ovrgrwn · 4 years
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Especially relevant today
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 years
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My Best Friend’s Wedding
"Lexa! Sweet cheeks! It's Clarke. Duh. Obviously. But listen, um, I know it's been… oh, God, what? Two months? Three maybe? Something like that… But I need you to call me. Like. Actually call me. There's something I really need to talk to you about… And I miss you, of course. So much. I hope you're doing alright on your fancy book tour, Miss Big Shot… Alright, well I'm gonna shut up now. But seriously. Call. Me. Day or night, I don’t care. I've got my ringer all the way up, so no excuses... 'Kay. I love you. Bye."
Smiling down at her phone after the third run through of the message, Lexa clicked to save it and then backed out to her list of contacts. 
"Hey, are you even listening to me, you pretentious twat?"
"Fuck off, Anya."
"Well I'd love to, except you've vetoed my every suggestion and I'm hungry."
"That was Clarke," she mumbled, scrolling through her recent calls and frowning when she realized how just far down she had to go to reach the name she was looking for.
"Ah," Anya hummed. "The ever elusive Clarke."
"'Elusive'," Lexa snorted. "Hardly. Clarke's been in my life since we were teenagers."
"Well I've been working for you for over a year now and still haven't met her. I'm beginning to think she's fake. You sure you haven't been catfished?"
Rolling her eyes, Lexa clicked over to her social media and thumbed through old posts until she found the one she was looking for. Younger versions of their smiling faces glowed up from the lit screen that she unceremoniously shoved under her editor’s nose.
"Freshmen rush week. We got partnered up for this stupid scavenger hunt thing that literally just turned out to be a ploy to get the girls wanting to pledge to buy all the crap for a party and set it up."
"It was a pain in the ass," Lexa corrected, bringing the phone back to her chest and lazily scrolling through more photos as they walked. "But we had so much fun together that day… We actually started dating like a month after that was taken."
"Dating? I thought-"
"Oh no. No. We're just friends now. Best friends."
"Why did I not know about the dating thing?"
"Because it was kind of a mess," Lexa chuckled. "I mean don't get me wrong. The feelings were all there. And we were great together… And the sex was phenomenal."
"There it is."
"But the timing was all wrong," she sighed. "I was so intense about school and moving on to getting my masters. And she was insanely focused on art and that whole scene. Which I loved so much about her… But yeah, it just… didn't mesh with the path I was on at the time."
"Sssso what I’m hearing is," Anya slowly surmised, "you were a pretentious twat and dumped her."
"No, I was focused. Which you should be grateful for considering your employment kind of benefits from that… And besides, she understood... She always understands."
"Which is hard to do with your brooding ass."
"That's why she's my best friend," Lexa stressed, shooting the woman a narrow-eyed glare. "We get each other when no one else does. "
"So you broke up and really just decided to be friends?"
"Sort of. We’d only been together for like three months, but it was… It was special,” Lexa hummed, smiling down at a younger love-drunk version of herself. “When I told her I couldn't handle everything between us on top of school, but that I couldn’t imagine not having her in my life, she just smiled at me… and promised me we'd never lose each other. That was all that mattered. Then we kissed. And cried. And held each other as we promised to always find our way back to each other.” 
Lexa released a slow breath as she backed out of the app, scrolling back to her contact list and finding Clarke’s name again.
“Ever since then we’ve gotten through everything together. Break-ups, and career bullshit. Just figuring out how to be adults.” Lexa smiled and shook her head as she hit the call button. “It doesn’t matter how much time passes, whenever either of us needs the other, we’re there. We’re each other’s person, ya know?”
A shoulder nudged her as they wound their way down the crowded avenue, Lexa peeking out of the corner of her eye to catch Anya’s smirk.
“That’s actually kind of sweet,” Anya said. “Gay as all hell, but kind of sweet.”
“I’m calling her, she sounded pretty desperate to talk, so-"
"Maybe she's calling to declare her undying love."
"Shut up, it's ringing."
Lexa felt her stomach twist with each chime in her ear, hands steady but nerves zinging as an extra bounce decorated her step. Biting her lip as she glanced at the passing faces around her, she shoved a hand into the back pocket of her cut-off jeans and-
She yanked the phone away from her ear for a second at the shrill shout of her name, the ragged yelp of that voice still managing to settle warmly in her chest despite it’s ringing decibel. 
Bringing the phone back to her ear, Lexa released a breathless laugh as she spoke. "Hey, love."
