#club penguin blizzard
lilmissrandom4607 · 11 days
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And they’re all done✨
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chedarr · 6 months
The TV specials :D
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Again i tried to make them in different styles each but now with the tv specials characters
I fought more than what i thought i would with this five but i think it worth it
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wildcardaces · 8 months
@agent-a-cpfancomic "no energy faints" edition!
Where Shawn was just running on fumes
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Anna: Shawn??? Awesome cosplay but are you ok?
Shawn: i-im ok!
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Anna: yeah, I don't believe you.
Shawn: Anna nooo...
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Gary: oh hi!
Anna: Shawn needs a bed
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Shawn: i-im fine...
Anna: like hell you're fine!
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Anna: shit.
Gary: oh dear-! Ok yes right away I'm calling Orion.
Shawn had a rather rough day and despite it being Halloween, he was running on fumes and ended up fainting after a while. Anna's quick thinking definitely helped him not collapse in the middle of town though!
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Shawn: uh- how dare you?
Clay spilled ink on shawn and it got on his feathers. Shawn isn't mad but he's gonna have faintly dyed feathers for a few days XD
Suddenly blizzard! And he's telling off kase
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Blizzard: can you stop acting like your 10 years old?
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Blizzard: that's my job.
Kase was getting on blizzards nerves and he snapped.
And the finale! Blaize!
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Blaize loves singing rock music, especially the ones with LOTS of screaming, she's got the vocal range for such genres of rock songs!
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fullmoonfireball · 2 years
Do you have any family headcanons for Club Penguin. I’ve given Gary a niece named Garivere (Gary+Gwenivere) and, to me, something about Dot just SCREAMS “grew up with two dads”
yeah I've got a few!
- Gary: definitely the one I've got the most down for. I have his twin brother, Garrett, who in turn has his son, and thus Gary's nephew, Garimy. they have two moms- Gartrude (better known as Snowboard Sam/Blazer S) and well. Sam. Sudoku Sam, as she's been nicknamed to distinguish the two (because she used to work for the CPT, most notably making puzzles), transitioned when the twins were kids. there's also Gartrude's sister, Garavel, also known as Auntie Freeze, and her younger brother, Garreth, who is G. Billy's father.
another family member worth mentioning (though I haven't done much with her), is Garaldine- Gary's grandma, and Gariwald XII's sister. she painted that massive portrait in the foyer of the mansion from memory, because Gariwald (and especially his puffle) refused to sit still long enough to properly act as reference. there's a few other figures in his family mapped out, like Garlotta, Garianna's sister who did textile weaving, but they're all pretty vague in my brain.
- JPG: he and his older brother Sawyer (Jet Pack Surfer) were raised by their single mother, Nora. she's a very calm and put-together woman, which helped a lot with raising two high-energy kids on her own.
- PH: don't have a lot figured out, but I know for a fact she was adopted and is likely an only child. she doesn't know much of anything about her biological family, but she doesn't really care about them. her actual family is way more important to her.
- Rory: the oldest of three children, having just won over his brother Rowan (Iris and Jazz's dad) in the egg race, who was followed by their sister, Roxanne (Franky's mom). he's the only one of his siblings without any kids, and while he's thought about it, he's perfectly fine being "just" an uncle. the three of them were raised by their mother and father, Willow and Rorwick (who went the nickname "Rory"). Willow's sister Juniper also pitched in where she could to help them with the three, especially after Willow's passing.
- Rookie: probably the one I've got the second most figured out about. yes i did intentionally space him away from Gary because of that. he has two siblings- his older(?) sister Quack and his younger sibling Soda- and two moms- Polaris and Callie Graphee. Polaris also has two siblings- her twin brother Jester and her older half-sister, Pavonis (aka Peacock), who was forced to become the two's caregiver for a while. Rookie and his siblings have never met Jester, but they're very well acquainted with their Aunnie Pavvy, and her kids. Rookie has many cousins (including the Box Dragon (Cube)), but most of them aren't direct, and some of them are just family friends, not that they care much about that distinction.
- Blizzard + Sydmull: these two are brothers! they were raised by their foster mom, Tellua (Telly for short). the two of them aren't biologically related (Syd's a rockhopper and Blizzy is a king penguin for goodness' sake), but they will not be separated. Blizzard's biological parents gave him up because they realized they couldn't handle a child, while Sydmull came from a messy situation where no one was 100% sure who the biological parents were. Syd tries to keep in contact with the Main Suspects™, including Sergei.
- Sensei: technically I don't have any concrete family headcanons for him, but I do hc that Tusk was mostly raised by Sensei's parents, and so they consider each other brothers... or at least, they used to.
anyways, I unfortunately don't have any particular family hcs about Dot, but I really like your idea that she has two dads!
