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alertachiapas · 1 year
Por promover a Claudia Sheinbaum, multan a Radio Chiapas
El Sistema Chiapaneco de Radio Televisión y Cinematografía fue sancionado por el Tribunal Electoral Federal por difundir acciones de la Jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México.
El Sistema Chiapaneco de Radio Televisión y Cinematografía fue sancionado por el Tribunal Electoral Federal por difundir acciones de la Jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México. El Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación sancionó -entre otros- al Sistema Chiapaneco de Radio, Televisión y Cinematografía (SCHRTyC) que dirige Yesenia Guadalupe Castañeda Fernández, por promover la…
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jukeboxofjellycat · 4 months
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El crédito corresponde a El Deforma del Facebook.
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torresbernal · 3 months
El Huachicol: Una Amenaza Silenciosa para México
Introducción El robo de combustible, conocido como huachicol, se ha convertido en una problemática que afecta profundamente a México. Este fenómeno, que se extiende desde la Comarca Lagunera hasta otros rincones del país, representa un golpe significativo a la economía, la seguridad y la salud pública. Este artículo examina los efectos devastadores del huachicol y la corresponsabilidad de la…
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bloghrexach · 4 months
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🇲🇽 … meanwhile in another nation where elections were held!!
By: Colin Tiyani Anderson, Artist/Digital Fabricator, from LinkedIn …
“What happens when you have a functioning democracy?
What happens when your politicians aren't pre-chosen for you?
What happens when we are given the chance to vote for someone who is smart and progressive and who takes the climate crisis seriously?
When ordinary people are offered a proper choice rather a succession of unpopular pro-war, pro-corporate, pro-Zionist puppets, there is an outpouring of enthusiasm. Claudia Sheinbaum has been elected to President of Mexico with a landslide victory.
This is the unstoppable victory that Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn could have achieved if they weren't so viciously attacked by Murdoch's pro-oligarch media machine. Her ~60% of the vote is the highest in Mexico's history.
Claudia Sheinbaum is Jewish but that doesn't mean she supports Israel's genocide in Gaza. She has condemned attacks on civilians, called for a cease-fire and said she supports a two-state solution. Mexico supports South Africa's case against Israel at the ICJ.
We need more socialist leaders. We need more female leaders. We need more decision-makers, like Claudia, who act as genuine public servants and who are intent on addressing the climate emergency with the seriousness it deserves. Viva México! … 🇲🇽
#VivaMexico … @hrexach
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novumtimes · 4 months
Woman mayor shot dead in Mexico day after Claudia Sheinbaums historic presidential win
The mayor of a town in western Mexico was killed on Monday, the regional government said, barely 24 hours after Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the Latin American country’s first woman president. The Michoacan state government condemned “the murder of the municipal president (mayor) of Cotija, Yolanda Sanchez Figueroa,” the regional interior ministry said in a post on social media. The murder of the woman mayor comes after Sheinbaum’s landslide victory injected hope for change in a country riven by rampant gender-based violence. Yolanda Sanchez Figueroa facebook.com/LicYolandaSanchezF Sanchez, who was elected mayor in 2021 elections, was gunned down on a public road, according to local media. Her Facebook profile says she is “defined by my preparation and the desire to make Cotija a better place to live.” Authorities have not given details on the murder, but said a security operation had been launched to arrest the killers. The politician was previously kidnapped in September last year while leaving a shopping mall in the city of Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco, which neighbors Michoacan. Three days later the federal government said she had been found alive. According to local media reports at the time, the kidnappers belonged to the powerful Jalisco Cartel – New Generation (CJNG), who allegedly