#clintony fanfic
mynameismeowmeow · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clint Barton/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Hulk (Marvel) Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, Baking, Bad Science, Cookies, Wooing, First Kiss, Touch-Starved, Touch Starved Tony Stark, Team Bonding, Mouth-to-Mouth, Happy Ending, Swearing Summary:
Clint mentions that if someone were to give him his Pappy's chocolate chip cookies he would marry them , and Tony can't pass that up, so tries making them himself. What ensues is unsafe kitchen behavior and shenanigans.
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kitsunelokiversali · 7 years
That One Movie
What’s in a Day
Title: What’s in a Day Chapter 2: That One Movie
Fandom: Avengers (movieverse)
Pairing: Clint/Tony
Rating: G
Word Count: 1339
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
AO3 Version here
Based off this prompt
Remember that one movie, Killer Mermaid?
           Tony walked in on Clint scrolling through Netflix, his eyes taking on the sheen of someone who had been scrolling for hours already. For some reason, Clint’s movie suggestions were all rom-coms and B-movies, even though the archer always picked comedies and mysteries on his turn for movie nights. The spysassion (name courtesy of Tony’s coffee-induced imagination) didn’t even twitch when Tony walked past, which was an insult if ever Tony saw one, but not enough of one to convince Tony to poke at the laying bird.
           Still, Clint was seriously out of it, so Tony looked around the common room, hoping someone else was there for Tony to sic on Clint. Nope. No one. Cursing to himself, Tony ruffled his greasy hair with a grimace and walked to the kitchen to grab himself a coffee. There was no way he was dealing with a bored Clint on no coffee.
           Steaming ambrosia in hand, Tony wandered back into the large living room, seeking the presence of one of their allies once more. Nothing. Resigned, Tony plopped down on the couch next to Clint, shoving the other man until he let Tony squeeze under his legs. Bored blue eyes rolled to Tony as Clint pursed his lips, his cheeks puffed out with air.
           “There’s nothing on.”
           Tony scrubbed his rough hands up and down his face, the dark circles under his eyes more pronounced under the glare he sent Clint. “There’s plenty on. Just pick something.” Clint groaned, but scrunched his eyes shut and scrolled down and across until he got bored. Without looking, he picked the movie he ended up on, only to hit his head back on the couch’s arm when he saw what he picked.
           “Killer Mermaid? Really? Who looked at that and thought, ‘now that’s a good idea! Let’s do it!’ huh?” Glaring balefully at the idealistic scenery and foreign names moving across the screen, Clint added a sneer to his expression. “This is going to be a stupid movie.”
           Rolling his eyes hard enough to hurt, Tony smacked Clint’s ankle, “Just shut up and watch the fucking movie, Legolas. Or do I need to put L-O-T-R in?” Clint huffed and shifted so one of his elbows rested on the couch’s arm and his loose fist propped his chin up. Tony grunted when the archer’s heel knocked him in the side, and shifted warily when the archer’s final position left his heel right in Tony’s groin.
           Joining in on the grumbling, Tony stretched forward to put his coffee on the table before he spilled it. They lasted only the first few minutes before making a sound; both men groaned when the couple from the intro began making out. Tony made some comment about how the scene was just fanservice as soon as the woman got rid of her top, and Clint started complaining about how boring the movie was. Of course, Tony shushed Clint, since they were too little into the movie to really decide whether it was boring or not. Not that Tony thought Clint was wrong though.
           The shirtless blonde died with a grappling hook through her throat and the movie shifted over to a pair of girls. Another few minutes passed before Clint shot Tony a flat look, “Tony, their acting sucks. And really,” Clint cleared his throat and affected a higher pitch, “’we’re only friends. It’s really nothing!’” Speaking normally, he called the entire plot obvious.
           Scrubbing at his face again, Tony leaned forward for his coffee, stopping short with the effort as Clint’s heel dug into his groin and stomach. “This is ridiculous. Either get up so I can get my coffee and get comfortable, or get my coffee for me.” Clint stared at the screen, not really watching, for a few minutes before slowly dragging himself up.
One shoulder jerked up, then the other, then his arms stiffly straightened, all until he was upright a few inches from Tony’s side. He handed the brunette his coffee and instead leaned back and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. “Better?”
“Much.” Slouching into the cushion, Clint stretched his arms along the back, using his right arm to nudge Tony closer.
In theory, that was as smooth as Clint could get, and it was an excellent idea. Feed the genius coffee and offer silent, non-judgmental cuddles. In practice, two men practically the same height did not fit together well when cuddling on the couch. Since Clint was slouching, his arm didn’t comfortably encircle Tony’s broad shoulders, and Tony’s elbow was awkwardly trapped between their bodies, digging into both of their sides. The overworked engineer cocked his head to the side to make it feel less like he was craning his neck, only to fail to rest his head on Clint’s shoulder since it was much lower down.
They both shifted at the same time, resulting in Clint’s right arm getting shoved up suddenly while simultaneously smacking Tony in the head. Both cursing, they scooched away from each other, pointedly not looking at each other. They gave up just in time for one of the American women on screen to make out with her ex that was supposedly engaged to another woman entirely. Clint nudged Tony’s shoulder and jerked his chin towards the screen, “I told you so. This is more predictable than Justin Hammer.”
Tony choked on his coffee, the cup shaking in his hand and spilling some of the hot liquid on his pants. He jumped and rubbed at the spot, but didn’t bother to get up and clean it off. Coffee was hardly anything compared to what he got hit with in the lab.
They continued watching the movie, spouting off whatever comments came to mind, rarely actually responding to each other. Bored and tired as Clint was though, not even he could let the explanation slide. “You mean creepy red neck guy in Ukraine is fucking the ugly fish lady? Are you serious? Why the hell did she get out of the water? Who wrote this shit?!” By the end of his rant, Clint’s hands were raised above his head, and his feet had dropped from the coffee table to the floor. “Why did you give the harpoon to chick? How’s she going to help? Would you do that?”
No response. Clint looked over, “Tony?” Tony was no longer paying attention to the movie or Clint. Instead, his head was knocked back, his mouth slightly open and his eyes closed. Somehow, without Clint noticing, Tony had fallen asleep. Clint stared blankly for a second, completely missing the one guy that the dead ex hated jumping or falling to his watery death. He took the mug from Tony’s lax grip and put it on the table, his expression clear of his thoughts.
Bastard. How dare he?
Clint couldn’t resist the glare he sent at Tony. Plus, everyone knew falling asleep during a movie made you fair game. Totally.
This was no time for a prank though. No, this called for something more satisfying. Without giving a single though to the repercussions, Clint punched Tony in the arm, mouth already tilting up for a smile. The next second wiped the smirk off his face as Tony full on back-handed Clint as he jerked awake. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to remember where he was, then settled confused doe eyes on the cursing archer.
“What the hell are you doing, Merida?”
The glare Clint sent Tony was downright dirty. Hand still on his tender jaw that would definitely bruise, Clint waved broadly towards the TV. “I think it’s over.”
Tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows, Tony shrugged and got up from the couch. “In that case, I’m going to bed Robin Hood. You’re watching the next one on your own.” Forgoing speech, Clint simply waved Tony away.
That… really sucked.
At least now we know we can’t cuddle.
But I was happy you stayed with me that whole time.
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