads that are there. To make sure that we come to a conclusion that’s satisfying to the fans, to the cast, to Marvel, and to ABC,” then-Marvel TV chief Jeph Loeb told our sister site Deadline last summer. It also opened the door for some big, perhaps deadly swings. “When you know [you’re ending], you can take greater risks, of life and death,” Loeb teased.
On board for this final mission are Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leopold Fitz, Henry Simmons as Director Alphonso “Mack” MacKenzie, Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez and Jeff Ward as Deke Shaw.
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ellestra · 4 years
On the way to the finale
This was clearly a transition episode setting the stage for the finale. It doesn’t get the heroes anywhere it just positions them for the final confrontation. But the character bits were nice with Simmons and Deke and finally Fitz. Phil giving May his famous pep talk. Mack going all older brother on Sousa (everyone can see Daisy/Sousa is happening). But most of all Mack’s talk with Daisy about the Team’s last mission. It was such a meta conversion about cast but also about our relationship with the show and its characters. It hit right in the feels.
Despite knowing Kora stayed behind in the mission from Sibyl which means she wanted to be capture and taken to the Lighthouse they take her to the Lighthouse and she gets all she came for. Not even May showing her what Nate did to Jiaying can sway her away from her cult leader. And neither does his personality (apparently Sibyl’s lessons about the future didn’t include Kylo Ren). So that went nowhere. But at least Phil discovered his superpower with Chronicom tech.
Daisy’s rescue mission went nowhere either. The whole thing with outsmarting Sibyl seemed like such a cliche that it’s almost too obvious. She should be able to tell that when Daisy knows her moves are being predicted she’ll try being “unpredictable”. Half the episode I’ve been expecting the reveal that Sibyl made Kora says the whole “won’t let her sister fight alone” thing only to trigger her leaving the base so Kora and Sibyl could run rampant there. I’m still not sure it’s not the case since they haven’t even gotten there.
Even Nate’s search for Fitz’s whereabouts completely failed. Only Simmons can remove Diana and she won’t do even with Deke being tortured. All Nate managed to achieve was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. But at least we got those few minutes of Iain and it felt great to see him again. Enoch too.
The only one who got what they wanted was Sibyl. She got SHIELD base locations although I don’t know why she needed Lighthouse for that since she should’ve known them from the future and years of her people being embedded with Malick on top of the SHIELD. I mean even the Triskelion destruction only happened because they built it early. The whole Chronyca-3 plan still makes no sense to me but the Chronicom fleet looks cool.
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cassnottiel · 4 years
Its been a respectable amount of time.
Agents of Shield season 7 was completely unneeded, plot wise. A huge plot hole.
What was the chronicoms whole goal in season 6? Why did they need Fitz?
To invent time travel so they could go back in time to save Chronyca-2.
Malachi thinks its stupid, kills Atarah, and Sybil takes control. The Chronicoms realize they can't take over Shield from 2019 or whatever year it is, so what do they do?
Invent time travel . . . so they can go back in time . . . and take over Earth before Shield was there to stop them . . .
Not only was Atarah the best looking Chronicom, turns out they were the smartest one and took all the brain cells with them when Isaiah killed them.
The chronicoms thought time travel was a lost cause and wanted to establish Chronyca-3, so they invent time travel to do it.
If they could time travel why didn't they go save their planet????
I swear Sybil had that awful haircut to show how stupid they were.
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ao3feed-staticquake · 4 years
Our Forever Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UtjeSc
by Everythingirl44
The team doesn't just lose Lincoln, but Daisy as well.
Words: 2243, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Hive (Marvel), Enoch (Marvel)
Relationships: Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson
Additional Tags: Alternate Ending, Season 3 Finale, Time Travel, Chronyca-2, Chronicom, Resurrection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UtjeSc
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douxreviews · 5 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - ‘The Other Thing’ Review
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"I've been to a lot of worlds. Some good, some garbage. But I've never been to one where people recognize my face."
Now, this was more like it, wasn't it? A solid, confident episode that goes right into the arc story and doesn't disappoint. Three parallel plots unfold and converge to the same place, while propelling the characters forward in great directions.
