crystalsclangencorner · 10 months
(CW: Implied Character deaths)
(I wanted to do this as a book-like thing, I may do that for the rest of my clans in the future-)
Badgerpaw was carrying her brother Beaverkit by his scruff, he was only a moon old after all.
Near the two was Cloudypaw and his (adopted) sibling Springkit. Springkit was only five moons old so they didn't need to be carried.
Eventually the four ran into a tunnel.
There was no sounds of barking or smell of blood.
But Beaverkit was still wailing.
"Shush, we're safe now.." Badgerpaw murmured to Beaverkit.
"Why did we have to leave?" Springkit asked, only to get hit by Cloudypaw's tail. "We can't tell you around Beaverkit mouse-brain!" Cloudypaw hissed.
"... Cloudypaw.." Badgerpaw started, "Yeah, I know, we have to go investigate the new territory," Cloudypaw responded, then he turned to Springkit, "Look after Beaverkit, and don't leave the tunnel, alright?" He mewed, "Alright!" Springkit responded.
The two apprentices left the tunnel.
... There were at least four other tunnels.
There was also a lot of snow, seeing as it was leaf-bare.
... It was also snowing a lot.
The two apprentices decided to go back in the den.
Chapter 1
Some time passed.
Badgerpaw was now Badgerrose, she was also training Cloudypaw now.
Springpaw was a medicine cat now.
Right now Badgerrose and Cloudypaw were looking at an abandoned Badger sett.
"We're going in there?" Cloudypaw asked, "Relax, it's long abandoned, and it's big enough to not be claustrophobic, and has plenty of criss-crossed, overlapping tunnels," Badgerrose mewed.
... Yeah, that wasn't convincing.
Safe to say Badgerrose was not happy when the two returned.
Ironically the next moon Cloudypaw was more than ready to be a warrior. He was Cloudyfall now.
Beaverkit was also an apprentice, he decided to be a meditator.
And then a kittypet joined.
Her name was Oakley.
Surprisingly she was a good healer! She was now Springpaw's mentor.
"How nice for Springpaw," Beaverpaw sighed, "You're doing great without a mentor," Badgerrose responded, "Just like me." She finished.
"... I guess that's true," Beaverpaw responded.
... And then Oakley and Springpaw crashed into the clearing, carrying kits.
And of course Cloudyfall jumped to conclusions.
"They aren't ours. Oakley heard a noise and decided to investigate," Springpaw hissed.
"It was a SlateClan cat. Shadebriar I think," Oakley said.
The look on Cloudyfall's face was unreadable.
"What happened to Shadebriar?" Beaverpaw asked, "... She died having her kits," Oakley responded.
A silence was in the air, well... Not really. Since the three newborn kits were mewling for their mother.
Badgerrose wrapped her tail around them.
"I'll take care of them," Badgerrose said, picking up the cream tabby she-kit.
Springpaw nodded before picking up the brown tabby she-kit, while Oakley grabbed the unusually spotted gray tom.
Once they were in the nursery, Badgerrose curled up around them.
"... What are you going to name them?" Oakley asked.
"I'll name the cream tabby 'Jasminekit', her sister will be 'Dustkit', and their brother will be 'Wispkit'," Badgerrose said, "Those are nice names you picked out," Springpaw said while Oakley nodded.
"We'll leave you alone now, Badgerrose," Oakley said, "Alright," Badgerrose responded.
... These kits... Badgerrose will do her best to raise them.
The next moon the kits opened their eyes.
Jasminekit had emerald green eyes, Wispkit had heather blue eyes, and...
... Dustkit looked like Shadebriar more and more, she had Shadebriar's eyes.
... The look on Cloudyfall's face when Dustkit opened her eyes and saw that they were the same sunlit ice color Shadebriar's was.
Badgerrose wasn't Badgerrose anymore, she was Badgerstar now. Cloudyfall was the deputy as well.
Badgerrose was also on her way to get her nine lives.
Sleetwhisker, Pikestar's mother, gave Badgerstar a life for integrity.
Then Badgerstar's mother Puddledur appeared, she smiled at her and gave her a life for instincts.
Badgerstar's father Cloudshade was next, he gave her a life for farsightedness.
Cloudyfall's father Fiercehaze was next, he gave Badgerstar a warm smile before giving her a life for devotion.
"Take care of the clan the best you can," He whispered before going back into the group of StarClan cats.
Shiveringspot was next, she gave Badgerstar a life for bravery.
Flamedapple was next. He lectured Badgerstar about leadership before giving her a life for endurance.
... Then Shadebriar showed up.
