agentofship · 4 months
15 questions, 15 people
Are you named after anyone? I'm not! My name isn't even on French saints calendars, so not even that :(
When was the last time you cried? I tear up easily these days but fully cried was probably around May or June, a very emotional time for very good and also very bad reasons!
Do you have kids? No, thank you. (stealing that one from @valentinaonthemoon)
What sports do you play/have you played? I don't "play" any sport. Sports team or sports played against an opposant are not my thing, too stressful. I do love swimming very much. I like walking too!
Do you use sarcasm? Not a lot online cause it's hard to express in a language that's not my own and it can be taken the wrong way. I do a lot in real life as it's one of the bases of French humor.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their face/facial expression.
What’s your eye color? Green.
Scary movies or happy endings? Can enjoy the occasional scary movie but I'm all about happy endings now!
Any talents? Drawing.
Where were you born? Paris.
What are your hobbies? Reading, music and live music, drawing, writing, hiking a bit, photography, travelling to cold and pretty places when I can.
Do you have any pets? Not anymore :(
How tall are you? About 160 cm
Favorite subject in school? Literature, Art history, languages, philosophy
Dream job? Live entirely off illustration, doing children's books and covers for my favorite books without being the one who has to promote it all.
Thank you @valentinaonthemoon for the tag <3 Tagging @libbyweasley @2minutes2midnight @apathbacktoyou@clementinewhy if you want to :)
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2minutes2midnight · 2 years
List your top ten celebrity crushes and then tag as many people as you want to do the same thing! It was originally just five celebrity crushes, but I’m branching out baby! Feel free to add photos and GIFs if you do desire!
I was tagged by @zephyrmonkey 🥰
1. To surprise of no one - Iain de Caestecker
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2. Hugh Jackman
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3. Orlando Bloom
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4. Chris Hemsworth
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5. Ewan McGregor
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6. Vigo Mortensen
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7. Ryan Gosling
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8. Ryan Reynolds
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9. Keanu Reeves
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10. Ben Barnes
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Tagging @agentofship , @springmagpies , @clementinewhy and anyone who wants to do this 🥰
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splitscreen · 3 years
Not something I usually do and feel free to ignore. Curious about whether you think Nick will survive? I know we want him to, but if he actually will.
yes! i do think he will survive. i’ve had to do this a lot recently, lol, but thoughts on why will be under a cut because it contains spoilers for the testaments.
so nick is not mentioned much in the testaments, but the few mentions he gets are really great. first, we learn from the testaments that he is so deep into mayday he “needs a tube to breathe” which is exactly what we wanted to hear. 
but second, and to the point of nick’s survival, the last mention of him comes at the end of the book, where, in the epilogue, it is said there is a statue put up by hannah and holly (who are agnes and nicole in the book) and their mother, their respective fathers, and their children and grandchildren. 
so if they stick true to the testaments, which i think they will, not only does nick live, but he lives long enough to become grandpa nick. i will leave you with that thought. 
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bunnykaye · 3 years
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 @aosrecweek​‘s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Best of 2020 Challenge
Rules: post your top 3/5/10/however many favorites of your own works in the past year, and then recommend that many works* created by others.
*I broke this rule, lol 🤣
my favorite personal works:
FitzSimmons/Darcy and Elizabeth parallels  AoS 7x12 + Jemma remembering (parallels)  FitzSimmons family + Sleeping At Last's "Daughter"  AoS 7x13/7x13 parallels - TVTrope "Once More, with Clarity"  FitzSimmons kisses (S1-S6)  Like bobo, like grandson: seeing Jemma in mortal danger  FitzSimmons doing rudimentary science (parallel)  AoS 4x09 - Mack and film/show references  FitzSimmons + Lang Leav's "Beautiful"  AoS + TVTropes series
my favorite works of others (in no particular order):
Top 16 AoS Episodes on IMDb by @jemmafitzsimmons​  The FitzSimmons Story (S1-S7) by @jemmablossom​  FitzSimmons fam - A Little Help From Lemons by @eclecticmuses​  FitzSimmons family in their cottage by @agentreeb​  The FitzSimmons family by @ofitzsimmons​  Melinda May + rainbow by @marvelsaos​  FitzSimmons + iconic lines by @jemmablossom  Huntingbird + If You Ask Me To (Mackenzie Porter) by @clementinewhy​  FitzSimmons family + forts by @captainironnerd​  Agents of SHIELD + zodiac signs by @deckerschloe​  The Complete Series of AoS by @thatmansplayinggalaga​  FitzSimmons + Jonathan Safran Foer by @fitzsimmonsfamily​  FitzSimmons complete timeline by @jemmafitzsimmons​  AoS team + family by @aosedit​  Daniel Sousa + character profile by @msalyasimmonsfitz​  Hispanic Heritage Month: Yoyo Rodriguez by @momentofmemory​ 
There are so many others I might’ve missed, and I apologize! Just know that there are SO MANY MORE amazing creators out there -- from giffers to graphic artists, artists, moodboard creatos and fic authors, among others.
