#clean and conscious
milari1234 · 4 days
Are Ikea Cot Mattresses Safe for Newborn Babies?
Yes, an Ikea cot mattress is safe for your newborn baby. When it comes to selecting the right mattress for a newborn, safety and comfort are paramount. New parents often find themselves inundated with choices and recommendations, which can be overwhelming. One popular option is Ikea cot mattresses, known for their affordability and accessibility.
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milariorganics · 6 months
We took a PAUSE this Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend to reflect on what’s important - our planet 🌎
We often get asked - Are you having a Black Friday sale? When is your next sale?
At Milari we feel that Black Friday/Cyber Monday is no longer a consumer or earth-friendly event as companies slash prices for the kickoff of the holiday season, shoppers overconsume electronics, plastics and fast-fashion apparel — and our planet ultimately suffers.
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milariorganic · 10 months
 Australian Handmade Organic Wool Toddler Pillow for Kids
Milari Organics wool toddler pillows are made with natural latex and wool cotton.The wool cotton are GOTS Certified and tested by Australian labs.Every pillow  is handmade and free from formaldehyde. Our pillows are chemical free and non allergenic. Milari Organics pillows are the 1st choice of the parents for their kids. We provide many types of pillows like kids pillow,baby sleep pillow,natural latex pillow,toddler kids pillow.Our toddler pillow is soft and supportive – but also sustainable, breathable and gives you all the moisture-controlling benefits of wool.
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Milari organics pillows are award winning baby pillows in the clean and conscious baby sleep category.We are wrapped every pillow in a water resistant and machine washable quilted pebble pillowcase/ protector. We will deliver your  order within 3 to 5 days and we can  also provide a money back policy on every product.Our luxurious Wool Toddler pillow is hand-made in Australia from the best organic and natural materials available and perfectly complements our Milari Organics Green Baby Mattress. It is naturally the answer for any parent looking for an organic and chemical-free sleeping environment for their toddler. 
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milarioraganics · 1 year
Clean and Conscious: Choosing Non-Toxic Mattresses and Pillows and Avoiding Greenwashing
In today’s world, there is a growing awareness of the importance of choosing products that are safe for both people and the planet. This includes choosing non-toxic mattresses and pillows for babies and adults alike. Milari Organics offers an award-winning cot mattress and baby pillow that are both non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
One of the biggest concerns when it comes to baby products is safety. Many baby products on the market today are made with synthetic materials and treated with chemicals that can be harmful to babies. Milari Organics addresses this concern by offering a non-toxic cot mattress and baby pillow that are made with natural materials such as organic cotton and bamboo.
In addition to being safe for babies, non-toxic mattresses and pillows are also better for the environment. Synthetic materials and chemicals used in traditional mattresses and pillows can have a negative impact on the planet. By choosing non-toxic options, consumers can reduce their impact on the environment and support sustainable practices.
The CleanandConsciousAwards celebrate products that are safe, ethical, sustainable, and responsible. ⁠ ⁠ Clean +…
However, it is important to be aware of greenwashing, which is when companies make misleading or false claims about the environmental benefits of a product. This can make it difficult for consumers to know which products are truly environmentally friendly and which are not. It is essential to do your own research and choose products from companies like Milari Organics that are transparent about their materials and manufacturing practices.
In conclusion, choosing non-toxic mattresses and pillows is an important step in promoting both personal health and environmental sustainability. By avoiding greenwashing and choosing products from companies like Milari Organics, consumers can make a positive impact on the planet while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe.
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hyper-cryptic · 11 months
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Do u know when wolves do THAT face when another wolf snaps at them. okay now do u understand why Shade's cringefailing
(Warning, ooc. This is an AU.)
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alrunaaa · 6 months
a sneezing fit I let out in my car from last holiday after I spent most of the day at my cousin’s house in which they have a dog and two cats. Which I am allergic to both! I can’t help it if they look at me all cute and I pet them. They for sure left my nose stuffy and sensitive all day tho 🤧
I also ended up going to another friend’s house after this where there were Also! two dogs there can you imagine how that went…..
cw: sneezing, talking, some coughing, nose blowing, and you hear my foot tapping (…did I get impatient with myself? idk LMAO)
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nudibutch · 2 months
i was finally able to have the house to myself for a bit today... brought all my dirty dishes out of my room and was able to tidy up a little bit without feeling weird
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 months
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Eddie and Peter doodles feat. Benny from @bennydunbar
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trashlie · 1 year
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Nol’s Weird Reactions to Shinae’s Weird Compliments
I needed to take a small break from all the heavy discussions and decided to go round up all the little moments I could remember of Shinae paying Nol an unexpected - and often seemingly weird lol - compliment and Nol’s very puzzled reactions lmao because it always makes me laugh. There’s something about his “um what” that always makes me laugh 
Honorable mention to this scene at the black and white formal
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Not a weird compliment (hence it being an honorable mention) but it still came by surprise and left them both feeling awkward
Honorable honorable mention to THIS scene, too. He seems to react more to the fact that she’s saying anything nice to him at all, hence why it’s an honorable mention, but it still fits the “reacting kinda weirdly” theme so here it is lmao 
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Let me know if I’ve missed any more - I think a post of all the times Shinae has paid anyone an awkward compliment would be just the best because I still never get over “SEXY HANDS” and Dieter nearly dying in response lmaooooo She’s a unique and somewhat socially awkward one, our Shinae, and I wouldn’t want to have her any other way 
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milari1234 · 10 days
What Are the Clean and Conscious Awards?
The Clean and Conscious Awards celebrate brands that excel in creating safe, ethical, and sustainable products. These awards recognize items that meet rigorous criteria for environmental impact, ethical production, and non-toxic ingredients, highlighting products that are not only beneficial for consumers but also gentle on the planet.
