#claudia x boone
vaultgirl2077 · 4 years
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“You always did remind me of her…
From the very first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were...different.
Heard you before I saw you, of course. You and that idiot brother of yours came down the highway like two drunk deathclaws and twice as destructive.
Even sixty five feet in the air I couldn't miss you. Guess you just have a way of making the world pay attention to you, no matter how small you seem. 
She was like that too.
You didn't look like her though. Different hair, different eyes, different everything. Yet the moment I turned around and saw you there in that doorway, it was like looking at a ghost. 
You may not have looked a damn thing like her, but the way you smiled at me was something only she could do. Something I never thought I'd see again. 
It only got worse when you opened that big mouth. You were so confident but no idea what about. Falling over your words as you tried to make small talk with the man who was looking at you as if you'd come to take him to his maker… not that it stopped you. 
I never was good with words, even less so when it came to you. But just like her, you spoke enough for the both of us. Even from that first conversation you had me figured out, always knew what I was thinking and what I wanted to say. As hard as I tried to push away, you kept pulling me right back. 
I never did know why you wanted me to come along with you.
I still don't. 
You never did make sense to me, Claudia. 
Carla didn't either.
Maybe that's why I...”
> Beautiful art by my wifey and NV baby @nero-arts​
> Writing by yours truly ❤
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typingtess · 3 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season Twelve Rewatch:   “Cash Flow”
The basics: A Navy reservist is found dead in a warehouse, exposing a burglary ring and a money laundering
Written by:  Kyle Harimoto wrote “Omni”, “Merry Evasion”, “Chernoff, K”, “Command and Control” (episode 150), “Granger, O.”, “Ghost Gun”, “Kulinda”, “767”, “Se Murio El Payaso”, “Assets”/“Liabilities”, “Venganza”, “Superhuman”, “One of Us", "Let Fate Decide" (season 11 premiere), "Decoy", "Answers" and “Watch Over Me”.  He co-wrote “Three Hearts”, “Leipei”, “Humbug”, both ends of the “Matryoshka” two-parter, “Smokescreen” part two and "Searching".  This was Harimoto first episodes as an executive producer for the program.  He was a co-executive producer last season.
Directed by: Yangzom Brauen directed “Venganza” (written by Harimoto), “Heist”, “No More Secret”, “Concours D'Elegance”, “Missing Time” and “War Crimes”.
Guest stars of note:  Bar Paly as Anastasia "Anna" Kolcheck, Marsha Thomason as NCIS Special Agent Nicole DeChamps, Rachelle Chung as Ashley Liao, Kara Royster as Jojo Ballard, René Alvarado as Lincoln Benavidez, Philip Bolden as Marcus Babu, Shelli Boone as Claudia Lazzez, Mauricio Mendoza as Jorge and Mark Jacobson as Colin.
Our heroes:  Deal with early 20-something thieves.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Has a guest at his apartment – Anna. Sam:  Rightly thinks Callen doesn’t know his fancy designers. Kensi:  Not a fan of the “Mrs.” Infront of Deeks. Deeks:  Eating fish tacos since he’s unemployed. Eric:  See Hetty. Nell:  Running Ops alone like a boss. Fatima:  Earned her rich kid Beverly Hills life. Roundtree:  Driving a Land Rover from the motor pool. Hetty:  Absent.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Was a lifeguard in high school. Sam:  Never had the honor of meeting Navy SEAL/Medal of Honor winner Michael Murphy. Kensi:  Loves fish tacos.   Deeks:  Doesn’t like his signature.  Actually hates it. Eric:  See Hetty. Nell:  Too busy getting things done today. Fatima: Not on eHarmony or making wine TikTok videos. Roundtree:  From Texas. Hetty:  Not even a mention.
Who's down with OTP:  They’re buying a house.  He’s out of work (sigh).  
Who's down with BrOTP:  Sam is proud that Callen is dealing well with Anna being around and Anna going away.
Any pressing need for a cranky retired Admiral?  I’m sure Rachelle Chung would have been a wealth of material for the Admiral but the team was fine today.
Who is running the team this week?  Nell, with ease.
