#clayton wellness center
southeastmed-spa · 10 months
Revitalize Your Skin With Antiaging Services In Clayton
Revitalize your youth with our cutting-edge anti-aging Clayton treatments. Discover a more radiant, youthful you at our rejuvenation center. Embrace a more youthful you with our trusted anti-aging services.
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electronickingdomfox · 7 months
"The Starless World" review
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Novel from 1978, by Gordon Eklund. It begins with Kirk reading "War and Peace" in bed, when he gets a call from Spock: they've found a lone shuttlecraft, with a man inside who claims to be Jesus Christ. Okay, you got me hooked! I found this novel quite enjoyable and it kept my interest at all times. It's also well-written, and offers a rare glimpse in the characters' private lives from time to time. My main complaint is that the ending was way too rushed, as if the author realized he had a limit of pages and had to solve everything quick, with a literal deus ex machina.
Some spoilers under the cut:
Well, it turns out the man inside the shuttlecraft is not Jesus Christ, but Thomas Clayton. A previous roommate of Kirk in the Academy, whom he had to report for cheating at exams. The man feels quite a lot of resentment for Kirk, but he has also turned completely mad since his disappearance many years ago. He claims to be actually dead, and be the envoy of a god, Ay-nab. He's put inside an isolation cell, but escapes after knocking McCoy out (this doesn't stop McCoy from doing what he does best, even with a bandaged head: mill around the bridge to annoy Spock).
The Enterprise is suddenly attracted by an inescapable force, and sucked into a Dyson sphere. This is a massive hollow sphere with a star at its center. Inside, it's like those snow globes, where there's a little world in the middle of the glass ball. Something like that but in giant scale. Upon beaming down with Sulu and Uhura, Kirk finds out the world, called Lyra, is a literal paradise. They also come into contact with the natives of the only village that seems to exist there. The natives insist that the star inside the sphere is their god, Ay-nab, something that Kirk can't believe at first.
It soon becomes apparent that something's rotten in Lyra, though. The natives talk about the Strangers, people that their god claims for himself, to feed on them. They're more active at night, like zombies. Also, the constant vigilance of the star, only interrupted by the brief eclipses caused by the inner world's moons, starts feeling truly as a "God is watching you" situation. A Klingon ship has been trapped inside Lyra too. And the Klingons seem all too friendly with Kirk, and too eager to escape that place. The reason: Lyra is travelling straight into a black hole.
That's as far as the plot goes, which I don't feel the need to spoil any further. It's not particularly original, but it's entertaining. Many things are similar to the TOS episode "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky". I have to give props to the "lady of the day" in this novel, Ola. She's quite likable, brave and useful, and gets to save Kirk (and everyone else) in the end. Ever since Kirk rescued her from a beast, she insists that Kirk is her husband (though he says they're just good friends). She's described as pretty, and Kirk's rejection is probably due to the fact she's written more as a little girl than an adult. Ah! By the way, she's also literally a white-furred chimpanzee, like all the other natives of Lyra.
One thing I liked in this book are those little scenes with the crew, where nothing relevant to the plot is happening, but that flesh them out as persons. Sulu teaches magic tricks with cards to Ola, yet another weird hobby he got into lately. Kirk, McCoy and Uhura are bored in the bridge and start an increasingly absurd debate about the meaning of the phrase "a needle in a haystack" (you know, that kind of conversations that pop out among coworkers when you're tired and bored and becoming a bit unhinged). McCoy tries to tell Spock a riddle, but Spock interrupts him all the time to point out all the inconsistencies in his tale. And it's so obvious he's actually messing with him. Actually, Spock is kind of funny in this book. He's in full logical mode, but with this underlying sarcasm that lets you know he's quite a bitch deep inside. There's also a surprising amount of backstory for Uhura. We learn a lot about her childhood in Senegal and her father (who she gets to meet! well, kind of...). I think that TOS writers in this era had a greater leeway to invent details for the characters, with less constraints from established canon. Unfortunately, the rushed ending doesn't explore the aftermath of Uhura's plot in the novel.
Spirk Meter: 2/10*. Very, very little. But there's one point where Kirk informs Spock that he's going to meet the Klingons alone, and Spock becomes suddenly quite emotional about the danger (as happened in "Devil in the Dark", when Kirk's alone with the horta). In fact, Kirk is disturbed by the emotional display, and says he didn't know about the depth of Spock's feelings on the issue.
Apart from this, Spock leans on McCoy to smell his breath and check if he's drunk. Which, for a Vulcan, suggests an awful lot of familiarity. They're a bit clingy with each other while on the planet, as well.
Also, there's a comedic bit, where Kirk wakes up in sickbay after going through hell, and finds Scotty's face, hovering over him, "the most gorgeous sight he had ever witnessed in his life".
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
random thoughts, episode 5x04 edition:
- Miguel reminding Soledad that her men fucked up by not informing her sooner, first I thought that hit was retaliation for Miguel taking out Alejandro in the bathroom but the little boy reminded me it was the cook house the club raided previously and the person he saw was Angel. had Miguel looked at me like that and given me candy, I would've spilled my guts to him too. wouldn't even have mattered if he lied about being with the police or not.
- Emily playing nice at home for a minute and not even Miguel bought it, lol. and the mother of that city hall clerk calling her out in the middle of the store was so unexpected that it made me laugh, she was so close to the door already. oh, did Sarah really say fuck that american accent? she sounded differently.
- Adelita did to that little girl what the cartel did to her as a child, killing the father right in front of her. also, she told angel about the day at the beach with her dad and now my speculation makes so much more sense that Clayton and Mav presumably filmed one of their last days on the show at a beach before they wrapped up. no idea if Carla was there too but Adelita's story made that puzzle piece fit in quite nicely.
- did Gilly seriously adopt a whole ass family and is playing house with them now? are he and whatshername an item now?
- I felt bad for Sofia when she tried to save Lobo and the club was just standing there, doing nothing. history repeats itself for her, first she couldn't save her kid and now they let that dude die. obviously they couldn't just call an ambulance and explain what happened but that doesn't make it easier for her. and then her dead child's father shows up on top of it...
- Lobo was a fucking idiot for entering garage in the first place. the sign saying "if you enter, you die" was not just for decoration, what did he think was gonna happen? but hey, no one liked him anyway, lol. yeah sure, he hated having a prospect tell him what to do but man, did that bite him in the ass. 
- Guero should've been visible more, he needs an episode centered around him, idgaf what anyone says. Bottles has been front and center for two episodes, give him the same treatment. there's unfinished business with Diaz and I want him to finish it. well fuck, I fell for this guy so fast it's actually a little embarrassing, lmao.
- the Broken Saints, I like them. Johnny Panic putting EZ in his place with "my attention isn't free" and putting him to work, good for her. but who is really calling the shots in their club, who is "mother"? 
- I can't wait for KJ's ghost to come back and haunt EZ and I hope he's not gonna get out of that one. Angel looked at him so fucking loud when Hank said there's a rat. also, wasn't EZ supposed to have a photographic memory or some shit, why does no one seem to remember that, not even the writers...
- Bottles is actually so sweet, he and Elio are amigos now. he reminds me a little of Steve though and hopefully he won't end up the same way... 
- Nails is back and she's doing well. I wouldn't have needed to see her again but I'm glad she's doing well. are she and Hank getting together after all?
- they, the cast, talk about coming full circle so often that I'm beginning to think when, not if, EZ dies, Angel will leave the club (family beach scene) and Bishop will be sitting in the president chair as if the "Reyes era" never existed and shall never be spoken about ever again.
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ambeauty · 10 months
13 books to get to know me better
Tagged by my sister @jonskory
1. To All The Boys I Loved Before (Series) by Jenny Han- I read after I watched the first movie and completely fell in love. It made my heart flutter in the best way. The books are of course so much better!
2. Legendborn by Tracy Deonn - the first time I ever felt completely represented in a fantasy series. I was blown away with how Tracy tied in Black American culture/history/folklore into an Arthurian tale. Pretty masterful
3. New Camelot Series by Sierra Simone - I love poly ships and these 3 were so magnetic and passionate! Hated the age gap but it made up for it in plot. The twist you never see coming 😭
4. Queen Move by Kennedy Ryan - a beautiful story with childhood friends to lovers with actual adult characters with real life traumas and history that was relatable and sexy!
5. Sinner by Sierra Simone - Shocking but in the best way! Idk what else to say. Read it and prepare to have your jaw dropped.
6. Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Gaudin - Never did I ever think a historical fiction would have me in a grip like this! This story is so good! The sci-fi, the enemies to lovers, the action! It’s all there 😮‍💨
7. Tiny Pretty Things by Dhonielle Clayton - I loved the tension and the stakes of this one! Netflix show butchered tf out of this book it was soo good.
8. An American Marriage by Tayari Jones - This book was intense! But the drama had me by the neck! So many different emotions while reading this. Mildly traumatic but for the most part just beautiful story telling.
9. The Coldest Winter Ever by Sista Soujah - should’ve never been reading this smut at the age I read but it was a wild story with even wilder scenes. The sequel that came out decades later pissed me off because the plot of this was actually good.
10. One of us is Lying by Karen McManus- Good mystery and great ships! Loved the twists and turns and the slow burn ship at the center. Book 2 is not as good.
11. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell - Love everything about this HP inspired wizard romance! Books 1&2 are it… idk what happened with 3!
