#ciri x aunt reader
the-doctor-3000 · 2 years
Imagine. . . Being like a little sister to Geralt of Rivia.
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You two first met at your sister's, Pavetta, birthday.
You began travelling with him after that day.
At first it was only to make sure he was safe.
Not that he needed a princess' protection to be safe.
By the passing of time, you both grew close.
Whenever someone would just give you a nasty look just for travelling with him, he would put his hand on the sword as he would look at that person.
Of course, he wouldn't take out his sword but the stare of a witcher while his hand was at the hilt of his sword could be just as helpful.
Geralt would allow you to RIDE Roach.
The fact that he lets you be on his horse's back shows that he trusts you and cares for you.
He'd also help you with horseback riding but also how to handle a sword.
Jaskier would feel a bit jealous that he had warmed up to you quicker than he did to him.
You don't know what to think of Yennefer.
Honestly, your first impression of her was that she is a snake and a seductress - considering the place you met her.
When you met her again - for the dragon - you couldn't help but feel sorry for her and be on her side when Geralt patronized her.
It surprised them both.
Since you were always at Geralt's side.
A few years later, when you reunited with your niece and Geralt met the said girl, you were a wreck.
Your parents had been dead for years and your aunt was the only family you got left.
Well. . . Except for Ciri.
Geralt helped you through by telling you that it wasn't your fault.
Any time he would see you in tears, he'd instantly be by your side and try to cheer you up in his own way.
At Kaer Morhen. . .
Now, things are a bit bumpy.
Not between you and Geralt.
But with you and the other witchers.
Especially the one named Eskel.
You didn't like the way he spoke to you and your niece.
He was also constantly trying to flirt with you but luckily Geralt handled it.
From now on, none of the witchers were allowed to come near you with the intention of something more than friends.
He didn't need to say anything.
He would only stare at them with a threatening look in his eyes and they'd get away from you in a blink of an eye.
Maybe he'd let Jaskier be near you but even that is debatable.
Though he looks more like the type that wouldn't care, he would have a soft spot for you.
Overall, he is very protective and caring *in his own special way*
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raparopa · 2 years
How would Rience react if He was supposed to chase someone and then fall in love with that person?
a/n: I am sincerely sorry that there is so little content on it! This is not fair! After all, Netflix took on the role of such a charismatic boy that my heart just breaks ... I allowed myself to make small changes and additions to make it colorful. I hope it's not a problem)
OH! it turned out clearly more than I had planned.
warnings: mentions of chase
pairing: Rience x sorceress!female!reader
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-You might well consider yourself Ciri's "aunt". You were in Kaer Morhen with Triss, helping the girl and the witchers. You were a very capable sorceress with excellent abilities.
-And you clearly interfered with the owner of Lydia with your presence next to the Lion from Cintra, so the primary task was to eliminate you.
-NO NO! not murder, you just needed to be protected from Ciri as far as possible, and for as long as possible. So that you can't stop you from getting the girl.
-Therefore, Lydia immediately conveyed to Rience that you are his new task, which he must complete in order to strengthen his personality in the eyes of the "master", and move on to the next level - Ciri.
-You left Kaer Morhen, promising Ciri that you would definitely see her soon. Of course, after everything that happened in the fortress, it completely flew out of your head that your magic trail is very easy to calculate, you do not think at all that you can become someone's object.
- Rience had no trouble finding you. And he found you. In Novigrad. Alone.
-The sorcerer decided that first he should follow you in order to understand who you are, what you are, and how to deal with you, if anything, if you show (and you, of course, show) resistance. Therefore, he began to observe, following you as a shadow through the streets of the city.
-You were tired and devastated, so you came to Redania to put your head and strength in order at least a little. But despite the fatigue, you felt that you were practically not alone.
-Rience, after a few days of observation, he knew everything about you: where you rented a room, what flowers you like, what you read, and how you handle magic.
-But a new problem was growing: he himself did not even notice how he was looking after you just like that, without a goal, even with curiosity that was not characteristic of him.
- You were ... not at all what he expected. You were not like Lydia, or any other sorceress he had ever known. You were kind of gloomy, close to him (???). He noticed it even from such a far distance between you.
-You, in turn, also thoroughly understood that someone was watching you closely. You soberly assessed the risks, understood the danger, but your gut told you that something else was happening.
-Like a sorcerer, Rience began to notice that you do not arouse negative feelings in him, on the contrary, his interest in you is growing stronger and stronger, and he did not understand why.
-You were quite capricious, but not devoid of kindness and compassion, you were talented and smart, you helped those who asked you for help, you were ... you were just some kind of magnetic.
-He refused to admit to himself that it could be love. Strange, sudden, distant, but love. What else could you call such feelings and sensations?
- No matter how cruel he was, he, for some reason, felt obligated to you - to protect you, and honestly, he did not want to harm you.
-When she caught you, finally personally meeting you face to face, his head almost completely shut off. Now he did not want to let you go.
-He didn't expect this from himself. And it is not easy for him to accept his feelings, however, the longer you are with him, the less he doubts and thinks about the wrongness of his emotions.
-I think that Rience has something of yandere in him, it seems to me that possessiveness is quite natural for him. So either you can reciprocate or not, but it doesn't matter. You will still be there.
- Of course, Lydia will start asking him if he completed the task. He’s lying. He will come up with and will do everything so that she or her owner does not know that you are next to him, and still, theoretically, are able to interfere with them.
-If your feelings coincide with his, and you will tell him about your love, do not wait for words in response - if it is difficult for him to admit it to himself, then it is impossible for you.
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babylooneytoonz · 3 years
the Vessel [ Pt. 12 ]
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pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
summary: When Calanthe tries to separate you from Geralt, you finally decide to take matters into your own hand and fight for what is yours. And your baby's.
warnings: 18+ smut and a lot of fluff
[My Masterlist] [My Witcher Masterlist - Read the other parts here!]
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You woke up to a ray of sunlight falling right across your face, for a massive window was just right next to where the bed was. It still took you a full minute to completely open your eyes.
You smiled to yourself, when you heard the faint rise and fall of the man's chest next to you, and you turned to your side, your eyes falling on his peaceful form.
He looked peaceful, his hair messy and all over his face. He had an arm tucked around your waist still, and yet even in his sleep, the hold he had on you was light.
You rolled over, only slightly so that you were completely glued to him, listening to him stir from his sleep, and slowly, open his drowsy eyes.
"Morning, my love," you whispered to him, bringing your palm up to cup his cheeks, your thumb stroking gently over.
A faint smile crossed his lips; and his hand came to rest against your waist. In one tug, he pulled you into him, his firm body pressing against yours as he brought his lips to yours, kissing you softly.
You moaned in a low voice, Geralt's morning erection, like a hard rock, pressed to your core; his steady grinding into you causing your core to ache, "Geralt—"
"Hm?" He chuckled in his low, morning raspy voice, still grinding into you.
"Don't tell me I didn't warn you, Witcher," you playfully smacked him across his chest, and his eyebrow shot up in question; but before he could even reply, you were already climbing up on his lap, straddling him and his hard cock.
His head fell back against the pillow, and a groan left his lips. His hand came to rest on either of your hips, as he gripped you tight.
In a really painfully slow move, you went down on him, until his thickness completely filled you up, stretching you up bit by bit. You looked down at Geralt in his eyes, and he looked at you, as you began rolling your hips, riding the Witcher.
"Fuck," Geralt cursed, as you stopped your movements all together, and suddenly, began rolling your hips once again, feeling Geralt almost squirm underneath you.
When Geralt felt that you were tiring, he suddenly flipped you around, and you coiled your feet around his waist, as he continued to ravage you, pulling his slick coated cock out completely, before slamming hard into you. Your nails ripped through the flesh on his back, your nails dragging over his flesh, as you arched your back and let out a low pitched moan, driving the Witcher crazy.
This time, neither of you lasted long; and you finally exploded, stars in your eyes, as your pussy clenched around his cock, and a sudden electric current shot through your body as your orgasm took over, leaving you trembling and shaking. This was enough to push the Witcher over the edge; his movements had become sloppier, his thrusts dragged but it didn't take long for him to mutter a curse under his breath, his cock twitching once before his hot seed spilt inside of you.
You groaned against Geralt's sweaty forehead against yours; your fingers threading delicately through the Witcher's locks as he slumped in bed next to you. You could feel his breaths on you, and it took you a moment for the realization to sink in that Geralt was actually leaving for a while.
He noticed the lost look in your eyes, and he propped himself up on his elbow, looking at you.
"Say it," he chastised you.
You sighed, letting your hand rest against your growing bump, tenderly rubbing circles over it.
"When will you be back, Geralt?" You bit your lip.
A faint smile crossed over his otherwise stoic features. He leaned forward, so his face was above yours, his eyes gazing into yours with utmost tenderness.
"I thought you hated my company."
"That's not true," you protested, sitting up and rubbing your eyes with the balls of your palms, "I just didn't like you back then. Things are different now. I realized you aren't what you show others to be."
He nodded and leaned forward so he could kiss you, but before he could, there was a loud knock on your wooden door.
You glared from him towards the door that was pounding.
"Aunt [Y/N]?!"
"This is why I prefer the woods. No early morning visitors," Geralt said in a gruff voice, and laid back down casually. You smacked him hard against his chest and he growled at you in retaliation.
"You want me to hide?" He looked at you in disbelief, his jaw almost hanging loosely.
You gave him the most innocent puppy dog eyes and Geralt couldn't help but groan. You were irresistible like that.
"Please, Geralt—"
"Aunt [Y/N] ? Are you alright?" Ciri called out from outside.
"Yes, Cirilla, give me a moment, I'll be right out, love," you called out, and you turned towards Geralt, quickly tossing him his shirt. You motioned towards him with your fingers to quickly get dressed, but he just smirked at you, intentionally leaping off the bed at a pace of a snail's.
"Geralt, can you hurry up?" You snapped as you pulled the covers off your body and began pulling your slip over your head. You could feel Geralt's gaze over your form and you sighed, in frustration, "Geralt."
"Then stop distracting me," He smirked, moving round the bed towards you, his eyes hungry and clouded with lust. He pushed you to the wall, placing both his hands on either side of your head as he ran his thick, beefy fingers under your slip, until he was cupping your breasts.
