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shopawhnie · 6 months
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theweirdgoodbyes · 7 months
never asked me once about the wrong i did chapter 3
Merriell’s parents help Llewelyn buy a small house nearby and his poor wife spends the next decade pregnant and dragging her husband home from speakeasies and then newly reopened bars. The only Shelton boy who actually attended school, Willard goes off to some fancy college in Georgia thanks to scholarships and money he’s been sneaking from Daddy’s wallet for years. Mama makes him promise to visit but he never does, and settles down in Atlanta, sending the occasional letter home. Not long after, Victor and Francis get jobs working on the shrimp boats and only come home once a month lugging laundry for Mama to do. She never complains, just asks for a kiss on the cheek as payment. Merriell can’t stand the way they stink up the bedroom during the weekends they’re home, reeking of fish and gasoline, and keeps the window open to get the smell out no matter how cold it is outside. Robert joins the Navy, and Arthur gets locked up after he robs that same store Merriell steals candy from of all their money and a pack of smokes. By the time he’s fifteen, his brothers have scattered and Merriell is left alone. The once constant cacophony that came with the family of nine has mellowed into a soft hum, only spiking on the nights Daddy gets too drunk and finds a reason to slap Merriell around. 
Merriell misses his brothers more than he thought he would, so used to all seven of them shoved into one room from the time they were weaned. The first night he spends alone he barely sleeps, tossing and turning and imagining spooky things slipping out from the shadows of the once full room, the quiet reaching out to suffocate him. He finds himself longing for the comfort of Arthur next to him, the sound of Robert’s snoring, the rattling of the window late at night as the older boys snuck in and out. But times goes on, his brothers visit when they can, and Merriell finds himself eventually thankful for the space. He has enough room to stretch without kicking somebody, doesn’t have to step over scattered clothes on the floor on his way to the bathroom. Life without his brothers is lonely, but survivable. What almost kills him is when Mr. Leconte’s wife kicks him out during the summer of 1935.
It’s a hot night in June when Merriell’s world crumbles. He wakes up from an odd dream, something he immediately forgets but has left that uncomfortable feeling in his chest. He rolls to his side, eyes still half shut as he paws his bedside table for his watch. Holding it close to his face in the darkness he can see the small hand settled on the three. He kicks his sweaty blankets off and rolls over, planning on closing his eyes again when he hears a whisper.
He sits up quickly with a gasp. 
“What the fuck,” he whispers to the dark. All those spooky things he had imagined months ago infiltrate his brain, monsters and demons threatening to sneak out and eat him up. Another whisper has him gripping his chest, fearful eyes trying to pinpoint their origin. 
“The window!” 
Merriell whips his head around to look towards the window he had cracked earlier to cool down his scalding room.
“Merriell!” The eyes staring in through the slit are identical to his own and the voice is now familiar. “Open the damn window!”
Merriell slips out of bed and sees Victor, lightly illuminated by the distant moon. Three other figures stand behind him and Merriell quickly recognizes Francis among them. He unlocks the window and pushes it up slowly, trying to avoid its tell-tale creaks. 
“What you doin’ here? You know what fuckin’ time it is?” Merriell hisses, moving out of the way as Victor climbs in. In what little light is offered, he looks like he’s actually showered and smells like cheap cologne and smoke instead of a boat. Francis follows, equally clean, and Merriell can now see that the two strangers about to climb in after them are girls. Those fuckers. 
“Sorry we ain’t bring you back one,” Victor whispers as he helps one girl through the window. She’s a pretty blonde thing with a skirt short enough to send Mama into prayer. Her heel gets caught on the sill and tips forward with a squeak of surprise. Victor and Merriell catch her before she hits the ground, “Girl, if you don’t hush up…”
“Mama’s gon’ kill you if she finds out,” Merrill warns, ignoring Victor’s comment. He helps Francis get the other girl though the window nevertheless, his loyalty to his brothers outweighing his fear of their mother. He really doesn’t want a girl brought back for him, and feels nothing but disgust imagining his hand slipping under some broad’s dress like Francis is doing to his girl the moment her feet hit the ground. “Then she gon’ kill you again because you didn’t tell her you were comin’ home.”
“I’m Gloria!” Victor’s blonde practically screams before Victor can reply, the smell of wine pouring from her lips. Victor quickly slaps a hand over her mouth and sits her on Merriell’s bed. She kicks her shoes off and flops back, making herself comfortable while she whispers hurried apologies. Merriell is about to tell her to beat it when Victor responds, settling on the bed next to her. 
“We just got the night. Figured we’d go down to LaRue’s and have some drinks. We met these lovely ladies and…” Victor gives him a smile thats half coy, half pity, “need a place to roost.”
“Take ‘em to the fuckin’ boat! Y’all got beds there,” Merriell whispers harshly. He watches the blonde begin to unbutton her blouse. He quickly looks away, convincing himself he’s being polite.
Francis pipes up from the other bed, lifting his head from the lips of the busty brunette he’s got sprawled under him, “Piss-stained cots is what we got. C’mon, Mer, be cool. Two hours.”
Like a petulant child, Merriell plants his bare feet on the ground and shoots nasty looks at his brothers. This isn’t the first time he’s been kicked out in favor of some airhead, and has learned over the years that looking for a bargain never hurts. 
“What’s in it for me?”
“I don’t beat you silly, boy, that’s what in it for you,” Francis says, sounding so much like Daddy its as if the words came out of their old man’s mouth, “Now get the fuck outta here.”
“This my room now, y’know.” Merriell mumbles, getting down on his knees to reach for a pair of shoes he has tucked under his bed.  He’s tired as all hell and wants nothing more than to reclaim his bed, but it’s not worth the fight, and God knows he doesn’t want stay for the show. He quickly slips the old shoes on and tries to tune out the sound of buckles being undone, avoiding looking back at the beds as he throws one leg out the window. He makes sure to grab his watch before the short drop to the ground and begins to walk towards the street.
“Mer!” The sharp whisper has him turning back to the window. He sees Victor hanging out of it, three cigarettes and a lighter in his extended hand. Merriell takes it, remembering why Victor has always been his favorite and feeling a bit better about his expulsion. 
“For the trouble,” Vic says with a wink before ducking back into the room and shutting the window.
Merriell meanders up their street, kicking rocks and savoring his gifted cigarettes. He lets his mind wander, thinking about everything and nothing while his feet drag down the dirt road. He’s used to being alone with his thoughts, never quite getting along with kids at school and often taking long walks like this to avoid Daddy’s beatings.  He checks his watch occasionally, counting the minutes until he can head back and crawl into bed. After an hour and a half he finally turns back in the direction of the house and allows himself to jog there. He was told two hours and two hours is all they’ll get. 
He gets home sooner than expected, his quick steps returning him home a bit before five. He plops himself down on the porch steps and decides to smoke his last cigarette before banging on his window to be let back in. He pictures his brothers curled up in the beds with their beaus, whispering sweet nothings to these girls they have no intention of ever seeing again. He closes his eyes and tries to picture himself next to that squeaky blonde or well-endowed brunette, his hands caressing their bodies, his hips flush to theirs. The thought is hard to conjure and he finds himself bored of it quickly. Female bodies warble and shift in his mind, resettling into focus with breasts replaced by a flat chest and Merriell’s imaginary hand reaches between strong legs to grip-
The sound of a door slamming startles him out of his fantasy. He searches for the sound, ready to throw his cigarette into the bushes if it’s Daddy coming to kick his ass. He’s thankful to see the door was not his own, seeing it is still shut tight behind him. Confusion replaces his relief when out of the corner of his eye he sees Mr. Leconte stomping down his own steps, a suitcase in each hand. Merriell watches him turn to yell something he can’t make out in the direction of his house, followed by a shrill and equally unintelligible reply. Mr. Leconte begins to storm down the street, moving past Merriell without his usual wink and wave. Merriell takes one last puff of his smoke before crushing it under his heel and getting up to follow his neighbor. 
It takes Merriell a minute to catch up with the older man’s fast stride and he has to catch his breath before asking, “Where you goin’, Mr. Leconte?” 
His voice a mix of anger and sadness, Mr Leconte replies, “Leaving, son. Missus is done with me.” 
Merriell almost trips over a rock he doesn’t see in his shock. He feels the blood rushing in his ears and his heart start to beat hard. Leaving? He has to have misheard. 
“Leaving? Leaving forever?”
“Yep. Leavin’ the house, the dog, leavin’ everythin’. That bitch can keep it all, ain’t worth shit anyway.” 
“But where you gon’ go?”
“Back to Shreveport, I reckon.” Merriell’s stomach drops to his knees and he feels like he could vomit right there onto his shoes. Shreveport is hours from their small town south of New Orleans. 
“That’s real far,” Merriell manages to say, feeling anxiety rise in his chest. He can’t take his eyes off Mr. Leconte, trying to memorize his face, his auburn locks, the determined set of his jaw. Petrified of the answer, he stills asks, “You gon’ come back?”
“Don’t reckon I will.”
Mr. Leconte stops for a moment and Merriell stops with him, feeling like he’s stepped back into a dream; a nightmare. The older man sets one suitcase down and reaches out to grip Merriell’s shoulder, dark eyes meeting green. Merriell barely registers that this is the first, the only, time Mr. Leconte has touched him and finds himself unable to revel in the pleasure of it. Not when he’s about to be gone, when this will be the last time they see each other. 
“Word of advice, Merriell,” Merriell’s heart betrays him by fluttering in his chest from Mr. Leconte saying his name, “don’t ever get married.”
How could I, Merriell doesn’t say, hardly dares to think, I only ever wanted to marry you.
With a smile and a wink, Mr. Leconte picks up his suitcase again and keeps walking. Merriell stays frozen in the middle of the road, unable to follow any further. He watches that head of red hair fade away as Mr. Leconte continues his walk to Shreveport, leaving his wife and his house and the bayou and Merriell behind him.
