cannibalgh0st · 4 months
Cinnamon toothpaste hits different- 🪥 ✨️
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veliseraptor · 11 months
please please please meng yao x xue yang h/c fic please?
this one I have just barely started but I actually know what I'm doing with it, which puts it ahead of a number of other things I'm writing!!! I believe this was a prompt from @silvysartfulness that was basically "cql!verse meng yao runs into xue yang on his way to cloud recesses, thoroughly fucked up on account of taking a sword to the chest; xue yang, who is fresh off meng yao letting him out of the cells to get rid of the wen (didn't work out) comes across him and decides, for his own reasons and also cause he does kinda owe him, to stick him back together"
after all, now xue yang is a free independent xue yang from both not having to deal with wen ruohan anymore (good) and not executed by nie mingjue (also good) and that is partly down to meng yao. I also headcanon that the way that xue yang eyes meng yao in the unclean realm is less about, idk, ~evil recognizes evil~ (boring, invalid) and more about recognizing meng yao's precarious and weird position in things and finding it funny.
and sometimes finding things funny (in this case, meng yao getting kicked out of the nie sect entirely) is a good reason to do things.
it's just kind of a fun plotless h/c idea and excuse to have the two of them interact at an earlier point in the timeline. I have exactly two paragraphs written of it.
Leaving the Unclean Realm, Meng Yao’s future was an uncertain blur. But he knew where he was going to go now. At least he had that much. Cloud Recesses had been attacked. Zewu-jun – who had shown him such consideration, and for no reason – was in danger. 
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sourtomatola · 5 months
Taking candy for a fool 9
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You gaze at the sad looking candy creature in front of you. His bicep’s shell was thin and looked recently broken. Like he had only barely started healing after a harvest. His candy corn ray’s looked a bit like sun’s, only more complicated and full. He had a liquorice hat like moons, but his was made of red liquorice. Half of his body seemed to be made of chocolate, while the other half an orange thin candy shell. So thin, you could see his Endo-skeleton through it. He looked sick, and tired.
Sun handed him his own tube and the poor fellow seemed to only get a small sip from it, his orange candy shells darkening ever so slightly. A drop-like candy started to form at the end of his red liquorice hat. He noticed the drop and quickly crunched it in his teeth, making you flinch at the sight.
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“He used to be part of the tour and such, but…One night, a Newbie harvester over-harvested him and…well, they thought he was dead. Threw him in a melting pot to reuse and…he woke up before they could melt him down, so he escaped.”
“Oh gosh…he still look’s so sick…” You frowned and took a closer look. Eclipse smiled at you and started to make motions with his hands. You realized he was using sign language. “Oh gosh, he’s mute too?” You frowned.
“His voice box was broken when he was over-harvested…so yes, he has to sign, but we can translate for you.” Moon told you.
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“Oh, thank you, but…why is he still so broken?” You asked and gingerly touched his arms. His cinnamint starlight cheeks reflected the light thinly at you.
“Fazbear mediates our syrup…we can only spare so much after healing ourselves…” Sun frowned and took Eclipse’s hand gently. Eclipse squeezed slightly, seeming to take the comfort.
“Why…why does he eat the drop on his hat?”
Eclipse began to motion, and moon translated. “He does it as rebellion, he doesn’t want anyone take his drops from him ever again. That and he needs to heal elsewhere first.”
Eclipse then lit up slightly, seeming to have an idea. He gently took your hand and led you out of the room, taking you through the hall.
You looked to Sun and moon questioningly, but They seemed just as confused. They then stiffened up when seeing the place Eclipse led you to.
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questfriendspodcast · 1 month
🎵 They're cinnamon, they're minty, they're cinn-a-mints! 🎵
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pumpkajelly · 7 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
@silverskulltula I love doing these thank u for think of me! 🦇
🍃 1. Are you named after anyone? All three of my middle names are after people! An aunt I've never met, my father, and my father's sister (also an aunt but I know her)
🍃 2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday but it's been an emotional time in my life lately
🍃 3. Do you have kids? No, but I'd like to have two some day.
🍃 4. What sports do you play/have you played? Haven't ever been a huge sports person but I used to really enjoy dodge ball (if that can be included) and volley ball. The most I've ever enjoyed a sport was when I was doing fencing in university. I'm pretty decent at lunges actually!
