#claude looks emotionless but believe me he's happy
melien · 7 years
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It’s been about a year since I started this BC, and I wanted to do a little something, so here’s Claude with two main sources of his happiness (who are also main sources of each other’s happiness). It’s quite difficult to imagine these three apart now!
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penguinsledder · 2 years
So I fell into a hole of ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS claudeleth ao3 fics that had me flailing alone in the room
I have to come to realize that the tropes I am garbage for are
Smooth talker Claude being tongue-tied around Byleth
Secretive Claude unable to keep his walls up around Byleth
Golden Deer being absolutely exasperated at the slowburn mutual pining obvious to everyone except their angsty oblivious parents leaders
Hilda the SUPREME WINGWOMAN and #1 SHIPPER (and wedding planner)
Lorenz just being like "Oh just kiss already"
Golden Deer accidentally walking in on them having a moment and being extremely chaotic
Byleth smiling and laughing more easily because of Claude 🥺
Claude's genuine smiles being practically exclusive to Byleth, or at least Byleth being the first to see it (CANON BTW ACCDG TO THE CLAUDE AND HILDA A SUPPORT)
Claude trying to be subtle but being obvious AF instead (which everyone except Byleth sees ... thankfully (?))
Everyone teasing Claude about how hopelessly in love he is with Teach
Claude somehow oscillating between suave and a wreck around Byleth
Being each other's best friend and then more 🥺
Claude "I don't believe in gods but Byleth is basically divine, being around her is a religious experience, and getting to meet her is nothing short of a goddamn miracle" von Riegan
or for short ... Claude "god is a woman" von Riegan
Reaching my dreams with you by my side 🥺
Working power couple that make a great team professionally and platonically and romantically
Like a couple being able to perform their professional duties well. Knowing their duties while having a great relationship is just smth I really respect and I think they got that in the bag
The couple that slays together stays together
Wyvern rides together 💖💖
Every noble simping over Byleth and thus making diplomatic talks easier and Claude just bursting with love and affection and pride at her side
Byleth learning about Claude's dreams and caring so much because she cares about him and she knows it means the world to him
But somehow she's oblivious that Claude now cares about more than that because she also means the world to him now
Claude "THAT'S MY WIFE" von Riegan
Byleth realizing how she feels and being scared and thinking it's hopeless because Claude is attractive af and probs has girls falling all over him
Claude eventually finding out and thinking that her being insecure is the most absurd shit he's ever heard
Golden Deer telling it straight to a shocked Byleth that Claude is absolutely crazy about her
Claude 100% a simp for a woman that can kick his ass (the way he looks up to his mom so much, the way Judith is able to make fun of him, it's unquestionably canon that the boy has a deep admiration for strong women)
Dancing couple 🥰 while they're both not the best couple at it (especially at Fodlan dances) they love doing it together anyway, partly cuz of fond memories and partly just cuz it's the easiest way to be close to each other/steal alone time during diplomatic balls and celebrations 🥰
Two independent and guarded to a fault people whose first real friend is the other 🥺
Claude's trust x abandonment issues especially after the 5 year timeskip and Byleth reassuring him that she's not going anywhere 🥺
Mid or post late night war strategy planning confessions 👀 (aka they find themselves too exhausted to keep pretending they don't want each other)
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literally-inlove · 3 years
Hello beautiful!
I was wondering if I could request headcannons for Sebastian and Claude's s/o giving them presents that they made themselves?
Gift idea for Sebastian was they sewed a tiny stuffed cat for him since he can't have a real one
And for Claude his s/o embroidered a spider into a silk handkerchief
I was just curious as how demons would react to a gift that their s/o actually not only, took time to make but also made it something that resembles something they care about?
Anyways happy holidays and I hope you're staying safe, healthy and happy <3 have a great night/day
Yes yes. I see. These would be very quick and easy cause they're just small headcanons, but I can do it! And me? Beautiful? Stop it. You're flattering me. You're also beautiful! <33
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Sebastian + Claude receiving a gift from the GN! s/o
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Sebastian ➛
He was surprised to say the least.
When you gave him his gift, he had nothing to say. It was a small box with a neatly done bow. He was impressed with you care.
When he finally got to see what was inside, he was in love.
Though it was quite small, he could tell you made it yourself.
By small, it was no bigger than the palm of his hand.
A small cat that you made yourself. You thought of the design and got all the materials with your cash.
