#clarence marston x reader
sp00kworm · 3 years
Clove Cigarettes
Pairing: Male Vampire (Clarence Marston) x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Violence, Blood Drinking, Lewd Content mention.
Part of The Black Dahlia Series
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The room smelled like overpowering lavender. Next to the burning sticks of incense there was a number of long, black candles, the ends burning with small flames. Black wax dripped over the sides of the vanity, and Cal swept back into the room with a soft rumble. He couldn’t remember how long he had been coming and going.
“Mmm.” the woman on the bed moaned, “Cal.” she stirred from her sleep, exposing her pale neck, littered with fangs marks, two puncture holes were bruised and sore, barely scabbed over from his indulgences.
“I’m here.” he rumbled as her hand flopped into his own, “Shh.” he cooed as he spread his leathery wings and crawled over the silk sheets. It was her home. Her room was dark from where he’d closed the blinds and curtains, leaving them in darkness. Cal leaned over her body and touched her skin. She was growing cold. Soon she would die from blood loss.
 “Was it worth it?” Cal asked her as his skin slid over her legs, his curls dripping over his shoulders to tickle at her skin. He pressed his pointed, upturned nose to her stomach, grazing his fangs over the skin there, “Was it worth leaving him, for this?”
“Mmmm.” she hummed again as she reached for his face. Cal felt his skin ripple with glamour, pale skin and soft human flesh replacing the cold grey, stony cold feel of his chest, “I like you more.” she purred into the cold skin, “And your bite.”
“You’re addicted to the saliva.” he commented as he pushed her hands to her sides, “It’ll help.” Cal reached for her face and stroked her jawbone, “You haven’t got that long left.” His fangs touched her neck, and she purred as he reopened the wounds. His stomach clenched happily as the taste of iron flooded his mouth. Crimson dripped from the corner of his mouth as he grew excited, leaning into her neck, his teeth tearing the wounds deeper before the rest of his sharp teeth followed them, piercing the flesh so he could grapple her by the throat like a wolf.
 “Cal…” she uttered as her manicured nails fell from his hair, stroking the fur over his back as he drew away, blood covering his lips and chin, “C…” the kick of the consonant fell from her lips. The sound gurgled with the blood in her trachea. Blood bubbled on her lips as his wing claws reached to curl around the bedposts, holding his chest up over her dying body. Air crackled in her throat. Cal reached to touch her face as her eyes went glossy, the pupils expanding into their relaxed state as she died. Carefully, the vampire reached towards her face, his claws drawing bloodied lines over her skin.
“Loving me was your first mistake.” Cal whispered against her lips before he kissed them and closed her jaw. He closed her eyelids before kissing each of them and leaning back, shuddering as he looked at her throat. Torn pieces of her neck hung over the sides of the wound and down over her clavicle. With a purr, Cal shoved his bloodied fingers into his mouth, licking himself clean with his black, pointed tongue. There was silence. The candles swayed as he batted his wings once and hissed, fangs slipping past his lips as he threw his wings out in upset.
“Again… Again...” he whimpered to himself as he licked the blood from his mouth, “He told me! He warned me, and I’ve done it again!”
With a wail, he smashed his claws into the altar, throwing the candles onto the carpet.
 Roaring, the vampire reared back, pressing himself flat against the wall as he crawled to the ceiling and watched from the corner. The body didn’t move. She laid, her arms pressed up against her cushions and her face turned to the heavens. Maybe she would make it there? Cal whispered to himself as he crushed himself into the corner, his black wing claws hooked into the plaster, and softly uttered his prayers for the deceased. He reached for the cross looped around his neck, clutching the rosary close, for once in his life, as the carpet began to smoke with flames. A fire started by the legs of the vanity, burning orange light quickly moving to consume the cheap fabric flooring. It rippled across the plastic underlayers before it caught the side of the soft cotton bedding and burned its way upwards, consuming the carpet underneath the bed before it caught onto the slats of the bed frame. The fire startled Cal, and he clutched at the walls before panicking and rushing for the window. His claws scrapped at the glass, leaving scratches in the pane as he fumbled with the latches. With a hiss, he smashed his hands against the wood and broke the latches free, the wood splintering against his fingers. Great curls of hair fell over his face before he screamed, the flames catching hold of his hair and burning up the right side of his back, licking the soft, leathery membrane of his wing. Pain burned in his back as he tore open the window and burst out into the sunlight. With another hiss, he covered his eyes, his wings stuttering and flapping wildly as the light burned at his monstrous retinas.
 The sunlight wasn’t a death sentence anymore, but Cal regretted his decision to fly out as the sunlight seared at his open wounds, burning the flesh deeper. The star like pattern up his back ran red with boiling blood, dripping onto the tarmac below as he clumsily flapped through the air, heading towards the shaded back streets of the taller city buildings. With another howl of pain, he flung himself down into a shaded alley, clutching at his burnt wing before he dared to shift back into his glamour, naked and in agony, his eyes burning red with fury as he pressed his back against the cold metal of a dumpster. He screamed again at the pain, his blood boiling and fizzing against the metal. Cal looked up at the brick, trying to ground himself before he peeled his healing skin away from the metal again. He hissed violently and his mouth opened wide as spit and blood dripped from his jaw. He gagged and spat curses, his earlier reverence to the Lord forgotten, damning himself again as he gouged at the wall. He could barely hold himself up. A man wandered over to the dumpster with his bag of rubbish.
“Are you alright?” He asked as he caught sight of the shivering vampire, hunched over by the dumpster, “Oh fuck….” he saw the blood and flinched at the sight of the mouth full of fangs, “Fuck no. No way. You need the…” The elf said no more as he was grappled, fangs slicing his neck open. Cal drank from the wound hurriedly, burning with anger, guilt and pain as he gulped greedily, his back stinging but healing over from the burns. He dropped the elf a moment later and marvelled at the male as his eyes rolled up and looked him dead in the eyes, fingers clawing at the dirt as he attempted to gasp for help.
 He left the elf in the alley and dragged himself along the alleyways until he found the sewers, slipping into the stinking manhole to hide from the sunlight and to try and figure out how he was going to avoid being institutionalized for the slip up. They found him in the evening, clutching his rosary, praying against his bed, the right side of his back covered in burns scars, and his face and neck still covered in blood.
 “It’s been a long time since any of us have seen the owner, he tends to keep to himself.” Flix commented as the male fae handed you a black apron before he shook his head and fished you out a deep, crimson red colour, “It matches you better.” he explained, “But the only rule is that his rooms upstairs are off limits. No one sees him come and go, but Cal likes his privacy, and he’s…”
You took the apron and slipped it over your head, “He’s?” You asked, prompting the fae to continue, “He’s not a serial killer or something, is he?” You joked.
Flix turned his lilac eyes on you as he tied his long, purple tinted silver hair back in a high ponytail, “He’s a recovering vampire. He was institutionalized for three years. They had to get him off the blood.” Flix explained awkwardly, “Ever since he’s been reserved. He likes his space, you understand?”
You nodded, swallowing thickly, “Yeah. I understand.” awkwardly you shrugged your shoulders, “Sorry about…”
“It’s a joke, just don’t let him hear you say stuff like that okay, baby?” Flix purred, “We all know what he is but, just to be safe.” The fae tilted your face up by the chin, two of his fingers pressed under your chin.
 Flix leaned close before he pressed the fingers of his other hand to your forehead, the ends glowing with a soft blue light before the light spread over your eyes for a moment, blinding you to the dim bar. You reared back but Flix laughed softly and held you upright as the bright dancing light faded, leaving you dazed and bleary eyed.
“That’s a little spell to stop the unruly sort from coercing you into giving them free drinks or offering them your neck. It’ll stop fae from being able to trick you too.” Flix’s wings fluttered before he grinned with dangerous teeth, “You don’t have to thank me, sweet thing. Your gaze is enough.”
After a moment blinking you scoffed, “You wish you could have a piece of this, Flix.” You flicked his hands away from you and laughed at him.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t fall for mine.” he sang as he pulled on his own apron, “Lets see what you’ve got newbie. Weldrick gave me the ‘all clear’ to grill you on the hardest things I know.”
“You’re not even trying and you still sound desperate for a lay.” You joked as Flix placed the shaker in front of you, “Pick your poison.”
Flix grinned, his black eyes glinting like an insect, shining with rainbows in the strobes before he pointed up at the menus, “A Bloody Mary.”
“Coming right up.” You grinned as you turned to grab the ingredients from the shelves.
 It was a difficult cocktail to make without a mix, but you worked in bars from being barely eighteen. You had enough years in you to know how to make it, but whether it was to Flix’s taste was another question. You poured the cocktail into the glass and took a step back. Flix’s gossamer wings dragging over your arms as he took the drink, smelling it before he took a sip.
“Pretty good, for a human.” he joked as the strength of the drink hit him, “Though maybe for the human customers you might want to tone down the booze.”
“If they can’t handle it, why are they drinking?” You laughed as he knocked back the rest of the drink.
“Vampires might appreciate a real bloody to go along with it.” Flix flicked his hair away with a scoff, “There’s blood bags in the fridge, and fresh frozen in the back. Don’t let them fool you into thinking they need warm living stuff, they’re all just con artists.���
“You don’t need to tell me twice.” You took the glass and placed it in the boxes for cleaning, “So, do you want to test me on anything else, or am I good to go?”
Flix grinned as he leaned over the bar, “You’re good to go, sweet thing.” He batted his long, circular tipped eyelashes, and left you to the end of the bar, “Get those liquors in order, we open in twenty!”
 The bar opened to a few guys, larger orcs who were older than the usual bruisers who came through. They were shaved bald in a traditional manner, their heads covered with tattoos and their ears pierced with numerous rings. They snorted in orcish to one another before thanking you for the drinks and leaving to sit in the corner, sighing in relief after their days work. The rest of the customers trickled in later on. The Black Dahlia attracted numerous clienteles and you were witness to all of them. The group of orcs that came in later were younger, headstrong, and brash as they swaggered between the bar and their put together tables. A faun at the end of the bar scoffed and talked to her friend as two of them ordered drinks. Flix served the men with a flirtatious wink, fluttering his eyelashes and you made sure to bump his backside purposely hard as you went past, smacking his hips into the bar roughly as the two orcs turned to the faun and human sat on the end.
“Do you ever give it up, Flix?” You asked with a snort as you placed some glasses into the tubs for washing.
“Not while I’m awake, no.” Flix grinned as he walked towards the next customer. You shook your head and carried on with your shift as the human and taller, older orc headed to the balcony to watch the show.
 You had a break at about ten o’clock. It was much busier now that the band were on stage, in full swing of their show. You’d served humans, fae, werewolves and centaurs alike this evening, and you’d not had to deal with anyone who was unruly. You waved to Flix as you left him flirting with a group of Orcs, heading to the balcony to catch a bit of the show as you ate your food from the kitchen and drank the soft drink that you’d stolen from Flix’s personal favourites. The band chugged along before the female brought out a whip and bared her sharp elven teeth, her ice white eyes shining as she ran it along the audience. You laughed as you stabbed another fry, lathering it in sauce before you shoved it into your mouth, and washed it all down with a few glugs of the fizzy juice. Happily, you sat on the stool, watching the clock every now and then as you finished off your food.
