#cized into magic.
mourningmaybells · 5 months
tightroping between 1950s and DnD sci-fi fantasy speak for my story, but I am absolutely keeping "sauced" as a slang word for drunk.
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dramalets · 2 months
Okay it’s prediction time. I’ve sorted these through almost nailed on too just I am allowed my fantasies okay.
Nailed on (if these don’t happen I’ll be shocked)
New shows for the young pairs that didn’t get one in part one. They’re all extremely bankable and there is zero way GMMTV aren’t going to take advantage of that. My personal desires would be something with a bit more bite for First/Khao and something a bit dramatic for Perth/Chimon.
Some kind of new het ensemble. I think maybe including some of the youngers who’ve not really done het yet. Force for instance has a large following and hasn’t done anything major out of pair yet. He’d work well in some kind of het ensemble.
Nanon het something. I think the kids been too burned by delulus to do a BL again anytime soon but he’s talked a lot about getting back to acting. So a het project seems likely.
New KristSingto project. Idk if it’s gonna be a sotus prt3 or something new but it’s happening.
New projects for TayNew & OffGun. They’ve had big years and they seem comfortable in wanting to push on. Perhaps something darker for OffGun? They’ve had a run of softer things.
Some new het thing for the usual het suspects.
One or two new GLs. (I’m hoping Jan/someone and Cize/someone. Or Jan/Cize. I really don’t care just give me the GL’s)
Boun/Prem. could be the vampire show could be something else whatever it is GMMTV is going to want to cash in on their popularity. (Probably going to in general make use of all their new acquisitions.)
More concerts
Idk probably some dance based reality show that I’ll never watch or remember until one of the winners breaks out into dramas.
Perhaps (could be)
Mark/Ohm. They’ve teased it so much. It feels unlikely it won’t be a thing but, also, Mark is a tease so I’m sticking it here in case it was just him pissing around.
An original pillars concert. Singto’s back. It would make bank. Seems a thing that could happen.
Another Japanese adaptation. Idk what? But with the success of Cherry Magic it seems possible. So long as it isn’t something deeply, intrinsically Japanese (I swear to god if you touch My Beautiful Man GMMTV I’m flying to Thailand and yelling at people) then I think it could be okay.
Full trailers for things like Ossan’s Love
A het thing for Gemini.
Maybe a Kdrama remake for someone like Mook. She’s a real talent and proven herself in het roles plenty at this point.
Listen a girl can dream
Something with actual bite for Fourth. The kid is talented. He deserves more than what he’s getting. I respect he’s young and bankable to teens but his acting talent is also being squandered. I’m not talking about high heat, I really rarely am when I say more bite, I’m talking about something with a bit of a darker plot and more opportunity for the kid to act.
Aou/Boom main role no ensemble. It’s my dream okay fuckers.
An ensemble for some of the talented and neglected side actors. Ford comes screaming to mind. Kid kills his roles every time.
Santa/Lego. Sorry but the visuals would be so pretty and I think they could have a similar energy to Santa/Earth and I loved them.
Some kind of highschool/college ensemble for the tiny wee babies. We need to get to know them better and ensembles help that.
Gay I’m Tee, Me Too. It should have been gay, we all know it, give me another ensemble with the original pillars.