"Hey, love," Anya mocked beside her, grunting at the elbow she received to her stomach. 
"You finally called me," Clarke huffed, the brilliant light of her smile caring effortlessly through her voice. "I've been trying to get ahold of you for two weeks, you bum."
Lexa squeaked out an indignant laugh, clutching an unseen hand to her chest in mock hurt. "Excuse you? I have been-"
"On a book tour, I know, I know." 
Lexa could practically hear the roll of blue eyes from two states away.
"I always knew you were meant for big things, Woods."
"Oh my, is that a euphemism? Are you getting fresh with me, Ms. Griffin?"
"This is disgusting," Anya drawled beside her. 
"You know it, sweet cheeks."
Lexa bit her lip at the husky tone floating over the line, doing her best to temper the explosion of a smile as everything within settled for the first time in months. 
Because this is them. How they always were and would be; the depth of their connection being measured in units of respect and affection, rather than anything as plebeian as miles. 
"But, um," Clarke cleared her throat and continued, Lexa imagining her tugging her ear in that familiar, nervous habit. "I actually called you for a reason."
"I'm choosing to not be offended that you'd call for any other reason than to hear the beauty of my voice."
"Ha ha. Although, it is great to hear your voice. I always miss you, you know that, Lex… But no. This is something more exciting, if you can believe that. And… And I needed you to know. So, just, be serious for a second."
Lexa swallowed down the lump rising in her throat. "Okay, hit me with it."
"... I'm getting married."
And then the entire world crashing down around her.
Quite literally. 
At the moment her heart squeezed so tight she felt as though she couldn't breathe, Lexa's feet tangled around themselves as she took a fumbling step down from the curb, her knees giving out entirely on the cattywampus landing and sending her face first into the middle of the street. Despite the reflex of her body being to catch herself, her arms shot out wildly and failed her spectacularly. 
With a resounding "Oof," and possibly a broken rib later, Lexa hit the pavement as her phone skidded out of her hand and across the asphalt. Heart pounding in horror at the sight, she ground the craggy fragments of grit further into the scraps on her palms to shoot up and run after it.
Snatching the phone up from the middle of the crosswalk, Lexa threw a standard reflexive middle finger up over her shoulder to whoever had honked as she hurriedly pulled the phone back up to her ear.
"Lexa!" Clarke yelled for what was possibly the last if several times. 
"Yeah!" Lexa breathlessly chirped at her, blindly walking back out of the street as she tried to pull herself together. "Yes! I'm here!"
"What the hell happened?"
She swallowed at the distressed sound of Clarke's voice, plastering a painfully fake smile over her face. "Uh, nothing. I'm good. Hey, um. Can you uh. Can you repeat what you said before?"
"Are you sure you're okay? What happened? It sounded like an earthquake."
"Just technical difficulties, it's fine. Can you repeat what you said?"
A silent beat passed between them.
"... I'm getting married," Clarke said again, a nervous twist coloring her words, though Lexa couldn't tell if it was from the message or worry lingering for her well-being. 
Not that she could focus on any sound other than the jagged, cacophonous thunder that echoed the splintering of her heart. 
"Married?" she sputtered, pressing a soothing hand to her forehead despite the rough grit that still lingered. "What are you-... I didn't even know you were seeing anyone."
"I know, I know," Clarke sighed, Lexa picturing the rueful shake of her blonde head. "It- it's… sudden. But it's just one of those things, you know?"
"Um… not really," Lexa nervously swallowed, slipping into the curve seat of a bus stop bench as she fought back a strange feeling of dread. 
"We met at a gallery opening a couple months ago. Like right after you left for your tour, actually. It was one of those 'friend of a friend needs bodies at their opening to make them feel legit' type deals."
"You hate those."
"I do," Clarke agreed immediately. "But there was this guy, and he just-"
"A guy?"
"Yeah. His name's Finn, and I think you'll love him."
"Oh, I'm sure I'll have a lot of feelings about Finn."
"What did you say?"
"I don't remember. Listen, Clarke," Lexa fumbled, fanning a hand in front of her face to help clear away the inexplicable heat building behind her eyes. "Don't you think this is kind of… You're getting married?"
"Yes. In three days, and I need you here."
"Three days?!" Lexa yelped, her eyes wildly shooting around her as though that would help her find some semblance of sanity in this conversation. 