🍃 5. Do you use sarcasm? It's been said
🍃 6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? Clothing, maybe? I like to see the different ways people express themselves through their fashion!
🍃 7. Eye color? Hazel (the bluey-green kind)
🍃 8. Scary movies or happy endings? Lately I've been really enjoying psychological horror movies like The Menu, Cabin in the Woods and Nope! I used to really not be into horror but more recently I've really started appreciating the different ways themes are tackled in a movie that aims to scare/horrify/disturb! Cabin in the Woods said 'What if in a situation with literal axe-wielding redneck zombie murder family the real horror was systematic, government-ordained violence?' and I loved it for that.
🍃 9. Any talents? For drawing! There's always more room to grow but I'm happy with the art skills I do have. I'm also pretty decent at writing and telling stories, I'd say!
🍃 10. Where were you born? In Ontario! Oakville, if that contains any significance to anyone 👶
🍃 11. Hobbies? Video games, drawing, RP (whether it's written or TTRPG style), writing letters, and cooking! I also watch shows here and there and enjoy cooking / history youtubes.
🍃 12. Any pets? My beloved cat Cheshire! We usually call her Chess she's 13 and developed Cat Asthma this year
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🍃 13. Height? 5'
🍃 14. Favorite school subject? English
🍃 15. Dream job? I really want to be a researcher. I have a bachelor's in psychology, and to be a psych teacher and researcher is pretty up there, but lately I've been considering what it might mean to take that research interest in other directions!
I'll throw some tags out here but if I miss you and you still wanna do it please do I love to read these thangs
@doeraymmie @clairric @nakimochiku @first-renegade @arandomeldritchbeing @yourpsychothicccgf @final-girl-lorde @kinryouku @cinnamintal @corosiaspara @interclouds @confettigraffiti @darkvampire111-blog @orionsvoid @justlikeloving
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icedmetaltea · 9 months
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theinsanecrayonbox · 10 months
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Holiday Woodland Critters yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
Jingle Kit is pinkie-mint, Jingle Ursa is a polar bear, Jingle Mau is a Norwegian Forest cat, and Jingle Glitch is peppermint (or cinnamint)
Merry Jingly!
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Ah, the wonders of global capitalism...
So, since I'm a poor MoFo, and can't really afford to buy stuff like toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc., I don't buy them, unless I pass all the rigorous mental self-flagellation tests I put myself through.
This month, there was finally like $25 left in my account after the checks for rent. And since I'm a poor MoFo, I looked at what they had at GroceOut (absolute cut-rate global overstock crazy store).
I finally found toothbrushes that were "Medium", because I wear out a "soft" in a week. They were cheap enough, looked at all the toothpaste they had, and this one I'd never seen before, different shaped box, but was kinda reminiscent of the Tom's stuff visually. It was fairly cheap, too, and best of all, it said "Mild Mint". I generally HATE mint. Hate mint-flavored ANYTHING. It ruins your mouth for hours afterwards. So to find "Mild Mint" toothpaste was promising.
And so I looked for mouthwash, the last of the triumvirate, and almost didn't see it. They had one called "Fresh Mint", grabbed the last bottle of it and got to the checkout.
Over and above the bare essential food stuff I got with the EBT, the three dental things were almost $15. Still leaves me with a tiny bit in my account. However, what started all this was reading the box and tube of the toothpaste; it's a brand I've never seen before, so I was trying to find the parent company in the fine print. Got the Old Man Glasses out and got under the light and much to my surprise, it was made in.......New Zealand?!?!?!?
Kinda bewildering, really. The brand is called "Red Seal", and it really IS a "mild mint", and I like it! It's actually milder than the Tom's "Cinnamint". I'm pretty sure I'll never see it in any other store...just GroceOut, the chain with the insane never-the-same selection.
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mickmathersartblog · 10 months
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"Macky's Cinnamints"
digital collage, digital text & digital painting by Mick Mather
(click image to view actual size)
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coffeedrgn87 · 2 years
December 12th Drarry Drabble: "Gingerbread House"
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Tags: Fluff, Young Love, Moving In Together, Meeting Teddy, Draco has a bit of a meltdown, Harry is quite possibly the best and most supportive boyfriend, I love those dorks, do you?