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depepi · 5 years
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🖤 I feel like a Queen 🖤 11kg down and almost on my ideal weight! Yay! And you might be asking: hell, how? Well: it's not a diet!⠀ ⠀ Diets never worked for me on the long run. I'd go back to old habits as soon as they finish. Instead I aimed for creating healthy habits. And that requires time and baby steps. And believe me: this works magic on your mind and body!⠀ ⠀ 🖤 I don't diet. I eat mostly veggies and drink tons of water. And I do eat donuts from time to time. ⠀ 🖤 I've made some changes like using coliflower rice instead of regular rice, or zucchini noodles instead of regular spaghetti. Although I do eat carbs sometimes, making these changes have helped me a lot. I also changed my morning toast brand. The bread I was taking had far too many calories per loaf!⠀ 🖤 When I see some weight back I don't slash myself. It's okay. I just keep it up and eat mostly veggies and drink a lot of water.⠀ 🖤 I also started to move more. Not only I use Fitbit to count steps and see how calories go. I also started having fun with @shaunt hip hop classes (cize) and challenged myself with Transform:20 (this one is tough! But so worthy!). And nope: I'm not going to a gym. Search for the Beachbody on Demand App, get a towel, and prepare yourself to feel great!⠀ 🖤 I'm not keen on sports, and for me doing them was like a punishment when I was a kid. (I had some very bad sport coaches... I don't want to remember those... horrible!) BUT, if you research as much as I did, I'm sure you can find something and someone that will uplift you. I just found the perfect coach and the perfect classes, and I've never felt so good. Even if it might be so challenging. ⠀ 🖤 I also look for inspiration out there. The body needs to rock it, but so does your mind. I love @thechampagnediet books and podcast. It's so inspiring and uplifting!⠀ ⠀ So: don't be afraid to start. ⠀ Take baby steps. ⠀ Be gentle to yourself. ⠀ Choose uplifting role models.⠀ Dare to go out of your comfort zone (that's where the fun stuff begins!)⠀🖤👸🏻🖤 #healthyhabits #weightlossjourney #conqueryourmind #goforit #onestepatatime #writerslife #slytherin💚 #writerscommunity #imawesome http://bit.ly/2DLJb6D
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vkkozlov · 5 years
Irati, The Magic Forest from Iñaki Tejerina on Vimeo.
The Selva of Irati is the second largest beech-fir forest in Europe after the Black Forest (Germany). Surrounded by the Pyrenees, it covers an extensive area of 17,195 hectares just north of the Aezkoa and Salazar valleys (Navarre) and south of the Cize (Lower Navarre) and Soule valleys (Zuberoa).
Based on herd, wood, and hunting, it has always been a magical place for the Basques, who tell stories about mythological beings living in the depths of the forest. The frequent fog banks and the Mount Orhi create a unique atmosphere of solitude. One that has always been very special to me as well.
Music by Peter Nanasi (The North Awakens), you can find and buy his music here: peternanasi.bandcamp.com/
tejerinafotografia.com [email protected] flickr.com/photos/minoltero 500px.com/inaxiotejerina instagram.com/inaxiotejerina/ facebook.com/tejerinafotografia/
The video is available in 4K.
La Selva de Irati es un extenso territorio, (17.195 Ha) que desde la antigüedad ha tenido un aprovechamiento ganadero- forestal y cinegético. Se sitúa en una cuenca rodeada por montañas, ubicada a ambos lados del Pirineo. Al sur en los Valles de Aezkoa y Salazar (Navarra) y al norte en los valles de Cize (Baja Navarra) y Soule (Zuberoa). Ocupa el segundo lugar entre los hayedos-abetales más extensos de Europa, después de la Selva Negra en Alemania.
Lugar mágico para los vascos desde tiempos inmemoriales, existen muchas historias sobre seres mitológicos que habitan las profundidades del bosque. Las frecuentes nieblas, el monte Orhi y la soledad que se respira en muchas zonas crean una atmósfera que siempre ha sido muy especial para mí.
Musica de Peter Nanasi (The North Awakens), puedes encontrar y comprar su música aquí: peternanasi.bandcamp.com/
tejerinafotografia.com [email protected] flickr.com/photos/minoltero 500px.com/inaxiotejerina instagram.com/inaxiotejerina/ facebook.com/tejerinafotografia/
Vídeo disponible en 4K.
Antzinatik, Iratiko Oihana basogintza, abeltzaintza eta ehiza-ustiapen handiko lurralde zabala izan da (17.195Ha). Mendiz inguratutako arro batean dago, Pirinioetako bi aldeetan kokatuta. Hegoaldean, Aezkoa eta Zaraitzuko ibarretan (Nafarroa) eta iparraldean, Cizen (Nafarroa Behera) eta Soulen (Zuberoa). Europako pagadi-izeidirik handienak kontutan harturik, bigarrena da Alemaniako Oihan Beltzaren atzetik.
