#cmon big companies do it once as a funny joke
ligbi · 10 months
Using a.i. art for book covers this using a.i. to replace actors that
What they should do is use a.i. to make up sports players and just make all sports fully computer generated. The players the moves the names the commentary the crowds. Saves millions and reduces real world injury to real world people. Ignore that without there being teams to play on and the dream of making it big would reduce interest in young people in sports and ultimately this would reduce sports into a niche interest within a few generations. Because that's fine
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savethevamps · 9 months
Topmew: Our Favorite Lovebirds
Disclaimer: Please don’t come making backhanded comments about their relationship. If you wanna discuss them that’s fine, but it’s no reason to post blatant hate, or negativity disguised as compliments.
Topmew are the cutest couple guys, no really they are! They’re the definition of lovebirds and everyone needs to see them in action, so here’s a post just for that. This is also known as: Top and Mew sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g…
1. Their flirting. No one does cute, annoying flirting like Top and Mew! Oh you’re out to eat with them? Get ready to feel like the loneliness third wheel while these two burn a hole into eachother and get so close, you wonder if you’re intruding on something. (You are btw, never go out with them alone)
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2. Their teasing. No their flirting and teasing are not the same, if you end up in a room with them and they start teasing eachother, it’s time to run for cover. These two don’t hold back, it’s always so charged between them! Who is in control? We don’t know okay? All we know is it’s cute, it’s gross, we need to leave the room before we start seeing bare skin. I mean we would love to see it but these two don’t share so…
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3. Alright I know what everyone has been waiting for, yes their dates! We can all agree that Top is the #1 Boyfriend for all these dates he came up with like, wow man he really made a lot of people side eye their partner (I sure side eyed my exes). I can’t believe he was going all out like this and people still called him a player, this guy is a big lover boy!
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4. Their touches are always soft, they treat eachother so gently and with so much care. Their hands are always connected to some part of the other person’s body, and it’s always gentle, tender, soft, soft, soft! They treat each other’s body with care and respect, oh they’re so cute it’s disgusting
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5. They’re so enthusiastic about eachother. If one is talking, the other is on the edge of their seat listening and ready to learn more. They will fully turn their body away from everyone else just to make sure they don’t miss out on the words falling from the other’s lips. I mean they’re just eager to know about eachother it’s so, say it with me now, cute
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6. The respect they have for eachother needs to be mentioned. Listen, they will never try to force the other to change no matter what! They wish the best for each other but they’ll never push, they’ll stand aside and allow the other to make their own decisions, and still love them regardless. To them, it doesn’t matter what the other does as long as they continue to be happy and healthy; we love that for them truly
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7. The way they admire eachother. Now listen, we know they’re attracted to eachother we’re not fools, we can see. But the admiration in their eyes when they see the other doing something, or again when the other person is talking? Yes, that’s the good stuff right there. They admire the other as a person and of course they find each other attractive but man, those eyes get sparkly when they catch eachother doing something they love
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8. They do whatever they can to make the other’s life easier. Oh you can’t sleep because of trauma? Let me lay down with you silly boy. Some asshole bumped you with their bike and broke your glasses? Well I would go after them but you said no, so let me tape them up rather poorly. Whatever they can do to help, they’ll do it! They just want their lover to have an easy day, no matter what
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9. All they need is to be around each other. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, they don’t have to talk; as long as they’re in each other’s company, they’re happy little campers. They get so giggly about it too, cmon guys it’s people watching you! They’re so comfortable in the other’s presence, they can relax as much as they like and let their guards down for once
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10. Speaking of being giggly, whenever they’re together they’re smiling! What’s so funny guys? We would like to know the joke too, but of course we wouldn’t get it cause it’s not a word, or a look; it’s just pure love. They just find happiness in everything the other does so it breaks across their faces and rises out of their lungs until they’re laughing and ticking the other to make them laugh too! I’m telling you, they can’t help themselves guys, they’re lucky they’re so cute or I would call them losers
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Anyway guys, that’s Topmew for you! These boys are in love and so cute it hurts. They just ooze love. No matter what way you flip it or reverse it, these two are in love. They say it with their eyes, their actions, and of course their mouths. They go the extra mile together, expecting absolutely nothing in return and it’s all because they’re in love. It really just pours out of them yknow?
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redbeanboi · 4 years
same anon for mista and i love your hcs! 💖 is it ok if i ask again but this time with him pining after you for so long and just wants to be out with it and sweep you off your feet and call you his if thats alright?
AHHH!!! I love pining. And I think Mista would be such a sweet sweet doofus in love so I have fun imagining these kinds of things for him. I’m going to do a hybrid between a fanfic and an hc post, so expect like… a story, but in bullet form??? hopefully that makes sense (and hopefully this is ok!!). Here’s some Mista pining for the longest time ever… FT. the members of the Bucci gang (and Trish), who collectively decide to meddle a bit so you can just start going out already.
