geekverse08 · 3 years
Diamonds are a girl's best friend😈
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Meg DeLacy as Cindy Burman in Stargirl 2x02!💜
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2coolgq · 4 years
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#CindyBurman becomes #LadyShiva #Stargirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGwyXXAQQ-/?igshid=1fbm22hbv6j38
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colins-bridgerton · 2 years
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kate’s 25 day female meme
day 20 a female antagonist 
cindy burman stargirl
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cindyburman · 4 years
I love the fact that the fandom agrees Cindy isn't straight at all and I love that for her and us
as the one and only owner of the canon cindyburman url, i think i just must have used the power vested in me by the app of tumblr (which is absolutely none) and my sheer force of will to convince the stargirl writers to subconsciously write her as a lesbian ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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killervibe · 3 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
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To the Fam,
I know I haven't been around much. Life's been....meh recently and I've had a lot to do. I know I don't spend as much time with yall like I used to. But I want you to know that y'all mean the fucking world to me. No joke.
I have no clue where the fuck I'd be right now if I hadn't met you all, and honestly I don't want to know what it'd be like if I hadn't.
You guys are just so brilliant and amazing and y'all are such powerful and strong human beings and I can't count the times that I just wanted to tell you guys that all day every day.
You've made my life just fucking astounding and I don't want to live a life where you guys aren't in it. And I just wanted you to know that, cause I don't know if you realize just how awesome you are.
I know we can joke around about stuff and about how awesome we are. But it's more that just jokes and fun quips. It's true.
You guys are the best group of people that I've ever had the chance to know and you deserve to know that. Y'all are honestly family to me and not a day goes by that I don't think about that.
I can't think of better, more amazing, beautiful, glorious people to be friends with and I love all of you beyond words.
@canary-warrior @theozmachronicles @cindyburman @freckledpianoman @gertstarlight @heliophile7 @psycho-crazy-pineapples @thatkillervibe
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hournites · 3 years
Thank you! It’s nice to meet you too! I really wish we could get an episode like this! And if not I wish someone would write fanfic about it! Either way it be so awesome to see play out. I think it would be so funny to see Courtney in Cindy’s body trying to pull off Cindy’s snark. And could you imagine what Courtney could do with Cindy’s powers? I mean, Courtney’s already a great gymnast, so combine that with Cindy’s enhanced physical abilities? I think the only problem Courtney would have with those powers would be controlling the actual Shivs coming out of her wrists lol! But what if Courtney thinks the only way she can capture Cindy to reverse the swap is to form the new ISA? Because she knows that the JSA will try to protect “Stargirl”. So, she recruits Cameron, Artemis, & Issac, using her experience with the JSA to train them and make them a real team... and a real threat? But at the same time she really starts to see where all these kids are coming from and why they would want to follow in their villainous parents footsteps. Even Cindy? And then Cindy in Courtney’s body would be so funny, but like deep at the same time? Because, I could picture her going through Courtney’s clothes and hating her options lol. And she would have to bite her tongue every time she would usually insult one “her” family members and friends. But yet, I think, she would actually find parts of Courtney’s life that might could provoke a little change in her. Like, I think she would develop a close connection to Barbara. Since Cindy lost her mom at such young age, she would probably really enjoy having a real, loving, & caring mother in her life. It would definitely start off rocky, but Barb and her would still bond in the end. And I could see Cindy kind of liking & being protective of Mike. Because she can see this devious side to him that she can relate to. So, if he was being bullied at school or something, Cindy in Courtney would tell him how to get even. But the best part would be the training/battle of the new Shiv and Stargirl. I would just love to see them complain about each other’s respective costumes lol. But, who would win in that fight? Would it be Courtney as Shiv? Or would it be Cindy as Stargirl? Because what if like you said, the Wizard’s wand caused the swap and it was so powerful the cosmic staff couldn’t tell that wasn’t the real Courtney using it? So, Cindy can use all of its powers? And if Courtney had to use Shiv’s staff in the fight?
I usually can juggle answering asks and work at the same time but for this one I definitely had to wait so sorry for taking a while to reply!
These are all such interesting points!! I didn’t know even think of all the extra gymnastic moves Courtney could do with Cindy’s strength you’re so right!! And yeah Cindy would be biting her tongue 19299293 times to prevent herself from wrecking the Whitmore-Dugans to shreds lol.
In a fight I think Courtney might have an advantage with Cindy’s abilities because she wouldn’t be as vulnerable. It’s possible Cindy might throw herself at Courtney in an attack and then get thrown off by how easily she feels pain or loses balance or something like that.
