#chrysanthos shroud
ramshacklerumble · 7 months
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'can't we spike his drink or something?' 'don't be absurd.' 'what? you got morals, now?'
i drew this a while ago but @cyanide-latte's chrysanthos shroud really be on octavinelle's hitlist. he even doin' anything, he's just right.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
So I didn't see this as a prompt in the TWST OC questionnaire but if your OC had opening and victory battle taunts, what would they be?
Tagging @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @koukoii @thehollowwriter
No pressure to do this if you don't want to btw, just thought it might be a fun prompt!
As for my three main boys, theirs are below the cut if anyone is curious.
Copper Benoit: "Dyin' is the day worth livin' for!"/"What'd I tell ya, lads? Take a walk."
Wei Renqiao: "I'll see you kneel in pieces."/"This is the end of your arrogance. Bow to me."
Chrysanthos Shroud: "Keep moving, junior."/"I told you, and I handled it. Have a nice day~."
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thehollowwriter · 7 months
LMAO yeah! And I thought of a response Finn would give after his stunned silence at Chrysanthos'... speech? Ig?
Here we go:
He definitely hisses at Chrysanthos that it's easy for him to spout such drivel when he doesn't have to live with their constant presence every day of his life, seeing them in reflections and photos, feeling their presence send prickles of fear down his back.
That sense of dread everyone gets? Finn feels it to. All the time. That heavy, horrible feeling of doom. Of death. He knows those black, soulless pits are staring into him at all times. He can feel it.
Chrysanthos doesn't have to suffer from constant night terrors that leave him exhausted and unable to function properly, making the fear worse and causing his grades to plummet. An exhausted mer not thinking straight? Dead in the water. That's all he is.
Chrysanthos doesn't have to live in fear of Halloween, when the little terrors become visible and torment Finn further
Chrysanthos doesn't have to be viewed as some oddity, some glitch in the system. Mers don't eat their siblings, this isn't the Stone Age, after all. It is so incredibly rare nowadays.
Chrysanthos doesn't have to feel that guilt weighing on him and prickling down his spine, present in every nightmare and every waking moment.
There is so so much Chrysanthos doesn't understand, in Finn's eyes, and it's for that reason alone he should keep his mouth shut.
Finn ends up unintentionally spilling out all his feelings to Chrysanthos, and he tries very hard to pretend it didn't make him feel better.
Sorry, I had a lot of fun typing this out bc god, Finn is not doing well. He probably only considers accepting the ghosties after he overblots.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @theleechyskrunkly @cynthinesia @the-banana-0verlord @whspermy-name @officialdaydreamer00 for Finn angst galore :) (for context, Cyan's oc Chrysanthos tried giving Finn some advice regarding his siblings)
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judgmentrush · 4 years
Savino's heart pounded in his chest, his dark fur bristling uncomfortably beneath his armor. Slowly, his pointed ears eased from being folded flat against his head. His claws retracted. Bright slit eyes gazed down at the corpse lying at his feet.
The court alchemist had not resisted. She had accepted her fate, perhaps even, felt relief in it.  Had she waited for this to happen? Had she lived her life in fear and guilt? Of Chrysanthos and the plague she crafted on his behalf? If even she, with all her knowledge, knew not a way to be rid of him, what chance did a knight have? Dizzy with revelations from his final confrontation with the alchemist, Savino found himself wavering. It was too late now. He was set on his course. He had not entered that confrontation with intent to kill but it could not be undone. His whiskers twitched as the bridge of his nose crinkled. He wished he could say he lost control. Though every ounce of long-buried emotions from his participation in the culling had washed over him, it was not a loss of control. It was justice. She knew every word spoken by the church was a lie, misleading, with false protection. There was no damn shroud-eater behind the plague. No, there was something much worse and she knew. She knew for decades the rot in the tree, the serpent in the garden. She knew and she did nothing. The suffering alone brought on by her plague was more than enough. That she had formulated an antidote but not to be used on the afflicted, not to be used on his comrade knight, was beyond more than enough. But knowing she knew the true monstrous nature of that cursed bishop Chrysanthos... If it was Savino's place to grant mercy to those warped by that horrid blight, was it not also his place to grant Judgment to the blight's creator? His soul was already burdened and stained, his hands could never be clean. If he was an instrument to a higher purpose, may he be set to that vampire's throat. May he sever that bishop from this realm.
He had to tell Lucrece... Judicael... Noone else could he trust with the latest turn of this conspiracy. Noone else could he trust to have his back. Just as his breathing calmed to take action, everything flickered. The court alchemist's body was gone. So, too, was her lab. Instead, the tall cat stood in a spartanly decorated room. A bed, crisply made and unused, a desk with a stack of plain papers and a few pencils. Savino had never seen an interior quite like this, though he was not certain why it looked so jarring. His tail lashed against the back of his cape. How this place looked did not matter! Perhaps the court alchemist had a final trick to play, perhaps she had a spell that would only activate upon her death. The knight strode with impatience to the door of this strange room, roughly opening it to bang against the wall. Another room, stairs. He did not know this place. He had no time for this! He must tell his friends what he had learned.
