#series: the shieldmaiden saga
avatarskywalker78 · 22 days
Formal OC Introdictions - Steph Taylor
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Series: The Shieldmaiden Saga
In December 2013, Steph Taylor's life is looking pretty good - she's a physicist at Athena Labs, is working on a force field project that will save hundreds if not thousands of lives and her best friend, Eddie Thawne, is transferring from Keystone to Central City, meaning she'll get to see a lot more of him. Even one of their rivals opening a particle accelerator doesn't get her down - anything that can advance humanity's knowledge of the universe is a plus.
Then the night it's switched on, it explodes, and Steph is knocked out while using the force field technology to protect some of her colleagues. She wakes up the next day unscathed - but others weren't so lucky, and it's clear to her that at the very least there were some serious safety issues overlooked with the damn thing. On top of this, the project she was working on his on hold - the argument being that as it didn't fully protect her, it's no use at all. Two months later this still hasn't been resolved and it's starting to get to her, but it seems this is the least of her problems when a day out with Eddie ends with a gun being fired at him and her rushing to take the bullet...
Only the bullet never hits...because she throws up a force field -the dark matter the accelerator threw out fused the technology to her DNA, and Steph just knows that therefore there must be others out there. Working with Alyssa and Tanya, she practices her own powers while starting to make plans to help these other metahumans, Eddie there by her side - but it's when she's asked to find Hartley Rathaway that things take a darker turn, because it turns out that Harrison Wells, STAR Labs founder, knew full well the accelerator was flawed...and set it off anyway. And Steph won't allow this to stand by - he has to pay for what he's done to the city and to the thousands of people who had their DNA altered without their consent.
But first, she has to ensure that there's a support system for the metahumans, because they're gonna need all the help they can get in the coming months - especially when some people decide to use their powers for bad instead of good.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @vexic929 @negative-speedforce @daughter-of-melpomene
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Writeblr (Re)Introduction!
Hello! I'm Luke (30, he/him), and this is my writing blog (aka Writeblr). This is a sideblog, so I interact from @yamiunicorn. I am looking to interact with other writers, especially other poets and YA authors!
I've been known to say that I'm a poet by nature and an author by trade. My poetry is at times gruesome, usually visceral, and always straight from the heart.
My original fiction tends to jump around between a few different worlds (from what I lovingly refer to as the Luke Extended Universe). Most of my original fiction at least somewhat loosely falls into the category of high fantasy. Some of my WIPs include:
Valkyrie's Moon. Edvin's family and village were destroyed by the dragon Njalur when he was only twelve winters old. He was then adopted by the warrior Aksel, Thrudhall's former Lord Valkyrie. Once Thrudhall's greatest asset in their war against the dragons, Aksel was forced into retirement after sustaining injuries in his final clash with Njalur. Wanting revenge on Njalur, Edvin trains beneath Aksel in the hopes of becoming Thrudhall's next Lord Valkyrie. Little does he know, Aksel is hiding something from him, and, perhaps worse, Thrudhall's leadership is hiding something even bigger from its own citizens.
Vision of Wings. Dag, a disillusioned "shieldmaiden," has received prophetic visions from Loki since childhood. They then meet Baldric, a captured amnesiac who also shares a strange connection to the gods. Dag and Baldric embark on a journey from Midgard to Jotunheim in search of clues that could lead them back to Baldric's past, but the further they stray from home, the more ominous their tale becomes.
Riltan Steel Saga. A series of stories taking place on Rilta, a continent in a fictional world inhabited by mortals and magical entities alike. These stories are organized by era and currently fall into the following (chronological) order:
Stiletto. A tragic romance between Ruuntaka's Prince Rancor and his witch consort Mana. Their happily-ever-after is foiled by a jealous nobleman, who sets off a chain of events that leads to witchcraft being outlawed in Ruuntaka -- by punishment of death or exile to the frozen wastes of the northern territory known as Cibere.
Urumi. Takes place during the height of Ruuntaka's ban on witchcraft. A young witch named Han comes to serve as Princess Kelta's attendant, with the two of them concealing his magic until adulthood -- before their world falls apart when he accidentally commits murder in an act of self-defense.
Morningstar. Georg, a Kielan necromancer seeking a cure for his wife Rokiste's terminal illness, meets a phoenix named Ravenna who has taken a human form. Ravenna and her witch husband Miedo both grow attached to Georg, and their families end up blending together until they become indistinguishable from one another.
Saber. An untrained Ruuntakan witch named Tenken comes of age in a world that, despite progress in the right direction, still hates him for what he is. When the Ciberean necromancer Miedo threatens to tear even that world asunder, he and the friends he has finally made have to stand up to protect Ruuntaka from invasion -- and, presumably, destruction.
Labrys. Ruuntaka's Prince Kailus is the son of the nation's witch King Tenken and half-phoenix Queen Bianca, but his physical disability and chronic pain make it nearly impossible for him to use his magic, let alone transform. Enter his new tutor, Xel -- a woman from Kiel who is meant to train him in all things kingly so that he will be prepared to inherit the throne. Xel, however, is not who she claims to be, and Agony, the sister of the woman she killed, is prepared to do anything to seek her revenge.
Claymore. A demon doctor named Argos and his mortal husband Isrun work as bounty hunters, of a sort. Their main targets? Angels, who, as literal pieces of the goddess Asha, are more powerful than any human witch. Argos and Isrun adopt a half-angel girl named Airin, and she helps them find purpose beyond their shared hunt.
Pistol. Rewar, an angel who has killed countless phoenixes and unicorns, goes further than any of his siblings in their holy mother's name, siring thirteen half-human children whom he intends to use to conquer Kiel before moving on to the rest of the world. One of Rewar's sons, Jean, escapes his clutches and is instead raised by his human mother, Gwen, who hides him in a convent of the Order of the Lady of Cerberus -- an organization dedicated to protecting humankind from Asha and her angels.
Anyway! Thank you for stopping by, and, as always, have a safe journey.
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slytherficrecs · 2 years
Books with female leads I read after the last kingdom
Note..I have very mixed to negative feelings about The Last Kingdom books (love the tv show)...BUT after watching the show I was in the mood for some Viking Age historical fiction with good female leads. So. Here are the three best books I read.
Qualifications: female lead if not not main character, historically accurate (YMMV) but without being another book written by an old guy as an excuse to write bad things about hot young women, has a plot instead of being “just” a romance.
In 3rd place: The Golden Wolf Saga by Linnea Hartsuyker. This one is probably the closest to the classic Vikings go exploring and on a quest style of book AKA the majority of Viking fiction out there. It has complex characters, nuanced relationships, and some good insight into the formation of Norway. It also has female characters being boss ship captains. The first and third books are a little slow paced, and there are so many characters that when two of the characters who are first cousins got married (slight spoiler) I had forgotten they were related...until another character called it out :P Trigger warnings for physical violence, a couple of gory moments not described in detail, child death, miscarriage, domestic violence, s** assault, and forced age gap marriage. Set in Iceland, Norway and the Faroe Islands.
In 2nd place: The Norse Family Saga by K.S. Barton. This series has a great insight into the everyday lives of people who lived during the Viking age as farmers, tradespeople, and homemakers, as well as the impact of the extreme violence that is so commonly described in sagas. It has a good look at how Vikings were exposed to and respected dozens of other cultures, including Non-Western ones. I think that makes it a pretty unique read for a Viking book. Multiple themes-romance, quests, coming to terms with your past-all run through the books. Trigger warnings: has a consensual enemies to lovers relationship between a sixteen year old and a twenty year old, physical violence, domestic violence, self unaliving, child death, miscarriage, gore, domestic violence, s** assault and a hard look at how Viking slaves were likely treated. Set in Sweden.
In 1st place: The Raven and the Dove by K.M. Butler. Look. All I need to tell you about this book is that it starts with an arranged (political) marriage between a Viking and a French Christian..EXCEPT..the Viking is a shieldmaiden who wants to use the marriage to become a chieftain and the French Christian is a super chill guy who wants to protect his people. It has a nuanced look at a more gender-neutral Norse society (what is open to someone is based on their actions..weak vs strong..instead of male vs female gender).  It has a lot of the same vibes re understanding and respecting different religions that the Last Kingdom does, and the only trigger warnings are for a single gory battle with references to r@pe, cheating and a kidnapping marriage that’s not described in detail-only as what was apparently common at the time. Set in Viking Normandy with some good insight into its’ formation.
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aressida · 2 days
My entry: The True Legacy of my forebears - Unraveling some facts from myths. Pt 2. - Aressida. 20.9.24.
I was standing here, tracing the bloodlines from both my mother’s and father’s sides, uncovering the rich tapestry of my ancestry.
I first discovered my Viking roots last April, tracing them back to the 9th century. It all began with the legendary figures of Ragnar and Aslaug. From there, I found Ivar and his son, which led me to the beginnings of the Montgomery Clan.