To be fair, Geralt couldn't keep his hands off you ever since you had let him close. He had been fighting off these feelings for too long now and ever since he had seen you grow his baby in your belly, your belly swelling up as the time passed, his feelings for you grew, warmth filling up his otherwise cold heart.
"Geralt, we can't, Ciri is right outside—"
"She must have left by now. You didn't open the door," he took your taut nipple into his two fingers, pinching them and you winced, in pain and pleasure mix, letting the back of your head rest against the wall.
"You're so beautiful with my child inside you," Geralt placed his palm on your belly, rolling your slip up so he could see your bump. He smiled at how round and beautiful you looked, nurturing his baby.
Suddenly there was a knock again.
"Aunt [Y/N]? Are you okay?"
"Well, fuck," Geralt groaned in annoyance and you couldn't help but give him a toothy grin. You reached up on your toes so you could give a quick peck to his lips, "Geralt, please!!" You pleaded and Geralt groaned in annoyance, turning away as his eyes scanned your bedroom, until he saw a bannister in the other end of the room. He walked up to it, pushing himself behind it. You took a deep breath and straightened your slip, unlocking the door.
"Aunt [Y/N]. I was starting to get worried," Ciri stepped into your room, eyeing you, and your clothes carefully.
"Sorry, I sort of overslept? Anyway, is everything okay?" You asked, nervously running your hand through your hair.
"I just wanted to let you know grandmother wants you to get dressed in your best tonight, there's a few special guests arriving, just to see you."
You raised your eyebrow, frowning slightly, "Guests?"
"I wish I knew."
"Thanks Ciri," You smiled and placed your palm on her shoulder, squeezing it tight.
The little girl nodded at you, her blue eyes twinkling as she gave you a small smile back. She turned around and began walking through the door. She paused when she reached the door, and smirked slightly, biting her lip, "Aunt [Y/N], I'd wear a scarf tonight if I were you," she winked, and ran away.
Geralt couldn't help but let out a snort once she had left.
At first you didn't understand what she meant by it, but once she was gone, Geralt stepped out of his hiding spot and you gave him a confused look. He cleared his throat, and slowly placed both hands on your shoulders, turning you around to face the body size mirror and you looked at the countless darkening bruises you had on your body, from where Geralt had sucked against your flesh.
Flustered you buried your hands in your face, "You could have told me you did that Geralt. To hell now with the whole plan of keeping this discreet."
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"I would have rather stayed in the palace here with you, [Y/N]—" Jaskier whined in protest, swinging a sack that he was holding across his shoulder, while Geralt just grunted in response to his words and you shook your head. You were walking in the middle of the two of them, Geralt on your right and Jaskier on your left.
"Jaskier, I need you to go with Geralt," you whispered. Geralt rolled his eyes but he didn't argue. He had already had this discussion with you. He had wanted Jaskier to stay with you but you insisted that you wouldn't be able to stop worrying about him anyhow and it would make you feel better if Jaskier accompanied him, although you ones that if they were in some sort of danger, Geralt would have to protect Jaskier's ass and it definitely wouldn't be vice versa. But Geralt had finally relented and agreed.
"You know he can take care of himself, you're making me miss on the palace life, the luxuries and the rich food," Jaskier pointed out.
"I thought you wanted your lute, Jaskier," Geralt suddenly deadpanned, cutting Jaskier off, and you couldn't help but press your palm to your lips to suppress the unladylike snort that escaped your lips.
The three of you reached the front gate of the palace, and you couldn't help but feel sad. Geralt's fingers twitched, brushing against your palm and suddenly, he clasped his hand in yours, the skirt of your dress hiding your entwined hands from the rest of the world.
"You take care of yourself."
"I'm not the one leaving, Geralt. I'm not the one going back to the sorceress," you whispered in a low voice; a hint of jealousy playing in your voice.
"I'm just going to get Roach back. I promise there's nothing left between Yen and me," He squeezed your hand.
You stopped walking as you had already reached the palace door. The heavy doors were opened by the guards and you kept standing there, watching the two of them walk out of the palace until they weren't in sight anymore. You sighed to yourself, and started walking back inside.
You knew there were probably thousands of people in the castle right now; yet your heart felt lonely.
You spent the next three hours locked up in your bedchambers, sleeping most of the time. It was only at around sunset when one of your mother's handmaidens woke you up and told you that the Queen wanted you to be there at the dinner tonight, that some really important guests were coming over.
You looked at the beautiful golden dress that she was carrying in her hands. It was pure gold, with sparkling gems strewn to it. It looked expensive. As if the handmaiden had seen your expressions, she smiled and whispered, "this belongs to your mother. She wore this on her wedding day to King Eist. Now she wants you to have it."
She noted the look of discomfort that flashed in your eyes as you reached out and took the heavy dress from her.
"Why would she want me to wear this? Can't I wear something more simple? More comfortable?"
"Queen's orders, my lady."
You knew best to argue with the handmaiden so you groaned, rubbing your baby bump tenderly as you began slipping out of the simpler dress that you had been wearing. The handmaiden assisted you with the dress, and finally after an hour or so, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
The dress did seem to be a little tight from your waist given the fact that your baby bump was almost six months huge now but it did make you look beautiful, and divine. The gold colour blended perfectly with your skin tone, the pale make up that your handmaiden had done for you finally made you look like the Princess you truly were. If only Geralt had seen you like this, he wouldn't have been able to keep his hands off you.
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Faint music from a lute played inside the hall, as you walked towards it, holding the skirt of your dress. You were trying your best to make your waddle a less of a waddle and more of a walk, but it was proving more difficult as your baby was growing inside of you fast, making it difficult for you to not waddle about due to your growing bump.
One of the guards opened the door for you, and you stepped into the hall, your eyes falling on your mother, Ciri and Eist seated on either side of her. Ciri, upon looking at you, couldnt help but openly frown at you, but Eist and Calanthe seemed to be in a jolly mood.
"Come on, join us, love, we would like to speak to you before our guests are here," Calanthe pointed to an empty high chair in front of her.
You nodded, and lowered yourself into it, keeping your eyes fixed on her.
Calanthe turned to Eist, and gave her a look, before she lifted the goblet in front of her and brought it up to her lips.
"We talked a lot, and decided something, love."
Her eyes fell down as she fixed her gaze on your bump, and then back towards your face.
"I should, perhaps, excuse myself?" Eist muttered, but Ciri snorted, "Why? I think you should stay. This is your masterplan too."
"Cirilla, leave us. Go back to your chambers—" Calanthe said, sternly.
You didn't understand what was up with them. You kept glancing from Ciri to Calanthe who finally looked at you.
"We love our grandchild. We really do. And we know how powerful and strong that child is. Which is why, we have made a decision. You will marry King Foltest of Temeria." Calanthe blinked.
"What?" You snapped, your voice coming out sharper than usual.
"Your union with Foltest will save the baby from being a called a bastard child, [Y/N]. They will be the legitimate heir to the Temerian Kingdom, and you will be protected."
Ciri stood up and she walked over to you. She placed a palm on your shoulder and squeezed it. Hot tears were already beginning to form in your eyes. You began blinking, rapidly, trying to get the cloudiness to go away.
"Are you serious mother? My baby's father is very much with me. You want me to wed King Foltest? I want Geralt," you whined.
"Listen [Y/N]—" Calanthe stood up, her angry eyes looking at you, "You are not an ordinary woman. You are the Princess of Cintra. You cannot leave everything for a Witcher on the road."
"But mother I love Geralt!" You shouted back, curling your fists against the fabric of the dress.
"We all sacrifice, child. For what is right. Foltest is the key to securing your future. Also, you should thank him [Y/N]. He is accepting your hand in marriage even knowing the fact that you are carrying another man's bastard child inside you."
You flinched at the harshness of your own mother's words, the mother you had tried so hard to be in the life of.
"I don't want to marry Foltest. I want to live my life with Geralt."
"And do what? Assist that Witcher in killing monsters?" Calanthe spat, taking a sip of the drink, shaking her in distaste, "You think you can own it all? Have a Witcher sit on the throne to Cintra by your side?"
"Mother, this throne means nothing to me if there's no Geralt by my side."
You turned around, and turning your back towards them, you began walking away, ignoring your mother who kept screaming at you, "Do you think you have a choice? This Kingdom chose you, you didn't choose this kingdom. You are going to marry Foltest, [Y/N]. Whether you like it or not."
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You wiped the base of your eyes with the balls of your palm and sniffled as you looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress lay discarded on the floor, and you were dressed in a slip. Your fingers grazed over the marks that Geralt had given you last night, that one night of passion you had shared with him, and your heart ached. The man had marked you for himself, and even the destiny had. He was your lover and the father of your baby, yet you were now being faced with this gruesome situation of being married off to someone else— someone that wasn't Geralt of Rivia.
You were startled when Ciri wrapped her arms around your shoulders and let her head rest against your shoulder. Well, atleast there was someone who supported you, and your decision.
"I am sorry, Aunt [Y/N]. Grandmother can be overbearing."
"Can be?" You asked, sarcastically and she kept quiet, her head still resting against your shoulder, until she propped her head up and turned to you, her expressions serious.
"What are you going to do?" She asked.
You took a deep breath, and looked down at your bump, the only thing left to remind you of the man who had promised he would come back for you.
"I will run away. I don't want the Kingdom Ciri, if it means I have to marry Foltest. I cannot betray Geralt."
"Can I come with you?" She asked, and you turned towards her, shaking her head.
"Someone needs to be with mother, Ciri. And if it can't be me, it has to be you."
You told her, taking both her hands on yours, your thumb stroking gently over her knuckles.
The two of you stayed in momentary silence; before the two of you dropped each other's hands. She stood up and gave you an apologetic glance before she started walking out when you called her.
"Ciri, will you help me? I need to leave."
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The Vessel Taglist:
@kawennote09 @viking-raider @raspberrydreamclouds @pterodactylterrace @singeramg @historianwithaheart @miss-emilia-cavill @ayamenimthiriel @crazynocturnalkiki @xxxkatxo @coffeebreathy @fanaticnae @kmuir1 @little-jana @pineapplemama @auds24 @sassy-pelican @bitchynicole @cavillsim @ragamuffin285 @hista-girl @oliviali0930 @introvertedmouse @madbaddic7ed @libbymouse @nerra75 @maxineswritingcenter @superawesomegeek @waifu4lifeu @funalpaca @petitefirecracker10 @marantha @vikingsbifrost @babypink224221 @jessyballet @strrynigxts @rn7rocks @theroyalbrownbarbie @amirra88 @naughty-koala07 @xuxszx
want to be added to the list? plz let me know via my ask box, inbox and comments. ✨
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | 35
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff
; Word Count: 3.7k
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: Just a soft, fluffy chapter for you all after the angst and smut of the last two haha. Please leave comments and reblog it for me so others can read! Send me asks and so forth, we’re getting close to the endgame here so...I really hope you can spur me on.
