#put in laundry and in the meantime took a walk to take some glass to the container
charlyritter · 2 months
every weekend I think I should make plans when every weekend I re-discover that my favorite thing to do on weekends is the same things I always do but slower
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made of gold (reader x myg) (*SFW*)
can be read as gender neutral!
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tags: fluff, dating, insecurity , slight angst, happy ending, can be read as gender neutral, reader wears a bit of makeup
warnings: none
word count: 2.3k
the liquor had gotten to your head.
your boss had insisted on a round of drinks tonight to celebrate the project that had just wrapped up, but no one in the team was in the mood. but knowing his head-strong approach, all your co-workers merely glanced at each other unhappily when the clock struck 5 and got up to follow him.
fast forward three hours and here you were, drunk off your ass in a neighbourhood far from your own. it was friday and you didn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow but you weren’t in the mood to sit in a taxi for the half hour it would take to get back home. you were feeling nauseous as it was, stomach uneasy from too many cups of coffee and the all-nighter you’d pulled in preparation for today’s presentation. it had all gone well, it always did knowing your team. but you were a worrier, and the last few weeks of working on this project had done bad things to you. forget the possible promotion your boss had hinted at, you just wanted to get by without liver damage for the rest of the weekend.
“hurry, hurry.” you told the first cab driver that pulls over. you glanced nervously over your shoulder, hoping your boss doesn’t spot your face standing on the sidewalk. you had made up such an elaborate lie to get away before they left the bar for a second round.
drunk and tired, you didn’t realize the address you told the driver isn’t your own.
you just got out at the corner and pay, bowing goodbye absently. then you turned around, fumbling when the passcode for the front door doesn’t work.
“what the fuck.” you muttered under your breath. you sighed and pressed a hand to your forehead. don’t say i forgot the passcode.
you turned around, wondering why your female roommate’s voice was so deep today, or why she was just getting home now, too. but then you felt it. two warm, sturdy hands that clasped your upper arms. and then you saw them. dark, gentle eyes, hidden under a baseball cap and a mask, but you would recognize those eyes anywhere. you smiled. “when did you get here, baby?”
yoongi cleared his throat, cheeks turning a bit pink. in your drunkenness, you forgot yoongi isn’t baby, not yet. it had only been about three months of flirting between you two, more phone calls and top-secret dinner dates than anything serious. you understood that. yoongi’s a big man, and you were just lucky enough to have met him through a mutual friend.
you were simple and he was charming, but for whatever reason, he looked at you like you’re made of gold.
“this is where i live, y/n-ssi. remember?” yoongi reminded you lightly. your mouth fell open dramatically. ah. you fucked up. no wonder you’d felt a little funny telling the driver your address.
“oh. oh!” you blurted, looking around quickly. your eyes searched for any lingering people, cameras in bushes, that type of thing. suddenly, you felt a lot more sober. “shit. i’m sorry yoongi-ssi. let me just—”
you pulled up an app on your phone, ready to call your roommate to come get you instead of risking lingering around and being caught. but before you could do that, yoongi’s hand gently tapped your shoulder. you turned and he was standing with the door half-open. “just come in.” he said, hand trailing down your arm to take your hand in his.
blushing like a teenager on their very first walk of shame, you follow him past the lobby to the elevators. you can’t help but be a little shocked at all the marble and sleek steel around you. of course you knew of bts before you met yoongi, but you worked a very busy corporate job that made it hard to have hobbies. but even with all the small promotions you had gotten in the last ten years, you knew you would never afford luxury like this. min yoongi was rich rich. you realize.
when you glance at him, you suddenly feel nervous. you had been upright with him since day one about keeping the flirting polite and secret. you had a good job of your own and were very independent. yoongi liked that, he’d told you multiple times. you both liked to take relationships slow, mature and sensible adults as you were. but now you’d done it. you’d showed up and invaded his space, without the two of you ever discussing “dating”. as far as you knew, you were just another fling of this big superstar. perhaps you were making him uncomfortable? you two hadn’t even held hands until now.
you looked down at your clasped hands. yoongi was looking at something on his phone to bide the ride up to his floor. he was dressed in simple black sweats and a t-shirt but there was a rolex on his wrist. if you moved your wrist just a little, the cold sweat on your body would smudge the glass. are those diamonds? like real fucking diamonds? you wondered, staring at the shining jewels around the glass.
“something wrong, y/n-ssi?” yoongi asked. you jolted, pulling your hand back.
“n-no! nothing at all!” you replied a beat too late, mind still fuzzy. man, you really needed a nap.
yoongi looked down, where his rolex-clad hand dangled by his side. then he pulled his mask down, chewing his upper lip. “do you want me to drop you home?”
just the mention of getting in a car had you feeling nauseous. his home was even further from your place than the bar had been. and now that you know that min yoongi is rich rich, you can’t risk it. god, what if i threw up on his, like, hand-crafted leather seats or something?
the elevator dinged and slid open to reveal yoongi’s floor.
you followed him quietly down the long, marble hallway to the very last door. yoongi’s apartment. he glanced at you as he tapped the numbers into the electronic lock. you looked away sharply at the plant outside his neighbour’s house instead. you hadn’t seen the code, so why did you feel so guilty?
“sorry to intrude.” you said as you enter his home. yoongi didn’t reply, just nudged the pair of guest slippers towards you with his foot. you took off your shoes, watching yoongi with a bit of awe as he strode into the house and turned on the lights. was his back always that broad?
“what did you do today?” you asked, cringing at how it sounds like a question a partner would ask.
the sound of the fridge opening and closing answered you. a second later, yoongi appeared behind you. he lightly tapped your elbow as he came around you to sit on the large sofa. you followed, sitting down at the edge of your seat.
“i worked in the studio today. we’re preparing for our new album.” yoongi answered in short but polite sentences. he opened a can of beer in his hand. “how was yours? you mentioned you had a presentation today.”
you flushed. you couldn’t believe he remembered that, you had told the deadline for your project that weeks ago. “it was good. we went for drinks afterwards.” you explained, your leg bouncing at your side. “what do you usually do when you get home?”
yoongi set the can on the coffee table. he leaned into the sofa, facing you. “depends on the schedule we had that day. if i’m tired i’ll just eat, wash up, and go to bed. if i’m feeling good, i do all of that plus a drink or two.”
“you feel good today?” you asked, your heart jumping to your throat when he smiled against the cushion.
“yes.” yoongi answered, eyes not leaving yours. “i do.”
you cleared your throat. a notification popped up and you glanced down at your phone, happy for a split second away from yoongi’s eyes that make you feel hot inside. your roommate was asking where you were. “my roommate can come get me soon.”
“i’ll order us something to eat. text her once we’re done eating.”
you nodded numbly, looking at the can of beer on the table rather than at yoongi. alcohol really was the bane of your existence. you were so embarrassed to look this way in front of yoongi.
you and yoongi engaged in some more small talk once he ordered food. he asked you what you would like to watch on netflix and handed you the remote to put it on. in the meantime, he said he would go get your food. you felt embarrassed when he said your food. it was a reminder that you showed up uninvited and that he was probably just too nice to kick you out.
your sadness seemed to amplify the tiredness. without knowing, you drifted off in the few minutes between when you put the show on and yoongi’s return.
when you woke, there was something soft but firm in your face like a pillow. it smelled like laundry detergent and feels warm and cozy. you buried your face into it, sighing in comfort. a moment later, you felt fingertips gently card through your hair. was that your roommate pulling you in for one of her random cuddle sessions?
you adjusted again, pushing yourself up against your pillow. you were about to drift back asleep when a deep voice filled your ears. “do you want to eat yet?” yoongi asked.
you startled, sitting up as fast as you could. you looked down, horrified. you were laying on top of yoongi’s chest, your head having been tucked in the space between his neck and shoulder. yoongi, who had been scrolling on his phone until now, turned his phone off at your worried expression. “what is it, y/n-ssi?”
you grabbed your own phone off the coffee table to check the time. it’s 10:30 now. your roommate was probably asleep by now. and here you were, still drunk and laying on top of a man who wasn’t even your boyfriend yet. shit, shit, shit.
“i’m sorry. i really need to leave.” you said, climbing off yoongi. your eyes catch on an unopened pizza box on the armchair next to the sofa, feeling extremely guilty. this was terrible. you ruined everything.
yoongi was kind, too kind for you. he took you in despite the risk of cameras catching you outside his apartment. he bought you dinner just for you to fall asleep and not let him eat it. your own place was too far from here, a taxi would cost a ton. and on top of it all, you weren’t even dating. what the hell were you supposed to do now?
“i’ll drop you.” yoongi’s voice was back to normal, no longer sleepy. as expected, he didn’t try to make you stay. whether that was out of courtesy or just because you were annoying to him, it burned. “but aren’t you hungry?” he asked.
on cue, your stomach grumbled.
yoongi laughed. “sit down, i’ll warm some up for us.”
the two of you ate quietly, awkwardly.
when you were done, you stood up. fuck it, you would have to pay the big taxi fare and endure the nausea. you couldn’t bother yoongi anymore. so you said a quick thanks for dinner without looking him in the eye, ready to run for it.
“y/n.” yoongi’s voice stopped you. “are you sure you want to go home?”
yoongi’s cheeks were pink when he looked at you. he scratched the back of his neck. “you can spend the night here, if you like.” when your eyes widened, his did, too. “i have a guest room. a guest room with a bathroom and everything.”
still drunk and crushing too hard on min yoongi, you smiled. “okay.”
but as you took a step towards him, you nearly slipped on the polished surface of the hallway. you groaned as he caught you, embarrassed. you were going to kill your boss for making you drink this much.
steadily, yoongi guided you to the guest bedroom and sat you on the bed. you wait for him to return and when he does, it’s with a packet of makeup wipes and a brand-new toothbrush still in its pack. purple. you noticed as he set the latter on the duvet. interesting.
you startled when his hand cupped your face, guiding you back to look at him. “close your eyes.” he whispered, face only a few inches from yours. you let him wipe off the light makeup you wore every day to work. when you opened your eyes, yoongi was giving you that same look from earlier. like you were something special, something whose true value only he knows. like you were made of gold.
your eyes fell to his lips. you inhaled, ready to take your chances.
yoongi closed the space, kissing you sweetly. his hands cupped your face, and yours wound around his broad back. it felt perfect.
when you separated, the two of you were breathless. seeing each other’s flushed faces, you laughed together.
when you come back from borrowing yoongi’s shower, the lights in the house were off except for yoongi’s room. he smiled as you slid into bed beside him. he reached over you to turn the lights off, then pulled you in against his side. your heart fluttered when you felt him tuck the duvet in around you.
“yoongi?” you asked. under your ear, his heartrate got a little faster. he must’ve thought you were asleep. “we’re—we’re a thing right?” you ventured, hoping all of this was real. that min yoongi wasn’t the kind of guy who could do this for every fling.
yoongi laughed under his breath. “obviously, baby.” he replied, kissing the top of your head. you smiled as you fall asleep beside him.
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fanfickittycat · 3 years
TITLE: Warmth
AUTHOR: fanfickittycat
FANDOM: Haikyuu!!
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
GENRE: Romance/Fluff
FIC SUMMARY: You and Wakatoshi get caught in the rain when you wait for him after practice and he is determined to keep you warm
RATING: T  (no smut but kinda spicy at the end)
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: nudity and ushijima being blunt af lmao. You can also read it on AO3 here
Ushijima sighed when he saw you, which wasn’t the greeting you had wanted at all. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” You asked, feeling a little hurt. He told you that practise had been extended by a couple of hours and you had insisted on meeting him anyway, taking the opportunity to get some much-needed reading done in the meantime. “I’m always happy to see you” he said, not letting you continue with that train of thought “but I told you not to wait for me.” This was true. Wakatoshi was never one to mince words, always saying exactly what he meant, even if it was over text. “I thought it would be nice. We always hang out on Fridays.” You felt dejected now, and worst, embarrassed by how desperate you were to see him. You looked down at your shoes which were still damp from the rain and tried to silence the sad thudding of your heart. He was quiet, which wasn’t unusual, but you wished he would say something to ease the aching in your chest. “I don’t like when you’re out late” he said plainly “it’s dark, and all this rain isn’t good for you.” You huffed “I’m fine.” Ushijima always seemed to see you as smaller than you really were; fragile and bearing a label that said, ‘to be handled with the utmost care’. He would never let you clamber on the counter in search of something on the top shelf; always insist you wore a scarf when there was even the slightest chill in the air; and even if you were just tipsy off of wine, he’d make you drink a full glass of water. He was sweet but overbearing at times. “I don’t want you to get sick.” “I just wanted to do something nice for you” you mumbled, feeling yourself stiffen and then relax when he petted your head. “I don’t doubt your intentions” he said, and you peeked up at him, finally looking him in the eyes again “I appreciate it.” You smiled, feeling your cheeks flush despite the temperature drop from the evening’s rainstorm. He smiled too, letting his hand cup your cheek. It was warm, and rough from practise, but he cradled the side of your face like it was something precious. His thumb stroked over your skin softly, and you leaned into his touch happily like a cat.
“Come, let’s go.” He said, taking your umbrella from you and shaking it out. He opened it before taking your hand in his to walk to his apartment. It was a short distance away, but the rain was relentless, and the added gusts of wind made it worst. You winced, as the wind whipped your cheeks, and the stray raindrops wet your back, making you shiver. You heard Ushijima mutter something under his breath and looked up to see his teeth clenched as the wind forced the umbrella to fly up and turn inside out. He took his hand off yours to try and close it and open it properly, but the elements had taken your red umbrella and promptly battered it, making it impossible to open smoothly again.
“Let’s wait there” Ushijima pointed to an awning that hung over a closed store, and you rushed to be out of the rain. “Toshi…” you watched him struggle to work the umbrella again “I think it’s broken.” He joined you in looking down at the broken metal rib of the umbrella and pressed his lips together momentarily. “I’m sorry. I’ll buy you a new one.” “It’s okay” you reached out to touch his arm “you’re soaked.” He looked down at you apologetically. “You are too.” He blinked when you giggled at your shared predicament. “We’re nearly at your apartment” you pointed out “we should run.” He raised an eyebrow “how will you keep up with me?” This was harsh but true. You weren’t built to run like he was, he actually trained, you just lay in bed and scrolled through Twitter. “I have a better plan” he announced, going to throw your umbrella in a nearby bin before returning to you. You watched as he shrugged off his sports jacket and handed it to you. “But Toshi!” “Put it on. You need it more than I do.” You knew he wouldn’t let up, so you conceded, putting your arms through and zipping it up. Only the tops of your fingers peeked out of the sleeves, and the bottom of the jacket brushed your knees. You felt ridiculous but the newfound warmth eclipsed it easily. “Here” he leaned down, squatting nearly to the floor. “Ummmm…” He turned his head so you could see one of his dark eyes “climb on my back. It’s more efficient than you running beside me.” You nearly choked on your saliva when he said that. You had never gotten a piggyback ride from Wakatoshi before, you weren’t even sure he knew the phrase ‘piggyback ride’. Gingerly, you put you secured your hands on his shoulders, feeling shy suddenly. You squeaked when his hand gripped the underside of your thigh, and he hoisted the two of you up. “Wow. You’re really tall” you said dumbly, looking down at the pavement from his height. No wonder he was always so concerned about you, you must have looked tiny to him. “I’m below the average height for spikers” he informed you patiently, but he couldn’t deny the swell of pride he got whenever you were in awe of his physicality.
“Ready?” he asked, adjusting his bag so that it wouldn’t be too much of a bother for you. You squeezed his shoulder in confirmation, holding on tighter as you felt him tense before breaking into a run. The rain hit instantly, soaking Ushijima’s jacket again, and the wind was persistently thrashing your hair, but it was exhilarating. You couldn’t help but break into a fit of laughter as you clung to your boyfriend. It wasn’t something you could explain. The rain lashing against you, the wind raging, the utter absurdity of the situation, the feeling of Toshi being so close to you. It was a heady, hysterical mix. When Wakatoshi bent down for you to climb off his back you almost stumbled, still giggling a little as you did so.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself” he said, putting his key in the door. “I don’t remember the last time I laughed that hard” you said, shivering as you followed him to the lifts. He took your hands in his and breathed on them, rubbing his palms against the tops of your hands to warm you up. He led you into the lift, clicking the 3 before resuming his task again. “We’ll have to do it again” he said, “I like hearing you like that.” “Toshi” you mumbled his name, feeling butterflies spawn in your stomach again.
“Come, let’s get you warmed up” he said, pulling you towards his door. He opened it, ushering you in before closing the door. He was so methodical in his actions. With a practised hand he tossed his keys into the bowl by the door and hung his bag up. You unzipped his jacket, and he took it from you to hang up alongside his bag. “T-Toshi, what’re you doing?” you choked, watching as he pulled his shirt off. It wasn’t as though you’d never seen him shirtless before, you had been intimate with him many times, but it never failed to make your brain malfunction when you saw the smooth planes of pale muscle. You struggled to form a coherent word when he tugged off his sweatpants, looking curiously at your warm face. “One of the easiest ways to develop a cold is from staying in wet clothes” he informed, approaching you to unbutton your blouse. Your breath hitched as he undid each button carefully, not wanting a repeat of the time he pulled too hard and broke half the buttons on your shirt. You had to go home the next day in one of his t-shirts and a promise to buy you a new one, but you hadn’t minded too much, instead declaring that you should get to keep the t-shirt as compensation instead. He hadn’t argued against that and now you slept in it. “It is imperative that we shower as soon as possible” he said, tugging your jeans down, you leaned one hand on his shoulder as you stepped out of them. His hot breath against your thigh almost made your knees weak, causing you to grip him harder. You were almost afraid to let go of him when he remerged, holding a bundle of your shared wet laundry. “I’ll put these to dry, you start the shower” he said nonchalantly, turning to put them on the drying rack, as though the two of you weren’t stripped down to your underwear.
You tiptoed to the bathroom, starting the shower as you usually would, straightening up when you heard him pad towards you. “Do you want to go first?” You asked, feeling the water. “It’s more efficient if we go together” he said directly, he looked at your face “why are you shy? We’ve seen each other naked before.” You cringed “yeah but…” you struggled to justify your bashfulness, hooking your thumbs into your panties and nervously bringing them down your damp legs. “Here” he unclipped your bra expertly after seeing you struggle to do it with your numb fingers. Wakatoshi stepped into the shower first and then offered his hand to you to hold as you got in. The warm water was a welcome relief, but you couldn’t feel that much of it because Ushijima was in front of you. “Come here” he took the shower head down and sprayed you directly whilst you lathered your hands with soap. He hummed happily when you began to massage it into his taut arms, working your way up to his neck which you could barely reach, and then down his pectorals. “Toshi” you huffed, as your soapy hands pressed against his abs. He affixed the shower head and looked down at you. “Do you want me to wash your hair?” “No. Yes. I mean yes.” You cleared your throat, quickly stopping his hand from reaching for the shampoo “kiss” you said urgently, clawing at his abdomen for him to come down to you. He complied, leaning down and capturing your lips lightly with his. He made a soft groan into your mouth when you pushed yourself closer to him, tangling your digits in his wet, olive hair. His own hands curled around your waist, and your thighs pressed together as the warm stream of water flowed down his arms and then the back of your legs. You pulled away and smiled at his red, dumbstruck face “thanks for always keeping me warm, Toshi”.
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modernpace · 3 years
Light in the Dark (Loki x Reader) 2
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Chapter 2:
You braided your wet hair to the side as you made your way to the kitchen. Clint was sitting at the island shoveling cereal into his mouth. He looked up and smiled, "Morning Y/n."
"Good morning," you said in a sing-song voice. You mentally thanked whoever brewed the coffee, and sighed in relief that it was still warm. You poured some into a mug and popped a slice of bread into the toaster. You sliced an apple and apple in the meantime. You hunched over the opposite side of the island as you munched on one.
You held up an apple slice to Clint but he shook his head. You shrugged and bit into the slice. "No run this morning?" he asked.
"Nope," you said popping the 'p'. "Convinced Gramps that we deserved an off day." Clint chuckled. "I know, I'm good."
Tony stumbled into the kitchen like a zombie. You stifled a laugh, "Morning sunshine, sleep well?" He grumbled and snatched your cup of coffee sitting on the counter.
Before you could protest he put up his finger, telling you to wait. He took several gulps and sighed in relief. "Now, Y/n, what were you going to say?"
You glared at him as you poured yourself a new cup. Just as you opened your mouth, the toaster dinged. First Stark shushes you, now a toaster? What's next? Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your toast and aggressively bit into it.
Clint looked back and forth between you and Tony.
"Anyway," Tony said dramatically, "I have some files for you to go over. I'll leave them-"
"I can take them now." You interrupted. "Sorry, I'd rather get an early jump." He nodded and left the kitchen. You did a playful two-finger salute to Clint and followed Tony.
You sat in the library, files laid out around the table. You sipped on your coffee and carefully read through the reports, penciling in notes here and there.
"Miss L/n."
You jump at the sound of JARVIS addressing you. "Shit. Yes JARVIS?"
"Mr. Odinson has returned. He is requesting you the common area."
You nodded and began putting the papers back in their designated files, "Thanks, JARVIS. Tell him I'm on my way. Oh, and what time is it?"
"It is 2:46 PM, Miss Y/n."
"Thank you, JARVIS."
You hadn't realized so much time had passed. You hurridly made your way to your room to drop off the files before making your way to Thor.
You entered the common areas and saw him standing by one of the large glass windows, peering out at the city. "Muscles!" You said with a smile.
He whipped around with a huge smile, ear to ear, "Lady Y/n, it's so nice to see such a gentle face."
You hugged him and laughed. The man was literally a walking teddy bear. "I've missed you. Pretty sure you owe me a drink." You winked.
"Only, if you can keep up, Lady Y/n." He smirked. You turned to look out the window and happily sighed. You couldn't get enough of this view. "There's actually something I wish to discuss with you."
You turned to him and could see the concern in his eyes. You furrowed your brows, "And what might that be?"
"I need a favor."
"Tony," you begged. "Please?"
"As my employee, no. I'm responsible for your safety. Who knows what kind of trouble Point Break, here, will get you into."
You groan in frustration. You and Thor had called a meeting with everyone to discuss his proposition. Thor had asked you to come to Asgard with him. Why? First, he said you could get proper instruction for your abilities since there wasn't anyone on the team who could train you in that way....
But then he eased into his other reason.
"You want me to what?"
Thor's eyes pleaded with you, "I know what I'm asking you. But he's my brother. He's grown bitter and cold."
"More than he was already?" You raised an eyebrow. He tilted his head. That combined with his pleading eyes made you feel guilty. He looked so...sad.
Guilty? No. I have nothing to feel guilty about, you thought to yourself as you peered out the window.
"Y/n," he said softly. You looked back up at him. "Please. I promise you'll be kept safe. I don't know what else to do."
You didn't really understand why he was asking you to do this. You shouldn't even have cared. But Thor was your friend, he trusted you and you trusted him. So, you agreed... but now you were trying to convince everyone else... Mostly Tony.
Everyone else had remained silent while you and Tony argued. The silence from them wasn't very comforting or reassuring.
"Tony, think about this for a second," you said.
"I am!" he yelled as he turned his back to you.
You grew frustrated, "No, really think about this."
His silence signaled you to continue. "I can finally get training for my abilities. Something I've been begging for during my time here." Before you could continue he whipped around.
"Let me finish." You said sternly. Everyone else shifted uncomfortably in their seats. "From the day you recruited me, I did everything I was asked. I picked up everyone's laundry, I went grocery shopping without being told, I cleaned, I filed paperwork, I obeyed to rules for training. I did everything you asked. Everything I was told."
You looked around the room as you continued. "I know that the other half of this arrangement is not comforting. I didn't forget what he did to this city, our city. I remember it all. But if going to Asgard, if putting up with that, means I can harness and train my abilities, then I should go." You faced Tony again. "I am going."
"Stark," Tony raised a finger to Thor, silencing him.
He turned to Thor, "If anything happens to her-"
"It won't"
"It better not." Steve finally piped in. "Y/n has become a friend to everyone here, Thor. She's smart and able," he looks at you, "but she's still in training."
Nat, Bruce, and Clint hummed their agreement with Steve. Tony sighed as plopped down on one of the lounge chairs. You slowly step toward him and kneel, "Mr. Stark," he looks up at you. "I'll be careful, I promise. I won't do anything unnecessary. I'm there to learn, observe, and..." you trailed off, not knowing exactly what your arrangement in regards to Loki really entails.
He nodded.
"I'm still your employee, first and foremost. The second I think things are going south," you gave a small smile, "I'll get my ass out of there."
"Language," mumbled Steve. You rolled your eyes and stood up. You thanked them and made your way back to your room to pack.
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windscattered · 3 years
Delano wanted to vomit. He had a son. From that one night with Lieselotte, he had a son. He had been so careful with everyone else, but the one time… 
“Where’s Fang,” Delano finally ground out, voice scratching his throat like sandpaper.
Lieselotte looked confused. “Fang?”
“My dog. If you went to my apartment to bring my shit here, you brought my dog here too, right?”
Adriano raised his eyebrows and looked at Lieselotte, who was looking uncomfortable. “Oh, that beast… Is it so important to you that you have to have it here?”
Delano stared at her in disbelief. “What did you do to her?”
“Nothing irreversible,” Lieselotte said hastily, her palms up. “It- she is just at an animal shelter.”
“You took her to a shelter? Without asking me?” Delano’s expression must have been scary, because Adriano’s eyes widened and Lieselotte looked downright alarmed.
“It’s- like I said, nothing irreversible! If she’s that important to you, I can have her brought here.”
“Then do that,” Delano said, struggling to keep his voice even. “She’s my friend. I need her.”
“Alright, sheesh,” Lieselotte said. “I need to make some phone calls. Make yourself at home, in the meantime, sweetie. Excuse me…” She left deeper into the house, leaving Adriano and Delano by themselves.
As soon as she was gone, Delano’s shoulders dropped and he rubbed his eyes with his good hand. God fucking damn. Fang, all alone, in a strange place…
Adriano cleared his throat, gaining Delano’s attention. “Are you… hungry?” he asked carefully.
After those bombshells? The last thing Delano wanted to do was to eat. With his son, no less. “Sure, whatever,” Delano said out loud, not sure why he had agreed.
Adriano nodded and walked back into the kitchen, followed by Delano. Delano made a beeline to the dining table and sat down with a heavy sigh.
“What breed is she?” Adriano asked as he busied himself at the fridge. “Fang, I mean.”
Delano rested his head on his hand. “Pitbull.”
“Oh?” Adriano brought some sandwich ingredients to the dining table. “No wonder mom took her to the shelter. She’s gonna hate having her here.” He grinned.
“She’s not rowdy or anything,” Delano said tiredly.
“Still,” Adriano said, still grinning. “She doesn’t like big dogs.”
Delano wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He was already taking space here, and with Fang, he’d be taking even more.
“I always wanted a dog,” Adriano said, starting to assemble a sandwich. “She always said that I’d be allowed a small dog.”
Delano finally looked up at him. “What breed did you want?”
Adriano shrugged. “I don’t know. Not a pomeranian or a chihuahua though. Like, maybe a medium size dog, but that was too big for her too.”
Delano nodded slowly. “Nothing wrong with small breeds, though,” he said.
“Of course, yeah,” Adriano said. “But the breeds mom allowed me were so… frou frou.”
“I get it,” Delano said, starting to awkwardly assemble his own sandwich with one hand.
“She’s so anal about the potential of dog hair on the furniture,” Adriano said with a frown. “Our couches are leather. Hair doesn’t stick to leather!” He sighed. “Uh, do you want me to make one for you?” he asked after he saw Delano struggle with butter.
“Please,” Delano said, passing the butterknife over to Adriano.
Adriano started to assemble Delano’s sandwich as a silence fell between them. Adriano drew a breath, as if to say something, but Lieselotte appeared into the kitchen.
“There you are,” she said, making Delano stiffen immediately. “My boys, already getting along.” She walked behind Delano and smoothed her hands on his shoulders. Delano’s throat closed up. “We’ll have Fang back first thing tomorrow.”
Adriano set a plate with a sandwich on it in front of Delano. Delano nodded a thanks to him, although he couldn’t eat. Not when Lieselotte’s hands were on him.
“We’ll need a doghouse for the yard,” Lieselotte mused, running her hands on Delano’s shoulders. “And a chain for her.”
“Is she allowed to be indoors?” Adriano asked, looking disappointed.
Lieselotte was quiet for a moment. Her hands moved to stroke Delano’s hair. Delano forced himself to not shudder. “If she behaves, doesn’t run around and ruin the floors and won’t do her business inside.”
“She knows how to behave,” Delano said, swallowing around a lump in his throat. “She’s housetrained.”
“That’s good,” Lieselotte chirped. “We just might get along after all.” She was quiet for a moment. “Oh, were you two eating? Are you hungry? I could cook up something.”
Delano swallowed involuntarily. “N-no thanks, the sandwich is enough,” he ground out.
Lieselotte hummed. “Alright. We can have a proper dinner later. All together as a family. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
Delano stared at the untouched sandwich in front of him. Nice… Sure.
“Do I have a room here?” Delano asked Lieselotte.
For a second Lieselotte looked surprised. “Oh, yes, a room! Of course!”
She lead him to a guest bedroom. “You can sleep here,” she said. “But, you know, you can also join me-”
“This room is fine,” Delano interrupted. “Thank you.”
Lieselotte looked disappointed, but said nothing. “Alright.”
Delano disappeared into the room and closed the door before Lieselotte could invite herself in. The room was… bare. As one might expect. There was a bed, a desk, a chair and a closet and some kind of painting on the wall, but that was about it. Delano didn’t mind. This was already more stuff than he had at his apartment.
There was a knock at the door and Lieselotte stepped in, carrying a big black trash bag. “Sorry about barging in again,” she said. “I just thought you might want to have your clothes here.” She walked to the bed and dropped the bag on it. “Here you go, honey. You should check that everything is in there, just in case.”
“Thanks,” Delano said. He started digging into the bag awkwardly with one hand.
Lieselotte watched him with a hand on her cheek. “Maybe I should help you.”
“Please,” Delano said. Even though he wanted nothing more than Lieselotte to leave him alone.
“Just sit back and relax,” Lieselotte said, letting her hand run down Delano’s back. “I’ll unpack your clothes, honey.”
Delano fought back a shudder and looked around the room. He now realized that the only place to lay down here was the bed. He’d be sleeping in a strange place, without Fang, on a bed. Delano swallowed. His throat felt tight.
“Good grief,” Lieselotte sighed, holding up a t-shirt with a small hole on it. “We need to get you some new clothes.”
Delano hummed as he sat down on the chair at the desk. His stomach twisted as he thought what kind of clothes she’d buy for him. Would she let him choose or would she choose for him, marking him as hers?
As Lieselotte unpacked the garbage bag, it finally sunk in that she really had stuffed all of Delano’s clothes in it. For a split-second, Delano was confused as to why, but then he remembered what Lieselotte had said back at the hospital. The exact word she had used was “move in”, right? Was he here permanently? The thought made Delano’s chest constrict in a nauseating way. He really was trapped here. Like a circus animal.
Somehow, Delano managed to sleep during the night. Not through the whole night, though. He slept in short bursts, each interrupted by a nightmare. He was, for once in his life, glad that morning came.
