#we love topmew over here
savethevamps · 1 year
Topmew: Our Favorite Lovebirds
Disclaimer: Please don’t come making backhanded comments about their relationship. If you wanna discuss them that’s fine, but it’s no reason to post blatant hate, or negativity disguised as compliments.
Topmew are the cutest couple guys, no really they are! They’re the definition of lovebirds and everyone needs to see them in action, so here’s a post just for that. This is also known as: Top and Mew sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g…
1. Their flirting. No one does cute, annoying flirting like Top and Mew! Oh you’re out to eat with them? Get ready to feel like the loneliness third wheel while these two burn a hole into eachother and get so close, you wonder if you’re intruding on something. (You are btw, never go out with them alone)
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2. Their teasing. No their flirting and teasing are not the same, if you end up in a room with them and they start teasing eachother, it’s time to run for cover. These two don’t hold back, it’s always so charged between them! Who is in control? We don’t know okay? All we know is it’s cute, it’s gross, we need to leave the room before we start seeing bare skin. I mean we would love to see it but these two don’t share so…
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3. Alright I know what everyone has been waiting for, yes their dates! We can all agree that Top is the #1 Boyfriend for all these dates he came up with like, wow man he really made a lot of people side eye their partner (I sure side eyed my exes). I can’t believe he was going all out like this and people still called him a player, this guy is a big lover boy!
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4. Their touches are always soft, they treat eachother so gently and with so much care. Their hands are always connected to some part of the other person’s body, and it’s always gentle, tender, soft, soft, soft! They treat each other’s body with care and respect, oh they’re so cute it’s disgusting
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5. They’re so enthusiastic about eachother. If one is talking, the other is on the edge of their seat listening and ready to learn more. They will fully turn their body away from everyone else just to make sure they don’t miss out on the words falling from the other’s lips. I mean they’re just eager to know about eachother it’s so, say it with me now, cute
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6. The respect they have for eachother needs to be mentioned. Listen, they will never try to force the other to change no matter what! They wish the best for each other but they’ll never push, they’ll stand aside and allow the other to make their own decisions, and still love them regardless. To them, it doesn’t matter what the other does as long as they continue to be happy and healthy; we love that for them truly
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7. The way they admire eachother. Now listen, we know they’re attracted to eachother we’re not fools, we can see. But the admiration in their eyes when they see the other doing something, or again when the other person is talking? Yes, that’s the good stuff right there. They admire the other as a person and of course they find each other attractive but man, those eyes get sparkly when they catch eachother doing something they love
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8. They do whatever they can to make the other’s life easier. Oh you can’t sleep because of trauma? Let me lay down with you silly boy. Some asshole bumped you with their bike and broke your glasses? Well I would go after them but you said no, so let me tape them up rather poorly. Whatever they can do to help, they’ll do it! They just want their lover to have an easy day, no matter what
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9. All they need is to be around each other. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, they don’t have to talk; as long as they’re in each other’s company, they’re happy little campers. They get so giggly about it too, cmon guys it’s people watching you! They’re so comfortable in the other’s presence, they can relax as much as they like and let their guards down for once
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10. Speaking of being giggly, whenever they’re together they’re smiling! What’s so funny guys? We would like to know the joke too, but of course we wouldn’t get it cause it’s not a word, or a look; it’s just pure love. They just find happiness in everything the other does so it breaks across their faces and rises out of their lungs until they’re laughing and ticking the other to make them laugh too! I’m telling you, they can’t help themselves guys, they’re lucky they’re so cute or I would call them losers
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Anyway guys, that’s Topmew for you! These boys are in love and so cute it hurts. They just ooze love. No matter what way you flip it or reverse it, these two are in love. They say it with their eyes, their actions, and of course their mouths. They go the extra mile together, expecting absolutely nothing in return and it’s all because they’re in love. It really just pours out of them yknow?
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thewayuarent · 1 year
Clothes in Only Friends
And how it let us know everything we need about Ray’s choice
God, do I love costume department working on Only Friends. There is so, so many fun and interesting things to notice - “talking” t-shirts (especially Boston’s), and Sand with yellow, and how TopMew started as “striped” couple - but one is vertical and the other is horizontal (is it about them being misreading each other? or is it about them crossing each other’s lives? idk), how Boeing appeared and we immediately see TopMew vibes all over him. How we can easily indicate each character individual style.
But my favorite thing is how the series uses style shifting to show what’s going on with characters without telling it out loud.
We have Nick, who was so obsessed in his jealousy, that he started to copy man he knew Boston was interested in. We see him coming back in terms with Boston, but we also see him learning to accept himself again - the way his style got back to his usual one, with green and blue colors and more boyish vibes. He’s not the same, because his experience changed him, but he is who he is, not a shadow of someone else.
We have Mew, who adapted Ray’s style and behavior because he was hurt, and he chooses to numb his pain, and he gets to the only person he thinks can help him with that. He’s coming back to his senses by the end of episode nine, but he’s still very Ray-coded, because he still didn’t figure out who he is or what he wants and he’s in the middle of his journey (I’m so waiting to see how it will turn out).
And we have Ray, and his example is so fascinating. Because if you look at Ray’s choices of clothing in episodes 8 and 9, you can actually predict everything happens. (I will exclude scenes from university cause, well, uniform)
His style screams Sand most part of the time, but it’s absolutely not about him wanting to adapt Sand’s life or look. It’s about him choosing Sand since the very beginning of his and Mew situationship. Because while Ray needs his time to realize everything about him and Mew and him and Sand, we know he already subconsciously made his choice. As well as we know Ray and Mew will never work out way before they are ready to admit it.
The talk. There a lot of things were said out loud for the first time in this scene that are every important. But this is also about what was shown to us - that the first time we see Ray and Mew as a “couple” is also the first time Ray chooses to wear something Sand-coded. Specifically something very similar to what Sand picked for him.
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And there is something about Ray saying “I’m so happy when I’m with you” (can he hear himself? no, but really, it’s been two weeks and I’m still like, bro, for real?) while he stays here, wearing this shirt that looks like the one he wears at the night they were happy, and the night their relationship was damaged hard.
The bookshop. Here we see Ray way closer to his usual style, but not exactly. Ray is always extravagant, and attention grabbing, and using patterns, and lip gloss, and he is just that kind of person. But here he’s quiet. And monochrome. No make up, not patterns, no usual brightness. Mew looks more like Ray than Ray himself.
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And this is indicating why their relationship with Mew is wrong - Ray is not fully himself, he adapts in a way Mew never asked him, actually, but he knows makes his presence more tolerable. He seems like himself, sure, but he doesn’t feels like himself.
The party. I made a post about is already - it’s just great example of Mew and Ray thinking they are on the same page while they are actually not even from the same book.
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It’s all about toxicity, and pain, and dragging each other down instead of helping each other to stand.
The fight. This is my absolute favorite one. Because this whole conversation - absolutely unhealthy and terrible it is - is actually both of them realizing they will never work out.
And they try so, so hard. And I believe it’s really frustrating for both of them to accept they failed. And of course instead of talking it out they blames each other, and hurt each other. And of course they will manage thing well later - but this is their breaking point, right here.
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And of course Ray, who is attentive enough to recognize Mew’s feelings for Top has no fucking idea about him spending this whole time with Sand written all over him. While Yo knows, and Mew knows, and everyone including my grandma knows - he himself is just not ready to allow himself to admit it.
The river. So, this scene, as well as next one, Ray wears not just Sand-coded clothes, but actual Sand’s clothes. But there is a difference.
Because this is the scene where Ray finally admits his feelings - but he’s able to do it only after Sand admits his. Because Ray is incredibly insecure, and incredibly drowned in self-hatred, because Ray always reaches towards people who give him attention and love. Because he can’t allow himself to go for such risk without assurance.
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And he’s sitting here with Sand, and Sand is in bright blue color, while Ray is in his t-shirt, but dark, and black, and with “You Only Live Once” and he’s admitting - to Sand and himself - his feelings, but he doesn’t admit to himself that he’s already made his choice until the very next scene.
The choice. And they are sitting again, and that’s only two of them again, and Ray wears Sand’s t-shirt again, and this is very different.
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Because this is not just occasional t-shirt. This is the one we saw Sand wears. This is the one that was on him the very same day Ray made an attempt to move on from Mew. The very same day Ray said “I want to know you better”, the very same day he invited himself in Sand’s life. The day they were probably very happy, even if way far from well communicated, the day that could become an indication of something new for them.
