#cleaned up my porch and planted some bulbs
charlyritter · 2 months
every weekend I think I should make plans when every weekend I re-discover that my favorite thing to do on weekends is the same things I always do but slower
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devilherself666 · 1 year
Chapter 7! (Todobakudeku x reader maifa AU!)
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      I woke up by a squeeze on the shoulder, my fighting urges kicked in, as I grabbed who it was and pinned them to the floor, face planted arm behind their back, still tired I couldn't see much. I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. This man was different, he wasn't Shoto, he had blonde hair, red ruby eyes, spikes in his hair as he didn't look so happy to be on the floor by a girl. "Who are you?" I asked in a tired voice, he huffed. "You are staying at my house and Icy-Hot didn't even tell you?" He asked and I shook my head, letting go of him slowly. "I am the one and only Bakugo Katsuki." He huffed and I chuckled. "Bit of an ego I see." He looked at me with hate in his eyes. Are all these messed up? I hate to see their boss. "Fuck you, any way how this happen?" He asked, pointing to my brother and I sighed. "Well, somehow they found us, and he let them kidnap him for a reason I don't know, he wouldn't have gone without good cause." I started and he looked at me. "Dabi and hawks?" He asked and I nodded. "Nine times out of ten, they are dirty. They will always have something on you, so maybe he has something he hasn't told you or he has, and you forgot." He explained and I looked at my brother spacing out trying to think about all the things he has told me over the years. Nothing. "He tells me everything, I don't understand what it could be." I confessed and he looked at me. "Well, other than that, they could have threatened you." He spoke and I chuckled. "Yeah, I thought about that too, but my brother would go with them for that. He would have sent them up to my room while I am sleeping. He knows what I can handle, and those guys were a piece of cake, that is why I don't understand what he was willing to die for." I sigh and he looked at me. "I would figure that out." He spoke and I nodded. I sat down in the chair once again. "Why?" I asked my brother, and I got no response. I cried slightly as I held his hand. "What are you hiding?" I asked more of myself as I got up, and kissed his hand right when the maid came in. "Watch over him for me? I have to go home." She nodded and bowed to me. I bowed back and left the house and walked home.
I walked up to the porch and unlocked the new locks, walking in. I went up to my brother's office and shut and locked the door behind me and went through everything in that office. Papers, drawers, journals, piles of files. I found nothing. Then I saw a locked cabinet. I looked around for a key. It was like a light bulb popped in my head. I ran to his room and felt the boards and lifted up the broken one, finding a key. "I hope you are the one I need." I sighed walking back to his office and locking the door once again, I put the key in the cabinet and turned it in, it opened. All kinds of files, but that didn't get my attention, one had my name on it. I grabbed the folder with my name on it. Y/n M/n L/n. I shivered at the thought: what is in this folder that made my brother dive into death? If I know, will it make everything worse? I sighed. I looked at it once more before slowly opening it. My eyes roamed the files but I didn't find anything. I looked at the files and found nothing. "What is the secret?" I asked and I put all the folders back in their places and shut and locked the cabinet back.