May vs. Coulson
May started off this year in a placid state of mind. Happier, more relaxed, ready to enjoy the goodness of life. The arrival of Sarge, though, changed that. It didn't send May back to an unhappier place, but I've never seen her so focused against an opponent before. One could presume that Sarge wearing Coulson's face would soften her, but she is repelled by Sarge's methods and cruelty. He is the antithesis of Coulson in many ways, which is why she wants to take him down so badly. When Sarge says "I thought you loved his face," May unleashes all her rage and beats him until he passes out. Then she puts his fallen arm on his lap, the same thing she did for a very tired Coulson back in Tahiti. I didn't read that as a sign of affection, but it is curious nonetheless. It's a reflex, a muscle memory, something she's ought to do, and she does it nonchalantly.
That's terrific writing for a character that becomes more interesting with each year. May could be a one note character, the stone cold archetype, but she is so much more than that. I loved how she subverted Sarge's accusation that Coulson was an impostor and had him question his own existence for a bit. He didn't let her see, but when he turned to get the radio, you could tell her words had hit him. Sarge may say that he doesn't look his age, that he's been around for 100 of Earth's years, but I still believe he's a version of Coulson from another dimension. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but it can't be a coincidence that the word "Coulson" ringed a bell and May's verbal attack affected him.
The use of the flashbacks to Coulson's final days in Tahiti was clever. Coulson and Sarge echoed one another but the phrases had different meanings, another sign of how these two characters have something in common (beyond the looks) but are not the same. It was nice to see Coulson again, so loving and caring. Coulson, you are dearly missed. Dare I say, though, I think Clark Gregg is doing an even better job as Sarge. He plays Sarge with such confidence and distinction that I can't help but appreciate his work. Sarge could've been a poor excuse to keep Gregg around and not scare away the already small audience, but the writers and Gregg's efforts have paid off.
It turns out that Sarge and his team – as it was obvious since last episode, but for some reason the writers only wanted to spell it out here – are not creating the evil birds, they are hunting them. Sarge says they are called the Shrike and that they serve their creator, a monster whose purpose seems to be destroy planets. Bring death to everything. The problem is that Sarge's approach to take down that monster and stop the plague from spreading to other planets now involves destroying Earth. This is a good development, for it keeps Sarge someone our heroes must fight against, even though he is not the actual villain of the tale.
It's all connected, within the TV series, at least
I wasn't expecting the Monoliths to have anything to do with this new threat, and I appreciate that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. constantly goes back to elements from previous seasons to create new storylines. They did that really well last season, to the point that I didn't think there were any lose threads left (except for that Inhuman dude in the bottom of the ocean), but now here we are dealing with Monoliths again, and then it hit me that they are kind of a lose thread because we never learned what that third Monolith did. It deepens the mythology of the series and gives me confidence that the writers know what they are doing.
But how exactly are the Monoliths connected to what's going on? Is the rift that created the fear dimension last season responsible for bringing this Shriek plague to Earth? I'm lost and intrigued. How does an Incan word fit into all this? Pachakutiq means "the death of everything," but how would an interdimensional traveler know an Incan word? I can only assume he came from a different version of Earth, and the same could be said of Sarge. Luckily, Dr. Benson's research will give us some answers.
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In the Lighthouse, Mack checks on Yo-Yo to see how she's doing – spoiler alert, she is totally not dealing with Keller's demise –, but ends up opening up about his own struggles. I have the impression that the writers are still figuring out how to write Mack as a leader, and so far they have relied on his broken relationship with Yo-Yo to show how he has been processing his new role. He wants to keep a distance, be responsible, but can he keep it all together on his own? I thought it was very telling that he couldn't be there for Yo-Yo and instead their conversation went completely off the rails. It was a weird dialogue, I'm not sure how much of that weirdness was intended, but it worked as a moment between two ex-lovers who don't speak the same language anymore. It looked like Mack was willing to bring some barriers down, but Yo-Yo wasn't having it.
I have great respect for Yo-Yo as a character. She is even more loyal to her work ethics than Mack is to his, and that's saying a lot. Being someone willing to do what's necessary no matter the cost demands a lot from her, but she doesn't let her spirit get broken. Her relationship with Keller wasn't developed enough, but her reaction to his death is well written here. She doesn't allow Mack to comfort her, but Dr. Benson is able to reach out to her. I liked how he brought the death of his husband as a parallel to Yo-Yo and Keller's situation. Both Benson and Yo-Yo had to end the life of their significant other who wasn't really there anymore. Now they have to live with the burden of that choice, even though they know it was the right one.
Enoch, the Traitor
The third plot of the episode revolved around the Space Crew, and now that storyline started to fit into the big picture of the season. Many Heads, One Tale is how this show rolls, isn't it?
