#clem vs cure
thefenchysc2 · 3 months
esport clem vs cure starcraft 2
je te présente dans cette vidéo le BO3 de clem vs cure dans le groupe des IEM catowice 2024
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Dans cette vidéo je vous propse de revivre le BO3 du premiers match entre clem vs cure sur starcraft 2 dans les IEM Katowice de 2024 esport. Impatien de vois quel bo terran va resortir. On commencera par le groupe stage jour 1 de clem. Cure va t'il etre capable de battre clem sur sc2.
5- LIEN PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/499eK6E
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northern-passage · 6 months
Oh are you a Soulsborne enjoyer? 👀 What type of boss would the cast be? & what would their government mandated epithets be?
oh this is like deep lore stuff.... im just a simple casual.....
i don't really know what you mean by type of boss 😭 but if i had to assign boss fights to them (bloodborne only cus it's what i'm familiar with):
Lea Chen of the Black Iron / Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
"Only an honest death will cure you now...." Lea's fighting style matches pretty closely to Lady Maria's; they're quick but patient. also i love the hunter vs. hunter aspect of that fight, i think the hunter bosses are the most interesting bosses in Bloodborne. i find it hard to imagine Lea fighting against the hunter... only if it was for their own good, as a last resort.... to "cure" them...
Hunter Lykaon / Martyr Logarius
obviously the use of spells here would go well with Noel's fighting style, and while i don't understand all of the lore around Martyr Logarius, i see Noel's loyalty and stubbornness potentially putting him in a similar position. though Noel isn't really one to keep secrets, xe'd still stand guard for the hunter if they asked.... or stand against them if xe had to. Noel is the one companion that could potentially defeat the hunter. it depends just how far the hunter is willing to go.
Merry, daughter of The Omen / Vicar Amelia
honestly this one was hard, i think her and Lea could both fit under Lady Maria, but it's boring to do the same one twice (and there's not many human enemies in bloodborne so just pretend) same with Martyr Logarius, i'm sure there are lots of ways to interpret Vicar Amelia, but i see something kind of metaphorical there with Merry... instead of the locket she's holding the ring she wears around her neck, and while she doesn't turn into a literal monster, she's quite vicious and she has changed drastically from who she used to be. Merry doesn't always like the person she sees in the mirror. while Vicar Amelia is an early encounter, i actually think Merry would be one of the toughest companions for the hunter to fight. not because she's stronger, but mentally and emotionally i think this fight would be the hardest for them, besides Lea... Merry would lose but she'd make sure the hunter would never forget it.
Clementine the Jackal / Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen
Clementine is the secret boss..... i think the implications with this one are pretty obvious. Clementine absolutely could not stand toe to toe against the hunter, if i had to design an actual boss fight with them it would be something like Yharnam's, with Clem using magic, illusions, a whole lot of blood and a really big knife to get around the hunter and backstab them..... 🤔 i think Clementine could get a few licks in and drag the fight out for quite awhile with their magic tricks, but the hunter would catch them eventually.
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ghoulsbeard · 1 year
he ends up tagging on with tiernan post da3 bc the structure of mage society (as it were) is in flux possibly for the better and tiernans earned his trust and is possibly one of the most uniquely positioned people alive to understand what he’s going through (i always hoped clem would get the cure.) and at the end of the day this means he and linnea end up changing from allies bound in blood epic style to bickering quasi cousins. none of them are related but i think the idea of “family” in the circle is a touchy topic for many and most people there have a different idea of it vs non-Circlers
avexis i hope would go with minaeve and helisma but if she didn’t honestly I think vivienne would make sure she found a good and safe and comfortable place to live .. <3
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Old Man Crenshaw
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[ @bowelfly​ was disappointed when my “dagnabbit porn bots” post wasn’t an actual monster, so I figured I’d stat up the character I used for the header image. Boggy Creek 2: And the Legend Continues is not a good movie by any means. Like so many creature features, it spends a lot of its runtime walking around the woods, and it has a leering misogyny towards its female characters. The movie picks up in the last fifteen minutes when we meet Crenshaw here, a swamp rat who accidentally caught hisself a little Bigfoot. Jimmy Clem was something of a luck charm for director Charles B. Pierce, having appeared in almost all of his movies, and you can see why. He’s got a lot of charisma playing a gross weirdo, and he steals the show.