absolutel y LOVIng the enthusiasm for our italian marksman,,,, so if you like this ask for more Mista because writing him is actually really fun for me
also i purposely made my grammar and spelling and my voice and such very silly for this thing so please excuse that. i’m having some fun too
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**mostly written from Mista’s POV**
wordcount: 3.0k
it’s been a few years now that Giorno’s been the boss
and you joined the gang a couple years ago
haven’t really climbed up the ranks, but!! Bucciarati took notice of your good work and so did Giorno
so you were assigned to work with Bucci’s team
and you’ve been there for the past year and a half
and for the past year or so, mista has had the fattest crush on you
narancia and trish took an immediate liking to you when bruno introduced you
so they introduced you to mista
anyway it’s just
so easy to fall in love with you
you’ve got the heartiest and dorkiest laugh he’s ever heard and he loves it
face of an angel 
loves how you know when to crack a joke and when to get serious
beautiful lips!!! pretty and soft looking and he just wants to kiss you!!
beautiful eyes!! he has no idea how many times he’s gotten lost in them, but he’s stared at them pretty often
very very intelligent, always seen with a book when the team has downtime
mista reads a lot too, but he’s been picking up more books now that he’s seen you read
that way he can do something together with you
sometimes you’ll recommend books to him
he THOUGHT he would hate the philosophy book you recommended to him
he hates philosophy and hates overthinking anything
but it turns out, the course of love was right up his alley like you suggested
and now mista is more convinced than ever that you’re his soulmate
he’s like
dead sure
you’re perfect to him
sweet, funny, caring–the entire package
unfortunately guido’s convinced that you’re wayy out of his league
usually he’ll ask someone out regardless
the possibility of being shot down never scared him before
“ya win some ya lose some”
thaT used to be his mindset
but with you?!! no
he’s definitely not risking that
he’s already got something pretty good going on with you
doesn’t want to wreck the current relationship you have with each other
you’re friends and you have fun with each other
it’s basically perfect!!
mista obviously wants a little more than that
kisses and cuddles and maybe some other stuff too if you’re up to it
but what if you don’t want that??
and if he asks you out or tells you how he really feels
what happens???
if you say no, what’ll happen to your friendship after that??
god now he’s overthinking everything again!!
anyway it’s valentine’s day
and the entire team celebrates together because none of you have any plans
and you’re all just hanging around giorno’s big fancy house in the posillipo district of napoli
everyone’s just lounging around one of the sitting rooms when mista gets up and excuses himself to get a drink from the kitchen
Trish notices he’s been in the kitchen for way too long tho (and isolating yourself from the rest of the company is NOT party behavior)
so she goes there, sees Mista feeding the Sex Pistols a bunch of snacks and decides to take action
“mhm” Mista feeds number 5 another chip, looks up at trish and then goes back to feeding his babies again
final straw for trish
“oh look it’s y/n” trish points over his shoulder and mista immediaTELY scrambles around the counter and starts to stutter “I was just joking, calm down”
at least he’s snapped out of it
“don’t make jokes like that!!” mista huffs and smooths his sweater down before like, triple checking to make sure you’re not actually within earshot
“what’s the matter with you? you always get so jumpy when someone mentions y/n” she starts wagging her finger at him. “is it because you think y/n’s cute?? or is it because you have a crush on--”
“i don’t–i don’T have a crush on y/n!!” he starts digging around giorno’s fridge for a drink and just settles on cracking open a peroni
yes, mista
drink some beer
that will totally solve your problems
anyway he does like you
the thing is
he’s not sure if you like him back
and usually he’s ok with people knowing if he has a crush on someone
but now that it’s you he wants to keep it to himself
he’s always considered bucciarati, abbacchio, narancia, fugo, giorno and trish like family, but he’s not about to admit he has a crush on you
because he knows 100% that they’ll all tease him, 
((ok maybe not giorno so much, but guido definitely wouldn’t put it past the other five))
he’s just not about that lifestyle
especially because narancia and trish would definitely end up letting it slip to you
and he can’t have that
no sir
when someone even slightly suggests that what mista feels for you is more than just plain old friendship he just goes pffFFfffTT me? no. no crush. i don’t do dating. or crushing. too busy for that crap
but like
everYONE knows
it’s pretty damn obvious he has a crush on you
always being the first to volunteer to get paired up with you on missions
always the first to shoo away any creep who tries to flirt with you
also he definitely throws longing glances at you whenever you’re not looking
has stared at your lips
and bruno’s caught him doing that MORE than once
((seven times now, if you must know. bruno’s been counting))
“are you going to talk to y/n tonight?” trish asks, nudging him. “neither of you have said a word to each other” 
mista’s cheeks flare up immediately
now everyone knows you’re single
even mista
it’s the only reason why he’s letting himself daydream about you
but just the thought of asking you out makes him want to piss himself
he’s part of a gang, yes
he’s also part of bucciarati’s team
he’s been through life or death scenarios
he’s been at death’s doorstep more times than you can probably count
he has a place among these hardened criminals
but you just make him SO so nervous
he can’t look at you straight in the eye for more than three seconds before he starts blushing and looking away
and either you’re too dumb to notice or he’s just so so out of your radar that you ignore all his obvious feelings
“was wondering where you guys went” narancia came to get a drink too, cracks open a beer too and sits on the counter. “what’re we talking about”
“we’re talking about how much mista loves y/n”
“oh i love talking about that–wait” narancia coughs on his beer.