; Flower Masterpost
“Ahhhh, I’m so excited!” Hoseok is practically vibrating in the passenger seat as you drive carefully, eyes firmly on the road and watching the car ahead of you. There’s nothing ahead of them but they’re still doing about ten miles less than the speed limit, frustrating you.
You don’t complain though, instead just sigh deeply while rolling your eyes at the slow person. It was hard to truly feel too annoyed though because Hoseok’s enthusiasm was so infectious. Which was why you’d been sporting a smile for most of the morning, thoroughly bemused by his excitement.
The reason for his bubbly demeanour today was because you were officially going to pick up your new puppy. You’d known for a long time that Hoseok wanted a dog; he’d loved them a lot and had always wanted one. But he just hadn’t had the time or space to get one, particularly given his old apartment not being pet friendly.
It had taken some convincing for you to say yes to a dog, mainly because you’d worried how Kasumi might be around another pet and also because you weren’t a huge dog fan. You liked them obviously, but they required so much more work than a cat. As much as Hoseok loved Kasumi though, you knew what he wanted.
The convincing had mainly been that he wouldn’t leave all the taking care of the dog to you. You didn’t want to end up being the only one cleaning up the mess in the yard or walking them, etc. He’d promised that he would care for the dog just as much as you did, maybe even a little more.
It wasn’t like he didn’t help out in the house anyway, he did because you wouldn’t let him not help, but you just didn’t want to get stuck doing all the dog duties when he was the one who wanted it the most. You doubted he would do that as he was pretty good with looking after Kasumi, even though she wasn’t even his. Given this was something he wanted, you had faith that he’d be a good doggy daddy.
The two of you had poured over websites that advertise puppies for sale alongside looking over rescue centres to try and find the best dog for you both. It had been hard to narrow down your requirements as there were some breeds that you just didn’t want to have and Hoseok had his own opinion on some as well. Other important things were that they needed to be okay with cats and being left alone during the day while you were both working.
But you also wanted something energetic when necessary and enjoyed walks. Part of the reason that you’d said yes was that you hoped it would get both of you to start going out on walks to just enjoy nature a little more instead of staying cooped up in the house. You always enjoyed when you’d gone out but it was hard to break your habits.
Your problems had been resolved happily when you’d been told by Hoseok’s parents that his aunt had a dog who had had a litter of puppies recently. They’d bought a female puppy and before they’d been able to get her spayed, she’d, unfortunately, got the attention of the neighbour’s dog. Which meant she’d been way too young to breed and they’d ended up with surprise puppies.
The mom was a working Cocker Spaniel breed with the prettiest colouring; a soft lemon tan and white with the most adorable eyes. The dad was a Bichon, a breed you weren’t too familiar with but who looked pretty cute too. What resulted was called a Cock-a-Chon, the most adorable bundle of fluff you’d ever seen.
Each puppy had the cutest curly fur and was the perfect mix of both their parent’s beautiful faces. They wouldn’t be too large when grown which was good for you both, as neither of you wanted a really big dog or anything. The puppy you’d both chosen was a creamy golden colour and you’d both fallen in love with her as soon as she’d fallen over her feet when running over to you.
Well...you say that you’d chosen her. It was more like she’d chosen Hoseok because he’d immediately ended up with a tiny puppy crawling all over his legs while her tail wagged at such speed you were worried she might hurt it. Needless to say, Hoseok had been completely lost to those sweet black eyes.
It had taken one look at you with equally big and cute eyes that had been earnestly begging to get your agreement. And that had been it. You’d officially known you were going to be collecting her a few weeks after that point and you’d let Hoseok name her, choosing Ciri from the Witcher series.
The time spent in-between that visit and going to bring her home had been spent making sure that the house was puppy-proof. You hadn’t known how to do that but the two of you had done a lot of research, hoping that if she was kept entertained enough then you wouldn’t have to worry about chewing or anything.
Given that Hoseok had been the one to want a dog in the first place, you’d let him run wild with all the stuff he wanted to get for her. There wasn’t any room for argument considering the number of things you’d bought Kasumi over the years and it had been heart-warming to watch Hoseok get so excited over a patterned collar and a personalised name tag on it.
So she had a ridiculous amount of dog toys already, alongside what you were convinced was a mountain of puppy food and treats, those mats to help house train her, two dog beds, a collar, a cage and lots of blankets to go inside it to train her for when neither of you was home. You hadn’t particularly liked the idea of caging her but you’d resolved to make it her safe space where she could go when she was feeling tired or just didn’t want to be bothered instead of punishment or anything.
Honestly, you’d warned Hoseok many times to make sure he didn’t go too overboard and spoil a dog neither of you even had yet.
Quite clearly, it hadn’t worked given how much he’d bought the little puppy. But again, you were loath to put a leash on his enthusiasm for it all. Pun not intended.
He never asked for a whole lot from you, even now with your three-year-anniversary approaching in just a few months. It always felt like you were taking a lot from him and not giving much back, so if he wanted to go wild and buy a lot of stuff for the new puppy then you weren’t going to complain too much.
There was a lot worse to spend his money on. Not to mention the fact that you weren’t even paying for Ciri. His aunt didn’t want to be paid for the puppy given she was going to a family member and she hadn’t even been expecting them at all. From what you knew, the other puppies had been sold for only a hundred dollars each. Just to cover their medical expenses up to that point.
It was a fantastic deal really, but you were mostly just pleased that Hoseok was finally going to get the dog he’d always wanted. He spoiled you often enough so you were revelling in the fact that you got to spoil him in turn.
That thought made you snort with laughter, the very idea of you two fighting not because you were angry but because you were trying to one-up each other with affection and love. You don’t get to see the curious look Hoseok gives you, slight confusion on his face before he shrugs to himself.
“I hope Kasumi will be okay with this.” Whispering the words, you frown slightly as you watch the road ahead. There’s only maybe another five minutes before you’ll both be there, reading to pick up Ciri and take her home but you’re a little worried about your other pet. 
Ciri would probably be fine with her, being so young that she’d grow up with the cat as her big sister. But Kasumi had spent a long time with it being just her getting all the attention from you, and Hoseok when he’d entered her life. Not to mention the fact that she could hurt Ciri if they didn’t get on, those sharp claws easily causing harm to the tiny puppy.
“We’ll take it slow. The good thing about cats is that they can take themselves away if they’re not happy. She’s used to Ciri’s scent and we’ve got plenty of treats and toys for her too so she doesn’t feel so left out. We just have to make sure that we don’t let Ciri overwhelm her. She’ll be okay Meeps.” Hoseok reaches out and takes your hand, rubbing at your knuckles in reassurance.
His aunt had sent over some blankets and toys that she’d rubbed all over Ciri, soaking them in the puppy’s scent so that you could introduce it to Kasumi. Hopefully, it would mean that while your beloved cat probably wouldn’t appreciate the exuberance of her new sister but she would at least recognise the smell.
“Is it silly that I’m worrying about stuff like that? I mean...your friends are getting married and having babies but I’m here just concerned that my cat might not like our puppy.” That makes Hoseok snort in amusement, slipping his hand beneath yours to link your fingers together before squeezing.
“Hey...that’s their choice. We’ve chosen to have furbabies instead, nothing wrong with that.” Wrinkling your nose, you indicate to turn right and drive slowly down the street his aunt lives on. It’s a nice area with large houses set back from the road, each one having an equally big drive leading to two-car garages. Tall trees, probably decades old at this point, line along the street with luscious green grass between each one and the dips allowing cars to park.
Much like the rest of Hoseok’s family, his aunt is pretty wealthy. She never had any kids though, living in her beautiful house with her wife and a menagerie of animals. Alongside the cocker spaniel that had gotten pregnant; she also had a chocolate labrador, a black cocker spaniel, a parakeet and three cats. It was your idea of a dream in terms of all the animals but the clean up must be terrible.
Pulling into her driveway, you take in the sight of her house once more in awe. You doubt anyone in your family could ever afford something like this and it still leaves you with a sense of imposter syndrome when you realise just how rich Hoseok’s whole family is.
Thankfully though, he’d never made it an issue.
“Oh my god! Come on! Let’s go.” Hoseok practically squeals, his excitement making him look so young and completely at odds with his metalhead appearance. Snorting, you can’t help but smirk as you turn off the engine as he’s already out of the car. Sighing affectionately, you follow him at a much slower pace.
He’s already vanished into the house by the time you get to the door, his aunt, Miyeon, standing with the door held open and an exasperated look on her face. Smiling at her, you take your shoes off and hand her the bag that you’d prepared earlier with an apologetic look on your face.
“Hi, Auntie! How are you? Oh, I’m good thanks Hoseok, and you?” She says sarcastically, rolling her eyes at you. There’s more than a little fondness in her face and voice though so you’re not too worried that she’s genuinely annoyed at him, smiling a little brighter as you greet her.
“Sorry. He’s excited. It’s been like having a toddler in the car rather than an almost 31-year-old man. Thank you so much though, I know you didn’t want anything for her but I couldn’t just..give you nothing. Hoseok said that you collect wine and I don’t know anything about wine because I don’t drink but-” She interrupts you with a hand on your arm, a smile on her face.
“You didn’t have to. But thank you, I appreciate it. Don’t worry, wine is wine. I’ll enjoy drinking it no matter what, I guarantee you that. Anyway, come on. I’ve baked some cookies for you both. Hobi always used to adore eating them when he was younger; peanut butter, hazelnut and chocolate chips.” Leading you through her home, you can already hear the barking of puppies alongside Hoseok’s joyful laughter.
You don’t even realise you’re smiling until you see yourself in a mirror, your expression light and happy. Who’d have thought that just the sound of someone’s laugh could be such a fulfilling experience? 
“Ahhh, so that’s why he likes them. He always asks me to bake those if I’m in that kind of mood. Always thought it was a bit odd as he doesn’t eat anything else with peanut butter, just those. Seemed a strange combination for him to love.” Her kitchen is just as big as the rest of the house, tastefully decorated with all the latest appliances.