You asked Ciel for some design tips and he told you to just make a cat. Not like you already knew that.
Needless to say, he would never let go of it.
In fact, he held it in his hand for the rest of the day.
Now it just sits in his pocket wherever he goes to remind himself of you.
He believes that it's the thought Tha counts. And clearly, a lot of thought was put into your gift.
Claude ➛
This man doesn't have much emotion to begin with but I'm telling you, he cracked a small smile when you handed him his present.
Alois was a brat, so most the presents recieved in the mansion ended up being his. Seeing something for him (Claude) made by his s/o actually made him happy.
Opening the small box, he noticed a handkerchief. He wasn't sure if it was a small joke but he knew it wasn't when he saw the design.
A spider.
Half of the silk cloth was a design of a web with a spider in the corner.
His voice was practically trapped at the back of his throat until you told him that you made it when Alois wasn't looking.
Hannah naturally helped because you're absolutely hopeless (No offense), but you were a quick learner. She only helped with the spider and you did the rest yourself.
Now whenever someone causes the handkerchief to get dirty, he gets mad.
It's a gift from you. And no gift from you should be damaged.
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Tadaaaaa. Yayyyy. I'm not the strongest with Claude cause he's so damn emotionless but I got there eventually. Now to try and figure out his emotion with your other request..
Merry Christmas!
I am taking requests!! <33
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cherrysweather · 4 years
Claudeleth week, Day 5: trust/dreams
[Pairing: Claude von Riegan x M!Byleth]
[Genre: angst]
It was already late morning and no one had seen Claude around so it was Byleth’s duty to search for him, obviously. He searched everywhere in the castle and asked also to some wyvern soldiers to search around the building since it looked like he was completely missing. But, as soon as he entered the library and noticed a mountain of books that stared from the floor and ended up on the couch under the colorful window; the only strange part about it was that from the mountain on the couch two legs came out. “Are you trying to become a bookman?” Byleth touched one of the two legs and as quickly as he touched it, Claude came out of the books; his hair messier than ever and his eyes still closed “W-What? What happened?” “Nothing at all, we were just searching you” Byleth sat beside him and passed a hand on his hair to fix them “You slept here?” “Yeah... I was searching for something but ended up sleeping here” he scratched the back of his neck and stretched the rest of his body “I hope you found what you were searching after creating this chaos” said the older laughing softly and taking off from the other male some books “I don’t even remember if I did” he sighed and got up from the couch “Sorry if I left you alone tonight” he hugged the green-haired male from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder “Don’t worry, I didn’t sleep last night, they wanted my help to organize the army for the next battle in the capital, so I had to stay awake” he kissed one of Claude’s hand, squeezing it and then his arm to feel him closer “Whaat? Who made you still awake? You must sleep! They’ll hear me, as sure as Hilda is the laziest person I’ve ever met!” “Leave her alone and don’t worry, I’m still here, healthy as ever” he laughed shaking his head and slowly turning to face Claude, hugging him properly “What’s with all this love in the morning?” he laughed and cuddled Byleth’s back delicately “I’m just worried for the next battle, the future of the Alliance will be decided on that day as well as the future of us all” “You always worry so much, you don’t trust our army? Or me? Or, I don’t know, yourself?” he kept his voice low to have an excuse to keep his face near Byleth’s “Nothing like that, I trust each of you but you never know what’s gonna happen at the moment” he turned his face towards Claude’s to make their breaths cross, keeping his emotionless face to keep what he was feeling inside “You just have to wait and hope that both Lady Luck and his friend Fate will both smile at us” he tried to reassure him how he could “I dreamed about you this night” Claude slowly pushed Byleth’s back against a bookshelf to get closer to the books and start to search what he needed again “What was I doing?” he asked curious watching as Claude’s eyes fell again on the books “It was the end of this senseless war and finally Fòdlan was united again; there was also Dimitri that seemed strangely happy with his kingdom finally free” he laughed at his own words “But we were all alive, together and happy. I don’t believe in such things but, maybe we can hope that what I dreamed about will be our future, Fòdlan, and all its people’s future” he kept the eyes on the book’s pages, keeping however an arm around Byleth’s waist “It’s funny to hear things like that from you, the one who doesn’t believe in nothing that is not before your eyes”  "Maybe it’s time I start believing in something” he looked for a second in Byleth’s eyes, smiling amused when he saw a smile on the other male’s face “I’ll have to make every effort to make this dream come true then...“ he lowered the book that Claude had before his eyes to get his attention “We can try, yes” he put the book back in its shelf before giving all of his attention back to the man in front of him “I don’t want to go” a loud sigh filled the silence of that room “But we m-” “We must, I know already” he rested his head on Claude’s shoulder, relaxing for some seconds in his perfume, bringing his lips on those of his beloved out of nothing, holding his body against it