At six in the morning, Delano gave up on sleeping and slinked downstairs to the kitchen. He wondered if he could stomach food. Ever since he came to this house, he’s been inexplicably nauseous. He had to wonder if he was coming down with something.
Even though he still felt slightly sick, his stomach growled, making him remember that he hadn’t eaten since the sandwich Adriano had made him yesterday. He would have breakfast.
Delano got some eggs, cheese and ham from the fridge and brought them to the stove. The stove top gave him a pause. It was… so clean. Delano could see his face on it. Could he really cook on this? He’d drop something on it and make it dirty, he was sure.
After some hesitation, Delano grabbed a pan and turned the stove on. If he spilled something, he’d wipe it off. Simple. Delano cooked himself a thick omelette.
When the omelette was done, Delano started looking for a coffee machine. He did find one, but he was stumped as to how it worked. With some poking, Delano figured out how it worked and made himself a cup of coffee.
Delano sat down at the table and ate. The coffee was delicious. He’s never had coffee like it. Is this what rich people drank? Every day? Damn. 
After eating, Delano put his dishes away, cleaned the stove and stepped out of the kitchen. Now that everyone was asleep, this could be the perfect chance to explore the house.
Delano’s bare feet padded softly on the floor as he walked around in the silent house. During his exploration, he found the bathroom with a bathtub and a shower and some kind of weird room with elevated wooden seats (was that real wood? Damn, so fancy!) and some kind of device topped with decorative rocks in the corner. He found a living room and another room with comfortable couches and a fireplace, what looked like an office and the laundry room and some kind of storage area. Every single room was neatly organized and almost clinically clean. It made Delano wonder why a stray dog like him was even here.
Exploring and mapping the house now done, Delano returned to the living room. Something in there had caught his attention. One of the walls was completely made of glass. Behind the window and glass door, a yard opened. A real yard. With grass.
Delano let himself out to see it closer. Immediately behind the glass doors was a small deck, made from… was that real wood? It either felt like real wood or very convincing imitation wood. Delano hadn’t known that wood had a texture to it. He knelt down and felt it with his hand, the small ridges and the lines and the knots. So luxurious. Just for this area that you walk on. Mindblowing.
Of course there was some furniture on the deck too. A big umbrella, now closed, leant against the wall in a corner. Some of those soft chairs that you can lay back until they’re horizontal. A table and a grill.
But, behind the deck. The grass. Delano moved to the edge of the deck and paused. Didn’t he need shoes to walk on grass? He’d have to get them from the other side of the house though… Fuck it, he’d wipe his feet before he went back in.
Delano stepped onto the grass. It… wasn’t as soft as Delano had assumed. Grass leaves weren’t as soft as lettuce? Huh. Delano dug his toes deeper into it. It was slightly wet… Oh, was this morning dew? It was so clean! The morning dew Delano was used to in the lower levels was usually brown at best and sludge at worst. But this dew? You could drink this!
Delano walked on the grass, feeling his feet get wetter with each step. Fang would love this yard. There was enough space for her to run back and forth comfortably. Delano stepped from under the roofed area and the sky opened above him again.
Delano was struck breathless. The sky! It was orange! How? Wasn’t it supposed to be blue? No, wait. Sunrises and sunsets got different colours. That’s right. Such a shame the yard was opening to… whatever this direction was. Not the one the sun rose from. Maybe Delano would see the sunset, though… 
He ended up standing in the grass, staring up at the sky until it turned from orange to yellow to blue.
...Wait, he had to call his work. His day job, at the casino. And let them know he was on sick leave with a broken arm again.
Delano went back inside.
“Lucky Lady’s Casino, Jack Gonzales.”
“Hey, boss, it’s Delano,” Delano said.
“Sup, man,” Jack said. “Is your arm better?”
Delano paused. “How did you know about that?”
“Your girlfriend called me and let me know. She sent me the doctor’s note too.”
Delano’s blood froze. “She’s not my-”
“Whatever, man. Just hurry up and heal so you can get back to work,” Jack interrupted.
Delano deflated. “Okay.”
“Was that all?”
“Yeah,” Delano heard himself say. “I’ll let you know when I’ll be back.”
“Awesome. See you then.” Jack hung up without a bye.
Delano ended the call with a sinking feeling. The walls around him felt suffocating.
While waiting for Adriano and Lieselotte to wake up and Fang to arrive, Delano found that he really didn’t have anything to do. What did Delano even do with his life besides work?
Absently, Delano dug around the things that were brought from his apartment. He didn’t have much, but everything was here. Except Fang’s stuff, of course. Delano could only hope that Fang’s bed, leash, toys and bowls would come back with her.
… God, he missed her so fucking much. The second she got here wouldn’t be a goddamn second too soon.
Delano found the textbooks for his evening classes and started doing his homework, for a lack of anything else to do. He would have difficulties filling all the time he’d be trapped in this house…
After some time, there was a knock at the door. Lieselotte stepped in. “Delano?”
“Yeah?” Delano replied, standing up from the chair.
“I just got a call from the shelter,” Lieselotte said. “They’ve just sent someone to bring Fang here. They should arrive in around 45 minutes.”
Thank fucking god. “Okay. Good to know.”
Lieselotte gave him a look. “How long have you been awake?” she asked.
“What time is it?” Delano replied, grabbing his phone from his desk. Seven thirty. “Hour and a half.”
Lieselotte’s eyebrows rose. “You’re a morning person, huh,” she mused.
Delano shrugged. He wasn’t much of a “sleeping person” to begin with.
“Have you had breakfast yet?” Lieselotte asked.
“Yeah,” Delano said.
An expression flickered on Lieselotte’s face, but it disappeared quickly. “Good,” she said. “Good to hear.” She tilted her head. “What have you been doing for the time you were awake?”
“I checked out the yard,” Delano said. “Then I’ve been doing homework.”
Lieselotte looked surprised. “Homework?” she asked, stepping further into the room, curiously looking to the desk.
“Uh, yeah, I-” Delano fell silent. How could he explain to Lieselotte that he missed a lot of education in his teens when it was her fault? “I… I’m taking some evening classes.”
Lieselotte beamed. “Really? That’s great! What kind of classes are you taking?”
Delano brushed hair behind his ear, suddenly flustered. “Y-yeah, it’s nothing special. Just some math.”
“Oh? Are you good at math?” Lieselotte asked, stepping to the desk to take one of Delano’s books. She leafed through it. As she browsed through the book, her smile shrank as she saw that it was just high school level math.
Delano looked away from her. He couldn’t bear seeing the realization sink in.
Delano heard Lieselotte draw a breath. But before she could say anything, the doorbell rang downstairs, as if to save him.
“That must be the shelter people,” Lieselotte said, sounding cheerful again.
Delano’s chest felt warm. Fang. Finally.
The two made their way downstairs. Lieselotte made a beeline to the door, closely followed by Delano. As Lieselotte was just about to open the door, the doorbell rang again.
“Oh, sorry!” the person behind the door laughed. “I got impatient.”
“It’s fine,” Lieselotte laughed. “Thank you for-”
Delano stepped behind her, craning his neck to see if Fang was with the person. He could hear Fang’s nails click on the ground and her whine as she caught his scent.
Delano fell to his knees as soon as he saw her straining against the leash the shelter worker had her in.
She whined louder and barked, ecstatic to see Delano again. She strained against the leash so much that she rose up to her hind legs.
“You’re happy to be home, huh?” the shelter worker chuckled. “Can I let her go?”
“Of course,” Lieselotte said.
The shelter worker detached the leash from Fang’s collar and Fang leaped and ran to Delano and crashed into him.
Delano hugged her close as she squirmed and whined, licking his face.
“It’s okay now,” Delano murmured. “It’s okay, baby, I got you now.” He was only vaguely aware of Lieselotte and the shelter worker talking to each other.
“Isn’t this lovely?” Lieselotte asked, closing the front door. “We’re back together again.” As if she ever was included in the “us” that was Delano and Fang.
“Yeah,” Delano said, still hugging Fang.
“We got her… uh. Dog stuff too,” Lieselotte said, lifting a small plastic bag. “You should check that everything is in there.”
After rooting through the plastic bag (with Fang’s help, of course), he confirmed that everything was in it. Fang’s bed, leash, her toys… And her bowls. Thank god. After confirming to Lieselotte that everything was in order, Delano took Fang to the yard.
As Delano had expected, Fang loved it. She rubbed her face on the grass and started rolling on it like she’s never experienced grass before. Delano watched her run around like a madman, filled with zest for life.
Delano heard the door open and close behind him. He turned to see Adriano step outside. “Is that Fang?” he asked, looking at Fang.
“Yup,” Delano said. “Fang!” Delano whistled, gaining Fang’s attention. He clapped his thigh and Fang trotted over, tail wagging rapidly.
“Fang, this is Adriano.”
Adriano knelt down to her, petting her head. Fang sniffed at his hand and licked it.
“She’s perfect,” Adriano said as he petted her. His voice broke a little.
Delano chuckled as Fang flopped over for belly rubs. “I’m glad you think so too.” He passed on a squeaky ball to Adriano.
As soon as Fang saw it, she flipped back to her paws, settling with her elbows on the ground. With a smile, Adriano threw the ball, and Fang bounced after it. She brought it back to Adriano, who then threw it again.
Adriano and Fang played fetch until she was so exhausted that she laid at Adriano’s feet, panting with her tongue out.
“I haven’t seen her run like that in a while,” Delano said with a grin.
“How does she regularly get exercise?” Adriano asked.
“On walks on the lower levels,” Delano replied, smile shrinking. “Sometimes I sneak to a dog park on the upper mid-level.”
Adriano hummed, smooshing Fang’s ears. He was quiet for a moment. “How much has mom…” He fell silent again. “What should I call you?”
Delano’s eyebrows rose, before they lowered back down in a frown. Being called “dad”... No. No thanks. “Just my name should be good,” he said.
Adriano nodded, relaxing a little. “Yeah, he said. I can do that.”
Delano frowned. “You don’t want to call me dad?” On one hand, it was a relief to him…
Adriano frowned down at the grass. “I- I don’t know how to say this,” he said.
Delano waited for him to find his words.
Finally, Adriano turned to face him. “Delano, I’m not your child. Mom adopted me when I was five.”
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hrtiu · 4 years
Rexsoka Week Day 2! The prompt is ‘War.’ I guess yesterday’s sad fic got me feeling like some fluff, so I somehow managed to write this from the prompt, haha.
This story is set in the universe of the Rex/Ahsoka series that I wrote, so if you haven't read that series the context is that this story is set around the time of The Mandalorian, Ahsoka has agreed to teach and take care of The Child (who is named Dral), Rex and Ahsoka are married, and Dral used Force healing to de-age Rex.
This Means War
Rex liked to collect things, which was a sweet habit in theory. Ahsoka loved that somebody who’d never really been able to own things for so long now gathered and treasured his possessions like the most precious of metals. The problem was that the things Rex collected were junk. Trash. Garbage. Useless by any reasonable standard.
Normally Ahsoka tolerated the hoarding because she loved Rex and, living on a near-empty planet, it wasn’t as if they were lacking for space. But several days into one of Rex’s week-long treks to a bigger planet for supplies Ahsoka was nearing the end of her rope.
Din was off on a hunt and Rex was away getting supplies, so Ahsoka was left as the sole caretaker for Dral. Dral wasn’t a particularly troublesome child, but all children were full-time projects, and Ahsoka wasn’t used to being the only one around to feed him, bathe him, clothe him, entertain him, teach him, and put him to bed. It was exhausting, and the last thing Ahsoka needed was to be unable to locate Dral’s bath towel in the closet among a literal mountain of Rex’s stuff.
Midway through Ahsoka’s rummaging something fell from one of the top shelves and hit Ahsoka right on the head, drawing several profane curses from her mouth. Looking down to the ground she identified the culprit: a long-since broken beyond repair blaster that Rex kept around for undetermined reasons.
“That’s it!” Ahsoka snarled, and Dral—still stark naked from his bath—stopped running around to turn back and stare at her, huge ears cocked in question.
“I’ve had it with all this junk lying around cluttering up my house! We’re getting rid of it, once and for all.”
Dral let out a concerned coo and Ahsoka snatched him up before he got it into his head to run away again. She towelled him off, dressed him, then marched him over to the closet that held the majority of Rex’s miscellany, setting him down next to her to watch while she sorted through his things.
Ahsoka wasn’t cruel. She knew Rex better than anyone in the galaxy and she didn’t throw anything out that she thought might have sentimental value. Dral still looked up at her with big, judgmental eyes, so she found herself justifying each item she put in the toss pile to him.
“Look, a takeout menu from some probably closed restaurant on Coruscant. What could he possibly do with that?”
“This is a random piece of plastoid he found in the sand once on some desert planet. It looks like clone armor, but he didn’t know who owned it, and it’s not even a full piece of armor! There’s no reason to keep it.”
“Circuits to a burnt-out probe droid.”
“And here? A bag of rocks. Just a bag of completely ordinary rocks.”
The next day Ahsoka gathered up all the things she’d deemed disposable and took them with her speeder to the dump. They lived in a remote part of a remote planet, so the dump that she and her few distant neighbors used was a few hours away, but it would be worth it to declutter the house. When Ahsoka returned, she walked into her home and breathed in deeply, feeling renewed and refreshed. It was like she’d been carrying the weight of that full closet on her shoulders and the weight was finally lifted. Rex would be mad at her at first, but he’d quickly come to appreciate the service she’d done. Force, he might not even notice that some things were missing.
Rex came home the next day with meat for the carnivores and some other household goods that were hard to get on Ossus. He noticed.
“Ahsoka, did you see that blaster I bought at that pawn shop last year?” he asked
Ahsoka froze midway through wrestling Dral into his high chair for lunch.
“You mean the broken one that will probably never blast again?”
“Well, that’s one way to describe it. It’s a classic, not produced anymore.”
“...It’s in a better place now.”
Rex returned to the kitchen, his brow furrowed. “What did you do…?”
Ahsoka sighed. She didn’t regret throwing the stuff away, but actually telling Rex about what she’d done was harder. “There’s all this… stuff you always have lying around that you’re never going to do anything with.”
Rex narrowed his eyes at her. “Out with it.”
“I threw it away, OK? I went through that supply closet and anything that didn’t have sentimental value I threw away.”
“How do you know what has sentimental value to me?”
“Really?” Ahsoka said, hand on her hip. “Are you trying to tell me you had an emotional connection to those probe droid circuits?”
“I was going to fix that.”
“You’ve had it for five years, Rex!”
Rex sucked on his teeth and slowly shook his head, a surefire sign that he was angry.
“You know what this means, right?” he said slowly, evenly.
“What?” Ahsoka said cautiously, as the feeling that she would regret what she’d done sunk into her gut.
“This means war.”
As far as Ahsoka could tell, Rex wasn’t doing anything differently, and it was driving her crazy. She knew he’d meant business when he’d declared war, and he was certainly shorter and more cool with her than usual, but nothing he did seemed to match those ominous words. It made Ahsoka jumpier than usual, and she went about her normal life for several days in suspense, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
In the meantime, she continued teaching Dral, helping around the house, and maintaining her contacts with the remaining fragments of the Rebellion and the burgeoning New Republic on the off chance she could help out with something. Rex kept up with the housework, took care of Dral, and coordinated with the clone rehabilitation house he’d helped establish on Seelos. Everything continued as normal.
Then she tripped over a pile of her dirty clothes in their room.
Then she couldn’t find a clean cup when she wanted a glass of water.
Then she found melted chocolate rubbed into one of her favorite blankets.
Then she couldn’t clear a space for work on her messy desk.
“Ok,” she said on the third day over dinner. “I get it now. You’re making a mess for me? You want me to live in a rankor pit as punishment?”
Rex looked up from his plate of food with a look of pure innocence. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The clothes. The dishes. My desk. You’re doing it on purpose!”
“I’m not doing anything, Ahsoka.”
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him, but he just picked up his cup of tea and sipped it placidly.
“What do you mean you’re not doing anything? I just told you-”
“I’m not doing anything anymore.”
Ahsoka continued to stare at Rex, then her eyes widened as understanding dawned. “You… you’re saying I’m messy?”
Dral cooed and looked back and forth between them, his eyes wide and curious at the unusual displays of aggression from his caretakers.
“I didn’t say anything. The evidence speaks for itself.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Come on, Ahsoka,” Rex said, leaning back in his chair. “You don’t clean up after yourself. You know that.”
Ahsoka did not know that, and she would not respond to the accusation.
“I’m not blaming you,” Rex continued. “It’s not your fault you grew up in a fancy temple where your quarters were cleaned regularly by somebody else.”
Ahsoka’s jaw dropped. Is this how Rex saw her? “That’s not true and I’ll prove it. Keep not picking up after me and see if I care.”
“I already did that and you did care.”
“Well keep doing it and see. I’ll be just fine,” she said, defiantly picking up her dirty plate and stacking it with Rex’s and Dral’s to take to the sink.
“Hey, I wasn’t done ye-” Rex said, reaching back for his dirty plate.
“Well, you’re done now,” Ahsoka said, shoving the dishes in the sink and turning on the water.
She expected this to be the part where he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach, telling her he was done fighting and was sorry, but he didn’t. The chair scraped behind her and Dral’s giggles drifted off down the hallway, and Ahsoka continued washing dishes sulkily.
She hated when she got like this. Over the years Ahsoka had put great effort and intention into tamping down her impetuous, snarky side—the side that had earned her the name ‘Snips.’ Life had become too serious, too tragic for that kind of attitude. She let it come out sometimes still, mostly around Rex, which was part of why she loved him. But she hated when it came out by accident—not because she wanted to relax and be free and easy but because she was feeling petulant and unable to hide it.
Ahsoka finished the last dish and placed it carelessly on the drying rack. She leaned over the sink and sighed. Eventually they’d apologize to each other and this would end, but Rex had declared war, and she wasn’t quite ready to lose yet.
Rex and Ahsoka each escalated their war of attrition over the next few days. Rex stopped doing Ahsoka’s laundry and stopped cleaning her study, and Ahsoka found a few items of his each day to put in a box destined for the dump. They spoke to each other rarely, which Ahsoka hated but stuck to stubbornly. She sometimes told Dral about her problems, but he wasn’t the greatest conversationalist, and she missed Rex’s easy company.
On the third day Din returned and Ahsoka was thrilled to finally have another adult to confide in. As soon as he stepped through their front door she was right there with a drink and straw and an invitation to tell her about his hunt. Din seemed confused, but indulged her with a few stories. He politely ignored the messy, chaotic state of her study.
At dinner Ahsoka continued to ask Din about his travels while Rex silently fed Dral. Din tried his best but he’d never been much of a talker, and Ahsoka had resorted to asking him where he refuelled when he held up a hand to stop her.
“Wait up. What’s going on here?”
“What do you mean?” Ahsoka asked innocently.
“Don’t play dumb. What’s up with you two? You’re usually all over each other.”
Rex huffed indignantly and Ahsoka sputtered.
“We’re fine,” Ahsoka said.
“Look, I can’t be the only one either of you gets your social interaction from. Figure this out, alright?” Din said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to spend my evening with my son who I haven’t seen in weeks.”
With that, Din rose from the table and picked Dral up, who burbled happily in his arms. They headed off in the direction of Din’s room, leaving only Ahsoka and Rex in the kitchen.
Ahsoka looked across the table at Rex and gave him a wry smile. “Well…” she said after some hesitation, “maybe we should negotiate a ceasefire.”
Rex’s shoulders shook with a chuckle and he couldn’t help the slight smile that raised the corner of his mouth. “That’s probably for the best. I’ve been missing you.”
“I’m sorry I threw out your stuff,” Ahsoka blurted out, all the apologies that had built up in her head coming out at once. “I can go back to the dump to get it. It was all in just a few big boxes, and it’s probably still at the top-”
“It’s alright, cyare,” Rex said, walking around the table to Ahsoka and taking her hands in his. “You were right, most of that stuff wasn’t really worth keeping. But… do me a favor and next time you want to clean things out, just ask me which things I want to save first.”
Ahsoka wrapped her arms around Rex and buried her face in his chest. “I’m sorry,” she said, just one more time for good measure.
“All is forgiven. And… I should have been more direct with you, too. It was childish of me to punish you like that,” Rex said into her montrals, stroking a hand down her lek.
Ahsoka sighed in contentment, relieved at finally being back where she was always meant to be. “I hate it when you’re mad at me,” she said, eyes closed.
Rex chuckled and pulled her in tighter. “Doesn’t happen very often.”
“That just makes it even harder when it does. I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“We make a good team. And so long as we’re being patient with each other’s… flaws, everything works out.”
“Then I guess I’ll let you keep more stuff in the house and you keep picking up my dirty clothes?”
“Works for me.”
“It feels like I’m getting the better end of that bargain, now that I think about it…” Ahsoka said.
Rex laughed again. “Naw, I’m pretty sure I got a real steal.”
Ahsoka sighed in contentment, basking in the comfort of her husband’s arms. Peacetime was good.
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atths--twice · 4 years
Beauty in the Broken
After a pot breaks, Scully and Mulder deal with the mess and repair what has been broken.
This was a story idea brought about by a discussion on Twitter about this Entertainment Weekly photo shoot.
I hope you enjoy it!
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November 2010
Scully looked up at the cupboard and sighed. The red Dutch oven sat on top, precisely where she had asked Mulder not to place it. Damn him and his tall physique. He would have no trouble reaching it, but she lacked the extra inches.
“Shit,” she whispered and sighed again. She wanted to make a stew and that bastard had set the pot out of her reach.
Turning her head, she looked toward the laundry room knowing she would need to get the step stool, but hating that she had to do it. Dropping her head back, she groaned and walked into the laundry room.
Turning on the light, she moved aside the basket of clothes Mulder promised to fold, and the broom he used to clean up a mug that broke two days ago. Taking the step stool from beside the dryer, she lifted it past the basket, and put the broom in its proper place.
Walking back to the kitchen, she opened the step stool and set it close to the counter. Stepping up onto it, she reached up, her fingertips just brushing the sides of the pot, unable to get a grip on it.
“Whatcha doin’?” Mulder asked from behind her, causing her to jump and grab the cupboard.
“Shit, Mulder!” she exclaimed, turning to look at him, exhaling loudly. “Why do you sneak up on me like that?”
“I’d hardly call it sneaking up when I live here,” he replied with a lopsided grin.
“Don’t be cute when you’ve just scared me,” she said, turning back to the pot and trying to pull it closer.
“Want some help?”
“No! I am perfectly capable of reaching… a goddamn… pot!” she yelled as the pot still escaped her grasp. “Why the fuck did you put it up here when I asked you not to do so?” She turned to him, anger in her eyes which grew when she saw his wide smile.
“Where else would you like me to put it, Scully? We rarely use that one and we don’t exactly have an overabundance of cupboard space.” He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.
“We use it enough that it should be kept-”
“Where your little arms can reach it?”
She stared at him, narrowing her eyes, before turning back to the pot, trying once more, determined that she would reach it.
“Scully, just move and I’ll get it for you.”
“No! I don’t need you to do that. I can do it myself.” She tried again and then stepped barefoot onto the counter, something she would despise anyone else doing, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Her hands slid around the pot and she shouted out triumphantly. Lifting it up, she misjudged the weight and as she made to step back onto the step stool, it slipped from her grasp and she cried out, giving Mulder enough time to step back and out of the way. It crashed to the ground and shattered into thousands of pieces, scattering all over the house.
Neither of them spoke, too in shock to say anything. When the reality of the situation hit, she sighed loudly and he looked up at her.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his tone quiet.
“No,” she sighed, stepping onto the step stool. “I should have let you get it. I was being stubborn and persistent and…” She started to step down and clean up the mess.
“What are you doing?” he asked, putting his hand up as he stepped towards her. “You’re not wearing any shoes. Stay there, I’ll be right back.” She sat down on the countertop, staring forlornly at the broken bits covering the floor.
Walking out of the room, he returned with a pair of her shoes and the broom and dustpan. Handing her her shoes, he began to pick up the larger broken pieces and put them in a paper bag. She put on her shoes and tied the laces, stepping onto the step stool and then down to the floor.
For the next hour, they picked up glass and swept the floor. Furniture was moved and the vacuum came out, the whole first floor receiving a thorough vacuuming. The mop was used, any final pieces trapped within the fibers.
Mulder took the bag full of broken glass to the garbage bins as she sat down dejectedly at the dining room table. When he came back into the house, he sat beside her and covered her hand with his own.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, squeezing lightly as she squeezed back.
“I know, and it’s not your fault. Not entirely,” she said with a small smile. He laughed and nodded. “I just wanted to make some stew. It sounded good and it’s been so cold lately… I don’t know.”
“We have other pots,” he said, rubbing her arm softly.
“No. It works best in the Dutch oven.”
“Let’s go get something. We’ll get changed and go get something delicious,” he suggested and she smiled, covering his hand on her arm.
“Changed? But I’m in my comfy beef stew clothes,” she pouted and he laughed again.
“Okay. So someplace where we can wear comfy beef stew clothes… how about our couch, and I go get us something?”
“With fries?” she pouted again and he nodded with a smile.
“Whatever you want,” he told her, kissing her forehead and standing up. “I’ll be back soon.” She smiled as she watched him leave, standing up to grab plates and napkins, placing them on the coffee table.
She turned off the lights, lit some candles and opened a bottle of wine, not caring that it would be a simple meal of fast food. Opening the refrigerator, she stared at the ingredients she bought for the stew and shook her head. Maybe tomorrow.
When he returned, they ate on the sofa, sharing fries and onion rings, laughing over the crashing of the Dutch oven, both of them accepting blame. He wiped the corner of her mouth with his thumb, sucking it into his own mouth when he was finished, and her stomach burned with desire.
The candles had burned down low when they finally rose from the couch, far less clothing than when they sat down. Clearing their mess, they finished their wine, blew out the candles, and headed up to bed.
Coming home from the hospital the next evening, Scully stepped inside, tired and shivering as she closed the door. Turning around, she saw a box on the dining room table with a red bow tied around it. Shrugging out of her coat, she smiled as she walked over to the table and untied the ribbon.
It was a brand new Dutch oven. She opened the box and took out the packaging, finding not another red one, but a beautiful green one. Lifting it from the box, she admired the look and the weight of it, smiling as she did.
“I figured green was a better choice, after all clearing up so many broken red pieces,” Mulder said, stepping up beside her. Looking up at him, she smiled and nodded.
“I couldn’t agree more,” she said, setting the pot down and pulling him down for a kiss. “Thank you.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, kissing her again. “I also happened to see the fixings for that stew you wanted to make and I couldn’t let them go to waste.” She nodded and smiled as he shrugged her shoulders. “So let’s get cooking, baby.”
She laughed and nodded again, taking the pot to the sink to wash it as he went to take the food from the refrigerator. Working together, they had the meal prepared and in the oven cooking in hardly any time.
“So, we have about an hour and a half before we add the potatoes. What should we do in the meantime?” he asked, handing her a glass of red wine with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, I’m sure we can think of something,” she smiled, taking a sip of her wine with a smile.
“I do have an idea. One that I guarantee will be stimulating and when finished… well,” he nodded and clucked his tongue. “It will be very pleasurable.” She raised her eyebrows, licking her lips, before she bit the bottom one. “Depending on if you win, of course.”
“Win?” she asked confused, as thoughts of his naked body evaporated.
“Yeah,” he said, reaching for something on a dining room chair. “I challenge you to a game of Scrabble.” He showed her the box and wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“Oh, Mulder. You know these challenges never end well for you.”
“This time it will be different.”
“You said that last time… and you lost spectacularly.” He shook the box, the tiles and racks hitting against the sides, and he made a come on motion with his hand. “Okay, fine. Go grab the dictionary now because you know you’re going to challenge me. Medical dictionary too.”
“Yes!” he said, setting the game down and heading to grab the dictionaries.
She shook her head with a smile as she sat down, set her glass of wine on the table, and opened the Scrabble box. He quickly joined her, the dictionaries set beside him, as they began to pick their tiles and arrange them on the racks.
Shouting and laughter filled the room, as did the delicious aroma of the meal they prepared together. Losing the first round, he demanded a rematch, and giggling from happiness and the wine she drank, she agreed.
Best out of five, with Scully victorious, the meal finished and the wine long gone, they saved the leftovers and washed the dishes. Drying the Dutch oven, he looked at her and she smiled, looking up at the top of the cupboard with a nod.
With very little effort, he placed it up there, and she shook her head- damn him and his height. Turning around, he pulled her to him.
“Next time you need it, let the tall person with long arms get it for you, okay?” he teased with a smirk.
“You had better take that back,” she said, trying to pull away from him as he laughed. “The loser of Scrabble doesn’t get to make any demands.”
“Fine. Best out of seven?” he asked, tightening his hold on her, as she narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’re on, and you’re going to lose.”
“Prove it.”
He let go of her and they sat down once more. As he shook the bag of letters, she glanced at the Dutch oven, knowing that would be its permanent location.
But the fight for that knowledge is half the fun, she thought glancing back at him with a smile as she reached for her tiles, ready to beat him once again.
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rheisa-midnightfury · 4 years
Where the beans at?
@vlanderzine had a great idea of “What if they had to hide the coffee from Kai.” And I felt called out to write it. So... here goes nothing.
Drip. Drip. Black drops dripped slowly into a dark concentration of liquid into a transparent jar. Maroon eyes starred at the beverage across the glass. Arms on the table, Kai rested his head on them, looking at the coffee with dreamy eyes. Almost the same look he gives to his own reflection. The kitchen was empty, the master of fire tried to be here before the others get out of the bed. Quietly stomping his feet impatiently he leaned closer to the coffee jar.
”Why does this take so long?” He looked behind himself, making sure he didn’t wake up any of the ninjas. ”Come on you!” As the words left his mouth, the coffee had been ready to drink. ”YES! Finally!” Yelled in joy, but he realized in time that he shouldn’t have. Reaching for a red mug on the shelf, he looked around once again, quicker this time and grabbed the jar. One drop of coffee almost hit the bottom of the mug, when a raspy clearing of throats sounded from behind.
”Kaiii! You know what caffeine does to you.” The water ninja stepped next to her brother and took the mug from his hands. ”Do you wanna drive us crazy?”
”C’mon sis! Like when did I ever drive you guys crazy?” and he gripped back his mug from Nya’s hold.
” Er... Every time you drink coffee? Don’t you remember what happened last time?”
”Bah! Why do you have to bring it up?! I said a MILLION times I’m sorry.” Replied with a high pitched voice.
”We still have some bruises left from when you were so eager to hug all of us and burned our arms since you had no control of your power.”
”Gee! I was just extremely happy for you guys letting me drink coffee. Is that a bad thing?”
”Being happy is not, hurting us is!”
”Come on! One sip won’t hurt anyone.” Taking the red mug away, he aimed for the whole coffee jar to drink from.
”No! More! Coffee! For you, Kai!” And just in time, Nya took the coffee jar from Kai, spilling some on the floor. ”Wanna have coffee? Drink decaf ones.”
”You can’t be serious.” Eyes widened, jaw dropped in disbelief. ”I won’t drink decaff. It’s like, eating veggies for the tase and not for the vitamins.”
” What!? Some vegetables are actually tast… Argh! No Kai. It’s for the best.” 
Embracing his lose, Kai collapsed into one of the chairs around the dinner table, resting his jaw in his fist, like a child. In the meantime, Nya placed the jar on the counter alongside with free mugs. Green, black and gray. Milk was poured into all of the mugs, such as coffee.