Fashion review:  Callen, Sam, Fatima and Roundtree start the episode in work-out gear, each wearing a 20-pound weighted vest.  Later in the day, Callen is wearing a turquoise blue button down shirt with two-pockets..  Sam is in a long-sleeve black tee-shirt.  Fatima is wearing a blue, oversized henley with a similar colored tee-shirt underneath.  Roundtree is in a bright white tee-shirt with a blue dress shirt with a white pinstripe unbuttoned over it.  Kensi is wearing a rust colored tee-shirt.  Deeks is in a sky blue tee.  Dark dress for Nell with a loud floral print.
Music:  There are two quick songs playing – when Roundtree pulls up with the Land Rover and when Benavidez pulls up the club – but no idea what it is.  While Fatima and Roundtree are questioning Chung, “Good Morning Hunter” by Odario and Adrian X plays.
Any notable cut scene:  No.
Quote: Sam:  “Anna still doing that volunteer thing?” Callen:  “Yeah, she's supposed to go in a couple days.” Sam:  “How you feel about that?” Callen:  “It's been good having this time together.” Sam:  “Yeah?” Callen:  “I'll miss her.” Sam:  “That's good.” Callen:  “Yeah.” Sam:  “Yeah. Really good.”  
Anything else:   At night in a warehouse district, a well-dressed young woman is being followed by a man.  She picks up the pace and seemingly so does he.  When the young woman confronts the man, he says he’s just walking home and crosses the street.   As the man turns and walks away, the woman speaks to someone using an earpiece.  That someone is a comfortably dressed young woman breaking into a warehouse.
Breaking into a in the warehouse’s locked room, the comfortably dressed woman finds “the motherload” – high end sneakers, fancy clothes, expensive handbags and sadly, a dead guy with the handbags.  The young female thief screams.
The following morning, Callen, Sam, Fatima and Roundtree are all doing a hard workout in three different locations – Callen in his apartment, Sam at the beach, Fatima and Roundtree in a park – in honor of Navy SEAL/Medal of Honor recipient Michael Murphy.  “The Murph” (usually done with a 20-pound weighted vest) is a mile run (Callen), 100 pullups (Roundtree), 200 pushups (Sam) and 300 squats (Fatima).  Everyone is doing different things but they are all doing the whole work-out.
Sam never had the honor of meeting Murphy but Callen did.   Callen and Murphy swapped stories about their high school days as lifeguards.  Anna wants to hear Callen lifeguard stories.  She’s playing “Assassin’s Creed” on X-Box.  Roundtree respects Anna’s choices.  Anna’s choice is to see photos of lifeguard Callen.  That’s not happening.  Fatima thinks Callen had feathered hair.
In the office driveway outside of Deeks’s truck, Kensi and Deeks are buying a house on their cellphone – well, they’re signing documents about putting in an offer for a house.  Deeks is unhappy with this signature.  Kensi thinks he can just change his signature.  Oh no, Deeks believes your signature is your soul poured into blue ink.  
Nell calls the team but has to stop because Deeks is around – he’s not working there anymore.  As he drives off, Nell updates the team with info on the dead man in the warehouse.  CTI Terry Coleman was a Navy reservist.  He was not working at the warehouse – in fact the owner said the warehouse doesn’t have a tenant and should be empty.  LAPD, who got a call about an opened door, found both Coleman and the boxes of merchandise.  
Callen thinks this is an LAPD investigation but Coleman’s Navy assignment was NETWARCOM reservist – the NSA of the Navy.  Coleman had high levels of clearance and his death set off alarms all up the chain of command.  Nell has video the young woman breaking into the warehouse but it doesn’t match Coleman’s time of death, which was much earlier in the day.
Facial rec for the thief may take some time  because everything was so dark.  Nell is bringing in Agent DeChamps to work with Kensi.  They are going to check into Petty Officer Coleman’s past.  Fatima and Roundtree will look into the robber once she’s ID’d.  Callen and Sam are off to the warehouse.  
As he prepares to leave, Callen and Anna discuss her volunteer work.  Maybe she’s throwing all her effort and interest into other people’s problems to not deal with her own.  Callen is proud of Anna for not sitting around and feeling sorry for the career she lost.  Anna is going to Santa Cruz county to help rebuild some of the 800 homes lost in the fire.  She’s leaving in two days and is going to miss Callen.  She shows Callen just how much.
