#clove she/her
madeofjules · 2 months
I'll never agree with the short Peeta/tall Katniss takes because their canonical sizes are both narratively and thematically relevant.
Peeta's medium height and stocky build give him the size and strength to overpower most of his competitors in the arena, yet he rarely uses those traits to hurt people despite being in circumstances that encourage violence. Having the power and motive to be deadly and choosing to be kind instead is what defines Peeta's character.
Katniss's small size generally puts her at a disadvantage in the Games but she's still very deadly. I like that she's earned the skills (bow and arrow, hunting) and survivor mentality that make her a formidable tribute because she's not supposed to be this naturally gifted "chosen one" type figure. She's a regular teenage girl who has some special qualities but still needs a lot of help to win the Games.
Their size difference is also relevant in their relationship. Katniss has had to take care of herself since she was a young girl because of her mother's neglect, and as a result she doesn't trust other people to protect her. She's understandably mistrustful of Peeta's kindness when they become tributes, as one of them has to die for the other to live and he has the ability to kill her with his bare hands if he wants to (which we see later on when he's hijacked). Yet once they become allies, his larger size is no longer a potential threat but a source of comfort and protection; being held by him is the safest Katniss has felt with anyone since her parents held her as a little kid. And after they leave the arena, his strong arms are the only ones she trusts to guard her from her nightmares.
So even though I do think short guy-tall girl couples deserve more rep, it doesn't really make sense for Peeta and Katniss. And tbh viewing the gentle and compassionate boy as short and the tough hunter girl as tall is a little stereotypical lol.
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honeynclove · 27 days
me after a long day being visibly alt and queer and yelling back at street preachers 😊😊😊
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goodluckclove · 11 days
I do enjoy being friends with writers across different fields. I did, however, just recently end a long-term friendship I had with a freelance journalist/medium columnist. And because of how radically she misinterpreted our last few conversations there's a chance she thinks I did it because she's poly.
Which is. Oh my god. Not even the prologue to that story. But it would make a pretty engaging article, wouldn't it?
Anywho I'm hoping she won't be as petty as I feel like she might be, but since she wrote a Medium think piece after her last bad relationship there's a good chance she might write one about my perceived polyphobia. I'm imagining she won't name me? But holy shit if she does this I'm circumventing my don't argue online rule because holy SHIT.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 9 months
thinking about the scene in book!tbosas where teslee (district three female) was being attacked by the horrifying snakes and she nonverbally pleaded with mizzen (district four male) for help. and he only shook his head, not moving to help her - but the book specifically stated that this was more out of stunned fear/horror than any kind of menace or glee at teslee's imminent death.
and he wasn't even from her district too. they were not in an alliance. she literally had no reason to expect any assistance from him, but district divisions & sectionalism didn't matter when she was scared and in pain. none of these divisions of districts one, two, three, four, five through twelve matter!!! not when children are suffering and dying as penance for a just war that ended several years ago! it's as if the narrative is trying to tell you there is no difference between a suffering/dying child from one district or another.
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
I have been obliterated, thank you! Congratulatios on the comic, I think its pretty well managed, specialy the pain part
You’re welcome! Sorry I didn’t obliterate you in one massive part.
I was really excited to show Nings chronic pain. It’s a part of the original Little Mermaid that her legs are agonizing to stand on so I have a nod and a hint about Ning to savvy fairy tale enthusiasts
But it was also something I related to with my chronic fatigue. It’s an invisible disability and I really loved getting to show it, I’m so glad it read well.
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syxnewt · 5 months
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okay this is my valorant oc her name is accord and she is a menace to society :3
i tried something new with the shading here so i hope it looks good
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clatoera · 2 years
we do NOT take enough time to appreciate Clove’s freckles this is a freckle appreciation post.
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dread0narrival · 5 months
Murder OC Week
Day 1- Intro
What is your murder oc's name? Where are they from, how do they kill, and what's their favorite weapon or do they like using their body to kill?
Joining in on @murder-oc-week prompt of the day which can be found here.
Alethea AKA "the Black Lotus" is one of the most notorious crime lords of the underground. She is sadistic and cruel and prefers keeping her victims alive so she can inflict as much pain and suffering as possible. She would make her victim beg for death and even still she'd only grant it after they "earned" it.
🛠️ PHISC 🛠️
Phisc is Alethea's right hand of sorts and her personal bodyguard. She is ruthless and kills in cold blood whether it be a paid job or for fun. Her prefered weapons of choice are her firearms but the thrill of the hunt is what she loves most of all.
Clove is an unfortunate creature who's wrapped up in Alethea's syndicate and forever bound to her service. He doesn't want to kill but he is easily capable of it and he kills in the heat of passion with little to no planning. He has an impressive collection of knives from the practical to the ornate.
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swagging-back-to · 9 months
so im freaking out rn actually.
i noticed the girls were having a lot of trouble staying on the wheel and were being flung off it so i toed some fleece to the back to slow it down a bit.
and then i went to cook dinner bc i was confident nothing would happen in terms of the wheel
i came back up to check on them and i noticed clove acting a bit weird. when she fell off a platform by losing her balance she just contined to fall to the side.
so i immediately reached in and picked her up and... she had a seizure. or what im almost certain is a seizure. it was really scary and all i could do was watch as she seized in my hand not knowing if she was actually dying.
shes doing a bit of waltzing (not bad tho) and is just super puffy with her eyes closed.
even if i had a vet for them none of them would be open right now.
im just watching her like a hawk now, as long as shes up and moving im calm.
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I like that there's all this detail that goes into the description of Arthur and staking Lucy (or rather, the Bloofer Lady, because that's not Lucy anymore), and then for the rest of it it's just 'then we cut her head off and filled the mouth with garlic and sealed it up and off we went'. Like, that part isn't the important bit, because the undead has been killed, Lucy's soul has been freed, what's left is just the body, what happens now doesn't matter anymore. Arthur knows what they're going to do, Van Helsing asked for permission before, he doesn't need to be there to witness that, and neither do we, I guess.
Heck, Seward doesn't even say 'we cut off HER head'. He says 'we cut off THE head and filled the mouth with garlic'. That's not Lucy anymore. Lucy is gone.
Goodnight, Lucy. I hope you're at peace now. There's still work to do, but at least you're beyond Dracula's reach and can rest.
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facefox · 1 month
it's a pity that i cannot let f.xface win her games without altering the plot of the series so drastically and dramatically and kind. of ruining the overall plot at that. but will that stop me from creating an au where that's exactly what i do? no, no it will not
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honeynclove · 2 months
media with a gender neutral mc vs people who insist the mc has to be female no matter what
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murderboisblog · 23 days
You think Georgie and/Ben would get “stranger danger” vibes from Clove? 🤔 I know Georgie can beat Cloves’s ass proper if she wanted (he is a-okay with that btw 😤👌)
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Ben, definitely certainly 100%. Georgie… 😬 Girl is too dependent on her own strength and Ben’s protectiveness of her to see anyone or anything a legitimate threat to her safety
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enobariasdistrict2 · 8 months
clato are so "'i could fix him' well good for you, i can be the one thing he's truly afraid of" coded
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johannamason07 · 10 months
You want me to do basic math? Sorry, I don't know, I get really lost in here. What's that? You want me to reanact the entire Clove's monologue from the feast before Thresh got her? Oh, I don't know if I can go that eith-where's lover boy? Oh I see... you're gonna help him, right? That's sweet. Now, it's too bad that you couldn't help your little friend. That little girl, what was her name again? Rue? Yea, well we killed her. And now... we're gonna kill you...
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rocketrrush · 1 year
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fucking obsessed with this design like it went so hard
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