#cliche love story
keungking · 10 months
(kanghan voice) i'm not gay, but if anyone else has any ideas on how to make school bullying gay, i'm open for suggestions
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I finally sat down and watched Fellow Travelers and, while many things can be said about it, here is what stood out to me: It is a love story. Yes. But it is also a story about time. More importantly, a story which over and over battles with the concept of "too late". For example, Jackson is dead by episode 7, but the scene of Tim going to see him after the birth succeeds it in the chronology of the story. Or, we know Tim and Hawk have been seperated for quite a bit in the most current timeline, but their lives intersect on every other level that comes before it. The storytelling (aided by the editing) makes all these moments exist side by side; the love, the tragedy, the everything else, by playing around with these 30 years. You can't be too late when time doesn't seem to exist in a linear way. And then there is the final scene, which may as well have been the first. This scene illustrates that it also is never too late for change or for the truth, because here is Hawk, after everything, finally able tell his daughter about the man he loved. Freely. Without fear of judgement. Without fear of his own truth.
Love is beyond measure. So is time. So is truth.
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quirkle2 · 2 years
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i liked the part when he
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pacifistcowboy · 7 months
love the thought of espio n silver finally becoming a couple and espio’s like “YES! i’m getting to live out my very own romance novel” while silver’s like “oh fuck what do couples do how do i boyfriend i have no idea what i’m doing oh fuck oh shit oh f”
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coldresolve · 5 months
Moneymakers, pt.xliv // Interlude
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The house is breathing. There’s no other way to describe it.
An inhale. The room expands rapidly. The walls disappear from view, as does the ceiling, and the floor on which he lies. Conrad feels like he’s falling. Not just suspended; falling, with all the associated panic, the flailing limbs, the flickering sense of orientation. Lights flash around him, and sounds spring from constantly moving sources, a voice that talks to him from below, then above, then below, then above…
Then he’s conscious. It’s the equilibrium, the second between inhale and exhale, where the air moves in neither direction. Dizzy, he raises a heavy head to peer down the length of his body, the fabric over his chest stained red and grey. His eyes seek for meaning and find it, albeit briefly, in the scene unfolding at his side. One foreign hand holds his elbow steady, while another grasps his palm, like a handshake, and slowly lowers the wrist outwards at an angle from the rest of his body. The colors pulse against his retina. His shoulder slides into place.
An exhale. Like water seeping between the fingers of a tightening fist, the air is suddenly pushed out of the room. Humid, smothering. It’s not just that he can’t breathe; it’s the way the room closes in on him, a crushing weight that encroaches on his body, relentless. Conrad is trapped in the lung of a sighing giant, pressed between its ribs and the contracting diaphragm. Concrete doesn’t care much for the plight of the living. Its texture is rough against his skin, and the pain is amplified by the heat of the friction it causes. It hurts so bad. It hurts. The words bubble from his lips. He’s pretty sure they’re not real words, but that doesn’t seem to matter, they leave him just the same. Burst in the air, silently, gone.
There are two facets to it; one is the heaving, the bending of the plasterboard, dipping down towards him, deep beats of pressure, before it retracts once again, and he is free. Another is the texture. Subtle clusters of color and light which pulsate to the rhythm of his heartbeat, writhing like a colony of ants, grainy against his tongue. He can taste the ceiling in some instances, sharp and bitter, coppery.
“You have to lie still.”
Lie still. Still. You have to lie still. You have to lie.
Sharp exhale. Falling concrete slams the air out of his lungs, mounting an incomprehensible weight on his being. The house’s guts churn around him, stone grinding against stone. Arms pinned to his chest by a grip that doesn’t budge, no matter how hard he pushes against it. Red shrieks, and the looming silhouette of his murderer.
Time stands still in the moment where the tension finally breaks again. The sting is drawn out, whining in the aftermath of the crash. He misses against the light, but it vanishes. Seventeen years ago, late at night, they stopped at an inn somewhere along the I-95; Conrad pretended to be asleep. Yellowstone never stuck, but no force on earth could take that memory from him, of being carried through a maze of unfamiliar corridors, rocking along with the steps of his dad, watching the wallpaper drift by through the careful slits of his eyes. An aching cheek is tucked against wool in the thoughtless pursuit of a heartbeat. A heavier core, longer limbs, strange gravity.
