#clicky dragon game
elodieunderglass · 1 year
Can you re-describe your flight rising lying story? I’m afraid I don’t know it and I can’t find it on your blog anywhere
Ah sorry you can’t find anything on this blog! But when I tricked Flight Rising, it was about birthday dragons.
At some point before the 2millionth dragon was born, I noticed that dragons were being hatched with IDs like 19890902. That’s a birthday!
So naturally I went and submitted a post on the anonymous tumblr confession blog DramaRising, where unhappy people complained about dragons. This was my only post on this blog, which I did not even follow or read. I simply went in to a random dive bar, dropped an explosive, and left.
The post was something like, “I’ve just found my birthday dragon. Be sure to get yours quick!” I believe there was no further explanation of what a birthday dragon even was? I was just momentarily possessed of a spirit of mischief.
Carnage ensued.
Everyone assumed that it was an established new trend, and they were FRANTIC to secure theirs. They posted their birthdays online, threads sprang up, and there was a surge in activity. Cheeky people were exalting birthday dragons to the great woe of the dozens of players sharing these birthdays.
Eventually one of the mods posted that it was now dragon-illegal to post a dragon ID with reference to it being a birthday.
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Many of the threads have been deleted, but for example in 2018 people were still talking about it.
Here’s a Reddit thread in which a better historian than myself recalled them selling for 20 million coins.
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Nobody could figure out how the trend had started … but by the time they were chasing their birthday dragon, it was already well under way. The trend was a trend! It was trending! It made sense! You only had one chance (or two, if you used USA/UK style dates) to get it, you were competing with others, it was unique and random and could never be repeated… the conditions were perfect for a wild frenzy. It was very funny and good.
There is another punchline: I do not own my own birthday dragon. Someone else has it. It would have been SMART to secure my own birthday dragon before setting off an illegal stock market surge in birthday dragons, but i did not, because…
… i have never cared very much about dragon IDs.
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girlboyburger · 3 months
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i'm alive btw i've just been, um,
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Sundered Isles Playkits
Would you like to sail the open seas looking for treasure? How about wrestling with curses while also training your pet dragon? All of that and more can be found in the game of Sundered Isles, an expansion for Starforged, by Shawn Tomkin.
I've created a series of Google Sheets for the game, for the use of my group. Stargazer is an excellent app for solo play, but you can't keep multiple character sheets there for the use of group play, so I made the next best thing.
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As per usual, these play-sheets have a tab for Safety Tools, with the tools that my table most commonly uses. If you play a long game of this, you'll likely have to add more rows to make room for talents, notes and factions, but all you'll need to do is copy and paste!
If you'd like to make a copy of this kit for yourself, you can click here.
If you'd like to see my library of playkits for various games, you can click the link below!
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leveragehunters · 9 months
Tag game
I was tagged by the most excellent @brendaonao3!
last song: St Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion) by John Parr from the St Elmo's Fire soundtrack (clicky link), because the delivery driver was blasting it when he dropped off a parcel and I was instantly catapulted back to 1985 and hovering in front of the radio ready to whack record the moment they played it, because it was my absolute number one favourite song (i still love it).
currently reading: Rereading the Liaden novels by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, because I just realised there's two new ones I missed. I'm just about to start Mouse & Dragon.
last movie: Polite Society! Highly recommend!
currently watching: Bob's Burgers is on in the background.
currently craving: pierogi! But it's a craving I can satisfy since a dear friend found somewhere nearish to me that makes them AND delivers, so for Xmas I received a freezer full of delicious dumplings.
currently consuming: fruit cup cordial - gotta stay hydrated!
first ship: geez, I have no idea. It was maybe Vanyel/Tylendel? Since I'm not under affirmation, I'm gonna go with them.
favourite colour: deep green
currently working on: oh boy, well, fic wise I've got 10 Steve/Bucky WIPs, but the main two I'm focussing on are the sequel to On a Pale Horse and an 80s movie AU. Fibre wise, I just wound the warp for a cowl and I'm about to wind a second warp for a second cowl and then the warp for a mobile phone pouch I want to make, plus I have a foxes inkle band on the inkle loom that's almost finished. And I only have ten more days of leave!
Not tagging anyone directly, but if you want to play, I secretly embedded tagging in this post that can only be sensed by you!
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azurefishnets · 3 months
Challenge: make a poll with five of your current favorite characters*, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
Tagged (for the 2nd time! Click here for the 1st) by @laughingpinecone! (Edit: whoops! Wrong blog. FIXED, sorry for the double notification.) Thank you for the tag!
*OK FINE I will make a second poll for some more current favorites (because I just can't choose all-time I'm SORRY but it's just too hard don't make me) and this time for male characters only (and also sticking with one per fandom and video games only because why not) but HMPH how dare you make me consider my favorite characters yet again GEEZ
Tagging: 🫵 YOU, and this time it's not a request! Make me buttons to satisfy button-clicky instincts (please and thank thank you)
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wrathful-reptile · 5 months
sorry if this is a weird question- what is the (site? program?) thing you use to make (breed?) dragons? how does it work? is it like... a game? or does it just make (and sell??) dragons? I followed you cause I saw art of cool dragons (I like dragons and I like to click buttons) and I have no clue what's going on, but I am very curious
oh!!! It’s called flight Rising!
it’s like a dragon game? Dress up? Play with dragon pngs like dolls/ocs sorta thing!
it’s very full of clicky buttons!
here! I’m Tsuni (#170580) on there!
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a burning feeling
Chapter 6
When Patton, a young-ish human, feels drawn to the mountains that house dragons, he doesn't know why he follows the feeling.