12. Burn for Burn by Jenny Han - This series was not what I was expecting but it was so interesting and well told with the usual JH sensibilities
13. Permanent Record by Mary Choi - Hardly ever have a plot where the fmc is the star! This was so fun and poetic.
Tagging whoever wants to partake 🥰
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avatarskywalker78 · 6 months
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OC New Year's Challenge 2023 Day Five: Don't You Forget About Me
Though the plan was to write more for Steph Taylor and the rest of Team Shieldmaiden last year, it didn't work out that way, even though I was hoping to get a lot more of Part 2 written and maybe even some of Part 3. So I decided to make a moodboard for love, you're not alone (cause i'm gonna stand by you), featuring Steph (center) and the other main characters of the story - Alyssa Clayton (top left), Ralph Dibny (top right), Hartley Rathaway (bottom left) and Eddie Thawne (bottom right). Though Ralph isn't officially part of Team Shieldmaiden, Steph does end up telling him about her powers and there is a surprising discovery in store for the PI.
It also features what will be the main focuses of the fic, particularly STAR Labs (as the group work to take down Wells) and Athena Labs (as the Metahuman Outreach Project starts to grow in size.) With revelations left, right, and centre, and more metahumans popping out of the woodwork, the five of them will certainly have their work cut out for them over the coming months.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet
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observeowl · 10 months
Her Assistant | Chapter 21 - Midnight Tea Party
Summary: After losing her family, Natasha Romanoff builds her company from the ground up. During the rise of her company, she decided she needed an assistant, one that works in her office and her house. That's when she saw your resume. After working five years for her, how was it like working for her? Or more importantly, how things progress?
Series Masterlist
Natasha's POV The main event after winning is the dorm's boat parade.
"So these are the clothes that have been worn by the Blue House for generations..." Y/N said as she stared at me. "This is even more embarrassing than I imagined it would be." The previous generation's team must be all boys and taller than me. The sleeves were not fitting. No matter how much I I tried pulling it up, it looked way too baggy for me. They are all threadbare even though they haven't been worn more than once.
"Y/N... can't you just take these in a little?" It was very hard to walk without stepping on the pants.
"That won't do."
"You said you would win, didn't you? As your assistant, I naturally came prepared." She presented me with the uniform I was supposed to wear with the other players.
"Thank you, really. At least I know I always have you supporting me."
"I told you, I'll always stay by your side and never lie to you."
After taking pictures, Bluer was going through what's going to happen for the boat parade. " We'll get on the boat and go along the river. Once we approached the center. We'll take off our hats and salute the president. Then we'll throw the flowers from our hats into the river and return."
Theoretically, everything should go well. Natasha sat at the head of the boat since everyone agreed that she deserved that spot. It was also great since she doesn't have to row the boat. Lanterns were lighted when the sun set and flames of St George were lighted once again. Some lanterns drifted into the sky while some floated above the water.
"I'm getting nervous."// "Fools! Don't lose pace!!"
Fury was there at the ceremony as well, sitting next to the governor. I know I'm almost at the truth, I just need some more time before I uncover everything.
"Rushman, We've managed to win this tournament due to minute calculations. However, there was one fatal miss. We never thought we'd actually win, so we didn't practice for the parade even once." Bluer said as he stood up. The boat started wobbling as the players were unstable on their feet and it was only inevitable that they ended up falling into the river.
People started laughing but it wasn't that sort of a bad laugh. Everyone was having fun, it was kinda on brand for Blue House to do something like this. A boom was heard and fireworks were going off, lighting up the sky even more.
"Natasha!! That was so amazing, the way you defeated Green House with all the tricks. No wonder you were able to bring the truth out." Pietro excitedly said. He was jumping up and down on his sister's shoulder after I dried myself off.
Food was distributed to everyone and it was a party with a huge success. Everyone had a smile on their face. Purple House provided the music and Red House accompanied the guests for some dance.
"Ahhh... that was fun." My dorm mate said when we entered our room. " I ate too much!" // 'I'm so tired..."
I noticed something on my bed as I got closer.
"That's amazing!" Jones jumped on me when she realised what it was. "You've been invited to the midnight tea party!" I did it, I finally acquired the right to see the Principal. "They say that when a beautiful flower blooms under the moon at midnight, they'll come for you. So if you put that on your chest, you'll be able to attend." I'll make sure to ask Jones the next time I don't know anything. Everything happening in the school, she seems to know.
Midnight came quickly as the students were sleeping except for me. A knock on the door showed Clayton coming to show me to the gathering area before heading in.
"Welcome, Rushman. To the elegant, traditional, high class, bizarre Midnight Tea Party." Bluer said as I entered the room. Once the clock struck midnight, the organ sounded like someone was playing with it. The music was not pleasant at all.
After walking through a series of doors, I was finally led to a garden where the Principal was seated and the Vice-Principal standing behind him. "Thank you everyone for coming, please sit down." Mr Agares said.
"Everyone, the tea is done."
"It's a bit irksome, but I guess we should toast with tea." Redmond said.
"Well then." Bluer took on the task. "To having successfully protected tradition and finish June 4th for another year. To Weston, a toa-"
"Wait!" I stopped the toast. "I can't toast from the bottom of my heart like this."
"What's wrong?"
"That's something bothering me. It's about Derk Arden and his friends. I can't toast until I've met them." I placed the cup back down. "Mr Principal, will you hear my story?"
"Rushman, that's rude."
"I know it is. But the school 15th school rule states the following, at all times you should share your heart with your friends, and help them out with love, that's what it says." Hearing that, Bluer kept his mouth shut.
"Derrick Arden, Richard Greenson, Hans Hardy, Robert Isaac, Ewan Thewlis. I have heard that since about a year ago, none of them have returned home even once and have been cooped up in their dormitories during that time. Actually, when I entered the school, I was asked by their parents to persuade them to come home just once. But when I tried to meet up with them, I was met with the most bizarre circumstances. I couldn't even lay eyes on them."
"In any case, it's the truth that they weren't at purple house. 5 people have disappeared from a strictly supervised school. This is obviously quite strange!" I slammed on the table and stood up. Supposing from my investigation up till now... Derrick and the rest probably aren't at this school anymore. In the best case, they've escaped. In the worst, they're dead. It's obvious these people are hiding something. Before, they got away with 'the Principal decided on it', but with everyone gathered here, they can't use that anymore.
"So, Mr Principal, I'd like you to call the police."
"That would not be necessary." Mr Agares said. "That's because, look, they're right there." He pointed at the door we came through. The door handle creaked open. Everyone had the face of horror when they saw his face, Derrick Arden, wearing his pristine uniform and flower.
Derrick Arden? He's fine? Why did he disappear until now, then?
"What the hell, he's right there." Chesslock said, not sure why I was making such a fuss about it.
"Arden? Are you really..." Greenhill looked ghastly as he looked at him.
"Hey, the tea smells good." Arden's voice was like a scratchy microphone.
"Ar- Arde-" Without saying anything, he leaned forward and sunk his teeth into Greenhill's arm.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Midford shouted as he jumped over the table and kicked Arden to save his prefect. Arden stumbled away and showcased his bloody mouth from the biting but people were more focused on the Frankenstein scar that ran across his forehead.
Recognising that I need more help, I ordered Y/N to come and capture Arden before worse things can happen. I didn't know where she was hiding but she was no longer wearing her disguise when she came out. Like a magician, she pulled out the table cloth without disturbing the dishes and used it to tie Arden up.
Greenhill was whimpering from the loss of his flesh and Midford was rightfully worried for him. Both their faces were pale. Y/N the first aid the best she could but he definitely needed more medical attention.
"The reason I entered this school was to find Derrick and the rest. However, I couldn't get hold of his whereabouts. Because Derrick was already dead." I explained.
"Dead? What do you mean? He was just moving." Harcourt said.
"He..y Th..e tea smellzz goood..." Derrick's head turned in a way it was not supposed to be.
"Hee!" Harcout jumped in fright and moved further away from him.
"Well." I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the Principal. "Let's have you explain what is going on here. Spit it out! What did you do to Derrick?"
Instead of the Principal answering, Greenhill spoke up. "We just wanted to protect..." It took quite a bit of effort for him to speak. "The saint that symbolises our school... Saint George... The legend goes that he defeated a dragon to protect the country."
"In other words, if you don't cut it off from the source, you won't be able to run from the disaster." Bluer continued. "We obeyed those teachings."
"That's why we... set out to... kill Derrick." Redmond finished it.
They began explaining how they made a mistake but they weren't going to let Greenhill take the blame all by himself. Due to the connection that Redmond has, he had found a way that would cover everything up. "And so, we set up a contract with him."
"I see.. Now everything falls into place. Derrick Arden, the student who disappeared, body and soul. The Principal, the one who was able to escape from my pursuit. The Kraken society, the association researching human regeneration. But the one who wrapped all of this in such a difficult mystery... to figure this out would have been a trivial task." I smiled, the truth was right in front of me all along. "It was you wasn't it?" I pointed at the Principal.
"The Principal has nothing to do with it! Us prefects did it all by ourselves and-" Redmond rushed to protect the sacred person he looked up to.
"No one said it was the Principal. Hey, why don't we both drop the teacher act here?" Y/N said.
"Ah man... I really liked this job too. It was truly pleasant to watch your struggle from the grant tier. You've offered me your best of laughs..." She said as her long hair flowed down from her tall hat she was wearing.
"Eleanor Crowder. We meet again." I said, tightening my grip on the gun. "I was wondering why you've gotten so silent after our last meeting."
"Aww, nice to know you miss me."
