valy-gc · 1 day
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Decided to redraw my Xia after a long long time.
Xia is the main character of my horror story "The orphanage"
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valy-gc · 6 days
Here's a new fairy tale, again ^^'
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valy-gc · 6 days
Two new Fairy tales!
"The brave princess" and "The lost kingdom"
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valy-gc · 7 days
If you want to know a little more about my dating sim game project
and who knows... if it's shared enough maybe I'll find some developpers to work with and makes it real? ^^'
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valy-gc · 8 days
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Another teacher OC based on the evil minister from my tale "The enchantress"
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valy-gc · 8 days
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Another one because I've seen this class exist.
Here based on Cedric and his bird Rainbow from my tale "The silly sorcerer"
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valy-gc · 25 days
Who is the eighth?
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I've always said this place is bothering me. Why? Simple. It's not symetrical!!
I may be maniac about this but damn... this is so annoying 😤
I can't be the only one... am I?
Here is my theory/ies.
There is originally 8 "great ones". You know how they are seen as heroes, but as our (player) vision show, it's just that the story have been distorded... twisted. The truth is, certainly, some of their followers told the story in another way and it ended up how the characters in Twisted Wonderland knows it. After all, it happened long LONNNG ago.
BUT! What if one of them had the real story revealed? Like, everyone see him as a hero and suddenly, the truth is found, all the horrible things he did. Then, peoples would clearly not worship that person anymore, right?
So my theory is that there was an eighth one, but his story was revealed. That's also why there is another dorm (Ramshackle). His statue and portrait is certainly hidden somwhere in the depht of NRC... maybe in a basement at Ramshackle?
And so, I thought A LOT about this forgotten "hero". There are a lot that aren't represented in twst. Hook, Gothel, Clayton.... too long to tell them all.
We can eleminate Honest John and Frollo, of course.
Then, a revelation! Disney have actually a "forgotten" movie! A masterpiece in my own opinion, but nobody ever talk about it!
So, this is my guess.
Ramshackle and the eighth great one are the Horned King!!
(pardon my ugly edit)
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valy-gc · 26 days
Crowley’s Magical Aura in NRC
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I’ve been rewatching Book 7 to refresh myself for theories, and something most intriguing caught my eye. When Meleanor is killed by the Knight of Dawn, Lilia and Baul automatically realize she’s dead because her magical power has disappeared. In this scene, they are all the way at Maleficia’s Black Scale Castle.
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Now, I don’t have a good map of there distance between Wild Rose and Black Scale Castle, but that is a generous distance for magic power, isn’t it? Silver has to climb up an entire mountain, and yet Lilia and Baul could sense Meleanor’s magic from all the way from there (likely to due her storm). Perhaps sensing this magic is unique to Fae, or just powerful mages in general, but… then it made me think of Crowley.
Throughout the entire main game, there is very little mention of Crowley’s magical ability. Only small hints in the manga are shown, like him summoning a barrier to protect the students during Riddle’s Overblot. It’s only recently from Crowley’s SSR card and the Magic Assault Practice Event that we find out that he’s very, very powerful- and hasn’t shown a mere fraction of his ability yet. But again, no one comments on his magical aura/power.
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In Crowley’s vignette, he gets mocked by some students saying that they’ve never seen him use magic and think him to be weak- someone they don’t have to be scared of. But Crowley’s Whip of Love binds all three of them, and their magic is useless against his whip. And to Crowley, this level of magic is “easier than breathing” (similar to a comment Malleus says). But yet again, his magic has never been commented on before- not even by the Lilia or Malleus who are fellow Fae (if sensing a Fae’s magical aura is only exclusive to Fae). Credit to Otome Ayui for translations 💖🐦‍⬛
But…then I started thinking: What if that isn’t the case at all? What if Crowley’s magical aura is SO powerful, that it covers the entirety of NRC?
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In the Terror is Trending Halloween event, Lilia and the ghosts explain that seeing ghosts in Twisted Wonderland is extremely rare because they can only be seen by others in very specific conditions. It’s to the point that Lilia describes their forms being very unstable in the corporeal realm. However, NRC is one of the very few places IN THE WORLD where ghosts have completely stable forms. Why, it’s to the point that a majority of the school staff are ghosts, like the kitchen staff!
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But it is then explained that NRC is “magically suffused,” the land practically bathed in magic. I was so curious about the choice for the word “suffuse” that I got out the dictionaries and even checked two fan translations! 🤣 But “suffuse” implies the magic is spread out/over the land, and Ekala translated it to being unusually high concentrations of magic. It’s even better that it’s Lilia of all characters saying this, as I feel he’d have a better knowledge of these things.
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So…I am beginning to think that like Meleanor, Crowley’s magical power can be detected from far away. But his magic and NRC’s magic has become practically indistinguishable. He has essentially “suffused” everything inside NRC with magic, to the point that ghosts are perfectly stable, which means Crowley could hire ghosts all he wants. In the manga, Crowley even has the ability to call/summon the ghosts. And if HIS magic is what’s helping them stay in the corporeal realm at NRC, it makes so much sense if he can “summon” them because they’re already relying on his magic!
