#chubby girl stories
shrubberylogistic · 4 months
The Story Scale
Here’s all of my Tumblr wg fics, ranked by intensity.
Each has been specially rated between 1 and 10.
Take a pick and be sure to give it a share if you enjoyed it!
1, 2: Light, welcoming, positive and affirming! Self-love and a lot of self indulgence…
3, 4, 5: Oooff! Someone’s been eating well. Need, greed, and waking up with a little more to discover.
6, 7, 8: Embarrassment, clothes-ripping, weight-related struggles. The furniture’s creaking, and you’re out of breath…
9, 10: Hard-hitting and humiliating, CNC, ropes and ties, hot and heavy sex.
10+ : The black box. Don’t think about it. Don’t go there. Not if you want to get back up….
Revenge Body
Two Faces (Light)
Table for Two
Thicker Tempo
Shower Thoughts
Double Take
Your Valentine
Bottom Heavy
Long Weekend
Christmas Every Day
Lucky You
Midnight Snack
Weight of Your Sins
Your Last Game
Pregnant Pause
Waking Up Fat
Just For A Day
The Usual
Girl in the Mirror
Quarantine Kitchen
What Happened
Little Treat
Public Stuffing
Pizza Party
Dinner and a Show
Gainer Shake
The F Word
Zero Self Control
Under the Desk
When it’s Been a While
Two Faces (Dark)
College Blowout
Boyfriend’s Wardrobe
Taste Test
Feeling Yourself
Bike Shorts
Not Your Job
Still Fat
Point of View
Message in the Box
Measuring Tape
Funnel Fed
Round Face
Too Fat to Fuck
Force Fed
Smile Because It Happened
The Window and the Wall
Hour by Hour
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spookykoolkat · 8 months
kinktober | your woman - e.m.
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kinktober day four - taped
pairing: eddie munson x plus size!reader
wc: 5.48k
summary: your little friends with benefits deal with eddie was more than you first intended. when eddie asks you if you'd be okay if he recorded the next time you guys hooked up, you were all in. but, you didn't think he'd end up with his phone camera recording himself asking you to be his girl. especially not in a guest room at robin's annual halloween party.
warnings: 18+ ONLY!, minors are never welcomed. jealous!reader, making a sex tape, fingering, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, raw penetration (p in v), *wrap it up fr tho.*, pet names, eddie being eddie
reblogs, comments and likes are so very much appreciated i hope everyone is enjoying this!
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EDDIE WAS ALWAYS INSATIABLE. in every way, of course. everything he wanted, he begged for. at least from you. 
it wasn't like you two were a thing officially, it started in high school when the two of you were graduating. he came up to you at a party, being eddie's usual self and flirting with you. though you weren’t receptive at first, it didn’t mean you never would be. 
so he kept trying, even after high school the fall after you two graduated, he found you at another party. neither of you went to college, but had mutual friends in college. so, that night you went to meet up with robin, he cornered you. 
and also that night, started a year long relationship that had no title, no expectations. and even though you weren’t sleeping with anyone else, and he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else, you had a territorial problem. 
so when eddie brought the subject up for the first time, you were all in. he didn’t even have to beg you, he just asked and you told him he could any time. truthfully, you’d do anything he wanted to do. 
he wanted to make a tape with you, but in general wanted to record you while he fucked you. 
“do you think, i don’t know, would you be okay if i recorded you during sex?” he asked, abashedly. eddie didn’t know if he even had the right to ask. he didn’t even know what the two of you really were. 
“you want to record me while you fuck me?” you asked, making sure that this is what you were hearing. 
“i do.” he smiled, nervously and excitedly when he noticed you didn’t immediately shut it down. 
“okay.” you smiled. he just swallowed, smiling and leaned over to kiss you. 
it’d been a week since then, and when eddie finally saw you again it was the night of robin’s infamous halloween party she threw every year. the concept of recording you taking him in every way had been plaguing his mine, but tried to act completely normal at the same time. 
which he managed. but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
to get into robin’s party, you had to wear a costume and of course eddie was excited about this. you on the other hand were a little dreadful. 
“is this a kids party or what?” you mumbled as you adjusted your costume. 
you chose to go as carrie. a long pink rose silk dress covered your body and hugged your curves softly, of course drenched in fake blood from head to toe with a prom queen crown sitting on your head. eddie had the pleasure of watching you douse yourself in said blood not even a few minutes ago, right after you pulled the pretty dress over your full figure.
of course you forgot to mention that when you weren’t wearing a bra that night and just so happened to step out just in your panties to get ready, he had to be peeled off of you just so you could get ready. 
another thing about eddie, he was a little obsessed with you.
“you hate fun,” eddie tsked and adjusted his hair to be even more frizzy. of course eddie decided to go as eddie van halen, which you told him was maybe too literal. 
“so what do you think of my costume?” eddie gleamed and you turned from the mirror to look at him. 
“you look like you did yesterday. you literally just look like yourself.” you deadpanned and he pouted. he was wearing a jean vest with no shirt underneath, brown leather skinny jeans and a bandana around his neck. you had to help him tease his hair to get it like the picture he showed you, but over all he just looked him himself but times ten. 
“okay, but do i look hot? like, would you fuck me right now?” he asked and grabbed his guitar pick just to hold. 
“you’re gonna bring the guitar pick but not the actual guitar?” you said nodding to his wall, the dark red abstract guitar collecting dust. 
“oh, she’s not going anywhere tonight.” he replied and you shook your head. 
“but yes, eddie you look hot and i would fuck you right now. if we wouldn’t be any later than we already are, come on let's go,”
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robin greeted you at the door of her new townhouse, excited for her housewarming party to turn into a halloween party. 
“i thought couples usually match costumes.” robin teased as she pulled you away from eddie. 
“we’re not a couple,” you said bitterly as she pushed past people drinking, smoking and dancing together under the blacklight and into the hospital lit kitchen. 
“you guys have come to every single one of my parties, together. you guys leave every single one of my parties, together. what do you call that?” she suggested over the loud music.
while she bickered you scanned over the house, the spacey living room that led into an archway to the kitchen. on the kitchen island were large bottles of alcohol pushed together in the middle of the marble, ranging from vodka to rum to tequila. 
“we’re friends.” 
your hand went to grab the bottle of pink whitney, grabbing a little shot glass and pouring yourself one to the rim. robin grabbed one with a scoff and you poured her one, setting the bottle down and facing each other. 
“to friends,” she said smugly. you just rolled your eyes. 
“to friends,” 
it didn’t take long for you to lose eddie at the party, as per usual. it’s always how it went, you and he would split up and hardly look each other's way, just to text each other when the other wants to leave and meet outside. 
but today you were especially needy, and after roughly three cups of mixed drinks and many many shots, you rip away from robin and nancy to find him. it was dark, smokey and you were in need for something of eddie. weed, his hands, his voice. 
you found him of course, but not like you expected. part of you expected him to be sitting in a corner with his friends smoking a blunt, which he was, but instead of just his friends he was the only one with a girl on his lap. 
now he told you that he wouldn’t mess around with anyone but you especially if he thought about wanting to go bare with you, but you didn’t believe him. 
the music was thumping and the alcohol made you feel a little better in terms of confidence, especially being in a silk dress with no bra and skimpy panties so there wasn’t a panty line. you felt sexy, covered in blood with your hair down and as you came into his view, eddie took a drag of his blunt and looked you up and down. 
his friends greeted you with enthusiasm, happy to see you again after being out of their company for so long. another thing was, regardless of who you were to eddie, his friends still loved you. 
“hellooo,” you dragged but kept your eyes on eddie, and not the thin girl making her spot in eddie’s lap. 
“can i have a hit?” you kindly asked eddie, and the girl looked at you with an awkward smile. 
“eddie’s a little busy right now, maybe you guys can smoke later?” the girl suggested and you looked at her, then looked at eddie. 
you weren’t expecting him to say anything. but a part of you wanted him to. you wanted him to feel the need to tell her that you were the one he was taking home that night, but he didn’t. 
“is that right eddie?” you asked, raising an eyebrow as you looked between the two. 
“we were just, uh, kinda talking?” 
you pinched your lips into a thin line and nodded, turning to one of his friends. his friends on the other hand were watching the interaction, waiting for the other shoe to drop and for you to curse eddie out. 
you could see him gulp before you turned to one of his friends.
“can i buy any from one of you?” you asked, ignoring eddie completely and watched as one guy you really didn’t know the name of pulled out his fanny pack. 
“how much?” he asked and you walked to stand in front of him where he sat on a couch, and you sat knee to knee with him on the coffee table that held empty bottles and ash trays. 
“mm, just enough for a joint.” you smiled. you could feel eddie’s eyes on you, burning into the side of your figure but you didn’t acknowledge him. why would you? 
you were used to being single, textbook single. single, nonetheless. you were quick to leave when things got stupid between you and eddie, not caring and not thinking twice. eddie knew that. he’d been on the shit end of the stick when he fucked up one too many times. being ignored by you, blocked and never putting up a fight because it was never worth it to you. 
he wasn’t going to ruin your night. not when the day was going so well, with him or not. 
you watched his friend bag up the weed, and even give you a cigar wrap to roll it with. you go to take out the money you slipped in the cup of the dress that held your heavy breasts together, but he stops you. 
“pretty girls don’t need to pay, it’s on me.” he smiled, and you blushed. he was cute, not compared to eddie but definitely your type. 
“well,” you said as you took the baggie and the cigar packet and stood up in front of him, looking down, “come find me later n’ maybe i can give you something to say thank you?” 
at this point, eddie was non-existent. you were focused on the man with black locs that were in slight waves, and stubble on his jaw. 
“actually,” you paused and sat back down. “do you think you can roll this for me?” 
eddie was fuming. the girl on his lap held his interest no longer, and his eyes were bored into the natural flow of your interaction with his buddy danny. you seemed genuinely interested, serious about wanting to give him a thank you gift. 
he watched as danny took the baggie and started to roll for you, grinding the weed and putting it into the wrap, all while you watched. not once looking his way.  soon, danny sealed the blunt and actually had the nerve to put the blunt between your lips and spark it himself. 
you inhaled, exhaled the smoke in danny’s face and leaned in close, close enough to smell the tequila on his lips, “thank you.” 
you got up with the blunt between your fingers and left, walking away back to the kitchen where nancy and robin resided. they were laughing in the corner as they passed a bottle between each other, and when you got closer they got excited and hugged you. 
“you got weed from eddie?” robin asked as she handed you the bottle and you handed her the blunt. 
“nope.” you smiled and took a swig, having robin pass the blunt back to you. she looked at you quizzically. 
“one of his friends. actually i’m going to need a ride home, eddie’s probably taking someone else home tonight.” you said nonchalantly, huffing and puffing on the blunt until the mix of tobacco and weed burned your lungs. 
you didn’t even get to take another swing of the bottle before the girls’ eyes are looking up a little, and you feel a tug on your arm that yanks you back. you turn with the blunt between your lips and eyebrows pinched. 
