#chu beijie
electricsoul-rpg · 1 year
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fc: Chung Hon-leung (鍾漢良 / 钟汉良) / Wallace Chung
ethnicity: Han Chinese (Hong Kong)
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mousieta · 1 year
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your kinks are showing
like....i literally cannot deal with this man
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Bai Pingting: I will murder you
Chu Beijie: *heart eyes*
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dangermousie · 1 year
Does your first interaction involve battle, ambush and mass drowning? If not, is it even love?
If, like me, you find a period hero’s most attractive feature is his personal army, meet Chu Beijie, one of four rival kingdoms’ god of war.
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 This is the rival kingdom’s general He Xia, who CHJ has come to defeat. He Xia’s psycho ruler expects HX to hold the town against 100K army with 8K men and no reinforcements because he is the first but not the last ruler we will come across in this story who is a bonkers waste of oxygen. Side note - one of the things I love about this drama is that all the male characters in this are men and not boys. Like finally some adults have entered the chat. And they also look like they can actually lift a spear or drive a chariot because yes, in the first 10 min of ep 1, we get a chariot battle.
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And this is Ping Ting, our FL, He Xia’s strategist. I forgot her backstory tbh but I know she feels gratitude to HX and his family for raising her. For the bulk of the story, they are vvv brother-sister until the drama oddly and last minute tries to throw in that he likes her but I think it is clear that is 10% driven by his nostalgia for a simpler time before he fell from grace and 90% by his obsession/rivalry with CBJ where he must win over him in any way he can, including getting the woman CBJ wants.
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She has a plan which seems to be based on her somehow being a meteorologist who knows exactly where rain will hit and wash everything out (so they can lure CBJ and his dudes there.) Yeah whatever, who cares, roll with it. Short version is SHE SMART.
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I love the intercut of CBJ grabbing his weapon and readying for battle as Ping Ting grabs hers and readies for hers (hers is a guqin with messages for He Xia in the music. Once again, roll with it, this is all shorthand for SHE SMART; you want realism watch a documentary on alfalfa farming.)
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God, he is a sexy beast in his mask. Sorry not sorry Wallace makes me hormonal.
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Love her not pausing the beat as an arrow hits right next to her. Lady is cool under pressure and I love it. Once again, sidenote and yet not - everyone in this drama, men and women, are adult adult adult and not giggly ingenues/boyish boyos, and it is so refreshing.
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Two hot men undressing each other as they whip out their enormous hard weapons. Ahem. Joking aside, I appreciate them actually bothering to have a reason why helmet or mask come off. (Also appreciate CBJ having his helmet stay on.) Helmet lack is my pet peeve in battle scenes.
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Yeah, she drowns his giant army.
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If you like your women hot, and big into music, meteorology and mass murder, you should def swipe right on Ping Ting. I mean CBJ will shortly swipe right so hard he’s gonna start a whole new dynasty!
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linggluu · 2 years
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thinking about how chu beijie absolutely punched me in the gut with his face
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With all the Lingyi posts, I would like to recap probably my favorite cdrama scene of all time, aka this scene from General and I, which makes into the top 10 dramas despite Angelababy’s acting and plot holes because it’s like a sweeping romance novel coming to life.
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k-drama-trash · 7 years
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“Every day of the future, I will draw your brows and do your hair.”
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ultra-violet-heart · 7 years
A Lonesome Fragrance to be Appreciated~Lost Memories in Time Chapter 1: Hiding in Plain Sight
Note: This is yet an incomplete chapter. As I’ve currently a copy-editing job, I’m not sure when I can update this chapter, but I hope you will enjoy this, especially @tao-taylor Sorry for the long wait :)
January, Yan Territory.
The snow came from the clouds, the sky so overcast it looked like it has been crying.
Five travelers, one of them a boy, rested upon a tea shop, unable to stand the cold. “Tea please!” One of them shouted, fishing out a few coins from his large purse and putting it on the table. The old man who owned the tea shop handed out five cups, and was amazed by the furs and the long braids of the men, and also the boxes their nearby carriages carried.  He smiled. “To which our Great Yan owe the men of Great Liang a visit on this cold day?” he asked.
