#clan piranha
agbpaints · 1 year
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Got a bit of a rag tag group of reinforcements for my growing Rasalhague Dominion cluster! About half of these are mechs I actually intend to use in games (as previously mentioned the Horned Owl is a favorite design archetype of mine, the Summoner is about as idiot-proof a heavy cav omni as you can make, and the Piranha is cheap fill with a heinous close-range bite) but the Hellbringer, Huntsman, and Mist Lynx feel a bit more awkward to me. Idk they'll probably take to the table at some point
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brutalgamer · 1 year
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MechWarrior 5: Clans to present an all-new experience for consoles and PC in 2024
Don’t let the “MechWarrior 5” designation fool you, Clans is something brand new, bringing turmoil to the Inner Sphere in 2024.
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savingcontent · 1 month
gamescom 2024: Exclusive gameplay and story trailer for the MechWarrior 5: Clans released
Continue reading gamescom 2024: Exclusive gameplay and story trailer for the MechWarrior 5: Clans released
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randomthefox · 4 months
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Nishiki presenting a facade of amicability and reason. But the flashback to him coming upon his men having killed the (fake) Mizuki proves
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He has completely lost his fucking mind. The persona he's wearing in front of Kiryu is a mask. He's trying to impress and intimidate his former brother.
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To his credit he does try the carrot first. Pointing out that Kiryu has been expelled. This isn't his fight anymore. But really Nishiki just wants him to pony up what he needs to win this little piranha feeding frenzy and come out as the biggest fish in the pond.
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Kiryu, ever the noble soul, isn't playing ball. Rather than recognizing and appreciating that this is the very same mentality that save Nishiki ten years of jail time...
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instead all he feels is ten plus years of bitterness and resentment. He spent their entire lives living in Kiryu's shadow. And he only managed to stand in the light on his own because Kiryu sacrificed himself on his behalf. He has nothing that Kiryu didn't give to him. Everything he has is because of Kiryu, in every way imaginable. And yet the one thing he wants most of all, Yumi's love, will always belong to Kiryu and not to him. Of course he resents Kiryu. Of course he hates him. There's no love left in the mans soul.
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He shot his own father. As a move. A single piece being pushed across the board in this game for the Tojo Clan.
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Kiryu didn't save Nishiki that day ten years ago. He tore him, violently, from the path fate had laid out for him. And it doomed him. He's no longer the man he once was. He's no longer Kiryu's kyodai.
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I don't think Nishiki WAS hoping they could work together. I don't think Nishiki wanted Kiryu to accept. I think he put on this whole show and let it play out this way so he could have an excuse. So he could feel like he tried to mend the ties between them, and yet Kiryu burned the bridge by rejecting his offer and striking out at him. This whole meeting was an elaborate play act so Nishiki could convince himself that he's not in the wrong for doing what he was always going to do next. He needed to justify to himself turning on the man who was his brother, for the sake of ascending to the heavens and becoming the one true dragon of the Tojo Clan.
Again: Nishiki is not presenting a material obstacle to Kiryu in any way at any point in the game. Nishiki barely qualifies as an antagonist in this story. Instead it is Kiryu who acts as Nishiki's antagonist.
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c-billbaby · 2 months
"Waaaaaaahoo!" Gemma cried as the Tiburon darted through the valley, its arms flailing at the squad of battle armor latched onto it, their lasers and claws cutting into its thin armor. "Have at 'em, lads!" Gemma herself had her armor's battle claw dug deep into the internals of the 'Mech's shoulder and was riding it like she was trying to tame a wild beast, her right arm raised and the blunt nub of the laser where a hand would be on a person firing off red beams into the sky.
The Sea Fox Tiberon came cresting a small rise and turned hard, but it still couldn't shake the quartet of Inner Sphere Standard Battle Armor that was chewing it up like piranha on a sack of meat. Gemma knew that any moment someone would hurt something very important inside the clan machine and her ride would be over, leaving her and her swuad to go hunting the rest of this star, provided any were left after The Bloody Gash's conventional 'Mech troops were done with them.