“I’ll miss you,” he says, so soft that it’s lost to the burgeoning dawn. If Mr. Leconte hears it, he doesn’t turn around. Merriell stays there and watches him until he’s gone from sight, unmoving until a car comes whizzing down the road. The driver lays on the horn and Merriell is finally freed from his self-imposed prison to jump out of the way. The driver yells out some insult in Creole as they fly by, something about dumbass kids. Usually Merriell would yell something back, accentuated by a couple of thrown rocks but he finds himself unable to do anything except turn around and run back to the house. He feels hot and shaky, unsure if he’s going to pass out or scream, and needs to be alone somewhere to process what has just happened. 
Merriell throws open the front door and hurries into the house, not caring about making noise, almost blind from the tears filling his eyes. He rushes past Mama standing in the kitchen. She must have just woken up, still in her nightgown and a cup of steaming tea in hand. She looks confused to see him, most likely wondering where he could be coming from at this hour. 
He ignores her, moving as fast as he can without running until he’s in his bedroom. Blissfully, no one is there, only the smell of that cheap cologne left as evidence of his unwelcome guests. Victor and Francis must have snuck their girls out already and headed back to the docks. He scrambles to lock the door and presses his back to it, shaking hands reaching up to grip his hair. He ignores the sharp pain in his scalp as he clutches his curls tight.
“Don’t cry,” he says, a warning, a threat. “Don’t fuckin’ cry. Don’t fuckin cry. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry…”
He tries to steady his breathing and begins to search around the room for something to count, anything to keep him from exploding. He counts the wood panels on the wall, the cracks in the ceiling, the knobs on the dressers in rapid succession but it’s not enough. He even begins to count the wrinkles in the blankets on the beds his brothers have left unmade, but his vision continues to blur with tears begging to come out. Once he feels the first drop hit his cheek, it’s all over with. A sob rips from his chest, shaking his whole body with it. He tries to breathe in but can’t, only managing to choke on the next wail pouring out of him. He walks to his bed and doesn’t bother kicking his dirty shoes off before climbing in, caring about nothing else in the world except for the fact that Mr. Leconte was gone. He cries and cries like the little boy he once was, back when he could convince himself he only liked Mr. Leconte because he was kind; cries and cries and cries while the reality of his situation creeps up on him like a starving wolf stalking a lamb. I love him, the shameful thought alone wrenching another sob from his chest, and I’ll never see him again. He vows right then and there in his lonely room that he’ll never marry, never kiss anyone the way he wished Mr. Leconte had kissed him, never love again. Not if it hurts this much, not if he could just about curl up and die. He imagines Granmere digging his grave, praying for his sinful soul while those hands as old the heavens rifle through the dirt. Merriell holds his pillow tight and cries into it long after the sun has fully risen and set, long after Mama has given up knocking on the door, until sleep releases him from his heartbreak. 
Francis and Victor come home for Christmas Eve, this time through the front door instead of Merriell’s bedroom window. Merriell barely hears them come in over the sound of Robert, home on leave, and Daddy arguing and Llewelyn’s screeching children. His wife’s pregnant again, like the four children they already have aren’t a handful and slowly driving them insane. Aside from the permanently sticky hands and never ending screaming, Merriell enjoys being an uncle and sits at the dinner table with little Ricky on his lap. The tot is gnawing on the turkey leg Merriell had just finished with, keeping a close eye on him so he doesn’t choke. He only looks up when Mama gasps and hurries from her spot at the table to greet her sons. 
“Ho, ho, ho!” Victor calls, wrapping Mama in a hug. They hadn’t told anyone they were coming, and Mama sings out thanks to the Lord and loving quips in Creole as she fusses over them. She released Victor to squeeze Francis, giving him a light slap on the cheek.
“Don’t y’all surprise me like that again! Oh, hug your mama.”
After shaking Daddy and Robert’s hands and kissing Llewelyn’s wife, Victor slides a pack of cigarettes towards Merriell with a sly wink. He quickly grabs it before little Ricky can shove it in his mouth and slides it into his shirt pocket, Victor once again claiming the title as his favorite brother. 
“Merry Christmas, petit frère.”
Before he can return the sentiment, Mama says, “Don’t be rude now, who this?”
Merriell was so distracted by the commotion and his gift that he hadn’t noticed a third person walk through the door behind his brothers. Francis tosses an arm over the stranger’s shoulder.
“Mama, this here is Tom.”
Merriell takes in Tom from his spot at table, plucking the turkey leg from little Ricky’s mouth since his attention is now elsewhere. Ricky cries out in protest until Merriell gives him a spoon to chew on instead, easily satisfied. This Tom is taller than Victor and Francis, which isn’t saying much since all Shelton boys are short. His hair is hidden under a hat, but when he takes it off to greet Mama there’s a shock of blonde atop his head. He’s got hooded brown eyes that take in their meager dining room, stopping when they reach Merriell. Merriell suddenly feels small, very small, under his gaze and turns his sights back to Ricky. He plops his elbow on the table and leans his cheek against his hand, hoping they aren’t turning as red as they feel. 
“Welcome, Tom, welcome,” Mama says, brushing her hands on her apron before placing one on Tom’s arm. It’s not often they have guests but Mama is always a gracious host. She leads Tom to the table to introduce him to everyone. “This here my oldest Llewelyn, his wife Margaret…” Mama goes through the lineup, stopping at Merriell, “and thats my youngest Merriell with little Ricky.”
“Hi, Merriell,” Tom says in a voice that is so far from Louisiana it takes them all by surprise, “it’s nice to meet you all.”
“Hope you don’t mind him staying, Mama,” Francis says around a mouthful of bread, having settled at the table next to Daddy with a plate full of food, “we wasn’t supposed to get tonight off and Tom ain’t got family ‘round here.”
“Where you from, Tom? Sit, please, c’mon now,” Mama ushers Tom into the chair across from Merriell, much to his chargin, “Lemme make you a plate, I know you boys don’t eat good on that boat.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” This Tom is way too uppity to be working a boat with his brothers, Merriell thinks, all smooth edges where they should be rough. “I’m from Maine. Bar Harbor.”
“How you end up down here, boy?” Daddy asks, half interested, half in the bag already.
“My father is a fisherman. I’ve been on boats my whole life but got sick of the cold water,” Tom answers as Mama returns with a heaping plate to set before him. To Merriell it sounds rehearsed. “Thank you, ma’am. Came down to Louisiana for a fresh start.”
Merriell takes his eyes off Ricky to steal another glance at Tom but quickly has to look away when he sees Tom already gazing back. His family continues to ask Tom questions about his family, what it’s like up north, if he’s ever had a white Christmas. Merriell tunes as much of it out as he can and focuses on his nephew until the end of dinner, having mindlessly picked on what remains of his carrots and potatoes until the table was cleared. Daddy, his brothers, and Tom retreat to the living room to see what’s playing on the radio and Mama and Margaret begin to work on dishes in the kitchen. Merriell decides he needs a smoke, needs to be as far away from Tom as possible, and places Ricky down to toddle off somewhere and get into things he’s not supposed to. Once he’s on the porch he takes a deep breath of the cool air and closes his eyes. He lets the sounds of frogs and crickets singing sooth him, counting their chirps for a moment. It’s only for tonight, he assures himself, just tonight. Come morning they will all say goodbye to Tom when him and his brothers return to the boat. And hopefully that’ll be the last he sees of this disturbingly intriguing man. Merriell lights up a cigarette as he steps off the porch, moving into the shadows to prevent Mama seeing or smelling him. She’d always hated the stuff and asks if he wanted an early grave; Merriell doesn’t know how to tell her that sometimes he does.
Merriell looks up from his cigarette. Through the dim light coming from the porch he can see Tom making his way down the steps and over to where Merriell stands. He stops next to him, far enough where they’re not touching but close enough to make something in Merriell’s gut flutter. 
“Look too young to be a smoker,” Tom adds, tipping his head. A strand of his blonde hair drops down from where it’s slicked back to lay on his forehead. Merriell wants to reach out and put it back where it belongs, taking his time to savor the motion. Instead he snorts and pulls the cigarette from his lips, blowing smoke in the direction of this interloper. 
“Ain’t you got your own family?” He asks, not knowing why his tone is so snippy, “Ain’t you itchin’ to get home?
Tom shrugs, reaching out a hand. Merriell looks at it for a moment before he hands his cigarette over. Tom takes a long pull, scrunching up his face like he’s thinking hard. Merriell can’t help but think it’s a handsome face, not as rugged as it should be for his line of work. He’s clean shaven and his skin looks impossibly soft, no blemishes or scars to be seen. It’s another part of Tom that Merriell wants to reach out and touch, see how it feels under his fingers, under his tongue. Instead he puts his mouth to his hand, biting at his fingernails to distract himself while his cigarette is occupied. “You want your own?” He asks around his nail, pulling the carton from his pocket with his free hand; might as well be in the Christmas spirit and give to the needy. Tom plucks the cigarette from his lips and blows smoke right back at him with a shake of his head. 
“I’m fine with this one. And I don’t talk to them.”
“What you do?”
Tom gives him a look, a look Merriell thinks he’s supposed to understand. He feels his cheeks grow hot under a gaze that he dares say is wanton, a look he’s seen his brothers give their girls. Tom takes another drag before answering and Merriell spends too long watching the way his lips wrap around the butt. 
“They weren’t a fan of my proclivities.” 
“You booze too much?”
“Something like that. So, how old are you gonna be? Vic says you have a birthday coming up.”
“Twenty-one,” the lie slips out so easy he almost believes it himself. Tom does not and gives him a toothy grin.
“Don’t you know lying is a sin?” Tom asks with a raised brow, handing the cigarette back to him. Merriell snatches it, trying to ignore the shiver that goes up his spine when their fingers briefly brush. He ignores the comment as well and looks down at his shoes while he takes his next drag. Lying is the least sinful in his catalogue of misdeeds and dirty thoughts. What he’s thinking about doing to Tom has to be at the top, marked and underlined in red ink for God and the Devil to read.
“Your proclivities so bad your own mama don’t want you ‘round on Christmas?”
“My mother isn’t the issue,” Tom explains, reaching out again to pull the cigarette right from Merriell’s mouth. Deft fingers touch his lips and Merriell nearly gasps at the sensation, almost not believing it happened. “My father is.”