Aspalditik, Euskal Herritarrentzat, leku magikoa izan da eta basoaren sakonean bizi omen diren izaki mitologikoei buruzko istorio asko entzun dira. Behe-lainoak, Orhi mendia eta gune askotan somatzen den bakardadeak, oso giro unkigarria sortarazten dute niretzat.
Nahi izanez gero bideoa 4K-tan ikusteko aukera dago
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lenaglittleus · 7 years
12 Beginner Workouts to Help You Get Fit
So you’ve decided to get fit. Whether that means losing 100 pounds (like these people did), or gaining more muscle strength and definition, it can be tough knowing where to start. With tons of conflicting advice on the internet and weird terms like HIIT and DOMS, it might seem like everything is stacked against you when you’re trying to reach your goals. But don’t give up. There are plenty of beginner workouts and programs that can make the process of getting in shape less daunting.
How to Get in Shape
It’s important to remember that you won’t lose weight or build muscle overnight – it’s a process. And that process includes a combination of fitness, nutrition, and accountability. Armed with these three things, you’re more likely to find success in getting fit.
1. Exercise
The beauty of exercise is that there a ton of ways to do it. Running, swimming, dancing, weightlifting, boxing…the list goes on. So pick an activity you enjoy! This will be crucial in helping you stick with it. If you dread your workout, then motivation will be hard to come by. Below, we go into details on some of the best beginner workouts on Beachbody On Demand. From dance to cardio to weightlifting, there are plenty of options to choose from. They are all comprehensive programs that give you everything you need to succeed– no guesswork required. It’s like having your own personal trainer!
2. Eat right
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “abs are made in the kitchen.” Well, it turns out all muscles are made in the kitchen. You can exercise until your dying day, but your muscles aren’t going to thrive without proper fuel. You need the right nutrients to prepare your body for a workout, and your muscles need them to recover after a workout, too. And no, that doesn’t mean only eating chicken and broccoli. A healthy diet consists of all kinds of foods, but in the right portions. (Here’s how many servings you should eat of each food group.) If that sounds too intimidating, start with an even smaller step. Add just one healthy meal or snack into your day, like Shakeology. It’s not a quick fix pill, but it is any easy way to get important nutrients into your body to fuel your workouts.
3. Keep yourself accountable
This is where the magic really happens. It’s easy to say you’re going to workout and eat right, but that all falls apart without accountability. If you have willpower of steel, you can probably keep yourself accountable. But most people need the support of an accountability partner (or two) to keep them on track when their willpower starts to slip. Look for support in friends or family members. Or, turn to a Team Beachbody Coach who can keep you motivated and lead you through the ins and outs of a Beachbody workout program.
4. Know the basics
What’s the best time of day to work out? How much weight should you lift? What should you eat before you exercise? You’ll probably run into questions like these when you first start a fitness plan. Get the answers to these questions and more in our breakdown of beginner workout tips. While you’re at it, check out this list of things you can do before your first workout that will make things easier down the road.
12 of the Best Beginner Workouts
Fitness shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why Beachbody offers different kinds of beginner workout programs to fit different preferences. Love to dance? Want to try out weightlifting? Need a low-impact workout? We’ve got you covered. Pick a program that fits your needs, commit to it, and watch the results roll in.
Full Body Workouts for Beginners:
Clean Week
Time: 30 minutes/day for 7 days Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band Trainer: Megan Davies
If you’re hesitant to commit to multiple weeks (or months) of a workout program, then Clean Week is for you. This seven-day program will introduce you to the basics of fitness and nutrition to help kick-start healthy habits. Talk about a perfect workout routine for beginners! Clean Week covers everything from cardio to strength to flexibility, and the easy-to-follow meal plan includes recipes and meal prep tips to make clean eating super simple. This is ideal for someone isn’t sure where to start with fitness, or what kind of exercise is right for them. Try it here.