He definitely doesn't know why the dragons seem so... protective
For the next few days, Patton had more energy than he had ever thought possible. He had always seemed tired, always was ill, always was weak. Now, not only did he feel strong enough to lift a mountain, he had enough energy to try
He had discovered that his fire was harmless to people when it was blue, and that it burned things when it was red. He hadn’t yet figured out how to change it on command. He was happier than he had ever been, though he was nervous about the possibility of a knight.
He was unsure if anyone had even seen him in the cave, he was unsure if anyone would come specifically to kill him, but he knew that the knight was coming back to save him. The knight wouldn’t believe him, nor would they have any reason to.
They’d probably been told that they were rescuing a human guy, not a fire sprite. Besides, no one would listen to a monster, especially not a knight. Knights dedicated their lives to protecting humans from monsters like him. Even when it wasn’t warranted.
The dragons played with him, though every so often, he’d see them nervously look towards the cave’s exit, as though they expected something to ruin the nice time. He didn’t blame them.
He had a feeling that something would happen soon, but he didn’t know what.
At the moment, he was playing tag. The purple dragon was clearly letting him win, he knew they were faster than they were going, but it was still fun nonetheless. He giggled, tagging them, and running to the other side of the cave. His fire got brighter when he was happy, he had noticed, and it got smaller when he was tired or upset
The dragons made sure he was as happy as possible, and it worked. Back before the dragons, he was just one of many kids in an orphanage, and after that, he was just some guy who travelled around. The dragons made him feel like himself, like a person, and not a concept.
He was glad. He had never truly felt individual, more like someone who existed purely to help others, further along their stories. He knew who he was, what he was, now.
He played more games. Their little routine carried on for another few days, but the dragons picked him up one day, put him in something akin to a basket, and started flying. Patton trusted them, so he wasn’t too worried, though he was curious. They took a break from flying a little while later, somewhere remote and overgrown.
After a few days of flying, taking breaks and then more flying, they finally arrived at their destination; an extremely dense forest, with trees taller than even the tallest giant, and bushes half the size of his dragons. He didn’t think this place had ever even been touched by humans before, and the dragons walked deeper into the woods.
Patton looked around with amazement he hadn’t felt since he was a child seeing lights strung up in the streets for a celebration. This place was overflowing with magic, and beautiful plants. Things were glowing, things were moving, and Patton could feel his own magic getting stronger just by being carried through the foliage
The dragons seemed happy as well. What were they doing here? He heard talking, in the clicky-chirp language that the dragons used. He tried to listen, but he was still having a hard time figuring out the language. They got to a glowing clearing, with large, majestic rock formations and vines that moved themselves.
There were hundreds of magical creatures, in the truly gigantic clearing. There were several giants (hadn’t they all been slain? That’s what Patton had been told), there were several dozen dragons, all of different colours and sizes. Patton wondered what was going on, as he looked around.
There were a few sprites, like him, though larger and mostly red. He saw centaurs, cervitaurs, unicorns, fairies, and a whole range of other creatures that he couldn’t even count. He ducked down in the carrier; this was insanely overwhelming.
They were all talking. He felt his carrier be set down, and he was gently lifted out. He was one of the smallest things there, excluding fairies. That was a large contrast to humans, where he was always strangely tall compared to others. Enough to raise eyebrows, at least. Patton had never felt this small in his entire life.
The trees were tall, taller than any tree he had ever seen, and even more so when he was standing on the ground. Patton was so nervous about all the people. He didn’t necessarily think they would hurt him, no, but this was all so overwhelming. He hid behind the Purple Dragon for protection.
He felt them gently nudge him, the way they did when they were concerned, and he looked up. They made a small noise, and he stayed hidden.
He might have come out after a while, but for that moment, everything was too much. There were noises, happy noises, but Patton was still nervous
He had never been great around crowds. This crowd happened to be made up of people and things much larger than him. The dragons didn’t pressure him, though, and he was safe to hide behind their legs
They were talking to someone, Patton thought they were some kind of giant, one of the taller ones. The dragons, who were about five times bigger than Patton, only came up to their knees. Patton would likely be smaller than their fingers. He could still hear pleasant chatter from all around him, and he watched the sunset.
Once it was dark, Patton could feel the magic in the air increase, making him feel… better than ever, really. Both of his dragons were glowing, and so were all the other dragons. The giants didn’t visibly change, though they did seem happier. Every fire sprite, including himself, was glowing brightly. Cheers rang through the air, and everyone took turns laying down things on a giant alter
Everything that was placed seemed to be of significance to the person placing it, and Patton wondered what was happening. This was obviously something important
He followed his dragons to the altar, watching them place down some gold he recognised from their hoard.
Logan smiled, when he saw the woods come into view. He always enjoyed the festivities this time of year, and the ability to socialise. It was always too risky for both of them to leave their cave, but they always made an exception for the third new moon
And, it would be their little one’s first proper festival. It had lived through years of celebration, but had obviously never been able to be a part of the celebration.
It seemed curious as it peaked out of the metal carrier they were transporting it in, and looked around. Logan couldn’t see the expression it made, through the fire, but he imagined it was something like the wide eyed look it often gave the things that caught its attention before it ignited.
It was glowing brightly, though he couldn’t focus on that as he felt his own magic increase. Being in the final known location of the ancient gods, somewhere free from oppression from magic-hating humans, would increase his magic hours before the sun even set
He could hear conversation in the clearing, and he hurried to get there, Virgil also speeding his approach. It was just as festive as the year before, though some numbers had dwindled
He looked around, noticing his child do the same. It occurred to him that this was likely its first time encountering other magical beings. Most tended to avoid human settlements.