 As you took another drink, a cold shadow passed over you. You shuddered in your seat and peered behind you to see a slouching man take three long strides towards a table where the handsome orc and his entertainment for the night were sat. The man was a giant, clad in a soft turtleneck and black jeans covered in chains and small crosses. Around his neck sat a long, drooping rosary, and it bounced against his chest as he stopped, tossing black curls of hair from his eyes to peer at the couple over his sunglasses. His eyes burned red in the light but as fast as the colour appeared, it disappeared back into the steel blue. He shook the human’s hand before looking in his pockets for his cigarettes. The orc returned and the situation turned hostile and cold. The male reached for his gum packet instead and shakily unfolded the wrapper and slinked into the shadows, his hair rippling into the walls as he disappeared again from view. You sat with your mouth open before a hand appeared on your table, black nails thumping against the wood before a cold breath blew against you ear.
“Get back to work, newbie.” the gravelly voice growled, and you were quick to oblige, hopping up from your seat and escaping with your plates down the stairs to the bar front.
 Your shifts at the Black Dahlia were regular. You even picked up extra hours when the female werewolf, Jude, went off on maternity for her second litter. You hoped to god she made enough money to support that many children, but you didn’t dare to question it as Flix talked about the process of werewolf childbirth.
“I don’t need to know, Flix!” You groaned at him, “One child is gross enough! Never mind a litter!” You smacked at him with your towel, “So hush!”
Flix cackled, “I didn’t think children would freak you out so much!” he prodded your arm, “You enjoy all those blood spurting bands on stage! I was sure you’d love seeing blood and mucus come out….”
You thumped the fae in the arm, “Seriously! Enough!” You scowled as you turned back to drying the pint glasses, “Sometimes you are way too much…” You muttered.
“Hey, come on. I’m sorry sweat pea!” Flix cooed, “I won’t mention it again, promise.” he crossed his finger over his heart.
“Fine.” You reached to pinch his cheek, “But next time I’m going to tell Weldrick!” You threatened.
“Ugh. You’re just a little minotaur’s pet.” he hissed at you playfully before turning back to his own job. Flix exited into the kitchen to load some final plates and glasses for washing.
 “You’re fitting in well.” a low voice grumbled from the end of the bar. You jumped out of your skin at the noise, too focused on washing the pots to be paying attention to who was hanging around. You looked up to see the same, dark clad man from the other week. This time his black hair was tied back, revealing the hanging silver cross earrings in his ears. His steel eyes and low brows accentuated a thin face with high cheekbones, making him seem thinner than he was really. Tonight, he was dressed in a set of tight trousers and a tight, long sleeved red shirt, the sleeves long with soft ruffled ends, matched with a tied neck scarf under the collar. His sunglasses were pushed into his hair.
“Cal?” You asked lamely as you placed down the glass you were cleaning.
“Yes. I am he.” he droned as he picked at a beer towel with black painted nails, “Are you enjoying your time here?” Cal asked with a cool stare, his mouth twitching with a sneer, revealing the sharp set of fangs that filled his mouth. It was unlike any vampire you had met before.
“Uh…” Your heart did a flipflop before you could reply, “Yeah. I am. It’s nice to have such a stable job for once.” You confessed quickly, praying he wouldn’t bring up how nervous you were.
 “I can hear you on the verge of a panic attack. Calm down. I know they’ve all told you how I was addicted to fresh blood. Bleeding blood, or whatever they call it now. I’m off it. I have been for years.” He snarled, “So stop panicking.”
You nodded, “Sorry.”
“Don’t. I don’t need it. I know what people think.” Cal pointed to the freezer under the counter, “Get me an O negative, please.” It seemed as though he had to squeeze the manners onto the end.
You walked closer and unlocked the freezer before fishing him a pack out and throwing it into the microwave to thaw after clicking the anticoagulant vacuole to avoid it from clotting. As you turned around, Cal grabbed your wrist, dragging you over the bar so he could sniff at you. The vampire’s eyes burned red for a moment.
“Or would you rather give me your blood?” he purred, the gravelly tone suddenly much more appealing, “It won’t hurt.” he comforted you as he opened his mouth full of monstrous teeth.
 It was then you looked into his eyes, seeing the cold steel, and blinked.
“Flix put an anti-glamour spell on me. That doesn’t work.” You frowned before dragging your wrist out of his freezing cold grip, “Do you do that to all new starters?”
Cal sat back on the stool as he pushed his glasses back down onto his nose, “Not all. Just the ones I know will be snacks if Flix fucked up the spell.”
“What do you mean ‘know will be a snacks’?” You quoted back at him before throwing his warm blood bag onto the bar.
Cal snatched the bag and looked at the contents curiously before he stole a glass from your clean side on the bar and piped the contents into it. The red blood made you feel a little queasy, and you looked away as he greedily drank it, still ignoring your question.
“I meant…” he swallowed the last of the blood, “Vampires like to prey on new things like you. I might be scary, but they’ll do what they want if no one is watching. Keep your wits about you, or you’ll end up as a blood bag, or better yet, a brood barer for a drider.” he tossed the glass and packet on the bar and sneered as he turned. “Happy Halloween, newbie. Stay away from witches tonight.” His hair flowed into a shadowy smoke again before he disappeared up the shadowed walls and disappeared.
 A slim hand fell on your shoulder, shocking you out of your annoyance and making you jump with a small gasp.
“Hey, calm down sweet thing, it’s just me.” Flix’s black eyes appeared next to you before he turned you around to look you in the eyes, “By the look on your face, I’m going to assume you met Cal?” He tilted his head.
“Yep.” You took a steadying breath, “He’s something…” You couldn’t really articulate what you thought in a kind way.
“He’s a bastard. I know.” Flix laughed as he flung his towel onto his shoulder, looking towards the shadows which Cal had disappeared into, “I’ll say sorry on his behalf. He’s…socially awkward.” Flix’s gaze eventually looked away from the shadows, and when you looked back, Flix was quick to wrap his hand around your shoulder and turn you towards the doorway, dragging you down to the other end of the bar.
“Forget about him anyway. Let’s get ready for the costume aspect!” Flix declared as he pushed you into the back room, “I’ve got just the thing for you!”
You shook off the odd feeling and smiled, “It better not be underwear!”
 The feeling of being watched followed you all night as you wandered up and down the bar serving various costumed customers. You were in a cape and a set of polymer fitted fangs. Most of the vampires of the evening had taken to laughing at your fangs and white face. A pretty, tall vampire lady had scoffed before asking you if you’d prefer some real ones. Thankfully, Flix’s glamour worked its magic, preventing you from falling under any of their hypnotic spells. You thanked them, laughed, and served them their heated blood drinks. Flix enjoyed the evening more than you, fluttering around with his great wings dipping and curving as he delivered drinks by air. Halloween was the night monsters could let their hair down.
 “Hey, Flix.” You looked up above the bar, “I’m just going for a quick toilet break!” You shouted up to him. The fae gave you an ‘okay’ sign from the air and fluttered with a graceful dip down to deposit a set of drinks with some gruff looking werewolves. You hung your apron up behind the bar before you headed to the toilets a little way from the bar. You hopped down the steps and opened the door before freezing in your tracks. A monster made of tentacles and thick slime oozed in a cubicle, and you backed away as a woman’s moans came from the where the toilet wall was. A tentacle appeared from around the door, the eyeball on the end rotated and blinked before the woman paused.
“Why have you stopped?” She whined, and you took that as the exact time to bolt with a rush of apologies spewing from your mouth. You slammed the door to the toilets closed and rubbed at your face, embarrassed and feeling hot as you escaped back to the bar.
 A cold shadow lingered over your shoulder before a hand touched you by the bottom of the stairs, icy fingers pressing into the cheap fabric cape.
“A vampire?” Cal’s deep, gravelly voice asked before the rest of his cold body appeared at your right side, “Well, maybe a poor imitation of one.” He chuckled once, twice, and then stepped around your front.
“Cal…” You uttered before composing yourself, “It was Flix’s idea, not mine.”
“Ah. Yes, he does like to do things to get under my skin.” Cal commented before he noticed your squirming, “Is Rendax causing problems in the toilets again?” He asked, “That damn tentacle pest doesn’t know when he’s not welcome.”
“Yeah…well he’s doing a lot more than just causing a problem, I think.” You made a hole with your right thumb and index finger before pushing your left index finger through it, “If you catch my drift.”
“I’ll have Weldrick deal with him.” Cal snapped open his phone with a soft hiss and a scowl as he listened to the phone ring, “Weldrick? Yes… We have an unwanted visitor in the toilets, again.” He snapped the phone closed and you felt yourself smile as you looked at the old flip-phone.
 “You know those have been out of fashion for about fifteen years, right?” You tried not to laugh as the vampire held the phone by its small antenna. A soft giggled escaped you.
Cal stepped from one foot to the other, awkwardly looking at his aloft phone, “It is what I was bought before we toured in two thousand and three.” He muttered to himself, “What do you humans use now?” He asked.
You looked him in the eyes, seeing the sad steel colour of them for a moment before you reached for your pocket and produced a smart phone, “Touch screen, colour, internet access.” You clicked it on, and the vampire jumped slightly at the colours in front of him, “Wait…”
Cal recoiled as you push the phone to him, “What?” He grumbled.
“I don’t think it would work, you know, since you’re dead and all that.” You confessed as you typed on the device.
“Probably not.” He confirmed before taking a step backwards, brushing his ponytail away before he cringed and stepped back towards the shadows, “You…” He looked from you to the bar again, “You are welcome to use the toilet near my office while Weldrick deals with our unwanted guest.”
 As you nodded, the white minotaur came down the stairs. Your mouth opened at the size of the white bison looking minotaur. Weldrick’s fur was printed with black patterning, like tattoos, and he rolled his sleeves as he came to the bottom of the stairs, preparing to deal with the tentacle monster. The sheer amount of metal rings in his ears made him clink as he walked, and you took note of the nose hoop and eyebrow rings as he stopped short of you and Cal.
“Can Rendax not keep it in his fuckin’ pants for one sodding night?!” Weldrick shouted, and the crowd behind you parted as the minotaur gave Cal’s shoulder a clap. He thumped on the toilet door and opened it with a clatter, “You better be fuckin’ decent, Rendax, or I’m dragging both you and your girl toy out of here fuckin’ naked!” He hollered as he ducked his horned head to grab for the monster inside.
Cal turned on his heels, “Come on.” He led the way up the stairs, melting between the bodies as though he wasn’t even really there. No one paid him any attention and you followed quickly, still desperate for the toilet.
 The stairs led to the second-floor balcony before there was another set of doors with a code on the handle. Cal punched in the numbers and opened it to the second set of stairs, letting you go through first before he followed you, closing the door behind him. The locking system re-engaged with a soft click and you turned back to see Cal eye the handle, his hand lingering around the metal before he gave an awkward half smile.
“Carry on up the stairs. It’s the first right door.” He shooed you up the stairs, and you nodded before heading up in front of him. A moment later, he followed in your footsteps, quiet as he made sure to stay a few steps behind you. You quickly found the door and opened it to see a large bathroom. It was perhaps Cal’s personal one, but it was bare, having just a few bottles in the shower basket. You locked the door and listened as Cal stopped outside. The shadow of his shoes remained for a moment before he walked on down the hall and entered a different room. The door closed with a soft click and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
 A cold shiver ran down your spine as you pushed off the door and headed towards the toilet. It was then you wondered if vampires even had to relieve themselves. They were technically dead, after all. You pondered the thought for a moment as you finished your business and washed your hands. You looked at the slate tiles for a moment, admiring the décor, before unlocking the door and sticking your head out into the hall. There was no sign of Cal. You stepped out and turned quickly to rush back down to the bar.