You were a little envious of her fridge. It was one of those super fancy Samsung ones where you could see inside without even opening the door thanks to a panel on the front alongside what you could only describe as a tablet embedded into the door. Who needed to watch Netflix on their fridge? 
But all you can truly focus on is the delicious scent of freshly baked cookies. Inhaling deeply, you hum and can’t help but wiggle in delight. His aunt laughs, handing one to you and you eat it quickly. They’re not your favourite flavour but you’d never turn down a homemade cookie.
Especially when it was still warm and slightly gooey.
“Go on, go take one to Hoseok. If he’s not gone into a puppy coma or something. Bora is working late tonight so she won’t be home,” She mentions her wife, letting you know that you won’t be seeing her today. “And I’ve got some paperwork to catch up on. Just let me know when you’re ready to go.”
“Are you sure? Do you need any help?” Shaking her head, Miyeon smiles softly at you before suddenly cupping your cheek. Her hands are soft, likely through years of a careful skincare regime, and warm but there’s nothing strange about it. More like she’s just observing you.
“He’s lucked out with you, does he know that?” Snorting, you grin as you move away towards the sound of happy chaos. Looking back at her, you hold the cookie up with pride.
“I try to make sure he realises that at least once a day. Keep him on his toes, you know?” Her laughter follows you out of the kitchen and you marvel at yourself for how bold you’d just been. Your past self would be shocked to see you now, probably confused as to how you feel confident enough to say something so bold.
“Hey, butthead. You didn’t say hello to your aunt. That was rude,” You say to Hoseok, your tone only slightly playful. “Go say hi. Look, she even made you cookies.”
Handing one to him, you note how he’s laid on the floor and is surrounded by all the puppies in the litter. Ciri was going to be the first one to go so her four brothers and sisters were all still here. Small tails were wagging furiously at your arrival and you couldn’t help but giggle as they ran over to you, jumping and standing on Hoseok’s exposed stomach from where his shirt had twisted up and causing him to groan.
“Hello, puppies! Oh, aren’t you so cute!” Cooing to them, you hand the cookie to Hoseok as he sits up with a slight wince. For a minute or so, he just eats and watches you with the little ones as you play with them all, unable to stop smiling as they practically throw their small, furry bodies against you in an attempt for your attention.
“Go say hi!” Hissing slightly, your eyes narrow at Hoseok until he holds his hands up and gets up, heading out of the room to go properly greet his aunt. Once he’s gone, you look at all the puppies with a gleeful expression and sit cross-legged.
“Good, he’s gone. Let’s play!” The last word is loud and sharp while you reach forward, tickling one of them until they fall onto their back, showing their tummy for scratches and yelping enthusiastically. His siblings are barking too, tails hitting you almost painfully from how hard they’re going.
Glancing over at their mom, who’s currently laid in her dog bed with tired eyes, you smile affectionately before crawling over to her and giving her a loving stroke too. She seems to almost let out a deep sigh and you can’t help but laugh, running your fingers through her soft fur.
“Is it tiring, mama? All these babies wanting your attention all the time. I bet you can’t wait for some alone time. You’ve done well though, look how cute they are!” It must be a law somewhere that everyone should take to animals as if they’re human, especially in that voice that’s reserved for cute things.
But her big eyes are full of warmth and her tail wags lazily against the bed at your words, causing a few pups to try and attack it. You can’t help but marvel at how she just doesn’t seem to notice them, letting them do what they want.
“Not long now, they’ll all be going to their new homes soon. I bet you’ll miss them. We’ll bring Ciri by sometimes so you can see her!” The other dogs in the house had been socialised with the puppies for the last few weeks and Choco, the labrador was currently laid out against the couch. He was watching you carefully but for the most part, didn’t seem to be too bothered by all the noise.
You presumed that Bella, the other spaniel, was with Miyeon in her office.
“Okay, I said hello. And apologised,” Hoseok said, sitting down next to you and immediately welcoming two puppies onto his lap. “Sorry, I was rude, you’re right. They’re even cuter than last time.”
Grabbing one of the toys they had, he played with one of them enthusiastically until the puppy seemed to exhaust itself. There was a brief moment where it tried hard to keep up but then the next thing you knew, it was fast asleep on the floor. Laughing, you pointed at it before grinning at Hoseok.
“Oh my god, it’s you when you’re drunk.”
That gets a playful scowl but he just shrugs, reaching over to rub Choco’s ears to make sure he didn’t feel left out by it all. The labrador’s long tail beats against the floor tiredly, almost like he can’t be bothered to do it and you smirk at the sight. No doubt all the animals in the house are feeling a little tired and overwhelmed with all the excitement that’s been happening.
Finally, though, the puppies all seem to lose their energy and start to fall asleep wherever they are. Soon enough, you’re surrounded by bundles of fluff that are all twitching in their sleep, the silence pleasant after all their noise.
Hoseok carefully, and slowly, lifts Ciri into his lap. Her colouring was more cream than the rest of them, the others skewing more towards an almost golden tan. It had been part of the reason he’d named her Ciri. Her character in the show, video game and book series was infamous for her ash-blonde hair.
She doesn’t wake up, even as he takes off the coloured collar that had indicated whose puppy she was and replaces it with the one you’d both bought. The tag clunks loudly against the metal ring, causing you both to pause in fear that you’ve woken the others up but none of them stirs.
Finally, he shuffles back until he’s resting against the couch next to you, Ciri sleeping soundly in his arms and looks at you with a bright grin. The sheer amount of affection and happiness in that expression makes your heart physically ache, causing you to press a hand to it without realising.
“Ahh, we have a dog!” He whispers, eyes dancing as he tilts until he’s leaning heavily against you. His head rests on your shoulder and you smile, kissing his hair and just inhaling deeply. The smell of him always makes you feel content and relaxed, but even more so right now after all the chaos of the puppies for the last fifteen minutes.
“We do. Happy?” Nodding, he looks up at you before carefully reaching and cupping your cheek. His hands are rougher than his aunts, but you lean into the touch happily. There’s a brief pause before he kisses you, the movement soft and gentle with no real pressure. It’s more of an ‘I’m-happy’ kiss than anything else and you reciprocate it with ease.
The two of you stay in comfortable silence after that, just stroking and admiring Ciri for a while with no inclination to move just yet. You didn’t want to take her from her family so soon, even if you were her new family now. She should get to play with them all one last time before she goes.
“God, if you told college Hoseok that in a decade he’d been in a long-term relationship with a job, a house, a car, a dog and a cat...well let’s just say that laughing would have been the politest thing he could have done.”
“You know, I was thinking something like that earlier. I don’t think my old me would even recognise me now. But I think that’s for the better. I like who I am now, where I am now.” Stroking Ciri’s velvet-soft ears, you don’t see the fond smile on Hoseok’s face.
“I love you.” Smiling shyly, you take the chance to lean against him now and rest your head. Gently, you poke at his arm in your silent language, letting him know that you reciprocate before sighing contentedly.
For once, you finally felt completely at ease.
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Don't Start a War... [Geralt x Reader]
This is written with the prompt "Do me a favour don't start a war while I'm gone."  Just 2020 quarantine things tbh...
Today my long time companion Geralt of Rivia and I arrived in Cintra to retrieve his so-called child surprise... Well, he's going to the castle, while I go visit the graves.
"Geralt you can go ahead of me... I'll be fine here." I turn around with the bouquet of flowers in my hands.
"I can stay if you want." He says lowly but loud enough for me to hear. Admittedly this is where I first met Geralt. He was here when my mother died, leaving the city after the party at the castle on the outskirts of Cintra at a small dirty graveyard surrounded by ratchet wooden gate.    
"No, there are things I want to do alone this time... I'll meet you at the castle." He hums in response and walks in the opposite direction of the opening of the graveyard. I pause  and turn back towards him,
"DO ME A FAVOUR AND TRY NOT TO START A WAR WHILE I'M GONE." He doesn't stop walking but I'm pretty sure I heard him chuckled and wandering towards the back of the small fenced-off area. Though it's small it still smells like death and sorrow, much different from what most of the city feels like.
"Hello, mother... I'm home and I am with the Witcher that helped avenge your death... We are here for a child... Mother, I think I've fallen in love with him, the books that I used to read lied. Witchers are filled with emotions they can greave and love like the rest of us. I wish you could've met him. I may not come back mother it is time for me to move on." I lay the flower on top of her headstone turn to leave the mudded area.
"(Y/N)?" A voice I never thought I'd hear again, my half-sister. Older now, her face shows signs of fine lines and tired eyes. A child by her side no more than 6 years of age.
"Ari... You have a child?" She only giggled at this and pulls the child forward.
"I have three, this is the youngest of them. Henry, say hello this is your aunt." The young boy squeaks out a hello and goes behind her skirt again.
"I would like to meet the rest but I need to get to the castle." She only nods but offers to walk with me.
"You haven't aged but I'm not surprised. There are stories of you and the Witcher, I've never seen you glow so much... You love him, don't you?" I can only smile at this. We continue to walk till we get the gates of the castle. Before she leaves she stops and turns to me,
"I don't live in the city anymore, I live in a town half a day from here. One day may we meet again sister. She would be happy that you choose to embrace who you really are." With that, she left with the boy.
I followed Geralt's voice but I was met with a not so pleasant scene.
"...for somebody who never cared enough to come back for her. Move along, Witcher! I'll pay whatever you want." spat Queen Calanthe.
"I can't be bought. You should remember." Mousesack continues to talk about history. I touched Geralt's shoulder and move in front of him.
"All I asked of you Geralt was not to start a war..."
"They're right my Queen, destiny cannot change with coin. " They are taken aback by the new player on the scene.
"What if I win the war, and lose Ciri. What victory is that?" She loves her as if she was her daughter no doubt about it.
"Queen Calanthe, I lived under your rule for the early years of my very long life. Can you please stand to lose just one thing, destiny will come one way or another." I pull of the hood that covered my ears and Geralt's hand cradles mine. "I am a half-elf that saw as a figure I wished to be, we all must make sacrifices and destiny says that child is not yours."
"If have any doubt in your mind that she is safe here give her to me. Call it Destinies security, but I- WE will take her, protect her and bring her back unharmed. I promise you that." If I learned anything about travelling with Geralt is that he almost never goes back on his word. But the Queen looks apprehensive about his statement.
