#im that meme of a person thinking so many lovely things about something but only saying gibberish
bloomfenix · 2 months
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I'm so normal about shiguang, yep, completely normal
(I wanna grab them like a squishy toy and [[aggressive hand movements]] yeah)
Vgen || carrd
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inf3ct3dd · 3 months
loser!ellie headcanons pt.6
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summary: ellieeee my chiquitita my baby my love
warnings: none :3
authors note: ik yall missed herrrr
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masterlist. help palestine.🇵🇸
- ellie tries to be soooo cool and wear her cool people jackets (leather jackets, canvas, those carhartt hoodie jackets etc) but they’re very not helpful against the cold and you’ll be out with her and shes just SHIVERING the whole time…
- she’s obsessed w those “general knowledge quizzes” on tiktok. that girl is a hoe for trivia she’s sitting on her bed at three in the morning saying her answers OUT LOUD while she watches them. she gets so upset when she gets literally any wrong… “man…im not a quiz master 🙁”
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- ik in the games she walks around with her little journal and shit but i feel like shes definitely jus constantly typing shit in her notes app… random thoughts and jokes and shit that she most definitely shows you at the end of the day
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- she barely ever baby talks to babies… she’ll go up to a baby and just be like “wassup dude” and have a full blown conversation with him while the babies just sitting there babbling and giggling at her
- thinks those “im nothing like yall” slideshows r so hilarious…. like you’ll be on the couch and she’s just giggling at her phone at paracetamol 😞
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- references the most niche memes ever constantly and literally googles them to explain herself. you guys went camping and she said “boy you want hot dog” and you were like ????
- so strangely particular about how her stuff is arranged 😭 her desk looks like an absolute hot mess 90% of the time but SHE UNDERSTANDS IT and if u try and organize it for her she just puts it back how it was
- always says “guys” and “yall” when she’s talking to literally one person. and CHAT. she just constantly adds it into conversation like “chat how are you today”
- loves asking if things are “fire.” she’ll cook you something and you take a bite and shes like “is that shit fire???” she has to know
- obsessed with “i barely know her” jokes. the second someone says something ending in er shes like “rider??? i barely know her!!” and she’s laughing her ass off
- that girl will go HAM on some mac and cheese. but it can only be really good baked mac or the shitty kraft mac and cheese. she puts like- hella pepper and red chili flakes in it and eats it straight out of the pot 🔥 its always at like three in the morning and you just walk in the kitchen to her with a pot in her lap watching glee or some shit
- SPEAKING. OF. glee is most definitely one of her guilty pleasure shows…like shes rewatched it a million times and glee cast was one of her top artists on apple music wrapped
- shes an apple music user. send tweet.
- got yelled at by an old lady once cuz she picked her flowers out of her front yard and gave them to you
- when i tell you that girl goes ham on those tiny clementines… she’ll eat like 10 in one day and theres just PEELS. EVERYWHERE.
- also she fw grapes heavy. especially green grapes (shes a weird little freak red grapes are so much better)
- OBSESSED WITH THOSE BLIND BAG SHITS. especially mini brands oh my god she definitely has the whole lil grocery store set and she’s so obsessed with it.
- her house slippers are definitely just a pair of crocs with the fur inside and a bunch of stupid ass jibbits. she buys the mega packs off amazon and changes them whenever shes bored
- has SO MANY drafts on tiktok and they’re all her trying filters staring at the screen like 😯
- most annoying person to sleep next to ever . snoring, sleep talking, moving around CONSTANTLY and hitting you accidentally, the only way she sleeps peacefully is if you’re holding her or she’s holding you, otherwise shes insane
- weirdly into linguistics…that girl is using humongous words for no good reason just for fun and half the time she has no idea what they mean and when she googles them and shes right about the definition she does that little fist pump and “fuck yes”
- speaking of. that girl is SPEEDRUNNING DUOLINGO . she’s fluent in (bad spaniard) spanish from it, and just learns random languages for fun. you speak a different language? she’s learning it immediately. definitely leaves notes for you in random languages she learned and you have to pull out a translator to understand wtf shes talking about… she also sleep talks in spanish sometimes and its so funny
- loves trying out different recipes…like i said my girl is a CHEF she will be at home fucking up a salmon bake she made and making you homemade pho for dinner
- had a phase when she was younger when she was really into the la bamba movie and dressed like richie valens for two years
- also cried so hard when she watched selena with you…that girl was devastated 💔 every time she hears “dreaming of you” she almost sheds a tear
“when that yolanda bitch gets out of prison….im shooting someone . its obvious who its gonna be.”
- she definitely begged joel to buy her a gun for christmas and he would take her to the range all the time so she can SHOOT. that girl is goated at lazer tag she gets down…does not play
- thought that candy cigarettes were the coolest thing ever when she was little… everywhere she went she had one hanging out of the side of her mouth and shed hold them between her fingers like they do in movies. if you two go to a candy shop shes for sure buying a pack
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austinsastrology8991 · 11 months
> Mer{Cure}Y <
I gots some drugs for yall fiends > plug back <
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1 > No one wants to talk to each other Hi how are you? good thanks :) Nice day isnt it. It for sure is! Hey wyd. not much wbu. Im chilling. Same lol. what are you doing? Im watching something on youtube. Oh nice. Wbu? im watching anime. Oh cool. No wonder we are all fiends for some entertainment, because we are incapable of entertaining each other. 2 > The insecurity of not sounding smart makes everyone conform into a retarded form of one another. We all have the same views. The same topics are constantly being brought up. And when someone speaks about something new, everyone loses interest because no one can handle the reality that maybe they don't know something. Oh and the only reason you listen to each other is to get something from that person whether that be attention, or clout or whatever the fuck you define as your ends. Since most of us, are in a state of fear, we aren't able to talk about something we don't know about. 3 > Mercury is about confidence. And most of yall bite your tongues but love to act tough. Every person who has told me they are hard, is incapable of pushing the envelope. I think you are more caught up with your own image, and are afraid of not appearing tuff. But guess what true courage is about revolting against whats normal, or the courage to be wrong. Show dont tell true?. ANd im done hearing about whoever the fuck you think you are. Show me something interesting dont tell me what you think you are. Don't tell me what you want me to hear. 4 > Conversations are being ruined by people who are constantly telling others they are wrong. Excuse me fucker. But are you capable of arguing against me? No beyond that. Can you stick to the conversation at hand, or are you going to source the same sources every SJW ever has cited. Your not even a real person, your just mimicrying beliefs you believe in. Pathetic tbh. Hey whatever more people will agree with you because we are all jsut looking for a place to belong. so good for you. You chose the easy way out bravo. I thought conversations were a place to discuss and learn. But your so focused on being correct. to me you look wrong, but you do 'sound' right because well .. to reiterate we all want to be right so we band together with whats acceptable. 5 > School fucked you. You were told to sit down and stfu. and if you were invested in to the conversation in the class room. You were memed on by all ur class mates. School breeds insecurity, and teaches people to sit down. Thats why some of yall are so forceful in standing up for yourself. Trying to break the chains of the past. And before you point the finger at me. Don't shoot the messenger. we were all brainwashed, I dont blame anyone trying to change the foundations of your past, considering how fucked it all really is 6 > "Im not that smart" This is just an excuse. Learning everyone can do. You just need to concentrate and put effort in. "oh I canT beCauSe I HaVe ADHD" well my bad just take more of that meth shit that way you can turn into mini hitler and become smart I guess. Also if your so insecure go cry to your psychologists like ffs. Eveyrone can be smart. YOu just need to develop your confidence > Rule 3 <