mista knows EXACTLY where this is going. “don’t–”
“you and–” narancia claps a hand over his mouth and starts laughing “i KNEW IT”
and soon enough everybody else (minus you) has joined them in the kitchen
everyone’s teasing mista about you (minus giorno, who’s just shaking his head), narancia’s making kissy noises
abbacchio keeps making these “just ask her out already, you idiot”
Bruno is saying “you’ll never know what happens if you don’t say anything, and we all know you want to say something–”
fugo is telling him “if you don’t take your shot now, you might not get your chance”
mista wants to SCREECH
“shut up! what if y/n hears you idiots”
and fugo goes “has anyone else noticed that thing that mista does, where he feeds y/n a bite of his food ALL the time, but he never does it with us unless we ask”
“or the one time mista took a bullet for y/n”
“or that one time he broke y/n’s umbrella so they’d HAVE to share his umbrella”
“it was broken, idiots! that’s why I shared mine”
“mmmmhm sure it was”
and fugo nudges mista a little too hard and mista spills beer on himself
“fuck you guys” and mista grumbles and shoves past them to go to the bathroom upstairs
everyone exchanges glances
giorno just jams his thumb into his temple and sighs. “how have they not gotten together yet?”
literally everyone in that room has actively tried to push you two together
none of it has worked, obviously
 you aren’t making a move
neither has mista
you two are adults but you’re acting like teenagers
except most teenagers prob would’ve acted on their feelings now
and just two minutes after, you stroll into the kitchen super grumpy
“why did everyone ditch me in the sitting room?”
“oh we were just talking about you” bruno hums and pops a biscotto into his mouth
“yeah? what about?”
“talking about how wimpy you and mist–MmmP” Abbacchio claps a hand over Narancia’s mouth before he finishes
“want anything to drink?” fugo asks. his eyes are darting around like crazy and you think its  s u s p i c i o u s !!!
“it’s alright I’ll get something later”
giorno wants to conduct a little experiment
mista doesn’t want to talk about his feelings for you
and you haven’t said anything really, but he has a feeling you’re not going to deny any of this 
“oh, there you are mista”
and immediately you just duck under the counter behind giorno and start fixing yourself–hair, shirt, EVERYTHING
giorno just stares at you
so do the others
god its official–you and mista were made for each other
“god help me,” abbacchio gives you a hand. “what’s up with you? slip on a wet patch or something?”
you glare at all of them. “Why the hell did you do that?” 
giorno smiles. you’re all pretty familiar with each other so cussing and acting a little friendly isn’t an issue.
but now bruno wants to go upstairs and dunk mista’s head into some water and tell him to just ask you out already
it’s so infuriating for them
everyone knows how much you like each other
everyone except you and mista anyway
and you’ve liked mista for almost the same amount of time he’s liked you
it’s not your fault!!!
Mista is beautiful
the most beautiful face in the world!!! and the body of a greek god
sculpted like some fancy statue
he’s sweet, can be very polite
does his job so well
best, dreamiest smile you’ve ever seen
great taste in food
the best person to talk to–never too serious, but you always know he’s listening
always super super protective and considerate towards civilians and is TOTALLY against getting normal people wrapped up into their fights and work
and he’s so perfect
also not to be a pig, but you can definitely appreciate what a great ass he has
“you like mista, don’t you?” trish asks
you shrugged. “so what if I do? lots of people like mista”
“but you LIKE like him”
you’re not going to flat out deny it
otherwise giorno might take it as “oh y/n doesn’t want to be paired up with mista anymore for missions, so blah blah blah”
and nope, can’t have that
you can at least tell your new friends about your feelings
not that you’ll act out on them of course
and you’re shy about it still so you’re not going to even tHINK about telling mista
it’s fine you can just read books next to him forever
and then just watch when he finally finds someone he likes and goes out with them instead
speaking of mista
where is he
“so,… where’s mista?”
“he’s in the bathroom, but he’ll be coming down soon” fugo just points to the staircase
giorno just adds “i was thinking of taking us all out for dinner too”
so half an hour later you’re at libeccio
which is great, service and food are sublime
except you’re seated across the table from mista
and he’s not looking at you
so you just decide to talk to abbacchio and bruno since mista’s ignoring you
and mista gets a little nervous and sees how you’re talking away with abbacchio
and fair enough, abbacchio’s a great guy to talk to once he’s warmed up to you
and he’s smart and good looking
and mista’s convinced that maybe you’re just into older guys!! and bad boys!!
abbacchio’s got that aesthetic nailed down
mista starts wondering if he can pull it off
and he looks at abbacchio’s get up and gets pretty depressed
yeah, that’s not happening
you’d definitely make fun of him if you caught him dressing up like abbacchio
and he kinda stares into the bottle of mineral water on the table and spaces out
fuck this he’ll just pretend he’s on a date with you and zone everyone else out
and all of a sudden giorno looks at his watch and gets up from his seat
“I’m sorry, it looks like I’m going to have to leave early–I forgot about an appointment I was supposed to have”
mista looks confused
so do you
everyone else though is like “yeah that makes total sense giorno”
and you’re looking at them all like ??? “It’s night time”
and Bruno, the underboss gets up too
“I should probably go with you actually,”
and then Abbacchio quirks a brow…. and then a couple of seconds later sighs and adds “actually I think I have to go home and water some plants”
and you’re getting annoyed at this point “I thought you guys wanted to celebrate valentine’s day together!! I could’ve stayed home and watched movies or something tonight, jerks”
and then fugo leaves because he’s suddenly got some errands to do
and narancia and trish leave when they realize they’ve “suddenly got mani-pedi appointments” even though…. all the salons are closed at this hour
and you’re PISSED
mista stays behind though, and you’re actually really really happy about that
“thank god, at least I have you, right?”