She was just about to let out another whoop and go digging herself when she saw the forest coming up fast. Oh no. The bastard was going to car wash his problems away. With a shriek of despair she leaned forward, bracing the shoulder of her battle armor before her as the 'Mech entered the trees at over 90kph. Branches slammed into her and her visor was filled with nothing but a blur of leaves and broken wood. Over and over again she was buffetted and bashed about.
The feet of her armor slipped with the repeated impacts and she found herself flopping about atop the Tiberon, only still on because her armor's battle claw was stuck in a thick bundle of myomer muscle and wire inside the 'Mech. She was not too proud to scream in terror and her visor bounced off of jagged strips of ripped open armor, the edges of which she knew were sharp enough to go straight through her face and into her skull if the visor broke.
But it didn't. The venerable IS Standard was built tougher than that.
Eventually she emerged back into the light and the open plain of the valley, and she regained her footing. A quick look told her that the rest of her squad hadn't been so lucky and were lost somewhere in the forest behind. "Not so easy to lose Captain Gemma Orlais, is it Foxy?"
She rammed the muzzle of her laser into the hole her battle claw had made in the 'Mech's armor and cut loose a long burst that she held until the safety cut in to prevent her from melting the barrel. Somethingside sparked and fumed, then the Tiburon jerked once to the side and fell skidding to the ground with Gemma surfing it to a stop as she had a dozen or more times before on 'Mechs both larger and faster than the battle scout that was her current prey.
Gemma jumped off and turned towards the cockpit, but it was buried in the ground. Dead or alive, the MechWarrior inside was not going to be getting free any time soon. So, satisfied with a job well done, she turned away from the wreckage to head back towards the forest and the rest of her squad.
Movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention and she turned to see the Tiburon's leg moving. That wasn't good. She turned, preparing to leap back onto the 'Mech when the whole leg shifted and she saw, crushed underneath it, several suits of Elemental battle armor, the feared toads of the Clans smashed to pulp when the Tiburon fell on them. They must have been on their way to answer a distress call from the MechWarrior, looking to clean her squad off of him, but luck was not on their side and the sudden fall and skid must have taken them by surprise.
But now it is Gemma's turn to be surprised, and not by the two smashed suits of elemental armor under the leg, or the two she now sees smeared across the ground in the runnel left by the skidding 'Mech, but by the fully intact one throwing the Tiburon off of itself and stalking directly towards her.
Gemma waved, "Hello there! Rough day?" Then without waiting for a reply she fired her laser at it for a full burn and ignited the jets in her armor to propel herself away. The laser went wide as the Elemental roared up into the sky itself, chasing after her. When she hit the ground it was right on top of her, its own laser coming up towards her faceplate.
She grabbed it with her battle claw and wrenched it upwards so the beam fired up and away and instead of directly into her faceplate visor. But even as her claw crushed the clan weapon to scrap the elemental's own claw punched into the side of her armor and latched on. There was a great tearing as the bigger, stronger armor hefted her bodily into the air, visor to visor.
She could see a shadow there beyond the tint and the fog of sweat and rage inside, and it seemed to be smiling. The crunch and tear of metal near her ribs told her that her enemy was still very much trying to peel her open to get at the soft flesh inside of her battle armor. Gemma never thought she'd have to do this.
She let go of the elemental's laser with her claw, but it brought its damaged arm around to guard against any blows against it. Gemma however was not trying to do anything to it. Instead she reached for the chestplate of her own armor where she traditionally kept her last ditch weapon.
The elemental continued to lift her higher and higher, and something in the right side of her armor gave. She could feel air against her bare skin and then the hard coldness of one of the pincers of the clan battle claw. Now she was staring down into the faceplate of the elemental and seeing the reflection of her own armor's chest plate and the neon pink letters mirrored there.
LET'S BE FRIENDS! Right across the front of an antipersonnel mine. Her claw found the rigged up ripcord trigger for it and pulled.
Warning. Catastrophic damage detected. Administering morphine. Error: Morphine supplies depleted. Seek immediate medical assistance.