"Ciri is all I have left of my daughter." Underneath her hardened shell, she is still a mother.
"If Ciri survives-" I step up and cut off Geralt, "then Pavetta lives on too."  
Calanthe Calls law of surprise but we learn that she lies to us about the child. She attempts to give another child, and Geralt goes to contend her once more. I was finally able to catch up with them when,
"She needs family, you know nothing about that. Your own mother cared so little she discarded you."
"YOU! You lecture him on someone's love and yet you give up someone else's daughter!? You order the death of my father you didn't care when my mother was slaughtered!?" Geralt grabs a hold of me before I get to her.
"Queen to all. Grandmother to ONE." Mousesack struts in to meet with the party congregating in the hall.
"You are sentencing her to death." Calanthe ignores Geralt and Mousesack starts escorting us out. But when Geralt refuses to stay out of Cintra, Mousesack traps us between the gates.
Luckily enough we both didn't get slaughtered on the spot but for the past year Geralt and I have been in the dusty old cell. Geralt went silent and meditated for most of the time and year in both of our lives tends to move pretty quickly.
In the dark of the night, I would teleport and visit places just to feel free from the cell. But one night I awoke to the sound of death and war. The Nilfgaard army is upon Cintra, Geralt jolt from his meditation. Quickly he knocks out the guard and takes the keys.
"You know we could've done this an easier way." He grunts and opens the door for me.
"I hate portals." I would've laughed at the remark if we weren't in the middle of a warzone.
Geralt wraps an arm around me to guide me to a turned over cart amidst the fire and chaos. Though we've been surrounded by death and monsters; this devastation has been caused by one of the most terrifying monsters. Humans.
Geralt and I split to search on each side of the cart till I saw it. Someone I once revered, a sign of strength in women in a time where we were only seen as items. A warrior. I watched her fall, I heard the crack of her skull when it collided with the cobblestone of her kingdom right in front of me.
I gasp as her eyes make contact with mines as the light fades from them.  Geralt hears my distress and comes to my side but has a similar reaction when he sees Calanthe's body just feet away from us. I can feel his panic and hear his heart, but he quickly covers my eyes and turns me in the opposite direction.
"It will be okay." Geralt whispers lowly in my ear and pulls me to follow him down a corridor where we find a soldier. Finally, he lets my shaking hand go and grabs the soldier and pushes him into the door of a nearby room.
"I am already saved." The soldier smiles weakly at us, but Geralt isn't as kind and he just pushes and twisting his sword into the liver to allow a slow painful death of blood loss.
"Where is Cirillia?" He stats coldly as he kneels in front of the crumbling form. The soldier does not give in, the fool. He begins a hopeless prayer and Geralt ends him with a quick jab of a dagger to the trachea.
He grabs my wrist again and we are off out of the gates of the burning city. Screams and pleas deaf to our ears, he takes us to the horses on the outskirts of the city and we flee from my home once more but this time we have no chance of return.
I wanted to split this into two because it was getting kinda long but I'll post it soon.  
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crowleyellestair · 4 years
Hide ‘n Seek- Jaskier Drabble
AN// Some canonical facts are taken from Blood of Elves, though it was pictured with the Netflix adaptations for Jaskier, Geralt and Ciri
 Major fluff
 Jaskier x reader, Platonic witcher friends
Jaskier didn’t have enhanced witcher senses. He couldn’t smell what someone had for diner the say prior or sense people’s emotions. He couldn’t tell a lie by a heartbeat nor could he see in the dark. He was a humble bard, and a simple man, who loves a woman named Y/n completely. He also cares for his witcher friend Geralt, who could be blamed for this situation.
The bard and his healer had traveled with the White Wolf to Kaer Morhen with the intent to help raise Ciri. Winter so far had been perfect, despite the intense change in scenery. The two would usually spend time in the still bustling streets of Oxenfurt, but now they were in a half closed off keep. Raising the young princess had been a walk in the park so far, each of the witchers taking her under their wings. The five witchers had decided they would teach her as much as they could about the witchering world, and the bard had decided to teach her court etiquette. Most of the medical info the Lion Cub had been learning was through Vesemir, so Y/n wasn’t a teacher. She had decided to be ‘the fun aunt’ as she often said.
Last time the bard had checked, Y/n had been with Ciri, though once he had caught up with the young girl, she gave him worrying news.
“We were playing hide and seek. In a way it helps training, so I can locate people based on tracking and ‘environmental knowledge’.” The old witcher next to her grumbled from his seat.
“Environmental awareness.” Vesemir continued to page through the newest book that he was going to use for visual aid. His eyes flew over the pages, but his tone was scolding enough were Ciri shrunk without the scrutiny of his gaze. “Though, our little cub was unsuccessful.” The bard’s hand flew to rub her back, trying to sooth her despite her ‘failure’. It had taken a moment for his words to set in. Cornflower blue eyes darted between the two.
“So that means…we don’t have any clue where Y/n is?” Ciri shook her head, and Vesemir gave him a sparing glance that conveyed the obvious answer.  His head snapped to the barely audible footsteps coming in from the balcony. “Oh, perfect. Geralt, can you tell me where Y/n is?” Geralt looked to Vesemir with a raised brow. Every witcher in the keep had an idea, if not the exact location, of the healer. Familiar golden eyes flew down to the child he had come to know as his daughter, and Jaskier’s stomach dropped. A growingly familiar, playful grin started to spread on Geralt’s pale visage.
“Yes.” The bard waited for a moment to find he had nothing to add. His hands flew in a questioning gesture through the air for a moment before his arms dropped to his sides.
“And where, pray tell, is she?” Geralt’s gaze met the brunette’s.
“I never said I would tell you where, I was simply saying I could.” Jaskier’s hands fisted and rested against his hips. His mouth gaped like a fish for a moment before snapping shut, and letting out a dramatic huff.
“My dearest friend, why won’t you help me? Do you think it is fun putting my weary heart through this turmoil?” A small giggle came from the floor where Ciri sat. The playful smile turned to genuine joy as the witcher looked back down. Jaskier sighed, trying his damndest to not admit that he found it cute as well. He turned on his heal, and started to search. If Ciri couldn’t find her, his best bet was to look for the other two witchers, as Coen was also in the room smiling silently. Or, at least Eskel. He would help. Sadly, since the balcony was open, by the time the bard had gotten to him, he was chuckling and shaking his head.
“Come on, Eskel. Betraying me, sure, but Y/n? How will she feel about this?” The scarred lip tipped up, eyes shining as he looks to the bard from Lil’ Bleater.
“Oh, I am well aware that she will find it funny.” Jaskier’s shoulders dropped as he huffed, dragging his feet in the snow to try and force the witcher into pity. Y/n had known all of the wolves before knowing Jaskier, so he was fully aware of the truth behind Eskel’s words. He had barely turned the corner when said witcher called to him. “I also trust her tracking skills, but yours are just as poor as the cubs. Consider it training, bard.”
Jaskier looked through all of the outlandish spots he could think of in the more common areas they were allowed in. Under tables in the kitchen, behind boxes and above scaffolding in the main hall. Behind and in suits of armor. Along the way, he found Lambert taking care of the laundry. He was pouring over a small jam stain on Ciri’s shirt when he cursed the bard out of the room. Jaskier understood, knowing the youngest witcher was embarrassed about his own infatuation and immense knowledge of clothes and fashion.
His nerves flared up, despite knowing Y/n was most likely fine. Jaskier had finally gathered the materials he had needed for them to spice up the night. There isn’t much you can do in terms of ‘kinky’ when you’re staying in a keep full of witchers, but he had come up with a fun idea. A nice bottle of Est Est, clean furs and an old smut book he had found. He had wanted them to wrap up under the furs and read it to her, seeing where the slow and soft touches would go whilst he read. Now, he was going to have to wait, his mind bouncing to the extreme until she shows herself.
He huffed, sitting at the edge of their bed, his hands scribbling over his cheeks. He sat there for a moment, his eyes going to the spaces in the room. He couldn’t wait for her, he needed to see her now, if only to simply lay his gaze upon her. For a moment, his eyes landed on the closet before moving on, though they quickly darted back. Jaskier had some important doublet hanging in the space, and the two had always made sure to keep the door closed. He got up to close it before hearing a small rumble. Dread made his stomach drop as he didn’t want to open the door. What if an animal made its way into the closet? Into their clothes?! Jaskier took a couple of quick, readying breaths before letting the door fly open.
There, wrapped in a make-shift doublet blanket, Y/n dozed on the closet floor. Her nose was buried in the collar of his baby blue overcoat, her knees pulled to her chest. Her head had slid to the corner, head tilting in a weird way that forced her airflow to come out as a grumbled snore. He couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face as he knelt down next to her. His hand gently cupped the joint between her shoulder and neck, thumb gently rubbing circles into her soft skin.
“Dear heart, it’s time to wake up.” He chuckled when a harsh huff pushed through her nose and she tried to shift away from the light creeping past his shoulders, trying to touch her from the window. “Y/n,” Jaskier cooed. “Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours.” It took another moment, but her eyes eventually fluttered open. Despite her seemingly rude behavior in her sleepy state, a loving smile spread. She curled back up under the doublets that she had been using, eyes falling close once more. “Excuse me, but it’s time to get up.”
“No..Ciri’s gon’ find me.” The sleep slurred her words and it came out as a rumble trying to be softened.
“The cub hasn’t been looking for a while now, Darling.” At that, an eye pried itself open to look at the bard, a sly smile spreading.
“Oh, goody.” She slowly pulled herself free from the closet, grabbing his hand, and pulling him to the bed. Her hands pushed his shoulders, Jaskier bouncing a little. She still had a smirk before flopping down next to him, nuzzling into the fur below her cheek. He rolled his eyes, chuckling. He pulled at the edge of the fur, pulling her closer to the pillows before grabbing a different fur on the bed. He flopped half of himself over her back, an arm, leg and most of his chest covering her as he pulls the new fur over the both of them. It might not be what he planned, but they have the rest of their lives for it.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Fandom: The Witcher Punk!AU (Future) Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader / Punk!Valdryn / Punk!Gerennefer Word Count: 1445 Rating: T Taglist: @ficsandcatsandficsandcats​ @nevadawolfe​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @coffee-and-stories​ @whatevermonkey​
a/n: A little future punk!au drabble ft. Sam & Ciri that I’ve had in my head for a bit now.  Based off of the time both Kat & I unknowingly pinned the same shirt to both Jaskier & Valdo’s sections of our shared pinterest board.  Enjoy!
