#clyde the bottom feeder
whole-fruit-pie · 8 months
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Vladimir's build day was on October 26th.
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It was theirs too!
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thecharminghazelnut · 3 years
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Them misfit Lawbots
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missoneminute · 2 years
Understand what you are saying, but nevertheless they appear at times to have been rather close and dare I say it, collaborative. The Bonnie and Clyde version from a Geneva hotel with Mr and Mrs both seemingly well and aware that this dubious type is filming them from within their suite whilst being sung to. Just 'sayin ,I'm not defending Roundhill's other behaviours elsewhere..
Hello, with all due respect, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Myself and others in this fandom have dealt with this man on multiple occasions. He’s manipulative, a bottom feeder, a thief and based on various behaviours very likely a pedophile. That he managed to film a few moments of brilliance when Peter was too off his face to notice doesn’t make him a collaborator. He has a knack for filling people's heads with complete fantasy while screwing them for profit. In that he’s very skilled. X
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lovevalley45 · 3 years
exact word challenge #3 (sorta)
a/n: whoops, this definitely turned out longer than i was supposed to make it. the word limit was supposed to be 337 words but uhh i ended up with 665 words. i realized i could not contain my idea in less than 400 words pretty quickly and just said fuck it. but hey, backstory fics are always fun, right? i really took this idea i had before falling asleep the other night and ran with it so enjoy!
Fitzroy Maplecourt, former student of Clyde Nite's Night Knight School, is doing the same thing he has spent the past month doing - staring up at the ceiling as he lays in bed and his own self-loathing.
It's hard not to feel like an utter failure after getting kicked out of knight school for turning the headmaster into a bottom-feeder, after all.
He shuts his eyes, rubbing a hand over his face. He's blown it, and now he's back here, in his old room at his parent's place, back to being a nobody. No hopes of heading to the realm of Goodcastle, just laying here and thinking about how badly he messed up. 
A knock at the door breaks his routine, and Fitzroy sits up with a start. "What is it?" he asks, putting on the attitude that had helped shield him at Clyde Nite's. It's hard to shake even back home, when the last thing he wants to do is be a disappointment to his parents.
His mother opens the door, leaning her head in. "Hey, sweetheart. I just wanted to tell you that you got a letter."
"Who from?" Part of him hopes it's Goodcastle, though they've been awfully quiet since the incident. Not that they were awfully communicative before anyways.
"It doesn't say," she tells him, handing it to him. It's a nice envelope, with a silver seal he hesitates to break. Just as she said, there's no return address, nothing else indicating who it could be from.
Still, Fitzroy opens it cautiously and unfolds the letter inside. 
"Dear Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt," he reads aloud. "I have heard word of your recent expulsion from Clyde Nite's Night School and, while devastating, I am offering you a chance to continue your education courtesy of Hieronymous Wiggenstaff's School of Heroism and Villainy." He pauses at that, looking over at the admission form he had been procrastinating on completing. It was so... lowbrow, compared to Clyde Nite's. But he continues to recite the letter. "Upon your enrollment, I can pay your tuition fees... in full."
"In full?" his mother asks when he stops in shock. "That...." He could see her doing the math in her head, how much more it would have cost for them to send him there, how many more loans they would have had to take out. All her problems solved with one kind letter. 
It's tempting enough for Fitzroy to take the deal. He doesn't want to go to Wiggenstaff's, but he supposes that he can figure out how to get back to Clyde Nite's if he can get a handle on his magic. Fancy colleges all so he can be a knight isn't cheap, after all. 
He hands her the letter so she can finish reading it. There's no extra conditions, just... enrolling and becoming a hero the Wiggenstaff way. It almost seems too easy. 
But she folds the letter back up in its nice envelope, laying it on his desk. “I don’t have a clue ‘bout who sent this, but it seems pretty legit.” Her hand drifts to the partially filled out application for the school still laying there, and she gives him a smile. “So maybe that… magic fluke was a setback. You’re still young, you know. It’s not everyday an offer like this comes around.”
She was right; of course she was right. Fitzroy sighs and says, “I know, Mother.”
“You better finish it soon then so you can start next semester. Better not to fall behind, they say,” his mother says. She heads back over to his bed and gives him a kiss on the cheek, patting his hand. “I’m so proud of you, Fitzy.”
He forces a smile - he’s never been fond of that nickname - as his mother heads out of the room. The application seems daunting, even more so with that darned letter beside it. 
Fitzroy gets off the bed and sits at his desk, grabbing his quill. “At least I can transfer my credits.”
