dreamsinteacups · 2 years
dreams i see u reblogged my post abt House would u like to listen to my and my roommate's podcast housebound and also join the housebound discord
omg HOUSEBOUND!! Thank you! I remember you mentioning this to me ages ago and it sounded so good, but I completely blanked on the name. Hell yes I would like to listen.. we've got a stat holiday here in Canada today, I can't wait to dive in while I do housework <3 very well-timed too b/c I've been thinking lately how much I miss this show
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combines · 2 months
hello again!! as someone who comes from the 2020 fandom resurgence I am. SO SORRY. that happened a lot unfortunately. yeah we did NOT know how to act early on (ToT). I had the vibe it was a lot of people's first online fandoms.
the ship with two guys in it being dubbed butter pecan because of something something 'a lot of nuts' is again, so, so funny. Thank you for enlightening me on this, I know it's probably wild to be asked about this stuff like a decade after. This is like honestly a bit of a mystery in the fandom so it's insane finding out the source!! A real miracle the person who coined it so long ago is still active on tumblr
And speaking, it is and was INSANELY hard to dig for any 'fandom history' or even just any sort of Old post on here and I hate it.
another little question if that's okay- I'd assume that seeing the change in reception to freemance and freehoun kinda swapping around must've been bizarre as an older fan considering this was a fandom for a fps game in the early 2000's-early 2010's, in my head the vibes were kinda reversed where freemance was the big ship and freehoun was less well received by most
hiii again!!! i'm so sorry it took me a few days to answer this sdkfsmdk
i think it's super funny because both half-life: alyx and hlvrai came out within weeks of each other so you had this sort of resurgence on here of old fans returning/posting and getting excited for alyx and then a huge wave of people getting into hl in general because of the audience that hlvrai introduced. personally, i still haven't watched hlvrai because it doesn't really seem like my thing, but i'm still glad that there were so many people who enjoyed it to the point where they actually ended up playing and loving the games too!!
freemance definitely was the big ship on tumblr back in the day so yes it was very interesting to see that reversal!!!! honestly i don't think i was on tumblr too much during that time where hlvrai/freehoun really took off, and so the drama surrounding ship wars or whatever was mentioned to me secondhand. 2020 was just like the worst year of my life for personal reasons, as i'm sure for a lot of people, and i can't remember really any of it tbh LOL but you've got nothing to apologize for! i think you're definitely right, it seemed like a first fandom for many people, and that generally skewed younger. i think (hope) it's a better now at least!
tumblr's tagging/tracking/search is HORRIBLE i completly understand. i still think tumblr is the best place for fandom centralized stuff (pictures, art, gifs, etc) and until there's a new platform that does it better, i'll probably still be here, if super sporadically!
if you are interested in uncovering past hl fandom posts or just looking to follow some great people, i've tagged just some that were active in the hl fandom back in the day!!! :') i'm sure they wouldn't mind if you combed their archive looking for hl stuff/shitposts <3
@mbelyakova @littlewitchbee @temunade2 @loplins @angels-heap @anndromedea @skellagirl @bioticbear @cortnan @duamuteffe @protokol @cerviceps @axiolotl @clodiuspulcher @caramujotan @drgertiefremontphd @jauffre @owligator @saikkunen @utopianoverlord @failssafe @brogineer
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Favorite Posts
Mainly this is so I can find these posts easily (for future reference) but also wanna make a place for all these great posts :3
this is definitely not complete and I don't think it ever will be haha
Apollo is Best Dad by @whatasunchild
Artemis & Ipheginia in Aulis by @specialagentartemis
Mythology is Flexible by @tuurverheydepoetryandprose
Defend Apollo Hours by @whatasunchild
Apollo & Cassandra Fanfic by @odiko-ptino (i need more nuanced Apollo & Cassandra they give me LIFE)
Apollo & Admetus I
Apollo & Admetus II (with extras!)