I ignored what she said and focused on the others. "You four assassinated Derrick Arden and then requested his resuscitation from the Kraken Society. What was so important to protect that you would resort to such means?"
"Derrick... he was not supposed to be at this school." Bluer said.
"What do you mean by that?'
Third POV They succeeded in becoming the prefects for Weston College after four years, finally gaining the right to step on the lawn.
They did their job to try to make the school a better place. They started out with the right heart and intention but it just didn't last to the end.
"Bullying?" Greenhill asked
"Yes. It was put into the complaint box. They want us to have eyes in every nook and cranny." Redmond said, after picking out what he thought deserved the most attention.
"School rule no 15, every student has to be equal under the principal."
"We can't allow that! Let me stand watch." Derrick, Redmond's fag, stepped up to do something about it.
"How admirable of you Derrick. We'll leave it to you."
In everyone's eyes, he was reliable. The captain of the local cricket team, embroiders like a true craftsman, gets high marks for his reports and his poetry is genius as well.
He was a governor's bloodline, a cheerful personality, overflowing with talent. Derrick Arden was dazzling. But because of that, they didn't notice... the deep dark shadow that light had casted...
"Unpermitted leave is against the school rules!" Redmond caught two students in his dorm leaving the school grounds. "And on top of that, you have alcohol?"
"You should think of the disorder you've caused while dragging the name of your school and family through the mud!!" Derrick said while shaking his head.
After Redmond gave the punishment to them, he asked Derrick about any updates about the bullying case. He gave a negative response claiming that the complaint box received lots of fake in the first place.
"Today, we had two entries in the complaint box. Please increase the different types of food served in school and... what's this? A poem dedicated to the prefects?" Derrick said as he passed the note to Redmond.
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"A poem dedicated to the prefects huh... I guess they must look up to us." Derrick said as he passed the note to Redmond. He looked at it with a serious face while reading it through again.
After lights out, Redmond gathered the other prefects. "What is it? Calling us out so suddenly." Violet asked, he much rather be in his room sleeping.
"The poem had the date and time weaved into it quite skillfully, and it was directed at us. Thursday is a word derived from... the God of Thunder, Thor. A harp of bent pearl refers to baroque music, which must mean the music room. I think the torch went out, referring to after lights out." Redmond said, after deconstructing the poem.
"So they wanted us to come to the music room on Thursday night?" Bluer confirmed.
"But... it's still amazing that you managed to pick up on that." Greenhill said as the rest of them looked at the note.
"Only the word with a special meaning were written differently. With some education of poetry, you would pick up on a message like that. But I don't really get the last, deprived of light bit." Redmond admitted as they continued making their way to the music room.
Before they even reached the music room, they could hear sounds and light coming from the room.
"Hey! What are you doing over there?" He rushed in to see what's happening. He would have never thought to see five students bullying three others. And of the culprit being his fag. The tree of them were stripped of their clothes and you could clearly see the bruises on their body. One of them was holding a cricket bat like they were practicing and using the student as the wicket.
Deprived of light meant the following. Derrick Arden's dazzling results were all fake. The cricket, the embroidery, the reports, the poems, everything. He took other's talents through despicable means, and used them to make himself shine.
Bluer picked up victim's clothes and gently guided them out and told them to return to their rooms while Redmond tried to come to a conclusion about his fag.
"I should have known when you couldn't decipher that poem..."
"Sheesh..." He looked unapologetic about his action, not even trying to cover up or give excuses about his actions. "I only needed one more year. My family have been prefects here for generations and all. I'm so over that. I didn't even want to go, but they just threw me into this place." He complained. "So, can't you just overlook it when I want to let off some steam? In return, I'll supply you with a much bigger donation than everyone else, from my dad."
"STOP FOOLING AROUNd!!" Greenhill shouted. "The Principal will hear about this from the Vice-Principal. Be prepared for a fitting punishment!!" He gripped his cricket bat tighter in his hands from anger.
"Did you hear that?" He talked to someone behind him. Someone stepped out from the shadow and it was the Vice-Principal.
"What is the meaning of this? Why are you..." Redmond couldn't understand why the Vice-Principal was there.
"I've understood the situation. Derrick Arden and four others. You will receive two Y for being out at night."
"I'm soooo sorry." He said it without energy and even a three year old could give out a better apology than that.
"Being out at night?! That's not right!" The prefects were stunned at the reasoning and punishment that the Vice-Principal gave. "They were bullying! We have to report this to the Principal and-"
"This year's prefects are quite rude. Voicing your opinion against the Vice-Principal?"
"N-no, we didn't mean to..." Greenhill replied.
"Then there is no problem. You can all return to your rooms."
The prefects couldn't believe what they were seeing. The Vice-Principal was acting so kindly to him like he was his friend. That was until he saw what he was holding in the Vice-Principal hands. A bottle of alcohol. The Vice-Principal was in cahoot with Derrick all along.
They couldn't let this happen, they couldn't let this go without doing anything. They are not going to let Derrick be the prefect next year. As long as they are there, the school's tradition will crumble.
Without thinking, Greenhill picked up his bat and striked it on Derrick's head forcefully. Seeing their friend commit an act of such crime, they race to close the door and prevent anyone from leaving, there can be no witness left behind.
"He's not... breathing." Violet said after everything they've done.
"This is all my fault... What did I do?"
"Calm down Greenhill. We had no other choice."
"Yes.. but what now? As it is, Greenhill will get the blame."
"I have an idea."
Flashback end
Your POVEveryone stared at the prefects with horror.
"Our actions are inexcusable to our relatives. But there was nothing else we could do to protect our traditional order. We didn't want to stir things up and damage the school's good name." Bluer said.
"I see." Natasha has the business smile on her face. "I was asked to investigate this incident by a certain high ranking individual. They won't sit by and do nothing after hearing the truth about this matter. However, I'll ask them to consider the circumstances"
"Well then, that just leaves you. What do you think we should do, Natasha?"
"Since I received a copious amount of payments just now, I'll tell you for old time sake." (She was talking about the laughing)
"Derrick was certainly conscious, if only for a moment. Even the dead can evolve. As long as there are episodes." She explained her grand scheme.
"Episodes? Do you mean those fake memories you made?" I asked.
"Close, but not quite." She did a cross with her arms in front of her body. "What's driving them now is... their yearning for a future. In their dying moments, humans review their past life. At the same time, they crave the future they were supposed to have. They are fragmentary of course, but those fragments are the episodes. Like a predictive map of the future. My self-created memories are nothing compared to these, future memories. So, if we stuck these to the record... wouldn't it become complete?" She talked about her vision, it did nothing but scares us into what she could possibly do if she achieved it. No dead will stay dead.
"Well, the succession rate is still pretty low." She shrugged her shoulders. "It's dependent on the quality and quantity of the episodes."
"I don't understand." Natasha shook her head. "Why would you do that? What purpose does bringing back the dead serve?" She asked angrily.
"I want to see what comes after the pre-determined end. You never thought about it? There might be an interesting development lurking behind the ending credits... I've told you all I can for the current price. I should get going. It's be a hassle if I got found out by a certain annoying individual."
"No, you don't get to leave so easily." Natasha fired a shot and I knew it was my time to step up.
Mr Agares came to stop me and I saw the same Frankenstein scar on his forehead. "I knew it, you're dead as well."
"He was full of episodes. He's my masterpiece. For now, at least." Crowder said as she jumped to leave. Snapping her fingers twice, corpses which were Derrick's friends rose from the ground and this instantly turned into a set for a zombie movie.
"You've got to be kidding me."
"Run! Get out of the garden! Quick!" Midford said as he lifted Greenhill over his shoulders and attempted to carry him out. Natasha stayed at the exit and ushered them out.
Harcourt wasn't like the rest, her legs gave way and she stared at the moving corpses unable to move. "Come!" Natasha went ahead to grab her.
"You don't seem to be in a hurry." I said as I have Mr Agares clinging onto me like a slug. Despite being Crowder's masterpiece, he has absolutely no sense of fighting skills. He was growling next to my ears but made no actions to attack me, only ever counterattacking. "Did you think you could keep me down like this? You underestimate me." I asked Crowder.
"I'm not underestimating you at all. It's just that... we have different goals." My heart stopped at the thought of her capturing Natasha.
At this distance, she was closer to Natasha and she would be able to get to Natasha before I could. Once it came to me what she meant, I smashed Mr Agares head onto the floor and rushed towards Natasha.
"As expected of you, Y/N." Crowder said. She ran along the ledge of the walls of the garden. "You should keep protecting Romanoff, with such devotion. See you!" She tricked me into thinking she was going to attack Natasha in order to escape.
"Stay back." I kicked the moving corpse in front of us.
"Why didn't you capture Eleanor Crowder? What am I supposed to tell Fury without a culprit in front of him?"
"Can't you just tell him the truth? Hydra is expanding and the Kraken Society is reviving the dead."
"As if he'd believe."
"Rushman!" Midford came back to inform her that everyone was safely evacuated when he accidentally stepped on a head.
"Be careful, there's a lot of blood if you don't want to dirty your shoes." I kindly reminded him before he continued stepping in.
"Rushman... I'm scared... If this had continued, I might have become like these prefects. The kind of person that mistakes the sin of murder for justice." He clenched his fist at the thought as he was the next in line to be a prefect.
"Don't worry. As long as you're afraid of that, you're still normal. Unlike me." Natasha whispered the last part but I heard it clearly. Wanting to diffuse the problem and end the awkwardness, I told them it was better if we waited for SHIELD personnel to arrive outside with the others.
