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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
Looking through the upcoming Comiket publications to see what is worthwhile, and guys:
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"A Story of How I Kept Legally Beating Ministry of Finance Bureaucrats for Two Years Until They Spilled the Conditions for Legal Uncensored Content, Which I Then Turned into a Doujinshi"
The riveting 94 page doujinshi covers:
I filed a review request and spent two years legally disputing with the Ministry of Finance, ultimately succeeding in having the criteria for sexual expression import regulations and statistics of crackdowns since 2003 disclosed. Since the disclosed documents included the conditions for legal uncensored content, this book publishes the full text of the disclosed contents. Based on this content, the book examines: -What exactly was disclosed? -How can the disclosed content be specifically utilized? -Can the newly disclosed Ministry of Finance's criteria also apply to Penal Code Article 175, which the police enforce? This is a critical review book (for all ages) that challenges the enforcement of sexual expression regulations in Japan, including Penal Code Article 175.
I love you comiket so much.
(Also TIL that the black censorship bars used to redact info in confidential documents is called "nori-ben"/のり弁 aka seaweed bento, which is a very cute visual - it is like seaweed draped over the words!)
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photos-de-france · 7 months
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Le viaduc de Cize-Bolozon, Ain.
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becomingabeing · 7 months
Finally watching it and AAAAHH THIS IS THE CUTEST INTRO esp loved that linework detail of different pride flag colours for their individual character intros awwwwww
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mourningmaybells · 8 months
tightroping between 1950s and DnD sci-fi fantasy speak for my story, but I am absolutely keeping "sauced" as a slang word for drunk.
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lealikestodraw · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Tsukasa Tenma !!
I actually thought I posted this yesterday. My bad 💀 Don't worry, Sega punished me thoroughly for not finishing this the 1st day by making me pull 50 times and still not get him ⁰v⁰ I'm gonna keep trying through.. (I'm slowly losing my sanity help adggddfghh)
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grandtravelercycle · 2 years
livraison discrète à domicile
art-cize #ascarat #saint-sebastien #colombes #courbevoie #garenne-col #asnieres-sur-seine #clichy #saint-ouen #gennevilliers #hauts-de-seine #seine-saint-denis #
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livraison420 · 2 years
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theanticool · 2 months
One thing I've noticed about this whole Imane Khelif "controversy" is that the same people screaming about protecting women's sports from the "trans Boogeyman", they never ever ever mention women's sports at all. At no point have they tried to highlight other women boxers, or mentioned any other event in which a woman competes or does well in. It's very strange to scream about protecting something they clearly do not care about. This isn't even necessarily about the grifters and talking heads (I expect it out of them) but random people on my friends list that caught me off guard
That's the main thing that kills me about all this nonsense. Putting aside the fact that Khelif is a woman and this war between the IOC and the IBA, the people screaming about how a woman is going to die fighting her are so disrespectful. Because women do die in the sport fighting other women. And there are things we could do to stop that and nobody fucking cares enough about the sport except for like 30 people to even talk about it.
Last year, an 18 year old from Mexico was flown up to Canada to be a warm body for a former amateur standout Canadian boxer. Jeanette Zacarias Zapata died after getting knocked out. Had 0 business being in that ring with someone so much better than her, 15 years her senior.
But this is a normal practice. Go look at some of the women from Mexico and Colombia and their records. A lot of American, British, and Canadian talent go down there to go beat up on boxer-cize moms who are literally half their size to inflate their records. Imagine walking into a CKO Kickboxing gym and telling them they have to fight someone who was fighting for amateur world champions or are top professional contenders. And this isn't a problem for just women. It's super common practice in the US to have your recent amateur stars just spark gas station attendants or mechanics for years before they fight a proper pro.
But like you said, none of these people actually care about the sport. They don't care about the Jeanettes of the world. They don't care about how there's so little money and resources put into it, so massive corners get cut. They don't care that there's rampant grooming (by cis men gym owners) going on in a lot of these gyms. And it's not just boxing. It's not just combat sports. It's in basketball, gymnastics, soccer, etc.