Slowly, the rest of the team had also made their way into the kitchen. Some were in pajama and some in… sort of pajama. Kai wore tight underwear with socks and tank tops on. Nya had shorts with a spaghetti strap shirt. The green ninja had gray gym shorts on and a tight white t-shirt. Jay had long black pajama pants on, blue tank top and fluffy slippers. Black, tight tank top was on Cole with matching long workout pants. Zane went with the classic pajama, with some snowflakes patterns on it.
Loud yawning and whispers of ’Good mornings!’ filled the room. Lloyd sat next to Kai, already drinking his own coffee and sprinkling some cinnamon on top. He was too tired this morning to get anything else for breakfast. He’ll have something to eat if there will be any leftover toast or eggs. Jay almost dropped his cinnamon bun from his plate as he slowly walked to the table and took a seat, in front of Lloyd. Gently stroking his boyfriend’s back, Nya also took place in the dinner table with a ham sandwich and his cappuccino. For Lloyd’s luck, Zane prepared some toast for everyone. Cole stayed beside him, looking for some milk for his cereal. As the last slice of bread had popped up from the toaster and a mountain of whipped cream was placed on Cole’s mug of coffee, both the earth and ice ninja had joined the rest of the team. Kai and Lloyd reached for the toasts, as soon as the plate’s bottom hit the table. Everyone was quiet. Only silent chewing filled the otherwise silent kitchen. Cranching on his cereal, Cole looked at his mug and opened his mouth to speak, breaking the almost comforting silence.
”Man, I can’t believe we ran out of chocolate sprinkles.” 
Tired eyes faced the earth ninja, as Lloyd tossed the cinnamon shaker to him. ”Here, use this.”
”Thanks, man!” Relaxed smile sat on Cole’s face as he sprinkled the spice into his drink. But not everyone was this relaxed and calmed. 
”What a disaster you can’t place sprinkles on your coffee. Well, guess what! I can’t even have a SIP of coffee.” Fists slammed on the table, chair pushed backward with a loud squeak as Kai jumped up from his seat.
”Whoa! Easy there!” Confidant pair of eyes faced Kai’s angerful ones. ”No need for this just because caffeine has a bad effect on you.” 
”Yeah. Look! I’m not drinking coffee either. Am I angry about it? No.” Spoke Jay with mouth covered with cinnamon and frosting. 
”You don’t even like it.” Kai found his usual annoyed tone switching from the previous furious one. He calmed down. At least he tried. He had to. He didn’t want to start his morning with a fight, especially not with Cole who always had extreme strength no matter the time of the day. 
”Just enjoy your breakfast. After all, we’re just talking about a drink.” The rested and calm voice eased the fire ninja. Grabbing his friend by his arm, Lloyd smiled at Kai and pushed his mug away. ”If it makes you happy, I won’t finish mine.”
A sour smile sat on the red ninja’s face, he sat back to his chair and remained silent for the rest of the time. He crossed his arms and waited for everyone to finish their food and leave. 
Last bites were taken, dishes had been cleaned and one by one, everyone left the kitchen. Everyone, but Kai and the mug that Lloyd had put aside was still on the table. Kai swallowed, as he already felt the taste of coffee in his mouth. He reached for the mug and…
”No, Kai!” Nya stepped back to the scene just in time. ”I won’t argue about it. You can’t have any and that’s IT!” 
And the coffee was poured into the sink. Grumpy huff left Kai as he leaned back on his chair and watched his sister leaving the room once again. As Nya left, the fire ninja jumped up from his chair and rushed to the jar, only to find it empty. He searched through the whole kitchen, but he couldn’t find the beans, nor the instant powder. However, there was only one cabinet he hasn’t checked. He wide opened the wings, and there it was. A whole bag of unopened powder of coffee. He grabbed it and rushed back to the coffee machine. He almost opened the bag, when his eyes caught on the wrapping of the powder. ’Decaff’.
”Argh! COME! ON!” He didn’t even fancy putting the bag back to its place. Instead, he just left it on the counter and returned to his own room to finally get dressed.  Thought his usual morning routine will drag his attention from the fact that Nya had hidden the beans somewhere. He laid down in his bed, to his back, looking at the ceiling, juggling with a small ball of fire. Thinking. Taking a big breath, the fireball vanished in his palm, got up from the bed and walked to the mirror. Starring at his own reflection he squinted and leaned forward.
“I’m sure she hid them somewhere.” He shrugged and grabbed a bottle of hair gel, from a drawer next to him. Making his hair as spikey as possible, he winked at himself with a satisfied smirk. But the smirk slowly faded and his features became more annoyed-looking. “But where can those coffee beans be?!”
The door opened, Kai stuck his head out to get a better look at the hallway. Cole’s room was just on the other side of the hall. The usual loud music, which was coming from the black ninja’s room had suddenly muted, which only meant one thing. He switched to headphones. Kai knew the only reason Cole would place headphones on. It’s a sing he either started working out or doodling. Perfect. The fire ninja sneaked out from his room and carefully opened Cole’s door. Just as Kai expected. The black ninja had started lifting weights. No way he’s gonna turn around. At least, that’s what Kai hoped. He now entered the room and started searching. Nya knows how much he hates dueling with Cole, so she expects Kai not to enter the earth ninja’s room. But the coffee was at stake. His coffee, which he deserved.
The room looked surprisingly neat. His bed was nicely embedded, all the CDs were in a nice order next to his stereo. There wasn’t much stuff there, and everything had its own place.
Tossing away piles of sketchbooks, cd covers, and deodorants he gave up. It must be somewhere else. Kai tried to place back everything to its place, or at least he tried. Thinking he made a good job cleaning and removing his traces, he left. Carefully closed the door and leaned back to the wall. The next place to check was Lloyd’s room, but the green ninja hardly ever leaves his place and he’s always on a high alert, hears every little sound. No way he can go searching in his room. Sighing he slow-walked to the one door next to his own. Worried smile rested on his face, as he placed his ear on the door, listening if the lightning ninja was in his room. Jay hardly ever stayed in, as a social junkie he was. He usually hangs out at Cole’s place and annoyed the earth ninja with his endless talking. Luckily Cole got used to his friend’s behavior and learned how to lock out his dinginess. If not there, he would also lay on the couth outside, playing video games and waiting for someone to approach and have a conversation with. 
The room seemed empty. Door opened, Kai entered. It was empty indeed, but the sight wasn’t pleasant for the fire ninja. Laundry clothes were all over the floor, bags of chips and cans of drinks were at the table. Stacks of old games and broken controllers at one corner, rusty and oily spare parts in the other. 
“Yikes! Looks like someone needs a big clean-up.” Grabbing a half-eaten pizza slice he gave a pitty full smirk and throw the food under the bed. “How could my sister fall for you? HOW CAN WE BE RELATED?” Between several of annoyed groans, huffs, and grunts he dug up the whole place wich looked in better condition now, than when Kai entered. 
“This is hopeless. If the beans were here, there would be no way to find them in such a huge mess.” Slammed closed the door and buried his head to his own palms. Two more rooms left to check: Nya’s and Zane’s. With all the cameras and security systems placed at the nindroid’s place, there was no way on Earth he’ll attempt to enter. Even if he’s able to play out the system, all the hidden cameras would record his every move. ‘Why does Zane need such a defense in his room. Huh, that dude always has been weird.’
No other choice left, he needed to look at Nya’s room now. Same thing he did to Jay’s place. First, observe if his sister was inside, or not. Nothing, but silence. There is always a chance she’s not staying in her room, with Nya it’s always a mystery. Slowly, carefully, the door opened and the eyes of the fire ninja caught on one thing right away. Blushing in embarrassment, he half-closed the door, so he could hear everything clearly, but not see.
“KAI! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!” Burst out his sister in such a high pitched voice, that Kai had never heard.
“Yeah, dude! Not cool!” Yelled Jay too, who was holding Nya at his arms with several of smooch marks on his face. 
“I… er…” Kai froze in a second. He wanted to slap Jay in the face so badly, he still couldn’t get used to him making out with his sister. All sorts of emotions sat on his face just in a minute to finally decide to leave. Leave before Nya asks him what he wanted and finds out he’s seeking the coffee beans. He took one step back only to find himself bumping into a muscly chest.
“Do you mind giving us some privacy?” 
Kai turned around, finding Cole standing behind him. He still had some pearls of sweat on his forehead and biceps from working out. “What were you doing in my room, pretty-hair?” Holding a small mirror in his arms for proof. It must have had fallen out from Kai’s pocket while he was staying at the earth ninja’s room. Nervous laughs left the fire ninja as he carefully reached for the small mirror, already making up a dumb excuse.
“D-don’t you remember? You b-borrowed it, to fix your eyebrows.” Smiled sassily.
“Since when would I ask for your tiny mirror when I have a big one in my room. And when did I ever wanted to pull my eyebrows?”
“Maybe you should try it, a small makeover would make those bushes look better.” 
A growl left Cole, making Kai back of a little. Searching for a small gap between the black ninja and the doorway he almost escaped to his room when Zane stopped him. He was holding a tablet right into Kai’s face.
“Was there a reason why you lurked around my door? You know you have the permission to enter any time for help.” 
 Even more nervous laughs, another dumb excuse. 
“I just… dropped my… hairt…tie?” He swallowed. “I had to pick it up.” It’s now or never, leave them to think and return to his own room. That was the plan. He almost got away, when Jay jumped up from the bed and hurried to the ice ninja to take a better look at the footage. 
“Ey! You weren’t just lurking in the hallway. You entered my room!” Yelled in his usual whiny voice.
“Hey! Guys! Let’s just all calm down… and b-be reasonable.” He gently took of Cole’s grip from his shoulder, but the earth ninja quickly grabbed him again, not letting him escape. For his own defense, he put on the typical of a charming smile, but it did not work… as usual. 
“Kai! What is the meaning of this?” Nya walked next to her brother, releasing him from Cole’s strong hold. “You broke into Cole’s room, but you also did to Jay’s. I repeat, to Jay’s.”
Looking around the whole group, Kai had no other choice, but to admit his loss. He took a big breath, looked everyone in the eye and shrugged.
“I just really wanted to find the coffee beans you hid from me…” 
Nya shook her head in disbelief. “Hide the beans? No. Kai…” She smiled at her brother, trying to make him feel better. “We just ran out of coffee beans. I was about to get some this afternoon. No one is hiding anything from you.” 
“Really?” Kai looked rather surprised and relieved at the same time. “Sorry for messing with you guys.”
“Yeah, you’d better.” Added Cole. “Now I have to reorganize the CDs to be in genre order.” And without further ado, he returned to his room, beckoning for Zane to do the same.
“Maybe I overreacted a little…” Kai rubbed his neck before turning around, leaving the couple alone. Jay raised his eyebrows on the fire ninja and then turned his head towards to Nya.
“Did we really ran out of coffee beans?” 
The water ninja didn’t reply, not immediately. She first closed the room's door and started giggling, taking a bag of coffee beans out from her purse. 
“No, we didn’t”
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
Will the Bell Ring? Pt. 4
[Erik Killmonger x Black OC]
Word Count 5.8k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Erik has a meeting one morning to discuss the upgrades he has planned for key components of the new model Boeing airplane that is set to begin manufacturing early the following year.  Erik stood at the sink in the master bathroom reciting lines to himself that he had prepared with notes on his phone.
“As you can see, the planes trajectory following take off can be more smoothly….more smoothly...smoother?  Uhh-- SHIT!”
Erik curses to himself as the blade angled in the wrong direction, cutting his jaw.
“You ok in there baby?”  Kimara calls out from the bedroom.  
Erik watches the blood begin to bubble and drip onto his shirt before he could get a tissue to catch it.  
“Fuck!  Yeah...I’m aight.”  Erik calls back.
Kimara is putting on an earring when she walks in to see him.  “Oh damn, Erik. You cut yourself today of all days?.” Kimara reaches for the tissue to survey the damage.  
“Ain’t it some shit?  I gotta be at the office in one hour and I fucking maim myself and stain my fucking shirt.”  
“Ohh, now stop.”  Kimara pats his chin as the blood begins to clot instead of run.  “At least now you have an excuse for the bald spot right around there.”
Erik pins her arms down giving her slight shake.  “What I tell you bout that?”
Kimara cracks up uncontrollably.  “HAHA! About what?!”
Erik stares her down sticking his chin in her face.  “Say it again, I dare you…”
Kimara bites her lips choking back her laughter.  “I meant to say...you look very handsome.”
“Uh huh.”  Erik says unconvinced but satisfied.
“So now the white men with toupees can swap Rogaine recommendations.”  Kimara adds swiftly.
“YOUGONNAADDTHATWHILEIGOTYOUSNATCHEDUP??!!!”  Erik barks at a cackling Kimara, tickling her neck and the sides of her torso mercilessly.
“OK! OK! You finna make me pee, STAHP!”  Kimara orders in between breaths.
Erik backs off eventually, checking his chin self consciously.  “You playing too much this morning. Since this your week for laundry, make sure you don’t forget the softener this time.  That shit smell good as hell to let it sit.”
Kimara goes over to the toilet to relieve herself, leaning on her knees as she regains her composure.  “Whatever. You got time to eat something before you go?”
Erik pulls off his shirt in all studded and scarred glory.  “Nah, I took too much time at the gym this morning, so Imma have to pick somethin up later on.”
Kimara flushes and goes to her sink rinsing her hands.  “Ok. Let me know when you get off, I wanna go out.”
Erik pulls out an new shirt from his closet to put on.  “Aight bet. You got a place in mind?”
Kimara thinks a moment.  “Not really, but I’ll look up some stuff we can come to a decision on.”
Erik shakes his head.  “Uh uh say less. I got you.  Lemme surprise you with somethin good for once, ok?  You got enough on your plate, imma fill it with something tasty, ok?”  
“Oh my God, you being corny, but I like it.  Thank you…” Kimara says sweetly with smile to match.  Erik pulls her to him for a kiss and a goodbye smack on her ass as he finished up and headed out for the day.
Erik’s meeting with the board went on practically without a hitch.  Erik was always more nervous during preparation than when it came down to performance.  His presentation ran according to his plan and all the old white men looking back at him seemed slightly above average in intrigue over what he had to say.  No one was ever too excited for the meetings unless lunch was included, which today it wasn’t. But by the end he got a round of applause and a series of questions that he answered effortlessly.  When the meeting was dismissed, the cordialities and congratulations were passed around to Erik which he took lukewarmly. He’d been doing this long enough to know that a handshake and a smile does not a deal make.
“Hey Erik, great presentation today son.  You really knocked it outta the park with this one.”  Edward Hawkins, the engineering department head and Erik’s boss, says to him.
Erik nods appreciatively.  “Sure thing. I looked as deep into it as I could and I’m pretty proud of the outcome.”  
Edward subconsciously brushes his comb-over over.  “Yeah, it shows, the details were amazing and your stats very appropriate.  I wouldn’t be surprised if I heard from Dave tomorrow morning with a deal to move forward with a couple things you proposed today.”
“I won’t hold my breath for news that quick, but drinks on you if that’s the case.”  Erik claps Edward on his back and goes to leave.
“Oh, Erik!  I did want to talk to you about something.  I was talking with some of the board members and we thought you might work better with a team, just one extra partner to kind of share the load.”
Erik puts his hands in his pockets walking slowly to Edward.  “Whatchu mean?”
Edward stutters.  “Well I-I mean it's a lot of research and money riding on what you do so to protect you and the company, we feel having a teammate with you would be beneficial!”
“Who you want me with?”  Erik asks curtly.
“Uh, Bryan actually.”  Edward says nervously.
Erik scoffs.  “Your son? The intern?”
Edward gets defensive quickly.  “Now hang on, he is an entry level employee now and he went to Brown, he has the mental capacity to keep up with you.  You think?”
“I don’t think so, nah.”  Erik adds.
Edward sighs.  “Well hell, Erik.  I don’t know what to tell you.  But this isn’t an if but a when situation so I just wanted to give you a heads up so you weren’t blindsided.”
“Cut the bullshit man and tell me what’s this really about.  I been handling mine, no problem. I thought y’all didn’t have the budget for hiring new people any damn way.”  Erik rebuttals. He knew the white folks around there complain most about money. Edward wasn’t gonna pull this over on him so fast.
“It’s not technically a hiring, just a promotion.”
“Ohhhh, that’s nice.  Well since I’m babysitting his ass, I expect a heavier drop in bank account, and that ain’t a promise, issa threat.”  Erik warns, walking towards the glass doors.
“Oh!  Erik, come on!  You’re expecting a helluva lot outta me here.”  Edward calls out.
“I know you good for it.  Make it happen.” Erik walks out leaving Edward to ponder his proposal.  
The meeting was the biggest portion of his day, and judging from his calendar, he is free the rest of the day.  Erik texts Kimara to see if she’d be down to go out still while he attempts to read her mind for a perfect evening ahead.  
In the meantime, Erik calls his cousin to pester.  “Aye T! The hell you doin nigga?”
T’Challa sighs deeply.  “Yes, N’Jadaka. How have you been?”
“Pretty good right now.  I got through with work early so I’m tryna get ready to go out.”
This elicits and even biggers sigh from T’Challa.  “N’Jadaka, there is no way I can go out with you again this week.  I doubt I would want to for the rest of the year to be honest.”
“Not with you, fuck you mean?  I’m talking about Kimara!” Erik says.
“Ohh, well then that is good.  You both are doing well?” T’Challa’s tone brightens suddenly at the relief of not getting blasted drunk in the club again.
Erik approaches his office, closing the door and the blinds.  “Yeah man, I tell you! These past few days have been so good man, we vibing for real.”
“That is great to hear!  She deserves some stress free days concerning all you have planned to do together.”
“Yeah, we haven’t heard back from my doc about the results yet so it’ll be any day.  But she hasn’t even brought up nothing bout it. No text reminders about ovulating and shit, no scheduled sex, just regular spontaneous freakin that-”
“Eh eh, N’Jadaka you are overdoing it again!”  T’Challa warns.
Erik scoffs putting his feet up on his desk.  “Shit my bad. I thought we were having a moment.”
“No your thoughts and desires were having a moment.  So on that note, and keep it clean, what do you and Kimara have planned to do tonight?”
“That’s the thing man.  I’m still tryna figure it out.  I’m bout to pull up some four and five star spots so she can get all cute and fancy for a nigga, you know?”  Erik powers up his computer to being his search.
“Doesn’t she usually Asian foods?”  T’Challa asks.
“Yeah, them beepbeebop meals and shit?  She loves the fuck outta all the side dishes they give with the meal.  More bang for the buck she says, but we ain’t been together….probably since we been married.”
“Bibimbap.  But good, there’s a Korean grill place that opened up downtown  you might want to try with her. I met with Nakia there recently and it was pretty good.”  
“Hold UP!  You and Nakia went out?  Nigga, details!” Erik says excitedly.
“I have asked you countless times to stop calling me that.  But yes we did, only to go over ideas about the outreach center .”
“Annnd?”  Erik asks.
“Erik…”  T’Challa mimicks Erik, but in a stern tone.
“Ooh, ok, you serious using my government name.  I see you. So are you still fucking that one girl from the club?”
“I’m hanging up.”  T’Challa says.
“Wait wait, you can’t talk to me about that either?”
“I don’t parade my conquests for everyone to hear about.”  
“Aha, so y’all still fucking.  Ok, well knowin your ass, she must be a serious situation now.  Especially if you ain’t giving Nakia the time of day.” Erik says matter-of-factly.
T’Challa hesitates before answering.  “We are considering things still, but it is an appropriate adult partnership.  Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Well at least you gettin something on the side while you waiting for scraps at Nakia’s door.  Listen, what’s the name of that Korean place?”
“Palmi, it is not an uptight place but she will enjoy the atmosphere and food, I’m sure.”
Erik types in the place by name and reads over the reviews.  “Cool, this should work. Thanks man.” Erik’s phone dings with a notification from Kimara confirming their night out.  
“Ok T, Imma let you go.  I got some time to pick some roses up or something to give her.”  Erik says getting ready to go.
“Get calla lilies instead.”  T’Challa offers.
Erik pauses.  “What? She likes them more?  I got her roses on Valentines, she liked them just fine.”
“Exactly, that was that manufactured holiday Americans love so much.  Lilies are sweeter, more elegant, sends a better message.”
Erik nods.  “Ok T, I might try that after all,  good looking out.”
Erik clicks off the phone call with T’Challa and makes his way home to get changed.  Kimara was still at the studio so he texts her to meet him at the Korean restaurant in an hour.  There is a florist up the street from his job that he stops by to get Kimara a bouquet of ten lilies with some eucalyptus leaves.
When he gets home, Erik takes his time washing the funk of white elitist off of his skin and slips into his real nigga attire for the day:  dark navy canvas jacket over his chocolate colored Henley with black distressed jeans and timbs. Erik spritz some cologne, just enough to make her lean into him to get a better whiff.  He refreshed his locs, banding them atop his head and giving himself a once over, feeling his excitement build as the time drew near. Erik wanted his lady to know she was appreciated and tonight would highlight that for them.
Pulling up to the restaurant, Erik saw her car was already in the parking lot, a soft glow through the tinted windows indicated she is sitting and waiting for him.  Erik gets out the car with flowers behind his back as he crouches, hopping over to the back end of the car. He glides toward her driver’s side window before knocking loudly against it, causing her to honk the horn in fright.  
“Dammit, Erik!”  Kimara shouts rolling down her window.
Erik leans into the window.  “Ma’am, there’s no loitering in the parking lot.  Spaces for patrons of the restaurant only.”
Kimara turns on the light in her car to check her makeup in her phone.  “Made me smudge my lips.”
“That’s gonna be a problem you have all night. Com’ere.”  Erik pesters Kimara who gives him a light smooch before reapplying.  
Erik opens her car door, helping her out of it.  “Babe, you ain’t had to fuck up the game like this!  I thought you was coming home from work, I know I ain’t let you out the house in this!”
Kimara wore some denim cut off shorts, making a dream out of her deep toned thighs with flesh colored platform sandals adorning her feet.  Her voluptuous frame stood out as her best accessory hugged by her ‘COCO Butter’ baby tee with a scoop neck that let her girls breathe a bit.  
Pulling back her wavy 18 inches back, Kimara shrugs.  “So what about it? A queen comes prepared for any meet and greet, understand me?”
Erik rubs his chin, not able to take his eyes off any part of her.  “That ain’t a fucking problem one bit baby. I just hope these shits don’t wilt from you showing them up tonight.”  Erik takes the bouquet from behind him, giving them to Kimara.
“Awww, Erik!  These are so gorgeous! ��And…” She gives them a good sniff.  “MM! Good call on that eucalyptus. How did you know I love me some lilies?”
Erik takes her hand and leads her to the restaurant.  “I know what my lady like. That’s why we finna feed my Mara well so she can go to bed with a smile on her face, you hear me?”
Kimara giggles.  “Good cuz I’m starving too.”
A hostess greets the, warmly before setting them at a table and giving them menus.  Erik and Kimara look over the options.
“The pork belly is good for sure, but the marinated bulgogi never fails me either…” Kimara mutters, looking over their options.
“Get whatever you want Mara, you know this better than me.  If it’s meat, I’ll eat.” Erik professes.
Kimara calls over a waitress and asks for her two faves to order.  “And couple bottles of soju please.”
“What’s a soju?”
Kimara grins sneakily.  “Just a little something to warm us up, you know?”
“Ahh, ok.  Tryna take advantage of me.  I ain’t falling for it neither.”  Erik smirks.
Kimara puts a hand up to his face.  “Skrrrrt! In ya dreams!”
Erik takes her hand, kissing her knuckles.  “You right, woman of my dreams all day every day.”
Kimara rolls her eyes but can’t stop her smile.  “So damn corny. I guess all this good mood is cuz your presentation went well?”
Erik screws his face up.  “I can be happy to see you too!  But...a little bit of work shit too.  Mara, I KILLED that shit. Those whites didn’t phase me not one time.”
Kimara gives him a quick applause.  “How soon til you know what’ll stick for the roll out next year?”
“Ed made it seem like tomorrow, but realistically I’d give it the end of the week.”
The waitress brings out a tray of little dishes with appetizers for them to share and their bottles of soju with some glasses.  Erik and Kimara get their chopsticks ready.
“What’s that?”  Erik points to one of the dishes.
“That’s gamja jorim.  It’s like potatoes in soy sauce, really good!”  Kimara picks a cube of potato up, moaning at the first bite as she bounces in her seat.  
Erik tries it out but makes a face.  “It’s cold!”
“It’s supposed to be!”  Kimara says laughing at him.  Erik opens a bottle of soju and takes a swig.
“Yo!  You’re supposed to drink it like a shot!  You not tryna drive home??” Kimara exclaims.
Erik sets the bottle down, mulling over the flavor.  “That’s not bad, weak, but not bad.”
“It’s not weak, it’s just smooth.  Your taste buds so used to drinking gasoline, you don’t know good liquor.”
“Not too much on my taste, Miss Thing Thang.  I know what’s good, like some meat right now.”  Erik whines scoping the restaurant out like it was supposed to fall from the sky.
Kimara tastes a couple more of the other appetizers.  “Have some of the kimchi! It’s that red cabbage over there.”
Erik does so, to little fanfare.  “I said MEAT Mara!”
On cue, the waitress comes out with a cutting board and the raw meat laid out in two piles, and a side of three dipping sauces for each of them.  She runs some oil along the grill in front of them and places some meat on the hot plate, flipping them and plating some for them before wishing them luck and dismissing herself.
Erik sits there flabbergasted.  “Imma kills this nigga.”
Kimara places more meat on the griddle. “The pig and cow are already dead, bruh.”
“I mean T’Challa.  He recommended this place and he ain’t told me that we gotta cook shit ourselves.   That meat is $30 a pop! We coulda went to the store and ate at home!” Erik fumes, taking his bottle of soju up for another gulp.
Kimara thinks about this a moment.  “Well I think you’re crazy. I’m thanking T’Challa then when we get home, cuz I guess your imagination lives inside a Big Mac box.  Eat!”
Kimara shows Erik hot to lay the meat out and when to tell that it’s ready to take off and eat.  After a few pieces Erik is setting up the sliced meats himself and plating them for him and Kimara.
Kimara gives him a handclap of praise.  “That’s it! See, This the only time I’ve gotten you to cook for me.  Look at God.”
Erik hiccups.  “I cook for you before, lyin ass.”  Erik clinks a plate down before sloppily eating a piece of marinated beef like a spaghetti noodle.
Kimara takes a sip of soju from her glass.  “Oh shit. Erik, gatdammit! You drank too much?”
Erik sits up with a big smile.  “Never too much, never too much!”  he sings.
Kimara calls over the waitress.  “Now I’m gonna have to get up early and get you over here to come get your car.  Fucking…” She gives the waitress her credit card and starts to put on her coat.
Erik reaches for Kimara across the table.  “Baby….baby...babe….you know this meat was real good.”
Kimara swats his hand.  “Yeah, I told you it would be.”
“I know somethin that taste better though.”  Erik says before cackling out loud. “I can still eat baby, just SAY THE WORD!”
Kimara breathes a sigh of relief when she sees the waitress come back with her card.  
“Thanks for coming you guys!  Have a good night!”
“Thank you miss lady, we ‘preciate chu.”  Erik says. He looks over at Kimara writing.  “Aye! Don’t tip, she ain’t cooked shit.”
Kimara shushes him.   “Damn, Erik, shut up! This is a restaurant, she still served us!”  Kimara finishes writing out the ticket and her and Erik walk out the door to her car.  Erik leans back in the passenger seat until he is completely leveled out. “Come on, sit for daddy…”  Erik reaches over Kimara in the driver’s seat.
“Erik, I gotta drive, just go to sleep or something.”  Kimara says, backing out of the space.
“My wife got the fattest ass, fattest pussy, fattest titties.  Shit too good to let go to waste. That’s why I’m taking you home girl…”
“No, I’m taking you home.”  She corrects.
“...You my leftovers.  I’m eat that ass up later.”  Erik laughs to himself at his dinner puns.  
Erik sits his seat upright again after a while.  “Mara, I’m sorry.”
Kimara looks over at him.  “What’re you talking about?”
Erik leans on her shoulder.  “I wanna do right. I wanna be good to you.”
“Aww, you are baby!”
“But you deserve it all, putting up with my bullshit.”  Erik mutters.
“You just got a little drunk.  I’m not mad at you.”
“I ain’t talkin bout now.  I shouldn’t have left you.”
Kimara tenses up.
“Those last days were so good, but I wasn’t ready for good.  I didn’t want you cuz you made things nice. But I wasn’t a nice person yet.”  Erik says.
“Y-yes you were.  I knew you were, that’s why you came back.”
“I wanted to die.  T didn’t let me. If it wasn’t for your forgiveness I probably woulda…”  Erik slumps down in her lap.
“Watch it Erik!”  Kimara exclaims.
Erik twists his face to her stomach to kiss it.  “That’s why Imma make us a family. I don’t care what a doctor say, we finna have a cute ass baby.  I owe it to you.”
Kimara is silent for a while.  “You don’t OWE me a baby Erik.”
“I do, I do.  I’ll do whatever to get this done right.”  
“Erik, shut up, ok?”  Kimara says softly.
Nine Years Ago (Revisit)
Erik had been gone a month, and Kimara had no one she could talk to about it.  Her days working at the local community center to teach music to kids was her only escape from the day to day.  
“Ok Lala, from the top.  Caro mio ben, Credimi almen…”  Kimara sat at the piano going over the melody as her sophomore student Lala handled the lyrics.  She handled the Italian pronunciations expertly, however getting the traditional operatic tone was proving difficult..  
As Kimara played along a cramp in her stomach made her stop playing abruptly to clutch the source of the pain.  
“Ms. Walker?  Is something wrong?”  Lala asked with concern.
Kimara felt horrible all of a sudden as her condition progressed.  “No….well, not with you. I’ve got to stop this rehearsal early. Keep practicing on your own and I’ll see you next week.”  
Kimara made her way to her car, rooting through her purse for her phone but ran across the prescription pill bottle first.  Staring at the label with her name and instructions, she thinks what may have happened had she not gotten them. Could she have gone on without taking them?
Just then a wave of nausea hit her as she  opened her car door to kneel out and puke all over the asphalt.  The stinging in her throat from the force and volume of it all made her cough uncontrollably, stimulating her gag reflex even more.  Kimara gets back in the car, cursing herself for the predicament she has been put in. This was supposed to be the easier way, at this rate she may probably should’ve rethought things.
Sitting in silence for her body to settle down, Kimara’s phone rings, breaking her calm.  She finds it in her purse but sees it’s an unknown number.
“Hello?”  She asks gruffly, voice strained from vomiting.
“Yes, is this Kimara?”  The voice asks.
“Who is this?”  
“I am T’Challa, Erik’s cousin?  I don’t know if he ever mentioned me but-”
Kimara perks up at the name.  “You said you’re Erik’s family?  You’re from Africa?”
He sighs.  “So he hasn’t told you about me then.”
Kimara grows tense.  “Why hasn’t he? But first of all, why are you calling me?  Where’s Erik?”
“He is with me, in Wakanda, for a few weeks now.”
“What??  He actually made it there…”  Kimara’s voice trails off as she thinks of how Erik told her about the stories of his home, the lost family he was a part of, and claiming his part in it.  “I still don’t understand why I’m hearing from you though.”
“He wants to see you Kimara.  He wants to talk to you about things, make things right with you.”