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And he wears this t-shirt when he says something cheesy about “I will handle everything while I have you” and “Let me be the part of your dream” - the very same dream Sand told him about the very same day.
And it’s just painfully obvious that there is nothing about Mew on the picture anymore. Sand told him “I won’t wait for you” and Ray was like “You don’t need to, I’m already here”. Oh they’ll fuck it up so hard, won’t they?
The comeback. And like that, Ray’s style is back. Because Ray’s clothes don’t tell us story about trying to be someone else, but a story about wanting someone else.
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And when he and Mew have this beautiful adult healthy conversation that I love the most we know that Ray is already accepted his choice - the one that Yo knows, and Mew knows, and everyone in this world actually kind of knows. And this is how we know that this painful arc of Ray and Mew being toxic disaster is finally over even before they say anything out loud. Just because Ray wears his style again.
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sandrayofsun · 1 year
I may be Team Top??
As promised in my last post, I'm making a diary entry for TopMew!
I'll start by saying that I have not been a fan of this couple throughout the show, but I did like their characters separately. Something that I felt a lot throughout the series was the lack of chemistry and awkwardness surrounding TopMew. Mind you, I've watched "A Boss and a Babe," I KNOW ForceBook has chemistry.
In saying that, episode 8 has officially changed my mind on the TopMew train hehe.
Specifically this scene
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Mew's revenge era is honestly what made me like him the most... Unpopular opinion maybe, but I found it really relatable that he is doing things he normally doesn't do and becoming someone different. Top did a really shitty thing to him. Despite him being "perfect," being a virgin, having good grades, and being respectful, Top still cheated on him. It opened his eyes to the fact that no matter how "good" he is, people are still capable of doing shitty things to him.
So why not do all the things you've never done in the name of being hurt. No matter who he is, people can hurt him no matter what, might as well go out with a bang.
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The bathroom scene was interesting because it's the first "civil" conversation they've had since the whole fight blew out. and Top is now seeing the effects of his affair with Boston reflecting on Mew. Even with Mew rubbing Ray in Top's face, he still is only worried about Mew and what is happening to him.
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It's honestly slightly refreshing that Top isn't taking the jealousy approach because he knows that at the moment he's lost that right. He can't blame Mew for running to Ray because Top set him on that path.
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Top was presented to us as a selfish character, one who is used to getting what he wants, and not having much to work for (a little bit like Boston). Him going to Cheum and voicing his concerns for Mew, even taking a little bit of heat from Cheum (you go girl), shows character development on Top's part, and honestly gives me a little bit of hope for their end game.
I want to touch on Mew for a sec, and his "relationship" with Ray.
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I think it is so intentional the way that they have framed this phrase for Mew and Ray. How Ray is someone that Mew "should" love, but obviously doesn't, because Mew loves Top and knows deep down that Ray will never fulfill that role in his life (the same way Mew can't fulfill that role in Ray's). Even hesitating to kiss him when they are alone is evidence enough that Mew is pretending.
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Curving Ray's kiss and saying they should go and have fun is ultimate "get me out of here" behavior. Mew doesn't want Ray. Simple as that.
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I also need to call out the fact that the next time we see RayMew kiss is because Mew is trying to prove a point to Top. Only then does he use Ray to make him jealous, but isn't actually willing to do it in private.
Top's face during this whole scene made me sad tbh. I really felt for him, he was manipulated by Boston and thrown under the bus by Nick. Overall, he did a shitty thing, but that doesn't mean he didn't love Mew or want to be a better person for him.
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This scene called to action the fact that Mew is still jealous over Top. Calling him and Boston out for sitting next to each other and telling them they're free to hook up again was funny but also important to TopMew's relationship.
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Top still being there for Mew, helping him when he was throwing up and then sitting next to each other on the floor gave me MAJOR SandRay Episode 1 parallels. But also look at Mew :(
He's asking Top why he has to be an asshole because he still loves him. He is in love with an asshole :((((( and I'd like to point out that this scene was the MOST chemistry that I have seen from these two thus far.
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Both of them are hurt, and are hurting for the other. I think deep down, Mew wants to make amends, but also he needs to do this for himself. He needs to spiral a little bit to realize where he is headed. he needs to make Top hurt a little (as sad as that may be).
Top on the other hand is hurt because he did this. He caught feelings, and then messed up the person he loves. He doesn't know how to fix what he broke, but also knows that they are meant to be.
This is what really changed my mind on them. Before it felt like both of them had masks, and didn't really see each other, but now they're both at low points, and seeing each other for the first time. But still loving each other from afar despite the turmoil they're going through.
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Top taking care of Mew after everything at the end of the night was so heartwarming. A man who probably has never been one to take care of others, spending what little time with Mew he can get.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where these two go, and huge props to ForceBook for the amazing acting job they're doing!
See you guys next week!!
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slayerkitty · 11 months
Narrative Frameworks in Only Friends
So here we are, the finale of Only Friends and not a framework in sight. Would the last half of the show worked better in some respects if we had the frameworks come back? Would we understand more about why Boston's friends hate him? (Did they ever like him? Ray seemed to, but Mew and Cheum...)
I wish we had gotten more frameworks toward the end. I wish the voiceovers had come back for the last episode if nothing else, because I would have wanted one from each character. It would have maybe solved some of the narrative issues (re: Boston).
I also wanted to thank everyone who liked, reblogged, commented or otherwise interacted with me and these posts on a weekly basis. Your feedback, discussions and general love made watching Only Friends an amazing experience each week and reminded me why I love being in fandoms.
Shoutout to the amazing members of the Ephemerality Squad who made this ride fun and thought provoking: @lurkingshan, @waitmyturtles, @wen-kexing-apologist, @chickenstrangers, @ranchthoughts, @twig-tea, @clara-maybe-ontheroad, @distant-screaming, @thatgirl4815, @elizabethsebestianhedgehog
I've gone back and added things to earlier episodes that weren't there before, so make sure to read through the whole list! Please let me know if I missed anything - I will edit this post based on suggestions.
1. Voiceovers: gives the audience specific insight into a characters thoughts and feelings; also a great way to provide exposition. It’s more of an audio than visual framework, as we don’t always see the character doing the voice-over because it plays over other scenes.
2. “Talking Heads”: The characters talk directly to the camera, interview/documentary style. We get to see exactly how they feel about a given moment because they are reacting to it at that time. Audio and visual. Homage to Love8009 (per P'Jojo).
3. Social Media (ft The Artist Formerly Known as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook): Not as insightful as the other two frameworks but does give context and a way for interaction, commentary, and exposition on a given plot. Visual. Probable homage to Together With Me, one of the first spicy BLs starring our kings, MaxTul.
(Side Note: I was re-watching some scenes from Never Let me Go and realized P'Jojo uses yellow text on the screen in it too. So maybe he just likes the yellow text or maybe it means something, idk, idk.)
Episode 1
Framework: Voiceover
Title: What’s Your Role in a Bar?
Narrator: Mew
Visual Moment: Yellow title cards listing everyone’s “roles” as well as the month and days of the week
End Credit Shot: Mew sitting on the floor in front of his fish tank
Episode 2
Framework: Talking Heads
Title: M.F.M. My Favorite Man
Narrator: Everyone
Visual Moment: The talking heads scenes; SandRay smoke kiss; Boston's dark room; Photo Boston takes of Nick post sex; Photo of RayMew from wakeboarding
Audible Moment: The songs Ray plays during his scenes with Sand
End Credit Shot: Ray driving
Episode 3
Framework: Social Media (Twitter and Instagram)
Title: What Am I to You?