7 > You learn from what you see. monkey see monkey do. if your surrounded by a bunch of dumb cunts. YOur a dumb cunt now. If your being put down by people in your clique you are surrounded by negativity. If your being constantly praised for nothing you are surrounded by yes man. Find diversity. use discrepency. Its perfectly okay to judge people. stop suppressing that urge to appear 'normal' Many people are not normal but we are so caught up in trying to act normal when we are all pretty fucky 8 > The past was different and so will be the future. Would you shut the fuck up with the pessmism. Things will change. You need to be open to receiving it. You've had happy times as much as youve had bad times. ANd if your trapped in a big pit hole of death. well you better get climbing because no one can be bothered to help anyone anymore because we are probably the most selfish we've ever been ever (social mediaaaaasaa) and the adults are still trying to adjust to the internet because the world been flipped (itll flip again) 9 > No one cares about your opinion more than you Thats why your so uncomfortable speaking your truth. Because everyone is more into their own truths. So we practise the art of self affirmation by denying other peoples truths. When everything exists for a reason. WE are so caught up in making our own manifestations true by denying others 'truths.' Selfish cunts.... But hey wtf am I saying Im just an anonymous pluto I don't know shit ;')
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My next post is my last post. Don't cry. I have my reasons. My next post however is going to my >master piece< ;')
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gramarye · 4 months
really really long post where i just talk about johan from yugioh gx thank you
im thinking about johan tonight bc i was drawing him and i wanna talk abt him. bear with me. I REALLY LIKE JOHAN . TO START THIS OFF WITH i have an official licensed johan "WHERE AM I" shirt and i adore it its really funny also i used to have like a johan pin i bought from a german anime store and it was like 8 euros but i shipped it off to my friend who is really really crazy about johan
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^johan where am i shirt
anyway johan. jessejohan. i like johan so much believe me he is my nordic scandinavian brethen i just think his writing has issues mainly that he has like no real relationships outside judai and like. i know as a gay person -- i am literally a lesbian In A Lesbian Relationship In Real Life -- that characters will become more likeable when they're queer coded bcuz its Different and its relatable. however i think his writing is kind of really weak and i quote this thing my friend said in 2022 like a lot
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HARD TRUTHS TO SWALLOW jesse is a beautiful damsel in distress and his personality outside jaden and crystal beasts is kind of nothing. i love him tho
but the most offensive thing abt it writing wise is like in season 4 when they duel against trueman sorry it was fujiwara. okay i was rewatching gx ages ago and my ex was watching it with me and it was her first time seeing it and shes a literature major and when the whole. "what is the darkness in johan's heart" scene, AFTER IT WAS ESTABLISHED EVERYONE, EVERY STUDENT INCLUDING MANJOUME SHO ASUKA O'BRIEN ETCETC has darkness in their hearts,
my ex goes "if they reveal that he has no darkness in his heart because hes such a special boy im going to be so fucking mad because hes already a mary sue" (HER WORDS NOT MINE she was so mad about johan its funny.) AND THEN THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DO
like he is literally too perfect. his only flaw is his one (1) time thing about getting lost which is never really brought up again (also its more of an endearing haha funny thing and yes i like it i have a shirt referencing that scene.) and the fact that.. he gets taken over i guess.
i do think the switch around where they bamboozle fujiwara is really funny. it is a funny scene i just wish they literally didn't do it at the cost of "johan is a perfect person without any mental weaknesses when literally every single other character has some flaws" I DONT GET IT!!!
maybe he can just photosynthesize his worries into strength i dont know. does anyone remember that meme
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but really like WHAT IS JOHAN WITHOUT JUDAI!!!! why is he literally perfect and above other characters also. why could they not give him any darkness like What possible reason does that serve except me think he is BORING!!!! i do like johan btw as i said i really do. i just think his writing kinda sucks and people are way too nice on johan because he is queer coded but the fact is his writing is really weak. this isnt exclusive to johan ok i also dislike some aspects of jadens writing and asukas and so forth (naming characters i really like to prove my point) I AM CRITICAL this is just. about johan. ok.
and this brings me to the weirdo youtube essayists who only care about s3 and think its the peak of gx and yugioh in general and also. ONE SUCH YOUTUBER. WHO SAID IT IS "HOMOPHOBIC" THAT JESSE IS SOUTHERN IN THE DUB WHICH. WHAT?
you think all southern people all homophobic??? im sorry but i know so many goddamn queer people in thhe south. are you out of your mind. please blow up. LET HIM BE A GAY TEXAN you are just showing your own prejudice literally why did so many gx fans eat up "umm it was homophobic of 4kids to make him southern" they give like everyone accents. he has cowboy boots in his design. its not homophobia hes just southern and southern gay people exist. watch brokeback mountain or something
i think johan is a much more interesting character if you incorporate his manga counterpart into it. like combine him with his anime self and it'd be really fun. his bug enthusiasm in the manga is fun like he has an actual hobby and personality. ADHD bug king
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also i think personally they should lean into him being scandinavian more. ITS FUNNY. i think he should try to feed manjoume blodplättar because he looks anemic. he should open a can of surströmming around asuka (canonically very much hates food with strong smells) and she gets so upset she has to like leave the building entirely. she should get into a cultural dispute with o'brien because he thinks carola's swedish cover of mickey is better than toni basil's original
i think this and like. septembers mikrofonkåt is what he should listen to. swedish pop baby
anyway. i like johan i just think Some of his fans are insane and thats why i need to take him down a peg every now and then . in a loving bully way. also hes very gender to me dont worry about it. also TWO different people have said some variation of the "fuck danganronpa and its fans i hope komaeda marries a woman" post about him to me in different years which is so funny.
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anyway yes i love jessejohan. send post
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theirmadness · 25 days
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NAME: blue / six. been my online monikers for ages now!
PRONOUNS: she / they but will honestly answer to anything. i'm genderqueer so it honestly depends on my mood and on the day.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: don't really have one except IMs can be a bitch finnicky BUT i don't really give out my discord to just anyone nowadays bc a lot of ppl seem to only be interested in having a high contact count or sum lol.