Kimara let out a grave laugh.  “Ohhh, this is corny as fuck. He is sending his cousin, some foreign dude I ain’t met, to call and ask me to talk to him sounding like a scammer.  You tell his ass to bring himself back here on a plane to the States and maybe we will talk. How about that?”
“He can’t do that.”  T’Challa says.
“Like hell he can!  He got there, he can come back.  You calling me? Call him a plane ticket so he can bring his sorry ass back here and say shit to my face.  I ain’t crawling nowhere to him. He don’t know what he’s left me with!”
“Kimara, I’m sorry it’s coming out like this, but-”
“I said what I said, T’Challa!”  Kimara hangs up in his face. She was fuming as she started her engine and drove off to head home.  If Erik only knew….And he always did things like this: do her wrong, then beg to see her and act like nothing was wrong because ‘leave the past in the past’.  He smiles his way into her good graces and they’d be cuddled up with her favorite movie and snacks. But this wasn’t college anymore, they were grown now, and he left her vulnerable.  Kimara knew they were going to go somewhere this time but he didn’t treat her any different than the girls he ran through in his hoe years. But she was supposed to be different, he convinced her of that.  Not anymore, from this day forward.
Kimara pulled up to her place to see a man standing outside of it.  It was dark out so she really wasn’t sure who it was, but the deja vu was heavy within her.  She slowly stepped out her car and stayed behind it as she shut the door.
“Yeah?”  She asked cautiously.
The figure turned around to face her, giving her view of his face.  “Kimara, I know this is rude of me to insist, but I have to act on Erik’s behalf.  You have every right to be angry, but he needs you right now. I want to help you through that.”
Present Day
The trill of Erik’s phone going off wakes them both up as they take a lazy morning.  Kimara barely got a good night’s rest for Erik having gotten too drunk and staggering to bed noisily and sloppily, only then to snore ridiculously loud for almost the whole night.  Kimara smacked her pillow at him to stir him but soon as he hit REM sleep, he was Foghorn Leghorn in the sheets.
Kimara rounded off her pillow upside his head once more to get him to pick up his phone, this time Erik has gained more coordination to register his surroundings.  He picks up his phone without acknowledging the caller ID.
“Hello?’  Erik asks with a heavy tongue.
“Yes, Good morning Mr. Stevens.  This is Doctor Tracy from Jocelyn Elders Fertility Clinic.  How are you this morning?”
Erik sits up slowly.  “Oh hey, yeah, I think you should be telling me that, right?”
The doctor laughs.  “Sure, that’s fair. I would like to speak with you and your wife in person about the results, if you have time this afternoon?’
Erik lightly hits Kimara on her shoulder.  “Aye Mara, you got anything to do this afternoon?”
“I always got something Erik, why?”  Kimara mumbles.
“The doc wants to see us about my results, but I can schedule it later.”
Kimara shoots up with renewed energy.  “Shit! They wanna see us?” Erik nods, covering the mic part of his phone.  Kimara motions to him nodding as she gets up and heads to the bathroom.
“Uhh, yeah, this afternoon will work for us.”
At the doctor’s, they sit in a room waiting to be seen.  The doctor’s normal office seems as sterile and bland as an examination room with the smell of unidentified solutions and the overpowering whiteness of their surroundings, Kimara’s nerves are on the edge.
“What do you think they’re going to tell us?”  She asks.
Erik is leaning on his knees looking blank in his face.  “Whatchu mean?”
“I mean, hell, if it was good they would’ve just told us on the phone!  Did you fuck up your balls doing your duties overseas and you ain’t told me?”
“Hell nah!  Shit like that don’t happen.  Females swear guys gets kicked in the balls every other day or somethin.”  Erik retorts adjusting himself.
“Well it’s gotta be something.  Maybe your time in Africa you got mixed with some shit that didn’t agree with you and wound up making you sterile.”  
“Mara, you don’t know anything about Wakanda or vibranium so chill on that theory.”
“Then tell me something I don’t know Erik, cuz you’d be wasting both our time holding back.”  Kimara warns.
Erik peers over at her.  “The only thing getting wasted is my time and money sitting here cuz ain’t shit the fuck wrong with me.”
Kimara hated when Erik brought up how much he was doing for her by just showing up or dropping some cash on a situation.  She wasn’t with him for everything he could do for her, she was with him because she loved being with him, wanted the best for him, and she put in too many years with him to get that notion twisted.
Before she could really let him have it, the doctor walked in.
“Good Afternoon folks.  I’m glad you were able to make it on such short notice.”  Dr. Tracy greeted them both with a smile and a handshake.
“No problem!  We’ve been waiting on these for a little bit so no way would we miss this.”  Kimara says, looking over at Erik with a smile, who looked bored with it all.
“Yeah, so whatchu got for us doc?”  Erik says scratching his beard noisily.
Dr. Tracy nods.  “Of course, so I won’t delay it any further.  Erik after reviewing your sample, we found nothing abnormal with your sperm count, their mobility, or make up.  You seem perfectly capable of being able to conceive a child with your wife.”
A moment of silence washed over the both of them as they looked wordlessly at one another.
“Soooo, I’m fine?  Chamber loaded, no blanks?”  
“Erik!”  Kimara chides him.
Dr. Tracy chuckles.  “It’s ok, I’ve heard all the euphemisms.  But you are correct. They are...clear for takeoff!”
“Then why are we not pregnant yet?”  Kimara asks in a hollow tone.
“Well, there’s a multitude of scenarios that can contribute to it but what we know right now is that Erik’s sperm is prime for conception and your uterus is beautiful for harboring a baby, just an example of good genetic make up.  I would want to be reborn again from you if I had the chance!” Dr. Tracy adds.
Erik grips the bridge of his nose in frustration.  “So what do you recommend we do from here?”
“Well honestly I would say to just keep having your regular routine.  If you want to keep track of ovulation that’s fine but honestly I wouldn’t put too much pressure on it until it’s been a year of trying.  I know they taught us in school it only takes one time, but as we get older and just leaving it up to God, it sometimes takes just that one good day after many for it to happen.”
“Ok.  I got the answer I needed.  Are we done here?” Kimara says, getting up before she could answer.  
“Yes.  Like I said folks, this is good news.  It means this can still happen naturally and cheaply.”  Dr. Tracy says with a slight chuckle that drops to a tight smile when she reads their expressions.  
As Erik and Kimara get in her car, Erik starts.  “We need a new doctor.”
“What?”  Kimara asks with contempt.
Erik taps on his window nervously looking outside.  “This one don’t know what she talking bout clearly. How she finna joke about this?”
“I mean, she wasn’t laughing at us, she was trying to make us feel better.”  Kimara says.
“Nah, she don’t need defending.  She need to give us some real solutions instead of a punchline.  This ain’t a night at the Apollo, or is she taking us as a joke cuz we Black?”
“Erik, she gave us good news, right?  Are you gonna take any piece of that positivity and just be happy with it?  I don’t know why you’re being mean with her.”
Erik scoffs.  “Trust me this ain’t mean.  I’m just being real. You know these doctors give less of  a fuck for us then they do white patients. She would been giving us fertility referrals and brochures and clinics out her ass if we were white.  But with us it’s ‘well just keep fucking like you niggers always do’.”
“ERIK! Shut the fuck up!  I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you, but you don’t have a damn place to be this upset right now.”  Kimara yells, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
Erik’s neck practically snaps to face her.  “The fuck is-”
“Nah Erik, you been talkin.  Soon as we got there you had stank on you, callin her ‘doc’ and talkin all vulgar.  You need to quit acting like such a child! I almost think you WISH your balls were empty.”
“Mara, ain’t nobody-”
“AND NOW you wanna say let’s switch doctors, when we been working with her since I first told you I was worried about not getting pregnant yet.  She’s spent all this time with us, changing doctors ain’t easy or quick. You know I’m the one that has to carry this right? I’m going to be the one to have to go through treatments if it comes down to it?’
“I know.”
“Nah, you really don’t Erik!  You don’t know what this will do to me having to hear this shit over and over again, when this coulda been mine already.”
Erik’s demeanor softens slightly.  “What’re you talkin bout?”
Kimara’s face becomes wet with tears.  “It wasn’t this hard, you just don’t know.  It could’ve been so damn easy, but you won’t let it.”
Erik looks around out the window.  “Where we goin Mara?”
“And you got the nerve to blame the doctors?  That’s some bullshit nigga, real fucking bullshit.”  Kimara stamps on the brake when she reaches the outside of the Korean BBQ place.  “Get your damn car! I’m going for a drive, don’t wait up.”
Erik looks at Kimara with concern.  “Mara, that’s my bad about the doctor.  I just-”
Kimara clicks the unlock button.  “Get out Erik!”
 Part 5
@chaneajoyyy @sarcastic-sunshines @muse-of-mbaku@dameshaemonique  @fonville-designs@destinio1@bakarisangel @wakanda-inspired@klaine15689 @savageiz @nickidub718@yoyolovesbucky @alexundefined @forbeautyandlife @bakarisangel
115 notes · View notes
liahswriting · 5 years
Couples Retreat
Tumblr media
Relationship(s): Jasper Hale/Reader
Words: 1,905
Warnings: None
Summary: Jasper and his girlfriend are on vacation
"We should go rock climbing. I've always wanted to try that." she said, looking over the attractions available within the surrounding area of the mountain cabin they've rented for the next week. "They also have zip-lining and hiking trails. Sounds like fun."
Jasper grinned at his girlfriend. She casually looked over the pamphlets littering her lap, not paying any attention to Jasper nor the passing scenery as he drove down the mountainside road. The both of them were excited to finally be going on a romantic and adventurous getaway. Just the two of them. They've been together for about two years now but never had the time to spend a long week away until now and she intended to make the most of it.
"We'll have to try it." he simply replied back with a fond grin on his face even if she didn't see it.
"I'm just ready to get there. How much longer?"
"Ten minutes tops. I promise." She only nodded back in response and continued flipping through the pamphlets, mentally making a list of all the things she wanted to do. The cabin they were renting for the week was in an area with a lot of activities. Though the town itself was sparse, the townspeople seemed to never get bored. She finally put the pamphlets down when she heard the GPS announce that they had arrived. Jasper drove the car up the mountain side and pulled down a gravel driveway which gave way to a large and beautiful cabin over looking a fast-paced river bend coursing through the trees that hid the home from the rest of the world.
"Looks even better than the pictures." she casually commented as she got out of the car and grabbed her bags from the back. Jasper followed suit and together they entered and explored the two-level home. The master bedroom, kitchen, living room, and laundry room sat on the top level with a hot tub sitting outside on the wrap-around balcony while the lower level housed two more smaller bedrooms and small entertainment area. The space was definitely more than the two of them needed but both of them agreed that it was nice to have such a big space just for the two of them.
"So what's first on the agenda? Are you done making the itinerary?" Jasper playfully nudged her.
"Well first I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then I'm gonna eat something. I'm starving. Maybe you should take a look around the area. See if you can find a hunting ground."
"That's actually a good idea. When I get back we can go over plans for later."
"Sounds good." she said and kissed him quickly. "Please don't start any legends about the haunted mountain."
"Now why on Earth would I do that, Y/N?" Jasper asked sarcastically with a wide grin on his face. With a stern look from his girlfriend, he rolled his eyes and promised and then he was off. When he was gone, she went to the bathroom and then unpacked the little bit of food she brought for the trip. She opened up a can of soup, wanting something quick and easy to make. After figuring out how to turn the TV on, she sat on the plush L-shaped couch and watched TV while she ate.
Jasper was still gone by the time she was done. She felt a yawn itching up her throat and decided a nap would be great. The drive took five hours and she was tired from sitting in the car for that long. Jasper would be out for a while longer and she figured she had enough time for a short nap before he got back. Maybe even a shower. And she did just that. She took a short shower just to scrub away the smell of the car and then laid down on the master bed which felt softer than she thought it would. The blankets were soft and warm and felt just so comfortable. She ended up dozing off faster than she thought.
Jasper ended up coming back about a half hour later. He found the perfect hunting ground full of deer and smaller animals that should keep him fed for the week. The house was quiet when he got back. The only sound he heard was that of Y/N's steady heartbeat. He found her fast asleep in the master bedroom, freshly showered and in her pajamas. He figured it was best to let her sleep. They'd go explore the town later.
The next day was full of adventure. She ended up sleeping throughout the night and woke early the next morning. After breakfast, both she and Jasper dressed up for the day and took the car back into the center of town where they hit a small stretch of shops first. There was a clothing store, a knick knack store, an antique store, and an ice cream parlor all side by side each other. They both got something from each store. She even picked up a game of bean boozled for the both of them to play together.
"What exactly is that?" he had asked her when he spotted it in the bag.
"Jelly beans. But each color comes in two different flavors -one good and one disgusting. You eat them and try not to puke if you get the nasty one."
"And why exactly did you get it?"
"It's fun!"
"What's fun about puking?"
"Don't be a party pooper. We went on vacation to get away from Edward."
After shopping, they went back to the cabin for lunch and to explore the surrounding woods. They both put on their bathing suits so they could go walking through the river. The water was cold on her legs but she continued wading back and forth through the river with Jasper hot on her heels. Later for dinner they -she- grabbed some food from a barbecue restaurant and then utilized the fire pit behind the cabin to make some smores for dessert. Late at night, they took a dip in the hot tub which quickly turned heated and not just from the water.
"Let's go zip-lining." she said the next day. "There's a zip-lining park a few miles from here. About $80 per person for an hour. Their website says they have some really long and high zip-lines that go down the mountain through some trees. Looks like fun."
"That does sound like fun. Do we have to make a reservation?"
"No we can just walk in but if we do that they say wait times could be up to an hour. I think we should call and make a reservation for the evening though that way you're not a shining disco ball." she laughed at him and he rolled his eyes.
"Ha ha very funny. Go ahead and call then." he told her and she did just that, placing a reservation for a 6 o'clock zip time. In the meantime they just hung out at the cabin. They got around to playing the bean boozled game. Watching Jasper's reaction to eating the dog food flavored jelly bean was hilarious. She gagged when she ate the dirty socks one. They got through half of the jelly beans before being too disgusted to eat some more.
"We're never doing that again." she told him, washing down the nasty taste with a glass of wine.
"It was your idea." he accused back, also washing down the taste.
"I thought I would get lucky and get all the good ones."
"And you'd just let me eat all the bad ones. I'm so glad you love me so much." he accused but his smirk gave way to his teasing tone.
"I do love you so much." she assured him and kissed him for good measure. The two of them decided to toss the rest of the jelly beans, agreeing to never touch those things ever again, and then cuddled up on the couch and watched some movies. At dinner time, she ate something small to tide her over until after zip-lining then they headed out to the park where they signed in. The park was huge and winded down the side of the mountain through a forest of trees. The sun was hiding low on the horizon behind some clouds, leaving the air warm but not hot and allowing Jasper to step out without having to expose himself. The two of them joined up with assumingly another couple making it a little group of four plus two instructors. The instructors took everyone through a practice course before taking them on the real thing. The first couple of lines were very high up but were rather short. The wind whipped through her hair as she went zooming through the trees to the next platform. As they continued on, the lines got longer and longer and seemed to be higher up.
"You're not getting scared now, are ya?" Jasper stepped up behind her and whispered teasingly in her ear.
"Of course not. Why, are you?" she teased back.
"Not even close, doll."
"Then put your money where your mouth is and race me."
"You're on." he challenged. At the last zip-line, the two of them got hooked up side by side on two different lines. When the instructor said go, they jumped off the platform and went zipping down to the platform on the other side. She tucked herself in, bringing her legs up to her chest to make herself go faster. She was quickly gaining on Jasper but then he tucked in tighter as well and gained speed. His heavier weight gave him the upper advantage and he reached the other platform mere seconds before she did.
"You cheated." she accused.
"If thinking that helps you sleep at night."
The instructors thanked the group for visiting the zip-line park before gathering up everyone's gear and informing everyone at the last second to head back to the check-in where they can find pictures of themselves that had been secretly taken while they were out. Of course the two of them bought a couple. They stopped at a diner on the way back to the cabin to pick up a late dinner for her. After she ate, she showered and dressed for bed. The two of them relaxed on the couch until she eventually fell asleep.
On the last day at the cabin, they both partook in one last dip in the hot tub before packing up the car. They decided to check out one of the hiking trails before leaving. At the trail entrance, they found a map that marked a few viewpoints and planned a trail to follow. The path on the trail was well worn from overuse, making it easy to keep track of where to go. They took a lot of pictures on the hike: some of each other, some together, and some of the view. The trail went upwards, giving way to a beautiful view of the horizon. The trees were a variety of colors and birds flew overhead. She took several pictures to remember this moment. When they reached the top, the turned around and went back down. And thus was an end to their vacation. She was already making plans to rent another cabin for next year.
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cielpurrple · 5 years
MAKE ME 20.1
Pairing/s: Jimin x Reader x Got7 Jaebum
Word count: :5684
Warnings: cursing,
Summary: Does time really heals all wounds?
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You kept blinking as you stare at the anonymous note. It was written by someone else for sure because you can’t recognize who’s handwriting it is.
“I wonder who it’s from,” Sejeong’s words just passed from your ear to the other. You’re still in thought of who could it be and even if you tried eliminating people from the possibilities of them sending you this extravagant flowers, it can only fall into one person.
But of course, you don’t want to assume.
“Y/N,Hello?” Sejeong called you.
“I don’t know, I don’t have any idea.” You replied with the hopes that she’ll stop bugging you for an answer.
She pouted at you but dismissed the topic. You saw her back disappear towards her room.
You sighed, as you stare at the flowers this time.
Your thoughts came back to reality when you heard your phone blaring from your room.
[How is she?] Jimin’s voice rang through the speakers of Taehyung’s desktop while he types something on his phone.
He glanced at the screen and smirked, making Jimin frown.
[What?] he replied.
“Generally, she’s fine, she skipped our bar night, because of her boyfriend,” Taehyung put an emphasis on the last word, just to check Jimin’s reaction.
Internally, he’s cheering because he saw Jimin’s slight frown.
“But I think she’s fine, in general terms,” he glanced at Jimin as he hit the ‘send’ button.
[Do you think this is a good time to be back?]
Taehyung blinked at the monitor for a few seconds still, trying to tease Jimin.
“You mean, is it a good time to seer her once again? No time is a good time until you try.” He replied.
Jimin leaned on his chair, then brush his hair a few times  as he stared at the ceiling.
“You know, there are several possibilities --- but certainly all we have right now is a ‘maybe’ so why don’t you just get back here so you can see for yourself.” Taehyung convinced.
Jimin looked at the monitor once again and he nods, accepting Taehyung words, considering it as a form of encouragement.
He ended the call there, he stared at the bottom drawer of his desk, slowly pulling it open. He stared at your picture.
When he’s satisfied, he made sure to lock that drawer and left.
Seeing your reaction that night as you witness your past lover and some other woman with him  made Jaebum reflect on his relationship with you.
“So, do you have a plan?” Wonho spoke after watching Jaebum sigh for the past few minutes.
“Her only excuse is that her best friend can’t afford the expenses, specifically the rent on that house that’s why she can’t move in with me.” He replied.
“So?” Wonho looked at him.
“So? I’m buying that house, no paying of rent, she’ll move in with me, done.” He responded.
“Are you sure she’ll agree? And you know that girl is very clever, she’ll ask you where did you get the money to buy a house,” a voice coming from the door made the two of them look at that direction.
“Hyungwon, it’s very nice to see you here,” Wonho greeted.
“Same, same,” he replied to Wonho.
“She’ll know who I really am sooner or later so...” Jaebum answered.
“Are you saying you’re gonna tell her the truth?” Wonho looked alarmed.
“Just a few facts about me, don’t worry,” he said as he type something on his phone.
He called someone with connections to the property where you and Sejeong live.
“Looks like I have an appointment with the owner of that house,” he announced. He stood up and went to leave but he stopped before he open the door.
“You take care of my girl some more, Hyungwon alright? We’ll talk about Jackson later,” he said and exited, not waiting for Hyungwon’s response.
Wonho and Hyungwon just exchanged looks and they both shrugged.
Meanwhile, you’re in the middle of doing your weekly laundry when your phone lights up.
It’s a message from Taehyung.
[From: Taehyung
Night out with us? I can pick u up @8.]
You don’t have anything planned with Jaebum so you agreed, telling Taehyung to pick you up at the nearest bus station.
You managed to clean the entire house while waiting for the time to prepare for your night out with the boys. You even had a video call from your parents.
You chose to wear a simple light blue top and ripped jeans, plus black boots. Your hair’s tied in a high ponytail, finishing your ensemble with a light makeup.
You told Sejeong where you’re heading thru text and left the house.
As you approach the bus stop, you already saw Taehyung’s car pulling up. You stopped in your tracks and waved.
He honked, a signal for you to get in, so you did.
“I’m very very glad you’re free tonight,” he smiled as he glanced at you.
“Why?” you intrigued.
“This is one of the rarest nights that you are ‘free’ to go out at night to drink,” he responded, looking at the road. He slowly speed up, while you’re eyes are fixed on the road, he suddenly spoke.
“Yes, I’m with Y/N, yes. We’ll be there soon,” he said.
You looked at him and he looked at you, his smile is somewhat mischievous.
“That’s Kook, he’s hoping you’d be around,” he explained.
“I see,” you responded.
You wanted to ask further, basing your question in your head from his reaction, that smile tells something more, more than just Jungkook asking about you.
But then again, you don’t want to assume.
After several minutes, he started to slow down and entered an establishment’s parking lot.
“We’re here,” he smiled.
You unfastend your seatbelt and alighted the vehicle. Taehyung offered his arm and you accepted it, and you both smiled at each other as you walk towards one of the VIP rooms. You easily spotted Yoongi, who’s busy on the phone. Jungkook stood up, clapping as he saw you two approaching.
“Y/N! A pleasure to see you here,” Namjoon greeted you.
“Yes, couldn’t agree more,” Jin said.
You made yourself comfortable beside Taehyung.
“You guys, if I hadn’t known you for quite some time, I’d say you’re acting all weird.”
They all looked at you, as if they’re hiding something.
“We’re just glad you’re here with us, Y/N.” Yoongi sat on the empty space beside you.
“Let’s get this started!” Jungkook cheered and a few men entered, with different drinks on their trays.
“I hope you still like this,” Jin handed you a blue colored cocktail.
“Yep, I still do, thanks.” You accepted the glass and sip a bit.
You had some random discussion with Yoongi who’s not drinking that much. Then Jin joined your conversation, as well as Namjoon. You all focused on one topic which is your work. They asked you if you’re having any troubles and you assured them that you’re far from having troubles at work.
Taehyung clapped his hands for attention and the rest of you looked at him.
“The reason we’re here is that Kookie’s being promoted to CEO” Taehyung announced and you all cheered for him. Namjoon even went outside to get champagne only to spray it to him. You’re in the middle of enjoying yourselves when you felt your phone vibrate from the pocket of your jeans.
You frowned at the amount of times your boyfriend called you.
23 Missed calls
8 messages
You’re about to return the call when your phone started to ring again.
“Jaebum?” you answered, slowly walking further from the boys.
[Where are you? I went to your apartment and it seems that nobody’s there at the moment.]
“I’m sorry, didn’t you get my message? I’m with my friends right now,”  you repled.
[Friends? Tell me specifically who are they?]
You can feel he’s irritated.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, and replied.
“You know who they are, Jaebum. They’re the same people I always meet every Friday.”
You heard him sigh, a sign that he’s controlling his temper.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve called you,” you’re trying to end the conversation in a lighter way.
[Where are you?]
Now it’s your turn to sigh.
“Baby---Jaeb, I just got here, I don’t wanna spoil the night. One of my friends actually got promoted that’s why were celebrating,” you explained.
[Fine, i’ll give you time but still, I will fetch you]
He hang up.
You sighed, before you return to your friends.
You  instantly gave them your sincerest smile
“Did I miss something?” you looked at all of them, Taehyung replied.
“Nothing significant,” you saw him smirk and you were caught off guard by Jungkook who placed an icing on your face that extends to some parts of your hair.
“No, Kookie!” you started to chase him around the room when he decided to go out. You followed.
You caught a glance of the dance floor and it’s packed. You looked at the bar and there’s no sign of him.
The only place he could be hiding is the men’s toilet and there’s no way you’ll go there.
You huffed and decided to go to the back to where the rest of the boys are when a drunk lady accidentally pushed you and lose your footing. But instead of falling, you were caught by someone. Quickly, you regained your posture as you try to compose yourself.
“I’m sorry, I was chasing one of my fr—“ you slowly looked at the person who caught you.
You can always, always identify that broad shoulders anywhere.
Your chest starts to tighten as you slowly move your gaze on the man’s face in front of you.
Amidst the darkness and dancing lights, you can clearly see how he got more handsome as the years pass by.
As your eyes meet, he flashed his signature nasty smirk, which made your heart ache at some degree.
“Sorry,” was the only word you can say. You continued your steps when he caught your wrist.
“Your shirt’s wet,” his voice is a little louder than  usual.
You looked at your shirt, and indeed, darkened by the liquid that spilled on it. You didn’t noticed it until now.
“Uh, that’s okay, I’m fine, I’ll just—“ he removed his coat and placed it over your shoulders.
“Wear that for the meantime,” he said.
“Or not,” you replied, your gaze is beyond him so he looked behind.
You saw Jaebum approaching fast.
“What’s going on?” his tone is far away from calm.
“It’s an accident,” you replied, quickly moving towards Jaebum who’s obviously mad. Making sure there’s some distance between the two of them.
“Take that off,” he ordered, you followed, removing Jimin’s coat when he spoke. You’re surprised he’s still behind you.
“Don’t, her shirt’s soaked with alcohol.  Just let her wear it until she’s inside the car. She can throw it away  or whatever after that.”
His last words made your chest ache once more but you tried to look as if his words doesn’t affect you.
“Thanks for your concern but she doesn’t need it. Now please take your coat and you may leave,” Jaebum’s words are a warning.
This time, you tried to butt in.
“Stop.” You removed Jimin’s coat and returned it.
Jaebum on the other hand, removed his white jacket and you wore it.
“I’ll just get my bag.” You told Jaebum but he caught your arm.
“We can get it tomorrow, we’re going home,” he said.
“Jaebum, please? Let me get my things, and we’ll go home,” you tried to whisper but your boyfriend’s getting into your nerves.
He sighed but he let you go.
You walked past Jimin, you grabbed your things and apologized to everybody. When you exited the room, Jimin appeared. His coat’s hanging on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” it came out as a whisper.
He just smirked at you and when you thought he’s gonna enter the room, he went closer to your ear.
“It’s very nice to see you again, Y/N.” And left.
You don’t know how’d you react but it’s a relief that he’s out of sight. You went down the stairs as fast as possible so your boyfriend will not be irritated anymore.
You walk past him, and he followed. He caught your hand but you’re not in the mood for such acts so you tried to remove it from his grip but instead, he held on to it tighter, and guided you to the car.
You kept quiet for some time until he cleared his throat.
Still, silence.
So he started driving.
You noticed that he didn’t take the usual route to your apartment so you speak.
“This is not the way to my house,”
“I know. You’re going to mine,” he replied flatly.
“No, I want to go home,” you replied.
“Yeah, that’s what we’re doing right now, we’re going home,” he responded, still focused on the road.
“Stop the car, please.” You replied.
Through your peripheral view, you saw him look at you.
“You heard me, please stop the car,” you repeated.
He pulled over.
“Can we talk about this?” he asked.
“Yes but not now, I wanna go home. If you can’t take me home, I’ll just get a cab.” You replied as you unfasten your seatbelt and get out of the car.
You walked as fast as you could so you can hail a cab quickly but as expected, he followed.
“Let’s talk,” he said.
You didn’t reply and you keep on waiting for a cab but several minutes has passed still, no luck.
“Come on, let’s go. There’s no taxi here,” he said.
You decided to walk back where he’s supposed to turn but he caught your wrist and pulled you, making you stumble and land into his chest.
The alcohol has kicked into your system.
“You’re going with me. Stop saying no,” his tone is more of an order than a plead.
“Sejeong is waiting for me—“ you said but he’s too strong for you right now that he managed to put you back in the car, seatbelt fastend and all.
He went into the driver’s seat as fast as he could and began driving again.
“Yeah? She’s big enough to lock all the doors and windows and tuck herself into bed Y/N, there’s no need for you to worry about her anymore.” He sad a-matter-of-factly.
“And what do you mean by that? I want to go home, in my apartment with my best friend. What part of that is difficult for you to understand?” Your voice is now an octave higher.
Jaebum’s eyes widen upon hearing your response.
“Relax, okay I’ll take you to your apartment.” He dismissed.
You remained quiet for the rest of the drive.  When you arrived to your destination, you didn’t bother saying anything to him. No ‘thank you’ or ‘take care’. You just exited the car and went inside the house.
There’s Sejeong, most probably binge watching her latest drama addiction. She greeted you but you just waved at her and locked yourself in your room.
Meanwhile, the boys became quiet upon your exit followed by Jimin’s entrance. Taehyung even looked surprised.
The silence has been quite too long that Yoongi can’t even bear it.
“So, do you know why Y/N left?” He looked at Jimin’s direction.
“I must add, she didn’t just left. She left upset,” Jin muttered.
“Well yeah,” the younger man replied.
All of them leaned closer, eager to know the details.
Jimin told them what happened plus the encounter with Jaebum.
“Oh shit, that must’ve been a riot if Y/N  didn’t step in.” Jungkook commented.
“I won’t let it happen, Kook. I don’t have time for petty fights with him,” Jimin replied.
“Sorry Jimin, we didn’t want your welcome party AKA Jungkook’s celebration to end like this,” Namjoon said.
“I know, I understand,” he gulped the remains of the liquor in his glass and stood up.
“We shall call it a night then?” Jin looked at his watch and stood up as well.
The rest of them agreed, leaving the place all at once.
The small rays of sunshine that illuminates your room made you sigh. You haven’t had a decent sleep since you came back. Whatever you try to shut your eyes, your mind directly brings you to that encounter with Jimin. You can still feel the warmth of his coat plus his signature scent and you’re not gonna lie, it brought so much memories. You slowly played with the pendant on your necklace, as you stare at the ceiling. After some time, you slowly stood up and try to take your mind off of those things.
As you walk barefoot  towards the kitchen, you were startled when someone placed their hands on the table loudly.
“I demand an explanation,” Sejeong announced, looking straight at you, with a frown.
“Sure,” you replied as you fix yourself some breakfast.
You told her everything that’s happened, and you also apologized to her because of the way you act.
“Oh.My.God Y/N! How are you feeling right now?”
“I don’t know, I don’t want to feel anything.” You replied as you finish the last pieces of your cereal.
“Do you think Jimin sent you these flowers then?”
“No.” You responded hoping to dismiss the topic.
Sejeong was saying something when someone rang the doorbell and you dashed to answer it.
Another delivery of flowers but this time, you’re sure it’s from Jaebum.
You stared at it for a couple of seconds and then sighed.
“Okayyy, may I get that? I’ll help you arrange them,” Sejeong cautiously removed the flowers from your grip.
A few minutes has passed, and now you’re staring at two vases, one is from the anonymous sender.
Sejeong left for work already so the house is all yours.
You got distracted when your phone rings. It’s Jaebum.
You don’t want to talk to him, not today so you just let your phone ring until it he hangs up.