The man who handed the coins smiled back at him as he sipped his tea, some of the feeling returning back to his fingertips because of the warmth. “We are trading back some of our furs to some of the merchants here in this city of Changzi. I didn’t expect it to be this busy.” He held his hands, pointing to the many passers-by milling around despite the cold day, with people either exchanging goods or haggling prices around them. It was really a busy despite the snow.
Another of the travelers put back his cup before saying, “I never thought that trade relations between Yan and Liang will be this easy. Why, it’s only been five years ago since our countries were at war!”
“But now we’re having this easy journey. We only have to thank the Seer of Yan, the strategist Bai Yong He, to thank.”
“Who would have thought that he would stop the armies by bombing the nearby mountains of Kanbu to make that avalanche and cut off their storehouse of food supplies on both edges of the mountain? Even in Liang, never in a thousand years would a strategist think of that risky move. And he did it single-handedly without killing anyone!”
“And he was the one who proposed the Yan River could be used to transport our fur and timber to the other states, while using the middle of the Liang Desert as the safest trade route for trading silver and copper?”
“He was the one who predicted that great snow and famine for Liang and Yan after, thereby improving our countries’ relations!”
One of the travelers, the one with the large purse, chuckled. Their conversation about Bai Yong He continued, but the tea shop owner’s smile was slowly disappearing at the mention of the name. He asked, “Mister, do you know where Bai Yong He lives? I have heard he has a simple residence here in Changzi.”
The old man shook his head, “About that, he…” He stopped when an old woman came by the table and placed a small pot of piping hot tea.
“Bai Yong He did have a small residence here, just across the street. It’s a small one as befitting his humble attitude. But now our nobles got crazy, maybe because of jealousy, and had him arrested and executed a fortnight ago for treason.”
The travelers, especially the boy, gasped in shock. “He is dead?” The boy asked.
She shook her head and smiled a bit. “No, but he is on the run. Everyone knows Bai Yong He, and how he had escaped death many times despite his enemies trying to kill him because of his cunning. This time, he partnered with a soon-to-be-executed criminal, who served as a double for his body during execution. As it was snowy during the execution day and foggy, the executioners didn’t see who they beheaded until during the burial. Isn’t that right, husband?”
The tea shop owner smiled. “Yes, wife. Bai Yong He is an amazing man. It’s a pity he defied the king.”
The traveler asked, “How in the world Bai Yong He got into these circumstances?”
The tea owner continued the story, aware that all their attention was on him. “His wife died just two weeks back. But who would have thought the commoner who was his wife turned out to be that Ping Hua?”
“The street urchinwho became Great Jin’s greatest qin player, rivalling those here in Yan?”
“Yes. The nobles got offended when it was revealed, as who would have thought a man of his noble blood would take a commoner to wife, and at the same time, he defied the king’s orders, stopping the army to make an attack against Zhenbeiof Jin, which was his wife’s province, just before her death.”
“That’s a shame.” The travelers agreed, and one of them, the one with the large purse, patted the boy’s head. “Ze Yin, maybe there will be a chance you might meet Bai Yong He in the future. And in that time you’ll be a general!”
The boy shyly nodded. “Maybe, Father.”
“Oh ho, so you want to be a soldier, boy?” The tea shop owner peered kindly at the boy.
“Yes. I wanted to talk to Mister Bai about that strategy he made in Kanbu. But now… Maybe in the future.”
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drama-scape · 7 years
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Dear General,
You can’t grab a woman’s face like that! It’s very rude you know... but you can grab mine ;)
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party-in-hell · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvq-D5VWHv0)
To my defense I literally don’t know why I’m so obsessed with this drama
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tomorrowsdrama · 3 years
I’m only on episode 8 of General and I and I can’t count the number of times Bai Pingting has run away from Chu Beijie, been brought back by him, betrayed him, and run away again. This man takes liking the thrill of the chase to the extreme!