When the side wall panels of the gingerbread house collapsed for the umpteenth time, and the peaked wall panel broke in half, Draco felt like setting fire to the whole darn kitchen. He couldn’t remember why he’d decided to build a miniature version of Hogwarts out of gingerbread when Charming Cinnamints made them to order. 
Except, he could.
Because it was all Harry Potter’s fault.
“Bloody Chosen Wanker,” Draco grumbled, wondering how Harry had talked him into tagging along to finally meet little Teddy Lupin, his maternal cousin once removed. Wasn’t it bad enough that Draco, in a fit of incurable madness, had given in and drunkenly confessed that he was probably, most likely, absolutely, definitely in love with Harry? Paradoxically, said confession hadn’t ended with Potter’s mates hexing his balls off because Harry reciprocated his feelings for some wretched reason. Mystifyingly, two years into this madness, they were now in a steady relationship, and the fact that Draco spent more time in Harry’s flat than in his tiny studio concerned him greatly. It didn’t cause him as much anguish as Harry’s suggestion to meet Teddy.
Draco scowled at his ruined efforts and growled. This sorry attempt at bribing little Teddy into liking him wouldn’t work out. Teddy was bound to hate him; if Teddy hated him, well, his relationship with Harry was as good as over. Draco’s chest constricted painfully; holding on to the edges of the kitchen counter, he let his head fall forward. He tried to focus on breathing, but Draco’s anxiety had other plans. It foiled his attempts at trying to calm down, and after nervously tapping the counter until he chipped a nail, Draco gave up entirely.
Instead, he grabbed an entire stack of gingerbread wall panels and hurled them across the kitchen. Unfortunately for Draco, his flurry of anger coincided with Harry’s return home. He just about managed to duck to avoid being assaulted by flying gingerbread. Draco stared in absolute horror, then let out a wretched sob. He stomped his foot like a petulant child and announced his departure, but Harry’s thick layer of wards thwarted his attempt to apparate on the spot. Instead, he bounced off the wards like a rubber ball and ended up on the floor.
Harry was at his side in an instant. Before Draco could react and try to shove him away, Harry knelt beside him and pulled him into a comforting hug. Draco dejectedly let his head fall against Harry’s chest and closed his eyes. They burned with unshed tears, but Draco was determined to keep it together. He wasn’t going to cry over a failed attempt at baking; no, he absolutely wasn’t. Except, a sob forced its way past the thick lump in his throat and before Draco knew it, he had his fingers twisted in Harry’s oversized winter jacket and was blubbering like a three-year-old who’d just fallen off his first toy broom. With the unwanted howls came an avalanche of lamentation as Draco spilt his guts to Harry. He didn’t want to confess it all, but the harder he tried to keep it together, the more got out.
By the end, Draco’s tear-stained face was blotchy, and he was snivelling into a ball of soft paper tissues. His eyes were bloodshot and blinking; he looked at Harry and felt his face flush crimson.
“I’m sorry; I’ll just get out of your hair; you’ll never have to see me again.”
Harry frowned.
“You’re not in my hair. And don’t you think whether I want to see you again should be my decision and not yours?”
Draco blinked, trying to process the question. He opened his mouth with the very intention to object, but before he could get a single syllable out, Harry pressed a single digit against his lips and shushed him.
“I’ll be honest, I understood less than half of what you wailed about just now, but if I’m not entirely mistaken, baking didn’t go so well. Unless, of course, I fucked up, and you were just waiting for me to come home so you could throw gingerbread at me. I will go out on a limb here and say that’s not the case. But somehow Teddy is involved, though I don’t quite understand how, and weirdly enough, you got it in your head that I’m on the verge of breaking up with you?”
Draco wanted to speak, desperately wanted to clarify things, but Harry refused to let him get a word in edgewise. Draco scowled at him, but it did not affect Harry, who simply smiled. His green eyes danced with a hint of mischief, and Draco reminded himself that right now was not the best time to drown in those sparkling emeralds.