Looking around outside the warehouse, Callen sees the drill holes to destroy the locks – this wasn’t a discreet robbery.  Sam is in the warehouse looking at all the boxes of expensive goods.  Callen’s idea was Coleman may have been a thief  while Sam thinks the goods could be counterfeit.  Nell is going to check out the shipping and serial numbers.  
Callen finds a scrape on a loading dock wall and a side mirror on the ground.  Whoever was robbing the place beat a hasty retreat when they found Coleman.  Nell has info on the boxes – everything inside is legit and all of it was stolen, different robberies over the last six months.
Fatima and Roundtree are thrilled with their new NCIS ride – a Range Rover.  It was “way cooler” than Kensi and Deeks’s ride but “not as cool as Sam’s”.  Roundtree is worried that they’re taking a better ride when Kensi and Deeks have time on that.  Fatima agrees – so much time – which Roundtree doesn’t quite like.
Nell send Fatima a text – Rachelle Chung is the woman breaking into the warehouse.  They’re going after her with Roundtree driving.
Kensi and Deeks are talking about their finances as she walks from the office’s backstairs to the bullpen.  He’s lost his LAPD Liaison position, the bar revenues are 50% of what they were a year ago and they’re signing up for a mortgage payment every month for the next 30-years – he’s not nervous at all.  Kensi is worried they’re overbuying a house.  They’re not – it is a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house that if it was in the Midwest three college kids could pool their money together and buy the place for $3,000.  Instead, they’re in LA and will be paying $3,000 for a solar panel.  
LA, Deeks explains, is expensive because you can surf and ski in the same day and enjoy world class fish tacos.  Kensi not only loves fish tacos, she’s hungry for them.  Deeks is about to have fish tacos – it is the fun part of being unemployed.  
DeChamps walks in and says hello to “Mrs. Deeks”.  Honestly, Kensi’s not a fan of the word Deeks with “Mrs.” in front of it.  Nell filled DeChamps in on the generalities of the case.  Kensi has been looking into Coleman who has had the same civilian job for five years, lived in the same place for four, no wife, no kids.
LAPD has Coleman’s financials.  He’s paid bi-monthly and makes a rather large withdrawal a day after the check clears.  All the withdrawals are around $1,000, signifying possible drug or gambling addiction.  Nell pops up on the screen behind Deeks’s desk.  Combing through Coleman’s social media, Nell found Coleman may have had a girlfriend.  Kensi and DeChamps are going to talk to the girlfriend.
Seeing some security cameras on a neighboring warehouse, Callen stops a man walking into the building.  The man is the owner and happy to share the video footage.  
Outside of Rachelle Chung’s home, Fatima explains the general layout of the neighborhood.  Roundtree is impressed but Fatima knows the Fairfax since she grew up in Beverly Hills.  Roundtree is from Texas and is impressed with Fatima’s “rich Beverly Hills kid living.”   Fatima says it isn’t “rich kid living” if you earn the money yourself.   Rountree guesses Fatima “made a killing at Hot Topic”.  She did not – she was an actor.  Roundtree wants to know what she starred in but Fatima thinks he should investigate – “Agent Roundtree.”
With loud music coming from the house, Fatima knocks on Chung’s door.  Chung runs with Rountree following.  She makes it to the alleyway behind the house, though Roundtree gets to slide across a car hood in the pursuit.  Chung is handcuffed when Fatima stops her.
Callen sends Nell the security video from the neighboring warehouse.  An arriving Sam is unhappy about the heavy ash still in the air.  LA needs a good rain according to Sam.  Callen looks forward to the mudslides.  The two talk about Anna volunteering and Callen’s feelings.  Sam thinks it is good Callen will miss her.  “Really good.”  
At first, Callen can’t see killing a man for sneakers and handbags until Sam guesses the resale would be a few $100,000.  Callen will never understand that kind of money for sneakers.
Kensi and DeChamps speak to a Claudia Lezzez.  Kensi has to make the death notification to Claudia, who wants to help anyway she can.  Claudia and Coleman broke up two months ago.   DeChamps asks about drugs or gambling  but Claudia says Coleman was a good man.  The large withdrawals were for a Navy buddy of Coleman’s who killed himself a year ago.  Coleman was supporting the man’s wife and son.