NAME OF MUSE(S): too many to name here, fr.
BEST EXPERIENCE: getting to write things i've always wanted to write with people who are as equally passionate about it as i am!
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: i have half a dozen and more but two things have been annoying the hell out of me lately: people who reach out to write with you and then proceed to ignore you after you've replied to their starters OR written them one AND people who refuse to use decent sentence structures and punctuations in their writing. and it isn't like my choice to use all lowercaps, but like, forgetting full stops at the end of sentences.
MUSE PREFERENCES: honestly, it depends on my headspace. i do think i can write just about anything but i have an easier time writing characters i can personally relate to like sam winchester and jessica jones. but i absolutely love getting into the headspace of chuck / god and lucifer and other villains or even just crazy people like harley quinn. i'm lucky in the way that i can do about anything as long as i really like the character and muse is kinda always there!
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes. i'm a bad plotter, like, out of the blue. i'm good coming up with shit for aus and what not but there needs to be something already established. it's hard to explain lol. but also given the amount of muses i have available, memes are SO much easier because it's just insane keeping up and coming up with plots for all the muses i have all the time here.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i vibe with both but i do tend to get wordy, most of the time. i get really into inner dialogue so.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: mornings / early noon, most of the time! inspiration strikes out of the blue so it could be whenever.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i'm definitely like a few of them! probably not the ones i'd like lmao. but there's definitely a few unhinged crackheads in there that i know for a fact have me energy.
TAGGED BY: boo bear aka @murderdeals. ♡ TAGGING: @knownasbeacon, @sav1ored, @storyuntrue, @alyafae, @rejectory, @tobeblamed, @godstrayed, @denydefeat and you. ♡
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi liv!
First up looove your reclists! I read through so many in your pinned post and whenever you rec something I gotta check it out even if at first it doesn’t seem like my thing - and you’ve never steered me wrong!
If you like, I would love some recs for really cheeky, snarky sharp-tongued maybe posh/high society Draco!
Im thinking of the hilarious draco in Luckiest Fucking Size Queen Alive by loveglowsinthedark it just always makes me laugh or Nights with you by the_sinking_ship for something that’s currently ongoing.
I just love myself some fun and snark (and occasional smutt👀) sooo maybe you can help me find more?
Anyway, hope you’re doinh well!
Hi Vik, thanks for the lovely message! Your ask truly made my night 🥰 love those bangers by @l0vegl0wsinthedark and @the-sinking-ship btw, Size Queen is a classic and I’m so hooked on Nights already, the UST is killing me! I can’t wait for next Sunday after that cliffhanger 😩
I also adore snarky posh Draco even if I don’t read crack-y fics very often, here are some of my favourites. Enjoy!
Student Digs by Lokifan (2016, E, 4k)
Harry’s living in *student accommodation*. Just the phrase makes Draco shudder.
Stand Back: I'm About to Perform Archaeology by Blowfish_Diaries (2018, E, 9.7k)
A new Muggle Studies professor takes the Eighth Year students to work on an archaeological excavation. In which Draco is lazy, Harry is sweaty, Hermione is drunk, and Ron turns red.
On Target by @the-sinking-ship (2021, E, 13k)
A charity dunk tank, some sorry excuses for friends, a Slytherin with freakishly good aim, a (mostly) empty locker room, and one very small towel. Because, apparently, everyone is dying to get Harry Potter wet.
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (2014, E, 15k)
As Draco leaned on the wall to wait for them to get dressed, he could not help feeling like he had done a very kind thing by disrupting them. Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had.
Reparatio by astolat (2016, E, 17k)
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
Meddling, Menswear, and Magic by @writcraft (2022, M, 18k)
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (2019, E, 21k)
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
Slithering by astolat (2016, E, 27k)
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Bite Me, Hate Memes by pir8fancier (2007, E, 44k)
Draco Malfoy is incensed to realize that someone is trying to usurp his position as the premier Harry Potter hater.
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi (2016, E, 57k)
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
The Trouble with Wanting by waldorph (2021, E, 60k)
Draco Malfoy is cleared of all charges; this is what happens next.
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (2017, M, 131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
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confusedspaceotter · 1 year
Daily avatrice analysis (day 3)
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Seriously didn’t think i’ll have to split season 1 ep3 into 2 parts lol
anyway i’ll try to keep it brief today since the hug™ and the hallway scenes are huge milestones of their relationship thus is been talked a lot
Ep 3 part 2,
First, I would like to thank father Vincent for being an ally to the avatrice ship we didn’t know we had 
homeboy sees avatrice interact for once in the canteen then decided to bring Beatrice to comfort Ava lol
Now you could argue and say that father Vincent asked Bea to befriend Ava but I think I would rather believe that Bea did this on her own because of her boarding school times(if you don’t know what I’m talking about check the day 2 post)
as much as I hate this man for lying to Ava I had to give this to him
he saw the vision when no one had 
(Sorry Camila baby but you are still the captain of the avatrice ship tho
Now back to the scene itself
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Avatrice really is endgame from the start huh
Just look at her 
the moment she set foot in the room, her attention was dragged away by Ava
All hail protective Beatrice 
You can tell she wanted to comfort Ava so much yet she doesn’t really know what to do
People might think that Bea is not good at dealing with feelings and that’s why she hide it 
I propose that she is in fact too good at emotions 
well more about the dark, bad side of having it ,and more importantly how to hide it
Given her past experiences I think is safe to assume she knows too well about the consequences of having feelings and I quote: 
“When what you love, what should make you happy, only brings you pain.” -Beatrice(S1 Ep 8)
Yeah she knows what pain is
And yet 
She can’t help but look at Ava, trying to find a way to provide comfort to her
Girl was whipped from the beginning man they were just meant to be 
Now onto the hug it self
Sikeee there's something else here I wanna talk about
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The moment mother superion left 
She went straight to Ava
Girl couldn’t bother to wait for mother superion to left the room really shows how much she cared about Ava even tho she might not know her well
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Now you can see the obvious hesitation she had
I’m assuming that reaction is combination of repressing your emotions for a long time and the result of keeping people out due to self-loathing
which makes this scene a thousand times more meaningful
Bea, the one who actively reject/avoid physical contact Initiate physical contact Im unwell
The fact that Ava is important enough to Bea that she threw her internal cage out of the window 
I feel like in her brain is probably like:
brain sees pretty girl upset must comfort
And you know what the best thing is?
the fact that physical touch is both of their love language 
as we can see in S2
They literally can’t keep their hands off each other 
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Now, many people have talked about how Bea feel or might be thinking during the hug
So I will talk about Ava instead
She is seeking comfort in the one person who is nice to her since she got here (minus Vincent he got ulterior motive
Ava your Kid is showing 
I think we can see just how innocent and precious Ava is
reminds me of a meme I saw:
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as a person who also had a childlike personality i would too dive head first to the one who is nice to me (especially when they are pretty girls like beatrice 
Now onto the hallway scene
two things i wanted to point out 
one, Bea using humor to try to comfort ava:
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babygirl is learning how to comfort Ava we love to see it 
and two
how observant ava is 
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“there's more to it then you are telling”
Ava took one look at Beatrice and said I know what you are lmao
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“there is always more”
foreshadowing to ep 8 and could possibly be about Bea’s feelings towards Ava
i swear i didn't expect to write this many words 
please lemme know if is too long i’ll try to keep it brief by not analyzing too deep with the more popular scenes(e.g. the kiss in s2 and so on)
Here’s a gif of Avatrice for making it this far <3
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stay tuned :)
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varietales · 24 days
Talk about your favorite ship! | Favorite character to rp?
mun meme // accepting
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This turned into a massive ramble oops...