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maritimecyprus · 4 years
Gluckauf, the world’s first oil tanker, had the capability to carry dry cargo. [Photo Courtesy: Capt. James McNamara]
(http://www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Over the years, hundreds of tankers were employed in the grain trades. The first oceangoing steamer designed and built to carry oil in bulk was the Belgian-flagged Vaderland, which was built in 1872. The intended service of this vessel was to carry immigrants to the U.S. and return to Europe carrying petroleum. Prior to the first voyage, however, the authorities forbade the scheme as being too dangerous. The ship was then converted to a passenger cargo liner and never carried an oil cargo.
The first prototype of the modern tanker was the Gluckauf of 1886. There were, however, numerous sailing ships owned by oil companies at the time. Interestingly, one such sailing tanker remains, the Falls of Clyde, currently laid up in Honolulu.
Until recently, most tankers were fitted with a dry cargo hold, usually located near the forecastle, and included cargo booms for the loading and discharge of cargo. The hold averaged 15,000 cubic feet and was used for the carriage of barrels, cases and drums of lube oil or oil and chemical products.
Tankers have been known to enter the dry trades. In 1944, World War II was raging across the European continent. The agricultural regions were devastated and what little grain remained in the fields could not be harvested with the farmers serving as soldiers. Europe’s cities faced starvation. The Battle of the Atlantic had fully employed all the dry cargo ships.
Due to the urgency in Europe, a bold experiment was undertaken — bulk grain would be loaded into newly built tankers that had never been in the oil trades. It was decided that these vessels were to load at Canadian ports. The experiment became a success. These vessels did get safely across, although not much is known about their voyages.
Gulfcrest was the first tanker to load a cargo of grain. Note the two cargo booms located over the dry cargo hold. [Photo Courtesy: Capt. James McNamara]
Tankers did not enter the grain trade again until 1954, when economics dictated their return. The first vessel in this trade was the 1926-built Gulfcrest, owned by the Gulf Oil Co. This vessel initially had been employed for 27 years in the carriage of crude oil around the Caribbean and U.S. East Coast.
It should be noted that in 1954, the Grain Rules from the 1948 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) were in effect and these rules called for the installation of bins and feeders in all spaces where bulk grain was to be loaded. However, the traditional tanker had holds or tanks that were subdivided by longitudinal and transverse bulkheads that honeycombed the hull into about 30 compartments or individual tanks. Thus, it was rather impractical to attempt to fit these ships with bins and feeders.
The Manhattan, after loading to its maximum draft at Baton Rouge and Galveston, anchored offshore to complete its loading of 105,000 tons of wheat from two World War II-built tankers in 1963. [Photo Courtesy: Capt. James McNamara]
On the other hand, tankships have inherent stability advantages. To accommodate the free surfaces of liquid cargoes, the longitudinal bulkheads were located to greatly reduce the transverse heeling moments. This design, therefore, similarly accommodated the potential shift of the grain, a commodity that, although it could move after stowage, was less fluid than liquid.
Thus, the first grain rules for tankers were issued in 1954 that set forth regulations on the required ship structure, fittings and cleanliness.
It should be noted that not all vessels intended to carry oil met the criteria. Structurally, this required the vessel to be subdivided by two or more suitably placed longitudinal bulkheads and not be fitted with double bottoms.
Over the years, hundreds of tankers were employed in the grain trades. Today, however, there are fewer tankers being built that can meet the criteria of the grain rules and thus fewer tankers are employed in the grain trade.
Construction of a Meccano or spar deck. [Photo Courtesy: Capt. James McNamara]
During World War II there was a great demand for sea transport, and the idea of using the open deck space of a tanker for the transportation of airplanes was developed. The wartime installations were nicknamed “Meccano decks” because they resembled Meccano toys, similar to Erector Sets. The ships, for the most part, were standard T-2 vessels that easily lent themselves to the composition of uniform steel or aluminum beams that when bolted together could be adopted to most standard tanker decks.
U.S. patrol boats in cradles on a spar deck in 1944. [Photo Courtesy: Capt. James McNamara]
After the war, when these tankers were turned over to private operators for civilian use, the Meccano decks were removed to eliminate topside weight, which was of no use to a private operator.
Source: Capt. James McNamara
  Flashback in Maritime History: Tankers carrying Dry cargo (www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Over the years, hundreds of tankers were employed in the grain trades. The first oceangoing steamer designed and built to carry oil in bulk was the Belgian-flagged Vaderland, which was built in 1872.
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maxie42608317-blog · 6 years
Eastern Usual Palm Civets (Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus).
