#cinnamoroll bianca
daybreaklynx · 1 year
my melody enid, kuromi wednesday and cinnamoroll bianca r so real to me...🐺🦂🐝 (enid threatened wednesday) (also wednesday is stepping on a toll to be taller)
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I basically gave up after rendering wednesday's and bianca's faces (when I didn't even finish coloring the rest) and I'm pretty bad at painting clothes so I'm sorry jskdmd but I'm proud of those two... but it was taking too much time so here. just take it🏃🏿‍♂️the trio ever
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firstaidspray · 6 months
tagged by @corvosattano to share a wip and some music that goes with it. I don't have a specific song in mind for this but I've got a whole Driver romance playlist that goes well with the whole fic. Here's Driver doing something sweet for Bianca...in his own way.
[Bianca and Bennett] go into a larger building, a complex with multiple stores inside. He peers inside and waits for them to enter a store before coming into the building, and then he goes into the store across from the one they are in. Once more, they're giddy over action figures and other toys, and Bianca finds a figure of something she likes. But judging by her expression and the fact that she puts it back on the shelf, she can't afford it.
After they peruse the store some more, Bianca and Bennett leave empty handed and move on to another in the building, luckily not the one Driver has been in. He crosses the hall and goes into the one they'd just been inside and immediately heads for the figure Bianca had been holding. It's one of a character called Mars from the anime Sailor Moon, one hand on her hip, one outstretched, legs crossed as she stands. How ridiculous anime poses are, Driver thinks, but if Bianca likes it, then perhaps it's worth the hefty price of two hundred dollars. The manufacturing date says 2003, so it's technically vintage, which makes the price make some sense.
Driver takes the figure under his arm and carries it to the register, but as he's walking there, he finds a keychain of that white character Bianca had been eyeing a plush doll of. Cinnamoroll, says the tag. He picks it up, too, and places both on the counter. The cashier makes little conversation with him, other than telling him the price, and he thanks her with a nod before taking the bag of his purchases and leaving.
They're obviously gifts for Bianca, but Driver isn't sure when he'll be able to give them to her. Should he do so in person, or anonymously? Mail them to her, set them on her porch? He's unsure, but what he is sure of is he needs to keep up with her, so he rushes forward.
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I can't see a future for myself and that scares me
I haven't taken my meds in over a year I want to be loved for me, not the sedated version of me
It seems like the worlds smiling without me
Should morals be dictated by fear of punishment?
They all had opinions of how the serial killer should be killed, and seemed to feel pity for his victims. I felt nothing, once again. I acted like I had a bit of an opinion but I really didn't. It felt the same as hearing what was for breakfast.
Why do you look like you just killed something?
I feel repulsed by my own body which somehow seems to be oozing germs, when there really isn't anything there. I wanna skin myself., claw my skin up and scrub underneath it so I'm clean. This is what it means to be sick, means to be constantly obsessed.
I love books that are
They just don't give out lobotamies like they used to anymore
(I'll say it to your face. Go fuck yourself.)
I've never felt romantically or sexually attracted to anyone before. I don't feel anything, including those things.
My Number One Man: Evangelos Kosmos
240 Pack $53.39
JAM Paper Round Circle Label Sticker Seals, 2.5 inch diameter, White, 2 Sets of 120 (2147615066g)
That's okay. In taking the highest dose of medication they're allowed to give out and it's still not working
Alyssa/Aisha: Eyes scorched out & Beheaded
Kiera: Beheaded
Evienrose/Eve: Suicide by drinking poison
Athanasia: Executed by hanging
Aria Roscente:
By ,, Nakov
1. Penelope & Callisto
2. Eris & Anakin
3. Ruby & Izek
4. Bianca & Zachary
5. Charlize & Dylan
6. Aria & Asher
7. Leticia & Erden
8. Olivia & Ian
Vivi & Ahin / Ayesha & Hades / Cassia & Zester / Hilise & Axion / Lily & Vlad / Lariette & Ian /
1. Aria Roscente
2. Astelle Leston
3. Bianca De Arno
4. Cayena Hill
5. Charlize Ronan
6. Cassia Greze
7. Eris Misérian
8. Fiona Green
9. Hilise Inoaden
10. Kiera Parvis
11. Leticia Grey Halstead
12. Medea Solon
13. Penelope Eckart
14. Rudbeckia De Borgia
15. Roxana Agriche
16. Serena White
17. Soru
18. Tatiana Cartier
19. Verta Alberhart
I felt myself in a solitude so frightful that I contemplated suicide. What held me back was the idea that no one, absolutely no one, would be moved by my death, that I would be even more alone in death than in life.