“are you fucking crazy?” eddie gritted, the grip on your arm only tightening when you breathe in the smoke and taking the blunt from between your lips with your other hand. 
“can you fucking let me go?” you snarled, ripping your arm from his grasp and walking backwards. 
“what’s your issue?” he asks, and you pass the blunt to robin before you step closer to him. 
“go fuck her eddie. why are you bothering me when you have a really really pretty girl on your lap? weren’t you just, uh, kinda talking?” you mocked, lowering your voice to match his. no one was paying attention to you, not even robin or nancy could hear you. instead they just moved further aside. 
he just grabs you again, dragging you away from the kitchen and up the stairs to the first room he sees, which just so happened to be a guest room. he yanked you inside and locked the door, letting the only light shine being from outside and the little lamp on the bedside table. 
“you know i only take you home every night right? we leave every place we go to together, together. even if we don’t go together— you’re always back in my bed. you know i choose you.” he tried, but you weren’t having it. 
you were already irritated, the audacity for him to make you feel the way he did when he didn’t shoo the girl off immediately. 
“whatever, i don’t care. i’m not your fucking girlfriend so who cares? do whatever you want. i’m not arguing with you at a party. i’m supposed to be getting drunk, not standing here with you.” you said and tried to walk past him, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in front of him. 
“you want to be my girlfriend, baby?” he asked you as his breath fanned on your face. 
you smiled sweetly. “no.” you crossed your arms over your chest and moved your head to the side. 
“if i wanted a boyfriend, i’d probably choose the one who gave me free weed, not the one brushing me off for another girl.” 
he just chuckled darkly, grabbing you by your hips and leading you to hit the edge of the bed with the back of your knees. “ i think you’re lying. you don’t want him, sweet girl. i know you want me. why else would you be trying to make me jealous?” 
“i’m going home eddie,” you tried as he pushed you back by your shoulders so you’d land on the bed. you just propped yourself up on your elbows and watched him as he pulled his phone out and threw it beside you. 
he crawled over you, lifting your dress by skimming his fingers up your leg and under the fabric to hike it up over your hip. 
“if i asked you to be my girlfriend, would you say yes?” he asked, watching the dress pool around the fat of your hips, revealing the lacy red underwear you had on underneath. 
you huffed, the cold air hitting your thighs when a breeze came in through the window. “no.” 
he sat straight up on his knees, still straddling you but now unbuttoning the leather jeans to slide them down to his knees. 
“mmm,” he hummed as his cock strained against his briefs, palming himself over while you watched him. your mouth was salivating already, forgetting how you ended up here almost bare to him, but not questioning it. “i think you’re wrong. i think you would say yes,” 
he grabbed the string of your underwear and pulled it down your thighs, letting them fall as you wiggled your feet to drop them from your ankles. 
“maybe we should record this for evidence, just so you can watch it back and see why i think,” he paused and smiled, “why i know, you’d say yes.” he was smug, confident, and had you wrapped around his finger. 
you knew your jealousy maybe might’ve been misplaced, projecting about the fact that you two weren’t official and he’d never bothered to ask you either. you weren’t really allowed to feel this way when he wasn’t yours. 
it just always felt like no matter what he did to piss you off or make you cry, you’d always be his. 
he grabbed the phone, messing with the screen until the flash came on and stayed on. he never showed your face, only pointing the camera between your thick thighs when he shuffled downwards to spread your legs. 
“look at you,” he hummed, getting closer to your heat when he spread your lips, the flash making your slick glisten for him. you were leaking, your arousal dripping out of your hole as he recorded every second of it. 
“eddie,” you whined, moving to close your legs but he pushes them apart, his camera getting a shot of your bare bottom half with the dress at your waist. 
“was my baby jealous tonight? you only want me to yourself?” he asked, inhaling the scent between your legs, “i did not know you could be so greedy,” he teased. 
he let his phone record your cunt when he pushed two fingers into you and started to fuck your hole like that, purely because he wanted to feel how wet you were for him. you were soaking, your arousal leaking from your hole and around his fingers. 
the phone was getting everything. the sounds of your cunt squelching around his fingers, the way your trimmed bush covered your mound, the way his fingers shone with your juices. he didn’t even know where to look, the phone or the real thing. he chose the real thing, but looking at the phone periodically to make sure you were still in view. 
“fuck, eddie,” you couldn’t help but react to the stretch of his rough fingers, the ones that always wrapped around your throat when he fucked you on your back, or the ones that held your hand to help you down the stairs. 
you were still aware that there was a party going on downstairs, still smelling weed smoke and the alcohol on your breath, but too focused on the fact that eddie was recording your every movement. 
his fingers fucked you gently, not nearly as rough as he would, and you whined in reaction. eddie just watched you throw your head back when he stopped recording and threw the phone next to you, moving to let his tongue run over your cunt. his fingers kept you spread while he lapped at your hole, but you knew he was rushed. 
eddie was too excited to finally record you, to finally have something he can watch over and over again until you’re able to satiate his craving for you again. he loved you like this, jealous and bothered by the fact that the two of you had no ties together. 
eddie wanted ties. but you didn’t seem like the type to want that. at least, he thought so. 
“get on your hands and knees, do that for me,” eddie said in the usual rasp he had after he smoked, and you opened your eyes at the loss of contact to look at him. 
you were breathless from the sliver of pleasure he gave you, and needy for the hardness under his briefs. but you did it quick, sitting up and moving your body to get on your hands and knees except instead of holding yourself up on your hands, you grabbed a pillow and used it to rest your head on so that your ass was in the air for him. 
the silk rose dress that was drenched in blood just pooled at your waist, letting you expose both holes to him, wet and needy. eddie frantically looked for the phone again, grabbing it and went back to the recording screen. 
“fucking shit,” he whispered, the flash letting him see all of you. your holes were throbbing, aching for him to fill and take his spot that practically had his name branded on. 
regardless of titles, you were his. even if he wasn’t yours. 
“eddie,” you whined as your cheek pressed into the pillow, feeling his hand spread you open to the cool air, and to the camera of his phone. 
“what is it, baby? you need me? wanna show my camera how fucking needy you are?” he taunted as he landed a spank on your ass cheek, of course eddie recorded him play with you as he liked. 
as he pulled your round ass cheeks apart and spit on your puckered hole, moving the camera to show his thumb rubbing the rim of your asshole, and moved to press into it while you flinched at the touch. 
“eddie, what the fuck,” you gasped as you felt his thumb slide into the tight hole with restraint, feeling an odd pressure that soon turned into the pleasure of something being filled. 
you’d take what he’d give you, because the entire recording thing was for his pleasure. you knew he wanted to get every angle, every scenario, every moment of you naked and aching for him so he didn’t have to imagine your sinful activities together 一 he could just open his photos app and watch as he tore you apart. 
he slid his thumb in and out of your hole as slow as possible, and you heard the mattress squeak and felt it dip, not feeling eddie’s clothed thighs behind yours anymore. they were naked, skin to skin and you felt the phone thud next to your leg, his thumb still curled inside of you when you felt his wet tip hit your cunt. you couldn’t help the gasp that left you, and you waited for the pressure to stretch you out, but it never came. 
so when you tried to push your hips back onto him, he gripped your asscheek to spread it and hold you there. 
“uh-uhn, you have to wait.” he said and you let out a cracked whine, and then saw the flash turn on again. 
eddie had the phone in his hand above you, up to his chest to get all of your curves, the bareness up to the middle of your back where the blood-soaked dress sat, and his tumb still wet and sliding in and out of you. 
“you want my dick, baby?” he asked, recording you wiggling your ass and trying to sink onto him. 
“please, eddie, don’t tease me,” you whined, lifting yourself up just a tiny bit to look over your shoulder, getting a hard glimpse of eddie’s sinister smile, watching through the screen of his phone. 
“tell me, tell me you want it and it’s yours,” he demanded softly. it was a simple demand with heavy baggage to it. 
“i want it, please i want your dick so bad, please give it to me,” you whined beautifully, eddie realizing he’d get to hear you like this all over again whether it’d be on his phone or in person. 
the sensation of being recorded while in your most vulnerable state sent shockwaves to your cunt, and he felt your hole clench around the small of his tip. it was so erotic, so exposing, and the simple act alone meant there was more trust you put into eddie than the both of you realized. 
you’d trust eddie with your life, and when he finally sinks into your tight hole, you realize there wasn’t anyone else you’d rather trust with your body, your mind, your image. 
“my f-” you sputtered, the single sound of trying to say fuck dragging out when eddie groans behind you. 
eddie was catching everything, and for some reason watching himself stretch you out around the girth of his cock made him bite into his lip hard enough to draw blood. 
“fuck baby, you look so fucking good,” he said breathlessly, “like you were fucking made to be on camera,” 
he drew in and out of you, each time admiring the way you molded around him, how your skin was littered with little beauty marks and stretch marks. he could say he was in love with you, but you might reach back and try to slap him. 
he bottomed out, his balls slapping against your cunt with each stroke and groaned with every clench. eddie recorded all of it, and let the camera catch the way your slick was gathering in a ring around his cock. he was high off of you, delirious from how you felt squeezing him like you did. 
he felt like he was gonna go insane with how you moaned and whined for him in every way. 
“eddie, eddie, eddie,” you chanted in moans, responding to the way he made you so full. so full of him. 
your hand reached down blindly as you face planted into the pillow, moving your head to the side and finding where his cock slid in and out of you. eddie saw you start to position yourself to touch your clit, and moved the camera to the underside, capturing the way you rubbed your clit for him from below. he could feel the tips of your fingers brushing against the shaft of his cock, and he let out a throaty, cracked moan. 
he moved his camera back to your spread cheeks and noticed how you started to bounce back on him, spreading your legs wider to be more accessible for him. by now, you completely forgot how you got here. you forgot that you were at a house party, robin’s house party with people walking up and down the stairs to go to restrooms and find their own vacant room. 
it was exhilarating, and you wanted more so you started to meet the rhythm of his thrusts. you were able to feel him everywhere, deep inside to the point your legs felt like they were trembling already. 
before you could move your hand anymore, eddie managed to grab your arms and place them at your back to grip them by your wrists. your hair was a mess, the prom queen crown laying on the mattress beside you, and tears forming in your eyes when you felt your cunt clench continuously around him. 
eddie wasn’t missing anything. he had it all on tape, filming every moment of you squeezing around him. you consumed him completely, and the feeling of you so snug around him and realizing no one else would ever be able to have you like this — it was pushing the feeling in the pit of his stomach. 
“tell me baby,” he said in a huff, “tell me you’re mine, this pussy’s mine,” 
you cried at his words, feeling his pace pick up and the force of his thrusts becoming harder. it was nudging the inside of your cervix, pressing at your spot that he knew all too well. he was so much to take, too much to not feel pleasure and the prick of pain. it was everything to you. 
“you know this pussy’s mine. you want me tell everyone you’re my fucking girl?” he grunted, the phone becoming hard to focus on as he remembered why he was doing this in the first place. 