and mista just laughs nervously
“yeah,,, I’m here for you”
but thankfully you just smile and clap your hands excitedly and lean over and share a menu with him
“ok !! let’s order some really expensive food and have them send the bill to the almighty ‘Don Giorno,’ huh???” and mista’s heart melts because
that is such a a brilliant idea
god you’re perfect
“yeah let’s do that,” and he just kinda basks in the proximity and lets himself get comfortable
and you both order some really tasty stuff!!!
affetati misti and burrata affumicata for appetizer (the pistols love it), risotto al pescatore and spaghetti alla carbonara for the first course, gamberoni alla griglia and filetto alla brace for the second course
and then you guys leave libeccio and find some gelateria
and you’re not really up for getting your own gelato because you’re so stuffed
but mista’s still a little hungry
and after that he offers to walk you home
the weather’s pretty nice anyway so you’re like “!! yes that sounds perfect”
and then halfway thru you ask if you can try some of his gelato and he’s like
“yeah,,, totally fine haha”
and he’s NOT screaming when you start helping yourself to his hazelnut gelato
and he kinda gestures at your mouth when some of it gets plastered to the corner of your lip
and you’re about to wipe it off yourself when he swipes his thumb around your lip
and he just kinda looks away and mutters “yeah, all good now”
the rest of the walk is super silent
so silent
not that either of you mind really
and then suddenly you’re at your apartment
and you’re about to say bye to mista
and it’s just you two and no one’s around and it’s Valentine’s Day so
why not give him a hug
so you lean in to give him a hug and mista’s like thinking ok this is happening and i am actually very fine with this
and he just kinda meets you halfway and hugs you
except he trips and all his weight kinda pushes you up against the door to you apartment
and it takes you a good minute to realize that
you’re kissing him
mista’s lips
your lips
and you wanted it to happen, yes but 
oh no now everything’s RUINED
and mista just scrambles away when he realizes what he’s done and bows his head
and all of a sudden he’s babbling a bunch of nonsense and he’s so nervous
oh god it’s ruined
everything’s ruined
and he’s just moving his hands around and talking way too fast
and he’s so so full of remorse
and he tries to like lay a hand on your shoulder or like hold your hand or something but you’re staring at him like he’s grown five EXTRA heads
and maybe they’re all very attractive heads because he swears you’re blinking and babbling and looking away bashfully
and it’s so cute but he fucked up
he fucked up real bad
this is all his fault
“oh god, i’m so sorry” and he’s speaking so quickly. “please don’t leave. or you can i guess, i messed up–”
and you’re really confused because??? you thought he like flinched away because he DIDN’T like you
“i don’t understand what you’re saying mista–”
“it’s fine ! don’t worry about me, just–” he’s like shaking his head because he already messed up by kissing you, he doesn’t want to say something stupid “please just tell me what you want me to do? I know I fucked up”
and you’re just staring at him and he wants to be swallowed up by the ground right about now
“do you want me to leave you alone? i can ask giorno to transfer you to another team or something, please just–”
“I didn’t mind it”
mista just stops talking and looks at you … what
“I… actually liked it”
and he’s blinking
this can’t be real
you’re way way wayy out of his league
does this mean
“this is probably the worst time to say it, but I like you”
mista’s silent now
and then you have to swat him in the shoulder
“I said that i like you, you idiot”
and mista just gets this cheesey smile on his face and starts repeating it “you like me?? really???”
“i said it twice now, mista” and you’re just standing in front of him, hands on your hips. “at least say something back or-or SOMETHING”
and he does
he says everything
he just lets it all out
he’s liked you ever since he met you
he thought you were pretty cool already at first
and then he just got the biggest crush on you the more he got to know you
and basically
“do you…. want to keep doing this?? dinner and stuff”
and you nod so much your head might fall of your shoulders
and yes
it’s official
guido mista is now your boyfriend
when you guys come to work the next day and are chatting up a storm and mista just leans on you and has this big goofy grin on his face
everyone’s watching and noticing
and bruno just smiles and shakes his head 
and you’re just glowing!! and smiling ear to ear
abbacchio just goes
“took you guys long enough”
ok but
im so sorry this was long--
but i love mista he’s my son and i want him to be in LOVE!!!!
best boy in the world, point blank.
fr though guys, if you want more fic/hc hybrids like this
let me know…. this was actually really fun and like
super stress free,,,, no pressure at all,,,, just all fun and laughs!!!
sidenote: that book i linked, “the course of love” is actually a very good book…. and if you’re a total romantic or just love the idea of love… then I highly recommend that you read it. i know mista would love it.
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mendesnecessary · 5 years
Buy you some med for jealousy
A/n: Someone requested Jealous!Shawn but I got the inspiration yesterday, after million years. Sorry anon, but here’s your request, hope y’all like it! <3 
Word count: 1.118
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Headphone connected, music playing and body slight moving, after all, she was in public. 