Because it's all virtue signalling. They need boogeymen. They need to pretend they care about these sports. If they're so scared of opportunities being taken away from "real women", maybe they should raise the floor on support for the actual sport and all the women it in. But these people didn't know enough about the sport to talk about Kellie Harrington or Amy Broadhurst, women who had fought and beat Imane Khelif before. Yet they feel so confident saying nonsense with their chest.
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thcrealheroes · 23 days
“Are you drunk?” / butcher to annie
Some meme I can't find || @vghtsupes
THE AUDACITY OF THIS MAN. I MEAN WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS ? Assuming things when- yes, it may be true, she and Hughie might have gone to town on slamming a couple of beers at a bar when taking a tour down HEARTBREAK HOTEL. She might have had a couple.... five ? -- Okay, six--- OKAY TEN- OKAY, she never kept count, just recalled notifying the bartender to keep it coming till he saw the two of them crying on each other shoulders. Hughie went on and on about Vicky, and she went on and on about Butcher. God, how pathetic. And on a Friday night. So, how did Annie January get here in the first place ? From getting plastered at a bar with her bestie Hughie to standing before Billy Butcher, the reason why Annie was getting shit-faced like there was no tomorrow. Too fucking much. " Pfft, crunk ? I- Drunk- fuck, I meant drunk. But also, like fuck youuuuuu ! Pftft, who me ? Couldn't be. Maybe you're fucking drunk. Did you ever think about that ? Yeah- got you there, stud muffin. " Jabbing an index finger hard against his solid chest, damn those pecs of his and rippling muscles. Just not fair. The blonde scoffs, shaking her head, but oh, that didn't make her feel any better as she uses the doorframe to keep her stance up. Thinking she looked as cool as a cucumber.
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" I didn't come here to be cri- cri - ...... " God, give her a SECOND. She can't work with big words right now, squeezing her eyes shut and her brows pulled together in frustration. " cri-ti-cized. Yeah, that, Yeah ! I mean, I didn't come here for that word; I came here because who the fuck do you think you are, huh ? Why do you ALWAYS push- shove away those who care about you ? I- just don't... it's not- it's NOT FAIR. Not fucking-- " Running her hand through messy blonde locks. " --- You don't have to be such an asshole to every person who worries or cares about you, you know ? I Just- I don't get it ? I try, and I try-- because I care about you. I didn't ask for this shit, you know ?! It just happened... this... us. YOU AND ME. " Annie hiccups, pressing her entire body against the doorframe. Her steps are wobbly, the world is spinning, and Butcher is swaying ? She squints her eyes as if that could assist her in settling on him. " -- Hey, I'm talking here. Can you just quit moving ! Oh my god- what are you a boat or something ? Just moving side to side ! God, I am trying to talk to you about Feeeeeeeelings. FEEEEEEEELINGS ! And You're just- all over the place, what the fuck. God- I think I'm going to barf. " Okay, she's speaking way too much, and now she forgot what she came here to say ? Annie even practiced her fantastic speech with the Uber driver before arriving here. She sighs, eyes glossed over as she stares up at Butcher, blinking and blinking; a frown washes over her face, a sudden wave of emotions as she reaches, fingertips brushing against his cheek. Oh, doesn't he know ? Doesn't he see ? " You are so hard-headed, so fucking- unbelievable, and yet... even if you despise me, and I know you do. I'm a super-supe... after all. I- I didn't ask to be this way, but you don't care. You never care.... And yet... I fucking... love you.... "   
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What were your thoughts about this?
oh lol there's some fans that think paul IS poseidon/neptune in disguise as a way to be close to sally and percy, and that's why estelle has the same eyes as percy lmfao. I don't know that I necessarily buy into it but it's fun to conspira-cize every now and then lol
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yalnzardc · 1 year
Meryem sr. : Mekke-i Mükerreme'de nazil olmuş 98 âyeti kerimedir.