A claw grazed at your head, tugging a piece of hair, running through it quickly. You squeaked and looked up to see black hair hanging from Cal’s head. He was hung just over the door, hunched, with his claws in the ceiling and his head near your own.
“I’d like for you to work next Friday. Is that agreeable?” he asked with a tilt of his head.
You got over your fright with a deep breath, “Yes. That’s fine, but you could have just, uh, asked.”
Cal scowled.
“Without being hung from the ceiling?” You added on before moving out of his way, towards the stairs, “Thank you for letting me use your toilet.” You smiled and disappeared back down to the bar as quick as your feet would carry you.
 Cal watched you leave before he slid from the ceiling and snatched your novelty cape from where it was stuck in the door.  
 “Are you okay?” Flix asked as he fluttered down from the ceiling, his wings brushing at your cheeks before he landed softly.
“Huh?” You asked before realising you probably looked rushed off your feet, “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” You lied with a smile. You rushed back behind the bar before reaching for your shoulders and realising your cape had come free during your escape. You didn’t have the courage to go and fetch it, so you turned back to the people waiting and got started making drinks and taking cash.
 Halloween was forever burned into your mind and your retinas after seeing what you did that night. More importantly, however, you remembered the dark look of hunger in Cal’s eyes as he hung from the ceiling, seemingly with nothing but the soles of his shoes and one hand’s fingertips. He liked to lurk around the left wall of the club, his back pressed to it as he scanned the crowds of people. You had no idea what he was looking for, or if he knew you could see him, but he gave you no inclination that he could see you staring. There was always the sad, lonely coldness to his eyes. It burned to hunger whenever an exposed neck went past, and you saw him fidget and reach for a piece of gum often, like he was kicking a habit other than the cigarettes. You watched him again tonight, his tall frame pushed back into the shadow of the balcony, slouched against the wall in a pair of dark sunglasses, his curls of dark hair dripping over his shoulders where they melted back into the shadows around him. He was shirtless, covered only in a leather jacket and black jeans, the studded belt wrapped around his hips. As he turned, you caught a glimpse of the tattoos on his chest with a centre cross between his pecs. It was flanked by three pairs of shaded wings. You looked at the ink intensely before you looked back at your cocktail mixer and wondered what it meant.
 As you finished serving the masses, you felt out a breath and sat back on the stool behind the bar, taking a moment to rest your feet before people started to queue with orders again. As you relaxed against the wooden shelving you peered back to the left wall, where you had last seen Cal lurking. He was gone, replaced by a couple cuddled together watching the band who were playing. A soft melody rang out from a synth, not unlike a church organ. It petered into some soft vocals and you dared to close your eyes and let out a breath as your body relaxed a little.
“Enjoying a break?” Cal’s gravelly voice carried over the top of the lilt of a guitar.
“Ah!” You jumped a little, smacking your head against the wooden shelf. You clutched at the spot and rubbed furiously to try and push the pain aside, “Sorry.” You winced at you pulled your hand away, seeing a dot of blood from a little scrape on your scalp.
Steel eyes locked onto your fingers, but Cal didn’t move. The vampire swallowed and tore his gaze away from the blood.
 “Here.” Cal reached into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a small handkerchief, “To stop the blood.”
“Thank you.” You took the piece of soft cloth from him and pushed it to the little cut. You avoided his eyes for a moment before slowly looking up and realising that his neck was bare of the rosary, “You don’t have your rosary on.” You commented, off-handed.
Cal looked down at his chest before nodding and pushing his glasses down his nose, “I don’t. You’re more observant than I thought…But that doesn’t answer my original question, does it?” he reached for his back pocket and slid free a packet of cigarettes.
“Smoking will kill you, you know?” You joked before taking the handkerchief away from the scratch on your scalp. “I was. It’s been madness serving tonight. Flix is off so its just me manning the bar.”
“Oi!” Weldrick ducked his head out of the kitchen door, “I’ve been helping you all night, cheeky little fucker.” the minotaur snorted at you before seeing Cal. His blue eyes widened in shock, “I didn’t expect to see you out and about, Cal.”
The vampire snorted as he turned the packet of empty cigarettes with a sneer, “Well, it is also my bar.” He flicked his painted nails at the minotaur.
“Oh, is it?!” Weldrick grumbled, “Well, maybe you can come help serve fuckin’ drinks in it then!”
 You looked back at Weldrick and then to Cal. The vampire’s teeth poked out from beneath his top lip before he snarled with a hiss.
“Fuck you, Weldrick. You know I can’t!” Cal curled back in on himself suddenly, all his bite lost as though he had been kicked.
“Yeah. I know why. You’d eat the clients.” Weldrick gruffly stated before he dragged you away by the arm, turning your head before you were deposited in the kitchen out of sight of Cal, “So is that what you’re sweetening this one up for?”
Cal looked at Weldrick over the top of his sunglasses again, “No.” he slammed the cheap vampire costume cape on the bar top, “I came to give this back.” His nails were claws as he dragged his hand away and he grabbed his forgotten handkerchief from the bar.
Weldrick saw the blood on the cloth, “Cal. You know you can’t do this again.”
“I’m not doing anything.” He insisted, “I’m not relapsing, so stop. Just stop. I’m not an animal and I’m over it. I was trying to…”
“Be a bit more human.” Weldrick finished for him with a thump to the vampire’s shoulder, “Well. Don’t let me stop you, but I’m warning you, I’ll intervene again if I find out that…”
Cal sighed, “I know.” before he walked away from the bar.
 You peered back around the door with a sheepish smile. Weldrick watched the vampire weave his way back up the stairs before he turned around, his giant tattooed arms crossed over his chest.
“What’s the rule, newbie?” he grumbled at you, his nostrils flared and his pierced ears flicking back and forth.
You ducked your head and fiddled with your apron, “No flirting with vampires?” You looked up, “But I was…”
Weldrick grumbled again, “No. You don’t get close with Cal. Flix warned you about him, and about glamouring!” he insisted, “Watch yourself, that’s all I’m saying.” Weldrick sighed and scrubbed at his messy white fur, “Cal’s a good lad. He’s just…got a lot of issues and things going on in that old head of his. You get me?”
You nodded, “I was just being polite and…he seems nice, just a little eccentric.”
Weldrick laughed at you, “Eccentric is one word.” he clapped your back harshly, winding you, “Look after your neck, newbie. Any vamp would like a piece of you, I’m sure. That girlie in the corner had been eyeing you for an hour before Cal showed up to strong arm his claim. He’s taken a liking to you, whether you like it or not!” Weldrick said before he disappeared into the back again and you sat back on your stool. You looked at the young female vampire, decked in dreads and deadly red lip gloss. She avoided looking back at you and disappeared into the crowd.  
 You plucked your novelty cape from the bar top and looked up the stairs, where Cal had disappeared into the crowd and up to his rooms. You took a breath and turned back to the kitchen.
“Weldrick? I’m just going to thank him for bringing my cape back.” You said around the door frame, peeking inside to see Weldrick carrying two new kegs of beer.
“Fine. Watch yourself heading up there, okay? Do you know the code?” he asked as he stepped around you and ducked underneath the bar.
“No, but I figured that Cal would be able to hear me knock?”
Weldrick nodded and gave you a thumbs up from underneath the bar, “Bat ears come in handy sometimes.” he snorted as he undid the old keg.
You left the minotaur tucked underneath the bar and headed towards the stairs; your hands tucked into your apron pocket.
 A few patrons gave you smiles and greetings as you passed them by, and you smiled and rushed along towards the door, marked by a large ‘private’ sign. You felt silly as you stood in front of the door, awkwardly playing with the frill on the cape collar. One deep breath, you told yourself, as you sucked in air, and held it, calming yourself with a long exhale before you knocked timidly. It didn’t take Cal long to unlatch the lock and open the door inwards, his face painted with a frown and his glasses pushed into the top of his hair. His intense eyes met your own before he looked at the cape in your hands.
“Thank you.” You said, “For returning my cape I mean. I didn’t have the balls to come back and ask for it…and now I realise that I was a bit stupid.”
Cal’s eyebrow quirked, “Its not a problem. I realised you’d left it in the bathroom, but I only just now remembered you were on shift.” he reasoned quietly before he hummed, “Would you like to…”
“Sorry but I’m still on shift, and Weldrick will hang me if I leave him to work alone. But really,” you reached out and laid your hand over his, squeezing it slightly as you smiled, “Thank you. Most people wouldn’t have washed it either.”
You left him stood at the door and rushed back through the customers to help Weldrick pull pints for a rowdy group of elves.
 The vampire watched you head back down the stairs with a small grimace before he snatched his hand back to his side and shut the door with a small bang, his other hand clutching the bloodied handkerchief you had given him. He looked at it before heading up the stairs and throwing it into the washing machine in his small flat.
 Cal seemed to warm slightly after that night, and he would linger a little closer to the bar during the nights you were on shift, ignoring your stares as he leaned by the wall in whatever black attire took his fancy, always with a pair of sunglasses over his eyes, and a piece of gum in his fang filled mouth. This night was no different, but Cal weaved his way towards the stage, the chains attached to his jeans swinging as he tugged the band’s lead singer down to tell him something. You looked over, wiping a glass as he pulled himself up on the stage and threw off his jacket and shirt. Your eyes were drawn to the wings and cross on his chest, and then to the upside-down crucifix on his back, seared on his right side with creeping burn scars. The bar fell silent before the screaming started, and people flooded towards the front, pushing and grinning as Cal pushed his sunglasses into his hair and took hold of the microphone stand. He didn’t say anything but the band on stage grinned and nodded to each other as they started the slow chug of a song.
 “Oh, newbie, are you in for a treat tonight.” Flix chuckled behind you as his insect like wings fluttered over the top of your head, “Cal on stage. He’s not sang a song in nearly a year. You better get the mop bucket for the girlies at the front.”
“He can sing?” You asked, confused.
“Don’t you know?” Flix asked back, with a wide-eyed look, “Oh my sun and moon!” he exclaimed, “Cal was part of Black Blood!”
Your mouth fell open, “No fucking way! You’re fucking with me?”
Flix laughed, a gentle tinkering noise next to your ear, “No way, sweetie. He was part of the band until, well…You know the rest.”
“He was a musical god and now he runs a bar?” You stated, “This is surreal.”
“You tend to lose a lot of reputation when you eat fans.” Flix stated before he squealed as he was hit over the head.
 Weldrick snorted from above the two of you, looming like an all-white shadow, “Better believe he was a god.” he hummed before sighing, “Too bad the addiction killed his career, and the band. Durzub never did forgive him. Poor sod.”
“What exactly happened?” You asked but before Weldrick could answer you, Cal opened his mouth. You watched in awe as he formed the words, and the crowd leaned a little closer. He caressed the microphone stand as he started to sing about a night in a dark palace and you swore the crowd swayed with each syllable, as though they were under some kind of spell.
“Is that a glamour spell?” You whispered to Flix.
The fae only grinned, his black eyes sparkling as he turned your face back to the stage, ���Just watch.”
So, you did, you watched him sway and sing, his hands slipping across faces and himself as he weaved something like a story. One night of passion before the sunrise split the lovers apart and the dawn burned his skin away. Everything was enchanting, his deep voice like a drug you couldn’t get enough, but each time you leaned closer you shook your head and took a step back. The audience was entranced, and you watched the men and women at the front swoon. An organ melody marked the end of the song, trailing into the soft plucking of a guitar and Cal’s eyes stared across the audience, finding your own. He held the stare for a moment before he pushed his sunglasses back over his eyes and took his shirt and jacket. No one followed him as he weaved through the swaying bodies and disappeared back into the shadows of the bar.
