#clever fox
they all have their own vibe: sly and a bit of a criminal element and a good guy who is always on their side
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newhologram · 2 years
(big planner energy)
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storyteller-21 · 7 days
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stabbyapologist · 1 year
So is anyone else attracted to Nick Wilde from Zootopia? Just me? Aight. 🫣
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We're still not talking about how he goes "savage" like full on feral
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Tired of “bunny” readers. I want FOX readers that are clever and aren’t able to be MANIPULATED!!! Give me “I knew he was playing a game, but he didn’t know he fell right into my trap!” Readers dangit! Give the smart neurospicy girls fics without infantilising them!
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echosong971 · 7 months
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The Petrification Disease is a nasty thing...
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kitcat22 · 1 month
Ok, but ‘Harpy Hare where have you buried all your children’ with the GAR troopers after all Palpatine-Sith lord shit went down and they find out Fox had been saving his Corries from decommissioning by switching their identification numbers meaning there are alive brothers thought dead and dead brothers thought alive.
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enter-the-phantom · 4 months
What she says: “I’m okay”
What she means: “Nebulossa’s ‘Zorra’ is easily one of the most beautiful and heartbreakingly powerful songs ever to come out of Eurovision and possibly one of the greatest and most timely feminist anthems ever written. The juxtaposition between Mery’s soft and stately voice giving life to her pain and the faceless male voices screaming slurs at her throughout the song is haunting. Her voice rising over the chants on the line ‘…soy una Zorra de postal/I’m a picture-perfect bitch’ is cathartically tear-jerking, and the subtle switch from angry male voices to proud female ones near the end is pure poetry. In this essay I will—“
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vidjag · 5 days
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Moxie doodles (and treat
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under-lore · 2 years
A few new confirmed wordplays in Undertale
There are several clever wordplays in Undertale that fans have found as well as a bit of debate about which ones were actually intended when making the game and which ones were just fans overthinking things.
I’ve already mentioned in another post the “Asriel Dreemurr” = “Serial Murderer” anagram having been confirmed to have been intended by Toby in the book.
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But there are actually a few more word plays that were shared as having been made on purpose in the Localisation book.
The first one is determination itself actually being a pun, the power to “undo death”.
Or in other words, “de-termination”
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And along with it, we can safely claim the same about “but it refused” (re-fused. The soul literally refuses together.)
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In addition, of all the theorised Undertale word plays, that following one was always seen as a bit more of a stretch, but it too was in fact intentional after all. The name Mt.Ebott was made from “Toby” backwards.
Toby => Tobe => Ebot => Ebott
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Its also based on EarthBound and Itoi, who also had a mountain named after himself in his game.
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invader-sparkelhuzky · 6 months
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sometimes i think about this interaction I had when i was like 8, I still dont get what her end goal was
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theodoradevlin · 28 days
Ah, she is walking barefoot again! Let's see how she likes THIS move, that'll teach her!
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Half way through the random fox forgets why it was doing what it did to begin with, and runs around with your shoe playfully.
Theo isn't even done questioning her ankles before she spots the blur of red, but it's already too late! The fox has run away with her shoes!
"Meech, did you just see that?!"
She doesn't have time to think before she sprints after the fox, sprinting to keep up with him. It's a good thing that she's used to running with no shoes on.
She finally catches up, winded and trying to corner him into a tree of some sort...but the spry thing seems far too amused to be contained, bounding around with her boot happily.
"Hey! Give that back!" She lunges, but misses. She almost resigns to being barefoot forever, unless she can entice this mysterious fox with something else. She sits crossed legged across from him, thinking for some reason that maybe flattery might do it.
"Aren't you a pretty fox? Come here over here, won't you? Please? Such a lovely coat...!"
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just-a-fella · 6 months
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the foxy den gang in this mini sprite style I'm trying out (probs gonna remake 3/4 of them in my normal style akdmamd)
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atac-agent · 3 months
Stay With Me
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Genre: Angst
Word Count: 2027
Summary: Zoya takes care of a sick Nikolai, who happens to be down with the flu.
The fierce winter winds howled outside, as Nikolai Lantsov lay in his bed, pale and feverish. The once vibrant and indomitable king now appeared frail, his skin flushed and clammy, his breath coming in labored gasps. The room was cold, despite the roaring fire in the hearth, the chill seeping through the stone walls and biting at Zoya's skin.
Zoya stood by his side, her expression a mask of composure that hid the turmoil within. She had seen him wounded before, seen him on the brink of death more times than she cared to count, but this was different. This was an enemy she couldn’t fight, an illness that didn’t respond to her powers or to any remedy they could find.
"Nik," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the wind. "You need to rest."
Nikolai’s eyes fluttered open, and he managed a weak smile. "Rest is for the dead, my dear," he replied, his voice hoarse. "And I am not quite there yet."
Zoya’s heart clenched at his words. "Don’t say that," she said sharply, her fingers tightening around the edge of the blanket. "You’re going to get better."
He reached out a trembling hand, covering hers with a touch that was both comforting and heartbreaking. "Zoya," he said softly, "we both know that’s not true. The healers have done all they can, and even you…" He trailed off, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.