Apollo & Cassandra Analysis II
Apollo & Cassandra Analysis III
Apollo & Rhoeo
Apollo & Cassandra Analysis I by @poemsandmyths @theoiaesthetics and @wasspword
Apollo & Hera by @sukizula, @/my-name-is-apollo, @greek-suitehearts, @pjgreeksblog, & more!
The Eumenides Analysis by @clodiuspulcher and @crisisoninfintefandoms
Artemis & Apollo's Relationship in ToA by @worlds-oldest-teenager
TTT Apollo V Commodus Fight Analyzed by @newathens
Demigods POV on the gods V Apollo's by @the-primordial-archivist
Keyseeker's Abundance of Analysis by @flightfoot
Reread PJO/HoO/ToA by @hashtagloveloses
Apollo Headcanons by @ukelele-boy
Copollo Art That Inspired A Fanfic (And My Reaction To It) by @newobsessioneveryweek
Copollo Incorrect Quote by @moodyseal
The Apollo Iceberg by @lubble-underscore
ToA/AtLA Fusion by @colorsunlikeanythingseen
Rachel & Apollo by @hogoflight
"the fall of the sun; the final verse"
Apollo Slay Moments
The Estelle Theory
Apollo's Fatal Flaw
Middle Child Hermes
Sunny's Timeline (part 1) (part 2)
Copollo ToApril 2023 Fanart
The Delphic Family (With Some of My Headcanons)
Caged God Art (that i wanna make a fanfic of) (that i DID make a fanfic of-)
Top 7 Exes From Ancient Greece
Apollo Headcanons
Zeus & Apollo
Greek & Roman Culture Differences
Apollo & Zeus BoO Analyzed
The Halcyon Green Elephant
ToA: What To Know Before Reading
What Apollo's Arc Is Really About
Apollo Kids are Greek AND Roman
Apollo & Octavian
Michael Yew's Fatal Flaw (Ao3)
The Twins & the di Angelos (Ao3)
Michael Yew's Death (Ao3)
Kronos Wins AU (But Also Not)
Nico & Apollo by @tsarinatorment & @fearlessinger
Apollo is CHB's Patron by @tsarinatorment, with additions by @stereden (here) & @fearlessinger (here)
Commodus Redemption Arc: How It Could Happen some clowning between @moodyseal and myself :)
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halleycomets · 5 months
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@clodiuspulcher its amazing how people can become so connected online
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madqueenalanna · 9 months
the running bit @clodiuspulcher and i have about maester qarl markes and who would read him will never fail to make me laugh
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dicaeopolis · 1 month
Tagged by @coffinbutch to post the first ten songs that come up on shuffle! I... feel like this is a very generous representation of how interesting my music taste is LMAO
Inside Out - Eve 6
Feed the Tree - Belly
Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band
Shake Me - Toni Lynn Washington
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl - Chappell Roan
Ele - Debo Band
YA YA - Beyonce
Willow Witchin' - Nat Myers
Four Walls of Raiford - Justin Johnson
Until You Come Back to Me - Aretha Franklin
Tagging !!! @clodiuspulcher @aeternitimperi @magnvmchasma @snaps-wexley @clonerightsenthusiast @wingedscribe @tangled-pixel-harpsichord @vriskarlmarx @bymyprettyfloralbonnet and @gavelenvy !!!