He reaches out, blindly –
His hand meets nothing but air.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I just remembered they devoted a whole scene to Mike and Will burying a dead body for no reason other than to poke fun at—
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charcubed · 11 months
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THERE'S NOTHING LIKE YOU & I a Good Omens season 2 playlist
Quiet, gentle, romantic, and a little bit devastating – roughly in story order. For being lonely together across 6,000 years and aching for the freedom to love.
On Spotify Here
(Previous editions: Soft To Be Strong – Good Omens season 1 | Crowley/Aziraphale upbeat song dump)
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heartkillers · 2 years
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My idea was to draw nightkiller-
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starcrossedpaladins · 7 months
Summary for the klance soulmate au fic I'm going to be writing
Keith has seen in black and white his entire life. He knows that this means that somewhere out there is his soulmate, his other half, his perfect match, the person whose touch will allow him to see the world in color. Keith has no desire to meet them, however. From the moment he understood what seeing in grayscale meant, he wore gloves to avoid touching anything or anyone directly. When he came to the Garrison and started seeing splashes of color, he ignored them, hoping to delay the inevitable meeting. Keith thinks he’s safe after being booted from the Garrison, but when a Garrison cadet interrupts him from rescuing Shiro, all that changes.
I'll be posting here and on ao3 when I have a few chapters written. Stay tuned!
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I love mythology so much and it’s taking everything in me to not write a full fledge fic about a Cupid and Psyche au omfg
justttttt Cupid Bakugou who is just so, so fucking beautiful. he’s always been recorded by other mortals for being akin to sunlight himself—all golden hues and sharp angles and high cheekbones and massive wings. wings that span as wide as an entire village, that sparkle when the light hits them, loud when they beat to send him soaring into the skies above. but his mouth? his attitude?
everyone always wonders why he was never the god of war, instead. but he’s damn good at his job, with his arrows propped up on his back, swift with discharging them into another stupid mortal who’s fallen for the local towns idiot. but hey, they’re in love, and it’s his job to enforce that love go over well.
and then he sees you—the most beautiful mortal, that you’re even compared to the gods, to his mother. he wants you so bad, if not to treasure and keep you against his side as he travels over the oceans cold waters, than to keep you safe from the vile men who want you as their partner and the disgusting women who envy you for having it all.
omg and the part where he takes you to stay in his palace and asks you not to ever look at his face???? it’s killing him, to wear that mask to your nightly dinners, to be able to look at the soft curve of your mouth when you frown and ask him to reveal himself. to be able to look at how you stare back at him, eyes pretty and furious, frustrated and mad, wanting to go back on the conditions you agreed upon because having to sit across from him without seeing him is absolute torture. I am. vibrating.
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I had to write about a freckled, red-headed teen model for school and anyways I kinda love her now
Explanation of what on earth is going on in this under the cut :D
She’s not looking very model-esque atm bc she’s had about 4 hours of sleep and has been taking care of her little brother who just got out of the hospital
she’s at the store buying skittles for him lol
and someone spilled milk all over her shoes
it’s a quite the story.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Bro i was listening to Taylor swift and ‘don’t blame me’ song reminded me of Rin deadass
✦゜ANSWERED: YEAHHHHH!! IT TOTALLY FITS HIM!! @yourunhingedgirlfriend once made a Ren mood board(?) including that song as well, and it hasn't left my mind since ^^ <3
But yeah!! I still stand by the headcanon that [REDACTED] is in his Reputation era and Ren is in his Lover era ;v; Also, in this 391,490,009 page essay I will be talking about how "Mastermind" and "Hey Stephen (Taylor's Version)" are such Ren/[REDACTED] coded songs, and that the entire Evermore and Folklore albums were the inspiration behind Elanor's charac-
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altruistic-meme · 2 months
imagine for a moment, if you will, that you have to participate in an epic climactic battle against your mortal enemy. where will you be having your battle? (in a field or atop a crumbling tower perhaps?) what kind of weather do you want? (fog? rain? moonlight?) and what classic weapon do you fight with?
(optional: how does the fight end?)
this is a FANTASTIC question. it must happen in a field, once-white flowers that represent innocence and joy being crushed as my mortal enemy and i battle in the worsening mud. raining but not storming, you know? like a medium rain. we must still be able to gaze homoerotically into each others eyes. bonus points if we do it while we wipe ineffectually at the mud on our cheeks. a summer rain. and of course we will fight with swords. i want a longsword as my weapon. very classic. very chic.