3 - Geceleyin yapılan dualar, daha çabuk kabul olunabilir.
§ Harun Aleyhisselâm, Hz. Musa'nın büyük kardeşidir. İsa Aleyhisselâm'in doğumundan (1574) veya (1728) sene evvel Mısır'da dünyaya gelmiştir, güzel konuşan bir zat idi. Hz. Musa'nın duası üzerine Hz. Haruna'da peygamberlik verilmiş ve kendisine bir muavin bulunmuştur. Hz. Musa ile beraber Kızıldenizi geçerek Tih çölünde ikamet etmişlerdi. Bu esnada Hz. Musa, Tevrat kitabını elde etmek, Allah'ın hitaplarına mazhar olmak üzere Tur dağına gitmiş, Hz. Harun'u İsrail oğullarının başında bırakmıştı. İsrail oğulları ise Samirî adında bir münafığın aldatmalarına kapılmışlar, Mısır'lıların (Abis) öküzünü taklit ederek Samiri'nin altundan döktürdüğü bir buzağı heykeline tapınmağa başlamışlar, Harun Aleyhisselâm'ın engellemesini, nasihatlarını dinlememişlerdi. Musa Aleyhisselâm Tur'dan dönünce bu hadiseden çok üzülmüş, Hz. Harun'un mazur olduğunu anlamış, İsrail oğulları yaptıklarından pişman olmuşlardı. İsrail oğulları bir ceza olmak üzere kırk sene kadar Tih çölünde kalmışlardır. Hz. Musa'dan üç sene önce Hz. Harun (123) yaşında olarak vefat etmiştir. Turisina civarında "Mürran" dağındaki bir mağarada defnedilmiştir. Mübarek kabri meşhur bulunmaktadır.
Sonra Musa Aleyhisselâm, bir peygamber olan "Yuşâ" adındaki zatı kendi yerine halife tayin ederek ahirete irtihal buyurmuştur. Vefatından üç gün sonra Yuşă Aleyhisselam Israil oğullarını Tih çölünden çıkarmış, arzı mukaddese götürmüş, kendilerine karşı duran bazı Süryan ve Kenan hükümdarlarını bir mu cize eseri olarak mağlup etmiş arzı mukaddesi zapt ile İsrail oğullarını oniki kola ayırmıştır, yirmi sene İsrail oğullarının başkanlığında bulunmuş, miláttan (1580) sene önce (110) yaşında iken vefat eylemi��tir. Nablus yakınlarında defnedilmiş olduğu zannediliyor, İstanbul'da Beykoz'un üstünde kendisine isnât edilen bir ziyaretgah bulunmaktadır.
İsrail ogullanını, Kenan diyarına gotiren, Erihayı fetheden, Sam diyarını da zapt eylemiş bulunan Hz. Yuşa'dan sonra İsrail oğullan yine bir çok gayrı meşrü hareketlerde bulunmuşlar, yine esaretlere, musibetlere uğramışlardır. Nihayet Üsmuil adındaki zat onlara hakim olup onbir sene israil oğullarının işlerini idare etmiştir. İşte o vakit israil oğullarının hâkimler devri bitmiş, melikler devri meydana gelmişti
§ İdris Aleyhisselâm, Nuh Aleyhisselâm'ın büyük dedesi demektir. Hz. Şit'ten sonra kendisine Peygamberlik verilmiş ve otuz sahife nazil olmuştur. Adının "Uhnuh" olduğu rivayet edilir. Çok kitap okuduğu için İdris adını almıştır. İlk evvel kalem ile yazı yazan, hisab ve yıldız ilimleriyle uğraşan, silah yapan ve elbise diken Hz. İdris'tir. Ondan evvel adem oğulları hayvan derisi giyerlermiş. Kendisi kâfirler ile savaşta bulunmuştur. Hz. İdris'e göklerin sırları açılmıştı. Sonunda bir yüce makama kaldırılmıştır.