“yes! eddie, yes! i want it, please,” you confessed, desperate for a release. he restrained you as his hips snapped against yours, the sound of wet skin emanating in the room. loud enough for anyone outside the door to hear. 
but you didn’t care. 
eddie let go of your wrists and curled his body over yours for his stomach to touch your back, reached the phone around to the front of your face. he used his free hand to grab the base of your throat and pull you up just a little more so the camera got to see all of it. 
“that’s right, princess, say it again for me, think i need to hear it again,” he teased breathlessly. you didn’t even know how he was able to talk so much with how heavy he was breathing over you. 
the feeling of his palm on your throat with his fingers on the sides made your cunt clench again and he just chuckled, moving his hand from your throat to grab your hair. he yanked your head back softly and pulled you up to where you tried to grasp for the blanket, but instead settled to rest on his thighs that held you in place. 
“i’m your girl, ‘m yours, please ‘m yours,” you whined. eddie could feel the vibration against his palm and his cock twitched at your words. 
he felt his release begging, and you were holding on for as long as you could until he tells you to cum. he knew that too, and he took advantage of it. 
“you sound so pretty baby, my pretty fucking girlfriend. all fucking mine, goddamn,” he said and buried his face in your neck, ignoring the burn in his arm for holding the phone far at an upper angle to get all of you. 
“mine?” you choked, wanting to ask a certain question but couldn’t form the words through your moans and sobs. 
you didn’t think he’d understand, but by the innocent, curious, desperate tone in the moan you choked —  he did. 
“i’m yours baby, of course i’m fucking yours, ‘m all yours,” eddie heaved buried in your neck, his hand twisted in your hair to rest your head on his shoulder. 
you were bent in odd angles that nobody has ever put you in before, no one had even bothered to take you out of doggy style. not to mention that he was recording every minute of it, not even knowing how his phone hadn’t died yet. 
but this was intoxicating. you were addicted and couldn’t get off of him, even if you tried. 
you were desperate. but you were only desperate for him. and through each moan he coaxed out of you, forced out of you by the abruptness of his thrusts — he knew. 
“‘m gonna cum, eddie, gonna cum for you,” you whined at the ceiling, your eyes dropping with every frantic thrust his hips provided. it was too much, everything was too much. 
before eddie could even speak, he dropped the phone on the mattress and let go of your hair, wrapping both arms around your waist and making you sit on his lap practically. he was fucking up into you as your body leaned into his and shook, squirming in his grip as you cried and moaned. 
the pulsing around his cock only made him grunt, letting his forehead hit your shoulder until it perked up again at your words.
“cum inside of me, please, please cum inside,” you begged as you felt his thrusts and rhythm breaking, recognizing the sound of his voice and the moans he was making that he was close. 
eddie panting in the crook of your neck, and you could still feel the sensation of his balls slapping against your cunt until he stilled inside of you. his cock twitched, and you felt heat spread within your pussy, ropes of his release filling you.
the full sensation was overwhelming, so much that your legs started to tingle again as you could start to feel the tip of his cock nudging you inside. 
you were full of him, all of him and he sank his teeth into the arch of your neck as if he were a vampire, biting down until his hips stopped the stutter. 
“mmmmm,” you hummed, letting your body slump against his. you were still half dressed, the pink silk still at your waist and you were praying that the fake dried blood on your body didn’t get on the sheets. 
your eyes fluttered closer, sulking in the warmth of his arms as the breathing between you two began to regulate. but eddie needed to get you in his bed as soon as possible. though he really loved the sex, his second favorite was having you curled into his body while he held you tight. 
“mm-mm, no, you gotta get up and get dressed so we can go back to mine,” he said as he finally pulled out of you, bending you over again to have you face down and supporting yourself on your knees.
“eddie, wait,” you budged, thinking he was going in for another round. he’d have plenty of time as your boyfriend to go rounds, just not tonight.
“hold on babe, i have to get the money shot,” he said in a lighthearted tone, fully serious and grabbing the phone to quickly open the camera again and take a video up close of your hole pushing out most of what he released inside of you. you squirmed and whined as the cool air hit your wetness, but he enjoyed it even more. 
“fuck me,” he said in a breath as he held your ass open, and let out a whistle,
 “so are you really my girlfriend or were you just saying that?” 
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guylikesfatgirls95 · 1 year
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dollya-robinprotector · 11 months
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Mom says it's my turn to draw FemRobin.
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mortiskiller · 8 months
A companion piece, the feeder perspective to a story by @thefoolandthehermit and I. Make sure to read them both!
It was a short drive to the dispensary, maybe thirty minutes round trip, enough time for the groceries I ordered to be ready for pick up. As I pulled into the driveway, the kitchen light caught my attention. “Silly girl must be hungry after last night.” I thought, grabbing the groceries, every bag bulging with ingredients and treats for my voluptuous growing girl. 
The sound of me opening the door stopped her dead in the hall. Thick round and heavy ass cheeks stretched a pair of pink panties to their limits, a drooping pair of love handles covered the waistband of her oh so small panties. 
“Princess.” I addressed her, she knew to turn around. Thick pillar-like legs that touched to her calves shifted her jiggling bulk around. A light red spread over her plump peach shaped cheeks as she looked at me, hands filled with a half gallon of chocolate milk and two cold slices of pizza. “You know you’re not supposed to be on your feet today, remember?” 
As she chewed on her pizza the sudden realization of our deal came back to her.  Today my lardy princess was not supposed to move a muscle besides to eat or use the bathroom. A whole day of being pampered, being lazy, being indulgent. The light red of her cheeks deepened as she realized her mistake. Placing the bags in the kitchen as she finished her pizza and chugged half the milk, my hands gliding over her wide seat filling hips, squeezing her hips as her legs buckle slightly and a breathy moan escapes from between lips still glistening with milky chocolate. I steer her like a cow grazing in a pasture, she knows she as no choice in the matter, it's not like the 400 plus pound princess can protest anyway. 
She has been talking about this day all week. A day off work and a day for me to remind her that she was my feedee. My growing, thickening, cow. 
I spin her around and sit her down onto the couch, aiming for the dent her sixty five inch hips have catered into it. Her belly and tits jiggle as she falls into the dent, the usual chorus of creaking wood and grating metal greeting her prodigious bulk. 
“The couch could not break anymore.” she said looking at me with a slight hope she was not too big. A slight smile crossed my face as I kissed her forehead, “We’ll see…”. 
In a short time the coffee table in front of her is filled end to end with the bounty of the grocery store. Bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, and her favorite, a heaping mound of chicken and waffles. Her eyes look to be fucking the food as her tongue licks plump lips, her chubby hands and sausage fingers rub a gut that spills across her thighs and on to her knees. I could see she wanted to leap off the couch and kiss me, like she did 200 pounds ago, but instead her loving eyes drew me to sit down as her favorite bong was pressed into her pudgy belly. Her hips flowed into my side, warm plush fat sending a shiver up my spine. 
Over the next hour I took turns bringing the bong to her lips and shoving in forkfuls of food as the weed dulled her sense of time and space. My plan was to get her so high she loses all control and gives in completely to me. Each bite is followed by a deep hit of the bong. No exhaling, just swallowing and chewing. 
As the last bite of waffle passed her sticky lips, her groans and gentle moos filled the living room. In just under an hour my SSBBW cow had finished a breakfast big enough for a family of five and smoked two grams of weed. Eyes closed, leaned back into her ass groove, as her hands rubbed and kneaded her tight belly. She was so lost in the stuffing she did not notice me grab her vape pen. Loaded inside was a new flavor of high potency THC, just what I needed to make her mine for the day. A fuzzy headed cow mooing for more food. 
The cold metal of the pen touched her lips, “Take a hit now.”. Her lips curl around the tip, inhaling deeply as she takes a large hit. I can tell the weed is hitting her hard. Her eyes open wide as the effects take hold. What little hold on reality she had is slipping. Her hands gripped her bulging upper belly as greed took over. In a matter of minutes she is begging for more food. 
Bag of chips and candy, plates of grilled cheese and bowls of soup, half a dozen boosts disappear into her cavernous gut as the weed keeps her fuzzy and greedy. 
Rubbing her belly as she chugs the last boost, I marvel at her size. Her belly is so tight and firm, but the lower belly rolls are soft as butter, spreading over her thighs like an avalanche of creamy stretch mark covered blubber. I take time to massage her taut belly, kneading it to compact all the food down so her weed addled brain thinks she is hungry again. A roaring blech brings her back to some semblance of reality as I continue making room for her to eat. “Daddy, is it lunch time?”. She asks through barely opened eyes blurry and red from the immense amount of THC pulsing around her body. I chuckle slightly thinking that she thinks hours have flown by, instead of the two since her breakfast feeding session. It's barely past ten in the morning. 
As my hands push gas out of her our, both ends of her showing the effects of eating ten thousand calories in three hours, I lean into her yielding form and whisper, “You need more, baby. You're not ready yet. I need you so much fatter. More fuzzy brained, more obedient.”. I bring the pen back to her lips and leave it there till she takes a deep, long, hard hit. My other hand snakes between her thighs, I feel them wiggle and squeeze my hand. “Is my cow getting hungry and horny?” thick warm honied words fill her ear. She takes another deep hit of the pen. "That's it, get nice and dumb piggy. Just how I like you." Taking the pen away her head falls back as she moans and moos, she always does this when her brain is soaked in weed, arousal, and dopamine from being fed. 
I take my time to grope her fattening body, licking and kissing each stretch mark, tasting her mouth and the flavors of her meals. The oven dings to let me know the pan of brownies is done. As I bring the warm, gooey and heavy pan laden with enough butter, sugar, and chocolate to kill a normal person, her mouth is hanging open. I see my opening and start shoving in hunks of brownie by the handful. She doesn't resist, just a dumb smile between bites as she paws at her FUPA and thighs. Just how I like her, stuffed and so horny she is an eating machine. 
The last handful I scrape out of the pan and into her mouth brings a rumble for her stomach. I can feel her belly shake as it begs for more food. The piggy's belly wants more. Such a deeply arousing moment for a feeder brings a grunt from my mouth. "Such a perv." she laughs and I smirk at her. 
"Says the half naked fatty, eating and smoking whatever I give her." a familiar crimson shoots across her cheeks. My hands pull her thighs apart, causing her gut to drop between her legs. A gasp rips out of her mouth followed by a deep throaty moan as the full force of her obesity hits her. She is quiet after that. 
This continued for hours. Between naps to settle her stomach and give me time to prepare meal after meal, she was an absolute blimp by the end of the night. The appetite enhancers, shakes, weed, and mountains of food had rendered her immobile on the couch, at least until she could sleep for 24 hours. When I would use the bathroom or run to the pantry for something, her sweaty wheezing face would show me the futile attempts to move. 
She was too high, too fat, dependent on whatever I wanted to do next. After today, her body would convert this gluttony into new heavy immobilizing fat. Hanging sheets of lard that would make it easier and easier to feed her into a couch locked sow that could only eat, smoke, and groan. She lies there clutching her gravid looking belly, soothing it like a heavily pregnant woman, instead of a morbidly obese whale. As the food settled into her stomach, mixing and churning, every minute I could see her body struggle to hold the thirty thousand calories into her gut. 
