#click the source link at your own discretion
faithinlouisfuture · 5 months
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dujourmeans · 1 year
by clicking on the source link below (or here), you will find three hundred eighty-seven gifs of actress melissa barrera from her role in 2023′s scream vi. she is mexican and was thirty-two years old at the time of filming. all of these gifs were made from scratch by me so please do not claim them as own and like / reblog if you find them of use! please read my rules before using! this pack will have spoilers for the film so enter at your own discretion! content warning: blood, flashing lights, guns, injuries 
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flock-talk · 1 year
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Okay you guys are getting the first release of the file!
It’s a Google doc so you don’t have to download anything, you can print it directly from your browser. I’ve added a comment to the first page with the printing directions so you can ensure it prints out right the first time as well as assembly instructions.
And if you notice any issues with the document please let me know so I can fix them!
If anyone’s uncomfortable with clicking links just let me know and I can just post screen shots of each page for you instead. This is just more labour intensive for you because you then have to make sure all the pages are sized and lined up correctly for printing!
I’ll be making a reel tomorrow showing the steps of putting it together for anyone who needs a more visual aid on the process.
And as the general disclaimer here: I’m not a vet, please review the booklet and use your own discretion, edit it and add in your own info as you see fit. I did my best to gather information from reputable sources as much as I could but there is always the potential for me to have grabbed something wrong. So please double check it, ask your vet, (and if there is a major error please let me know so I can fix it!!!)
This is a guide to help you stay focused and act quickly to help stabilize your bird in an emergency scenario. Calling your vet should be a top priority so they can begin giving you accurate instructions over the phone asap.
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woodchipp · 9 months
In my critique of OMORI, I cite this particular interview as the source for several of my claims.
Today, I'd like to try and dissect that interview as well.
Given that this interview is (apparently) supposed to be a lecture on game design and writing, I believe there is a lot to unpack here.
NOTE: Reader discretion is advised. By clicking on “Keep reading”, you willingly choose to continue reading the post.
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IMO, "a sense of spontaneity and randomness" does not equal a lack of a coherent plot, but hey, what do I know?
"My goal was to think very little and let my stream of consciousness flow..." Allowing your thoughts to flow freely is still thinking, though. Besides, what kind of writer advises people to think about the story they're writing as little as possible?
"my goal was to think very little" oh, I can tell
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Yume Nikki had eerie piers and quiet trains too. This is not as innovative as they seem to think it is.
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"Certain dungeons were only workshopped for only a week or even days." It seems that the game was really rushed.
Keep this in mind. It will become relevant later.
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A direct manifestation of one's subconscious that progressively becomes more nightmarish and unpredictable is exactly what Silent Hill is.
I'm not trying to say that writers using previously-explored ideas in some other form in their writing is always bad, of course. However, I believe there is a signficant difference between drawing inspiration from a particular work of fiction for your own and blatantly lifting imagery/plot beats from other works to fit your own story. Besides, OMORI doesn't even really put an original or interesting spin on any of the writing conventions and previously-explored ideas it features.
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...Sunny's childhood was ideal, though. His life up until Mari's death is presented as such. He had a kind older sister, a group of loyal friends, parents rich enough to afford a grand piano and "all the newest toys". In fact, Omocat described Sunny's childhood as "very idealized".
[the passage I linked is its own can of worms lmao. "MARI, the overbearing big sister" literally at what point in the game was she overbearing]
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Padding out your game with extraneous fluff just so that people don't get mad about the money they poured into your project seems... rather dishonest to me.
I personally think that length does not equal quality. A game can be 20-30 minutes long and still leave an impact.
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"The experience becomes what you make of it" reads as a convenient way to deflect any sort of criticism towards their writing.
"If you found numerous holes in the story and were left dissatisfied as a result, that's your problem sweetie uwu"
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The wise sage's name? Albert Einstein.
I see this as laughable writing advice. Most of the time, the "feels" are predicated on the "reals"; writing a story with its emotional impact as the one and only priority without ensuring the plot beats make sense for the story you're trying to tell first will just make it hollow glurge.
Judging by how thoroughly it permeates the plot, "Feels before reals" could be taken as Omocat's writing philosophy, and it can be seen in the character writing as well. The game sends the message Aubrey's hurt feelings are of more importance than the real harm she inflicted on Basil by bullying him, and then undermines its intended message of "acting like grief affects only you is selfish" by implying Sunny and Basil's feelings about their involvement in Mari's death outweigh the harm they've inflicted on their friends by staying silent re. the actual reason she died for 4 years.
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I can see their point - that "realism-induced" horror is way scarier and hard-hitting than something blatantly supernatural/unrealistic - and I can agree with that. I can't call a scared 12 yo kid improvising a multi-step plan to cover up a murder "a believable circumstance", though.
I suppose the horror of a beloved relative and friend taking their own life due to severe mental issues they carefully hid was too unrealistic of a scenario to explore.
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They come off as... mildly self-aggrandizing here. "yeah Link and Red are assumed to be self-inserts but MY silent protagonist isn't like the other girls 😤"
"actually he thinks a lot" where? what little bits of narration the player happens to get from both Sunny and Omori are incredibly basic
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Not only did Aubrey snoop through her friend's personal belongings behind his back, she disowned and harassed him after that because she assumed the worst of him and instantly believed her unfounded assumption without giving him a chance to explain himself.
Man, isn't she just awesome?
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I'd like to note the casual admission that Kel exists purely for the sake of being a plot device.
This also seems to (inadvertently) imply the story wouldn't need Kel in the first place if Sunny wasn't boring lmao.
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There's one easily-missed bit of flavor text in Crossroads about Mari coming home tired because she's been attending cram school.
That's it.
Even if Mari's perfectionism is supposedly "present in other places", it's not given enough focus to feel like a substantial character flaw.
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...well that becomes rather uncomfortable in hindsight. man, imagine if Mari treated Sunny like Omocat has allegedly treated some of their employees
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As mentioned in my critique, this reads like a very convenient way to shield Basil from any criticism regarding his decision to stage Mari's death as a suicide.
Loneliness, insecurity and "very deep emotions" are not an excuse to tamper with a corpse.
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You'd think such complexity would've been reserved for Sunny, the main protagonist himself. Apparently not.
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"...These characters are so loveable! How can I get other people to see how wonderful they are too?"
I'd like to note the phrasing here. It's not even something like "I dearly love these characters and hope you'll grow to love them too!" They're stating that the characters are loveable, as if it is an objective truth.
I suppose that's why the characters feel so empty upon scrutiny - the writer assumed that you'll fall in love with them at first sight and thus didn't bother putting in any actual effort to make them compelling or even remotely believable.
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It wouldn't lol. The game makes you look through Basil's photo album four times and outright spells out it is supposed to be "proof of [their] friendship" in case the player somehow didn't get the memo after the four times. And that's not mentioning Memory Lane and Duet, which are the game forcing the player to look through the photo album two more times.
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Remember when I said that the game seems to have been rushed?
It actually was. OMORI was released in December 2020, so there's no way the development team didn't go through crunchtime that year to overhaul the game and finally release it. In fact, it is all but confirmed by Omocat's following comments
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The game they're asking you $18 for is essentially a rough draft.
Oh, and by the way, the total amount of funding OMORI received via Kickstarter was $203,301.
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Make of that what you will.
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tomionesmutfest2024 · 2 months
Can I write/create/promote Volmione works for this Tomione fest?
Yes! Volmione (Voldemort x Hermione Granger) works are 1000000 times approved for this fest. Please participate and label as Volmione as appropriate, but we ask that you use the hashtag Tomione Smut Fest 2024 if you would like tomionesmutfest2024 on tumblr to reblog any materials.