 “What the fuck was that?” You asked as the audience finally came to and started to cheer, “Were they hypnotised?”
Weldrick huffed, “Not quite. His singing has always had that effect, unfortunately. People are just enamoured. He swears there’s not a trick to it, but something about his singing is plain magical.”
“Magical is one word for it.” Flix snorted as he bumped your hip, “I would say sexy.”
“Watch yourself, Flix.” Weldrick laughed as he turned to head back into the cellar.
“It was amazing.” You stated with a sheepish smile, “I wonder if he’ll sing more?”
Flix nipped your cheek with his finger and thumb, “Once a year, sweet thing, once a year.” he punctuated the statement by poking you in the ribs.
“It’s a shame. He sings so beautifully.” You complimented as you took hold of another glass and dried the water off it.
 “I bet you would sing really lovely in bed.” A brash vampire leaned over the bar, flashing his fangs as his blond hair dripped over his eyes. He pushed it back into its styled quiff with a wide, charming smile. He reached for your hand and you took a quick step back, smiling politely.
“Oi. Vampire.” Flix hissed, “You know what’s allowed and what isn’t here.” The fae took you by the shoulders, “No fresh blood. You get the pack stuff, or you find somewhere else to haunt.”
The vampire scoffed, “Why don’t you let them speak for themselves, huh, sparkly boy.” He took your hand again.
“Sir, thank you, but I’m really not interested.” You carefully tried to slide your hand back, but it was caught in the vampire’s iron grip, “If you would like a drink, I can make you one?”
“Get off, fang bag.” Flix snarled.
 You didn’t get to defuse the situation, because as you tugged your hand again, a moment later, the vampire was slammed against the bar, pinned in place by Cal. The older vampire hissed, fangs dripping by the youngster’s ear as he pressed his claws into his neck, cutting the skin underneath his ears.
“Cal!” Weldrick shouted but he was silenced as Cal drew his head away, eyes pulsing red and his mouth open, his nose upturned. His face was the picture of a monstrous bat, feral and unhinged, his skin bleeding to a soft grey.
Cal held up a finger to you all before he leaned back over the vampire pinned to the countertop, “What is the one rule I have here?” He asked, his face contorted like a feral animal.
The youngster hissed pathetically and thrashed.
“I’ll gladly gut you and hang you from a church spire.” Cal threatened, “Or I’ll take this to your maker?”
The youngster pressed himself flat, “We don’t touch the humans.” he said, finally, as he deflated in defeat.
“That’s right.” Cal growled, “So, I suggest you find a new bar to fuck about in.”
 As he finished the sentence, he threw the youngster towards the door, sending him sprawling against the wall with a slam that shook the bar. The male rushed to his feet before escaping out of the entrance, his hair dishevelled and flying around his head. You closed your mouth as Flix placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Thanks, boss.” Flix uttered as he looked over your hand, “You’re gonna have some mean bruises, newbie.” he commented as he turned your hand palm up.
You couldn’t really focus on Flix as you looked Cal in the eyes. His face morphed back to a human looking guise behind a thin curtain of his hair. He moved his black curls back over his shoulder and nodded at you.
“Thank you.” You flinched as Flix prodded at your fingers.
“You’re welcome.” Cal whispered before he turned and walked away, fiddling with his jacket where it was torn by the youngster’s claws.
“Hey!” You pushed Flix’s fretting hands away and ducked through the bar door, rushing to catch up with Cal. He turned just outside the door to the upstairs flat and looked at you as he reached for a piece of spearmint gum, popping the rectangle piece into his mouth as you floundered, “Can…Can I take you out somewhere? To pay you back for everything you’ve done?”
 Cal stopped chewing, his jaw going stiff before he reached for the empty cigarette packet in his jeans pocket and cursed again. He ducked his head, appearing small despite his towering height, standing at well over six feet tall.
“It won’t be, uh, a date or anything, unless you know, you want that. I just want to say thank you, I guess.” You babbled until he reached out his hand.
“Let me see your hand.”
It wasn’t a question; it was a demand.
You held up your bruised hand, “Its nothing.” You deflated, thinking you had been rejected.
Cal looked at your hand for a moment before letting you cradle it again, “Meet me outside. Friday lunchtime. There’s an old diner a few blocks away.” He grumbled quietly.
You smiled and nodded, “Sure. Dinners on me!” You gushed before catching yourself, “Well, not me. I don’t think I have very good blood and…”
Cal let out a low, deep chuckle, before he pushed his sunglasses back up into his hair. His breath smelled like mint as he took your hand and kissed the sore fingers, “See you then.” he rumbled before he unlocked the door and disappeared up the stairs.
 Deciding what to wear seemed like the end of the world until your finally settled on something not too flashy, but a little dressy. You fiddled with the bottom of your shirt as you waited close to the entrance to The Black Dahlia. It was a little past midday and you wondered if you had come a little too early. Your fears were shot when the door opened, and Cal stepped out into the sunlight. He was in his sunglasses, the collar of his duster turned up to hide his cheeks with a black, red trimmed fedora on his head to shield his face from the sun.
“Hey, sorry if I’m a little early.” You smiled as you reached him.
Cal shrugged his shoulders, “Its not a problem. I don’t tend to sleep much… And I heard you arrive.” he tapped his ear underneath his collar, “A vampire thing.”
“Oh…You know I never thought of that.” You confessed before pointing to his hat, “You’re not going to uh, burst into flames, are you?”
Cal’s lips twisted up in a half smile, “No. I’m a little sensitive to sun, but I’m old enough that it isn’t lethal anymore. I wouldn’t have said daytime if I knew I would burst into flames.” he nodded his head, “Come on. The diner isn’t far.”
You followed him happily, not straying too far from his side as you made a bit of idle conversation to fill the silence.
 The diner was three blocks away. Cal opened the door and let you inside first. It was a cosy place, with wooden interiors and metal accents. It was quiet, with no customers milling around just yet, except for a dwarf, who was asleep in one of the booths furthest away from the door. A female elf looked up from her notebook and smiled brightly as Cal entered behind you.
“Clarence!” she tittered, “By the sun! It’s been so long since we’ve seen you! You know we only live four streets away!” she exclaimed before smacking his shoulder with her towel.
“Sorry, Graeliel.” Cal muttered, “Its…”
“Don’t. I know, sweetheart. I know.” Graeliel reached up and took hold of his cheeks between her palms. She patted his face before tossing her brown braids over her shoulders and dashing behind the counter, “Pam! Pamela!” she screeched, “Clarence is here!”
An older orc woman appeared from the kitchen, her chef’s apron splattered with sauce and her mohawk flattened with the heat of the kitchen, “Boy you best hope I don’t get hold of you!” she shouted as she crossed her arms over her chest, “Three years, and not a word! Not a word!”
 Cal shrivelled in on himself a little, “I’m sorry, Pam, Graeliel. I know I should have called or something…”
Pam held up her hand, “Don’t give me that.” she looked down at him and scrubbed at her silver-streaked hair, pulling it back before sighing, “I know, sweetheart. We’ve been worried, is all.”
“Pamela has been beside herself.” Graeliel added before she patted her wife’s shoulder, “But it’s all right. You’re here now…and with company?” She added as she peered around Cal, spotting you stood by the door.
Awkwardly, you gave them both a wave and stepped forwards.
“Ah,” Cal introduced you before adding, “We’re here for lunch if you have the space?”
“Oh but of course!” Graeliel grinned, exposing her slightly sharp, elven teeth, “I didn’t think you would ever find a partner, Cal!”
“You owe me thirty, Graeliel.” Pamela chuckled as she walked back towards the kitchen, “And no, I won’t accept back massages this time!” she shouted out of the door before disappearing again.
 Graeliel took your arms and rolled her eyes at her wife before she led you both over to a booth in the other corner of the restaurant. She grabbed a napkin holder and two sets of cutleries for you both and laid them on the table carefully before she laid two laminated menus down too.
“I’ll go and get you some drinks to let you decide what to have. How does two lemonades sound?” Graeliel smiled as she tucked her notebook in the front pocket of her apron.
“That sounds great.” You answered before you looked to Cal, “Wait. Is that okay?”
The vampire nodded his head, “Its fine. I can still have human food and drink, in moderation. It holds no nutritional value, and a lot makes me feel sick, but its nice sometimes.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that. I don’t think I’ve ever asked a vampire before though.” You smiled. Graeliel nodded and headed off to go and grab you both a drink, leaving you both with the menu and silence, which was occasionally broken by the snoring dwarf at the other side of the diner.
 “What are you going to get?” You asked Cal as you flopped the menu back on the table, “Are the club sandwiches any good?”
Cal shifted and pulled his coat off before reaching up to the top of the window and pulling down a window shade, which kept the sun off him. When he was comfortable, he carefully pulled his glasses and hat off, revealing his steel-coloured eyes. He was dressed in a shirt and a dark pair of jeans with his rosary sat on top of his chest. His black hair fell down his back and he reached to tie it back quickly before he picked up the menu and crossed a leg over his knee, resting the ankle on his knee.  
“The steak is actually decent.” he commented, “But if you want something light the chicken Caesar wrap is great. They source meat from an organic place…I think. It’s been a while since I was last here.”
“The falafel sounds better.” You grinned, having decided on your meal, “What about you?”
Cal peaked at you over the top of his menu, “The usual.” He shrugged his shoulders and leaned back, leaving the menu on top of your own.
“What’s your usual then?” You prodded his hand on the table.
“A pint of blood and a rare steak.” Cal muttered, looking up at you to check for your reaction.
 You were shocked for a moment, before you started laughing, creasing yourself against the table as you saw his eyes widen and his hands fidget with the edge of the table.
“Sorry.” You wheezed, “I just didn’t think you’d say it like that.”
A ghost of a smile turned his lips up at the corners, “People don’t like vampires. I wanted to see what you thought but,” he gestured to your wheezing, “it obviously doesn’t phase you.”
Once you finally caught your breath you looked him in the eye, “No, it doesn’t bother me. You’re just different to me, and that’s not a big deal. I’ve seen some scary vampires, and you’re not one of them.”
“Like the one that tried to snack on you?” Cal added scathingly.
“Yeah. He was…Well if you hadn’t shown up, I might not have gotten out of that one.” You smiled, “So, thank you, again.”
“Stop thanking me.” Cal sighed, “I didn’t do anything special.”
“But to me, you did! So, hush, and let me buy you lunch!” You jeered at him, pointing a fork at his face like a dangerous weapon. Cal smiled again and let it drop as Graeliel came back with your lemonade.
 “Alrighty then.” she pulled out her notepad out and poised her pen for your orders, “What will you lovebirds be having?”
“Graeliel, we’re just here for lunch.” Cal droned as he rubbed at his temples and reached back to pull the other blind down.
“Hush. I know a date when I see one!” Graeliel tapped the top of his head with her pen, “What do you want sweetie?” she asked. Cal opened his mouth again, but she silenced him with a scathing look, like an insistent mother.
“I’ll have the falafel wrap, please.” You ordered and she nodded before looking at Cal.
“The usual, please.” Cal grumbled before taking hold of his icy glass of lemonade and taking a sip. He didn’t make a face at the sourness but turned to look out of the window, before realising he had the blind down, and staring down at his drink, stirring the straw around idly. Graeliel left you both alone to go and give your orders to Pamela. Cal watched her leave before looking back at you with his ghostly smile again.