I got up after cleaning his office. "What is the world.." I sighed as I walked out and went to my room. I got some clothes and took a shower. After I got out the shower red, I put on some comfy clothes and sighed. I brush my hair and walk back out, locking the house and walking back to Shoto house where my brother was. I Knocked and the maid answered, shivering. "Are you okay?" I asked but before she could answer I heard the yelling. "MAKE IT RIGHT!?" A man yelled. "He is never like this, he is very upset about your brother." She shivered. "What does he want made?" I asked. "A coffee." She sighed and I nodded. "I will make it, if you will please check on my brother." She nodded while walking to the nurse's office and I walked to the kitchen and made a fresh pot of coffee, waiting minutes before I poured him a fresh cup and walked it up to him. I knocked on his office. "Come in! You better have it right!" He yelled and I opened the door. "I made it fresh, if you don't like it. You can personally shove it up your ass." I huffed and he growled. "YOU ARE FIRED!?" he yelled. "Oh darn, I don't even work for you." I huffed and he finally looked up and saw something that wasn't his maid. "Why are you doing my maid's job?" He asked. I huffed sitting the coffee down on the cup holder. "Well for one, don't take your anger about my brother out on the world, if anyone should be angry it is me. Believe me I wanna cut their hands off as much as you do. But don't take it out on the poor lady." I sighed and he looked at me. "You know I like you." He chuckled. I looked at him. "Why?" I asked. "You just told me about myself and didn't show fear." He chuckled. I shrugged. "Well, even if you are the big bad boss, it doesn't mean I can't put a jerk in his place and honestly I am not scared of death." I huffed and he looked at me. His eyes were like they were white. He had no soul it looked like. He was broken to the very rim. I am guessing this is Deku, Green hair, freckles, the boss. I have to say he is very handsome, his scars, one on his face across his nose. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at me, I didn't flinch or even blink. He cocked it and pointed it at me again. I have been shot before and lived. I am not scared. I know he will shoot me if he wants to, or to feel powerful and whatever gets him to be nicer. He cocked it again taking the bolts out. "I am impressed." He spoke. "Most would have run for the hills." He sighed and I shrugged. "You don't scare me, I respect you. Difference, right?" I asked and he nodded. "Y/n, right?" He asked and I nodded. He got up and walked to me, I leaned on the wall, and he was towering over me, his face was so close I could feel his breathing. What is he doing? He looked at me in my eyes and I looked back at him. "Still nothing." He sighed. "You really aren't scared of me. Have I lost my touch?" He asked and I laughed. "No, it just takes a lot to scare me anymore." I shrugged and he nodded. "I understand that." He laughed. How does he laugh with so much pain in his eyes? With so much hate, so much revenge sat in them. Who broke these boys? I just want to have a talk. I thought for a minute. "Listen, you want them as much as I do. I have a plan." I spoke. And he looked at me. "I am listening." He sighed leaning on the desk.
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thegnomedruid · 2 years
oh boy, what a wild weekend it has been. I had a 4 day weekend for Veterans Day (US) and taking Monday off. I didn’t get as much done as I had intended*, but that’s because the fridge started dying it’s final death on Sunday and making that kind of a big decision wipes me right the fuck out.
But this weekend, I did:
Clean the annuals out of the greenhouse
move other outdoor plants into the greenhouse
Trim the dahlias, mulch over the pots and move into the greenhouse
put frost covers on the outdoor spigots
Break down the cardboard boxes clogging up the garage and tidy up a little bit
Move the front porch plants into the garage, toss the ones teh frost killed
Blue Cheese Steak & Asparagus for Dinner
Started falafel (it’s in the fridge, needs to be balled up and cooked)
Usual Laundry and weekend chores
Ordered a new fridge
Paid Bills
took my meds every day
Went for walks outside
And I’m happy with and proud of that!
*on Intention: a therapist one time talked to me about the difference between a Task and an Intention. When i was really really depressed, one of the things I struggled with was all the things I “needed” to do that weren’t getting done.
An intention was a way of framing those so that it wasn’t A Big Deal if it didn’t get done.
For example, I was going to dig up the dahlia bulbs, clean them off, and put them in a little root box in the garage, which is what I did last year. The fridge decision yesterday just blew that out of the water. Digging them up, cleaning them, drying them ... too many steps. I just needed the task DONE. I trimmed the stalks, and put some mulch over the top of the pots. They’ll keep.
I didn’t do what i originally intended, but i still took care of the plants.
It’s a little mental re-framing trick that has been super helpful for me.
Good luck, salty pirates! Take care of yourselves!
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dearcraziness · 11 months
Chapter 57.
The sun's rays illuminated the once frozen pond, now surrounded by thick green grass and continuing its calm barely visible flow; fountains, working in the usual measured mode. From the very morning the birds were singing their voices were merry, as if they were happy about the coming spring and spread their song, although not to far lands, but to a fairly considerable distance.
The kettle boiled in the friends' house, Bendy brewed a nice delicious drink for everyone. After tasting the main dishes, the guys started desserts and felt wonderful sensations in the soul, but not because they ate sweets and drank wonderful tea, but because they spent most of the morning together, sharing their hopes and plans for the day started, as well as their experiences and worries about their new art.