"Yeah," Clarke sighed. "I wanted to wait until-… But he's got a show in Portland next month so we figured, well, why not just get it done. He doesn’t really have a big family, and most of mine live close anyway. So it’s not really a huge deal, I just need someone to help me throw everything together. And you know there’s no one I trust more than you."
"Don't you think we should talk about this first?" Lexa cut in weakly, dropping her head in her palm as she leaned forward on her knees. "I mean… I mean, it's us, Clarke. We always talk this stuff out."
"I know, that's why I need you here, Lex." Lexa let her eyes drift close at the pleading gentleness of Clarke's voice. "I can't do this without you by my side… I mean just the idea of getting married without you holding my hand is..."
"I know," Lexa whispered, pulling her lips between her teeth to stop the flow of words fighting against the lump in her throat.
"So you're coming? You'll be here?" Clarke said with a renewed giddy-pop to her voice. 
Face screwed up in a grimace as she felt her heart crack open, Lexa nodded. "Of course I will, love. I'll take a red-eye tonight."
Lexa pulled the phone away from her ear again at the joyous yelp that rang through the line, smiling despite herself at the sound. 
"Oh my God, thank you, thank you, thank you," Clarke crooned. "Okay, this is perfect. If you'd have said no, I- I don't even know what I would've done. I would've been heartbroken… Not to mention l would've had to have cousin Beth as my maid-of-honor, and you know what a shit show that would've been."
"I'm glad I could at least save you from that disaster."
"As you always do, sweet cheeks," Clarke hummed in that familiar sultry way that always made Lexa feel like she was burning alive. "I'm so excited, I can't wait to see you... I've missed you so much."
"I miss you too, Clarke…"
The line was quiet for a moment, Lexa swallowing at the intensity coloring her own words. 
Clarke clearing her throat pulled Lexa out of her reverie. "Listen, babe, I gotta go. We're doing this dinner thing with his family tonight, it’s a whole deal since they just flew in. But text me your flight info and I'll pick you up in the morning."
"I can just take a car-"
"Shut it, Woods. You're not depriving me of the chance to make a scene in an airport."
Rolling her eyes with a begrudging smile, Lexa simply sighed and nodded. "Okay, I'll text you when I have the details."
"Okay. Good. I'll see you tomorrow… God how long has it been since we've gotten to say that?"
“Too long.”
“I’m so excited. I really can’t wait to see you.”
“You said that already.”
“And I’ll say it again, smartass, don’t test me.”
"I thought you had to go?"
"Right. Shit,” Clarke hissed. “Okay, I'm actually going now. But I’ll see you in the morning. Love you."
"I love you too."
Lexa pulled the phone away as the line went silent as a hollow feeling of misery settled in her bones. Setting the phone down on the bench beside her with perhaps more force than was safe for the integrity of her screen, she flopped back in her seat, stinging eyes turning toward the sky as her jaw clenched with a choked whimper.
The light shift of weight settling beside her barely registered.
"You alright?"
"No,” she choked out, her throat aching with each swell of emotion.
"What happened?" Anya asked, Lexa feeling the burn in her chest double at the foreign gentleness coloring her friend's question. 
Tipping her head forward again, Lexa stared out at the bustle of the city street in front of them. 
"... The end of the world."
Coming soon to AO3
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clexaweekofficial · 4 years
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Wow. This marks five years, half a decade of Clexaweek! Thank you all so much for making this fandom what it is. Clexa has helped shape me as a person. I’ve made so many friends through it. It’s changed my life. And I’m so grateful for all of you. 
And now, without further ado:
Clexaweek2021 will take place from Monday, March 1st to Sunday, March 7th. Here are the themes for the week:
Day 1- Monday, March 1st: Accidental Love Confession
Day 2- Tuesday, March 2nd: Wanna Bet?
Day 3- Wednesday, March 3rd: Reunited
Day 4- Thursday, March 4th: At Work
Day 5- Friday, March 5th: Out of Bounds
Day 6- Saturday, March 6th: Magic
Day 7- Sunday, March 7th: Free Day
Please keep in mind the themes are more of guidelines than actual rules. For example, if you reeeeally hoped that rivals would win, and it didn’t? Well, you can technically make any of the days a rivals au. Your day 4 could include rivals-since-childhood Clexa being forced to be coworkers during a merger at work. If you hoped that Arranged Marriage would win? Your day 2 could include Clexa forced into a marriage after losing a bet. If you really wanted a domestic au? Your day 6 magic au could involve witch Clarke and queen of the dragons Lexa, married and tending to the babies at home. You can make anything whatever you want, so be creative and have fun! 