This version leans a bit more into the fantasy setting of Pathfinder, but assumes that something like the events of Boggy Creek 2 have already happened in the flavor text. Even if you don’t want swamp sasquatches in your game, these statistics should do a good job for a variety of backwoods gun-toting types.]
Old Man Crenshaw CR 2 CN Humanoid (dwarf) This large, fat man has a ragged beard, a balding head and a scowling expression. He wears simple clothes and a strange headband, and carries a gun.
Old Man Crenshaw is a backwoods hunter, trapper and distiller. He has naval training, but jumped ship and headed up river, living in a shack tucked away near the river bottoms. Crenshaw is tall for a dwarf, and many people mistake him for human; his “old man” sobriquet is due to the fact that he’s been around for several (human) generations. He occasionally works as a guide for explorers, but he makes a living sells moonshine, pelts or alchemical remedies. Crenshaw distrusts city folk, government officials, or anyone with pretensions.
Old Man Crenshaw’s life became much more exciting recently, when he accidentally caught a sasquatch child in one of his traps. Crenshaw took the youth home, fixed up his broken leg as well he could, and spent several weeks under siege by its father, who was attempting to rescue the boy. The young sasquatch would have died if not for the aid of a traveling scholar and his students, who treated the humanoid’s infected wounds and returned him to his family. Following this close call, Crenshaw has a newfound respect for the more monstrous denizens of his swamp, and works to protect them from intruders.
Old Man Crenshaw          CR 2 XP 600 Dwarf gunslinger 2/rogue 1 (river rat) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7 Defense AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +1 dodge) hp 29 (2d10+1d8+9) Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities Defensive Abilities hardy, nimble +1 Offense Speed 20 ft.; slow and steady Melee masterwork battleaxe +4 (1d8+1/x3) Ranged masterwork blunderbuss +5 (1d8) Special Attacks deeds (deadeye, gunslinger’s dodge, quick clear), grit (2 points), sneak attack +1d6 Statistics Str 12, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 8 Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. bull rush or trip) Feats Gunsmithing (B), Rapid Reload (blunderbuss), Skill Focus (Craft: alchemy) Skills Appraise -1 (+1 for treasure found below water), Craft (alchemy) +8, Disable Device +7, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +7, Profession (sailor) +8, Stealth +7, Survival +7 (+9 on water), Swim +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise for aquatic treasure, +2 Profession (sailor), +2 Survival on water Languages Common, Dwarven SQ saltbeard, swamper Gear masterwork blunderbuss, masterwork leather armor, masterwork battleaxe, alchemist’s lab, powder horn, 10 doses black powder, 5 handfuls pellets, 5 bullets, 5 alchemical cartridges (pellets), 5 alchemical cartridges (bullets), 2 potions cure light wounds, 2 bear traps, healer’s kit, rowboat, 4 gallons moonshine, 2 antitoxin, 4 alchemist fire, 25 gp Special Abilities Saltbeard (Ex) Dwarves occasionally found iron cities along rugged seacoasts, and natives of such cities gain a +2 bonus on Profession (sailor) and Survival checks while at sea. They gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against creatures with the aquatic or water subtype. Their greed racial trait applies only to treasure found in or under the water, but applies to all such treasure regardless of whether or not it contains metal or gemstones. This racial trait replaces defensive training, hatred, and stonecunning. Swamper (Ex) At 1st level, a river rat gains a bonus equal to half her rogue level on Swim checks (minimum +1). A river rat ignores difficult terrain caused by light undergrowth and shallow bogs, and it costs her only 2 squares of movement to enter a square of deep bog or heavy undergrowth, rather than 4 squares of movement. She takes no penalty on Acrobatics or Stealth checks for being in bogs and undergrowth. All of these abilities apply only when she is wearing light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load. This replaces trapfinding.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 4 years
I keep having fan theories/wishes/hopes✨ of the Rick Grimes movies. 😅🙃
Oh boy. ...I’m gonna have high expectations and stuff about the movie. arghhh ...um I need a fanfic or something. 