“Return to me in one piece... please” “Do you trust me?” “I do.” “Keep doing it then”
The last words the two of them exchanged that morning echoed in Byleth’s head while he held Claude’s body against his again, but the only difference now was that Claude was barely breathing, both his nose and mouth kept losing blood and his chest had been deeply torn without mercy. That was the possible thing that kept Byleth’s eyes full of tears, his heart oppressed by guilt, pain and anger as he watched the man that he loved dying in his arms without having the opportunity to do something to help him, save him. “See? Deep down there’s always a motivation because I don’t believe in anything” Claude tried his best to stop the tears from the older male’s eyes to fall, smiling softly and bringing one of his hands on those wet cheeks. “My dream, our dream, I entrust it to you. I betrayed your trust but you haven’t” his voice was shaky and often interrupted by coughs that carried with them blood spatter. Byleth just stared into those green eyes that were slowly losing their brightness, keeping Claude’s hand tight in his, but he couldn’t stop his eyes from losing hot tears. He rested his nose against Claude’s, barely touching his lips, holding his body closer and closer as his breath got shorter and heavier “You have to live, don’t leave me alone” he tried to put pressure on the wound to stop the blood loss but nothing worked “If you’re trying to make me feel bad, it’s working” he laughed between the coughs, trying to get closer to his lips to kiss them one last time “I would never do that, not to the one that I love with all my heart”  he smiled weakly, fulfilling Claude’s desire to kiss him, not being able to stay for too long attached to him not to deprive him of air “At least I know that you still love me” this time, the tears were falling from those green pearls, feeling his heart slowly stop “I loved you, I love you and I’ll never stop loving you, do you understand this Claude?” he took the loose of the hold of his hand as an answer, looking up high enough to see that bright green now similar to gray in Claude’s eyes, that previous smile was now twisted towards the ground and the blood had finally stopped coming out of his body “Claude...”
Footsteps got Byleth attention and still looking up, his eyes met that red dress that at that moment made his blood boil all of a sudden, grabbing as once his sword even with his vision blurry from tears.
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Soulmates - Edelgard x F! Byleth
It all started when I could start to remember things.
My father, Jeralt explained to me that everyone has a soulmate. The way yoh can tell is when your soulmate writes or draws on their body, it appears in the exact same spot on your own body. That's how he met my mother.
She had been sitting beside him and writing notes on the palms of her hands for a later time and he just happened to stare at his palms. Soon, they had fallen head-over-heels for each other.
Sure enough, the drawings appeared everywhere on my arms. I could only watch in new found amazement as my soulmate's drawings came to life. Their drawings were beautiful and I wondered if my soulmate would appreciate it if I drew on my arms. I was never known for being artistic, though. I was just Byleth Eisner, the shy young woman who seems to have no emotions at all. I ignore the whispers that come from those who dislike me of course.
One day, the drawings stopped coming and I wondered if something had happened to my soulmate. For once in my life, my heart was racing and my breaths grew anxious. Was I the only person in the world to not have a soulmate?
A long life alone.. Though I am mostly emotionless, the mere thought is spine chilling. Surely, I'll find answers somewhere. For help, I went to my friend, Claude who lived happily with his soulmate, Hilda.
I stepped into the cafe, a bell ringing to announce my presence in the building. I didn't have a moment to glance around, before a pair of friendly arms pulled me into a embrace. "Hello Claude." I said, looking at the brown-haired man. Hilda waved at me from a table she was sitting at. "Hey, Byl!" Claude exclaimed, a smile crossing his features. "So, friend, what do ya need? Come sit, we'll help you as best as we can!" Without giving a second to speak, he hauled me over to where his pink-haired soulmate was and the two of us settled into comfy seats.
"Sooo.." Claude began. "Tell us what's happening, Byl. What do you need?" Hilda grinned and looked at me. "Spill the gossip!" She exclaimed eagerly.
"I don't think I have a soulmate anymore." I folded my hands over my lap as I forced myself to speak. The urge to cry was strong but no matter how hard I tried, I could never cry, not even now.