Rules for tagging: makes sure to tag #Clexaweek21 and the day and prompt first before any other tags to make it easier for me to compile the master list.
So for example the first day, your tags should be #Clexaweek21  #Clexaweek21 Day 3 #Day 3 reunited #reunited (and then the others for the other days, ofc)
If you post your fic on ao3, you should also add it to the collection Clexaweek2021.
Submit a link to your post or directly to your work, whatever you would prefer, so that I can share/reblog it. Here is the link for that. Here are the guidelines for posting. Send me an ask if you have any questions. (Yes you are welcome to post your work early if circumstances prevent you from doing so day of, just be aware I will not share it until the day of (I’ll try to schedule it then, too). If you are late that’s okay too- I’ll share it when you have it, though try to do it on time that way you get more exposure since people will be looking for it! 
Please also use this google form to input information about what you are sharing. This makes it far easier to compile a masterlist at the end of Clexaweek, that way I can reblog a post where people can see what you made!
Happy Clexaweek, kru!
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onemilliongoldstars · 4 years
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please wait to be let into the meeting
Clexa Week 2021: Day 4 - At Work
At month ten of working from home Clarke has settled into a routine of baggy sweaters, messy buns, and long lunch breaks, until a new business partner appears on the meeting with her camera on. And god, maybe Clarke has been inside for too long, but she's really, really hot.
Read on ao3
Please wait to be let into the meeting.
Clarke takes a sip of her coffee and reaches for her phone on autopilot. It’s month ten of working from home and the habits she’s built up are, admittedly, terrible. Her desk, free from the judgement of her coworkers, is covered in half drunk cups of coffee, piles of paper, and a set of nail polishes that she uses to pass the time when she’s in an especially boring meeting.
At least her company doesn’t insist on turning their cameras on during meetings, so she can wear her hair in a messy bun and keep her hoodie on. There’s also the added bonus of being able to roll her eyes when people in her meetings say something especially stupid.
The computer screen flashes in front of her and as the pixels blur into a picture she sighs upon realising that the other attendant has her camera on and looks- god she even looks professional. And hot, Clarke isn’t blind and even the slightly blurry pixels don’t disguise the piercing green eyes and sleek, dark hair of the woman on the other end of the call. She has her background strategically blurred and she’s wearing a light blouse and a dark blazer, which she tugs just a little as she readjusts in her seat.
The white name tag under her picture reads Lexa Woods.
“Hello Miss Griffin, thanks for joining us today.”
Clarke gapes for a moment, still trying to comprehend that someone so put together and beautiful is speaking to her, before she finally manages to answer. “Hi, no worries.”
Continue reading
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femininenachos · 4 years
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come with me if you want to live
For Clexaweek 21 Day 5: Out of bounds
Clarke was accustomed to the universe dealing her a crappy hand, but it’s safe to say a naked stranger landing in her yard during a freak thunderstorm wasn’t on her bingo card.
Read on AO3.
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syngularitysyn · 4 years
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Summary: When Clarke goes to a sex shop in town to find a hideous gag gift for her friend, the last person she wanted to bump into is her nemesis Lexa Woods.
Things only heat up from there. Read on Ao3.
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100hearteyes · 4 years
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it should be spring
Clexa Week 2021: Day 5 - Out of Bounds
Clarke hitches her purse into the crook of her elbow and rests a hand on the doorknob, fingers aching to turn it. She would rather go home than be talked into attending some ghastly book club hosted by Lexa. “I’m afraid I would feel very awkward. Everybody already knows everybody, and I’ll only stick out like a sore thumb."
“Well, the point is for you to bridge that gap”, Henry insists, and she doesn’t need to look at Mark to see her husband smiling encouragingly. He would want her to leave the house. “Come on, Clarke.”
“Yes, Clarke,” Lexa speaks up for the first time, gaze trained on her and the ghost of a smirk on her lips. It feels like a challenge; like Lexa is daring her to say no. “Say you’ll come.”
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“Rise for your commander”
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lexa-griffins · 4 years
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ClexaWeek21 | Day Seven | Free Day - Royal AU
Lexa, Princess of Arbor, joins a political marriage with Princess, now Queen, Clarke of Arcadia, as the neighboring kingdoms try to maintain conflicts at bay after the death of the previous ruling Arcadia royals. As their young love blooms, both girls are faced with an inevitable war declared by young Aden, Lexa’s brother and now ruling King of Arbor, influenced by those who wish to see Arcadia fall and become part of Arbor once again.