The rocking back and forth of her hips told me she was unbearably horny. Under her hanging gut and hefty FUPA I can almost hear her genitals begging to be used. 
As I stood in the kitchen getting her dessert ready, a loud crack followed by her yelling for Daddy. I ran over to her looking over the immensity of her body, she had broken the couch and the splinters were under her ass. The sow was sitting on the floor! 
"I told you you'd break it.." I say standing at the door way chuckling.  "Look at you,  whiney and dumb. Bet you don't even understand that it was your fat ass that's broken the couch". She  shakes her head, then slowly realizes it was her beluga sized ass and gut that broke it.
"Daddy, I'm sorry. Please help me up, please!. I want to go to the bedroom! I want you to touch me!" she pleads as her flabby arms wave and beg for me to lift her up. Leaning over her, rubbing circles around her navel and holding a box of jelly donuts, her eyes see the dozen fried sugar bombs and her gut growls again.
"You're not going anywhere my sweet." I flip the box open and without hesitation shove a jelly filled donut sloppily into her mouth. My hand covers her mouth, making sure she can't even think about not swallowing the whole thing. She was so insatiable,her eating sounded like a fucking orgy. Wet squelching of her fat lips coated in thick layers of jelly and pastry, her moans from a packed mouth of fried dough and sugar, the high pitched screams as she pawed her hidden genitals. 
So focused on eating and taking the next doughnut whole, she failed to notice me spreading her legs, nibbling the soft sensitive flesh of her thighs. 
"More! Please!" she pleads and her words are met, another donut shoved into her mouth as I suck her buried clit. "Fuck!" muffled by pastry and lust comes from her lips. Her clit leaked into my mouth, I could swear it tasted like icing. 
"Cum on my face baby, you can cum as much as you want, you just have to keep eating." I say bringing another doughnut to her lips. Once the two donuts were gone there was little reprieve for her clit and her belly. I could tell the fast pace and force of the feeding was making her stuffed again and this was only donut three of twelve. Her  thighs tensing around my head let me know a second orgasm was ripping through her body.
Parting her legs, I kissed her deeply, "Keep eating princess, I promise if you finish it all Daddy will make you feel so good. I'll make sure I breed you nice and deep." my hand slaps her churning screaming gut and a belch loudly followed by a pained moan with hints of arousal.
I giggle at her "There's my growing girl. Now, have another donut. I'm not done with you and I won't be for a while-"
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quads4days · 9 months
"Tidal Transformations: The Poolside Mystery"
Prologue: The Spill
The first hint of dawn painted the sky in pastel shades of orange and pink. The tranquillity of the early morning was broken only by the rhythmic thud of Thomas's running shoes on the paved trail. As the rising sun began to illuminate the world, it cast a golden hue on Thomas's imposing form. Each stride showcased the sinewy contours of his calves and the powerful flex of his thighs. His sweat-slicked torso glistened, drawing attention to the ripple of muscles on his abdomen and the broad expanse of his chest, each inhalation highlighting his chiselled pecs. A lifetime of dedication to physical fitness had carved his body into a masterpiece, admired and envied by many in the town.
The bridge up ahead cast its long shadow on the churning river below. Thomas, with his bronzed Adonis-like form, relished these early morning jogs before the demands of his lifeguarding job consumed his day. As he neared the bridge, the discordant blare of sirens invaded the serene ambience. Blue and red lights danced across the mist that had settled over the river. A huge tanker lay sprawled awkwardly in the water, half-submerged. Authorities swarmed the area, working feverishly to secure the scene and retrieve the vehicle.
"What on earth…" Thomas muttered to himself, slowing his pace to observe the commotion. He noticed the logo on the side of the tanker — BB Enterprises, a company he knew to be involved in advanced medical research.
One of the emergency personnel, a woman with steel grey hair and a demeanour that suggested she was in charge, barked orders at her crew. "Ensure every bit of that waste is accounted for!" she shouted.
Thomas watched as large containers, presumably filled with medical waste, were hauled from the river, their contents a mystery to the onlookers. He felt an uneasy churn in his gut, but he couldn't pinpoint why.
A uniformed officer, noticing Thomas's lingering presence, approached him. "Move along, sir. This area is off-limits."
Thomas nodded, tearing his gaze away from the chaotic scene. He resumed his run, but the image of the capsized tanker remained etched in his mind. As he neared the local pool where he worked, a thought struck him — the pool's water was sourced directly from the river.
Chapter One: Shifting Tides
The morning sun beamed down on the local pool, casting shimmering reflections on the water’s surface. Thomas, in his official lifeguard uniform - or rather, the lack thereof, stood as a central figure. Shirtless, with his skin bronzed from endless days in the sun; his physique was an embodiment of strength and allure. His well-defined pecs and the deep valleys between his abdominals drew many an admiring (and envious) glance from patrons.
A subtle nod here and a wink there, Thomas worked the crowd masterfully. His role wasn’t just about ensuring safety; he also played the part of the charming, friendly lifeguard everyone loved to interact with. Children would excitedly wave at him, hoping for some recognition, while adults often initiated casual chats, mostly as an excuse to be near his magnetic presence.
But, for all the attention he commanded, there was one person at the pool that day who equally caught Thomas's discerning eye. It was Ben, a pool regular known for his stamina and the long laps he swam daily. Ben's toned body, with muscles rippling in just the right manner, made him a mirror counterpart to Thomas. As Ben finished his set and hoisted himself out of the pool, the water cascading down his chiselled abs, Thomas approached, raising his hand for their customary high-five.
"Great set today, Ben!" Thomas complimented as their palms met with a satisfying smack.
Ben chuckled, "Thanks! Felt good." The water droplets on his skin accentuated every contour, and Thomas couldn’t help but admire the view. It was an open secret around town about Thomas's fluid preferences, and many suspected that his camaraderie with Ben was more than just friendly.
Their shared glances had an underlying spark, a magnetic pull that had, over time, become a cherished secret between the two men. As Ben made his way to the changing rooms, Thomas followed suit, ensuring he wasn't seen. They both knew the routine, having enacted it countless times before.
The communal showers were deserted at this hour, with only the echoing sound of water dripping from a faulty tap. Steam enveloped the room, making the atmosphere sultry and charged. Without a word, Thomas turned on a shower, the water cascading down, and they stepped into the spray together.
As they closed the distance, Thomas reached for a bottle of soap, letting its silky contents spill onto his palm. He started by lathering Ben's broad shoulders, working his way down the muscular expanse of his back, appreciating every inch. The intimacy of the act, combined with the warm water surrounding them, heightened their senses.
But as Thomas’s hands moved around to Ben's abdomen, a sudden change jolted them both. Beneath his fingers, where once there had been tight, firm muscles, there was now a sudden softness. Thomas pulled back in surprise and watched, horrified, as Ben's fit body began to expand. A spare tyre of fat, uncharacteristic and unexpected, ballooned out around his midsection. Ben’s face twisted in confusion and distress.
"What's happening?" he gasped, his voice edged with panic.
"I don't know," Thomas replied, equally alarmed. The shower was hastily turned off as Ben continued to grow. As Thomas watched, the metamorphosis unfolded in agonising detail. The first thing he noticed was Ben's abdomen distending outward, like a balloon being gradually inflated. The once sharp lines of his six-pack faded, overtaken by the burgeoning flesh. His chest, previously firm and muscled, started to sag under the weight of the sudden adipose. The water cascading down their bodies made the expansion even more surreal, with every droplet magnifying the sight. The once lean and sinewy arms that Thomas had admired filled out, losing their chiselled definition, resembling dough that was proving and expanding.
Ben's face rounded, the sharp jawline becoming softer, plumper. Even his legs, the source of his swimming power, thickened, thighs rubbing together, the chiselled calves bloating outward. The transformation was total, shocking, and yet mesmerising in a grotesque manner.
As fear gripped Ben's widened eyes, Thomas instinctively pulled out his phone with one hand, dialling for an ambulance. But his other hand, driven by a mixture of concern and morbid curiosity, couldn't resist exploring this changed form. His fingers dug into the new, soft layers, tracing the unfamiliar contours. The act was intimate, perhaps even more so than their earlier touch, filled with a combination of wonder, worry, and an undeniable hint of longing. Ben moaned loudly before demanding loudly, “Feed me, Thomas! Make the hunger stop!”
Chapter Two: Transformation in Tandem
Thomas had a strange knack for compartmentalising traumatic events, and the scene of ambulance officers working with an effortful strain to help the newly engorged Ben into their vehicle was already locked away. The hospital would determine the cause - a severe allergic reaction, they surmised. However, the hedonistic memory of their tryst, a fusion of passion and panic, the sensation of touch transforming from solid muscle to softening flesh, still lingered fresh in his mind.
Later that day, the sun cast long, rippling reflections on the pool's surface, and as always, Thomas stood sentinel over his domain. His bronze, chiselled torso gleamed with droplets of water, each muscle defined and taut. It wasn’t just his duty to guard the pool; he was also its prime spectacle.
When Cameron and Arthur approached the pool's entrance, their athletic bodies testament to hours of dedication at the neighbouring CrossFit, Thomas couldn’t help but give them an appreciative glance. Cameron's sinewy frame was a stark contrast to Arthur’s bulkier, sculpted build, yet both radiated sheer power. Their pecs were defined, every ripple in their abs visible, thighs strong, and calves like sculpted stone.
Seeing them, Thomas’ roguish smile appeared, and he motioned for them to enter on the house. It was an unspoken transaction - a simple exchange of favours between bodies that understood and admired one another. They grinned back, their tight trunks hinting at their gym-honed glutes.
After an hour or so of swimming, the duo emerged, water glistening off their tanned bodies, making their muscles look even more pronounced. With a sly glance in Thomas’s direction, they moved towards the staff showers. And although they didn't beckon him verbally, Thomas knew the ritual.
Slipping in behind them, the steamy atmosphere of the showers almost acted as a veil, obscuring the outside world. Cameron and Arthur, already towel-dried, turned to face Thomas, their expressions a mix of mischief and anticipation. Drawing him in, three sets of hands explored familiar terrains.
However, amidst the passionate embrace, Thomas felt something amiss. His hands, as they roamed over Cameron and Arthur, detected subtle differences. The once hard obliques seemed softer, the chiselled midriffs slightly padded. It felt as though each man had suddenly added about 10kg to their waists. Deja vu hit Thomas like a tidal wave. Memories of Ben flashed before his eyes, and a frisson of anxiety rushed through him even as the steam and passion surrounded them. The misty veil of steam around them only accentuated the charged atmosphere as Thomas, Cameron, and Arthur entwined. Each movement was a symphony of muscle against muscle, their bronzed bodies glistening with beads of water and perspiration. Their Adonis-like forms were nothing short of mesmerising; every ripple of a muscle, every flex of a bicep, and the way their physiques intertwined felt like a work of art in motion.