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“Are they here yet?” Jaskier asked for the third time, and you forced yourself to take a deep calming breath, your phone buzzing, saving you from the urge to throttle your husband.
“Yen and Geralt just got here,” you announced, reading Yennefer’s text.
“It’s not them I’m worried about,” Jask exclaimed, pacing.  “Their kid’s also in the play, so of course they’ll be here on time.  It’s Aev and Valdo I’m worried about,” he ground out.  “That man is always late and I want to make sure we get the best seats in the house to see Sam!”
“Jaskier, calm down,” you murmured, placing your hand on his arm to stop his pacing.  “They haven’t even opened the doors yet.  Besides, Aevryn and Valdo only flew in a couple hours ago, they’re probably jet-lagged.”
“That’s no excuse for them to be late to their niece’s first theatrical production!” Jaskier cried dramatically, and you couldn’t help the grin that tugged at your lips as you grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to look at you.
“They’re going to be here on time,” you assured him, though he looked ready to argue.  “And do you want to know how I know that?”  Jaskier slowly closed his mouth, peering at you with interest. 
“Because I told Valdo to be here a half hour before they actually had to be here,” you explained.  “Which means…”
“They’ll be here on time,” Jaskier finished and shook his head ruefully.  “Okay, colour me impressed,” he said, pulling you in for a quick kiss.
“And speak of the devil,” he muttered, glancing past you as he spotted Valdo’s black Tesla whipping into the parking lot.
Soon Geralt and Yennefer met you by the front doors and the four of you waited for the last two members of your party.
“Hey, I hope we’re not late,” Aevryn exclaimed apologetically as you enveloped her in a hug.  “It took V forever to decide what to wear.”
“Oh, no, you’re right on time,” you assured her (a little smugly) before turning to greet her husband.
You froze as Valdo stepped up behind Aev and your eyes fell to his shirt — dark blue with a muted floral print; sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and the top several buttons undone to show off a glimpse of his smooth chest, decorated by his usual layers of necklaces.  
“[Y/N], is something wrong?” he asked, a note of worry in his voice as you quickly brought your hand to your mouth to cover your grin.
That was when Jaskier turned from his conversation with Geralt and his blue eyes locked on Valdo.  “Oh no.  Oh nonononono,” he muttered in disbelief.
Aevryn broke her composure at the same time you could no longer hold back your own laughter; the other woman hanging off your shoulder, shaking with mirth at the sight of the two men wearing the. exact. same. shirt.
“You have to change!” Jaskier cried, scandalized, gesturing to Valdo’s chest.
“Why do I have to change?” Valdo demanded, equally scandalized.  “Why don’t you?”
“Because I was here first!”
“Well, I wear it better!”
“Nobody is going home to change,” you interjected sternly — the effect somewhat ruined as you wiped away the amused tears from the corners of your eyes from laughing so hard.  “Besides, there’s not enough time.”
Jaskier glanced at the watch at his wrist before scowling, knowing you were right.
“Now now gentlemen, you both look lovely,” Yennefer remarked; her dark painted lips carefully neutral, though a spark of amusement danced in her violet eyes as she studied Jaskier and Valdo’s sour expressions.  “It will be dark in the auditorium.  Just don’t sit next to each other and no one will even notice.”
You shared a dubious look with Aevryn, and even Geralt smirked briefly, but it was time for the doors to open and you were eager to find your seats.
True to Yennefer’s suggestion, Jaskier sat as far as possible from Valdo, who didn’t seem to mind, settling in the seat at the end of the row next to Aevryn.  Throwing his arm around her shoulders he leaned in to whisper something in her ear, his dark emerald gaze flicking to Jaskier, and Aev giggled, whispering something back as she stroked the side of his face fondly.
By Valdo’s smug smile you could only guess she was assuring her husband that he did indeed wear the ensemble better than Jaskier, as you had had to assure your own husband the same thing just moments earlier.
However when the lights dimmed and your daughter took the stage with Ciri, all other thoughts fell away.
After the show the six of you milled about the atrium with the other parents, waiting for the kids to come out for photos.
Jaskier was careful to keep his distance from Valdo, but you noticed more than a few curious stares from the other adults —whether because of the shirt or because they recognized either one or both of the men, you had no idea.
Yennefer disappeared into the crowd to go greet her friend Triss while Jaskier went to stand next to Geralt.
“Can you believe it?” he grumbled under his breath, his eyes trained on Valdo, who was currently speaking with [Y/N], his arm looped around Aevryn’s waist.  “What are the odds, hmm?”
“It’s not like he did it on purpose,” Geralt pointed out, following Jaskier’s gaze.  “He seemed just as surprised as you.”
“Well sure… I suppose,” Jaskier spluttered, frowning indignantly.  “It’s just… you think I look better in it, don’t you?”
Geralt grunted noncommittally, not really wanting to get drawn into it.
“Perhaps you should start checking with Aev before you go out to make sure you and Valdo don’t match.”  The wolfish grin on his friend’s face nearly had Jaskier’s eyes bulging out of his head; his mouth gaping open.
He expression only soured further as Valdo approached, oblivious to the betrayal that had just occurred.
“I still can’t get over how absolutely wonderful the girls were tonight!” he exclaimed, practically beaming, all traces of smug superiority gone.  “I mean, talk about thespian perfection!  They both deserve Tony’s for that performance.”
You couldn’t help but smile fondly at Valdo’s earnest praise of your daughter and niece, and you threw a meaningful look at Jaskier, who seemed to calm somewhat, though he was subtly edging away from Valdo.
Sam’s gleeful cry cut through the low murmur of the milling crowd as she came running over, Ciri not far behind, to nearly bowl over Jaskier with a tight hug.
“What did you think?  Did you like it?  Did I do good?” Sam asked in quick succession; one question on top of the others.
“We were just talking about how wonderful you and Ciri both did, Mitka,” Jaskier exclaimed proudly, squeezing her back.
“Really?” Sam asked, glancing around at the other adults.  That’s when she noticed, her gaze stopping on her uncle Valdo before sharply swinging back to her dad.
“Oh my God, you guys are twinsies!  Did you plan that on purpose?” she squealed, her and Ciri breaking into an unstoppable fit of laughter.  
“Aunt Aevryn, you have to get a picture of this!” Sam cried, taking Valdo’s hand and pulling him over to stand next to her and Jaskier.
Both men glanced at each other uncomfortably over the young girl’s head, grimacing before plastering strained grins on their faces as Aev, giggling herself, snapped a photo with her phone.
“Should this go on the band’s Insta?” she teased, sticking out her tongue at Jask when he opened his mouth to argue.  “Y’know,” she said instead, crouching down to show Sam the photo for approval.  “This just goes to show what good taste they both have, because it’s not the only thing they were able to agree on tonight,” she remarked, glancing up to direct a pointed look at her husband and her best friend, a soft smile on her face.
“Oh yeah?  What’s that?” Sam asked.
“That they’re both really proud of you,” she whispered conspiratorially, loud enough for both men to overhear and at her words Jaskier and Valdo shared a rueful grin before moving to join the rest of you.
Bless Aev, you thought as she stood and Sam came over to throw her arms around you next.  She always did know the exact right thing to say to ultimately smooth over the former rivalry between her husband and yours; to remind them they were on the same side now.
“Okay, now we need a group photo, with everyone!” Sam declared, and this time there were no objections.
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I loved the punk!au Jaskier and Sam fic! I’ve just thought of another idea. How about when Sam is a few years older and she gets her first crush on someone in another band and Daddy!Jaskier gets overprotective, which the reader finds very funny.
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Punk!Daddy!Jaskier x Punk!Preteen!SamWord Count: 1,683Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miraclea/n: I’m so glad you guys are enjoying Sam! I made her 12 in this one and have expanded the Punk!AU to include a new character. Hope you guys enjoy!
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“Hey gang, it’s Sam and Ciri back at you with another episode of As The World Burns, a weekly catchup on life, love and friendship during the End Times!”
Jaskier chuckled into his coffee as his daughter’s voice came belting out from the cracked studio door.
“Sam, you’ve got some exciting news today, why don’t you tell the people about it?” Ciri replied, sounding like an old timey announcer for a game show. Jaskier chuckled again and you shushed him.
“You’re going to mess up their take,” you chastised him.
“They’re a whole room away and I’m pretty sure it’s live streaming,” he whispered back.
“Well Ciri, it’s true. It’s finally happened. I’ve finally found the love of my life.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened and he stared into yours. Now you had to bite back your laughter as you watched your husband go pale at the news your daughter had already shared with you weeks before.
“Oooh,” Ciri replied, “Tell me more, tell me more!”
“His name is Nic Marigold. He’s in my class and we met one summer’s day in the lunchroom. We both reached for a gogurt and our hands touched…”
Ciri gasped and the two girls giggled while Jaskier paced the kitchen.
“Now, Sam, your name actually means marigold so would that make you…”
“Marigold Marigold!” the two recited in unison, their tiny minds blowing in sync while Jaskier glared at you as though this was your fault.
“It’s destiny!” you heard your daughter declare.
“It’s bollocks,” Jaskier grumbled.
“Hey,” you warned him, eyeing the room they were recording in.
“I don’t like the sound of this,” Jaskier insisted, his voice hushed but deeply distressed, “Who is this Nic kid? Why have we never heard of him before?”
“I’ve heard of him before,” you said, preening a little as you took another sip, pretending not to notice the look of utter betrayal on Jaskier’s face. Sam had always been more of a daddy’s girl but there were things she trusted you with, things she insisted a dad could never understand, and while you knew you could tell her that her father was always there for her and would listen to what she had to say, you enjoyed having these little parts of Sam to yourself.
“Why does that last name sound familiar,” Jaskier muttered under his breath, “What kind of a name is Marigold anyway?”
“Jaskier you literally named yourself after a buttercup,” you said.
“That’s different,” he argued.
“You named our daughter Marigold. In Polish. We aren’t even Polish.”
“You agreed to that name but funny how all of a sudden I named her that!”
The door swung open and Jaskier jumped back guiltily, trying to look calm and relaxed as Sam and Ciri poured out of the room laughing together.
