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First off, what is a mind-body connection? It can be as simple as a conscious decision to pick something up or take a step. #Pilates takes this one step further and trains the body to move correctly, safely and functionally. Creating awareness on how to move takes practice and concentration.
Life demands so much from your body. Even simple movements such as walking, running, jumping, and sitting all take a toll. Learning what muscles to activate instead of just getting from point A to point B is imperative to maintaining a healthy body well into maturity and beyond.
Mind-body connection accelerates results in your fitness. Trying a new exercise or fitness regime is like training the body all over again. Moving with intention, taking cues step-by-step, and thinking about what muscles to most efficiently move increases endurance levels without strain. Pilates techniques train the body in this fashion applying purpose to the movement.
Building awareness on how and why we function in certain ways improves our overall performance in life. Incorporating Club Pilates to continue training and challenging the mind keeps us younger and more aware of the proper choices necessary for healthy living. Check out a free class at our Oro Valley Southern Arizona Club Pilates studio today!
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Our sentiments exactly! When talking about #reformerpilates, which we often do at our #tucsonfoothills #southernarizona #clubpilates studio : ) we sometimes hear, “What is the purpose of the different apparatus?”. When it comes to the case of our guest in this photo, he is utilizing spring tension. Why springs you may ask?...
Spring tension is a major component of the #Reformer. This stems back to #JosephPilates’s original work. He used springs to simultaneously improve the #strength and stability of patients, while having them work in a controlled space. The resistance and concentration necessary when using the springs is a direct reflection of how the joints function within the body. Traditionally, springs were all uniformly standardized, but now there are various levels of tension to adhere to the diverse needs and capabilities of each client, which lead to better #workout and #exercise routine overall. To find out more, visit us at https://www.clubpilates.com/tucsonfoothills/!
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Considering taking a #Reformer #Pilates class but not sure how to prepare? Keep these tips in mind:
What to Wear: 
Keep your #attire simple, at least at first, while you figure out what works best for you.
Think Form-Fitting, Not Baggy: Choose workout clothing that's stretchy but not baggy. This way, your instructor can see the #alignment of your bones and how your muscles are engaging. Clothing with seams and stitching that follow the center line and sidelines of your body can also help you and your instructors assess your alignment and symmetry during class.
Avoid Tie-backs and Belts: Tie-back tops can be uncomfortable when you're lying on your back. Ties, belts, drawstrings, and tassels can get caught in the springs of Pilates equipment and cause an injury.
Remove Accessories or Jewelry: Long necklaces, belts, and dangling bracelets can be distracting as well as dangerous if they get caught up in the equipment.
Opt for Unscented Products: Many people are sensitive to perfumes and strongly scented deodorants, lotions, and other toiletries, so studios often request that clients refrain from wearing strong scents.
Pilates Class Etiquette Dos and Don'ts
Do Let Your Instructor Know About Injuries or Changes in Your Body: Instructors will check in with students before class and ask how they're feeling and if there's anything special going on. But don't wait to be asked. Politely approach the instructor before class and let them know what's up, whether it's a seemingly minor worry or a more significant issue like surgery, pregnancy, neck pain, or back pain.
Don't Do Exercises that Hurt Your Body: You are responsible for your body. If an instructor asks you to do something that doesn't feel right, request a #modification.
Do Find out How You Should Leave the Pilates Equipment: Usually a studio will want you to return equipment to where you found it for the next class, so if you move a piece of equipment put it back. Wipe the equipment off when you're finished with the towels and spray provided.
Don't Be Afraid of Pilates Classes!
You may be excited or a little intimidated when planning to go to your first Pilates class. At our Tucson Foothills Arizona Club Pilates Studio, we want our guests to be comfortable when taking our classes. By knowing the basics of what to expect, you'll be prepared. A few more tips can be found here. https://www.verywellfit.com/prepare-for-a-beginning-pilates-class-2704429
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One important note to highlight when it comes to #workouts -- #reformerpilates is FUN! There are a myriad of #healthbenefits that result in these #workouts, such as improved #circulation, #spinal alignment, and #corestrength, just to name a few - but there is one thing to keep on the top of the list - it is just plan #fun! If you think about your workout in positive terms, you'll probably exercise more often and enjoy it more. We found that this Philadelphia Inquirer article sums it up nicely. Why not try a free introductory class at our #TucsonFoothills #Arizona studio? At #ClubPilates, we believe that #Pilates is for every type of body, upholding #JosephPilates' vision: to help people feel great. The intro session is a great way to experience the Pilates Reformer and the various equipment and apparatus involved. Hope to see you at the gym soon! 
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You may ask yourself, what are those straps hanging inside a #pilates studio? If you’re curious, you may want to check out our #tucsonfoothills #southernarizona #clubpliates studio to add a little variety into your current #exercise routine! Visit us at https://www.clubpilates.com/tucsonfoothills/.
The TRX was invented by a Navy Seal inspired by his #fitness limitations at work while being deployed on a submarine or at duty. This piece of #equipment challenges #stability while saving space. The straps allow you to use your body weight in several different arrangements. Taking the principles of control, strength, form, and combining them with Pilates movements has created a tool bringing results to new heights. The ease of mounting the TRX has enabled studios to have members working out alongside each other without bumping or having to take turns.
Every instructor includes modifications and variations to suit their group level setting. This enables each person to feel accommodated and successful.  Exercises that normally appear to be out of your wheel house can be modified to be performed by level 1 Pilates practitioners.  For those that need an extra challenge, those same movements are increased with the slight repositioning of an arm or a leg.  This enables a group setting to be working alongside one another all getting the results they showed up for.
Lastly, there are two words in the class level title: CP Suspend. This means that this class format does not only involve the TRX. It will always implement Pilates equipment, exercises, and principles on the Reformer, just like every CP class. You can be sure that you will be getting the stability, strength, flexibility, and mobility you crave as you weave through Suspend variations along your Pilates journey.
Your CP Suspend class is an essential piece to your #workoutgoals. Stability and balance are keys to #healthy joints, and the suspension challenge is the perfect way to get #creative with your #workout.  In this way, the CP Suspend is where you take your #fitness to the next step and a successful atmosphere for everyone!
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