It seems right that a picture of a secret feline snapped in West Brookfield need to wind up in the EWM in-box on the exact same day that the United States Fish as well as Wildlife Company (USFWS) declared the eastern cougar officially died out, encouraging its own removal coming from the jeopardized types list. Kitties are residing a lot longer today because of far better healthcare and also healthy, well-balanced diet plans. The item contains a chemical called Permethrin that is actually very harmful to pet cats as well as incredibly hazardous to other pets. Cryptosporidium gear box is actually possible to humans from cats, pet dogs as well as animals. See to it that you make use of the Frontline for pussy-cats product and perform not use any kind of flea treatments which are made for canines on your cat. All three of the catfish are actually looked at bottom feeders however may be addicteded to an assortment of real-time lures as well as baits. When most fishers are actually standing by for spring season to come, yet another excellent period to record major blue catfish is actually in the winter. Pet coaches and also pet dog proprietors know the importance of nourishment and also there are actually on the internet training courses specifically for them. Looking backwards, aged festival bill signboards represent that "combating type." Wild animal training behaves seem more tame in the contemporary circus, but outdated legends like Clyde Beatty as well as Mabel Stark enjoyed their significant kitties. Lots of managers of manufactured ponds inventory catfish. The kitties' collective fascination with their Indiana Jones link led Hanneman and also Wilson to deal with marketing their developments online. Likewise there were actually men boxing and also wrestling, as well as huntsmen chasing after speedy hares along with a lead of sharp-toothed pet dogs prior to all of them, they willing to catch the hares, and also the hares enthusiastic to escape. These shallow flats will be where the catfish is going to generate. Lots of folks love to possess these large property cat breeds in your home since they consider kitties as caring and also caring types of household pets. Various other pet cat instructors prepared their creatures in a group norm that permitted them to encounter their monsters standing in a safe position. There could be much more reasons why the Maine coon cats are concerned to become some of the favorites of many individuals. The Ocelot is actually considered one of the most lovely wild pussy-cat in Texas along with their lotion tinted furs with orange areas summarized in dark. However think about it. If you possess a pussy-cat (or even cats), the number of performed you buy from a dog breeder? Port Russells were in the beginning multiplied as hunters, inducing them to become vigorous toward small creatures like pet cats. If you let visit this web-site, I utilized to be on Neopets yet it would certainly take above your life. There is soooooooooo much to do about that internet site as well as new things are actually consistently being incorporated. A tiny real-time fish may be recorded and after that got rid of as well as used as lure. I like catfishing and also chasing the monster pet cats. Any kind of pet which bites delivers accident, attacks or even otherwise attacks a person or even residential creature without justification on exclusive or public residential or commercial property. After a pet cat has become relaxed along with you they are actually far more most likely to take as well as welcome being cuddled on the scalp but that takes some time for them to know this actions. Each pussy-cats have been actually kept as family pets, however some people from both species have ended up being hazardous as adults.
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maizeofloverp · 7 years
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Full name: Dean Taylor
Age: 29
Birth date: September 12, 1987
Gender & pronouns: Cismale, he/him
Affiliation: Law enforcement 
Occupation: Deputy
Faceclaim: Ryan Gosling
B i o g r a p h y »
Growing up around drug addicts and the dirty bottom-feeders of Muddy Waters, Illinois, Dean was no stranger to injustice. His mother, a prostitute, and his father, unknown, Dean spent the majority of his early years avoiding becoming collateral damage to the wreckage of his mother’s torrid relationships with sleazy johns and dealers whose idea of a good time often included pushing his mother further down a path of depravity (and just plain pushing her down).
His mother’s negligence resulted in Dean being removed from the single-wide at eight years old. He lived an unstable life, bouncing from place to place in foster care and eventually into a boy’s home for troubled youth. With the only place Dean truly feeling at home being with with the friends he had kept since youth, the disappearance of one during his junior year ruptured the only constant he knew.
Dubbed a ‘vanishing act’ by the press and unsupported by the incompetent law enforcement that only discovered her body three months later, Stella was Dean’s first girlfriend and the catalyst that would eventually push Dean towards cold-blooded murder.
Dean went into law enforcement in Muddy Waters with the determination of a young man who wanted nothing more than to see the world spin the right way. Hard-working and fueled by righteous fury, Dean persevered through the trials and tribulations of what his birth had given him. When he finally reached his goal, he was chagrined to find that the Sheriff’s department was nothing more than criminals with badges and authority, making him a complicit contribution to the problem.