At a supermarket more specifically. 
And not alone, by the way.
Y/n was shopping with her boyfriend, both excited with the idea of making dinner together and enjoying each other company after months of him away touring. 
She was in the cleaning products corridor, left Shawn choosing his juice flavor. Y/n moves her hips once again while searching for her shampoo in the shelf, the perfect one for her long and thick hair, but a groan let her mouth when she saw the purple bottle in the top of the shelf too far for her small body reach.
Yet, y/n tried to jump twice before realizing she needs to call Shawn so he could help her. They were just like that, completing and helping each other at the non-expected moments.
The music beat catches her body again and she tries to relax moving her head.
“Still playing Just a lil bit like you used to?” a deep man’s voice says approaching. 
Y/n take her headphones hanging int around her neck, a big smile reaches her lips once she saw the one standing by her side, hands inside of his pockets and eyebrows furrowed.
It was her high school friend, they used to be so close in her school time but somehow they lost touch when it came to an end.
“God, Tyler!!!! I missed you so much your dumbass!” she jumps over his open arms earning a hug as big as him. Her feet can’t even touch the ground.
“Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit” he quotes the song before the two of them burst into a laugher. “You need that bottle?” He points and she is fast to nod smiling. “Here” it was not hard for him to take it considering his height. 
Y/n takes the shampoo bottle and thanks him with another smile.
“How you doing?? It’s been a  while since we talked” she starts before leaning in the supermarket trolley and putting the purple bottle there.
“I’m fine what about my favorite girl?” he smirks.
When y/n’s about to answer someone clears the throat behind. She turns around seeing Shawn with two juice boxes and an eyebrow furrowed, probably from Tyler’s words.
“I’m doing great.” she answers to Tyler before looking again to Shawn. “Wich flavor?” 
“Grape and orange without sugar, your favorite” he puts the two boxes in the trolley and glances at Tyler. 
“Thank you. This is Tyler by the way.” she introduces the two handsome men in her front. “Tyler this is Shawn” 
“Nice to meet you, man” Tyler stretches his hand and Shawn shakes it. Her friend couldn’t tell but she knew the smile that her boyfriend gave him was a fake one. Besides, he shook hands too tight. 
“Same” Mendes let go of Tyler's hands and turn to the shelf. “You took your shampoo already, babe?” the big and deep brown eyes looking at you.
“Yeah, she was jumping like crazy when I saw her, so I took it for her.” Tyler answers holding a laugh at you.
“C’mon, you’re a liar! I jumped like two times and that’s all.” Y/n shows him her tongue jokingly and rolls her eyes.
They look so close, so intimate, the kind of intimacy you only have when you alread...
Could it be? Shawn thinks. 
“I’m gonna take a second bottle, the one you let in my place is already over. You know you use it too much.” Shawn winks before take another purple shampoo bottle and puts it into the trolley glancing one more time at Tyler. 
Not done yet Shawn wraps his arms around Y/n’s waist putting her closer than ever. 
Can you see it now, Tyler?
“So from where do you know my girl?” the Canadian asks.
“Your girl?” Tyler asks making a confused face. 
C’mon, was he pretending?
 “Yeah, she’s my girlfriend” 
“In this case, I’m sorry for calling her baby girl, it used to be our inside joke in high school, don’t take it personal” Tyler apologizes smirking at Y/n. “We were close friends in school time.”
“Funny though, she never told me about a high school friend named Tyler” Shawn teases.
“I...” Y/n starts but Tyler is faster.
“Ya know man the best things are kept between the ones involved.” he was tough. “I gotta go now, but it was greeting seeing you again, y/n” Tyler leans to give y/n a kiss on the cheeks. “And, of course, it was nice to meet you, Shawn” He smiles and walks to the end of the corridor.
Shawn rolls his eyes and takes his own shampoo bottle putting it in the trolley.
“So, are we done with shopping or there’s something missing?” just like that. Just like nothing happened. 
It was y/n’s turn to roll her eyes, but she also let go a laugh.
“What the hell was that, Mendes?” 
“What?” he shrugs. 
“You just gave a show in front of Tyler. Was it really necessary?” she puts her hands in her hips and stare at her boyfriend.
“What show? I don’t know what you talking about.” he keeps acting like nothing happened. “And your friend seemed like a douchebag, by the way.”
“He’s not! You were the one that acted like it”
“Are you defending him and calling me a douchebag?” 
“Yes, you made a scene out of nowhere. What was this about me not telling about a Tyler from high school or ‘you go too much to my place so the shampoo you keep there is already over’“ she mocks his voice in the last sentence and Shawn can’t help but laugh.
“Look, and you even find it funny!” she wheezes.
“Me?! Hell no” He takes another product from the shelf, she wasn’t able to see but she ignores it anyway. “So are we done or it’s missing something?” he points to the trolley repeating his early sentence.
Y/n rolls her eyes and starts walking out of the corridor. Shawn pushes the trolley following her with a smirk.
“Babe, where are you going?” he lets their purchase aside and holds her hand bringing her body closer.
She tries to go away but he smiles before pressing their lips together in a hungry kiss. Y/n is fast to answer his action grabbing his curly hair into her fingers and pushing it. He breathes in her mouth and leaves a second kiss, this time in her cheekbones.