Natasha POVWhen I saw Maria Hill arrive, she only gave me a look before heading in with Culson behind her. I went ahead to find Fury and prepare myself for what's to come. It's going to be difficult to convince him what happened, he doesn't trust anyone, or anything easily.
"You know I have to give something to the press right? Something this big that happened in a prestigious school isn't going to keep itself silent." Fury said when he heard the end of my story.
"I know you have something in your sleeve to give the press for their attention until this dies. Don't forget, I went on this stupid mission that was obviously on a lower grade than I usually do." I rebutted. Though, this ended up being something I usually get assigned to, and Fury would know that when he reads the report, but until then, no harm done.
When I finished speaking to Fury, I saw Y/N keeping her phone in her pocket. "I told Bucky to come and pick us up. He should be here any moment."
"Who were you speaking to?"
"... Nicole." I nodded my head, remembering her as the one who drugged Y/N that time.
We stood in silence until Bucky arrived at the front gate picking us up. As usual, Y/N opened the door for me to get in, but when I looked back at her, she had already closed the door and moved to sit in the passenger seat. I immediately got out and opened her door abruptly.
She looked at me like I just caught her cheating on an examination. "Natasha?"
"Why are you sitting here? You're supposed to be sitting with me!" I dragged her out of her seat as Bucky watched the interaction between us. "Do I have to tell you to drive?" I shouted at him before he gripped the gearstick and drove off.
When we were in the car, Y/N was restless, she couldn't sit still and finally took out her phone after a while. I saw that she was scrolling through a map and bouncing between places but I couldn't tell if she was looking for something specific.
"What are you going to do about Nicole? Don't you think it's about time she gets what she deserves?" I looked at her but she was still scrolling through her phone, not answering me. I gave her a nudge and she finally looked at me. "What are you looking at, so engrossed?" I nodded towards her phone.
"Um.. just a place to meet her and to eat. Checking out the area." She tilted her phone for me to see.
"What are you going to do to her?"
"I think there's more to find out about her motives. I mean why did she want to drug me in the first place?"
"Let's not think about this for now and relax when we can. I believe we've earned this after this mission." I gently took her hand and gave it a kiss. Seeing us this close, Bucky gave a wolf whistle and Y/n went red, hiding her face. I chuckled at her adorableness. "I love you so much." 
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World Cinema Blog Week 2 - By Natalyn Wakeling
Room at the Top 1959
The film I chose to watch this week was Room at the Top, directed by Jack Clayton. It was released in 1959. To me this film is remarkable because it is quite provocative for its time. The plot of the movie is Joe Lampton wanting to marry rich to Susan Brown, but truly falling for the married Alice Aisgill. Alice Aisgill is referred to as an "old whore" on multiple occasions throughout the movie, but Joe did not see her as such. Susan Brown seems the type he really should be falling for. She is young, wealthy, and beautiful, but he can not find passion with her. Critics describe this movie as "the first in the British New Wave movement, which centered on stories about the struggles and miseries of the working class". (4Columns.org) This movie made way for many movies to come after it, by showing these class struggles through Joe and his interactions throughout the film. An example of Joe's struggle with his class is on multiple occasions when Joe expresses his interest in Susan, he is told by both wealthy and working class folk to "stay in his class". This film is made after the John Braine Novel Room at the Top 1957.
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Here is a look into how there film performed objectively. The British film costed $280,000, and did 2,400,000 in the Box Office. This shows that the movie performed quite well. I think this film was able to gross this amount of money because it was very relatable for the times. A movie made on the struggling British working class, along with a very intriguing romance plot is bound to do great things when it is released. The film was marketed under the genre of "romantic drama", which is also a genre of film that does great when it comes to gaining an audience.
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Room at the Top is greatly acclaimed among critics for setting the path of representation of the working class in British cinema. The guardian describes it as "a film that genuinely changed British cinema for ever." (Review by the Guardian) The Guardian describes the film as being mainly marketed as a story of "lust and ambition", and drew viewers in to experience one of the most emotionally devastating and groundbreaking films ever done in British cinema. The guardian explains that at the time of release, British critics were not particularly happy with some parts of the production and release of the film. They did not appreciate that is was not directed by one of the famous Oxford directors. Jack Clayton was only a military man with very little Cinema experience. They also didn't appreciate that the finances of the movie were focusing more on making it a commercial hit rather than catering to the works of the Royal Court Theatre. Based on the standard audience reviews, the movie seems to have struck very well with viewers. "A masterful film in all aspects, full of strength", is a very well rounded comment for the general consensus of the viewers of this film (rottentomatoes.com)
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Historically, this film really resonated with many because it was relatable. The British class system was as definite as ever from the 1950s-1960s, and this movie does a very good job of depicting that. The British were decolonizing during this time period, leaving them with less money and resources, setting the tone for the class system. (study smarter.us) This film does a great job of representing classism in multiple ways through Joe Lampton. When Joe is working class, he is told off by many people to look for marriage in his own class. Then, in the end when he is about to marry into the Brown family and is seen in the bar conversing with a lower class woman, he is once again told to stay with his class, this time meaning his upper class. This just shows how great a role class played during this time socially, and how difficult it really was to change your class status. This film overall paved way for more films like this to come on the class system in British Cinema.
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The way the movie is done clearly displays the British class system during this time period. A remarkable moment in the film is when Joe goes to visit his childhood home that was hit by a bomb. It was in wreckage, however, there were people so poor that they were still living in this wreckage of a home. This really plays into demonstrating how the lower class was living at this time. Joe was a great depiction of working class. He was working a job and barely making ends meet, but he still had enough to live decently and make connections. The upper class is well depicted by Susan Brown and her family. Joe Lampton describes her home as a castle, and their family uses their money as a power play to intimidate those under them.
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This particular image really encompasses the meaning of the film to me. Joe thought all he ever wanted was a young, good-looking, and rich woman. In this moment after he is married, he realizes these things will never equate to the passion he felt with Alice. As poor and old as she was, these were the true riches of life that Joe lost. The look of emptiness in this shot is his own guilt for feeling as though he had murdered Alice after her death, because she had nothing to live for but their love. During its time I think this film was very striking because it was marketed as "lustful and ambitious". While this movie is both of these things, it has a much bigger theme that definitely resonated with the audience and stood out from other films during this time period. For a film to be ground breaking and path paving, it needs to do something different from other films. I think this film was ground breaking because it addressed the class system, while also giving one of the most emotionally devastating romance stories along with it.
I believe this film to be quite easily defined as conventional. While it is testing and provocative, it was done after a novel which already makes way for the movie to do very well. The finances of the film were criticized for striving to commercialize this film by marketing the provocative love story far more than they marketed it as a movie displaying British class systems. The film had very famous actor of the time Simone Signoret, who plays Alice, which is also bound to commercialize the film. The basis of the film is quite easy to understand, and appeals to a wide range of audiences, making it easy to sell. The film was marketed in a way that makes it conventional although it has some unconventional factors. One being the unique idea of bringing class into a film. This was not done before in British cinema, which could be potentially controversial, however, it made it big and set way for many movies after it.
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All in all, this film was not only a commercialized, intriguing romance, it was a ground breaking film that introduced the issue of the British class systems. It paved the way in British cinema, and forever changed the way films were made after its release. It was something that had never been done before in its time, and even has some uniqueness to anything I have ever watched to this day.
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onenettvchannel · 10 months
FLASH REPORT OVERNIGHT: Maryland YouTuber 'VivziePop' on Helluva Boss won Best Animated Show and 'Gawr Gura' took home a new Best VTuber at the Streamy Awards 2023, leaving JaidenAnimations' fall short on a Double Friendly Nomination in Awards Night [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA -- In a night of celebration and recognition… Vivienne Maree Medrano from Frederick, Maryland; better known in the online world as VivziePop, emerged victorious as her animated series "Helluva Boss" claimed the coveted Best Animated Show award at the Streamy Awards 2023.
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The star-studded YouTubers' event took place last Sunday night (August 27th, 2023 at 6pm -- Pacific local time) at the glamorous Fairmont Century Plaza hotel in Los Angeles, California, United States of America (U.S.A.), marking yet another milestone in the career of their talented female YouTube creators.
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Hosted by The Game Theorists' MatPat, whose real name as Matthew Robert Patrick and other featured personalities like xQC (Félix Lengyel), Smosh (Ian Andrew Hecox & Daniel Anthony Padilla), Dream (Clayton Ray Huff), etc.
Streamy Awards, which recognizes outstanding achievements in online video and the YouTube creators behind them, saw strong competition in the 'Animated' and 'VTuber' category.
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(SCREENGRAB COURTESY: Sam Haft & Streamys / Twitter PHOTO -- Per Ms. Loona's notes, a scary tactic of Imps' meeting already in progress during the episode, except for a video clip obtained by Streamy Awards 2023)
VivziePop's Helluva Boss, a web series spin-off of her highly successful show 'Hazbin Hotel' was captivated fans with its unique, independent animation style and dark comedy. The success of the aforementioned web series further solidifies Medrano's status as an influential figure in the world of online video animation.
On the other hand, the emerging trend of Virtual YouTubers or 'VTubers' took center stage during the awards night. One of the notable winners of the night was Gawr Gura, a charismatic VTuber known for her entertaining livestreams and catchy tunes. Not only that, Gura released a one-shot Japanese YouTube anime short of Tonari Animation in mid-September 2022 called Shark'd. Gura's subscribers to its YouTube channel boasts nearly 4.5 million and she is an official member of a virtual talent agency Hololive English, which took home a well-deserved award, highlighting the growing popularity and influence of this unique online content format.