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drawnbinary · 1 year
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This is tied to a headcanon
The headcanon is that early on in their relationship, they weren't used to receiving compliments outside of their skills and accomplishments so they would get flustered and blush wildly when they got complimented by each other. And since it's cute when their partner is flustered so they'd do it often, and over time they got used to it and it became a habit so they end up just being super sweet to each other all the time
The text is not intended to be read, that's for them ;P
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I want to apologize to anybody who ever send me an ask that I didn’t answer, I am offering you a little kiss on the forehead
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omaano · 1 year
Wait, hold up, I have to hear more about Boba/Din Vampire AU 👀
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“Teeth measuring contest” - is what I should have titled that wip XD
I am this close to talking myself out of 100% committing to this idea even though I spent the whole day cleaning up this sketch and turning it into something not horribly messy and out of the realm of proportion and human anatomy. But it's getting better and better, so I guess… I can indulge a little? Maybe? Maybe 6th time is the charm? 😳😳 (Credit where credit is due tho, I changed my mind on half the elements in this drawing because of @shortmage and their fics’ influence, because I’m a very weak person, and their vampire!Boba fic as well as this one is just too good!)
Also, the rarest of things happened and I’d actually typed up some of my messy thoughts from months back when I just started marinating on the idea of Mandalorian vampires, so I suppose I might as well share them under the cut
Mandalorians as vampires - makes sense for the emphasis of the traditionalists to always keep covered up (especially with the helmet and the chest plate because the head and torso are the important and vulnerable-ish parts for a vampire), to live in secrecy and hiding and possibly even underground. Plus, since it is a trait that can be passed on through a vampire bite the Mandalorian idea of adoption and “children are the future” mentality also checks out, since the vampiric bloodline has gotten diluted over time - hence what the New Mandalorians were, who had it easier to assimilate to the norm of the Republic, and what little vampiric traits they retained with time they could live with under their domes and in their environmentally controlled cities on Mandalore.
That would make Din a very traditionalist vampire (plus the continuous wear of his helmet probably built up and encourages quite the oral fixation on top of that), and as a Beroya he’d have to ensure that the whole covert has enough blood to sustain them (bounty hunting with more focus on the “or dead” part of the assignment). Meanwhile Boba would be also a vampire, but quite a bit loser with his feeding habits and morals (and he has more motivation to keep covered up because of the whole clone thing as opposed to the vampire thing). Jango (not just because he was a foundling, but due to the general diluting effect of /time/) was less of a “true” vampire (though vampire enough, his buir was mand’alor after all, that’s gotta count for something), but he had more than enough of it locked away in his genes for the kamionans to have an absolute field day in cherry picking what traits they found useful to keep in the clones (keep some traits for strength and durability, but turn on them the thrall (in a way) and put them on blood supplements to ensure that they remain under control).
Jedi are also vampires, they just went the early mutation route of the genes, and so they don’t subscribe to the “turning someone into a vampire” idea, but rather look for that innate vampire in future Jedi; which allows for the antagonism between Jedi sorcerers and Mandalorians. Jedi are those weirdos who figured out how to live on black pudding and blood orange and anything that has blood in its name and is red, and whatever life force is in the air - and worst of all they don’t even have the decency to just turn up and die on such a ridiculous diet. They are the equivalent of light eater weirdos, except they are also somehow right. That would make Sith those who's gone bonkers and just drain the life force of every unfortunate sucker in their way (that would kinda explain why inviting Maul into mandalorian business could have seemed like a good idea? Since he was closer to traditionalist mandalorian ideals than whatever the new mandalorians were subscribing to). The grey Jedi would probably then be the smart ones who figured out that blood banks exist. They are the smart cookies who don’t have to rein in their hunger through hours of meditation or whatever yet still get the benefits.
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blinkpen · 1 year
jaren "thought i was ace but then a monsterfucker permit just spawned in my wallet one day i guess" newton on a date with a monster: but what if the monster thinks my body's weird and unnatural and offputting
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ravensvalley · 2 years
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I never really was a flower kind of guy. Sure, I gave flowers to people in the past like my mother or my loved ones but, they had never grabbed my interest.
But Chrysanthemum plants, really touched my sore spot. They are one of the four symbolic seasonal flowers but really start blooming in early Autumn up to entire November month. So, you don't have to worry about some little freezing nights because these flowers will stay beautiful.
And if you decide to keep them inside, they will reduce the indoor air pollution and leave the house with more fresh air. So they have an environmental use and are the perfect flowers for Halloween decorations.
As they say, without plants life on earth would not be possible.
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little-peril-stories · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 12 - Semi-Conscious
From The Prince of Thieves:
It’s not fine. I’m no doctor—farthest thing from one—but even I know this is bad. “You want to lie down?”
“No.” He leans back against the wall. It can’t be comfortable with the other wounds pressed against the stone, but he doesn’t complain.
“It’s going to hurt.”
“I know.”
He is quieter than I expect while I wash out the shoulder wound. No cries of pain. The first time I glance at his face, his eyes are squeezed tightly closed, his jaw set. The next time, his eyes are open, but his gaze is distant. I wonder if he’s even really feeling it.
“Are you still with me?” I ask, letting my lank, unwashed hair fall in front of my face as I wring out the cloth. He nods, but he says nothing, and I know he’s not. Not really.
Hatchett would want me to take advantage of this moment. Ask for Fox’s name, see if he gives it. I keep the question to myself. Baden Hatchett thinks he knows me. He fucking doesn’t. I’m selfish, but not in the way he thinks.
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