Jean Paul Sartre, Nausea
Notes from Underground
Novella by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I'm Thinking of Ending Things Novel by Iain Reid
House of Leaves Novel by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Butterfly Garden Book by Dot Hutchison
S. by Doug Dorst and JJ Abrams
This book is not a suicide note. Ten days after Edouard Leve handed in the manuscript of Suicide to his publisher in 2007, he hanged himself in his apartment. He was 42. Two years after Jean Amery's On Suicide was published in 1976, the author took an overdose of sleeping pills. He was 65. ... 
Notes on Suicide
Book by Simon Critchley
Nutmeg, Lemon juice, Vegetable Shortening, Garlic powder, Cocoa powder, Apple cider vinegar, Canola oil, Unsweetened milk, Colored dye, Soy Milk, Distilled vinegar, Soy sauce, better than bouillon vegetable paste*, Soy curls, Vegetable broth,
1 vegan yellow onion, vegan ground beef, chili powder, (oregano dried), paprika, unsweetened almond milk, vegan broth, rotini pasta, shredded vegan cheddar cheese,
Cinnamoroll Plush Slipper Boots
Thing I Want to Buy:
1. A Pocket Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue $18.95
Hype Honeydukes Holo Harry Potter Lunch Bag
Harry Potter Birthday Party: Honeydukes loot bags
You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough.
...You can only subject people to anguish who have a conscience. You can only punish people who have hopes to frustrate or attachments to sever; who worry what you think of them. You can really only punish people who are already a little bit good.
These were good people and they had been good to us and we had therefore had a good time. To conclude otherwise was frightening, raising the specter of some unnameable quantity without which we could not abide, but which we could not summon on demand, least of all by proceeding in virtuous accordance with an established formula.
When you pushed me in the water, I swam I had to go my whole life learning, so that I wouldn't drown. You said you treated me like shit cause I deserved it When really you were just miserable with yourself
I let you
Cause I'm taking back my power,
Rico Nasty - Smack a Bitch
My Favourite Badass Girl's: Carter, Sloan,
Sloan D'Aboville: the Jefa of the Spanish mafia / La Jefa of the Spanish Mafia / evil, unforgiving and cold
Point of Menace : Sloan D'Aboville : the Jefa of the Spanish Mafia - evil, unforgiving and cold
Carter [ON HOLD] : Carter Knight : Leader of the Devil's Reapers (Mafia) -
Sinners like us don't find forgiveness in a church no more
This for my people going through depression This for the kids who never felt affection This for the kids whose parents don't accept them Saying they love everyone else except them
It seems like the worlds smiling without me
(God) (The Dream)
Why does my throat burn when I drink energy drinks?
If this happens to you, caffeine could be a culprit. "Caffeine relaxes esophageal sphincter, which allows acid to come up in the throat,"
2. You’re peeing orange
Urine that is dark yellow or orange is a telltale sign of dehydration. "Coffee is actually a diuretic that can lead to dehydration by increasing the amount you urinate so you lose too much body fluids," says Amy Gross, MPH, RD, CDN and a clinical dietician at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Caffeine usually doesn’t trigger dehydration until after you’ve had about 500 mg, so you should be safe if you stick to a cup or two of coffee a day.
"They love without measure those whom they will soon hate without reason."
It is not that [the sociopath] fails to grasp the difference between good and bad; it is that the distinction fails to limit their behavior.
Should our morals be dictated by fear of punishment?
I didn't think I'd make it to 12. I'm turning 18 this year.
Hearing words of love sounded like a record on repeat. You loved me, but I didn't love you.
Most days, it feels like I'm eating my own heart
I thought I needed to get worse before I could get better
Mother's often have nowhere to put their rage. More times than not, it gets directed towards their daughters, because they are a clear image of what they could've been. An unmoulded version they could make into something to feel as if they have accomplished something themselves.
The truth is cruel. The people we love don't really love us back.