She dipped her head in greeting, the she thanked Badgerstar for taking care of her kits before giving Badgerstar a life for leadership through the darkest of times.
"You managed to lead your brother, your mate and his sibling when your clan was killed by dogs, and you continued to lead them when it was just you four, you'll do great," Shadebriar said before going back into the group of StarClan cats.
Finally, Pikestar appeared.
"I give you a life for energy," Pikestar said before going back to the StarClan cats.
Suddenly, many more starry shapes appeared.
"We grant you your last remaining life. Use your lives well with our blessing," The shapes said.
Badgerstar woke up, knowing that she was ready to lead her clan.
Chapter 2
She never understood why her siblings always left her out of the games they played...
She wasn't a kittypet unlike that Oakley!
She eventually looked at her mother, Badgerstar, who was talking to Cloudyfall across the clearing.
... Was Badgerstar even her and her litter mates actual mother?
Her thoughts were interrupted.
"May all cats old enough to frolick in the meadows gather around my den for a clan meeting!" Badgerstar said.
Jasminekit begrudgingly joined the group of cats gathering around.
"Today, we have three new apprentices. Jasminekit, Dustkit, and Wispkit. You three have all reached six moons old. Until you earn your warrior names, you will be known as Jasminepaw, Dustpaw, and Wisppaw," Badgerstar started, "Jasminepaw, your mentor will be Cloudyfall. Cloudyfall, I have taught you well and I hope you will pass all you know down to Jasminepaw." Badgerstar said.
Jasminepaw touched noses with her mentor, Cloudyfall. Jasminepaw looked bored and unimpressed, but she was happy.
"Dustpaw and Wisppaw, I will mentor you both. I swear to teach you both all I know," Badgerstar said.
A pang of jealousy hit Jasminepaw.
... Then Wisppaw spoke.
"Can we go gather moss? I want to make sure everyone has fresh bedding," Wisppaw said.
Jasminepaw didn't say anything, she just turned around and left.
It felt surreal to Wisppaw, like a nightmare.
Jasminepaw got yellowcough and she died.
... At least Beaverpaw, now Beaverdream, was expecting kits.
Springpaw also became a full medicine cat, they were Springwhisper now.
And unsurprisingly, Springwhisper and Beaverdream became mates two moons ago, so it was obvious that Springwhisper was gonna be the sire to Beaverdream's kits.
Right now Wisppaw and Dustpaw were on a patrol.
Then they stopped.
"What's that?" Dustpaw said.
The two cats then got closer.
... It was a cat!
He was also injured!
The two ran back to the clan, supporting the stranger as he had a broken back.
"He'll be fine, he even decided to join the clan!" Springwhisper said, "His name is Stripes, by the way." He finished.
"Oh thank StarClan he's okay!" Dustpaw responded, "Where did he come from? How did he get on the side of the thunderpath?" Dustpaw then began her series of questions.
... Then Badgerstar called for them.
It didn't sound like it was good.
"You better go to her," Springwhisper said.
Wisppaw and Dustpaw both signed in unity before leaving the medicine cat den.
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foxmallow · 1 year
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Hello! I’m Fox, long-ish time GW2 player and more recently also dipping my toes into GW1!
I wanted to make a blog to hold all my guild wars screenshots, art, and other things, as well as hopefully meet others in the community!
Currently I play a lot of WvW but I’ve been making my way through some PvE achievements in prep for the new story ^^
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astralarias · 4 months
From @foxmallow, congrats on the near 400 followers! Thank you for doing a giveaway ^^
My ign is Foxmallow.7861, and my favourite race is currently charr! I love warclaws the most, as I feel they fit the Charr aesthetic nicely... though the griffon is a lot of fun to play with. I remember when griffon was discovered and seeing people zooming overhead on them while I was making my way through the Desolation.
I have an alt problem, but my current main is Valeria Cloudshade, a charr warrior. She is the one I would consider my 'commander', doing most of the public facing roles and story ^^ She is level-headed and quite friendly for a charr, but likes to let off steam in the mist war (I love a bit of WvW).
sent, thank you!!! i love the sound of Valeria, she seems so cool <3
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verathena14 · 1 year
warrior cat OCs (part 1 because i have 125+ of these guys)
did anyone ask? no. do i care? no.
IceClan cats! They live in the snowy mountains. They're usually fluffy and tend to have brown or gray coats (because Natural Selection Exists); if cats don't have brown or gray coats, they probably are (or are descendants of) a cat outside their Clan. That being said, IceClan is usually one of the more hospitable Clans (at least, the cats are; the mountains are Not Friendly) so a variety of pelt colors is pretty much a given.