threatened the mayor for opposing the criminal group’s takeover of her municipality’s police force. Michoacan is renowned for its tourist destinations and a thriving agro-export industry, but is also one of the most violent states in the country due to the presence of extortion and drug trafficking gangs. In March, three farmers were killed by a bomb apparently planted in a dirt road in Michoacan — just days after Mexico’s outgoing president acknowledged that an improvised explosive device killed at least four soldiers in what he called a “trap” likely set by a cartel. Election marked by bloodshed At least 23 political candidates were killed while campaigning before the elections — including one mayoral hopeful whose  murder was captured on camera last week. Alfredo Cabrera’s death came just one day after a mayoral candidate in the central Mexican state of Morelos was murdered. The week before that, nine people were killed in two attacks against mayoral candidates in the southern state of Chiapas. The two candidates survived. Last month, six people, including a minor and mayoral candidate Lucero Lopez, were killed in an ambush after a campaign rally in the municipality of La Concordia, neighboring Villa Corzo. One mayoral hopeful was shot dead last month just as she began campaigning. Around 27,000 soldiers and National Guard members were deployed to reinforce security on election day. More from CBS News Source link via The Novum Times
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gabrielerner · 4 months
AMLO de botepronto trás el triunfo de Claudia Sheinbaum y Morena
Si uno solamente viera Twitter, Facebook, otras plataformas y la mayoría de los periódicos, pensaría que el país está a punto de derrumbarse o está derrumbado. Que el presidente es un incompetente enfermo de poder y estamos a un paso de la dictadura y la catástrofe nacional. El  legado de un gobierno Luego uno ve en un reporte mundial sobre la aprobación de líderes mundiales y López Obrador ocupa…
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acapulcopress · 4 months
"No Diré Nada pero Habrá Señales" | Claudia Sheinbaum
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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO * Mayo 17, 2024. ) Especial
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En un esfuerzo por fomentar la participación electoral de los más de 15 millones de jóvenes que votan por primera vez y respaldar a la candidata Claudia Sheinbaum, se lanzó la campaña "No Diré Nada pero Habrá Señales" por parte del Consejo de Mujeres que acompaña en redes sociales con el hashtag #YoVotoClaudia. La activación se lleva a cabo en plataformas digitales como Instagram, principalmente. Consiste en filtros interactivos que promueven la imagen de la doctora Claudia Sheinbaum y fomentan la participación en los comicios del 02 de junio. La activación inició el día de ayer logrando convertirse en trending topic en la plataforma X. Este ejercicio de participación cuenta con la colaboración de artistas como Federica Quijano y políticos como Mario Delgado, presidente nacional de Morena; militantes, jóvenes, y la comunidad LGBT de todo el país, incluida la candidata al Senado, Ernestina Godoy, Epigmenio Ibarra, y la propia candidata presidencial de Morena, PT y el Partido Verde Ecologista, Claudia Sheinbaum, así como candidatas al senado y diputaciones, activistas y empresarias. Esta activación ha sido impulsada por organizaciones y colectivas de mujeres que
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conforman el Frente Amplio de Mujeres entre cuyas organizaciones destacan integrantes como Susana Cueto, de Presidencia.mx, las cofundadoras de “Por Ella, Por Todas”, Mariana Benítez Tiburcio, Lorena Villavicencio y Teresa Ramos; Paola Félix del movimiento SUMA, Gracia Alzaga de “Estamos Listas con Claudia”; y Gabriela Jiménez, presidenta de “Que Siga la Democracia”. El objetivo es fomentar la participación y reconocer a las mujeres. La activación incluye la edición y personificación de fotografías para luego compartirlas en redes sociales. El filtro de la activación busca incentivar a las mujeres y jóvenes para que salgan a votar. El Consejo de Mujeres de Claudia está activo en las redes sociales, con presencia en Facebook, Instagram y TikTok, proporcionando información vital y fomentando la participación ciudadana. Las mujeres representan el 52% del padrón electoral, lo que resalta la importancia de su participación activa en el proceso democrático.