"Probably shouldn't have partied that hard last night," Gemma groaned at her HUD, whose flashing warnings were superimposed on a clear blue sky above. The IS Standard had held, barely, but she was done, all controls unresponsive, laying on her back in the middle of a field. She could see smoke trailing up from her prone form.
With a groan she twisted her head and bit down on the emergency release, which set off explosive bolts at the front of her armor and sent it flying away, a twisted hunk of steel done no favors by taking explosions from both sides, and she pulled herself free and into the open air. The elemental was thirty meters away, its entire left arm and shoulder missing. Idly, she noted that arm was still stuck in her own armor, leaking blood from the severed stump at the end.
Gemma was about to go digging for her radio when she heard a hiss and pop from the elemental. "Oh come on," she grumbled and turned. A hugely muscled woman was climbing out of the clan armor, her left arm a blackened, bleeding stump. Several injectprs ripped put of her skin as she pulled herself free of the crippled machine, obviously part of that clan black box thing that kept its elementals full of an entire cocktail of drugs to keep them fighting past normal human limits.
"We could talk about this," Gemma offered the woman, but if she heard she made no indication, instead bellowing a cacophonous roar of defiance and charging right at her, one gigantic hand raised up like a claw coming for Gemma's throat.
Gemma sighed and pulled her howdah pistol, which was really just an anti-materiel rifle she'd taken an angle grinder to until it could fit comfortably strapped to her thigh and could generously be called a handgun and more accurately called a huge mistake. The elemental had the audacity to look surprised before the gun barked and her face, along with most of her upper body, turned into a moist red cloud and fluttered to the grass atop the rest of her.
The recoil sent the gun flying from Gemma's hand and off into the field behind her somewhere, but she ignored it and sat down in the grass with a sigh of pain and exhaustion. Then she pulled a fine fat Phactian cigar out of her cleavage and stuffed it between her teeth with a grin. "All's well that ends well."
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cal-1maf · 9 months
The Piranha is one of the funniest designs Battletech has put out. The best minds of the Clan tech caste really decided to give it the head of a fish and the abs of an Adonis. Lovecraft behavior.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
You should rant about hyenas
okay so i have no idea how long this is going to be but i should start by saying that there are four species of hyenas!! first we have the spotted hyena, which is probably the one you're most familiar with.
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next is the striped hyena!!
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then the brown hyena!!
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and then the odd one out, the aardwolf!!
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they are all good silly little guys and let me tell you why
actually let me clear something up first I CHANGED MY MIND. hyenas make that laughing noise NOT because they're happy. its actually a sound they make mostly when faced with conflict. it can indicate fear and frustration. not only can they emit this sound when facing off with a potential meal, they can make this sound when fighting for a piece of the food. so no, hyenas are not laughing because they're happy. its the opposite.
with that out of the way, hyenas are very good hunters!! they are NOT just scavengers and i will not stand for people perpetuating this notion that hyenas are nothing without lions!!!! hyenas are very tough and perfectly capable of standing on their own (even though they're incredibly terrified of lions whaghwa)
also you're probably wondering why the aardwolf is here since he doesnt have hyena in his name. but he is a hyena!! he actually eats insects instead of the typical hyena diet!! that little cutiepatootie spends his days eating termites C:
now, onto not so nice stuff. im sure we're all aware that hyenas run a matriarchal society. female hyenas are bigger and meaner than males, so they often have the hehe last laugh C:
except its not funny, because the males are plagued with diseases and injury. their teeth get worn down far faster than female hyenas because they're stuck eating the bones from the meals. as a direct result of this treatment, male hyenas live about half as long as female hyenas do. to add insult to injury, when they reach the age of 2, they are kicked out of their clans and left to fend for themselves. they can either guard their original clan from a distance, or make a huge, tiring, dangerous journey to find a new clan. if he does the latter, he will be shunned and pushed aside and attacked by the new clan until joining the hierarchy as the lowest ranking male.
they can eat said bones because of their bite strength which, as i mentioned before in my piranha post, is 1,100 PSI (pounds per square inch.) they are not picky eaters at all.
spotted hyenas can run at speeds of up to 40 mph and have a shit ton of endurance so uhh,,, dont get chased by one?