Favourite ship (i'm letting myself do 3 RP ones from across my blogs)!
Lisanna x Sting with @aitheros. It lives in my head and heart rent free, I’m so soft for them. We have had so many good and precious interactions with them and plotted much more too! They are such a lovely pair and bring out the best in each other, I adore their softness and the way they can relax around each other so beautifully and understand each other. They’ve both been through a lot, and the plot we’ve done for them has added to that and I’m forever excited about the things we can do within the plot and outside of it too. They’re also AU gold honestly. And I can’t even think about Lisanna without Sting coming to mind now. I can’t express how much I adore them, and Mandy is an incredible writer (im forever in awe of the description and imagery and use of metaphors, absolutely stunning every time, not to mention the dialogue and everything else too) so I’m always feeling super lucky to get to write with her! Her Sting is just CHEFS KISS (its also his bday today and I remember this bc I love him so much, he is the sunshine in my life). So yes 10/10 I adore them.
Rogue x Mary with @killrate. We started writing these babes together way back in like 2016, so it has been A Long Journey and it’s been so good. Beautiful example of awkward friends to secret lovers. With Mary being an ex-cultist and criminal and all, and Rogue being a famous mage, we get this Delicious plot of them keeping their relationship secret. The Yearning and Drama and all that goodness. And we also have an angsty breakup era planned which is gonna kill me but I also love it. In their happy era, they are so beautiful, so cute and adoring and flirty and fun but deep too and the feelings are so real and get me every time. He just adores her so much and is the absolute softness for her. I’m weak, send help. Plus as well as being one of the coolest people ever, Fae has such wonderful writing, its always so fun, so well done and full of personality, and a delight to read!!!
Gray x Evergreen with @lucentaire. At first glance, one might think Huh that’s a weird pair, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. They have a lot in common in terms of hobbies/interests, the way they think and even act sometimes, and a lot more. I love these two (and Jana’s specific portrayal) for the way they have this beautiful…idk exactly, like understanding or acceptance of each other, that’s growing with each interaction. They’re really starting to Get each other and it brings a certain peace and its lovely. I love seeing them begin to open up to each other, and I love the hints of feelings creeping in, and I love the teasing that happens from time to time between them as well as from their friends, its just all So Good. When I think about them, I just get this really warm sense of peace and I love it. I also have to say Jana is an amazing writer, her words always flow so well, and she has this gift of sneaking in little references to other characters/muses or little anecdotes from a muse’s past or family that just really Add a little something and make her muses feel so real and rounded. An absolute inspiration every time. And anytime i'm writing anything about Evergreen in general, I have to actively stop myself from writing 'Rena' instead, she's just so deep in my brain.
Favourite character to RP!
I have so many muses and have written so many more in the past, so it’s tricky to pin down a favourite! They all have their differences, and my fave can change based on mood as well. That being said, the first one that came to mind was Lisia (Pokemon)! She was my most active (basically Only) muse for about 8 or 9 months (which is sadly impressive for me) back in 2018. I’m not sure if its nostalgia that I’m holding onto, but I had a lot of fun with her. The RPC was fun and active and I had some really cool things going (and then things went Bad). I put in a Lot of work with Lisia, writing heeeaps of hcs and so she’s a muse that I really adore. She’s just a gorgeous gal with a gorgeous heart. I haven’t been able to get her going again since then but I’ve been thinking about her lately and might give her blog a clean up. I say that every so often tho and never do it, plus I can never manage to get her active again. But anyway, outside of her, I think I would say Lisanna is one of my faves to write! Coincidentally (or not), Lisanna and Lisia are very similar personalities. I enjoy their bubbly, cute personalities, and the way they can become teasing menaces when they want to be, particularly when they get close to someone. They also have this great potential for depth and deep and meaningful convos and angst. They’ve been through a lot and are still So Kind and I think I just find that sort of character comforting. On the complete other hand, I also really get a kick out of writing Macbeth, and my other old fave that’s just come to mind is an og muse of mine, Siegrain, which again, was once upon a time a Most Active muse of mine that I somehow can never get going again. But I did love that sassy blue haired bastard...
I suppose I could have said which muse on This blog is a fave to rp, but i haven't really gotten things going for each muse yet so we'll have to wait and see!
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mondaymelon · 6 months
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy melon :) so about that little ask game of yours,,,,,,, 2, 14, 16, 27, and 31!!
i will ignore your previous transgressions for the pure sake of silly
silly ask game!!!!
2. lighter or matches?
i am a stupid little person and thus my fingers fail to cooperate with my very few coherent thoughts and for some reason when i like yk drag the match over the little strip thats supposed to light the fire it just. doesnt. light??? like back all the way in the elementary days we went to like this camp and i could not for the love of me start a goddamn fire and then i got marshmallow stuck in my hair because someone fucking flung it and the half-melted thing catapulted instelf onto my poor locks ... :( ...my past haunts me. that, and also lighters are more aesthetic and sillier to draw so. lighters. mmm
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
id love to be all dreamy and misty eyed and be all "yes, its my favorite thing in the world" well smiling absentmindedly facing the pale light shining through the window with my chin resting on my palms but i could only say that if i went outside long enough to smell the wet dirt lmoa.
( yes, yes i do. and the name for it like petrichor or smth is so pretty too... although my love for freshly cut wood, printer paper, and those brown paper towels triumphs all. )
16. can you drive?
haha. no. lmao. because ive been putting it off for the sillies. that, and my family dont have another car since its my brothers till he gets shipped to college next year <33 besides hes basically my personal chauffeur anyways <- lie he does not put up with my shit nearly that well
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
haha anyways next question
31. what kind of music keeps you grounded?
uhmmm hrmmm i like to listen to really fast paced (BREAKCORE ML <333) or very layered music where theres just a lot going on because for some silly reason it quells my thoughts that are a little too silly. if it does not fit my very specific and petty requirements i usually take multiple songs. and yk. just. play em at the same time. at max volume? i think the max ive done is 8 or so? believe me animal ( specifically amane milgram cover )+ god-ish + loli god requiem + meme (MIKOTO AND JOHN... i offer you my beating, bloodied heart <33) + im your treasure box (beware, she moans a bit., and the mv is a lil... m) + ussewa + judas (NOT the lady gaga ver) are actual bangers when you play em all at once with each one at like x1.25 playback speeeeed
... wait hold on just one moment. lemme do something rq
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ah. okay maybe just one more for good mesaure haha
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maybe... this... means something. yea no lol lmao what am i on about
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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NAME : Miss Tantabis, usually called Miss T or T for short.