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This is from an older theory of mine, and I am aware that at the time (and probably still is LMAO) it was considered a crack theory/joke. But I’m still holding on to the concept that the coffins/gates in NRC are floating because of Crowley’s magic, where also in the Halloween event it was mentioned that only the entirety of the Diasomnia dorm could keep their Halloween decorations floating because of their strong magical power. I’m also beginning to think that the portraits and even sketches of people can move/talk because of the sheer magical power in NRC, but that’s something to elaborate on later.
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I’d additionally like to tie in Ray and I’s “Piece of my World” theory, where we think Crowley has Realm Dominance-related magic, a type of ancient magic we’ve only seen extremely powerful Fae like Malleus has. To me, it’s extremely relevant that each dorm is set in its own unique pocket dimensions, which is something we’ve never seen or even been mentioned outside of NRC before. Check that theory out for more elaboration! ^_^
But isn’t this a strange string of coincidences? That there’s all these mysterious occurrences at NRC that everyone takes for granted but can’t explain why these things are the way they are? What if no one has been able to detect Crowley’s magic because…the students are *living* in it 24/7? If Crowley has really created the pocket dimensions for the dorms, that even strengthens this idea! How can you distinguish his magic when it’s all around you, to the point that the very land is steeped in magic?
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It could be that the entirety of Sage’s Island is one of those special lands that imbued with magic, like we see in Briar Land in Book 7. But we don’t see any ghosts outside of NRC (like in the Port Fest events) which makes me doubt this. I doubt that ghosts are prominent in RSA as well- but that’s not confirmed. The only other ghosts we’ve seen outside the school is in the Dwarf’s Mine, where there are magestones and nature faires- which implies the land has good magic for the ghosts to be visible from. Translation credits to GasMask 💖🐦‍⬛
Anyway, I digress. I have *a lot* I want to say about the NRC barrier specifically , but I thought of this when working on that theory which is coming soon (´∀`*) I still feel concerned about the possibility of something happening to Crowley, because I feel any damage done to him would affect the entirety of NRC itself,,,
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valy-gc · 26 days
I feel bad myself for using AI, but please...
This song is so good it's been four day I have it in loop in my head!! 😩
(And I talk about the composition and all, not the lyrics, since, you know, I wrote them lol)
For this tale: https://www.wattpad.com/1385607042-fairy-tales-for-young-and-old-%7E-english-version
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valy-gc · 27 days
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New OCs two for one this time as their twins.
Their based on Corrania and Peony from my fairy tale "The evil mermaid" (they're not sisters at all originally ^^)
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valy-gc · 1 month
My brain is overheating
A random idea just passed... Anastasie (Cinderella's sister) married a baker.
So.... would one of his daughter married someone from Trey's family?
Actually... if my calcul are good. Trein is 58. If his daughter is around 38/39, he would had her at 20/21. And if she's 38, she totally could had Trey at 20 too for him to be 18 now....
So can totally be his mother... I'm sorry XD
Have fun with any theory of Trein being Trey's grandfather XD
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valy-gc · 1 month
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New OC, the school librarian
Based on the library from my tale... well "The library" XD
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valy-gc · 1 month
A video I made a while ago with my own tiktoks.
The dorm leaders reacting to MC as my character Nanaya :)
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valy-gc · 1 month
From Baby to Daddy
Uchiri Nanaya <- click if you want to read the story
Age 0
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Age 1/2
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Age 3
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Age 4/5/6
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Age 6
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Age 7/8/9/10
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Age 11
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Age 12/13/14/15
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Age 16
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Age 17
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Age 18
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Age 30
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valy-gc · 1 month
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All my Fairy tales are still readable for free here
Go discovers all my characters and tell me if you want to see any of them in my Twisted Wonderland OCs ;)
Also if you want to makes OCs out of them, have fun! Just show them to me! :D
Prefer horror stories?
Here are my short stories and creepypastas! :D
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valy-gc · 1 month
Oh god.... The calendar of my story "C.H.A.R.M." actually look like this!! Could be wore as a unfolding ring!!!
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Here is CHARM (still ingoing : https://www.wattpad.com/story/310405015-c-h-a-r-m-%7E-english-version
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*For the people asking this ring is available HERE with free shipping
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valy-gc · 1 month
I'm still looking for it
So... I used to get Twisted Wonderland images from alchemivich, but like you certainly know, they stop posting them.
The game is not released in my country and could never... I hope it will but... the hopes are low.
I use the cards as my desktop wallpaper and the fullbodies for my lyric prank thumbtail. Even without that actually, I just would love to have them all (and I had them all until now) like a collection?
I was wondering if someone was sharing the fullbodies and cards. Maybe the chibis/sprites too, I don't have them yet but would actually love to.
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