My exploration took me further back to Olaf the White, a notable Viking leader known for his conquests in Ireland and the Hebrides, and his wife Aud, whose lineage ties into the saga of Norse exploration.
I eventually traced my ancestry all the way back to Ketil and Kari Fornjotur, a legendary figure said to be one of the first settlers in Iceland.
My roots run deep through Norwegian, Icelandic, Scottish, and Finnish lines, alongside connections to the Laxdaela Saga, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eirik the Red’s Saga, and Landnamabok, all of which are rich with tales of exploration, conflict, and the resilience of the Norse spirit.
When I think of Lagertha, like in the TV series Vikings, I see her as a prominent figure in the Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok. She is portrayed as a fierce shieldmaiden and devoted wife of Ragnar. I did adore her spirit. However, her historical existence is a matter of debate among scholars. While some suggest she may have been inspired by real women warriors from Viking culture, no concrete evidence confirms she was an actual person. So, while Lagertha embodies the indomitable spirit of Viking warriors, I cannot definitively claim she existed in history.
I am also diving deeper into Ivar, who frequently appears in The Tale of Ragnar's Sons and The Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok. From what I have gathered, he is depicted as highly intelligent and strategic, compensating for any limitations he faced. I see how his saga reveals a complex character, highlighting his cunning, cruelty, and strong leadership in Viking warfare. Ivar was known for leading the Great Heathen Army in England, where he played a pivotal role in the Viking conquests. That’s what I know so far.
I also traced some of my bloodlines back to Cornwall, where the Cornish miners lived, and Devon, particularly tied to the early Celtic people and the Kingdom of Dumnonia.
Dumnonia is sometimes associated with Arthurian legend and ancient Celtic royalty, even linking to Switzerland. The history of Cornwall and Devon was shaped by their resistance to Anglo-Saxon invasions, the spread of Christianity, and connections to broader Celtic and Viking cultures.
On my maternal side, the legendary Vikings primarily focused their activities in Northumbria and East Anglia, while my paternal side appears rooted in the southwest of England, where Cornwall and Devon were not part of the main Norse-controlled territories. From what I have learned so far, it seems unlikely there were close familial ties between the Norse and Celts on both sides of my ancestry. Though they interacted through trade, raids, and cultural exchanges, their connections often leaned more toward adversarial or distant.
There are some genealogical roadblocks I am facing, and I am still searching for connections further back in my family line. This means I will need to explore more resources to uncover more information.
I only began discovering these connections earlier this year, and it is been a journey filled with chaos and determination to carve out the time for this exploration. Each new piece of history I uncover adds depth to my understanding of who I am and where I come from.
-> next for pt.3 will be about the connections between the Nazis and the Freemasonry. (My great-grandfather was a master craft 33rd degree. Yikes!) <-
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linneatanner · 4 months
Author Interview Johanna Wittenberg #Vikings #Norsewomen #Shieldmaidens
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Author Interview Johanna Wittenberg #Vikings #Norsewomen #Shieldmaidens Linnea Tanner AUTHOR INTERVIEW JOHANNA WITTENBERG I am excited to feature Johanna Wittenberg—the author of the best-selling The Norsewomen series. I became acquainted with Johanna’s work when I reviewed The Queen of Hel (Book 5) and The Queen of War (Book 6) for the Historical Novel Society (HNS). Johanna is a masterful storyteller reminiscent of the oral traditions of skalds retelling Nordic mythological tales and legends. The saga sweeps you into the adventures of the seafaring Vikings and depicts their religious beliefs and culture. Battle scenes and mythical realms of the afterlife are riveting and cinematic in scope. Johanna graciously accepted my... Read the full article
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bradypnoea · 3 years
Learn Me Right | NeverQuiteAwake | (33/33) - 156.5k | Mar - Jul ‘21 | Series Ongoing
As a maiden of Vanaheim, Eirlys never expected to deviate from the path set before her. Her life takes an unanticipated turn when she becomes Queen Frigga's latest apprentice, and she finds herself at odds with an especially vexing Asgardian prince. Pre-Thor and onwards.
Note: (In honour of the impending release of the Loki miniseries and my sceptical optimism for it, I'm highlighting a few canon-adjacent Loki works that can pass the time between new episodes or, if you're like me, distract from new content long enough to miss the first wave of inevitable Discourse.) This first entry in The Shieldmaiden Saga by NeverQuiteAwake was actually completed in early 2014 on FanFiction.Net, which lists the completion dates of two subsequent sequels as October 2014 and July 2017 respectively. I'd only recently learned of it though, when in March of 2021 NeverQuiteAwake began publication of an edited, M-Rated iteration of Learn Me Right on AO3. I've committed to avoid spoiling myself with the finished work, and have thus far deeply ejoyed their depiction of the trials a young seidr scholar might face among our favourite Asgardians. Not to mention NQA's updates have been so frequent I've been able savour the anticipation of a new chapter without dreading that the author might suddenly abandon the story.
- Author's Page on FanFiction.net | Series on AO3 -
The sky glimmered with the warmth of daybreak. Hands curled in the tangle of bedclothes, I blinked away the weariness that threatened to steal away the vision that lay before me. Like a child at play, the sun slowly peeked over the horizon, basking all that it could touch. A spectrum of reds and yellows lit the sky, the colours spilling across the rolling hills and sprawling woods. The lands of Vanaheim looked to be aglow in fire.
With a wistful smile, I clambered out of bed and padded onto the balcony. Leaning on the balustrade, I tilted my face upwards to revel in the burgeoning warmth of the sun. Autumn was upon Vanaheim, and soon the clouds would take up residence in the skies above. I’d awakened to watch the sun’s ascent, the dawning of a new day, for what would be the last time in a long while. Many months would pass before I’d be able to witness such beauty again.
A soft knock at my bedchamber door pulled me away from the sight. “Enter!”
The door opened to reveal my handmaiden, her eyes bright and cheery. It was a wonder, how she was able to awaken before me every day. And my father calls me an early riser. “A fine morning, is it not, my lady?” Arlessa said, bustling about my room to prepare my attire for the day.
“Yes, lovely indeed,” I sighed. “I will miss it. The rains will be coming soon, no doubt.”
Arlessa hummed in agreement as she went rifling through my wardrobe. She selected a sleeveless apricot-coloured dress—one of my more practical garments. “Your father bid me to tell you that he has gone to greet Queen Frigga at the Bifrost site.”
Continue reading on AO3...
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
Love Again (Bjorn x Reader)
Summary: Every nine years, Vikings travel to Uppsala to worship the Gods. After everything that Bjorn’s been through, his wife leaving him and breaking his heart, things start to change when he meets the princess who has many stories behind her name; you. 
Warnings: it’s long and there’s still another part coming, angst, fluff, strong language, dueling, mentions of drinking, Uppsala stuff, I hope you guys enjoy it :))
Word Count: 4,306
A/n: So, this is actually a long, long overdue request from @honestlyya​ and there are quiet a few things that are different from the show. 1) Bjorn and Porunn never had baby Siggy, 2) Aslaug never happened so Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar are all children of Lagertha and they are older than they are at the point in the series when Porunn leaves. This is all part of the request. 
Vikings Masterlist
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The last time Bjorn was at Uppsala, he was a child and his sister was still alive. Now, he is a man, with four brothers, and a wife that left him because of her insecurities of the scar on her face. He doesn’t expect his heart to be healed by the Gods over the next nine days. But, perhaps coming here was a good idea. It might give him a chance to forget Porunn, for his heart to heal. 
Many people from different parts of the country come to Uppsala. Sometimes, people from other lands come to celebrate and give sacrifices to the Gods. When Bjorn sees an army-like group arrive, one man carrying a purple banner with a sword and ax crossing each other, only one person catches his eye. The woman leading the army. 
You look behind you as the men and women following you split up to either visit the temple or set up tents for the nights. Now that you have time for yourself, you have to decide what to do with yourself. But when your gaze lands on the temple, a bright smile grows on your face. 
Bjorn hears Ivar walking towards him with those heavy, uneven steps because of the crutch he uses to walk. He stands beside his oldest brother, follows his gaze to find out what or who he’s staring at, only to chuckle when he sees his gaze fixed on you. “You stare at (Y/n) of Forsa.” Ivar’s words make Bjorn’s head snap to him and his eyes grow slightly wide. 
For someone so talked about, Bjorn never thought this is what you’d look like. He never expected someone called The Protector of Forsa, someone whose skills with a blade are told like sagas about the Gods, to capture his attention with just one look. 
He remembers how Porunn caught his attention and how he fell for her the first time he laid eyes on her. The feeling now is almost similar. Except this time, the feeling that draws his eyes to you is stronger than what he felt with his past wife. 