Can you make edits after submission?
Absolutely. The stories/art are yours to do as you please.
Is there a word count minimum or maximum?
Nope. You can write as much or as little as you like.
Are WIPs allowed?
Yes, of course. You'll be added to the collection.
What if I don't want it to be featured in a shoutout post?
100% A-OK. You'll have the ability to opt-out of the shoutout post when you submit your story and fill out the form.
Can I share my own work on social media after reveals on October 23rd?
Absolutely. Again, these stories/art are yours. We're only here to help inspire fun ideas and help celebrate writers.
Which type of content is not allowed in this event?
Beastiality and necrophilia are not allowed. Dead-doves, main character death, minor character death, gore, graphic content, etc. are acceptable. We only require that you tag and use appropriate archive warnings when applicable. Archive Warnings must be used. “Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings” is not allowed.
What should I do if I receive a hate comment from a fest participant?
We recommend all participants enable comment moderation. Please reach out to the Admin team with a screenshot of the comment and the username visible. We will review and address it with the participant. Subject to the admin team's discretion, this behavior may result in the story being taken down from the collection. 
How do I write a review?
 Here’s a helpful guide: https://www.tumblr.com/chuuyaphobic/718287307132878848?source=share, but overall if you don’t want to click the link here are two examples:
Your comment could be simple: "Thank you! I liked this chapter a lot. I'm excited to keep reading♡"
Or more detailed: "Thank you for sharing this newest chapter! I really liked the way you show Alice going through the stages of grief, it felt really genuine and real and heartbreaking. I can't wait to see what happens with Alice, Bob and Carol after this!"
Where do I go if my question isn’t answered here? 
For any support or questions not addressed in the FAQ, please reach out to the admin team at [email protected].
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sunshinerpt · 1 year
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If you click on the link here or in the source link, you will be redirected to my fc directory. friendly reminder that you may use these gifs at your own discretion, but please don't forget to like and/or reblog as it really helps me be able to continue making these gifs for you guys! I'm not entirely sure when, but I will continue updating these gifs for ya'll whenever I can find the time, so please check back consistently.
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discordhelp · 3 years
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hey, tags! we are here to present our first server template, a setup for 1x1 rps, which you can access by clicking here or in the source link! this is a pretty basic template that contains two categories for two different kinds of rps: a plot for just two muses, and one for a mumu verse. categories & channels can be duplicated or removed as needed depending on what rp you’re looking to do.
features & usage suggestions below the cut! please like or reblog this post if you plan on using the template. our inbox is always open if you have any questions or need help with anything we make.
PLEASE NOTE: one of the features of this template is that it will automatically give everyone an administrator role upon joining the server. i’ve done this because when i do 1x1s, i find it much easier to just give both parties admin powers so we can both make channels and edit the server as we see fit. if you would like to turn this feature off, go into the server settings, and under the roles category select the default (@/everyone) permissions, then scroll all the way to the bottom to advanced permissions and turn the switch for administrator off.
this template contains channels with four distinct purposes: out of character channels for non-rp-related chatting & tupperbox setup, some out of character channels for rp-related things, and two different types of in character channels, some for ic text messaging and some for para threads.
single muse category: this category has space for a plot involving just two muses (one for each writer). the “info” channel is intended for any information you would like to share on your muses and/or the verse, for quick reference. personally i usually just put a quick little stats blurb for my muse in it, and my partner will do the same for theirs. there are two channels for para threads already in there, but you can of course add more as needed!
mumu category: this category has space for a mumu verse with up to four muses (two per writer, assuming the first writer is writing muses a and c and the second is writing muses b and d), but you can of course adjust and add channels to accommodate more muses than that! the verse info channel is intended for any info you’d like to quickly reference about the verse as a whole, and the muse info channel is intended for use similar to the “info” channel in the single muse category -- quick stats on each muse. i wasn’t able to show it all in the screenshot, but there are also channels for plotting, musings, and spaces for both texting and para threads between combinations of all four muses.
emojis in channel names: i’m a very visual person so i like to use emojis in my channel names so i can quickly identify the purpose of the channel at a glance. i’ve defaulted to some star emojis for the info channels in both categories, but personally i like to change that emoji to something i feel fits the muses or setting involved! this is of course up to your own discretion and you’re also more than welcome to get rid of the emojis altogether if you’d like. for the purposes of this template, the phone emoji indicates ic text threads, and the thread emoji indicates para threads.
special characters in channel names: we’re planning on making a whole post about this soon, but for the purposes of this template, to use special characters in your channel names such as : or / i would suggest just duplicating one of the channels that has those characters in it and editing the other parts of the channel name around it, or copy/pasting from one of the preexisting channel names. however, if you’d like to use symbols other than : or / an easy way to do it is to click here, enter the symbol you want to use, and copy/paste from the line that’s labeled fullwidth.
so that’s pretty much it! again if you have any questions or need help using the template please feel free to send us an ask!
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dujourmeans · 1 year
by clicking on the source link below (or here), you will find two hundred seventy-four gifs of actress jenna ortega from her role in 2023′s scream vi. she is mexican / puerto rican and was nineteen years old at the time of filming. all of these gifs were made from scratch by me so please do not claim them as own and like / reblog if you find them of use! please read my rules before using! this pack will have spoilers for the film so enter at your own discretion! content warning: alcohol, blood, injuries
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
The Other Nevrakis
Chapter 15 - Blackmail
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Pairings- Drake x OC (Lilith Nevrakis), Liam x Riley
Book- TRR Book One 
Synopsis- Lilith Nevrakis is the younger sister of Duchess Olivia, and the black sheep of her family. Drake Walker is the best friend of the Crown Prince. Lilith and Drake are similar in that they both prefer random hookups to relationships. Once they meet, something in each of them changes and they both realize they want more out of life. But is what they want, each other?
A/N- This pretty much follows the events of TRR Book 1, but this is an AU where Olivia has a younger sister and Riley is Maxwell’s cousin. The story alternates between Lilith and Drake's POV, but not in first person.
Warnings- Language, Drinking, Sensuality, NSFW (there will be lemons!)
Word count- 3,900
Chapter Warning- a little mention of lemons
18+ only
Click here to catch up.
Chapter 15 - Blackmail
Riley gasped as she scrolled down through the article. Drake wasn't sure what to do with himself. He glanced up at Liam who was pale as he and the guard were speaking to Regina and Constantine. Drake clicked on the link.
“Applewood manor has always been a place for families to enjoy, but the night of the Royal hunt, some very unsavory events took place. One of the Prince's suitors, Lady Riley Beaumont was caught engaging in a sordid rendezvous with Lord Tariq Barret and Lady Lilith Nevrakis. A source close to the nobles stated that it was a long time coming.
Our anonymous source shared with us: 
‘Riley Beaumont has been playing Prince Liam since the beginning. It’s a shame that the Prince was fooled by her wiles and wasted so much time with someone who would disgrace him so blatantly. Lilith Nevrakis, on the other hand, is vraiment the worst type of audacious tramp who has a different lover for each day of the week. She and Riley most likely seduced poor Tariq. One can only imagine the shame this brings to the Royal Family as well as the entire nation.’
The photos and audio were submitted by an anonymous tipper. Open at your own discretion, as these are inappropriate for children.”
Drake’s head was spinning. Surely this wasn't true. He looked around at the crowd and the Beaumont's had retreated to the back of the room. Riley was slumped in a chair, crying and Maxwell was rubbing her back. He and Bertrand looked pissed. Drake swallowed down the lump in his throat and clicked on the pictures. He saw Lilith and Riley in a bedroom with a stark naked Tariq who had his arms thrown over both of their shoulders. Drake grimaced as his heart sped up. This can't be real. Lilith wouldn't do this. Riley wouldn't do this. But.. it sure looked real. Drake clicked the audio clip and held his phone to his ear. He froze as he heard Tariq and Lilith speaking.