Anyway, I guess I put some thoughts on here ..so then I don’t make new posts all the time or something. I also wanna do fan edits. It helps to write out my wishes and go like there thats my “head/canon” ending of TWD/RG’s story.
-So lately I think the movies are gonna be like a repeat of the show’s premise and I kept thinking maybe Rick will be friending with a teen boy who is similar to Carl or he could be Asian and it also reminds us of Glenn. So it would be like father and son figure trope-storyline like other shows/movie have done.
-It would be cool to see Heath there (idk if the actor’s available and etc.) Then it also reminds of some theories like if Morgan’s son Duane is still alive and they’re at CRM. But I think that messes up Morgan’s story though.
-I have that whole “#Carol’s mission” theory...and was wondering how Carol and Daryl (Grimes kids, and other current characters in the show and FTWD, TWDWB) appear in the movies. Maybe the movies’ timeline takes place after 2 years or less from the show(or after the show’s series finale time-wise). So, it would be like the movies are ahead and we watch the show -on how the characters get to the point they were at in Movie 1.
I really don’t know what the plot could be and for 3 movies.😑 Like what’s the conflict and who’s the antagonist.
-someone kinda mention it already and I like the idea that it could be CRM (antagonist) vs. Commonwealth. Or, within CRM, Group A vs Group B (where Rick is at). I kinda had this idea that Group A/CRM are dressed in black and Group B are in streetwear, casual, and wear white/Commonwealth soldiers (and red? Commonwealth and TF helps them.) So it’s black vs white.  ....But Idk what A and B means...I’m hearing it’s “after or before” bitten? ok
-It would be funny or fun if each movie has a different theme to it. Like movie 1 is spy-like movie, movie 2-rom / romcom movie, movie 3- road trip movie.
-I’ve been doing edits and like yeah ok it doesn’t make sense and blah. Idk what my ending I want. Mainly everyone wants a Grimes (and others) reunion. Yeah we want that but i think there’ll be more to it(3 movies!)..other plots going on. 
So, hmm ..it would be cool if they did my wish/idea that I wanted for The 100 show to do. But, the show didn’t but Falling Skies kinda did it. It would be interesting if with my theory TWD does it. The theory/idea is like Rick goes west of USA, territory by territory to save everyone kinda like Lewis and Clark(get it from The100..k) traveling to west... and Rick find other communities. Gaining other communities/friends..against walkers or enemy. Rick would be the leader or someone who help unite communities/territories together. I guess this is like LOTR or a road trip movie. (I told my sis about Falling Skies and she said so there would be bad zombies and good zombies? lol 😑)
- I was thinking maybe there would be an arc, like in the Commonwealth arc in the comics, where it’s Old World vs New World.
Too Long, Read More
- maybe the movie(s) will be like TWDG s3 with the logo on the title parallel and Clem&AJ are like Judith&RJ. heh Well if the kids are gonna be in the movies. I hope they are.
- Maybe they film in May ‘20, after DG’s HBO show. *shrug* :\
-I was thinking if Gimple is all about the easter eggs and creating a TWD universe with many shows/things kinda linked together, then I think TWD movie(s) are like the mothership story (right? movies are the big deal of hollywood/franchise).  Anyway, Gimple really have to plan the movie story out or just have this big plan and endgame in mind ahead of time. This seems really hard..and timelines. Like 3 shows kinda hinting CRM, they all keep going forward into their story, while we get movie1 and then later movie2. It gotta make sense. That’s hard..with SW and Avengers it was already based on books or planned out already(George Lucas). Or movies came out first. TWD comic books ended like s12-ish. // ok... Sigh so many promises.
- Those scifi movies or the mythology in the story is all crazy drama but the answer is LOVE. heh that would be cool. Idk how that works in this. They won the great war, found cure from zombie bites, and everyone’s at peace because of (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ , L💖VE. (easy way out-writing)
-Gimple mentioned “wild directions” on the movies and I just hope the movies still feel like TWD and nicely wrap up Rick’s story. Just no retconning, love triangles, and killing other major characters. 👽
-Doing random edits and like ahh it’s like fic but I see it. FeelsFeelsFeels. Anyway what if Rick, every place he’s been at, left Michonne letters just because(and misses her and loves her still) and it kinda becomes like clues for Michonne to find Rick. Michonne finds love letters for her all over the world/US. 😢💖 But uh my theory is he’s in one place or not idk.