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for-gold-and-glory · 5 years
Here are some events G&G Members will be involved in during the week. Or just events that I think are really cool and you should definitely go to. If you’re interested in joining these events just show up or send a message to Aegir, Lirilith, or Aedwen Or join our discord: https://discord.gg/dCRSWTx Monday - Primal Tour: Thornmarch @ 7:30pm EST - Bramble Patch, Eastern Shroud Tuesday - World of Light: Chapter Five “The World of Light” Pt 2″ @ 8:00pm EST - Nabaath Areng, Ahm Araeng Friday - Garlean Weekly  Defiant Reiterations Pt 4 @8:00pm EST - Castrum Aquilonis Saturday - King of the Ring @ 3:00pm EST - The Iron Throne,  Dravanian Forelands Saturday -  Reunion Market Night @ 7:00pm EST - [Mateus] Reunion, Azim Steppe Sunday - World of Light Finale @ 8:00pm EST - ???
Monday - Primal Tour: Thornmarch @ 7:30pm EST - Bramble Patch, Eastern Shroud - This REALLY was a stupid reason to summon a primal. And not just any primal. Not the Good King Moggle Mog XII. Not even the Great King Moggle Mog XII. The GLORIOUS  King Moggle Mog XII and his Mooglesguard have arrived in the Shroud and they are ready to hold court! Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Action GM: Aegir
Tuesday - World of Light: Chapter Five “The World of Light” Pt 2″ @ 8:00pm EST - Nabaath Areng, Ahm Araeng - The Void Gate collapsed and a new enemy stands before them! Chaoswarden! Esen the King Hydra! This wicked amalgamation of Void, Light, and Chaos has created a three headed beast out of the dastardly Eulmoran guard. He was a pain in the ass as a person, he’s a pain in the ass as a dragon.  Status: Closed Type: Action GM: Cassian Mercer Friday - Garlean Weekly  Defiant Reiterations Pt 4 @8:00pm EST - Castrum Aquilonis https://fustuarium.tumblr.com/post/190298700936/friday-garlean-weekly-defiant-reiterations-pt Agents of STELLA, Garlean researchers, and free agents were deployed, and made it through the storm surrounding an ancient Allagan facility. Despite flying sentinels assaulting them mid flight. They’d arrived at the Sinkhole Facility, a facility that had once been dedicated to researching means for energy production. Methods ranging from clean to questionable in morality. The facility houses a prison known as centerpoint, a life sentence as anyone sent never comes back. Arrived, now they still have two goals; research the site where an Eikon had been imprisoned and determine if it had been imploded, or if it was freed, and gain access to interrogation logs of Lucis Chrysanthos. And with Allagan specialists and the authority codes for the facility keeping the security of the facility from attacking, the rest should be easy. ... Should be. There remains much unknown of this mysterious facility from whence none ever returned. Starting Point: Azys Lla Type: Research, puzzle, potential combat Status: Open to new players. GMs: Liri and Rafa Saturday - King of the Ring @ 3:00pm EST - The Iron Throne,  Dravanian Forelands https://dragoonsdiary.tumblr.com/post/190143402663/king-of-the-ring-balmung-eu-rp-tournament - An extravagant flyer would be posted on the walls around the city states, bards spinning tales of a new tournament that was happening within the heart of dravania! In an old abandoned arena that was being raised from the test of time to serve as the heart of the realms newest spectacle:COME ONE COME ALL! A BRAND NEW FIGHTING TOURNAMENT THE LIKES THE REALM HAS NEVER SEEN! TEST YOUR STRENGTH FOR THE CHANCE TO BECOME THE….KING OF THE RING! A fighting spectacle that does not restrict your means to fight or fling dangerous magics, put your strengths forward to fight against unwilling odds and earn title and treasures aplenty!Want to smash your axe against a devious meteor flinging thaumaturge? DO IT!Want to have your carbuncle Floor-tank an enemy dragoon with adorableness? DO ITWant to hit a fish-spitting blue mage with a frying pan? DO IT!!! Status: Open RP, please check the link! Type: Tournament GM:  Aldric Sayrillont Saturday -  Reunion Market Night @ 7:00pm EST - [Mateus] Reunion, Azim Steppe -  Reunion calls out to any and all merchants across the world to come ply their wares in the open market. Don't have anything to sell? Consider opening a booth for entertainment purposes such as traditional Steppe games or other activities to attract customers? Still nothing coming to mind, then feel free to come out and mingle with other visitors, eat, drink, shop and make new friends! Status: Open RP Type: Market GM: Alaqa Jhungid Sunday - World of Light Finale “The World of Light, the World of Darkness” @ 8:00pm EST - ??? Status: Closed  Type: Action, Adventure GM: Aegir
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cyanide-latte · 1 month
Hihi! Club and Pet Peeves for any of yours!!
Oooh, interesting! Thank you for the ask!
Club: Which club does your twst OC join and why? Is there anything memorable about the club fair day/their first day at the club? Which clubmate is their favorite?