The Chronicoms had their home planet destroyed, and Atarah, who seems to be the leader of the surviving few, said that minor distortions in the fabric of space released a plague, which is pretty much what is going on on Earth right now. Initially it looked like the Chronicoms were after Daisy et al. to punish them for tampering with the universe... but they too want to tamper with the universe: go back in time and save their planet from destruction. Kidnapping Fitz was part of their plan to get Daisy and Jemma to tell them how to travel through time. Interesting that the noise Daisy had been making on their search for Fitz backfired and turned them into targets. Of course, they couldn't know someone else had their eyes on time travel and, consequentially, on their intelligence.
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The agents find themselves cornered, and it's a trap they can't escape of. They didn't create the technology that sent them to the future and then back to the present, how can they help? In order to keep Fitz alive, Jemma says that he could figure out how to build the technology. It all leads to Enoch's betrayal, who sides with Atarah on a move of loyalty to his race. It's a switch of sides that makes sense. Enoch left his home behind to observe humanity and now that his own planet met a similar fate to the one he helped stop on Earth, wouldn't he try to help? I also believed him when he told an enraged Fitz that he did what needed to be done to keep them all alive. Enoch is a decent being and I felt for him when Fitz called him a useless automaton.
The noble move of the episode comes from Jemma when she realizes that she needs to surrender herself in order to keep the others alive. I loved that she gave credit to Daisy, Piper and Davis, acknowledged their help, thanked them and said that she couldn't keep putting them in danger. This is enough of a redemption after dragging them to another place of the galaxy against their will, and a nice bookend to their adventures together. It's also a necessary development for Simmons: her likability rises just in time for the Fitzsimmons-centric episode coming next. It is set up perfectly when Simmons says that, whatever happens, she will be with Fitz. For the two of them, that's all that matters.
Intel and Assets
- Could the Monoliths have some connection to the infinity stones? There is a Time Monolith, a Space Monolith and the third one has something to do with life and death, like the Soul Stone.
- Chronicoms have no gender.
- Chronyca-2 was destroyed by a plague. What about Chronyca-1?
- I liked the continuity of the Confederacy trying to exploit the remnants of a destroyed planet. Also convenient to save some money on set design.
Yo-Yo: "I've made hard choices before. Being right doesn't stop it from feeling wrong."
Enoch: "They will never release Fitz." Simmons: "And I'll never stop fighting."
Sarge (to May): "You keep staring like that, my head is bound to catch fire."
Atarah: "Lies. A favorite human pastime."
Sarge: "Our tracker shows [Deke] is not from here, but he's no Shrike. What is he?" May: "Exhausting."
A good ol' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode. Three out of four flashbacks.
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universalmovies · 5 years
[D23] Trailer e trama dalla settima stagione di Agents of SHIELD
[D23] Trailer e trama dalla settima stagione di Agents of SHIELD
Il panel Marvel/ABC del D23 Expo stanotte ha regalato ai fan anticipazioni dalla settima – ed ultima – stagione di Agents of SHIELD.
Oltre al trailer, ABC Studios e Marvel Entertainment hanno anticipato quella che sarà la trama dell’ultimo filone di episodi dello show. A quanto pare la minaccia costituita dai Chronicom, una razza ostile proveniente dal pianeta Chronyca-2, proseguirà anche…
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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Final Season - Ep 1 - The New Deal
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Final Season – Ep 1 – The New Deal
Courtesy of ABC
While Chronicom hunters plotted to occupy Earth/establish Chronyca-3 in the present timeline, the S.H.I.E.L.D. team fled the present timeline via an upgraded Zephry to hunt down a new threat.
The Zephry time-jumped to arrive in New York City where the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are now stranded – and its revealed that in this timeline, they are in a 1931 era New York City in the…
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ladystylestores · 4 years
After 12 years, Clark Gregg prepares to bid farewell to Agent Coulson. Maybe.
Enlarge / Clark Gregg never imagined that Agent Phil Coulson would become such an emotional touchstone in the MCU, and beyond, when he first signed on for the role.
Get ready to bid farewell to another Marvel property when the seventh and final season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiers next week. Over the course of six seasons, the team has battled Hydra, hostile Inhumans, and alien species, and traveled through time—sometimes aligning with the broader MCU, sometimes sticking to its own separate storylines. It’s been an equally eventful journey for actor Clark Gregg, who plays team leader Agent Phil Coulson.
(Spoilers for The Avengers and prior six seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. below.)