Both Claude and Hilda exchanged worried glances before facing me.
"Hmm.. Maybe try writing a message to your soulmate and see if they respond by writing back?" Claude suggested, being solemn for once. "Good idea, dear." The pink-haired woman said to her soulmate before taking a sip of tea from the cup she was firmly holding. Claude flipped a pen over to me and after I caught it, I started to draw roses and other flowers on my arms.
Soon- they were replaced by familiar patterns, the same ones my soulmate had drawn on their arms for years.
A relieved sigh escapes me and I thank both Claude and Hilda as I take my leave from the cafe.
I will find my soulmate. That is something that I promise myself. I will not lose them again.
After spending days of writing back and fourth, I stopped speaking with my soulmate and the most particular thing occurs. My soulmate starts writing notes to themself, notes of what they have to do for the day. This cannot be a coincidence. I recognize every location that they write down.
They're not as far away as I had first believed. I have a higher chance of being with them now. Nothing else could make me happy, despite my lack of feelings.
As the days passed, I loss hours of sleep while I studied the patterns of where my soulmate was at everyday. I was determined to find them, especially when they were so close yet so far away.
A couple of days later and I had completely figured out their schedule. It was time.
The first place that they visited was the cafe in the early morning.
I walked into the cafe, wearing a sleeveless shirt and I observed my surroundings. The usuals were in the building already. There was no one that caught my eye, but I would not give up so easily. I sit down and I look down at my arms. I watched in amazement as my soulmate started to draw. Moments later, a drawing of me appeared on my arm and I was shocked, honestly.
I decided to stand up and I glanced around before I finally saw her.
My soulmate.
She was beautiful. With snowy locks and lilac eyes. She was dressed in a short, casual, sleeveless red dress and had on a pair of black heels.
"Excuse me." I managed to say to her, which caused her to turn to face me. She opened her mouth to speak but upon noticing her drawing on my forearm, she immediately fell silent, a crimson blush crossing her face.
"I'm your soulmate. Byleth Eisner." I said and she seemed to come out of her shell a little.
"My name is Edelgard." She muttered, looking at me with endearing eyes.
Edelgard. What a absolutely beautiful name.
I couldn't be luckier.
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space-paradox-alien · 5 years
Remus, my pals
I'm v anxious about writing but this hit me hours ago and I just needed to see it in the world. It started short but I just kept writing and couldn’t stop. 980 words.
This takes place after the most recent video. Remus is frankly impressed by Logan’s coolness in the moment. He’s almost...inspired. By Logic? But how?
Platonic Remus/Logan, platonic Roman/Logan/Patton/Virgil. Could count as sympathetic Remus. 3rd person but in Remus’s thoughts. Warning for the more “non-Netflix kids” content Remus is the embodiment of (gore mention, sex jokes/mention, adult language, bugs, general stuff that isn’t fun to think about).
He couldn’t believe it. His thoughts retraced everything that happened. He was certainly putting out some of his best work, that was sure. But Logan. The Logical Side. He was calm, cool, and collected after everything. The teeth. The shuriken. It was impressive. It was...more than impressive. It was incredible. He felt a chill down his back, like the feeling of a dozen ants in unison. He was almost...terrifying.
“It seems I have a new source of inspiration,” he muttered to a mostly empty corner of the creative plane.
 There were some of his older works, but he certainly was given far less space to work than his ever loved brother. He hated it. He wasn’t afraid to admit it. Others like him in other minds were able to do far more. Even the villains in Disney movies were enough proof to him. He’d watched from afar as the light sides had movie nights. Far enough to not be seen, but still close enough to be inspired. And jealous, not that he’d necessarily outright mention that. 
Burning down the entire town while families shouted and cried was one of his favorites he pictured after a movie night. He stared fondly into the window to an imaginary world, the orange flames surrounding everything and everyone Thomas knew. He gave a content sigh. Claude Frollo, the boner that nearly burned down Paris, was really one of his biggest inspirations for that one. But now he had a new chance for inspiration in Logic of all things.
He had to learn more. To bother him. To watch from afar. To know. To be inspired. To come up with something truly gruesome. To do anything to truly come up with something terrifically terrible. 
He shouted it as loudly as he could from the space that the light sides shared, outside of Logan’s room, sounding as much like his shining brother as he could. He hid close, watching intensely. The door opened quickly.