Narrator: Nick and Boston
Audible Moment: The thunder rumbling ominously over everyone's bad decisions, Nick listening to the TopBoston sex audio
Visual Moment: Top's Instagram (with all of Boston's comments); Photo strip of TopBoston from their hookup in the photo booth; Photo of the Fab Four in Boston's room; Nick watching TopBoston have sex; Photo of RayMew kissing
End Credit Shot: Nick listening to TopBoston sex audio
Episode 4
Framework: Voiceover
Title: Emergency Contact
Narrator: Ray
Visual Moment: The flashback of RayMew is in 4:3 ratio (meaning it looks like recorded footage versus a memory); yellow text onscreen indicates flashback
Audible Moment: TopMew at the silent disco (both moments of silence but also them singing); SandRay listening to music at the record store
End Credit Shot: Ray driving (repeat from episode 2)
Episode 5:
Framework: Voiceover
Title: The Extra Hour
Narrator: Sand
Visual Moment: Intro and Outro are animated; black and white (made me think of the Take on Me MV by A-ha but I’m open to suggestions on what this might be referring to), "Ray o'clock/Alone o'clock" appearing onscreen in white letters (not yellow!); TopMew going Instagram official; The blind dining scene
End Credit Shot: Sand driving his motorcycle
Episode 6:
Framework: None
Title: Happy Fucking Birthday
Narrator: None
Audible Moment: Ray listens to the TopBoston sex audio; Mew plays the TopBoston sex audio for Top
Visual Moment: Top draws Mew sleeping/gives Mew a book of drawings he did of Mew; BostonNick selfies
End Credit Shot: Top in his bathtub alone looking angsty
Episode 7:
Framework: None
Title: After Effect
Narrator: None
Visual Moment: Mew setting the drawing on fire; Boston’s sex tape; the “super zooms”
End Credit Shot: Mew sitting on the floor in front of his fish tank (repeat from episode 1)
Episode 8:
Framework: None
Title: Save Me
Narrator: None
Visual Moment: Facebook party invite/everyone’s reactions to the invite; Everyone’s costumes at the party
End Credit Shot: Boston looking angsty at the hostel
Episode 9:
Framework: None
Title: The Return
Narrator: None
Visual Moment: Boston’s photo of Atom; Top recording SandRay kissing;
End Credit Shot: Top in his bathtub alone looking angsty (repeat from episode 6)
Episode 10:
Framework: None
Title: Redemption
Narrator: None
Visual Moment: The “I will never leave you”/“I will never love you” neon sign; Boston’s photos of Atom; Nick’s photo as Boston’s lock screen; Boeing’s Instagram
End Credit Shot: Ray driving (repeat from episode 2 and episode 4)
Episode 11:
Framework: None
Title: Move On Move In
Narrator: None
Visual Moment: Boston taking pics of NickAtom
End Credit Shot: Sand driving his motorcycle (repeat from episode 5)
Episode 12:
Framework: None
Title: Begin Again
Narrator: None
Visual Moment: Yellow letters indicating the date (NYE); Framed photo of Nick; Framed photo of the Fab Four at the hostel; Mix's entrance; Begin Again montage of SandRay; Hostel sign "Only Friends Stay"
Audible Moment: Begin Again montage of SandRay
End Credit Shot: Outtakes/BTS
Tagging @sandrayy by request
Apologies to anyone I forgot!
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
Intimacy (Ep4)
So there is a lot of behind the scenes work happening in this episode, diving into character histories and further developing how they've come to find themselves in the relationships they're in. All of these details will likely play a large role in how each couples' bonds deepen or widen.
Ray's behavior gets a lot of context this episode, particularly in regards to Mew, who he is still crushing on. Because this is such a big plot point this episode, it has a lot of subtle implications for Ray's burgeoning relationship with Sand. Forgive me while I go on a tangent about Ray...
It's become clear--and I think Ray himself even realizes this--that Ray's feelings for Mew are more about the role Mew can fulfill rather than the person Mew really is. How many times does Ray say "No one loves me" in that opening scene? Ray needs so desperately to feel that someone loves him, and he's grown accustomed to being called a brat and a burden because he sees himself that way too.
Ray tells Mew that he isn't looking for a real relationship, but he seems to crave one. I think though that if Ray did date Mew, he would find himself in a similar situation as what he is (eventually) going to find with Sand: having someone love him is all he wants, but the threat of that person leaving him is worse than receiving no love at all. The thought of having Mew return his feelings is perfect because it's just a fantasy--a reflection of what he needs to feel whole again.
Ray turns back to Sand to distract himself from Mew, but Ray's relationship with Sand is going to show him what happens when the fantasy of being loved by someone becomes a reality. Being loved means acknowledging all of the hurt and pain that Ray has likely worked so hard to suppress in the years since his mother's death.
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Ray and Sand are edging closer and closer to the edge of the "feelings" abyss, and at the moment, Sand is still the only one who seems aware of it. They've already developed an intimate relationship physically, but small gestures like this reflect the emotional intimacy they're working towards. That's what could end up destroying both of them.
Top and Mew make more headway as far as physical intimacy this episode, but their emotional intimacy has taken a few steps back from the steady incline it's been on so far...Mew just doesn't know it yet. The trust they have in one another is going to be put to the test again and again as Top tries to conceal the truth about his hookup with Boston.
While I admire how strongly Mew holds to his convictions, particularly where sex is concerned, something still feels missing from their relationship both emotionally and physically. I can't decide if it's intentional or not. If it's intentional, perhaps it's meant to reflect that all is not as it seems between them, that there are still substantial barriers they'll have to overcome to make their relationship work (trust issues, for one). Part of it might also be that we have witnessed Top try again and again to win Mew over, but Mew still seems resistant in any case. Again, I don't blame him given Top's reputation, but even when he opens up, Mew still comes across extremely guarded, almost as if he isn't completely sold on being in a relationship at all.
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This might just be my take on it. I'm curious if anyone else feels similarly. I want to be invested in Top and Mew's relationship, but the very obvious cheating and lying going on is making it difficult for me to anticipate a happy ending, and it casts a cloud over their intimate scenes already. (Again, probably intentional. I'm anxious to see where it'll go from here.)
Boston never changes. He plays Nick like a fiddle. The only change we see between them this episode comes from Nick's side, with him finally admitting verbally that he's into Boston (as if we did not already know that). I find it funny that Nick agrees with everyone who tells him that Boston is bad news, yet he's just as down bad as before. I think Nick takes the cake for most pathetic character on the show (*affectionate*)...can't say I condone his obvious spying and breaking into Boston's phone though. At least Nick has flaws too, otherwise Boston would be blowing him out of the water as far as negative traits are concerned.
Boston's ego is also extremely apparent in every scene with Nick. I think Boston likes knowing that Nick is developing feelings, even if he has no intention of returning them. He sees himself as a prize, and Nick's affection just reaffirms that (something he desperately needs while Top is rejecting him).
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Boston and Ray both take the cake as far as getting back into Nick and Sand's good graces though. Those cheek kisses and puppy dog eyes haven't failed them yet.
(Not entirely related, but I am not ready for Boston and Nick to crash RaySand's makeout session next week. Let the boys kiss in peace please.)
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candygalaxyyy · 1 year
The TopMew book store/ RayMew call scene is one of my favourites in the whole episode, like it has set up these three’s dynamic so well. I’ve already rewatched it at 20 times. And here are my favourite details:
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Mew gets a call. Top is obviously intrigued as he stares at his pocket, but pretends to not be interested by mindlessly flipping through the book Mew picked - maybe not completely mindless as the book is on all about s*x, Top’s fav pass time ;). Anyways, this shows their push and pull dynamic, Top is pushing by looking at him pick up the call, but pulling by seemingly not being interested. Mew does the same, by taking the call in front of Mew after seeing it’s from Ray (cause there’s no way you’re telling me Mew doesn’t know that Ray likes him, HE KNOWS). They’re both pushing and pulling, it’s all very calculated
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Ray calls Mew to check on him, because he is concerned about Mew being with Top from last night. i also feel like Ray wants Mew to be concerned about him as well. Top now knows that Mew is speaking to Ray due to the content of the conversation. So he looks over, obviously curious and reads Mew’s body language and behaviour. It’s all in his eyes. Top also know that Ray likes Mew. Top also notices that Mew isn’t paying any attention to him in this moment, so what does he do…
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He (loudly) interrupts Mew’s call, when he could of clearly waited for him to finish, but no he interrupts the moment he realizes it’s Ray on the phone. He does it so casually too, ‘like oh since you’re on a call I’ll just give you some privacy, but you must notice me first…’, think of me while i leave type of energy. Now we definitely know that Top knows about Ray’s crush, cause even in the trailer he always intercepts the conversation when Ray is around Mew. Now wether Top does this is out of ‘competition’ for Mew or pure boyfriend coded jealousy or both, we do not know yet (I feel like it’s both). But one thing is clear, it’s calculated as always.