It was the arrival of the Whitewater Syndicate and his mother’s untimely demise by the hands of her boyfriend, Clyde Owens, did Dean’s resolve finally shatter into a lethal weapon.
The ’Hand of God’ was what the papers nicknamed him after the department found a gruesome crime scene in the back of Our Merciful Savior. Three Syndicate members strung up by chains like macabre rabbits, a hole carved into their abdomens where evidence showed long hours of suffering before they finally succumbed to their wounds. Dean considered it artistic what he did, allowing them one final mercy to repent for their sins before they were dunked head first into an eternity of brimstone and hellfire. The Sheriff’s department didn’t share the same sentiments.
The fear that rippled through the town following the murders was the most vindication he’d felt in his entire life. Both gangs and law enforcement alike were shook, looking over their shoulders to make sure God wasn’t watching them as it should’ve always been. The burgeoning guilt that came with being judge, jury and executioner became a minuscule price to pay for the long-due purge of scum in Muddy Waters and for the first time, Dean felt like he was making a difference.
With the uproar of rumors and the addition of the vanishing gangsters he weren’t involved with, the Hand of God’s reputation has sky rocketed, making his midnight vigilantism far more dangerous than it’s ever been but Dean has no intention of stopping.
At least, not until justice is duly served.
P e r s o n a l i t y »
Depending on who you ask, varying opinions could be heard about Deputy Taylor.
Kinder civilians would describe him as loyal and dutiful as a well-trained dog whose laser-focused assiduity had been a constant reassurance in town, while most wondered how desperate the department must’ve been to hire a vicious, tattooed thug to do their bidding.
The Sheriff’s department all unanimously agreed, after a decade of unremitting service, that Dean was just a curmudgeonly wet blanket whose only redeeming factor was that he never attended any department parties.
Dean’s take-no-shit attitude towards justice and dwindling faith in the law left his righteous fury to fester like an untended wound that formed a gangrenous gash on his morals, separating black from white with little room for debate in between. Cynical, paranoid and bogged by decade-old guilt, Dean’s commitment to his sworn duty doesn’t go without the sacrifice of his social grace, leaving him a pariah among his colleagues and everyone who used to know him.
Played by Jackie
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whole-fruit-pie · 6 months
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Here, just take this
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whole-fruit-pie · 1 year
Vlad, do you happen to have any cog friends? Are there any other cogs like you that you know of, that don’t “follow their programming”, so to speak?
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whole-fruit-pie · 1 year
Yay! Well I have a backstabber lawbot OC named Samuel who is a public defender and it'd be interesting with the interactions he'd have with your cog OCs (especially lawbots). He'd have some sympathy for Vladmir and understand why he wanted to quit working for law altogether with how corrupt the court is. Shirley he'd also feel bad for since he knows what it was like to be a chaser with the building stress and negative emotions. Clyde meanwhile he'll feel is gonna get a whirlwind storm coming ahead with no mercy for the path ahead. Others that work closely with a higher up like Cyril or purposely cause harm to others such as Anton and Barclay he'd despise very much. (Rip he wouldn't trust anyone overall and just keep cold and distant with any social interactions).
I feel that if somehow Samuel opened himself up a little, he'd be decent friends with Vladimir. They could even bond over their mutual dislike for the CJ since Vlad hates the CJ more than he hates anyone else. Clyde's an outgoing guy who would try to get Samuel to come out of his shell. Shirley's at a point in her life where she's tired of all the fighting and suffering. She'd try to at least help Sam out a little if he lets her. If not, she'll leave him alone. If she were more like her formerly normal, Cogy self, she'd be more aggressive as opposed to sympathetic.
Anton would pretty much be the worst out of all my antagonistic ocs for Sam to interact with. Anton would at first be friendly to Sam, but he'll charge at any sign of weakness he spots and exploit the hell out of it. Either for his sick amusement or for his own personal gain.
It would make sense why Sam would dislike Cyril since he is the CJ's son.
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whole-fruit-pie · 2 years
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Draw your ocs meme with Clyde and Shirley.
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thecharminghazelnut · 3 years
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They’re in trouble...
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thecharminghazelnut · 3 years
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Two cog ocs! Vladimir’s fellow Lawbot friends. More info under the cut.
Shirley the Ambulance Chaser A very temperamental Ambulance Chaser. She’s brash and often pretty rude. She often acts harsh to Vladimir and Clyde, but only because she care about them. In reality she’s very much afraid of being alone.
Clyde the Bottom Feeder An unusually relaxed cog who doesn’t seem to take much seriously. This doesn’t get in the way of his work however, since he’s able to fake being a competent lawbot perfectly.
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