“Hi Daddy!” she cried, running up to give him a big hug, followed by Ciri who did the same. Ciri had been Geralt and Yennefer’s first foster child and though the adoption paperwork was still being worked out, she’d been fully adopted into the family’s hearts for quite some time. Sam beamed up at Jaskier, a wide smile that showed off the neon orange braces she’d worn proudly for about a year now.
“How was the show?” he asked, giving the two girls a quick hug before they headed to their real target, the fridge.
“It was good!” Sam answered, pulling out a plastic picture of lemonade while Ciri searched your freezer for pizza rolls.
“Any interesting news today? Any hot takes?” Jaskier asked, causing you to choke on your coffee as Sam gave him a side eye.
“Nobody calls stuff a hot take anymore, dad,” she corrected him.
“Alright what’s the hot goss?” he asked, doubling down on his archaic slang and making his daughter and niece laugh more.
“Sam has a – ”
“New plan to cut down on greenhouse emissions,” Sam said, cutting off her cousin and shooting her a warning glare.
“Ya! Edible coffee mugs,” she said.
“Made out of what?” you asked, clutching your porcelain mug a little more tightly. It was one Sam had decorated for her at band camp one year and it was one of your prized possessions along with every other thing Sam or Ciri had ever created.
“Not sure yet,” Sam admitted, “Maybe seaweed?”
“Who eats seaweed?” Ciri asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she popped some pizza rolls in the oven.
“Aunt Yennefer! She took me out for sushi once! Seaweed is actually really good,” Sam explained.
“What else is going on?” Jaskier asked. Sam put on a show of thinking hard about his question, turning her eyes one way then another, staring at the ceiling as though the answer would appear before shrugging her shoulders.
“That’s pretty much it,” she said and began to walk away. She paused and you knew what was coming, familiar with this classic walk away then pause for dramatic effect move she’d been pulling since she was five.
“Oh, and I have a boyfriend,” she said with a little shrug. Jaskier sputtered and you bit your lip to keep from laughing.
“Oh! You have a boyfriend! Care to tell us a bit more about that?” Jaskier asked, propping his hands on his hips. Sam turned around, a look of fake surprise on her face as though it was genuinely unexpected that he’d want to know more.
“Oh, well, he’s a guy, His name is Nic and he’s in my class,” she said.
“Do we know this Nic?” Jaskier asked, knowing full well that they didn’t.
“He just transferred recently,” she explained.
“Who are his parents?”
“His mom’s name is Triss, I dunno who is dad is. I didn’t ask for his family tree,” Sam said the last part mumbling a little under her breath.
“Well I’d like to meet him,” Jaskier said, plastering a smile on his face, “You should have him over.”
“Uh I mean maybe?”
“No I insist,” Jaskier said, “His mom can come too! In fact maybe the next time I pick you up from school you can point him out to me!”
“Uhh,” Sam looked to you for help and you stood up and walked over to your nearly unraveling husband.
“Hey babe, Sam’s 13th birthday is coming up soon, I’m sure we’ll meet him then,” you said, wrapping an arm around his waist soothingly.
“Yeah exactly! Ok well we’ve got homework thanks love you bye!” Sam didn’t look back again before running upstairs and as soon as Ciri pulled the pizza rolls from the microwave she ran after her, her long blond hair disappearing around the corner before you could remind her to get napkins. You felt Jaskier’s body still tense and he worried his lip between his teeth.
“Hey,” you said, turning him to face you, “Talk to me.”
“I just… I just didn’t her to start having crushes so soon,” he said.
“Hon she’s had crushes since she could recognize that other people existed. She’s your daughter after all,” you teased. He gave you an affronted look and you kissed him.
“Jaskier, Sam is a smart, strong girl. We’ve raised her well and she’s going to want to explore a bit. We’ve talked about some stuff and she knows if she has any more questions she can come to me,” you said.
“Why can’t she come to me?” he asked, pouting a little.
“Well probably because you were one moment away from interrogating our child for another child’s home address and it’s just a bit much for a couple that hasn’t even had its first kiss,” you said. Jaskier perked up a bit at this.
“They haven’t kissed?”
You shook your head no.
“She would tell me if they had, right?” he asked.
“She tells you everything. Just in her own time,” you reassured him. You planted another soft kiss on his lips and moved away to put the mug in the sink. He pulled you back in and kissed you in earnest and you sighed, your body responding to his touch the same now as it had the first time.
“You’re a really good mom,” he said, his sky blue eyes gazing into yours adoringly.
“You’re a really good dad,” you praised back.
“Oh gross.”
You turned to find Sam standing in the entrance holding a now empty cup, grimacing at the two of you entwined in each other’s arms.
“What’s the matter, Mitka?” Jaskier teased, “Aren’t you happy that your parents are still in love?”
“Oh yeah it’s great,” she said sarcastically, reaching into the fridge to refill her glass. Jaskier let you go and walked towards his daughter. She’d grown so much, looking more and more like him every day though some of you crept in the older she got, mostly in the facial expressions she made. The same crystal blue eyes that he’d looked into when he held her in his arms the first time looked up into his now.
“What’s up?” she asked, pulling Jaskier back to reality.
“Just… I’m really proud of the work you put into the show,” he said. She beamed and gave him a wide grin, so wide you worried she may accidentally break the bands on her braces.
“Thanks daddy,” she said, pulling him for a hug that he returned so tightly you knew it took her breath away a bit but she didn’t relent, squeezing him back just as hard as though it were a competition.
“Alright,” he said, pulling back and patting one of the buns she’d twisted her chestnut hair into, a trademark style since she was little. “Go have fun and tell Ciri to tell her dad that I said-”
“Oh no, she’s not getting in the middle of that again,” Sam said, shaking her head and moving back to the stairs, glass firmly in hand. Jaskier shook his head as he watched her walk off.
“That’s your kid alright,” you said.
“Yeah,” he mused aloud, blinking back tears as he heard the familiar strains of Aevryn and Valdo’s demo playing from her bedroom, “Yeah she really is.”
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babylooneytoonz · 3 years
the Vessel [ Pt. 13 ]
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— pairing : Geralt of Rivia x Reader
— summary: you find a way to meet your lover again, but is he really the man you love? And how would you react when you cross paths with the sorceress once again?
— warnings: 18+ , again, badly written SMUT, Sort of non con sex, high voltage drama
[My Masterlist] [My Witcher Masterlist - Read the other parts here!]
*Please reblog if you like it, do not repost or claim my work as yours.
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"You should wait for midnight, Aunt [Y/N]. Once grandmother and the King have retired to their beds, I can take you down to the secret passageways that opens into the woods. Once the sun rises, you can hide into one of the merchant carts that will whisk you off to Redania," your niece kept speaking, but you were in a half mind to listen to her, your own mind working like a racehorse, trying to figure out if you could use your magic and build a portal to Redania. It will save you the time, and definitely the efforts, but the question was, will it work?
"Is my sack ready Samara?" You turned to Samara, one of the handmaidens that had grown a liking to you.
The handmaiden smiled and nodded, placing the light sack she had packed with a few comfortable dresses, and a few essentials and herbs that you could require during your journey, mostly ones that would help with your aches and your morning sickness.
"Ciri, I don't know what I would've done without you, love," You smiled at her.
Ciri on the other hand, instead of using her words, prefered to use her actions. She leapt towards you, engulfing you in a side hug, affectionate and warm, that you found yourself melting into, "I haven't known you long, Aunt [Y/N] but I feel like I've known you forever. You're just like my mother."
"Now this isn't the last time we meet, my sweet darling, I promise we will meet again, and it will be sooner than I've imagined, now it's time for me to leave," you told her and she looked at you, frowning.
"But it isn't midnight yet, and grandmother wouldn't be sleeping yet."
"Ciri, I have elder blood in my veins for a reason," you smiled, "and maybe this is it. Now watch."
You let your eyes flutter close, and your eyes rolled back in the back of your head as you conjured up a portal, and Ciri gasped, looking at you.
You blinked your eyes open again, and pulled her into one last hug, before you grabbed the light satchel that Samara had packed, you stepped into the portal and the portal vanished, leaving Ciri with her jaws slackened and her eyes thrown wide open.
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You gasped as though you were being sucked in through the portal, that you actually were, until you fell out of it, on your knees. Your palm protectively held your baby bump, to protect it from any harm that was to come to your baby with the fall. Groaning, you rubbed two fingers gently against your stomach, as you struggled to pull yourself up to your feet; the weight of your growing child inside of you causing you to have a difficulty in easily lifting you up. Oh, how you missed Geralt right now, if he was here, he would have lifted you up in a single tug.
This reminded you of why you were here, right outside the sorceress's doorstep. You were here for Geralt.
You mentally cursed yourself for doing this— for being stupid enough to bring yourself into the lion's den once again— you tried to remind yourself of the last time you were here, and how Yennefer had been. But the thought of staying in Cintra, being forced to marry a man you didn't love, seemed like a far worse sentence for you. Atleast, in Redania, you could hope that Geralt would protect you.
The question, however was, where was Geralt?
Your mind was clawing at you, asking you to head back from wherever you had come from, but your heart didn't agree. It was hell-bent on finding the man you loved, and you had a feeling you would find him here. Roach's distant whinny only signalled to you that you were looking for Geralt in the right place. If Roach was here, it meant that Geralt was here too.
You climbed up the familiar flight of stairs once again, until you placed your palm flat against the wooden door, and the door croak open, and you were greeted by a strong essence of lavender oil, and extreme silence.
You looked from your left to right, your eyes alert your ears trained to catch any familiar sound that could help you in looking for Geralt; but all you could hear was the sound of your own heart, that was racing uncontrollably. Your palms twitched, your body surging with your magic, and part excitement to run into your lover again, but something still loomed over the back of your mind— an inexplicable fear that you didn't know why it was there.
Your eyes fixed themselves at the hallway that began, once this one ended, and you could hear someone talk, in muffled voices.
Curious, you tiptoed as close as you could, until you fixed yourself by the end of the hallway and craned your neck, taking a look.
You saw Jaskier standing there; his back was turned towards you, and his fists were curling into fists that gripped the fabric of his pants.
"Jaskier?! Jas—"
Jaskier's eyes widened when he heard your voice; you registered the look of horror on his face, the way the colour drained from his face, making him look paler than what he normally was.
"[Y/N].. No, no, no you shouldn't be here, you shouldn't.." You frowned at him, squinting your eyes in a confused way, as you made your way towards him. Your frown only worsened when Jaskier stepped in front of you, blocking your way so you couldn't pass.