Yet, as their fervour grew, Thomas noticed an undeniable shift. Cameron's lean frame, known for its sinewy muscles, started to soften. His defined abdomen started to round; each previously defined muscle seemed to blur and soften under Thomas's touch. Arthur, who possessed a bulkier but equally defined build, began to plump up more prominently. The thick, sculpted pectorals started to sag slightly, no longer firm but turning softer, more malleable.
As the moments passed and their passion intensified, the transformation became more evident. Arthur's muscular legs, once rock-hard and sculpted, now jiggled slightly, thickening and expanding. Cameron's once chiselled jawline started to round, a double chin subtly emerging. Their weight seemed to increase dramatically, the very force of it pushing against Thomas, almost pinning him between their ever-expanding forms.
Thomas felt both awe and a rising panic as the two men continued to swell in size. Their combined weight, growing from a lithe 80kg each to a staggering 120kg, was both a marvel and a mystery. The weight wasn't just in fat; their muscles also grew but were rapidly being enveloped by the expanding flesh. The sculpted physiques he had admired were transforming into softer, larger versions.
Their passionate endeavours slowed down as Cameron and Arthur felt the changes themselves, their movements becoming heavier, more laboured. There was a brief moment of shared alarm in their eyes, yet their physical connection didn't wane. Encased between the two, Thomas was trapped, not just by their weight but by the sheer inexplicability of the situation.
The room, charged with a mix of passion and panic, became a tableau of transformation. Thomas’ adonis figure was encased between the two men, once at the pinnacle of physical fitness, now ex-jocks whose CrossFit days were now long in the rearview mirror.
Chapter Three: The Inevitable Waves of Change
The sun glinted off Thomas's bronzed skin, accentuating each sinewy curve of his muscular frame as he sat atop his lifeguard tower. The strength evident in his thickly set arms and broad chest was not just for show. However, even his years of rigorous training had not prepared him for the surreal events of the past day. Distracted by the afterglow of yesterday’s encounter, a frantic cry from the water jolted Thomas back into his role. Two young women, who had been happily splashing around earlier, now appeared to be struggling, their once slender bodies rapidly changing. As Thomas squinted against the glare, he realised with shock that they weren't drowning but were instead inflating, their limbs becoming rounder and their torsos swelling like balloons.
With a speed that belied his size, Thomas was in the water, the taut muscles of his back and legs propelling him forward. As he approached the duo, their faces showed a mix of confusion and panic. Each girl's waistline had thickened, and their once-fitted swimwear now stretched to its limits. The buoyancy of their new, plush forms made it easier for Thomas to guide them towards the shallower end, but as they reached the pool's edge, their rapid weight gain made it near impossible for them to lift themselves out.
Relying on his immense strength, Thomas, with veins pulsing in his thick forearms, reached under the arms of one girl, heaving her upwards. Her once firm body now felt soft and malleable under his hands. Managing to get her seated at the pool's edge, he turned back to the other, using his broad shoulders and back to push her out of the water.
Out of the pool, they looked like entirely different individuals, their skin glistening not just with pool water but stretched over newly formed rolls of fat. Their swimsuits, designed for svelte figures, were now digging into their flesh, creating lines where the fabric strained.
As Thomas tried to calm the panicked girls, assuring them that medical help was on the way, two men – presumably their boyfriends – emerged from the pool. Their chiselled jaws dropped in horror at the sight of their transformed girlfriends. But before they could even process the situation, they themselves became the centre of attention. Beginning with tightness in their swim trunks, their glutes began expanding outward at a rapid pace. Their athletic chests puffed out, but not with the solid feel of muscle. Within minutes, their formerly sculpted abs were buried beneath layers of soft, yielding fat.
The pool area was now in chaos, with onlookers pointing and whispering. Thomas, though stunned, knew he needed to act. But deep inside, he couldn't deny a sense of exhilaration at witnessing these incredible transformations up close. The pool had become an epicentre of mysterious, rapid weight gain, and the root cause still eluded him. He just hoped he could keep his own desires in check long enough to unravel this enigma, realising he himself had just taken a plunge into the same waters that had changed these patrons.
Chapter Four: Tempting Fate
Thomas' gaze darted back and forth between the pool water and his reflection. The events of the past days had left a cloud of paranoia over him. He expected to see a softened face, a rounded belly, or fleshy arms. Instead, the figure that stared back was the familiar masterpiece he had worked hard to chisel: defined cheekbones, a broad chest with each pec defined, and abdominal muscles carved to perfection.
The serenity of the day was abruptly shattered by the sound of a scuffle near the deep end. A young woman with golden locks was visibly uncomfortable, her blue eyes flashing with anger as she tried to ward off the advances and unsolicited fondling of a brawny jock. He was undeniably imposing with steroid-enhanced muscles that threatened to burst from his tight-fitting shirt.
Without hesitation, Thomas stepped forward, interposing himself between the two. "Why don't you take a swim and cool off?" he suggested, subtly emphasizing the jock's flushed face.
The jock squared up, his artificially inflated biceps bulging with what seemed like suppressed rage. The menacing stare, the tightly clenched jaw—Thomas met it all with a calm and assertive gaze. Deciding to bait him, Thomas playfully taunted, "I bet you can't swim a kilometer without stopping."
The jock's hand shot forward, shoving Thomas with a force that would have unbalanced any lesser man. However, Thomas' well-toned legs held firm. With a grumble, the jock accepted the challenge, quickly discarding his shirt and revealing a torso that was more akin to a Greek statue than a real human. Without another word, he plunged into the water, his strokes strong and powerful.
The girl approached Thomas, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice quivering slightly. However, Thomas' attention was fixed on the pool. His heart raced, not from fear or adrenaline, but from anticipation.
As the laps continued, the jock's form began to falter. By the 38th lap, his once smooth, rhythmic strokes began to appear sluggish. Thomas leaned forward, eyes narrowed in concentration. And then it began.
At first, it was a subtle ripple in the water, an unexplained disturbance. But soon, the jock's broad shoulders, which had been slicing through the water with precision, now looked...softer. The once tight skin that had showcased every sinewy muscle now seemed to wobble with each stroke. His well-defined back started to round, flesh pushing outward. His tight swimming trunks, which had previously only accentuated his lean physique, began to dig into expanding flesh.
What was once a trim waist ballooned outward, pushing against the fabric of his swimwear. His steroid-enhanced pecs, previously firm and proud, sagged under the weight of accumulating fat. And his thighs, those powerful pistons that had propelled him so effortlessly, now chafed with each kick.
By the 40th lap, the jock could swim no more. He clung to the edge of the pool, panting heavily. His previously Adonis-like figure had transformed into something softer, rounder, and undeniably heavier. The once cocky swagger was replaced by a look of pure disbelief, his eyes wide as they took in his newly acquired bulk. The jock, gasping and struggling in the water, turned his terrified eyes to Thomas. The arrogance and confidence that had once been a mainstay of his countenance had vanished, replaced with raw fear. His flailing arms reached out, trying to gain some purchase on the pool's edge, but his newfound bulk made even the simplest actions cumbersome.
Thomas stood tall and imposing, his taut muscles and athletic form casting a shadow over the expanding man. The pool's once still water now undulated, disturbed by the jock's desperate thrashing and the rapid inflation of his body. The very sight of this once proud figure begging, his voice desperate and strained, was a contrast that wasn’t lost on Thomas.
The jock's growth was not a slow transformation this time. It was as if nature itself sought to expedite his retribution. His abdomen distended first, pushing outward at a pace that was almost audible, the taut skin stretching to accommodate the rapid accumulation of fat. His pecs, once firm and prominent, drooped heavily, merging with the fatty bulge of his midsection.
Thomas, leaning down, whispered, "You reap what you sow." His voice was cold and unforgiving, and the jock's eyes widened in terror, his pleading intensifying.
The jock's limbs started to thicken next. Muscles that once rippled with power now disappeared beneath expanding flesh. His once muscular arms looked like they were being pumped full of air, his forearms disappearing into meaty hands. And his legs, his strong, tree-trunk legs, now resembled massive pillars, growing at such a rate that they started to push against each other, constrained by the water.
Thomas, with a sudden jolt of compassion and realisation, began trying to rescue the jock from his swelling fate. He reached forward, his muscular arms straining against the sheer mass of the man. A crowd gathered, and several bystanders, fuelled by a mix of curiosity and altruism, joined Thomas in his efforts.
With every pull, with every heave, the jock's body continued its relentless expansion. As they passed the 450kg mark, it felt as if they were trying to rescue a giant balloon being rapidly inflated. The weight was staggering, and the sheer girth of the jock was making it difficult to get a proper grip. But Thomas, driven by determination, rallied the crowd, and with a concerted effort, they managed to drag the jock to the edge of the pool.
However, by the time they succeeded in partially hauling him out, the jock was almost unrecognisable. The man, who had once been the epitome of athletic prowess, was now a mound of flesh, his features almost entirely obscured by his bloated form. The once-tight swimwear had given way, lost beneath the folds of his immense bulk. His breathing was laboured, each inhalation causing his massive body to quiver. By now, it was evident that he was pushing 500kg.
Thomas, panting and drenched in sweat, looked at the behemoth in front of him. The transformation was both mesmerising and horrifying, a stark reminder of the pool's mysterious and terrifying power.
Chapter Five: Whispers of Change
The events of the previous day had turned the once-quiet pool into a site of intrigue. The sun hung high and unrelenting, its rays bouncing off the glistening water, drawing even larger crowds to the infamous pool. The whispers about the 500kg transformation reached far and wide, but instead of deterring patrons, it seemed to have the opposite effect.
Thomas perched in his high chair, his eyes scanning the bustling pool area. The sight of Cameron and Arthur, sprawled out by the poolside took him by surprise. Their newly acquired bellies — prominent, round, and proudly displayed — caught the sun’s rays, making their skin shine. Their hands caressed each other's newfound bulk, fingers sinking slightly into the soft flesh. The two seemed content, undisturbed by their recent changes, their love for each other apparently deepened by their shared experience.
While the previous transformations had been dramatic, the effects today were subtler, perhaps because of the crowd. But they were still noticeable if one knew where to look. And Thomas, with his keen observation, definitely noticed.
A father, probably in his late 40s, emerged from the pool. While earlier he'd had the tell-tale signs of a mild dad bod — soft around the edges but not particularly pronounced — now there was a definite change. The waistband of his shorts dug into a newly formed layer of fat, creating a slight overhang. His shirt, once loosely draped over his frame, now clung to a more rounded midsection. He seemed oblivious to the extra weight, chatting animatedly with his family as they settled down for a picnic.
Further down, a group of young women, probably in their early twenties, stepped out of the pool. They had spent no more than fifteen minutes in the water, but the effects were undeniable. The high-cut bikini bottoms, which had once accentuated their toned physiques, now had a slightly different story to tell. Soft, pillowy flesh now crept over the edges, not enough to be immediately alarming, but enough for an observant eye to notice.
Thomas continued his vigil, noting each transformation. A teenage boy, athletic and spry when he entered, now had a faint roundness to his cheeks and a slight pudginess to his belly. An older woman, once svelte and elegant in her one-piece, had her thighs now touched in a way they hadn’t before.