 “I’m sure you have lots of questions.” he stated before he took another sip of lemonade, “I know I would if I was in your situation.”
You nodded and played with your own straw, “Lots of questions. I saw your face morph into something like I’ve never seen before. You looked like…well, something out of a kids story book.” You took a sip of your drink from your lemonade.
Cal turned his head, avoiding your gaze as a cringe took over his features, “I figured that would be the first thing you asked me about.” he avoided your eyes as he seemed to think about what to say next, “I’m a vampire, yes, but I’m of an old bloodline. Night Terrors. That’s what we were called by the rest of our own race. I suppose we are like bats. Up turned noses, wings and the ability to hang onto any surface.” He droned quietly as the ice in his drink clinked, “Terachi. That’s what we are called now.”
You listened quietly before interjecting gently, “So why don’t you always look like that?”
“Glamouring. Intense glamouring.” Cal mumbled, “Enough that even Flix’s spell doesn’t enable you to see my real face.”
 The words sat heavy in your stomach. Cal refused to look at you for a while, his eyes trained on his lemonade.
“I can hear your brain churning. Its an ugly face. Its something humans would run. I’ve hidden my face behind my human appearance from the day I was turned.” he whispered as he pushed his hair over his shoulder again.
Gently, you took his hand from around the glass, stroking his fingers before you squeezed them and let him have his hand back, “How long have you been in music?” You asked, eager to stop Cal from scowling. He looked at the window again before meeting your eyes again and smiling awkwardly, the corners of his lips twitching.
“I’ve played the violin since I was around eight years old.” Cal turned his straw in his drink, “I learned to play the piano, but also the organ.” He saw your look, “My family was very religious. My mother was a faithful catholic. She married and dragged my father into it. I’ve said my hail Mary’s since I could speak.”
“Is that why you still wear your rosary?” You asked, pointing at the black beads hung around his neck and the cross which rested over his chest. His shirt hid the tattoo he had over his pectorals from view.  
 Cal picked at the cross and regarded the wooden jewellery for a moment before he dropped it back against his chest, “My relationship with the lord is a little complicated.”
“Isn’t everyone’s?” You joked as he shifted in his seat, “I think its nice you still believe. How long have you been, well, like this?” You trailed off at his grimace.
“A vampire?” he asked, “Since I was twenty-six.” He gestured to himself, “It was a service, in 1784. My maker was amazed by my skill with instruments, and I sang for him after. I’ve been like this ever since.” Cal gave himself a disgusted once over, before he looked back down at the wooden table, his nails scratching at the waxy surface, gouging at a name someone had already cut into the top.
“Did you leave anyone behind?” You asked.
“A fiancé. I don’t think I ever loved her like she deserved.” Cal said, “I disappeared after the service. My maker held me like a child as I changed and stopped breathing. I’ve not seen him since...” he trailed off, “I’ve not seen him since I joined Black Blood. That was over twenty-five years ago now.”
“Wow. That’s a long time. Did you fall out over it all?” You asked.
Cal shrugged his shoulders in response, “He didn’t want me out of his clutches I suppose. Either way, its history.” he dismissed any further questions with a wave of his hand.
 As though she had seen the tense situation, Graeliel came tootling over with your meals. The elf laid the two plates down in front of each of you and smiled warmly as she pointed to the lemonade.
“Is the lemonade sweet enough? I let Pam make it this time, and she’s a bit sour, so she skimps on the sugar.” she teased as she leaned back and tucked her towel against her hip.
“Its perfect.” You assured her as you took another drink of it, “Its just sweet enough. Anymore and I think my teeth would rot.” You joked.
She nodded and quickly scuttled to a microwave as it pinged. You watched curiously as Graeliel snipped open a back of blood and poured the contents into a blacked-out pint glass. She returned with the glass and placed it in front of Cal.
“Make sure you don’t eat too much this time, hm?” She patted his hand before she smiled at you brightly and left to go and dispose of some rubbish.
 You looked at the black glass on the table and wondered just if Cal was going to drink it in front of you or not. He met your gaze and shifted back before he took hold of the glass.
“You don’t have to look, if it makes you uncomfortable.” he reasoned, quietly, holding your gaze for a moment before he peered at the deep red contents.
“No.” You swallowed, “Its fine. Go ahead.” You smiled and reached for your cutlery as he nodded and tipped his head back a little. He pressed the glass to his mouth and quickly downed the blood, his throat working as he guzzled at it like a hungry animal. Cal grumbled softly as he finished and licked at the red blood clinging to his top lip before pressing his finger to it and licking that too. He closed his eyes and swallowed the last of it, his nose curled, before he calmed himself down, and looked back at you. His eyes were wide, as though he had thoroughly enjoyed himself, and you smiled at him.
 Cal’s lips curled a little at one corner before he stood to give the glass back to Graeliel. You appreciated the iron smelling glass being moved and carefully started picking at your salad. He returned and you picked up your wrap.
“Well, lets see if you recommended me something decent!” You took a bite and Cal chuckled quietly as your eyes widened at the taste, “Is this home made or something? The sauce is so good.” You said around your mouthful.
Cal nodded with a smile, “They make everything here in house.” he picked up his steak knife and sliced into the very rare steak before feeding himself a small piece, “Still tastes as good as ever.” He leaned to the kitchen and chuckled again.
“Too right it does!” Pamela hollered from the kitchen. You both laughed at her before digging back into your food.
 “Are you two finished?” Graeliel asked as you leaned back and grumbled about being too full. Cal chuckled again as he pushed his sunglasses into his hair, and you nodded with a content sigh.
“Pamela’s cooking has that effect.” Cal added quietly as you patted your stomach and laughed.
Graeliel laughed as well, “I’ll get you both the bill.” she walked happily to the kitchen to deliver your dishes and glasses before going to the cash register and bringing you the total on her notepad, scribbled underneath your orders.
You took the piece of paper, but Cal had already pulled out the cash, placing it on the table for Graeliel before he grabbed his hat and tucked his hair out of the way. He noticed you gawking and tilted his head, “Are you okay with me paying?” he asked curiously.
You nodded before huffing, “Yeah, but next time I get the food.”
Cal paused as he shrugged one arm of his coat on, “Next time?” he asked quietly.
“If you want a next time?” You asked with an embarrassed smile.
He nodded, completely silent as he turned his face away from you. He was incapable of blushing much more than a faint pink tone after a meal, but you caught the slight pink colour to the apples of his cheeks before he flicked his collar up.
 You followed suit and thanked Graeliel and Pamela as Cal rushed for the door, his long, graceful strides carrying him faster than you could ever hope to be.
Graeliel reached to give you a gentle hug which smelled of jasmine, “Look after him for us, hm? He’s such a sweet boy, just a little wounded.”
“I’ll try.” You felt hot and embarrassed, and your cheeks burned as you looked at Pamela’s smirk. You said your goodbyes and rushed after Cal. He held you open the door and silently offered you his arm. You took the arm and linked your own through it. Cal looked at you through the side of his black sunglasses before he smiled a little wider, revealing his sharp, fang like teeth. It was the only part he consistently couldn’t glamour, you had come to realise. You returned his smile and Cal looked down at you. Your eyes followed a piece of hair as it escaped his hair tie and slipped out over his shoulder.
“I’ll walk you home, if you want?” he asked with a small shake to his voice.
You realised then, that you were smitten with him, and smiled brightly, “Sure. Its not too far. I live near the rose garden park.” Cal nodded and ran his cold fingers over your hand before he slipped your hand down and into his own.
 You reached your small flat just as the roads started to get busy with traffic from people going home from work. You reached into your small bag as you neared the door, and quickly rummaged around for your keys. They jingled in your hand as Cal slipped his hand from yours and let you step up to the door alone.
“Thank you.” He uttered, “For taking a chance with me. No one has…been so kind to me in a while. Certainly not someone as gorgeous as you.” Cal whispered the words, as though you weren’t supposed to hear them. He turned his face away from you, his eyes still hidden behind his glasses. The sun was lower in the sky and the beginnings of the sunset were starting, casting an orange glow over his pale skin and the pieces of his black curls which had escaped his ponytail.
“I didn’t take a chance.” You said as you stepped back down in front of him, “I think you’re…You’re much more than just a monstrous vampire. You’re kind, sweet and considerate and…”
“Handsome?” He asked with a quirk to his lips before he licked them and reached out to take your hand again, running his fingers against your own as he digested your words.
“You make me feel…You make me feel grounded. Whole. Like I’m not…” Cal huffed at himself, “Like I’m not some fucking killer freak. I just… I feel like you understand, and I find myself thinking of you, often. I…”
 Gently, you reached up and pressed a warm finger to his lips, quietening his rambling, “I like you too, Cal. I think you’re…”
Cal silenced you as he pushed his sunglasses up into his hair again, revealing his steel-coloured eyes. He stared at you with such intensity, and you were drawn to the soft curve of his lips all too easily. He smelt like peppermint again, but you forgot that as he pressed his lips to yours. They were soft but icy cold. The temperature made you jump, but you quickly pressed to him. Cal grumbled something before you were backed against the door, his fangs grazing your bottom lip as his cold tongue brushed against your lips. You opened your mouth and moaned quietly as he kissed you deeply, his fangs grazing your lips again. He drew away, as though shot, and you smiled at the blackness to his eyes and the grey sheen to his skin. His nose curled and you touched the pointed tip of his upturned nose before pushing your hands over his shoulders and feelings the musclar tops of his wings. They flexed beneath his coat, the clawed tips scrapping against the concrete before he dived in to nip your lips again.
“I adore you.” He purred as you felt the tips of his ears and fumbled for the handle. The door opened with a soft click and you pulled on his hands. He caught himself at the door, letting you hold his hands before he was drawn into you and found your lips again, “You complete me.” He moaned against your cheek before you closed the door.
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sp00kworm · 3 years
Clove Cigarettes (Part 2)
Pairing: Male Vampire (Clarence Marston) x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Violence and Gore, Blood Drinking, Adult Content
Part 1
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Cal’s wings spread wide from his back, shadowing his form as his coat slid away. His shirt was torn from the clawed tips and he slid the tip down his torso, tearing the shirt open as you stood by your bed. The shirt slid onto the floor in two halves and revealed the dark ink over his chest. Now his pale skin was tinted a sickly grey, and his ribs were angular and sharp, cutting a monstrous figure at his comparatively small waist. He still loomed over you as you met him across the floor. Carefully you reached to touch at the black, inked wings on his chest, tracing the feathered tips of the seraph’s wings before you met with the main section of the cross and traced the drawn metal details to a single dark red ruby in the centre of his chest. It was the only colour on the tattoo, and you circled the gem as Cal shuddered above you, the clawed tips of his wings drooping as he relaxed into the touch. You walked your hands up over his shoulders, following a pair of the wings of the tattoo before you cupped his cool, sharp jaw and tucked a piece of his long, wavy black hair over his shoulder. Cal let out a low noise as he caught your hand against his cheek and pressed himself against you, nuzzling the soft skin of your palm before his teeth nipped at it.
 Caught of guard, you let out a small squeak. The vampire was quick to jolt and pull away, licking his lips with guilt.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t do that. I’m getting ahead of myself…” he moaned to himself, his hands dropping hold of you in favour of tugging at his hair. On reflex, he reached for his back pocket, and pulled free the cigarette packet. This time, he peered inside, and found one clove cigarette inside with his gum and lighter.