“Well, we all got daddy’s who don’t love us,” Merriell says with a shrug. Tom laughs and Merriell can’t help but smile at the sound.
“Yeah…especially us.”
Tom hands the cigarette back to Merriell, and their fingers hold it together for a moment. Merriell looks into Tom’s dark eyes and sees something in them that almost resembles hope. 
“Merry Christmas, Merriell,” He says in a soft voice, tender, before retreating back into the house. Merriell stays outside and smokes through half of his new carton, trying to stave off the excitement and shame he feels growing deep within him. 
That night, long after everyone has returned from midnight mass and gone to bed, Merriell slips out of his bedroom and with feet that feel like lead makes his way to where Tom sleeps on the couch. Tom wakes up when Merriell slips under the blanket but doesn’t say a word, just wraps a strong arm around his waist and pulls him close.
After, when Tom tries to kiss him, Merriell turns away, feeling lips catch his chin.
“Merry Christmas, Tom.” 
He leaves the makeshift bed and returns to his own, rubbing the spot on his chin where unwelcome lips had briefly touched until he falls asleep. When he wakes up, Tom is gone, leaving a note saying heading back to the docks. He thanks the Sheltons for their hospitality and wishes them a happy new year. Merriell spends the day absently watching his nieces and nephews play with their new toys, sitting on the couch where he has committed his greatest atrocity yet while his family talks and argues and talks and argues around him. Eventually his eyes settle on the cross hanging above their radio and stares at the body of Christ hanging from it with unblinking eyes. He imagines the cross flying off the wall, pointed edge ramming itself into his chest; he pictures blood spurting from the wound and soaking the couch beneath him, masking the remains of his sin from the world around him. 
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redqueenphoenix · 1 year
State Championship (TWD Fanfiction Part 10)
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State Championship Part 10
(A TWD Fan Fiction)
I do not own any of the rights to The Walking Dead, nor do I own any of the characters mentioned from here on in, other than Victoria Hawkins. Some situations have been changed and some people may have been switched in this alternate universe. 
All characters in this fan fiction are over the age of 21 years old.
Coach Negan Smith X Female OC
Word Count: 1285
Part 10
Victoria spent the next few days crying on and off as she packed her stuff. She stepped away from her laptop after scoping out colleges in Atlanta Georgia since she was going back there. She was happy that one of the colleges accepted her in the middle of the school year. Her start date for the new college was next week so she had to get on the road soon. 
She had run into Negan and Lucille once when she went to get boxes and totes from a store and saw how happy they really were. She internally hated what Negan had done, but she couldn’t bring herself to hate him as a person. 
Finally being fully packed she took her stuff to her car, jamming it into the small four door vehicle as she swore. It was a chore doing this by herself, but she didn’t want to leave anything. Once she jammed her last bag of clothes and her laptop into her car, she turned to the office and took her key to them. Knowing that they would do a walk through and give her the deposit back. 
Once the inspection of her apartment had finished she got into her car and looked down at her phone. She felt the need to message Negan goodbye, but then changed her mind. 
Starting her car she began her two hour drive to her mother’s house in Atlanta. The same damn way that the bus took her a handful of months ago. She turned her radio up as she made her way to the highway to leave town. 
Victoria sighed as she hit a stoplight on her way out of town. She rolled her eyes as she looked out her window. There Negan was helping Lucille into a doctor's office, more specifically a cancer doctor. His eyes locked with hers as she pulled forward as the light changed. Taking a shaky breath, she cut through the intersection and made her way out of town.
Her mind wandered as she drove down the freeway towards her mothers. She knew her sister, Erika would be happy to see her, but she didn’t know how her step brother Draven would take the news of her coming back. 
Draven was her father’s first child from his first marriage and he really didn’t like his new step mother. Before she moved he did show some hostility towards her due to siding with her mother, but she hoped he had grown out of that. Or at least stopped being a dick about everything.
Time seemed to slip by her quickly as she saw the city of Atlanta come into view. She sighed as she took an exit to swing her into the city from the freeway. The buildings whipped by as her phone chimed. Ignoring it she pulled onto the main street of the town, heading to her mother’s house with no other thought on her mind. 
Her mother’s house sat on a quiet block not far from the college that accepted her. Smiling, she pulled into the drive, feeling as if she could start over if the hole in her heart would heal. 
Victoria pulled her keys from the car, grabbing up her phone and purse. Taking a deep breath she got out of the car and started for the door. Raising her hand, she knocked on the door and waited. 
A few moments later the door opened. A shorter, blonde girl with green eyes opened the door and let out a squeal of excitement. “Oh my god, Tori!” She flung her arms around her. “No one told me you were coming!”
“Hey, Erika.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around her little sister. “I thought mom would have told you I was coming home.”
Erika pulled back and arched an eyebrow, “you’re staying?”
“Yeah.” She chuckled as they entered the house. 
Erika closed the door and gave her sister a puzzled look, “I thought you were seeing someone there? At least that’s what mom said.”
“We broke up.” Victoria bit her lip as she sat her purse down.
“Oh, damn. I’m sorry, sis.” She looked up the set of stairs off the side of the living room. “Hey, Mom! Victoria’s here.”
She heard her mother scramble to get to the stairs and come down, “Vicky! I wasn’t expecting you for another day or so.”
“I couldn't stand being there any longer. Plus I start the new college next week.” She took a breath, shoving her cell phone into her pocket after seeing the notification of who messaged her. “I wanted some time to catch up with the family before I move to the campus.”
��So, you're taking the dorm we talked about?” Her mother asked as she moved from the living room to the kitchen. 
“Yeah, it would be easier, plus with the whole family being here it would give us all a little more space.” Victoria followed her mother.
“Don’t worry about it. Draven is threatening to move out.” She shook her head as she put some coffee on.
Victoria rolled her eyes. “Are you two still at each other?”
“When aren’t they?” Erika chimed in as she grabbed a soda from the fridge.
“What’s his deal now? And shouldn’t he have his own place? He’s, what, seven years older than me?” Victoria asked as she shook her head.
Erika laughed as she popped the can open, “he sure doesn’t act like it.”
“Erika!” Their mom exclaimed, “he’s just having a hard time finding his place in this world.” She pulled down a pair of coffee cups and poured them some coffee. “I cleaned out the spare room if you wanna store some of your things there until you go to college.”
“Thanks mom.” She smiled as she took the coffee from her. “I should start bringing my stuff in before someone pilfers my car.”
She smiled over her coffee cup, “that sounds like a good idea. Erika, how about you help your sister?”
Erika sat her soda down and walked to the door with Victoria. “So what happened with this guy?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Victoria shrugged as she stepped out of the house and went to her car. Grabbing a few of her bags and heading back inside with her sister. 
“Must have been messy.” She looked over to Victoria as she carried her bags up the stairs, “I’m sorry. Men are dicks.”
Victoria laughed and rolled her eyes, “he wasn’t. It was just not the right time.” She followed her sister into the spare room with a laugh, “so, mom calls my old room the spare room?”
“Yeah.” Erika chuckled as she dropped her bags on the bed. “She hasn't let too many people in here since you left.” She turned to head back out to get more of her sister's things.
Victoria took the time to pull her phone out and see what the message said. 
“I saw you leaving town. Be safe out there, doll. Love, Negan.”
Victoria shook her head as she jammed her phone back into her pocket. She smiled a bit knowing that he did still have love for her, but she knew it wouldn’t work out. Not now at least.
Part 11
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valerie09 · 1 year
It is the spring of 1861. Scarlett O’Hara, a pretty Southern belle, lives on Tara, a large plantation in Georgia. She concerns herself only with her numerous suitors and her desire to marry Ashley Wilkes. One day she hears that Ashley is engaged to Melanie Hamilton, his frail, plain cousin from Atlanta. At a barbecue at the Wilkes plantation the next day, Scarlett confesses her feelings to Ashley. He tells her that he does love her but that he is marrying Melanie because she is similar to him, whereas he and Scarlett are very different. Scarlett slaps Ashley and he leaves the room. Suddenly Scarlett realizes that she is not alone. Rhett Butler, a scandalous but dashing adventurer, has been watching the whole scene, and he compliments Scarlett on being unladylike.
The Civil War begins. Charles Hamilton, Melanie’s timid, dull brother, proposes to Scarlett. She spitefully agrees to marry him, hoping to hurt Ashley. Over the course of two months, Scarlett and Charles marry, Charles joins the army and dies of the measles, and Scarlett learns that she is pregnant. After Scarlett gives birth to a son, Wade, she becomes bored and unhappy. She makes a long trip to Atlanta to stay with Melanie and Melanie’s aunt, Pittypat. The busy city agrees with Scarlett’s temperament, and she begins to see a great deal of Rhett. Rhett infuriates Scarlett with his bluntness and mockery, but he also encourages her to flout the severely restrictive social requirements for mourning Southern widows. As the war progresses, food and clothing run scarce in Atlanta. Scarlett and Melanie fear for Ashley’s safety. After the bloody battle of Gettysburg, Ashley is captured and sent to prison, and the Yankee army begins bearing down on Atlanta. Scarlett desperately wants to return home to Tara, but she has promised Ashley she will stay with the pregnant Melanie, who could give birth at any time.