“We’re done here in the supermarket, but we need to go to the drugstore.” 
“What do we need to buy there?” he asks, his eyebrows rose.
“Some meds for jealousy.” she jokes before grabbing his hand.
reblog and like the post if you liked it ❤️
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ultramarvelslug · 5 years
Somebody to Love
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warnings: like two swear words
2.5k words
Summary: You just got over a bad break up and need somebody to love, will Peter be that one? Written for @connorshero writing challenge. I had so much fun writing this! Thank so much!
Your alarm rang at 7 in the morning briskly waking you up from your tear induced sleep. You grumbled as you made your way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Your eyes were puffy and red due to the week and a half of crying straight. You looked sadly at the grim reflection of yourself and barely knew the girl looking back at you. It had been a little over a week since Andrew broke up with you and you knew it was time to face the world.
After you get ready for school, you check your phone. MJ texts you asking if you wanted to walk with her to school. Michelle Jones has been your friend since your trip to DC and you two had gotten close over the summer. You reply ‘yes’ and go out front to meet her. Betty was walking with you as well.
“Morning y/n, how are you doing?” Betty asked in a concerned voice.
“I’m better; for the last week I’ve been crying my eyes out, but I’m better now. I just feel like I need somebody you know?”
“Boys are idiots.”
You give a hearty laugh, ”As much as I agree with you MJ, sometimes you need to be in the company of idiots.” The three of you laugh together. “I just don’t know why he broke up with me, I mean I thought things were going great.”
“He wanted something and you didn’t give it to him so he broke up with you. Like I said, boys are idiots.”
You pondered on that thought. Did Andrew really break up with because he wanted something you didn’t want to give him?
“You need someone to rebound with.” Betty said interrupting your thoughts.
“I don’t want a fling, I need somebody to love.”
“I’m sure you’ll find someone soon y/n.” Betty gave your arm a reassuring squeeze. You hear a faint rustling behind you and turn to see Peter and Ned trying to sneak up on you.
“Aw man!” Peter hits Ned lightly on the arm and you giggle. Peter whispers something and Ned goes up to Betty to talk. After a second they are laughing at some inside joke.
“Those two are adorable.” You whisper to no one in particular. You space out for a minute wondering if you will ever find something like that. A voice jolts you out of your daze.
“What was that y/n?” Peter looked over at you inquisitively.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” You walk into Midtown Tech nervous to see Andrew again. But all those worries go away when Peter offers to walk to calc together. You wonder if everything will be ok?
“What about Peter?”
You nearly choked on your stale lunchroom pizza. “Oh my gosh, no!” Your nose scrunches up at the thought. “He’s way too nerdy for me.” It was lunchtime and you, MJ, and Betty were talking about your “somebody to love” as Betty dubbed the new love of your life.
“Who are you talking about?” Peter and Ned joined you.
“Nothing” Peter and Ned looked confusingly at each other from across the table.
“Hey so, does anyone want to come over after school today?” Peter looked around the table expectantly.
“I’m free, MJ?”
Without looking up from her book she answered, “Can’t, Anna and I have plans to make out in her brother's treehouse today.” You eagerly looked at Betty and Ned across the table
“Ned’s coming over to hang out, sorry.” They blushed heavily at this and it took you a while to understand what they were talking about. When it dawned on you, you sent Betty a wink. She only turned redder at this.
“Well Peter, I guess it's just you and me. We can work on our WWII project.”
“What did Mr. Warren assign you?” Betty piped up. Her face had gone back to its normal shade
“We got Captain America.” Ned gives an animated laugh.
“That's funny because Peter knows hi-.”
“Peter knows what a great idea that is.” He shoots Ned a glare which only makes him laugh harder. Still trying to process what just happened, you turn to Peter.
“So can I walk home with you?” Peter nodded his head and MJ looked at you with an eyebrow raised.
Over the next few weeks, you and Peter hung out a lot. You went over to his apartment almost every weekend and even met his Aunt May. Over time you felt something you hadn’t felt in a while; you had a crush. You were in love with the nerdiest, dorkiest, most handsome guy in the history of ever. Your crush got so bad that you couldn’t even look at Peter without wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Your friends began to notice your mood begin to improve.
“What’s up with you y/n?” You, MJ, and Betty were shooting the breeze in the locker rooms.
“I have literally no idea what you’re talking about Betty!”
“Cmon, you’re super happy all of the sudden. After your breakup with Andrew, I thought you’d be more, you know, depressed.”
You laugh “I’m just over him, that’s all.”
Betty gasped, “You found your ‘somebody to love’!”
“No, I didn’t. I honestly don’t think that I’m worthy of anybody’s love.” You had some skeletons in your closet that you thought was unforgivable.
“What’s your obsession with this ‘somebody to love’? I think you’re going crazy.” You roll your eyes at MJ as you walk out of the locker rooms. You see Peter and wave to him.
“Hey y/n!” As soon as your name falls from his lips, you want to run up to him and kiss him. If you didn’t have more self-control you just might have. He looked adorable with his curly brown hair and a loose t-shirt. After a second, Betty cleared her throat.
“All right lovebirds, we better get started on our warm-ups or Coach Wilson’s gonna be pissed.” Your face turns red as you take your place next to MJ.