Bazı zatlara göre Cenab-ı Hak İdris Aleyhisselâm'ı semaya ve cennete kaldırmıştır. Hâlâ hayattadır. Bazı zatlara göre de dördüncü kat semaya kaldırılmış ve ruhu alınmıştır.
Bir rivayete göre de Peygamberlerden dört zat vardır ki: Hâlâ hayattadırlar. Bunlardan Hızır ile İlyas Hazretleri yerde ve Hz. İsa ile Hz. İdris de semada hayatta bulunmaktadır. Doğrusunu Allah daha iyi bilir.
77/80 - Rivayete göre bu ayetler, As bin Vail hakkında nazil olmuştur. Habbab İbnü'l- Erret demiştir ki: Benim As'da alacağım var idi, kendisinden istedim, dedi ki: Yok, val- lah Muhammed'i -Aleyhisselâm- inkâr etmedikçe onu sana vermem. Ben de dedim ki: Yok vallahi. Ben Muhammed'i -Aleyhisselâm-ı ne hayatımda, ne öldüğümde, ne de yeniden diriltileceğim anda inkâr etmem. As da dedi ki: O halde ben de diriltilecek miyim?. Dedim ki: Evet.. Diriltileceksin. O da -alaycı bir eda ile- dedi ki: Öyle ise ben diriltileceğim zaman gel, benim orada malım da evlâdım da olur, sana borcumu veririm. İşte As'ın bu lakırdısı üzerine bu âyetler nazil olup onu reddetmiştir.
§ Lûd; eled kelimesinin çoğuludur. Bâtıl ile mücadelede bulunan kimse demektir.
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photos-de-france · 5 months
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Le viaduc et le barrage de Cize-Bolozon, Ain.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 5 months
Taking a break from social media. I'll be on Discord but I've been off this blog because I'm so tired of fandom. May make a private blog to only follow select people on. No offense if you don't end up in that group (if I even make the blog) because if I make the blog I won't be following many people at all. I need a safe space for myself where I can just reblog shit and not be seen in tags or like, anywhere.
I want to enjoy fandom content without all this pressure. I want a place to express my thoughts safely and to post shit safely, but also without having to see the names/urls of people who have wronged me or hurt anyone I know. I'm tired of these judgmental spaces and feeling like no matter where I go, I can't just have fun and relax.
I'm tired of fandom not being fun anymore, tired of the negative atmosphere around it, tired of the discourse, tired of fandom getting p/oliti/cized, and tired of people hurting others. Unfortunately Tumblr's blocking system is not as thorough as T/wit/ter's and I will continue to see people I hate no matter where I am on this site (it's not just this blog) and I can't truly have a private blog for only certain people to be able to see without it being a sideblog that requires a password, which is why I'm mostly taking a break.
Honestly, I don't even know if I'll ever fully come back. I'm that tired of it all. I might post here and there, but I'm pretty much cutting myself off from interacting with people with very few exceptions. I want to interact with people, but I'm at a point where I have no idea who I can trust regardless of fandom.
I don't know if that will change if I take a break, but it really might not. I'm sorry if you're interested in interacting with me and I'll still interact with my anons, but what I mean is that I'm no longer approaching people on my own, not putting myself into tags (with very few exceptions strictly on this blog), and I'm keeping to myself. I do appreciate all the anons I've had who have spoken with me and talked with me in depth about FE and stuff. This isn't an issue I have with you guys and you've made the time here more fun.
I can't live my life having my anxiety spiked at all times with how detrimental it is with me, and that's how I am on this site lately. Everything I post - everything - makes me afraid and anxious. Nothing is fun anymore and I already have actually detrimental low energy levels. I want to have creative energy and even that is mostly gone.
So... yeah. Taking a break and don't know where it's going from there. I'll check this blog once in a while (notes/anons mainly), I'm just not going to really do any scrolling so there won't really be any reblogging going on.