“Roman, are you...” He quietly surveyed the hall. “...injured..”
Remus then noticed the others’ doors were open. They were all varying degrees of disheveled and confused.
Virgil certainly wasn’t having any of it. An unforeseen but more than happy result.
“Hey, Frightmare, cool down! I’m too tired for more shouting!”
Patton quickly interrupted before any further shouting was done, much to Remus’s disappointment.
“Hey, Virge, it’ll be okay, bud. Roman, kiddo, that first shout sounded like you. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Padre. Except for my beauty sleep that was quite rudely interrupted!”
Logan finally stopped staring at the wall across from his room with an empty look.
“It would appear somehow none of us is the culprit. How perplexing.”
The silence was deafening. Logan’s face had a twinge of-of-something that Remus couldn’t identify. His face still looked almost emotionless, but there was definitely something changed. 
“Since all of us appear to be wide awake now and in varying degrees of distress that will disturb the R.E.M. portion of sleep, I would advocate for a joint de-stressing activity.”
Roman thought for a moment.
“So, you mean a Disney movie night?”
“That would, indeed, fit within the criteria, yes.”
Patton gave a small smile in the anxious side’s direction.
“Are you up for a movie, V?”
“...I think so...”
Roman gave a peppy clap and struck a heroic pose. 
“Then I, Prince Roman, hereby decree this Virgil’s Choice Movie Night! I’ll prepare the snacks!”
He hurriedly bounded down the stairs, with Patton close behind, shouting agreements. Virgil gave a concerned glance at Logan.
“You coming, Lo?”
“There is something...beneficial to us all I would prefer to complete first. I expect to be at a satisfactory place in a few minutes, but feel free to start the film without me. And...kindly prevent those two from causing too much chaos while I’m working.”
“Okay, man.”
Logan watched as Virgil slowly walked down the steps and gave a small breath out once the other side was out of sight. But surprisingly enough, he just stood there. Then, at almost a whisper, he said.
“Remus, if you want converse, there are a plethora of methods to gain my attention.”
How did he-
“Remus, I saw you crouch under the end table. And despite the similarities, you sound distinctly different from Roman.”
Remus slowly tore off a chunk of the table leg and began chewing on it. 
“Grainy! Want some?”
“...You’ve been staring at me throughout all of this, you’re clearly here for more of a reason than to eat the table.”
“You--YOU--were frankly inspiring to me. I want to see more and know more.”
A halfhearted seductive wink was all he could muster to try to make it sound just like one of his usual sorts of ideas.
“I am more than willing to converse with you. Just ask.”
Remus felt his heart literally rot with how...oddly sweet it was. He decided the easiest way to explain was to show. Plunge in at an unnatural angle, break a rib aaaand-
“I...appreciate the sentiment, Remus, but for now, I would like to officially invite you to the movie night. We can talk more afterwards. I’ll be willing to sit in the back and discuss the implications of the plot with you, if that would help.”
Remus witnessed as his heart became a greenish brown, slimy shape that was only clearly a heart from its broken sounding beating.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Logan began towards the steps, but turned back with...That expression again. It-it was a smile. Remus stuffed what was now a pile of brownish mush into his chest and tore the rest of the leg off of the end table, then began down the steps, munching on his first piece. Logan gave him a questioning look before asking-
“Can’t have a movie night without snacks!”
(tagging @the-fangirl-sunstorm since you seemed willing.)
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megairishrose · 8 years
Flaws Stitched Together With Good Intentions chapter 29: I noticed
Neal stared at Amelia's lifeless body in his arms. He had given her True Love's Kiss, why wasn't she awake? It had worked last time, why wasn't it working now?
He desperately looked up and searched for a magical person. His father held a sobbing Belle. "Do something!" Neal yelled.
Gold only sadly shook his head. He knew there was nothing to save Amelia. There was always a price and Amelia had paid it in full.
Robin took a step forward and fell to his knees. His friend, one of his best friends, was gone.
Neal looked at Regina. "Please." She also shook her head.
David held Mary Margret. Michael was holding back a screaming Helen. Jordan was slumping in Aiden's grip. Nathan attempted to be strong for Marian. Killian was emotionless as his grip tightened on a sobbing Henry. Amelia sacrificing herself for all of them was a sight he never thought he would see. Claude, Percival, Sikes, and Pierre did their best to hold it together.
Emma was next to him, the hand on his shoulder was supposed to be comforting. "Neal, she's gone. I'm sorry. She died to save all of us. Amelia is a hero."
