#click the links to go to the thing.
verflares · 5 months
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just how long is forever? // not long enough, with you
pssst. check this out on inprnt :]
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humbuns · 3 months
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pieced together till they're no longer broken apart
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artilite · 1 year
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this is the last time i tell myself to make a dump acc to post anything and then feel scared to do just that. breaking the cycle!!!
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quarriart · 6 months
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Make me your God, I can give you everything
Redraw of a frame from Round 5 of Alien Stage
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pancake-breakfast · 26 days
Been watching through Link Click with my brother for Sibling Anime Night and, as this is my second watch, there are all these little details that are just driving me crazy. I have to remember not to say a darn thing because he doesn't know yet, but geez. They put some thought into this. They knew what they were doing.
Here are a few:
Qiao Ling telling Cheng Xiaoshi that Lu Guang is way more mature than him despite being the younger of the two.
Near the end of the first episode (in the sub), Lu Guang very insistently tells Cheng Xiaoshi to never ask about the future.
In the Noodle Lesbians episode, Cheng Xiaoshi telling Lu Guang, "Just because you don't see a glimmer of hope doesn't mean it's not hiding somewhere," and Lu Guang's expression fading into this soft smile as he chuckles, as if he's thinking, "It's just like you to say something like that."
In the basketball episode, how jealous Lu Guang sounds when Cheng Xiaoshi high-fives someone else.
When Cheng Xiaoshi runs out to start warning people about the earthquake, Lu Guang gritting his teeth and shouting, "You can't save them. They are already dead!" And then hurriedly lecturing Cheng Xiaoshi on how much of a fixed point death is no matter how much you might want to change it. "No matter how hard this is, you can't alter their fates!"
Lu Guang: "The future that we now know could completely disappear." (dub) "It could even cause the disappearance of the life we have now." (sub)
In the Aunt May arc, the three superheroes that our main three dress up as being the Star of Justice, Bringing Hope (Cheng Xiaoshi), Star of Courage, Conquering Fear (Lu Guang), and Star of Wisdom, Lighting the Way (sub)/Serving Knowledge (dub) (Qiao Ling). Gods, I could write an essay just on that.
I just... I just wanna grab some of these characters and shake them. Maybe slap them a few times. Why they gotta be like this?
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g1ngerbeer · 2 months
do you think they noticed a change, the first few loops. i think they did. because how could they not, cheng xiaoshi and qiao ling, the two closest friends lu guang has, seeing him walk out of the room through a camera shutter and re-enter changed. diminished, faded, sad, the worn and cracking face of an old photograph. more and more tired each time he dives, further and further back with each attempt. every time a failure. and even as he lets the tides of time weather him more - render him a ghost, it feels like sometimes - even as lu guang changes more and more from the person he used to be, so too does that moment of disconnect in his friends’ eyes shorten and fade. because they don’t know him anymore. the golden stretch of time he spends by their sides before it all goes wrong is sliced thinner and thinner with every photo he uses, his touch blurring the memory with blood. each time he fails they know him less - the first him, the one unburdened by the terrible knowledge he now holds and the weight of too many failures.
soon they will never have known him at all.
Because you would notice if your best friend time travelled from a horrible future, but not if he travelled back so far he erased the person he once was (the person you knew) (the person you loved, first. before you loved this newer-older transparent version, never knowing a difference.)
(and this too is a loss to be grieved, he thinks sometimes in the dead of night to the sound of soft breathing in the bunk below, selfishly. but it is worth it if cheng xiaoshi lives.)
(the death of everything lu guang ever was is worth it if it means cheng xiaoshi lives.)
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the-dormant-ocean · 1 year
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LG and CXS at any given opportunity.
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cowardlycowboys · 5 months
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psychiatrist day
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astranauticus · 6 months
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every once in a while i need to bring this image back
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luckydicekirby · 6 months
link click s2 is very funny bc its main weakness is its insistence on hiding things from the viewer to the ultimate detriment of the narrative and fully developing the new characters. however the most banger moment of the season was also of course suddenly revealing something cool as hell that was hidden from the viewer until the very end. multitudes!
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cardboardfeet · 5 months
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shiguang comic bc they r my stress balls
read left -> right. dialouge under cut.
Cheng Xiaoshi: Qiao Ling, would you love me were I a worm?
Qiao Ling: ehhh...
Qiao Ling: You'd be pretty slimy, no?
Cheng Xiaoshi: hhmmmrrr... Guang-guang, would YOU love me if I were a worm?
Lu Guang: I like you as you are. Idiot.
Cheng Xiaoshi: WHTA
Cheng Xiaoshi: YOU LIKE ME??
Lu Guang: Obviously.
Cheng Xiaoshi: ...!!
Cheng Xiaoshi: Ahhh, maybe I am blessed...
Lu Guang: Don't go and get an ego now.
Cheng Xiaoshi: Sure.
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ilovereadingandstuff · 3 months
Was scrolling through Pinterest to find a god Lu Guang picture to draw him and cross my view this image here:
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And i ask myself: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
BRO! In this point in my life I GENUINELY don't give a fuck about fandoms and people having an opinion on which fandoms i'm part of.