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Ray hears the second person, and asks who it is. Mew simply replies by saying ‘a friend’, which Top obviously isn’t given the smile/smirk he does as he says it. Ray, being the lovesick boy that he is, immediately connects the dots and proceeds to question Mew about it. His eyes are even widened and he tenses up, you can see this as his arm veins start showing. Mew dismisses the question and ends the call. I truly believe Mew knows how Ray would get if he mentions Top coming over and them almost f***ing, so he brushes it off to not have to confront Ray’s feelings
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And then we are left with a annoyed, jealous, frustrated and curious Ray; he’s rolling his eyes and frowning so hard. He’s stuck in the friend-zone and is desperately seeking love from Mew. On top of that, he has a charismatic, sexy, straightforward asshole of a love rival, needless to say he is distraught. Even his seatbelt begins to test his patience, poor Ray (lmao to him still wearing the ‘poor boy’ shirt when this happens, also he got kicked out from Sand’s place only to get ‘kicked out’ from his call with Mew)
I just love how this scene sets up the Top-Mew-Ray dynamic and storyline. TopMew = interested in e/o and are in an intimate relationship (yes even at this stage). Mew and Ray = close friends, some could argue for best friends even, but Ray has a crush on Mew (and he knows this, but avoids getting into that). Ray is always going to be hung up on or left alone by Mew with Top in the picture. Top and Ray = enemies that have to act as friends, cause they like the same guy, just that one is the fboy boyfriend and the other is pining one-sided love. Ray and Top will always be at each other’s throats! So far, the subtle acting alone is making me so invested in this storyline and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
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puppy-phum · 9 months
not technically just bl, but top 5 gmmtv couples of the year 👯‍♂️
i know you said this was not restricted to BLs but that's what i went with anyway :'D also, i decided to pick CPs instead of on-screen couples bc i wasn't sure which one you meant here. i hope you're not disappointed!
My Top 5 GMMTV Couples of 2023
I. JimmySea (Jimmy Jitaraphol & Sea Tawinan)
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ppl would probably be concerned if i didn't answer jimmy and sea. i've been here with them for over 1,5 years now and my love for them hasn't diminished at all. there's just something so comforting and genuine about them. their presence and their performances (on stage and on-screen) feel like a hug to me. i loved puentalay to bits, i am currently head over heels in love with morkday, and i keep hoping this isn't the end. gmmtv2024 part 2 will give us a new series with them bc they cannot just throw aside the depths these two have found for their relationship ♥
II. ForceBook (Force Jiratchapong & Book Kasidet)
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witnessing their glorious comeback this year made me so happy. after an unjustified onslaught of hate and a long stay in gmm's basement, their chance to shine again was well overdue. enchanté and akktheo convinced me of their extraordinary chemistry, and this year forcebook truly outdid themselves in both of their series. guncher in a boss and a babe became very dear to me, and topmew showed sides of them i didn't know even existed. they've grown so much, and i hope the upcoming year only brings them more opportunities that let them shine even brighter ♥
III. OffGun (Off Jumpol & Gun Atthaphan)
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probably my oldest bl actor cp. i first got to know them after theory of love where i absolutely adored khaithird. i know the majority (?) hated that show but i loved it to bits. i watched puppy honey soon after to see more of them, but never really felt too strongly about pickrome. i went around the internet to learn a bit about them as actors and people for a while but they never really stuck with me then. and then not me and seanwhite happened. offgun took over my heart again and i was truly sad when i thought not me would be their last bl. but then they announced cooking crush! and now we get the trainee too! and i just think my love for them will never end; they've been here with me through it all, in one way or another ♥
IV. PondPhuwin (Pond Naravit & Phuwin Tangsakyuen)
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during the surge of bl in my life that begun with bad buddy (and maybe not me too), i binged a ton of other/older gmmtv (bl) series. fish upon the sky was one of them, and even if i never quite liked that series, i loved the chemistry between pond and phuwin. i've actually known phuwin since his acting debut under gmm (when he was a true baby) and was curious to see him with a new face. i was even more excited when i realized they would be getting a new chance with never let me go as palmnueng would introduce a very different type of setting for them. now they're very dear to me as i also came to know pond and especially phuwin as people ♥
V. MarcPawin (Marc Natarit & Pawin Thanik)
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the black sheep of my 2023 that i never saw coming. honestly, i wasn't a big fan of my gear and your gown, and so i thought i was not hooked on these two. then they got their glorious comeback during the nlmg our skyy 2 eps and a whole ass tsunami were put in motion in my brain. the wave hit shore when they started getting side couple vibes in dangerous romance and finally got to kiss again. and now we have we are where these two are about to be one of the couples (still not sure if they're main or not). am obsessed. i love this comeback for them. i hope this carries them further than ittpai ever did ♥
Bonus: Mark Pakin + Everyone
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i think my school president and his role as tiw started the rise of one mark pakin. after that, the year 2023 has truly been His Year. he's gone from tiw and being paired with ford to appearing as saleng in moonlight chicken where he was paired with view to then appearing again as tiw who was even more prominently with por (ford) to getting paired with neo in only friends as nick and now ending his year as night in last twilight where we've seen the first hints of him being paired with namtan. boy keeps changing partners like socks and it's absolutely brilliant bc he has chemistry with everybody. he's even teased new upcoming projects with a new partner (ohm thi?) and keeps saying he's truly fine with any partner and anyone we'd like to ship him with. an icon. a legend. i love him a lot.
thank you for sending this question to me jess! i hope this was anything like what you wanted to see ^^ i made some tough decisions here bc i also had several other couples/ppl i would've liked to point out after this year.
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djeterg19 · 1 year
There seems to be a contention that Only Friends is not a romance. And indeed it is absolutely not capital R romance. It is a drama with a love story. First, it's important to understand that a romance and a love story are not interchangeable. A capital R romance, per the RWA(an organization that we shall not discuss due to a myriad of reasons that are not important here), that has two main components. First, the main plot centers around individuals falling in love and struggling to make the relationship work. Second, it has an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending which most aficionados of the genre simplfy to mean it has either a hea(happily ever after) or hfn(happy for now). And well Only Friends is not this. At all.
Now what is a love story? This is a sticking point because some people think all love stories should be considered romances. Isn't love and romance the same thing? No, not when we are discussing literature or movies/tv and genre distinctions. A love story can be part of any drama, or fantasy, or scfi. The romance is not the main focus of the story. It's just one element of the story. Also, the characters tend to be more complicated and flawed and a happy ending is not guaranteed. Often in a love story, the couple will get together early on but external forces(*cough*) separate them and that may or may not prevent them from ending up together since a happy ending is not guaranteed in a love story(any of this sounding familiar?).
Why do I think that TopMew is in a love story that is going to have a happy ending? First, they got together fairly early. Their main conflict was caused by an external force(Boston lying/manipulating Top into cheating). Their breakup was much earlier than in any romance(that waits until the third act which is why there's a dreaded 11th episode breakup/drama in BLs which are capital R romances). I literally wished for a breakup when we got one because that would give the show time to rebuild the relationship. We have four episodes left and there are signs that both are still in love and yearning for each other despite the pain they are in. Mew asking Top why he had to be an asshole is a sign that he still loves Top. That they would still be together without it. The song at the end of episode 8 starts playing as Top is staring down at Mew has the following lyrics play over their scenes:
The season is about to alter, The storm will soon be over
But it's not just the wind that will disappear
It takes you with it, far away from here
What am I doing after this, Is resist that strong wind
No matter how much pain I must take in
I'll wait until you are back by my side
You keep my dreams so much alive
I insist on waiting, I will be here loving
To keep us together, I'll do anything
It cuts away for the montage and comes back to Top and Mew and ends with the following lyrics:
I'll wait until you are back by my side
You keep my dreams so much alive
Now I know many people did not view that as a romantic scene for various reasons but...if it was not intended that way, then Jojo and the team picked the absolutely wrong song with the wrong lyrics if they were not trying to signal there is hope for this relationship to survive. And the music has been so well chosen this series I doubt that there could be such a serious miscommunication in intend with this song. This is the ending shot of the episode:
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And that speaks volumes in my opinion.
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in celebration of the finale: my top 5 moments from each only friends character so far
*top moments here means moments that had me screaming and pointing at my laptop like this guy*
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we had Top, next up: Mew
5. the dark dinner scene
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i actually liked this topmew moment, sue me. i thought it was cute he found someone who could make him smile like that, but i also like the set us up for the ep 6 reveal. like he has this daydreamy moment about top, but spends the episode getting paranoid over the other men interacting with him, they have sex so top won't get bored with mew, whose worried top doesn't feel as into the romance aspect as mew does. which i think makes the reveal next episode more heartbreaking because to mew it confirms all the things he was worried about and right after we got an episode of them just being happy together.
4. kicking boston into the pool
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this moment lived rent free in my head ever since i saw it in the trailer. fucking wild
3. "on the day i've already loved you and given you everything"
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banger line i still scream when i rewatch this moment like not only do i feel betrayed, but i feel used. iconic moment.