I feel like @cindyburman would appreciate these thoughts so I’ll see what she thinks about this 👀
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hournitenation · 4 years
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reasons why @cindyburman should go to bed (pt 1). :) 
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
Stargirl Au: Blackbird
basically a stargirl non powers au, but there’s also a war as in there will be a war, but the fics won’t lead to one. Time period is mum (Originally was supposed to be a one shot but oh well.) Like my landslides au this is the timeline of how things happened. 
Sylvester and Pat met in Blue Valley College. Yes their other college friends were the JSA members
they met the 7 soldiers of victory because Pat and Sylvester got drunk once and ended up in the neighboring college.
The rival college was also home to the Isa
Anyways Sylvester and Pat would later adopt Mike. And yes family diners were interesting with Sylvester’s chaotic sister Merry her and her negative husband Henry. Baby Henry’s fine though, he usually likes playing with Mike. 
When Henry was six his father died so it was just him and Merry
When Mike was three Sylvester died leading to the regrouping of the Jsa for his funeral. (none of the JSA died, except for Hourman, they just moved out of Blue Valley)
Speaking of Hourman, Rex and Mary Tyler died in a car crash. No foul play it just happen to snow and icy roads + big trees = no bueno. 
There were two guardians for Rick to go to: Either Justin, Rex’s brother or Matt, Mary’s brother could take care of Rick. Justin lost though because he had mental health disorders. (I googled delusional disorder one believes delusions are real so he probably has that one) so Mat took Rick in when he was 8. 
They were going to move to California, but Pat convinced them that that was a stupid idea... Who knows if that was a smart idea
Anyways so the Dugans and the Tylers drift apart mainly because of Matt, but Pat does try to keep an eye on Rick when he can
Pat also keeps an eye on Justin
The Dugans stay close to the King’s (I’m not aware of Merry’s last name so if someone wants to help a fellow out) so Henry and Mike grow up together as cousins. Henry, because he was raised by his mom and has Pat for an uncle, never grows up to be a dick. He’s more chaotic good
Since he isn’t a dick and didn’t ask for nudes and never dated Yolanda
Meanwhile Courtney moves to Blue Valley to take care of her ailing grandmother when she’s 12. She first befriends Beth, then meets Henry because his uncle could/will be her stepfather. Through Henry she meets Yolanda and Cindy. In high school she meets the mayor’s son, Cameron. 
So for Cameron yes his mom did die, but Jordon just decided to go into politics instead of world domination. 
Also Cindy! So first and foremost. Dr. Ito is a dick and should not be allowed near children nevermind raising one. He is a failed chemist, who know sells things on the dark web... or something. He is an absentee father, who let Cindy do all kinds of things a child shouldn’t do, like play with knives and chemicals. Cindy does befriend Yolanda at a young age though and through Yolanda ‘befriends’ Henry whose good vibes prevent her from being idk a murderer? Anyways she’s a little blunt and straightforward, but probably wouldn’t murder anyone
Nothing changes with the Crooks, their backstory is normal enough for it to fit in the nonpower au. Just they don’t murder the coaches. 
Instead of Henry sharing her nudes, Yolanda, in the start(ish) of high school starts to realize the way she thinks about girls isn’t platonic. She’s with Courtney and they accidentally kisses her, and her entire uber religious family sees. 
Needless to say they weren’t peachy about this and basically exile her from the family. Courtney is very apologetic about the whole thing. When Pat catches wind of this, he talks to Yolanda about it and is like look it’s not you it’s your parents.
(It was supposed to be Cindy, but I really liked @cindyburman‘s comp het headcannon for Cindy so I switched it to Courtney)
Also not immediately after, but like Courtney and Cameron do date for like a hot minute before something happens. 
Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about Rick, Stargirl just has a lot of characters. So Rick basically outcasted himself, and he doesn’t rejoin society until he meets Beth, in high school. She basically continuously talks to him until he joins their little friend group.
When they realize he’s being abused, physically, Pat finally breaks and adopts/obtains guardianship of him when Rick’s about 16.
The group befriends Artemis mainly through Henry. It’s easier to write a fic about it, but the abbreviated version is Artemis befriended Henry to meet Cindy. (It was an adventure because Cindy thought she was straight and everyone else knows she not)
Cameron who is gay realized he was gay after going to Joey Zarick’s magic show and thinking it was cute unlike his friends. He is 16.
Also in college Beth and Artemis go on a magical adventure and they end up with an owl, hootie. 
Courtney and Yolanda start dating when they are 20 
Beth and Rick start dating about when they are 19 
Cindy also manages to become finacially independent when she becomes a legal adult. She and Artemis start dating when they’re 17
Cindy also becomes a fashion designer. yes artemis and cindy are the football player x cheerleader troupe 
I mentioned a war right well here it is:
The war starts when Rick & Beth 21, Courtney, Cameron, Joey, Artemis Henry & Yolanda-20, Cindy-22, & Mike is 17. 