Tariq said, “I got the note Riley sent saying I should meet her here for a good time.”
Lilith's voice cut in, “You seriously think you can handle both of us?”
Traiq spoke smugly, “I always knew you would come back for seconds Lilith.”
Drake's heart was pounding as he hesitantly clicked the next link labeled ‘NSFW’.
Riley's voice sounded giddy and breathless, “I should have known I couldn't handle as much as you Lilith. You're a pro.”
Lilith chuckled, “Years of practice.”
“Don't be shy ladies..” Tariq said. “There's plenty of me to go around.”
Drake's stomach churned in disgust. These were definitely their voices. Lilith told Drake she hadn't been with anyone since him.. Why would she lie? He felt horrible for Liam. Riley definitely wasn't who she said she was. This was all too much to handle and Drake looked up to see Liam slumped down in a chair looking at his phone. Everyone in the ballroom was speaking loudly and Drake looked around for Lilith or Olivia to try and find out what the hell was going on.
Constantine stood and cleared his throat loudly, addressing the crowd.  “Excuse me everyone.. I imagine that after the unsavory news we've just received, my son will be rescinding his choice.” He gestured to the King's Guards who were posted at the exits. “Please escort the Beaumont's off of the property.”
Riley stood up yelling as the guards made their way to her, Max, and Bertrand. “This isn't what it looks like! Liam! Let me explain!”
Liam was already moving across the stage toward her when Constantine held him back. He turned around to his father and glared. “What are you doing? You can't have her taken away!”
“Son.. I know this is hard to hear but she played you for a fool!” The guards looked uneasily between Liam and Constantine, who nodded. “Take them away.”
“The hell you will! Let her go.” Liam spoke in what Drake always called his ‘Prince voice’. It was authoritative and final, and no one ever hesitated to heed his command. Only now, it was a ‘King voice’ and everyone in the room froze as Liam made his way over to Riley. He grabbed her hand and pulled her softly to him as she sobbed.
“It’s not true Liam.” Riley sniffled. “Please can we go somewhere and talk?”
Liam touched her cheek softly. “Of course, love.” Liam nodded to Drake. “Drake, come with us.”
Drake followed behind with his head down, as Liam led Riley down the hall out of the ballroom and into a private sitting room. His head was still spinning from the news and he felt like he was going to throw up.  Constantine tried to enter, but Liam stopped him with a hand to his chest. Liam nodded to his bodyguard, Jonah. “No one is to enter.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Jonah nodded.
Right after dinner, just before the Coronation began:
Lilith headed to the restroom to touch up her makeup. Drake had smeared it a bit during their tryst in the study. She smiled as she remembered him bending her over the desk, holding a firm hand over her mouth to suppress her screams of pleasure. His face nuzzled in the back of her neck, speaking encouraging words to get her off even quicker. The sound of his body slamming against hers repeatedly and the creaking of the desk as he thrust into her forcefully. The breathy moans that passed from his lips to her ear as he lavished her neck in wet kisses. Even though he left her thoroughly satisfied, she was nowhere near done with him. Just wait until tonight, she smirked as she popped off the cap and reapplied her dark red lipstick. 
Just then, Olivia burst into the bathroom causing Lilith to jump and drop her lipstick in the sink. She put a hand over her racing heart, “Oh my god! What are you doing?!”
“Shut up!” Olivia was shaking and looked absolutely terrified. “We have to go.”
“Excuse me?” Lilith stepped back eyeing her warily.
“Look, I don't have time to explain but we need to get out of here now.”
Lilith's heart was racing as she pictured some sort of tragedy taking place in the ballroom. Drake's face flashed before her and her heart dropped into her stomach. “What happened?! Is everyone ok?”
Olivia grabbed her arm and pulled, “Just come on!”
“Fuck Liv, just tell me!” Lilith shouted as she pulled back.
Oivia looked up in frustration and tossed her a letter. “Everyone who isn't a Nevrakis is fine! Just.. read this.”
Lilith squinted at it and Olivia snatched it back. “Oh god, I forgot you're blind.”
“Hang on, I've got my glasses in my clutch.” Lilith put on her reading glasses and read the note.
Kings Guard- Official Report:
Lionel and Camellia Nevrakis - Traitors to the Crown
Lionel and Camellia were discovered leading a coup against His Majesty King Constantine. It was later revealed by one of their followers that this was a plan to overthrow The Rys Family and claim the crown for The Nevrakis, who would be next in line if there was no heir. During the raid led by Lionel and Camellia, the two were disarmed and taken in for questioning by the Kings Guard. After three days with no information, Lionel and Camellia were discovered dead in their cell. The cause of death is unknown, as there was no trace of poison in their system, and no wounds on their bodies. King Constantine has requested this information remain classified indefinitely.
Lilith's hands were shaking as she finished reading. She looked up at Olivia wide eyed. 
“There's more.” Olivia held out a note which Lilith read aloud. 
“Leave the Palace immediately, or this is published on the front page of tomorrow's news. You will speak of this to no one, lest you receive the same fate as your parents.”
“I don't understand.” Lilith began pacing. “Is this real? Do you think someone’s messing with you?”
“There are pictures, Lil.”
Olivia showed her several slightly grainy security photos. Lilith's blood ran cold as she flipped through them:
There was a photo of their parents leading a group of armed assassins through the palace. 
Another photo of them fighting the King's Guards. 
Another of them being handcuffed. 
Several photos of them sitting in a cell.
A photo of their dead bodies on a gurney.
“Oh my god..” Lilith looked at Olivia whose lips were tight with rage. 
“We have to go.” Olivia grabbed the documents and shoved them into her purse. “If this gets out..“ She shook her head. “We have to go.”
Lilith hesitated. This was so overwhelming and it made her sick. “I can't.. What about..”
“Drake will be fine!” Olivia snapped. “Just come on! We're going upstairs to pack up our shit and leave!”
“I need to at least send him a text and tell him what's going on!”
“The fuck you do! Did you see the note?! ‘Speak of this to no one, lest you receive the same fate!’”
Olivia took off and Lilith raced after her, trying not to cry. Seeing Olivia this scared had her absolutely terrified. As long as Lilith could remember, Olivia never let anyone push her around. Now here they were being blackmailed and their parents were traitors. Traitors! Lilith threw her belongings in her suitcases and discreetly left a note on her pillow for Drake. 
“Drake, I can't explain right now, but I have to go. I’m so sorry.”
Once they made it to their limo and started driving away, Lilith's sobs began.
Drake, Liam, and Riley sat in the velvet chairs toward the back of the sitting room. Riley was breathing heavily and looked devastated. Liam put a gentle hand on her back and she looked up at him with red rimmed eyes.
“It’s not true Liam.. I swear.”
Liam spoke softly, “What happened?”
She sniffled, “That night at Applewood, Lilith and I had been drinking. We came back to my room and found Tariq naked in my bed.. He tried to come onto us.” She wiped her tear stained cheeks and Liam's eyes narrowed as he stared at the ground.
“What.. happened?” Liam spoke carefully, though his voice was full of restrained rage. “Did he? Did he do anything to either of you?”
“No!” Riley spoke looking between Drake and Liam. “He had gotten a letter from someone pretending to be me. It basically said I wanted to sleep with him. Lilith kicked his ass out the door and that was it! All that audio was.. wrong! I mean we said it but it was put together wrong!”
Liam sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so sorry this happened to you, Riley.” He stroked her hair as she sobbed into his chest. “Why didn't you tell me about it back then, love?”