OH YEAH and i almost forgot to mention!! since female hyenas have quite a bit of testosterone, they develop a pseudo-penis. and they give birth out of it. yes. they birth babies from their pseudo-penis. no the opening is not any bigger. yes it can split open at birth. yes the baby hyenas can suffocate.
and on that note i think i should spare you!! i'll write up a part two if i remember anything else C:
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smashmallowsblog · 3 months
I think among the members of the Foot clan Xever can swear or insult everyone else in their original language, and only Anton could have an idea of what he is talking about.
Xever:*Offends Anton in some way*
Anton: Do que você me chamou,sua piranha?
Xever: *gasp*
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ask-kooparadio · 5 days
Headcanon dump - Iggy
Age: 19
Birthday: April 21st
Alignment: Chaotic Good
He was the most "problematic" child, struggling with his autism and having explosive meltdowns. Where he was raised in they didn't really had a concept for how to deal with disabled children, causing miscommunication and tons of meltdowns
He was the most isolated, even more so than Ludwig, feeling better with animals than other kids or even teachers, prior to meeting Lemmy.
He developed his love for animals since practically day one, he loves getting bugs onto his hands, helping angry wigglers go back asleep, knowing exactly where to scratch piranha plants to make them purr. If there's any animal around, you can bet he will stick around it, even if it's just a spider on the wall.
During his first mission, he had taken in a violent lab chain chomp. Noticing the similarities between their situation and the anime he was watching, he dedided to name him after the dog in the show, Ein.
He learned engineering from Ludwig when he already got integrated into the clan, motivated to make toys for Ein. Unlike Ludwig however, this hobby stuck, and developed far further than Ludwig's, becoming the clan's inventor around the time Ludwig's role started to mature out of being an inventor into the clan leader.
Powers/Role in the clan
He most often works on the side, high pressure environments stress him out, especially on the field. He has a whole system set up which detects illegal spells, and automatically prints out the coordinates of the incident. Arguably he has the most important job in the clan, He's the one responsible for informing, alarming the clan, and also giving them various tools.
When he gets on the field however, his main job is breaking security, codes, etc. He's also called whenever animals are either the victims or obstacles, the clan respects them so they choose the expert to handle them.
His magic revolves around the fauna/flora casting, he can communicate with almost any creature, and helps with problems nature may cause.
His weakness is his fragility from being disabled. As powerful as he is, he has a sensory processing disorder, and has a certain time window where he can operate normally. If he doesn't get support and gets too exposed to the stress and noise, he lashes out with wild, uncontrollable magic, that may endanger the clan. Usually he gets paired up with Lemmy or Ludwig, to have someone watch out for any signs of a sensory overload.
He doesn't have a weapon of choice because he refuses to participate in combat, as a pacifist. He does have several self defense tools, other clan members that arent scared of getting their claws dirty, and Ein.
He's the closest to Lemmy out of the clan. Being the first proper friend, their bond is similar to Morton/Roy, however it isn't as healthy. Iggy struggles with setting boundaries, and Lemmy has a bad habit of walking all over them, acting more like a helicopter parent than a concerned friend. Thankfully it has gotten better in the clan, with Iggy getting the reassurance that he's powerful and capable, which he desperately needed. He still loves Lemmy like his twin brother, he's just becoming his own person outside of their friendship. Despite the separation anxiety, the duo is striving to become stronger and healthier.
Roy and Morton are protective of him, knowing full well how being the "odd" one is like from a disability. Especially Morton. Their friendship is a proof that neither of them are really "bullies", they're just not scared of saying what's on their mind.
Ludwig is quite attached to Iggy, unaware that it's caused by the fact that he isn't neurotypical either. As the clan member that had inherited the "inventor" title from him, he's proud to see the heights of Iggy's inventions that had far surpassed his own. Iggy actually got tons of blueprints and tools from Ludwig, getting a head start into this hobby, a risk Ludwig took which had paid off.