“I don’t have a crush on Peter!” You whisper defensively.
“Oh c’mon y/n you were practically drooling over him. And I can tell he wants you too.” MJ couldn’t be right; could she?
“Maybe he’s your ‘somebody to love!’” Betty added excitedly.
Were they right? You looked over at Peter and saw him looking back at you with those beautiful chocolate eyes and waved. There was no denying that he was hot or that you had a crush on him, maybe he was your ‘somebody to love’. You realized you were staring and turned back toward Coach Wilson wondering if Peter saw your complexion change.
Later that day, you walked into the cafeteria and sat next to Peter.
“Where is everybody?”
“Well, MJ is eating in the library for some project and Betty and Ned went out with Ned’s brother and girlfriend; kinda a double date thing.” There’s a comfortable silence as you eat your food.
“So y/n,” you turn to him “about what Betty said earlier about-”
You laugh, “Oh it’s no big deal Peter, she was just messing around.” His eye flicker to the ground, a look of… disappointment on his face. “That’s not what you were going to say, is it?” he shakes his head and looks at you. He’s so gorgeous, you could look at him for hours.
“Well, I was just thinking...well I-I think you’re an awesome person y/n and I thought that i-if you wanted to, you could co-come over on Sat-Saturday f-for like a kinda sorta little bit of date?” He ended with a little head nod that you had always found endearing. You didn’t even have to think about it.
“Yes.” You affirmed with the same little head nod. A wide grin spread across his face and you knew your face mirrored his. The bell rings shaking you both out of your daze. You said bye to Peter and skipped down the hall feeling Peter’s eyes on your back. You couldn’t wait until Saturday; two days to go.         
When Saturday rolled around, you were giddy with excitement. You put on your best outfit, a little makeup, and fixed your hair. Peter was coming to pick you up around five and you still had half an hour before he got there. Just enough time to freak out. You text Betty and MJ and tell them how nervous you are. They were so excited when you told them about your plans for the day.
Right when the clock struck five, you heard a knock on the door. You check yourself once more in the mirror and go to open the door. Your mom was working the afternoon shift today so you had the house to yourself. You open the door to see Peter looking as beautiful as ever. He very obviously looks you over. You do a theatrical spin.
“What do ya think?”
“You look, um, you look amazing.”
“Peter, if you are going to be this nervous the whole night, it's not gonna work.”
“I know, I’m sorry. It's just, I’ve liked you for a while and I didn’t think you actually like me back so I don’t want to mess this up.” You put your hand on his arm and feel him tense up.  
“Peter, it’s ok. If one of us messes this up, it will probably be me.” He relaxes and laughs at this.
“Well, we should get going.” You take his arm and start down the sidewalk.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” The two of you walking talking about everything and nothing until you reached your destination.
“Peter this is your apartment building.” You say matter of factly. Peter laughs.
“Yes, it is.” You looked at him in confusion and he giggles. “Don’t worry I have a plan.” He leads you in the door and up the staircase. You stop and Peters floor.
“We’re not there yet.” He continues to lead you up the stairs until you reach a door. He opens the door and you step out onto the roof.
You gasp at the stunning site in front of you. All along the roof were fairy lights strung up to each side with the most delicate care. In the middle of the roof on the ground was a picnic blanket with all of your favorite foods on top. From the rooftop, you could see the New York skyline laced with fog.
“Peter, did you do all of this for me?” He looked down at the ground and nodded. When he looked up his face was ruby red. You were flattered, not to mention impressed.
Peter took your hand and lead you to the food. You two ate and talked about school, family, and learned more about each other than ever.
About an hour and a half later Peter got up.
“Um, y/n I have to go get something. I’ll be right back.” you gave him a nod and continued munching. As soon as he left, you got out your phone and started texting the girls.
y/n: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's going so well. I really like him!!!!
Betty: congrats! I’m so happy for you!!
Mj: told u so.
You hear a sound that can only be described as thwip and turn around, confused. In front of you is a silhouette that you can’t quite make up in the low lights. As he comes closer you recognize the masked figure. It’s Spider-man! But, it can’t be, you’re not in any sort of danger, so why would he be here? He clears his throat and speaks.
“Hi, I’m um Spider-man and I was wondering if you wanted to go on patrol with me?” Your mouth gaped open. There was no mistaking it, it was Peter. He tried to make his voice deeper but you could tell. So, you decided to have some fun with him.
“Sounds fun, but I don’t know what my boyfriend would say.”
“Yeah, Peter. He went to go get something, I’m sure he’ll be back any second.”
“Um, Peter was the one who asked if I could come as a surprise through the Stark internship.” He gives that little head nod you adore. You step closer to him.
“Well, if Peter arranged all this, I guess it’s ok.” The two of you walk to the edge of the roof.
“Do you wanna like hold on to me or...something?” You grab onto his neck and he puts his arm around you and off you go.
After a while, the two of you swing back to the rooftop. Nothing that exciting happened on patrol, just a few lowkey petty thefts. Peter was disappointed that he wasn’t able to show off for you.  
“Um, y/n?”
“I have to confess something to you.” He takes his mask off and you fake a gasp. “You knew?” his face a mix of confusion and maybe.. hurt?
“Peter, I knew from the moment you swung up here and tried to mask your voice.” He gives a small smile.