(the fight ends with us both worn, tired, heaving breaths as we come together one last time and my sword is wrenched from my grasp, the rain water and mud finally causing me to lose my grip. i've never been the best at fighting. it was foolish to think i could best my enemy in physical combat. they are generous in that they give me a smile and a quick death.)
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meangirlz · 11 months
I think undertaker's story would be 10x better if it turned out he and Vincent were lovers or something to that degree neither of them are straight
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tokutaiseichan · 18 days
crazy how we went from "Haku and MC are the only one kind enough to humour Zenji" to "Zenji is a ghost and others can't actually see him" holy shit.....
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nepeta-cataria-21 · 11 months
I had a dream a few days ago and I needed to write it down. I polished it a bit so it would make more sense, but the main idea came to me in a dream.
It was about a girl named Beatrice who was sold by her father to a wealthy old man who only wanted her for her beauty. So she started to despise her father for selling her to a stranger. On the day of the wedding, Beatrice couldn't take it anymore and ran away from the chapel into the forest next to it. There, she found a portal to another world. Since she was being chased, she entered the portal, but this other world was Hell itself!
When Beatrice realized where she really was, she started to panic, trying to find a way to get out of there. The first demon she met there was a demon in full golden armor. He told her she didn't belong there and explained what she needed to do to get out of Hell. This demon, named Connor, told Beatrice that she needed to reach the inner circle of Hell and ask the Demon Queen to get her out of there. But for that, she needed to cross each ring, where she would meet each demon lord of each ring and complete a task for them. This would allow her to cross their rings without getting harmed.
Since Beatrice was an innocent human, Connor offered to escort her to the entrance of each circle. However, he couldn't help her with each task, so he just waited with each demon lord until she completed the task. During their journey, they started to get to know each other. He was surprisingly kind for a demon, and he found her quite interesting for a simple human, starting to fall in love with each other.
While Beatrice was going through each ring, we see  that a minor demon named "Gargantua" wanted to overthrow the Demon Queen. He was raising an army of lesser demons to attack the inner circle of Hell, where the royal family resided. But to do that, he needed to weaken the royal family first.
Returning to our runaway bride, Beatrice was near the final circle when her companion Connor started to feel ill. He fell to his knees and turned into stone. She didn't understand what had just happened and cried for him. Afterward, she entered to the castle of the current ring, where the demon lord gave her a task to complete, but, instead of asking for their protection to cross their ring, she asked if they could bring someone back from death. She explained what had happened to Connor and the demon lord smiled and said they could cure her friend instead of giving her their protection. She agreed and proceeded to fulfill the task. After finishing the task, she returned with the demon lord, who already had Connor's statue with them; then, the demon lord cast a spell that cured Connor. But before Beatrice could say anything to Connor, the demon lord threw her off their castle to the lands where demons roamed. Without their protection, she would be eaten by the demons.
Alone on her own, she ran as fast as she could through this ring. She was noticed by a group of grotesque demons that started to chase her. She ran through a wicked forest, where her dress got stuck and she fell. The group of demons was about to jump on her when a golden flash appeared and slayed all the demons. She couldn't see him well, but she knew it was Connor before fainting.
Then Beatrice woke up in the castle of the last demon lord. She was wrapped in some curtains on a fancy sofa. She could hear two people arguing in the other room, so she went there. She could only see the demon lord being questioned by Connor, who was in the other part of the room where she couldn't see. Connor asked if they knew who had cast the spell on him. The demon lord looked frightened by Connor's tone and presence and quickly answered that the spell looked like it was made using a huge amount of human souls, which means it was a lesser demon, that was all they could know. Connor approached the demon lord and grabbed them by the throat to threaten them, Beatrice caught a glimpse of Connor's face without his helmet for the first time and let out a gasp of surprise. Instantly, his gaze fell on her, and she got scared. She ran to the other room but was stopped by Connor, who had already put his helmet on. He started to apologize for what she saw. To his surprise, she just hugged him and started to say that she was glad he was fine now, that she was scared he had left her alone and that she ran because she was just surprised by his face, that was all. He didn't know what to do with that and got nervous, so he just let her cry while he hugged her back.