On the night the Yankees capture Atlanta and set it afire, Melanie gives birth to her son, Beau. Rhett helps Scarlett and Melanie escape the Yankees, escorting them through the burning streets of the city, but he abandons them outside Atlanta so he can join the Confederate Army. Scarlett drives the cart all night and day through a dangerous forest full of deserters and soldiers, at last reaching Tara. She arrives to find that her mother, Ellen, is dead; her father, Gerald, has lost his mind; and the Yankee army has looted the plantation, leaving no food or cotton. Scavenging for subsistence, a furious Scarlett vows never to go hungry again.Scarlett takes charge of rebuilding Tara. She murders a Yankee thief and puts out a fire set by a spiteful Yankee soldier. At last the war ends, word comes that Ashley is free and on his way home, and a stream of returning soldiers begins pouring through Tara. One such soldier, a one-legged homeless Confederate named Will Benteen, stays on and helps Scarlett with the plantation. One day, Will brings terrible news: Jonas Wilkerson, a former employee at Tara and current government official, has raised the taxes on Tara, hoping to drive the O’Haras out so that he might buy the plantation. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to Atlanta to seduce Rhett Butler so that he will give her the three hundred dollars she needs for taxes. Rhett has emerged from the war a fabulously wealthy man, dripping with earnings from his blockade-running operation and from food speculation. However, Rhett is in a Yankee jail and cannot help Scarlett. Scarlett sees her sister’s beau, Frank Kennedy, who now owns a general store, and forges a plan. Determined to save Tara, she betrays her sister and marries Frank, pays the taxes on Tara, and devotes herself to making Frank’s business more profitable, After Rhett blackmails his way out of prison, he lends Scarlett enough money to buy a sawmill. To the displeasure of Atlanta society, Scarlett becomes a shrewd businesswoman. Gerald dies, and Scarlett returns to Tara for the funeral. There, she persuades Ashley and Melanie to move to Atlanta and accept a share in her lumber business. Shortly thereafter, Scarlett gives birth to Frank’s child, Ella Lorena.
A free black man and his white male companion attack Scarlett on her way home from the sawmill one day. That night, the Ku Klux Klan avenges the attack on Scarlett, and Frank ends up dead. Rhett proposes to Scarlett and she quickly accepts. After a long, luxurious honeymoon in New Orleans, Scarlett and Rhett return to Atlanta, where Scarlett builds a garish mansion and socializes with wealthy Yankees. Scarlett becomes pregnant again and has another child, Bonnie Blue Butler. Rhett dotes on the girl and begins a successful campaign to win back the good graces of the prominent Atlanta citizens in order to keep Bonnie from being an outcast like Scarlett.Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage begins happily, but Rhett becomes increasingly bitter and indifferent toward her. Scarlett’s feelings for Ashley have diminished into a warm, sympathetic friendship, but Ashley’s jealous sister, India, finds them in a friendly embrace and spreads the rumor that they are having an affair. To Scarlett’s surprise, Melanie takes Scarlett’s side and refuses to believe the rumors.
After Bonnie is killed in a horse-riding accident, Rhett nearly loses his mind, and his marriage with Scarlett worsens. Not long after the funeral, Melanie has a miscarriage and falls very ill. Distraught, Scarlett hurries to see her. Melanie makes Scarlett promise to look after Ashley and Beau. Scarlett realizes that she loves and depends on Melanie and that Ashley has been only a fantasy for her. She concludes that she truly loves Rhett. After Melanie dies, Scarlett hurries to tell Rhett of her revelation. Rhett, however, says that he has lost his love for Scarlett, and he leaves her. Grief-stricken and alone, Scarlett makes up her mind to go back to Tara to recover her strength in the comforting arms of her childhood nurse and slave, Mammy, and to think of a way to win Rhett back.
III. Analysis:
Gone with the Wind is a historical fiction told in simple language from an omniscient perspective and also with heavily accented vernacular from most of the characters. The book is rich in themes of war, the uncomfortable issue of race, slavery, social class, human nature, and gender dynamics.
The conclusion on the book of Gone with the wind is Scarlett understands that Melanie is the one she loves and depends on, and that Ashley has only ever been a dream. She concludes that she does love Rhett deeply. I learned the part of Scarlett is we must have an happy and fun to our life. I also learned to how many times bad lucks or hard time we experience, they can always get worse but they will always get better.
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xltribe · 14 days
XL’s Featured Tribesmen's Of The Week Micheal Moss 1. What are your biggest fashion obstacles? The biggest obstacles are stores that do not understand the complexities of fitting Big and Tall Men. For instance, stores make clothes using an XL template/pattern and then stretch it to a 3XL. Then they say we have “Big and Tall! There is not a “one size fit all” for every fabric. Big Men have a different fit to clothing than smaller men. Big Man Culture provides Big and Tall Men a custom clothing and active wear experience tailored for Big Men of all shapes, lengths, and sizes. 2. Where are you from and what are biggest fashion trends in your city? I am from Atlanta, Georgia. The Biggest fashion trends, especially in the Spring/Summer season, are colorful and vintage patterns. 3. Tell us about your biggest fashion nightmare and if it came true do explain. (attach a picture if you can) The nightmare would be to have clothes that do not fit properly. It came true when I had a custom piece made 3 months prior to an event. I took it to the event without trying it on and it felt so uncomfortable because I know the fit was wrong. Needless to say, it was a nightmare and an event I want to forget! 4. What are some of your biggest style inspirations? Regular, hard-working, fashionable BIG Men. I see and follow Big Men on social media who inspire me because they carry a unique style. What I tell clients is Fashion is a Fad; Style is Stable. So versatile, fearless and fashionable Big Men inspire my style and allow me to add a few enhancements from what I observe from them. 5.Where do you see your brand in five years and what do you see yourself doing? In 5 years, I see Big Man Culture being the Big and Tall industry standard for Big Men to shop for Business, Business Casual and Active Wear. The goal is to provide a catalog of items that will fit their everyday style, fashion and lifestyle needs. 6.What do you feel is missing in fashion for the men of size? Versatility! Most Big and Tall stores make clothes that are outdated and not cross-culturally. Big Men want to have the same clothes, style and fit that they see provided for smaller men. They do not want to have limited options that most Big and Tall stores offer. Hence, Big Man Culture focuses on versatility and options that cater to our clients’ style needs and not what they are forced to choose from. Follow Him: Instagram
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dbl07 · 20 days
Find Liquidation Pallets For Sale In Atlanta
This guide provides comprehensive information on wholesale liquidation, including where to buy liquidation pallets in Atlanta and how to effectively purchase and sell them. We will explore the benefits of buying liquidation pallets and offer guidance on purchasing and recognizing high-demand products within these pallets. The aim of this guide is to assist a wide range of buyers, from small business owners to individual consumers seeking to save money on everyday items, in making informed decisions when purchasing wholesale liquidation products. Key Takeaways: - The Bin Store is the go-to place for buying liquidation pallets in Atlanta, providing access to top locations and recommended sellers. - It is important to understand the categories of liquidation pallets and popular products to maximize profit potential. - Consider factors such as quality and demand when choosing liquidation pallets, and look out for hidden gems in Atlanta-specific truckload liquidation. Understanding Wholesale Liquidation and its Benefits Businesses can take advantage of wholesale liquidation to acquire bulk products at a fraction of their original price, offering a cost-effective solution for purchasing essential and fast-moving goods. This process involves obtaining goods in large quantities from manufacturers, retailers, or distributors looking to sell their surplus inventory. Bulk goods like electronics, clothing, furniture, and more can be procured through liquidation auctions, online liquidation marketplaces, or directly from wholesalers. By leveraging wholesale liquidation, businesses can achieve significant cost savings, leading to increased profit margins, the ability to provide competitive pricing to customers, and faster inventory turnover to align with consumer demand trends. Finding Liquidation Pallets in Atlanta In Atlanta, there are several reputable sellers and warehouse locations where one can find liquidation pallets. These include Half Off Wholesale LLC and Marietta Closeouts on Sandy Plains, as well as various options along Canton Road. Other notable locations in the area for finding liquidation pallets in Atlanta include Discount Deals Liquidation in Decatur on Candler Road, Liquidation Direct in Norcross off Jimmy Carter Boulevard, and Liquidation Warehouse in Fayetteville on Joel Cowan Parkway. Buyers looking for a diverse selection of discounted merchandise can explore offerings at Big Box Liquidation in College Park near Roosevelt Highway or Liquidation Station in Alpharetta on Atlanta Highway. These and other similar businesses offer different types of liquidation pallets, including electronics, clothing, household items, and more. Top Locations for Liquidation Pallets in Atlanta In Atlanta, the top locations for sourcing liquidation pallets include the Cumberland location and several Georgia Liquidation centers, such as those in Flowery Branch. The Cumberland location in Atlanta provides a diverse selection of liquidation pallets, ranging from electronics and clothing to home goods, catering to buyers seeking variety. On the other hand, the Georgia Liquidation centers in Flowery Branch specialize in bulk lots of furniture, appliances, and tools, appealing to businesses in need of purchasing goods in large quantities. Both locations offer competitive prices and opportunities for buyers to acquire pallets at discounted rates. Conveniently situated near major highways and shipping facilities, these locations are optimal for individuals aiming to streamline their purchasing process and maximize profits. Recommended Liquidation Pallet Sellers in Atlanta The top liquidation pallet sellers in Atlanta are distinguished by their VIP services and inventory sourced from leading U.S. department stores like Orotex. Their commitment to quality is evident in the carefully curated premium pallets, guaranteeing that customers receive products in excellent condition. Setting themselves apart, they provide detailed product descriptions and personalized assistance to assist buyers in making informed decisions. Additionally, these top sellers offer fast and efficient shipping options, along with responsive communication channels. Types of Liquidation Pallets Available Liquidation pallets come in various types and categories, such as general merchandise, cosmetics, furniture, and home decoration, offering a diverse range of products suitable for different businesses. General merchandise pallets, containing electronics, apparel, and gadgets, are ideal for retail stores selling consumer goods. Cosmetics pallets, comprising skincare products, makeup, and beauty tools, cater to beauty salons or online beauty stores. Furniture pallets, which may include sofas, tables, and home decor items, provide affordable inventory options for furniture stores. Home decoration pallets, featuring wall art, rugs, and decorative accents, are beneficial for interior designers and home decor stores. Categories of Liquidation Pallets Liquidation pallets consist of various categories of items for buyers, including power tools, mowers, lighting, flooring, and household goods. Power tools within these pallets encompass a wide variety such as saws, drills, sanders, and more, catering to both manual laborers and tradespeople. Mowers in these pallets can range from branded push mowers to riding mowers and even robotic mowers, offering a diverse selection of styles and types. Lighting items may include fixtures, bulbs, and other accessories, while flooring items can encompass tiles, laminates, vinyl, and other materials. Household goods found in these pallets can span from kitchenware to decor, depending on the specific company providing the liquidated goods. Popular Products in Liquidation Pallets High-demand products such as air compressors, appliances, augers, chain saws, and circular saws are among the most sought-after items in liquidation pallets. These products are favored by consumers and retailers alike for their usefulness and the considerable savings they offer. Air compressors cater to both DIY enthusiasts and professionals, while appliances like refrigerators and washing machines meet essential household needs. Recent market trends indicate a growing preference