-ok but what if Richonne Reunite on a bridge. 😭💞I like the idea of also being like their first meeting in s3 when they’re by the fences. Also, maybe, something do with their hands..hand touches. -they do a lot of hands holding on the show, btw.
-eta. I haven’t thought of ideas lately and I also did my big twd/rick movie AU edits and felt like satisfied like..there’s that my wish or my au wish to depend on. And also felt discouraged or hopeless?.. on those movies and tired of these rushed early plans on what gimple is gonna do. Like I  mainly just want an overall plan. So far I think i figured out that the movies might be after “TWD World Beyond” ends.  And idk whatever crazy thing AMC is gonna do. like solo movies wtf?
Anyway, I guess they’re kinda saying or rumors that TWD other characters(WB, FTWD) will join. Which I figured because hello movies..make it a TWD movie(more interest, fans, $$). ok. So, if true, Carol/Caryl will be there. And I recently thought of a different idea than before. Like maybe Caryl team will go to New Mexico to meet up FTWD’s group..to help fight against CRM.. ..and to bring them to the movies. Just an idea but idk how that works with other TF/Grimes kids and the tv show. Well I guess maybe it works for both before or after Rick movie #1, and tv show still going (if they still continue the show after s12,TWD:WB and movie #1.)
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Autumn Preferences Bold what your muse prefers and tag some people. 
tagged: @evcryhcrd tagging: @multimuse-online (Ava if you want or whoever you want :D) @ellie-cure-for-mankind @maximummuses (Peni?) @twdgdeadmanwalking (Clem :3) 
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1). go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride 2). scary vs. sweet 3). sweaters vs. boots 4). socks vs. mittens 5). bonfires vs. football 6). trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies 9). bake pie vs. bake cookies 10). rain vs. fog 11). black cats vs. owls 12). ghosts vs. wizards 13). harry potter vs. halloweentown 14). go hiking vs. sleep in 15). cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16). reading vs. writing 17). hot chocolate vs. tea 18). live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 19). candy apples vs. caramel apples 20). blankets vs. pillows 21). roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts 22). coffee vs. apple cider 23). red leaves vs. orange leaves 24). braids vs. bows 25). scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26). carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie 27). pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes 28). coats vs. oversized sweaters 29). beanies vs. berets 30). candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 32). jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire 33). corn maze vs. haunted house 34). bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch 35). whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
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almosthumanophelia · 6 years
Operator Ophelia Development
(( So I saw this post circulating around and I thought this development quiz would be fun to do for Ophelia’s Warframe AU! I needed to develop her more in this AU, and this seemed like a good way to do so.
I made a new post instead of reblogging the original and put the questions and answers under a cut to save everyone’s dashes. Asks about any of these, or asking for further details on her, are welcome as always! ))
1. What is their name?
Ophelia. Just Ophelia. She has no record or recollection of her surname.
2. What model/s of Warframe do they use, mainly?
Ophelia mains Volt. And this around 90% of the time. It’s difficult to convince her to use much else, but her personal arsenal also boasts Valkyr, Mag, Frost, and Limbo.
3. What weapon / weapon type is their favorite?
She doesn’t much care for weapons, and prefers to rely on Warframe abilities to get by. If forced to use a weapon, she prefers bows and swords (but not heavy or two-handed swords).
4. What is your Tenno’s style of fighting? Do they rush in headlong, or prefer to sneak around?
Ophelia can get... carried away. She is often an impulsive and instinctual fighter and gets herself into bad (see: dangerous) situations because of it. She’s got a bit of a reputation because of this.
5. What Syndicate, if any, does your Tenno belong to?
Cephalon Suda all the way.
6. Which of the five Schools, if any, do they belong to?
She always favored Naramon.
7. Does your Tenno agree with the Lotus? Do they view her as a mother, a tyrant, or somewhere in between?
Ophelia would not refer to the Lotus as her mother; she sees her as more of a teacher. She does like and trust the Lotus, to an extent, and listens to her (sometimes). But the Lotus is not the main parental figure in her life, mainly giving her mission directives instead of open and direct affection.