The transformations were myriad — some subtle, some a bit more pronounced, but none as drastic as the jock's. The pool's power, it seemed, was proportional to the exposure, and the patrons seemed oblivious to the fact that their day of leisure had more costs than their planned for.
Chapter Six: Ripples of Transformation
It was late afternoon when the rumbling sounds of camaraderie echoed through the pool area. A team of rugby players, their jerseys marked with the evidence of a fiercely fought game, entered in high spirits. Each player was the epitome of fitness, their physiques chiselled from hours of rigorous training and matches.
Thomas recognised the team. They were the local heroes, having won the regional championships earlier that day. They had come to celebrate, to wash off the sweat and grime, and to enjoy a moment of reprieve.
The players, laughing and joking, quickly stripped down to their swimwear. Their muscles rippled, each movement showcasing years of dedication to their sport. The sunlight gleamed off their broad backs, their torsos tapering down to lean waists and powerful legs. Initially, they lounged by the pool, chatting and relishing their victory. But soon, the temptation of the cool water proved too much. With playful shoves and mock protests, they all ended up in the pool. Their boisterous energy transformed the ambience, their laughter infectious.
Thomas observed them from his perch, aware of what might ensue, but equally curious to see the outcome. As minutes turned to hours, he began to notice the initial signs.
The team captain, a tall man with a prominent jawline and a frame that bespoke power, was the first to show visible change. His abs, previously like a washboard, started to soften, each pack melding into the next. His pecs, once tight and firm, began to droop ever so slightly.
Next, the swift winger, known for his agility, found his thighs thickening, the toned muscles now covered in a layer of plumpness. His face, sharp and angular, took on a rounder, softer appearance.
One by one, each player underwent their transformation. Some added bulk around their waists, the beginnings of a belly forming. Others found their biceps and triceps becoming less distinct, blending into the increasing fullness of their arms. Butts expanded, pushing against the fabric of their swimwear. Faces filled out, necks disappeared, and backs broadened further.
Yet, amidst this change, the spirit of the team remained undeterred. They acknowledged their expanding forms with humour as if only realising their team mates physiques for the first time, slapping each other’s muscle bellies. Their bond, it seemed, only strengthened.
Their mirth was infectious, spreading quickly to the pool’s other patrons. But their loudest cheers were reserved for one person—Thomas.
“Hey! It’s the legendary Thomas!” the team's burly prop forward shouted, causing heads to turn and hushed whispers to circulate. Many of the players shared knowing glances and cheeky winks. Tales of Thomas's passionate escapades with some of the team members were the stuff of legend. His reputation, it seemed, was as well-known off the lifeguard chair as it was on it.
In their post-match euphoria, a playful plot began to form. With a gleam in their eyes, several players approached Thomas. “Fancy a dip, lifeguard?” the captain teased, the undercurrent of mischief evident in his voice.
Thomas laughed it off at first, but the men were insistent, their intentions clear as they closed in. He began to resist, using all his might to fend off their advances. But even the renowned strength of Thomas, impressive as it was, stood little chance against a group of determined and slightly inebriated rugby players.
The world seemed to blur and slow as he felt himself lifted and then, with a dramatic arc, hurled into the pool. The coldness of the water shocked his senses, but instinct kicked in, and he swam to the surface as swiftly as he could, eager to escape the potentially transformative properties of the water.
Emerging, his hair slicked back and his body glistening, he was met with the raucous applause and cheers of the rugby team. They congratulated him on his swift escape, patting him on the back, their expanding hands now noticeably softer. As they struggled to fit into their jerseys, now straining at the seams and riding up over their enlarging bellies, the mood remained lighthearted.
The evening eventually wound down, and as the last echoes of laughter faded into the night, a profound sensation overcame Thomas. A hunger, deep and insatiable, gnawed at him, his stomach growling loudly. Thomas sighed in relief when his hand felt solid abs as it rubbed his torso, but the hunger remained. He glanced at the still waters of the pool, its mysteries continuing to deepen as his mind raced through what he would eat on his way home from work.
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zaidthefeederist · 4 months
Giving in to gluttony : A fit to fat story (part 1)
We were both at the gym after work just like most days. This is where we first met. I saw you on the squat rack and was enamored by your beauty (and the perfect ass you had definitely helped). I approached you and we went on a date and had been dating since then. Though we both were fitness freaks (i still am) there's a part of me i haven't told you about. A part of me that would rather have you tied up in my bed sporting a fat belly so big it hangs to your knees. I've kept it in check for as long as i can, you had only gained 10 pounds in our 4 months together and a lot of that has been muscle definition since we started working out. Today however, it all changes. One faithful injury changes everything.
"This….freaking….sucks" I say grumpy as I sit next to you in the car. We just came back from the first aid room. I look at my leg and shake my head "no lifting, no cardio…and no rock climbing for 6 months?!" I cross my arms and sigh "That also means I really have to watch what I eat…else I end up like one of those fat girls at the gym" The other day we had been making jokes about a chubby girl that was struggling to do basic cardio
"god i know baby, its not fair at all. Not having you at the gym is going to make me lose all my motivation, not to mention who else will i make fun of the fatties with" i look to you after we both laugh to ourselves.."dont worry though babe. ill take good care of you, You know i've been making myself a better and better cook. Ill make sure your diet goes exactly according to plan.." i say as i keep my hand on your toned thigh, giving it a rub and feeling ecstatic and the though of having a home bound girlfriend for 6 whole months.
**2 weeks later**
"im so bored" I sigh before taking another cookie that you made me. "Im usually at the gym right now" Another cookie goes into my stomach. I dont seem to notice the little bit of pudge that was pressing on to my waistband when I sat down like this. You had noticed that I did a lot of "boredom eating"…and recently…I had also started snacking when I was stressed or feeling a little down.
"Im done babe!" i yell, having baked another batch of cookies. The last 2 weeks have been heavenly. Turns out when liz is left to her own devices with nothing else to do, she becomes rather peckish. Its nothing insane yet but she'll never say no to a little treat every now and then. With the absence of the gym and with me making sure to always make every meal of hers just a bit more heavy, she's managed to maintain her weight at 140 pounds albeit with a major bonus. If before she was toned and slightly muscular, now shes lost her definition and is even developing a little pudge. I see her belly pressing against her waistband as she snacks on one of the cookies i made her and see it press further and further against the band as she makes the tray of cookies magically disappear.
You always made sure to take the plates away or split it in multiple portions, so I had no idea how much I was actually eating in a day. after finishing the third tray of cookies that day you see I am rubbing my belly…I was getting full and I hadn't even eaten a meal! "My tummy is a bit upset" I say as I rub it. "better drink something" I grab the glass of soda that you had brought me. I drink all of it in one go. "I can't believe this is actually sugar free" I say surprised "it tastes like one of those cheap soda's that is super b-BRUUAUUAUAAAAAAAAAP-ad " I look wide eyed and cover my mouth with a blush "s-sorry!"
"Haha that was pretty cool!" i say immediately so as to not make you think i dislike it. I cant let you know that youve given me a hard on with that deep nasty belch, at least not yet. "I don't mind babe" i say as i nuzzle in right next to you on the bed. "in fact if anything it lets me know you really enjoyed whatever i made for you so no need to apologize." i say as i keep my hand on your bloated stuffed belly, giving it a good rub. "I guess you reallly loved those cookies huh, hehe"
"I-I do" I say blushing as you rub my belly…it felt good, but it also made me a bit aware of the fact that I was softer now. "I mean…its just not very lady like to burp like that right?" I smile as you roll your eyes at me "BRUUAAAAP…ooohhff but it does make my tummy feel better"
I moan to myself making sure you don't hear me. "I'm glad you like them" i reply, both to your answer and to that big burp you let out. We spend a few more minutes like this with me rubbing your rounded gut, making you get used to the feeling, making you love my hands on your tummy, making you know i like those un-lady like burps. Im slowly easing your mind into its new state. The state of pure gluttony. Before i get up from bed i decide to try one more thing, i grab your belly and give it a hard pinch and lean up next to your ear "You were a good girl today, keep eating like this and soon you'll be like those fatties at the gym". I whispered it and said it in a teasing tone, but i could tell by your breathing…it did its job. My eyes go wide and my face goes dark red. Did he really just say that?…Is he making a joke?…why do I like him teasing and humiliating me?! I look down and my heart beats even faster, judging by the bulge in your pants…you really liked seeing me like this. "w-what?….a-are you trying to make me fat?" I ask in a soft voice. You just smile, gently kiss my belly before squeezing it again and leave with the empty plates…Am I really going to get fat?
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bumblebeabae · 2 months
Viv's gain pt 1
"I really need to gain some weight" Vivienne chuckled to her friends. Viv was 98 pounds and didn't eat a lot causing her to become something resembling a skeleton, she hated it but feared gaining weight just as much. Most of the group agreed saying things like "Go your pace." or "As long as you're comfortable" and "We are here to support you" but what Viv didn't know is that one person had different intentions. Scott remained suspiciously quiet, maybe a little flustered but no one noticed, was this his chance? would he finally find someone to... Before he could think, words spilled out of his mouth "You could come to mine Viv, I'm a great cook". Viv smiled and accepted his offer, "You could come round tonight if you would like", "Sound's great, I'll be there."
Later that day Viv arrived at Scotts' house wearing size 4 shorts that were loose around her waist and a wrinkled tank top, as she struggled to find anything that fit her slim body. Upon entering she noticed all the pasta he cooked, some gnocchi, mac and cheese, chicken alfredo, 3 entire bowls, surely that wasn't all for her, was it? "What's with all the pasta Scott" her words slightly trembling "Oh heh, I had no idea what type of pasta you liked and my service is terrible out here, I didn't get a chance to ask." he smiled "Any leftovers, I will just save in the fridge." Viv nodded, Scott was so thoughtful, and to be honest, she liked all these options, it would be hard to pick. "In that case could I..." she hesitated "hm, could I have some chicken alfredo?" Scott served her her dinner, not grabbing a bowl for himself, and put on a movie. "Oh shoot! I almost forgot, would you like a drink? I have water, hot chocolate, coffee, anything you would like." "A hot chocolate would be nice" Viv replied. Scott smirked, "Perfect choice." He had recently bought some chocolate-flavoured weight gain powder, even if Viv wasn't going to eat much yet, this was sure the help her get started. The movie ended, Viv had finished her meal and her hot chocolate and as she stood Scott could see that the ill-fitting shorts from a few hours ago had begun to look quite fitting. Viv hugged Scott on the way out, "This was great, you really made me feel comfortable here, I would love to do this often" Scott felt his chest flutter, was he really going to be able to pull this off? "Y-Yeah totally, any requests?" "Surprise me" Viv replied. I definitely will Scott smirked.
Their meetup happened quite a few more times over 3 weeks, by the third week Scott had convinced Viv to have dessert that was filled with lots of heavy cream, although she didn't know that part. This would prove to turn the tables.