Claudia feels awful – she and Coleman argued about the money.  All Claudia wanted was Coleman to take care of himself before he took care of other people.   Coleman was working a second job – security at a bar called Privy – to bring in more money.  Claudia is heartbroken.
With the neighboring warehouse video, facial rec returned the names of two of Chung’s accomplices – Jojo Ballard and Marcus Babu.   Ballard was the woman walking in the teaser of the episode.  There is video of them in the getaway van.  Ballard and Babu are roommates in Culver City.  Since Agent Castor and his partner are working a case in Culver City, Nell will have them pick the two up.
Rachelle Chung isn’t the most endearing suspect.  She wants the handcuffs removed because all she did was run from Roundtree, she didn’t slap him.  When her night at the warehouse is mentioned, Chung mocks her elders in Fatima and Roundtree.  As Chung realizes she’s about to go to jail, she tries to cooperate as little as possible but still stay out of jail.  Then she goes back to insulting Fatima and Roundtree.  Roundtree tries again to the Chung into the Land Rover to arrest her.  This time, Chung plays the victims – her friends Jojo and Marcus made her break in, it was all a joke.
Fatima updates Callen and Sam who are in the boat shed.  Callen interviews Babu in the upstairs interrogation room, Sam has Babu downstairs.  Babu explains she isn’t going to jail since she was just a passenger in a van.  Callen explains that being in a get-away car is a pretty big crime.  Saying her civil rights were violated, Callen would like to know which ones.  “I’m not a legal person,” Ballard says.  Splitting between the two interview subjects, both seem to pin the robbery on Chung – they were helping a friend.  
Both Callen and Sam make it clear – they don’t care about the stolen goods, they care about who killed Petty Officer Coleman.  Neither has any info about the killing.  Callen and Sam want to know about how Rachelle knew about the warehouse and who were they stealing from.  Both Ballard and Babu say Chung was dating an older man who would give her whatever she asked for.  One day, Chung followed the older man and found the warehouse.  “She’s gnarly that way.”
Chung is not happy that Ballard and Babu turned out to be “traitors”.  Fatima and Roundtree want the name of the man Chung was dating.  Instead, Chung explains that Ballard and Babu were running a cult and she was an unwilling victim of their influence.  That goes poorly.   The name of the man Chung was dating was Bludlime.  That’s his Instagram name.  She found him and “slid into his DMs.”  While she’s explaining this, Chung is mocking Fatima dating on eHarmony.  The only thing she knows about him is to call him “D”.
Bludlime has a lot of photos on Instagram but they are of cars, pricey watches and beautiful women.  There’s not a clear photo of Bludlime.
DeChamps likes Kensi’s ride.  Pulling up to the club where Privy, Kensi admits to being a bouncer in her youth.  Women make better bouncers, according to Kensi.  She thought about starting her own business where she could train women to work the door at nightclubs.  DeChamps thinks that would make a mint.  Kensi’s thinking about it since she and Deeks just put in an offer on a house.  Kensi would love to get the house but isn’t sure she’d be sad if they didn’t.
Lincoln Benavidez, the bar manager of Privy pulls up in a sports car.  He was expecting NCIS – he really liked Coleman, “an incredible human being.”  Coleman was “beloved” by the staff and the bar’s regulars.  Coleman’s “super power” was being able to de-escalate any difficult situation despite being a really big guy.   Benavidez shares his employee list – anything to help with the investigation.
As Benavidez is about to go into the club, Nell sends Kensi a text about Bludlime.  Kensi asks if Benavidez knows a Donny Mason.  He does – that’s the bar’s lead investor.  Most is a nomad – doesn’t own any real estate, just moves from hotel rooms to short term rentals and back.
Callen and Sam think about the case in the boat shed while Sam shadowboxes.  Mason kills Coleman when Coleman learns about the stolen goods to protect his legit bar investment.  Nell pops up on the screen.  Mason has a number of investments – two other bars, a jewelry business, an IV concierge service and some retail businesses.  Mason was also being looked at by the DEA for money laundering but nothing came out of the investigation.
