#churning machines
subzeroparade · 8 months
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Vicar/Hunter -> Empyrean/Shadow
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beneathsilverstars · 3 months
tried to cook up a well-adjusted siffrin but instead of broiling them for a couple minutes in act 5 i got distracted by a phone call and left them in the oven for an extra couple hundred loops and now they're a weird star thing? help?
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deadnatura11 · 4 months
This just in Benny's gonna tie the knot with a werewolf.
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nicollekidman · 6 months
whenever i see clips of taylor giving speeches at eras tour the woman is literally like "yeah so this next song i wrote because if i didn't i would die. yeah this next album kept me tethered to reality, if i stopped songwriting i think i'd kill my fucking self lol" like....
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I'm surprised you haven't posted any Welcome home stuff recently! Honestly kinda makes me sad since I love your WH art and stuff
yea y'all are gonna have to be Patient w/ me bc
a) i have like. a week left to pack all of my stuff before i need to shove everything into a uhaul and leave, so its crunch time! leaving little to no energy/interest in anything else
b) to be honest my mental health is the worst its been in years - which is fine, its whatever, i can deal. it's not as bad as it could be and im handling it! like a champ, even! but also its leaving little to no energy/interest in anything else
c) had a minor crisis over my art and how i interact w/ WH, and i realized im not scribbling enough of what I want. ive mostly been trying to please people and do as asked and thats! not good! so i want to temper expectation & reassert that im Not a WH art blog - its just a hyperfixation / something i love rn. i draw what i enjoy & what i want in the moment.
#i picked up my tablet last night and all of my motivation died on the spot#so im just. eh whatever ill get back into the swing of things eventually#but yeah im spending my time packing & keeping myself afloat! not much room for other things at present!#rambles from the bog#but yeah i was starting to feel like a commodity of sorts?#like the majority of asks are just some form of 'can you draw this' 'draw this' 'id love it if youd draw this'#which is. fine. im an art blog! thats what i do!#but its also like hey. im just some guy doodling what they enjoy. im not a machine churning out content for consumption#& it gets to the point where there's so much expectation and obligation and 'demand'-#when do i ever sit down and truly indulge in what i want?#like the monster scribble i posted the other day! it made me so happy! i love monsters and Beasts!#when do i ever allow myself to draw them?#rarely bc i feel like people Expect puppets from me. and thats not a great feeling!#i love puppets i love wh and everything but i would like to enjoy it w/o pressure yk yk....#& for a second there i Was feeling the pressure and scribbling puppets was starting to feel like a chore#something i Needed to do to please people#so! im focusing on real life & taking a break from creation & keeping my mindset away from 'jump into traffic' thankyew <3#theres just too much going on right now#in my head And outside of it.#so ill stick to packing & binging psych & i'll lovingly place everything else on the backburner
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heph · 2 months
hihi i just started watching house today partly because of you and partly because of everything else flooding my feed and also the gays in so excited. starting a counter on how many times house pops a vicodin it is currently at 4 not even halfway through the pilot <33
I'm so sorry but this makes me happy I'm so glad people are watching House MD BC of my work
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sponfawn · 27 days
MTH: The Rowdyruff Boys and the Power of Friendship?
Ok, so we know that the Boys have slowly changed over the course of the fic so far, and we know that the Girls have had a lot to do with that. But something I think people (including me) have overlooked in the past is the influence of their friends/acquaintances.
Brick doesn't have many people he would likely consider "friends", but he's been softening towards acquaintances quite a bit over the past year. Aside from Blossom's obvious influence, I think it started with Bubbles.
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Then Julie followed Bubbles' lead and didn't take his shit.
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After awhile, people just got used to him. Yeah, he's an ass with a short temper and a loud bark, but that's generally as far as he goes, at least as far as other students see. He doesn't necessarily consider anyone a friend but he has acquaintances with shared interests and he has time for his art and photography. He's in a normal high school, where things aren't nearly as cutthroat and political as JS (other than Mrs. Morbucks, of course). My best analogy is that he's like an irritable, poorly socialized dog who has been sent to doggy daycare to hang out with the calmer, elderly dogs and given enrichment. Except replace elderly dogs with nice, normal kids his age. Nevermind that he thinks he's better than everyone else. It's not exactly friendship, but I suspect it's still a lot more pleasant and straightforward than his relationships with other peers he's had. And that's a big change for a reserved, standoffish boy who takes himself very seriously.