 Clarke paces the room, her heavy leather boots making stomp noises on the marble flooring. Around her a handful of military officials stand, backs straight and breaths itching as they wait for their Queen to speak.
 “Your majesty, if I may…” Her senior adviser, Sir Bellamy, speaks with caution, scared of startling the pacing royal, “I don’t believe we have many choices here. If King Aden declares war, we cannot stand down and watch.” 
 Clarke’s eyes quickly stare at him, a low growl on her lips and the man stands down, his eyes resting on the shine of the floor, a clear gesture of submission.
 “He’s right, your majesty.”  
The whole room turns to the door that now closes behind the newest member of the meeting. Sir Bellamy’s eyes open wide as the Queen’s consort agrees with him.
“Lexa…” Clarke says as she approaches her wife. While their political marriage is strong, their own personal relationship is still fragile, barely past the stage of young love.
“If King Aden decides to declare war as he has been threatening, failure to act would only reinforce Arcadia’s discontentment with your ruling.” Lexa’s face is stoic, speaking methodically and with control over every emotion, pushing down the feelings of dread the thought of a war against her homeland and her own brother, still a child, brings her.
 “Our army is now bigger than that of Arbor. If we go to war, we could lay waste to your Kingdom, kill hundreds of innocent lives - the lives of your people.” Clarke reminds her wife, sternely but with a kindness she does not show her generals. She can see the turmoil behind emerald eyes, the emotions Lexa always successfully hides from those who have yet to make acquaintance with her compassionate nature.  
Still, her wife refuses to stand down, “Arcadia is my kingdom and your people are my people. My duty is with you, my wife and my Queen, and with your kingdom,” She pauses for a second and corrects herself, “Our kingdom.”
The Queen takes a few steps closer to her wife, giving them the illusion of privacy as she leaves only a hand length of distance between them.
“Are you certain of this?” It’s the quietest of whispers, her words echoing the silent room but unintelligible to those around them. And in a need to assure her wife that a contradictory statement would not bring her any danger, Clarke holds Lexa’s hand and brings it to her lips, kissing her knuckles like she did only a few months before as they left Arbor behind at the start of her now ill advised brother’s reign.
Her wife simply nods, her thumb gently gracing the small dent on Clarke’s chin. She lets out a deep breath before answering verbally, a quiet whisper still.
“We cannot allow Arbors armies to march on Arcadia without retaliation. Nor can we let them win a senseless war.”
“The people might demand your brother’s execution, my love.” Clarke’s reminders are useless as she’s aware Lexa knows them all, probably went over them time and time again before coming to her decision, such is her nature.
“Victory stands on the back of sacrifice.” Lexa lets her hand fall, freeing herself from Clarke’s grasp.
The Queen sighs and despite her wishes of peace and unity, she knows her wife is correct in her statement. As a gesture of comfort before she seals her kingdom’s faith, Clarke let’s her forehead rest against Lexa’s for just a second, eyes closed as the other woman brushes their noses together.
With a deep breath, Clarke takes a few steps back and away from her spouse before turning to the room of women and men that await her verdict.
“Your majesty…?” Lady Octavia, the sister of Sir Bellamy and youngest member of the war room says, as if to give her Queen just a second before she reveals her decision.
“If King Aden of Arbor declares war against Arcadia, our armies shall march against them and give them no mercy until they surrender,” she takes another breath and steals a look at Lexa, who stands tall next to her but seems to refuse to look at her, “or until King Aden is dead.”
Around them the room rumbles with war cries but none of their Queens share the excitement. They both stand in their place, hands locked, scared for what the touchable future brings.
My AO3
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ambii15 · 4 years
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Clexaweek - Day 4: At Work 
On-Call Love 
“Fuck, Lexa.”
If someone would have told Clarke six months ago that she would be where she is now, she would have laughed in their face.
Because if they told you the world’s most infuriating person would be eating you out, in an on-call room, you’d never believe them.
Co-workers Clarke and Lexa hate each other...yet somehow fall in love with one another in an on-call room.
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blu3haw4 · 4 years
My work for day two “Wanna bet?” of Clexaweek 2021!