"What's wrong, Alice?..." Boris asked anxiously. "You look pretty thoughtful..."
"I was going to write a song, but I'm not sure about which lyrics should I choose..." Alice replied.
"Don't burden yourself, there are so many things in the world which can give you a great inspiration..."
"The main thing is to find the right and most important topics for yourself..." Bendy answered.
"I can't determine what exactly interests me the most at the moment..." angel said.
"Try to identify the problem, the solution of which you consider the most necessary..." advised the mechanic.
"Or write down your thoughts on paper, where your hopes and expectations will be revealed..." Lara suggested.
"You can also write a melody in musical form and decide which of the things it reminds you of, what you associate it with..." Bendy concluded.
"Very good ideas, thanks, friends..." Alice replied. "But I think I'll write down the melody first, as Bendy advised, then I'll determine what the song will be about..."
"You'll do great..." Boris was delighted. "In the meantime, I'll be improving my banjo playing skills..."
"I'll go cultivating the soil for winter dormant plants and for new sowing..." Bendy said. "And clean up the garden at the same time... And what are you going to do, Laurie?..."
"I'll make a list of stories, poems I want to reread, and I'll find them..."
"Let's put them in your closet together and arrange some of them in mine, I have a number of the same favorite tales, and in general, our preferences in literary are pretty similar..."
"I don't mind, see you later..." Lara said
"See you soon... Good luck in your endeavors..." Bendy adressed everyone.
"Same goes to you..." Boris answered.
"Bye..." Alice said.
Friends went to their rooms, except for Bendy, who, after washing the dishes and wiping the table with a lavender towel, went out into the corridor and, opening the door, found himself in the garden.
The weather favored working with the soil, and the young man, taking out fertilizers and a bright red watering can, set to work. Taking care of the soil and cultivating it for the demon wasn't difficult and it didn't take him too long, because from year to year he acquired new valuable skills. After digging in the damp earth, Bendy planted bulbs, seeds, woke up sleeping plants by watering them with water and treating them with fertilizers. Folding the spatula and rake into a wicker basket, the young man picked it up from the ground and, together with the watering can, went to the porch - terrace. He put them in their place and was about to leave when he suddenly noticed something terrible and terrifying...
Not far from the entrance to the friends' house sat a black kitten, visibly staggering. Bendy knelt down and approached the animal, the imp noticed there was a wound on the animal's head, from which blood was flowing. The young man immediately took the poor four in his arms and hurriedly carried it to his room. After putting the kitten on the table, the demon was looking for disinfectants and medicines in his first aid kit - a small white suitcase. Bendy took out hydrogen peroxide and treated the damage, drained the wound with a napkin, treated the skin around the wound with antiseptic and applied a sterile bandage. The imp stroked the black animal and saw how it fawned on him, but still slightly staggered from side to side.
"Poor creature, how did this happen to him..." - flashed through the young man's head, and tears rolled out of his eyes.
He looked at the kitten with sympathy and concern. Considering it his duty to take care of the helpless animal, Bendy created a magical protective field around the kitten, ensured its serene and safe life with the help of magical powers, carefully took it and carried to the kitchen. The demon carefully put it on the floor and cooked food for it. Friends didn't have bowls for animals, therefore a talented chef poured the treat into a saucer and put it next to the kitten.
"For you, buddy, help yourself..." Bendy said.
The kitten looked at the young man slightly questioningly and began to eat treats. After emptying the saucer, the animal stroked the demon's leg, making a quiet pleasant purr. The imp smiled, patted the warm fluffy ball on the head. He washed the dishes, wiped the dust and crumbs from the cutting and dining tables. The young man took the kitten in his arms and was about to leave, when suddenly Boris came out to greet him, saying, "Bendy, who do you got here?..."
"I picked up the kitten at our porch with a head wound, he needed help... I provided him with the necessary funds and medicines... Hmm, which name should I give him... Maybe Fluffy..."
"You nobly saved the animal from a difficult situation, but you already have a pet..."
"Frans is quite self-sufficient and able to independently manage events in his life... After all, he's a living ink, with huge ambitions, very commendable magical abilities..."