Wendy isn't fond of Iggy, and tries to avoid him. Her analytic mind just can't handle chaos well, same goes for her with Lemmy. However if someone dares to insult him she's first to throw hands.
to Larry, Iggy is almost like an equal. Unfortunately, Iggy can't attend his Electrodome concerts, however Larry gives him special hearings of his songs, so he can enjoy it without the crowds.
Iggy is a huge geek. He loves DnD, anime, games, the whole nine yards. Many of his inventions are actually inspired by the anime or games he consumes
As stated before, he is a pacifist. He also is chaotic, but strictly refuses to do any violence. He cannot stand seeing others be hurt, especially animals.
The exception to his pacifism are animal abusers
He has a bad voice regulation, always speaking too loud or not loud enough
He enjoys infodumping about whatever new thing on his radar, or if he has no new thing to yap about, Ein.
Speaking of Ein, Iggy is a very doting pet owner, treating him almost like his own child. Despite his past, the chain chomp is well trained and cared for, it's almost impossible to tell that his origins came from a failed lab experiment.
Iggy's love language is penguin pebbling - Whenever he's in flea markets looking for spare parts for his projects, he also watches over for anything his siblings may want.
it's also the easiest way to befriend him, if you know what he needs and give it to him, even if it's just cardboard when he wants to make a miniature town - he'll remember and cherish it forever
he's not the most fashionable koopaling, choosing comfort over looking "good". He's often seen wearing merch shirts but that's as far as "caring about fashion" gets.
He has a special permission to wear the royal badge on his tool bag instead of clothing, due to sensory issues
His hair is actually dyed, his natural colors are the same as Lemmy's. He's often compared to a pineapple or a carrot, but to him it's a cool potion exploding of his head
His glasses are well loved, probably damaged. He refuses to change them though, as they're his comfort object.
He's the tallest Koopaling, but he's not imposing looking. He isn't combative and is naturally thinner
He often gesticulates with his tail and hands, stimming. The first time Luigi saw that he was convinced he was trying to make fun of him being italian.
If something on his clothing needs tying, like shoelaces, it will almost never be tied. He doesn't have that bodily awareness whenever something comes loose, so other koopalings help him.
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Ok I regret turning on my anon asks.
Please stay calm. Seriously, what changed? Do we know more? Nope!
Do we know how much time they spent together? No! Between 1 hour and 1 week, everything is possible.
Do we know when the pic was taken? No, we just know around NYE.
Is it suspicious that this pic is cropped? Yes!
Does a cropped pic look lousy? Yes, but it reminds me of the scare video in Lisbon with the screen in the background.
Is it strange that he posted that pic with the ugly shoes, even though he has tons of other Dodger pics on his camera roll? Yes!
Again is it strange that he posted a pic which was taken like 3-4 weeks ago and not a recent one? Yes!
Look at his IG profile, does this look like a "never happier" man in love? How many couple pics did he post? How many pics of him and her clan?
Think about it! It smells fishy. 🐟 (Is it a piranha? It's baiting)
But again I want to thank him for the timing when the pic was posted. Thanks for giving Europe and America (again!) the chance to discuss this shit together. 😌
Oh can anyone please tell me when these racist flyer thing was?
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nintendouniverse2023 · 7 months
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Scene I did my OCs in my AU, for their designs and anything, I thought it would be fair if each of the Mario Characters a redesign in my version. Some I design them will be the same but change it up a little bit. Bio: Waluigi is the twin brother of Wario. Unlike Wario he didn’t care about earning the family respect as long as he stick to his game on tennis. By the time he reached adulthood, Warios parents kicked him and Waluigi out and had to rent to an cheap house. This lead to Wario to leave Brooklyn and ran across the country striking a treasure hunt and savagely fought weakling and pirates. When he return to Brooklyn, he was getting bored and tried after the adventure and settled down and gained an idea after watching a best video game commercial. Decided to make the best ones ever and called his gang. He tries to get Waluigi to join but he rather refuse. Wario and Waluigi would ended up getting into a heated fight and would ended up sucked into a World of Mushrooms and Koopas and were separated from each other while, During the time on Waluigis first few years in the Mushroom World he went on to be a strangely successful tennis player and popular dancer. After being reunited with his twin and cousins, Waluigi would joins them into any sporting and go kart events.