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(ART PHOTO COURTESY via Jaiden K. Dittfach / Twitter PHOTO -- Dittfach signs up on Twitch, with her boxed package and began streaming LIVE, a day before the Streamy Awards 2023)
Leading up to the awards night, a fellow female YouTuber in Southern California named Jaiden Kiyomi Dittfach, popularly known as JaidenAnimations' despite falling short in her categories role between Animated & VTuber made headlines by announcing her expansion into the world of Twitch.
The versatile Southern Californian YouTube creator individual -- unveiled her plans on a special livestream the night before the ceremony last Saturday (August 26th, 2023), showcasing her determination to explore new avenues and engage with her ardent fanbase in exciting ways since she is a nominated individual role. Contemptibly falling just short of the awarded titles, Dittfach continues to shine brightly as she expands her presence to Twitch, diversifying her content in a night to remember before the Streamy Awards 2023.
Ditffach's decision to expand onto Twitch allows her to connect with her audience through a more interactive platform, where viewers aside on YouTube LIVE can engage in real-time during her streams in most occasional schedule possible. With her signature humor and relatability, Dittfach is set to bring her unique content to the Twitch community while continuing her successful journey on her original YouTube channel.
A friendly award-winning competition between VivziePop and JaidenAnimations at the Streamy Awards 2023 exemplified the camaraderie and support prevalent among creators in the online world. Both talented individuals have thrived in their respective fields, captivating fans through their creative works and genuine personalities. As the Streamy Awards 2023 came to a close, it was evident that Medrano's continued success and Dittfach's innovative expansion onto Twitch would only propel them further in their separate careers. These two exceptional female, independent YouTube creators have undoubtedly left their mark on the world of online content creation, inspiring others and paving the way for future stars.
The Streamy Awards 2023 proved to be a night of triumph, collaboration and innovation, as creators from various platforms were honored for their exceptional talent and influence. With VivziePop's Helluva Boss and JaidenAnimations' expansion into Twitch -- in exchange for a double trouble defeat, it is clear that the digital landscape will continue to evolve, offering new opportunities for creators to push boundaries and captivate audiences all over the world.
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(SCREENGRAB COURTESY: Streamys & VivziePop / YT PHOTO -- Two titlecards for representation purposes)
You can relive the best moments on demand between the Streamy Awards 2023 and two seasons of Helluva Boss, which were both available to stream exclusively and globally for free on YouTube.
SOURCE: *https://www.fairmont.com/los-angeles/ [Reference Hotel Biography via Fairmont website] *https://www.streamys.org/nominees-winners/13th-annual-nominees/ [Updated Referenced Nomination Listings from the Streamy Awards] *https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/The_Game_Theorists *https://twitter.com/streamys/status/1695966567270596696 [Referenced Twitter Video #1 via Streamys] *https://twitter.com/SamHaft/status/1695972867572470037 [Referenced Captioned Twitter Post via SamHaft] *https://twitter.com/streamys/status/1695972696994259424 [Referenced Captioned Twitter Image #1 via Streamys] *https://twitter.com/streamys/status/1695987497967530324 [Referenced Captioned Twitter Image #2f via Streamys] *https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Gawr_Gura_Ch._hololive-EN *https://www.tonarianimation.com/works/ *https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g/monthly [Referenced Statistics Data via SocialBlade] *https://twitter.com/streamys/status/1695985597926789325 [Referenced Twitter Video #2f via Streamys] and *https://twitter.com/JaidenAnimation/status/1695572769218671087 [Referenced Captioned Twitter Image via JaidenAnimations]
-- OneNETnews Team
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southeastmed-spa · 10 months
Fat Removal Clayton: Transform Your Body
Fat Removal Clayton: Transform Your Body at Southeastaestheticandwellness. Say goodbye to stubborn fat with advanced body sculpting treatments at Southeast Aesthetic and Wellness. Achieve the body you've always desired, safely and effectively.
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theultimatefan · 1 year
Bisley, Cassara, Cho, Crain Headline Talented Comics Creators At FAN EXPO Portland, Feb. 17-19
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An incredible array of talented comics artists and writers, spanning more than a half century of work and encompassing dozens of the most popular franchises in the history of the medium through the present will be on hand as FAN EXPO Portland today announced the Artist Alley headliners for the convention, set for February 17-19 at the Oregon Convention Center. Among the superstar writers and artists are Simon Bisley (“Lobo,” “Harley Quinn”), Joshua Cassara (“X Lives of Wolverine,” “X-Force”), Michael Cho (“Marvel Masterworks,” “Batman: Urban Legends”), Clayton Crain (“Wolverine,” “Deadpool”), Michael Golden (legendary Marvel, DC artist), Tom Grummett (“The New Titans,” “The Adventures of Superman”), Scott Hanna (“Amazing Spider-Man"), Tony Harris (“Starman,” “Ex Machina”), Jonathan Case (“Batman ‘66,” “The New Deal”), Randy Emberlin (“Amazing Spider-Man,” “Dr. Strange”), Guy Gilchrist (“The Muppets,” “Nancy”), Kevin Maguire (“Justice League International”), Caitlyn Yarsky (“Bliss,” “Coyotes”) and many more.
Just about every franchise imaginable will be well represented, and comics fans will revel in meeting the creators who have made them possible. Q&A’s, interactive demonstration sessions, autographs, commission opportunities and more make the experience a can’t-miss for comics lovers.
The field of creators also includes such talents as Karl Kesel (“The Adventures of Superman,” “Superboy”), Steve Lieber (“Jimmy Olsen,” “One Star Squadron”), Jonboy Meyers (“Marvel Age Spider-Man,” “She-Hulk”), Aaron Reynolds (“Effin’ Birds”), Mark Russell (“Blade: Vampire Nation”), Chris Warner (“Predator,” “Terminator”), Joe Wos (“Mazetoons”), Jeremy Clark (“TMNT,” “Lady Death”), Ariel Diaz (“Witchblade,” “G.I.Joe”), Jamie Tyndall (“White Widow”), Brett Weldele (“Beauty”), Renee Witterstaetter (writer, editor, publisher) and more. The full list can be found at https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpoportland/comic-creators/.
The quality of the creators in Artist Alley mirrors that of the FAN EXPO Portland celebrity roster, which features a first-rate list that includes William Shatner (“Star Trek,” “Boston Legal”); Back to the Future stars Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and Tom Wilson; Ron Perlman (“Sons of Anarchy,” Hellboy), Katee Sackhoff (“The Mandalorian,” “Battlestar Galactica”); Sam Raimi (The Evil Dead, Spider-Man); Anthony Daniels (Star Wars franchise); Matthew Lewis (“Neville Longbottom” in Harry Potter franchise) and many more. The complete celebrity lineup is available at https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpoportland/celebrities/.
Tickets for FAN EXPO Portland are on sale at http://www.fanexpoportland.com now, including individual single day, 3-day and Ultimate Fan Packages for adults, youths and families. VIP packages are also available now, with dozens of special benefits including priority entry, limited edition collectibles, exclusive items and much more.
Portland is the second event on the 2023 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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Meet the Madrigals --@ [La Familia Madrigal + Clayton]
In which Clayton officially meets the Madrigals...[takes place: late August, 2022]
@vcnatorr, @accident-prone-agustin, @letitrain-letitsnow-letitgo, @tirameunpaso-felix, @haveyoumet-dolores, @waitingona-mirabel
[tw -- none really!]
ISABELA: “I’ll get it!” Isabela said, trotting towards the door, a field of poppies springing up behind her as she went. While this display was beautiful, it was also a symptom of Isabela’s anxiety. Her magic was wild, vines curling around the columns that framed the doorway as she moved towards it, squeezing tight.
Isabela had never brought a boy home to meet her family before.
She’d had boyfriends, of course. Sweet things when they’d all been children in Encanto that did not really count. And there had been one boyfriend while she’d been in University that she had been somewhat serious with. Pico had been lovely, the son of a politician, but she had lost touch with him after the coup. And he had only ever met her father, who worked in the capital sometimes and had had lunch with him once. 
This was completely different. Clayton wasn’t a boyfriend, really. He was. They’d agreed to be exclusive, but calling him her boyfriend felt immature. This was a proper relationship. One that she wanted to last. And that meant he had to make a good impression on her family. And…they had to make a good impression on him.
She had complete faith in them all. 
“Hola!” Isabela said, slightly breathless as Casita’s door swung open and a burst of flowers rushed passed Isabela, showering Clayton before disappearing as Isabela waved her hand. “Sorry. Come in! Come in!” She pulled Clayton in by the elbow, leading him back into the courtyard. A squirrel skittered across the floor, climbing up the vines that had just appeared in the doorway. 
“Alright, well--this is everyone,” she gestured broadly to the long table set in the center of the courtyard where everyone was bustling back and forth. 
“Tia Pepa, Antonio--” she pointed them out. “Tio Felix and Camilo.” 
“Ay!” Camilo perked up at the sound of his name. 
“Dolores, Luisa, Mirabel--” she pointed as each came out of the kitchen carrying a different dish for the table. “My papa, Agustin. Mama is still in the kitchen, I think. And--” she pulled Clayton a little further into the house. 
“This is Abuela,” Isabela said, smiling wide at her abuelita, heart hammering in her chest. 