Even though you don’t come from Norway or worship the Gods Bjorn and his people do, you and your people make it important to educate yourselves in the culture of others. Bjorn knows your people speak many languages because of that. And seeing you here in Uppsala only makes Bjorn’s broken heart jump in excitement. Especially when you turn your head and your gaze meets his. 
Two people walk up to you, the King and Queen of Forsa, and you turn to greet them with a bright smile and a hug. Your parents, making you… “The princess of Forsa,” Bjorn finishes his thoughts out loud, making Ivar who still stands beside him chuckle and nod his head. 
On top of the story of being a fierce warrior, you’ve raised your own army to fight in your father’s name. It must have been your army that he saw arriving with you. 
To break his stare, Ivar shoves Bjorn’s shoulder with his and nods to Ragnar and Lagertha nearing you and the King and Queen of Forsa. “Are you going to spend the nine days staring at her and pouting, or are you going to talk to her?” Ivar questions, looking up to him when Bjorn turns his head to look at his young brothers. 
Bjorn sighs, turns his head back to look at you as you greet Ragnar and Lagertha, and bites the inside of his cheek before he starts to walk forward. Unaware that his other three brothers have now joined Ivar to see these events unfold because he keeps his eyes on you, he takes in a deep breath as your head turns to face him. 
“King Hurr, Queen Vealda, this is our oldest son, Bjorn Ironside,” Ragnar states with a proud smile on his face as he holds his hand out to gesture to Bjorn. 
He simply nods his head to your mother and father before looking back at you. “Princess (Y/n). I have heard many stories about you,” Bjorn says, taking your hand in his and bringing up to kiss the back of your knuckles, all while keeping his eyes locked with yours. 
Lagertha notices this, notices the look in his eyes and the lingering hold he has on your hand, only letting go when you smile at him and smile. “About me, or my army?” you ask, slightly tilting your head to the side as he smirks down at you. 
“Why not both?” he responds, making you smile and turn your gaze to your mother who nods her head in approval. “I’d like to hear things from your side,” he mentions, taking a small step forward and making your head turn back to him. 
“It would be my pleasure, Bjorn Ironside,” you reply, turning to start walking away and nodding for him to join you. 
Your parents and his watch you both walk away, the conversation starting lightly between both of you and a smile never leaving your face. Your father turns to Ragnar, pleased to see the two of you getting along right from the beginning. “I have a feeling we shall talk again before leaving Uppsala,” Hurr mentions as he takes his wife’s hand and starts to walk away. 
That night, you told Bjorn all about your travels with your army and the places you’ve been where you’ve learned new languages and cultures. 
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Bjorn only met you yesterday and he wants to spend the next day with you. He has his family’s permission, his brothers are more than happy that he’ll be out of their hair, and his parents happy that he’s not moping around still about Porunn. They’re all happy that he’s finding something to keep his mind preoccupied from his past wife. 
Walking around the grove, between those still drunk from the previous night or passed out from the effects of alcohol or other substances, he’s certain he won’t find you among these people. He’s certain he’ll find you either at or still in your tent where he led you last night after your long talk with him. 
He finds you, seated in front of your tent with a sword in front of you and a grinding stone in your hand that you run up and down the blade. There’s a calm look on your face as you focus on the blade in front of you, and it makes him smile to himself. 
“Couldn’t help yourself?” he asks, breaking your focus on your sword and making your gaze lift to him as he steps closer to you. 
Seeing him makes you smile, especially when you remember the previous night. “No, I’m making sure I’m ready for tomorrow,” you mention, placing your sword to the side and standing to your feet. “One of my men has initiated a duel tomorrow and I couldn’t refuse,” you explain, placing your hands on your hips as he comes to stand in front of you. 
He chuckles, nods his head, and glances down to your sword for a moment before looking at you again. “I thought I might ask if you’d like to join me for a walk. To the fjord?” he asks, nodding in the direction away from the temple and in the direction of a cliff that looks over the fjord some use when they arrive in ships. 
Biting your lip, you glance over his shoulder to where he gestures before nodding to your head. He breathes a silent sigh of relief and turns to walk by your side when you walk forward. “I must say, I didn’t expect you to want to spend more time with me after I bored you last night,” you chuckle, folding your hands in front of you and dropping your gaze to the ground. 
“If anything, I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night,” he mentions, his words making your heart skip a beat and your head snap up to him. “It’s been a long time since something like that has happened for me.”
You hum, nod your head as you turn your head back to look in front of you. “You don’t have a wife?” you question, thinking that it might be wrong for him to think about another woman when he has a wife. He looks about the age where he could have one, and you’re sure that women throw themselves at the sons of Ragnar’s feet. 
Hearing him take in a sharp breath, you slowly turn your head up to him and find him staring at his feet with a sorrowful look on his face. Was it the wrong question for you to ask? Are you prying in places you shouldn’t?
He looks down at you, that sad look still on his face, as if he’s just had his heart broken and it makes you stop walking for just a minute. “No. I don’t have a wife,” he states, tearing his gaze away from you again before he starts to walk again. 
You bite your lip, think for a moment if this means that he no longer wishes to be in your presence anymore and if you should turn back. But, after a few steps, he stops and turns his head over his shoulder to look at you. “Tell me about your siblings,” he says, encouraging you to join him again. It makes you smile as you walk forward. 
“Well, I have one very much older brother who married when I was young,” you state as you and he start walking again. “And that’s where it ends. I’m afraid my family isn’t as interesting as yours,” you add with a small laugh. A laugh that makes Bjorn smile and treasures the sound. 
“I used to have a sister. Who I imagine would have become a shieldmaiden,” Bjorn mentions, and you stare up at him, waiting for him to carry on. “She died when a plague came to Kattegat,” he simply states, keeping his eyes in front of him as his jaw goes tense. 
You reach up to touch his arm and his head turns to look at where your hand touches him, the sight making his heart flutter and the corner of his lips to pull slightly into a smile. “I’m sorry,” you whisper, giving him a gentle smile which he returns. “I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose my brother,” you say, dropping your hand away from his arm as you fold your hands together. “At least you have four brothers now.”
He hums, smiles to himself as the memory of the teases his brothers sang before he left to find you, either at each other or at him. It never stops with them, and Bjorn suspects that’s what happens when there are so many boys in a house. 
“They definitely keep everyone on their feet. Each other, me, my mother and father,” he mentions, making you chuckle and bite your lip as you nod your head at his words. 
“That reminds me of my brother,” you say, turning your head up to him as you smile. Bjorn can see that you’re thinking of a memory. “Always keeping me on my toes.”
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How could he forget about the duel you told him about? It was the first thing on his mind when he woke that morning and the only thing he wished to do was to go and see if it had already started. From the sounds he hears the moment he steps out of the small cabin for him and his family - the royal family of Kattegat - he gathers that this duel might have already started. 
Bjorn follows the cheers, shouting, and the sound of swords clashing with shields, ringing as they hit one another. Hvitserk and Ubbe join Bjorn on his way to your family’s side of the grove, eager to get involved themself, should it come to that. 
Just in time to see you with your sword against a young-looking opponent’s neck and his against yours, Bjorn can’t help a smile growing on his face, especially when he sees the determination on your face. Determination to win. 
The crowd that consists mostly of the men from your army urges you and your opponent to carry on, not wanting this fight to end so easily. The uproar when you both come to a standstill, panting heavy breathes only entices you more. 
Discarding your shield to the side, you pull out a battle knife and push away from your opponent. Snarling at him as you slightly crouch down to prepare for an attack, he throws his shield to the side and rolls his shoulders as he starts to walk around you. 
You do the same, both of you waiting for the other to attack. But you know, never attack first. It shows impulsiveness, not cunning. And as your opponent rushes towards you with a battle cry, you’re quick to step to the side, trap his sword between yours and your battle knife to disarm him. 
Then, you press the knife against his chest and the sword to his throat, a victorious smile on your face. “Will there ever be a time when you won’t come out on top, princess?” your opponent chuckles as you pull away, sheathing your knife and shrugging your shoulders. 
“There is still much you must learn if you wish to defeat me one day,” you mention, patting him on the shoulder before he walks away in his defeat. “Anyone else want to have a try?” you ask, glancing around the crowd gathering around you. 
Ubbe looks up at Bjorn, sees the deep stare he has on you, and smiles to himself as he pushes him forward. “My brother will have a go.” His words make Bjorn’s head snap over his shoulder to coldly glare at him. 
You turn toward the noise to see your new opponent, your smile slowly falling when you see Bjorn looking back at you. But you're not upset. If anything, you’re slightly concerned about yourself having to duel someone so...build like a God. It would be a bit of a challenge for you, you think. 
But you never say no to a challenge. 
Someone hands Bjorn a sword and a shield, making him take his eyes off of you for a moment. When he does look back at you, he sees that you’ve opted to not have a shield which makes him refuse one too. Instead, you go for another sword. 