"Well, he sure is a great wizard... But are you certain the kitten would like living with us?..."
"Definitely, I'll feed him every day and check the degree of healing of the wound, in the remaining time he'd be briskly walking around the garden, I'll play with him..."
"Well, then okay... Good luck to you..."
"Thank you..."
Boris smiled and stroked the kitten sitting in Bendy's arms, saying goodbye, and returned to the interrupted business.
Meanwhile, the demon went out into the corridor and, knocking softly, opened the door of Lara's room and said, "Laurie, how are you doing with making a list?... Have you finished yet?..."
"Almost..." the girl muttered. "I need to write down a few short stories..."
"I should find a list of my favorite tales, I recently finished them... By the way, sweetheart, meet the new resident of our studio!... I called him Fluffy, but we'll change his name if you wish..."
"What a wonderful kitten... And the nickname suits him perfectly... Why he has a bandage on his muzzle?..."
"You see, I saw him with a wound on his head and took appropriate measures... He'll have to walk like this for now... Of course, he's still weak, he was probably in a lot of pain... But now he feels better..."
"Poor guy... Did he eat?..."
"Of course, he tasted delicious dishes... Sunny, what do you say about a walk in the garden together?..."
"I'll definitely go with you and our new guest..."
"Great, but first we'll put on jackets, otherwise we'll catch cold..."
The devils threw on their outerwear and went outside. Bendy carefully placed the kitten on the soft grass sparkling with morning dew drops, and the touching four-legged briskly ran, exploring the territory with curiosity and enthusiasm. The imps looked at him and smiled.
"He feels noticeably better..." Bendy concluded. "In a couple of days the wound will decrease in size, which means the painful area will become less disturbing to our furry friend..."
"So true..." Lara replied. "How great you took care of the kitten.." .
"How could I not?... To leave him would be against my moral principles... I'm obliged to support the cute little creatures who are physically weaker..."
"My thoughts are just the same..."
"It's delightful and wonderful to be here in the fresh air, despite the piercing wind... Starlight, aren't you cold?... Shall I warm you up with scarf?..."
"No, I'm fine..."
"Are you sure you don't feel cold?..."
"Yes, I am..."
"In that case, let's go to the bench, sit, admire the view, the blossoming of the fantastic buds... The world of plants is truly astonishing and impressive..."
"Bless you, sweetheart... Let me put a hat on you: now, do you feel any discomfort, Larry?..."
"No, I don't... Thank you, Bendy..."
"You're welcome, tulip... Now nothing prevents us from observing the curiosities, peculiarities of the landscape..."
After a couple of hours, the beloved ones returned home with the kitten. Bendy cooked lunch, friends enjoyed the delicious dishes, and again everyone went back to their business. Bendy and Lara made toys for a new pet: in the storage room they found balls, fluffy multicoloured brooms and brushes, tinsel, laser pointers which no one had used for a long time. Fluffy was impressed, the devils also had fun themselves, the day passed delightfully for everyone and was quite well remembered.
In the evening, Bendy made a crib for Fluffy, as well as a scratching post with two tiers on which the kitten could rest or just sit after a long adventure. At nightfall, everyone went to bed. Bendy, after reading an entertaining magical story to Lara and Fluffy, looked at the sleeping listeners and soon also had mysterious magical dreams.
The next day, new adventures and incredible discoveries awaited friends. The moments flew by quickly and easily, leaving behind pleasant and vivid memories. In the evening, pals, including Fluffy, watched their favorite movies, also new ones for them. Everyone wished each other good night; even the kitten happily meowed, looking at everyone. After getting comfortable in their beds, the ink creatures plunged into the exciting grandiose world of the subconscious...
Weeks passed. Fluffy got quite comfortable in the house and went out for a walk in the garden at any time, he always came back, especially quickly he came running when he heard the alluring smell of cutlets or baked fish - Bendy fed the kitten what he and his friends ate. In addition to the fact the young man regularly checked the condition of the little animal, the devil quite often stroked the pet, combed him, picked him up and played with him. Soon everyone got used to the pet and loved to do the usual things with him lying on the table and purring if fellows gently run their hand over him.