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dramalets · 5 months
Okay it’s prediction time. I’ve sorted these through almost nailed on too just I am allowed my fantasies okay.
Nailed on (if these don’t happen I’ll be shocked)
New shows for the young pairs that didn’t get one in part one. They’re all extremely bankable and there is zero way GMMTV aren’t going to take advantage of that. My personal desires would be something with a bit more bite for First/Khao and something a bit dramatic for Perth/Chimon.
Some kind of new het ensemble. I think maybe including some of the youngers who’ve not really done het yet. Force for instance has a large following and hasn’t done anything major out of pair yet. He’d work well in some kind of het ensemble.
Nanon het something. I think the kids been too burned by delulus to do a BL again anytime soon but he’s talked a lot about getting back to acting. So a het project seems likely.
New KristSingto project. Idk if it’s gonna be a sotus prt3 or something new but it’s happening.
New projects for TayNew & OffGun. They’ve had big years and they seem comfortable in wanting to push on. Perhaps something darker for OffGun? They’ve had a run of softer things.
Some new het thing for the usual het suspects.
One or two new GLs. (I’m hoping Jan/someone and Cize/someone. Or Jan/Cize. I really don’t care just give me the GL’s)
Boun/Prem. could be the vampire show could be something else whatever it is GMMTV is going to want to cash in on their popularity. (Probably going to in general make use of all their new acquisitions.)
More concerts
Idk probably some dance based reality show that I’ll never watch or remember until one of the winners breaks out into dramas.
Perhaps (could be)
Mark/Ohm. They’ve teased it so much. It feels unlikely it won’t be a thing but, also, Mark is a tease so I’m sticking it here in case it was just him pissing around.
An original pillars concert. Singto’s back. It would make bank. Seems a thing that could happen.
Another Japanese adaptation. Idk what? But with the success of Cherry Magic it seems possible. So long as it isn’t something deeply, intrinsically Japanese (I swear to god if you touch My Beautiful Man GMMTV I’m flying to Thailand and yelling at people) then I think it could be okay.
Full trailers for things like Ossan’s Love
A het thing for Gemini.
Maybe a Kdrama remake for someone like Mook. She’s a real talent and proven herself in het roles plenty at this point.
Listen a girl can dream
Something with actual bite for Fourth. The kid is talented. He deserves more than what he’s getting. I respect he’s young and bankable to teens but his acting talent is also being squandered. I’m not talking about high heat, I really rarely am when I say more bite, I’m talking about something with a bit of a darker plot and more opportunity for the kid to act.
Aou/Boom main role no ensemble. It’s my dream okay fuckers.
An ensemble for some of the talented and neglected side actors. Ford comes screaming to mind. Kid kills his roles every time.
Santa/Lego. Sorry but the visuals would be so pretty and I think they could have a similar energy to Santa/Earth and I loved them.
Some kind of highschool/college ensemble for the tiny wee babies. We need to get to know them better and ensembles help that.
Gay I’m Tee, Me Too. It should have been gay, we all know it, give me another ensemble with the original pillars.
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revenant-coining · 2 years
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 5 horizontal stripes. stripe size as follows, medium, thin, thick, thin, medium, and colors in this order from top to bottom: dark grey, grey, white, grey, dark grey. End ID]
Inviclarcize: an inviane term connected to the image below, an image of someone wearing a black sideless tank top and a backward white hat. text has been edited onto the shirt that says: ‘Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize” in white and all caps text.
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[ID: an image of someone wearing a black sideless tank top and a backward white hat. text has been edited onto the shirt that says: ‘Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize” in white and all caps text. End ID]
Etymology: “invi” a inviane prefix, clar(ity), (criti)cize
Pronounced: in-vee clar size (invi clar cize)
@inviane-archive , @radiomogai
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[ID: an orange line divider with a star covered in flame in the middle. End ID]
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