CLAYTON: This was not his first visit to the Madrigal household, but it was arguably the most important one. All of them had been important, realistically; the last, when he had stopped by to make sure Isabela was alright after the whole prom night debacle, had very much set them away down the path they were now on. But this was his first visit meeting the family, an activity that Clayton loathed with an overwhelming passion. Admittedly, the families he tended to meet were usually landed gentry and so boring they could reduce a man to tears before the footmen could even bring around the amuse-bouche. 
He had a feeling this meeting would not be so boring. People moving to and fro, little creatures scurrying across their path as they made their way to a courtyard that Clayton was starting to become familiar with. The foliage seemed thicker this time, tangles of vines and flowers coating every other surface. How did anyone ever get anything done around here with all the clutter?
And so many bodies - more siblings and cousins and assembled family than one could shake a stick at. Clayton was used to a house feeling too big, too empty. It was quite the change here; it felt vaguely claustrophobic. Would she want to move the entire family in, once they took over the house at Islip? He supposed if they had their own wing…
He gave each one a nod, a polite smile. Held up a hand to the people who waved in the first place, and let himself be led deeper into their maze of a home.
Now, he was no idiot. Every family had a figurehead, and he knew from the way Isabela spoke about her that her Abuela was very much the head of the household. So he gave his best charming-but-humble smile, reserved very much for situations like this, as he said, “It’s very nice to meet you. And thank you so much, for inviting me - Isabela has told me a lot about your family. It’s nice to be able to put faces to the names.”
FELIX: Felix wasn’t sure about this at all.
But! It wasn’t his place to be sure or not sure about it. Maybe if it was Lo who was bringing home the town Sheriff as her boyfriend he would have a little more sway to say something, but– well, he could only do his best to be supportive of everyone involved. And right now, being supportive meant carrying plates out of the kitchen, helping to get the table set, and keeping his sons out of trouble.
“Antonio, tell the rabbits to stop stealing the salad, there’ll be nothing left for our guest!” He huffed, shooing away a couple of long-eared, fuzzy-tailed thieves. He looked up as Isabela went skittering past in a shower of flowers, pausing to watch the two of them come back through to the courtyard. Nothing was ever ready on time in this family, he tutted to himself. Still a few things to be done before they’d be ready, but never mind. He waved as he heard his name, elbowing Camillo to get him to focus. “Come on, we’ve still got stuff to do, eh? Stay focused.”
He wasn’t trying to eavesdrop on the conversation with Aubela. Except that he was, honestly– he knew how scary meeting Abuela was. He’d done it before, a very long time ago now. He’d had the advantage of being a child, he supposed; by the time he came to Abuela as a potential son-in-law she already knew him rather well. 
“I hope she only told him the good things, hm?” Felix chuckled, looking at Mirabel as he passed by her.
MIRABEL: Mirabel doubted that. She could imagine Isabela complaining about her to the Sheriff, apologizing for her screw-up sister who didn’t get a gift and failed out of school and continued to embarrass herself at every turn. The image was vivid in her mind, entirely constructed (Mirabel didn’t think she’d said two words to the man), but very vivid. The way she imagined it, Isabela was still the enemy, and Sheriff Clayton was her new co-conspirator. 
So no, Mirabel did not have any reservations about whether this was a good match. It was clearly a great match. And one that was totally designed to torture her. 
Because Mirabel looked at her sister and her new boyfriend and all she felt was jealousy. This was a man Abuela would approve of. He had money, and he was prominent in the community, and the only thing that would make him better was if he was Avaloran— but that was harder to achieve in Swynlake. If Mirabel brought home an artist… well, Abuela would probably just silently judge, Mirabel imagined. 
Still, she was supposed to be polite and supportive and not cause drama the way she always did (even inadvertently). So she smiled at Tío Félix. “There aren’t any bad things, Tío. Except maybe my dancing,” she laughed and set down the tray of arepas she was carrying. She glanced at her tía. “Is there anything else I can grab from the kitchen?” Mirabel preferred to have any excuse to run around tonight— and avoid having to tell Isabela how thrilled she was for her. 
PEPA: Pepa was — 
Well, Pepa was excited. Pepa was anxious. Pepa was trying to take deep breaths so that she did not summon a storm in the middle of Casita on this very very important dinner! All of that meant that Pepa was actually trying to keep herself as occupied as possible, and till Clayton had showed up, Pepa had been following Julieta around the kitchen, listening to her older sister and dutifully following in her lead. It was good to put the decisions in someone else’s hands, though if Pepa knew her sister at all, she knew that Julieta was probably putting all her energy into the food so that she wouldn’t worry herself.
All that being said, by the time Mirabel came up to her, right after Pepa had set the second bowl of salad down (this one untouched by the rabbits), there was simply nothing left that needed to be brought —
“Hmm, maybe we should bring out some wine?” Pepa suggested. “Your father brought home a good bottle the other night — which one was it Agustin?” She called to her brother-in-law. “Do you think our guest would like it? I liked it a lot — a good, full-bodied red. If he has good taste, he’ll like it.”
Pepa threw her niece a wink, trying to soothe any nerves that she might have. To be honest, Pepa wasn’t looking at anyone’s reagents right now. Not when she was trying to keep the skies clear and sunny and the mood festive and joyous! No, no, no, getting bogged down by any one else would not do.
“Agustin — go help your daughter with the wine. Oh, glasses too!” 
DOLORES: Dolores was 100% trying to eavesdrop on the conversation with Abuela and Isa AND Clayton. She wanted to know if she liked this man. If she liked the guy her cousin who was basically her sister was bringing home and at the same time she was jealous because she didn’t have anyone and not for a lack of trying either. And here Isa was with someone she cared about on her arm meeting Abuela.
It was tough.
But she would be pleasant and proud and happy for her.
She would!
And she would spy just a little. It was what she did.
Slipping over to her Mama, Dolores set a hand on her arm with a smile and a reassuring grin. They all knew to keep Mama calm incase of a sudden storm. What a horrid first impression. But then there were more animals rushing across the ground and Dolores had to move carefully to avoid them rushing after Ani to help get them calm.
“Food is on the table whenever we’re ready to sit!” Dolores called out ushering the animals away from the couple and Abuela.
AGUSTÍN: Agustín had his reservations about the sheriff, namely that he didn’t seem qualified for the job and that he had to be closer in age to him than to his daughter…which he supposed was fine, with Ines being nearly thirty. Still he had to wonder what he had in common with his daughter beyond good looks. But that wasn’t the point of this evening and nor was Agustín Valera known to be ‘that kind of man’, the kind who was mistrusting and overprotective, and who bristled when you called him by his wife’s surname. Agustín was none of those things both by nature and for optics. 
He brought the wine into the dining room with Mirabel and nodded politely at Clayton, before gesturing to Mirabel for her to sit. He picked his spot out between Julieta and Mirabel — figuring Isabela would want to be with Clayton and Alma — and began to pour wine for everyone. 
“The first class for the guest of course,” Agustín said, pouring some into Clayton’s glass, then Isabela’s. 
ISABELA: Isabela and Clayton chatted with Abuela for a moment, whilst the rest of the family bustled around, but then, it was time to sit down. Isa moved over to her chair, her hand on Clayton’s arm so that she could direct him to the seat next to her, just in case he got stressed about where to sit. It wasn’t necessarily intuitive. And no one sat the same place every night. Sometimes, Isa and Lo sat together so they could gossip about the going ons of the day. Sometimes, it was Camilo and Isa for the same reasons. When Antonio was littler, Isa used to sit next to him to help him with dinner, so the adults could take a break. Sometimes she sat next to Luisa because her sister had had a hard day at work. Sometimes, it was Tio Felix, so that they could discuss the latest episode of whatever telly show they were watching. Or Abuela, when she had something impressive to tell her.
The one constant was that Mira and Isa usually avoided each other. No one commented on it, but it was rather obvious. 
Her sister was down at the other end of the table now, thank God. Both her parents as a buffer, so, hopefully, she didn’t say anything nasty. The last thing Isabela needed was for Clayton to think that her family was a handful. There were many of them, but they were chill! Relaxed. Totally normal. 
“Thank you all for coming, I know we don’t always get to sit down together, but it means a lot to me and I know it means a lot to William too.” She reached over and put her hand on his arm for a moment. 
Abuela, who had taken this time to serve herself, took a bite of her food, which meant the table burst into a flurry of activity as everyone else started passing around the food. (She could see her mother, on Clayton’s other side, eyeing what he put on his plate.) 
“So, Senor Clayton, please. Tell us about yourself.” That was Alma, watching him with a keen eye.
CLAYTON: There wasn’t really anything about tonight that was stressing Clayton out as it happened. He had no doubts that he was charming enough to be able to make a good impression, but he was careful to keep himself a step behind Isabela, following her gentle guidance. It wasn’t that he was timid, needing her to point him in the right direction, though if it came across that way he wasn’t sure he would mind. Better that than to put his foot in his mouth. He was a naturally confident person, yes, but he was also used to moving in the same circles. Circles that he understood, and knew how to navigate - this was new to him. And he was smart enough to know when to tread carefully.
He really should’ve become an actor, he thought, as he gave a gentle, gracious smile, looking to Isabela as she placed a hand on his arm and thanked the family for gathering as they had. To be honest, he couldn’t care less; but it was important to her, which meant it had to be important to him. 
He waited until everyone else started to pass around the plates, careful to put a little bit of everything on his own. Not that he knew what half of it was, but he also wasn’t particularly fussy. And tonight was about the meal anyways, it was about this: painting a specific picture of himself, so that the family didn’t try to throw too many spanners in the works.