It becomes a rule that you can’t volunteer for the army soldier or medic etc. until you’re 21. you also can’t be deployed until 25,
Rick can’t serve because he was Malnourished by Mat. Artemis, Cindy, Cameron and Joey are distasteful about the whole thing, although Cameron might be deployed. (It’s either him or Joey, I’m not sure quite yet) Courtney suffered an injury junior year preventing her from enlisting. Yolanda enlists to be able to go to college. (strict parenting doesn’t always end well kids) and Beth became a doc for the army. Her and Yolanda ended up in the same platoon along with some other arrowverse characters. 
any fics that follow this timeline will be titled  Blackbird: x, and tagged as blackbird
I hope this made sense, I wanted to try and include everyone, but there are a lot of characters in stargirl
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alwaysher · 4 years
so apparently the hournite discord is writing love letters to each other now so here goes nothing.
when i started watching stargirl i literally did it because i saw a gifset of beth with the goggles (made by @gertstarlight thank u bitch). i went into the show expecting a campy teen superhero show that i could use to distract myself for a little while.
instead i got you bitches. somehow within a month you have managed to make me feel more understood and loved than i have in almost 3 years which is fuckin wack. i pretty much already said this in adeebas tags but as much as i push back on closing chapters in my life, i know that the next one is going to better than anything i could've asked for because you're going to be in it.
it kinda pisses me off that i found my people because of a ship called hournite that isn't even close to canon, and it also pisses me off that i'm crying while i write this but you guys are worth it. ❤
seeya at 1am angst hours
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@gertstarlight @cindyburman @canary-warrior @chaoticbi-cheesecake @psycho-crazy-pineapples @hournites @jcc04220 @disneysgreatest92 @livi-asdfghjkl @theozmachronicles @falling4hournite @heliophile7 @bamonisreal @pegxcarter @bethschapel and everyone else in that server!
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president-zebra · 4 years
Twenty Questions
Tagged by @heliophile7 ❤️
1) What do you prefer to be called name wise? Zoe
2) When is your birthday? July 19th
3) Where do you live? Virginia
4) Three things you are doing right now? Playing Among us, being active on discord, and trying to do school work and failing :(
5) Four fandoms that have peaked your interests: The Flash, Stargirl, Teenage Bounty Hunters, One day at a Time. Like all fandoms, there are always some bad apples in each, so find the place you like best that you feel welcomed
6) How has the pandemic been treating you? The beginning was just really uncertain and I wasn’t sure how to feel. Over the summer everything got better but now school has me stressed. But it’s all good
7) A song you can’t stop listening to right now? Either somewhere only we know by Keane or Say something by a great big world thanks to @boldbisexual :D
8) Recommend a movie: umm if you haven’t already seen it but, The Princess Bride. It’s a classic and my favorite of all time. It’s so funny, quotable, and all around so fun to watch! It’s on Disney +
9) How old are you? 15
10) School, University, occupation, other? High School Sophomore, had a job for the summer but lost it to Covid
11) Do you prefer heat or cold? Cold
12) Name one fact others may not know about you: I’m don’t get stressed easily, but when too many things pile up, it can go from calm to a tornado in seconds.
13) Are you shy? It depend on the situation. Around new people, maybe. Around people I know, definitely not. In class, no. 
14) Preferred pronouns? She/her
15) Biggest pet peeve? People talking over me, especially when they know I wanted to or am talking.
16) What is your favorite “dere” type? Have no idea what this is and I’m lazy so  idk
17) Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy, and 10 being the best it could be. maybe a 6-7/10, idk
18) What’s your main blog? @president-zebra
19) List your side blogs and what they’re used for:
@incorrecthournite My hournite/stargirl sideblog where I use incorrect quotes 
20) Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? I talk a lot, and open up about myself a lot, so hope that’s alright. 
Tagging: @sssssssim @joeylwitter @galaxy-creationz @vibrant-falkon @cindyburman @chaoticbi-cheesecake @canary-warrior @theozmachronicles and anyone else who wants to!!
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superbatson · 4 years
get to know me
tagged by @chestnutblondehead 💕
Name: rachel
Cats or Dogs: cats, obviously
Sexuality: bi
Current time: 12:19am
Hogwarts House: ravenclaw!