After Mara arrived at the Mushroom World, Waluigi would be happy to train her and so her many other adventures to this Mushroom World just as long if anyone don’t get on her bad side.
Appearance: Looks the same like my style of Luigi except a Purple Sweater and Black Pants
Voice Actor: Troy Baker
Age: 27
Height: 6.2 ft
Weight: 193 ibs
Personality: Classy, Athletic, Narcissistic,
Favorite Foods: Tacos
Family: *Parents* Wario Sr and Walseen, *Twin Brother* Wario, *Cousins* Mario Mario Jr, Luigi Mario and Mara Mario
Allies: Team Wario Ware, Rara *Not related but a third partner Mona, Captain Syrup *Girlfirend*, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Mario, Luigi, Mara, Amatory, Gill Koop, The Toads, Toadette, Toad aka Captian Toad, Kong Clan, Some of Warios Squad and Yoshi.
Enemies: Lulu *sometimes* Bowser and the Koopa Empire, Bowser Jr, Kamek, Koopaling’s, King Boo and his Ghost Army, King Bob-mom, Petey Piranha Plant, King K Rool, Kremling army, Krusha and Klump
Likes: Tenniss, Dancer, Cooking Tacos and Ramen
Dislikes: CHEATERS!!!
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
If Hōzuki Clan (Suigetsu's clan) were an animal clan what would they be? My vote is either sharks, piranhas, or maybe dolphins mostly because I think the idea of dolphin Suigetsu is really cute.
Ohh piranhas would be awesome!
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brutalgamer · 6 months
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Here's the first look at Mechwarrior 5: Clans in action
Piranha Games is back once again with more mechanized action, as Mechwarrior 5 spins off once again into the new standalone “Clans”.
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deathblade-oc-kingdom · 9 months
Gotura, Hanibe, Notimeo, Shark:
2, 10, 13
Hanibe -
• I actually don't know about her orientation. I've never really thought that much about having her in a romance. There's been a couple passing ideas but honestly, she's doing fine on her own. She doesn't have an opinion because she doesn't feel like she needs to be in love (it would disrupt her work hours if she had a partner).
• She doesn't really celebrate Pride herself. But occasionally she gets commissions to paint inventions in certain colours sometimes. She also has a little bi flag in her workshop for Gotura. She's supportive but would rather work. But she will take a break to visit Gotura for Pride.
• Probably not. Again, she's too busy with work to care.
Gotura -
• She's bi. She's my Bi-con. She doesn't really have an opinion about it.
• Celebrates Pride. It's not the same as it is in the human world but the wyvern clans usually all gather for a night of feasting.
• If she wasn't settled down, maybe. I still don't have much of an idea about Gotura's youth so who knows what that crazy girl got up to when she was little.
Notimeo -
• Straight. Also doesn't have an opinion about it.
• Goes with Gotura to celebrate Pride (we love a supportive husband).
• Not open to it. He's got eyes for one wyvern and it's Gotura.
Shark -
• He's gay. But he can't be with the man he loves (Piranha) due to legal reasons. He's kind of annoyed about that, he would've asked Piranha to marry him if it weren't going to cause issues.
• Absolutely. Pride is a surprisingly big event where he lives. He celebrates with Eel every year if they can get the day off.
• Depends. If he found the right set of people, maybe. But he's happy with just Piranha.
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nvrcmplt · 9 months
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Dzondria Stzailum, First Born - Imperial Prince Slaughter of the Boiling Seafront Captain of the Hells Siren.
Now known as the current Emperor of Stzailum Empire and the Tyrnia Kingdom.
