#chun yu
asterdust · 3 months
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scorpi14 · 4 months
Hello gifmakers of tumblr. Imma need y'all to watch 19th floor and start making gifs for me to reblog because the lack of content for me to continuously squee over after having finish the series is really bumming me out.
Thanks xoxo
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Join Chun Yu and Michael Warr at Bird & Beckett Books this Thursday, July 6, at 7 pm as we share our poetry including work from our collaborative bilingual project Two Languages / One Community. An open mic follows our featured reading. Hope to see you there. Details follow here:
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scorbleeo · 3 months
Drama Gossip: 19th Floor (19层)
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Source: Google Images
Unconscious after a car accident, university student Chun Yu and her best friend Qing You mysteriously find themselves inside the dangerous world of a VR game. Several other people have also unwittingly ended up here, and they soon discover they were all involved in the accident - except for substitute teacher Gao Xuan, who claims to have simply fallen asleep. Seeing no other option than to play the game, they eventually beat the level and wake up … only to immediately return the next night.
Faced with deadly monsters, puzzles, and mind games, the players have to learn to cooperate despite being unsure if they can trust each other. The pressure increases when it turns out that people who die in the game fall into a coma in real life. And then several more students are dragged into the game! The group spends their nights trying to survive the next level and their days investigating who is doing this to them and why. As they grow closer, friendships and budding romances are repeatedly put to the test by the stress of the situation and the evil machinations of the people behind the game…
Source: MyDramaList (2024)
Actually Interesting
This drama was all over my Douyin FYP when it was showing. Imagine seeing people in modern-day clothes, in a slightly olden-day setting running from what seemed like zombies. Tell me that wouldn't pique your interest. Okay, maybe it wouldn't but it piqued mine. However, apart from that snippet, I went into this drama not knowing anything. Hell, I didn't even know who were the actors.
Anyhow. The premise of 19th Floor is not a new concept. It's the classic 'real life people entering a game with high stakes' plot. What was new was that them entering the game was not obvious initially. The how they entered was a mystery until quite a few episodes in too. Additionally, the games were different. Each time they entered it, the game, the rules and even the stakes were different.
Initially, this was an extremely fascinating drama. I was hooked and went through episodes like I had no other responsibilities. However, as the cast went on and began discovering the secrets and motives, the drama honestly, got predictable. In my opinion, 19th Floor could have had a darker tone to it. Keep the storyline but make things darker, bring in the 'unreliable narrator' trope, make the high stakes actually high stakes as in, more deaths or consequences that cannot be undone. You see, the beginning of this drama was action-filled but the end, not so much.
Don't get me wrong, 19th Floor is still interesting but it could have been way more interesting, considering the actual story from where this drama was adapted from? Yeah, 19th Floor could have done more.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
More productions from China here: The Romance of Tiger and Rose (传闻中的陈芊芊) | Under the Skin (猎罪图鉴)
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shijiujun · 8 months
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xiaolanhua · 9 months
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Chun Xia as Long Ye – The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity (2020) Esther Yu as Yun Wei Shan – My Journey to You (2023)
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heymeowmao · 5 months
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19th Floor (2024) ♠ Episode 1
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aniojisblog · 25 days
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briar-oses · 3 months
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sasuk and sago
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kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: Blossoms in Adversity (2024)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "Blossoms in Adversity"
MULTISUB 【惜花芷 🌼 Blossoms in Adversity】 EP01 | 胡一天张婧仪,落魄贵女逆风翻盘,共赴新生活!| 胡一天/张婧仪/吴希泽/卢昱晓 | 爱情 古装 | 优酷 YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gI0hVvagqY
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chicademartinica · 10 months
I can not find the footage of Chris Wu visiting the set anymore but Kiseki Dear to me (apparently written to be the other H3 but Trapped ate the budget) has a bone to pick with how BOTH History 3s ended.
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They said Wayne will not mourn, Wayne WILL KILL.. Lin Pei Yu sis welcome back to the style you gave us with HISTORY OBSESSED and Trapped.
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_Join us ONLINE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25th & the 4th Saturday of every Month
3PM – 5PM PST No Cover hosted by Avotcja
NAZELAH JAMISON (Poet, Performance Artist)
PAUL FLORES (Poeta / Plywright / Educator)
CHUN YU & MICHAEL WARR (multi-lingual Poets)
YOU on the Open Mic y mas
Always the word festival to remember!
Join us! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89469374148…
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Password: 848453
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mark your Calendars
¡Vengan todos & tell everyone to tell everyone!
La Palabra Musical / The Music of The Word 3-5PM PST is usually
the 4th Saturdays on zoom. But this December we'll be December 17th.
Please spread the word! Thanks
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enihk-writes · 7 months
[when i was still the one you want]
based on lyrics from right where you left me by taylor swift
paring: various!hwasan characters x gn!reader
summary: it's breakup season (because everyone around me are ending their relationships so something's in the air)
characters: geumjon (pbss) // geumhyeop (mhdd) // tang bo // baek cheon // jin geumryong // namgung dowi // jang ilso // tang soso // yu iseol
author's note: so funny story,,,,,,, i saw that post about gaylors being less credible than jungkook as reincarnated princess diana truthers... went on a taylor binge, and had some fanfic thoughts,,, so now bone apple teeth for yall ig <333 i would have added tang gunak but me personally? i would NOT fumble a dilf like that ever.