Logan gently lifted it out of the carrier, and it looked around for a few moments, before running to hide behind Virgil’s front legs. Virgil nudged it, quietly making a concerned noise
It still hid. Logan supposed that this all would be rather overwhelming for it. People came over to socialise, and the little thing slowly got less nervous. Remus, their giant friend, hung around a while
Remus was tall, even for his species, and to him, the little sprite was tiny
“How’d you two get a child?” He asked, a curious confusion in his tone
“It wandered into our cave one night, and, oh you should’ve seen the state it was in,” Virgil stated, shaking his head “Poor thing was nearly twenty years old and still unignited, shaking from the cold and practically frozen”
Remus looked down at the little sprite, and was uncharacteristically quiet.
It was a small while later that the sun set, and everything was glowing. The little sprite left its hiding place to look around. Everyone cheered, and started the offerings
“Thank you, dearest ones, for blessing us with our gifts, our happiness and our safety. May it carry on for the next year” he murmured, offering his most prized gift to the ancient gods
His child was following him and Virgil around all night as they celebrated, and Logan made sure to keep a watchful eye on it
The next day, the journey home started. The sprite slept for a good portion of the day, the long night having taken a lot out of it. Logan thought about every sprite he saw there
Their numbers had dwindled dramatically in the past few decades, with humans getting more ambitious and less fearful. It was likely that his young one’s parents were slaughtered, and that it was mistaken for a human child
Logan shook his head, careful not to jostle the child’s cradle too much. The flight home would be long, but he trusted that his enchantment on the cave’s entrance held up, and that his cave wouldn’t be human infested by the time they arrived.
At least, he hoped not
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lynmars79 · 6 months
tagged by @rinzukodas
LAST SONG: "Flow" from FF14 Endwalker. I was listening to a bunch of FF music earlier and that's one of the last ones on that playlist.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Just Candela Obscura at the moment; haven't really been following the main Critical Role campaign for a few weeks. There's a buncha shows and films I do want to catch up on though...
Goliath/Elisa Maza (saw some saucy art the other day)
John Sheridan/Delenn (Reactor Mag's starting a B5 rewatch)
Clive Rosfield/Jill Warrick (Fire & Ice slowburn in FF16)
CURRENTLY INTO: Agreeing with Rin's change of wording here. So in no particular order:
Midst - Podcast, weird scifi western, 3 unreliable narrators, a fascinating cast and unique setting. Morally questionable people who think they're each in control of things (they're not) and a cult/government that uses morality for currency and social status. Hosted by Critical Role, but they let Third Person do their own thing. The videos are mildly animated art, the sound and music are amazing, I love how they use words and like combing through the transcripts, there are appendices with lore each episode. It's in its 3rd and final season, wrapping up a distinct story. Episodes are only 15-40ish mins long, 19 episodes a season. It's great please listen (with headphones on for the sound design).
FF7 Rebirth - Watching a friend play. It's pretty great but oh so many sidequests and minigames! The story changes are fascinating and often clarifies or explains things that were nonsense or ignored in the original. Adds new mysteries and oddities all its own. Adds in some things from side games in the same world (like Cissnei).
FF16 - Have to watch friends play this too as I have no PS5 and am waiting for the PC release. I love the characters and the overall story (tho I have my quibbles). Also could use some more sidequests and minigames, but Rebirth took all of them.
Flight Rising - clicky browser game where you breed pretty dragons, giving them patterns they can pass on to offspring. Can dress them up, give them familiars, play games, fight coliseum battles. I've been playing to one degree or another for 10+ years. I'm currently trying to catch up my neglected familiars and max out their bonds.
FIRST SHIP: Probably from the 1980s cartoons when I was a kid. I don't remember. There's been so many.
PLACE OF BIRTH: The clinic no longer exists, actually.
LAST MOVIE: Legit cannot remember; rarely watch movies, though there's plenty on my To Watch list…
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: an original fantasy story. I know the characters, I know the plot. I know the world state. Backstories. Figuring out where and when it starts, how characters get to various points and places (and what they change in my plans along the way). Have more research to do but want to have the general shape wrangled into place to narrow that down.
TAGGING: whoever wants to!
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tonkimat · 2 years
Freedom planet torque demo
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Merga, a water dragon from Avalice's oldest and deadliest war, has been freed from her crystal prison as a consequence of the Kingdom Stone's destruction. Join the heroes of Avalice as they face their greatest challenge yet! An ancient terror has emerged from the depths of the ocean. Use the link below to try out Freedom Planet 2 for yourself! Currently available for PC and Mac. Greenlight is a Go! Clicky the link and go vote to get the sequel to this awesome adventure rolling on Steam! Once we have confirmed nothing is broken and there are no mismatched references to the PS4 controller buttons, we will push this public along with the Mac and Linux versions. To access is, right click Freedom Planet in your Steam Library, go to Properties > Betas and select "1.21.5 - Release Candidate for PS4 fixes/tweaks".
We have put the Windows release candidate for the next update on Steam. Windows Release Candidate 1.21.5 on Steam! It returns to being semi-random after the first cycle. The final boss's second phase always begins the fight with the same attack pattern.The final boss's first phase now fires sludge missiles at a slower rate.Milla can now create Phantom Cubes underwater.Fixed a problem where Milla's Super Shield would sometimes vanish when trying to perform the Super Shield Burst as quickly as possible.