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Blazetalon (molly, she/they), Dreamchaser (tom, he/they), and Goldfire (molly, she/her)! Goldfire is the daughter of Goldenstream (molly, she/her) and Nightstrike (tom, he/they), littermate to Blackface (tom, he/it/they) and Wrenkit (molly, she/her, died in kithood). Blazetalon is a former loner, found as a kit, abandoned by the edge of IceClan's territory, by their medicine cat Firestorm (amab, she/her). Goldenstream took care of her since she was practically the same age as her own kits. Dreamchaser was born in MoonClan to Stormbright (tom, he/they, leader) and Milkspot (molly, they/she), but left after Politics divided his Clan (something something Storm died but the deputy was revealed to have kits in another clan and the conservative cats Did Not Like That. (also they didn't like that Dream had gotten Gold pregonat WHOOPS so he was just like "okay but if i join IceClan then nobody will have a problem with this, right?" and then he joins IceClan)
they are bisexual and they have a dumb love triangle but all three ways (+ comphet "im really close to this girl so im just gonna call her my sister even though that feels wrong"). Dreamchaser dies and then Goldfire gets depressed so Blazetalon helps her and then Blazetalon dies and then Goldfire is all sad like "oh they wont want me to die because theyre together in cat heaven" and then Blaze and Dream are like "you absolute dummy. polyamory" and then when Gold dies they are a happy throuple in cat heaven 😌
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(dont mind the old goldfire design in there, i dont have the raw file for this one anymore and i just dont wanna fix it)
oh and dreamchaser is heckin SHORT. we stan the short king <3
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also out of the three, Goldfire and Dreamchaser are the only ones that have kits. They have three: Eclipseheart (amab, any pronouns, prefers they/them), Elkdapple (tom, he/it/paw), and Eveningshade (molly, she/they). Eveningshade doesn't have a ref yet so have this super-old drawing from back when i drew with a mouse (yikes)
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These cool guys are some of the cats in Goldfire and Blazetalon's age group (technically Dreamchaser's as well but he wasn't in IceClan at the time): Duststorm (tom, any non-fem pronouns), Eaglegaze (amab, they/them), and Shadowedmask (tom, he/him). I haven't drawn Duststorm's littermates Lightfoot and Whitewind, but they exist too. Also Duststorm and Eaglegaze are siblings from different litters; Eagle (and their sister Silverheart) is actually the baby of the age group and Dust is the oldest.
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And Cloudshade (they/them) is their oldest sibling.
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Firestorm (aforementioned medicine cat) is Hawktail's (molly, she/they) mentor, and Skunkbright (molly, they/she) is IceClan's leader. Shiningfur (amab, she/they) is MoonClan's medicine cat. However, because I think the "med cats can't have a mate/kits" rule is Stupid, they are just *strongly discouraged*; it's not ~against the rules~
oh boy dead kits time
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Honeybeekit (he/they/it) and Spiritkit (he/they) are Goldfire's kits from her first litter (though Dreamchaser is not their father... oh the intrigue!). Both of them died as kits. Aaaand there's Goldenstream and Wrenkit (hoo boy that art is old and the colors are 😬)
You think this is a mess? ha just look at the family tree
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yeah :)
its a mess.
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legitedigiulia · 4 years
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Lago di Cavia, Falcade (BL). Italy
luglio 2018 Adoro quando in montagna ci sono le nuvole ed il sole. Sembra una frase di un bambino di 5 anni, ma e’ vero.
Il vento muove le nuvole cosi’ velocemente, le luci e le ombre cambiano di continuo.
Un attimo e’ tutto chiaro e cristallino, l’ attimo seguente non vedi ad un passo dal tuo naso. Allo stesso modo ti trovi ad essere baciato dal sole e dopo un istante in completa oscurita’.
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rainbow--crystal · 3 years
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See these characters? Like these characters? Check out my webcomic Cloudshade Chaos on Tapas or Webtoon!
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quitedisastrous · 2 years
revising my meow meow lore (part of it anyways, there's still some things i'm leaving for later). post 1/? because i refuse to write this in anything but the usual post editor and i don't like having too much text unsaved on an online site Thistleberry receives her full name at least a moon too soon, because her mentor, Cloudshade, one day disappears. The running theory is that he got too close to fire that occurs every leafbare in a particularly thicker area of the forest near the camp, though no one is certain. Thistleberry isn't too shaken up by this, because, well, it's Cloudshade. Mr. "Starclan told me that that kitten is the greatest medicine cat this clan could potentially have so I'm going to kill her mother and several other rogues and kittypets just to make sure she stays in this clan." It should be mentioned that Cloudshade has previously had dreams he swore were from Starclan that, well, weren't. Despite the naming ceremony being a little early since the clan needs a medicine cat, she still spent more time as an apprentice that she would have had Cloudshade not died. He was awfully hasty for her to be a full medicine cat and though she may have had the knowledge for it, she felt far from ready.