Butch on the other hand, has Buttercup and the guys. His most vulnerable friendship is with Buttercup by far, but he genuinely values his little group of stoners. This latest chapter has made that clearer than ever. Seriously I almost cried
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In some ways, Butch is actually the best socially adjusted of the Boys in their new environment, which... says a lot about Brick and Boomer. He has a close-knit group of friends and while they mostly bust each other's balls and goof around, they pretty much see uncensored Butch because (except with some interactions with BC) he says and does what he wants, when he wants. He wants people to like him, but not enough to shut up or stop pushing people's buttons. He isn't the calculating type unlike Brick and Boomer. And despite the fact that Butch isn't as friendly and (seemingly) nonthreatening as Boomer or smart and talented as Brick, the guys truly enjoy and appreciate his company. Look at 'em, caring about his well-being:
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Boomer is the least changed of the Boys. He tries to do what he thinks Bubbles would want him to most of the time. But as we saw in this latest chapter, when the temptation is strong enough and he has an opportunity, he slips back into old behaviors. We never really see him spend time with anyone other than Bubbles since they've gotten together. Except for his brothers, the Girls, and people at parties, where he mostly hangs around Bubbles. As much as Boomer's circle has "expanded", those connections don't likely run deep. And there's nothing wrong with having less deep friendships, except I think a contributing factor to his relatively stunted growth is this lack of connection to others.
Boomer hides his capacity for cruelty and his lack of empathy behind a mask of behavior he knows will be seen as likeable. He holds everone except Bubbles at arms length, even though he's outgoing and gets along with everyone. He shows a much more edited version of himself compared to his brothers. We thought he had started to change when he fought impulses, even if it started out as just being for Bubbles' sake. In the last few chapters we've had a feeling that his possessiveness and jealousy were likely going to head into some dark places. And now we've started to see how dark, although, according to Brick his "jokes" get much worse. The way he thinks about Mike in this chapter (and others in earlier chapters) is so detached, much like his attitude towards the spider:
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And this is a side of himself that his friends probably haven't seen, and that Bubbles hasn't seen in quite a while. This time when he chooses to mess with Mike, he is still careful to appear like he always does. While Brick works out jealousy by showing off (see prom), and Butch gets a little sullen and subdued and tends to isolate from crowds (see BC wearing Mitch's jacket and the concert), Boomer manipulates ppl while framing himself in a good light (see this incident and Will and Bubbles' anniversary).
It's like a subversion of the "I can change him" trope. Certainly, Butch and Brick have genuinely been changing internally. But it's not just because of Blossom and Buttercup. They are significant contributing factors, catalysts even, but it takes a village of genuine friends (and pseudo-friends) to help them grow and change. Brick and Butch get this experience because they don't hide their personalities as much. Unfortunately, Boomer's current approach to other people basically guarantees that he won't get that.
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xiakeponz · 2 months
idol cdrama combo chart 笑
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L猫 ZLH has been busy fill out the chart gogo-
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arom-antix · 1 year
Yuri!!! On Cards collaboration!
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So, I know I've been pretty inactive recently, at least in posting my own art but for good reason! In the Yuri on the Web Discord server artists and writers alike have all collaborated to illustrate a deck of cards and write stories for each of them. And as a resident artist myself, I couldn't not take the opportunity to draw for this project UuU
Oh and if anyone was wondering, yes, I am to blame for inflicting this giant project onto the server BUT I REGRET NOTHING AND NEITHER WILL YOU IF YOU CHECK OUT EVERYONE ELSE'S WORKS. Trust me, they are amazing! The masterpost can be found here!
GIANT thanks to @lines-on-ice and @yaoiconnoisseur for helping so much and being amazing co-administrators and basically making this entire thing possible! You really saved me from my own overambition XD
The guidelines for this project can be found on the Yuri!!! On Cards blog as can the masterpost with all the links to everything. All the art that gets posted to Tumblr will also be reblogged by the blog.
With all that said, here's the actual art I made! (Break for those who don't want their dash to die UuU)
Okay, I lied. First, I'd heavily recommend for you to check out the guideline posts, both the general and artists' and even the writers' if you're up to it to get a grasp of the perimeters of this project. There's also some vague lore and AU stuff about the whole thing to find which will give you context for why the art looks the way it does to a certain extent.
You can also just jump right in and take everything as I ramble about it which, I mean, I won't stop you, the guideline posts aren't short. I will not blame you. You can still just look at the art. If that's your choice, go on ahead!
First up!
Ace of the Kingdom Otabek, The Deep Shadow
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Being of the Kingdom of Diamonds, he's skillful and sharp. He moves quietly as a shadow and is just as mysterious.
Okay, I can't comment much on how he actually is, you'll have find that out by reading his fic(let?). They were supposed to be ficlets but as writers tend to do, none of us could manage that so take "ficlet" with a big grain of salt for every written work.
I've, by the way, not read any of the ficlets for this project beside my own so I'll get to experience the reveal with y'all and I'm gonna perish waiting.
Anyway, about the art. The yellow of course comes from the Kingdom of Diamonds' designated colour. As for the outfit, it's based on this handsome fellow I found who's supposed to be a Kazakh archer which I thought fit Otabek's whole shadow thing perfectly (and Writingfromtheshadow's fic Equivalent Exchange has me in an iron grip and I don't want to be released).
If there are any Kazakhs in the audience, you are free to laugh at me for any inaccuracies or missteps, I am but a humble little not-Kazakh, I don't expect to have gotten it all right UuU
Next up!