PRONOUNS: She/Her, might wanna see how I feel about Them.
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION: Discord. While I can use the Tumblr IM and use them as icebreakers, I have gotten more used to using Discord nowadays as it is far more reliable.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S): My primary muses are Jinx, Silco and Vi. My secondary muses are Naafiri, Sevika, Vander/Warwick and Kindred. When it comes to my secondary muses, they are not all equal and sometimes one goes more silent while the other one is far more awake. I tend to go where my muses lead me when it comes to replies.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ): I started rping around the time I finished my A-levels aka my school graduation. That is nine years now. I started on Facebook and forums during these three years when I was in the advanced levels of high school. However, I quickly moved over to Tumblr. I think that was either already in 2014 or at the very least 2015. Though, if we wanna go by writing alone, I have been telling stories since I was six. That means over twenty years worth of writing by now.
BEST  EXPERIENCE: God, this is a hard question. I had many experiences in so many different rp communities. Not all of them were pleasant. However, I believe what I would deem my best experience, is the fact that through rp, outside of meeting amazing rp partners, I also made some very close friends. Some of these people, I have known for years, and they helped me through strife and tribulations. I cannot thank them enough for being the awesome human beings they are. At the same time, I am just so happy with how rpers give me a chance and how they have helped me so much with my ability to world build and finally embrace my own creativity. It may be an ongoing struggle, I still sometimes have, but I know I have people here who adore my ideas and my style and for that I cannot thank them enough.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS: I think the only real dealbreakers I have are things like blatantly expressed homophobia/racism, etc. Basically, people being dicks. Though that isn't really a surprise and not really RP-related. I think, in that regard, something I really despise is when people try to tell you how to write your blog, your muses, what you curate on your dash. I am not a big fan of one-liners either and normally, prefer multi-para replies. At the same time, if you can give me something to work with and the passion is there, I can also do shorter stuff. I also do not like it if communication does not happen, even though I know I too have to work on that sometimes. RPing is a two-way street and many of my pet peeves relate to that street being disrupted.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT: I tend to say that I am predominantly a horror writer. Both due to my themes, my choice of characters and my writing style. Because of this, I absolutely love angst, whether that be heavily emotionally taxing angst or gory and violent angst. However, I am not opposed to fluff either, though I prefer if it is coming out of angst. I think that is called hurt/comfort. Smut is something, that while I do enjoy writing it sometimes, is not my biggest strong suit. I can normally only do certain types of smut and even then only with people I trust deeply and where my muses really have chemistry.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES: While I love using memes as an ice breaker just to gauge how our muses would interact with one another and whether our writing style mashes, I am more of a plotting kind of person. I still have to practise this craft a bit more. However, I prefer to have at least an idea of the dynamic we attempt to build with our muses and I always enjoy discussing potential scenes and plots we can do with that dynamic. If we manage to do the proper groundwork, most plots write themselves.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES: I prefer long threads and replies. I thrive on multi-para to novella roleplays. Threads, which are filled with details and characterisation. I love it when I can really sink my teeth into what has been written and when the reply challenges me to bring forth my A-game. Longer threads keep my passion going and usually make dropping things harder.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I normally write in the early morning hours or afternoon. I do not think there is a best time to write. I am trying to learn to be able to write at pretty much any time. However, I also always check what I am in the mood for. Or I plan to try to finish specific replies. It does not always work.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S): From my primary muses, the one I relate to the most and the one who is the loudest and easiest to write for me, is without a doubt, Jinx. While I may not have psychosis or the tendency to commit acts of murder, when it comes to Jinx's personality like her creativity, her wrathfulness and her tendency to overthink, those are elements, with which I deeply connect. By now I have written Jinx and built her and the world she inhabits in a way, which makes her both similar and different to the version of Arcane. This version of Jinx is very dear to me and in my eyes indeed shares some of my qualities.
Tagged by: @knifvd, @ferinehuntress and @tealsteel
Tagging: @the-rogue-dragon, @thenextchapterbegins, @demacianhcart, @blackrosesmatron, @moxxee, @moxxietude, @hexcoremagician, @jynxd, @powdied
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agentlemansavage · 2 months
I've made the choice to refrain from answering anymore questions about my love life.
I think I've said plenty about everything for everyone to know where I stand. The reality of the situation is it's unlikely to immediately improve unless she suddenly changes her mind on things and given the time it's been and that she has someone else to focus on it isn't likely.
Yes this hurts honestly more than words can express. Losing a lover is always hard and losing your bestfriend is even harder. Anytime my phone beeps it all I still think it's her, anytime I go to play a game I want to play it with her, anytime see a meme, or something happens in my day I want to share it with her. I saw a future with her one that I want more than anything. It's crazy to me that I didn't want to waste any time because I found exactly what I wanted and time was exactly what she needed. I fucked everything up and I'm learning to live with that. I meant everything I've said and will continue to keep all the promises I made. I'm trying very hard to stay hopeful, but I've tried everything I know so all I can do is wait.
I'm also taking a step back from this blog. I'm not disappearing but I don't think currently I can offer anyone advice, or continue to post nearly as much as I have been. I attended my first AA meeting for the first time in a long time. I don't think i have an actual problem with drinking but I do use it to cope and especially lately I find the bottle is the only thing bringing me any sort of comfort so a meeting to remind myself to take things in stride.
I'm still working on my 6 month challenge. I meant every word and I'm finally starting to see results of the hard work at the gym. I still have some issues to work through in therapy and some things I need to work on myself. The certification I'm working on(the first of many) will hopefully be accomplished by the end of next month. I'll make sure to update on that as it comes. Spanish admittedly im losing steam. It's hard to stay motivated when the person I'm working on this specific thing for wont even talk to me. I haven't given up it's just hard.
April has always been a hard month for me. A friend of mine died 9 days after his birthday over a gun accident when I was younger. The anniversary of those two dates came and went and It's hard to admit the weight of his loss still haunts me so Today I'm grateful for the time I got with my friends that are no longer here.
One last thing, I've decided to move within the next year. I had already planned to move to another state for her and had applied for jobs that I ironically ended up getting interviews for and turning down. I can't say that I will end up in that state but I would like a change and I think it's time.