You tried sleeping again but it seems that sleep isn’t gonna visit you anytime soon so you got up and decided to watch the series you’ve been trying to finish since you had the contract with LA Motors.
You just pressed the play button when your phone rang.
“Tae?” you greeted him.
[Coffe at LATE, now.]
“Why, what’s up?” you asked with the hopes that he would say something about Jimin.
[C’mon, just change into something comfy and presentable]
“Alright, I’ll just change, meet me at the bus stop?”
[Nah, I’m in front of your house actually]
You almost fell when you try to look through the windows. And yes, there he is.
You greeted him and let him in.
“Just as I thought your house would be,” he said as he looked around.
“Yeah?” you want him to elaborate further.
“Warm, welcoming, cozy,” he replied.
You let him sit down on the couch as you change. When you’re ready, you heard him talking about business with someone over the phone so you turned the TV off and wear your shoes.
“Let’s go,” you smiled.
He nods and he followed you.
The familiar streets and landmarks that you made in your head as you memorize the way going to the university made you feel nostalgic.
He parked near the alley where there’s a shortcut going to the cafe.
You walked side by side, him, still busy with his phone.
When you reached the cafe, you were greeted by fresh faces and of course, Jin’s.
You chose to sit on the usual spot when you were still in college and Tae sat opposite yours.
“Nothing much has changed,” you smiled as you look around.
“Yeah, except for the customers, they change every four years or so, but you know, sometimes they come back because of the memories they’ve made here,” Tae replied.
“Or maybe it’s the coffee,” you added.
“Or maybe it’s the owner that they want to see,” Jin said while pushing trolley.
“Hangover soup,” he said proudly.
“Can I have some of that too?”
The three of you looked towards the direction of the voice.
You don’t want to exaggerate but, you swear you felt your heart fell into it’s place.
“Of course, Jimin have a seat!” Jin gladly replied and thankfully he chose to sit beside Taehyung.
You wish you wore better clothes, not that simple jeans and shirt that you’re in right now.
“How are you?” Jimin asked.
You don’t dare to answer so you just looked down and started consuming the soup Jin prepared.
“Y/N?” Taehyung called.
“Hmm?” you looked at him.
“I think he’s asking you something?” he looked at you then to Jimin.
“Oh, I um, fine, thank you.” you glanced at him and gave him a slight smile as you respond.
“That’s great to hear,” he replied and you smiled once again. You finished the soup faster than the two of them so you don’t know what to do after that.
“I’ll order some coffee, do you want anything?” you asked.
“Iced Americano,” Taehyung responded.
You looked at Jimin.
“You.” he said, he looked so serious.
Upon hearing his response you felt a little warm but still you don’t want to overanalyze anything.
“You mean?”
“You decide,” he gave you a very cute smile this time.
“Alright,” you went to the counter and ordered. After that, you went to the ladies room.
You stared at your reflection and you washed your face. Maybe the water will wake your senses.
Okay, Y/N, you got this.
You returned just in time, your order arrived. When you’re seated, you handed them their drinks.
“That’s caramel macchiato,” you told him.
“Thanks!” he stirs the whip cream.
Taehyung started to open a conversation with Jimin. Just random things. You’re thankful he’s not asking you to join.
“So, I am aware you came back because of business, is there anything else that made you come back this year?” Taehyung smiled at Jimin.
“Maybe.” He looked at you with a very soft expression, it made you feel warm.
After you’ve finished your coffee, you called his attention.
“So, Tae, can I go now, you already have someone to cure hangover with,”
“I’ll take you back,” he replied.
“No, no, it’s fine, see you.” you bid him farewell and went straight to the counter where Jin is. You didn’t bother to say goodbye to Jimin.
That’s the time you exhaled slowly and continued your way towards the bus station but you were halted by an approaching man.
“Don’t tell me you’re going home,” Jungkook greeted you as he exited his car.
“Well, I was about to...” you confessed.
“Aww c’mon Y/N, why are you like this, stay for a bit more, please?”
“I don’t know Kookie,” you replied.
“For me, pleaeeeeesssee?” he showed his puppy dog eyes and well, it’s one of the rarest occurences that he’d show that kind of face so you give in.
“Fine,” you sighed and moved back so Jungkook can enter.
“Yes! That’s the Y/N that I know” he grinned.
You let him rest his arm on your shoulders so you walked back together in a cheerful manner.
“Welcome back,” Jimin looked at you.
You didn’t reply.
Taehyung started talking to Jungkook who’s facing each other, you tried listening to them but it’s too much business related so your head started to zone out, unconscious that your gaze started to shift towards Jimin’s hands.
There are a few familiar pieces from his collection and there are some that’s new to your eyes.
Slowly, your eyes study his hands that’s now holding his phone.
As you gaze on them, your mind wonders if those hands were still as warm as before? As soft as before?
Slowly, your eyes shifted and it now finds it’s way to where it really wants to look at, --his face.
And his prominent lips, how his annoying smirk turned into cute smiles,
Those beautiful eyes that’s currently busy staring at the screen of his phone, you remembered how it sparkles all the time.
And now his dark hair with orange streaks, still, you prefer his silvery gray hair or that pink one.
Your gaze returned to his eyes and you realized that it’s looking back at you.
He caught you staring at him.
You immediately looked down, and checked your phone with the hopes that it’ll hide the blush you’re hiding.
You heard a soft chuckle which made you feel quite annoyed and embarrassed.
As you try to cover your face by blocking it with your phone just like him, you became a bit annoyed by the notifications that you’ve received in the span of an hour.
12 messages
18 missed calls.
“Kids, let’s grab some lunch, Joon and Yoongi will be joining us.” Jin announced as he approached your table
“Alright!” Jungkook and Taehyung stood up immediately.
“You’re coming right, Y/N?” Jungkook asked.  
You noded while the boys sighed in relief which made you giggle.
“I’ll go with you, Kook.” You said and he’s delighted you chose him.
You sang random songs until you arrived at your meeting place.
You’re seated between Yoongi and Namjoon this time.
They  asked you if you were okay and you assured them that you’re fine. You also apologized to them.
You enjoyed small talks, a lot of laughter and great food with your friends.
“Can we take this day to the fullest?” Jungkook broke the silence as you rest after eating and laughing too much.
“There’s a place here that just opened  can we check it out?” He asked.
“As much as I want to, I can’t,  Namjoon replied disappointedly.
“We’ll leave Y/N to the three of you, take care of her,” Yoongi pointed at Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin.
“So, shall we? Jungkook cheerfully asked.
You just agreed. Maybe distancing yourself from Jaebum will make things better.
The four of you enjoyed walking towards the place and its a fusion of an arcade that offers games from the 90’s, a bowling alley and a milkshake bar.
Your eyes feasted on neon signs and upbeat music.
“Wow, this place is huge,” you commented.
“Yeah, I agree.” Taehyung replied.
Jungkook went straight to the token vending machine and returned with a childlike grin, giving you some tokens.
You looked around and saw a dancing game, the one you saw Jimin dancing years back.
You watched some teeangers occupy that game. You were quite impressed that they can hit those directional buttions accurately.
You also witnessed one of them claimin a prize and handing it over to one of the girls who’s also watching.
You can’t help it, it made you smile for it remind you of something similar from your past.
You scanned the place and fixed your gaze to Jimin who’s now playing a racing game with Taehyung.
You checked your phone and your good mood turned sour.
48 missed calls and 34 messages.
You opened the most recent one and replied that you’re fine hoping he wouldn’t worry.
You noticed there’s a small crowd where the basketball game is. Of course, they’d be the players.
“Uh, this is a two versus two game, Y/N,” Taehyung said as you approach them.
“You’ll be playing with Jimin,” Jungkook winked.
You slowly looked at him, he looked so ready with the that smirk plastered on his face.
“I don’t play basketball,” you reminded them.
“This is the perfect opportunity to try it, right?” Taehyung enocouraged you.
“Well, alright here goes nothing,” you surrendered and walked towards Jimin.
“Ready?” he smiled.
You nodded in response.
“Okay, the mechanics of the game is whichever team got the lower score will treat the winning score.” He explained.
“I don’t know how to do this,” you felt your nerves getting the best of you as the crowd goes thicker.
“As long as you can shoot the ball, it’s fine,”he assured.
“Ready? I’ll place tokens now,” he said, walking towards the machine.
“In five..” Taehyung said until he b to one, he and Jimin pressed the button to activate the timer and the balls began to fall
You grabbed one and aimed for the hoop. You jumped as you release the ball from your hands, hoping you’ll score.
“Yes!” you cheered and you continued firing shots, taking turns with Jimin.
You just let yourself enjoy this moment. Until the crowd started to count.
“Last 10 seconds,” Jimin said.
You glanced at Jungkook’s score and they’re winning with a point away from yours.
Jimin made another point, so it’s a tie.
“Go for it,” he said and so you did.
You aimed and threw the ball once again and you looked away from the machine when you saw Jimin cheering.
You won.
You cheered as well and smiled back at him, earning an applause from what has remained from the crowd.
He  caged you in his arms.
You slowly took his scent, his familiar scent, the comforting warmth that you always loved, you slowly taking all of him again, as if revisiting a place that you miss a lot.
“Good job,” he whispered to your ear.
You heard someone cleared their throat and thats when you realize that the “celebratory hug” was a bit long than the usual.
You saw Jungkook and Teahyung grinning as if they were the winners.
“C’mon, let’s grab some drinks as promised.” Taehyung said.
You leave the place with a group photo which Taehyung promised to send later.
You walked around the place and decided to get some drinks at a less crowded cafe.
Taehyung added some breads and cakes aside from the promised drinks.
“So, how’s today?” Jungkook looked at you.
“It’s fun,” you admitted.
“Yeah, it is,” he agreed.
“Shall we, continue this and celebrate your victory? Ya know, first time playing some basketball and all? Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows as he flashed a smile.
“I know a bar nearby,” Jungkook added.
“Oookay,” you agreed.
“Wow o wow, Y/N you’re on a roll today! I like this,” Jungkook cheered.
“Is it because....” Jungkook was interrupted by Taehyung.
“You’re coming right hyung?” Taehyung looked at the now phone absorbed Jimin
“Yeah, count me in,” he replied, still his attention glued to his phone.
“Then let’s go!” Jungkook guided you to where the bar is.
They chose the table that has the nicest view from the space where the stage is.
You were seated beside Taehyung this time, still, Jimi’s in front of you.
The waiter approached your table and taken your orders.
“The rest of the hyungs will be coming in a few,” Jungkook announced as he looked at his phone.
You decided to turn off yours so you wouldn’t be bothered by checking it from time to time.
Taehyung excused himself then answered a call.
“I just got a text from my dad I have to return call,” Jungkook left as well.
This leaves you and Jimin alone, on a bar that’s only you on the first floor.
You don’t know where to look so you just fixed your gaze at the empty stage
“It’s nice to have you tonight, Y/N just like before!” Jin cheered as he approach your table, choosing Jimin’s side to sit.
“I’m glad as well,” you smiled.
When you’re complete, you started drinking, in time with the band that will perform that night.
You were enjoying the music when the male vocalist opened a piece of paper and read something.
To this beautiful woman who has the most beautiful eyes yet also has the saddest smiles, I miss you.
The crowed cheered some whistled and the male vocalist started introducing the song by signaling the muscicians to start playing.
It was a very beautiful song and as you listen to it, your heart aches.
You glanced at your watch and it’s almost midnight. You hastily turned your phone on and waited for it to boot, but you’re unsure if you’re ready with the plethora of messages and missed calls you’ll be receiving.
Your phone started showing messages from the same person which is Jaebum. And some from Hyungwon.
You opened the ones from Hyungwon first and replied accordingly.
“Guys, I have to go, I have work tomorrow, sorry.” You said to them.
“I’ll walk you outside,” Taehyung said.
“Um, thanks Tae but can I ask Jimin to come with me?”
You swear you saw Yoongi almost choke on his nachos.
You cleared your throat, trying to get his attention.
Jimin quickly looked at you.
“Are you sure?, Me?” he pointed at himself.
You nod.
“Well, okay then,” he stood up and walked towards you. when you began to walk, you glanced at him, making sure that he’s looking at you.
“Um,” He even placed his phone inside his bomber jacket.
“I would just like to apologize for what happened last night at the bar, I’m sorry.” You looked at him.
You saw his shoulders fall slowly.
“It’s fine, forget about it,” his words laced with assurance. He smiled at you too.
“Really, I’m sorry and well yeah, thank you,” you smiled back.
“Are you happy?” he blurted.
“You looked at him, a bit confused as to what you’ll answer him,”
“I mean, now. Did you enjoy tonight?” he cleared.
You’re not sure if it’s because of the alcohol or you just saw him blush.
“Well yeah, this day is very refreshing, I enjoyed every single minute,” you confessed.
“Good to know,” he replied.
You stopped at the taxi bay.
“Well, thank you, this is my stop. You can go back now,” you said.
“Right, good night, Y/N” he replied.
You don’t understand yourself but the urge of you hugging him won so you opened your arms and he automatically did the same.
“Take care you,” he whispered.
“Yeah, I will,” you replied.
Just when you’re going to let him go, you were pulled by someone, and you caught  a glimpse of Jimin falling back.
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The Girl With A Red Shirt (A Red Shirt, part II.)
A/N: This is for @papisully, bcs I just wanted to, alrite? Also, you, as the reader, are drunk as hell in this, just letting you know. Also, the reader is drunk and cocky as shit, so let me live, pls. 
Description: Victor Sullivan, treasure hunter and a businessman in his late thirties. One day, he got back from his gig and met a cute girl in his favorite laundry; just to forget his talisman there. And so, the trouble with the girl starts.
Mood for this one-shot: It just somehow went from Location by Khalid, went through Let’s Get Lost by G-Eazy and Devon Baldwin and somehow ended up at Tumblr Girls by G-Eazy. But you know the drill, listen to what you like to.
Warnings: I might get too carried away by smut. I did an oopsie. 
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“Don’t ask me why,” Sully said to the cell phone he had pinned to his shoulder with his head. He was smoking a cigar, calling someone and shaving at the same time. His mind was blown away not even a half an hour ago and he was actually curious about how many things he can multitask at once. “But Imma not gonna come tonite.” 
“But we’re finishing the last pieces of the gig!” A woman with an Australian accent shouted back. She seemed to be mad at him and Sully couldn't say even a word back. They were almost done, after all, and he will be missing during the most important meeting of all. “You know how useless can you be when you get the intel on paper and not personally!”
“I just can't come to see ya tonite, Chloe. I have some different things planned.” Except his planes came to the sight before twenty minutes, maybe even less. He wasn’t sure about that. 
Victor just needed his red shirt back, because he didn't feel complete without it. It was his talisman, after all, wasn't it? And a ridiculously hot girl who chewed bubblegum all the time had it on and she asked him to take it off. 
Was he actually mad to miss this opportunity? Bet your best cowboy hat that he wasn't.   
“You suck my blood so much it isn't healthy, Sullivan. You’ll have to count on Nathan to give you the intel. But I'm genuinely scared of the idea, God knows what would he tell you,” Chloe answered in a seriously irritated tone. 
She and Charlie Cutter were usually the brains of the operation, Sullivan was the money giver and transport reinsurer and Nate was used to be the dumb monkey and muscle. 
“Why couldn't you choose any other day?” She asked when Sully shouted a curse word out loud. He cut his chin on a place where it seriously hurt and he almost killed himself, when he jumped over a stool in his bathroom while he searched for a piece of toilet paper to stuck on the wound. 
“Some plans just come without expectation, love.” He answered when he saved himself from bleeding out. 
“Okay. But you'll need to study OUR plan then, don't forget about that.” She finally gave up and hung the phone. Sully finally got the time for himself to have a quick shower, put some cologne on and to choose clothes to not look like an old archeologic discovery. 
He settled down on a plain white t-shirt, his bomber which he wore while he was driving on a motorcycle and some old pair of jeans. He looked like a man close to his forties, he couldn't lie to himself. But at least he had some personal style.
And Y/N looked like she was into him, so he wasn't worrying as much as he would normally do. Having a woman of her age showing him some affection gave him boost on his pride and gave him some sort of confidence. 
Okay then, he answered her text finally. He was smiling wickedly to the screen of his phone while his tongue was stuck out a bit. Just tell me the place where we'll meet. I'll be there. 
Again, he wasn't waiting too long for a response. She just shared her location with him and he was more than kindly willing to see her. So Victor took his car and went on a short drive to see her. 
He came on the address that she sent to him after not even twenty minutes, looking at a house, there was a seriously loud party on. He had to say that he was disappointed. He looked forward to being alone with her; he really did. 
Not to mention countless scenarios brushing over his head. His imagination was more than kind when it came to those things. Which things, you might ask?
Things like having that girl sitting on his lap in that shirt which was his, slowly taking it off while her smile became larger because she could see the things she caused him, that beautiful pain in his lap. The slow blinking of her eyes while they became darker with lust while she took the jeans off her body, throwing them far, far away. Victor closed his eyes as he inhaled slowly, crawling off his car after that. 
There was a house full of people. Full of young chicks who were smiling at him while they sipped their beer with devils in their eyes. Some pop song was on and there were a few couples dancing, making out in a wild pace; everyone could see that they'll be in the bedsheets together in the next twenty minutes. 
Victor was never actually fond of parties. Yet he didn't seem to be the man, he liked to be with a woman in private, just him and her, not on a loud place, maybe on a walk or on a dinner. Not even at his marina days, which happened twenty years ago, he wasn't actually a party animal. 
The guys seemed to be amused by him; he was at least twenty years older after all. They were all buffed, all young and they seemed to be the funny ones, the cleverest in the whole world and the perfect lovers for someone like Y/N. And he was just there, an old man trying to look cool. 
Maybe he was reading to her in a bad way after all? Maybe he heard what he wanted to hear? Maybe she wasn’t into that idea? 
He almost turned around and walked off the house, letting her to keep his favorite shirt. But then he saw her. 
Well, at first he saw that shit which belonged to him. The shirt showed more and more as she jumped during the dance. Y/N was dancing on the table with another girl, in short, denim shorts and his shirt on, her ponytail was swinging from side to side and her eyes were partially closed as she sang the lyrics. 
He leaned onto a wall, smiling lightly as he watched her. She was smiling, dancing on the table and the youth was dripping from the tips of her fingers. Sometimes, she grabbed that second girl, pushed her body onto hers and put her hands onto the girl’s ass, sliding them into her back pockets.
“You're her dad or what?” A girl leaned next to him and offered him a cup of beer, watching Y/N on the table, putting the show-off. 
“Do I look like her dad?” Sullivan asked with amusement, taking the offered cup and smiled at the girl. She was a redhead with huge glasses on, yet she didn't look like a nerd. It made her round face cute and it just got along with her personal style. 
“If you are, she has an incredibly handsome dad, I must say,” redhead took a sip from her cup and then she trailed her look back to Y/N. “She’s always like that.”
“Seems to be funny enough to me,” Victor answered as he took another sip. He was becoming more and more thirsty as Y/N took the other girl’s to face into her hand, motioning that she might kiss her, yet she didn't. 
“If you like her, you better stop and you should find someone different. She’s almost unreachable for most of the guys out here. And, no offense, old pal, but you're definitely far after zenith for a girl like Y/N.” The girl patted his shoulder as she left him standing there. 
The song finally stopped and Y/N threw her hands into the thin air as the people around them started to clap. Then she high-fived the girl and accepted one boy's hand as he helped her to get off the table. Then she noticed him standing next to the door. Y/N felt as her smile grew a bit larger. She was drunk at that point; she always was when she was on a party of this type. 
Normally, she wouldn't be able to even foreshadow having something with a girl, but when she was drinking, she didn't care. When she was this level drunk, she was able to kiss literally anyone.
Or at least before. Now, she has one particular person on her mind. She wasn't truly believing that Victor will come there to see her. She thought he might not have the balls to strip the shirt off her. But she smiled when he truly came. 
“Hey there, washing lady,” Victor offered her his cup of beer because she seemed to be thirsty as hell. She didn't hesitate at all, drinking almost all of that beer. Y/N seemed to be really gentle, small and cute next to him. He was a giant next to her and that caught the attention of a few girls, including the redhead, and a lot of boys. Nobody actually believed that she would be into that guy, but these things happen.
“I'm glad ya here,” she threw her hands over the back of his neck, looking him to the eyes. Victor leaned in, forgetting all about him being a gentleman, putting his fingers into the back pocket of her denim shorts, bringing her lap closer to his. 
“Well, you told me to take the shirt off. Who am I to not to listen to a lady's wish?” Victor looked into her eyes as she smirked. He felt the redhead just focusing her stares in his direction and he was really proud to prove her wrong. 
Without any foreshadowing, she just leaned in and kissed him. Their lips crushed hard and he could feel her heat just slowly trailing his body as well. She was definitely drunk as hell, but Victor wasn’t complaining. It gave her the courage he liked and pushed him further as well. 
“Come then. I’m not able to wait for you any longer. You let me hang on for almost a week and you didn't come to wash your clothes in the meantime,” Y/N whispered with her eyes pinned to Sullivan’s, taking the cup out of his hand.
She tugged his hand as she navigated them through the house. Victor felt the stares surrounding them and yet he wasn't more proud until that day. 
They took a short hike on the stairs and Victor let her take the lead. She was looking around, changing short looks with other people. Every second she checked Victor. She was afraid that he would leave even tho he was holding her hand in a tight grip. He wasn't planning on leaving her there at any circumstances. 
Finally, she found a bedroom without anyone inside and she let out an animalish growl as she turned around and slammed the door shut, locking them. The music was loud so much Victor couldn't even hear his own thoughts which was actually a good thing. He didn't want to be bothered with his own thoughts. There was no space for rationality at the moment. 
It all happened so fast. Heated kisses stopped only when there was a need to breathe, fingers circled in his air and a smell of desire and passion in the air. Only growls mixed with the music could be heard in the thin air. His bomber flew off his body in an instance, just laying down on the ground just so he could feel her hands roaming his body. 
Then the shoes and socks left their bodies at an equally fast pace, disappearing into the unknown. There was no need for words, no need for anything. There was only her and him alone in a room and desire was burning on each of them.
"What the hell are you doing to me? Just rip the shirt off, stop teasing me, Victor." She begged into his lips and tried to take the shirt and take it off by her own force. Victor immediately stopped her, holding her wrist in a tight grip.
“You're so impatient, young lady,” Victor whispered as he pushed her and let her fall directly on the bed. “You need to learn some patience,” Sully whispered with a voice sounding more like an animal than himself. He had to say that he really adored that a young girl of her nature was able to do that to him. 
He learned how to have his own nature under control while he was in the marina. It looked like if it happened a hundred years ago, it was more than ten years ago and even now, sometimes the man who was working as a marina soldier showed up in him. Especially in times like this.
Victor wouldn't describe this part of himself like a dominant or selfish part, not at all. He just became sure in everything he has done, he was direct and he knew a few ways how to make her scream under his touch. All it took for her was a will to listen. 
“And if I don't want to be patient and I'll be a naughty girl?” Y/N asked as she swung on her knees, taking his belt to her small soft hands, trying to undo it with the grace of a horny beast. 
Victor held her wrists with a small effort to that touch, only a little push was needed to knock her off on her back, pushing his body directly on hers and letting his face rest in front of hers. He stayed in that position a while, he listened to her heartbeat and the rhythm of how she breathed. 
Y/N looked like a painting with her face full of the sweet expectations, she had rosy cheeks and a naughty light in her eyes. Her lips were swollen because of the urgency of the way he kissed her and he felt how much was her body trembling under his weight. 
She was sweet like honey and intoxicating like a shot of alcohol. His head was spinning a bit and if he couldn't feel the heat in between her legs, which was burning through their pants, he would stay in this position for forever. 
“Then I would have to use some methods which are used when I'm taming a little baby girl like you are,” Victor answered in a low, perfectly husky tone even though the voice was raspy and it was stuck inside of his throat. 
He lowered his hands after he made himself sure that she would stay in a position with her hands above her head, kissing her throat hungrily as he made a few of love marks and bites here and there. Victor couldn't help himself, some urge inside of him directly needed to mark her as his, for everyone to see when they left the room. He also expected her to stop him, but when she closed her eyes and panted in a sweet high tone, he knew that he's doing the right thing. 
His hands slowly lured over her, unfortunately, still clothed, body, caressing it through the fabric of his most beloved shirt. With a quick movement, he took off his white shirt and threw it all over the small bedroom. Y/N didn't even give him a quick look, because she used her own hands to unbutton the shirt. She slipped out of it, standing on her elbows and finally watched, how handsome he was. 
He was in good shape, without a doubt. His shoulders were really wide as the muscles were appearing perfectly clearly under his suntanned skin. He was scared and bruised in many places; her favorite was a light, yellow bruise under his left armpit. His body was through a lot and she knew it; he told her about what he does for a living. It wasn't a thing to wonder about.
“You are like some fucked up fantasy,” she whispered under breath when she touched Victor's chin while he unbuttoned her shorts. “Can I be your little dirty  kink?” 
“Let me taste and then we'll see, baby girl,” the shorts and panties were far gone now, as she lay in front of him with her legs opened to show him everything Y/N got. She was basically sinking into the mattress, even the little valley dividing her sweet fanny was wet. She was breathing heavily as he watched her, almost waiting for permission. 
Without any other things popping up in his head, he just leaned forward, showing his head directly to the place she was dripping from. His tongue was fast, rough and that's what she needed so badly. She screamed to the roof and leaned from him in a wave of pleasure; so his forearms circulated around the top of her thighs, holding her directly on his face. Victor wanted this girl to be his death and that was a thing he never wanted before. 
He wished to slowly drown in her dripping pussy, he wanted to close his eyes and slowly fall into the warmth of her lap, letting the tightness slowly choke him. Victor would accept all of that with a graceful smile. None of this was forced. He couldn't even remember a single time when he was kneeling in front of a woman, licking and sucking her like he was about to die and her pussy was the last thing that could save him. He growled into the sweetness as he was trying to get more of that juice. 
After a while, her body found its rhythm, slowly moving in the tempo of his tongue as her hand slowly risen up and twirled in his hair, tucking it gently. Her sweet pitches were the thing that was heating up to go further and further, even though his tongue and jaws were hurting.
“No, no, no,” Y/N said in a shaky voice. She tugged his lips from the hottest spot on her body and Victor looked at her with confusion. Was he too rough? Why didn't she tell him that he's not doing her good? What could be done better? “I want to come on ya, Texas. Take those fucking jeans off and just do me good with that dick you're hiding down there.” Y/N leaned in for a short kiss, tasting her own flavor from his lips. 
“I don't believe ya that ya haven't fucked woman in the woods. I mean, look at ya.” She said as she sat down on her ass and started to take her bra off, taking it with the shirt and throwing it on the ground.
“Look at me?”
“You look like a playboy, Texas. Your body just screams that you just lean woman on a tree and fuck the soul out of her body.” She smirked as she lied on her back, circling her fingers around the top of the bed. 
“I mean, I haven't tried it yet,” Victor smiled when he kicked his jeans on a nearby bookcase. He climbed on the bed in between her legs, watching as her breasts moved up and down. “But if you're up to this sort of things, you can teach me.”
“Fuck me hard, mister Sullivan and then well see,” she whispered in a quiet tone. He mumbled shirt curse word under his breath; he hadn't think about condoms until this minute. 
“Just do it, Texas,” she wiggled her hips from side to side with a smirk of a naughty girl. “I'm on my pills.” 
He didn't need any other words. This was everything he needed to hear. He wanted to fuck the words out of her mouth and the teasing out of her head. Victor took her left hand in his right, entwining their fingers together and crashing his lips into hers as he slowly buried himself inside of her. No words were needed at that moment. It was just the two of them, breathing, sighing of a high woman and animal man growls and the song downstairs just slowing down and thrifting into another one. 
He wasn't gentle with her at all. He was bouncing into her in a rough, quick tempo, he wasn't holding back anything. She was moaning his name with grace and gratefulness, being completely full of his dick. One of their hand was entwined with each other, holding each other in a tight grip, the second one was holding on the headboard od the bed, trying to hold it tightly from moving. 
They were already heard all over the second floor and they knew that, but nothing could stop them at that point.
Her little valley was burning hot and wetter than Niagaras, her boobs were jumping in the tempo which their bodies were moving in. She tilted her head backward, closing her eyes with a sweet symphony out of her mouth. Victor leaned into her throat and started to bite into the tight, firm skin she got there.
They weren't too far from achieving the heights of orgasm. At one point it seemed that she wasn’t able to even breathe as she whined and shaken bit, holding him close by putting her leg on his waist. He could feel her little sanctuary where he was buried tightening in light vibrations at first, just as those words escaped her mouth. 
“I'm about to come, Texas.” 
And that's what made the bomb inside Sullivan just wildly go off. He wasn't gentle with her until that point, but now he went fully in, fucking her into the mattress like a machine. Her body just moved into his as she arched her back and shook her head as the sounds were just escaping her mouth. They went higher and higher as the closed her eyes firmly and all of a sudden...
“Oh my fucking God, Victor!” Y/N screamed loudly out of pure extasy as her body shaken firmly, she held him in her arms as he continued on fucking her to release himself; now holding the head of the bed in his arms as the sweat was pouring from him onto her skin. 
Y/N was lucky enough to find a new level of ecstasy with him. Normally, the guys stopped when she was done, just handling their boners on their own; but Victor wasn't that kind of guy. He wanted to mark even on the place where no-one could see it. Her pussy was wet and handling him so good that he hadn't got any reason to stop until he felt, how the energy is released from him. 
Then, after all of that, he slowly put his forehead on hers, trying to catch his breath. He didn't even notice how wet both of them are because of the sweat and how red her cheeks were. She was still holding his back, trembling a bit, her eyes were closed. She held herself close to him, her pussy was holding his dick, her thighs were holding his waist and her hands were on his back. 
He could finally see what he caused to her - the left side of her neck was practically violet, full of bloody love marks and bites; there were a few on the other side of her neck as well, but not as much as on the other side.
“Are you alright, baby girl?” His palm slowly smoothed her wet hair, definitely released from the ponytail. 
“I've never experienced anything as good as this, Texas,” Y/N said quietly as she kissed him slowly, with that tender, post-sex passion. Sully slowly crawled out of her body, lying next to her, watching her slowly turning to lay on her belly. 
“So you asked if you could be my kink, did you?” Sully trailed his hand from her shoulder to her waist, gently caressing the skin of per perfectly shaped bum. She nodded, smiling into her forearms. “I'm sure you can. But what now?” 
“What about just take the clothes on and leaving this place together? Take me wherever ya want, Texas.” She sat, searching for her panties and denim shorts. 
“God. I want to fuck you again as soon as I can.” Sully whispered as she slowly put her bra on, hiding it underneath his white t-shirt and that motorcycle bomber. Her hair was all around her face in long waves and she was smiling, still having rosy cheeks and sweaty forehead. 
“So come on, we’ll see what we can do about that.” She tried to speed him up while he was taking his boxers and jeans on. When he was all tidily done, she took his hand in hers, taking him out of the house. Sullivan couldn't describe the pride when she moved her hair so every single person could see her marks. She showed them as war scars, she wore them proudly. 
So they left together that day. And the days after as well. 
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aliceslantern · 5 years
Beyond this Existence, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 7
Summary:  After Xehanort's death, Demyx finds himself unexpectedly human in Radiant Garden. With nothing but fragments of his past and a cryptic statement from Xemnas, he's left to figure out who he is. When Ienzo asks for his help with a project, the two find common ground, but the trauma and secrets in both of their pasts could tear it apart. Zemyx (Demyx/Ienzo), post-KH3 canon compliant
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
Of course resting wasn’t easy.