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smilesession · 29 days
if anyone plays club penguin rewritten, i'm usually on the blizzard server on my days off and i'm a purple penguin named Rimbaud. to be honest
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mammon-sama · 1 year
a concept: Idiacater club penguin romance AU
WAIT YES CLUB PENGUIN AU YES just imagine,,,,,,,,,,
idia: "ik u've never beaten me in card-jitsu but its ok isly"
or cater/idia: "can we go kiss in ur igloo 🥺"
or idia: "ur pizzatron 3000 game is weak but lets meet at the top of the lighthouse tonight yeah??? It’ll be so romantic"
or idia/cater: "if we don't beat these two guys playing the sledding minigame on bunny hill we are breaking up"
or cater: "EXCUSE ME GUYS WE ARE HAVING A PRIVATE MOMENT" (the two of them are in the middle of the crowded nightclub (at cater's request) on the freaking Blizzard server)
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rockinrook · 2 years
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I guess I can technically post this here since it has club penguin lol. I just sketched this for fun.
Twilight off to meet her club penguin gf in server blizzard 🥶😳
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me and someone from the ncp server were joking once about bizarre drug names in club penguin and we came up with shit like blizzard and snow and ice and seaweed. crazy. anyway do you think that marijuana is legal in club penguin
im gonna stop u there and say seaweed would be a drug name. 100% .
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idkimnotreal · 7 months
i had a club penguin blog back in 2011 and people sent me friend requests on the game because they knew my nickname from the blog.
similarly, i once had someone recognise me on world of warcraft (a druid in cat form. i believe a worgen) because they saw my forum posts and they always thought they were funny. that was on the brazilian forums, where the community was more tightly knit and smaller (also rip. blizzard nuked the old forums).
based on those events i can say that i have an idea what it's like to be famous. (sarcasm but kinda)
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lilmissrandom4607 · 13 days
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2/5 done✨
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dartp · 1 year
Guys we must inform the masses of my plan to destroy flip the iceberg in New Club Penguin
I am on the Blizzard server
Supposedly you have to have a blue penguin and a blue puffle
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icytatribe · 1 year
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Runeterra Elementary’s Class of Icytians [3rd - 4th Years] 
Student: “Nico”  Class: 3rd Year  Hobbies: Self-proclaimed Champion at the Gaming Cafe, wants to make a rival band from the famous I/DK (Icytian Devil Knights), Animal Whisperer, caring for a spoiled cat rescued from a blizzard  Crush: There’s one penguin in mind, but she might be taken.  [Pictured to the right] 
Student: Alysia’auriel Class: 3rd Year Hobbies: Photography Club, avid fan of Seraphine from her K/DA debut, going on dates with Starburst/Celis  Hidden relations: Auriel’enya [Pictured to the left] 
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frostbite-the-bat · 1 year
My dreams today were a big mix of stuff I did and talked abt yesterday plus some bonus stuff and even some La Spoopy but in the chaos also some club penguin TV special characters appeared? Like unrelated to everything I've done it just said LMAO Jangrah and Blizzard will appear. Enjoy
I may share what I wrote down but also it's the messiest writing ever as I Wrote it Down Like A Minute After Waking Up
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wildcardaces · 2 years
@ruby-static "wrong awnser" edition!
Where wow dylan is a real ass
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Dylan: what are ur pronouns
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Shawn: he/him
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Dylan: wrong awnser
Anna: bitch who the fuck you think you are?
Dylan proceeds to perform the real life version of a block. But fails because anna and shawn were prepared for a fight XD
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Arin: aren't you TIRED of being nice...? living only in your dreams??
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Arin: dont you want to go APESHIT??
Riki: *stressed out*
Arin and riki had a bit of a disagreement in the middle of the night. Thankfully anna was there to de-escelate the situation.
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DS!bones: riki i need sustenance...! Let me feast!
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Riki: just leave me the fuck alone.
DS!bones: i MUST, RIKI
Riki wants to just have one morning. One morning where he doesnt have to hear him speaking.
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Herbert: thank god yall are stupid.
The club penguin tv specials got me again. And herbert disguised as a penguin admittedly sent me. Along with jangrahs "uh oh" with the ocean vortex.
And the finale!
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Jangrah: i am in HELL. this is HELL!
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Sydmull: theres two of them??
Poor jangrah, she thought one blizzard was enough. Now she's met clay. And she's unlocked a new emotion! Sydmull is just absolutely confused
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clubpengmess · 3 years
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Los TV chicos of course with GUS INCLUDED CAUSE HE IS A SWEETIE
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The TV Special Kids and their fam
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