He meets you in the center of the circle created by those that have gathered to watch this duel and you both touch swords, a sign of a friendly battle that’s about to come. You smile at him as you take a step back, twirling the swords in your hands as you roll your shoulders back. Bjorn smirks back at you, ready to see what it will be like to fight against you, someone he’s heard much about when it comes to fighting. An amazing shieldmaiden. 
Expecting you to make the first move, he stops your blade midair and then realizes how close you have come. He gets the chance to stare into your eyes once more, as he had yesterday.
You push him back, your sword ringing against his and making the crowd cheer. Bjorn had a feeling you wouldn’t go easy on him, but he can’t help notice the playful smirk you have on your face as he readies himself for another attack. It’s a smirk that makes him chuckle to himself. 
His mind wanders, thinking about what it would be like to train with you. Alone. What he wouldn’t give to be alone with you right now. He cherishes the moment he spent with you since he met you and he hopes, he prays to the Gods that they will give him more time with you. 
As he loses himself in his thoughts for a second, you attack again. This time, with both swords. Bjorn quickly snaps back to reality and just manages to swing his sword to counter your attack. He had no idea you have so much force behind an attack. You must be deadly on a battlefield, he thinks. 
Many men are rooting for Bjorn, probably hoping to see you lose at least one fight so that they can get back the money they had lost on bets against you. “You might have a chance,” you speak, pressing your swords harder against his. He knows you’re talking about the men urging him to defeat you. “If you concentrated a bit more.”
He laughs, swings his sword to push yours away, and then moves to attack you in three strong blows which send you walking backward. “You don’t have to tell me how to fight,” he teases.
Then he brings his sword down with all the force he has, making you fall on one knee with your swords crossed above your head to stop him. The crowd abrupts in a loud cheer for no one has ever brought you so close to the ground. 
But the fight is not over yet. 
Even though you’re panting, you fight to pull his sword out of his hands to disarm him. But just as you push yourself onto your feet again, Bjorn grabs your wrist and takes a sword from you before you can win this duel. He doesn’t let go and instead pulls you closer to him so your chest presses against him. The crowd goes quiet. 
“When can I be alone with you again?” The question falls from his lips, making you smile and shift slightly on your feet as you think about an answer. “Tomorrow night?” 
You can’t stop yourself from nodding. “Yes,” you whisper, stepping back and dropping your sword to your side as a bright smile spreads across your face. 
Bjorn watches you turn and walk away, his heart swelling in happiness that he’ll get to spend time alone with you again. It’s guaranteed that he’ll see you again and that you want to see him again. 
As you walk out of the ring, the crowd mutters among themselves to debate who won this duel. 
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“And who are you seeing that you’re making a fuss of how you look?” your mother speaks as she walks in on you picking at the braids in your hair to make them look a bit more decent. Her voice makes you turn around with a loud gasp before you smile and look down at the ground in slight embarrassment. 
You bite your lower lip as she steps forward to you when you give a small shrug. “I decided to spend tonight’s feast with Bjorn Ironside,” you say, looking up at her with a small smile on your face. “He asked yesterday and I said yes.”
She smiles brightly, reaches up to run her finger over one of the braids in your hair, and chuckles to herself. You rarely bother to do so much with your hair. The last time you made so much fuss...well, it was when you had your eyes on a man. “You wouldn’t want to wear a dress tonight?”
Her words make you groan and roll your eyes as you duck under her arm to get away from her touch. “It’s not like that, mother. I just enjoy his company,” you mention, turning around to face her as you walk backward. “That’s it.” Your stubbornness makes her chuckle, but she holds her hands up in defeat, saying that she won’t say more.
“Who should I thank for making my daughter want to look like a princess tonight?” your father asks in a joking tone as he walks in. 
You give him a stern look that makes him laugh and hold his arm out to allow you to leave, which you do quickly to avoid any more questions. Your father then looks up at your mother, both of them smiling because they both know very well what’s going on even if you don’t. “She likes him,” your mother speaks, making your father hum as he wraps his arms around her waist. 
“Let’s just hope he’s not like the last one.”
The smile that grows on your face when you see Bjorn waiting in the spot he said he would be. There are people around that are celebrating in their own ways, drinking, laughing, or other activities. But it looks like Bjorn’s idea of spending the feast tonight with you is something a bit more relaxed. It will give you a chance to get to know him more and for him to ask you questions himself. 
That was probably his plan from the beginning, you think to yourself. 
Bjorn pushes himself off the tree when he spots you, his arms that were folded over his chest fall to his side and he gives a big smile as he walks forward to meet you before you reach his selected spot. 
“I’m glad you came,” he says, reaching down for your hand and raising it so he can place a kiss on the back of your knuckles. 
You bite your lip at the action and suppress a giggle from escaping. Bjorn thinks of you as a fierce warrior. A flustered giggle will ruin that and you don’t wish for that to happen. “I said I would join you and I’m not one to go back on my promise,” you chuckle, looking down at your hand when he doesn’t let go of it. 
He smirks and gently pulls you toward the spot. “I didn’t take you for someone who does in any case,” he mentions. 
Glancing around you, your mouth drops at what Bjorn has laid out. A blanket under a tree with bowls of food and a jug with two cups close by. There are no candles, but it’s bright enough with the moonlight shining down through the gaping hole in the canopy above that also shows a few stars. It’s amazing. “I would have thought you would have women lining up to be with you if you’re so romantic,” you joke, gently pulling your hand out of his as you sit down on the blanket. 
“If they are, I haven’t noticed,” he says, dropping down to sit beside you and reaching for the jug of ale and the two cups. “You’re the first woman to have caught my eye since…” He pauses, thinks to himself if he wants to say what’s on the tip of his tongue or not. “Since I lost my wife.”
What’s the point in keeping it a secret? You were bound to find out one way or another whether it be one of his brothers mentioning it out or you hear it from someone else. 
You blink at him in shock, not knowing which to focus on more; his compliment or the fact that he had a wife before but lost her. “I thought-” you stop. It would be distasteful to mention that you thought he didn’t have a wife. You can see the sadness on his face after he mentioned her. You don’t want to step over any boundaries. 
“That I didn’t have a wife?” he asks, turning his head to look at you as he hands you the filled cup. “No. She left a long time ago.” 
A lump grows in your throat and you roughly swallow past it as you watch Bjorn take a long sip from his cup. “What happened?” you softly ask, not knowing if it’s okay to ask that question.
“She…” His head drops between his shoulders as he breathes out a long sigh. “She was scarred across her face during a battle and was never the same since that. I didn’t know what to do to help her. She wouldn’t let me help her. I went with my father to Paris on a raid and when I came back, she was gone,” he explains, refusing to look at you and keeps his eyes on the cup of ale in his hands. “No one has seen or heard of her since.”
You can see he loved her. Truly loved her. And you can tell how broken his heart must have been when he came home to find her gone. It makes you reach out to place a hand over his, making his head turn up to look at you at last. “She meant a lot to you,” you whisper.
Bjorn turns his hand so he can lace his fingers with yours, locks his eyes with yours, and leans slightly closer. “She did. But not anymore.”
Catching his eyes flickering down to your lips, you breathe in a sharp breath that makes your lips part slightly. Your heart hammers in your chest and your skin goes hot. And when he presses his lips to yours, your mind explodes in an array of contradicting thoughts. 
You want to kiss him back, you want to allow yourself to let go of your past. But it still scares you. Thinking about the past few days, you realize how close you’ve gotten to Bjorn, how your feelings have grown so for him and it scares you even more. What if you’re wrong about him just like you were wrong about…
Stopping yourself from thinking about that, you pull away from Bjorn, break the kiss and shake your head to yourself. “I can’t. I’m sorry,” you whisper, pulling your hands out from his and placing the cup to the side as you stand. “I should go.”
Bjorn doesn’t have a chance to say anything to stop you from leaving and he’s left alone in confusion. He has no idea what happened and doesn’t know if he did something wrong. All he knows is that he’s certain he heard a tone of fright in your voice. 
Permanent Tags- @cassindeansass​ @simsadventures​ @fandomfic-galore​ @belovedcherry​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @what-just-happened-bro​ @geekandbooknerd​ @lonewolf471​ @rainbowkisses31​ @moonie-flower101​ @p8tn0lish​ @rinkashirikitateku​ @readsalot73​ @louisolos​ @petlaufeyson​ @bangtan-serendipity​ @aworldwideapart​ @mythicalbullshit​ @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ @xbuckxnastyx​ @madithemagicalfangirl​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @shannygoatgruff​ @a--1--1--3​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @mblaqgi​ @tephi101​ @coconutqueen21​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ @babypink224221​ @writers-whirlwind​ 
Bjorn Tags- @thorins-queen-of-erebor​
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crossdreamers · 6 years
Female Viking warriors prove that gender roles are not set in stone
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The Romans found the fact that both Celts and Germanic tribes seemed to have  female warriors disturbing. After all, women were weak and vulnerable and not supposed to be able to fight like that.