He took a bath, and then sat washing his clothes, kneading the fabric again and again against the side of the old-fashioned tub. Usually he dreaded the castle’s lack of real modern conveniences (they didn’t even have a microwave), but for some reason the manual act of washing was comforting. With nothing else clean to wear, he had to put on the old black coat, and for the first time it felt uncomfortable against his skin.
Demyx didn’t want to risk going out in the black coat, so he sat in the kitchen, nursing the same cup of weak coffee, as he waited for everything to dry enough to wear. He so had to do some shopping. This was tedious.
“Oh, Demyx. You’re alright. What--” Ienzo flinched at the sight of the cloak.
“I did laundry. I had nothing else to wear.”
“Yes, I see. That makes sense.”
“I made coffee. It should still be hot.”
Ienzo poured himself a cup and then sat across from him. Demyx noticed, again, just how tired he looked; his face was pale and he leaned against his palm as though he couldn’t support his own weight. Ienzo only ever looked this tired when he’d spent the day with Ansem; even when they worked together on the translation, he was able to at least sit up straight.
“...Are you okay?” Demyx asked. “You look terrible.”
“I should be asking you the same,” Ienzo said in a soft voice. “I’m very tired.”
“Why don’t you get some rest?”
“Haven’t the time lately.”
“I don’t get it. You keep saying yourself that we have so much time now, but you aren’t using any of it to take care of yourself.”
Ienzo took a drink. “I assure you I am in good health.”
“You don’t look like it.”
“I’m surprised after your illness yesterday that you’re worried about me.”
Demyx blinked. “Of course I am. We’re… we’re friends.” His voice faltered on the last word and he looked down into his mug.
“I suppose we are, aren’t we,” Ienzo said. He smiled. “I find I rather enjoy your company. When you’re not collapsing, that is.”
Demyx felt a blush creep into his face and for several heartbeats couldn’t speak. “What is it you’re doing with Ansem?” Demyx asked.
“Like I said before, we’re trying to find a way to help Sora. But we’re working almost entirely in theory, in the metaphysical, with completely untested hypotheses. I’ve been programming simulations to try and come up with any way to test them. It’s very complicated work, and… emotionally taxing to boot. There’s a lot at stake here. And while the ideas we’ve had are exciting, I feel as though I’m approaching something beyond understanding. And that frustrates me.” He looked up suddenly, and turned pink. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain to you.”
“No, I mean, you’ve dealt with all my stupid shit. This is big. No wonder you’re so stressed out.” He clapped his hands together. “I know. You need a break.”
“I haven’t the time--”
“You can’t help Sora if you’re burning out. Which, clearly you are. You’re important too, you know.”
He traced his finger over the rim of his mug. “...I suppose you’re right,” he said softly.
“Course I am! Listen, if anyone’s an expert in slacking off, it’s me. Once my clothes are dry I’m taking you out of the castle to get some fresh air. In the meantime, you’re going to go to bed.”
“But I--”
Demyx shushed him. “You need sleep. When was the last time you had a full night’s, anyway?”
Ienzo looked down. “...I cannot recall,” he mumbled.
“Exactly. Go take a nap.”
“Yes, I… that sounds much needed.” Ienzo stood and he actually stumbled a little. Demyx caught him by the elbow.
“I’m going to keep an eye on your door,” Demyx said. “If I see you leave to go off do work I’m going to be super pissed. And I can be scary.”
Ienzo laughed a little. The sound made him feel tingly.
“No, really! I can be!”
“You’re sweet to care,” Ienzo said. “Thank you.”
“Go nap.”
He watched him walk down the hallway and go into his bedroom. His heart was beating fast again. This was the opposite of what pain felt like. He sighed, and then becoming aware of how he was feeling, he shook himself out. “...He’s my friend,” he whispered allowed. But he’d called him sweet...
“Ah, Demyx. Good morning.” Ansem’s deep voice startled him out of the reverie. “I’m surprised to see you dressed so.”
“It’s the only clean thing I have,” he said.
“Yes. That slipped my mind. Easily fixable. I should hate for you to be uncomfortable during your time here.” He lifted the coffee pot off the burner and, finding it empty, exhaled sharply. “Have you seen Ienzo? I was running some of his simulations and I had a question about the code.”
It occurred to Demyx at first that he should lie, because Ansem was kind of pissing him off. Can’t you see how tired he is? Aren’t you supposed to know him better than me? “He looked exhausted, so I told him to get some rest.”
Ansem put a hand to his forehead. “Of course. He never complains, that boy. He’d work himself to death if you’d let him. Unfortunately, I was too distracted to notice. I’ll try to keep a better eye on him in the future. Thank you for that.”
“Least I can do.”
Demyx was starting to feel antsy. He knew Ienzo was only probably just falling asleep, but he wanted to check and see if his stuff was dry. “So I hear you’re interested in ancient Keyblade history,” Ansem said.
“Yeah. Um. After everything that’s happened, the X-blade and all that, I just. Wanted to know more.” His mouth was dry and he drank down more of his coffee.
“It is fascinating how we can inadvertently make myths into history. The power of the human will is not to be underestimated.”
Demyx frowned. “It’s not a myth, though. It actually happened. Hundreds of years ago.”
“Yes, but, before that, it was nothing more than a prophecy, a legend, part of perhaps some religion. It was the belief of strong-hearted individuals that made it come true. To the horrors of the rest of us.”
“So you do know about it,” Demyx said. “Ienzo said there weren’t many texts.”
“There are not. I only know what was passed onto me by my predecessor, the last sage queen of this world. This sort of storytelling gets diluted over time. I’m sure you know that. You’ve studied folk music, I presume. It’s similar in that regard, things getting passed down and changed over time.”
“Yeah, I do,” he said. “I’m gonna go. See if my clothes are dry.”
Several hours later, the Organization cloak once again in the empty drawers of his dresser, Demyx went to check on Ienzo. He brought him some water and braced himself to have to tell him off.
Ienzo’s bedroom was a bit bigger than his, and clearly had been lived in before. The deep cherry wood of the furniture matched and had been taken care of, unlike the random pieces in his own room. A roll-top desk was piled with books, a lamp nearby. A poster of local constellations was on one wall, old and very faded. And of course there was a bookshelf, piled high and bursting to the seams, but what Demyx really noticed was a threadbare purple stuffed cat, barely visible behind some candles.
Ienzo was fast asleep on the double bed. He hadn’t even taken off his coat, and his shoes were piled haphazardly by the side of the bed. He was curled in on himself, as though sleeping hurt. Demyx set down the glass of water, took the edges of the quilt folded at the foot of the bed, and pulled it over him.
Ienzo stirred. Demyx couldn’t see his face under the layer of hair. “...Master?”
“No, it’s me, Demyx. I was just bringing you some water. Go back to sleep.”
“...Why is this happening?” He curled even tighter on himself, the blanket rumpling. “It hurts, why does it--”
Demyx shook him, trying to free him from the nightmare. After a long moment, his bloodshot eyes opened. “Hey. It was just a nightmare. You’re okay.”
Ienzo stared at him as though he couldn’t quite see him. His face was flushed and he sat up slowly. Demyx could hear that he was trying to get his breathing under control but failing, starting an agonizing descent into a panic attack.
“Try and breathe, okay? It’s over now. You’re safe.”
He put his hands to his head, his panicked breath dissolving into sobs. Demyx was utterly at a loss for what to do--he was afraid to touch him, lest he somehow made it worse, but he didn’t know how else to provide any comfort. He rested a tentative hand on Ienzo’s back and rubbed gently. To his surprise, Ienzo leaned into his touch. Demyx hugged him lightly. Ienzo was shaking all over. “It’s okay,” Demyx said over and over again. “You’re alright now.”
After what seemed like a long time, the sobs subsided, though he was still trembling. Ienzo pulled away and Demyx let go at the first sign of resistance. He mopped at his eyes.
“Better?” Demyx asked. He handed him the water. “Here. Drink this.”
He obeyed. He loosened the cravat and buttons around his throat.
“That was a memory, wasn’t it?” he asked.
Ienzo nodded. “...You’re here,” he stuttered.
“Oh. I mean, I was just checking on you. But then I saw you were dreaming, and I couldn’t leave you in the nightmare.”
“I’m sorry you had to see me like this,” he said. “Sometimes the memories are stronger than others.”
“Come on. You’ve seen me worse off.”
He hugged himself tightly.
“...Do you want to talk about it?” Demyx asked.
Ienzo shook his head. “No. Let’s… let’s go to town.”
“Are you sure? You just had one of the biggest panic attacks I’ve ever seen. Maybe you should just chill. Catch your breath.”
“I need to get out of here,” he insisted. There was a raw wildness in Ienzo's eyes that he had never seen before. He'd always been so put-together, but for the first time Demyx realized it was all an act. This was likely the tip of the suffering iceberg.
Demyx understood. As much as this castle had to be Ienzo’s home, there were a lot of dark memories wrapped up in it. “Sure. Whatever you want.”
Outside, the sun was starting to set. The air was cooling rapidly. Demyx was glad he’d thought to grab his sweater this time.
“It’s getting dark,” Demyx said. “You sure it’s safe? Neither of us have weapons.”
Ienzo nodded. “The Heartless haven’t been as plentiful as of late. There’s also the town’s defense system.” His voice was flat, dull. Demyx could tell he’d been shaken to his core.
“...Right, but we see something, we’re heading back. ‘Cause I am so not in the mood.”
Town was brightly lit; string lights were stretched across the buildings, making things glow and providing an extra level of protection against Heartless. The marketplace was still busy, the smells and sounds catching up to them. Demyx noticed a flyer pasted onto one of the buildings.
“There’s a concert in the square,” he said. His heart catching in his throat. “We have to go.”
“That must be new,” Ienzo said. “I haven’t seen anything like that here in a very long time. I should like to see it myself.”
They waded through the crowd in the marketplace, taking a circuitous route that actually spit them out near the foot of the castle. A small stage had been set up, and people were sitting out on lawn chairs and blankets. A warm, fizzy excitement gathered inside of him; it had been so longsince he’d heard any music, especially music that hadn’t been produced by himself.
“There’s a bench over there,” Ienzo said. “I’d rather not sit on the cold ground.”
“No problem.” He spotted a concession stand. “Are you hungry? Let’s get snacks.” The main product was popcorn, so he got enough for two of them. There was also hard apple cider, which sounded interesting. “Do you want one?”
“I’m not a big drinker, but… admittedly it sounds nice.”
After only barely having claimed their bench from other people, they settled back down. Demyx was glad to see that the tension in Ienzo’s shoulders had lessened slightly. “I take it you don’t get out much,” Demyx said.
“Not at all,” Ienzo said. “It’s very easy for me to forget about the mundane. I feel like all I do is look at the bigger picture. Especially lately.”
“It’s helpful sometimes. Otherwise it’s so easy to lose perspective. When I would do recon missions, I spent so much time picking apart everything about a world--its culture, its people, the power dynamics at play--that I would forget that everyone there is living. Sometimes I had to join them, to talk to someone, to just… remember I’m real. It’s the only way you can hang onto yourself.”
“Perhaps you’re right,” Ienzo said. “But how can I afford to put myself above everything when there’s so much at stake?”
“You’re not putting yourself above it. You’re treating yourself as having worth. Which is something you keep lecturing me about.”
In the faint light, Demyx could swear he saw Ienzo turn pink. “I think it’s starting,” Ienzo said quietly, which was the perfect thing to distract him.
For the first set, his attention was rapt. The musicians were just a random group of people from the town who clearly hadn’t spent much rehearsal time together, and the songs they played were old Radiant Garden folk songs, well-worn and remembered. Technically, the musicians weren’t even very good, but it was the love with which they played the songs that compelled him.
The second set was more uptempo, and clearly meant to get people on their feet, which it did. Demyx exhaled; it felt like he’d been holding his breath forever. Hearing the music had grounded him, gave him some clarity. He realized Ienzo was staring at him and jumped.
He smiled. “I’m sorry. It was just so interesting to watch you watch them, so to speak. It was like you were in your own little world.”
“No,” Demyx said. “No, it made me feel a part of this one.” The silence and eye contact made him bristle. He stood. The pint of cider he’d had must have been a bit stronger than he’d thought. He was woozy in a good way. “Do you want to join them?”
“Me? Don’t be absurd.”
“Come on. It’ll be fun. Give me one good reason why not.”
“We’ll look foolish.”
“More like you’ll look dumb for being the only one still sitting. And besides. I bet half of these people are too drunk to care.”
“...I wouldn’t know how.”
“It’s not exactly rocket science.” Demyx offered his hand.
Ienzo sighed and drummed his fingers against the seat of the bench. “ Fine. But do not tell anyone about this.”
“That’s the spirit.”
He took Demyx’s hand, then froze. “I changed my mind.”
He blinked. “...Are you embarrassed? Hey, it’s okay. I’m just trying to help you relax a little. Do you want to go back?”
“Yes… perhaps.”
They left the noise and light of the town. The cool, dry air shook some of the tipsiness he was feeling. Demyx realized Ienzo was still holding his hand. His breath caught. He didn’t understand what this meant--was he also a little drunk?
“Just another moment,” Ienzo said when they reached the postern. “Look at the sky.”
The night sky seemed impossibly bright, brighter than he’d ever seen in years. The worlds that had fallen to darkness were healing, one by one.
“I haven’t seen… I can’t believe…” He reached up, as if to touch the stars. He squeezed Demyx’s hand with his other. “Why is it that I’ve never looked up? Look, Cassiopeia is there in almost its entirety. It’s been ten years since I’ve seen it in full. And Calliope.”
“It’s over,” Demyx said softly. “Finally.”
“No, there’s still so much work to do. And yet…” His voice hitched. In the semidarkness, it was hard to tell exactly, but Demyx could have sworn he saw tears in his eyes. “I thought this would all be over… because of me. Because of my mistakes, my insistence we did those experiments, almost everything was destroyed…”
“But the darkness was always there. You couldn’t have known what would happen. Anyway, you were a kid. Someone else should have known better and helped you.”
“You’re too kind to me, Demyx.” He shook his head and took his hand back. “Part of me will probably always feel guilty.”
“Then… let me help you with that. And I’ll be there to remind you of all the good you’ve done.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, but this is my pill to swallow.”
They lapsed into a silence. Ienzo kept watching the stars. Demyx couldn’t see his eyes through the hair.
“I… have enjoyed your company,” Ienzo said after what felt like an eternity. “You’ve shown me there is more to life than… well, guilt and research. It reminds me that I am human, and… real.”
“I know what you mean,” he said. His heartbeat was making him jittery. “I always thought I would be alone somehow. And now I’m not.”
Ienzo turned to face him. “Rather succinct.”
Demyx was close enough to feel his body heat. He reached up with a trembling hand to touch Ienzo’s cheek. He seemed unsure of how to react to the touch, though he didn’t pull away. He put his hand on top of Demyx’s.
Do it, you coward.
He leaned in and kissed him. It was a light kiss, borderline chaste; it was over as soon as it had begun. Ienzo was gripping his hand painfully tight. Demyx couldn’t see his expression. Had he been reading the signs all wrong? Was this a terrible idea? Had he just fucked it all up?
“I’m sorry,” he said. Anxiety burrowed under his skin. “I thought-- Look, I--” He had no way of defending himself without outright lying. You could explain away most other gestures as friendly, but not this.
Ienzo shook his head. He let go of Demyx’s hand.
“Will you say something? Please?”
He kept shaking his head. He put his hand to his throat.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you--”
Ienzo knotted his hands.
Panic hitched in his chest. “I’m sorry. Oh god. I’m going to leave you alone. I’m so sorry.” He turned away and ran.
In a panicked daze he got back to his room, and collapsed onto his bed. He thought his heart might explode. How had he been so stupid? He hoped the damage wasn’t too extensive, but how could he be sure? He’d rendered Ienzo speechless. Why had he thought it was even possible--
The night was long. His heart was racing too fast to let him get any sleep. He played the moment over and over again, feeling a bit sicker each time. There was no way to take it back.
Around dawn, as he sat tangled in sheets, shaking all over, there was a faint knock at the door. He sat up.
Ienzo poked his head in. He looked terrible, pale and exhausted again. No doubt he hadn’t had any sleep either.
“I’m so--” Demyx began, but Ienzo held up a finger.
“You’ve done nothing wrong,” Ienzo said in a tired, low voice.
“Of course I did. I forced myself on you--”
“You did no such thing.” He leaned against the dresser. “I’ve thought… and I’ve thought… I’ve felt… something physical between us. The hints have been piling up, and this… longing I feel… I can’t categorize. I have to explain myself.”
His heart was pounding again, but in a different way.
Ienzo kept his eyes on the floor. “When I was a child there were times I would go mute,” he said. “Whenever I felt something strong, or experienced something traumatic, I would shut down. These spells have gotten less common as I’ve gotten older, but when I experience them, it’s impossible to communicate. It still happens now when I’m under exceptional stress, or surprised. And you surprised me. I’m sure it was an odd thing to witness.” He was wringing his hands together. “I thought about it all night. Part of me wonders if this is displaced desire, and hormonal impulses on both of our parts. I don’t pretend to understand these things. I never had reason to in the past. Maybe some would consider this a poor match. But I am tired of denying myself good things.”
The muscles in his chest were so taught with tension that his next breath hurt. "You mean--"
Ienzo crossed the remaining few feet between them and kissed him.
He tensed. It was more of a collision than a kiss, awkward and messy. Ienzo's anxious reaction suddenly made a whole lot more sense; he was completely inexperienced. “I know what you mean,” Demyx stuttered. “About this being confusing, and weird, and probably a bad idea, but I… I’m all in, Ienzo.”
Ienzo sat down next to him delicately, like he would fly apart if he moved too quickly. In the early morning light, Demyx could clearly see the flush in his face. He took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I didn't know what to expect," Ienzo said. His other hand lingered near his lips.
“When I kissed you? That was your first?”
“I never had the desire before. Or really, the time. I presume the same isn’t the case for you.”
“...Well. That’s true.”
A few beats of tense silence. Demyx put an arm around him, lightly. He remained tense, but did not flinch away. “Did you want me to do it again?”
“...I should… I should like that.”
He ran a hand through Ienzo's hair. It was deceptively soft, almost like down. Demyx kissed him. It took him a moment or two to begin to figure it out. He moved slowly and almost tentatively. Ienzo's hands dropped to his waist. He was learning, and quickly, and soon he began to kiss back with a little more fervor. This was more what Demyx thought it would be like. Warmer. More natural. He could hear him breathing rapidly. Ienzo reached up to touch his hair, his face. Demyx wanted nothing more than to pull him close and not let go, but he had to be careful. Still. It had been so long since he'd been touched in any capacity, romantically or otherwise, and he felt something like shock.
Ienzo pulled away. He was, if possible, even redder, and he didn't make eye contact when he said, "I didn’t think it would feel this way.”
“No. The opposite.” He withdrew his hands. Demyx ached when the touch disappeared, but it was crucial that they take their time. “But I’m starting to feel ov-oversti--” He touched his throat.
“Overstimulated?” Demyx finished for him. “It’s okay if you need space. This is all new to you. We can take it really slow.”
Ienzo moved away a few feet and pulled his knees to his chest.
After a few minutes of breathing, Demyx broke the silence again. “You go quiet?” Ienzo nodded. “That’s okay. We can just chill here.” He swung his feet a little. Somehow, now that they kissed the longing was stronger than before. Demyx wondered why the body had to be so greedy. He should’ve been happy with this much; he was happy with it, and eager to see what this meant for them. “Is it okay if I talk?”
He nodded.
“It was really unexpected for me too,” Demyx said. “It just felt so much more real than anything I’ve experienced. Maybe it’s because I have a heart… or part of one, or whatever. I’m just… glad. I’m still barely catching my breath.”
They sat there for a while longer. Demyx thought he would get bored, but he found he didn’t mind this neutral sort of space they’d made. Sitting with Ienzo in silence was far better than sitting alone. He couldn’t stop smiling. After what could’ve been an hour or more, Ienzo cleared his throat.
“Better?” Demyx asked.
“Quite. I’m very… I’m very tired.”
“Go try to sleep. It seems like you’ve just gone through a lot. If it makes you feel better, I’m probably going to turn in too. Hard to sleep last night.”
“Yes, I agree.”
Demyx kissed him once more. “I’ll see you later.”
He watched him leave. Once the door was closed Demyx curled up tightly, feeling a reckless giddiness. He couldn't believe what had just happened, but the shock was pleasant for a change. Surprising. For once, being human wasn't so terrible after all.
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Off The Beaten Path I Reign
Chapter 1: Frozen Heart
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Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Katlynn “Kat” Roberts (OFC).
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Katlynn Roberts
Warnings: Language, drinkings, SMUT, oral: female receving, P in V sex, unprotected sex ((wrap it up IRL kids)), canon type violence, mentions of past trauma, blood (nothing too gory).
 A/N: AS PROMISED HERE IT IS!!! This is my child; my down fall, my muse, my worst distraction, my rhythm and blues. This is the first chapter in a BRAND NEW series for ya’ll; so the tag list is WIDE open. These chapters are gonna be long, so grab a snack and/or a drink before you settle down. Unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, pics are NOT. With no further delay, let’s begin!
Chapter 1: Frozen Heart
“Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining, this icy force both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining. There's beauty and there's danger here, split the ice apart! Beware the frozen heart...”
It had been a hectic Friday night, that was for sure, Katlynn Roberts reflected as she wiped down the last of her tables for the night. She still had one teenage couple in her section that looked like they were wrapping up. She ran over her to do list in her head; roll silverware, tip out the bus boy and then she was home free. She put her dish towel in the dirty bucket and check on the couple once again.
“You guys still doing okay? Anyone want another refill?” she asked brightly.
“One more Coke,” the guy said “and the check please.”
“Sure, you got it.” Kat said and took the guy's cup “One check or two?”
“One please.” the girl piped up with a smile.
“Okay, be back in second with both of those.” Kat said and turned on her heel. She printed out the check, then refilled the guy's glass and walked back to them.
“Here ya go,” she said, sitting the items down “no rush, you guys go pay at the register whenever you're ready. Let me go ahead and take some of these dishes out of your way.”
The couple nodded as Kat did just that then went into the kitchen, leaving the dishes near the sink. When she came back, the couple was at the register paying and she quickly cleaned and cleared their table. She made her way up to the register after they left, claimed her tips for the night and then grabbed the plastic bin that held the paper napkins and paper napkin rings and a bunch of silverware.
“Kat, wait!” she heard a voice call and she turned. Her co-worker, Julia, held up a different plastic bin and said “I got a bin ready for you.”
“Aw, bless you my dear!” Kat said and set the bin she was holding to the side.
“Anything for you Katniss.” Julia said, calling Kat by one of her laundry list of nick names and Kat laughed, taking the bin from her.
Kat walked over and sat down in her section then began to roll the silverware. It was a monotonous task; but it helped her relax after such a busy night. She heard some familiar chords strike up on the piped in music and shook her head, realizing what song it was; “Sex and Candy” by Marcy Playgound. She laughed and began to sway with the beat, lip syncing along with the song. She found it amazing that she could remember the words to a song that was well over twenty years old; but not remember what she did last Tuesday. She blocked out everything that was going on around her, concentrating on the task at while she entertained herself with the song.
After a little bit, she had the curious feeling she was being watched and she looked up and saw a guy looking at her.
However, this was no ordinary guy, this guy was HOT. Not a lot of guys that came through got her attention, but this one had her struggling to remember to breathe. He had brown hair, green eyes, a sharp jawline that was covered by JUST the right amount of scruff and probably the most adorable smile she'd ever seen on a guy.
“Oh great,” she thought “of course, the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on sees me making a jackass out of myself. Damn 90's one hit wonders and their catchy beats. BASTARDS!” She instantly blushed, which only made him smile even bigger, revealing perfect white teeth.
“Don't mind me,” he said “didn't mean to break your concentration.”
“No big deal,” Kat said, trying to recover some of her dignity “I'm the night time entertainment.”
“This is the show you put on?” He asked and she nodded
“That's why they pay me the big bucks,” she said and held up a roll of silverware “I multitask.”
He chuckled and said
“That's efficiency right there!” he said and she laughed.
She took note of his clothes; he was wearing a leather jacket and plaid shirt, something about it looked familiar, but she couldn't place it right away.
"You know it." she said, her heart thumping in her chest, he was hot AND funny. She watched as another guy sat with him; this one was tall, with long, dark hair. He was also wearing a leather jacket, jeans and boots. He said something to Hot, Funny Guy but Kat couldn't make it out. She looked down at her silverware and continued to nod and move her lips along with the song. When the song was over, it switched to one she didn't know and she looked up. Hot, Funny Guy was looking at her, she blushed and went back to rolling silverware.
“Okay, so he's either gay or just looking for a good time.” Kat thought “A good time wouldn't be bad, but if he's gay, then I'm shit out of luck. Or he has a girlfriend. He probably has a girlfriend. No one THAT good looking is single and straight.”
She finished up the silverware and dared to look up again. He wasn't looking this time but, dear god was he cute. Kat loaded the silverware up into the plastic container and gave it to Julia who said
"That guy was totally flirting with you!"
"I know." Kat told her
"Go say hi!" Julia said
Kat shook her head
“Nah, no way. It'd be a waste of my time.” Kat said
“What makes you say that?” Julia asked, looking shocked.
“Well, he looks like he strolled out of a magazine and I look like you could fry chicken on my forehead because it's so greasy.” Kat said
“All's I'm saying is that he is totally checking you out and you should tap that. I say it because I love you." Julia said
"Is he really?" Kat asked, secretly excited.
"Yes," Julia said "if he stares any longer, you'll be Swiss cheese."
Kat rolled her eyes
"I'll think about it, in the meantime, I'm gonna clock out and get something to eat." Kat said
"Okay." Julia said and took the silverware from Kat.
The hot, funny guy watched as the Singing Girl with dark hair stood by the bar talking to a taller brunette. She had a round shaped face, striking emerald green eyes that were slightly too large for her face, a small, button nose and luscious pink lips. She was petite, probably no more than five feet tall, wearing jeans, non slip black shoes and a t-shirt that had the diner's logo plastered on it with her hair back in a braided bun.
She turned around and walked to the back of the restaurant as he caught a glimpse of her from behind. She had a medium sized waist, however, it was her butt and thighs that had his attention.
“Holy. Shit. Nice ass.” he thought, smirking. Dirty thoughts raced through his head as she walked away.
“Hello?” the tall guy asked “Earth to Dean”
Dean snapped out of his trance and asked
“Sorry Sam, what were you babbling about?”
“Um, the case we're here to work,” Sam said “Unless you have other ideas.”
“Did you see that girl?” Dean asked Sam “She's really pretty.”
“You finding a girl attractive?” Sam asked, his voice dripping was sarcasm “There's an odd concept.”
“Listen, just because I like to mix work and pleasure doesn't make me a bad person” Dean said “If you lightened up and got laid every once in a while you wouldn't be so,” he searched for the words as the waitress brought over the coffee that had ordered “I don't know, you.”
“Can I get you fellas anything to eat?” the waitress asked.
“Just coffee for right now,” Sam said with a smile “Thank you though.”
Their waitress, the one had been talking to the Singing Girl, gave Sam a flirtatious grin and said
“You boys need anything just let me know, my name is Julia”
“Actually, I have one quick question,” Dean said “if you have a second.”
“Sure.” Julia said
“The short, dark haired girl,” Dean said “the one you were talking to?”
“Yeah?” Julia asked, her eyes brightening
“Is she single?” Dean asked and Julia nodded
“VERY,” Julia said “she thinks you're cute AND she's just about to clock out to eat at the bar. She does the same thing every night.”
“Julia, you're my new favorite person.” Dean said with a smile, tipping his coffee cup to her.
Julia blushed and giggled as she walked away
“See? She's into you.” Dean said
Sam rolled his eyes and added sugar to his coffee
“We have a case to solve,” Sam said “which is why we're here. Three mysterious deaths in a month?”
“Yeah, but that doesn't narrow down what it is” Dean said as he drank his coffee “The sheriff said it was campers and we didn't find any hex bags or sulfur at the scene when we checked it out.”
“That DOES narrow it down” Sam said “We know we're not dealing with a witch or demons, plus there was no EMF so it definitely isn't a ghost or vengeful spirit”
“So we're looking for a creature?” Dean asked “Fan-friggin-tastic.” The Singing Girl emerged from the back of the restaurant with her purse and jacket over her shoulder.
“Speaking of fan-friggin-tastic.” Dean said and smiled. She was looking down at her phone so she didn't meet his eyes.
Sam huffed
“Jesus, fine. Go get laid.”
“Jealousy never was a good look on your face Sammy” Dean said with a wink.
Kat sat down at the bar, after checking her Instagram and Julia asked
“What're we having tonight?”
“Chicken soup and double cherry pie.” Kat said
“The dinner of champions?” Julia chided and Kat nodded “Coming right up.”
Kat felt a presence next to her and looked up to see Hot, Funny Guy standing there.
“How's the pie here?” he asked
“The double cherry is the best in three counties,” Kat told him “you want a slice?”
“Hell yeah!” Hot, Funny Guy said “But only if I get to sit with you.”
“Smooth.” Kat thought and smiled “Sure,” she said and motioned to the empty seat next to her “pop a squat.”
“There's one I haven't heard before” Hot, Funny Guy said as he sat down “I'm Dean, by the way.” he stuck his hand out.
“Katlynn,” she said and took his hand “everyone calls me Kat.”
His palms were rough in hers; a working man's hands, she noted as they shook hands.
“Julia, can you get Dean a slice of double cherry pie please?” Kat asked
“That's the last slice, I'll have you know.” Julia said as she grabbed another plate and handed them each one. They both dug in as Kat's soup arrived and Dean groaned.
“Oh my god,” he said “this is amazing!”
“Right?!” Kat asked “I wasn't lying when I said best in three counties was I?”
“Nope!” Dean said and dug back in.
They fell into an easy and flirtatious conversation with lots of long glances and half smirks. Kat was no where close to wanting the night to end.
"So, Dean, what brings you to this part of Texas?" Kat asked
"Work." he said simply
"I'm so sorry," she said and he looked at her "It's boring out this way." she added
"I don't know," he said "I'm liking it so far." and looked at her.
"What're you doing after you finish that pie?" Kat asked
"Well I was gonna go back to my motel and crash, unless you have a better idea." Dean said
"That depends, do you play pool?" She asked
"Oh, I don't just play," Dean said "I own it."
Kat raised her eye brows and clicked her tongue
"Really? That sounds like a challenge." she said
"You play?" He asked
"Yep, and I play to win." she said
Someone cleared their throat and they looked up, it was the tall guy.
"I already paid, you coming?" Tall Guy asked Dean
"Kat, this is my brother Sam." Dean said
"Nice to meet you Sam," Kat said brightly "Dean and I were going to shoot some pool, want to come?"
"No, thank for the invitation but I'm tired." Sam said
"See ya Sammy." Dean said with a wink.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to go change out of these work clothes and then we'll go" Kat said
"Okay, I'll wait." Dean said.
Kat grabbed her bag and went into the ladies' room.