"No, she can't be. I still need her. She said she would never leave me. She promised me she wouldn't go somewhere I couldn't follow." Neal gathered Amelia close to his chest and cried.
Then the seemingly lifeless body took a deep breath.
Neal pulled her back and stared, trying not to jump ahead. "Amelia?"
A pair of beautiful brown eyes opened and stared at him. There was a hint of confusion behind them. She had to blink a few times, he was right there beside her. Seeing his face calmed her restlessness, and she knew she was right where she belonged. "Neal?" A hand came up to gently touch his face.
He couldn't form words. He was much too happy and relieved. He crushed his lips to hers and she responded just as eagerly. The rest of the world disappeared.
They pulled apart and Neal touched her cheek. "I can't believe you did that."
"I guess I do have the makings of a hero after all." She smiled up at him.
Then Helen finally reached them and pulled Amelia into a bone crushing hug. "Don't you dare scare me like that again, you hear me?"
Michael, Jordan and Nathan joined and it became a group hug.
When they pulled apart, Neal stood up and pulled Amelia with him. She was unsteady on her feet so he gathered her up in his arms. She snuggled as close as she could.
Amelia knew that her other friends wanted their own hugs, but Neal was the only person she wanted at the moment. And they seemed to understand that and gave her space. So all they gave her were smiles and tight hand squeezes.
"How are you feeling?" Henry asked.
Amelia stared at him, she had to think about that. "I have a headache." She finally answered honestly. That got a laugh from the boy.
"Let's go home." Neal whispered in her ear. Amelia couldn't agree more.
Neal fumbled with the key but got the door open and kicked it shut behind him. Without a word, he carried her to the bedroom.
All he wanted was her. He still couldn't believe she had died and his kiss brought her back.
Soft, tender, passionate, gentle; that would describe their night. Much later, they were curled up together.
"I almost didn't come back." Amelia finally had a voice.
"I noticed." Neal responded. "What happened? I thought we weren't True Loves."
Amelia sat up quickly. "Don't you ever think that for a second, Neal Cassidy. We are True love and always will be." She settled down, almost ashamed at the answer she was going to give. "The afterlife was very nice. I was with my parents. I wanted to stay with them, but my mother said I had to go back, back to you."
"I like your mother."
"She would have scared you."
"Well, you would have had to get it from someone." Neal said only to get a playful shove to the shoulder. A comforting silence fell over them.
"I want to do it." Neal said.
Amelia shifted. "Again? Give me some more time to recover."
He laughed and took her hand. "I want to set a date. I don't want to wait another moment. I love you so much and I almost lost you. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you, no matter how long that is."
Amelia picked up her head to look right into Neal's eyes. Gods above, she loved this man and knew she would do anything for him.
Tears formed in her eyes and she didn't have to answer him. Amelia just leaned up and kissed him. Neal responded like wise.
"So is this a yes?" He asked, pulling back and leaning his forehead against hers.
Amelia giggled. "Yes, a thousand times yes."
"I'm thinking a spring wedding."
"Something like May?"
"Sounds good."
David called only once, which Amelia thought as funny. Maybe he did understand she wanted space right now.
Tim moved the cauldron to a safe vault in the mines under the town. It was now protected by all the magic Storybrooke had to offer. No one could get to it now.
Besides the Horned King being defeated, the Dark One was also gone. That power was trapped inside the cauldron now. And the dagger was useless and lacked a name. it was just a relic of an ancient evil.
So many things happened in such a short amount of time. It was almost impossible to believe. Maybe Storybrooke would be a nice quiet town now, the perfect place to raise a family.
Amelia shifted under the covers. Apparently dying and coming back takes a lot out of a person. She had spent the past forty-eight hours in bed, either with Neal or alone.
Speaking of Neal, he was rummaging in the closet. What was he doing in there?
"How come you never wear this?" He stepped into the room holding a hanger that contained a red dress.
Amelia sat up in bed. "Red hair, red dress, breaks all the fashion rules."
"And you so enjoy breaking the rules. You should wear it tonight."
"And the occasion is what?" Amelia asked suspiciously. Was he up to something?
"I need an occasion to take the woman I love out to dinner? I am very sure there's a western omelet with your name on it at Granny's."
"Bribe me with food, smooth." She got out of bed and took the dress.
"Among other things." Neal placed a kiss on her forehead.
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