She sniffed, “Lilith assumed it was Olivia who wrote the note, since she had, you know, broken her nose earlier that day.. Anyway, she was afraid of people finding out and thinking the worst of their family like always. I told her I wouldn't tell. It wasn't Lilith’s fault at all.”
Drake felt even more nauseated than before. God, I’m such a piece of shit. He had assumed the worst of Lilith again. He presumed something he saw on a trashy news report was true. Drake shook his head, sickened by himself. He should have known better. And he was going to kick Tariq’s fucking ass next time he saw him. “Have either of you seen Lilith since dinner?”
“No.” Liam and Riley looked at each other sadly.
“Shit.” Drake stood up heading for the door. “She's probably seen all of this and is hiding out in her room. I have to go talk to her.”
“Wait.” Riley stopped him. “Lilith knows who wrote the note.. “
“Who?” Drake and Liam both asked at the same time.
That fucking bitch. Drake's jaw dropped as he remembered something. “Hold on.. Did you notice in the quote from the news story?”
Liam re-read it and gasped, “The anonymous source said ‘vraiment’.”
“Who do we know who throws random French into everything they say?” Drake scowled. 
Liam stood up, “Why would Kiara do all this? She’s never had anything against me or Riley that I know of.. I mean we know she's hard up for Drake but this seems a little extreme.” Liam knocked on the door and the guard poked his head in. “Bring Lady Kiara in here, please.”
Liam took Riley’s hand. “But before she gets here, let's go back to the ballroom and ensure the Kingdom knows who their future Queen will be… That is if you still want to marry me after all this mess.”
Riley’s lip trembled. “I love you Liam. There is nothing I want more than to be beside you forever.”
Liam smiled and hugged her tightly. “I love you too, darling.”
Lilith and Olivia boarded a private plane for Lythikos. The two of them sat in complete silence, letting the information they just learned soak in. Lilith ran a hand down her face and sighed. She really needed to talk to someone.
Olivia gave her a look as if she could read her mind. “Once we get back home, we'll talk.”
The sisters entered their estate around midnight and Olivia sent all the staff home for the night. She lead Lilith into her study, checking for any bugs or wires around the room. Lilith used to laugh at her for being so paranoid, but now maybe it was warranted. 
Olivia sat down at the desk pinching the bridge of her nose. “Wow.”
“Our parents were fucking traitors..” Olivia shook her head, face tight with anger.. “Fucking traitors!” She yelled, hurling a crystal paperweight against the wall, glass raining down as it shattered. 
Lilith closed her eyes, trying not to cry again. All this information was just more proof to the world that the Nevakis were horrible tyrants. “How.. why? Why would they do this?!”
“You saw the letter. It said the Nevrakis would inherit the throne if the Rys family had no heirs.. God, I had no idea.” Olivia gasped. “They were going to kill Liam too!” She leapt from her desk angrily, before throwing her chair back against the wall. “Fuck them! All this fucking time I looked up to them.. All this time..” She slumped down onto the floor, resting her head in her hands.
Lilith wasn't sure what to do. She never had to comfort Olivia before and she was a bit wary of getting too close while she was throwing things. “Who do you think sent that?”
Olivia's head snapped up. “Think about it. Who would have access to such protected information? Who would care enough to want me gone so that I don't become Queen?”
Lilith gasped as her hands flew to her mouth. “You don't really think..”
Olivia nodded. “I don't know why I didn't see it sooner. He's always given me the creeps. Always looking at me like I was some sort of undesirable.”
“What do we do?”
Olivia looked down and shook her head. “I.. don't know.”
Lilith pulled out her phone and Olivia glared. “Don’t.”
“Don't worry.. I’m not texting anyone.” Lilith rolled her eyes. She scrolled through her messages to see if there were any from Drake, but paused when she noticed a text from earlier that night. It was from an unknown number with a link that read:
“Prince’s unfaithful suitor has steamy threesome with Lord and Lady at Applewood Manor. Pictures, audio, and story below.” 
“What the hell?!”
Liam announced unashamedly to the public that Riley was going to be his wife and the future Queen of Cordonia. He assured everyone that this was merely someone playing a prank, and that they shouldn't believe the vicious rumors.
Moments after, Kiara slowly entered the study with her head down. “Please have a seat.” Liam spoke flatly as he nodded to an empty chair beside the three of them.
She continued to keep her head down in silence.
Liam gave Drake a resolved look and spoke, “Lady Kiara. I think you know why you're here.”
She nodded.
“Why did you do it?”
She looked up at Liam for a moment. “I.. didn't write the letter.”
“Bullshit!” Riley jumped out of her chair and Liam put a calming hand on her arm.
Kiara continued. “I didn't write it.. But I delivered it.” She shrugged. “It seemed pretty amusant at the time.”
Amusant... “Funny?” Drake spoke up trying to stay calm. “You thought it was funny to give Riley a note saying she wanted Tariq to show up naked in her room? What if something had happened to her?”
Kiara shrugged. “Tariq’s such a beta he wouldn't have done anything.”
Liam shook his head, clearly trying to control his anger. “If you didn't write it, then who did? Who gave it to you?”
Kiara looked around the room nervously. “I.. don't know. They had a hood on and kept their head down. It wasn't someone I recognized.”
Liam steepled his fingers. “Lady Kiara.. I urge you to tell the truth. Lady Riley will be your Queen soon.. you are an accessory to a conspiracy against the crown. This is a serious offense.”
Riley looked at her sternly. “Did you know this would happen? Did you know someone was waiting outside my window to take pictures? Did you know they bugged my room?!”
“Non!” Kiara shook her head quickly. “I only knew about the letter at first. I didn't know anything else until yesterday when a reporter told me Riley had a ménage à trois with Lilith and Tariq.. And they asked me for a statement.. Which I gave them. The photos and audio had nothing to do with me.”
“Did you know Lilith would be there that night?” Drake glared at her with his arms folded.
She nodded. “I assumed she would be staying in Riley's room since she and Olivia weren't on good terms.. and it’s not like she has any other friends.” Kiara smirked, “Lilith being a part of it was just icing on the cake.”
“You don't feel bad about this at all do you?” Drake stared at her in disbelief.
Kiara shrugged again. “I feel bad that King Liam’s Coronation was ruined. That's not going to look good for our country.”
Liam spoke calmly. “I’m giving you one more chance, Kiara, to honestly tell me who gave you the note. Otherwise I will turn you over to the proper authorities for conspiracy.”
Kiara gasped. “Fine.. She glanced back at the door, lowering her voice. “It was the head of the Kings Guard.. Bastien.”
Liam sent everyone away while he spoke to Bastien privately. Drake took the opportunity to go to Lilith’s room to check on her, but froze as he saw all of her belongings were gone. He walked over to her bed, noticing a small note on her pillow. He choked up as he read it. She left. God dammit she left. 
Drake raced to Olivia's room, which was also empty. He pulled out his phone and called Lilith to no avail. He tried three more times before sending a text.
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Drake waited another ten minutes for her reply. He was beside himself, worried that something had happened to her. He raced downstairs to speak to the guards. Surely one of them had seen her.
“Have you seen Lilith.. I mean, Lady Nevrakis tonight?”
The guard nodded. “Yes Mr. Walker. She left with Duchess Olivia about two hours ago.”
“Do you know where she was going?”
“The airport, sir.”
Fuck. Drake stalked back down the hallway where he saw Bastien being led away in handcuffs. Drake had to look away. After all, Bastien had been good friends with Drake's father, and it hurt to see that he was a traitor.
Liam was following behind Bastien and pulled Drake aside. “He's not talking. They're going to take him away for official questioning.”