Ren- Board Games Club, initially to see if it was an avenue to talk with Idia, but also because he wanted to see if anyone else shared an interest in strategy games. Nothing particularly memorable about his first day at the club or about club fair day. Idia is easily his favorite club mate, and by contrast he has beef with Azul that leads to them really getting competitive with one another in the most catty, passive-aggressive ways.
Copper- Track & Field, at Vil's suggestion that it may really help him get healthier and improve his athleticism. Nothing memorable about club fair day, though his first day at the club was him being all nerves and nobody else thinking it was a big deal; he often takes comfort from that when he thinks back on it. Hard to say if he has a favorite club mate! He ends up with pretty decent friendships with Deuce, Jack and your Kingsley, so it's hard to pick faves when he considers all his club mates to be pretty cool!
Chrys- Back when he attended NRC, he was in the former Blastcycle Club! Unfortunately, it was the accident that resulted in the loss of his left leg that ultimately got the club permanently disbanded.
Bertrand "Rand" Anatole- he attends RSA, and he's in their Fencing Club!
Toussaint "Tea" Anatole- he's in a couple of different clubs at RSA, but he has yet to tell me which ones. ._.;;
Marianne "Mari" Anatole- she attends Dame Rose University for Young Ladies (my all-girls fan school) and she's in their Equestrian Club!
Felix and Aurelian Pondicliff- both of them also attend RSA, and they're in RSA's Film Studies Club! Getting to meet and talk to Neige pretty casually about his experience with film versus some of the other angles they have studied was a huge highlight of their club fair day.
Pet peeves: What are your twst OC's pet peeves and which one in the cast accidentally (or not) commit the "crimes"? How will your twst OC deal with that person?
Hmm... Difficult to say for some of them. A lot of Copper's "pet peeves" are more indicative of aspects of his trauma and PTSD, so it doesn't feel entirely fair to put that under the spotlight.
Can a person be a pet peeve? Because not much gets to Ren, but boy does Rook distress him just by Rook being himself. Ren will vacate the area ASAP if Rook shows up and is in his usual exuberant spirits.
Aurelian's pet peeve is people who mock others for liking media, especially if it's considered too juvenile for them. He's very passionate about the fact that all sorts of books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and music can have value to many differing demographics beyond just the target demographic. And hearing people put down others because maybe they enjoy and find value in an educational show meant for children (or hearing adults try to tell children who have a higher reading comprehension that they're not allowed to read books for older kids because "they won't be able to grasp all the themes and messages") really makes him mad. Felix shares this pet peeve, but Felix is more likely to remain quiet and simply decide that the individual putting others down isn't worth his time or energy and there are better people to engage with, whereas Aurelian will get into an argument if he overhears or interacts with someone like that.
The prompt list!
Taglist: @blithesharem @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl
@distant-velleity @rainesol @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine (DM me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist for my TWST OCs stuff)
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cyanide-latte · 2 months
For the first random headcanons and thoughts OC post, we're starting with Shroud stuff (including canon boys.) Specifically baby Shrouds.
Thoughts include but are not limited to:
Baby Ilias and his brothers (yes including Idia and Ortho's dad) each had different versions of a Cereberus teething toy.
Baby Ortho's magic developed so soon he was like Jack-Jack from The Incredibles for a while, where you had no idea what was going to happen next.
Baby Idia never crawled. He did the thing where he'd get up on his hands and knees and kind of move like he was about to crawl, but he never did. Prior to the first time he stood and tried walking (all in one day, which happened late and his parents suspect in hindsight it was because he spent so much time watching how other people walked,) he would just roll to get around. Yes, roll. Yes, you read that right. I have a couple of nephews who did that as babies and never crawled and it stuck with me.
My boy Chrys was the most expressive Shroud baby in generations. Not that his cousins or dad or uncles weren't expressive, but he made some pretty wild and fun expressions. The fact his hair would regularly glow yellow to indicate a happy mood helped with this quite a bit.
Not much in the way of nextgen Shroud thoughts yet but Chrys's baby with Xinyi, Hyacinthus "Kit" Shroud went through a phase where if anything upset him, whether or not he cried, he would try to smack whatever upset him. Example being, he flops mid-crawl, someone watching goes "oh! Oh did you fall? Did that mean old floor trip you?" and he is clearly frowning, as the person goes "well that wasn't very nice of the floor was it?" and Kit grumbles and smacks the floor with one of his hands while glaring at it.
Taglist: @blithesharem @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @elenauaurs
@rainesol @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @twst-migraine (dm me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist for stuff with my TWST OCs!)
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cyanide-latte · 8 months
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Will I ever manage to find the drive to draw my TWST OCs seriously? Who knows. Copper is flighty and Wei Renqiao won't cooperate, but of course the OC with the biggest troll vibes lets me doodle him while during a slog at work. It figures. Not totally happy with how his hair turned out but I'll live. (But hey, I managed to just freehand this shit in pen. Been a while since I really did that!)