With the pandemic shutting down bars, jewelry and retail stores – all cash based businesses – Mason may not have had anywhere to launder his money.  With that cash piling up, it could be a problem.  Nell found Mason in a rental in Venice, Callen and Sam are on their way.
Callen sees a body inside the rental house.  Mason is dead.
LAPD is securing the crime scene.  The house had security cameras but the online rental companies make the owners disable the cameras before allowing a rental.  There are a number of suspects – someone killing Mason to avenge Coleman.  One of the organization Mason laundered money for wanted to steal all the cash he had to be sitting on or someone who saw Mason’s lifestyle on Instagram.  
Sam finds a bloodstain on the back door of the house.  He finds a car in the driveway with fingerprints.  He sends a copy of the prints to Nell.  Callen has news from LAPD – Mason was tortured before he was shot and killed.  Someone wanted the money.  Matching the fingerprints to Lincoln Benavidez, Nell found him in East LA using Kaleidoscope.  All three teams are going to the location.
Kensi and DeChamps arrive first.  DeChamps finds a warm forklift, Kensi Benavidez’s car.  Callen and Sam arrive just in time to stop Benavidez in a large white Cargo van.  As Benavidez tries to drive away, he plows into the Land Rover of an arriving Roundtree and Fatima.  They’re a little banged up but find the big piles of cash in van.
Callen, Sam and Kensi are all over Roundtree for wrecking the new Range Rover after a single day.  Kensi calls it karma for knocking her ride – “earwigs are always live.”  
Back in the armory, Fatima and Roundtree are unpacking their gear and the day.  Roundtree can’t believe how much the repair of the Land Rover will cost since in Texas, that damage is considered a dent.  
There is confirmation that Benavidez killed both Coleman and Mason.  Mason was going to blow the entire operation so Benavidez tried to get Coleman to kill Mason.  Coleman recorded the conversation and turned it over to LAPD.  When Coleman said no, he was killed and then so was Mason.  Coleman was a good man to the end.
Callen arrives home with burgers but Anna is packed and ready to go.  Anna got a call an hour ago, she’s starting immediately.  Anna says this is harder than she thought – she was so comfortable spending her quarantine time with Callen.  She doesn’t want to leave and Callen doesn’t want her to leave either.  Anna explains she needs to do this.
What head canon can be formed from here:   Watching this knowing how the season unfolds, Anna’s goodbye becomes a lot more interesting.  She enjoyed her time with Callen.  While she was doing right by him, Callen seems “all-in” on someone who is lying to him.
LAPD would have found something for Deeks to do.
The Fatima-Roundtree friendship is developing nicely, even if Roundtree was amused by some of Rachelle Chung’s insults.  There was a foreshadowing Fatima’s past and a little info about Roundtree.
I looked all over for a photo of Chris O’Donnell with feathered hair - just couldn’t find it.
Episode number:  Episode four of season 12, episode 266 overall.
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gold-and-rubies · 4 years
Fic Writer Meme
Tagged by @anonymouscosmos. Thanks for tagging me! If you want to do this, go ahead.
1. Name
Ruby, and my usernames are usually some variation of gold-and-rubies. The only exception being my alt ao3, gilded_roses, and my discord, rosegoldroses.
2. Fandoms
Fallout and Skyrim.
3. Most popular oneshot
Hiding Behind Sunglasses. It was the first request I did. Deacon x F!Sole survivor, teen rated.
4. Most popular multi-chapter
In It For The Long Haul. The multiple chapters certainly help lol. I’m currently working on chapter 19, with many to come. It’s about my Sole Survivor, Claudia Flynn, and MacCready. Rated mature for violence.
5. Actual worst part of writing
Dialogue. I feel like I’m no good at it, and I hate having more than two characters in a scene because of it.
6. How you choose your titles
No special thought process goes into it. I just choose what I think sounds nice and fits the story.
7. Do you outline?
For fanfiction? I mean kinda??? It’s more like I just think about where I want things to go than an actual outline.
8. Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
I had this idea for a Sole who actual was in every faction at one point. Mostly playing spy for the Railroad on the BoS and the Institute. I started writing it, but I scrapped it.