3 Week Yoga Retreat
Time: 10-30 minutes/day for 21 days Equipment: Yoga mat Trainers: Vytas, Elise, Ted, and Faith
Beginners shouldn’t be intimidated by yoga – it’s an excellent full body workout that’s also low-impact. The 3 Week Yoga Retreat will guide you through three weeks of basic yoga classes to help you gain a solid foundation. You’ll do a new class for 21 straight days, with the goal of improving your flexibility, increasing your balance, and relieving stress. There is also a Beginner Basics section that breaks down core yoga techniques, like breathing, balance, and the proper way to do basic moves like downward dog and child’s pose. This program is just straight yoga without any extra fluff. By the end of these three weeks, your entire body will be worked, and you should have the confidence to hold your own in most any yoga class. Try it here.
Beginner Strength Training Workouts:
Time: 25-45 minutes/day for 21 days Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band, agility markers, PT sandbag (optional) Trainer: Chris Downing
The first Beachbody program from trainer Chris Downing, this three-week program utilizes a unique ramp-up method to help ease you into fitness. This means that the workouts increase in length, intensity, and complexity each week, starting with 25 minutes and going up to 45 minutes. The workouts also alternate between strength training and cardio, allowing you to get comfortable with lifting weights while still having variety in the program. There is a modifier that demonstrates each exercise, so beginners can do the less-intense moves until they build up the strength to do them full-out. The nutrition plan is also a main component of this program, helping you refine your diet to maximize muscle growth and fat loss. Try it here.
Time: 45-60 minutes/day for 90 days Equipment: Dumbbells, pull-up bar or resistance band with door attachment Trainer: Tony Horton
Each phase of P90 is designed to gradually ease your body into better shape than ever before. It’s an excellent workout routine for beginners who want to lose weight and try a program with both strength training and cardio. If you want to really focus on strength training, then you can choose the resistance-based schedule that has more of a focus on weightlifting, and includes six days of workouts each week. Try it here.
HIIT Workouts for Beginners (High Intensity Interval Training):
22 Minute Hard Corps
Time: 22 minutes/day for 8 weeks Equipment: Dumbbells or PT sandbag and pull-up bar Trainer: Tony Horton
With three cardio workouts, three resistance workouts, and two core workouts, these 22-minute videos will help you work your entire body in minimal time using compound (multi-joint) movements. Although not every single workout in the program is HIIT, many of them are because of the intense work periods and minimal recovery times. Beginners might want to follow the modifier in this program to help their bodies adjust to the workouts. There is also a “Battle Buddy” partner workout for an additional challenge you can do with a friend (like your accountability partner!). The nutrition plan uses Beachbody’s Portion Fix containers, and includes an eating guide to help you navigate healthy eating with ease. 22 Minute Hard Corps is perfect for someone who is short on time. Try it here.
21 Day Fix
Time: 10-30 minutes/day for 21 days Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band and exercise mat Trainer: Autumn Calabrese
This three-week program includes 13 workouts and one simple nutrition plan. Many of the workouts are HIIT-style routines that combine cardio and strength training, and there’s also one day of yoga each week to facilitate recovery. Most beginners start this program by following the modifier in the videos, and progress to the main exercises (demonstrated by Autumn) as their fitness level improves. The nutrition plan uses color-coded portion control containers, so you don’t have to count calories; instead, you’ll learn what proper portions look like. Many people do this program for multiple rounds, getting stronger and more advanced as they move along. Try it here.
Beginner Dance Workouts:
Time: 30 minutes/day for 4 weeks Equipment: Weighted gloves (optional) Trainer: Leandro Carvalho
With six easy-to-follow dance routines, YOUv2 is a fun way for beginners to get moving. Five days a week, Leandro leads you through cardio-dance routines set to hits from the ’80s and ’90s. The simple routines in this program are great for people who are looking to be more active, but are beginners to fitness. And the nutrition plan is just as easy to follow. It’s not a strict diet, but instead it encourages you to make small changes to gradually help you eat healthier. This program also includes a journal and motivational calendar to keep you on track and accountable to your goals. Try it here.