Drake ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Lilith's gone. The guards said she went to the airport.”
Liam shook his head. “What a fucking night.”
Lilith felt herself boiling with rage as she and Olivia read the article. She was going to murder Kiara. 
Olivia shook her head. “I bet Constantine was behind this too. Kiara’s not smart enough to come up with a plan that involved.”
Lilith sighed sadly, “Oh my god.. What is Drake going to think? Do you think he believes this?” She gasped. “And Riley.. And Liam! Oh my god, what if people believe the article and her life is ruined?! She won't be able to be Queen!”
Olivia arched an eyebrow. “That's what you're worried about? You just found out your parents were traitors to the Crown and your reputation has been sullied by.. Tariq.” She shuddered. “You’ve changed, Lilith.”
Lilith sighed. “I know.. I actually have people who care about me. And I care about them.”
Olivia chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment, clearly in thought. “Get some rest. We’ll worry about this more in the morning.. And don't contact anyone until I figure out what to do. I don't know what Constantine is capable of.” She rolled her eyes. “He may even harm your little boy toy if you tell him.. You know Drake lacks equanimity and tact. He’d probably bust down Constantine’s door if he found out.”
Lilith knit her brow and nodded. Olivia was actually right. Drake would lose it if he found out. Hopefully Constantine wouldn't harm Drake, Liam’s lifelong best friend, but she didn't know. Nothing made sense anymore. “Ok.”
Lilith lay in her bed staring at the text messages from Drake. Her heart hurt. It was all she could do not to text him and let him know what was going on. She saw a news report where Liam had announced he and Riley were engaged, and to ignore the slanderous article. She smiled through her tears. At least that's one problem settled. 
Lilith closed her eyes and exhaustion took over. She awoke a few hours later to the sound of her phone vibrating. It was Riley. She started to answer it, when the events of last night washed over her, reminding her of the terrible predicament everyone was in. Damn it. The sun was just beginning to rise and Lilith headed for the shower.
An hour later, Lilith trudged downstairs in an oversized sweatshirt and pajama pants, searching the pantry for something to eat. She grabbed a pack of oreos and headed to the sitting room to gorge herself on junk and pass out on the couch. She needed to drown her sorrows somehow. Just as she snuggled under the blanket she heard the doorbell ring. The staff still hadn't returned, and as far as she knew, Olivia was still asleep. “Ugh, hang on, I’m coming.” She drearily made her way to the front door chewing a mouthful of oreos. Lilith froze as she opened the door and saw a ghost from her past standing before her.
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⚠️warning post regarding the users weimu (now ppgd), flonnezillas, & stupidneet (check blog description for updated urls)
UPDATE AS OF 5/02/2021 (BEFORE POSTING):  the user weimu now goes under the name “gabberzon“. this url was a past username flonnezillas owned, and is now in use under the user weimu. user flonnezillas has terminated (to our knowledge). stupidneet has also changed her url to darkishcircles. UPDATE AS OF 5/14/2021 (BEFORE POSTING): raquel has deleted her server. the people behind the post still find everything here relevant and necessary to bring to light. 
the following post was made as a warning to showcase the behavior of some of the users on the site. if you're a minor we highly discourage you from interacting with any of the individuals mentioned; if you're 18+, do as you wish but with discretion (and the trigger warnings in mind). we find the things these users have said and done to be morally reprehensible, and to be genuinely concerning. this isn't some random petty callout post; we sincerely believe the behavior of those mentioned to be genuinely concerning and need to be brought to light.
that being said, we also do not condone the harassment or hate towards these users. the people behind this blog recognize that bringing forth this sort of thing may incite other users to do so, but we highly are against it. sending hate and harassment is not the way to go about this. simply stay away from those users if you have nothing better to add to the situation. thank you.
(all images have been censored for proper viewing. if you don't believe the claims being made, you're free to ask for the uncensored versions of the screenshots off anonymous so long as you're 18+. usernames/icons censored are of the minors or those irrelevant to the post in the server.)
⚠️ major tw: necrophilia, lolicon + pedophilia mentions, nsfw, irl gore (one image in particular contains a 17 year old girl)/drawn guro, & underaged characters in torture/sexual situations. ⚠️
users mentioned + their past/present urls (please check description of the blog for updated urls): 
raquel/witch/cas (17 yrs at the time of posting) (neko865 > ureshichan > autismchan > weimu >  gabberzon >  omduvarmin > ppgd | past sideblogs were disgustchan, suicidegirlsjp, and now currently speedcorebeach [tw for guro/gore]) 
dasch/rena (18 yrs at the time of posting ) (catgirlmode >  slashermedia > mawisa > stupidneet > femcelirl > darkishcircles  > aspiechan > 719203727299272910822810 > 71920372729922980822810) 
maid/val/vale/valentine (20 yrs at the time of posting ) (morimiyamiddleschoolshooting > raspberry-valentine > nekrofylia > phonestalker > gabberzon > pukemaid > morimiya > flonnezillas | sideblog named ichigomashimaros)
url proof here. 
first thing we’d like to address here is raquel’s server and what goes on in it, as the server is not at all properly ran or moderated well. on her blog, she explicitly states this:
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but still allows those under the age of 16 to join her server, and doesn’t even make it mandatory to make an intro or for the users in there to state if they’re a minor or not. however there are minors that are in the server, and it’s clear who they are. we wont be showing who they are, but there are a handful that have joined and are active within it.
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raquel herself is also a minor (being 17) so it’s odd that she wouldn’t make sure that fellow minors wouldn’t be kept away from some of the things that are said and shown in the server. that being said, a few of the conversations that have gone on publicly in the server have been about:
dasch’s tights and how sweaty they were, with raquel and maid talking about wanting to do things to her tights
dasch offering her bra 
talking about having phone sex together
openly condoning gore in the chats and saying it’s fine to be 100% okay with gore (which isn’t true, it’s fine to have a fascination with gore but to be 100% okay with it or even obsess over it is not okay). 
(screenshots of the conversations can be found here & here.)
we recognize that a few of these conversations are obviously jokes/banter between the three, but it is still wildly inappropriate to publicly talk like this where minors can see. you have an nsfw chat, at least use it properly.  (important to note: in raquel’s server, the nsfw & real life gore channels were opened to the public for awhile, accessible to anyone at any age, before there was a complaint to make them hidden with a role. even with a role implemented, the guro channel is still visible to those who have the ‘baby’ role [and as guro is, the content is very sexual].)
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second thing that is worthy of being addressed is how (mainly) dasch and maid fetishize irl gore, dead bodies, and crime scene photos. as stated prior, we’ve censored out the images that were posted, but if you would prefer to see uncensored versions of the images (if you somehow don’t believe what is being censored), you’re welcomed to come off anon and ask for the uncensored versions (so long as you are 18+). like the rest of the screenshots, they can be found in a separate link here.
third thing that is noteworthy of the people mentioned are the things they post publicly to their blogs. on raquel’s blogs, she has warnings in her pinned posts. 
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the warnings on her blog, while one being genuine and the other uncaring, do in fact warn users that content on her blogs are nsfw and explicitly state what she posts. however, this doesn’t mean she is exempt from criticism of what she posts. anytime raquel is called out for posting something questionable, she simply blames it all on “terfs”, that she’s allowed to post the things she posts because she is also a minor, or that you’re in the wrong for insinuating that a csa victim would even have lolicon art. raquel is not free from criticism from this, as she has posted art with actual children in it. the people behind this post mean no disrespect to raquel and the things she has been through and we respect that entirely. that being said, this does not mean you are free from criticism of the things you post willingly to your blogs. especially when some of the things you’ve posted in the past include children.  when asked why she doesn’t credit artists on her guro blog, this is what she responded with:
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someone in her notes also pointed this out, but to our knowledge she never acknowledged what they replied to the post with (censored out as they are not relevant to the post).