Sorry, this isn't a positive update and I'm very thankful for those who have reached out.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
listen listen listen. i think about this one too much.
angus mcdonald, boy detective. he's not exactly new to the detective business, but he solved a pretty Big case and now ppl respect him more. they give him Special Permissions. specifically, he is given permission to take a crack at some older unsolved cases after solving one that has stumped everyone for Quite Some Time (insert classic spicy murder case here). he's getting to become a pretty Notable Detective and he is Ready For This. and a lot of them really just needed a fresh pair of eyes. like, hello, of course old mrs johnson wasn't murdered by her dog, it was obviously her Goddamn Husband, Holy Shit. that kinda thing, yknow??
so he takes this new case on. missing person, easy peasy. only it is not, in fact, easy peasy. the case goes as followed: elven woman, 300ish years old, has been missing for 10 years, was wearing a red robe, had an umbrella etc etc. it's a very pathetic case, if im being completely honest. angus tries to contact the family but the only stone line they gave is dead and every address they gave comes up fruitless. he thinks that maybe they're like, dead, or they gave up. understandable, considering their case had pretty much been declaimed dead before it started.
(which only makes angus wanna solve it more, ofc ofc)
and try as he might, angus just keeps hitting dead ends. like, so many fucking dead ends. he always feels like he gets close to something, but there's a Mental Block stopping him. not like a "i dont know what to do next" mental block, like a "i cannot physically comprehend what's going on anymore" mental block. he spends a while doing other cases, but he keeps coming back to it because there has never been a case angus mcdonald couldn't solve.
eventually, he finds another lead. or well, another case. the rockseeker family hears word about him and hire him to take a crack at finding cyrus rockseeker. coincidentally, he went missing ten years ago. that in itself is not too unusual- faerun as a whole has a disturbing amount of missing person cases, most dating 10 to 12 years ago. but that's a different thing entirely. the point is is that angus had a lead on where cyrus might have gone. the rockseekers own a mine- wave echo cave- and angus is like, 90% sure that's where he went.
so he gets down there and he doesn't find cyrus- but he does find someone else. red robe, check. umbrella, check. elf… skeleton- not preferable, but check. and angus, of course, does not want to tamper with crime scene evidence but he's gotta take something back with him to get tested, to use as proof so they can send another team down here, etc. so he takes the umbrella. and the ding dang skeleton disintegrates. aw man D:
so now he has an umbrella. a lead one case (angus knows all about the door n the rockseeker blood and all that. he had to sit through 45 mins of the rockseekers explaining this to him. but cyrus has got to be behind that door.), a kind of solved second case. at the very least, he can now inform the family what happened to their elf friend and assure them that he will continue to update them as the rockseeker case progresses.
only he can't find them. at all.
this is where the idea gets a little choppy. bc one one hand, i would Love for him to be able to find them before anything else. bc i like confrontation scenes. i did write a lil ficlet on that that we are ignoring for the sake of this ask meme lsdkfsd.
on the other hand, i have a very very vivid image of angus continuing to work on rockseeker case and trying to find the elf woman's family. when that falls through, he makes the rockseeker case his main priority. except that like- this umbrella does not want to leave him alone. the magic department in goldcliff say that it's an umbrastaff which means it's magic. and while angus does not want to tamper with evidence, it's hard when the thing literally rolls after him. it's his Friend now!! he loves it! it throws flames at his enemies!
anyway lskdfsd eventually it gets to a point where the rockseeker family is called in to help open the door- if they want to know where cyrus went, they're gonna have to get in that room. angus has a very uncomfortable adventure with gundren rockseeker and finally, finally the door is open. inside is, as predicted, is cyrus. except he's all burnt up and there's this Glove on his hand. and, again, angus does not like tampering with evidence but this time he doesnt even get to debate his reasons why by gundren is taking the glove and then he's on fire and, yknow, all of that.
jumpcut to angus in phandalin. end of htbg's style, the city goes up in flames, angus hides in the well with his umbrella friend. by the time he gets out, the entire city is just. Gone. n all that's left is the circle of black glass.
this, ofc, leads to a lot of investigations on what the Fuck happened. angus gives the glove a wide berth as he calls in reinforcements. part of me wants to say the militia takes the glove, somehow, but that seems like a mess. i think it's more of them blocking off the area and trying to figure out what the fuck it is, because they all feel the Weird Vibes about it. several people end up banned from the case because they just- want it so bad.
one morning, angus wakes up (im imagining little tents set up around the glassing) to an alarm blaring. there are People trying to steal the glove. angus isn't the toughest lil guy, but he's determined and he's fast, so he's the first to catch up with them. the thieves have this big silver ship that they are racing back, but Angus somehow manages to cut them off. he points the umbrastaff at them and is like "what the FUCK do you think your doing??"
missing person case, now ft. angus mcdonald as the role of Missing Person. turns out these thieves are not above kidnapping if you've got the umbralla that belonged to their long lost family member.
i could go on. i have imagined this so many different ways. i have so many thoughts. this got so long help sldjfsdf
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creampuffqueen · 25 days
soo if you dont mind me asking, do you know when or why you started coming to some kind of realizations that you were bi (or possibly lesbian)?
i have lived my entire life convinced im straight but after some things i realized that i may be bi. But i dont know. i dont think im a lesbian but i also know im not fully straight, you know?
please don't answer if this too personal or uncomfortable, i dont want you to answer anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. you can totally ignore it.
I saw your post about talking things through with your friend recently and i'm really happy you were able to have that open conversation with someone you trust about yourself, despite what your label or sexuality may be ❤️.
if you do choose to answer this, thank you in advance. i appreciate it.
of course i don't mind you asking!! honestly i'm very flattered and honored to be asked this as i'm certainly no expert on sexuality or anything like this, but it makes me happy that my blog is a safe and welcoming space for someone who has these kinds of questions!
so, here's sort of a quick and dirty rundown of my sexuality journey. (i ended up putting this under a cut because it got a bit long whoops).
for starters, i grew up in a christian household in a small, conservative town in the middle of nowhere texas. my parents are far from being fundamentalists or anything, but they just... never spoke about other sexualities. i didn't even know being gay was an OPTION until i was about 12.
in middle school, many of my friends began to discover/experiment with sexuality and gender labels. i never really did, i always felt content and comfortable with my attraction to boys. (or, due to recent realizations, my supposed attraction to boys. but we can touch on that later).
then, some time around when i was 12-13, i had an Experience that made me begin to question things a bit.
i was at a sleepover for a friend's birthday party, and after a long night of fun we all fell asleep in her living room in our sleeping bags. i was the first to wake up in the morning, and in order to not wake anyone else up, i stayed in my sleeping bag and played video games on my phone. at one point, another girl woke up, and since we were the only two awake, she came and sat next to me. i didn't know this girl too well, she was a mutual friend of the sleepover girl. but at one point, in order to better see what i was playing on my phone, she crawled inside the sleeping bag with me.