for power tools such as chain saws and circular saws. The popularity of these items in liquidation pallets is attributed to their high quality and the potential for bulk purchasing discounts. Tips for Buying Liquidation Pallets Jeff Manders recommends following expert tips from industry professionals when buying liquidation pallets, which highlight the importance of selecting quality inventory and conducting thorough inspections before making a purchase. One key piece of advice is to establish relationships with reputable liquidation companies to access top-quality pallets. Understanding your market and customer demand enables you to choose pallets containing sought-after items. Engaging with mentors or participating in online communities can offer valuable insights into best practices for purchasing liquidation pallets. Jeff Manders stresses the significance of setting and adhering to a budget when acquiring liquidation pallets. Strategies for Sourcing Quality Liquidation Inventory To source quality liquidation inventory effectively, it is important to implement strategies such as working with reputable wholesalers, conducting thorough inspections, and accessing excess inventory from companies like Orotex North America. Building strong relationships with reputable wholesalers is crucial for establishing reliable sources of quality liquidation merchandise. Regular communication and setting clear criteria for the desired inventory are essential to maintaining a consistent supply of quality goods. Before finalizing any deals, conducting detailed inspections of the liquidation inventory is recommended to uncover any hidden issues that could impact the resale value. Large suppliers like Orotex North America often have surplus amounts of excess, obsolete, and customer-returned inventory available for sale, making them a valuable source of high-quality liquidation merchandise that may not be easily found elsewhere. Leveraging this resource enables businesses to offer a wider variety of competitive inventory to customers. Maximizing Profit Potential with Liquidation Pallets To maximize profit potential with liquidation pallets, strategic pricing, effective reselling methods, and utilizing bulk discounting to reduce costs are key strategies. Setting the right price is crucial for maximizing sales and profit margin, requiring resellers to conduct market research and analyze competitor pricing to determine the optimal price point. Identifying high-margin items within the pallets is essential, focusing on valuable items with high resale potential and demand. Negotiating bulk discounts with suppliers or wholesalers is another effective method to increase profitability, as resellers can secure lower prices per unit, ultimately boosting overall profits. Benefits of Buying Liquidation Pallets The benefits of buying liquidation pallets include cost effectiveness and quick turnover for replenishing stock. Businesses can purchase products at a fraction of their original price, enabling them to maximize profit margins. For instance, buying pallets of customer returns or overstock items can reduce purchasing costs by up to 90% compared to buying individual items at retail prices. Liquidation pallets offer a variety of consumer products, ranging from electronics to clothing to small appliances, which can diversify a business's inventory and attract a broader customer base. This variety helps businesses reach different market segments and adapt to changing consumer demands, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue. Advantages of Purchasing Liquidation Pallets One of the main advantages of purchasing liquidation pallets is the significant cost savings they offer for rapidly restocking inventory with a wide variety of products. Buying liquidation pallets enables businesses to acquire high-quality items at a fraction of their retail price, thereby boosting profit margins. The assortment of products available on these pallets also enables businesses to broaden their offerings without a substantial investment in new inventory. This adaptability enhances the appeal of businesses to a broader range of customers and helps them stay competitive in a fast-paced market. Improved inventory management is another benefit of purchasing liquidation pallets, as businesses can more effectively regulate stock levels and swiftly respond to consumer demand. This leads to reduced storage expenses and decreased wastage. Guide to Choosing the Right Liquidation Pallets The key criteria for selecting the right liquidation pallets include: - Understanding market demand: This is essential as it helps determine which products are popular and in demand, guiding your purchasing decisions. - Conducting quality checks: This is crucial to minimize the risk of receiving damaged or faulty goods and ensure that the pallets you acquire meet your standards for resale or personal use. - Purchasing from reputable sellers: It is important to select established suppliers with positive feedback and evidence of timely delivery to ensure trustworthy transactions. Factors to Consider When Selecting Liquidation Pallets When choosing which liquidation pallets to buy, key factors to consider include the quality of the merchandise, current market demand, the condition of the items, and the reputation of the seller. Quality plays a significant role in determining the resale value of liquidation pallets. Opting for higher quality goods enhances the chances of attracting a larger buyer pool and securing higher prices. It is essential to inspect the merchandise to ensure they meet quality control standards and are free of damage and defects. Understanding market trends is crucial for making informed purchases. Buyers should stay informed about popular items and emerging niches. Additionally, verifying the credibility of the seller is important. Checking a seller's reviews, ratings, and testimonials from other buyers can help avoid scams and ensure the quality of the merchandise. How to Identify High-Demand Liquidation Products To identify high-demand liquidation products, companies should conduct market research, stay ahead of trends, and prioritize the most profitable items. Market research is most effectively conducted by analyzing consumer behavior and preferences through surveys and feedback. Understanding customer preferences and purchase motivations allows companies to tailor their product offerings accordingly. Monitoring industry trends and competitor activities can also provide insights into emerging opportunities. Once key trends are identified, products can be prioritized based on their demand and potential profitability. This prioritization can be determined by analyzing sales data, profit margins, and projected market growth. Spotting Hidden Gems in Liquidation Pallets Hidden gems in liquidation pallets are valuable products that can be resold at competitive prices. The first step to identifying these valuable items is to research and understand their value before making a purchase. By knowing the product's past market trends and current pricing, you can gauge the potential profit margin. It's also essential to be aware of where certain items can be sold for higher prices, whether it's on popular resale markets online or through local consignment stores. Some common hidden gems found in liquidation pallets include vintage electronics, designer clothing/accessories, collectible toys, rare antiques, and unique collectibles. These items hold a high intrinsic value and are often sought after and purchased by wholesale liquidation buyers. Atlanta-Specific Liquidation Pallets Information Atlanta-specific information on liquidation pallets includes truckload liquidation opportunities, local sellers, and market dynamics unique to the area. Atlanta truckload liquidation offers a diverse range of product categories, such as electronics, clothing, household goods, and furniture. Major sellers in the region often sell these products in bulk, attracting buyers seeking large volumes of goods at discounted prices. Local market trends, such as e-commerce auctions and direct sales, are gaining popularity, facilitating easier participation for businesses and individuals in the liquidation market. The variety of products available through truckload liquidation contributes to Atlanta's strong presence in the liquidation industry. Atlanta GA Truckload Liquidation Overview Truckload liquidation in Atlanta, GA, offers businesses the opportunity to purchase mixed bulk merchandise at a lower price, enabling cost efficiencies and a wide variety of products available in larger quantities. This is advantageous for businesses as it allows them to save on costs and expand their inventory offerings. Truckload liquidation sales can include electronics, clothing, home goods, and more, often at significantly reduced prices. Buying in bulk enables companies to acquire a diverse range of products for a fraction of their original cost. With the potential for high margins, businesses often opt to resell these goods, donate them, or use them for various promotional and marketing activities. Leveraging truckload liquidation opportunities in Atlanta can provide businesses with a strong competitive edge in the current market. Locating Atlanta Merchandise Liquidators To find merchandise liquidators in Atlanta, you can tap into a network of local businesses that specialize in liquidating excess and overstock inventory, offering affordable options for businesses to purchase merchandise. One effective approach is to utilize online resources like business directories or dedicated marketplace platforms tailored to Atlanta. These platforms typically feature listings of liquidation companies, along with ratings and reviews from previous clients, aiding in the decision-making process. Developing connections within the local community can also result in referrals to trustworthy liquidators. Engaging with industry associations or participating in trade shows offers opportunities to connect with local businesses offering liquidation services. Frequently Asked Questions 1. How can I find liquidation pallets for sale in Atlanta? The best way to find liquidation pallets for sale in Atlanta is by searching online or visiting local wholesale stores such as Half Off Wholesale, Auction Liquidators, Wholesale Crazy, Express Liquidators, and Atlanta Wholesale Liquidators. 2. What is the advantage of buying liquidation pallets in Atlanta? Buying liquidation pallets in Atlanta allows you to purchase products at discounted prices, providing you with a cost-effective way to source inventory for your business. 3. Are there any specific stores in Atlanta that specialize in selling liquidation pallets? Yes, there are several stores in Atlanta that specialize in selling liquidation pallets, including Half Off Wholesale, Auction Liquidators, Wholesale Crazy, Express Liquidators, and Atlanta Wholesale Liquidators. 4. How do I contact these stores for purchasing liquidation pallets in Atlanta? Each store has a different contact method, but you can typically find their contact information on their website or by searching online. Half Off Wholesale can be reached at (678) 990-6979, Auction Liquidators does not have a listed contact number, Wholesale Crazy can be reached at (470) 206-0126, Express Liquidators can be reached at (678) 883-4476, and Atlanta Wholesale Liquidators can also be reached at (678) 883-4476. 5. Can I visit these stores in person to purchase liquidation pallets in Atlanta? Yes, you can visit these stores in person to purchase liquidation pallets in Atlanta. However, it is recommended to contact them first to ensure they have the products you are looking for and to schedule a time for your visit. 6. How can I make sure I am getting quality products when purchasing liquidation pallets in Atlanta? It is important to do your research and read reviews before purchasing liquidation pallets from any store in Atlanta. You can also inspect the products in person before making a purchase to ensure their quality. Read the full article
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Wayne Williams-The Atlanta Child Murders
Other Names: 
Atlanta Monster, Atlanta Boogeyman, Atlanta Child Killer 
Childhood, Adolescence, and Adult Life 
Wayne Williams, son of Homer and Faye Williams, was born on May 27, 1958.  He was raised in the Dixie Hills neighborhood of Southwest Atlanta, Georgia.  He was the only child of the two teachers and it was claimed from fellow families in the neighborhood that he had supportive and caring parents.  Williams excelled in school and was described by teachers and classmates as a “virtual genius”.  At a young age Williams attempted to start a radio station in his parents basement.  Williams graduated from Douglass High School and developed a continued interest in radio and journalism. He went on to attend Georgia State University, where Williams only stayed a year before quitting.  From this time on he began to lose direction and would jump from one thing to another.  At 23 years old he went form radio work to record production to talent scouting.   Williams had constructed his own carrier current radio station and began frequenting stations WIGO and WAOK.  He befriended a number of the announcing crew members.  When that didn’t take off he started dabbling in freelance photography. After that didn’t seem to work either , he became interested in becoming a pop music producer and manager.  None of these career ambitions took off, instead his dreams cost his parents a significant amount of money where they ended up filing for bankruptcy.   