Idia, Ortho, I'd say come get your older cousin under control but somehow I doubt that'd work, he's on a roll here and there's no stopping him when he gets like this.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
Get to know my TWST OCs pt. 1
"What Are They Twisted From?"
Figured maybe doing a series of posts like this would help friends and mutuals get to know my OCs better!
(I'll also throw in some of the other characters aside from my main boys, given they're also important, even though I've not mentioned them much!)
Copper Benoit: Though this wasn't originally my intention, Copper wound up being a double twist! Initially he was a twist of Penny from The Rescuers and this remains set in his backstory and aspects of his appearance and design, as well as how he interacts with others early on. But during a lot of the brainstorming process with my wanting to incorporate elements of Penny continually finding so much pirate treasure during her captivity, I realized that a lot of his development took a totally different turn, and ultimately he becomes a twist of Captain Barbossa from the PotC movies.
Mr. Gorgania Stone: Copper's abusive captor, twisted from Madame Medusa from The Rescuers
Mr. Hiram Lurk: Stone's lackey, twisted from Mr. Snoops from The Rescuers
Augustus & Octavian: Stone's pet alligators (nicknamed Gusty and Tavie by Copper,) twisted from Brutus & Nero from The Rescuers
Old Flynn: an elderly cat beastman who worked at the orphanage where Copper spent his early years of his life, twisted from Rufus from The Rescuers
Wei Renqiao: while some details will be subject to adjustment and fine-tuning as I continue to do research and study appropriately, WRQ is twisted from Shan Yu from Mulan!
Wei Xinyi: the bigender/genderfluid older cousin of WRQ and fellow community leader, Xinyi accidentally wound up being a twist of Fa Mulan from Mulan! Happened before I realized it and honestly I like it too much to not just embrace it.
Wei Gang: the uncle of both Wei Renqiao and Wei Xinyi and fellow community leader with them, he has aspects twisted both from The Emperor of China and the First Fa Ancestor from Mulan
Hé: a young dragon secretly being raised by the Wei family, Hé is inspired by the Great Stone Dragon that was accidentally broken by Mushu with personality elements from Cri-kee (though they can shift to travel size for convenience~) from Mulan
Chrysanthos Shroud: while I think it's safe to say that all born members of the Shroud family have aspects of Hades in them (which is such a huge part of why I love them and I wouldn't have them any other way,) a great deal of the snappier aspects of Chrys's personality and his vulnerability issues are twisted from Meg from Hercules. Chrysanthos; his friends call him "Chrys", at least they would if he had any friends.
Ilias Shroud: Chrys's father, twisted from The Fates from Hercules
Kallisto Shroud: Chrys's mother who married into the family, twisted loosely from The Muses from Hercules
Debating whether to do OC nicknames from Floyd and Rook and the reasons behind them next, or whether to go over Signature Spells/Unique Magic for each character next.
The Anatole Siblings: more recent OCs, these three are twisted from the kittens from The Aristocats
Taglist: @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @changeofheart69 (I know y'all already know the majority of this but still) @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @snailsrneat
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
Tsum Tsum
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
idk if you're still doing these but i gotta know what chrys thinks of the tweels 🍄🦐
I think Chrys feels bad for Floyd. There's a kid who needs and could greatly benefit from professional help and the appropriate medication in addition to the accommodations he's given by those closest to him, and yet there's no indicator he's ever had that. Mind you, I imagine the dynamic between him and Floyd, if there could be said to be a semblance of one, is that they both mildly annoy and yet mildly amused each other in turns.
Jade on the other hand, is gonna get dragged for filth. He thinks he's playing everything close to the chest but in the process, he actually gives away a lot with his behavior, and Chrys will give him a hell of a dressing-down about his insecurities. And it'll probably cut to the quick; Jade likely wasn't pleased about the distress Chrys tends to cause Azul or the way he seems to go in circles with Floyd, but having his own insecurities recognized for what they are so starkly and thrown in his face by a guy with a non-aggressive delivery and demeanor? It probably gives Jade a LOT to think about. I can't see him liking Chrys for it the way Rook does, but if asked (especially by Azul and/or Floyd,) he would probably insist that he has a degree of appreciation for Chrysanthos pointing those things out to him and in such a calm way. If nothing else, he's shown Jade that perhaps he doesn't hide things as well as he thinks he does (and maybe on land, those insecurities won't get him eaten alive or seen as weak the way they might back home in the Coral Sea.)
Taglist: @tixdixl @simons-twsted-children @inmateofthemind @blithesharem @elenauaurs @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @rainesol (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
TWSTfic: little grave flower
Summary: How Chrysanthos Shroud got his name
Word count: 1881
Warnings: just family fluff (don't let the title fool you)
I referenced this character detail in this post and I'd already had this ficlet written last week so I thought I'd deliver. Also yes, if enough people are curious I'll make a post just about Ilias and Kallisto to explain them a bit and their relationship.
The baby was awake.