“Well, I grew up in the country, not too far from Oxford. But I’ve actually lived in London most of my life - I was very lucky to get a job straight after I finished my Masters degree, right in the city. I was a journalist for a while, but London was…” He shook his head, considering his words. “It’s not the type of place you settle in, and that was really what I was starting to look for. I had a few friends who had mentioned Swynlake, so I decided to look into it, and,” He smiled, raising his shoulders in a half-shrug. “I never left.”
FÉLIX: The good thing about having been a parent for many years, and about having specifically parented his own children, was that Félix was good at having his eyes on two different things at once (and having eyes in the back of his head at the same time, too, but he wasn’t using those right now). He was busy loading up his plate, making sure Antonio took some of the vegetables as they were passed round and trying to make sure Camillo didn’t take all of the patacones before they’d had a chance to make their way around the table. 
But he was also listening to Clayton. Growing up in the countryside, living in London, he wasn’t sure how Alma would feel about any of those things but that comment– wanting to settle. He glanced sideways at Pepa, sharing a look with her. Alma would be happy with that, surely. She wanted stability for Isabela, she wanted someone her eldest grandchild could depend on, right? And it sounded like that was who Clayton was, even if he wasn’t necessarily the person any of them would’ve picked for Isa…
Félix glanced at Alma, trying to gauge her reaction - he spent a lot of his time doing that. And he did remember being in Clayton’s shoes, meeting her for the first time. Félix hadn’t exactly been nervous, because he’d known her since he was just a boy, but it was still sort of scary, to meet her not as a family friend but as Pepa’s boyfriend. She was quite imposing when she wanted to be. Most of the time, in fact.
Félix looked away, passing the plate of tamales to Mirabel.
MIRABEL: Oxford. London. Master’s degree. Mirabel didn’t even need to look at Abuela’s face. She knew that her grandmother was probably overjoyed. Being a journalist was sort of interesting, but Mirabel imagined it was probably for some horribly boring topic, like economics or something. And he wasn’t even doing that anymore, he was the Sheriff. 
And, apparently, Isabela’s boyfriend now.
Really, they were perfect for each other. Because they were both so bloody perfect.
She tried to think of something interesting to say, but she imagined Isabela would probably prefer it if she just didn’t. So Mirabel just took a tamale and passed the plate to her father, looking at Clayton the whole time, her expression polite but maybe a little pensive. And then she caught Abuela’s eye— her expression unreadable as always— and wondered if she needed to be more friendly.
“That’s, um, really cool,” Mirabel said on a whim, even though she had just decided she was going to keep quiet. But that was harmless, right? 
PEPA: Now, Pepa was impressed! A Masters degree meant he was smart. And so-very English too — that accent! Pepa smiled, taking a sip of her wine and listening to Isa’s boyfriend talk. 
They were both so beautiful too. If this was serious — and it was serious, because Isabela would not bring just anyone to family dinner like this — then Isabela would make a most beautiful bride. They’d be a gorgeous couple, with gorgeous children! 
Okay — maybe she was getting ahead of herself. But could you blame her? The family needed some good news, especially after all they’d been through. The coup, losing Bruno, the past five years in this small, rainy little town, their magic faltering… the family needed to come together about something joyous. And what was more joyous than love? 
Pepa looked fondly at her husband, and reached for his hand.
“Oh, I hope Dolores finds someone as successful as this soon,” she whispered, stroking Felix’s arm. 
DOLORES: Growing up in the country, it could be so romantic, Dolores swooned just a little bit, and the fact he didn’t want a big city life, in a way Dolores could make it out to be some Jane Austen type of deal. Meeting in the small city, wanting to stay away from the crowds. A whirlwind romance potentially.
Focused on the story Dolores almost missed the food being passed to her so she could take some, passing it onto the next. A blush coating her cheeks at her Mama’s words. She wanted this too, she really did. She wanted to be swept up in a romance that you were bringing them home to a family dinner.
And not to mention Isa had set the standard very high with the sheriff. 
“That sounds lovely, you want to make Swynlake your home then?” Is that good or bad, would they ever go back or would they set up roots just like this.
AGUSTÍN: Agustín sat quietly, not really having anything to add. He wasn’t sure he cared to get to know this man quite yet; but more importantly, thought he’d do better to suss him out by observing. He nodded along as he talked himself up as any man would do meeting his girlfriend’s family for the first time and tried not to think about how this man probably had his Masters degree before he’d achieved his own.
Him, really?
Ay, he seemed like a respectable man. He was trying to be positive, open, and not so protective of his little girl who was a grown woman now, but…he knew Isabela was dating with the intention of marriage within a couple years. Alma didn’t always say it in so many words but she certainly expected Isa and Lo to marry sooner rather than much later. He hoped Isabela didn’t feel pressured to make it happen, that she’d just go with the flow and know when the time was right.
Still, he knew she preferred to date seriously, with her future in mind. He liked that about his eldest daughter; that she was careful, calculated, and took steps to meet her ultimate goals. 
Only, hm. When he pictured meeting a future son-in-law, he pictured a man…at least young enough to be his hermanito Danilo’s age.
He supposed if Isabela was happy and being treated well he could get used to it! Yes, surely he would.
ISABELA: “Yes, what a good question, mi vida,” Abuela said before looking back at Clayton with sharp, alert eyes. “Do you intend to make Swynlake home?” 
She had been sitting quietly whilst her family prattled on. Despite being the matriarch, Abuela Alma could be rather sparse. She preferred to observe. And you could always feel the way that she watched you. Isabela felt the weight of her gaze now and made sure to straighten her shoulders so that she would not crumble underneath it. She smiled and looked at Clayton herself, curious what he had to say. 
It had never occurred to her that Clayton may not want to stay in Swynlake. His home was elsewhere after all, and there was nothing keeping him from it. Not like Isabela. She wondered if she married him…would she ever be able to go home? Would he want to move into Casita the way she always imagined her husband would? Just like her Papa and Tio had? 
There was no point in thinking about that now. They had to survive the interrogation first. 
CLAYTON: Oh, but there was such an easy answer to this question. Honestly, he didn’t even have to try.
He had played the role of the good boyfriend before. The doting boyfriend, the almost-too-good boyfriend. Being charming was like any other talent - some were born with a natural capability for it, but it still needed to be worked at to be perfected. And Clayton had worked at it. He had put hours and hours into it.
(Of course, playing the good boyfriend was often extremely tedious and boring. He preferred it when he got to play the bad boyfriend. The bring-him-home-to-piss-off-your-parents boyfriend. He’d done that a few times, when he was younger, and it was always so much more fun.)
“I like to think I already have,” He answered simply, smiling at Alma. “And now, especially, I can’t imagine why I’d want to leave.”
He looked at Isabela for a moment, placing his hand over hers, squeezing gently.
FÉLIX: He squeezed his wife’s hand gently, smiling at her. Glanced at Dolores in his periphery, just for a moment, wondering if she had heard. Knowing that she probably would have. He didn’t want her to feel any pressure, of course not! But Pepa was right. It would be nice if Dolores could find herself someone who seemed as successful and well put together as the Sheriff. Someone as devoted, too!
Because he did seem so devoted. Félix looked at his wife again, eyebrows arching for a moment in silent communication, a little smile on his lips. Oh, yes, it all seemed very serious! And Félix was sure that was just the answer Abuela was wanting to hear. Honestly, it was like he was reading aloud from a script, almost. It was perfect! Was it too perfect?
Félix wondered for a fraction of a second about the uneasy feeling that crept over him, until he noticed Antonio slipping scraps of meat to the badger that was sitting underneath his chair. Félix hissed at him to cut it out, thoroughly distracted again.
MIRABEL: Now that Mirabel was over her initial annoyance at just how picture-perfect Isa and her new boyfriend were and the conversation had moved into this lovey-dovey shit, Mirabel was starting to get bored. 
She didn’t want anything crazy to happen, because that would be stressful, but she wished this were a normal family dinner when everyone wasn’t on their best behavior. Was this going to be the new normal whenever the Sheriff was around? All these manners and polite conversation?
The thought was very depressing. 
Mirabel heard Tío Félix’s scolding and smiled at Antonio, though she didn’t dare egg him on. She just had to get through the rest of this dinner.
PEPA: At the mention of home, Pepa’s heart panged.
She missed her home — she missed every place she’d ever called home. She missed Avalor, where she had spent most her life. And when she allowed herself, she let herself miss Colombia. Sometimes, late at night, she squeezed her eyes shut very tight and remembered running through the grass with her siblings and picking flowers to give Felix. 
Around her, it began to mist slightly.
She cleared her throat, trying to think of happier things — the last thing this evening needed was a rainstorm!
So she thought of smiling Isabela. She thought of Swynlake. This was home now. It was grey and cloudy and cold more often than not, but Casita still stood strong, and her family still shared a meal together. And if Clayton and Isabela got married then, well, this would be home even more! They were resilient, the Madrigals, and Pepa knew they could weather any storm. 
“And what a lovely place to call a home!” chimed Pepa. She giggled, hoping that any clouds gathering around her would disperse with her laughter. 
DOLORES: Good. That meant Isa was staying here, with her, with her family. Dolores wasn’t sure what she would do if another one of her family members left without the intent to come back. It was why when Mirabel left it was easier to handle since she would be back sooner than later.
Maybe if they could go home, Clayton would join them as well.
But for now this was enough to settle any other worries for now.
Issue one dealt with.