However, one day, on another sunny morning, when Bendy put down a bowl of treats, Fluffy didn't come. The demon began to call him, to look for him, which didn't give positive results. The young man worriedly looked around the garden, where he didn't see the kitten, returned to his room, still wondering. The imp decided to talk to Lara and came to her. She was standing near the window, looking at the nature outside, and clearly didn't suspect what had happened. Bendy hurriedly approached her and, gently stroking her shoulder, her back, said, "Dear, I don't want to upset you, but I can't keep silent about what happened... Fluffy is missing: I've already searched for him, but I haven't noticed him anywhere... Perhaps he went for a walk outside our garden and got lost..."
"Most likely, we don't have any fence..."
"Do you mind going near the area of the Large Forest and finding a kitten together, dear?..."
"Of course, I was going to..."
"What if he got in trouble?... However, I have created a magical protective field near him, it should work... And yet, let's hurry up..."
The beloved ones, holding hands, went out into the corridor and found themselves on the porch. After looking around the garden once more in the hope of seeing the animal, Bendy and Lara continued on their way. They noticed how they reached a small park with working fountains made of white marble and benches with carved patterns of the same colour. The devils searched the area, but without success: a fluffy black lump would stand out too much in a landscape of green grass, bushes, bright buds, petals. Upset and puzzled, the young man and the girl didn't stop, actively searching. They disappointedly wandered around the Large Forest and, reaching the beginning of the Alley of Roses and Tulips, they noticed many kittens: some of them were black, others were red, some were white, and a few more were of mixed colour. They all were playing with each other, running, frolicking under the rays of the sun. Among such an unusual cluster, Bendy and Lara noticed one of them: he was the only one with a bandage on his head covering a small part of his muzzle. Of course, it was Fluffy, the devils immediately recognized him. Bendy ran up to the animal and, carefully picking it up, smiled and said, "Fluffy, we finally found you!... Turns out you have found yourself relatives - friends, great job..."
"You play so well together with them... And now our pet will have a new home?..."
"Well, he used to spend most of his time on the street... And the Alley of Roses and Tulips is very cozy, he has places to hide, to relax... If the kitten wants to stay here, I think we should let him..."
"If so, I don't mind..."
"He looks pretty happy... But, Fluffy, we'll be waiting for your visit, we'll be happy to play with you when you wish to come back to us after a while..."
"Come when you miss us..."
"Good luck to you, to your new family, have fun with your brothers and sisters..."
The kitten meowed in agreement, and the beloved ones stroked his head. Bendy put the animal on the grass and was about to watch the four-legged animal leave, when he suddenly remembered, "Wait, Fluffy, I forgot to remove the bandage from your head!... Here, everything is healed, as I thought... Now run to the other kittens, they are probably waiting for you..."
The little animal purred to the young man and the girl goodbye and went to the rest of the touching little fluffy lumps of different colours. They began to play, jokingly attacking each other, then defending themselves. Bendy and Lara were watching them with a smile on their face and joy in their hearts. The demon, looking at his beloved, said, "How incredible, Fluffy has found new creatures that will keep him company..."
"Nice, but I hope he will come to us again soon..."
"Of course he will, Laurie!... Someday we'll play together with him again, but for now, we wish him the best on his way..."
"I believe he'll have much fun..."
"No doubt... By the way, let's invite our friends to the garden, take a walk together, have breakfast, for dessert we'll eat cottage cheese casserole with strawberries, and drink black tea with bergamot and mint..."
"I don't mind, let's go..."
"Another wonderful day awaits us, sunshine, we'll certainly enjoy our remarkable time not only outside, but also at home... After all, it's always really interesting and exciting for us to be with each other..."
Bendy and Lara soon reached home, called friends to look at the fascinating landscape, sat down on a bench. Bendy brought a small white table and prepared the dishes. Pals had breakfast, talked a little and returned home. The imp and his beloved made postcards for each other and for the others. When they finished, they praised each other for their creativity and then began to solve sudoku. The sweethearts were talking sincerely on splendid, delightful, excellent, ravishing topics for a long time...
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