I cannot understand this feeling, and there's no way to explain it
Unless you are constantly exposed to a certain amount of pain, you will be afraid of it
Sometimes I wonder if there's something waiting for me in life. If maybe I'll wake up one day and suddenly want to live it.
You can't save me, and I'm afraid I'll drag you down with me
The side of me that was lovely, the side of me that cared about others. It made me sick to think that it was all a lie.
My mother tells me "Don't bleed on my floor," but she's constantly cutting me.
You told me you loved me my whole life, yet I never felt a thing
When the only emotion you ever showed me was anger, I welcomed it with open arms. I wanted you to feel something for me, even if all that was is rage.
In your eyes, what do I look like? Am I as bad as I make myself seem?
I had nowhere to put this sadness, so it turned into anger
A lifetime of sadness turns a person angry
I sat with my sadness long enough, until it became anger
Just because someone has it worse, doesn't mean you don't have it bad
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't know love
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't feel know love myself
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't know how yo love
I can't feel like others do so I end up hurting them by my bluntness ))
Thing Called Love
Not Sober
Rainstorm tixzystcks
Happy Face
Holy Molly
Famous Hoes
First Place
Virtual)) blue Balenciaga))
Robbin Hood
Hold Me While You Wait
Be Alright
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I couldn't feel love in mine
Mafia Boss Female Lead's: Sloan D'Aboville (Point of Menace : RuStYtAbLeS) Carter Knight (Carter : Rachel1Levy)
Mafia Boss Male Lead's: Evangelos Kosmos [Gigi] (Serendipity & Sovereignty)
Medea Solon : ESTJ
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June 8- Studio Ghibli Museum
Today we went to the Ghibli Museum, and it was truly magical. The path there felt straight from a movie, adorned with lush greenery and parks along the way. I couldn’t get photos in the museum since they don’t allow photography, but I got photos in the outside areas. There were three exhibits, one that was dedicated to Miyazaki’s artistic process, another dedicated to Future Boy Conan, and a final one dedicated to the animation process. The artistic process exhibit was stunning with an amalgamation of Miyazaki’s artistic genius. There was a hodgepodge of airplane models, character sketches and books that brought the room to life. (picture attached is from internet since I couldn’t take one). I was able to thumb through the books of animation stills that he created as I recognized each fan. It was so great to be able to see the inspiration behind my favorite movies. I could pinpoint each film and the museum did a great job capturing each film individually while just having his vibe in general. The biggest praise I can give is that the entire museum felt truly “Ghibli” even if it wasn’t referencing any film in particular, as it was surrounded by nature. The Future Boy Conan exhibit gave me insight on a 26 episode series that I wasn’t aware Miyazaki directed. When I was using phone to translate, a nice employee kindly gave me a packet with translations of the exhibit. It explained each episode in depth. It was really hard to understand the convoluted plot, but I could see so many characteristics of Miyazaki’s work and got the general vibe. The animation they showed was so expressive and characteristic of him. The final exhibit was my favorite, with moving pictures and figure sets to capture the process of animation. There was a figure carousel of characters from My Neighbor Totoro which seemed like the figures were really moving due to the flickering of the lights. Old fashion film reels were visible and allowed us to watch a cool animation about evolution. Outside the exhibits, was also a room with a miniature cat bus for kids to crawl in, a store with exclusive museum goodies, a theater and a cafe. The theater screened Mei and the Kittenbus which was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. It was about Mei, from My Neighbor Totoro, being visited by a kitten version of the Catbus. She rides the bus that night and meets other forms of cat-based transportation including a cat-airplane! She shares her caramel candies with the cats and it’s adorable. She also reunited with Totoro in a scene that made my entire body fuzzy and warm. I genuinely could not stop smiling for the entire 15 minute short. I ate at the cafe and got a small strawberry snack since there weren’t many vegetarian options. The cafe was themed after Howl’s Moving Castle which was nice since it’s my favorite movie and there wasn’t much content for it. Once we finished, we wanted to go to the Shiro Hige cream puff factory. It were told by other members that they ran out of Totoro creampuffs. Finally, Ana, Bianca and I met up with Jordan at the Cinnamoroll cafe. Cinnamoroll is my favorite character so I’ve been excited for months. Unfortunately, there were out of every food item except the curry and they also didn’t have the cake. I had a sundae which was okay and a grapefruit soda that wasn’t great. Overall it was an amazing day filled with cuteness and fun.
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