She shut herself in a stall and changed out of her work uniform and she put on a gray tank top, tied a red and black plaid shirt over it, jeggings and ankle boots. She quickly brushed her hair and put her uniform into her bag. Once she was out of the stall, she swished some mouthwash around in her mouth and spit it out. She sprayed on some perfume and checked in the mirror, she looked good. After taking a deep breath, she grabbed her bag and left the bathroom. She found Dean right where she'd left him and asked
"Ready to go?"
He turned around he smiled
"Sure am." and got up. Kat looked over her shoulder to see Julie mouthing "call me later!" At her. Kat stifled a laugh and followed behind Dean.
Dean and Kat wandered across the road to a pool hall. When they walked in, there were a good amount of people at the bar, a few of the bartenders greeted Kat. She waved back and then they found an empty pool table. Dean walked up to the bar and said to one of the bartenders, a large, barrel chested man with a salt a pepper crew cut, a thick, black mustache and eyebrows that matched the mustache.
“A beer for me, and whatever she normally has.” motioning to Kat.
“You're in luck,” the bartender said “she normally has beer too. We'll bring it out.”
“Thank you.” Dean said and walked back over to Kat who had set her purse and jacket at one of the high top tables.
"I'm going to warn you, I'm really good at this." Kat said as she grabbed her stick.
"So am I." Dean said as he racked up the balls.
"How about a friendly wager?" Kat asked and Dean raised his eyebrow.
"What did you have in mind?" He asked, taking his beer as the bartender brought it over.
"Ten bucks from both of us, winner take all." Kat said, grabbing her beer.
"Anything else?" He asked, taking a sip from his bottle
"Possibly." Kat said with a mischievous grin, and took a few big gulps of beer.
"You're on." Dean said and grabbed a ten out of his wallet. Kat counted out ten dollars from her tips and put it on the table.
"You want to break?" Dean asked
"Sure." Kat said and grabbed the white ball. Dean moved the triangle away from the balls and Kat broke them up, the red solid ball going into a corner pocket. "I'm solids." she said.
"Okay, just shoot." Dean said playfully
"You're not getting worried, are you?" Kat asked
Dean shook his head
"Not at all."
Kat set up her shot and sank a solid green ball into the side pocket. Dean watched as she moved efficiently around the pool table; each of her steps seemed more like she was gliding rather than walking. She had and easy grace in her movements; from the way her hips swayed, to how nimbly she moved the pool stick in her hands. She aimed for the solid yellow one but missed.
"Your turn." Kat said and moved away. Dean took his shot and sunk it in effortlessly.
The game went back and forth pretty quickly and Dean hadn't lied, it was REALLY good. She studied him as he moved; he was easily six feet tall, he had freckles spread across his face, long eyelashes and sinfully full lips. The feature she was most interested in, however, were his eyes. They seemed to change from a bright green to a golden green. He lined up a particularly difficult shot, biting his bottom lip as he concentrated.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” she thought
“There’s no way you’re making that.” she said
He looked up and gave her a panty melting, devilish smirk.
“Oh ye of little faith.” he quipped.
Julia had been right, it had been a long time since she’d been laid. He seemed to be into her, otherwise he wouldn’t be here. He was undoubtedly hot; sex on bowed legs if she was perfectly honest with herself. He wasn’t wearing a ring, he flirted with her like he was unattached. She watched as he took the shot and made it, her mouth dropped open and he said
“What can I say? I’m good.” with a cocky grin.
“Yeah, yeah hot shot.” she said, faking annoyance but she was secretly impressed. The game went on as did the flirting between Dean and Kat, she made a particularly difficult shot and he said
“Damn, you ARE good! You're giving me a run for my money!”
She held the pool stick in one hand and twirled a piece of loose hair between the fingers of her other hand.
“I TOLD you I was good.” she insisted as he moved closer to her.
“Yeah, but when most people say that,” he said, standing inches from her, she could feel his body heat and smell his cologne “they're bluffing.”
She looked up at him with a small grin playing on her lips
“MOST being the operative word.” she challenged, still twirling the end of her hair between her fingers. He smiled, his tongue barely grazing over his bottom lip.
“Yeah, you're right.” he said and walked past her, his the finger tips of his free hand, brushing the back of her hand that was holding the pool stick. Her cheeks flushed pink as she made a half turn, his back was to her. She noted that he had strong, broad shoulders and briefly wondered if the freckles on his face also dotted his shoulders. He turned to the side and she got a good, long look at his backside as he bent over the table to take his shot.
“Good lord.” she mumbled to herself. In that moment, she knew she was in trouble.
They ordered more beer and Kat was starting to lose. Disgruntled and a little tipsy, she concentrated on making her next shot, biting her lower lip. She heard him audibly sigh and she looked up. He had an intensely sexual look on his face and she smiled at him.
“If you take a picture handsome, it'll last longer.” she told him and he laughed as she took her shot and missed. “God damn it!” she yelled and he sauntered over to take his shot.
“Tough luck there princess.” He teased
“I'm no princess,” she quipped “I'm the queen; I got my shit handled.”
He chuckled, took his shot and sank it easily.
The song on the piped in music switched to one that had been popular when she was in high school. It had a stupidly catchy beat and in her inebriated state, she started to move her hips and head as she moved around the table, watching line up his next shot. However, he was distracted by her dancing, she could certainly move.
“You gonna take your shot or what?” she teased and he gave her a full grin as he walked over to her and got close, his fingers barely brushing her hip.
“Quit shaking your ass and I might be able to.” He said
She smiled and bit her lip
“Nah, I'm not gonna do that.” She said
“Well then we have a problem,” he said “I can't take my shot, you won't quit dancing and you're distracting me.”
She raised her eyebrows and shrugged
“Oh, how ever could we solve THAT problem?” she asked, giving him a suggestive grin.
“I'm not sure, any ideas?” he asked
She was sure he had PLENTY of ideas in that mind of his, but he may have been trying to feel her out to make sure they were on the same page.
"How about we up the stakes on this game?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Oh?" He asked as she moved closer
"If I win, we play another round. Double or nothing." Kat said, half sitting on the pool table
"If I win?" He asked
Her heart pounded, liquid courage pumping through her veins. The sexual tension between them was palpable.
"That's up to you." she said and bit her lip
“Oh fuck.” he thought, every dirty thought he'd had about her all evening bubbled to the surface. It was now or never.
"If I win, we get out of here." he said
“SCORE!” She thought
Kat pretended to mull this over
"Okay." she said
"You're on." he said
"Good luck." she said, standing up right
He lined up his shot again and she waited. He took it and missed. He hung his head in defeat and she laughed
"Aw, nice try!" She exclaimed as he moved away
"Yeah, yeah." he said, mentally kicking himself. He'd officially blown it with her.
Kat lined up her shot and sunk in her last ball. She looked up at him, smiling and he was giving her a flirtatious smirk.
"Okay, double or nothing right?" He asked, reaching for his wallet.
"I changed my mind," she said and he looked at her as she set her pool stick aside and walked over to him. "Keep your money, let's get out of here."
"We'll get out of here but you won fair and square." he said and handed her the cash.
"Nah, keep your money,” she said “I had to entice you to play me some how.”
“Well, you could've just asked.” he said, grabbing the ten he had laid out
“Honestly, where's your sense of adventure?” she asked him and he laughed. She loved how his eyes crinkled up when he laughed. Deciding to have some fun, and also to see if this guy was worth his salt she said “Though before we go,” as she grabbed her jacket and purse. He looked at her “there’s something you should probably know about me” she added
“What’s that?” He asked, looking amused and curious at the same time.
She bit her lip, looked down at her shoes and then back up at him
“I’m a virgin.” she said with a shy look on her face. He cocked his head to the side
“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say to that,” he said “I could go cheesy and say “oh I’ll fix that” or some other bullshit.”
Her face broke into a grin and she laughed “Oh my god, I’m kidding!” She exclaimed “I almost couldn’t keep a straight face!”
Realization crossed his face and he started laughing
“You’re fucking with me!” He shouted as he laid down his pool stick and they left the bar. He was pleasantly surprised, most women were either on their best behavior or throwing themselves at him, this one was laughing and joking like they were old friends and flirting with him like crazy. He was into it.
Once they were outside, she said
“Well yeah, what fun is it if you can’t mess with someone?”
He shrugged
“You have a point there, you almost had me.” He said
“And what if I was?” She asked him
He gave her another shrug
“I’d say if you were up for it, okay, cool. We’ll go. If you weren’t, again, cool. Whatever.” He said
Kat smiled and said
"I'm just around the corner from here."
"Lead the way." he said and they set off.
After walking about half a block, they came to a small apartment building and Kat said
"Here we are."
They walked up the flight of stairs and to the end of the hallway where Kat fished her keys out of her pocket. She unlocked the door to apartment number 8 and they walked in. She turned on the kitchen light. He shut the door behind them and Kat dropped her purse and jacket on the table. They looked at each other for a split second and then she closed the gap between them.
"Well now what?" She asked
"I think we're on the same page." he said, tentatively stretching his hands out toward her. She nodded and he put his hands on her hips. She stood on her tip toes and kissed him. The full lips she’d been fantasizing about for the last two hours were warm and soft of hers as her arms traveled up his and rested on his shoulders. He opened his mouth and kissed her again, firmer this time. Without warning, he picked her up wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing her over and over again. She ran her hands through his hair as her lips met his.
"Straight back." she told him as he carried her out of the kitchen and into her dark bedroom. He kicked the door shut with his foot and sat her on the bed. The bedroom was bathed in light coming from the street lamp outside. She made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt while he reached down and untied the knot her shirt was in. She shrugged out of it and he tossed it aside. She pushed the shirt off his shoulders and revealed a black shirt under the plaid. He pulled the black shirt off and revealed his bare chest. On his chest was a tattoo that looked like a pentagram with sun rays around it and she gasped.
"What?" He asked
She stared wide eyed at him
"Why do you have an anti-possession tattoo?" She asked
His face went from lust filled to serious
"What?" He asked
"Are you a hunter?" Kat asked, still staring at his tattoo.
"What do you know about hunters?" he asked and backed away from her. Kat stood up and turned around, moving her hair off of her shoulder to show off her back.
She had the same symbol tattooed on her shoulder blade.
"I'm one too." she said when she turned around "Who are you, really?"
"Dean is my real name," He said "My last name is Winchester"
She stared at him, her mouth agape. The Winchester name was a well known in the hunting community, they were practically legends. She'd heard countless stories about them, but when it came to Dean, the stories were from female hunters and usually included the phrase “best night of my life” somewhere in there. She pushed those stories out of her mind and asked
"YOU'RE Dean Winchester? Didn't you die a few years ago?”
He laughed
“Yeah, didn't really stick.” he answered, a flash of something dark crossed his expression before he gave her another heart stopping grin.
“So, now what?" she asked
Dean blinked and asked
"I don't know, are we still doing this or?"
Kat laughed
"Yeah, we definitely are." she said, she knew she would kick herself forever if she let the sex god get away without seeing if he lived up to the hype.
"Awesome." he said and closed the gap between them, taking her face in his hands and kissing her.
She laid back on the bed, pulling him on top of her as he kissed her over and over again. His lips worked their way down her jaw and neck. He kissed his way up to her ear and then asked
"What do you like?"
Her eyes went wide.
"What?" She asked. He pulled back, repeated the question and she asked "Wait, you actually CARE about what I like?"
He looked confused
"Um, yeah?" He asked, not sure where she was going with that and he told her so.
"No, I'm just surprised," she said "It's much appreciated"
"So, what do you like?" He asked his finger tracing her cheek. Proper brain function has ceased for half a second, the feeling of those rough hands on her face made her wonder what else he could do with them. Getting her mind out of the gutter, she spoke
"Um, I mean I like being on top and bottom. Nothing super rough." She managed to say
"What about going down?" He asked
"Giving or receiving?" She asked
"Both." he said
"Neither is my cup of tea." she said, suddenly uneasy.
"Neither? Really?" He asked, surprised.
"No offense, but most guys have no clue what they're doing when they get down there, then I'm left staring at my watch or the ceiling," She told him “And I have issues with going down on guys, that I'd rather not get into at this moment.”
"Mind if I try on you?" He asked "Worse case, if you start looking at your watch, just say so and we'll do something else. You don't have to worry about reciprocating. It's nice, I don't expect it though.”
Jesus Christ, so far he WAS living up to the hype.
"Okay." she said and kissed him.
“Holy shit.” she thought as he kissed his way down her body. She pulled her shoes and socks off and then pulled off her jeggings, casting them aside. He admired her thick, creamy thighs as he bit his lip. She slowly pulled her panties off, throwing them aside. She scooted up the bed so that she was laying against the pillows, her legs bent at the knee. He crawled across the bed, sat up on his knees and parted her legs. He picked one leg up and kissed from her inner knee, to her inner thigh, her leg going over his shoulder as he lowered himself down, kissing to the apex of her thighs, her knees going weak. He threw her other leg over his shoulder as a chill ran up her spine. She drew a shaky breath as she felt his mouth close over her wet hole, as if he was kissing her there. She inhaled sharply, feeling his tongue move in slow circles inside her, making her eyes go wide; the intensity surprising her.
"Ohhhh!" she moaned out, the delicious sensation, washing over her. He flicked his tongue over and over on her, making her cry out, his fingertips pressing into her thighs. He swirled his tongue around faster, her hips rocking against him.
“You taste good,” he told her as he lapped up her taste “so sweet.”
"Mhhhh," she cried out, biting her lip. "Yes, yes, oh god!" she moaned out, his tongue going from her entrance up to her clit, zig zagging it as he did so. She cried out again, her head practically spinning.
"Dean!" she managed to choke out
He picked his head up "You good?” he asked
Something, again, no one had ever cared enough to make sure of. Her eyes met his and she nodded. Satisfied, he dipped his head back and her mouth dropped open.
"There's NO way this is an act," she thought, his tongue going back to work on her "Either that, or it is and this guy deserves an Academy Award."
His tongue went from side to side, she felt his hand slide up her thigh, his fingers gently touching her clit while he moved his tongue. Kat tilted her head back, moaning as heat rolled over her body. She cried out and arched her back, gripping the pillow by her head.
"I'm gonna-" she couldn't finish the sentence, the intensity of his touch and tongue overwhelmed her and she cried out again, the tense passion in her lower abdomen coming undone as she let go. He picked his head up as she breathed hard, her nerves humming loudly.
"Oh my god!" she said and her eyes met his, he was smirking.
"I'm not done with you yet." he said and unzipped his pants. She stifled a giggle of excitement, if he could do that with his mouth, God only knew what he could do with the rest of his body. He kicked off his boots, pants and boxer briefs as he kissed his way back up her body, his hard member grazing her inner thigh. Their lips met and she spread her legs open. He tentatively pushed just inside of her, his tongue meeting hers. He gently moved his hips back and forth, pushing further into her as he went. She moaned against his mouth, her hands moving up his arms, to his shoulders and finally meeting behind his head. He pushed all the way in her, filling her and she slipped her tongue in his mouth. He moved his hips back and forth at a steady pace inside her as her fingers tangled in his thick hair she'd wanted to grab since she laid eyes on him. He moaned against her mouth as she hooked her leg around his hips and rolled, bringing her on top of him. If he was going to show off, so would she. She let her hands slide up and down his bare chest and stomach, grazing over every defined muscle as she rocked her hips back and forth on top of him. His hands slid up her thighs, coming to a rest on her hips as he tilted his head back with a sigh. She moved her hands over his, getting his attention, as her hands slid up her body. Over her stomach, her breasts and shoulders and she placed her hands in her hair as she moved her hips faster, moaning. She tilted her body back, giving him a good, long look at her. He snapped up, his arms around her, kissing her furiously.
"You're gorgeous." he murmured against her mouth. She responded by kissing him hard, her hands sliding from his chest to the back of his neck. His hands roamed from her hips to the small of her back. He laid them flat, pressing her all the way down on him as she let out a whimper. She placed her knees firmly on the bed, on either side of his hips, raising her body up and pressing her chest into his. He slid his hands down and cupped her behind in his hands. He noted it was the perfect balance between firm and soft as he pressed his fingertips into her flesh. Her lips left his mouth and she kissed down his jaw line and neck as she pressed and pulled her hips into him. She kissed down his neck and shoulders, noting she was right about the freckles on his shoulders and grazed his flesh with her teeth. He let out a growl and rolled her on to her back, throwing one of her legs over his shoulder. From this position, it was impossible for her to hold on any more. She warned him as much as she could and he gently kissed her chest.
"Come" he said
"Jesus H. Christ" she thought
With that, she let go again, the shock waves reverberated through her body as she cried out in a tone she didn't recognize has her own. He moaned, letting go inside her. When he was done, he rolled off of her and laid beside her as they caught their breath. Kat couldn't decide if it was because it had been so long or because it was THAT good, but she felt like she had gotten some kind of sexual achievement.
She grinned stupidly as she looked at him, he was grinning too.
"You're good." she told him
"So are you," he said "Like, really good"
They caught their breath and she asked
"You want a beer or something?"
"Sure." he said
She got up and pulled on a fresh pair of panties and a long sleeved shirt she slept in and went to go retrieve beer from her fridge.
When she got back, Dean had pulled on his shirt and underwear, they sat on her bed, his back against the headboard and her sitting cross legged beside him.
"So, you're a hunter?" He asked, his fingers running over the back of her hand.
"I'm semi-retired,” she told him "My parents were hunters, I didn't realize what they actually did until I was five or six. They told me they were traveling sales people so I spent a lot of time with my parents' friends, who were retired hunters."
"So, what happened?" Dean asked, his fingers stopping.
"My parents were killed by demons," she told him "the demons kidnapped me and my parents fell right into a trap to get me back."
Dean stared as Kat recalled the details.
"They tortured my parents and made me watch." she told him.
"No." Dean said, shocked
Kat nodded
“They were done so they left me tied to a chair in an abandoned warehouse with my dead parents. Security guards found me a few hours later because someone had reported screaming from inside. They called it a double murder and kidnapping, but I knew what happened. I couldn't tell anyone, but I knew. In the back of that police car, I swore revenge. I'd track down the demons that killed my parents and I'd avenge my parent's death. Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe, know what I mean?”
"But I'm guessing that didn't go as planned" Dean said
"No, not right away." She said and rolled on to her back, her head turned toward him. "My parents were killed when I was eight, all of my close relatives are dead and I don't have any siblings so I was put in the care of my third cousins in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So I moved out there and," she paused and searched for the right words
"And what?" Dean asked
"Things took a pretty quick nosedive," she said "I can't put it any more gently than that."
"What happened?" Dean asked
"Well, it turns out that Aunt Chloe and Uncle Kevin, that's what they told me to call them, only took me in so they could collect more government assistance and were heavy drug users. Any money they got was blown on drugs.” She bit her lip and looked back at him, his face unreadable. It looked like a mixture of rage and something else she couldn't understand; pity maybe?
"Everything I went through; the nights I went to bed cold and hungry, the teasing I got from other kids, every forgotten birthday, all I could think about was one day I would become a hunter and kill the demons that had landed me here. I saved up every bit of pocket money I could scrounge up or hide from Chloe and Kevin. I had a teacher, Mrs. Morris, that helped me get in contact with some hunters and I found a couple, Shannon and Dave, that knew my parents and they offered to take me in and teach me hunting. When I turned eighteen, I packed what few things I had, ran away and never looked back. While Shannon and Dave were teaching me to hunt, I earned my keep by helping them out at a bar they owned and helping on cases."
"Did you ever find the demons that killed your parents?" Dean asked
"After thirteen years of searching and killing a hell of a lot of other things along the way, yes I did. Once I killed them, I didn't feel like I needed to do anything else. So, I threw a dart at a map, it landed on Waco, Texas and that's why I'm here now. If a case comes up near by, I'll take it, but I don't leave for very long if I can help it.”
“Why's that?” Dean asked
“I made a life here,” she said “I wanted to get back to the normal I remembered from being a kid.”
Dean sensed a coldness in her words; like she was projecting an image of herself. Something was blocking him from her.
“Reasonable” Dean said with a shrug, deciding to put that thought aside.
"What happened to you?" She asked, seeing something poking out of his shirt sleeve
"What're you talking about?" He asked
"Right here." she asked and touched his shoulder, he rolled the sleeve up; there was an old hand print shaped scar on his shoulder.
"Touched by an angel." he said
"What?" She asked, shocked
"No seriously," he said "Long story."
"Hey, I just spilled my guts here" she said teasingly "I'm kidding, you don't have to tell me anything.”
"It's not something I really like to talk about, but considering what you went though, I guess we had somewhat similar experiences," he said and she looked at him "I went to hell."
"Literally Hell?" She asked and he nodded
"Got my soul ripped out by hell hounds and everything. Nasty business. Anyway, an angel, Castiel, grabbed me by the shoulder and brought me back from Hell." he said.
"What does one DO in hell?" She asked
He mulled it over
"Depends on the person I guess." he said
"Okay, what did YOU do while you were in hell?" She asked
He shook his head, he wasn't talking about that with a stranger.
"I can understand." she said. Something about him made her want to tell him everything; she didn't realize how badly she wanted to tell someone that would understand, but she bit her tongue.
Good time? Sure. Dr. Phil session? Nope. Not happening.
He smirked and she looked at the clock on her bedside table.
"I hate to be a party pooper, but I have a double shift tomorrow. Otherwise I'd suggest you sleep over." she said
"I doubt there'd be much sleeping." he said, a mischievous grin on his face.
"You ain't lying about that," she said with a laugh as she got up "At least let me give you a ride back to your motel."
"You don't have to." he said and finished his beer
"A pair of hunters are in town and you think I'm going to let you walk back in the dark?" She asked as she pulled her clothes back on "You must think I'm an idiot or something."
"Far from it, actually." he said and got dressed.
They walked outside and went around to the back of the apartment building where the parking lot was located.
"Which one is yours?" Dean asked, scanning the vehicles
"That one." she said and nodded to an old model Mustang.
"Holy shit." Dean said as they walked over to it and she laughed
"This is MY baby." she told him, admiring her car's black and chrome exterior.
"Oh, she's a beauty," he said and looked the car over "what is this, a 66?"
"Close," she said and unlocked the doors "she's a '67."
He let out a low whistle
"Same year as my car. What 'cha got under the hood?" He asked as he climbed in
"A 302 V8," she said and cranked the car up. She revved the engine and a huge grin spread across his face. "You have a 67 too?" She asked
"A 67 Chevy Impala," he told her "Damn, she's got some giddy up." he said
"Oh, you have NO idea," she said and put the car in gear "A 67 Impala? This I have to see."
"Where'd you find her?" He asked
"On a hunt with Dave," she said as they took off "We helped this guy take out a pack of werewolves and it was my birthday, so he gave Dave a REALLY good deal on it and we fixed it up."
"How long did it take?" Dean asked as they took off into the night
"Like two years," she said "We worked on it between cases and had to find all the parts. She was a V6, but we upgraded her to a V8."
"Good choice." he said, admiring the pristine interior.
He told her which motel he and Sam were staying at and she pulled into the parking lot.
"Right there, that's my car." he said, pointing to it.
"Jesus H. Christ" she said as she pulled up next to it
"That's my Baby." he said and her mouth dropped open.
"Oh my god." Kat said as she cut off the Mustang and climbed out of it "Oh, she's GORGEOUS" she said, admiring the Impala. She was an 18-foot bad ass and Kat fell in love instantly "Okay, so what do YOU have under the hood?" She asked
"502 big block." he said
"V8?" She asked
He snorted
"Of course." he said and she grinned
"Now you have to crank her up, I want to hear this beast." she said and he smiled
"Hold on, my brother has the keys." he said and went into the motel room, leaving the door open. He came back a few seconds later, with Sam right behind him.
"Nice Mustang." Sam commented as Dean unlocked the driver's side of the Impala.
"Thanks," Kat said "This is my baby" she patted the Mustang fondly
Sam chuckled
"Well this is his baby." he said, nodding to the Impala as Dean cranked her up and revved the engine.
"DAMN, that's loud!" Kat said and Dean grinned
"That's my girl!" He said and cut the engine off
"Excuse me while I try not to drool on your car." she said as he climbed out and shut the door
"No shame." Dean said
"Well, thanks for showing off your baby," Kat said "if you guys need help, you know where to find me"
Sam's widened eyes darted from Dean to Kat and back again
"Relax," Dean said "She's a hunter too."
Sam relaxed and went back inside as Dean stepped closer to Kat
"If I want to see you again before I leave, can I find you at work?" He asked
"Or I could just give you my number." she said
"Works for me." he said
She grabbed a pen out of her purse, took his hand and wrote her number on his palm. Her eyes lingered on his hand for a few seconds longer than they probably should have, remembering how they'd worked magic on her, making her blush. She wrote her name and drew a quick smiley face next to it.
"Cute." he commented
"Just so you don't forget." she said with a smile.
"Not likely." he said
They quickly kissed and then she left. While driving back to her apartment; she texted Julie.
"I'm telling you Sammy, she's PERFECT." Dean said, it was the next day and they were taking a break from researching their case to get something to eat. Wanting to see Kat again, Dean had coaxed Sam into going back to the diner.
"The girl or the car?" Sam asked
"Yes," Dean said "And yes."
"Dean, you just met her, how do you know she's perfect?" Sam asked.
They went into the diner and asked to sit in Kat's section. Kat herself, was busy behind the bar, pouring an older gentleman a cup of coffee. The hostess that had seated them went over to Kat and made her aware her section had been sat. Kat looked up and saw them sitting there. Dean's eyes met hers and her cheeks went a rosy pink.
"God, she is so cute." Dean said, looking at her
"You're going to make me barf and I haven't eaten since this morning." Sam said and looked at the menu.
Kat came over to their table and greeted them warmly as she set silverware and napkins down for them. Today she had her hair up in a bun and was wearing pretty pink lipstick.
"Jose, one of our chefs, is trying out a special chili recipe." She told Dean
"What's in it?" Dean asked
"He calls it Meat Eater Chili; ground beef, bacon and smoked sausage with black beans and onions and a LITTLE chili powder for some kick," she told Dean "Served with a choice of cornbread or Texas toast."
Dean was nearly drooling
"I'll take ALL of the chili you have. I mean all of it, with cornbread." Dean said
“Do you have anything that won't put me in an early grave?” Sam teased and Kat laughed
"We have chicken that we marinate in white wine and Italian spices. You can have it on a sandwich, in a salad, grilled or whatever." she told him
"That sounds amazing" Sam said "I'll take the chicken on a salad, grilled please.”
"What's your side? We have sweet potato fries on special this week" Kat told him
"That sounds really good, thanks Kat." Sam said
"I'll be right back." she said, she winked at Dean and walked away.
Dean looked at his brother with a Cheshire Cat grin on his face and Sam said
"Yeah, she's good."
When she brought over their food, she set it in front of them and said
"Jose wants to know how the chili is, do you guys want anything else?"
"More water please." Sam said
"Coming right up." she said and went to grab the water pitcher. They dug into their food and when Kat came back, they had practically devoured everything. She laughed as she refilled their water glasses and asked
"Everything good here?"
They looked up and nodded, their mouths full of food.
"Good, you two enjoy, I'll be right back" she said and went over to check on her other table. She greeted them just as warmly and smiled at a little boy in the booth down the way from them.
Dean swallowed and said
"See? And she's THAT NICE, all the time."
"How?" Sam asked
Dean shrugged
"Dude, I don't know. She just is." he said
Sam watched as she waved at the little boy who looked really excited to see her.
"Don't look now, but I think you have some competition." Sam said and nodded to the little boy. Dean turned and saw him waving and smiling at Kat.
"Hey Jonah, we're you having today?" She asked him with a grin.
Dean turned back and said
"I better up my game." sarcastically
Sam rolled his eyes
"You might lose to the better man, he has that smiling and waving thing down."
"Shut up Sam." Dean said and finished off his chili.
After they ate, Sam and Dean met Kat at the register.
"Jose!" Kat called and Jose stuck his head out of the kitchen "This is special agent Steven Tyler and his partner Joe Perry. Steven is the guy that ordered the chili."
Jose wandered out of the kitchen and Dean said
"It was phenomenal"
"Thank you!" Jose said "I worked on it for two weeks to get it just right."
"It was amazing!" Dean said as he handed Kat his card.
"Thanks again, glad you guys enjoyed it." Jose said and then went back into the kitchen.
"Who came up with the idea for the chicken?" Sam asked as Kat swiped Dean's card and waited for the receipt to print.
"That was me," Kat said "I tried it at home and the guy that owns the place did too so that's when he decided to let us pitch our food ideas and that's how we keep a rotating menu." the receipt printed and she handed it to Dean for him to sign.
"I might need some more of that chicken before we leave town." Sam said
"Who are you telling? We're coming back for chili." Dean said and signed the receipt and slid Kat some cash for her tip.
"So, can we borrow you for a second?" Sam asked "We need to ask you some questions about the case."
Kat looked at the clock on the wall
"I take my break in like forty-five minutes, does that work?"
"Go ahead Kit Kat, I'll cover." one of the other waitresses, Tanya, said from across the bar.
"Or I could go now" Kat said with a laugh "Thanks Tea."
They went outside and stood over by the Impala
"We think it's a wendigo." Sam said
Kat made a face
"Wendigos are a pain in the ass to hunt." she said
"Yeah and they only come out at night, so that's where our problem is." Dean said
"We think it's holed up in the woods near where those campers went missing," Sam said "Do you know if there's any place where a wendigo could hide?"
Kat thought and said
"Yeah, there's some mine shafts out near this old farm, they've both been abandoned for like ever so maybe that's where it is."
"Can you show us on a map?" Sam said and pulled out his phone. He found a map of the area and Kat looked at it, scanning it and then she said
"Yeah, it's right here," she said and zoomed in on an area about ten miles up the road. "Near mile marker 323, the local teenagers like to go out there and get the wits scared out of them because the property is haunted. Allegedly." She said with a shrug "I've checked, there's no EMF, but I never thought to look for a wendigo."
"Well then that's where we'll start tonight." Sam said
"You guys want an extra set of hands?" Kat asked
"We'll call you if we need you." Dean said and then he glanced at Sam.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go make a couple of calls." Sam said with a look at Dean and he walked away.
"Can I help you Special Agent Tyler?" Kat asked sarcastically.
"So, what's my competition like in there?" Dean asked playfully, nodding to the little boy who was looking out the window at Kat.
Kat laughed
"Oh Jonah? I don't know, he's pretty tough. He knows all his shapes and colors. He even knows the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song." she said
"Damn, all I got is Sesame Street." Dean said
"I didn't figure you for a Sesame Street kinda kid." Kat said
"I wasn't but Sam was" Dean said, smiling "See you later tonight?" He asked
"Definitely." she said and raised her eyebrows with a suggestive smirk on her face.
That night after her double was over, Kat was taking out the garbage before she left. She stepped outside the diner and walked over to the dumpsters. She shoved the bag into the dumpster and heard the engine of the Impala pull up. She turned and saw Dean climbing out.
"Hey stranger!" She shouted to him.
He turned, saw her and smiled. She started to walk toward him when the expression on his face changed from excited to worried in a split second.
"KAT, behind you!" He yelled and started running toward her. Kat turned and was met with a piece of wood to the head. She hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, out cold. Dean raised his gun to the guy that hit her and said "Don't move!"
"Or what?" The guy taunted
Before Dean could respond, he got whacked on the back of the head and he fell to the ground, also out cold.
"Guess we'll never know." the woman that had hit him over the head said, smiling at the guy.
Kat's head snapped up, her shoulders, ankles and hands tied firmly to the chair she was sitting on.