We're using a new pipeline for Mac updates and we're not 100% certain of its stability yet. We would like anyone playing the game on Mac to let us know if you experience crashes if they didn't happen prior to this update. Good evening, Chasers! Version 1.21.5 is now live. Now you can Freedom somple Planets on the go! We are happy to announce that we are bringing Freedom Planet to the Nintendo Switch this fall, with our partner, XSEED Games! Fixed a glitch in Milla's Adventure Mode that allowed her to jump to Fortune Night after Aqua Tunnel when skipping a specific scene.įreedom Planet coming to the Nintendo Switch this Fall! In Adventure mode, Zao's dialog during the schmup sequence will now play properly if you beat Thermal Base and watch all the cutscenes after it without skipping. This also fixes a visual quirk during the holodragon scene where the borders of the dragon's horn sprites can be seen. Screen transitions and fade effects have been color corrected to use true black instead of 8,0,0. A language selection menu will also appear at bootup if you have never selected one before. Additional language options are selectable through the Options menu. We have a special update ready for our international fans! Thanks to the efforts of XSEED Games and their affiliates, you can now enjoy Freedom Planet in Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Korean!
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elodieunderglass · 29 days
(If you already know try to keep it quiet ok)
(I haven’t played in like 4 years so should be easy)
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Random Headcanons for the Bros (SFW + NSFW)
I’m bored and was thinking about the more ‘demon’ noises they’d make. It turned into a bunch of random headcanons (SFW + NSFW).
These got really long so I skipped Belphie for now. I was getting sleepy and I need more time to think up some headcanons for him.
I think I caught all the spelling errors but I’m not sure. Super sleepy...
His ‘angry’ demon noise sounds a lot like the ones koalas make. It’s not an especially deep or rugged noise, like a lion, but this simmering mess of hisses and clicks with a bit of air in it.
Tends to keep his mouth closed and tongue fluffed when making the noise so it sounds more subdued/reptilian
Lucifer’s horns are very sensitive. Mammon found that out at an early age. His beloved could use this to their advantage, but it does bring the teeth.
Would deny to his last breath that he likes head massages or temple rubs. If you can manage, give the guy a shoulder rub and he’s putty in your hands. Won’t even speak. Might make a clicky purr sound though.
When he doesn’t want you to leave or could really use another minute with head scratches, his tail will wrap around your wrist and hold it in place.
When you share a bed, he’s not a snuggler. Lucifer’s the type to be content knowing you’re in the same space. He moves in his sleep, though, so you always end up a little spoon
Asmo says he has a size kink, but he’s not sure. Lucifer will begrudgingly admit he likes power dynamics. There’s something thrilling about grabbing you by the throat, as delicate as you are, but being so gentle with you.
He’s not the most aggressive biter in bed, but he will use his teeth and claws for the sensation. Lucifer’s big on anticipation and overstimulation
Weak for neck kisses, especially at his pulse. Attack! He WILL get even though, so beware.
Doesn’t openly think he has any clothing-related kinks, but he’ll stare a bit longer if you dress up in red or black.
Would never do it in front of his brothers because of the teasing, but very much the ‘come sit in my lap’ type.
His pride won’t let him allow any public fun times, not even the fear of getting caught, but he does get off on flustering you and watching you pull yourself back together before anyone catches on
The ‘lots of strong, long kisses’ kind of guy. Not big on French kissing unless he has time to indulge and knows he won’t be interrupted
Runs very hot when he sleeps. He prefers to be shirtless so cold sheets take the edge off.
You’ll come before he does. It’s a matter of pride, after all.
His love language is helping you get organized (if you’re not), and tracking down resources to things you’re interested in because that’s within his skill set. Also good at creating absolute silence for you if you have a migraine.
If Lucifer makes a pact with you, it’ll be around your heart because it takes a lot of self-sacrifice to do. He’s TRUSTING you.
Mammon sounds like an angry tortoise when he’s woken up too early, when he’s embarrassed (or in denial), or telling one of his little brothers to shut up without saying it
I head cannon that he actually needs the glasses he wears. Or that he has contacts and just wanted yellow frames because yellow is the color of Grimm
It crossed my mind that he might wear them just so he can see everything as golden and beautiful because he remembers the Celestial Realms and misses it
He says he stays with you because Lucifer assigned him, but once you connect with him on ANY level (say something nice, defend him, just give him attention instead of suspicion), he’s 100% whipped. Wants to be with you all the time and chase that feeling you give him. He needs more of it. Has to have it!
Mammon’s a sucker for getting his hair played with. Run your fingers through it, play with the ends, and you could probably rob him blind
Will also pester you for back massages because he jacks up his back running from Lucifer all the time (and trying to run off with heavy shit to pawn)
Is really good with math, has bad impulse control, and gets very distractable. Would probably surprise a few of his brothers with his math mark is and the fact that he could tutor if he stays in the right mindset. 
He’s the sloppy/needy kisser that has to be as close as he can. He’ll end up between your thighs and somehow surround you.
Big on little butterfly kisses.
He’s not a full-on biter, but he’s a nibbler. He’s a hickey expert and he wants them to be seen.
Actually super easy to turn on. If you take his glasses off and get close enough to see him, he’s hard because you rubbed up on him coming into view. Also: praise him. IT WORKS!
The Avatar of Greed probably has a breeding kink. Just saying.
Might complain about it, but he’ll give you piggyback rides and carry you if you ask. Literally, all you have to do is ask.
You can’t do the whole ‘laying in nothing but my earrings’ because he’ll either take your earrings out before sex to look at them (very much an ‘oh, shiny!’ person), teeth them during sex and break them, or he’ll think you look so good he’ll want to pile on ALL the jewelry.
Steal his clothes to wear them? He’ll lowkey cry. YOU LOOK SO CUTE, ALMOST AS GREAT AS THE GREAT MAMMON!