A gruesome and hard-boiled family that runs with nothing more violence since its birthright. Monsters in human skin and manners, all the same as sharks at sea, starved for only their own. The Family, seemingly always without a last name and thus referred to the Stzailum Dynasty, Sea Clan - live and breathe the ocean fronts that surround their Kingdom like piranhas. Feeding with ease over enemy ships, air strikes and foot soldiers that braved the deadly waves.
The Stzailum Empire's trade is warfare, fish, ocean treasure and mostly, metals. Their seafront kingdom is ringed in nothing but underwater mines. Metal and plentiful, the ideal hidden treasure of their lands. Fish in their millions, plentiful in skills on how to cook them safely, how to breed them for rare species and colours for noble ponds. The genius shipwrights that carve wood, metal and bone into the largest of battleships for war, travel and trade. The smarts of word map making, that stretch beyond the sights of most kingdom's without eyes in the sky to confirm… but most of all their combat monsters. Trained warriors that risk naught but their lives for a bloody battlefield, and if they are to fight in the water. On their own ships and boats - mayhem will only wash the shores of their enemies with their own blood.
The Tyrnia Kingdom breathes like a blacksmith's dungeon, hot and close to volcanic islands that surround it. The seas here, different in areas - as fish boil alive and the waves steam, sizzle and scold the flesh of the non expecting… However, it is told, that the Stzalium Dynasty walked through those ocean waves of violence and hunger. With child, she raged, slaughtering many to quell the monstrous hunger for her first children to be born safe. The Kingdom grew with her violence and in her wake, five more replaced the war ready species.
Creatures of the sea, monster of the land - they grew in time until no more. Not until the First Prince of its 82nd Reign. The noise of the Kingdom's bells tolled throughout the night, to bear witness to the first prince, hanging the bodies of his parents, brothers and sisters, on the centre tower. Their arms and legs missing, guts removed and heads separated from their necks. Upon the wall they were spiked, before him, his Kingdom bowed. After all… Ascension to the Throne was through nothing but violence. It was meant to be within ceremony, fighting amongst the princes and princesses, but not this time.
Dzondria, fight born - came back with intentions of submitting to the letter of invitation for dualling his brothers but slaughtered his family in one evening. Removing their blood from the running as he now sits upon the oozing throne that he ate his Father out of it… literally.
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Stzailum is a Kingdom of violence, but not unlawful. Its rules and policies are very strange to those of more peaceful kingdoms, but they reign with power. If you are stronger, you are the winner.
Death in duals is common.
Children are off limits to all forms of violence, however, they are to be around it often. Taught in schools how to defend themselves with weaponry and body throws alike.
Education, reading and writing is pushed to the forefront with trade, skills and unisex with no limitations of roles in their ranks.
Those with weakened bodies are given roles of support. Cleaners of weaponry, sewing clothes, writing books for the schools etc.
The disabled are killed. It is seen as an act of mercy.
The Dynasty has stopped at current due to Dzondria's overtaking.
He killed his sibling who was carrying the next lineage. Dzondria will restart it in his own name.
It is without a doubt that the Sea Clan, are monsters. Sea Demons. Devils of the Waves. Humans that live amongst them are the results of slavery, breeding farms and eventually just naturally accepting more from the trading ships over time. In Dzondria's current reign, the mix of pure land humans are in their 40% whilst the rest of bloodlines from outside their lands. Inbreeding had fallen to 0% in his Grandfather's reign, marriage and mixing of races rose in his Father's reign. Dzondria now has a tropical Kingdom of races of humans and demons alike under his rule.
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shamanofthewilds · 2 years
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Finally finished the five day quest chain To Tame A Thunderspine!
You need: 20 of the High-Fiber Leaves, Florescent Fluid, Woolly Mountain Pelt and 10 Thousandbite Piranha. The last item of the last quest will be provided which is Green Curry. You must also be Renown 9 and level 70 to start the quest.
The thunderspines are omnivores who like leafy greens and love fish, especially piranha. They are responsible for a lot of the population management of the piranha in the area. Centaur do not really have much use for mounts, but being able to have a bond for nature is important. Everyone, including beasts, must be able to do their part in the clan!
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