CLAYTON: Well, it seemed like that had been the correct answer, at the very least.
He supposed it wasn’t wrong. He had made Swynlake a home, and truly, he had no plans to leave it. Why would he? He had the town under his thumb for the most part, and now he was securing for himself a match that meant when the old man did finally kick the bucket, he would have someone to manage the house, so that he wouldn’t have to deal with the sodding thing. He might have to move back there for a few months, whilst things got settled and everyone got into the swing of having a new Baron in charge of the place, but it would still only be temporary. 
Though he wasn’t sure he could ever call a place home for too long. At some point he’d grow tired of playing policeman and the game in the forest would dry up and then he’d be forced to look for somewhere else. Until then, however, this was very much his home, and he had no plans to change that.
“My thoughts exactly,” He said, directing a smile at Pepa before he looked at Isabela again, attempting to gauge her reaction.
ISABELA: Isabela had not actually thought about that. To ask it. To know what his plans were. He was the sheriff. Of course he was planning to stay here. And Isabela had simply just always thought that whoever she married would move into Casita with her. It was big enough. Whoever her husband was, Casita would make room for them. Quite literally. There had never been another thought about it for her. It simply was.
But now, she realized it was not guaranteed. Maybe whoever she married wouldn’t want to live in Casita. Maybe they would have obligations elsewhere. Maybe they wouldn’t want to be in Swynlake. The idea had struck her so forcefully that she’d actually sprouted a few daisies in her hair that she managed to brush off with a simple smile as Clayton had answered. 
Plus, it seemed as if he was saying that she was part of the reason to stay. Which made her very happy indeed. She smiled more broadly, pleased with Clayton’s reply. 
“Aye, it is a good home,” Abuela agreed. 
Isabela felt her grandmother’s eyes on her and turned towards her. Abuela gave her a small, single nod. Isabela straightened her shoulders in her seat as the conversation around them picked up again. She felt as if she had won the night. Everything was going exactly as she wanted.
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chainsawmcd · 2 years
Hellraiser (2022)
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Now that it's had a day or two to percolate, here's the good, the bad and the ugly. Mild spoilers ahead.
Design. Great sets. PHENOMENAL gore. Beautifully shot. Loved the score as well.
The Cenobites. Jamie Clayton nailed it.
The torture. Two thumbs up for the neck scene and, of course, that beautiful final scene.
The original felt weightier due to a very real, very adult, family drama at the center of it. A cast full of 20-something soon-to-be-victims felt familiar and tropey.
The pacing. First act felt slow/long. Pinhead doesn't show up until halfway through the movie. Second half is far better than the first half.
How easy is this fucking puzzle box if people keep solving it on accident?
It's not perfect but it's the refresh the series needed. Recommend.
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flatdating215 · 2 years
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gorungophysio · 4 months
Understanding Sports Injuries in Clayton
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In the vibrant town of Clayton, where community and sports go hand in hand, the topic of sports injuries is of paramount importance. As young athletes and recreational sports enthusiasts push their limits, the risk of injury lurks in the shadows, threatening to sideline dreams and disrupt daily activities.
Sports injuries in Clayton span the usual suspects: sprains, strains, tears, and fractures, affecting participants across a wide range of activities from football to cycling. These injuries not only cause immediate pain and discomfort but can also lead to long-term health issues if not properly addressed. Recognizing this, local sports clubs and schools have ramped up their efforts in educating athletes on the importance of proper warm-up routines, correct equipment usage, and the need for adequate rest periods.
The Clayton Community Health Center has been at the forefront of providing specialized care for sports injuries. With a team of experienced physiotherapists and sports medicine professionals, the center offers tailored rehabilitation programs, aiming to get athletes back on their feet and into the game as safely and quickly as possible. Their approach is holistic, focusing not just on physical recovery, but also on mental well-being, an often-overlooked aspect of injury recovery.
Prevention is another key area of focus. Workshops and seminars on injury prevention are regularly held, targeting coaches, parents, and athletes themselves. These sessions cover topics such as nutrition, strength training, flexibility, and proper technique—all crucial elements in reducing the risk of injury.
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Top 4 Films for History of Film Class by Natalyn Wakeling
Room at the Top
I did not find anyone else who did a Tumblr post on this film. It was the first film I watched from the film lists of this class. What I really enjoyed about this film was how old fashioned it was, yet modern ideas were represented. This film was described as "the first in the British New Wave movement, which centered on stories about the struggles and miseries of the working class". Something I took from my post that I found insightful was "Joe thought all he ever wanted was a young, good-looking, and rich woman. In this moment after he is married, he realizes these things will never equate to the passion he felt with Alice."
2. Chungking Express
I also did not find anybody who wrote on Chungking Express, so I cited my own post again. I enjoyed this film a lot because it was very set apart from the other films we watched during this course. It was a very artsy Hong Kong produced film. The idea of human longing was very well represented in this film. "Chungking Express was noted by Harvard to be "genre bending" and having great visuals that create a dreamlike feel to the film." This is a quote taken from my post. I found the time warp visuals and camera direction to create a feeling to the film. that was almost as if you were in a dream.
3. Forrest Gump
My next favorite film was Forrest Gump. I can see why my mom was always on me about never watching this film. It is a household name for a reason, the film delivers in many ways. Storyline, acting, character development, and historical allusions are all strong points of the film. I am citing my peer Yanissa's short essay on Forrest Gump. "Tom Hanks who plays Forrest Gump did a great job playing his roles and shows that no matter who you are or what you do, you can find your sense of happiness and future for your own well-being." I really liked the way Anissa stated this because it really encompasses the whole point of the film. Forrest has a low IQ, and isn't as academically or cognitively driven as most people throughout life. However, he finds other means of living his life to the fullest.
4. Pleasantville
This film was very remarkable because it was unique and had a great storyline. The idea of David and Jeniffer entering this alternate television universe, and the characters beginning to control their own destiny is very intriguing. I am citing my peer Michael's essay on this film. "Personally, I would say the film was slow and I was not impressed with the comedy. I found it to be a tad cheesy at times." This just shows how everyone's film experience is subjective. I found the film to be quite pure and I enjoyed the light hearted comedy. Michael is just as entitled to his opinion as I am mine, and I know a lot of others thought the same as him on the film.
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[ad_1] Though Austinites have fond recollections and enduring favourite spots throughout our well-known sixth Avenue, some locations are worse for put on — and that is placing it frivolously.The road incorporates three sectors, unofficially, if you happen to speak to a layman who merely enjoys spending time downtown: so-called Soiled Sixth, essentially the most well-known phase, incorporates the various bars and dance golf equipment frequented by the barely-21s; East Sixth, the cool, mature portion that's at all times welcoming new eating places; and West Sixth, which provides a type of hybrid of the 2, giving refugees from Soiled Sixth a calmer place to hold with out absolutely lacking the occasion.A serious renovation is on the verge of rewriting a few of that unclean affiliation of the center part with a brighter facade and extra options that companions hope will encourage daytime guests. Actual property agency Stream Realty Companions and structure agency Clayton Korte introduced on December 5 that they'll start tackling the bodily portion of the challenge in early January. The announcement additionally included that the "curated leasing course of" could be starting concurrently.“Sixth Avenue is central to Austin and important to preserving the town's vitality, and we need to carry this beloved avenue again to what it as soon as was,” stated Stream senior vp Paul Bodenman in a launch. “We've acquired such constructive help from the group and future tenants and are excited to see Sixth Avenue turn out to be a bustling neighborhood once more. By restoring Sixth, we honor the historical past and significance of this iconic Austin neighborhood.”This work will have an effect on greater than 30 "distinctive parcels," which can later be obtainable for lease, in line with the discharge. An Austin Enterprise Journal article shared by Stream factors out that the corporate owns "greater than 40 properties on the famed downtown strip between Brazos Avenue and I-35," which a spokesperson confirms is the world of the development.In the summertime of 2023, an ordinance went into impact that permits new development as much as 140 toes excessive, relatively than the beforehand allowed 45.Rendering courtesy of Clayton KorteThe discharge lists some new and returning tenants the companions hope to see shifting in:native retailersdwell music, together with out of doors concert events sequenceeating placesa weekend farmers marketnative artworkdifferent group occasionsRenderings of the deliberate work present gentle, impartial colours — largely whites and sandy beiges — and comparatively low buildings of at most three flooring. Austinites who're conversant in the world could even acknowledge a few of the landmarks; One rendering depicts the construction on the nook of Sixth and Pink River (observe the lined meals truck park within the background), which has been conspicuously vacant for a while.Rendering courtesy of Clayton KorteThis isn't Clayton Korte's first rodeo in public-facing restoration: It additionally labored on the 120-year-old Bouldin Creek Victorian dwelling that grew to become Mattie’s restaurant and occasion house, and the charming Nineteen Twenties-era Tudor Cottage at Pease Park's Kingsbury Commons. It is usually engaged on a challenge at Fiesta Gardens, the secluded out of doors occasion house and assortment of Parks and Recreation buildings alongside Girl Chicken Lake.“Whereas the encircling neighborhoods in Austin are thriving, Sixth Avenue has but to return to its full potential the place it was as soon as a booming daytime hub," stated Clayton Korte principal Paul Clayton. "By making a constant identification for the group, we hope to revitalize the spirit of the neighborhood and create an area that's welcoming to everybody. To work in a historic district and defend its heritage, whereas additionally transitioning the neighborhood from its present bar-only focus to a extra all-day, public-centric space – that may be a direct results of the funding Stream is making.”
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