Prefers to be the little spoon, but honestly if you fall asleep with him you guys end up tangled up together. Usually face-to-chest, but some kind of tangled up together
Can’t always keep up the dirty talk in bed because he gets so sappy, but he’s big on soft touches, hickies, and needing praise if you want him to go harder/faster when he’s in his gentle moods
Will fight Belphie for King of Lap Naps. Mammon would monetize your nappin’ thighs but then he’d have to share them and that just seems like a bad business idea.
Main fantasy? You begging. Beg for him to do anything and you’re occupied for the next few hours.
Has a bit of a smart mouth so he’ll also get into banter with you and if you get the last word, he’s super embarrassed, proud, and give him a consolation kiss or something, huh?
Helpless when you initiate it because SHIT that was bold and he can’t believed it worked! All you have to do is say his name, look him in the eyes, then his lips, and kiss him. If you think you’re walking away, you don’t make it far.
The type to con you into a quickie in the closet our just out of view/hearing of the others.
The type to write checks his mouth can’t cash 85% of the time. Call his bluff. If he invites you into the bath, do it. Walk in naked. You might have to save him from drowning. 
Levi’s angry noises sound like bearded dragon hisses. Those hisses are used for warning, frustration, and when he does the uncomfortable prickle of awkwardness. When he disagrees or is bashful, they get a warble/chatter to them.
I headcanon that they can also take on their demon form when they feel threatened, as it puts out an aura and makes them more defensive. Levi can transform the easiest due to him feel uncomfortable and not being the most sociable.
When he’s in demon form, his tail will either wrap around him for comfort or will go over to the person he most trusts to comfort him. He tends not to consciously want to touch Lucifer with his tail, but there’s something instinctual about going to the oldest brother. He usually goes to Satan or you (if you’ve reached that type of intimacy)
You would think a guy that shamelessly plays a lot of otome games and uses them as social guides (even though they’re far from perfect) wouldn’t be so susceptible to a peek of skin or nudity, but LEVI IS WEAK!
That whole ‘shirt rides up getting a library book’ thing? He’s dead.
The biggest virgin, basically. Boy’s got a strong imagination and he’s sensitive from the whole ‘gross otaku’ complex.
His biggest fantasy? Water play. He wants to be the big, scary monster who grabs a tasty, tiny human and has his wicked (totally consensual) way.
One of the more adventurous bros because he’s seen a lot of stuff in anime and wants to know if it would really work.
Will definitely ask for a blow job. It’s the shortest blow job ever but he loved it.
Is weak for any kind of kiss so have at it! Especially likes kisses on the mouth, shoulder kisses (because that means cuddling!), and kisses on his chest or belly.
The type to get addicted to sex once he has it, but not helplessly so. He won’t say no if you ask.
Is too embarrassed to ask you to wear some of his clothes so he just kind of leaves them in your room and waits to see if you wear it. If you don’t, he buys you matching clothes so you HAVE to.
Once you’re dating, you’re his good luck charm. No ifs, ands, or buts! He NEEDS you for game night, even if you fall asleep in his arms, okay?
After getting used to the idea of giving you affection and understanding your boundaries, he’s dropping a forehead kiss 24/7.
He hisses more than his brothers, and his tongue can do some tricks the other bros can’t. He’s WAY better than those other dumb humans, too.
You’re one of the only people who can pull him out of his room. He becomes aware that you get him out for exercise (or because Lucifer asks) but if he leaves the House of Lamentation and has you to himself, he won’t complain.
Cougar noises--the chuffs, the growls, the yeowls, all of it. He is big angry kitty boy
He’s afraid of losing his temper but he’s got a ridiculously tight grip on the reins. You wouldn’t think he’s the Avatar of Wrath until one of his brothers set him off.
His love language is gentle pets, a good book, and a cup of tea. He’s your guard when you don’t want to deal with the outside world. Because Satan’s super logical and admires detectives, his love language is also helping you solve your problems. He just conveniently shows up with something that helps (because he’s been listening and is a background type).
Is emotionally keen, perhaps because his cardinal sin is wrath and he can be sensitive. He has a radar for you and it calls him like a moth to a flame.
Want to seduce him? Read to him. It’s that easy. Share your favorite quotes.
Or just take a cheap shot and do something with cats. He may enlist you to smuggle Hellcats into the House of Lamentation since Lucifer can’t do anything to the precious exchange student. Being its ‘parents’ will bring you close.
Doesn’t like mornings but forces himself to be a morning person. HIGHLY enjoys it if you’re not because it’s so nice to see you go through all the stages of discontent before resigning yourself to getting up and starting the day
He’s not easy to fluster, but he’s the ‘tried and true’ when it comes to getting bothered. If you find something that works, file it away because it will ALWAYS work.
If you fluster him, he has to make it even. It’s the only way he’ll feel good about his weakness. Much prefers if you’re worse off than he is, actually, because there’s something delicious about it
A bit of a sadist. Prefers drawn-out pleasure and taking you for all that you can give
Loves to catch you with that studded tail and keep you in place. Very much likes to drag you back to him. That looks pretty, too.
Doesn’t know what to call his kinks, but the idea of restraining you is a nice one. Likes the positions where he has to hold you against him or in place, or can move parts of you to better fit with him. Big on taking you from behind.
Doesn’t care if he’s the big spoon or the little spoon. Just wants to make sure you’re there with him.
Has a fantasy about you serving him tea naked in his room.
Big on biting, and is usually embarrassed about the marks the next day
The type to let you throw your legs over his lap and read in contented silence with you, occasionally massaging your leg
Boy likes legs. Show ‘em off.
Interrupt intense studying sessions (because he over-studies and studies WAY TOO EARLY FOR TESTS) with snuggly pop quizzes (”Who’s cute? A) You, B) The Avatar of Wrath, C) Satan, or D) All of the Above”) because he lives for it.