This is how gender stereotypes survive: Proof of them being wrong is presented as an outlier, or – better yet – something only the perverted barbarians may practice.
Even Scandinavian historians have doubted the existence of Viking female warriors. Remains found in warrior graves were defined as male, given that only males could be warriors. 
Until recently, that is. Researchers now agree that the ancient Birka skeleton, found in a 10th-century Viking warrior tomb, did belong to a woman with two X chromosomes.
This confirms what we have been told in the Viking sagas: That women could be “shieldmaidens” fighting alongside their men. The Birka grave also tells us that they could be warrior leaders.
This means that the depictions of shieldmaidens (skjoldmøy or skjaldmær)  in the TV series Vikings may be more realistic than many have  believed.
As a Norwegian I am reminded of discussions I have had with American friends on the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Some of them stick to the idea that “real women” are feminine and “real men” are masculine. Still, I grew up in Viking country with women who by those standards were masculine, with short hair and practical clothing. It is hard to drag the boats on land with a lifted little finger. The idea that women can fight was never alien to me.
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Viking figurine from Odense museum. Is this a Viking woman or a supernatural Valkyrie? 
Here is Norse specialist Jackson Crawford discussing the Medieval story about the The Shieldmaiden Hervor.
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Old Enemies
Pairing: Ivar x OFC
Series: Brynhilda’s Saga
Warnings: None
Tagging: @tiyetiye @sammi-faye @anunhealthydoseofangst @novumlibellum @salimahbicharara-comun
Ivar is aware everyone is watching him, the cripple going on a raid. He’s arms are killing him, his legs are ready to break, but he has to do this, for himself. Even so, he scans the crowd, looking for the familiar pair of green eyes. He spots her, standing in front of the boat, looking every bit the shieldmaiden she was. Proud, haughty, smiling ever so sweetly at him.  
He comes to a stop in front of her, he has to, he has to speak with her one last time. “You’re short,” He says, grinning through the effort of trying to remain upright. “And you’re handsome.” She replies. His cheeks heat at the compliment. Brynhilda gives a quick inspection to his armor, running her hands over the leather, tugging at the straps, she nods in approval. “My family has a saying,” She tells him, her voice is cracking, she looks at him with watery eyes. Don’t cry, he demands. Don’t cry, if you do, I’ll have to stay. “Victory, Ivar, or Valhalla.” They both know he’s going to certain death. He leans down to kiss her. The position is awkward, but they manage it. There’s a thrill knowing that the most powerful shieldmaiden in all of Kattegat is willing to kiss him in front of everyone.
“I will miss you all my days,” She whispers, pulling back from him. She slips something in his hands. “I am lucky to have known you.” She steps away, allowing him to pass. He can’t bring himself to say anything more than a quiet ‘I love you’. He doesn’t have the inspired words Brynhilda does.
Just as they set sail, Brynhilda steps forward, “Hey, dumbass,” Ivar looks at her, smiling, ornery to the very end. “Remember who trained you, at least kill a Saxon for me before you die.” Ivar gives her a rude gesture, laughing at her. “Who do you think you’re talking to?” He yells. They set off all too soon. Ivar and Brynhilda watch each other until they can see no more.
A crow lands beside her, letting out a shrill cry. Brynhilda looks at it. “Yes, Odin,” She whispers. “I know you’re eager for me to begin.” She had wasted enough time in Kattegat, it's been a week after Ivar's departure, but she couldn’t find the strength to leave. Every day she looks to the sea, hoping against hope Ivar finds the strength to survive, despite Aslaug’s vision. The crow gives her another caw, picking at her sleeve. “Allow me my grief, you’ve taken my world from me.” She feels stupid for mourning a boy she only knew a few months, but he was the first real connection she's had since her parents died. Not even Boggvir had gotten so close to her, despite letting her live with him for years.
The crow flies to her shoulder, runs it’s beak across her cheek, seeming to comfort her. She breathes in, then out, slowly. She finds the strength to stand, the crow, flying off. “Brynhilda,” someone calls. It’s Aslaug. “Your majesty?” She says, turning to face the queen, unsure of what Aslaug could possibly want with her now. “You are leaving today, aren’t you?” Brynhilda nods, she can no longer put her journey off. Aslaug stares at her. “I do not know you well,” She admits. “But I know how happy you made Ivar’s last days,” a tear escapes Aslaug's eye, Brynhilda bows her head, saying nothing.
“I’ve had a vision,” Aslaug informs her. Brynhilda growls, irritated, “I’ve had enough of your visions!” She walks passed Aslaug, yet freezes at the next declaration. “When you are queen, come back to Kattegat, I would enjoy opening trade negotiations.”
“I will be queen?” Brynhilda whispers, turning back to her. “Yes, though, I could've told you that without the vision.” Brynhilda gulps, processing the information. “I will make a poor queen,” she says, “I will only terrify my subjects,”
“You will make an excellent queen,” Aslaug assures her, “Have confidence in your ability to lead and inspire loyalty.”
Aslaug raises her hand, showing Brynhilda a pendant resting in her pale palm. “It was Ivar’s,” Aslaug explains. “He told me he wanted you to have it, but..I couldn’t let go.” Brynhilda, says nothing, how could she? Aslaug had every right to keep this last memory of her son, despite his wishes. “You’re right, Brynhilda,” Aslaug continues, “I need to let go of my son.” Brynhilda reaches out, Aslaug drops it in her palm. Thor’s Hammer. A surge of irritation rises within her. Ivar should’ve taken it, it could have saved him.
Aslaug takes Brynhilda’s face in her soft hands, a motherly gesture that makes Brynhilda’s heart ache for her own mother. “You are wise beyond your years,” Aslaug tells her, “You are as strong as the gods, you will achieve all you set out for, and much more.”
“I’m tired of people telling me that,” Brynhilda admits. “But thank you.” Aslaug gives her a genuine smile, then kisses her forehead. “Odin’s blessings.” She whispers. “I am Brynhilda, daughter of Brynjar and Camila, I need no blessings.” Aslaug’s laughter follows her as she finally departs.
Brynhilda looks at the hammer in her hand. Ivar’s pendant. The last reminder she had of him. It a week, and all she remembers is his eyes. Those tired, angry blue eyes. Gods, how she misses him. She’s so busy memorizing every detail, she doesn’t hear the screaming until people are rushing past her. Kattegat is under attack.
Brynhilda pulls her sword out, ready for a fight. The old feeling of exhilaration rushes through her, she bares her teeth in a smile, let them come, she’s itching to spill blood. It’s the perfect cure for a broken heart. She runs towards the commotion, but slides to a stop, suddenly remembering the girls. “Shit,” She mutters. They’ll be in the longhouse, probably scared out of their wits. “I have to save them,” Brynhilda takes off at top speed, she needs to make sure the girls are safe. Hearing a particularly weak cry, Brynhilda slides to stop yet again, trying to find the source.
The old medicine woman. She’s been knocked to the ground, hovering over her is a man, readying his axe for the killing blow. Brynhilda is lucky, she’s faster than the axe. Reaches the old woman in time, her blade finally tastes blood. Brynhilda ignores the tingling sensation in her arms, other warriors are closing in on her. They are little more than irritants, she dispatches them quickly, annoyed they didn’t put up more of a fight.
She looks for the old woman, still on the ground in shock. Seathing her sword she grabs the old thing, “Come, healer, to safety.”
“You are a monster,” she whispers. Brynhilda looks about her, “Yes,” She says distractedly, “A monster that has just saved your life, come,” She runs as best she can with the healer, before she can get two steps towards the longhouse, the Seer slams into her. She doesn’t really stop for him, just grabs his robes. “Let’s go.”
“Are you saving lives now young Brynhilda?” She seer says. “By Odin’s left testicle, none of your shit today.”
Somehow, she makes it to the longhouse without much more effort. She slams open the door, seeing Ubbe and Sigurd ready for a fight. She snorts, good luck, those idiots have never even killed someone, let alone win a battle. “Where are my girls?” She snarls, before Ubbe could answer, Rhona comes running from somewhere in her back of the house. She slams into Brynhilda’s legs, Sigrid and Vigdis follow suit, all are crying, scared. Their babbling stressed Brynhilda so much, she can do nothing but yell, “Enough!” The girls stop immediately, terrified. They back away from her, holding each other close. Shit, it does no good to add to their terror. Brynhilda controls herself. “This is what’s going to happen,” She says, crouching down for them. “The Seer and the Healer are going to take you three into the mountains, where you’ll be safe, when things have calmed down, I will come for you.”