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) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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mixi31051976 · 6 months
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informativopatria · 6 months
Claudia Sheinbaum apuesta a la consolidación de la Guardia Nacional
Claudia Sheinbaum apuesta a la consolidación de la Guardia Nacional
La candidata refirió que la Guardia Nacional estaría bajo la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, y aclaró que eso no significa que esté en manos del Ejército
Te agradecemos tu valiosa lectura 📖, nos ayudas mucho si nos apoyas siguiendo nuestra pagina Informativo Informativo Patria, dejando un comentario 📣 , regalándonos una reacción ✅ y compartiendo 🔁 la publicación
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sociedadnoticias · 7 months
Critica Xóchitl a Claudia tras caída de redes sociales: la caída de Facebook e Instagram es lo de menos; se l e cayó el Metro y el Rébsamen'
Xóchitl Gálvez critica a Claudia Sheinbaum por caída de redes sociales Por Paola Ramírez | Reportera Xóchitl Gálvez, candidata de Fuerza y Corazón por México, aprovechó la caída de las redes sociales de Facebook e Instagram para dirigir críticas a su contrincante de Morena, Claudia Sheinbaum, recordando el colapso de un tramo de la Línea 12 del Metro y el derrumbe del Colegio Rébsamen. En…
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diarioelpepazo · 7 months
Mauricio Sulaimán, presidente del organismo, dijo que ya habrían pláticas entre ambas partes LW El presidente del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (WBC), Mauricio Sulaimán, aseguró que el campeón mundial se supermediano, Saúl Canelo Álvarez, deberá enfrentar a David Benavidez durante 2024 y cumplir con un combate que se está saboreando desde hace muchos meses. Sulaimán aseguró que Benavidez confirmaría su estatus de mandatorio, por lo que el Canelo estaría obligado a poner en jugo su cinturón de campeón del organismo en las 168 libras. Claudia Sheinbaum se reúne con Canelo Álvarez: "Un orgullo de México"Twitter "Es muy probable que Benavidez confirme su estatus de mandatorio, 'Canelo' quiere pelear en mayo y están en la misma empresa" dijo Sulaimán a Boxing Social. "Ya deben de estar hablando, ya han negociado, estamos dejando que negocien y veremos qué pasa para mayo y después el WBC puede intervenir." David Benavidez es campeón interino del WBC, por lo que eso le da derecho a retar al Canelo por el título mundial, lo que es una pelea que muchos aficionados al pugilismo se saborean desde hace un buen tiempo. Sulaimán no dio fecha para la pelea El titular del WBC no dio alguna fecha probable para el combate, pero expresó que su organismo establecerá a Benavidez como el retador obligatorio a partir de marzo, aunque el Canelo tendrá la libertad de enfrentar a otro oponente en mayo. Benavidez ostenta una marca invicta de 28 triunfos y cero derrotas, 24 por la vía del KO, mientras que Álvarez, con mucha más experiencia, tiene una foja de 60 triunfos, dos empates y dos derrotas. Los posibles rivales del Canelo para mayo Hace unos días, el peleador tapatío aseguró que se subirá al cuadrilátero el 4 de mayo en la T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas, en uno de los fines de semanas más importantes para el mundo del boxeo. Óscar de la Hoya pide a Canelo Álvarez enfrentar a Jaime Munguía en septiembre'X' Aunque no se ha dado a conocer su rival, se ha manejado la posibilidad de que Canelo enfrente a David Morrell, Edgar Berlanga o Jermall Charlo. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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alertachiapas · 2 years
Reclaman a Sheinbaum por gira en Chiapas mientras el Metro CDMX se incendia
Usuarios de redes sociales criticaron severamente a la jefa de Gobierno por salir de gira por la República Mexicana “promoviendo su candidatura presidencial”, sin darle mantenimiento al transporte.
Usuarios de redes sociales criticaron severamente a la jefa de Gobierno por salir de gira por la República Mexicana “promoviendo su candidatura presidencial”, sin darle mantenimiento al transporte. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.- El pasado sábado estuvo en Chiapas la jefa de Gobierno de la ciudad de México, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, ofreció en Tuxtla Gutiérrez una “conferencia magistral” mientras el…
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jukeboxofjellycat · 6 months
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contextosregionales · 10 months
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newstfionline · 1 year
Friday, September 8, 2023
In Its First Monopoly Trial of Modern Internet Era, U.S. Sets Sights on Google (NYT) The Justice Department has spent three years over two presidential administrations building the case that Google illegally abused its power over online search to throttle competition. To defend itself, Google has enlisted hundreds of employees and three powerful law firms and spent millions of dollars on legal fees and lobbyists. On Tuesday, a judge in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia will begin considering their arguments at a trial that cuts to the heart of a long-simmering question: Did today’s tech giants become dominant by breaking the law? The case—U.S. et al. v. Google—is the federal government’s first monopoly trial of the modern internet era, as a generation of tech companies has come to wield immense influence over commerce, information, public discourse, entertainment and labor. The trial moves the antitrust battle against those companies to a new phase, shifting from challenging their mergers and acquisitions to more deeply examining the businesses that thrust them into power. Such a consequential case over tech power has not unfolded since the Justice Department took Microsoft to court in 1998 for antitrust violations. But since then, companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, have woven themselves into people’s lives to an even greater degree.