First introduced in 2008’s Iron Man, Coulson quickly became a fan favorite, appearing in Iron Man 2 (2010)  and Thor (2011), before Director Joss Whedon broke our hearts by unexpectedly killing off the character in The Avengers (2012).  Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. brought Coulson back from the dead to lead an elite squad of agents to take on the terrorist group Hydra, eventually incorporating the superhuman race called Inhumans into the storyline.  
Many expected Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to end after S5, especially since Coulson died (again) in the finale, spending his last days alone on a romantic tropical beach in Tahiti with Agent Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen). Instead, ABC renewed it for a shortened sixth season of 13 episodes, adding a surprise renewal for a seventh and final season before S6 had been released. Gregg returned in S6 as “Sarge,” a hardened, bounty-hunter who turned out to be a non-corporeal being who confused his own memories with those of Coulson when he took on the latter’s form.
S6 found our heroes battling the “Shrike,” planet-invading parasites that enter human hosts and cause them to explode into crystalline structures. There were also some aliens called Chronicoms seeking Fitz and Simmons’ help in solving the problem of time travel so they could save their home planet, Chronyca-2—until there was an internal coup and their focus changed to taking over Earth as their Chronyca-3.
Enlarge / The original team on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The S.H.I.E.L.D. team ultimately defeated the Shrike invasion (and Sarge), but May was mortally wounded. So our heroes placed May in a stasis pod, and an upgraded, time-traveling version of their ship, the Zephyr One, zapped them several decades into the past, where they are trapped going into S7. Meanwhile, Simmons built a Life Model Decoy (LMD) of Coulson, replete with knowledge about the entire history of S.H.I.E.L.D., to help them navigate through history and hopefully save the future from the Chronicoms.
That’s were we stand going into this final season. Ars sat down with Gregg to learn more about his experience playing this beloved character over so many years and incarnations.
Ars Technica: Did you have any idea when you got the role of Agent Coulson that this character was going to blossom into what he’s now become?
Clark Gregg: Not at all. I think it was just one of those happy accidents for an actor where, as they were putting together this giant story that they were telling across all these movies, they realized that there was something about having this very normal person in the midst of all these superpowered people. They gave him a little bit of a snarky attitude, not taking it all too seriously, which was really hiding how much of a secret fan boy he was. It gave the audience a connection through an onscreen point of view. And it just kept being the gift that kept on giving.
Agent Coulson in the MCU
Coulson tries to set up a meeting with Tony Stark via Pepper Potts in Iron Man
Marvel Studios
Coulson realizes they’ve uncovered an unusual artifact.
Marvel Studios
Coulson hangs with Thor in The Avengers
Marvel Studios
Fan-boying over meeting Steve Rogers/Captain America
Marvel Studios
Nick Fury comforts a dying Coulson.
Marvel Studios
Coulson’s loss served as a catalyst to finally bring the Avengers together as a team.
Marvel Studios
A young Coulson and a young Fury in Captain Marvel, set in the 1990s.
Marvel Studios
CGI is a magical thing.
Marvel Studios
Ars: It was so devastating for fans when Loki killed Coulson in The Avengers. Were you expecting to get a call back for a TV series after that?
Gregg: It was such a fantastic bunch of scenes and a great exit for the guy. It was very emotional, because I’d already been playing Coulson for six years or so by that time. The writers were giving Coulson a lot of great character moments. And I thought, “Because they’re killing him. You want people to care when he gets iced.” They made a lot of jokes. I mean, how dead can you be? It’s Marvel. I asked, “Don’t you want to do one take where it looks like I’m just wounded a little?” They said, “No, we don’t need to do that.” So it was really clear I was dead.
The fan-driven #CoulsonLives movement really made an impact. I don’t think anybody was thinking about doing anything to undermine the import of what had happened in The Avengers. Then Joss called [about a possible series] and said, “He [Coulson] thinks he had a close call and all of season one is him having to delve into the mystery of why he doesn’t feel right, unveiling the truly fiendish dark magic, performed against his will, to bring him back that has not left him himself.”  I thought, “Wow, that’s a mythology I can get behind.” And next thing you know, Phil Coulson is running a new team in a new arena on a new medium and trying to figure out a way to bring some of that Marvel magic to network TV. It was a hell of a seven-year ride.
Ars: Coulson has obviously changed as a character from those early days. There’s an innocence, a purity to him that slowly gets chipped away over the course of six seasons of Agents of Shield. What do you see as the central element to his narrative arc?