“Brynhilda, what are two old people going to do against an army?” Sigrid asks. Brynhilda has to concede the girl’s point. She brings the girls in front of her. When she speaks, she hears her mother’s voice, “There comes a time in everyone’s life when they either stand against the storm, or they wither and die. You girls are stronger than you know. You will weather this storm, you will survive, do you understand me?” The girls nod. In an uncharacteristic show of affection, she gives them each a kiss on the head, then rushes them off. “Who the hell am I turning into?” Brynhilda asks no one in particular. First, she actually stops to save two people she barely knows, then, she shows genuine affection to slaves. I’m going soft, she thinks. She turns to Ubbe and Sigurd, “Are you alright here?” Before they can say something, the door bursts open again.
Brynhilda turns, heart leaping into her throat. “Eylaug,” She whispers. Eylaug, Boggvir’s favored lap dog next top her. Her belly turns in disgust. “The rumors are true then,” he says, giving her a cruel smile. “Boggvir’s Bitch lives still.” Men surround her. The very same men that she lead into countless battles, to countless victories. The same men that look terrified of her now. They know what was done to her was an affront to the gods. “Well, Eylaug, you’ve certainly gotten uglier since last I saw you.”
“And you’ve become crooked.” He points out. Really, that was the best he had? She chances a turn, looking into some of the men’s eyes.. They lower their weapons, unsure of what exactly to do. She was supposed to be dead, no one survived that much torture. No one but Brynhilda the Deathless, it would seem. “Think,” She urges them, they would come to her side, she knew it. They had to, she had treated them fairly when she lead them, laughed with them, mourned with them. These were her men, not Eylaug’s, they must listen to her.. “Think before you raise your swords to me, they call me deathless for a reason.”
“The dead will be put back into the ground today!” Eylaug yells. He manages to catch her off guard with his swift movement. She curses her luck, how could she forget the first rule of battle? Never show your back to the enemy.
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midgaarb · 6 years
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I am honored to share a photo from this beautiful series. Have I mentioned lately how grateful I am for being able to create for such inspiring and talented customers? I love creating for everyone, but it is really rewarding to see my work worn on you all, and valued and cherished in such away. Thank you to @kindrameda for taking such beautiful photos! ↟ . . She is wearing the Moss Green wool hangerock with the very popular black/silver/gold Beastie knotwork trim. And underneath she is wearing the Ash Gray linen serk. Both are available in shop - link in bio ↟ . . . . #midgaarb #oldgods #vikinggarb #blackmetal #vikingmetal #vikingreenactment #paganpride #paganism #historicalclothing #viking #vikings #heathen #vikingpride #thismakerslife #lagertha #shieldmaiden #slavic #vikingwarrior #mjolnir #thorshammer #vikingmetal #heathens #pagan #vikingclothing #pagansofinstagram #sagas #vikingsofinstagram #gameofthrones #norsemythology #lotr
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avatarskywalker78 · 4 months
OC Pride Challenge Day 1 - Lesbian
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Dr Alyssa Clayton (fc Mary Wiseman) - The Shieldmaiden Saga
One of Athena Labs' top physicists and Steph Taylor's other best friend (as well as the closest thing she has to a sister), Alyssa Clayton is a key part of Team Shieldmaiden from day one, and comfortable in her sexuality. Though currently single, she's dated before and would like to meet The One someday - but right now her friends and the metahumans of Central City need her help, especially since Harrison Wells caused all this by deliberately setting off a flawed accelerator and not doing anything to make amends for that.
And she doesn't take kindly to people who hurt her family...
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @daughter-of-melpomene @vexic929 @negative-speedforce
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linneatanner · 4 months
Author Interview Johanna Wittenberg #Vikings #Norsewomen #Shieldmaidens
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Author Interview Johanna Wittenberg #Vikings #Norsewomen #Shieldmaidens Linnea Tanner AUTHOR INTERVIEW JOHANNA WITTENBERG I am excited to feature Johanna Wittenberg—the author of the best-selling The Norsewomen series. I became acquainted with Johanna’s work when I reviewed The Queen of Hel (Book 5) and The Queen of War (Book 6) for the Historical Novel Society (HNS). Johanna is a masterful storyteller reminiscent of the oral traditions of skalds retelling Nordic mythological tales and legends. The saga sweeps you into the adventures of the seafaring Vikings and depicts their religious beliefs and culture. Battle scenes and mythical realms of the afterlife are riveting and cinematic in scope. Johanna graciously accepted my... Read the full article
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Kingdom Come
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Zd4HyM
by NeverQuiteAwake
Months after defeating their deadliest foe, Eirlys and Loki are drawn back into adversity when the Convergence begins. Along with the Asgardians, they must work together to thwart the greatest threat the Nine Realms has ever seen.
Starts during Thor: The Dark World (2014) and continues onwards.
Words: 7369, Chapters: 1/19, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Shieldmaiden Saga
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Original Characters, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Hogun (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Maria Hill, Clint Barton, Amora (Marvel), Faradei (Marvel), Malekith (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Erik Selvig, Surtur (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, some smut, Established Relationship, starts during the events of Thor: The Dark World (2014), Implied/Referenced Torture, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Zd4HyM
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celticbarb · 3 years
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Book: The Serpent
Series: Spirits of the Norse, Book #1
Release Date: September 15, 2021
Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Overall Blog Rating: 5 Saltire Flags
Firth of Clyde, Alba
936 AD
Giric MacDomnail is weary of his people in Scotland being raided and killed by the barbaric Norseman. He feels the only resolution is with peace talks and through a marriage alliance. Even his King is in agreement with this idea and offering his own daughter. Now Giric who is a widow wasn’t planning of taking a wife for himselfof himself. Well that is until he spots the Chieftain Gunnar Haraldson’s sister, the beautiful, feisty, brave, and powerful shieldmaiden, Saga Haraldson who is very much against this alliance, she initially feels her freedom and her way of life would be stripped away from her! As she is a warrior and very different from the Scottish woman Giric has ever known. Saga’s older brother is Gunnar Haraldson, the Norse chieftain of Clan Haraldson, as Saga does not want to be forced into alliance. Yet she must admit this Scot is the most attractive man she has ever laid her eyes on, plus he smell absolutely delicious too and for her this is a major problem!
Now after these peace talks Saga’s Chieftain brother is in complete agreement with the Scots, especially since there are other tribes on Gunnar’s island that want to take over and start a civil war! Gunnar is in desperate need for manpower, which Giric’s army would supply. This would help defend his people as he fears there will be a civil war against his people if he doesn’t act fast. Giric starts to convince Saga of the positive reasons for joining this alliance. Unfortunately Gunnar and Saga Haraldson’s other brother, Magnus comes home after raiding for the past couple years. Magnus despises the Scots and does not want any sister of his marrying a Scot! Of course he can’t exactly go against his Chieftain brothers decision either, but will he start mischief that could endanger his family and start a war?
Now Saga’s younger sister Vigdis is very curious and different from her Shieldmaiden sisters and desire to visit this new new land and wants to visit Scotland very much! It is also very obvious she is very attracted to Giric’s man who is also his closest friend Omar MacAlpin. The Norman’s healer, Fredydis who is a woman that Saga respects and considers a close friend can foresee Saga and Giric in the near furture, who can see them together in a very positive light. However, there are other small minded individuals of both Norman and Scottish decent, who will never accept this Union that could possibly put both their lives in dangers even though this alliance could save both clans! Will Saga and Giric marry to help both their people and countries? Will this help the death and destruction of the Scottish people and help stop a civil war with the Norman own people. There are some filled with jealousy, prejudice’d and hate who don’t think a Scot and a Norman should mix and marry and can forget not move forward with a fresh slate and forgets their past grievances. Can this marriage be more than a marriage of convenience but a marriage of love? Yet there are some who don’t agree which will put their lives in danger. Can two enemies form an alliance that can save them both. Will Giric need to tame this shield maiden or will he be her personal slave and captive obeying to her every command? Read and find out the result from this captivating tale.
Kate Robbins pens a new series that Viking fans will absolutely love. It has all the ingredients that will dazzle and sweep readers off their feet in this delightful story. I have been reading Kate’s books since her debut as a historical romance author and she never disappoints! This is her first book in this phenomenal new series that I absolutely loved iand can’t wait for the next book called The Raven in this extraordinary series.
A riveting book filled with twists, turns, detours and so much more and the passion absolutely blows steam between the pages too. I highly recommend The Serpent which any fan of Viking history and folklore will love. The characters in this novel are brilliantly drawn with Kate Robbin’s intelligent skillful writing…It is definitely and an extraordinary fun read which I highly recommend!
I received a complimentary ARC copy from the author. I voluntarily agreed to read, review and blog an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts, ideas and opinions are my own.