2. bath scene
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yall already knew it. like the facial expression is everything and i dont even fuck with facial expressions that much. also a great way to allude to him drowning boston and then pushing top into the pool just fantastic revenge plotting moment. kept everyone up at night for a week after seeing it in the preview.
1. the audio reveal
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obviously, i cannot imagine a scenario where i would pick a different scene like this is everything. the set up, the execution the way he held himself together just for this moment and starts to fall apart the second it happens. he had momentary power but at what cost. i remembering watching this scene for the first time and seeing him set up the speaker and thinking "how fucking wild would it be for him to start playing the audio lmao, he wont but it would be great" and because i had that thought but didn't believe it would happen i was 4385938593x more surprised when he ACTUALLY DID IT. perfect, petty, a delight to watch 10/10.
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hay1ock · 1 year
Happy fucking birthday, indeed. Only Friends Episode 6 was absolutely insane. And I loved it.
So, what did we learn from this episode? That’s right, don’t get LASIK.
Like, if Mew hadn’t agreed, Top wouldn’t have bumped into Sand, wouldn’t have pissed off Sand, who then wouldn’t have… etc etc.
But lucky for us they did, because this episode was hella entertaining.
What follows is nonsense, my descent into insanity as I ramble myself in circles, go off at many a tangent and fail to keep my thoughts in any sort of order 😵‍💫
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So, Top and Mew. Just when I actually started to like them as a couple shit hits the fan. Them by the pool just hanging around discussing Mew’s mums was the first time I felt as if I could get on board their relationship. I mentioned before how their scenes always left me feeling anxious. There was always this push and pull, a sense of doom, and, I don’t know if sleazy is the right word, maybe, I don’t know, but they left me feeling a little bit icky - I think it was the giving up drugs for sexual favours scene that really got me.
The main problem with the relationship for me has always been Top, and to be honest, his interactions with others this episode still left me uneasy and ready to jump back off the TopMew ship. The way he acts makes me feel like he’s treating Mew like a possession, I talked about it in previous episodes but I felt it again here, both in his conversation with Sand and then during Ray’s confrontation and how he wrapped his arm around Mew as if in ownership, that he’d ‘won’ a prize. He certainly plays up to what you’d think a rich hotel owner’s asshole son should be at times.
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Now I can’t decide if Mew is just as bad in terms of being control driven - he has his list, which I don’t think there’s anything wrong with. I mean a non-drug user would probably rank kinda high on my list too. Top is definitely changing himself but it feels like there’s always something Top gets out of it. Giving up drugs = sexual activity, No sleeping around = a relationship and eventually Mew’s virginity. I don’t know. I mean they’re not exactly big asks of anyone looking to be in a 2 person, exclusive relationship. Top is just overtly possessive, at least to me as the audience and I guess to Ray at times. BUT THEN, he can be incredibly sweet around Mew like the notebook of drawings was a really lovely and personal present, and the way he was looking after Mew after his LASIK… it’s just… there’s something about him that irks me, even trying to forget the additional stuff we know about him and Boston, he makes me uneasy.
And now that ending scene between these two we have THE reveal and the lead up to it. I thought it was absolutely brilliant the way Mew seduced Top and lulled him into this vulnerable state to then bring out the recording. Book was great as Mew here. You can feel his building frustration, at first to get Top to tell the truth, then how he started thinking it was a plan to make a fool of him, to him feeling he isn’t good enough for someone like Top - the supposed top-tier.
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But, Top? I can not believe he was still trying to hide the truth about his recent encounter with Boston, at first only referring to the fact they had hooked up before ever knowing Mew. I genuinely believe he loves Mew, maybe he thought he could salvage things by not confessing. Despite my feelings about Top I do have some sympathy for him. He fucked up, he told Boston it had been a mistake. I do feel like he was trying to be a better person since then. I don’t know what would have happened if he’d confessed sooner. I’m still annoyed at him for wrongly getting on his high horse over Ray and Mew, and instead of talking to Mew somehow saw a kind of ‘revenge’ sex as the appropriate reaction, but yeah, I’m a little bit sympathetic. A little. I don’t know how things will go from here on. Can there be a future for them? And how will Top cope with his sleep issues if he’s back to being alone?
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Next up Nick. Well he finally got himself a photo. Probably because it was from a day out not a post-sex selfie. There wasn’t much story-wise that was just about him, but he certainly had his moments with Boston. In isolation, not gonna lie, they’re kind of good together like the scene on the pier. That moment though with Gap showing up. The hypocrisy from Boston about videoing people without consent, literally moments after Nick had just called him out for recording Ray and Mew, and also outing Ray loving Mew…💀
Despite what Boston and his dad discussed in front of Nick, he seems to keep falling for Boston’s sweet words and intimate touches. Nick’s no angel, but I feel really bad for him. He just keeps getting pulled back in. I don’t know if he still had any intention to use the recording with Boston’s focus seeming to be solely on him at the moment. He had been getting Boston’s undivided attention, or at least Nick and we assume so. I don’t think it’ll take Boston too long to get to the bottom of things when Top tells him about Mew having the evidence, especially considering Top knows that Nick knows about him and Boston hooking up, and saw Nick and Sand together at the apartments, throw in Boston knowing about Ray and Sand, that Ray confronted him, and then his outburst alluding to it in the bar, and the chain is complete. It’s going to hurt.
And so onto Boston. Was nice to get to know a bit more about him and his dad, well I say nice, but Boston definitely had a ‘look’ on his face when his dad kind of brushed off his love of photography (almost made me feel for him lol - no but it must be hard to have something you love poo-pooed), and it did feel like he was trying to make his dad ‘proud’ of the fact he’s playing the field and not settling down. I guess I understand (Understand Boston? What am I saying lol) where he’s coming from in terms of not getting attached to anyone if his intentions are to go to New York, which I think for arty, photography stuff would probably be a good fit. But, the way his words work on Nick and some of the moments he shares with him, I do wonder if deep down he would like something more significant than a bunch of fwbs and fuck buddies. He’s jealous his friends are moving on. Maybe not Mew so much as he had his ‘innocent’ virgin status, but from Ray’s speech it sure sounded like Boston told him a lot about his conquests, whether that was to rub them in Ray’s face for some reason, or he thought he had himself a ‘slutty brother in arms’? Who knows.
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When Ray came to confront Boston, Boston sure managed to turn that conversation around quickly. He’d been casting glances at Ray all day as Ray seemed continually over everything going on within the friends group. When they clashed again he was able to twist things and make Ray doubt himself. And while I’m sure deep down Ray would love to be Mew’s knight in shining armour and them ride off into the sunset in love, I’m pretty sure he knows that will never happen. But Boston poked at him, put that doubt in his mind at how his intentions would be viewed - that he would be accused of doing it to get Mew, that he would be as ‘evil’ and be the one destroying Mew’s happiness. Boston is definitely clever with words. I’m looking forward to seeing him kicked into the pool next episode.
And now for Sand and Ray. Sand really showed he has a greyer side to the straightforward, work hard for everything guy we’d gotten used to the last few episodes. Top really got to him, lauding over him that he’d ‘changed’ and got himself his new man, the fact he could get anyone he wanted, ie Sand’s ex. I can’t imagine a guy stealing your lover and in no more than 3 months (based on what we know of Top’s longest relationship) he’s already moved on from that person… I’d be furious and wondering what the hell was the point of all the heartbreak? Honestly, having seen the trailer, breaking his phone to get his hands on Boston and Top’s audio was no where on my list of reasons for Sand stamping on his phone lol. But that was a pretty smart idea. Not sure what Nick noticed on his phone afterwards, maybe the lack of a phone call, or something to do with the method Sand sent himself the audio file. But I don’t think it’ll take him too much to figure out what Sand did when he learns of what’s gone on beyond Ray’s outburst.
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I’m sure Sand thought it was an amazing idea handing the file over to Ray. He certainly lit the fuse on the powder keg that is Ray. Him saying about how great it is Mew has Ray at his side? - manipulation skill unlocked lol. I don’t know what he thought would happen or if there was anything more to it than getting back at Top but I’d like to think he wasn’t trying to get back at Ray for liking Mew by making him the bad guy. At the very least, it seemed Ray getting on that mic and making a huge scene was not quite how he’d seen it going.
Going back to Sand meeting with Ray. I felt so bad for Ray. It really felt as if he’d turned up with hopes he and Sand could maybe have a conversation about Mew, maybe even about the two of them. Instead, he was shut down not once but twice more by Sand saying he was fine with Ray liking Mew, echoing the same sentiments Sand had shared on the night things kicked off with Boston that it’s ‘nothing to do with him’.