Country Heat
Time: 30 minutes/day for 30 days Equipment: None Trainer: Autumn Calabrese
Get an introduction to cardio exercise with this country-style dance program. With simple, low impact moves, Autumn Calabrese leads you through fun dance routines to help you burn calories and work up a sweat. Country Heat includes six different dance workouts set to popular country songs that you’ll do six days a week. Each workout has a “breakdown” video, where Autumn walks you through each move slowly to help you pick up the steps. You don’t have to worry about learning a full routine—you’re just following the steps as Autumn calls them out. Country Heat also has an easy-to-follow nutrition plan using Beachbody’s Portion Fix containers. Try it here.
Time: 30-50 minutes/day for 4 weeks Equipment: None Trainer: Shaun T
CIZE is a choreography-based program that teaches you a different dance routine set to pop and hip-hop music each week. Even if you think you can’t dance, you can still do this program. In each routine, Shaun T breaks down the dance moves step by step, making dancing easier than ever before. You’ll be moving the entire time to keep your heart rate up while you’re having fun. There’s a specific beginner workout calendar that you can start with, and then an advanced calendar you can try after you become more comfortable with the moves. Depending on the calendar you choose, you’ll be dancing either six or seven days each week. This is slightly more physically demanding that Country Heat and requires more coordination, but with Shaun T’s guidance it’s still great for beginners. Try it here.
Low-Impact Workouts for Beginners:
Time: 13-45 minutes/day for 60 days Equipment: Yoga mat Trainer: Chalene Johnson
This program combines the best of yoga and Pilates into a single program, with some extra cardio and strengthening exercises thrown into the mix. And all of the moves are low-impact, so you can be gentle on your joints. The workouts are set to a fast pace, keeping your heart rate elevated and helping you burn fat while you sculpt your muscles—no jumping or weights required. Other than a yoga mat, you don’t need any equipment for this program. The main schedule features 10 different workouts, and the deluxe program includes two additional videos (which use strength slides). This program has you working out six days per week. Try it here.
Brazil Butt Lift
Time: 10-50 minutes/day for 60 days Equipment: Exercise band and towel Trainer: Leandro Carvalho
Are you a beginner to fitness who wants to focus on your booty? Then try Brazil Butt Lift! This program will help lift, firm, and round your butt. Depending on your goal, you can choose between four workout calendars: volumizer, lift, slim, and classic. Each incorporates the workouts in different ways to sculpt your booty just how you want, and they’ll also help you slim down all over thanks to the cardio component of the routines. And this isn’t just a program for women—strengthening your and glutes can reduce the chance of injury, and that’s something from which everyone can benefit. Try it here.
Active Maternity
Time: 25-35 minutes/workout during pre- and post-pregnancy Equipment: Dumbbells Trainer: Autumn Calabrese
This beginner workout program is specific for moms-to-be or brand new moms. The Active Maternity series includes four workouts to help you stay active and exercise correctly for your changing body. Workouts for the first and second trimester help you build and strengthen the areas most affected by pregnancy. The third trimester focuses on holding each move for 10 seconds, approximating the length of each push in the last act of labor. Finally, the postnatal workout will help you ease back into exercise by safely increasing your strength and endurance. Try it here.
from News About Health https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/beginner-workouts-get-fit
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stcoupon-blog · 7 years
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kandiesworld · 7 years
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The moment when you have found the thing that can truly center and calm you. Quiet the angry beast. I have always had a love and appreciation for music because of my dad. I loved to dance but was always too scared to perform in front of others. But now the very thing that scared me the most is my passion. And my love for music amplifies it. And it is not enough to teach it but then when you get to be the student/participant and the right song comes on and you are in the zone it is magical. With all the craziness going on right now there is no time to panic and become unfocused. This is the time to step out and live your purpose. Take your pain and use it to fuel your passion. #participant #student #cize #cizeitup #passion #dancefitness #dancefitnessinstructor #shapeupnyc #health #fitness #wayoflife #doyourlifeswork #dobetter #bebetter #musictherapy #passionoverpain #2017goals
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