Ilias sat up in bed at once, blearily trying to rub his eyes. He hadn't heard crying or fussing, just sounds he knew were coming from the basinet and indicated his son wasn't asleep any more. Taking a second to collect himself, he glanced at his wife and was relieved to see that though she was starting to stir, she wasn't awake yet.
A smile stole over his face in the low light of their room. Reaching over, he brushed flyaway strands of hair from Kallisto’s face as gently as he could. Maybe she could get a little more sleep if he was able to quiet the kid. Whispering a soft “I love you”, he drew away and slid out of bed to make his way to the basinet. And despite his tiredness, despite adjusting to being a first-time dad, Ilias felt wrapped in a peaceful sense of bliss. Perhaps when people talked about “treasuring the little moments”, they were referring to things like this, where the world was at rest as he soothed the two people in his life he loved more than anything.
As he drew nearer, he spied the gentle blue glow coming from the basinet, the telltale sign of the Shroud family hair his child had inherited. At times, Ilias felt wretched when he looked at the baby; he'd hoped and prayed that perhaps his son would be spared the family curse, that maybe the burden and the generational trauma would pass by for once. Kallisto deserved it for all the joy she'd brought him, and their son deserved it as well, because he was innocent. But fate could be cruel. Few knew that better than Ilias.
All the same, in this moment, he was happy and he continued to smile as he bent down over the basinet to look at the baby. They still hadn't figured out a name for him—Kallisto’s grandmother, Thalia, had actually encouraged them letting the right name come in its own time instead of rushing to name the baby—but that was alright by Ilias. They had plenty of time to figure it out and they never ran out of terms of endearment to refer to him with in the meantime. And given that Kallisto had put him in one of those outfits for bed that more closely resembled a pillowcase—according to Thalia, the sense of having his limbs safely contained in a small space would be familiar and comforting and make it easier for the little guy to sleep through the night—Ilias knew exactly which term of endearment it brought to mind.
“Hey, little starfish,” he whispered.
The baby had been glancing all around while he'd cooed, taking in everything he could see, but when he heard his father speak to him, he immediately looked to him. He blinked dark blue eyes so perfectly like his mother's as recognition dawned, and then, to Ilias’s astonishment and delight, there was a smile. The first smile, followed immediately by a delighted babble.
And without warning, the baby’s hair changed.
By default, all Shroud family members had hair like blue flames. It was vaguely translucent at the ends and warm to the touch, and usually had already manifested at birth. When angry, the hair would turn a vibrant, alarming red-orange and give off waves of heat, looking and acting more like true fire and just as capable of burning anyone who got too close. And, when bashful or expressing feelings of love and adoration, the strands of hair began to glow a gentle, beautiful pink color from the ends inward to the roots.
That his son’s hair would change colors was something Ilias had expected and wasn't bothered by.
But what hit him and left him gaping in shock was that the baby’s hair turned a bright yellow-gold.
For a second, the infant made another happy babble, smile growing bigger as he kicked and flailed his limbs. Then he seemed to realize that his father was no longer smiling but making an odd, open-mouthed expression, and he blinked again, his own smile dropping into a look of puzzlement as his hair turned back to a normal blue.
Ilias, who had only been a father for roughly two months but had spent most of his life well-read, was given to having long philosophical debates, and had his own special magic the family suspected was passed along that once had originated with the oracles of the Age of the Gods, expressed in all his wisdom the single sentiment that came to mind.
His son, evidently as baffled by his behavior, echoed the sentiment in his own way with a small but emphatic sound. Ilias struggled to get the gears in his head turning again, frowned ponderously, then held up a single finger at the baby.
“One sec, kiddo,” he said, before straightening up and half-twisting as he looked back to the bed, raising his voice to just slightly above normal volume. “Honey…?”
Kallisto let out a groan, turned over, and managed to croak a drowsy, “Mmwhatizzit…?”
“Well, uh…” he paused for a second, looking back down into the basinet at the curious blue eyes watching him. The baby let out another coo at getting some attention back, and Ilias went on, “Something, er, happened? With our little butterball here?”
“Don't call him a butterball, I was called butterball my entire childhood going into middle school,” she said, still sounding foggy and out of it.
“Our little pumpkin then, our peach dumpling, the tater-tot, whatever you wanna call him,” he amended quickly, waving his hand as if it could dissipate the issue. “Something happened just now, something very…not normal.”
There was a rustle behind him as Kallisto sat up in bed and when she spoke again, she sounded more alert, a young mother worried for her child. “Is he alright? What is it? Bring him to me.”
Reaching down, Ilias scooped up their baby. His newfound confusion wasn't improving, but the utter and total trust in those huge blue eyes spurred a need to be worthy of such trust.
“Come on buddy,” he murmured, bringing his son up to rest against his shoulder. “Let's go see Mom.”
Arms wrapped carefully around the squirming, precious bundle he carried, Ilias crossed back to the bed, catching his wife's gaze as she watched them. She was sitting up straighter, and lifted her arms as he reached the edge of the bed and propped up one of his knees on it.