"Kat?" Came Dean's voice from behind her
"Yeah?" She asked with a moan
"You're awake." he said
She blinked a couple of times trying to get her vision to correct itself and then felt around as best as she could but couldn't feel the knots. She wriggled her feet and asked
“Any progress over there?”
“Working on it.” Dean said
The door a few feet away suddenly opened and they turned their heads to see the couple that had attacked them earlier. When they got closer, Dean and Kat could see their black eyes.
"Well, well, well" the man said and walked over to them, the woman not far behind him "If it isn't Hell's biggest pain in the ass and Dean Winchester"
Kat laughed
"My reputation precedes me," she said "and who the hell are you?"
"Who we are isn't any of your business." the woman snapped.
"Manners Emma," the man said to her and he made his way closer to Kat "You are a hard woman to find." he said and bent his knees so that he was eye level with her "Remember how you slaughtered a couple of demons three years ago?"
"Hard to say," Kat said "I've killed a lot of demons."
"Two very special ones," the man said "They may or may not have had something to do with your parent's murder."
"Oh yeah, I remember now," Kat said "I did do that."
The man sighed
"Well you see, those were two of my best demons and you, a tiny girl, managed to get rid of both of them and I can't say that makes me very happy."
"That's too bad," Kat said as she felt Dean's hands moving frantically to untie the knots "I did what I did with pride and I'd do it again."
"You're going to wish you hadn't said that." the man said and backhanded her across the face.
"Pick on someone your own size you black eyed son of a bitch!" Dean shouted after hearing the slap. Kat recovered quickly and turned her face to the demon's, a welt forming on her cheek.
"You hit like a bitch." Kat said
Emma sauntered over to Dean and looked him in the face.
"Aw, he's sweet on her Edward." she said
"Maybe we'll just torture him and make her watch, just like we did with poor Mommy and Daddy." Edward suggested. Kat felt the rope drop and Dean said
"Good luck with that." then he and Kat head butted the demons sending them stumbling backward. Dean grabbed a knife out of his boot and cut the ropes around his ankles. In doing so, Kat's ropes came loose and she got up and started swinging at Edward. From behind her, Kat heard Emma scream as Edward pushed Kat to the ground. She whacked her head on the concrete and before she could process the hit, she saw Dean's boots appear and heard a splash as Edward screamed. Dean reached down, helped her up and they ran as two clouds of black smoke followed them out of the warehouse and disappeared into the night.
"I know where we are, the road is this way." Kat said and they took a left outside of the warehouse.
"Do you still have your phone?" Dean asked, searching his pockets.
Kat patted herself down.
"No, it's gone" she said, not finding her phone.
"Sam's going to come looking." Dean said
"Hopefully we'll meet up with him before those demons come back. What'd you hit them with anyway?" She asked as they walked toward the road
"Holy water." Dean said and showed her his flask.
"Nice." she said
"Oh, hey you're bleeding." he said and made her stop. He took her chin in his fingers and turned her cheek to the street light to get a better look.
"I've had worse." she said
His mouth set in a hard line
"Dean," she started
"Don't" he cut her off "You shouldn't take a hit.”
"Not like I TOLD him to hit me." she said
"That doesn't mean you should, especially not for me." he told her and let her go. They started walking again, this time in silence.
"You okay?" He asked after a few minutes
"I'm fine," she said, in a clipped tone "There's a gas station about two miles that way" she said as they approached the end of the road and she pointed to the right "I know the guy that works the night shift, he'll let us use the phone so we can get a hold of Sam."
"Lead the way." Dean said and they started walking. They walked in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds being their feet crunching the dirt and a breeze blowing through the trees. Kat shivered as they walked and Dean said
"Here, take this" and took off his jacket and handed it to her.
"I'm fine,” she insisted “nothing a warm bath won't fix.”
“We're a long way from a bath,” Dean pointed out “just take the jacket.”
“I'm. Fine.” she insisted and he gently grabbed her elbow. He studied her face and then asked
“Why won't you take my jacket?”
“One, it's not THAT cold out,” she lied, she was freezing but she wasn't about to let him notice “and two, I can handle it okay?”
Dean gave her a curious look and then asked
“You don't want to let anyone help do you?”
“I'm not answering that.” she said simply.
“I'm not demanding an explanation,” he told her “just making an observation.”
Kat opened her mouth to speak; they heard a horn beep and looked up.
"I know that sound." Dean said as his Impala rolled up beside them. Kat got in the backseat and Sam scooted over to the passenger seat so Dean could drive. Once they drove down the road and explained to Sam what happened, Sam asked
"So we have a wendigo AND demons?"
"Never a dull moment in Waco I guess." Kat said with a shrug.
"What should we do?" Sam asked
"Gank 'em all" Dean said "Those demons are mine."
"I can help," Kat said "I have all my stuff at my apartment."
Sam looked from her to Dean and back again as Dean clenched his jaw.
"Maybe that isn't a good idea" Sam said
"What? Three creatures, three hunters. Pretty easy math to me" Kat asked and Sam smirked.
"We can handle it." Dean said
"You don't get to make all the decisions," Kat said "I'm helping, you can just deal with it."
Once they arrived back at her apartment, Kat cleaned her wound and then grabbed her journal.
"Wendigoes are only killed by fire. Lucky for us I have a solution for that."
"And what would that be?" Dean asked
Kat walked across the room to an armoire that was set against her living room wall. She pushed a button and a keypad flipped down. She punched in a code and they heard the lock click. She opened the door and inside was a treasure trove of hunting gear.
"Hmmm, it's here somewhere, she said, looking around as Sam and Dean stood there in amazement.
"Ah, here it is" she said and pulled out what looked like something out of Ghostbusters. It was a backpack with two cylinders on it that were spray painted black.
"Flame thrower" she said "This bit right there," she said pointing to the parts that would rest against her back "Is made of flame and heat resistant fabric"
"What's it powered by?" Sam asked
"Cheap vodka and lighters" Kat said
"I think I'm in love." Dean said and Kat laughed. “I haven't gotten it working properly just yet, so until then, it's flare guns”. She set the pack aside and grabbed two flare guns out of a drawer.
"Ya'll need anything before I shut this sucker?" she asked
"More holy water." Dean said
"Hold up." Kat said and opened a different drawer. She pulled out two bottles of holy water and handed one to each of them.
"What else do you have in here?" Dean asked
“Koofer dust, dead man's blood, my grimoire, crystals and herbs for spells.” she started
"You can geek out over gear later," Sam said with a roll of his eyes "We've got demons to hunt."
"He's right, you can drool over my gear closet later." Kat said and shut the door. She punched the code in again and the keypad flipped up, blending in with the armoire. Kat grabbed her backpack that was leaning against the armior and they set off.
Once they tracked the wendigo to the woods Kat got out of the Impala and Dean followed her.
"Be careful." he said as he helped her put on her backpack.
"Hey, you do the same." she said, buckling the backpack around her waist.
"Meet is back at the motel in," Dean looked at his watch "Two hours, if you don't show up, I'm coming to look for you."
Kat eyed him
“You won't have to,” she told him “I got this.”
She set off for the woods without looking back at him, feeling a tightness in her chest she wasn't used to.
An hour and half and one dead wendigo later, Kat arrived back at Sam and Dean's motel room, the Impala was nowhere in sight. Kat opened the door to the motel with the extra key Dean had given her and quickly took off her mud coated boots at the door. She unhooked the backpack and set it beside her boots, her back aching from the weight of it. She closed and locked the door behind her and turned on the light. She checked the salt lines around the windows and fixed the one by the door, then she sat at the table to wait for Sam and Dean.
Twenty minutes passed and Kat heard what sounded like the Impala roll up. She quickly peeked out of the window and saw the lights on the black beast of a car cut off and the two boys get out. She waited until they came through the door and rushed over to Dean hugging him tightly. He did the same as Sam shut the door behind them.
"Are you okay?" He asked, looking her over
"Yeah, I'm fine, you?" She asked, checking his face.
"Except for this," he said, showing her a cut on his arm "I'm fine."
"We have to get that cleaned," she said "Sit down."
"I'll take care of it," Dean said
"Sit." Kat demanded and pointed to the chair she'd just been sitting in.
"You okay Sam?" She asked, looking him up and down.
"Got kicked in the chest pretty hard," he said "but I'm fine"
"I have drugs for that." she said and grabbed the backpack she'd been carrying.
"I'm going to take a shower, then I'll take you up on those drugs." he said as he winced and hobbled over to the bathroom. Once the bathroom door was shut, Kat took the bag over to the table and looked at Dean's cut.
"I'll clean this up, I'm not sure if you need stitches or not." she said
"Get the whiskey first" he said and nodded to the counter. Kat quickly grabbed the bottle and handed it to him. She unscrewed the lid and opened her bag. She pulled out what looked like a pee pad for dogs and put it under Dean's arm. She then grabbed gloves, a small bottle of clear liquid and some gauze pads. Once she put the gloves on she soaked the gauze pads in the clear liquid.
"Alcohol?" He asked and took a swig from the bottle
Kat shook her head
"Hydrogen peroxide," she said "I'll dissolve the blood and clean the wound so I can see if you need stitches."
Dean nodded and took another swig from the bottle. She carefully started cleaning the wound, assessing it as she went. Once it was cleaned, she said
"It's not as deep as I thought, you don't need stitches. I'm going to wrap this after you have a shower so it'll stay clean" She reached in the bag again as Sam came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
"How bad is it?" He asked, nodding to Dean
"He'll live." Kat said with a smile as she took off her gloves and tossed them in a pile with the used gauze pads. Sam picked up his clothes and went back into the bathroom. As he shut the door, Kat gathered up the soiled materials and threw them away. She then pulled out a bigger gauze pad and triple antibiotic ointment. Then she pulled out a bottle of big pink pills.
"Are you allergic to any medications?" She asked Dean and he shook his head.
"This is an antibiotic called amoxicillin, take this twice a day for five days to keep the infection away" and handed Dean the bottle.
"You carry antibiotics around with you?" He asked
"I'm prepared," she said as Sam came out of the bathroom "You go take a shower, I'll look at Sam."
Dean nodded and changed places with Sam.
"How do you know all this?" Sam asked
"I had to learn to patch myself up." she said, which wasn't technically a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.  "How's your chest?" she asked him
"Hurts" he said
She reached in her bag and handed him a prescription bottle with four white pills in it.
"Here's some painkillers to help you sleep, take one every four to six hours don't mix with alcohol and don't drive when you take it."
"What DON'T you have in that bag?" Sam asked with a laugh
"A flux capacitor, but I'm working on it." she said with a smile.
Later on, after Dean was patched up and Sam was sound asleep, Kat and Dean lay in his bed talking quietly. He had insisted that she stay with them and he'd loaned her a shirt and some shorts to sleep in. They stayed up over half the night in each other's arms, regaling each other with stories; from their lives to hunting stories. Kat noted that when she talked, he didn't stare at her blankly or look at her chest. He actually listened to what she had to say and responded. She told him how she and Dave fixed up her Mustang and he smirked.
"What can't you do?" He asked
"There's a lot I can't do," she said "But I know where my area of expertise is so I use it."
"Thank you for patching us up." he said, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"You're welcome, happy to help." she said as his finger trailed down her jaw line. He tilted he chin up with his finger and kissed her gently. When their kiss ended she yawned
"Go to sleep." he said and kissed her forehead. She snuggled closer to him, resting her forehead on his chest as his arms folded around her.
The next morning, Kat woke up and saw Dean sitting at the table, drinking coffee.
"Morning sleepyhead" he said with a smile
"Morning handsome" she said with a yawn. She sat up and stretched
"Where's Sam?" She asked
"Getting breakfast." he said as she got up out of bed and came over to him. He scooted his chair back and pulled her into his lap. They wrapped their arms around each other, his forehead pressed into her shoulder as she stroked his mussed hair. She couldn't deny what she felt in her heart; something was different between the two of them.
They separated and looked at one another; his handsome face smiling back at her.
No, she decided. Getting involved with a hunter wasn't worth it.
She gave him a grateful grin and got up
“I'm gonna go change,” she told him “then can you take me home?”
Dean nodded and watched her disappear into the bathroom.
“Fuck.” he swore under his breath.
Here was someone he could see getting to know better, someone he felt like he could trust; but he knew deep down that she didn't trust him. Or anyone else for that matter.
He clicked his tongue in his mouth
“Well, so much for that.” he mumbled
After breakfast, Dean drove Kat back to her apartment in silence. He walked her to the door and when they arrived he said
“Thank you for all your help, I mean it.”
She nodded
“Any time,” she told him “If you guys are local and need help, call me.”
Dean shifted his weight and then asked
“If I'm local and just want to see you, can I?”
She studied his face for a long few seconds, he felt his heart beating in his throat.
“Honestly?” she asked “I don't know.” Dean's heart sank, it showed on his face and she said “What I mean by that is, I know what it's like to be involved with a hunter. I fought for normal and I want to keep that.”
“I'm not asking to go steady,” Dean said, even thought his heart shouted “LIAR!” “just if I'm in the area and you want to get your ass kicked at pool, can I call you?”
She bit her lip as she felt torn. She had a million thoughts race through her head all at once and, out of what seemed like pure instinct, she nodded.
“I'd like that.” she said.
They hugged and he caught one last whiff of her.
“Bye Kat.” he told her and let her go.
She slid her hands up his chest and without any forethought, she stretched up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.
“Bye Dean.” she said against his skin and then went inside, her heart pounding against her rib cage.  
I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter; if you want more....dinna fash, there’s MORE to come!! if you wanna be tagged for this series, let me know. Squidimus Squad, you guys are already down for everything, so no worries. 
Feel free to like and share with your followers, and give that follow button a BOOP if you wanna see more from me!!!
 The Squidimus Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​ @girlborninstorms​​​ @dacleverfox​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​ @deanscarlett​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​ @animerose96​​​ @l8nit-l0vr​​​ @drakelover78​​​​ @curly-haired-disaster​​​​ @roonyxx​​​ @snffbeebee​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​ @mirandaaustin93​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​ @emilyshurley​​ @atc74​ @midnightsilverafterdark​ @adoptdontshoppets
85 notes · View notes
travelingtheusa · 3 years
2021 Jul 18 (Sun) - It rained all night long.  We heard a tree branch fall somewhere nearby but it didn’t hit us.  We found it landed near a camper next to us but no one got hurt and it missed their camper.
     We drove into town to get fuel this morning.  We had to come back up that long hill but Paul’s repair held. Hopefully, it will do well with the trailer and get us to a dealer repair service in Bath tomorrow.  Paul super glued the split, put some rubber over it, then some hard plastic over that, and clamped the entire repair.
     We all drove over to Eagles Mere.  It was a small quaint historic town.  We strolled around the area and bought lunch.  There was a lovely old church that Paul and I explored.
     We had a delightful campfire tonight.  
 2021 Jul 17 (Sat) – We didn’t have far to drive today (84 miles), so we waited until 11 AM to leave.  Unfortunately, the campground was having a new gate installed that jammed up traffic.  In addition, it cut down on the space available to the big rigs to swing out. Hank’s rig got hung up in the turn and he had to get out, unhook his tow, and back up.  There was quite a traffic jam as cars and rigs tried to get in and out of the campground.
     In the meantime, Rick & Brenda and we had already pulled out.  We drove slowly, waiting for Hank and Joe & Diane to catch up.  We went through several small towns and bad roads until we finally got on the interstate. While climbing a very long hill on I-80, we heard a pop and lost power.  Paul said we blew the turbo (a VERY expensive part of the engine).
     We arrived at Pioneer Campground in Laporte/Muncey Valley at 3 PM. The drive was much longer than we had expected due to all the problems we had starting out.  The campsites are all very close together and getting into our assigned spaces was challenging but we all did it.  Once parked, Paul popped the hood to look at the engine and discovered a split in the hose connected to the turbo.  Maybe the problem is the hose and not the turbo itself. I am praying that is so.  It will be a LOT less expensive to replace that part. All the service centers in the area closed at noon and no one is open tomorrow.  We will limp into Bath on Monday.  In the meantime, Paul put a piece of rubber over the split and clamped the ends. Let’s hope that will get us to Bath.
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     At 5:30 PM, we went to the office to pick up our pre-ordered dinners. Paul and I had fried shrimp and a fried sampler basket of mozzarella sticks, corn poppers, pierogis and onion rings.  We sat at the picnic table with Joe & Diane until it started raining. Thunderstorm warnings were ringing through on the phone.  It rained pretty hard and steady.
 2021 Jul 16 (Fri) – We went into Jim Thorpe with Joe & Diane for a ride on the Lehigh Gorge Railroad.  It was 70 minutes and rode out and back through the Pennsylvania countryside. Sometimes, we could catch a glimpse of the river running alongside the tracks.  The trees are full and it was hard to see past them.
     After we got back, we walked up the hill to the Marion Hose Co. for lunch.  It was a converted fire house.  We had to sit outside and the sun made things very warm.  Following lunch, we walked to St. Mark’s Church.  It was built in the 1800s by Asa Packer’s widow, Sara.  After her parents died, Mary Parker Cummings added on to the church.  She even had an elevator put into the church, large enough to fit a coffin and 6 pall bearers.  Ironically, she turned out to be the first person to use the elevator when she died a day before the elevator was done.
     When we got back to the campground, we had happy hour in the pavilion. A thunderstorm rolled in and it poured hard for about 20 minutes.  There were many puddles around the area.
2021 Jul 15 (Thu) – We went to WalMart this morning for groceries. When we got back, we went with Joe & Diane to the Asa Packer Mansion in Jim Thorpe.  Hank met us at the house.  Rick & Brenda went bike riding.  It was a fascinating story of a very poor boy who grew up to become a multi-millionaire.  The house was gorgeous but not overly ostentatious, like many of the other mansions of the rich and famous we have toured.  The tour guide was an older woman (probably our age), but she was a hoot! She made the tour very enjoyable.
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     Following the mansion tour, we walked into town and had lunch at Antonio’s Pizzeria.  The food wasn’t bad.  Joe & Diane took off to do some shopping and we rode back to the campground with Hank.
    At 4:30 PM, we took off with Joe & Diane to Saylorsburg to the Blue Ridge Winery to enjoy some wines and live music.  It was almost an hour ride as we zig zagged through the countryside. Diane admitted her GPS might have been set on sightseeing mode.  Lol. The winery was very large and very nice. We all got flights and traded sips from each other’s glasses.  That was so nice rather than sitting there with our masks on afraid of one another. We got back to the campground around 9:30 PM.
 2021 Jul 14 (Wed) – We drove to Pottsville with Hank and Rick & Brenda (Joe & Diane went to Mauch Chunk Lake on a hike) for a tour of the Yuengling Brewery.  There was a large group of about 28 people on the tour.   The tour guide was 7th generation Yuengling and was quite nervous. She was around 18 years old and talked very fast with frequent hand gestures and rambling points.  The brewery is currently being run by a 5th generation son.  The next generation coming in to this family owned business is all female.  The tour took us through cool caves and up and down steep stairways.  At the end of the tour, we all got to taste two beers.  We returned to the campground and grilled dinner at 5 PM.  After dinner, we did the laundry.
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2021 Jul 13 (Tue) – We all drove to Hickory Run State Park today. The visitor’s center had a small display about the park.  Then we walked the Shades of Death Trail.  It was a 1.1 mile (2.2 miles roundtrip) trail full of rocks, boulders, and tree roots that wound its way up and down the mountainside.  There were two waterfalls and some pretty steep and muddy parts.  We didn’t quite make it to the end of the trail as it was a strenuous hike.
     After we got back to the car, we drove to Boulder Field.  This is a field full of boulders.  If it was water, it would be a lake.  The field was huge and there people walking all over the rocks. The field has formed over the years as ice and water have caused the boulders to crack.  In addition, the field is moving as it sits on permafrost. It is such a fascinating natural phenomenon.
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     We then drove to Dom N Ali for lunch.  It was a rustic lodge with a very nice restaurant and bar area.  Paul and I and Hank took leftovers home, Joe & Diane and Rick & Brenda consumed all of their food.
     When we got back to the campground, we enjoyed happy hour for an hour. Diane made Brussel sprouts to snack on and they were very good.
 2021 Jul 12 (Mon) – We all went into the town of Jim Thorpe and walked around.  It is a delightfully historic town with buildings over 100 years old.  Many of the buildings are painted in bright pastel colors and the trim and bric-a-brac are carefully painted in detail.  The roads are very narrow and there are plenty of small shops and restaurants to keep the tourists happy.  The place has changed dramatically since we were last here in 2013.  
     Paul & I walked Race Trail with Joe & Diane until 11:30 when we went to Molly Maguires to meet the rest of the group for lunch.  We sat out on the deck and enjoyed our meal. Then Joe & Diane left to take their car to the garage.  We walked down Race Trail again, this time with Hank and Rick & Brenda in tow.  
     We walked a little further up the steep hill and stopped in to the Mauch Chunk Museum.  The name of the town used to be Mauch Chunk.  They used to be very rich with 13 millionaires on Stone Row.  Then the times changed and the town fell on hard times. They were advertising for ways to raise money to help renew the town.  Jim Thorpe’s widow, upon seeing the ad, approached the town and offered to infuse money into the town if they would rename it after her late husband. They built a very nice monument to the athlete and interred his body there.  As promised, Mrs. Thorpe brought lots of money to the town and built an incredible church in honor of her late husband.  Interestingly, they had been estranged at the time of her husband’s death.
 2021 Jul 11 (Sun) – We packed up and again traveled down the road as a loose caravan.  Joe & Diane left yesterday to go visit relatives in the area.  It was Hank, Rick & Brenda and us in the group.  It was a short ride as the next campground was only 84 miles away.  The directions Paul had printed out didn’t work so well and we wound up pulling onto Main Street when we got into Jim Thorpe.  It was a tight drive with our big rigs along the narrow roadway.
     We pulled into Jim Thorpe Camping Resort at 12:30 p.m.  The entrance was narrow and a sign told campers to register at the office.  As we pulled in toward the office, some guy came out and said we were going to be “over there” pointing vaguely to the side and told us to back up.  Now, if you have ever driven a big rig, you know that backing up is not an easy thing to do.  In addition, the two motorhomes were coming in behind us.  They both tow vehicles behind them and cannot back up without disconnecting the tow vehicles (referred to a “toads”).  I got out and helped Paul back up, holding a hand out and telling Hank to wait.  We got the RV backed up and turned down the side road, then had Hank and Rick & Brenda (who were sitting out on the road waiting for things to clear) pull over beside us.  We then went into the office to sign in.  Joe & Diane were already in the campground and stated they had asked to have their site changed because it was right beside the campground roadway.  We all got our assignments and with a bit of jockeying and turning around, we found our spots.
     Rick & Brenda had picked up corn at a market and we roasted that for dinner.  
 2021 Jul 10 (Sat) – We rented ebikes today and went for a ride around the Pennsylvania countryside with Rick & Brenda (who already own ebikes).  It seems like every farm has a sign out to sell something – eggs, milk, vegetables, crafts, etc.  Amish buggies passed us on the roads, as plentiful as the cars that sped by.
     We had happy hour and barbecued burgers and corn on the grill for dinner.
 2021 Jul 9 (Fri) – We stopped at a winery today.  Rick & Brenda joined us.  It wasn’t very good.  We all went to dinner at Good N Plenty.  It is an Amish restaurant where they serve the food family style.  It was excellent.  The waitress brought a cabbage slaw, ham salad, applesauce, apple butter, bread and butter for appetizer.  Then she brought plates of food: fried chicken, ham steaks, mashed potatoes, roasted corn, and gravy.  For dessert, she brought a slice of shoofly pie for us all to sample while we ordered additional sweets.
 2021 Jul 8 (Thu) – We packed up and left Fort Belvoir, VA at 9:30 a.m.  There were three of us traveling together: Joe & Diane and Rick & Brenda.   We formed a loose caravan traveling down the interstate.  It rained off and on during the drive.  We arrived at the Beacon Hill Camping Resort in Intercourse, PA around 1:30 p.m.  Hank was already there waiting for us.  His wife is home taking care of her mother and will fly out to meet Hank when the caravan starts.
     The campground is very tight and the sites are close together. We are on the road and next to a major road.  The fireflies are magical at night.  They seem to lift out of the grass like embers from a campfire.  There are all kind of fowls running around as the campground is right across the street from a farm.  There are geese, ducks, chickens, guinea hens, a turkey, and a peacock. They roam all around the campground. The smell of livestock is in the air.
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kirkypet · 6 years
MMFR Bladerunner crossover
Part 29
It’s uncomfortable, being talked about. Especially when your conscience is giving you hell. He wasn’t happy to see the kid again, which made him even more guilty. But he’d had to get out of there. It became very obvious very quickly that it was not a healthy place for him to be.
The research program was technically voluntary but, when the alternative is a vagrancy charge, it’s questionable. What had they done with half his stuff, anyway? His car? He couldn’t even find his other boot when he skipped out.
At least he’d gotten a haircut and a shave out of it, though it’d been a heartstopping moment when they started buzzing at him like that. What were they even planning to do with him? He’d signed the papers but it wasn’t exactly informed consent. Fragments of old movies came trickling back into his memory. Scientists who recruited homeless people off the street tend not to be all that ethical, in general.
It was only when they’d paired him up with the kid that he found out what the project was trying to achieve. He hadn’t had to ask. The kid talked enough for both of them, plus some. “Hey Bloodbag, you gonna give me some more of that high-octane crazy blood?” was his standard greeting as he was wheeled in of a morning.
And he couldn’t blame anyone but himself for the crazy rep. He hadn’t exactly been a compliant patient at the beginning. The only one of his cohort that they’d had to keep sedated 24/7. And it’d freaked him out even more at first, being so woozy and woolly-headed, he was convinced they were bleeding him dry. Spent half a day staring at a saline drip feeding into one arm and a vacant cannula taped to the other before he was convinced it wasn’t blood loss that had him feeling so fuzzy.
They took blood once a day, but only a couple of vacutainers worth, he could spare that. That’s how it was at first, a daily visit from a nurse, siphoning off a little blood, a bowlful of some kind of gloop which didn’t taste of very much at all, and a top up of his sedative. He didn’t mind being kept calm. Not even HE wanted a repeat of the mad dash after they brought him in. He tried not to think about that.
They eased off on the drugs just after he got a visit from the boss scientist, the one with the coke-bottle glasses. He seemed very happy about something, asked if Mr Rockatansky would be willing to donate a LITTLE bit more blood, transfuse it directly into a patient. How they’d make sure it wouldn’t do him the slightest harm. Promised extra nutrients, financial recompense, all sorts of things. Max didn’t care much, as long as they left him enough to stay alive.
After that, it was the glasses guy every day, taking blood personally, checking how he was feeling and eventually asking if Max would feel okay with easing off of his dose of sedative. He’d be a blood donor soon, and the drug would affect the recipient. He’d got an idea of what they wanted with him, and it wasn’t as bad as his imagination had suggested. Besides, he was vaguely interested in what had got glasses guy so excited. He seemed like a decent guy, if weird. He’d occasionally mutter about Max’s ‘very obliging progenitor cells’ and his ‘remarkable telomerase’, which left Max both confused and amused.
Next day glasses guy wheeled the kid in, introduced him as Nux, a late-stage case. Late-stage what?. He found out soon enough. Within a week he knew everything about Nux that the kid knew himself. It was mainly how much an asshole his partner Slit was and how much he was looking forward to arriving in Valhalla. Whatever the fuck that meant. Not a lot of variety, but then the kid was unencumbered with memories beyond his own experience. Wouldn’t that be nice? Max-not-Max thought bitterly, then felt a little guilty as he caught the eye of the woman by the door. It wasn’t that bad. They were good company, most of the time.
So their aim was to prolong the Nexus-6 lifespan? Okay, fine. Seemed reasonable. Probably in his interest to play along. Four years was no time at all. Especially if you spent the last few months as sick as this kid appeared to be. Though Nux maybe wouldn’t be ‘running on empty’ as he put it, if he could rein in his yapping and relax for ten minutes.
He was kind of rooting for the kid, so it was a kick in the gut when glasses guy showed up alone and said that they hadn’t seen any lasting benefits in the late-stage case. They were going to see what effect his blood extract had on a younger replicant and, all being well, he would bring along a new recipient within a few weeks.
So they went back to the old routine of daily sampling, minus the sedative. He didn’t need it anymore and glasses guy seemed satisfied his prize subject wouldn’t take another panic attack now he was settled in.
He’d hate to admit it, but he kind of missed the kid’s chatter. It was times like these he was glad to have someone else’s memories manifesting in physical form, even if no one else could see them. Jessie and Sprog showed up quite often in the solitary room, either because he was off the sedative or because they knew he’d be bored all alone.
And then, no one came to take a sample. No glasses guy, no assistant. Mid-afternoon, a red-eyed orderly came in with a bowl of nutritious glop and an apology for being late. The woman fumbled the spoon, it clanged off the floor. “I’ll get another” came out as a sob and she positively bolted for the door before Max could say anything. He shared a glance with Jessie, before stretching for the dropped spoon. Eat first, then figure out what’s going on.
Then, on stiff and cramping legs, he made his way to the door and peeked out cautiously. All was not well in the facility. White-coated figures hurried along nervously, hugging stacks of buff-coloured folders like they expected someone to step out and accost them.
Frantic sounds of typing from an office across the corridor, muffled swearing. Someone trying to do something too quickly, by the sounds of it. It wasn’t only the orderly who was visibly upset. The atmosphere was thick with fear and tension.
“Time to go, Max” a voice by his ear whispered. He’d been thinking pretty much along those lines too. Something had happened, something bad. He didn’t want to stick around to see what.
Need clothes, something for his feet. No drip to disconnect, thankfully. The cannula in his other arm could stay put for the meantime. His bedside locker was easy enough to pick. He stuffed his jacket and the rest of the contents into his duffel bag, but could only find one boot. Too risky to wear his own stuff, they probably wouldn’t just let him walk out of there.
“Max!” she called out from outside the door. Goddamit woman, he thought, as he recovered from a minor heart attack. Reminding himself that no one else could hear her, he moved to the door. It was easier to come when called, it saved time. He’d spent long enough arguing that it wasn’t his name, but it’d been like talking to the wall. Jessie was always stubborn. Apparently.
She was there, shooing him towards a door marked ‘Stores’. Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. Making straight for the nearest pile of scrubs, he stripped off his uniform-slash-pyjamas and pulled on the green pants and shirt. It was only then that he realised he’d been raiding the laundry basket. Fuck it, the stains’ll make him more convincing. A pair of white rubber mules for his feet, and he’s good to go. Wait…he dashed for the nearest store cupboard…unlocked too, tut…and filled his duffel with all the meds he could recognise, along with a handful of sterile needles and bloodlines. Good for trade.
Right. GO. Reaching the door handle, he heard raised voices from the corridor. “…Rockatansky. We’ve got a warrant.”
“He’s not in his room. Just let me check…” the door opened and Max was face to face with the red-eyed orderly. She didn’t even flinch. “…no, not in here” she called to the visitors, and shut the door again. “He may be in surgery, follow me please…” the voices quickly faded. Max stuck his head round the door. Left, they’d gone left. Right, was an emergency exit. Sprog squealed with delight and bolted for the door on unsteady legs.
The alarm was tripped, but he didn’t care.
He lost the ridiculous shoes at the perimeter fence. It didn’t slow him down.
Next chapter
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