“I’m just wanted you to be impressed with me, but I guess I didn’t do that tonight.”
“Peter, you don’t have to be a superhero to impress. I like you already, there’s no reason to impress me.”
“I know, it’s just that I like you a lot and I don’t want to lose you. Being Spider-man is fun, don’t get me wrong, but, I really like you an-”
You couldn’t take it anymore you drown out what he was saying and just stared at his lips, thinking about what it would be like to have his tongue in your mouth. “Fuck it.” All self-control out the window, you grab the back of his head and reach up to meet his lips. When they meet, you see fireworks go off and never want to stop. But after a few seconds, you break apart.
“Sorry you were talking too much and I couldn’t help myself.”
“Y/n, it’s ok. I quite enjoyed it.” The two of you laugh. “I have another surprise for you.” He gets his phone from his backpack on the ground. You notice it’s a different one than he had yesterday. He puts on a 70’s playlist and asks you to dance. You happily oblige. As the music fills the night you lay your head on Peters' shoulder and sway to the beat.
As the next song plays you recognize the tune. You smile to yourself. It ‘Somebody to Love’ by Queen. You don’t need to find somebody, you already have somebody to love (although you won’t tell Peter yet). You’re finally out of that prison cell.
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almondarcade · 7 years
comic con is coming up and im just gonna go on my yearly rant about how much i hate how it’s changed dont mind me
I’ve been going to San Diego Comic Con for years. Literally since I was 6 years old and it was still fucking accessible to the general public. My dad and I went every year up until he stopped being able to get tickets which let me tell you is the saddest thing in the fucking world.
A lot of people blame the Twilight campers of ‘08, the year which quite literally changed the con for the worst. Long story short, when tickets were still relatively easy to get, people you would never expect to go to Comic Con (See; white moms) camped outside of the con just to attempt to get into the Twilight panel so they could see the top of Robert Pattinson's head from a few thousand feet away. And big companies and studios hopped the fuck on this bandwagon every year after. 
Come see the Game of Thrones cast! The Avengers cast! The cast of every nerdy thing the general public enjoys while not having any nerdy interests past this! All you have to do is camp out in line for about 4 days and hope to christ you actually make it in! Cmon rich white people that can afford to buy up tickets before anyone else just so you can use it for literally one event that might last an hour or two! Also fuck the rest of you who have no interest in this and just want tickets to go and ACTUALLY HAVE A GOOD TIME OUTSIDE OF THESE BIG NAME PANELS! Shame on you for not funding our next Fox TV show we will plaster on every fucking trolley in San Diego that totally won't die out after Comic Con actually ends!
And even going outside the con to do all the free stuff is an absolute pain??? Comic Con has become such a fucking phenomenon there are people who will travel from all over just to experience what, flavor of the month Adult Swim show previews and shitty free stuff that will end up in your closet? I mean more power to you if that’s really your thing, but it gets to a point where these people feel so entitled to this shit, it’s so rude. Hey you! You in the funny costume! Yeah you look like uhhhhhh Star Wars right? No? Whatever. Hold my baby for a picture! Did you make this? My kids can’t play with your fragile props? Don’t be rude they’re just playing! Stop hitting your helmet, it’s hurting your head? He’s just joking god! You Comic Con nerds are so disrespectful!
I wish I was kidding when I say for the last few years I’ve been battered at least once by someone who just wants to gawk at the funny dressed up kid like I’m some kind of tourist attraction. 
Now here’s the thing, why go if I’m so fucking salty about the con? It’s fun and it’s one of the very few cons still within two hours of me. The con itself still has a lot of cool stuff to do if you’re genuinely into things outside of the mainstream! And if you are into the mainstream that’s ok! But good fucking luck doing anything! The center of the dealers hall is reserved for big name booths. Fox, Marvel, Syfy, etc with their stupid obnoxiously big displays and the freebies they throw out from a literal tower just to watch people fucking murder each other over. Everything around these areas is usually depressingly barren except for the people from the crowds spilling out into the other parts of the hall, which always makes me feel bad for the vendors just trying to sell action figures and comics. 
In the early years the mainstream booths used to actually be accessible. It wasn’t a clusterfuck of people who are only there because there’s a chance they might see the Bazinga man. And were there still people who would camp out for panels and signings? Of course! But it wasn’t nearly as bad as it is now! At least then seeing these people made you think “Oh wow, they must really be dedicated to their fandom if they’re doing this!” not “You poor bastard, you realize they’re not like personally shaking hands and kissing babies right”
It seems more like people assume that these celebrities are just SWARMING the con floor, they HAVE to buy up a 4 day pass so they can hopefully see Bendytoots head among the crowd of other people searching for him. Comic Con is the biggest convention in the world IT MUST BE TRUE!
I kind of went off here as this shit is just stupid personal to me and sadly I realize there’s little to no chance it’ll ever be the same again. I used to joke around that everyone who says they wish they could go to Comic Con doesn’t realize how much it sucks but if you’re someone into things outside of the mainstream TV shows and movies, it really is a pretty neat con and I hope you can go to at least once for the smaller owned companies and panels which are a lot easier to discover and approach. 
Otherwise it’s not worth it, it’s really not.
pls stop buying up all the tickets you rich ass shitlords
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