Was it just me who thought Ray wrapping his hand around the cue ball was damn hot? 🫠 Honestly, the choice of fingers he wears his rings on too, I just… ahem. Anyway, what was I saying? Yeah, him grabbing the ball and basically telling Sand to get to the point was seriously a moment. I’m not 100% sure how he felt about Sand’s words after that, whether he felt as manipulated as Sand’s little side-eye suggested he was being, but clearly at the end of the evening Ray was absolutely done with everybody at that party. And to be fair, I kind of agree. (Also, I’m going to assume Sand renamed the file to Top & Boston - as much as I’d like to assume he knows Boston’s moans cos I’m a NeoKhao getting out the friendzone even just once enthusiast. I’d give him assuming the other voice is Top as Sand said it concerns Mew lol)
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And so, we reach the party. The awkward conversation at the table had me like 💀Cheum has always been vocal in her praise of Top - I think I said on episode one about how Top had probably been viewed as this top tier prize to win/be fucked by, and Mew had likely been a breath of fresh air - honestly, I felt a bit bad for April the way Cheum was so besotted with the awesomeness that is Top lol, and then we shift to thanking God Boston, and then apparently forgetting Ray existed for a moment as she got excited everybody was paired off with someone. Even Boston. Also, this friends group need to have better nicknames for each other, what with Ray the Burden and now Boston the Heartless Slut. I know people call each other all sorts when they’re friends, even seemingly offensive names, but sometimes people need to read the room lol. It seems anything but playful banter at times. Following being forgotten, we then have April pointing out Ray is in fact single. I was sat here thinking, please stop poking at him. It was only adding to the tension and left me wondering at what point Ray would actually snap. Even without the added knowledge of Boston and Top, if I was Ray I’d have been seriously considering if it was time to find some new friends, preferable ones that enjoyed activities away from places that serve alcohol. Because no sooner has Ray been pointed out to be a loveless loser, we have Mew opening their conversation in the bathroom by asking if he’s drunk already.
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I know Mew cares about Ray, asks him to stop drinking and doing drugs, and there’s only so much Mew or anyone else can do if Ray isn’t ready to help himself or accept help from others, but I don’t know, people expect him to be drunk, to be a burden, and I just feel like there comes a point where Ray, or anybody else, would just give up and act as expected.
(Possibly triggering stuff ahead as I refer back to episode 4)
Focusing on the conversation between them. It felt very ‘final’ and echoed a similar weight to it as the scene of Ray in the bathtub. The thanking him for being his friend, the hug. It might not have been so much the same thoughts right then as we’d had at the start of episode 4, but I think he probably believed somewhat in what Boston had said, he would be the bad guy, people would only view his intentions through the lens of him loving Mew and trying to split up Top and Mew, and in turn Ray loses Mew completely. So it really did feel like a goodbye. I don’t know if Mew got those vibes too, like he felt uneasy and that’s why he insisted Ray shouldn’t drive home, that he was worried about him, but for me there was this heaviness surrounding Ray.
We now know that Ray changed his mind and told Mew the truth about Top and Boston. He knew Mew might not like it and see his intentions in a bad light, but I’m glad he went through with it in the end. As he said later, no one else was saying a damn thing. I see people hung up on Ray being jealous, but I feel above everything else it is about Mew’s, and only Mew’s, happiness. When it comes down to it he’d rather tell him and risk being the villain, so long as Mew is okay. And so we shift to Ray taking the mic. I interpret him doing this out of a mix of things - frustration that even well into the night (despite Mew’s noticeable shift in mood when we catch sight of him again) everybody was singing and dancing as if everything was perfect, and to me, I feel like he was mad Mew hadn’t acted, not mad at Mew though, mad for Mew. That the person he cherishes the most seemed to have let Top and Boston’s behaviour slide, seemed to be accepting it when in Ray’s eyes he deserves so much more. And so fueled with alcohol, disappointed in almost everyone, he hit self destruct on each and every one of his relationships.
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I enjoyed Khaotung’s performance and delivery. It hurt to see Ray that way, that look after being hit by the only person he considered to have shown him any care, and as he scanned the crowd, saw how everyone was looking at him. I feel like Mew punched him for a few reasons. Sure he might have had a plan for Top, he also seems someone to like order, have control and Ray was taking that from him, but I also like to think he was trying to stop Ray from going too far, snap him out of his tirade. If he got into an actual fight with someone like Top whose family are rich and the fact Top hates Ray, I could see Top pressing charges. I feel like Mew was in part saving Ray from himself and from saying or doing anything that he couldn’t take back, or might reap serious consequences.
I do, however, support Ray calling out everyone’s bullshit (plus it’s a tv show so it’s damn entertaining lol), even Sand. Their relationship started as a transaction and all he’s heard from Sand recently is they are nothing to each other. The moment outside by the car, I feel that if Sand hadn’t yet again denied they were anything to each other, Ray may well have stayed. Instead, his expression drops and he pushes him away, calls him a whore. Sand had ‘whored’ out his time, that’s how they had started, and Ray maybe assumes that’s all they had ever been. So, having burdened his friends once more, severed his connections to them, I don’t think Ray cared what happened to him after getting in that car and driving away. Luckily Sand did, motivated by caring for Ray, for anyone that could be caught in the fallout, and of course by his own guilt for putting Ray on this path in the first place.
I can’t wait for the next episode.
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Oh my goodness. If you read all of that you’re a real trooper lol. I swear I start these the night of the episode and yet I’m still adding extra ramblings all through the week lol. I do enjoy it though. It’s kind of therapeutic to just get it all out. Stress relief 😆
Previous ramblings.
Episode 5 | Episode 4 | Episode 3 | Episode 2 | Episode 1
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le-trash-prince · 11 months
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Only Friends (But It’s a Jazz Musical)
Here is the 100% self-indulgent project that I have been working on since the series started! This began when I realized I was adding a lot of jazz songs to my regular OF playlist that didn't flow with the vibe of the other songs, so I separated them and realized how much they really worked on their own. I narrowed this down to a selection of ~40 tracks to just 11 to make it album-sized.
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I think, despite the fact that these songs aren't modern at all, they fit the series really well. As musical theatre is wont to be, though, this would be very anachronistic—not tied to a particular place or point in time, and with a range of music genres utilized. It's the type of thing where producers would say "Who cares? It's Broadway!" while critics write scathing reviews on how musical theatre is the lowest form of art.
Mostly it's just meant for fun. 😊 Listen on YT
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Tracklist + Scene Breakdown
I’m Gonna Live Till I Die
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(YT / lyrics) The opening number. The scene at the bar where we meet the cast. I love the long opening vocal note to this song and can picture each of the four main friends standing under a solo spotlight as the music builds, until the beat drops and the curtain parts and the stage bursts into life. The instrumental break in the middle would be lengthened in order to give Mew a chance to introduce the cast to the audience.
Something’s Gotta Give
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(YT / lyrics) This is the scene of Top hitting on Mew during trivia night. The irresistible force (haha) meets an immovable object. The line "something's gotta give, something's gotta give, something's gotta give" would easily be a recurring leitmotif sung by the chorus ensemble in the background of some of TopMew's tense moments and arguments.
You Go to My Head
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(YT / lyrics) This is the SandRay theme of the show. Ray starts off singing this to Sand when they're at Ray's house that first time. The direct comparison to alcohol shows that Sand is Ray's new fixation. An instrumental variation of this would play during most of their scenes, with a refrain sung by Sand later in the show ("Still I say to myself, get ahold of yourself")
I Put a Spell on You
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(YT / lyrics) Nick sings this while Boston seduces Top—through dance of course. This number is about both Boston coercing Top ("I put a spell on you") and Nick’s possessiveness over Boston ("because you're mine").
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
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(YT / lyrics) Mew sings this about Top's betrayal. This was about how blind he was at the beginning, and the song culminates in Mew setting Top's drawing on fire.
I’ll Be Glad When You’re Dead (You Rascal You)
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(YT / lyrics) Both of the pool fights are combined in this scene, Mew going after Boston and Ray going after Top. It’s a little physically comical with lots of people chasing each other back and forth across the stage, but Mew and Ray are absolutely out for blood.
If I Didn’t Care
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(YT / lyrics) Sand is singing this onstage at club YOLO while all the boys try to process their unresolved feelings for each other. Lots of longing glances and loaded looks across the room.