Week 4, one month in, Viv hadn't really noticed many changes and she promised herself she wouldn't look at the scale, she did realise her shorts from a month ago had begun to be snug and left red marks on her after she sat down for a while, but that was a normal part of weight gain, it's what she wanted after all, and plus, she still looked quite slim. For today's dinner, she decided to wear those same shorts and tank top, it was the first thing Scott noticed about her, at this stage, it was hard to tell, but for Scotts' trained eye it was easy to see her shorts were starting to dig, a very slight layer of chub folding over her shorts. "Welcome Viv, tonight I decided to order in, I have McDonalds on the table, I ordered a lot, take your pick" Viv eagerly walked into his home, and picked out a Bigmac, sprite and 10 chicken nuggets, "Is that all?" Scott asked curiously, "I figured you should have a little extra today, given it's a month since we started doing this." Viv reluctantly agreed, he had spent a lot of money on this, may as well have some more, so she grabbed a cheeseburger as well. It was halfway through tonight's movie she had finished the burger, drink and fries, Viv's shorts were feeling exceptionally tight and her tank top had no wrinkles left, she shifted uncomfortably and debated undoing her button - no, I dont want him to notice, I will finish this last cheeseburger, wait for the movie to be over, leave, order new shorts and Scott won't realise. Though physically she had made progress, mentally she was still ashamed of other people actually noticing her gain. She bit into the burger, and another bite, struggling to swallow, feeling her body screaming - but she refused to waste Scott's money, when suddenly *pop* the button on her shorts gave way, her newfound pooch jiggled out in front and was double - hell maybe even triple the size it was this morning. Viv's face instantly turned red, her heart pounding out of her chest, maybe Scott didnt notice? Viv turned her head, her eyes would have met with scotts if it wasnt for the fact he was staring at her growing tummy, he was speechless. Flustered, Viv tried hopelessly to pull down her tank top but given its size, it just rolled back up, continuously revealing the pudge on display then Scott began to speak, "That was hot-" "Excuse me?" Viv couldn't believe what she just heard, "I- uh, well" Scott started to look as red as she was, "It's just, you look so good with that pudge on you." He said bluntly. Viv blushed, was this still embarrassment or was it turning into - no no no, "W-what are you saying?" she stuttered. Scott figured he had nothing to lose, "I'm saying I am into fat girls and - and I want to make you my pig." Viv was shocked, she had no idea what to say. "I will cook dinners, buy you new clothes and feed you anything you want." Viv still didn't respond, she looked down at her belly, grabbing the little amount of flab between her hands, feeling the supple softness of her body, this actually feels kinda good. "Okay, I'll try." Scott smiled "Well, first things first - finish that burger" Viv took a deep breath, finished the cheeseburger, and with that, her feederism journey began. To be continued.
This is my first time writing, and it is quite obvious, any tips you guys have to improve are welcome <3
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artifatz · 10 months
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This is the beggining of another sequence I'm really proud of
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spookykoolkat · 13 days
nsfw 18+ just porn w no plot LOL
minors do not interact
plus size reader x joel miller drabble
warnings - 18+ only, plus sized reader, described as thick and bigger, breeding kink, p in v without protection (please wrap it up), just explicit content overall !
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joel miller appreciates a beautiful woman. what you didn't know, is he also appreciated a beautiful, bigger woman. to think you could ever pull joel miller was beyond you, until it happened. now, joel miller doesn't want anything more than to lay in bed with you to memorize every single freckle, stretch mark, roll, dip, and curve.
you've had selfish lovers, none of which will ever be joel. because joel isn't selfish, in fact he'll put hours into making you feel good and won't let you be on your knees to take him in for more than 5 minutes.
"baby," you whined, pressed up against the wall of his brothers bedroom. it was supposed to be a barbecue, house warming type of party for the neighbors and the close friends. he swore he would be on his best behavior, nothing to not focus on the fact that tommy and maria will be welcoming a little girl in less than two months.
his lips are on your neck, kissing and sucking as his hands squeeze at every part of you. he couldn't focus. how could he? he's still a man at the end of the day. and to see you in a dress that hugged at your waist and flowed down your hips, stopping at your upper thigh—he's still a man.
"i gotta feel you baby, i promise i'll make it quick okay? please baby? can ya let me make my sweet girl cum? need to see that pretty face, feel how needy that little cunt is f'me," he slurred, drunk off your scent and already letting his fingers slide up your thigh and feeling the wet spot forming on your panties.
something about you drove him crazy over and over again. and he's reminded every time he's around you. you're so fucking nice. you would do anything for anyone you loved, you hand made gifts for people when you couldn't afford much, you cooked for people and offered to clean their houses when they couldn't — something you didn't need to do. but wanted to.
so kind, thinking of others, nervous and antsy, and somehow you managed to settle right here with joel between your legs. how did he get so lucky? to have a woman who would put up with his trust issues and hesitation of meeting new people? to think of others and not what they could do to harm you instead.
you loved joel's fingers. you loved joel. especially when he made you feel beautiful over and over again, when he knew how to touch you and where exactly to touch you. like now, as his finger tips slowly stroke your clit with your slick, he watches you. it's his favorite thing to do.
"yeah, baby i know, i know," he whispers, a small smirk playing on his open mouthed lips, his cock throbbing painfully the more you contort your face and moan for him.
his favorite thing? to watch you cum. it's the moment it begins to peak for you, and your eyes start to flutter close even as he tells you to watch him.
"look at me baby, don't close those pretty eyes, i need to see ya cum for me, cum around my fingers," he breathes heavily, his fingers dipping inside your tight hole that never fails to make him gasp.
joel could let you stay on his fingers until the end of time, feeling how your slick drips down his hand and makes the filthiest of noises, letting him know it was all his. your eyes always pulled him in, and easily he could read the pleasure all over your face.
your eyes struggled to stay open, fluttering and yearning for him to make you release all over him. all you had to do was look into his eyes — the lust, the admiration, the adoration, everything he felt for you was on display and you felt it. his lips turned upwards as he noticed the glisten in your eyes, silently begging him.
"you're everything i need, you know that right? you were fucking made for me, sugar," your hands flew into his grown out hair and tugged.
"fuck me, joel please, please," you gasped, feeling your stomach turn as your release comes quickly, until he slips his fingers out of you and grabs you, pushing you onto the bed bent over.
"baby, it hurts," you cry, gripping the sheets as your cunt throbs and aches from the neglected orgasm. you craved it, you would've done anything to cum for him.
joel couldn't help but smile as he tugged down his jeans and boxers, releasing his painfully aching cock.
you were his, undoubtedly. the sweetest girl, kindest, most generous and selfless person, his sunshine. you were all his, and no one will ever get to see you the way he does, not like this. he knew it, you knew it. you knew he ruined you for anyone else.
"i'll make it feel better, sweetheart, i promise, let me feel ya," his hands grabbed at the thickness around your waist, squeezing and rubbing as he lands a few taps on your ass.
he didn't bother to tease you anymore, his cock prodding at your sopping hole that he couldn't get enough of. after every time you've let him inside of you, the stretch he gave was just like the first time.
you cried out for him, whining for him to fuck you how he wanted, to make you feel good and for someone who was such a sweet, shy girl—something in joel brought it out of you.
he slid his length fully into you, groaning at the feeling of your ass pressed against him, covering his bottom half fully and having your tight cunt wrapped around him. his urge to fuck you until you knew you were never going anywhere without him caught up to him.
"oh, oh fuck baby," he groaned, pulling almost completely out until you took a breath, and slammed himself back into your cervix. if you were trying to keep it quiet now, you failed.
luckily for you, upstairs wasn't crowded as it was downstairs with the music, the people, the drunks.
your cries and moans only turned him on more, the way your dress rode up your ass and to your thick waist, how you practically laid and gave yourself to him how he wanted. for some reason, he'd never felt more primal than he did now. he wanted to claim you, to keep you, and the pure thought of ever being fucking stupid enough to lose you to another man only makes him desperate for you to know that.
he slips out of you for a moment, making you whine as he flips you over and crawls right between your plentiful thighs to spread you open and see all of you.
"pretty fuckin' pussy, look at ya, fuckin' cryin' f'me, got such a wet cunt and it's cause of how much you want this cock," he boasts, moving his hand from your thigh to your chest, squeeze your breasts as he goes down to rub over the stomach you tended to hide more often than not, just to reach your throbbing clit.
"baby, please, i can't, y-you said it would be quick," you said breathless, hoping to catch a breather before you feel his massive length practically in your throat. he never failed to make you feel good, and you loved him for it.
his fingers gathered your slick between the fat of your lips and slid them up to your clit, rubbing firm circles as he watched you shut your eyes and cry again. he loved how sensitive you were, how vulnerable you were.
"guess i'm a bad man for lyin' huh? let me make it up to you, let me make this little cunt feel good, yeah baby? how's that sound? you can have your cock in my little cunt," he grunted as he slid back inside of you, still rubbing on your sore nub.
your eyes opened up to the ceiling of tommy and maria's bedroom, looking around in a haze to see photos and framed pictures of the family, of you and joel. he was yours too. all of him was yours and it didn't help the situation between your legs. but you couldn't refocus until joel grabbed your cheeks and turned your head to face him, pressing his body into yours with your legs on his shoulders.
"answer me baby, how's this cock feel in this tight fuckin' pussy?" he groaned as he bucked his hips fully into you, sliding out and thrusting harder. you couldn't speak, actually. your voice was caught in your throat, it was unbelievably erotic how he had you folded in half as he pounded your cunt until it was sore.
"f-feel, feels, mmugh, feels-," your eyes did it again, they fluttered and went blurry as you tried to keep eye contact with joel, but it was almost impossible. he had you stuck by your cheeks gripping your jaw, pounding all of himself into an angled position.
"fuck baby, this is my fuckin' pussy, you know that? all. fuckin'. mine." he almost growled, he nearly sounded like he was angry trying to claim you.
you could only barely nod, nothing but whines and desperate moans flowing from your lips. ones you couldn't even control if you wanted to. the sound of his cock slipping in and out of your count drew you mad, throbbing around his length was what was telling him you were close.
"what if i filled this pretty pussy up, huh? let me bust my load inside of this sloppy cunt? you want me t'put a baby in this tummy, mama?" he was spurring himself on, the thought of you pregnant with his child was too inviting he couldn't deny himself.
it did something to you too. your cunt spasmed around his cock before you could even register what was happening, and you let out a stressed cry, a moaning mess as you gushed over him.
it was enough force to nearly push him out of your hole, but he kept up with his pace as he smiled and fucked you even harder, faster and with more passion.
"you fuckin' liked that, yeah? i know you want me t' knock ya up, let everybody know you're carryin' my fuckin' kid, i'm the one who did this, baby." you were chanting his name incessantly, scratching at his skin and legs shaking as his cock became too much for your abused pussy.
"please, cum in me, breed me, fill me up, need it, wanna be pregnant for you, put a baby in me," you were slurring, and you pulled his hand from your cheeks and stuck your tongue out, putting his two fingers in your mouth and sucking. he almost went insane, watching you wrap your mouth around his fingers the way you do when you take his cock on your knees.
he's overly obsessed with you. he'd kill for you. he'd die for you. he'd sacrifice his entire world for you, if it meant you were his.
