skwistokwarrior · 6 days
reasons why churchnut is canon:
donut was the main character in churchs fanfiction.
ok thanks for reading goodbye
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churb00se · 3 months
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does anyone know
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ozcarma · 2 months
Church teaming up with the reds?? Church and Donut interactions???? please god.
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pebbleheadz · 5 months
something thats been in my thoughts for a while and i need to get it out
church x donut
i call their ship name cobaltpink (bc lets be honest churchnut sounds.. odd lmao)
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 2, Part 2, Poll 4
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lightishlilac · 2 years
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Donut harem Donut harem
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donut-rights · 2 months
if s17 wasn’t (probably, definitely) retconned I’d be championing for washnut right now. if you even care.
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donut-entendre · 10 months
I'm a caboose guy I'm the donut guybut like pastrytain is literally nothing to me. Yeah it's cute whatever but they aren't dating 2 me it's literally pair the spare IMO. They have no romatic chemistry they're having little friendship kisses yeah sure but they can't date because caboose doesn't have a "bother him" button to bash relentlesslyand donut is too dense to be dated esp by someone who would play as loosy goosy with romance/platonic lines as caboose. He tries to matchmaker everyone else and he goes OH ROMANTIC at things but he doesn't fully register it as truly intended, much less for him. The donut problem happens with churchnut too but church also needs to be locked in horrible nasty codependence and donut has just enough self-determination(?) on his own to not get locked in like that and church. Would not want to depend on donut. Donut is far too incompatible with Church's actual wants/needs in a relationship Donut is all superficial appearance to him.
Docnut doesn't follow this but in practice with the average fan it does because they don't actually think about Doc on any level other than the surface in the first place. Doc experiences a lot of cognative dissonance with his beliefs vs his behavior n emotions and being with Donut untangles that a little because he's a living example of just. Donut doesn't really go out of his way to be kind or nice - he's a self-centered asshole, frankly - he just does what he wants when he wants and that's an influence that could help Doc a lot. And Doc makes Donut literally just be a better person because Donut just goes with whatever expectations are set of him, within reason. Donut brings down Doc's self-expectation of being a literal saint and never experiencing a single hostile feeling ever to the healthy expectation of just feeling what he feels and doing what he thinks is best in the moment. and Doc brings up Donut's behavioral expectations to above his 'default' to a point where he is genuinely a little kind within a healthy margin.
TLDR docnut winner of everything and they were both at their best selves when they were living alone together
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funsizedcrow · 1 year
for the ask game! what're your favorite rvb ships and why?
(ask game)
absolute favorite is washnut. they just. i care a lot abt them. i loove their dynamic in season 17 and they just make me happy :)
i also love grimmons bc yknow, its grimmons. grif and simmons.
i am also a big fan of chucker. The tragedy of it all, especially in the later seasons... Also you cannot tell me they spent all that time alone in blue base and didnt explore each others bodies at least once.
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rvbrarepairbracket · 8 months
as anon asked; full list of single ship
spencer porkensenson/locus (porkentez)
sarge/grey/wash/locus (veterans)
sarge/church (surch)
kimball/dylan (kimbylan)
lopez/o’malley (lomalley)
church/donut (churchnut)
ct/carolina (ctlina)
sarge/doyle (sardoyle)
raymond/jax (rayjax)
temple/sharkface (freezerburn)
gene/cronut (genenut)
tucker/north (tucknorth)
locus/doyle (loyle)
wyoming/doc (wyodoc)
kimball/dylan/kai (kimbylankai)
locus/washington (locington)
bitters/andersmith (bittersmith)
sarge/locus (sarcus)
florida/aiden price (florice)
florida/vic (florvic)
ct/479 (ct9er)
donut/lopez (robonut)
wash/donut (washnut)
479/kai (47sister)
doc/temple (docple)
ct/ohio (connecthio)
tucker/grif (tuckgrif)
ct/tex (contex)
479er/lina (47lina)
kai/donut (sisnut)
caboose/loco (cabco)
wash/doc (washdoc)
doc/donut/caboose (docnutboose)
church/lopez (churpez)
caboose/donut (pastry train)
479er/crate guy (47crater)
kai/carolina (kailina)
lopez/caboose (loboose)
maine/north (mainorth)
delta/york (dork)
wash/caboose (washingboose)
sharkface/maine (sharkmaine)
o’malley/maine (o’mainey)
sarge/wash (sargington)
locus/grif (logrif)
caboose/doc (cabdoc)
idaho/iowa (idahowa)
red zealot/blue zealot (purple zealots)
jenson/volleyball (jolleyball)
church/simmons (churmmons)
vic/red zealot (viclot)
tex/sheila (teila)
temple/biff (tiff)
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
🤔🤔🤔 trying to think of interesting/less popular ships. any interest in kaiboose? if no then how about churchnut?
pff don’t actually have to send me obscure ships i just like making a scene at all possible moments
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kaiboose is not a huge thing to me. it’s cute as heck but not much more to say outside of that. i think they would have absolutely legendary sex tho.
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oh shit actually got a bingo. churchnut is absolute classic. the “canon” square is marked off for church’s 100% canon unrequited crush. honestly i don’t think they’re like… endgame material or anything but i think they would have such a cute fling. there’s a reason they’re cotton candy colors and it’s because this ship rots ur fucking teeth
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ralworm · 3 years
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Casual Intimacy <3
for @transpetrikov for the valentine @rvbgiftexchange! I hope you enjoy church’s soft spot for donut :>
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decided to try and draw in MS paint... there was gonna be more to this but this already took ages so i'm leaving it at that :D
churchnut hold hands is good <3
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campanella · 4 years
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so i uhhh got into rvb
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 1, Part 2, Poll 8
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