Reason for your url: i wanted a shazam-related url but i figured all the good ones were taken, and then my mind was like "well... billy is a superhero" so i kinda smushed it into "super batson". which can also be read as "superbat son" and that was not a coincidence
Favorite animals: cats, penguins, dolphins, bunnies
Tag 10 people: okay fine i'll actually tag people this time
@johnmulaneyhentai @whitmore @s-t-r-i-p-e @bluetrainer @scoobycool9 @reallyhardy @stanzier @cindyburman @colinkellyjost @fiveharrgreeves
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colins-bridgerton · 3 years
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top 10 stargirl characters (as voted by my followers)
7.) cindy burman aka shiv
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cindyburman · 4 years
I hope that courtney and Yolanda make up in the next episode, otherwise I will be going for Geoff's throat. We have not had meaningful scenes between Yolanda and Courtney for a long time. Also I felt court was a little ooc and insensitive this episode towards Yolanda. I know she and Pat too are getting impatient with figuring out the ISA's plans but steam rolling over Yolanda's legitimate concerns was so different from the girl who was ready to throw hands with Henry over harassing Yolanda
i also really want some court and yolanda scenes!! i feel like we haven’t really gotten any solid moments between just them since 1x04 or maybe the little scene where yolanda shows courtney a video of ted grant in 1x06, and it’s like. why even set them up as super close friends if you’re never going to show them being friends ever again???
as for how courtney was during this ep, i feel that!!! on one hand, i get that courtney wants to see the good in people, even people like henry who have shown themselves to be bad before but could have the potential to be good. on the other hand, though, henry is generally widely hated or at least disliked by the audience (maybe most of the hatred comes from me shhhhh), and we KNOW that he didn’t release yolanda’s nudes, he only was showing them to his friends (which is still a shitty thing to do when he promised that he wouldn’t share them but anyways) and cindy was the one who released them. 
the characters on the show (excluding henry and cindy obviously) don’t even know that, they think that henry released yolanda’s nudes himself and should (understandably!!) hate him even more than we do!!! and we’ve seen starsquad show that hatred of them, esp courtney who shoved henry for being an ass in the FIRST EPISODE when she didn’t even know the extent of what he’d done, only that he was slutshaming yolanda, a random stranger who courtney hadn’t even really talked to at this point!! 
so yeah it does seem kinda... weird for courtney to be like “you know what? forget about how henry sent out yolanda’s nudes to everyone in school, thus ruining her reputation and her relationship w her family, and then further bullied and slutshamed her for even sending him the pictures in the first place when he specifically promised not to share them with anyone. bc as it turns out, he actually has Trauma™” (which does NOT pan out bc p much everyone on the show has experienced something traumatic. hell if anyone should have gone crazy and murdered henry after the shit he put her through, it’s yolanda, and while she’s had the chance to kill him TWICE, she hasn’t gone through w it bc she actively CHOOSES to be a good person. but this is a whole other rant). i mean this is the same girl who didn’t want to recruit artemis to the jsa bc she was being too “competitive” and now she’s ready to turn around and invite the guy who’s the poster child for being an asshole onto the team. it just. doesn’t add up for me. 
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gertstarlight · 4 years
dear The Dumbasses On Discord,
ik the finale just came out so for the unforeseeable future, this is the last episode but just know that every single one of u idiots matter so fucking much to me!!! we got so close over the past month and it has been the greatest time! and i hope tht next year we will all be chaotic on there together over cameron accidentally leaking s2 scripts also i hope that all the enemies on our list may be vanquished!! hournite might’ve brought us together but our collective stupidity keeps us together🥰🥰🥰
with love, the only lawyer apparently
@freckledpianoman @chaoticbi-cheesecake @canary-warrior @psycho-crazy-pineapples @cindyburman @theozmachronicles @gaygrandmother @falling4hournite @heliophile7 @thatkillervibe @disneysgreatest92 and literally everyone else on there
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livi-asdfghjkl · 4 years
alright it's love letter time!!
so i haven't been the most active in the discord server, but ive grown really attached to you guys. i feel free to speak my mind and you guys encourage me to not give up on my writing and to take my time. we all hype each other up and freak out about the episodes together and bounce fanfic ideas off of each other and you provide me with so much angst and fluff and it's a perfect balance that i couldn't find anywhere else.
the fact that i found a group of friends because circus wanted to add me to the server so she could test the bot stuff she had set up is kinda crazy but honestly after that i caught up with stargirl as fast as i could because i wanted to be a part of something and you all seemed like you'd understand the weird thoughts that run through my head (aka me calling pat a dilf at every opportunity). i love you guys so much sorry if this is a clusterfuck.
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@gertstarlight @cindyburman @canary -warrior @chaoticbi-cheesecake @psycho-crazy-pineapples @hournites @jcc04220 @disneysgreatest92 @livi-asdfghjkl @bethschapel @theozmachronicles @falling4hournite @heliophile7 @bamonisreal @pegxcarter and anybody else in the server!!
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