King Yuuri, Wanderer of Dreams
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The ruler of his realm, he is as the mind flows. Kind and benevolent yet of fickle thoughts, the spirals of the subconscious are ones he both masters and bows to.
Again, gonna be waiting for his fic with everyone else but like. It's Yuuri. Anxiety is kind of a given.
In terms of art, I don't know if you can tell but this was where I started writing my will because oh my stars, what did I get myself into. If you follow me or my art, you'll know that I don't draw lineless. Like ever. And apparently I decided this project on a deadline that others were depending on me making look nice was the place to go all out.
And the worst part is that I'm not even mad at it so I have no argument to not do it again.
Anyway, the blue is from the designated colour of spades and yes, you've guessed right as to why this colour was picked for this suit. I'm predictable, leave me alone. As for the rest, the outfit is inspired by traditional Japanese dress that the Internet told me about (again, Japanese may laugh at me all they want UuU Your culture is very cool but also there was so much info, I hope I got it at least a bit right).
Also I spent like eight hours looking at hanakotoba for this and I've never been this happy about a decision I regretted so much while I was having to draw that many flowers. And you know I had to include The Gay Flower^(TM).
The Japanese iris is now Yuuri's btw.
All the flowers used are: Japanese irises, Jasmine flowers, Forget-me-nots, cherry blossoms, white roses, green carnations and blue roses (Viktor's flower. Read: I am predictable).
And finally!
Queen Minako, Tamer of Minds
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Of the Realm of Dreams, she sees your fears, the snares laid by the subconscious and, strict and blunt as she is, she clears a path for the motivated and lets no potential go to waste.
Again, haven't read a word of the fic.
This one was by far the one that I made the fastest and I would've loved to do more with it but like deadlines. I'm gracefully skipping over the fact that I set the deadline and am fully to blame for being late.
But, as with Yuuri, blue is for spades. And since I wanted her to have a leotard but still match Yuuri and make her outfit look even slightly Japanese inspired, sheer fabric to the rescue! With cherry blossoms, of course, because CSP had the pattern preinstalled UuU
And I don't know if it worked but I tried to make her hair both look like her signature style, traditional Japanese hairstyles I found on the good ol' Interwebs and then kind of a spade by having that middle stick be the stem and the hair the spade's butt.
Also this probably goes without saying but the ranks of the characters are just titles. Yuuri is not married to Minako, she is just the Queen and he the King, don't worry.
Again, a BIG thank you to everyone who also participated, it was so fun to work together on this and see everyone's progress! Nic and Lil, you're amazing, thank you so much for everything you've done for this!
And to everyone who's made it this far, thank you for sticking around and please go check out all the other art and the ficlets! I promise it's worth it!
Masterpost | AO3 collection
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gatheredfates · 10 months
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xannerz · 4 months
"i think using ai is okay when you're looking for inspiration--" i'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth
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rozecrest · 11 months
all the people brnine has killed and this might be the first time they’ve done it with their own palms. the blood was always on their weapons, detached, long range, collateral damage, but the blood is in the grip this time baby!!!!!
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surumarssi · 8 months
I think "alienation" is one of the only complex feelings where it actually helps me to notice it and name it. When I'm like "oh why do I feel so bad I just feel a disconnect from other people for some oddly specific reason" and the ghost of Karl Marx appears in my kitchen
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jelreth · 2 years
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bad ideas and their consequences part one: how to and how NOT to abandon ship when things go awry
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kakusboyfriend · 18 days
YOUR HONOR! I'm not writing them 'too ooc'! I'm simply exploring how different this character could have been if their life had been different! If they'd been shown love! It's not the same thing!
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ohmeadows · 9 months
When did you discover your love for writing?
this ended up being a bit of a story, so. sorry for length.
must have been around 2001? i went to a really underfunded school in a broke town and we didn't have anything to do after school ended, so i mostly went to my grandma's and read books she bought me. one day i came home and she'd bought the lotr trilogy, and it was a very difficult translation. it took me months of careful reading on her couch. then i finished it and it felt like my life transformed. i watched the movies as they released in the cinema, i didn't have any friends to hang out with on the weekend so i'd beg my mom to drive me to the nearest big town and let me watch fellowship of the ring again. i couldn't get enough, so i started visiting fansites for it and thus discovered fanfiction. my english wasn't great, but i couldn't stop thinking about writing something for myself. yes, mary sue/self-insert, whatever. yes, it was with legolas and aragorn and all of those.
my fanfics were, obviously, not good. but i had a good time making them. i connected with a community of writers who had a ton of advice to give out, who suggested books to read, movies to check out. while i'm not in touch with any of them anymore, i know some of them went on to become university professors and literary translators, and that's pretty cool. i honestly remember less of the writing as much as i remember the community i kept having on livejournal. on top of that, writing a journal almost daily was really good consistent writing exercise. i loved writing so much that it became The Hobby for me, and i kept the lj and a physical journal going at once.
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