After this, they kept going through the last ring without trouble until they reached the inner circle. There, they saw a huge riot of lesser demons attacking the royal castle. Connor asked Beatrice to stay at the entrance to the inner circle because she still had the protection of the last ring demon lord. He then cast a pair of wings and flew directly to the castle, slaying as many demons as he could in the middle. Beatrice was scared by the view of the battle, fearing losing Connor again. But then the last ring demon lord appeared next to her and told her that if she gave them something in exchange, they could extend their protection to the inner circle so she could get there. She offered a bit of her blood, and the demon lord accepted, biting her on the neck. Afterward, the demon lord extended their protection and "lent" her a sword and a helmet, since humans were so fragile, maybe she would need more protection.
So Beatrice ran into the battlefield, trying to avoid as many demons as she could. At least they weren't paying much attention to a human like her, so they kept focused on just trying to get into the castle. When she was near the castle walls, she saw Connor's golden armor in the sky, descending to attack a pack of demons. She screamed his name, and he changed his direction towards her, killing the demons near her. He asked her why she was there, and she answered that she didn't want to lose him again, he chuckled at her and said that would be impossible. Then he took her in his arms, flew with her, and got her inside the royal castle to the throne room, where the beautiful Demon Queen was talking with her commanders about the battle.
The Demon Queen gave them a side-eye look before giving her last commands to her commanders and demanding to be left alone with her golden knight. She approached them, quickly glanced at Beatrice and asked Connor if this was really his choice for a bride. She never expected a human to be her daughter-in-law, and he would need to talk with his father first. Connor answered her by taking off his helmet telling her everything he knew about the battle, while Beatrice was confused by their conversation, realizing how both demons looked so much alike. She connected the dots.
The Demon Queen revealed that this lesser demon named Gargantua had started the riot, claiming that he had killed Connor. At first, the Demon Queen didn't believe it, but when she couldn't get in contact with Connor, she thought the worst. So, she started to defend the castle with the help of her commanders. Since she was alone in the castle and didn’t have the strength or magical power that Connor has, she was vulnerable to an attack like this.
But when Connor explained to the Demon Queen that thanks to Beatrice's request to save him instead of seeking the demon lord's protection, she had actually saved him, the Demon Queen took Beatrice's hands in hers and expressed her sincere gratitude for saving her beloved son. She decided to give them her blessing for their marriage. Before Beatrice could say anything, the Demon Queen demanded her son to finish the situation quickly to start preparing for the wedding. She needed to cast his father as soon as possible for the event.
Then, Connor approached Beatrice, apologized for his mother's attitude, and assured her that she didn't have to worry about the misunderstanding, they could deal with it later. He put his helmet back on, asked his mother to take care of his "bride" and then flew to the battlefield to finish the battle with his magical powers.
After the battle was finished, Connor reunited with his mother and Beatrice and explained the misunderstanding to his mother, who felt disappointed but understood Beatrice's situation. In exchange for saving her son, the Demon Queen offered Beatrice a good amount of money so that she wouldn't have to marry anyone she didn't want in the human world. Beatrice hesitated to accept this gift, so she asked Connor if they could speak alone, to which he agreed, and the Queen left them alone.
Then Beatrice started to explain her past, how she never wanted money and never needed it; but her father was a greedy man who saw the opportunity to make a good amount of money by selling his only daughter to a wicked old man. She explained that she didn't have a place to return to in the human realm, and if she went back, she would feel lonely without him by her side. Connor said that he felt strange around her, that nobody had made him feel like this before. This strange feeling was a ticklish, warm feeling that he enjoyed so much and when she hugged him, the feeling exploded in his veins, and he didn't know what to do with it. So Beatrice smiled, hugged him, and gently grabbed his face to give him a kiss. He reciprocated the kiss and tightened the hug with his arms.
After cleaning up the castle, getting a new dress for the lovely bride, and summoning the father of the groom, the wedding began. Both Beatrice and Connor received the blessing of the King of Hell, symbolized by tattoos on their wrists. They smiled at each other and sealed the ceremony with a kiss.
The end!
Thanks for reading the whole idea! It was such a nice dream for me that I wanted to remember it. I had to fill in some gaps I couldn't remember, but it was fun to write it! Thanks again for reading! I'll be adding some sketches of the characters I'm working on right now, but that will come later.
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