It is strongly believed by the FBI and many in the Atlanta, Georgia area that Wayne Williams was responsible for the murder 28 people.  Between 1979 and 1981, at least 28 children and young adults were murdered across Atlanta.  Most of the victims were boys, and all of them were black.  The majority of the victims were young, some even children.  While his eventual arrest, conviction, and soon to be DNA evidence for two murders, speculation persists that he was responsible for the other murders that were linked.  
Alleged Victims and Timeline 
Edward Hope Smith - 14 and Alfred Evans - 13
In mid 1979 the two  disappeared four days apart. Their bodies were found on July 28 in a wooded area, Smith with a .22 caliber gunshot wound in his upper back. They were believed to be the first victims of the putative "Atlanta Child Killer."
Milton Harvey - 14 
On September 4, he disappeared while on an errand to the bank for his mother.  He was riding a bike which was found a week later in a remote area of Atlanta. His body was not recovered until November of that year.
Yusuf Bel-9 
On October 21, he went to a store to buy Bruton snuff for a neighbor, Eula Birdsong, Reese Grocery on McDaniel Street.  A witness said she saw Yusuf near the intersection of McDaniel and Fulton getting into a blue car before he disappeared.  His body was found on November 8 in the abandoned E. P. Johnson Elementary School by a school janitor who was looking for a place to urinate. Bell's body was found clothed in the brown cut-off shorts he was last seen wearing.  The shorts had a piece of masking tape stuck to them.  He had been hit over the head twice, and the cause of death was strangulation. 
Angel Lenair- 12
March 4, 1980, the first female victim had disappeared. She left her house around 4:00 p.m. wearing a denim outfit, and was last seen at a friend's house watching the television program Sanford and Son. Lenair's body was found six days later, in a wooded vacant lot along Campbellton Road, wearing the same clothes in which she had left home. A pair of white panties that did not belong to Lenair were stuffed in her mouth, and her hands were bound with an electrical cord. The cause of death was strangulation.
Jeffery Mathis- 11 
It was March 11 the next victim  disappeared while on an errand for his mother. He was wearing gray jogging pants, brown shoes, and a white and green shirt. Months later a girl said she saw him get into a blue car with a light-skinned man and a dark-skinned man. The body of Jeffrey Mathis was found in a "briar-covered patch of woodlands," 11 months after he disappeared, by which time it was not possible to identify a cause of death.
Eric Middlebrooks - 15 
It wasn’t until May 18 the next victim disappeared. He was last seen answering the telephone at home and then leaving in a hurry on his bicycle, taking with him a hammer to repair the bicycle. His body was found the following day next to his bicycle in the rear garage of an Atlanta bar. The bar was located next door to what was then the Georgia Department of Offender Rehabilitation. His pockets were turned inside out, his chest and arms had slight stab wounds, and the cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma to the head. A few weeks before he disappeared, Middlebrooks had testified against three juveniles in a robbery case.
Christopher Richardson - 12 
 June 9 was when Richardsom went missing on his way to a local pool. He was last seen walking towards the DeKalb County's Midway Recreation Center in Midway Park. He was wearing blue shorts, a light blue shirt and blue tennis shoes. His body was not found until the following January, clothed in unfamiliar swim trunks, along with the body of a later victim, Earl Terrell. The cause of Richardson's death was not determined.
LaTonya Wilson - 7 
June 22, Wilson disappeared from her parents' apartment. According to a witness, she appeared to have been abducted by two men, one of whom was seen climbing into the apartment window and then holding Wilson in his arms as he spoke to the other man in the parking lot. On October 18, Wilson's body was found in a fenced-in area at the end of Verbena Street in Atlanta. By then, the body had skeletonized, and no cause of death could be established.
Aaron Wyche - 10 
It was June 23 when Aaron disappeared after having been seen near a local grocery store, getting into a blue Chevrolet with either one or two black men. A female witness says she saw Wyche being led from Tanner's Corner Grocery by a 6-foot-tall 180-pound black male, approximately 30 years old, with a mustache and goatee. The witness's description of the car matched a description of a similar car implicated in the earlier Jeffrey Mathis disappearance. At 6:00 p.m. Wyche was seen at a shopping center. The following day, Wyche's body was found under a bridge; the official cause of death was asphyxiation from a broken neck suffered in a fall.
Anthony Carter - 9  and Earl Terrell-10 
It was July, 1980 when these two victims were found murdered.  
Clifford Jones - 13
Jones disappeared on August 20. He was found dead from strangulation. His body was found on August 21 behind a dumpster in the rear of the former Hollywood Plaza shopping center.
Darron Glass- 10
Glass was reported missing on September 14. His body has not been recovered.
Charles Stephens - 12
Charles was reported missing on October 9. His body was found the next day on Norman Berry Drive near the entrance to a trailer park. Stephens's body was missing his t-shirt and one of his shoes, but he was still wearing his dark blue pants. Police determined that his cause of death was asphyxiation. Rub marks were also identified on his nose and mouth. Dog hairs and two Caucasian head hairs were found on the body along with two pubic hairs, which did not belong to Stephens or Williams and which were found on his boxers 950 feet away. The state considered this a 'pattern case' in Williams's trial.
Aaron Jackson - 9
He went missing on November 1. His body was discovered the next day strangled, lying face-up on a river bank.
Patrick Rogers- 16
Rogers knew several of the previous victims. He went missing on November 30. His body was found on December 7 in the Chattahoochee river. Police speculated that he was dropped from the bridge above.
Lubie Geter-14 
Geter, who disappeared on January 3, body was found on February 5.  
Terry Pue-15 
Geter's friend, Terry Pue went missing in January. An anonymous caller told the police where to find Pue's body. Terry lived in the same apartment as Edward "Teddy" Smith, who was killed in 1979.
In February and March 1981, six more bodies were discovered, believed to be linked to the previous homicides. 
Eddie Duncan - 21
Among the deceased was the body of  Eddie Duncan, the first adult victim.
Larry Rogers - 20, John Porter - 28 , and Jimmy Ray Payne - 21 
In April the three were murdered. Porter and Payne were ex-convicts and had just recently been released from Arrendale State Prison after serving time for burglary.
William “Billy Star” Barrett- 17 
On May 12, 1981, FBI agents found the body of Barrett on a curb in a wooded area near his home. A witness, 32-year-old Harold Wood, a custodian from Southwest High School, had run out of gas about a mile from the scene. Wood described a black man standing over and observing the location where the body was found before driving away in a white-over-blue Cadillac.
Nathaniel Carter- 27 
During the end of May 1981, the last reported victim was added to the list, Nathaniel Cater. He was last seen by gardener Robert I. Henry at the entrance of the Rialto Theatre in Atlanta, reportedly holding hands with Wayne Williams. His body was discovered two days later.
Arrest and Capture 
Williams first became a suspect in the Atlanta murders on the morning of May 22, 1981, when a police surveillance team, watching the James Jackson Parkway Bridge spanning the Chattahoochee River (a spot where multiple bodies had been discovered previously), heard a "big loud splash", suggesting that something had been thrown from the bridge into the river below.  The first automobile to exit the bridge after the splash, at roughly 2:50 a.m., belonged to Williams.  When stopped and questioned, he told police that he was on his way to check on an address in a neighboring town ahead of an audition the following morning with a young singer named Cheryl Johnson. However, both the phone number he gave police and Cheryl Johnson turned out to be fictitious.
Two days later, on May 24, the nude body of 27-year-old Nathaniel Cater, who had been missing for four days and was last seen with Williams, was discovered in the river. The medical examiner ruled he had died of probable asphyxia but never specifically said he had been strangled. Police thought that Williams had killed Cater and that his body was the source of the sound they heard as his car crossed the bridge.  
Williams failed three polygraph tests. Hairs and fibers retrieved from the body of another victim, Jimmy Ray Payne, were found to be consistent with those from his home, car, and dog. Co-workers told police they had seen Williams with scratches on his face and arms around the time of the murders which, investigators surmised, could have been inflicted by victims during struggles.  Williams held a press conference outside his home to proclaim his innocence, volunteering that he had failed the polygraph tests, which would have been inadmissible in court.  Williams was questioned again by police for 12 hours on June 3 and 4 at FBI headquarters and released without arrest or charge, but remained under surveillance.
Trial, Conviction, and Where Is He Now? 
Williams was arrested on June 21, 1981, for the murders of Carter and Payne.  His trial began on January 6, 1982, in Fulton County. It was a two-month trial!  Prosecutors matched Williams to a number of victims from 19 sources of fibers from Williams's home and car.  These fibers came from his bedspread, bathroom, gloves, clothes, carpets, dog, and an unusual trilobal carpet fiber. Other evidence included witness testimony that placed Williams with several victims while they were alive, and inconsistencies in his accounts of his whereabouts.  
Williams took the stand in his own defense but alienated the jury by becoming angry and combative.  After 12 hours of deliberation, the jury found him guilty on February 27 of the murders of Carter and Payne. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.   After Williams became a suspect, the killings came to a stop.
In the late 1990s, Williams filed a habeas corpus petition and requested a retrial. The County Superior Court judge Hal Craig denied his appeal. Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker said that "although this does not end the appeal process, I am pleased with the results in the habeas case" and that his office will "continue to do everything possible to uphold the conviction."  In early 2004, Williams sought a retrial again, with his attorneys arguing that law enforcement officials covered up evidence of involvement by the Ku Klux Klan, and that carpet fibers purportedly linking him to the crimes would not stand up to scientific scrutiny.  A federal judge rejected the request for retrial on October 17, 2006.  Williams was never tried for any of the Atlanta Child Murders. However, police attributed 22 other deaths, including those of 18 minors, to Williams.  Williams is serving his sentence at Telfair State Prison.  On November 20, 2019, Williams was again denied parole. He will next be eligible for parole in November 2027.