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aeternitimperi · 8 months
five songs! tagged by @loveofdetail :)c
1. Sandy - Murder By Death // on repeat as i build out a little Shadowheart mix for myself. to be honest i have mostly been listening to Murder By Death lately, but in the interest of variety i’ll only mention their incomparable, orchestral, folksy, deliciously layered tunes this once
2. Highwayman - Murder By Death // ok i lied, but their cover of Highwayman is so good
3. gravity - Montaigne, David Byrne // filed under songs that make me cry bc i am in love with @magnvmchasma
4. Lagoon - Horsey // i haven’t listened to much of their stuff but i do love the shouty glam jazz ? that they bring to the table. this one’s on my mix for charlie (see tumblr user magnvmchasma) and my vtm vampires who are divorced
5. captain alberti bundi (of the SS EZ Bell) - Ezra Bell // jaunty little pirate tune that’s been on my mind because charlie is running Waterdeep Dragon Heist for our group and their supremely demented and equally charismatic Jarlaxle has been haunting my every waking moment
tagging @magnvmchasma @brightbluedot @clodiuspulcher @dicaeopolis @antonsokolov and @sciencefiction-doublefeature :)
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esperanzagalaxy · 1 year
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 another commission from last year: for the one and only @clodiuspulcher, his beautiful girl, the kenku druid thatch. september and october were a bit of a blur and work was pretty choppy, but looking at this one now...? it cam out proper pretty. it’s so pleasant to look at. i was honored to illustrate a very special scene from thatch’s campaign, and am very thankful that ducky helped make this look its best with his input. thanks again, so much!!! <33
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beholdingslut · 4 years
top 5 songs for Aeneas and Dido
actually hurt my feelings making this, thank you. i would go so far as to say these are in a loose order.
better love, hozier
chided by that silence of a hush sublime blind to the purpose of the brute divine but you were mine
cruel summer, taylor swift
and i screamed, “for whatever it’s worth, i love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
electrical storm, U2
you're in my mind all of the time i know that's not enough if the sky can crack there must be some way back for love and only love
the end of love, florence + the machine
i feel nervous in a way that can’t be named i dreamt last night of a sign that read, “the end of love”
horizon, aldous harding 
say again, this place here is your princess and here is your horizon
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antiquery · 5 years
can you give some constructive criticism to Vergil
i have one thing to constructively criticize vergil for and that is tastefully fading to black when aeneas and dido shelter from the storm in a cave in book 4
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despazito · 5 years
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amphitritie · 5 years
nothing will ever top clodius getting cicero exiled and then just fucking demolishing his house - and not only that but then going ahead and building a whole fucking temple to liberty on top of the site. the drama. the boldness. the panache. 
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deadpanwalking · 5 years
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Sleepy boy
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no...sleepy BOYS
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lessthansix · 5 years
@clodiuspulcher replied to your photo: Joyce DiDonato and Andrea Mastroni  in Agrippina...
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naomimakesart · 5 years
just read fire and blood in like 5 days and I care about the Targaryens SO much more now so I had to go see if you’d drawn some of my favorite scenes and you DID so THANK you!! (Also I just wanted to say it’s totally valid not to like aegon II much and like.... I didn’t for most of the dance BUT THEN in true GRRM fashion I couldn’t help but deeply empathize with and pity him when Sunfyre crawled back to him and he lived the short rest of his life in agonizing pain... George how COULD you...)
It definitely broke my heart when Sunfyre died, and Aegon wept; I WEPT. Aegon isn’t one of my favorite Targaryens but I can appreciate he was in a hard position. If my advisers and mother were telling me that my sister’s husband/my uncle would undoubtedly order my entire family’s execution or orchestrate their  death once he became Queen Consort (we all know that Lord Fleabottom would have made sure that anyone standing in the way of his son’s claim to the throne would have been annihilated) UNLESS I became King, I would have probably done the same.
I also know that he was unstable after Sunfyre died, but I thought it was kind of funny how he kept changing his mind about Baela’s execution. Ultimately I’m very grateful he didn’t have her killed. 
Also I’m glad that Fire and Blood has given a new perspective on House Targaryen to some who may not have felt as strongly about them before. And there are still many more scenes from the book that I want to draw and hopefully will in the future! 
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catilinas · 5 years
Please write a limerick about Clodius and or Clodius and Fulvia in Particular gratias Tibi ago
without fulvia, to his dismay
clodius (airpods in) went that day.
oh my god he can’t hear her,
oh fuck, milo gets nearer—
Stabbed To Death On The Appian Way.
send me a topic and i’ll write the shittiest limerick i can about it
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