You reached up for his hand and clasped your own over his, stopping his shaking fingers from grabbing the cigarette, “No. I just didn’t expect it. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“I shouldn’t…” Cal cringed at himself and you watched the pain lace his features as his skin rippled from grey to pale, deathly white, “I shouldn’t be…”
“You listen to me.” You insisted as you cupped his face with a palm, stroking over his angular cheek bone, “None of this is wrong. You’re doing fine but I think we need to take this slow. You’re freaking out about simple things.” You cooed softly at him and leaned up to kiss him.
 As you pulled away, you smiled, seeing his natural, deathly grey skin tone return. His nose opened wide as he scented the air around you both and smiled, the awkward tilt of his lips letting one fang hang out.
“Okay?” You asked as you kissed his cheek.
“Okay.” Cal whispered back as you took his cigarettes and placed them on your bedside table, “You’re so amazing.” he breathed as you continued where you left off, stroking his skin reverently before you massaged as his shoulder blades, enjoying the twitches of his wings.
“I try to be.” You hummed as you turned his back to the bed and eased him back against the mattress. Cal went willingly, his eyes burning red as he watched you straddle his large thighs.
“I adore you.” he whispered against your lips as you leaned over him, your arms either side of his head, “You complete me.”
You leaned forwards to kiss him properly, enjoying the cool sensation of his lips against your own before you parted them. Cal was slow to take advantage and happily let you lead the way, letting you plunder his mouth happily before he grumbled and nipped at your skin, the pressure threatening to puncture. You gasped as his tongue pushed into your mouth, long and pointed, touching far deeper than you expected.
 Cal pulled away, his tongue dipping out of his mouth to swipe at your pulse before he grumbled and showed you the thick strings of spit, “This…”
You pressed your finger to his mouth, chuckling as his tongue licked over the length and he took the flesh into his mouth. He lathered the lengths before pressing it between his teeth, the familiar nip of fangs making you shudder above him. The vampire’s thighs shifted, parting slightly as his hips thrust gently, grazing his bulge against your thighs.
“Everything about you is intoxicating.” Cal moaned as he licked and tasted your skin, enjoying your attention to his sensitive nipples. You circled the bud for a moment before drawing away from his mouth to kiss his chest. You licked the skin before gently biting him, enjoying the feral groan that bubbled from his chest as you licked along his skin and over his nipple. With a hum you took his nipple into your mouth and watched his wings spread wide and stutter in the air, half flapping over his head as your other hand occupied his other pec, stroking and pinching the sensitive skin.
 A sudden rush of air gusted over your face as Cal’s wing knocked open the window, letting in the cool evening air. His eyes squinted at the glancing sunset light, and he flinched on reflex as the light flickered over his eyes and nose. The upturned point of his nose wiggled before his gaze was drawn back to you. You shifted and pressed a little harder against his thigh, enjoying the friction against your own groin of his corded dark jeans. Cal hissed as you left his chest alone and rested your fingertips over his hips, stroking back and forth along the dip of his hip bones before you reached for the button of his jeans. His stomach jumped at the implication and he reached for your hands, clutching your fingers with his own clawed ones. He thumbed at the lengths of your fingers as his wings reached and hooked over the back of your bed posts.
“Are you sure about this?” You asked gently as you kissed the backs of his hands and traced the scars around his waist, to his back.
Cal shuddered against your sheets as he shifted his hips back and forth, “I am.” he reached for the rosary around his neck and touched the dark wood for a moment as his mouth formed silent words. He pressed a claw to the beads again before he settled back quietly, his head reclined against the cushions.
 You mistook his relaxation for subjugation. As you leaned back forwards and undid his heavy belt and the button of his jeans, Cal’s clawed hands grabbed at your backside, curling into the hot skin, biting into the muscle before he kneaded the skin in his hands. As you opened your eyes you were face to face with his open mouth. Fangs parted before you as he sat up, and dipped his face into your neck, his teeth grazing over the skin, leaving cool lines of spit in their wake.
“Cal?” You whispered against his pointed ear, his dark curls tickling your face.
“You smell divine.” he moaned, “Like I could just…” his mouth opened, and his fangs grazed your pulse point, “Eat you.”
“Don’t.” You jolted against the fangs that pressed to your pulse point, tugging his dark hair tightly. Cal groaned against the skin, licking at your neck as he pulled away, his eyes half lidded. His eyes drooped, as though he was drunk on something, and you cupped his face gently, looking into his burning red eyes as he came back to himself.
“I…” he dipped his head in embarrassment, “I’m glad I didn’t give into myself.”
“Look at me.” You tipped his head back up and laid another hot, wet kiss on his lips, licking against his fangs with a soft sigh through your nose before you pulled away, “I trust you. You’re not a monster. You’re a man like any other.”
 Cal’s nose crinkled as he pressed his forehead to your shoulder, his shoulders shaking before you heard his chest wheeze and creak. You pulled away as red tears dripped down his cheeks and onto your bedding and his thighs.
“I’m sorry.” he wept, his teeth clenched tightly before he looked you in the eyes and tenderly cupped your neck, “I’m not worth any of this.” His wings unhooked from the bed posts as he leaned away from you, like he might burn you if he touched you again.
“You don’t get to decide that!” Anger burned in your gut as you face him, sat firmly in his lap, pinning him in place, “You don’t get to run away from me because of this. You’re stronger than that. You’re no coward, Cal. You’re hurt and misunderstood, I know that, but you’re not this monster you paint yourself to be constantly!”
Cal’s claws paused mid-air before he touched along your thighs, “You don’t even know me.”
Pain clawed at your heart, “Then what is this to you?”
Cal’s face streaked with another red tear, “Everything. It’s everything to me.” he whispered, “But I won’t be able to live with myself if I hurt you.”
 It settled into place in your gut, sitting like a heavy boulder on your organs. He could kill you. He was a vampire, a recovering vampire who used to kill fans for a taste of blood.
“Do you think you’re the same as you were back then?” You asked as you stroked your hands over his shoulder, tracing the scars down his right side carefully.
“No.” he said, short and curt, “I’m not the same. I was unhinged. Drunk on fame with nothing to live for other than music anymore. I’ve lost all of that now and gained a hell of a lot more. I’m not that low life monster anymore.”
You tilted his head back up and took a tissue from your bedside to wipe the bloody tears from his face, “Then what makes you think that you’ll hurt me?”
“I…I’m still a creature of instinct. I could snap and go too far or…” Cal gave a semblance of a sigh, “I think too much of you to do anything to you.”
His fingers stroked along your legs again before they slipped under your top and stroked your stomach, chasing the heat of your skin.
“I think the world of you, Cal. You won’t hurt me.” You leaned over and kissed him again, tasting iron as you pulled away.
 Cal’s face was thoughtful as you pulled away, as though he was processing your words before he opened his mouth of monstrous teeth, “You promise me you’ll stop me if I…”
“You won’t.” You soothed him as you pressed up against his cold chest and kissed him again, grinding in his lap softly before you played with the lengths of his hair, tugging softly on his scalp.
The vampire melted into your touch, shuddering again as his wings stuttered and hooked back up around the bed posts. The black keratinous claw made the wood creak as it shaved small pieces of dust from the circular surface, a sure sign that Cal was holding himself at bay.
“I wish I could be consumed by you. You’re like a fire in my soul. A burning rose in a field of grass. A single flower by a gravestone.” Cal whispered against your ear, humming as though he was singing a quiet song for you, and you alone. You peered down to see his interest rekindled, his cock pressing to the front of his underwear.
“Can I undress you?” Cal asked, catching you staring at what was between his legs. His eyes fluttered open again, long eyelashes grazing his cheeks as he blinked, looking up into your eyes as his own gaze turned steel, red and then back again.
 With a nod, you slid back from his lap and hummed as Cal laid you back against the cushions, his cold fingers wandering over your chest before they tucked themselves back under the hem of your top. Slowly, he undid the buttons, watching your chest heave and skin ripple as it was revealed to him, button by button. He pushed the material away with a sigh, and leaned down to kiss your stomach, his cold lips making your muscles jump. He smiled and chuckled softly. His cold breath made you jump again and carefully, you reached to weave your hands into his soft hair, playing with the strands as he opened his mouth, taking the fastener of your bottoms into his mouth. Cal tugged the material open easily, as though he was thoroughly practiced at the little trick, and you craned your neck to watch what he was doing as his fingers looped under the waist band and tugged, sliding you free of the confines. Cal’s cold lips followed the material down, kissing your skin reverently as though you might never see him again. His hands mapped the contours of your body as he moved back up towards your underwear. His eyes looked up your body, meeting your own as his cool tongue dipped from his mouth and laved at the front of your underwear.
 It was like someone sent an electric shock up your spine, and you arched, crying softly at the unexpected sensation. Cal smirked from between your legs as he tapped your hips and eased the underwear away, tossing it over by the bottom of the bed as he reached to scoop his hair out of his way. You remedied that for him, reaching to scoop it into your hands, holding it from his face as he licked at your sex, his cold tongue laving at the sensitive skin. It was a shock of sensations. The icy cold tongue against you and the pleasure zinging up your spine were two contradicting forces, but they soon melted together, and you moaned, thrusting up into his mouth as his claws nipped at your hips, pinning you down to the bed. It was a lot at once, and you looked down at his face as you cried out softly, tugging his hair to pull his head away for some reprieve from the burning sensations coiling together in your gut.
Cal pulled away and stuck his pointed tongue out between his lips, panting softly, as though his body needed the oxygen. You reached for his face and moaned again as he took your fingers into his mouth, licking along the lengths with a grumble. You looked at his hips and moaned again.
“Please. Can I get those jeans off you?” You asked as you caught your breath against the pillows, your hips grinding upwards towards his face despite your will to pause and relax for a moment.
 Cal nodded and slid back on the bed to undo his fly the rest of the way, hissing at the relief of pressure against his dick. He slid away to slid the bottoms off but you stopped him, leaning up to kiss his mouth, huffing at the taste of yourself on his lips as you gently eased the material down his legs. Cal paused kissing you to kick away the jeans and then let you kneel in front of him, his eyes blowing wide, his pupils pinpoints as he watched you tug down his black boxer briefs. His cock bounced free, angled upwards, the same grey as the rest of his skin with a dark, black tip. It was already leaking.
“You got off on having me in your mouth huh?” You asked as you leaned in to lick at the head of his cock, your fingers sliding between your own legs to stroke at your sensitive sex. Cal moaned at the touch, his claws reaching for your head, holding you tightly as you took the head of his cock into your hot mouth briefly. His legs shook and you looked upon the tattoos on his legs. His right thigh was tattooed with a great thorny bush, green stems intertangled with the ends bright red roses, weeping with blood. Some of the thorns were stained with blood. You stroked the tattoo before reaching for his dick, pulling the foreskin back with several, gentle pumps. Cal moaned before he groaned above you, his wings spread wide, clawing at the floor and sheets as you took him into your mouth again and laved spit over several inches. His cock was large, long and veiny, cool like the rest of his body as your hot skin wrapped around it tighter. Cal shuddered and swore under his breath as you sucked harshly, the taste of precum salty and tart in your mouth.
 The vampire gasped softly as you pulled him free of your mouth, his legs shaking as he tugged your hair and stroked your neck. You got off your knees and Cal was quick to catch your mouth for another kiss, cupping your jaw as he deepened the kiss and danced your tongues together in long strokes, mixing the taste of each other together.
“How do you want this?” You asked as you took hold of his dick again.