Yes, bnha fandom is kinda weird from time to time (a bit too often maybe), but i just avoid the bullshit and continue enjoying the show, because that's why i'm here: THE SHOW ITSELF!! If it's needed, i restrain myself from social forums about certain fandoms or go to another ones for a bit to let slide the shit that can go crazy in there AND THAT'S IT!!
I understand why bnha fandom is considered problematic and whatever, but WHY IS HAS TO BE SO MUCH, BRO?!?! every godamn person i tell irl that i like bnha, is like 'that show wtih the toxic fandom?' and WHY IT HAS TO BE LIKE THAT!?!?!?
I'm pretty sure there's more fandoms with ship wars, with weird stuff, with rational fans and weird ones!!!
just like when i was part of the Miraculous fandom!!! yes, it's a dark side from when i was too young to be aware of the disaster that it is of a series as a whole, but i also don't critize the people who still enjoy it!!!
THE FANDOM IS THE FANDOM!! A group of people for any part of the world who enjoys a series in specific and share their love for it in different ways, with some of the fans being as repulsive as to bully the authors, sending threats to other fans, etc, because THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE!! FROM THE REAL WORLD, AND THIS WORLD IS FUCKED UP IN MANY WAYS!! anyone is perfect, much less in reality!! so yeah.
bnha is integrated by many fans who analyse and critize (both in positive and negative ways) the manga/anime, people who makes theorists, people who draw, paint, make cosplay, etc AND people who ship characters, who send threats to one another, who throw bullshit to Hori just for existing...
And that's the same to any other fandom, MAYBE in different proportions, maybe that's why the bnha is critize so much, because the weird fans stand up MORE than the others, but still...we're all the same.
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
Wondering about Li Tianchen's powers being related to touch and how that informs his relationships with others.
There are three people we really see him interact with who know of his powers: Qian Jin, Li Tianxi, Liu Xiao.
Qian Jin always wears gloves in the present day, something that shows his careful personality, but is also likely habit from interacting with Li Tianchen considering he never wore them as a cop. Qian Jin doesn't truly trust Li Tianchen, even as he plans to use him for the same powers he shields himself from. Their relationship should be closer to parent-child, considering their circumstances, but is instead more a fragile balance of mutually using each other as tools. Qian Jin maintains distance, always seeking the next betrayal. There's no trust between them though, so betrayal is inevitable.
Li Tianxi doesn't wear gloves and willingly takes Li Tianchen's hand when offered. To some extent she is conscious of being used, but that's still her brother, and so she doesn't shield herself from him. For them as siblings, touch used to be a source of comfort, guidance, and protection all in one. Over time though, that's become twisted. But Tianxi still lets Tianchen use her and Tianchen still sees what he's doing as some form of protection. There's trust here at first, but it's stretched thin, and love can only try to paper over the gaps. Which is why Tianxi eventually reaches her breaking point and runs away. She didn't entirely give up on their relationship though. Even to the end, she was willing to save her brother, despite what he'd become.
Liu Xiao offers Li Tianchen his hand. It's reminiscent of shiguang, especially of the hospital scene when they do the Chen Bin dive by mutual agreement. But also a mirror of Li Tianchen offering Li Tianxi his hand as he uses her.
Liu Xiao's overall relationship with Li Tianchen is a dark mirror of both the twins' relationship and of shiguang, but with the added element that his "friendship" is conditional. With the twins and shiguang, there's still faith beneath any hurt they may cause each other. It's a two-way street. For Liu Xiao, he says Li Tianchen has to "earn" his friendship. The onus is always on Li Tianchen to prove himself in some way. And Li Tianchen is in a position where he needs to believe he's in control because the alternative is too horrifying to consider. So Liu Xiao says "jump" and Li Tianchen asks "how high?"
Liu Xiao can trust that Li Tianchen won't betray him. He is in control of the situation and in control of Li Tianchen. Li Tianxi is dead, Qian Jin in custody. He can't go to the police because they've cottoned onto the idea of powers and he's left a trail of bodies in his wake. At this stage, Li Tianchen has no other ties left but Liu Xiao.
Liu Xiao offers his hand. It's not gloved. It doesn't need to be.
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bloomfenix · 5 months
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I'm so normal about shiguang, yep, completely normal
(I wanna grab them like a squishy toy and [[aggressive hand movements]] yeah)
Vgen || carrd
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the-dormant-ocean · 4 months
Qiao Ling: Lu Guang! Did you break the timeline?! Lu Guang: Yes. Qiao Ling: WHY? Lu Guang: Cheng Xiaoshi was gone and he was 85% of my impulse control. Also, life is meaningless without him.
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curestaarlight · 3 days
thinking about shiguang travelling— how excited cxs probably gets over buying snacks/airport food. how lu guang has the capacity to nap anywhere, so while cheng xiaoshi stays up playing games and watching movies, lu guang sleeps, occasionally waking up to leaf through another page of his book before his eyes shut. cxs carefully readjusting him so his head is leaning against cxs's shoulder (otherwise he will grumble about his sore neck). cheng xiaoshi nudging lu guang awake to show him the sights beyond the window. lu guang making sure to remind cxs to drink water, silently passing him a shared bottle (cos he always forgets, especially when caught up in the excitement of travel)
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