"you'd be such, fuck sweetheart fuck, such a pretty fuckin' mama," he whined into your ear as he leaned down and left kisses on your cheek.
he felt his balls tighten up, his thrusts getting sloppy and sloppier as his pants and moans become whinier.
"please, please give me your cum, make me a mama, please," you cried, feeling your own release creeping up your spine again. you moved his fingers to your clit, and he sat on his knees as he spread your legs again, finding your clit and rubbing sloppily as he finally released inside of you.
you felt the warmth of his cum spreading inside of you, rope after rope of him sticking to your warm walls, and combined with his sloppy fingers it made your cunt tighten, a sharp and short release finding you again.
joel groaned at the feeling, making sure he fucked his cum into you as you climaxed again and making sure it sticks.
he stayed inside of you a while, just looking at you and your figure, the way your eyes struggled to stay open long enough to keep eye contact with him. he was in love with you, he didn't see how anyone couldn't be.
joel moves again and you whine, eyes meeting his as he apologizes. "sorry baby, i'm just hopin' i see a little version of us runnin' around in approximately nine months."
you sheepishly laugh, moaning when he finally slips out of you and spreads your cunt to see a mixture of your cum leaking out of your hole.
"please come clean me up so we can go home and fuck in our own bed. and we need to burn these sheets. maria is going to hate me if she finds out i got pregnant in her house."
thanks 4 reading i know i havent posted in forever but i couldn't get this out of my mind because joel miller is a fat girl worshipper and i will die on that hill. okay thanks 4 everything pls like and share :p
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guylikesfatgirls95 · 8 months
what happens when they buy a superhero her favorite meals...
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valy-gc · 2 days
Win an Adoptable
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It's been a while I haven't made an adoptable! I was a little sad because a LOT of the adoptable I made and who have been adopted are not even used.
Yes, I know, I say you can do whatever you want with it but... it's still sad. I don't know why some people -peoples that don't even draw or write- buy some adoptable and... do nothing. You never heard of thoses ever again :/
I love seing what peoples do with a character I took time designing...
So... I had a little idea. This adoptable will be free BUT with a condition. let's say it's like a little game, with her a your prize.
Tell me her name and a little backstory for her, and the one I like the most will got her! :)
After what, she will be yours to draw, write, aynthing you want.
What do you think? Wanna play? ;)
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thefatartist · 1 month
Darcie and the Gym Rats: CHAPTER ONE
Nestled within her pillow fort on the cozy expanse of the couch, Darci found herself in a familiar ritual, her gaze fixed on the illuminated lock screen of her phone. Each passing second was pregnant with anticipation, awaiting that gratifying ping of a notification. Yet, as the alerts materialized one after another, most failed to capture her interest, swiftly swiped away with a casual flick of her finger. They barely earned more than a fleeting moment of Darci's attention before being consigned to digital oblivion.
In this digital landscape, only notifications bearing the insignia of Instagram stood a chance to disrupt Darci's nonchalant dismissal. It wasn't that she harbored an addiction to the platform, she reasoned, she could easily break free whenever she pleased. But today wasn't the day for such resolutions. Today, Instagram held sway over her attention, a tantalizing oasis in the desert of mundane notifications.
The tranquil hush of the living room was brutally shattered by the forceful swing of the door. In stepped Jessica, a whirlwind of energy and unmistakable gym dedication. Among the trio of roommates, Darci stood as the sole advocate of a hedonistic lifestyle, her mission clear: to lure her companions to the enticing depths of pleasure, excitement  and indulgence. Jessica, with her characteristic grace, slinked over to the couch, collapsing beside the meticulously arranged "meal" that had been left untouched on the coffee table, a testament to Jessa's culinary efforts. Her gaze darted between the abandoned chocolate wrappers and the inviting warmth of the chicken salad.
"I can't fathom why I bother preparing food for you, only for you to disregard it in favor of..." Jessica's accusatory stare flitted to a suspiciously empty glass bowl perched innocently on the kitchen counter. Jessa’s jaw clenched, "...raiding the entire communal candy bowl?! Darci, that was meant for all of us!" Jessica let out a deep growl, like a dog being deprived of her food bowl by a stranger.
Darci's arm emerged from the confines of her plush pillow fort, dismantling her makeshift kingdom with a casual wave. "The rest of the community was busy battling the Iron Legion of Dumbbells and Broken Dreams," she declared with a scoff. "You snooze, you lose dearie."
Jessica, undeterred, lifted the fork from the salad bowl, its prongs laden with lettuce dripping in ranch dressing. "Why must you drown perfectly good chicken salad in ranch?" she lamented. "Can't you show some respect and at least drown my salad in Thousand Island?"
"Can't you refrain from commenting on how I choke down your rabbit food?" Darcie retorted.
Jessa's eyes rolled so far back into her head that they nearly disappeared, just as the door creaked open once more. Chad swaggered in oozing confidence. "Sup, Protein Princess and Sleeping Drooly…"
"Watch it, Chad, or I'll turn your Prince Charming into Miss Charming!" Darci warned, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Chad was preparing a sarcastic retort before he saw the salad Jessica was eating. “Aw c’mon Jess! Even an Adonis like me needs a cheat day sometimes!” Chad whined.
Jess snapped back “This ‘rabbit food’, as Darcie so delicately put it… “. Chad snickered and Jessa’s voice responded “…It's a carefully planned, macro-balanced...”.
Darcie interrupted “...recipe for utter boredom. Look, why don't we ditch the rabbit food and order some actual food for once? Pizza, maybe? I hear there's this place with a triple-decker meat lover's special...”.
Jess shrieked in horror “Triple-decker? Darcie are you trying to clog my arteries?”. Darci’s eyebrow furrowed “You're already halfway there with your sad little salads. Besides, a little indulgence never killed anyone.” Darci’s familiar ADHD brain sprang into action after having clearly had too much sugar “Except maybe that guy who ate a bathtub full of Jell-O. But that was clearly a personal failing.”
Darcie would have continued if Jessica had let her. Still upset that her chocolate reward went to first place unexpectedly, she snapped fingers at Darcie. “Earth to Darcie…”. Darcie blinked. “Yes?”. Jessica, torn between the siren call of pizza and the guilt ingrained in her by years of calorie counting couldn’t finish her sentence. Chad, meanwhile, dialed the pizza place on his phone, a triumphant grin plastered across his face. Jessca whispered to herself, “One slice won't hurt. Just one. To appease the carb demons and quiet your... unsettling enthusiasm.”
Darcie leaned in close to Jess. “Oh, honey, I was just getting warmed up. We could raid that bakery down the street for dessert. They have this éclair that looks like a goth's dream come true - black chocolate and raspberry filling. Pure decadence.”
“Maybe just a small cookie?” Jessica gulped.
Chad piped up “Ignore them, Jess. They're just jealous. Double pepperoni for you, right?” Jessica looked at Chad, a feeling of defeat swept over her. “This is a slippery slope”. “Don't worry, darling.” Darcie assured Jess, “We'll hold your hand all the way down. Now, about that éclair...?”
Chad’s phone, on speaker, rang. One last glimmer of defiance died in Jess’s eyes. “You know what? Screw the macros. Let's do this. But I'm picking the toppings”. Chad jumped in, “Deal! Now, who wants extra cheese?”.
Darcie released a single, solitary laugh. What was this feeling; ‘happiness’? Less painful than Darcie imagined. Jess and Chad barely had time to respond before the voice on the other end answered. “Thank you for calling ‘Papa Tony’s Pizza’.
“Yeah, hi!”, Chad coughed “I was told you had a triple-decker meat lover's special…?”.
            The smell of the kitchen flowed like a river against Darcie’s nose. “Oh, come on”, she grumbled “I’m hungry!”. Jessica’s mind flowed with hurtful comments. She was still very upset about her chocolate, or rather lack thereof. She bit her tongue. There was no need to upset the peace in the apartment. Maybe she’d eat Darcie’s second dessert. That’d teach her. Before she could think about Darcie’s reaction to such meanness, the waiter approached with their dinner. The thick, juicy pizza was left on the table and the waiter departed with instructions to retrieve another cup of root-beer for Darcie. The three roommates continued looking at their phones, Jess taking selfies, Chad chuckling at memes and Darcie flicking away notifications between testing to see if the pizza cooled down enough.
            “Pizza’s cool” Darcie announced happily as she scooped three slices onto her plate. She delicately lifted the pizza to her lips and nibbled a bite before taking a much larger one that filled her mouth. “This is actually decent!” Darcie smiled, “Not bad for a place catering to the... unrefined palate.” Darcie shot a playful glance in Chad’s direction as he placed a couple of slices onto his plate. Jessica took the pizza scoop from Chad and got herself a single slice. She chuckled as she stared at the thick, layered pizza. She took a small bite, the melted cheese holding on for dear life to the pizza.
“You know, this isn't so bad. Maybe, a little indulgence every now and then isn't the worst thing in the world”, Jessica admitted. A grin grew across Darcie’s face as she wiped away some grease that dripped from her mouth. “I told you!”, she celebrated. Chad smiled and took another bite from his pizza. “Anyone down for some garlic knots?” Darcie raised an eyebrow, “Garlic knots? That sounds positively pedestrian.”
Chad, almost insulted, responded “What’s wrong with garlic knots?”. Darcie’s wide eyes squinted as her toothy smile grew. Chad never saw Darcie smile like this. It made him almost uncomfortable. “Oh, they're delicious alright. But have you considered... black garlic knots?”, Darcie asked, “Made with squid ink, of course.” The look of disgust grew in Chad’s eyes, but the subtle tilt of his head suggested interest. Jessica, however, was fully intrigued. “Where do they even have those?!”, she asked. Darcie winked. “I have my sources.”
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gerbiefarted · 3 months
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how fake chubby girl enjoyers look when real fat bitches come at them
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artemisthewh0re · 2 years
Hi! saw you asking for blurb prompts.. could you do prompts 12 and 14 for Kit Walker please? Thank you sm :)
A/n: of course ❤️. I think I butchered his accent but I hope you like it!
Prompts: 12. "I'm so very in love with you." and 14. Combing their fingers through the other's hair.
Kit's head laid across your legs, his chocolate brown locs smoothly flowing in between your fingers. He was having his nightly after sex cigarette despite your annoyance with smoking in bed.
"Come on babe, it's not like I'm fallin' asleep with it," he'd whine.
"But you could!" you'd reply knowing it wasn't going to get through that thick skull of his. You knew if you ever had kids they'd be just as hot-headed as him. God help us all.
You look down at him, noticing the cute beauty mark on the tip of his nose and his slightly chubby cheeks. Kit looks up at your pondering face.
"What?" he asks.
"I'm so in love with you," you respond, leaning over to kiss him on his now cigarette free lips. Kit smiles into the kiss.
"I'm so in love with you too sweetheart," he says, his dimples turn you into putty as you continue to absentmindedly run your finger through his hair.
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koroly · 11 months
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