Cal tried not to moan as you stroked the wet skin, “W-we…Could sixty-nine?” His face grew embarrassed, “Unless you…”
You silenced him with a finger to his lips and grinned as you pushed him back onto the mattress, your fingers stroking over the skin, lifting a thigh to catch sight of the long, tattooed line of runes down his left leg, “You’re gorgeous.” You told him as you kissed again, and Cal tugged at your hips.
“Not as gorgeous as you when you’re in my mouth.” Cal rumbled as you turned on his chest and eased yourself backwards towards his mouth. The vampire’s wings flared as he looked between your legs, licking his lips as your hot flesh edged towards him.
 Cal’s claws grazed over the skin of your backside, groping the soft flesh before he leaned up and licked a long stripe over you. The cold shock of his spit made you shudder as you laid over his stone-coloured torso and kissed the tip of his cock. Cal moaned into the skin of your thigh before he kissed either one and nipped a bite mark into the flesh, biting at the muscle hard enough to leave a welt of his teeth and a bruise. You flinched at the grip of his teeth but relaxed as his icy tongue soothed the heat of the pain. You relaxed with another lick along your sex before his mouth was on you, cool wetness enveloping you into a bolt of pleasure. You ran your fingers under Cal’s cock, enjoying the soft grumble against your skin before you took him into your mouth, enjoying the feel of him for a moment before you got to work, moving your hands against the part you could not fit into your mouth. It was a strange experience, feeling something so cool inside of your mouth, but you enjoyed the feel as Cal’s tongue laved against you and he sucked expertly before he blew an icy breath over your wet sex, enjoying the shudder you gave against his torso.
 It continued for a while, before Cal’s claws scratched at your thighs, pinning your hips down against his mouth as he moaned, his hips bucking against your face, his balls pulling tight against him as he shuddered. He moaned against your skin again before his wings slammed at the wall and bed posts wildly and his toes curled. As his muscles clenched you pulled back to the tip, sucking gently before he came across your tongue. It was as cool as his body and you held the load in your mouth before you pulled away from his face, and on shaky legs, turned around to show him his own cum, letting it sit on your tongue before you swallowed, with a small grimace. Cal’s eyes flew wide at the sight, and his wings snatched your arms, pulling them upwards before his fingers flew between your legs and his mouth met your own. His cold tongue intertwined with your own as he worked you closer and closer to the edge.
“Please. I want to see you come undone.” he begged quietly against your cheek, his eyes red and glowing in the sunset’s purple and pink light. You ground your hips into his hand and moaned before you came, pressed to the cross and wing tattoo on his chest, leaving sticky streaks of cum over his skin.
 With a sigh you collapsed against Cal’s chest, stroking his hair away from his shoulders as his wings arched and stretched, easing themselves back up and out of the way, hooked to the bedposts. Softly, he whispered the words to a song as you came down together, wrapped in each other’s arms. Cal eased his head back enough to look down at your face. He hesitated. You were clutching his shoulders. Your face tucked under his chin as you hummed and cuddled in closer. He used to leave at this point, before the urge took over, but he found his thirst in the back of his mind. Carefully, he stroked over your cheek bone, smiling as you nuzzled into his hand and kissed the bottom of his thumb. You opened your eyes and reached for his face, stroking along his strong nose and angular jaw and cheeks before you kissed his chin.
“Was that good, for you I mean?” Cal asked softly, scared to raise his voice, and break the peace over you both.
“It was perfect.” You hummed as you traced a pattern over his shoulder, following the feathers of his tattoo as you shifted. A sticky reminder of the events went cool as you pulled away from his chest and you cringed before chuckling and kissing him softly, “I’m going to go clean up… Join me?” You tugged Cal’s hand and the vampire nodded softly, following you, naked, through to the bathroom.
  “You looking so happy is giving me cavities, sweat pea.” Flix joked as he mixed a cocktail. He bumped his hip into your own with a bright smile, “So tell me all about how you got a piece of Cal and all about him in bed.”
With a snort you pointed a spoon at Flix threateningly, “I don’t have to tell you anything.”
“Oh, but please!” Flix begged by your side, “He was such a hunk back in the day. I’m dying to know!”
“Be that as it may,” You smacked Flix away with your own hip bump, “I have a job to do, and it’s also none of your business!”
“You’re absolutely no fun!” Flix teased as he poured the two drinks for two girls, giving them both a wink and a wave as they left, giggling.
“This is why I don’t tell you anything.” You insisted as you went past his flirtatious stance, “You’re such a man whore!”
“We fae are just potent.” Flix gestured to his dick and you rolled your eyes at him as you served a nice orc woman her vodka and cola.
 As Flix continued to pester you, and the customers went back to chatting and dancing, a shadow sidled along side the bar. Cal loomed over the end of the bar, bare chested apart from his leather jacket and clad in the chain heavy bottoms he adored so much. Flix caught sight of him before you and grinned as he strode over towards the vampire.
“A birdy told me you’ve captivated our little newbie.” Flix purred, “Is that true?”
Cal tossed his hair over his shoulder, “Flix do you know who employs you?”
“Low blow, boss, low blow.” Flix whimpered softly as he slid past you and gave your bottom a swipe, “Best go talk to your little Pitbull.”
You gave Flix the middle finger as you headed over to Cal, making sure the fae saw you stick out your tongue.
 Cal smiled at your childish behaviour and reached for your hand as you came over to the far side of the bar. His cold hand was welcome in your own. You smiled up at him as he squeezed your hand. It had been a few weeks since your and Cal’s date and you had been seeing each other regularly between work shifts. Cal was growing warmer towards you every day, enjoying your company whenever
“Hey. Did you sleep well?” You asked as Cal dipped to place a kiss on your cheek, “It’s been cold today for a change.”
“I slept well, dove.” Cal replied before he stooped to properly kiss you, “I missed you.” he confessed quietly over the top of the industrial dance music in the background.
“I missed you too.” You went warm remembering what you both had gotten up to on your night off, leaned over Cal’s desk as his wings pinned you back against the old wood. You didn’t have long with him before he was needed downstairs, but you managed to kiss him into making you promises for a song the next day you had together.
 “Have you thought of a song?” he asked as you reached to the cold store of blood, grabbing his favourite as he pushed his sunglasses into his hair.
You watched the blood turn in the microwave for a moment before you smiled, “Eclipse.”
Cal’s eyes softened, “Eclipse. A serenade with piano.” he rumbled, “A vampiric night, by another title.”
“I love your voice in it. It’s such a beautiful song and it’s one of the only songs in which you told a story. I…I watched some live videos.” You confessed as you span around, juggling the blood bag before you cut the end and poured it into a blacked-out glass.
“I used to sing it at the grand piano.” Cal smiled as his steel blue eyes wandered to the covered piano by the back of the stage, “It’s just…So hard to sing if you’re not totally in the melody. I sing it with my eyes closed.”
“I know, that’s why I decided that one would be the one.” You smiled as Cal quickly chugged the meal in his glass, his eyes flashing before he handed you the glass back and smiled with the faintest tinting of blood on the inside of his lips.
 “I’ll see what I can do.” Cal whispered mysteriously, “Maybe if you could hang around after your shift, I could show you?” he leaned over the bar, his elbows resting on the black marble top. There was the lingering tone of temptation as he eyed you, for once ignoring the looks from others.
“I’ll see what Weldrick decides I have to do at closing.” You teased him with a flick of his hair behind his ear. Cal chuckled softly and leaned to steal a small kiss before he looked back at the stage and sighed. It was just a dance night, and so there was no live music, just a set of industrial dance music on the giant sound system. You could tell he hated it, it was easy to tell by the curl to his nose and the wrinkle in his forehead.  
“Real music doesn’t sound like this.” he grumbled before turning and giving you a small wave of his hand. Cal rapped his knuckles on the counter before he merged back into the crowd and weaved his way back to the stairs to head to his office. He no doubt had plenty of financing to do with Weldrick’s new keg purchases, and you didn’t envy the vampire.
 As he reached the bottom of the balcony stairs, you watched him freeze, his eyes darting around the crowd, as though he was looking for someone. It was then that Weldrick burst from the back, Flix in tow, and snorted, the bull ring in his nose jumping with his inhales. His hooves clicked before he gave one, vicious, thunderous stomp.
“Fuckin’ Slithár clan.” Weldrick growled as he headed to the bar door and threw it open. The music squealed suddenly, as static roared over the sound system. Numerous patrons cried out in pain, those monsters of more sensitive hearing pressing their hands and tentacles to their ears to try and block the noise. The noise persisted before stopping suddenly, letting a confused silence fall over the entire place. The Black Dahlia was silent for the first time in many years. It was then that the crowd parted on the dance floor, and a few vampires lingered in the centre of a wide circle. You recognised the blond vampire Cal had thrown out of the bar a few weeks before but this time he had a small group with him. His hair wasn’t styled but his eyes burned with hunger. Each of the group bore the red eyes of starving vampires.
 Cal turned on the stairs, his teeth already clenched as Weldrick met him at the bottom of the stairs and looked over the crowd. He caught Cal by the arm and held him firmly as he shouted.
“What does the Slithár clan want with us? You blood sucking little leeches aren’t welcome here. Your little blond bitch saw to that!” Weldrick shouted with a long huff of hot air, his hoof slamming at the floor as his head dipped, exposing the gold capped tips of his tall horns.
“We don’t take kindly to people mistreating our own.” A tall vampire woman stepped out from the group her eyes dark but not red. She held herself with a lithe grace, despite the muscles of her thighs and arms. She was a killer in a former life, you could tell by her posture.
“He knew the rules. You don’t try to make meals of humans!” Weldrick countered, “We had every right to do what we did!”
“Clarence had no right. You see, his clan and ours has bad blood. His actions are an act of war between our…”
 Cal tore free of Weldrick’s grip and held his clawed hand up and he took the steps down to the dance floor. His chains jangled as he descended and walked towards the woman. She was tall but Cal was taller. His face shifted in a ripple, exposing sharp teeth in a snarl as his eyes burned red.
“An act of war?” he asked her again mockingly, “I’ve not been part of my own clan for years. You can take this up with Bohai. He’s my maker and leader, his audience is what you need.”
You watched him let his jacket fall free as his wings snapped free and spread high, exposing his scarred back and burned membranes to the club. You dashed from the bar but Weldrick caught you quickly, holding you against his furry chest before Flix came to grab hold of you.
“Not now, sweet thing, not now.” Flix hissed as he dragged you behind Weldrick again.
 The female vampire let her face twist into something like joy as she watched his form shift and his body shake over her.
“We can settle this now, if you would like?” His powerful voice shook the glasses behind the bar, and you recognised the enchanting tones which would usually weave into his singing and music. The vampires behind the female looked upon his face in disgust, their small fangs exposed.
“So, the stories are true then? Bohai is alive? I did not think his animalistic line would survive long. Look at how foul you are. Monstrous. You’re all unfit to be vampire blood!” She cackled as she tapped her black painted lips. Her purple hair was tight on her head, out of the way for a fight.
“Bohai is older than your pathetic master. He is master of the dark and the creatures in it. Your own line is what is left of a new, weak bloodline. Too human to live by the old teachings.” Cal spat back at her, claws bared, but his face snapped to the side.
The woman grinned as drew her hand back, licking the blood from her nails before spitting it onto the dance floor, “Disgusting.” she spat again before looking at the crowd, her eyes dancing over the humans and monsters before she looked back at Weldrick. Her eyes widened with glee seeing you and the fae behind him.