Interviews and Additional Resources 
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robertnelson2-blog · 5 months
Hosting a Foam Party for Kids
Kids love nothing more than getting messy and having fun, and what better way to indulge their playful side than with a foam party? Foam parties are a fantastic option for birthdays, summer celebrations, or just because it's a sunny day. With the right setup and precautions, you can create an unforgettable experience for your little ones and their friends. Let's dive into how to host the ultimate foam party for kids!  Foam party in Northeast Georgia
Choose the Right Location: The first step is selecting an appropriate location for your foam party. An outdoor space like a backyard or a park is ideal, as it provides plenty of room for kids to run around and enjoy the foam without worrying about mess indoors.
Foam Machine Rental: Invest in or rent a foam machine. These machines are designed specifically for creating foam, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for the kids. You can find foam machine rental companies online or at party supply stores. Make sure to follow the instructions provided with the machine for optimal use and safety.
Safety First: Safety should always be a top priority when hosting a foam party. Ensure that the foam solution used is non-toxic and hypoallergenic to prevent any adverse reactions. Additionally, supervise the children at all times to prevent accidents or injuries. Consider setting boundaries or using barriers to keep kids within the designated foam area.
Set the Mood with Music: Enhance the party atmosphere by playing upbeat music that the kids love. Create a playlist with their favorite songs or enlist the help of a DJ to keep the energy high throughout the event. Music adds an extra layer of fun to the foam party experience and encourages kids to dance and play along.
Provide Towels and Changing Stations: Since foam parties can get messy, it's essential to have plenty of towels on hand for drying off afterwards. Set up designated changing stations where kids can change into dry clothes once they're done playing in the foam. Consider providing plastic bags for wet clothes to prevent water from soaking through and causing a mess.
Refreshments and Snacks: Keep the kids fueled and hydrated with a selection of refreshments and snacks. Serve up cold drinks like lemonade or fruit punch, along with easy-to-eat snacks such as fruit skewers, popcorn, or mini sandwiches. Consider any dietary restrictions or allergies when planning the menu. Kids Atlanta Foam Party
Capture the Memories: Don't forget to capture the fun moments of the foam party by taking plenty of photos and videos. Set up a designated photo booth area with fun props where kids can strike poses and make memories together. Share the photos with the parents afterwards as a keepsake of the special day.
Hosting a Foam Party for Kids is a guaranteed way to create lasting memories and ensure a day filled with laughter and fun. By following these tips and guidelines, you can host a safe and enjoyable event that will have the kids talking about it for weeks to come.
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winniecouture · 9 months
Atlanta's Bridal Oasis: Exploring the World of Wedding Dresses
At the center of Georgia, Atlanta is a symbol of southern beauty and style. In this lively city, you will find many shops that sell wedding dresses. These special stores have all kinds of beautiful clothes for brides-to-be to choose from.
Bridal Boutiques: Refined Elegance
Atlanta's wedding dress shops feel small yet classy. These well-selected spaces display items that represent elegance, class and a bit of uniqueness. Each little shop makes a special atmosphere just for the bride's big dreams. They invite her to look at many different dresses that match with her own fashion style.
A Diversity of Styles
Atlanta's wedding shops have a large range of styles from old-fashioned classics to modern trends. These collections easily mix old styles with new ones, giving brides many options to match their wanted wedding look.
Inclusivity and Personalization
Atlanta's wedding dress shops like to be fair. This means brides of any size can find perfect-fitting gowns that also show off their unique beauty. Options for personalization let brides make their dresses special, adding one-of-a-kind details that show who they are.
Crafting Unforgettable Memories
Brides can find beautiful wedding dresses in Atlanta and have a magical trip while looking for the perfect gown. City bride shops give great service. They help you pick a dress that is right for you with personal advice and fittings, which make happy memories long after the search ends.
Conclusion: Where Elegance Meets Love
In Atlanta, looking for the perfect wedding dress in Atlanta is more than just shopping - it becomes a beautiful event to show off style and be unique. It also marks the start of an amazing journey. The many types of styles, the promise to include everyone and give top service in getting married makes Atlanta's wedding world a showcase for fancy things, special treatment and long-lasting happiness.
For girls getting married in Atlanta, finding that wonderful dress isn't just about the clothes - it's also about making beautiful memories connected to their story of love.
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printingatlanta25 · 1 year
Elevate Your Style with Custom Screen Printing and Tote Bag Printing in Atlanta
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Atlanta, the bustling capital of Georgia, is known for its thriving arts scene and vibrant culture. Amidst this creative hub lies a hidden gem for those seeking personalized apparel and accessories: 3v Printing, your one-stop destination for custom screen printing and tote bag printing in Atlanta.
Screen printing is an age-old technique that involves transferring ink onto a variety of materials, resulting in vibrant, long-lasting designs. At 3v Printing, we specialize in screen printing services that allow you to express your individuality and brand identity in a visually striking manner. Whether you're a fashion-forward individual, a small business, or an event organizer, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to bringing your ideas to life.
With our Screen printing services in Atlanta, you can create personalized t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, and more. From bold graphics and logos to intricate designs, the possibilities are endless. Our state-of-the-art printing equipment and premium inks ensure that your creations stand the test of time, maintaining their brilliance and quality even after numerous washes.
But we don't stop at clothing alone. 3v Printing also offers top-notch tote bag printing services, allowing you to make a statement wherever you go. Tote bags are not only practical and eco-friendly but also serve as a canvas for showcasing your unique style or promoting your business. Whether you need custom tote bags for your retail store, corporate events, or personal use, our team can transform them into eye-catching accessories that grab attention.
At 3v Printing, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Our dedicated team works closely with you to understand your vision, offering expert advice on design, materials, and printing techniques. We ensure that every detail is carefully executed to bring your ideas to life, delivering exceptional results that exceed your expectations.
Whether you're looking to create personalized apparel for a special occasion, promotional merchandise for your business, or simply want to add a touch of personalization to your wardrobe, 3v Printing is here to help. With our custom screen printing and tote bag printing services in Atlanta, you can elevate your style and leave a lasting impression wherever you go. Don't settle for ordinary. Embrace the world of custom screen printing and tote bag printing with 3v Printing in Atlanta, and let your creativity shine. Contact us today and unlock a world of endless possibilities!
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maydaypayday1 · 2 years
🔥Burndown Atlanta Clothing Company ™️
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Exclusive customized clothing and merch designed for cannabis lovers and 420 enthusiasts from all around the world.
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The top ten retail companies by market share in 2018
2018's top ten retail businesses by market share: Ten of the largest businesses are ranked 10. 9. AECON Co. Ltd. Target Corporation 7. CVS Health Corp SA Carrefour 6. The Hardware Depot, Inc. The Kroger Group Boots Alliance Inc. Walgreens Wholesale Costco Corporation 1. Amazon.com, Inc. 10. Walmart Inc. AEON Co Ltd AEON-450-340.jpg" alt="Aeon" width="450" height="340"/> AEON is the largest retailer in Japan, with its headquarters in Chiba. The strong growth in the general merchandise store (GMS) and supermarket business divisions of AEON Co Ltd was primarily responsible for the company's $75.16bn in revenue for the four trailing quarters that ended in November 2018.
Around 70% of the company's revenue comes from the GMS and supermarket business segments. Its drugstore and pharmacy, shopping mall development, services and specialty store, international business, and financial services divisions contributed the remaining 30%.
Through its group companies, AEON Co. operates supermarkets and shopping centers with its headquarters in Chiba, Japan.
Target Corp. Target-450-340.jpg" alt="Target" width="450" height="340"/> The Target Corporation owns and operates more than 1,800 retail establishments in the United States. Credit: Skinner. In 2018, Target Corp. reported revenues of $75.35 billion, an increase of 3.6% from 2017.
The greater part deals were driven by broad product, including clothing and extras, magnificence and family basics, and food and refreshment items.
Target Corp. operates more than 1,800 stores in 49 states and 37 distribution centers in 22 states.
The company has approximately 345,000 employees and has its headquarters in Minneapolis, United States.
In the United States and Brazil, CVS Health Corp., CVS Pharmacy, and CVS Health have more than 9,900 retail locations. Credit: hattiesburgmemory. In comparison to the previous year, CVS Health Corp.'s Retail/LTC segment reported revenue of $83.98 billion in 2018.
The company's revenue increased primarily as a result of rising prescription volumes and rising prices for branded drugs.
Settled in Woonsocket, US, CVS Wellbeing works in excess of 9,900 brick and mortar stores, 68,000 retail network drug stores and 1,100 stroll in clinical centers.
Carrefour SA Carrefour-450-340.jpg" alt="Carrefour" width="450" height="340"/> Carrefour owns and operates more than 12,300 retail establishments in more than 30 nations all over the world. Credit: ProjectManhattan. In 2018, Carrefour SA saw a 1.4% increase in year-over-year sales, bringing in $97 billion in total revenue. Growth in Brazil, stable sales in France, and sales on food e-commerce all contributed to the increase in revenue.
One of the largest hypermarket chains in the world, Carrefour has its headquarters in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. It has over 12,300 retail locations and e-commerce websites in over 30 nations.
Through its French, European, Latin American, and Asian business divisions, the retail giant serves 104 million customer households worldwide.
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The largest home improvement retailer in the United States is The Home Depot, which is owned by The Home Depot Inc. Credit: Sagdejev Ildar The Home Depot Inc. was able to achieve a year-over-year revenue growth of 7.2% in 2018 thanks to an increase in US sales. The organization procured all out income of $108bn in the year.
Home Depot is the largest home improvement retailer in the world, with more than 2,200 locations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Its headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States.
Outdoor and power tools, household cleaners, lawn and garden products, and décor products are among the more than one million items it sells online and offline.
The Kroger Co. The Kroger Co. provides services to more than nine million customers each day. Credit: Retail in Virginia. The Kroger Co.'s 2018 revenue reached $124 billion for the four quarters that ended in November, thanks to an increase in digital sales, cost controls, and alternative profit streams with higher margins.