US slips to fifth in ‘best country’ list (The Hill) U.S. News and World Report released its new annual Best Countries ranking, revealing that the U.S. dropped a spot Wednesday. The U.S. moved from fourth to fifth place in the rankings from 2022 to 2023. Switzerland again topped the rankings, followed by Canada, which moved up a spot, Sweden, which jumped two spots and Australia, which jumped three. The fall of the U.S. in the rankings is the first time in years the country has done so since 2018. The ranking is the result of a survey of more than 17,000 people from March 17 to June 12 across the globe, according to U.S. News and World Report. “Each country was scored on each of the 73 country attributes based on a collection of individual survey responses,” an article on the methodology of the ranking read. “The more a country was perceived to exemplify a certain characteristic in relation to the average, the higher that country’s attribute score, and vice versa.
Mexico is likely to get its first female president after top parties choose 2 women as candidates (AP) With the selection of former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum as the candidate of the country’s ruling party in next June’s election, Mexico will for the first time have time two women from its main political movements competing for the presidency. Sheinbaum, as well as the opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez, have insisted that Mexico is ready to be led by a woman, but it will not be an easy path. Mexico still has famously intense “machismo” or male chauvinism, expressed in its most extreme form in a high rate of femicides, but also daily in hundreds of more subtle ways.
Brazilian flood toll tops 30 (CNN) At least 31 people have died as a result of the extratropical cyclone which hit the Brazilian area of Rio Grande Do Sul. The storm is expected to continue impacting the region until the end of the week. According to CNN Brasil, this week’s rains are the worst natural disaster to hit the state in 40 years.
Visit la $erenissima (CNN) Starting next spring, visitors to Venice will be charged 5 euros ($5.40) for entrance on peak days if they’re not staying the night. This initiative will make Venice the first city to charge daytrippers for entrance, and it comes at a moment of high concern about the mass tourism in the Italian city.
Russia says US supply of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is ‘criminal’ (Reuters) Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Thursday that the US supply of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine was “a criminal act”, state media reported. The Pentagon on Wednesday announced a new security assistance package worth up to $175 million for Ukraine, including depleted uranium ammunition for U.S. Abrams tanks. A by-product of uranium enrichment, depleted uranium is used for ammunition because its extreme density gives rounds the ability to easily penetrate armor plating. Critics say there are dangerous health risks from ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust, including cancers and birth defects. “This is not just an escalatory step, but it is a reflection of Washington’s outrageous disregard for the environmental consequences of using this kind of ammunition in a combat zone. This is, in fact, a criminal act, I cannot give any other assessment,” TASS quoted Ryabkov as saying. In a speech at a security seminar, he also reiterated previous warnings by Russia about the risk of a nuclear war, because of what he called Western “pressure” on Moscow.
Belarusian President Cuts Off Exiled Citizens With Passport Ban (Bloomberg) Belarusian embassies will no longer issue passports, a move that may hurt the diaspora’s ability to stay abroad legally unless its members risk a trip home where repressions continue unabated. President Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree on Monday which only allows people to apply for new passports in Belarus. It also requires that owners of real estate and cars to either be physically present in order to sell their property, or produce a power of attorney signed inside Belarus. The new legislation threatens to leave emigres in legal limbo as their passports expire.
Ukraine’s assassination programme (Economist) The operation was a month in the making. Yevhen Yunakov, the mayor of Velykyi Burluk, in the Kharkiv region, had been identified as a collaborator with the Russians. “Caucasus”, a special-forces commander, and a group of local officers were given the job. His men watched their target meticulously for days: when he shopped; when and where he moved; the extent of his security. Once they detonated their bomb, from a distance, they disappeared to safe-houses inside occupied territory. The group would return to Ukrainian-controlled territory only weeks later, after the town had been liberated. Yunakov’s body has never been found. Over 18 months of war, dozens of people like Yunakov have been targeted in clinical operations across occupied Ukraine and inside Russia itself. They have been shot, blown up, hanged and even, on occasion, poisoned with doctored brandy. Ukraine is tight-lipped about its involvement in assassinations. But few doubt the increasingly competent signature of its security services. The agencies themselves drop heavy hints. “Any person who betrays Ukraine, shoots at Ukrainians or fires missiles on Ukrainians should understand that they are being watched and will be brought to justice,” says Andriy Cherniak, an officer of hur, Ukraine’s military-intelligence agency. In an interview in July his boss, General Kyrylo Budanov, went further: “If you are asking about [creating a version of] Mossad…We don’t need to. It already exists.”