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redpearlearring · 3 years
spoilers for the cdrama General and I thru ep 54, worth not spoiling for yourself
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweet sweet resolution. That was such a good payoff. I live for dramatic irony and I was having a fun time with Chu Beijie thinking that Bai Pingting was dead, but three years was kind of stretching my limits, especially since they just barely missed each other so many times. (the Go scene! I was so frustrated!)
But I was just so genuinely moved by the scene inside the house. He has been pining over her for years, and he just watches as she makes noodles. And he eats them, the noodles his wife made for him, and he eats every last bite. It seems strange how much he's holding back, until he asks if she ever remarried and you realize that he won't assume she hasn't moved on, that that he is making a genuine effort to respect her boundaries. And then she FINALLY tells him about the child.
I know if this were real life they'd be a disaster couple, but in a world where a single dead person can be misidentified and mourned not once but twice, they're really doing the best they can and I'm rooting for them.
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mousieta · 1 year
General and I: ep 1/2 thoughts
(tw: suicide)
Ok, started General and I at @dangermousie's urging and so far it is hitting all the right epic notes. This whole warring kingdoms full of subterfuge and betrayals is *chefs kiss*
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And I'm loving this Fae quality to Angelababy's character. It is intriguing and compelling
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I will say, though, that the Worst Drama Parents award of the year, for me, will have to go to He Xia's parents. Like "Imma kill myself so my son has to avenge my death" is like at the peak of parental bullshit mountain. I have no other words.
I will say, however, that Chu Beijie being shown so sympathetically and nobly already (the digging the grave was just a masterful touch of characterization) that I am already struggling *not* to ultimately root for him.
Oh I'm in for it now.
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dangermousie · 1 year
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Admittedly, I love me some domineering asshole MLs in the safe confines of fiction but what makes this so delightful is because despite what it looks like, this drama turns this trope upside down.
First of all, all this chin grabbing and bossing around is in service of no quest for information or possession or w/e but to make her have a meal so she’d get some strength. Chu Beijie is one dramatic bitch! But also, Ping Ting is no meek maiden - during the narrative, she outwits him repeatedly scuttling his military plans and stabs him now and then too and what is truly remarkable and upends the narrative is all of it makes Chu Beijie fall HARDER! He does not like or want a meek partner, he’s a human bulldozer who wants another human bulldozer. He will try to dominate the hell out of her but get turned on even fiercer when she dominates him right back. Talk about a switch couple!
I mean, here later, she eviscerates him:
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And then she sticks at knife at his throat!
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And his reaction is admiration and a certain fierce joy.  (Also too bad he cannot tell her that peace is what he wanted, his useless king is the one who skuttled it and is driving the war.)
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She threatens him with archers and he’s MORE turned on!
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The disarming is so sexy. I swear to god, he views attempted murder (of him) as foreplay.
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Bwahahah the whole relationship summed up, he is solicitously inquiring if she’s recovered from her arrow wound as he’s trying to contain her from murdering him.
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He is domineering and possessive yes but what is rare is he wants a woman as domineering and possessive as he is.
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So goddamn hot. Yeah yeah problematic blah blah whatever. We all have our kinks.
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But the thing is, when He Xia comes at him, he spares the man. This sets a pattern - he’s alpha alpha alpha but ultimately she wins every time.
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This is everything I love in a ship. And yup, he views her murder attempts as courtship rituals. Honestly if she was weaker, his personality would drive me insane because he’s testosterone central; but as she matches him balls and spine and control tendencies, it just works.
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linggluu · 3 years
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chu beijie gege still slaying me after all these years
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All this Rebel Princess age discourse made me realize one thing: thank god they decided to age up Chu Beijie in the drama. He was TWENTY in the novel.
Cc: @dangermousie
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k-drama-trash · 7 years
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一拜天地 二拜高堂 夫妻对拜  customary bows // first to heaven and earth second to ancestors third to each other
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