Gregg: People who make that sacrifice to put the safety of others first, they don’t get to have a normal kind of family. I would say that of all the various threads Coulson goes through. There’s some really deep points about his disenchantment with secrecy after having had this secret kept from him about his own fate. And being in command of this team and the family that it becomes—his relationship with Melinda May, with Daisy Johnson/Quake, as Skye would become, with Simmons and Fitz and all the rest of them—he becomes driven by that. How do you have a family when you have to put these people in danger? The changes that come over him, a lot are driven by the chaos of the world around him. But [the arc] is really about becoming a family man to a certain extent.
Ars: So many people expected the series to end after S5. Instead you got to stretch yourself a little bit as an actor to play Sarge.  You still had to channel Coulson to some extent, but in a new, fresh way. 
Gregg: It’s hard to talk about this journey without talking about the ways that our experiences as artists bled back and forth, with a very porous membrane between the experience of Coulson and company, and the cast. At the end of every mission, and every season, we never knew if we’d see other again, not knowing if we’d be picked up [for another season] or if that was that. It was a weird time to be on a network, because their metrics weren’t really working. We knew that our show did really well with people recording it and watching later, but not by the metrics the networks still really wanted, which was watching it live with commercials.
At the end of S5, it was no different. The [final] episode was called “The End,” and the writers had made the choice that this time, the Coulson we knew was going to die. We thought the show was ending, so we all said our goodbyes. It was one of the most emotional days ever on the set. Then we got a call: “Actually we’re going to do two more 13-episode seasons.” It was a little jarring.
They had ideas about who Sarge was going to be, but they were figuring it out on the fly. There were a lot of questions that they couldn’t answer for me about who this guy is, and why he was wearing this skin. He sounds like me. He looks like me. But how different is he? What does he know? Who does he think he is? That was really the conundrum. It was very uncomfortable to not really know much about the new character. And yet it was very liberating to be free from Coulson’s desire to find the moral way to do very dark things. Sarge had an agenda and was willing to do whatever it took in any given moment. That was really fun.
All in the family
Coulson befriended a young hacker named Skye (Chloe Bennett) in the first season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
His new team is starting to mesh.
Skye (aka Daisy, aka an Inhuman named Quake) learns there may be some consequences to Coulson’s unusual resurrection
Some fear the Inhumans. Coulson sees their potential.
Coulson’s relationship with Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen) deepened into romance over five seasons.
Coulson and May spent his last days together in Tahiti.
He looks like Coulson, but he’s actually Sarge, an incorporeal being who has taken Coulson’s form. For reasons.
The LMD Coulson looking dapper in 1930s New York City.
Ars: As we head into S7, Coulson is back again—this time as a Life Model Decoy (LMD). He’s essentially had his consciousness uploaded into an artificial being. So there have to be some questions of identity going forward. 
Gregg: We’ve dealt with this idea of sentient artificial beings [on the show]. The setup for this version of Coulson is that he is an LMD in name only. He’s a much more advanced version using Chronicom technology that is beyond anything we’ve seen so far. So when we meet him, he’s very much wrestling with, “Wait a minute, I gave very specific instructions that this was not to happen. I’m not sure I want to be here in this form. And what am I, by the way?”  At the same time, the team is once again in a situation where how humanity exists within these timelines is under assault, so duty puts them in an unfortunate position.
Ars: As an actor you play a role and you infuse so much of yourself into it. How have you changed, and what have you learned, from playing Coulson all these years?
Gregg: That’s a really good question. In the first season, Coulson was running a team of misfits who didn’t feel quite like they belonged anywhere and it was chaotic and seemed to be going poorly. It wasn’t until two-thirds of the way through the season that they discovered, “Oh, it’s Hydra, I see.” And things really started to click into gear. It was so parallel to what we were going through [as a cast]. It was bumpy and strange trying to be on a network Iron Man. I would have days where I felt so upset, so frustrated and betrayed by the cast or crew, and then I’d realize, “Oh, this isn’t them. This is what’s happening in the episode.” And they would realize, “Oh yeah, he’s not upset right now at me. This is because he’s being torn apart in this machine right now.” That was really amazing—how much it just starts to live in you after awhile.
I would say that there are ways that being a father to my wonderful daughter, Stella, who’s now 18 and getting ready to strike out on her own—that felt very influenced in both directions by my relationship with Chloe [Bennett, who plays Daisy/Quake] and Elizabeth [Henstridge, who plays Jemma Simmons]. They were very new to this at the beginning, and they were very much teaching me things by the end. Like Coulson, there were people I got very close to in that [AoS] family. There’s just no substitute. We have something together because of what we went through that I don’t have with anybody else.