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Windclan Families
SHEEPSTAR (Tallstar) - n/a
DUSKFOOT (Deadfoot) - son of Hickorynose, mate of Ashfoot
BARKFACE - son of Brackenwhisker
WARRIORS (cats without kits)
MUDCLAW - son of Ryebreeze, brother of Thornfang
ASHFOOT - sister of Cloudshade, mate of Duskfoot
WRENFLIGHT - mate of Stagflight, mother of Littlepaw
THORNFANG (Tornear) - son of Ryebreeze, brother of Mudclaw
RUSHSTREAM (Runningbrook) -  n/a
ROBINPELT (Robinwing) - brother of Morningflower
BRISTLETAIL (Bristlekit) - sister of Rabbitclaw
RABBITCLAW (Rabbitkit) - brother of Bristletail, father of Sorrelpaw and Pigeonpaw
CLOUDSHADE (Cloudrunner) - brother of Ashfoot, mate of Morningflower, father of Gorsekit, Whitekit, and Webkit
RYEBREEZE (Ryestalk) - daughter of Mistheart, sister of Doepelt and Stagflight, mother of Mudclaw and Thornfang
STAGFLIGHT (Stagleap) - son of Mistheart, brother of Ryebreeze and Doepelt, mate of Wrenflight, father of Littlepaw
DOEPELT (Doespring) - daughter of Mistheart, sister of Ryebreeze and Stagflight
FLYSTRIPE (Flykit) - mate of Oatwhisker, mother of Tawnykit and Quailkit
APPRENTICES (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors) 
LITTLEPAW (Onewhisker) - son of Wrenflight and Stagflight
SORRELPAW - daughter of Rabbitclaw, sister of Pigeonpaw
PIGEONPAW - daughter of Rabbitclaw, sister of Sorrelpaw
QUEENS (cats expecting or nursing kits)
MORNINGFLOWER - sister of Robinpelt, mate of Cloudshade, mother of Gorsekit, Whitekit, and Webkit
OATWHISKER - mate of Flystripe, mother of Tawnykit and Quailkit
ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired) 
HICKORYNOSE - father of Duskfoot
MISTHEART (Mistmouse) - mother of Ryebreeze, Stagflight, and Doepelt
BRACKENWHISKER (Brackenwing) - father of Barkface
KITS (kittens under six moons old)
TAWNYKIT - daughter of Oatwhisker, sister of Quailkit
QUAILKIT - daughter of Oatwhisker, sister of Tawnykit
GORSEKIT - son of Cloudshade and Morningflower, brother of Whitekit and Webkit
WEBKIT - son of Cloudshade and Morningflower, brother of Whitekit and Gorsekit
WHITEKIT - daughter of Cloudshade and Morningflower, sister of Gorsekit and Webkit
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ciitrus--fruitz · 3 years
Family Trees
Since there are so many cats, I decided to make family trees! I wasn't able to put Salem and Chickadee on here, but everyone else found a place. For two cats (mossberry and beetlepaw), they have a secondary "parent" who is just their mentor.
Here are the lists in order!
Ryepelt/Larchtooth [26 cats]
Hazelflower/Grayrush (plus more) [68 cats]
Smoketalon/Featherfur (plus more) [80 cats]
Splashheart/Ospreystar [12 cats]
Olivefang/Mosspelt [10 cats]
Cloudshade/Tanglehedge [15 cats]
Lilypond/Gingerstripe [34 cats]
Silvershell/Olivebramble [12 cats]
Patchypelt/Embermeadow [5 cats]
Rosewater/Ashfang [10 cats]
Volefluff [16 cats]
Swiftlight/Adderbite [7 cats]
Fogflower/Deertail [6 cats]
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abhishekjangdeworld · 4 years
Today's afternoon's video we got amazing clouds shades on my area. For more photos and videos follow me on my instagram 👇 @abhishekjangde.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- #india #abhishekjangde #cloudshades #naturephotography #naturevideos #climate #clouds #cloud #nature #love #naturelovers #naturevibes #naturevideo #cloudshapes #cloudshade #clickbyabhishekjangde #AKbestnatureclick #AKphotogarphy #AKbestnatureclip (at Bhilai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFEquLRpYZ4/?igshid=1t04m28j7rk24
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exzfilms · 6 years
CrapDeshoes CloudShade [1.8] [1.7.10] [1.7.2]
Ссылка на источник: Читать дальше »
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foxmallow · 1 month
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The Shade Warband, as it currently stands.