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regardless if you credit the artist or not, people can reverse image search to find the creator themselves. it’s also worth mentioning that you are blatantly admitting to posting from a pedophilic artist. you are still supporting this pedophile’s art by doing so. you are admitting the guro content you post is from pedophilic sources, and regardless if you source them or not, you are inherently posting pedophilic content.
we’ve provided examples of posts on her main blog here, and examples of posts on her sideblog here. major tw (for lolicon art & underaged characters), although we’ve censored the images, the content is still pretty intense. 
the next person we would like to shed light to and the things they post are maid. since the post started, maid has terminated her account. however some screenshot examples (with links) still exist, so those are what we will be using to explain the sorts of things she posts/has posted. 
before we go on, we would like to make it clear that we have no definitive proof that maid is a pedophile, but the content she is into is very questionable due to the nature of what they are. a few of things that she is into can be considered lolibait, which includes a lot of underaged girls. 
examples of the media (click the links for examples of her posting about it):
ichigo mashimaro (strawberry marshmallow): an anime/manga about 10-12 year old girls, that while not problematic itself, the creator of the anime makes lolicon-esque content of the girls (outside of the anime/manga). the media is also heavily known for being liked by lolicons.
ro-kyu-bu!: an anime surrounding a basketball team comprised of mostly young girls, the content of the anime itself is rather deplorable as it sexualizes the young girls very frequently (which is basically the only plot it has). very much known for being lolibait and liked by lolicons. 
on her main blog, she had reblogged this post:
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(post contains two young teenagers from yuru yuri.)
just on the surface, this image isn’t necessarily sexual and we do not claim that maid reblogged this with sexual intentions, however with her consumption of media known for lolibait, it makes it questionable. 
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she also has a body pillow of satou matsuzaka, a 15 year old girl from the anime “my happy sugar life”. we wont be getting into the content of the anime here, but it should be odd enough that this 20 year old woman has a pillow of a 15 year old girl. 
the last thing we’d like to address with maid is the posts on her instagram (can be found here. major tw for guro & emetophilia [all of which is censored]). a main point here that we haven’t brought up is that she blatantly fetishizes asian women and often posts about them. you can go here to look at a few of the things she’s posted and the fetish nature of the content she puts out there involving them. 
the point of this post was to highlight a few users in the animecore community who are clearly unable to host servers or interact around minors properly. we still do not condone the harassment of these users, and we would highly recommend to simply block them in response to this post rather than seek them out and harass them. there’s no point in doing so, however we realize we cannot stop every single person who reads this post from doing something. all we can do is state that we are against doing so and have no want or need to engage with that sort of behavior. 
to the users this post highlighted, if you’ve read everything through, good on you. instead of taking this as a call out post for drama (which genuinely was not the intent of this post), maybe the few of you can recognize the faults you have here and work on them and change for the better. this isn’t some post made because those behind it had personal beef or something with the users it mentions. this post was made because some of you cannot behave and act appropriately when interacting with minors and the general public. clearly not, as a server was allowed to exist with tons of minors alongside fucking weirdos. maybe give a shit about the minors you allow to interact with you. thanks
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# 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭  .    ━━        a private writing blog featuring muses from multiple fandoms including jjk ,    khr    &.    bsd as written by  mona    (    25+    years  ,    she / her    )    .   please check the read first before interaction  .    dark themes will be present on this blog  ,     follow at your own discretion  .    rules   &.   muse list are underneath the read more  .
❝     your bones grow around these limits    ━━           they break a little with every breath  ,    they form in twisted patterns    &.    we must learn what it means  to unravel it all  .  .  .    ❞
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[  ❀  ]        mains call  ,    starter call  ,    shipping call  .  
i .    i am highly selective  ,     mutuals only  .    i might not always follow back  ,    for whatever the reason may be  .    basic roleplay etiquettes apply  .    please do not involve my in ( dash ) drama  ,    writing is a hobby for me    &.    i am just here to have fun  .    my activity is sporadic  ,    sometimes replies might take longer depending on how busy life is  .    you can nudge me if you think i have forgotten or when you are thrilled to continue our thread quickly  .    this helps me with direction  ,    please be kind about it  .    i do not reply to my threads in order received  ;    i generally reply faster for characters i have muse for    &.    to my mains  .
mains  :    @starspurn , @gemkun , @ofsavior  ,    @knightinsourarmor  ,    @raytm  ,    @dyingresolve  ,    @sixeis  ,    @hyperpoint​  ,    @chiheru​  ,  @soulsballad
ii .    i do not often post starter calls  ,    since i prefer plotted threads  .    feel free to shoot me a message  ,    either on tumblr ims or discord  .   you can also turn a meme reply into a thread if you wish to    (        it is even encouraged        )    ,     please do so in a new post    &.    do not forget to tag me  .
iii .    reblog memes  ,    art    &.   poetry from their source  ,    unless i have tagged you in it  .    don’t reblog threads you are not involved with  .    it helps me keep track of what i have got coming in  .
iv .    i love writing ships  ,    which includes any sort  :    romantic  ,    familial  ,    enemies etc  .    of course it is chemistry - based  ,    but feel free to just barge into my ims    &.    say you want to ship    (        within appropriate age range        )    .
icon border from ©lavenderph
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
❀ tbhk  :    minamoto teru  ( @ephemyrals ) .
❀ ptn : zoya ( @reveriys ) , hamel , shalom .
❀ tokyo revengers  :    ryūguji ken  ,    sanō manjirō  .
❀ jjk  :    zen'in maki , gojo satoru  ,    amanai riko    &.    nanami kento  .
❀ bsd  :    nakahara chuuya ( @autymns )  ,    dazai osamu    &.    yosano akiko
❀ khr  :    sawada tsunayoshi ( @fiyres ) , reborn , chrome &. alaude .
❀ link click : cheng xiaoshi , lu guang &. qiao ling .
❀ miscellaneous  :    vanitas (vnc) , hiiragi shinya (ons)  ,    aerith gainsborough &. cloud (ff7)  ,    komacine machi (hxh)  ,    izuku midoria (bnha)  .
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alissagifs · 3 years
By clicking the source link, you will find 115 gifs of Christopher Lee in an interview that he gave in 1975, while most of the gifs are from his role as Lord Summerisle in The Wicker Man (1973). All of the gifs were created by me from scratch. You may use these gifs to roleplay or as reaction gifs. Please do not repost or claim these gifs as your own. 
Keep in mind that Christopher Lee (b. 1922) passed away in 2015, at the age of 93 years, so please use his images/gifs according to your discretion. Contact me if you would like to edit these gifs for any purpose. I will likely say yes. Like or reblog if you find these gifs helpful!
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Content/trigger warnings: Weapons, clown-like costume (e.g., someone dressed as a fool archetype), flashing lights, shaky gifs, static, and fire.
Featuring: Edward Woodward, Britt Ekland, Diane Cilento, and Ingrid Pitt.
Notes: Christopher Lee was an English actor, author, and singer, and he was of White descent. He passed away in 2015 at the age of 93 years. He was 51 years of age when he starred in The Wicker Man (1973) as Lord Summerisle. He was 53 years old in the gifs from the interview featured. As a result, Lee was between the ages of 51 and 53 years in the media clips used to make these gifs. 
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Welcome to Vocaloid Fact of the Day!
Every day at 12:00 PM Eastern time, a new Vocaloid fact is posted. These facts revolve largely around the Vocaloid characters, their development, and their presence in Vocaloid culture.