Is India changing its name to Bharat? (Reuters) Invites sent by Indian President Droupadi Murmu calling herself “President of Bharat” for a dinner on the sidelines of the G20 summit have stirred speculation that the government may be about to change the country’s name. By convention, invitations issued by Indian constitutional bodies have always mentioned the name India when the text is in English, and the name Bharat when the text is in Hindi. However, the invites—in English—for the G20 dinner called Murmu the President of Bharat. Given the Hindu-nationalist ideology of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government and its push for increased use of Hindi, critics responded to the use of Bharat in the invites by suggesting the government was pushing for the name to be officially changed. Over the years, Modi’s nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has been changing colonial names of towns and cities claiming to help India move past what it has termed a mentality of slavery. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the ideological parent of the BJP, has always insisted on calling the country Bharat.
Extreme rain in Hong Kong turns city streets into raging rivers (Washington Post) Hong Kong experienced the most rainfall in an hour since records began 140 years ago, leading to flash flooding that turned streets into raging rivers that looked better suited to white-water rafting than city living. Hong Kong weather authorities issued a black warning, an alert that more than 70 millimeters (2.75 inches) of rain was expected to fall in an hour, at 11:05 p.m. Thursday. More than double that amount came down — the Hong Kong Observatory said that 158.1 mm (6.2 inches) of rain fell at its headquarters between 11 p.m. and midnight, according to the South China Morning Post. Photos and video shared on social media showed flooded streets and inundated subway stations.
Japan’s lunar mission (Washington Post) Japan launched a lunar mission on Thursday, overcoming multiple failures and delays to become the fifth country to head to the moon. The mission, which follows similar efforts by India and Russia, will aim to deposit a high-precision moon lander on a small crater on the near side of the moon in four to six months.
A former Mossad chief says Israel is enforcing an apartheid system in the West Bank (AP) A former head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Israel is enforcing an apartheid system in the West Bank, joining a tiny but growing list of retired officials to endorse an idea that remains largely on the fringes of Israeli discourse and international diplomacy. Tamir Pardo becomes the latest former senior official to have concluded that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank amounts to apartheid, a reference to the system of racial separation in South Africa that ended in 1994. Leading rights groups in Israel and abroad and Palestinians have accused Israel and its 56-year occupation of the West Bank of morphing into an apartheid system that they say gives Palestinians second-class status and is designed to maintain Jewish hegemony from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. “There is an apartheid state here,” Tamir Pardo said in an interview. “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”
Pope Francis: Don’t overlook goodness because of scandal (CNA) Pope Francis on Wednesday encouraged people to look for the quiet goodness in the world, even when the tendency is to pay more attention to failure and scandal. “Just think how many hidden seeds of goodness make the garden of the world flourish, while we usually only hear about the sound of falling trees,” he said during his weekly public audience on Sept. 6. “People, we too like scandal. ‘Look at what barbarity, a tree fell, the noise it made!’ But you don’t see the forest that is growing every day. Because the growth is in silence,” the pope added. He urged people to look “toward the light of the good” in the world and to fight the tendency to only appreciate others to the extent that they share our ideas.
Hamster wheel runner (BBC) The United States Coast Guard stopped a 44-year-old marathon runner from attempting to run across the Atlantic Ocean in a vessel that resembled a particularly buoyant hamster wheel. This is the fourth such attempt foiled by the Coast Guard; the man was found approximately 70 miles off the coast of Georgia in late August, and was brought into custody after a multi-day standoff. The man was attempting to run to London.
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erhiem · 3 years
Clearly disturbed, those affected by the tragedy criticized the “double talk” of the head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, and CDMX’s attorney general, Ernestina Godoy. Due to lack of knowledge of the case, he will be heard in South Jail on Friday, 3 September.
Mexico City, August 30 (However).– The relatives From the victim From line 12 NS Metro of Mexico City, where a whale fell, causing a train to collapse and 26 people died last May, they condemned what this monday officials they have hindered Its access till expert opinion and progress in the research portfolio.