"Jaskier, what the hell?"
"You..You..can't be here, Yennefer is inside, if she sees you—" He stammered, swiping a palm over his face as he tried to manoeuvre you away from whatever it was that he was hiding from you.
"Which is why you are getting me to Geralt quietly," you whispered and tugged on his arm, trying to pull him towards you. When he didn't move, and began nervously glancing at the door next to you, your eyebrow shot up and you couldn't help but let go off him.
"You're hiding something from me, Jaskier. What's—" Weakly, you raised up your right hand, your fingers trembling as you pointed your index finger towards the door. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of your temple, disappearing into your cloak. A lump formed inside your throat, and you swallowed hard, looking at the door. What if something had happened to Geralt? Were you too late? "What's behind that door, Jaskier?" You tried to eye the window that was behind him, but Jaskier was still blocking your way.
"It's.. you really.. I—"
"Jaskier, move—" You pushed past him and before he could grab your arm, and pull you back, you were already waddling towards the window to see for yourself what Jaskier was trying to hide from you but was clearly doing an incredibly bad job at it.
"Don't! [Y/N]!"
Jaskier called out after you but it was too late. You wish you had listened to him. You wished you had listened and left when he said. Atleast your heart wouldn't have cracked the way it did when you saw Geralt laying back, his fingernails digging into Yennefer's hips as the woman straddled him, and his cock, her hips rolling fervently as she rode him.
You moved away instantly, your palm flying to your chest as a sharp pain hit you in your heart. Looking up in disbelief, you gave your friend a look that reeked of betrayal.
"So this is what you were hiding?! Is this why Geralt came here?! So he could have that witch fuck him like that?!"
"[Y/N] listen, it's not what it looks like, okay? You need to trust me and come with—"
"Jaskier, I trusted you once, and I trusted him once. I am not going to make the same mistake once again," you snarled at him, venom leaking from your eyes and from your words. You were shaking like an autumn leaf, ready to fall and get crushed underneath someone's foot. You turned away, turning a blind eye and a dead ear to Jaskier, who was pleading with you to listen to him but you had had enough as you began walking away, until Jaskier grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the room nearby, shutting the door.
"Listen to me, [Y/N]. Geralt is not Geralt, he is under a hex or something. That witch did something to him," he didn't let go off your wrist, but you gaped at him, wide mouthed.
"What?" You blinked, in disbelief.
He nodded, "that is what I was trying to tell you. Geralt is under her control. This is why you shouldn't be here. Because if she finds out you're here, even Geralt won't be there to protect you."
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"WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU?!! WHERE ARE YOU??! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME," You screamed at the top of your lungs, kneeling down by the cliff, your hands running through your hair, tears running down your cheeks.
You looked at the vicinity in front of you and all you could see was the doom, and the darkness.
You felt helpless, hopeless and alone.
"I thought you would have learnt by now, how weakness makes your mind clog up."
You heard the voice you were struggling to seek and reach out to, and you let out a sigh as you stood up, turning towards her, "Tissaia."
"You were calling for me, child."
You shot towards her, until you fell down on your knees in front of her, letting her in— into your vulnerability and weakness.
"I lost, she won. I need you to undo the hex. She has Geralt under her control, and soon, she would have my baby too." You hiccuped, sniffling between your tears, and coughs.
You tried reaching for her, but your hand passed through her, and you blinked in confusion. Tissaia only smiled.
"It's a spell, child, I'm not really here. Now listen to me," she knelt down in front of you, and you slowly lifted your dark, soggy eyes and fixed them on hers.
"Just remember, sometimes it takes losing everything you own in order to gain everything you ever wanted."
She smiled at you, craning her neck to one side as her lips curled and you gave her a confused look, bringing your palm up to your face and wiping your tears away.
"You are stronger than Yennefer, [Y/N]. Only you don't know it yet."
"I had Geralt by my side, Tissaia. And now I don't have him. How am I supposed to break this hex? Or whatever the hell this is and get him back?!" You cried.
"His body might be bound by the hex, but his heart isn't."
You bit your lip, almost drawing out blood, tasting the copper on your taste buds as you whispered, "but Witchers don't have hearts that feel."
"That's where you are wrong," she gave you a smile, "And if you don't believe me, try it yourself."
And just like that, the spell that had brought Tissaia de Vries to you, ended and you were left alone, still kneeling down by the cliff.
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These brick walls that acted like a cocoon to Yennefer, were like a prison to you. Just the looks of the structure; the gloomy red stone walls, brought with it an uncontrollable suffocation and the desire to leave, bit it also suddenly brought the need to fight for what was yours.
Tissaia was right. Maybe losing Geralt to Yennefer was the key for you to embrace yourself truly, and find the power that was hidden within you.
You squinted your eyes, as you stood at the bottommost step, and looked up at the hallway that was going to decide your fate, and Geralt's as you began climbing those stairs.
By the time you reached the top most stair, you were writhing in rage. Slowly, you fisted your fingers, bringing it up to your chest. Your teeth began chattering, as though you were cold, but you knew that wasn't the case. Your body was burning, uncontrollably so and suddenly, you let out a loud scream, throwing out your fisted palm towards the door, and the door flew off its hinges, crashing against the wall.
Yennefer screamed at the sudden intrusion, eyeing the door and then eyeing you, but she kept straddling Geralt, who looked like he was indeed, in a hex. His eyes were raging red, sweat covering him like a blanket, as he yanked her hard, instigating her to keep riding his cock.
"Oh, I see you found us, I am sorry to say it isn't exactly how you pictured us. What did you imagine? That we would be throwing out swords at each other?" Yennefer's words ended with a slow, teasing roll of her hips and Geralt growled in retaliation to it, as he began hitting her with his unrelenting thrusts.
"Geralt?" You whispered, weakly, blinking back the tears clouding your eyes at the sight of him, the bitterness slowly eating you up at watching him like this, rutting into the devil and he had no control over himself. What had she done to him?
Geralt shut his eyes, his fingers digging into her hips as he lifted his head up and regarded you.
"I'm sorry, [Y/N]. I can't stop, I can't fucking stop—" he growled a he slammed his cock hard into her and you closed your eyes, biting your lip. When you opened your eyes again, Yennefer was smirking at you.
"You could join us if you want, love."
"Free him of the hex, Yennefer," you snarled at her, rage filling you up once again and she only smiled.
"What is in it for me? Let me see." She pursed her lips and then gave you a coy look, before leaning down to trail her tongue over Geralt's Adam's apple, then looking up at you, "No."
"Then don't tell me I didn't warn you."
Yennefer's face contorted into a scowl, but you gave her a look of pure terror. Your eyes darkened, a shade three times darker than your usual orbs, and your fists curled. Suddenly, a force shot out, pushing Yennefer away, making Geralt immediately sit up, his eyes still raging with red.
"Take that hex off my lover."
You warned; but Yennefer only smirked, rubbing the back of her head where she had taken a hit when her head had struck the wall.
"Geralt love." She cooed, curling her lips coyly, and Geralt grunted, a vein almost popping on his eyebrow. He gave you a look of pure despair, and a look of giving up, as he grabbed his own cock, in exasperation and threw back his head, pleasuring himself, trying to free himself of the Mage's hex.
"Try everything you can , [Y/N]. Only I can free him of his hex, and his so obvious discomfort."
You let out a loud scream, watching cracks appear on the ground just underneath where Yennefer was. She snarled in anger, looking down at her feet as creepers began to crawl up her body. Suddenly, she began laughing, "Are you going to use my spell on me now?"
"No, it's a modified, and a better version," you hissed at her, and suddenly, the creepers turned to iron chains, locking her to where she was.
Yennefer growled, trying to free herself from the shackles but your powers bound her to the wall, the chains holding her captive.
You moved to Geralt's side immediately and grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away. You fixed yourself in between his feet and brought both your hands to his cheeks, forcing him to look at you.
"You have to fight this Geralt, you have to."
"I can't. I can't fight this. I need —" he growled, and barked in rage, moving his hands away from yours and locking them above his head so he didn't hurt you.
"Move away from me, I'm a fucking monster right now."
You glanced from Geralt to Yennefer, who was now laughing at you, mocking you, her lips trembling from the way she was laughing, yet she tried to pry off the chains.
"You may have me locked up, but how are you going to free your lover from my hex? He needs me." She spat, her eyes glaring at you.
You took a deep breath, and slowly turned towards Geralt. You grabbed his chin and pulled it up, slamming your lips to his as you mumbled between the kiss, "I will break this hex."
Yennefer laughed, but her eyes reflected the anger she felt, and a deep rooted fear that had started to plant a seed inside of her.
Your hands travelled to the buttons on your chest, your lips locked with the Witcher in a battle, as though a battle of life and death; and you practically ripped off your dress, letting it fall to the floor. You placed one hand on Geralt's shoulder and pushed him backwards so he was laying on his back, as you climbed up on top of him.
Yennefer kept watching; glaring as you slowly positioned Geralt's raging cock against your core, and slowly, lowered yourself down on him, moaning as he filled you up. Geralt sat up the minute you descended him, his eyes slowly fixing on yours, his arms coming to hold you by your waist.
"Look at me, love , we can do this, you belong to me. Every single bit of you and I am not ready to share, a hex or no hex," You whispered, moving in a rhythm along with him.
He parted his lips, letting out a low, guttural groan of pleasure as you worked him up, slowly freeing him of the sorceress's hex, watching as the red of his irises began paving way to his bright, golden orbs.
Geralt relaxed into your touch, as you rode his slick coated cock, his face now resting against your bare chest, his breathing punctured as you let him ride his high, right in front of Yennefer's angry eyes.
"No, fuck, no. This is impossible. This is impossible," Yennefer screamed, trying to pull the chains, but it was futile.
You let out a moan, arching your back as your pussy clenched rapidly around his cock, and immediately, Geralt's own orgasm followed until he had filled you up with his seed.
"How did you? Break the fucking hex?" He said, his voice raspy, and course.
You smiled, as you slowly nuzzled your nose against him, licking the outline of his lips gently, before planting a kiss on his lips, "I didn't, you did. The hex didn't take you completely, my love. She had a control on your body, but your heart." You slowly placed your palm on his heart and he looked down at your hand and then back up, before his own hand came to rest on your cheek, his thumb stroking your lip, "I love you, [Y/N]."
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