Zoya looked away, unable to meet his gaze. She had tried everything, pouring all her power into him, but nothing worked. The flu was relentless, a silent killer that showed no mercy.
"I can't lose you," she whispered, her voice breaking.
Nikolai squeezed her hand gently. "You are stronger than you know," he said. "And Ravka needs you. You’ve always been the strength behind the throne, Zoya. You can lead them without me."
"I don’t want to lead without you. You are the heart of Ravka."
He smiled then; a ghost of his usual grin. "Then you’ll have to be its heart and soul."
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she blinked them back. She had to be strong for him, for Ravka, for herself. "I don’t know how to do this without you," she admitted.
"You’ll find a way," he assured her. "You always do."
Hours passed, the night dragging on in a haze of fever and whispered conversations. Nikolai spoke of plans and contingencies, of allies and enemies, trying to prepare her for a future without him.
It was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but he knew it was necessary. He had to make sure she would be alright, even if he wasn’t there to see it.
"You know, when I’m gone, you should really redecorate this room. Maybe something less gloomy. Brighten it up a bit."
Zoya rolled her eyes, despite the ache in her chest. "Stop talking like that," she said, her voice hard. "You’re not going anywhere."
"Always the optimist," he chuckled weakly. "But seriously, Zoya. Promise me you’ll take care of things. Of yourself. Of Ravka."
"I promise," she said, her voice trembling. "But I’m not giving up on you. You’re too stubborn to die from something as mundane as the flu."
"I do like to make a grand exit," he admitted with a tired smile. "But just in case, you should know… I trust you. More than anyone. You’ll make a fantastic queen."
Zoya’s breath caught in her throat. "Don’t you dare," she whispered fiercely. "Don’t you dare leave me."
His eyes softened, and he reached up to touch her cheek. "I wish I didn’t have to," he said. "But you’ll be alright. You’re the strongest person I know."
She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes against the flood of emotions. "You’re not allowed to die, Nikolai Lantsov," she said, her voice breaking. "I forbid it."
He tried to laugh, but it quickly turned into a fit of coughing that left him gasping for breath. "Is that an order, my Queen?" he managed to choke out between coughs.
"Yes," she replied, her voice trembling as she handed him a cloth to wipe his mouth. "An order from your queen."
His smile faded, replaced by a look of profound sadness. "I wish I could obey," he said softly. "But some things are beyond even a privateer’s control."
The night dragged on, and Nikolai grew weaker, his breathing more labored. Zoya stayed by his side, refusing to leave him even for a moment. She held his hand, whispered reassurances, and tried to keep the fear at bay.
Nikolai's coughs continued to grow frequent through the night, each one more violent than the last. The sound echoed through the room, a harsh reminder of the relentless grip of his illness. Zoya clung to his hand, trying to pour her strength into him, but she could feel him slipping away.
The room seemed to close in around them, the walls a silent witness to their anguish.
"Stay with me," she whispered, her voice trembling with desperation. "Just a little longer."
Nikolai's eyes flickered open, and he managed a faint smile. "I'm trying," he coughed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it's hard, Zoya. So hard."
She brushed a damp lock of hair from his forehead, her touch tender despite the turmoil inside her. "You have to keep fighting," she said, her voice fierce. "For me. For Ravka."
He closed his eyes, a pained expression crossing his face. "I'm so tired," he admitted. "I don't know if I can."
Zoya's heart clenched at his words. She had never seen him like this, so vulnerable, so close to giving up. She had to be strong for him, had to keep him grounded in the world of the living.
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she blinked them back. She had to be strong for him, had to show him that she could carry on. "I can't lose you," she whispered, her voice breaking. "Not now. Not ever."
His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at her with a mixture of love and sadness. "You won't lose me," he said softly. "I'll always be with you. In your heart."
The minutes stretched into an eternity, the night closing in around them. Each cough wracked Nikolai's body, leaving him weaker, his breaths more labored. Zoya's heart ached with every labored inhale, every painful exhale.
"Do you remember," she said softly, trying to distract him from the pain, "the night we first met?
Nikolai's lips twitched in a faint smile. "I remember," he said, his voice barely audible. "You saw right through me."
"And you never gave up," she continued, her voice thick with emotion. "You fought for Ravka, for all of us."
His eyes opened, and for a moment, there was clarity in his gaze. "Promise me you'll keep fighting, even when I'm gone."
A sob caught in her throat, but she forced it down. She had to be strong for him, had to keep him grounded in the world of the living.
"I promise," she said, her voice breaking. "But you're not gone yet, Nikolai. Stay with me. Please."
"Zoya, I. .. I love you."
The words broke something inside her, and she felt tears spill down her cheeks. "I love you too." She leaned over him, pressing a gentle kiss to his burning forehead. "So much. Please, don't leave me."
He gripped her strong hands with his pale and trembling fingers and pressed her knuckles to his lips. "Be strong," he whispered, "for me."
And then, with a quiet exhale, Nikolai Lantsov, King of Ravka, grew still. His hand went limp in hers, and Zoya felt a profound emptiness settle in the room.