Also, thank you to the AMAZING people who have tagged me for their own favorite works, I really appreciate it! And to all who sent lovely asks, gif requests, liked, reblogged and put lovely things in the tags -- you guys are what keeps me going. THANK YOU. Agents of SHIELD might have ended but I’m going to try and keep doing content as long as I can 🥰
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loveaos · 3 years
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@clementinewhy is so great at edits! I hope she is doing well.
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springmagpies · 4 years
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A Huntingbird Tangled AU 🌼
for @clementinewhy who requested a Huntingbird AU for Luck of the Draw!
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florchis · 4 years
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Then we take it to the kitchen
[AO3] {BioHunter, rated M, ~1.1K}
Summary:  Hunter and Jemma have been dancing around each other for months until Hunter teasing Jemma about her height shifts their relationship.
Notes: Written for @clementinewhy for Luck of the Draw. This fill the “OMG they were roommates!” square in my MCU Kink Bingo Card. 
Sneak Peak:
Jemma marches into the kitchen stomping her feet but also swaying her hips; Hunter pumps his fist on the air behind her. She might be a bit annoyed, but she is onto him and his plans, and that’s all he wanted. For her to be onto him, and under him and over him...
“What did you need, love?”
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kitweewoos · 4 years
Who cuddles up to the other on the couch?
My otp is definitely FitzHunter so Fitz definitely cuddles up to Hunter first, tucks himself into Hunter’s side and tucks his knees up to his chest so he fits underneath Hunter’s arm. He just wants to be held after everything.
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sunalsolove · 4 years
I get an excited glee when I see your URL and makes me excited for that next little bit of scroll because whatever it is I know it's going to be amazing!
Thank you so much!! I hope I manage lots of exciting things this summer! I’m finally getting close to the end of mandatory overtime and I have so many things I want to share that’re all backed up because I just haven’t had time! 
I love seeing you on my dash because you’re such a talented, creative person with an amazing eye for color and composition! <3<3<3 ❤😭
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2minutes2midnight · 4 years
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Scis & Spies - Vibrant Colors
For @clementinewhy 💕
Send me number and character/ship 🥰
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bobbiamorse · 4 years
“It was so worth the injury though!” ...BioHunter...
“...You’re kidding me, right?”
“Daisy,” Jemma sighed, “if I had a less embarrassing story for how I sprained my groin, do you think I would tell it?”
“I guess so.” Daisy smirked. “So. Six times.”
“Six times in a row,” Jemma corrected. “I lost count of the total.”
“Is Hunter’s dick magic or something? Because I really can’t imagine a guy lasting that long.”
“His dick might not be magic, but his mouth definitely is.” Jemma sighed longigly. She wanted nothing more than to slip back to her bunk and her boyfriend’s stupidly talented tongue, but...
“Why the heavy sigh?”
“I’m not allowed to have sex until the injury’s healed. And Lincoln’s making me actually go see him instead of just declaring myself fit for duty.”
Daisy threw her head back laughing. “If you got to choose you’d be back at it right now.”
Jemma always had wondered if Daisy’s Inhuman powers had also come with a side of mind reading, because that was exactly what she was imagining. 
“It was so worth the injury, though,” Jemma declared. “I love orgasms.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
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loveaos · 4 years
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I am so amazed by Hailey (@clementinewhy). She has been keeping team space motivated AND creating the most awesome things! She’s the best! ❤️❤️❤️
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justanalto · 4 years
“I’m not mad. Honest.”  HB, if the mood happens to strike? 😁
the mood struck me (although I’m sorry it was so late!) and i came away with this lil thing -- thanks so much for the prompt! 
it’s you and i in all the faces of trouble - a huntingbird fic 
“Bobbi,” Sharon stuttered, looking for all the world as if she’d just been caught with her hand in a proverbial cookie jar. “I, um, you weren’t meant to hear that, we didn’t mean to be so --”
“Callous? Demeaning? Bitchy?” Bobbi raised her shades over her forehead and shot them her most withering glare. “I’m sure you didn’t mean to be speaking so loudly, but you know what they say about the two-buck chuck: it helps you get loud.” Eyes widening ever-so-slightly in innocence, she brought her coffee to her lips and took a casual sip. “Little early to be getting into it, though, isn’t it?”
read it here on ao3!
i’m taking prompts from this and this list, if you’d like to send one in! 
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crowley-anthony · 4 years
If you're so inclined...🎁(mostly because I cant think of anything) but maybe Jemma with some kind of text either her quote or some other text. Your use of text is 👌👌👌👌
Hey, hey, hey, hope this is okay  ❤️ I ended up adding in a little bit of Fitzsimmons too, hope that’s ok :)
Join the celebration
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acerobbiereyes · 4 years
Hunter and Trip
Favorite thing to do with my friends is to talk about AoS with them! Or any fandom :3
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kitweewoos · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
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Thank you!!!! 💙💙💙
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