Summary: In a happy world where Lexa never dies and there's not A.L.I.E. Clarke and Lexa always make time to be with each other, they've set up a game night every weekly and tonight is Clarke's turn to chose a game.
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Art by: @qvert​ Again, thank you so much for this one, it’s beautiful!💖
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thecrimsonknight · 4 years
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ClexaWeek2021: Day 3: Reunited
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bottom-lexa · 4 years
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Clexaweek - Day 3: Reunited 
Some things have changed since high school
Clarke Griffin and Lexa Woods used to be best friends back in high school. But unfortunately, they lost touch soon after graduation. So given that tonight is their high school's ten-year reunion, they are both coming in hoping to see each other and reconnect.
But here's the thing, Lexa wasn't expecting to come face to face with one of the most beautiful women she has ever seen. What she was expecting even less was that this woman is her high school best friend. Because last she remembered Clarke Griffin, the only friend she had in high school, was a guy. But oh was she wrong.
The clexa AU where they used to be friends in high school and lost touch after. Clarke is trans but wasn't out back then but is now and has transitioned so when Lexa sees her best friend is actually this incredibly beautiful woman, her brain kind of short-circuits.
read here || other clexaweek works
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thessclexa · 4 years
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May We Meet Again in Valhalla - a Vikings au
Read here
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onemilliongoldstars · 4 years
the most important thing
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Clexa Week 2021: Day 1 - Accidental Love Confession
“Clarke,” The word escapes her pained and soft, “I should never have said that, it was an accident.”
“I don’t care,” Clarke tells her, very firmly, and meets her gaze unflinchingly. “I’d like you to tell me again please.”
Despite knowing Clarke since they were children Lexa has never dared to believe that she could return her affections, until one night she is forced to act or risk losing her forever.
Read on ao3
“I’ve never seen a peacock so proud of her feathers.” 
Gazing at herself in the glass, Clarke doesn’t falter at the sound of this barbed remark, although the soft, light tone in which it’s been issued gentles its sting greatly. 
“Perhaps if you took more care of your own plumage you would not be forced to stand on the sidelines tonight and watch me enjoy all of the fun,” She answers, smartly, though her eyes do not move from where she is adjusting the jewels set within her hair, twisting the diamonds this way and that to catch the light. 
As she expected, the figure loitering in the doorway is forced to cross the few paces into the room and appears behind her, her reflection just as dark and brooding as Clarke knew it would be. In truth, she knows that a lack of suitable prospects is not the reason Lexa lingers on the sides of the many balls and dances of the season rather than parading around one eligible lady after the other. She appears as striking as always in her long, dark coat, her curls pinned artfully back, and Clarke hopes her oldest friend doesn’t see the way that her breath catches at the sight of her. 
Lexa arches an eyebrow and says, as politely as it seems she is able. “Your mother informed me that you have been fussing for an hour at least. I have been sat with her for twenty minutes, are you really going to keep me waiting any longer?”
Continue reading
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jayenator565 · 4 years
Our Hearts Collide (like some kind of thief in the night)
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The Clexa Ocean’s 8 au that no one asked for. Thanks to the brilliant guys over at @syngularitysyn​ ‘s clexa writing discord for helping to motivate me into writing more and @femininenachos for looking at it <3 
Major props to @clexaweekofficial​ for doing this every clexa week you’re the best and it always gives us something to look forward to!
It’s not quite ready to go live on archive but how about a...
Sneak Peek? 
“That’s what you do best isn’t it.” Clarke snarked back, her usual filter had left long ago, broken by memories of happiness tainted with lies. They were both exhausted, emotionally drained, an aching sadness and the pain of missing so much time together was the only thing that kept them from walking away. 
Logically, Lexa knew all of this but they had been at it for hours and they were only human. The dam that had been building since Clarke came to talk was bound to break, “and you’re one to talk?” Lexa knew that they were both being needlessly stubborn, and couldn’t help getting defensive. She had good intentions. They all had. But this wasn’t about the others.
“I may be a hypocrite Lexa, but you’re a liar. You do see that right? There is no moral ground, no high horse to stand on here!” It hurt to admit, but Clarke was right. 
“Even after everything, even after you hurt me I- I’m just so angry at you Lexa...” Clarke trailed off in a whisper as the tears stinging in her eyes threatened to fall and her throat closed up in grief. Mourning for the way things used to be.
Lexa could only hang her head, the shame and guilt eating at her. 
“I know.”
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