8. How does your Tenno feel about the noncombatant civilians of the system? Are they invested in their protection, or are they vague and unimportant?
Ophelia is rather distant and isolated from the noncombatant aspects of the system. She can’t really relate to any life other than that of a warrior. Despite this, if she felt the immediate need to defend any noncombatant group, she would answer the call.
9. Where do they stand in the Corpus vs. Grineer war, if anywhere?
Ophelia remains neutral and despises both factions equally. She sees the Grineer as a brutal militaristic machine, and the Corpus as a bunch of morality-devoid scumbags. There are notable exceptions for specific individuals, Clem being one of these.
10. What are the top five things your Tenno believes are most important and worth fighting for? These can be abstract concepts or material possessions.
In no particular order:
Survival; knowledge and truth; justice, either personal or for all; the downtrodden; and her beloved Cephalon companion, Ordis.
11. How much of their life before being put in stasis can your Tenno remember?
Little to nothing. She remembers nothing before the Zariman, and that only in muddled flashbacks (think Harry Potter remembering his parents’ deaths). Her memories of the time during the Old War is also foggy, consisting of little domestic moments during her childhood under the care of first Margulis, then the Lotus, but mostly Ordis. Everything else she was informed of or remembered secondhand thanks to information from outside sources.
12. Do they miss anything about it?
In her mind, she can’t miss what she can’t remember. She’s happy aboard the Orbiter, zipping around through the system from day to day. She occasionally misses the innocence she used to have as a small child, but these thoughts eventually pass; she believes it’s better she knows the truth about things.
13. Who was your Tenno during their lifetime as a human, regardless of whether or not they remember?
Get ready y’all this one is LONG.
Ophelia was the daughter of a pair of scientists who worked in robotics and specialized in advancing AI technology - including Cephalons - to the point they could be made readily available to the public, and not just reserved for Orokin use. Her father focused on developing programming and algorithms; her mother implemented the accompanying hardware. Her parents’ research funding came from an earlier iteration of the Corpus, though they disagreed with the ideals centered around profit. Her parents were in their line of work for the sake of the knowledge itself, and for the greater good.
Ophelia herself was born in the medbay of the Orcus relay, during one of her parents’ times stationed at a Corpus outpost on Pluto, making her technically not from Earth. Her parents set out to teach her their love for technology at an early age, but didn’t get much time before they received special instructions to go on a certain voyage. She was only three when the Zariman set out, and her parents were left with no choice but to take their daughter with them - a condition the Orokin readily agreed to. They believed this would be an adventure and a learning opportunity for their child. This, of course, ended in disaster.
She never saw her parents die; they hid her away when the chaos began and she escaped the worst of the fighting. However, the storage compartment she was hidden in wasn’t as shielded from radiation as the cabins of the ship, and she suffered massive void marks and scarring that formed patterns all over her body. Her face is the only skin left relatively unscathed. They persist to this day, and she covers them as best as she can.
14. How does your Tenno see their Warframe? As just a tool? As part of their identity?
Ophelia recognizes that the frames have some level of sentience and life of their own. She therefore treats them as extensions of herself, taking as good of care of a damaged or dirty frame as she would had the damage been done to her own body.
15. Is there any symbolism behind their chosen color scheme and energy color? Do they wear the colors of their Syndicate?
Ophelia uses a lot of blue, indigo, violet, and purple tones of varying shades, with silver accents for metallic portions. There is no real logic to this; she simply prefers those colors and coordinates everything to match.
16. What does your Tenno do during downtime between missions?
She likes trying to compose new tunes on the Mandachord, which she eagerly shares with Suda.
17. Does your Tenno try to modify their Warframe cosmetically, and make it unique?
Most of Ophelia’s modifications are color scheme only. She’s not very into frills or fashion statements, and prefers to keep the frames practical and combat ready. An alternate helmet here or there, and that’s about all.
18. How does your Tenno interact with the rest of the inhabitants of the system? Do they treat their allies warmly, or with disdain?