“OK, so even though I’m flummoxed, I’d like you to know one thing. I am not on the verge of breaking up with you. Quite the opposite, actually. I meant to ask you over Christmas, but I might as well tell you now. I’d very much like it if you moved in here with me. The place is big enough for us both. Besides, you spent more time with me than in your own place. It doesn’t make sense for us both to pay rent for two places. You don’t have to answer me right now, take some time to think about it and tell me then. Now, as for your gingerbread endeavour. I’ve never made a gingerbread house, but I used to do a fair bit of baking at my aunt and uncle’s place, so if you’re game, maybe we can try again together. As for how Teddy fits into all this, you’ll have to explain again, as I’m afraid that part made zero sense.”
Draco let out a long sigh. He wanted to explain that he was sure that Teddy would hate him and that this was why he worried about Harry and their relationship, but his brain had a different idea altogether.
“You want me to move in with you?” he asked, perplexed.
Harry nodded.
“Yeah, I’d love to have you here full-time. We could do a trial run for a couple of months if you don’t want to give up your place immediately, although it feels like we’ve been doing just that for the past year.”
Draco swallowed hard. The gigantic smile on Harry’s face was tough to resist, and if Draco was completely honest, he wanted to live with Harry very much. He wasn’t sure whether it was the wisest decision, and heated arguments were most definitely in their future, but Harry made him feel safe and at home for the most part.
“I’m scared,” he whispered.
“Of living with me?”
Draco nodded, then shook his head immediately after.
“No, I’m scared Teddy will hate me.”
Harry’s eyes widened.
Draco half expected him to laugh, but instead, Harry crawled forward, took his face in his hand and kissed him softly.
“Don’t be daft; he’s been talking about meeting you for weeks.”
Draco sighed.
“That’s even worse. You’ve hyped me up, and now I won’t live up to his expectations.”
Harry huffed a laugh.
“Nutter. I did nothing of the sort. I just told him that I’d love him to meet his cousin. Draco, the kid’s only got his gran and me. Finding out that he’s got more family out there is like his birthday and Christmas happening on the same day. You could be a toad, and Teddy would love you to bits.”
Strangely enough, the toad reference made Draco laugh, but a wave of silent tears still rolled down his cheeks. He looked embarrassed and tried to wipe them away, but Harry was faster, and he kissed the tears away, then gently booped his nose.
“Go have a shower or a bath. I’ll clean up and make us some tea. We can talk some more then.”
Draco wanted to reject the suggestion, but Harry practically shooed him out of the room, and to be quite honest, a bath did sound nice.
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sasvke · 2 years
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theballadofdrjekyll · 2 years
cinnamint through and through… cmon 2018 fandom..
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questfriendspodcast · 7 months
Here are some more:
Ezra x The Lady with Cinnabar Lips
Joe x Evil Hop
Q-Bo x V-Bo
Snapoa Salesperson x Frank the Cinnamints Guy
Jameson Hopper x One-Eyed Joe (top tier enemies to lovers)
I’d say “Ein x rockryan shanksfossil,” but that’s just canon -Kyle
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ahealthynewbody1 · 2 months
About this item FLUORIDE FREE, SLS FREE, GLUTEN FREE, VEGAN 6.25oz THOROUGHLY CLEANS TEETH - This toothpaste cleans teeth and gums thoroughly while gently removing plaque and bacteria buildup. KEEPS GUMS HEALTHY - Infusion of neem (ayurvedic toothbrush) in the toothpaste ensures that your gums stay healthy and helps.
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beep-er · 5 months
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dirtygaro · 10 months
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На 7-ми декември в 20:00 часа се събираме в клуб Дом, за да отбележим рождения ден на неповторимия артист и скъп приятел Милан Здравков. 🖤
Тази година за първи път ще празнуваме без него, тъй като неговият жизнен път приключи твърде рано и неочаквано. 
Не приключва обаче това, което Милан оставя след себе си. Това, което живее във всеки един от нас, имал привилегията да се докосне дори и за кратко до него. Примерът за безкомпромисна креативна визия, чувствителност, деликатност, финес и човешка топлина. Качества, които поставяха Милан на първа страница в червената книга на изчезващите човешки видове.
Събираме се не да плачем, че го няма, а да се радваме, че го е имало и да изградим колективен контейнер за светлината, с която той ни дари.
Live: Kliment, qsenq, Vataff Project
DJ: Cinnamint, Hvoshtel, Ivo Graves, George Eve, Scav, Zizo
VJ: minimaleye, Aksvenur
Начало: 20:00
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