9. Callouts @ me
Tbh I’m not sure what this means. If it means I’m calling myself out, I really, really need to suck it up and edit. I’m pretty sure you can tell the first two chapters are edited and the last on isn’t if you compare them. If we’re talking other people calling me out, it doesn’t happen thankfully. i have yet to fuck up as far as I know.
10. Best writing traits
I like to think I’m good at keeping people in character, or at least how I perceive their character. My favorite comment was about how well I wrote Boone in chapter two of I’m Not an Angel, Baby.
11. Spicy Tangential Opinion
I might actual get backlash for this lol. I don’t like Hancock.
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artnerdlosangeles · 7 years
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Desert Tripping at Desert X on Art Nerd Los Angeles http://art-nerd.com/losangeles/desert-tripping-at-desert-x/
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emjenenla · 6 years
Headcanons: (#Emjen’s Headcanons) -Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) x -Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk of the Air) x -Declan Lynch (The Raven Cycle) x -Firebenders (Avatar: the Last Airbender) x -Herondale Birthmark (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) x -Hideo Tanaka (Warcross) x -Jace Herondale (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) x -Kanej (Kaz/Inej) (Six of Crows) x -Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows) x -Lightwood Siblings (Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Max) (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) x -Nine and Twelve (Zankyou no Terror) x -Sizzy (Isabelle/Simon) (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) x Fanfiction Recommendations: (#emjen recommends) -Best 25+ Chapter Fanfics -Gansey Recs (The Raven Cycle) -Kaiba Recs (Yu-Gi-Oh) -Loki Recs (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Rambles: (#emjen rambles) Multifandom/Booklr -Characters who Canonically Don’t Sleep op | rb 1 -A-Z Book Recommendations -A list of near fandom-less/small fandom books you should all read -Portal, urban and high fantasy featuring TRC, TFotA and Daevabad [with @theinquisitxor​] Alex Stern Series -Who Darlington killed The Daevabad Trilogy -Portal, urban and high fantasy featuring TRC, TFotA and Daevabad [with @theinquisitxor​] The Folk of the Air -My favorite TCP quote and Cardan’s coping methods -Faerie true names -Jude, Cardan and Understanding -Cardan and Asha -Changelings being unable to lie -Thoughts on Bustle excerpt of QoN and Taryn Duarte -Portal, urban and high fantasy featuring TRC, TFotA and Daevabad [with @theinquisitxor​] The Gentleman Bastards -A (very) short musing about Locke Lamora and Kaz Brekker Grishaverse -Where were the Crows during the Grisha Trilogy -Pekka Rollins didn’t actually kill Jordie -A (very) short musing about Locke Lamora and Kaz Brekker -Changes is my OC Espen’s characterization Grishaverse TV -Speculation on who the Crows will be stealing from in the TV show -Where did “Kirigin” come from, why call the Darkling that, and rants about storytelling in film [with @nina-zeniks-cleavage and @immyownghostwriter] -Why Ben Barnes is the perfect age to play the Darkling Haikyuu! -Lack of teams dealing with their cohesion issues in Haikyuu! I Hunt Killers -Jazz as an unreliable narrator The Naturals -Jennifer Lynn Barnes’s original plans for series length Peaky Blinders -Why Tommy freaks out when he can’t get his coat on in s2 [response to a gifset posted by @ohfuckyeahcillianmurphy] -Tommy’s behavior in the boxing ring scene in 4x06 [with @deadendtracks​] -Tommy’s emotions and the family dynamic [with @deadendtracks​] -Is Tommy’s sense of responsibility unrealistic? [with @deadendtracks​] -On Shelby family dynamics and responsibility [with @deadendtracks​] Shadowhunters -Thule Jace and villain motivations -Reminder: Hodge knows there are two Jonathans -Is Simon/Clary/Jace a real love triangle? -Reactions to part one of Qoaad -Will and Gabriel drinking in the Whitechapel Fiend -Will exhausted in Clockwork Prince: a quote collection -Some Things I Noticed While Rereading CoLS -Will telling the truth about his curse The Raven Cycle/The Dreamer Trilogy -Are Carmen and Jordan dreams? -Portal, urban and high fantasy featuring TRC, TFotA and Daevabad [with @theinquisitxor​] Star Wars -Ten Platonic Anakin Skywalker Relationships That Really Should Have More Fanfictions Written About Them -Emjen Reviews: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray -Ten Anakin Skywalker Quotes in honor of Hayden Christensen’s Birthday The Stormlight Archive -Things I want from Stormlight Archive Book 4 -Elhokar’s reaction to Kaladin’s boon Throne of Glass -Favorites and Least Favorites: Throne of Glass -Manon takes Dorian seriously -Empire of Storms/Lorcan Salvaterre Mini Rant Uprooted -Sarkan and necromancy