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire
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(YT / lyrics) This is Boeing's "I'm too hot for you to blame me for the chaos I bring and I'm going to set Top's life on fire" song. I absolutely envision this as a casual tap dance number, and he does the entire thing with his hands in his pockets and a shit-eating grin on his face.
If That Ain't Love
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(YT / lyrics) This one is on Sand's shuffle playlist in Ep 12, but I thought it really fit for a Boston solo! And I wasn't gonna not include the only jazz vocal playlist in the series. This is Boston trying to convince Nick that he loves him, even though Boston has no experience with romantic love.
You Always Hurt the One You Love
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(YT / lyrics) All of the boys are singing this song. Hurt people hurt people. Top, Ray, and Boston are singing together on one side of the stage, with Mew, Sand, and Nick on the other, with all three pairs meeting in the middle and clasping hands at the end. (circa ep 10/11)
My Way
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(YT / lyrics) This is the closing number and a duet between Mew and Boston on their final meeting. For a musical theater adaptation, compared to the original series, there's going to be more of a bang than a whimper at the end of this friendship, with both of them standing proud about who they are, faults and all. People were hurt, crimes were committed, questions remained unanswered, but Only Friends did it in a way no one else has.
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I hope y'all can give this a listen because I really enjoyed working on it. Doing a more theme-specific playlist was new for me, since I usually just throw anything and everything into my playlists, so I'd definitely like to try something similar with another fandom in the future. I hope y’all enjoy 😊
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thewayuarent · 1 year
So the question I have is: Boston, why?
Like what was the point of this whole mess in the end of episode? I’m not complaining, I love mess, but I genuinely don’t understand. Especially the moment that he revealed the information about photos of Mew and Ray - to Ray. Wasn’t the smartest thing to do I would say.
So we see Boston in this episode being fine. Like he’s spending time with Nick and chilling and doing nothing dramatic. Even when Mew and Top come across - he does that bombastic side eye thing
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But ten seconds later he’s totally enjoying his time with Nick and doesn’t seem bothered at all
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We have Mew calling him with existing news TM and okay Boston is not happy there. But later he’s again totally fine with Nick, asking to stay over for the first time and it doesn’t look like he’s plotting something.
Even when he catches Sand and Ray he seems surprised but not in a bad way.
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Well, until Nick brings up the fact that it’s not the first time those two having quality time together
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And than they partying their shit out and having fun until what? What triggered Boston so hard? Nick asking SandRay about their relationship status? SandRay being clingy? Ray asking to stay over?
Like he shifted from this
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to this
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without any reason?
And okay, Jojo’s explanation here is fine - that’s how Boston is, he hates seeing people happy.
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But it’s not like Sand and Ray were that happy of a couple? I mean they were clearly wasted and enjoyed each other a lot. But so as Boston with Nick? And it’s not like SandRay have something Boston hasn’t. He literally has the same relationship with Nick - even better, because these two actually discussed their status. And while Boston doesn’t know about Nick’s obsession and him recording the car scene - from his perspective they are all great. So it’s not about jealousy. These two are way messier from his perspective
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Okay, Ray moving forward from Mew wasn’t part of his plan - but his plan already failed? So it’s not about TopMew thing. And anyway Ray wasn’t that important part of a plan in a first place.
And Boston seemed okay with Sand before, why hurting him? The whole “Sand has a right to know” topic is hmm okay but it’s not like Boston being real about his feelings towards Top with Nick so. Not about justice also.
So is it somehow about Ray? Like really Boston just doesn’t want his alcoholic suicidal friend (can I use this word or) to have some happiness in his life? That’s just cruel and also unreasonable. Or it’s just Boston being drunk and high and not controlling himself very well? Those situations can escalate quickly it’s a fact.
Can please someone explain to me what was his thought process here? Any assumptions please?
Side note but if somebody looked at me like Sand I would be really scared and shut up immediately
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In conclusion, Boston, go to your room and think about that behavior
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idleorbitals · 1 year
only friends ep 3 watch through (part 1/2)
!! the mess is here. the mess is here and so am I
we open on nick catching even more feelings over bostonnick sex montage. oh this is painful to watch. lmao @ the of directors being the ones to give nick the tweet replies he doesn't want to hear though
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I have to say I am such a sucker for the kind of aw noise boston makes at 2:26 it would get me too. but right after this he sits up and says the most manipulative shit about ~we might become something more~ nick baby. get out of there
raysand softest wake up together scene. this is very tender for a one night stand situation. my expectations for what we're supposed to want for them keep getting overturned. what I want for them has remained consistent but not bc of anything rational just bc I'm a simp
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moment of silence for first kanaphan special acting ability where he manages to look like he's gazing softly up at khaotung's character while towering over him
moment of silence for sand who is already gone for ray and realizing it a little
moment of silence for ray who is still flirting having fun and feeling fancy free. oh boy when you torpedo this everyone will suffer you included
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The Friends (tm) are eating and planning a pool party. they are having a fun chat about all the crazy things the cctv they want to put in is going to pick up. you know when you create all these opportunities for the narrative to screw with you it will babes.
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ray remembers he knows a hot musician and volunteers to take care of the djing in a way that is so sus that the rest of the friends get comic whiplash sound effects and an eagle scream about it
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topmew date time. sorry legitimately the only thing I can think about in this scene is how if everyone is dancing to different music everyone will look foolish as heck. forcebook really selling it here
I lied I have another thought and it's that these lyrics they are singing make me feel like the narrative is slapping me in the face
everyone regards me as a bad guy / I'm a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually / in the end, he's the one who has your love / I want to be a hero, but villain is my role
ok calm down top
if some of that's not metaphorical tho...yikes yikes
*begin vid section [2/4]*
an old familiar hookup comes to flirt with top in front of mew. can't totally read this dynamic. mew is clearly a little jealous but doesn't really have the standing to say anything. much like top's encounter with boston in the shower last week he's pushing away just a little but not putting his arm into it. top what is your game here?
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nick getting boston to help him move lmao. that's right use him babe
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sand is connecting dots. about bostonnick and about the hostel. ding ding ding baby you're all tangled up in this thankless situation. I wish I could have hope about sand and nick being good for each other bc they seem like the two most sympathetic characters this storyline currently has to offer but unfortunately my guess is they will both be too hung up on other people to be any real help to one another. and/or nick's going darkside idk you guys I'm starting to wonder. more on that coming up
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ray wants to hire sand for ~party fun times~ so he goes to his work mom yo to clear it with her first. she says /why are you trying to get me wrapped up in your mess I'm a pure character/ and ray, about his intentions toward sand, rasps out "nothing is suspicious" while clearing his throat and shaking his head very quickly to indicate that nothing is suspicious.
yo's bf arrives on the scene to act as another character pointing out ray's day drinking. sorry ray the narrative agrees it's problematic to hang out at a bar all day when you're not sleeping with someone on staff. yo and bf have a cute moment and ray goes sweet and starry eyed about it.
ray: "can I get one like that?" p'yo: "here comes sand"
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sorry I legitimately cannot continue without taking a moment for sparkly princess ray here. wtf. this look is, of course, aimed at sand but honestly that's not even what's important to me right now
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cut to sand doing some of the most inefficient chopping work known to man while ray stands around flirting prettily with him and asking for favors.
trailer teasing us yet again on their dynamic. ray is the first one to say "you think I want you as my boyfriend? of course not!" while sand takes a long sip of his water and stares into the middle distance. oh sand.
sand calls him an asshole (affectionate)* again and gets up to go. ray grabs him by the arm and asks with feeling if he is really okay with this, which is the narrative reminding us that we are still allowed to sympathize with him even when he's being a little shit bc he understands consent. they have a nice little ~what are we~ conversation which, like—even though we know it's not actually going to work out ok for either of them even over the course this episode—is some pretty healthy communication, especially stacked right up against everything we've had from boston and nick this week. I'm honestly consistently surprised ray is being allowed to be a decent person but I'm not complaining
*nearly every time the subs say "dickhead" "asshole" etc what the characters are actually calling each other is สัตว์ "animal". I get that this is a more commonly used insult in thai but I think it almost holds up as a direct translation in terms of relative weight and I sort of wish it was glossed more consistently somehow. idk someone come tell me more tho
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back at the pool nick meets top, who he recognizes from the photo booth pictures he found at boston's. they get a set of villain zooms, one each top and nick. nick baby don't do anything sand wouldn't do ok?
back to one of nick's online-in-a-dark-room moments. he's stalking top and finding boston comments all over his ig. the camera is not looking kindly on him here. something something the toxicity of jealousy and obsession. nick has real feelings involved so he's already at a disadvantage in his dynamic with boston, but suddenly I get the sense that boston is not necessarily safe, even if he's not going to catch feelings
how is sandray of the messy unrequited friend thing the only safe dynamic of the Big Three
(part 2) (all ofts watch throughs)
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jenyifer · 1 year
Let’s have some brain soup about Boston’s dark room as of ep9. It’s the room in his house just for him where he can truly indulge himself in his own interests. Taking photos is getting to know someone or somewhere. The photos on the walls are Boston’s favorite people and shots. So it’s no wonder most of his major decisions happen in here.