He was gone.
For a moment, she couldn't breathe, couldn't think. She stared at his still form, unable to comprehend the reality of his death.
"No," she whispered, her voice breaking. "No, please. Come back. Please, Nikolai."
But there was no response, no sign of life. The man who had been her anchor, her strength, was gone, leaving her alone in a world that suddenly felt unbearably empty.
She clung to him, her tears falling onto his lifeless chest. "You promised," she sobbed. "You promised you wouldn't leave me."
She couldn't contain her grief any longer. She screamed.
She screamed, a guttural cry that echoed through the room and mingled with the howling wind outside. It was a raw, primal sound of loss and anguish, carried away by the winds that seemed to mourn with her.
Outside, the storm raged on.
Zoya's heart felt shattered, her entire being consumed by the void left in Nikolai's absence. She collapsed beside his bed, her sobs wracking her body.
Eventually, the healers came, their faces solemn as they gently took Nikolai's body away. Zoya stood frozen, her eyes fixed on Nikolai's still form, unable to fully grasp the finality of his absence.
She watched them go mechanically, her movements slow and deliberate, as though moving through thick fog. The world seemed to move around her, but Zoya felt suspended in a moment that refused to end.
It was Genya's gentle touch on her shoulder that finally broke through the haze. Zoya turned to her, tears streaming down her face.
"We need to go," Genya said softly, her voice breaking the silence that enveloped them.
Zoya nodded wordlessly, allowing Genya to guide her out of the room.
Each step felt heavy with the weight of the loss. As they walked away from Nikolai's bedside, Zoya couldn't shake the feeling that a part of her had been left behind with him.
Outside, the morning light filtered through the windows, casting a somber glow over the palace halls.
"Zoya, we need you. Ravka needs you."
Zoya took a deep breath, steeling herself against the pain. She had promised Nikolai she would be strong, that she would carry on. She couldn't let him down.
"I know," she said, her voice steady despite the tears still streaming down her face. "I'll be there."
Genya nodded silently. She knew this feeling.
"I remember when David..." Genya began softly, her voice carrying the weight of her own memories. "When he died, it felt like the world had stopped. Like I couldn't breathe without him."
Zoya looked at her, gratitude mingling with her grief. "How did you do it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "How did you cope with it?"
Genya sighed, her eyes reflecting the pain of her past loss. "At first, I didn't cope. I just existed, moving through the days because I had to. But then I realized... David wouldn't want me to just exist. He would want me to live, to find purpose again."
Zoya listened intently, drawing strength from Genya's words. "And did you?" she asked, her voice trembling.
Genya nodded, a small smile touching her lips despite the sadness in her eyes. "It took time, Zoya. Time and the support of friends like you. I found solace in helping others, in channeling my grief into something meaningful."
"You did everything you could," She murmured softly, brushing a strand of hair from Zoya's tear-streaked face. "He knew that. Nikolai knew."
"But it wasn't enough," Zoya whispered, her voice filled with anguish.
Zoya swallowed hard. "I want to honor Nikolai's memory," she admitted, her voice wavering. "But right now, I don't know how."
Genya reached out, squeezing Zoya's hand gently. "You will," she said with quiet conviction. "In your own time, in your own way. And until then, I'll be here for you, just like you were there for me."
They stood together in the alcove, the two women bound by grief and resilience.
As the morning light grew brighter outside, casting long shadows on the palace walls, Zoya felt a flicker of determination ignite within her.
She would carry on for Nikolai, for Ravka, and for herself, knowing that though his physical presence was gone, his legacy would endure in the strength of those who loved him. With Genya beside her, offering silent support and understanding, Zoya took a deep breath, ready to face the challenges ahead with newfound resolve and purpose.
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savethegrishaverse · 2 months
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For our next twitter party, we want to talk about the brilliant Nikolai Lantsov and the short story he got his nickname from! Come prepared with your best tweets, questions, comments, gifs, memes, and more. Let's make some noise! 🗣️
#SaveShadowAndBone and #SixOfCrowsSpinoff TWEETING PARTY 7/30 at 12PM! Come check it out here!
Remember to:
Only use three hashtags.
Enjoy and be engaging with your tweets! Keep sharing! Timezones under read more.
If you cannot attend, you can always schedule tweets ahead of time on desktop in order to help out still!
ALL TIMEZONES: Tuesday, Jul 30: 9am PST 10am MST 11am CST 12pm EST 2pm -03 5pm GMT 6pm CET 8pm MSK 9pm +04 10:30pm IST
Wednesday, Jul 31: 1am CST 2am JST 4am AEST 6am NZST
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vivitalks · 2 days
is anybody else thinking about how jack dawkins, with the love of his life unconscious and dying on his operating table, had to perform an extremely dangerous surgery he had never successfully completed even in practice? about how he got elbow deep in blood and guts knowing this was no ordinary patient, that this was her, and that if he failed, if she died, her blood would be literally on his hands?? about how when he finished the operation he begged her to wake up, smearing her own blood all over her just to hold her face in his red red hands??? or is it just me
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