This depends on the ally. She very much has a love-hate relationship with Simaris, as she thinks of him as a huge jerk but also recognizes the value of staying in his good graces. Suda, she adores and speaks to frequently. Most of her allies are treated as acquaintances and not close friends; she’s not much of a people person in general and prefers the company of Cephalons. This last category includes Darvo, Clem, Teshin, and so on.
19. How do they view themself and their fellow Tenno? Are they monsters barely kept in check by the Lotus’s guidance? Are they the saviors of the system?
Ophelia doesn’t see herself and the Tenno as either monsters or victims. She’s doing the best she can with what fate gave her, and she views her duty to the system more as a job or a practical task than she views it as a savior position. Defending against the Grineer and Corpus is more about preserving the Tenno and their way of life than anything else for her.
20. Does the bloodshed they cause bother your Tenno? Would they put down their weapons, if they could?
Honestly, she’s not very bothered by it. The life of a warrior is all she has ever known, and as long as it is for a just cause (in her mind), she’s pretty capable of pushing aside any lingering doubts or guilt. Were she to try and lay down her weapons, she would inevitably pick them up again at the first cause that caught her eye. She is, first and foremost, a warrior.
21. Assuming there was no war, what would they want to be doing with their life?
Without a war to keep her occupied, she would become a full-time or nearly full-time hunter for Simaris, with the occasional errand for Suda. She would use her access to Simaris’s data and the Sanctuary to research and try to find a mitigation or cure for Cephalon degradation, as she has seen far too many Cephalons thrown away because of reduced functionality.
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televinita · 7 years
empress-of-snark replied to your post “Zoo, 3.03 (super late)”
His life sacrifice didn't so much immediately save the world as it immediately saved the Team who could then go on to save the world (and Clem)                    
replied to your post “Zoo, 3.03 (super late)”
 I definitely think the amnesia vs death dilemma will come back into play at some point, and I'm betting they go with amnesia, if anything, seeing as how they already killed him last year. Bad news, he's essentially useless to the team since they need him for his brain, and all the meaningful relationships in his life are back to square one. Good news, amnesia tropes are fun and we (hopefully) get to see him fall in love with a Jamie all over again.           
kateschechterxthorwasmyfirstotp said: He saved Clem, Jamie and Jackson, he already saved the world by fixing the Noah Project cure.  He worked the cure for Clem, hid the monitors, and sent Jackson and Jamie ahead while he got the electric fences back up so the plane could take off.
kateschechterxthorwasmyfirstotp said: Because this is Zoo I don't think I am going to get it, but an argument between them referencing how each got to think the other was dead, and you're not dying without me, before they decide to send perennial 5th crew member Logan to do the stupid dangerous thing would be most welcome...    
kateschechterxthorwasmyfirstotp said: And yes, that beer thing was so true to the AU where Jamie and Mitch raised her together, it was nice.  I always got the impression from Jamie that any real guidance or active parenting she got ended at 11 when her Mom died, and she kind of raised herself after that.  But if anyone wanted to write the AU Mitch/Jamie learn saving the world is way easier than raising a teenager together fic, I would be so happy to read that.      
Replies below! They turned out way shorter than the original content. But I waste way too much time formatting stuff already.
a/c) I don't know if I forgot or just completely missed the part about him fixing the Noah Project Cure, but okay, that's a pretty big one. I was thinking that the Ghost Gene was only an issue when the gas was supposed to kill the animals, and that when it turned out to cause sterility instead of being lethal to animals, it rendered that point moot.
b) Why would you curse us this way. Zoofolk have spy ears everywhere! I can already hear them plotting how to make Mitch give Jackson a run for his money in the game of Worst Life Ever... albeit somewhat intrigued by how they might pull off an amnesia thing. (and now I have cursed us)
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thefenchysc2 · 3 months
Je commente pour toi le BO3 entre bunny et clem.
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Dans cette vidéo je vous propse de revivre le derniers BO3 entre clem vs cure sur starcraft 2 dans les IEM Katowice de 2024 esport. Impatien de vois quel bo terran va resortir. On rvivrera le derniers BO3 de clem de son groupe stage. Bunny va t'il etre capable de battre clem sur sc2.
5- LIEN PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/499eK6E
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