Cheeky and unexpectedly playful. Will wake you up with tickling or tracing. If you are romantically involved, he’s definitely woken you up with a squeeze or kiss at least once
If you’re in a pact with him, it shows up on your thigh or hip.
Very proficient with magic. Has probably found a way to bring it into the bedroom.
The cuddliest boy
His angrier noises tend to sound like a giant salamander but his cute flirty/chirpy noises sound like a toy gecko.
I headcanon that Asmodeus became part incubus when he fell to Devildom, or that he ended up with some of those traits once he became the Avatar of Lust
He can feed off the various types of love emotions (genuine love, sweet crush love, jealous love, sex, etc.) but it doesn’t fill him up as much as hunting humans or other demons. It’s just something he can feed off of more frequently so it keeps hunger at bay.
Will pamper his crush or someone he holds dear because that’s bonding. He wants SOMEONE to understand the lengths he goes through to be beautiful! It’s a process! Respect him!
The biggest hype boyfriend ever. Will take your confidence to new levels and show you that you can rock anything
Epitome of ‘looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you’ trope
Are you having a play date with makeup? Turn those lipstick swatches into lipstick kisses and he’s got to stop and recollect himself. His little heart’s going so fast!
Glows when you praise him. It could be something he’s heard for centuries but somehow you say it better than anyone ever has.
When he’s feeling extra affectionate and just really loves you, his eyes will be a pinky-red.
Wants to be babied. Please kiss him.
100% down for soft cuddles and luxurious touches. Long days spent in bed and slow, dream-like sex.
Doesn’t really like his hair messed with because he works on it a lot.
Touch his arms, his back, and his chest and he’s all yours.
Will kiss you anywhere, but his favorite place to kiss you when you’re cuddling is on the inside of your wrist
Prefers to be the little spoon.
The skin on his shoulders can dry out when he takes on his demon form. Something about the texture of demon wings dries them out really bad. Put lotion on him and he’s singing your praises.
Gets you into the most exclusive places and plans the best shopping days. Your off days will be the envy of everyone in the Devildom!
Asmodeus is very perceptive when it comes to his love, and very receptive in terms of sex. It feels like the world’s longest questionnaire before you have sex, but he needs to be ABSOLUTELY clear about your experience, comfort, what you like, and what you don’t.
Probably gets off first because the act of having sex is very heady and strong. It’s a massive energy boost at once. It’s the second-best type of feed he can get and makes him feel drunk/light-headed.
Definitely makes up for it. You probably won’t be able to walk afterwards.
Big on PDA around others. Holding hands and matching nails!
When Asmodeus makes a pact with you, it shows up in aesthetic places like your shoulder, your wrist, your ankle, or above your chest.
Is big on receiving praise but not as big as Mammon
Sex with him can be rough and hard, sweet and gentle, and everything in between. Is very likely to mess up your clothes because he has a hard time controlling his claws when he’s in the moment but you can wear his clothes. It’s fine.
Will give you hickies. Loves the colors they take on your skin.
If he’s helping you get ready for an event, all that pretty makeup might get messed up when he takes you against the vanity. He can’t help it!
10/10 the best, most supportive boyfriend. A sweetheart with claws.
Sweetest boy. The one that has good intentions even if things don’t go to plan
Very loyal. He’s neutral to everyone when they first meet him, but he’ll quickly pick favorites or befriend someone if his intuition says he should.
Beel’s a pretty good people-reader. Maybe it comes from being an older twin, but he knows a bad heart when he sees it
Is very empathetic and can get really upset for his hungry fury. It’s hard to shake but if you’re gentle/persistent, you’ll get a smile.
If you get some tears, just hold him and tell him it’s okay. You know it’s hard to control.
Also on team ‘play with my hair’
He’s a sucker for kisses around his ear, the base of his throat, AND HIS STOMACH. KISS THAT TUMMY!
Forgets that he’s built very differently than you and is honestly amused by how awe-struck you get with his muscles.
Squeeze his bicep. It makes him blush.
Quiet fawning over his muscles really warms his heart. Just praise him, kiss him, and run your fingers over his chest and you’ll get the good, deep rumbly polar bear purr.
Beel has deep, rolling demon noises. It’s something about how tall and wide he is that makes the reverb shake deep in your bones no matter how gentle it is
Will think the stars of you if he catches you looking after his family.
His heart skips a beat and his face goes super red if you pack him snacks with little notes on them
Is 100% down for food dates.
Loves carrying you. He’s nice and helpful and when you start dating, he just loves having his tiny human close.
Has to learn to temper his strength when you start dating because he tried to be cute and scoop you up but almost threw you into the ceiling
Very gentle bear hugs from very gentle Beel
Prefers you to climb on him when you want to cuddle that way he doesn’t accidentally hurt you. Loves to feel you struggling to climb on his back.
Likes to snuggle your arms when they’re wrapped around his neck (especially when you’re getting a piggyback). Absently rubs your thighs/knees because they’re in his hands.
Lots of absentminded but heartfelt kisses because you smell good and he loves you. He just wants to kiss you, not taste you! (”One more, please?”)
Has a size kink. He’s a big boy so you’re probably smaller by default and you’re just easy to pick up and hold and--boy’s going to bust a nut just getting you into position
Big into oral because you smell good and taste good and he could eat you for HOURS. He has the strength and stamina, trust me.
Has the best jawline of the bros because he’s always working his mouth muscles.
Tends to take you from behind just to minimize the height difference but he’s also had sex in the kitchen, in his bed, and is coming around the idea of you being on top of him.
Won’t leave hickies but he’s the suckling type. Most likely to leave fingerprints/handprints
Heavy post-cuddler.