 “I will open your guts for the rats.” Cal growled, “Get out of my bar. This is neutral ground and no place for the filthy likes of you.”
She only laughed again and clicked. Her group moved like lines of light before each had their fangs in the throat of a human. You screamed with the rest of the patrons and clutched Flix as the Fae’s fingers danced with purple light.
“Weldrick?!” Flix screeched over the chaos, “What…”
Weldrick’s eyes clouded as he howled over the chaos, steam pouring from his mouth and nose.
“Fuck!” Flix hissed as he grabbed your hand and ran for the bar among the crushing rush of bodies, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” he cursed violently.
Weldrick howled and charged into the fray of bodies, his horns lowered as he grabbed the blond vampire by the neck and dipped his head in a thunder of hooves, charging the creature at the wall. His horns smashed into the wall, with the blond male impaled on the ends. The vampire spewed blood over Weldrick’s white fur and hissed violently before Weldrick dragged him free and smashed a hoof into his chest, crushing the bones under his massive weight.
 A great chorus of howling hisses sounded as Cal grappled the female in the centre of the dance floor. He tossed her towards the wall before he charged at the rest of the group, tearing them from their meals as he gouged at their limbs and tore at their necks, spraying blood and flesh over the floor. The humans dropped to the floor and you reached for the stakes under the counter as Flix’s hands shook and his black eyes burned with purple light. He weaved his fingers in the air as he muttered, and the bodies were surrounded with purple light before they floated from the floor and danced above the floor, drifting towards the exit. Taking the initiative, you ran for the door and pushed them open, screaming for the remaining creatures to get help here and take the people to the hospital. Flix’s hair drenched with sweat as he worked to guide the injured over the chaos, his hair floating around his head with the effort. You rushed to help him stand, pressing your back against the fae as he soaked himself with sweat and swayed.
“I’ve got you, Flix.” You whispered to him as you held your stake tight in your hand, peering back over at the fight as Weldrick grabbed hold of another vampire.
 The gold cap of his horn pierced through the vampire’s guts as he threw them over his head, and you tried not to look as gut spilled out over the vampire’s stomach and splashed blood over Weldrick’s fur. Cal grappled the female by her throat, his teeth tearing at her chest before he hissed and threw her again, smashing a table through. She stood again, swaying, and hissing as other vampires healed and crawled to help. Blood smeared the flooring and Cal slipped as one tugged on the chains of his jeans, tangling her hands in the silver before she gurgled. Cal’s clawed wing tip pierced her chest and tore upwards as he flung her across the room. She landed in a pile by the stage, and he turned on the ringleader once again, howling as they met with fists, teeth, and claws, gouging at one another. It reminded you of Blade. A stupid gory mess of screeching vampires. You tried to battle the bile that burned at your throat as Cal’s shoulder was torn open by fangs. The two interlocked again before Cal shoved his claws under her chin and pushed, leaning his weight into his arm as he threw her head back with a sickening crunch. She collapsed, dead for the moment, but not for long, and Cal heaved as he wiped blood from his mouth and turned to see Weldrick tear another vampire open by his guts. They were immortal, they could scoop their own innards back inside and heal limbs back to flesh.
 His eyes flashed with panic as he leaped from the dance floor and rushed to the bar, his eyes wild and hair matted. You heaved as Flix grinned and collapsed back against you, his hair falling into a sweaty mess around him.
“Jesus!” You caught him and leaned him against the bar as Cal rushed to grab something for the fae.
“Fuck…. Fuck vampires.” he hissed against the wood as he shook and grabbed for a bottle of tequila, “Fucking blood sucking, animal fucking leeches.”
Cal pulled Flix’s head back to look at his black eyes, and he waved his hand to check the fae was all there, “Thank you, Flix. Those people would be dead if it weren’t for you.” He gripped the fae’s shoulder tight.
“Yeah. I know.” Flix heaved before he took three long sips of tequila, “Get them outside into the sun…You need…”
“Fuck.” Cal cursed as Flix’s eyes rolled and he slumped over the bar, “Sweetheart. Grab the black box from the back, please. It will have crystals and mushrooms and…”
 Weldrick’s hulking, steaming form appeared behind the vampire. Blood and guts hung from his head and he tossed his horns and fur, splattering skin and blood over the bar. Cal turned quietly, tucking his wings away as the minotaur rasped over him.
“Weldrick, Flix needs help. I need you to calm down. This isn’t you…” Cal soothed gently as the minotaur grumbled and shook his head.
“Fuck you, Cal. I’m not a fuckin’ cow!” he shouted as he stormed behind the bar and grabbed the fae from you before he rushed for his kits in the back, “GET THOSE VAMPIRES OUT OF HERE!”
Cal realised suddenly, that they were not done. The vampires hissed and spat on the floor, scooping pieces of themselves back together as they spat blood and spit over the floor. With a great beat of his wings, Cal soared past you and snatched the ringleader by her throat again, dragging her out into the street where a small crowd had formed.
 The patrons who were bold enough blocked her exit, wings, fangs and claws extended to coop her against the vampire before her. Cal watched her before he flapped back and forth, dragging pieces of her friends out onto the tarmac before he stood over her and hissed lowly, growling as she darted to his right.
“Take your friends back to your little hole in the ground. The authorities are on their way.” Cal watched her eyes go wide, “You know what they do to blood addicts.” he threatened softly, “The jackets and the sunlight therapy until you forget why it tasted so good.”
“You wouldn’t.” she spat at him as the vampires groaned and gurgled in a pile in front of her, “It is treachery.”
“Watch me.” Cal threatened, “I know your master is against the law. You can crawl back to him and let them rot in those little sunlit rooms. The young one won’t survive it, but you can tell him he fought in his honour when you explain why his children are suffering in agony.” he tossed her a phone from one of the torn vampire’s limbs, “Looks like they already phoned him.”
 She looked around the crowd, her red eyes wild before she howled and split into a blur, disappearing between the patrons as the authorities arrived. Humans and monsters alike stepped out of vans; guns pointed at the scene. You dashed out of the bar and covered Cal’s body with your own. They were silver and UV serum rounds. He wouldn’t die maybe, but he would be in agony if any of them pierced his skin.
“Step away from the scene, sir!” They shouted over the tannoy. Cal touched your shoulder and raised his hands as he slipped into his glamour and cringed. They pointed their bright flashlights at his face and pinned his arms back as they looked at his eyes. They were steel blue.
“Sorry. We have to be sure.” They young Centaur officer apologised, his hooves clicking as he turned to face the mass of limbs which was rearranging itself.
“Those are your offenders. They attacked my bar. Part of the Slithár clan.” Cal tossed his hair over his shoulder and wiped at the blood over his torso, flicking it away as the officers entered the bar.
 Weldrick stepped out with Flix in his arms. Flix was pale and gaunt, sweating profusely, but much better off than he had been originally. He patted Weldrick’s arm, and the minotaur let him stand.
“You sure?” he asked Flix as he wobbled against him.
“Yes.” Flix croaked, “I’m fine. I promise.”
You felt your eyes burn as you dragged Cal and Flix into a hug, crying into their shoulders before Weldrick huffed softly and grappled you all as well in a giant hug.
“Thank fuck.” Weldrick cursed as you all squeezed tight. Cal let a faint smile paint his lips as you nuzzled into his neck and stroked Flix and Weldrick’s backs.
“This is going to cost a fortune.” Cal lamented as you all held each other.
“Seriously?” Flix scoffed, “I hate you, boss.”
 You chuckled as you all broke away and leaned into Cal’s side, blood and grime pressing to each other’s skins as he turned your face upwards.
“You are unharmed?” Cal asked in a whisper against your ear.
“I’m fine.” You whispered back, “But I’m…That was a lot to take in. And this is…”
“I know. I’m so sorry.” he lamented quietly, “This is not what I wanted for you or…or anyone. I didn’t think that they would do something like this.”
“I don’t know what to think Cal. This was an attempted slaughter!” It was like you couldn’t quite believe it yet.
Cal pulled you against him tight, “I promise we’ll sort this.”
You believed him, “I know. I just want to cry and punch things and…” You felt tears drip down your nose, “I was so scared!” You cried as you clutched at Cal’s shoulders.
“I know, sweet dove, I know.” Cal stroked the back of your neck as he simply held you close and wiped away your tears.
 The brawl stayed as a quiet topic. No one spoke about the night, but a few regulars asked what had happened when the bar finally reopened a month later. Weldrick and Cal had paid you and Flix for your time off as they got the workers in to replace the floors and sound systems. It was a long time, and between your days speaking to a therapist, you went to see Cal in his flat above the bar. He was quiet the first week, stiff and sore almost from the exhaustion. He slept for three days and nights after and drank blood bag after blood bag until ringing you on the fourth day. It was hard for all of you. Weldrick didn’t speak about what had happened but Flix told you over the phone he was from a line of berserker minotaur related to the original creature within the labyrinth. Fury took over them and made them something unkillable. You looked at the doors of the bar as Cal pressed his hand to the bottom of your back. It was like coming home, and you let him open the door for you to enter.
 You stepped onto the new mahogany flooring and grinned at the same dim lighting and LEDs around the bar which led down into the concrete dance floor and the new stage. You gasped at the centre. The grand piano was freshly polished and littered with black burning candles and roses. You rushed to the steps and looked at it. Cal joined you a moment later.
“I thought I would play you that song now?” he whispered, caging you against the railing of the dance floor. The vampire pressed a soft kiss to your ear, “I wanted to welcome you back properly.” He pulled away and took hold of your hand before kissing the back of that too.
“Its beautiful.” You replied before smiling and squeezing his hands, “Do I have to close my eyes?”
Cal shook his head, “No. Just listen and watch.” He took you by the hand and led you towards one seat in front of the piano on the stage. He sat you down before taking his own seat at the piano, flicking his hair out of his way before he played with the ruffles of his shirt and pressed his hands to the keys, once, twice, thrice and paused to listen to the sound. Satisfied, he pressed his hands to the keys again and leaned into the noise, closing his eyes as the soft sounds of the beginnings of a melody built within the wood.
 A melody wove over powerful chords and you leaned back to listen to the full sound, smiling softly as Cal opened his mouth. As usual, the gravelly voice turned into a pleasing tone, like chocolate which you just wanted to eat. It was temptation. The story started about a maiden of the moon, dancing across the night meadows until fate had her meet the sun’s light. A man of promise and hope who lived and worked in the fields of the day. They looked on each other before dancing under a great old oak and kissing once before she danced away at the break of dawn. You swayed as Cal then spoke of the roses that followed her feet the next night, breaking her skin as she danced and danced. The sun’s light tended the wounds before temptation had him lick her blood. Bound to the night then he fell into despair. It was sad then, Cal’s voice dripping with agony as the woman cried bloody tears for him under the tree. He only returned with the sun’s light, burning as he sheltered beneath the tree and protected her from the light, evaporating into ash, before she too followed him and danced into the sky. Cal’s face was a picture of bliss as he dang without a concern for an audience, enjoying the flow of the notes before they slowly died and faded back into the wood.
 When he opened his eyes, you stood from the stool and met him. Cal loomed over you, stoic and unsure. Nervously, he grabbed for your hand and you grappled him down for a kiss before letting him stand again.
“I love you.” You uttered.
Cal’s ears twitched before he returned your smile, hiding behind a small curtain of his hair, “I love you too, dove.”
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sp00kworm · 4 years
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Repent (Reaper76)
Infirmary (Reaper 76)
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Immortals (Reaper76, Vampire AU)
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