Other Tags: Quotes: #quote (all quotes on this tumblr even ones I didn’t originally post are tagged like this) #the great quote rampage! (quotes I personally posted) Asks: #emjen answers Short Thoughts: #emjen muses Substantial Reblogs: #emjen reblogs
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collidingworldstv · 8 years
Desert X – The Journey Begins
Desert X has now become reality. As the inaugural event takes over the Coachella Valley a perfect opportunity to showcase ecotourism is upon us. The event runs through April 30th. Desert X involves 16 artists: Doug Aitken,    Lita Albuquerque,    Will Boone,    Jennifer Bolande,   Claudia Comte,  Armando Lerma,    Jeffrey Gibson,   Sherin Guirguis,    Norma Jeane,  Glenn Kaino,   Gabriel Kuri,  Richard Prince,    Rob Pruitt,   Juliao Sarmento,   Phillip K. Smith III,  and Tavares Strachan. Each has created site-specific installations that incorporate the valley’s landscape as  the canvas for these site-specific works. The works are spread through out the area – indoors, outdoors, in tunnels, and some a chase to see the elusive work. The exhibition is free, self guided or via tour but it does something very wonderful – it brings ART to all.  This is truly PUBLIC ART – in a way that many are not to use to viewing art in public places. Some may see the work as esoteric. Some may see it as approachable. But all will see it as conversation.
Desert X is the vision of Susan L. Davis. Ms. Davis saw the impact of art and the importance of site-specific installations. She also knows the impact of taking art out of the traditional venues. By removing at form institutions and galleries she transform the art world into a self guided interaction between the viewer, the landscape, the piece and the artist. As Ms. Davis stated, she is taking art, the viewer and the notion of art out of our collective comfort zones. And oh, the places we can go!
Local artist Phillip K. Smith’s piece is located at Portola and Frank Sinatra Drives, in Palm Desert. “300 geometric reflectors angled at 10 degrees” form the work, entitled Circle of Land and Sky. The installation makes full effect of the landscape features as well as the environmental factors. Like snowflakes, the piece is unique at any given moment.
Not far from Phillip’s work is the work of Lita Albuquerque. Her work, hEARTH, is located on the grounds of Sunnylands Center, Rancho Mirage. The work is a journey into listening, skill many have lost in the hash tag world. The work debuted with performance employing 3 dancers and 15 chorale members. As the troupe challenged us to listen and  to question why we are hear/here, the sculpture, a prone figure in ultramarine blue pigment lay in a circle of white, the figure’s ear to the ground. The performance emphasized the impact of truly listening to the world around us. Like her figure in hEARTH, we have to engage our senses and become part of the community of man and earth.
Local tourism publicist Joe Enos had this to say about Desert X. "While Desert X's impact on the destination has yet to be seen, the overall visibility it is giving to cultural tourism cannot be understated.  The worldwide press alone for the exhibit and the Coachella Valley is almost priceless.  I think this is a watershed moment for us, and much like the environmental art of, say, Christo, this is an opportunity to define arts and culture and the arts community here and to spread this news around the globe.  It's simply a world-class and terrifically-curated show."
Desert X is an adventure into art and into self if one is willing to accept that art is more than an oil painting hung over a sofa. For more information on Desert X visit . www.desertx.org
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vaultgirl2077 · 4 years
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OTPs of New Vegas: Claudia’s boys
The Good: Claudia x The King
The Bad: Claudia x Benny
The Angsty: Claudia x Boone
Buckle up kids. It’s one hell of a trip (:
🦋Beautiful art of our daughter by my wonderful wifey and New Vegas Partner: @nero-arts🦋
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