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We first see the red room ep2 which takes place after their second time together something Boston doesn’t really do. Nick actively seeking Boston in episode 1 must have left an impression on him to invite him to his house no emotional prompting ep2 to get his photo for the trophy wall. I think the decision Boston made here was to have Nick as his “Favorite” breaking the 1 night stand rule he normally has.
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Next also ep2 we see Boston looking at a photo of Mew and Ray from their day at the lake. I’ve talked about this before but I do think Boston was of the opinion his friends deserved each-other. Maybe when he leaves for America they’ll be happy without Boston being a 3rd wheel. Boston has probably heard Ray talk about Mew when drunk before and is under the impression that’s what love is (Boston really has no clue what love is he’s just being selfish hoping his friends will be okay without him for him) So I think the decision he makes here is to pursue Top even harder so… hopefully TopMew break up and MewRay is a thing. Bonus side note we see Boston has Nick’s picture up on his wall only for this scene. I made another post about it.
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Next time visit the red room ep6 Boston invited Nick over to meet his dad. Something we can tell by Boston’s dad’s reaction to Mew is something that doesn’t happen very often. I think Boston wanted to seal the deal with Nick that day doing him in the red room. I don’t think it’s an everyone thing like Ray claims. It’s a special conscious decision Boston makes to have Nick as his very favorite no questions asked until he leaves. This was Bostons way of confessing he’s just as interested in Nick as Nick is in Boston. Freaking Annoying Boston still wants to see Nick after knowing Nick likes him. Very dramatic.
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I originally had prepared just a long essay about this scene ep9. But let’s talk about Boston’s decision here. After giving Atom many opportunities to say no he sleeps with Atom. Gives him this look before shutting his eyes and getting it over with. Boston don’t want anymore drama he wants to forget what happened in this room. He wants to get to know people again. Everything should be back to normal.
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Next day Boston is developing the photos of his night with Atom and he’s not happy. He raises his eyebrows as if to question himself then makes the decision to ghost Atom and go back to his one night stand only policy.
Well I just think it’s interesting major decisions are made while he’s looking at other people.
“That way I can bring out their inner feeling, but I still need practice”
It feels very… neurodivergent. Maybe because I have adhd but He wants to understand people to get to know them better so he stares at them when making his decisions. Possibly trying to guess at what they will do and say next in response to his choice. His preview sentences also make me think he’s not a master at understanding what’s going on below the surface maybe he doesn’t know how other people react and it scares him. He likes responses to his body etc because it’s shallow predictable. I’m not diagnosing him but it maybe comes from his relationship with his parents. Bostons dad taught him all you need is confidence and that makes everything fall into place but at the same time Boston is worth nothing just an accident that could cause problems. Boston doesn’t want to hurt people in his head everything makes sense to his twisted world logic. It’s other people who don’t understand him who are already going to attack him. What he plans in the red room while looking at these people don’t go the way he wants and he gets frustrated. Loses himself to the anger to protect himself the smiling face the violence that’s when things go from his plan. Boston wants control and he’s aware he’s been losing it ALL THE TIME lately.
“Why does everyone hate me? Why can’t I stop doing shit to people?”
On a neurodivergent level I can really relate to that. I love my people. Sometimes I can’t understand them or myself. A normal level of chaotic evil created by your brain. I might be wrong. Another explanation could be he’s a selfish prick who can’t see beyond his nose so he has to think with his dick.
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sirenascales · 11 months
I am personally disappointed in the ending for Only Friends. I'll just bullet point my opinions from the top of my head in no particular order because everything is a mess.
SandRay is perfect. That's all. Their ups and downs really had me biting my nails and I just... love them together so much.
As much as I think TopMew was cute.... their entire story still felt kind of stale. Yes the cheating hurdle and Top working to get Mew's forgiveness was nice but like... still was pretty lackluster.
BostonNick......... I'm so sad how they ended but it also made sense to me. We know Boston and Nick care deeply for each other but they are incompatible and have different views. Nick finally stopped bending himself backwards for Boston, knowing and finally that monogamy isn't for him (Boston), AND THATS OKAY. It hurts but it is what it is. But:
I swear I want to box everyone in that friend group cause like.... they treated Boston terribly. Like it's FINE that Mew declared their friendship over, like... that's just how it be sometimes when you've done someone dirty... but I wished Cheum hadn't invited Boston to the party because it was so awkward and just... it was almost too cruel for me.
Everyone else was on their bullshit throughout the series, and they are happy with their friends/lovers but Boston???? Fuck him, I guess. And I'm not saying he shouldn't have suffered his consequences because he was a selfish asshole but jesus.... i just hope he's in NY living his best life. I'll treat him right even tho he dont like girls dnfjdjmsks
Also the blatant slutshaming against Boston..... but Top and Sand were out here slinging they dicks too right? Fuck off omfg
I saw someone say that Boeing was like, a test for the couples and boy...... 💀 one couple failed, cause this man was lowkey unhinged. But Boeing is also hot so like............ 🧍🏼‍♀️ im sorry lol i love chaos which is probably why i loved Boston so much in the beginning LOL
I love this series so much and I do love the characters, and sure the ending was okay and pretty standard... but just... eh
me when the episode ended:
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
Hi! I am the SandRay endgame anon, ty for answering!
I guess my problem is that I don’t trust the OF team enough to pull that off? Like for the endgame to work for me, Ray NEEDS to break up with Mew and CHOOSE Sand, I wouldn’t be satisfied if it’s Mew who breaks up with Ray, because it would seem, again, as if Sand is the second choice, the consolation price for Ray. And my issue is, I don’t think that is gonna happen, why? because TopMew is the clear main couple here, they are the ones who this story revolves around (god knows why) and thus they are gonna make a point of having Mew realize that he loves Top and have HIM break up with Ray, and I just can’t be okay with that personally, for the reasons stated above.
I wanna see Ray caring about Sand as a person and not just as a toy he can play with and then throw away and so far, I just don’t see it? Like he is obviously attracted to him and likes when he takes care of him and sometimes I do see him caring (ep5 and scenes here and there) but then it just goes backwards in the next scene and I am back to square one thinking he doesn’t care.
And we only have 5 episodes to go, and if they wanted to do it right with SandRay, this whole thing with MewRay should have happened earlier imo (but they didn’t because they wanted the mid point of the show (ep6) to be about TopMew falling apart bc, as a I said, they are the main couple sigh)
Idk I wish they could pull it off but I am not holding my breath haha
Anyway thank you again for answering!! I am also ride or die for First and Khao tho!! I love watching them together on screen but maybe not as an endgame in this case? haha
Very fair points, and I agree that TopMew is taking up a lot of focus, so Mew realizing that he wants to be with Top again could be a catalyst for a breakup with Ray. But I also think there's a possibility that Ray's relationship with Mew and, more specifically, his own jealousy over Sand's efforts to move on will play a big role in showing Ray that he cares more about Sand than he once thought. So I wouldn't completely rule out the idea that a RayMew breakup is mutual. I also think we could see Ray realizing that a romance with Mew just doesn't live up to his expectations? It's like how people build things up in their heads so much that the actual thing cannot possibly meet those expectations.
Purely my own opinion here (of course, all of this is my opinion, lol) but I find Top and Mew to be the least interesting couple of the three because they honestly feel like stock to me. Nothing against ForceBook, but I don't see the same spark between TopMew as between Sand and Ray. The main thing I think a lot of people, myself included, are contending with this episode is the fact that Ray and Mew isn't just a distant conflict in SandRay's relationship, but a very active threat to the delicate dynamic Ray and Sand have established thus far. I think the showrunners know that, and I think they want to remind us that this show will be as messy as they can possibly make it.
Of course, if Ray and Sand aren't endgame, that will completely blow apart my predictions, because I was thinking they were most likely to be endgame out of all three couples. So I'm really hoping it'll work out for them. In any case, like you said, seeing FirstKhao acting together is always wonderful...but I will be a little greedy and say I want them to be happy together too. Hopefully that's not too much to ask for at this point.
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