It's not necessary at all, but if you'd like, you can leave a tip at my Ko-fi!
If you want to support my other Vocaloid related endeavors, I also make my own music under the name charcolor!
Click below for more information!
People of all ages are allowed to follow this blog. I may sometimes use cuss words in the tags of my posts or when replying to people, but I will avoid posting anything NSFW.
You can feel free to send your own facts. Please use the ask box to do so! If I decide to post them, I will give you credit for sending it in, unless you want to stay anonymous.
This blog does not post facts about songs or producers unless they are relevant to VOCALOID development or impact. I can decide how relevant it is at my own discretion.
I will do my best to avoid posting images that are insensitive in nature, even if they are directly related to Vocaloids. This includes RUBY's whitewashed design from her Anime Expo debut and Sweet ANN's original boxart (all Sweet ANN posts use her Taiwanese illustration/box instead).
I will avoid linking to or directly mentioning torrent websites used to illegally download Vocaloid software. I do not think pirating Vocaloid software is an inherently morally wrong thing to do and I will not judge you if you happen to do so, but I want to avoid legal trouble for myself and anyone who interacts with the blog. (I won't force you, but I'd like to ask that nobody else links to or mentions these sites on my posts, either.)
Tagging System
Each post is tagged with the following:
Vocaloid name - in cases where the software and character have different names, the character name is used. For example, posts about Gumi will be tagged as #gumi and not #megpoid. There are some exceptions. ARSLOID is an exception as most people know him by the name ARSLOID and not Kano Akira, the name of the character he is based on. unity-chan is also an exception because she has two equally associated mascots.
Vocaloid editor - the relevant Vocaloid editor to the post. Unless the post is about an updated version of a voicebank, this tag will be whichever editor the Vocaloid was initially released for. For example, a post about Lily will be tagged with #vocaloid2 unless the post is about her V3 voicebank. Other editors, such as CeVIO and Synthesizer V, may also be tagged if they are relevant.
Vocaloid language - every language the relevant Vocaloid was released in. Any languages added in future updates will not be tagged unless they are relevant. For example, Megurine Luka will always be tagged as #japanese vocaloid and #english vocaloid, while Hatsune Miku will only be tagged as #japanese vocaloid unless her English or Chinese voicebanks are relevant.
Vocaloid company - the company that developed the Vocaloid. In cases where a Vocaloid was developed by multiple companies, the more recognizable company is used. For example, posts about Rana are tagged as #internet co and not #we've inc because We've Inc. does not have any other Vocaloids.
Additional tags may include:
#concept art - posts related to a VOCALOID's concept art.
#lost content - posts about a voicebank that was conceptualized and possibly developed, but never released.
#private vocals - posts about a voicebank made for prviate use or for beta/prototype/demonstration purposes and never released.
#merch - posts related to VOCALOID merchandise, such as figures and apparel.
#bonus - posts talking about several vocaloids in relation to a specific topic (such as piracy) that aren't part of the blog's queue.
Most of these facts are from the Vocaloid Wiki. If possible, to avoid misinformation, I provide extra sources that are linked on the Wiki. If any posts do contain misinformation, please let me know!
All images are from the Vocaloid Wiki unless stated otherwise.
Some sources also include Twitter accounts. These are not random Twitter users, they are people involved with VOCALOID personally (voice providers, illustrators, developers, etc.), people who were present at official events, people who own physical copies of VOCALOIDs and can provide photos and videos, or people who are very involved with the community, and can be trusted to provide accurate information.
Alternate Text
Tumblr has a built-in system for adding alt text to images. Note that older posts were restricted to the old alt text character limit (which was very small) and thus have shorter alt text.
In order to keep it easy enough to actually process the information, I have some assumptions I make when adding alt text:
You (being the one who uses alt text) know what the Vocaloid in the post looks like. Thus, I will not use alt text to describe, for example, Hatsune Miku's appearance, but I will simply refer to her by her name.
Additionally, you know what each Vocaloid's box art looks like. I will type "Hatsune Miku's Vocaloid2 box" instead of describing the illustration.
You only understand English. By that, I mean that I will not transcribe foreign text, especially if they are from alternative alphabets that your screenreader may not be able to process. If I want to add an English translation, it will be within the post itself.
If a Vocaloid is in an alternate outfit or appearance (including concept art), you do not need or want to be told every single detail. I describe what I believe are the most notable aspects, such as different hair colors or hair styles, because that is just what someone who can see the image would notice.
If you think a post needs more descriptive alt text, let me know! I'm not very good at typing long image descriptions, though (partially because I tend to make many typos) so I can't guarantee that I can deliver on it.
That's all for now! Enjoy the blog, hopefully you'll learn something new!
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straymackerel · 4 years
Is it still open bc if so here’s mine UwU 5. luftmensch thanks and congrats on 600 and there’ll be more to come im sure~^^
dazai + luftmensch || לופֿטמענטש (yiddish, n.) literally “air person”; someone whose head is in the clouds; an impractical, unrealistic dreamer.
➽─{ahhhh thank u liz!!! i’ve always associated this word with fun but i wanted to play with the direction teehee,,}─❥
warning(s): this is not a fairytale.
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As much as you loved your boyfriend, you had ample reason to worry about your future together. Try as you might, you couldn’t overlook his innumerable faults, faults that grew more and more glaringly obvious with the lapse of time. In the grand scheme of things he was not only a heavy drinker, but also unmotivated, hobbyless, and jobless. In fact, today he was quite literally celebrating the one year anniversary of his unemployment─a cause of joy for him, but a cause of concern to you. 
You took to the sea together that afternoon, viewing it in all its glory from the safety of a cable-stayed bridge. He hummed a happy little tune having just picked up all his favorite foods from the grocery store. You buzzed at a similar wavelength, sharing in his musical delight. Together, the two of you stood in unspoken harmony, content with just watching the fishermen and ferries as they passed by. That is, up until that one nagging thought crept into your mind and out of your mouth.
“So how’s the job hunt going?” you asked, pretending to turn your focus towards the glistening of the coastal waters before you, perhaps entranced by its vastness or its blueness. To Dazai, however, your attempt at casual conversation held about as much subtlety as a sledgehammer.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about me,” he said, eyes following your own to nowhere in particular. “You can think about it like this: the more time I spend out of work, the more time I can spend with you!” Your boyfriend wrapped one arm around you with marked swiftness, his other hand holding tight to a can of celebratory crab meat. You sighed into his trench coat, tugging on the tan fabric.
“It’s hard not to worry,” you mumbled, closing your eyes as you nuzzled into him. “You know things can’t stay like this forever.” 
You stiffened at the sound of your own voice. As the words slipped from your mouth, you almost wanted to side with him; you would love Dazai’s attention all to yourself, maybe even at the cost of his livelihood. You wanted his every regard to concern you and only you as he sank into your body, warmth combining with yours. You wanted to be his one object of importance as he reached for his grocery bags, lifting plastic-encased bottles of sake to eye level. For the briefest of moments you felt like you could make a home out of his embrace alone, but the sounds of clinking glass snapped you back to reality.
“Hey! Don’t you dare.” Your hand moved instinctively, making a beeline for the liquor. “You said you’d wait until we returned ho─” 
Looking your boyfriend dead-on for the first time, you noticed a small child materialize from his other side; he’d lifted his liquids out of their way, and now you were poised as if to grab them. There was a small silence as the youngster took a frozen, bewildered look at you both, as if caught in the tangible strain betwixt lovers at odds. With their hasty departure came with an awkward rumble from Dazai’s chest.