The company owns and operates 2,765 grocery stores in a variety of formats, including warehouse stores, supermarkets, digital shopping options, multi-department stores, and more.
The company's jewelry stores and manufacturing facilities make up the rest, with sales from food stores accounting for as much as 94% of total sales.
Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. Walgreens The pharmaceutical wholesale and distribution network managed by Walgreens Boots Alliance spans more than 201 nations. Credit: Anthony. In 2018, Walgreens Boots Alliance's revenue increased 11.3% year-over-year. With $98.4 billion in sales, the Retail Pharmacy USA division contributed more than 74% of the $131.5 billion in total revenue.
In the United States and Europe, Walgreens Boots Alliance is the largest retail pharmacy, health, and everyday living destination. It manages wholesale and distribution networks for pharmaceuticals in more than 201 nations.
Walgreens, Duane Reade, Boots, and Alliance Healthcare are among its retail and commercial brands. While its portfolio of health and beauty brands includes No7, Soap & Glory, Sleek Makeup, and Botanics.
Costco Wholesale Corporation is a global retailer with warehouse clubs in eight nations. Costco Costco Wholesale Credit: Pendousmat, Stu. Costco Discount Enterprise acquired $141bn in income in 2018, moved by deals at new distribution centers opened in 2017 and 2018.
Over 94 million members are served by the company's 768 membership warehouses in 11 nations. In 2017 and 2018, it opened 28 and 25 brand-new warehouses, respectively.
Costco sells dry foods, packaged foods, groceries, beverages, appliances, electronics, health and beauty products, fresh foods, clothing, and small appliances from its headquarters in San Diego, United States.
Amazon.com Inc. is a multinational technology company that focuses on e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. Credit: Wonderlane. Strong sales growth in all of Amazon.com's segments, including International, North America, and AWS, contributed to the company's 31% increase in revenue to $232 billion in 2018. With $141.36 billion, the North America segment led the company in revenue, followed by the International segment with $65.86 billion.
In addition to selling electronic devices under its own brands like the Kindle, Fire, and Echo through its online stores, Amazon offers millions of diverse products from third-party sellers.
By market share, Walmart Inc. is the largest retail company in the world. Credit: Jacob Arthur Walmart's 2018 revenue, which reached $514 billion, increased by 2.8% year-over-year, primarily due to sales from US e-commerce.
Walmart US, Walmart International, and Sam's Club are the retail company's three main divisions. Walmart US has retail locations in each of the United States' 50 states. In 2018, it contributed 64% of the company's revenue. Outside of the United States, Walmart International operates in 26 countries.
In 27 countries, Walmart oversees over 11,300 stores under 58 brands and ten e-commerce websites. The organization utilizes roughly 2.2 million partners universally.
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nahasbetter · 2 years
Junior miss pageant contest 11
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#Junior miss pageant contest 11 movie#
#Junior miss pageant contest 11 registration#
#Junior miss pageant contest 11 free#
She currently owns Machine Shop Gear, a clothing company located in Flint MI.
#Junior miss pageant contest 11 registration#
Johanna retired from from cutting hair 8 years ago. USA Mullet Championships OPEN DIVISION Registration Is Now Live REGISTER NOW WELCOME TO A YEAR OF EPIC COMPETITION. Word spread fast and Johanna formed a loyal mullet clientele. Then she graduated from Cosmetology School, and her first paying customer was a man who requested a perm and mullet.
#Junior miss pageant contest 11 free#
are free 2021 Little Miss & Mister Kentucky County Fair Pageant starts Jr. She went to the big city for college and flunked out. All At Cook Studio, we are driven to help pageant contestants succeed by. The yard was filled with rusted out junk vehicles. Get a daily selection of our top stories based on your reading preferences. The 2019 Miss Universe pageant airs Sunday December 8 at 7 p.m. Based on this photograph, its safe to say well see neon swimsuits during this years show. Johanna grew up in a poor working class family, down a dirt road in an old farmhouse, where she shared a bedroom with her brothers and sisters. Watch Now: junior miss pageant france 11 french nudist pagean 1455128125 teen girls pageant video jpg qaf1y27qwt6w junior nudist beauty pageant junior. Cheslie Kryst stands in front of neon swimsuits in Atlanta, Georgia. She hit the studio in November 2019 creating the best rap that no one wants to hear, proving once again that talent isn’t necessary to put out a song. Johanna is SoundCloud rapper know as Johanaconda. KS on Thé queen from Détroit entered the contést as Miss Michigán. Find and savé ideas about Juniór miss pageant ón Pinterest. Here are 13 times we found beauty pageant winners caught. Southwords, 'In the Presidential race, Senator Goldwater received 700 Maine South votes or 55 per cent of them to 523 for President Johnson or 45 per cent.
#Junior miss pageant contest 11 movie#
He has always followed his gut, and it looks like he might have just caught some lightning in a bottle! Kevin is an avid sports fan who loves competition… So why not bring Mullets to the masses? 2021 is going to be crazy as the search continues for the USA’s top Mullets! Results of 2002 junior miss pageant contest 13 tp 13d: freeload software, Free Video dowloads, Free Music downloads, .Free .Movie .Downloads, Games. He’s the owner of the Bridge Street Exchange men’s store in Fenton, Michigan, and he’s the guy who’s taking competitive mullets to the next level. The guy who lost it all… well, at least his hair. His other interests include chewing tobacco, stock car racing, REAL Rock & Roll, and Real Country music! Five winners will be crowned: Junior Miss Galaxy UK Ages 11-15yrs Miss Teen. His best friend is a chihuahua named Tiny Dog. It accuses BDS of antisemitism-allegations that boycott leaders adamantly deny-and says the movements end goal is to. The senior pageant among the two competitions, Miss America was established. He’s a combination roustabout/raconteur/amateur gigolo. They say Flint, Michigan’s own Uncle Keith was born with a mullet and HE grew around IT! He has been fully immersed in mullet culture his entire life, and has become a noted expert on the hairstyle.
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hveyg · 5 years
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C:No Evil "Bloody Ice 4's" Customized by: Yours Truly (2nd pic is the original shoe chipped, scuffed, and worn. 1st pic is after the young king got a hold of em) . . . . . #fashion #store #denim #shoes #bags #accessories #handpainted  #streetwear #urbanfashion #insta #instafashion #instapic #instagram #clothes #savannah #georgia #2019 #atlanta #atl #abstractart #art #custom #oneofone #customshoes #jordans #jordan4 #bloody #designer #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/BxnWkTdnLr4/?igshid=yvszasd5qloi
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In America, around 17 million children are battling hunger. An entrepreneur has teamed with rap star Gunna to open a free grocery store inside his old middle school in Georgia to try to begin to change that.
Social entrepreneur Jasmine Crowe knows a thing or two about getting creative in the pursuit of giving back. As CEO of Goodr, a startup dedicated to eliminating food waste, her bread and butter has been helping those who need it most.
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It has always been a dream of hers to open brick-and-mortar locations to do just that, Crowe said in an interview with NPR. Partnering with Gunna, whom she and her company have worked with for years on charitable efforts, helped turned that dream into a reality for the students and families at Ronald McNair Middle School in Atlanta.
The store, called Gunna's Drip Closet And Goodr Grocery Store, has an array of foods, household items, toiletries, and even clothes and shoes for students and their families.
"The principal describes it as like a mini Walmart," Crowe said.
The biggest difference, of course, is that everything is absolutely free. Stock is replenished weekly, and there are vegan options as well as fresh produce. Also present are plenty of easy and quick options, which were chosen for a very specific reason.
"We were really conscious of making sure that we were providing items that the kids could make themselves because the principal let us know that a lot of these kids, when they leave school, they are essentially adults that are making the meals," Crowe explained. "They're doing everything for their household."
Parents can come shop after dropping off their children for school, and they even have the option of using an app, created exclusively for the school, to reserve a shopping time slot or request items.
Goodr also gifted every student a reusable shopping bag, not just to avoid waste, but also to provide students with the option to shop anonymously. Since every student has a bag to use for anything at any time, there's no real way to know if a student has gone shopping at the Goodr store, Crowe explained on Twitter.
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hartenstraat · 2 years
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PRONOUNS: He/him/they
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 23, April 24th
THREE POSITIVE TRAITS:  trustworthy, creative, determined
THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS:  impatient, scatterbrained, stubborn
OCCUPATION: pianist at Amsterdam philharmonic orchestra
Cameron doesn’t know much about his biological parents, all he knows is that his birth mother left a note which stated that he is named after his grandfather on his mother’s side when she left him on the steps of an orphanage in Atlanta, Georgia
They were in foster care for about 5 years going from family to family before he was placed with the Jones’. It soon became apparent that the Jones’ were a good fit for the energetic kid. Not only because they were the first family that excepted him as he was - Cameron was born blind - but also because they saw his potentials.  
When Cameron was 8 years old the family moved to the Netherlands because his father accepted the job of chief of staff at the Amsterdam Medical Center. 
Cameron had trouble fitting in at school at first until his parents let them switch to an international school. Here he flourished into a goofy kid, with a love for music, playing piano mostly. After high school, Cameron went to the conservatorium in Amsterdam and now he’s a member of the Amsterdam philharmonic orchestra.
Not many people know that they have a YouTube channel where he streams some of his music. Mostly dream/relax/soothing music. They get millions of views a month. He recently published his music on Spotify.  
It takes time for Cameron to trust people. He’s careful who he lets in, always afraid to get hurt by someone leaving him. He credits this to being placed in one foster family after the next before the Jones family took him in and adopted him.
Cameron wears whatever he likes to wear, clothes have no gender for them.
When it comes to dating they have found a match in Dae. They first met in high school and have been together ever since. They live together in an apartment above on of the stores on Hartenstraat, together with what Cameron likes to call, their own petting zoo.  
One of the members of their own ‘petting zoo’ is Bart, Cam’s service dog. The only pet that isn’t allowed to be petted without Cam saying it’s okay. Cameron’s life has become a lot easier since Bart came into his life and they’re living their life a lot more independently with Bart’s help.  
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