If you feed him (even jokingly) after sex, he’s going to immediately roll over and want to go again.
You love him enough to feed him and he just loves you and--?!!
If you cook him anything, he’ll definitely give his compliments to the chef
Always buys you cute aprons and things to wear in the kitchen. Has a matching set even if it doesn’t fit him very well.
If you make a trip to the human world, please come back with a bunch of cheeseburgers for your baby. He’ll love you forever (even though he already does).
Loves to cuddle. If you rest your head on him, he puts his arm around you and pull you in close. He’ll initiate the ‘in lap cuddling’.
Is surprisingly good at potions because he’s familiar with the ingredients and can tell if you’re on the right track based on how it smells.
Loves to feed you. Won’t say no to being fed. Didn’t know he had a finger kissing/sucking kink until he was being careful with a bite of food and somehow still got your finger (no damage though).
When you make a pact with Beelzebub, it shows up on your stomach.  
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shizuu-chann · 2 years
Let’s spread some positive vibes by remembering what we love about the trilogy. Fill in and tag your friends. Feel free to add your own categories to this survey.
tagged by @togepies, thanks again for including me!
Tagging with zero pressure: @nicolasadrabbles and @iheartgarrus
I’ve been a fan since: technically Andromeda, but I only played Andromeda first bc the LE was coming out in a few months. I loved the Dragon Age series before that, and I figured I would probably like ME, but the old graphics were a major turn-off for me. When the LE was announced, I got really excited bc it was another BioWare series I could binge and adore, but it wasn't out yet. My friend had just finished Andromeda and convinced me to try it, and now it's probably my favorite game series ever~
Favorite game of the series:  ME2! While I love ME3 because the graphics are beautiful, and you get more substance out of romantic relationships (Garrus, specifically), ME2 has my favorite vibe. You're kind of a rogue agent, assembling a team of the most dangerous and skilled people in the galaxy, and they all become a sort of found family for Shepard after the Alliance and the Council hang you out to dry. Plus, I love the interface for the game; the orange menu screen is easy on my eyes, and I like the clicky selection noises <3
MaleShep or FemShep?: FemShep <3 I love her so much. Played MaleShep once, and I loved him, too, but it really feels like FemShep is THE Shep to me.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Colonist
Paragon or Renegade? Paragon (close to ParaGade, but not quite)
Biotics or Tech? Tech, but biotics are really cool.
Favorite class: Infiltrator! I don't really love any class in ME1, but ME2/3 make Infiltrator the fucking best. Tactical cloak and sniper rifle, my beloveds. Vanguard is a close second.
Favorite companions: Garrus, Zaeed, Mordin, Tali, Wrex, Grunt, EDI~
Least favorite companions: Kaidan and Jacob. I have nothing against either of them personally, honest, and I think they're generally good characters. But Kaidan bores me, I find him wholly uninteresting, and Jacob is just repackaged Kaidan, imho.
My squad selection: ME1: this changes every playthrough, honestly. Often it's Garrus and someone else, most recently Ashley. Others it's Ashley and someone else, most often Wrex. ME2: Usually Zaeed and Garrus; those two are my go-tos and my faves. Current run is Garrus and Miranda, but I've taken Grunt a fair bit. ME3 is, surprise-surprise, most often Garrus and someone else, but I try to tailor squad selection to each mission so I can get the most interesting story dialogue.
Favorite in-game romance: Shepard and Garrus <3
Other pairings I like: I cannot pair my Shep with anyone else, so it's difficult, but I do appreciate others. I like FemShep with Tali, Liara, Ashley, Miranda, and Jack (bc I just think all the characters should be bi, lol).
Favorite NPC: I'm choosing multiple--Aria T'Loak, Joker, I adore Hackett, and Anderson.
Favorite antagonist: The Illusive Man in ME2. Sure, you're cooperating with him, but he's definitely an antagonist.
Favorite mission: ME1: If we're talking purely vanilla game, probably Feros. Otherwise, maybe the Bring Down the Sky DLC. ME2: Thane's recruitment or the Suicide Mission, if we're excluding loyalty missions. ME3: Grissom Academy.
Favorite loyalty mission: Oooh, tough. I really like most of them. It's a toss-up between two, but for different reasons: either Garrus's or Samara's.
Favorite DLC: ME1: To my knowledge, there was only one for ME1, besides pinnacle Station, but that couldn't be added to the LE. ME2: Lair of the Shadow Broker--LOVE the level designs. ME3: Super original and revolutionary: the Citadel, lol. That's the canon ending in my mind. OH! But I also love the Omega DLC! Hmm...
Control, Synthesis or Destroy?: Destroy, but I also change a bunch of that ending in my mind, too. Namely, that EDI and the geth live and the Citadel isn't destroyed.
Favorite weapon: N7 Valiant sniper rifle <333
Favorite place: Omega or Illium
A quote I like: The whole exchange during Priority: Rannoch right before Shepard takes on a Reaper on foot. There's so many, many of them from Joker. But, for the sake of choosing: "This is why I love hanging out with you guys! Why shoot something once when you can shoot it 46 more times!" --Urdnot Wrex, 2186
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heilith · 3 years
For the GAME:
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
In part, "Dragon's Share" (Smaug x Reader, Thranduil x reader) the reversed proposal (a lady to a man, that's what I did irl).
Then, "Up Here" (Fili x reader). I'm a bit ashamed of remembering which part of my experience it's based on, really. :)
And also Autumn hands (Haldir x reader). The imagine was not mine, but I could relate. It was about a reader with perpetually cold hands. 
And I had a story-teller reader, who loved fairy-tales in Sing, Princess (Orophin x reader) - this one is totally me and the stories are among my favourite ones. I want to continue this one badly.