and i just remember feeling warm all over as she laid next to me. i was struck with the sudden desire to pull this girl close and cuddle with her. i don't remember anything else about that sleepover except this one moment early in the morning.
i went to school the next week and spoke about this with one of my friends who knew they were queer, saying that i thought i might have a crush on this girl and wondering if i could possibly be bisexual.
and... my friend told me that no, i didn't have a crush on this girl, i clearly just wanted to be Really Really Good Friends with her. obviously. comphet hits even the queer middle schoolers, apparently.
and so after that i was like 'okay then you're the expert! guess i don't like girls :)' and then literally didn't think about it for the next 2-3 years.
time jump to 15 year old Mal, stuck inside during the Covid Summer of 2020 with nothing to do. my brother and i decided to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender for the first time together to pass the time. i saw Suki on screen for the first time and felt something in me Change.
i've always had fictional crushes, you know? but nothing like this.
and as all well adjusted gen-z kids do, i made a bunch of memes about it. at first they were all jokes. just, 'lol, look how much i love this fictional character'.
but after a while i began to realize that i wasn't exactly joking anymore.
so there you have it folks, suki from avatar made me like girls.
but even after this realization, i still wasn't exactly comfortable with calling myself bisexual. i went by queer for a little while, before eventually settling on bisexual. now, ATLA was my first introduction to the world of animation. i began to watch a ton more animated shows after finishing it, and in all the shows i often found myself more drawn to the female characters than the males. don't get me wrong, i still enjoyed those characters, but i was OBSESSED with the girls.
and after i went back to school in person, i did begin to notice that what i originally thought was just wanting to be friends with girls was running a bit deeper than that. i had my first real girl crush (i stopped liking her after she trashed the legend of korra to my face though).
and that was my life for the last few years! i was very happy with being bisexual, and i am very lucky that i have such a supportive and accepting friend group. coming out to my friends was so easy and i've never been worried they wouldn't accept me, which is great.
and now, for what has led me to believe i might possibly be a lesbian.
i got my first boyfriend my senior year of high school. he was an absolutely wonderful guy. i've always been pretty 'picky' when it comes to men. i get crushes very easily but if a guy starts to reciprocate then they have to meet this high list of standards i have composed in my head. and this guy met them all.
by all accounts, i should have been SO happy. like i'm not even exaggerating when i say that this boy was basically perfect. he treated me so well. my friends and family adored him.
and yet, something just didn't feel right. i started to get very nervous about being alone with him. i started getting annoyed whenever he texted me. i started avoiding seeing him, avoiding having him come over. eventually it got to the point where i decided i just had to end things, because something was off with me and i didn't want to string him along when he deserved better. i broke up with him and didn't shed a single tear.
everyone was pretty confused, but eventually got over it. i thought that perhaps it was just a fluke. it was my first real relationship, maybe i was just nervous.
but then it happened again this year in college. i met a great guy on a dating app. we had fun together, he was really nice and respectful. we never made it official, but we spent enough time together it was basically a relationship. and then, again, when everything should have been going well i started feeling the same things as before. anxiety, annoyance, avoidance. i broke it off with him over text and felt relieved when it was finally over.
after that, i began to consider the possibility that i was never attracted to guys in the first place. i lost sleep over it, i was thinking so hard.
and then i thought to myself 'i don't think people who are attracted to guys have to think this hard about it'.
so since then, i've been entertaining the possibility that i might be a lesbian. it's still a journey, and i'm working on being okay with the in between stage i'm in. i don't want to put a definitive label on myself until i've been with a girl, which isn't something i've had the opportunity to do yet.
and that's sort of all the major events in my life that i've had in regards to my sexuality!
i hope this has been of some help to you, anon! i also just want to add in some reassurance as well. sexuality can be a complex thing, so don't feel the need to rush into a new label if you're not ready yet. everyone's journey is at their own pace, and you're not 'less' bisexual if this is something you've only recently discovered about yourself!
i wish you all the luck with your self-discovery, anon! and my inbox and dms are always open if you have more questions!
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
I think the only obvious fact about sns is their apparent love for each other. Im a little confused on their possible homosexuality, but its not as obvious as you say it is. You need to look twice to catch them. I wish you would elaborate on where it is so obvious.
I have written about it several times. You can search SNS tags on my blog. For both Naruto and Sasuke.
You are misstating me a lot. I have always maintained that their sexuality is subtly shown, subtle as compared to the usual shounen tropes. But shown nonetheless. It has been obvious to me because I am quite exposed to LGBTQ+ cinema, I talk about these films often on this blog. So the usual tropes used in gay coming of age drama and love stories are obvious to me. I have never said that it is obvious to everyone. I am always talking about subtleties and layering. I don't know what content of mine you have been reading. Lol.
Look man, even if you weren't exposed to these themes, the story itself is written pretty intuitively and it certainly is written to encourage curiosity in the average audience. Sure, not everything is made crystal clear to the audience deliberately, but it's crazy how blatantly layered it is visually and narratively. Even during my first watch, i would get puzzled or hooked a lot of times and curiosity made me mad. While i could surely recognise the tropes, that it was shounen had sent me for a toss, it was certainly not easy to digest. But then I remembered watching Cardcaptor Sakura and I felt better lol. It was quite a strange experience to see a gay love story in what's practically a kids show meant for boys. I know how genres work. But I waited until the end to go looking for fan discourses, I wanted a watching experience unperturbed by extraneous things. Most of all, Kishi's storytelling hooked me, he is a hell of a writer honestly. He really knows where to strike and what to use to strike with. That brutal brutal beautiful man. Only a truly intuitive, empathetic and sensitive person can write something like that. And talented af to boot.
Anyway, honestly, many sensitive readers or viewers could tell that there was something not quite right with the way the romance was superficially set up in the story. Naruto and Sakura, Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata. It was a subliminal response. It takes some time to dismantle it in your head, but you get used to it with time. When reading the manga, I did struggle initially because it was a new medium for me, i settled down soon enough. It was very enjoyable. And it only reinforced everything I knew with the anime even more acutely.
One of my fav fellow Naruto fans, clocked it out at the age 13. A child. Simply curiosity and an advanced sense of comprehension. And a looooot of others could tell in their first watch. That they are gay has been the running narrative since the beginning of this manga, many fans have been making memes and jokes about it, SNS communities and channels have millions of subscribers the world over. And they are not analysis bloggers like me, lol. You really think it's that unclear?
Look I am not taking away from anyone if they cannot get it at first glance. Some can, some cannot. There are several factors. Depends on how sharp your comprehension is or how experienced you are, or how exposed you are to gay tropes and narrative devices. But the good thing is, one can always develop their senses, train them, discipline their eyes and ears and mind, to focus more and pay attention, ask questions. It's how you enjoy media in all its glory.