“Hey,” he said to the baby, gently adjusting his grip so he could turn him to see Kallisto. “Look. You see Mom? You wanna go to Mom?”
“Hi, sweetie,” Kallisto spoke in her “baby” voice, smiling as she picked up the vibe. “Come to Mommy?”
The baby turned at the sound of her voice, but Ilias didn't need to see his face; the sudden shriek of delight and the flailing arms was enough. He watched as Kallisto’s face lit up with sudden wonder and joy, and knew this was the second smile.
And then that little head of hair immediately turned yellow-gold again as he squirmed to try to reach his mother, letting out another excited little shriek.
To her credit, Kallisto readily took their son in her arms, though she did let out a very stunned “oh”. The baby didn't seem bothered; he nuzzled against her shoulder and neck, hair still glowing like a small midmorning sun.
“You got him?” Ilias asked, sliding back into the bed next to her.
Kallisto nodded, looking dazed, one of her hands absently stroking their son’s bright hair. “It's- it's yellow.” She stared at Ilias, mouth working soundlessly for a moment, before she finally asked, “This isn't…normal? For a Shroud?”
He shook his head. “I've never heard of our hair turning that color before. Didn't even know it could.”
For a long time, neither of them spoke. Kallisto continued to hold the baby like she was trying to soothe him, until he turned in her arms and spotted Ilias again. Immediately he began swinging his arms and straining to get to his father, and Ilias took him almost automatically, tucking him against his shoulder again. That small head nestled close and there was a tiny, contented little sigh as he settled.
“Guess we'll figure this out as we go along,” he said, to reassure himself as much as anything.
“Isn't that what we've been doing~?” Kallisto asked, her tone lightly teasing as she flashed him that coy smile that even now still made his heart thud hard against his ribcage. She inched a little closer and her expression softened to one of loving amazement as she reached out and stroked the baby's hair again. “He's beautiful,” she said, not for the first time and definitely not for the last. “Look at him, Ilias. Our boy.” She hummed in thought for a moment, then remarked, “He almost looks like chrysanthemums.”
Her fingers stilled in the baby's hair almost the moment the words left her mouth and Ilias went rigid. At once they looked at each other and a single shared thought shot between them like a bolt of lightning striking home, the same thing coming out of both their mouths.
The baby squirmed a little, likely a bit startled by the dual exclamation, his hair briefly flickering with wisps of blue.
“Ilias, that's it!” Kallisto said breathlessly, her eyes bright, not even a hint of tiredness showing. “That's his name!”
Ilias lifted his son off his shoulder and slightly up above his head. He craned his neck back so he could look up and he smiled. “How ‘bout it, buddy?” he crooned. “Are you Chrys? Our little flower boy?”
The baby smiled again and this time managed to get one of his chubby, swaddled fists up to his mouth, kicking his legs. His mother reached up, standing on her knees, and tenderly gathered him into her arms from behind, holding him close.
“Chrysanthos,” she said, as if somehow she could make up for weeks of him not being named by saying it with all the love and intent she held now. “It feels fitting, doesn't it?”
Ilias fought back a sudden urge to shed tears of gratitude and happiness. He knew what she meant, that their son should be named for a flower associated with death and funerary customs, a respectful deference to being born into the Shroud family. How many people would see the beauty in it from the start? He wasn't sure, but he doubted if he would ever have found another partner like her. Watching her hold their child—Chrysanthos—he felt another overwhelming surge of love for them both, for this little moment he might have missed had he not woken and checked on Chrys when he did. It was so overwhelming it was a wonder he didn't drown in the feeling, though he knew he would do so happily. They were his entire world. What better thing could there be to lose himself in?
He leaned over, wrapping his arms around them both despite Chrys's immediate tiny grumble at being caught in the middle, and pressed his lips against his wife’s forehead in a slow kiss, closing his eyes.
“It's perfect,” he answered. “So is he.”
Taglist: @ramshacklerumble @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @blithesharem @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter (if you want to be added to my taglist lmk!)
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
DING DONG! For the dynamic ask meme!
Epel for Copper
Ortho for WRQ
and Azul for Chrys!
🍎 what relationship does your oc have with Epel?
Buddies buddies buddies. I think, much as Vil and Rook each try in their own ways, it's really Epel who helps Copper adjust the most when he's sorted into Pomefiore. Epel's had his own struggles and hardships in adjusting to the sheer culture shock, and I think he'd be rather sympathetic to Copper as a result. Copper is also quick to respond in a positive way to Epel's wary offer to help, and that leaves a good impression. They grow close and remain good friends, often confiding in one another or seeking each other out when they each need to decompress from some of the stress and strain of adapting to upholding the tenets of Pomefiore. It's easier to just unmask around each other and know they won't be judged for the other parts of who they are that might not quite fit the image.
🤖 what relationship does your oc have with Ortho?