Well, that was unnecessary detailed and boring. :)
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
Which one of my fics, dear? :)
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
It was my contribution to a so-called Flash Fanfiction Writing Challenge - we had 5 minutes to write something, no editing, no rereading, “we die like men” (c). I wrote a grieving Thranduil - just a snippet, but people said they cried. :)
Clicky - here it is. 
Thank you! :D 
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thatgamefromthatad · 3 years
Ads vs. Gameplay (Merge County Review)
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(Ads on the left, gameplay on the right.)
This is a three-item merge game that follows the same format of another game I’ve played called EverMerge. As far as I can tell they’re not made by the same companies and EverMerge came first so I suppose Merge County is kind of a ripoff of EverMerge so far as you can call two games that follow the same basic genre format ripoffs of one another. I’m guessing things like match-3 and merge aren’t patented or anything though so I guess it’s debatable.
Anyway, the difference in format from something like Merge Dragons for example is that instead of collecting characters to harvest from resources who eventually run out of stamina, you have a set number of workers who can work at a time and each resource has a set amount of energy it costs to harvest and time it takes to harvest. Larger items that you merge up to also need to be “built” by the workers to “complete” them, which also takes a set amount of time. So there are two ways to hit a wall where you have to wait to keep playing - running out of energy or having all your workers tied up with long harvest/build times. I’ve found this requires you to kind of strategize to get the most playtime possible by trying to use up your stamina first before having all workers stuck in 30 minutes plus tasks (and you only get two workers to start with).
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I won’t go over all the differences between these two distinct flavors of 3-item merge games (that might have to be its own separate post if you’re interested) but basically if you’ve played Merge Dragons or Merge Magic, Merge County is not quite the same, and if you’ve played EverMerge, this game is basically the same thing in a different skin. As far as which type I prefer, I’m personally more of a Merge Dragons gal, but anyway, let’s get more into the quality of this game (and the ads) below.
As far as free casual mobile games go, this one is pretty well made, has decent art, no issues with mechanics (other than their lack of originality) and no pop up ads which is a big plus in my book. To review the gameplay would basically be reviewing an entire genre since there are just so many games following the exact same concept with different art and storylines, but one thing I do like more about this kind of game vs something like Merge Dragons is that when you have 3 (or 5) items next to each other they don’t merge unless you actually place them on top of each other - I find this makes it easier to avoid accidental merges of items that end up next to each other and easier to make the 5-item merges where you get a bonus item. Also this game (and EverMerge) have a kind of clicky sound that plays when you move around items like you’re clicking the item into place on the board. That feels more satisfying to me for whatever reason and overall it feels easier to keep the board organized in this game vs Merge Dragons etc.
The storyline of this game is based around this postal worker main character basically fixing up the town/county or whatever and the characters you meet are people with roles in the town like firefighter, teacher etc. Can’t say I’m super invested in the storyline and there’s nothing really exciting or interesting about it but the character designs and art are pretty good. However, this boring plotline goes to show just how fake the ads are, there’s no infidelity, no mom trying to fix up a cold cabin for her kids, none of that. You basically harvest things like mailboxes and merge them up to build a post office etc. It’s cute that the items are themed around the different characters and you’re merging toward a goal of building something specific related to the plot but again this is no different than what’s in EverMerge.
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There are also separate event boards that have their own items and side storylines which is cute (the one I mostly played was about the zookeeper working with the teacher to teach kids about animals so the items were school supplies and penguins). With the main board and event board (which has its own separate energy storage) together you can get a decent amount of playtime in one sitting, but when you’re merging up to bigger items that need workers to finish building them the time can be up to an hour or more, so there can be some significant waiting involved depending on where you are in the game and how many workers you are using at a time. For final buildings you also have to wait at 24 hours for them to finish but there’s only one of each building so you can still do things with the other worker(s).
Overall this is a decent game as far as games in this genre go, just with especially egregiously bad ads and a pretty boring plot.
Ad Honesty Rating: 1/5 (there are ads for this game that really have nothing to do with the game, not even the same characters or type of gameplay, the only honest thing is some of the ads show merging)
Overall Rating: 4/5
Thanks so much for reading! 🥳
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summonernoctis · 4 years
game shows are fun for me to watch because i have no knowledge of any game series ever. people will be posting like ‘ohhhh yeah everyone’s going to be excited about a sequel to pointy-shooty-clicky-game that came out in 2011′ or ‘i instantly knew this was the sequel to that video game with medieval fantasy dragons that looks like the other twenty medieval fantasy dragon games that have had trailers this stream’ and i will be sitting there, head empty, somehow not privy to thousands of gaming history and culture despite being able to accidentally spoil myself to the One Thing i consume within seconds of it dropping
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fortheloveoflizards · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity! 💖
Hah, this is actually my side blog and I already got this from you on my main, but I had so much fun I’ll do it again! Strictly lizard-centric this time~
1. You know that little clicky purr/growl some European style dragons do in movies and games? Yeahhhh! 2. Chameleons! Just,, the whole thing; Chameleons are babie 3. When domesticated snakes try to slither through pipes and tube-shaped objects but get caught or stuck halfway through?? Legendary 4. Anyone remember that one post asking about what if dragons’ scales do the puff-up thing cat fur and bird feathers do when they spooked? The noises I made when I first saw that were pure joy, honestly. 5. Geckos are probably my favourite lizard in existence! I mcfreaking love their fat little bodies and they sucky fingers and *incoherent squealing* They’re probably the one creature smaller than my hand that I’d be happy to be covered in, and that’s saying a LOT!
Honestly I could go on and on for days about all the things about lizards and dragons that make me happy, but I’ll leave it at these five. For now~
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