Naruto inspires so much in people, so many from the queer community relate to Sasuke and Naruto, so many closeted folks see themselves in Naruto and Sasuke, and are comforted by it, inspired even. Representation matters. So much empathy to go around. I am not even the first person to have started talking about it lol, how come you missed all the others? It has been the topic of hot debates for years all over the world man. They have been talking about how obvious it has been from almost the get go. You can't measure everyone with the same lenses. Not everyone would have the same skill sets.
The short of it is, lol, it's obvious if you know what you are looking at. It's a little confusing and you have to look twice if you don't know what you are looking at but are curious nonetheless so you invest and then find out that way. But if you are closed off and unreceptive, you probably won't have the benefit of this lovely story in all its radiance. Or any story.
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strawberry-barista · 1 month
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NAME : Kohitsuji PRONOUNS :She/Her PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : Honestly, if we're mutuals I generally prefer discord because it's something I will be notified on regardless of whether I'm on my computer or not or even which account I'm on. But I also don't mind using tumblr ims or whatever is best for my partners. NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : Sanae Hanekoma (@strawberry-barista), Wataru Koketsu, Megumi Kitaniji, Ryoji, MKN/Mikan, Yodai Higashizawa (@networkscrambled), Haruto Abe (@falseapostle), Aku (@mystical-strawberry-sheep), Souan Awaki, Kaoru Rindo (@enchantedbrew), Mr. Saguaro (@sweetlesson), Director Cyrano (@blueskilled), Byron Rosfield (@phoenixcoin) EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : Lord, I don't even remember. For a really long time, since I was in grade school. There's at least over 10 years in there somewhere. BEST  EXPERIENCE : Oh man. I don't think I could really make a decision like that. I have so many fond memories here already. I've loved every moment I've spent writing with Dusty and Morty and Willow and J and Alex and Egg and Katee and Roxy and Seb and Kellin and Ruby and and... I love everyone. I have had so much fun and I love everyone. RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : The more I experience callouts and cancellations and things like that, the less okay with it I am. I think I will never make it a rule for my partners to not participate in that stuff because I know everyone is going to have a line where they feel like it's necessary, but I'm legitimately never going to participate or even listen to it myself. I used to sit on this line of "if someone is legitimately dangerous, I should not interact with them", but oftentimes the information I get to inform me that someone is dangerous just does not seem very well put together and reads a lot like yellow journalism in which things are cut and edited in such a way that the full context is totally missing. It feels misleading and purposefully made to start drama, and I really don't feel good about it. I don't think I can even stand by that previous standard I used to have anymore. I just straight up don't believe them, and if someone is legitimately dangerous, I guess I'll have to learn that for myself.
Especially when someone used to be problematic and are trying to apologize and make up for it and grow as a person. I don't feel like it's fair to force people out of a community because of past grievances that they are actively trying to grow past and not repeat. I understand past victims have no obligation to try to reach out again, but I still don't feel like that's reason enough to make sure no one ever gives them another chance.
I think this is the first and only post in which I'm going to go this in-depth about this, because I feel like someone is going to start calling me out just for having this stance. 😂 MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : Smut is almost never gonna happen with me. I will use it strictly to explore the potential of emotional exploration through the medium of physical touch and it's gonna be a whole thing if it does happen. Fluff and angst are loved tremendously and equally, however, I try not to write angst on this blog anymore because there was a time in which I was upsetting a lot of people with those kinds of posts. PLOTS  OR  MEMES : I am so terrible at plotting I run my blog almost entirely on memes. However, for folks that prefer plotting I will absolutely do my best. I just have a really hard time imagining specifics for my characters and have come to understand that I likely don't even really know how to plot properly? Because I thought it was sitting down to form a reason for characters to interact and like, a story arc and how we were going to get there and all that. But I've recently discovered it's mostly just independently talking about your muses to each other and their personal experiences...? I don't really know how to do it. LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : The only thing that really matters to me is that there is something to respond to. Multiple replies in a row that are all just one line, however, makes me really uncomfortable. It feels like I'm not worth the time to respond to. I can have really short maybe 2 paragraph responses myself most of the time, but I can enough anything as short as just one paragraph to multiple paragraphs, as long as I have somewhere to go after that. BEST TIME TO WRITE : Generally I have the most time to do so from 6:30 am-ish to like 2:50 pm-ish. I might write after this on mobile, but usually after that time folks are home and I have things I have to do with them. And even then, my writing times can vary wildly and I will come on and off sporadically. I do the housework in my family unit so I have both all the time in the world and no time whatsoever at the same time. ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : The only muse I'm even remotely like is Aku, who is a self-insert character. I try to play all of my muses the way I think they would in their canon universes and try really hard not to break the canon already established for them. If you can see me in any muse besides Aku, I'm doing my job poorly and I need to be informed.
tagged by: @charlotte-liddel
tagging: Anyone that wants to steal from me!
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mvnces · 2 months
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⋆ NAME?: stiles
⋆ PRONOUNS?: she/her but they/them is chill too
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: at the moment it's definitely decker, the bastard himself. but it also tends to switch a lot depending on what what I'm hyperfocusing on for that week or two.
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: this isn't even really a pet peeve because I kind of get it but when someone follows you, interacts with only one of your muses & then ignores any attempts at writing with your other muses? this is just from personal experience but it made me kind of feel like they were just using me for that character/to write against the fc I was using for them, ya know?? i dunno. usually I'm just vibing so I can't even think of a genuine pet peeve I have.
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: honestly can't remember exactly when I started rping in general (i think it was, like, 2008 or 2009) so over 14 years at least?? I started in forums type of deal & then I was writing on quotev for a bit before my friend showed my tumblr & I've been writing here since 2013. wild...
⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I'm a slut for fluffy slash slice-of-life type of threads? I like the whole thing of building dynamics and exploring what muses do in a variety of situations that have no or barely any real stakes, ya know?? I do love angst and smut too, though. it's just the stupid sort of shit that I write a bit more than that.
⋆ PLOTS OR MEMES?: to start off an interaction in general or as a set up for a thread? definitely memes! it's kind of hard to plot, for me, since I forget about ims a lot so it kind of fades out, ya know? but I do like plotting (or just throwing random ideas at my writing partners). so i guess the answer is both
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: depends on what we're writing and if we have anything planned for it. at least right now, I usually do kinda of medium length or shorter replies. I think I tend to write longer replies when there is something plotted out or a specific scenario that we're building toward.
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: anytime time! usually in the afternoon/evening when I'm done with work & shit
⋆ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: probably a little bit?? I do have a habit of giving my muses certain traits/habits just because I do them or I think they're fun? I was gonna say which muse I'm most like but I genuinely have no idea
Tagged by: @kurjaks i am kissing u <3 Tagging: @untales , @loetise , @kindofuneven , @vullcanica , @peacereflected , & anyone who wants it <3
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