Very brotherly, very soft. Some of it is carryover from Wei Renqiao becoming close friends with Idia, but some of it is also the fact that Ortho reminds him of a lot of the younger kids in the community from his hometown. They would often refer to him as "Ren-gēge", and eventually, after Ortho spending so much time addressing him in a very respectful but overly formal way, WRQ also tells Ortho he may address him as "Ren" because they're close and Ortho has earned that right. He was probably hoping that Ortho also would call him "Ren-gēge", given that he technically is older than Ortho as well, but hilariously Ortho continuously calls him "Ren-dìdi" instead, which is technically a term of address for a younger brother (and Ren dies a little inside each time he does it.) They're also very close good friends in their own right, and Ortho will additionally seek out Ren if he feels like he needs him to help badger motivate Idia into doing something.
🦑 what relationship does your oc have with Azul?
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT. I feel like Azul is continuously Offended™ by Chrys, who is in equal turns amused and exasperated by Azul. Saving the life of one of Azul's dormmates from that potion gone wrong when he couldn't do it himself, and worse, making a spectacle of the whole thing, refusing any sort of debt or repayment for it, and then having the utter gall to turn around and tell Azul to his face that he needs to do better as Housewarden? I feel like this is only further exacerbated when Azul goes digging and learns that not only was Chrysanthos in Octavinelle when he attended NRC (already odd for a Shroud) but he was also Vice-Housewarden his sophomore year and Housewarden his junior year. THE GALL. THE UTTER NERVE. And Chrys's tendency to casually troll him doesn't help. (Azul hates that he technically can't argue when Chrys says the ocean is a giant soup.)
But more than that, I think deep down what frustrates them both is that Chrys knows Azul can do better if he really reevaluates his shortcomings and tries to apply himself but doesn't; and Azul is frustrated and feels small when he sees Chrys better exemplify that spirit of benevolence that he's supposed to have. Chrys does it so effortlessly, and telling Azul to "do better" doesn't ring as encouragement or a challenge to grow for a long time.
(WIP) Taglist: @thehollowwriter
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
Get to know my TWST OCs pt. 2
"What Nicknames Do They Have?"
Figured maybe doing a series of posts like this would help friends and mutuals get to know my OCs better!
Part 1: What Are They Twisted From? | Part 3: Copper's Backstory
While this will pertain to Floyd's and Rook's nicknaming conventions, there's also going to be a second part to this that will be a separate post for additional nicknames from other characters, both canon and others' OCs that have formed a significant relationship with my characters! That'll come later tho.
Copper Benoit:
"Sea Dog" (Floyd) - Initially, since Copper's origin and heritage are rather unknown until later plot developments, Floyd picked this nickname because the wind magic Copper utilizes often has a salty sea tang to it, and because there's a certain irony to it, given Copper has grown up under captivity in a bayou and cannot swim. When it's later revealed he's descended from a legendary pirate captain, Floyd feels vindicated and doubles down on the nickname.
"Petit Brigand | Roi des Brigands" (Rook) - when Copper first visits NRC, Rook pretty quickly clocks that the boy's got no small skill as a thief at the behest of his master forcing Copper to become one. Copper is understandably freaked out when he hears Rook call him "little robber" (how did he figure that out, Copper has looked for every excuse to not actually follow Mr. Stone's demands) and Rook reads him like an open book. When Copper's heritage is revealed, Rook delightedly changes the nickname on impulse.
Mr. Stone and Mr. Lurk:
"Rockfish and Chromium" (Floyd) - according to him, they're placeholder names. Hey, they can't all be perfect right away! However, as time goes on, he sticks with these nicknames for them, deeming both men not worthy of the effort.
Likewise, Rook doesn't believe either of them worth the effort or honor of nicknames.
(Floyd does nickname Augustus and Octavian "the Allibros", just a little portmanteau of "alligator brothers", and it's entirely possible that they might each get individual nicknames in the future if he gets to play with the alligators more after Copper officially keeps them. Same goes for Rook, he's more likely to refer to them with nicknames after Copper makes it clear he's keeping the alligators around in order to free them from Mr. Stone's abusive ownership.)
Wei Renqiao:
"Orca" (Floyd) - people assume that due to WRQ's size and intimidating stature but seemingly amicable nature that this is why Floyd chose the nickname. Sure, that can apply, but early on in their freshman year, Floyd overhead WRQ talking with Riddle about his culture, and the fact that his people used to be nomadic and the way they trace their heritage is matrilineal. This made Floyd say "oh, so like an orca pod" and he's called WRQ "Orca" ever since.
"Grand Génie" (Rook) - credit has to go to my close friend @inmateofthemind for coming up with this one, as a respectful title Rook would use for WRQ. (iirc it means "great genius", though I'm sure it would take a hot second for anyone to puzzle that out)
Wei Xinyi:
"Ribbon Eel" (Floyd) - picked on a whim when hearing WRQ talking about his cousin being genderfluid. Turns out it fits better than Floyd expected when he first sees Wei Xinyi and realizes they're definitely as colorful as a ribbon eel too.
"Monsieur beauté mortelle" (Rook) - Listen. Wei Xinyi is an extremely, breathtakingly beautiful person. Like preternaturally beautiful, and people are often left speechless when they first see him. Rook was no exception and decided to pick a nickname accordingly.