Amazon Buy Link:
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Pairing: Ivar x OFC
Series: Brynhilda’s Saga
Warnings: Angst
Tagging: @tiyetiye @sammi-faye @anunhealthydoseofangst @salimahbicharara-comun @bluearchersstuff, @novumlibellum
        Ivar lays comfortable in the furs, a smile on his face. He still feels Brynhilda’s rough, gentle hands running themselves along his legs, getting rid of the knots within the atrophied muscle. He licks his lips, still tasting the blueberry mead she enjoys so much. He enjoys the new relationship with her. She loves as fiercely as she fights.
        There’s no pressure being with her. He doesn’t have to posture or perform, he doesn’t have to fight for her affections. Brynhilda is a woman unlike any other, she’s entirely self-reliant, capable of finding her own pleasure and happiness without him. His smile widens, she’s with him because he’s a challenge. Her words, not his. He doesn’t break under her gaze, he isn’t afraid to get nasty with her. He’s what she needed in a man. He can’t help the unadulterated joy that rises within him. She thinks of him as a man, different of course, but a man nonetheless.
        He rolls over, looking at the form next to him. Though the firelight is low, he can still see the long, ragged scar that runs down her back. The sign of betrayal she’ll never be rid of. He swallows the rage building within him, he swallows the guilt, he has yet to tell her, he doesn’t want to think about it, not now, not when everything is so peaceful.
        Brynhilda is going to wreak havoc on those that crossed her. She’s going to raise an army, spread her vengeance across the kingdom. He can see it in his mind. She’s haughty, fresh off her latest victory. Her armor is soiled with muck and blood, her hair in it’s characteristically long braid is matted with sweat, on her face is the smile of a woman who delights in warmongering. That is his Brynhilda, and he feels oh so guilty that he’ll never get to see it.
        He’s going to England with his father, and hasn’t told her yet. He can’t bear to do it, not when they just found this new peace with each other. He gulps, fearing this is his last night with her. He wants it to be meaningful, a memory they’ll remember forever. She’ll leave to wage her war, and he’ll leave for England, and they’ll never see each other again. Or if they do, she will no longer love him. Still, going to England was something he must do.
        He wants to wake her from her slumber but can’t bear to do it. She has a long day ahead of her, prepping for travel, trading for supplies. He settles with staring at her, running his fingers down the scar across her back. “Stop touching me,” He freezes at the sound of her voice. “I didn’t know you were awake,” He admits, cheeks flushing at being caught in such a tender moment. He lays his hand flat against her lower back, ignoring her request.
        “I wasn’t, until you started touching me.”
“You’ve never complained about me touching you before.” He points out, moving his hand to her ass and giving it a squeeze. She growls, shifting under the furs. “I don’t like it touched,” She admits. Her voice is so low, he strains to hear her. “My scars are connected to painful memories I’d rather not relive.” His eye dart across her back, jumping from scar to scar.
        Ivar’s brows furrow. It dawns on him that Brynhilda isn’t someone that knew true tenderness. If she did, it had been a long time. She came home from battle to a cold hut, body aching, no one to say they missed her. You’ve been used all your life, he thinks. Boggvir used you, and when you served no purpose other than to scare him, he tried to kill you.
        Ivar shifts as best he can, resting his hands on either side of her. “What are you doing?” She asks, turning around. He hushes her, pressing her shoulder, trying to keep her on her belly. “I’m giving you pleasant memories.” He says. He begins with the arrow shaped scar on the back of her neck. No doubt an assassination attempt. He presses a kiss to it. Brynhilda stiffens underneath him, but says nothing. Emboldened, he continues. Every scrape, every scratch, every scar received a kiss. It takes him awhile to accomplish this, for she has many, but he manages to do it.
He’s pressing his last kiss to the tail end of the back scar when he hears a sniffle. “Brynhilda?” He calls. Had he done something wrong? “Brynhilda, are you crying?” He crawls back up to her. She’s hiding her face in the pillow, shoulders shaking. “Brynhilda I-”
“Shut up,” She says, grabbing his arm. She yanks him on top of her, lacing her fingers with his. He smiles, he’d done something right apparently. He allows his weight to settle on her. This may be their last night together, but it would be a memorable one.
What Brynhilda can’t tell Ivar is how he makes her feel. Across her twenty odd years of life, she’d had a string of lovers. Men, women, young, old, warrior, farmer, none of them compared to Ivar, for none of them had thought of her insecurities. For as long as she could remember she hated her scars. They made for great battle stories around the fire, but when it came to the realm of love, they were constant reminders of how undesirable she was.
She remembers look at all the married women in her life, they had been smooth skinned beauties, the lot of them. She’d never have that. Then she had to go and fall in love with the biggest asshole she’d ever met. He made her feel so beautiful, with the look her gave her after they kissed. The one that makes it clear he wants her. Blue eyes would rove the planes of her naked body, she never slept with clothes on is she could help it. He’d wet his lips and make a lewd comment, even though nothing would come of it. Gods, he’d never know how much she cared for him, how much all of it meant. She wouldn’t dare tell him.
Instead, she lies there, Ivar on top of her, pressing kisses to her shoulder, making sure she knew how he felt. She closes her eyes and sends a rare prayer to the gods, let me keep him. She thinks. I couldn’t keep my family or my king, but please, let me keep him.
        Brynhilda is up with the sun that morning. She is heading out today, she knows it, and Ivar will be at her side. They will be an unstoppable force together. Brynhilda’s might and Ivar’s cunning. She smiles at the thought, surely it would be a battle to go be sung in the Sagas forever more, they’d be immortalized in rhyme. She snorts, better stop that train of thought, you’ve had your time to be a proud fool, and look where it got you.
        Ivar still sleeps in her temporary home, on the edge of Kattegat. Aslaug graciously allowed her to have it for the time being, a place she and Ivar can be away from prying eyes. Of course, when you’re delcared the lover of the youngest son of Ragnar, tongues start wagging. She has the idea that she’ll go pick some fruits for breakfast when she sees Ragnar cresting the hill, heading straight for her house.
        She waits for him to arrive at her gate, unwilling to move from her door. She doesn’t trust him, he has an air of desperation about him. “Hello!” He says, rather cheerfully, waving. “Ivar’s inside, he isn’t awake yet.” She tells him, jerking her thumb towards the door. “Oh, no, I didn’t want to talk to Ivar, I wanted to talk to you.” Brynhilda crosses her arms, she has a feeling she knows exactly what he’s going to say. “Speak, make it quick. I refuse to suffer long talks with old men.” Ragnar’s smile falters. “I am going to England!” He announces. “I was wondering if you would like to come with me, to make your fortune. Surely I’d be successful with Boggvir’s greatest shieldmaiden at me side.
    ��   Brynhilda can’t help the snap reaction. She rushes Ragnar, grabs his beard, and yanks him down to her eye level. “Listen and listen well,” She snarls, “I am no one’s Shieldmaiden. The next time you mention that traitor’s name in front of me, I’ll cut out your tongue.” Ragnar gives her a shaky laugh, then gulps when she doesn’t laugh with him. “I just thought you’d like to come, considering Ivar-” Brynhilda pushes him away from her. “Ivar is going with you.” It isn’t a question. Ragnar lets out another sheepish laugh. “You didn’t know?”
        Brynhilda crosses her arms, hurt. “It’s none of my business, I suppose.”
“Aren’t you my son’s love?” Ragnar is frowning. Brynhilda can’t help her cheeks heating. She thanks Odin she’s dark enough that Ragnar doesn’t see it. “I am,” She says. “But Ivar is a person all his own. He’s able to make his own decisions.” Ragnar is going to say something else, probably try to convince her to go with him when Sigrid comes running, calling her name. “Brynhilda!” She says, skidding to a dusty stop behind Ragnar. “It’s Aslaug, she wants to see you, come quickly.”
        Brynhilda leaps over her small fence. Before she rushes off, she turns to Ragnar. “Ivar is just inside. Help yourself,” She then takes off at a trot, Sigrid keeping pace with her.
When she reaches the Great Hall, it’s empty. Aslaug is pacing, muttering to herself. “Your Majesty?” She whispers. Aslaug stops dead in her tracks. “Brynhilda!” She gasps, rushing towards her. “I know you will see reason,” she says, grabbing the girl’s shoulders. The grip is surprisingly strong, “I know Ivar will listen to you. You must convince him not to go to England. I don’t care what you tell him, just do it.” Brynhilda frowns, stepping out from Aslaug’s grasp. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” Aslaug yells. “Ivar is his own person, capable of making decisions for himself. I love him, but I’m not going to stop him.”
“He will die Brynhilda! Don’t you care about that?”
“Of course, I do,” Brynhilda says softly, wrapping her arms around herself. Aslaug had seen his death, this day just kept getting worse. Life without Ivar would be hard. She’d only have her revenge to live for, not someone to come home victorious to. Then what? Without her love, there would be nothing beyond her victory. Somehow, she manages to keep herself together, her voice is calm, “It is still his decision.”
“Then go with him. Protect him, make sure he’s safe.”
“We both know I won’t do that.”