The families, along with their lawyers and victims of the tragedy, assured that law enforcement officers had “systematically attempted to disrupt” their intent to learn the news of the case and even produced some videos. Where an agent of the Public Ministry denies access to the file, without providing a valid explanation.
Those affected by the tragedy were clearly upset and criticized the “double speech” by the capital’s head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, and the CDMX’s attorney general, Ernestina Godoy, who have publicly told the media the expert opinion made on Line 12. existence of the report.
However, the families of the victims, victims and lawyers indicated in a press conference that “there is no report in the investigation folder number CI-FITLH/UAT-TLH-1/UI-1 S/D/00631/05-2021”. “This has been stated by the investigating agent who is in charge of integrating the said folder,” he specified in a statement.
“Though in reality, things are very different,” said Marisol Tapia, the mother of minor Brandon Giovanni Hernandez, who died in the fall of wagons, as she has appeared on several occasions to request the said reports and the Ministry of Public Affairs. has mentioned that they are not present in the folder.
He insisted that the said folders were “mentioned only by the authorities”, but that “they do not exist in the investigation folder.”
They said they felt helpless and betrayed because the officer in charge of providing justice, as “stuck in a legal labyrinth that explicitly favors the officials and politicians involved in the construction and maintenance of the so-called Golden Line”.
Teofilo Benítez Granados, defense attorney for the victims of Metro Line 12, expressed regret at the irresponsible attitude of Mexico City government officials when announcing the alleged consequences of the said reports and was not present in the folder on several occasions. The Investigating Officer has commented on them in writing and the victims of misfortune have been left to their fate.
He said that the lack of assistance is worrisome for those who have suffered some physical damage due to the fall of trains, who have to pay out of their own pocket for counselling, rehabilitation and medicines.
Capital prosecutor Ernestina Godoy was also questioned by relatives of the victims of Line 12. Photo: Cuartoscoro.
He said that given the lack of results hired by the Danish company DNV (Det Norske Veritas) to meet expert opinion, “it can be anticipated that the real responsible will well emerge in their next report.” ” Will continue to deny their existence in the research folder.
Benítez Granados acknowledged that in the four months, since May 3, when the tragedy occurred, the capital’s government has shied away from its responsibility to the victims and their families.
“[Sheinbaum] He is more concerned with looking after his political ambitions, especially now that President Andres Manuel López Obrador has highlighted him as the presidential candidate for 2024,” she said.
“Our job will be to work tirelessly until justice is done for the people of Sheinbaum,” the lawyer said.
26 people were killed and dozens were injured in the Line 12 tragedy. Photo: Armando Monroe, Cuartoscoro
Finally, Benítez Granados announced that next Friday, September 3, they would hold a hearing against the Public Ministry’s determination at the South Prison, given the apparent lack of information on the case, which would be four months old that day.
On Monday of last week, the anticipated expert opinion held by the Norwegian company DNV was postponed at the request of the company.
“There are three reports. The second report, I was informed by the Civil Defense Secretariat that the DNV company requested one more time,” Sheinbaum reported, on the same day that the deadline was set. shortage was questioned.
The victims’ lawyer announced that they would be heard at South Jail on Friday. Photo courtesy
“We are going to send you the DNV notification based on the meetings to be held. They are doing a thorough analysis and especially a model of the collapse site, then in a while they will give them information ”, said the head of government.
In early August, Mexico City’s government further stated that a final opinion would be presented this Monday, 23 August, and two weeks later an analysis of the causes that led to Trabe’s downfall.
“The important thing is that we have made a lot of progress with the Technical Commission. If you remember, there are four fundamental axes: First and foremost for us to pay attention to the victims is a very detailed report by the Victims Commission that describes the deceased and Families are involving all families of both. Had to go to the hospital”, Sheinbaum explained last Monday.
Sheinbaum assured that it was the DNV company that requested more time to publish the final expert opinion on Line 12. Photo: Cuartoscoro
In the end, Sheinbaum insisted that “justice will happen” for the victims and survivors, as well as their families. “We have always been on the side of the victims and justice, we have one part of the job, the prosecutor’s office second,” he remarked.
“We understand that it is necessary as soon as possible, but we all want a safe rehabilitation and this matter should be investigated according to technical and scientific research. Then there will be a few more weeks, but the important thing is that all these institutions are working”, he concluded.
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