“Bella. Why so tense?” Dazai’s short-lived chuckle surrounded you with both the reverberations of his torso and the shellfish on his breath. Yet as composed as he pretended to be, his efforts were rendered useless by the beating of his heart pressed up against you, its rapid rhythm telling you a story of an unfamiliar nervousness.
On the Skywalk footpath beneath the Yokohama Bay Bridge, leaning against the railing and towards the Pacific Ocean, you realized something. You realized it as Dazai droned on, trying to explain himself in a manner that might soothe you. You realized it as he attempted to reel you back in the same as he’d done many a time before, always the moment before you got too close to the truth. His words cut in and out as you pondered your shared apprehension. You could explain your own unease, but where was his coming from..?
“...and I have connections, darling,” Dazai said as your attention returned, rapid heartbeat betraying his calm tone. “I’ll have something lined up for myself, just you wait. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.” He gave you a swift peck on the cheek, leaning back as quickly as he leaned in. And suddenly, it clicked. The warmth in your body drained at the revelation.
Because you realized that, as much as you wanted, needed his proximity, he didn’t care much for yours.
“Connections?” As far as you could tell, Dazai’s closest relationships involved you, your landlord, and the bartenders on the weeknight shift. You cringed at that word now. 'Close.' You didn’t dare pry any further as his arm snaked away from its half-hearted hold. What are you hiding from me? you asked silently, the words never quite leaving your lips. But he could sense it in your solemn stare and he backed away in turn, leaving you to bear the brunt of a gentle sea breeze turned brutal and biting.
Dazai wasn’t the foolish daydreamer he posed as, the halfwitted airhead he always pretended to be. He had secrets to keep about his past and secrets to keep about his future. Hot needles prickled your sides, the flush of embarrassment rising to your cheeks as he averted his eyes from your gaze. For just how long have you held me at a distance? 
“I’ll explain it to you someday,” he offered lamely, as if to brush off your every inquiry, voiced and unvoiced. In an ideal world, he would be looking you straight in the eye. In an ideal world, ‘someday’ would be today. But Dazai hadn’t the mind to let you in─certainly not now, and perhaps never.
“Just not today,” he said, as if to answer the most private of your thoughts. He would always see right through you, but in regards to understanding him, you would only ever scratch the surface.
link i: timeline fact check
link ii: yokohama bay bridge
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only-we · 3 years
Hey! Do you have rules that are accessible from the app?
Oh, never thought about this. I guess no, then. But they're fairly simple:
Copy under read more:
This blog will NOT be spoiler-free, but I will tag posts with “Far Cry 5 spoiler” or “spoiler” since I know some might want to avoid them still. This is an UNAFFILIATED, SELECTIVE and PRIVATE RP-Blog for Jacob Seed from the game Far Cry 5.
I will follow and unfollow at my own discretion, however, I will not follow personal blogs. Other reasons for me not following another person may include: drama, vague blogging, no rule and/or about page, uncut posts, etc…
I will not send in passwords. This is for my own comfort – in return, I expect no one to tell me whether they read my rules or not since, as far as I am concerned, it is simple courtesy to do so.
I will try to tag triggers, though if I ever miss one, just IM or send an Ask, but be respectful.
No hate, no drama etc.
I don’t believe in that ‘reblog-karma’ and often memes just don’t fit for muses, I understand that. But I don’t want to be a meme resource blog. I always reblog from the source or – if it is deleted – from an accessible meme-blog. So please just click that and reblog the meme from there. I just don’t want 70% of my notifications being ‘X reblogged Y-Meme from you’. Thanks!
I love starting a thread from an answered ask. You are very welcomed to do so, I try to answer any ask I get in a manner that makes it possible for your character to react.
Move the ask to a new post, I will not reply to reblogged answered asks, since it messes up the dash.
I will reply at my own pace - you are of course free to ask about a thread, however, please do not push me to reply or guilt trip me. In return I am also a pretty chill and patient roleplayer, there is no need to stress about fast replies, when you do not have the time. Real life is always the top priority, RP is just a hobby.
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
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banner created by @albinoburrito​​
Updated: (12/22/2020)
Requests: CLOSED as of (1/28/2020)
Hi. I’m Pal! My pronouns are she/her.  
This is my writing side-blog. My main blog is @palbabor, so comments, likes and follows will come from that account. Feel free to follow me there, if you want. It’s mostly just me posting random things that I like. Again, since @palbabor-writes is a side-blog, you will see my comments, reblogs, etc, pop up as palbabor. I know it’s confusing, but at this point I’m going to roll with it.
General House Rules:
This is, at its core, a NSFW 18+ only blog.
I do check your profile when you follow me & if I see that you’re underage I do BLOCK you. If you happen to stumble onto this blog & you are not 18 years of age:
Do not follow, do not like, do not reblog. If I catch you, I will block you. I am an adult woman and I do not want to lewd or talk with you. PERIOD. This is an adult space, with adult content. It is inappropriate for me to talk with you, or for you to talk with me, if you are not of age. If you’re wondering what constitutes a minor: ANYONE WHO IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE IS CONSIDERED A MINOR. 
On this blog I keep a fairly rigorous list of tags. I do this for ease of browsing and so that you, as the reader, know what you’re getting into. If you want to block things I list them as follows:
tw: noncon, tw: public sex, tw: degradation - etc.
Most of my posts will be behind cuts, sometimes even if they are SFW. It clears the clutter and I like the look. 
If the post is NSFW 18+ only, I will let you know the warnings before the cut. I do this so A. you know what is coming and B. you gotta click one more link to see the work. You are electing to read my work with full confidence and knowledge of what you’re about to see. 
Now, I’m human and I have a job and real life things going on. 
I might forget to tag something or I may not realize that something is triggering. We’re all diverse and unique people, different things will bother different people. If you want to request an additional tag, please, LET ME KNOW.
With this being said, if you read something blindly and decide to get upset with me or others on this blog? We’re going to have an issue and I don’t want to have an issue with anyone, ever. 
I’ve done my part to make this as smooth as possible and you need to click an additional link every time you read my works. Be a responsible reader. This is a two way street and you need to take care of yourself and know what does, and does not, bother you.
I like to post others fics and fanart on this blog. I have two days that I try to keep them in, but sometimes I find some good content & can’t help myself. The two days are: Sunday for fanfiction & Tuesday for fanart. If you want to find things I’ve posted previously, I have them listed under:
fic rec, fic reccomendation, bnha fic rec, bnha fic recommendation, shout out Sunday
fanart, fanart appreciation, bnha fanart, bnha fanart appreciation, fanart Tuesday
Request Guidelines:
My ask box will open and close. I’ll let you know when it closes and I will update the box status on this page. 
If you have a request, I am going to ask you to do two things:
Tell me if you would like for the content to be SFW or NSFW. I do not want to lewd you if you are not interested in that. 
I like to have a little detail. Don’t just say: Shigaraki NSFW. I’m going to link you to my other works if you do that and call it a day. 
Fandoms that I will write for:
*this is subject to change. if you have a question about other fandoms, ASK.
Themes/Kinks I will NOT write for:
Scat/Piss play
Pedophilia/Underage (All characters MUST be assumed to be over 18 years of age: They need to be aged up in your request or I will reject it).
Mental Illness
Heavy Gore
When in doubt: ASK
Disclaimer: I complete asks and requests at my own discretion. I put a lot of thought and care into my works. I like for characters to be IN character and I like to utilize source material. Therefore, if I feel like I cannot fill the request to the best of my ability, and to my standards, I will not fill it. It’s not that the request has broken a rule, per say, it’s just that I need inspiration and motivation to write. 
Also, the creative process takes TIME. I have a life outside of this blog and sometimes things happen. I do my best to fill a few asks a day, but sometimes that might not go to plan. Be patient with me, please.  
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