“Why because of your silly war?”
“It’s not war! I’m taking back what’s rightfully mine!” Brynhilda would’ve kept yelling if the change over Aslaug’s face hadn’t been so terrifying. Looking much like the death hag, Aslaug rushes at her. “You snake!” Aslaug roars, slapping Brynhilda soundly across her cheek. “You filthy traitor! You care no more for my son than anyone else!”
“You’re the one who doesn’t care!” Brynhilda says, stopping the next slap. Aslaug stops her ranting in shock, no one had ever dared to accuse her of not loving her son. “You have coddled Ivar all his life, kept him from the world, from experience because you wanted something, anything to hold close to your heart. It is time to stop being selfish, your majesty. It’s time to let Ivar go, he is grown enough to take command of his own destiny. Allow him the dignity to do so.”
        Aslaug wrenches her hand away from Brynhilda. “Go,” She says, eyes filled with tears. Brynhilda doesn’t need to be told twice.
        There is something off about Brynhilda, Ivar just can’t tell what. She hasn’t spoken to him since she came back from wherever she had been. He hasn’t said anything to break the silence. Her savagery is lurking just beneath her beautiful green eyes. “Brynhilda?” He asks, quietly. She slams her hand on the table, “Why didn’t you tell me you were going with Ragnar?” She growls, looking at him. Ivar gulps, shit. “I didn’t want to upset you,” He whispers truthfully. Things had been so good these last weeks, he couldn’t help it if he wanted it to last a little longer. “I wouldn’t have been upset!” She admits. “Ivar, I wouldn’t have held it against you. I know what something like this must mean to you. Hell, if MY father walked through that door right now and told me we were going to the Mediterranean, I wouldn’t ask any questions. What did you think I was going to do?”
“Hit me,” Ivar answers honestly. “Yell at me, beg me not to go.” There’s a look of hurt that crosses her face.
“Then you don’t really know me at all, do you?” She whispers.  Ivar frowns, he knows her well enough, doesn’t he? “Ivar, I understand that there are things one must do in life. I understand that you must go to England, and I must go to war.” She sits down, grabbing his hands in hers. “I would not try to stop you from doing what you need to do. It would be cruel of me, selfish. I do not want to be that sort of woman.”
        Ivar takes her face in his hands and brings her close for a kiss. It’s soft, and full of thanks on his behalf. To find someone who understands him so completely is refreshing. “Mother says I am going to die.” Brynhilda nods. “I will mourn you,” She says, sniffing. “Ass that you are,”
“Man that you love?” Ivar asks hopefully. Brynhilda laughs, wiping at the corners of her eyes. “Man that I love,” She agrees. They look at each other for a few moments. “Ok,” She says, standing. “I don’t want to stay in this smelly hut all day feeling sorry for our future. I want to enjoy my last day with you.”
        Ivar crawls off his seat, “It sounds like a plan,”
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Vikings Season 6 Episode 15 Review: All At Sea
This Vikings review contains spoilers.
Vikings Season 6 Episode 15
“I have other ambitions, unfinished business.”
Vikings continues to deftly interweave the multiple story threads that have long been a staple of the series, and whether these connections are driven by characters, action, or visuals, they provide a deeper layer of meaning within this elaborate saga. From the images of Katia and Gunnhild wearing all white to the emotionally disturbed actions of Kjetill Flatnose and Prince Oleg, “All At Sea” maintains these exquisitely subtle narrative touches as one set of conflicts are put to rest and new ones begin to brew.
The natural inclination may be to overlook the significance of Ivar’s time in Kiev since the only tangible result lies in Prince Igor’s escape from his uncle Oleg. Ivar aspires to greatness and seeks to once again rule Kattegat, but he clearly needs to change his approach if he’s to win the hearts and minds of his fellow vikings. Meeting Katia in Rus forces him to re-evaluate his relationship with Freyis, and while Igor’s assessment that Ivar sees himself in the young prince, the son of Ragnar Lothbrok undergoes an emotional epiphany that appears to change his total outlook. Yes, he prods Igor to kill his uncle, but when we examine the alternative, there really is little choice. The boy becomes a man in that instant, and the people love him for it.
Despite the importance of Ivar’s transformation, this chapter belongs to Oleg and the impact the Easter celebration appears to have on the prince’s mental health. On the one hand, it does seem as if his descent into madness happens rather quickly, but his first wife’s betrayal and natural suspicions of Ivar and Hvitserk lead him down a path from which he seems unable to escape. The irony of his devout Christian faith set against the sadistic methods he employs momentarily gives pause, but when it’s clear he’s devolved into thinking he is the son of God, a sense of relief begins to filter into the scene. It’s still difficult to feel empathy for him even when he quotes Jesus’ words on the cross just before Igor sends an arrow into his chest. 
Nevertheless, the real bombshell that drops in Kiev is the revelation that Katia is pregnant with Ivar’s child. While this can certainly be viewed as a bit of a narrative cheat, it does force Ivar to make a decision he’s not sure he’d ever have to make. With all the subterfuge surrounding many of the characters, Katia’s motives along the way turn out to be relatively pure and provide a sense of relief that are embodied in her frank assessment of her relationship with Ivar. “I will only disappoint you when you realize [I am not Freydis].” Has Ivar fallen in love with her because it gives him a chance to correct his earlier mistakes with Freydis, or does this turn out to be a case of star crossed lovers fated to remain apart? In truth, they give each other what they need at the moment and are probably wise to go their separate ways now that each has been freed.
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Vikings Season 6 Episode 14 Review: Lost Souls
By Dave Vitagliano
Why Vikings Is Ending
By Michael Ahr
Amidst all the often duplicitous machinations of the adults, it’s easy to miss the fine work from Oran Glynn O’Donovan (Prince Igor) as he’s grown up before our eyes. Igor’s learned a lot in a short period of time, and when he watches Ivar and Hvitserk ride out of Kiev, the young prince no longer hides his emotions. Tellingly, Hvitserk tells his brother that he too notices a change, and we’ll know soon enough what that actually means.
Set against Oleg’s deterioration are the watershed events taking place on the newly settled Greenland. The episode’s opening scene in which Kjetill and his family erect a fence around their piece of land perfectly sets up the confrontation that ultimately gives him what he wants – to be king of Greenland. As if Ubbe doesn’t have enough to deal with after the death of his child, Kjetill goes rogue and purposely isolates himself from the rest of the community. Season 6B has been relatively light on battle sequences, and though the attack on Kjetill’s family is short lived, the rage emanating from the starving settlers dominates the scene. Not that we ever doubted Torvi’s battle readiness, but when she fights one-handed while clutching her infant in the other, her desperation speaks loudly for the entire community.
It wasn’t clear how Ubbe would re-enter the situation in Kattegat, but his quick decision to flee the island without a plan also reinforces the fact that peaceful coexistence with Kjetill no longer remains a viable option. Like Oleg, Kjetill loses touch with the reality of the situation, but here, unlike the prince, Flatnose’s murderous nature re-emerges. Standing atop the beached whale screaming at the retreating Ubbe, Kjetill makes clear his group is in for a rocky road. “I am king of Greenland. Rejoice.” While rejoicing may have to wait for this group, Othere��s insistence that God will provide comes to pass, and though Torvi and Ubbe once passed themselves off as Christians, which deity is responsible for the rain that provides drinking water doesn’t really matter at this point.
And while the events in Kattegat appear relatively mundane compared to those in Greenland and Kiev, the impact there is just as momentous. Who would have thought Harald Finehair would end up being a good guy, but his decision to take both Ingrid and Gunnhild goes beyond mere egocentric behavior and should restore a sense of stability to the town as it moves forward. The revelation that in his prior incarnation as a slave trader, Erik once sold Ingrid comes at an opportune time as his influence with Harald is on the rise. And while her marriage to Harald is purely political, she seems willing to work with him even though her child’s parentage remains in flux. Should Erik somehow get squeezed out of Harald’s inner circle, sparks will undoubtedly fly.
However, it’s Gunnhild’s decision to “join Bjorn in Valhalla” that fuels the most controversial aspect of the episode. Though she doesn’t kill herself with a dagger as she seemed to presage in the previous episode, the choice to carry out this act during the wedding ceremony raises other questions. Does she intend to disrupt and sabotage Harald’s reign in Kattegat? That seems out of character for the beloved shieldmaiden, and the tears falling softly on Harald’s cheek as she swims to her death add a touch of sensitivity to the scene and affirm the love he holds for the woman who would have truly been queen of Kattegat.
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Vikings reaches the halfway point of Season 6B, and “All At Sea” teases not only Ivar’s determination to regain power in Kattegat but Ubbe’s to make a mark for himself outside of the family dominion. Will fate bring the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok together one final time? Only the gods know. 
The post Vikings Season 6 Episode 15 Review: All At Sea appeared first on Den of Geek.
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