Wei Gang:
"King Salmon" (Floyd)
"Monsieur tradition culturelle" (Rook)
Still working on figuring out how to explain the Watsonian explanation for these ones, as I'm being a little picky; I'll update later as needed.
Chrysanthos Shroud:
"Axolotl" (Floyd) - Chrys makes quite a stark impression when the Octotrio first meets him, but that hardly means that Floyd doesn't take notice of Chrys's limp after he leaves with a flourish. Floyd figures it could be either the result of an old injury that never healed correctly or the sign of an artificial limb. When he later learns the latter guess was correct and Chrys has a prosthetic leg, Floyd delightedly equates him to an axolotl and thus the nickname sticks.
Rook currently has no set nickname for Chrys! He tries to pick one a few different times, though Chrys gently shoots down a number of them with reasonable explanations as to why they might best fit others. The big thing however, is that Rook also winds up getting one of Chrysanthos's lectures and reads where Chrys points out Rook's weaknesses and shortcomings, and tries to offer some advice on what Rook can do to improve. Unlike most other students, who usually take Chrys's call-outs as an attack, Rook appreciates hearing the truth laid out to him, even if it does sting with that delivery. As such, this actually earns Chrys a lot of respect from Rook, so he is undecided on what to actually nickname him as a result (the nickname must be a perfect fit!) so for now, he just calls him "Monsieur Shroud".
Taglist: @blithesharem (thank you for prompting me to do this post in the first place!) @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @simons-twsted-children @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @rainesol (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for stuff about my OCs!)
Also if anyone has any better understanding of French and is willing to (kindly) correct any awkwardness in my selection of Rook's nicknames, please DM me!
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cyanide-latte · 4 months
The irony is not lost on me that in working on my OCs, I made Ilias a goth, Chrys a punk, and Kit a little emo boy. Three generations of Shrouds, all alt. One of these days I'm going to have to draw them all together, and title it (at @ramshacklerumble 's suggestion) The Unholy Trinity: The Father, The Son and The Emo Spirit.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
i think you said you'd do these yourself? so
💬 for chrysanthos and/or wrq :)
Startled silence has a sound all its own, and it pounds in his ears as he stares, confused. Surely he heard wrong.
He laughs, because his mother has often done so and he's seen her laughter defuse tense situations. He laughs now because what he's just been told is so absurd, there's simply no better response. And also, perhaps he laughs because somewhere in his gut there is an unpleasant twist that might herald panic.
"Okay okay, ha-ha, very funny, you're a riot," he says, tone indulgent to a joke and his voice hitching a notch higher than usual. "But for real, where am I going?"
The void-like eyes of the mask-face in the Dark Mirror narrow at him, but there's only one true answer, right? Surely there has to be. He's a Shroud, he's supposed to be in Ignihyde. Their family has ALWAYS been Ignihyde. There's no possible way he could be anything else, it just doesn't make sense.
"The nature of your soul is benevolent, Chrysanthos Shroud," the Dark Mirror says, its tone pointed, unwavering and highly unamused. "You belong in Octavinelle. My pronouncement is not a jest or in error."
He feels his arms go limp at his sides as the brittle smile slides off his face and whispers erupt in the Hall. He knows what they're all whispering about because it's exactly the thing he can't believe is happening. A Shroud, end up in a dorm other than Ignihyde? And not just any dorm at that.
The Sea Witch? his flailing mind wonders in his stunned confusion. Why the Sea Witch?
The Headmage steps in with a polite little cough, vague words of reassurance he can't process through the whirlwind in his head, and gently shoos him away from the Dark Mirror so the next student can be seen, pushing him in the direction of his fellow freshmen who were also sorted into Octavinelle. He stares at them, and they stare back, perplexed and wary. He looks back towards the small gaggle of newly-minted of Ignihyde freshmen, and sees his own bewilderment mirrored on their faces. He can't help but feel like he's let them down, somehow.
What about Mom and Dad? he thinks, then almost as quickly dismisses the question. His mom will reassure him; she'll see the best of the situation immediately and make him feel better. And his dad may not be as easy to predict, but he's confident his dad won't be disappointed in him.
Still, he feels disappointed in himself. Something inside him stings with hurt. Somehow he isn't good enough, isn't diligent enough, to belong to the legacy of the King of the Underworld, like the rest of his family.
And maybe...beneath all of that there's a prickle of fear. A prickle of fear he stamps down, refusing to admit the existence of. But the more he tries to deny it, the stronger it gets, growing roots in his mind and his heart.
This is not the path he expected to be set on, and he did not choose it. So then why has it chosen him...?
He thinks of the statue of the Sea Witch near the front gates, and wonders, not for the last time, What do you want with me?
Been waiting to do something with this! Since Chrysanthos got sorted into Octavinelle when he first started at NRC years ago, the entire moment was a shock for him, and set up a long three years of struggling to understand himself.
Thank you for the ask!
Taglist: @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl @simons-twsted-children @inmateofthemind @elenauaurs @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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