Ars: This is the series finale. Given that this is the Marvel Universe, where death isn’t necessarily permanent, do you foresee Coulson showing up somewhere else in the future?
Gregg: The only way they’ve brought him back so far has been in flashbacks in Captain Marvel. I don’t know what the future holds. But I’ve learned at this point to say, “Never say never.”
The final season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. begins at 10 PM/9 Central on Wednesday, May 27, on ABC.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 7 sneak peek.
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welovedaisyjohnson · 4 years
Our Forever Love
by Everythingirl44
The team doesn't just lose Lincoln, but Daisy as well.
Words: 2243, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Hive (Marvel), Enoch (Marvel)
Relationships: Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson
Additional Tags: Alternate Ending, Season 3 Finale, Time Travel, Chronyca-2, Chronicom, Resurrection
Read this at https://ift.tt/2UtjeSc Ao3 works tagged 'Daisy x Lincoln'
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agl03 · 4 years
I want the Fitz theory!
Hi Anon,
Okay the mystery of “Where is Fitz?” isn’t going to be solved early on this season.  I think it will take most of the season before we learn exactly where he is about the point that Jemma finally convinces someone (Deke) that Fitz is in major danger and they need to take drastic action.  
Side note this might also suggest that Enoch has been taken/separated/deep dark bad theory is the betrayer because I can’t see him not helping save his bestie.
Yet, at the same time despite Iain being in and out of filming throughout the season I have felt that we’ll see him more than we expect too.   And today Jed’s quote filled in an option for me.
“Thanks to time travel, scientist super-couple Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) and Fitz (Iain De Caesticker) have faced a yet-to-be-disclosed number of offscreen experiences, altering them in unknown ways ("that will be explored,” executive producer Jed Whedon slyly teases). They’re also apart, again, with Fitz hidden away so that the duo’s combined knowledge cannot be used against them by the evil semi-robotic Chronicoms, who are now trying to turn Earth into their new home, Chronyca-3 and see S.H.I.E.L.D. as the only blockage in their way.“
As much as I would love another bottle episode of what we had time looked liked, logistically, I don’t think they had enough real estate this time.  Inescapable was one of those once in a series masterpieces that did so much not just for FItzsimmons.  Meaning the other way to “explore” what happened could be via flashbacks sprinkled throughout the season.
The theory is that instead of seeing where Fitz is as the team is jumping around, because where would the fun be in us knowing he was safe and sound all season just having some connection issues with the time travel space phone.  Throughout the season we’ll get little Flashbacks to “we had time” as it works with the story.  Be it a piece of tech they are working with, addressing Jemma’s upset and missing messages, or as it works with whatever they are currently dealing with.  This will build the drama of not knowing where Fitz is now and give us a look at what happened with Fitzsimmons and Enoch pre mission.  
Seriously 10 seconds of Fitzsimmons domesticity and I’m done for.
At the same time these flashbacks will be full of clues.  I would watch for clues as to who possibly betrays them because I feel for Fitz to be compromised someone in the “we had help” circle is responsible for it, where they were based at, hints as to the biggest bad, hints as to what tricks they still might be hiding up their sleeves, to hints or even the baby bomb full on dropping.  Imagine a tag scene flashback where Jemma turns with a full on baby bump and it just fades to black.  RIP my ask box.  
These scenes won’t have to be long, and wont’ need a lot of people, again ideal for Iain’s situation.  
It’ll be towards the end of the season as Jemma finally snaps about not getting the messages (Deke is tots going to have her back here) or Fitz does get a message out that he’s in trouble/a warning something has gone wrong that we will for the first time see where Fitz has been the whole time the Team has been time traveling.  This will all go down in what I call the “poop hitting the fan” portion of the season.
If Fitzsimmons do have a child that was in hiding with Fitz and they were betrayed.  The child is all the leverage they need to keep Fitz in line, while FItz would likely hide what was going on from her (yes I’m still convinced Secret Child is a girl).  If its not a child Fitz’s captors must have him locked up pretty tight or some sort of leverage to keep him from causing too much trouble.
I could be wrong but I feel this strikes a nice balance of giving us those bits of Fitz while building the drama of the Fitzsimmons story both past and present.  This is also liable to set up where Fitzsimmons will land after the final battle is over and I still think they will have to leave the team and be in their present, leaving the others behind when they were taken from the temple.  
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