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GEUMJON thinks it was nice while it lasted, like a sparkler you play with on summer nights — a passionate romance that ignited and died out by the end of a season. he was the pinnacle of your youth, but everyone had to grow up someday. and when neither of you felt that same fluttering sensation in your stomachs. you both agreed that you should end things. there was no hard feelings from either side, that's just how life was. and he heard years later, through the grapevine, that you had gotten married. to which he raises his cup of wine to the full moon in your honour.
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GEUMHYEOP was the type of guy to try and fail. he'd be the first to lose interest in a relationship, and he was honestly a little panicked by that revelation. it didn't make sense to him that this could happen. you hadn't done anything wrong, you didn't deserve that. how could he have let this happen to you? he would shift his attention more on you ever so subtly, trying his best to rekindle whatever feeling he used to have for you as you remained blissfully unaware. though he finally gives up, and can only hope that you would notice. you do. but only when he starts to avoid you more often, missing out on almost every milestone in your relationship. avoiding confrontation, making excuses so that he doesn't have to come face-to-face with the hurt and confusion all over your face. this back-and-forth wears you out, and things just die out without so much of a word.
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TANG BO was only with you because amongst all the marriage candidates the elders of his family had him meet, you had been the most tolerable one. you were easily forgettable, and something about that intrigued him. he was sure that one day, he would come to love you the way you had with him. it didn't. and it never did for all those decades, and he always remained as your betrothed up until the very end. you had both grown old, and it became ever so obvious that things just weren't going to work out the way either of you had hoped. he feels guilty for wasting a good chunk of your life with so much will-we-won't-we, and tries to help you stand back on your feet when you finally leave the tang estate. somewhere along those lines you two became a little more then friends, definitely far from lovers, maybe you and him ended up a little bit like family, or the next closest thing to that. you passed not too old, not too young. and he made sure that he sent you off to the afterlife proper. not realising you had taken a fragment of his heart with you.
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JANG ILSO is a fickle guy. his obsessions die out as quickly as they appear. in exchange for the luxurious life you were gifted as his lover, you were expected to be at his every beck and call. can't be too obvious about it, he hates clingy lovers. can't get too nonchalant, he loves a little chase, sure. but he hates having to lower himself to ask for attention. he wasn't a needy dog. it was commendable that you lasted as long as you did — a whole three years wasn't an easy feat. you were lucky he felt nice and had only kicked you out of his estate with your belongings. including the gold and jewels he had gifted you. there was nothing more you could have asked for, you never had to work another day in your life, and thank god it seems his new obsession was keeping him busy enough to have him forget about you.
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NAMGUNG DOWI wonders if he had done something wrong for you to come up and tell him you wanted to break up with him. you both wanted something different in life, he never really seemed to be on the same page as you when it came to things you both wanted for the future. he was distraught, telling you he would change and please stay here — you would but you had dreams too, and he had his commitments he had to fulfil. maybe, someday in the future, you both might find each other again but right now, you bade him adieu with kisses on his tear-stained cheeks.
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TANG SOSO, she kept you like a secret while you kept her like an oath. something, something about how it wouldn't end well for either of you if you were found out. her, the daughter of the tang patriarch and you a child from a branch family she had supposedly fallen for. you only realised she wasn't that serious about you when she eventually left home for mount hua. you had seen the way her eyes sparkled when that girl with amethyst eyes cut down a new path she never knew she could have taken in life. she left because you didn't have the cards to give her what she wanted. well, at least one of you was happy. at least one of you found something they wanted to do.
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YU ISEOL hasn't been the most vocal person between the two of you. it was always you that had to pull the weight, always you that had to watch out for the other. you had fallen in love with her because of her deep passion for the blade, it was also this deep passion for the blade that had driven her further and further away from you. somewhere along the way, you realised that there was almost nothing you had in common with her anymore. you had cried yourself to sleep that night, only waking up the next morning to end things with her properly. she was the same as always, swinging her sword, retracing her steps ever so diligently. even as you poured your heart out, she never once faltered — that's good. because you know that if she had staggered for a single moment, you would know she still cared, and you would have taken back everything you'd said. she didn't lose focus, and that was what you used to love about her. you let her be, not once turning back.
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JIN GEUMRYONG could only watch from the corner of his eye what your expression was like as the elders brought him to meet the guests. with how he had been pushed forward as the leader of the next generation, the elders — his father included, had been looking into suitable marriage candidates for him. what they all didn't know was that he was already seeing someone. that someone being you. and what you yourself didn't know was that the elders had been looking into potential matches for him, something he hadn't told you about up until the day of the marriage interviews. you'd believe he'll explain it to you, assure you that you were still the one he'd choose. but you should have known he was a man who was duty-bound, and he would have never picked you above what he believed was his duty to the sect. if this was how it was going to end anyways, why did he even bother to ask you to be his?
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BAEK CHEON knows he's never been good enough to call himself your lover. not when there were so many others that could fill his spot. you could assure him all you want but it wasn't enough to convince him, he was always trying his best, and you had always been so happy with it. but it wasn't enough. nothing you did or said was ever enough to calm his paranoia. all these feelings bubbled over to a tipping point, an argument of no return and you decided enough was enough. he had never known what it was like to actually wake up without you by his side until then, and he knew it was too late to take back all that he'd said. how dare he have the audacity to break your heart and try to fix it? he did this to himself, and now he has to lie in the grave he dug out.
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blmpff · 1 year
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brody75 · 2 years
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The Seventh Curse (1986)
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heymeowmao · 5 months
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19th Floor (2024) E2 ♠ The power of darkness is too strong, and we are too weak.
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