Love this feature of Janthir Wilds, though it could definitely be easier xD Wish I could just pick them up and move them around like the items, I spent ages trying to get them positioned. Top row, left to right are: Cassia Burnshade, Weaver; Maelstrom Iceshade, Tempest; Tanis Shadesight, Spectre; Lux Shattershade, Virtuoso; Gnaeus Crookedshade, Dragonhunter. Bottom row, left to right: Astor Sandshade, Scourge; Valeria Cloudshade, Bladestorm; Qara Paleshade, Renegade; Nona Aldershade, Soulbeast; Vesta Greyshade, Firebrand.
Quick little description; Qara is the leader and founder of the warband. She recruited Nona after her original warband were killed in combat, and Nona is her second-in-command. Cassia, Vesta, and Valeria were recruited shortly afterwards, with Valeria quickly becoming a core part of the warband, and assisting Qara and Nona with the day-to-day running of things. Maelstrom was picked up as a gladium- as a long-time rival of Cassia, this was not well recieved. Astor, Lux, Tanis, and Gnaeus were all recruited from the fahrar, though not all at the same time. Gnaeus is the youngest of the warband.
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hulilistory · 7 years
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왜 카우커피가 맛있냐면~ 항상 저렇게 구름그늘이 커피나무를 덮어주니까 ㅎㅎ 볼때마다 느끼지만 참 신기하다 . this is part of reason why Kaʻu coffee is so good. Cloud Shade!! It protects coffee :) . #훌리리 #Hulili #훌리리빈 #HuliliBean #design_private_tour #Coffee #커피 #원두 #여행 #Travel #하와이 #hawaii #夏威夷 #ハワイ #ฮาวาย #커뮤니티 #Community #book #bookstore #코나 #빅아일랜드 #Bigisland #kau #카우 #구름그늘 #CloudShade
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fluffeecoffee · 5 years
Warrior Cats Au (Part 1/?)
Medicine Cat!Cloudtail (Part 1)
When Fireheart brings Cloud, Cloud doesn’t feel very comfortable around anyone else but Fireheart. When Cinderpaw has her accident, Fireheart visits her daily and Cloud follows him. He learns a lot about herbs and bonds a lot with Cinder. Yellow asks Cinder to become her app and Cinder accepts the role begrudgingly. Cinder vents to Cloud that she really wants to be a warrior but since she’s injured she wouldn’t be any good. Cloud, an angry ball of fluff, tells Cinder to follow her dreams and that he will be Yellow’s apprentice so she can be a warrior. Cinder finishes her training and becomes Cindershine and Cloud trains happily under Yellow.
Then when the dog attacking takes place Cloud spends a lot of time with Brightpaw (I thought there bond was a little out of the blue in the books so this really sets their relationship). Cloud with the help of Cindershine help Brightpaw become confident again and she ditches the name Lostface and gets her name Brightheart (may change). Cloud finally gets his name as well!
Cloudsky - Connection to Skyclan?
Cloudshade - Sounds cool
Cloudsong/Cloudstep- Pretty
Cloudwatcher - Fits his personality
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finishinglinepress · 7 years
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FINISHING LINE PRESS CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: Eve by Betsy Orient Bernfeld $14.99, paper https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/eve-by-betsy-orient-bernfeld/ Betsy Orient Bernfeld is a librarian, lawyer and writer. She lives with her husband Joe in a little log cabin in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Grounded in the landscapes of the American West, Betsy Bernfeld’s voice is refreshingly direct—vivid, unsparing, and emotionally gripping. “Eve” is an impressive collection. –Lynne Bama, author of Yellowstone Rising Bernfeld’s collection celebrates womanhood and women’s relationships with each other and the natural world. She paints an unflinching portrait of what it means to live inside the body feminine. Filled with beauty, longing, and an honoring of women’s strengths and vulnerabilities, these poems say an unqualified yes to nature, biology, and fate, unapologetically insistent andfeminine in a masculinized world. –Lori A. Howe, author of Cloudshade: Poems of the High Plains and Voices at Twilight: A Poet’s Guide to Wyoming Ghost Towns. Betsy Orient Bernfeld’s book feeds my dreams . . . . –Marjane Ambler, author of Yellowstone Has Teeth. PREORDER SHIPS MAY 18, 2018 RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/eve-by-betsy-orient-bernfeld/ #poetry
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